#im losing my patience with this fandom
cannibalgremlin · 8 days
not everything with the links is linked universe
not everything with the links is linked universe
not everything with the links is linked universe
Goddamn, i love LU as much as the next person BUT THIS FANDOM IS THE MOST ANNOYING BITCH BY FAR
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gentil-minou · 1 year
sharing my wangxian phlebotomist!wwx/blood donor!lwj au from twitter here (a summary here if you wanna see)
The hardest part of the adoption process was supposed to be endless paperwork and screenings and the anxiety of not being good enough to meet high standards of the court.
It wasn't supposed to be A-Yuan's first doctors appointment.
His pitiful screams fill the small doctor's office. He's clinging to Lan Wangji's shoulders like there a lifeline, hiding and all LWJ wants to do is bundle up his son and carry him back to safety.
But these are mandatory vaccines he needs in order to attend pre-k. So he cant.
Nurse: Shots are never fun at this age, huh He would beg to differ; they're never fun at any age But see lwj isnt afraid of the shots themselves. Hes terrified of the sight of blood. His BFF loves horror movies & he watches them with her bravely by staring at the corner of the tv
When lwj gets his blood drawn, he looks closes his eyes and imagines being in a cold pond somewhere. But he's never been afraid of just the shot before.
He's helpless in the face of his son's distress. The nurse sighs, saying theyll have to try again another day.
A-Yuan sniffles into his baba's shirt, exhausted from the crying fit. His eyes are still watery and he looks around the room with such fear in his eyes, before withdrawing back into the safety of his baba's chest.
Lan Wangji has no idea what to do, only cradles him closer
Thankfully, LWJ has someone who can help. His best friend, Jiang Yanli is a child therapist and has been helping him prepare his home for A-Yuan.
If anyone knows what to do, it's Yanli-jie
JYL: Zhanzhan, have you tried showing him its not scary?
LWJ has not, bc he's terrified
JYL is the only one allowed to call him Zhanzhan. In Uni she was the one who mentored him his first week of school. Someone slipped him alcohol and he got deliriously drunk.
Yanli-jie was the one who found him and took him home. This is what they told the cohort but actually…
JYL: seeing his Baba get a shot and be okay might motivate him to be more brave
LWJ certainly doesn't feel brave. He's thinking of the blood flowing from his veins and then LEAVING them to go who knows where. It sounds barbaric
He has the distinct memory of learning what a period is in middle school and promptly passing out
He is not a fan of anything related to blood
But LWJ has learned that Yanli-jie knows what she's doing, so, despite the way he can swear he feels his blood pumping with fear, he agrees...but there's a problem.
LWJ: I am up to date on all my shots. How can I show him it is safe?
JYL: Hmm....I have an idea. My brother is a phlebotomist! He can help.
LWJ is confused. Last he heard, the younger Jiang is a prosecutor who makes a living viciously yelling in a courtroom.
JYL: Not him, Zhanzhan. My adoptive brother, A-Xian. I bet he would be happy to help you. He works at the blood bank at Yiling Clinic! The perfect exposure!
For who?, LWJ wonders. A blood bank sounds like a house of horrors to him. And a person who chooses to stick a needle in people and remove the very force that gives them life? He cannot imagine getting along with this person at all.
Yiling Clinic is a community clinic in a part of town Lan Wangji has never been to, especially since the Gusu Group has their own private hospital.
But this is where Yanli-jie's phlebotomist little brother works.
A-Yuan clings to the back of his legs as they approach the receptionist, a young man with amazing cat eye makeup named Mo Xuanyu
These two definitely do not fit the bill for their usual patients, with their designer clothing, so he asks with some skepticism: Um, can I help you?
LWJ has spent the last two hours siking himself up for the blood part, he isn't prepared at all for social interactions. He flounders like a fish.
LWJ: …I am…We are here for…
A shout comes from behind them: Ah! A-Yu, is that A-jie's friend? Zhanzhan?
LWJ flinches until he sees a man sprinting towards them. The 1st thing he notices is this man is wearing lilac scrubs with little white rabbits on them.
The 2nd thing he notices is this man has the most enchanting smile he's ever seen. Already, LWJ feels more relaxed.
The man winks at him: You like the scrubs? A-jie said A-Yuan liked bunnies, I figured this would help keep him calm.
LWJ does not blurt I like bunnies too. But only just.
Beside the man is a pediatric nurse named Wen Ning, no relation, who says he's here to help with A-Yuan
Yanli-jie's little brother, the phlebotomist, introduces himself: Ah! Sorry, Lan Zhan. Jiejie always calls you that so it just stuck. I'm Wei Wuxian. You can call me Wei Ying if you wanna make it even.
Strangely, LWJ feels no need to correct him: Lan Zhan is fine, Wei Ying.
WWX smiles so brightly, LWJ feels dizzy with it.
WWX: Now where's the little bunny himself?
A-Yuan has been clinging behind LWJ's pant leg, tilting around just enough to peek with one eye at this strange gege.
WWX: Maybe not a rabbit then, a radish who likes to hide away!
A-Yuan becomes offended: I don't like radishes!
WWX laughs: Me neither! But Qing-jie says they help us grow big and strong, so they can't be all that bad huh?
WWX is crouched in front of A-Yuan, draping both arms across his knees and resting his chin in one hand. He waits.
LWJ admires his patience. The longer WWX waits, crouched and rocking back and forth in front of A-Yuan, smile gently and welcoming, the more A-Yuan's natural curiosity gets the better of him.
Eventually, his son comes out from behind his leg to touch a black bunny on his sleeve
A-Yuan: I like this one. We only have a white bunny at home.
WWX: I like the black bunny too! What's your bunny's name?
A-Yuan: Banana, bc she tries to eat Baba's banana every morning, and you are what you eat.
He recites this with all the solemnity a 4 yo could possess
WWX's laughter echoes through the lobby: Well! You're very right, A-Yuan. Maybe you aren't a radish after all then. Tell me, what do little boys eat?
A-Yuan: I'm not little! I'm 4 and a half!
WWX: Right, right, I sincerely apologize for my mistake. What do big boys eat then?
A-Yuan purses his lips and taps his chin, pondering his question carefully: Hmm… jelly beans?
WWX looks like he wants to laugh more, but instead says: I see, I see. Thank you for your wisdom A-Yuan.
He looks up at LWJ, dark eyes dancing. LWJ's heart rabbits against his chest
WWX: If your baba is ready, we can head down to my cave if you'd like. I have a lot of cool machines I'd love to show you.
A-Yuan's eyes widen into saucers as he gasps: A cave? Wowww
They grin conspiratorially at each other, before turning bright eyes up at LWJ
LWJ feels warm and much more relaxed inside, so he nods: Mn. We may go.
A-Yuan cheers and holds WWX's hand as the head downstairs.
LWJ trails behind making small talk with WN, watching WWX and A-Yuan swing their hands and skip ahead, feeling something warm blossom in his chest.
The hallway to Wei Wuxian's lab isn't anything like Lan Wangji expects.
The rooms at Gusu are all perfectly pristine and sterile, painted white to promote serenity, rest, and healing.
For one thing, he'd raided a Halloween store at some point and hung up all sorts of decorations, mostly vampire themed. There's one that's says "I vant to suck your blood!" except suck is crossed out and replaced with "donate". Wwx and A-yuan giggle together at wwx's fake accent
It's definitely not up to Gusu General's strict standards. For one thing, there're beanbag chairs in the hall outside. Wwx says it's to feel more comfy while others wait, as he's the only phlebotomist on staff and it can take a while. A-Yuan personally tests each one.
His lab is…adequate if far too small. There's a desk that's overrun with stacks of papers and textbooks and a shelf that's filled with even more. The actual space where blood is drawn is, thankfully, sterile and clean. Though he's decorated with demons demanding blood for food
There's a temp controlled room where the blood is stored, with a red door and the words "Blood Pool" written in menacing barely legible font
Despite the…interesting decor, the room is homely and, surprisingly, welcoming. A-Yuan at least is having a very fun time getting a tour
Wwx patiently answers all of A-Yuan’s questions, even the endless why's, with utmost sincerity, even when his answers are purely nonsense.
Lwj can't stop the fond smile from lifting the corner of his lips. A-Yuan had never warmed up to a medical professional so fast.
He's pulled from his musings when A-Yuan grabs his sleeve: Baba! Blood-gege says this machine makes blood spin around!
Wwx burst out laughing: Blood-gege? I love it!
Lwj is enchanted, head repeating those last 3 words again and again as wwx fondly ruffles A-Yuan's fluffy hair
Wwx: alright, now that you're familiar with my beauty Chenqing (referring to his bloody spinny machine lwj does not want to think about), shall we get down to business?
He says this with his bright dark eyes glittering at LWJ. Right. The blood donating part.
Lwj gulps, nodding. A prisoner walking up to the gallows.
(If you're interested, I'm probably going to continue at least up to the end of the first part before i just make it into one long fic! You can follow it on my twitter!)
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daydadahlias · 1 year
Not me using the wayback machine to try to find your old panic fics (yikesssss for that fandom) 💀
In all seriousness though, much respect to you for taking charge over YOUR work. People can be so gross sometimes. Like why plagiarize when you can just leave a nice comment for the author saying you love their work??
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pretty crazy how this ask is acknowledging that it's my work and my decision and I should be able to take ownership of it while simultaneously saying that you went actively against those wishes to try and use other means to find said work after I took it down.
it's almost like you're saying "not me being disrespectful lmao! sorry abt everyone else who is also disrespectful!! they suck."
Pot meet kettle.
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not-someone-you-adore · 10 months
i'll just say it,,,16 more days to go :)
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simpforchuchu · 7 months
Hi! I hope you feel better soon. May I please request a fic for Mikey when the girl he's in love with is turned into a vampire, but she refuses to drink blood to the point where she almost died, but he cuts his hand open and orders her to drink his blood to get better? Please take care of yourself ❤️
Wanna die as a human
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Prompts: DAY 16 - immortality @febuwhump
Characters: Mikey x reader
Fandom: Tokyo revengers
Summary: Y/n doesn’t want to become a vampire
A/n for this fic: It’s been really very long time but I was keeping this for the prompts. Im sorry for being too late but I hope you like it 🥺💜
A/n for prompts: Hello guys! This is my first time trying a prompt challenge. I hope you like the short fics I wrote. I will finish them by writing some of the requests I have. I love you 💜
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: mention of blood, vampires, death and killing
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Mikey didn't know how many times he called the young girl. But now his patience was done. He parked his motorcycle and started pounding on the young girl's door.
“Y/n! Are you there ?"
He was worried. He was quite worried. He couldn't reach her since yesterday. But her phone location showed she was at home
“Y/n! I'm breaking the door!”
The young boy stepped back a little and pushed the door hard. His shoulder hurt, but the door was broken. He quickly entered and began to tour the rooms. At the same time, he was calling out to her.
There was one last room left. The door was closed. He knocked on the door several times, but when there was no sound, he opened the door. And he looked at her in shock at what he saw.
The young girl had handcuffed one of her hands to the radiator. And she looked pretty exhausted. Mikey didn't understand what was happening. He quickly ran to her.
"What happened ? Who did this ?"
Mikey knelt down and took the young girl's hand. But at that moment the young girl opened her eyes and pulled her hand away harshly.
"Go away!"
Mikey looked at the young girl's face in surprise. He didn't understand.
“Baby, what's going on? Who did this?"
Y/n shook her head slowly.
“I beg you, go away. You're making everything harder."
“I did it, Mikey. Damn. I tied the handcuffs. Because I don't want to hurt anyone."
Mikey couldn't understand what was happening. But he was sure y/n wasn't okay
“Now I will untie them and take you to the hospital. You're not okay."
Y/n nodded quickly.
“Mikey… I'm about to die.”
"What?!" y/n sighed as the young boy shouted in surprise.
“A vampire… A vampire attacked me and now I'm about to become a vampire. As long as I don't drink human blood, I'm safe, so please leave. I want to die as a human.”
Mikey stared at his girlfriend in surprise for a few seconds. He didn't want to believe this was real. But he didn't care. He couldn't lose her. He couldn't let her go.
“I… I can't allow this.”
The young girl shook her head.
“You have to. If you love me-"
"I love you very much. That's why I can't.”
Mikey cried. Y/n knew it was hard for her too. So she bowed her head. She couldn't say anything.
They stood in silence for a few seconds. Y/n was waiting for him to agree, but that wasn't going to happen. Her eyes opened wide when she smelled the intense blood in the room. When she looked up and saw her boyfriend extending his hand, she looked at him with fear.
“Are you lost your mind ?! I can kill you! Get out of here quickly!”
Mikey smiled and let the blood from his cut hand drip to the ground.
“I know you won't kill me. That's why I can't let you die either, my love.”
Y/n looked helplessly at the young boy. But as his hand came closer, it was very difficult to resist. When his hand touched her lips, her sharp teeth unintentionally became apparent and she began to drink her boyfriend's blood.
Mikey smiled, gently caressed her hair and whispered
“I will never let you go y/n. Our love will be immortal”
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comfortember · 2 years
Comfortember 2022!
Just a reminder, Comfortember is a month-long challenge during the month of November and the focus is all things comfort. Whether in the form of fluff, recovery, post-whump, or all of the above, it’s a ton of fun and really heartwarming!! This challenge is open to all fandoms and it’s open to all forms of art, not just fanfiction. Please use the #comfortember tag when you post so all the fics will be in one place!
I don’t really use ao3 so I tried my best with the collection, tell me if there’s anything wrong!
Without further ado here’s the prompts:
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I hope you all enjoy this year’s prompts! Again Im new so if you have any constructive criticism feel free to tell me! :D If you have any question you can send an ask, dm me, join the discord, or check out the FAQ!! And btw the fastest way is definitely discord since Im not always logged into tumblr but I will do my best to be logged in more often during the event!
And remember to use the alt prompts if any of them make you uncomfortable or if you don’t want to do them for any reason! Thank you all so much for your patience and have fun!! -HD And under the cut is the prompts written out for easy readability!
1. Hugs
2. Stressed
3. Warm Food
4. Overthinking
5. Game Night
6. Exhaustion
7. Comfort Item
8. Afraid to ask for help
9. Day out
10. Breakdown
11. Holding Hands
12. Concern
13. Losing track of time
14. Encouraging
15. A Quiet Moment
16. Shelter
17. Falling asleep on someone
18. Overwhelmed
19. Cold
20. Self Care
21. Anxiety Attack
22. Pets
23. Pass Out
24. Night Time
25. Lost
26. Getting Sleep
27. Proud
28. Quality Time
29. Distance
30. Moving Forward
1. Flowers 2. Frozen 3. Calm 4. Plushies 5. Create
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01zfan · 7 months
wow you guys…i hit 1000 followers sometime this week! im sorry for not noticing earlier but wow im so grateful!
i seriously didn’t expect this account to even break 100. i was just writing as a little escape from my normal life. i got into riize pretty recently after losing interest in kpop as a whole for a really long time. i was a carat and nctzen (a fan of many groups, ive been into kpop since 2014 ish) but lost interest and just kinda focused on myself for a long time. i finished school, made friends, started working, started going to school AGAIN, picked up hobbies, moved away from my hometown to pursue my passion, etc.
i kinda thought that part of my life was over but riize literally stole my heart from the moment i got into them. i havent felt this way about a group for a long time and one day it just got a little too much so i wrote about separate fics for my top two (eunseok and sungchan). and you guys liked it! and you guys wanted more! and you guys commented on it and sent me asks hyping up my writing! and you guys followed me! and reblogged my stuff! and now we are here!
seriously would’ve never thought i’d have so many receptive, sweet, and sincere interactions on the stuff i write. i was seriously expecting to speak into the void like i’ve seen happen with alot of writers for fandoms. i write screenplays and sometimes its hard to remember why i like writing so much. you guys reminded me why i want to write for the rest of my life. we fangirl and talk about it together and have built a community over shared love and words. isn’t that so wonderful? i want to repay it back with good alot of good writing ^^
if you’ve been here since third and/or bad idea, right i want to say i love you so much seriously. i remember the accounts of the first people to ever follow me and comment on my stuff. i recognize the users of people who silently support me and i love you guys too heh.
if you’ve ever sent me a request thank you for giving me inspiration! i’m a big believer that on this earth one of the few things that belong to us and us alone are our ideas. it’s something no one can take from you—so thank you for giving me something so precious and trusting me to do it justice. i hope to continue making you guys happy! and if you just followed me, welcome!! i have alot of stuff to read and i plan on releasing more!
i’m working on argue with you pt three (planning on that dropping on wednesday!) and other stuff, like requests and sacrilegious so i have alot of stuff coming! thank you for your patience and thank you again so much for following me and supporting this account. you are all so special and dear to meeeeee :3. lets continue to love riize and fangirl togetherrrrr.
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geosabor · 2 months
which undertale soul colors would you assign to the LAL protagonists
akira and oersted share red to me
Im gonna assume this chart being accurate. It's been a while since UT was big but I remember this one getting shared around the fandom alot. (Also bare with me, this gonna be a biggun)
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POGO - Bravery (Orange) Bro's got easily the biggest brass balls to fight a fire breathing mammoth and a T-Rex in the same day with nothing but a bone and his pet gorilla. He's also a total goblin who'd run into a wall to break it if it means saving Beru.
LEI - Determination (Red) Girl loses a fight and is immediately plotting your downfall. Both in Dominion of Hate and Imperial China.
YUN - Perseverance (Purple) He starts as the weakest character in the game and frankly he's really pathetic. But over the course of Imp. China his drive to improve makes him grow stronger (in my case the strongest member of the team. Seriously, 3 Tempest Torments and Odio died)
HONG - Integrity? (Blue) Gonna be totally honest. I have the least amount of data on Hong. I picked him last during my playthroughs of the game, I see the least amount of fanart of him, I see him the least in other's playthroughs, I dont really get his deal. I wanna say Integrity cuz that'd be cool since he started off as a dine-n-dasher and he grows to be better, but I'm not totally sure
OERSTED - Justice (Yellow) Now I know what you're thinking, but think about how he talks about his place in all of this. He rightly feels cheated, time and time again he was cheated cuz his best friend was just a massive simp. So he sees his current situation as a massive wrong to be righted. And listen to how he describes the other bosses. Also sees them as tragedies, wrongs to be righted and all that. It might be a warped sense of justice but it is *A* form of justice.
OBOROMARU - Determination (Red) You can take Oboro's chapter in a myriad of ways. You don't have to save Ryoma right away, you don't have to interact with most of the enemies, heck there are only 5 mandatory fights in the whole chapter (2 being Ode Iou). He doesn't even bring any equipment with him. The path doesnt matter because Oboro's one goal here is to kill Ode Iou.
SUNDOWN - Patience (Cyan) Dude prolly had to deal with Mad Dog and a buncha other hunters chasing him down for years. We know he spares Mad Dog so its safe to assume he spared the others. Also think back to how he dealt with Pike. I bet most of the other heroes woulda spoken up during that whole thing.
MASARU - Perseverance (Purple) Takes alotta the stuff to willingly get punched in the face over and over so you can learn some cool wrestling moves. Especially when sometimes the masters just flat out won't use em. Maybe also a little dumb but hey, I'm not the champ so who can say.
AKIRA - ??? Akira is complicated. He has a strong sense of justice, his integrity is really solid, he's SUPER determined, he's really kind to those he cares about, and he's willing to persevere through A LOT of bullshit to help people. Honestly at a loss here. I guess if I had to pick one it'd be Determination but an argument can be made for any of em. Except Patience. He defo doesn't have patience that's for sure.
CUBE - Kindness (Green) Easy choice, he was literally made to help people
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beef-barry · 2 months
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My Twitter keeps recommending me BuckTommy and Buddie Accounts simultaneously 😅
Shipping Wars are nothing new to me. I been in them in other Fandoms. I try to just focus on my ship(Im a Clerith Shipper from Final Fantasy 7)
But that reply was funny to me, I guess Buddies jumped ship from losing patience and went to the recent Canon.
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damnfandomproblems · 3 months
Posting one compilation of replies in regards to Fandom Problem 5203, and ensuing replies.
Re: 5203 some of you are have quite the “piss on the poor” moment. That anon was literally harassed, a commissioner asks for their oc to be drawn, anon said no, commissioner proceeds to tell everyone anon is fucking fatphobic. Learn to read. Also dying at 30-40 when you’re like 500 lbs is just unfortunate reality.
Anon: (in response to this ask)
No it doesnt but do you wanna count how many fat positivity activists have died around that age because they've convinced themselves its okay to be obese and that they shouldn't try to be healthy or lose weight, or should i? And I don't feel entitled to peoples money. I was confused as to why they commissioned me of all people in the first place. Go ahead and give someone else your money. You cant guilt trip me into drawing fat characters with the "they exist and people draw them" argument. I am very well aware of that fact due to the fact that i have been fat before. Not just chubby, but literally over obese. You don't get to make me feel guilty for not wanting to draw something i view as harmful, something IVE LIVED THROUGH, just because you want to feel justified in harming yourself. I hope you get better and treat yourself better instead of giving up and allowing yourself to wallow in misery.🫰
Anon: (in response to this ask)
No ones saying you can't have an unhealthy lifestyle when you are skinny, being under weight and not taking care of your body's needs is not healthy . Most of your weight is probably muscle. Not all fat is bad and if your are doing sports you need a bit of fat or else its gonna eat at your muscles. The human body cannot live without fat. But only having fat? Being a hundred pounds over? two hundred pounds over? And its aaall fat? Look I don't agree with a lot of weight loss culture. It's greedy and predatory and often has unrealistic expectations. But just watching your portion sizes, cutting down on fatty meat, eating more veggies, and filler if your body can handle it, cut down on sodas and candy and just taking a 3 mile walk every day you can, fix your sleep schedual, will do so much to improve your health. You may not lose all your weight and it will be hard at first, but you will feel a difference. You just feel better as a human being when you are taking care of yourself. The biggest reason people give up on weight loss is because they want instant and lasting changes. And you cant have both without keeping up with the effort. You didnt gain all your weight in a few months, so you cant expect to lose it in a few months. You have to put in the effort to find a lifestyle that works for you and that you can keep up with. It takes years and patience and self control. And its hard work. A lot of people arent used to living like that. Its legitimately life changing. You have to change, you have to change your life in order to lose weight and keep it up. Its the same for underweight people too. Its hard on them too.
Anon: (in response to this ask)
I am the one that said im skinny now. Skinny does not mean unhealthily underweight. I'm not skin and bones but I don't have much belly chub now(some people can't help that though due to genetics). I walk a lot so my thighs have a lot more weight to them. I can move around freely and have more strength and stamina and honestly feel better than even when i was a child. I'm not starving myself to the point i can barely keep myself alive okay.
"Lack of attraction towards fat people stems from nazi Germany" Just gonna point out that it's not a good look to say this, then have a post on your blog (among other things) that say "Turks deserve to be called donkeys." I dunno. I just see a bit of hypocrisy there. If you're not trolling and you legit think all this stuff, pleeease get offline and find a means to scrub it from your brain.
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chobani-flip · 4 months
for die hard shippers who shan't be tagged or named because i enjoy being a bit snarky but im not into actively poking wasps nests
"i stuck with this show for so long for my ship and now im losing my patience!"
if this sentiment resonates with you, well...
i hate to be the bearer of bad news, and i stg i never say this but:
YOU (insert uncle sam pointing man) have been watching the show incorrectly
please, consider that a ship going canon is like... well, i hear that quite a large number of our fandom enjoy discussing media literacy and so i'll use a term close to your literary-critic hearts:
a ship going canon is pharmakon, a cure or a poison or a scapegoat.
it can be great, sure, it can also suck all the life out of very pleasant anticipation
so the moment any person involved with the show finds out about the existence of your fanon ship, you need to start being very afraid. because it might just happen. and it might just suck. (because i promise you, hardly any canon can stand against the collective imaginings of 10k+ fics on ao3 and WIN) and then where will you be?
also, just a note:
(and this is probably not your fault, there have been people here actively encouraging you and reassuring you that THIS is the way watch the show)
you lost more than half of the possible enjoyment of any moment your wishes for your ship might come true the moment you went from "enjoying the what if" to "actively anticipating the eventuality" and so effectively transformed yourself into some kind of a nagging wife from a 90s sitcom asking: "when will you take out the trash? you forgot to take out the trash again. the trash?! you won't forget today??? you say that every time and every time i believe you! will you take out the trash or not?" over and over and over...
i promise you in that situation, coming home and finding out that the trash is for once gone, taken out (that your ship is in fact canon now) does not bring any kind of joyful satisfaction. it's more like fucking finally and why the fuck did it take so long and now what
because guess what... the trash was never the only thing that bothered the wife in the first place, only the symptom of it
so you kind of have to make up your mind: can you enjoy the show without watching for signs of your fanon ship?
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alarrytale · 1 year
Just like you and the other anon, i have lost some of the respect I have for Harry. One of my eye-opener was that, with ws bringing in the numbers they had been wanting, he and his team heavily leaned into his sex appeal, i know it was always the case with his image what changed was that he seemed more comfortable playing into that when it benefited his career more than anything they tried so naturally it feels like apparent changes with his moral ground, which separated him from many artist, started to shake my faith in him.
Btw there is nothing wrong with wanting to feel good in your skin and people can change their boundaries as they wish, but when I remember how he was so adamant to get it across that he was feeling uncomfortable with that oversexualized image during 1D only to center that image around his solo venture just feels bitter, people might say it is a you problem, harry doesn’t owe you fans anything and i would say neither do I so I’m free to criticize his questionable actions lol. Im not trying to shame him, but the day he debuted his supposedly o saying tattoo, some of the shots he was giving to paps were so damn embarrassing like him lowering his shorts to the point that you can practically see his pubic area or im sorry to say this but some of his stage outfits highlighting his body parts seem more deliberate on his part to get his fans to talk about him by fantasizing about him. Lbr some larries or hets are acting like this is nothing to be ashamed of but those people are first to criticize Liam for being too forward with his sexuality to “further” his career. Anyway I literally stopped feeling sorry for him when his video with emrata came out, I realized he must overcome his resentment with being reduced to someone who practically sell people this fantasy of hypersexual man, so who am i to correct his narrative when general public want to take a pass at him saying that he is where he is because young adult women would like to bone him 🤷🏻‍♀️
Sorry for being so crude but I have been watching influential larries downplaying this and essentially making other larries, who are feeling queasy about this, feel bad about themselves have been a pain to observe. I would favor fans more than a celeb with pr team who constantly gaslight a portion of his fandom feel bad about themselves just because they are trying to support a version of him which lately only makes appearance when he/his team want to sell something or create enough chaos to keep his name on social media trends.
Yessss, anon! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
It's more than okay to have conflicting feelings about him. I do think there are more people feeling icky about things then they let on. Some just sweep it under the carpet and focus on the things they still love about him. I get it. But by doing that he'll keep getting away with the manipulation and the exploitation of our loyalty. I do see people losing their patience with him more and more. Dreading things more than looking forward to things. Dwd was beyond people's boundaries. The O tattoo was too, and the citrus fruit bikes seems like it's heading that way too. People are urging each other not to buy from Pleas*ng. The larriebaiting didn’t go down well.
He's acting like he can do anything he wants without repercussions and backlash. That may have been true before, but now and in the future? I don't think so. At least i hope not. I hope people get less and less tolerant of his and his team's shit. We don’t deserve to be lied to, gaslighted and manipulated and taken for fools. Fans need to continue calling him out on it, don't pretend everything is fine and dandy. We need to acknowledge that there's been a change and that we're not liking it. We just have to hope that they listen.
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ryuseibutgayer · 1 year
ok i'm here 😩🤍
fandom: jik or tr (i'm too indecisive, you pick!! ) also not mahito if you do ever decide to pick jjk LMDAOOO
traits: quiet, like i will not approach you unless you approach me first i'm very nice (i think) but also very blunt because sometimes i don't think before i speak
toxic traits: a sucker for drama and will not hesitate to add fuel to the fire oops. also, i'm very stubborn and if i think my opinion is right, i will stand by it (yikes). VERY materialistic :<
traits in a partner: respectful and understanding!!
toxic traits in a relationship: oh god HAHAHAHA ig jealousy is fine but not too much of it
main focus in a relationship: understanding one another on a deeper level <3
preferred time of day: very early morning (like around 2-3am)!!
The perfect moment of clarity for you is just waking up to someone you've worked so hard to let into your heart and into your life and seeing their stupid, sweet little konked out face at the pillow next to you early in the morning. <3 I hope you're not allergic to cats....
»»————- ♡ ————-««
The one to introduce you to Chifuyu would be Baji through his extroverted chaos. You would've met when you were younger, and Baji would've been trying to get you involved with socializing while Chifuyu just tried to make him be normal while he was dreadfully embarrassed beyond his wits. 😭 While you may have to be the one that warms up to the idea of him, he would take note of his nonstop discoveries about you and how there was much more to you than what met the eye- it felt so perfectly cheesy to him, a loud ass (and later humbled lmao) delinquent watching the quiet classmate from afar. He's perfectly built for a stubborn little sweetheart, and hell, he'd love to hear you fill him in on the drama he missed as he pulls up to the scene. As you warm up to him, he'll gladly warm up to your loveable crazy side. He appreciates your bluntness, cause damn, some shit just doesn't make sense anymore alr? While he's very eager to get to know what you love and makes you the amazing YOU, the one thing he easily understands is patience will come with the eventual preferred results, and so he'll respect any boundaries you set until the time is right just to push them a teeeeeny bit. (If he gets jealous he'll just attempt to hold your hand like a little baby who's losing you 😭)
He loves to dream of the future and contemplate things by himself, but maybe with you at his side, he can get out of his mind a little
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Ngl im not sure how you feel about Chifuyu, but I'm almost certain you find him charming >:) And....honey, I know, but Sanzu is not the respectful man you're searching for 😭 runner-up award goes to Akkun👀 or itadori for jjk
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mothocean · 1 year
hello, mechanisms enjoyer. who is your favourite mechanism. what is your favourite album. what is your favourite song.
Oh hey its you!! Mechanisms ask person!! Sorry i saw other ppl answering your asks and kept wondering if you'd send me one too jkhnjjgghgfjf
My favorite mechanism is The Toy Soldier!! (As you can probably guess lol) I just. Love it so much jkgmfjfgf. Like Its both the dissonance between its cheerful appearance and how it will murder you in cold blood without remorse if someone told it to (and even if not) and how it is an artificial being and yet it longs for companionship and pretends to be alive both bc thats whats been asked of it initially and bc it wants to be included and when all of its friends died it felt it had no reason to keep pretending so it stopped and just. You know what im talking about. Also its silly
My favorite album is Ulysses Dies at Dawn!! I like pretty much all the songs from it, I was a greek mythology/percy jackson kid so recognising the references there was fun, and I generally like stories involving being denied an ending/ending as a release (not for any reason related to my current mental state dw im fine. Also yes thats why i like DoNA but thats unrelated rn). And also it has Orpheus my beloved <3 if you (addressing also any potential readers here) haven't read the fictions for this album already please do they're fantastic. But if you don't usually read the fictions and want the best stuff first, read the ones that have Orpheus in their titles (i don't have the patience to find exactly what they're called on the website but theres like two of em and they're really good).
My favorite song.... thats a hard one oh boy. I guess it's Losing Track? I'm a sucker for songs combining previous leitmotifs/parts from other songs and its the perfect song of 'conclusion' to the first part of tbi with its mystery theme before we find out what really happened yk. And odin's parts there are just <3333 raph's singing is fantasic there as ever. I also like The Toy Soldier Song a whole lot bc it's my favorite mechanism and Frankenstein bc well its really fucking good we're really sleeping on Frankenstein as a fandom tbh
So yeah!! Sorry this was kinda long i judt love rambling abt the mechs and thank you for giving me an excuse to do so (positive) (i love it when ppl ask me abt things i like and i get to talk abt them please feel free to talk to me abt things more)
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licncourt · 2 years
Hello, Im not sure if you've discussed this already but I was wondering if you could give me a breakdown of what happened with Claudia in the books? From all the mentions of her I assume she dies at some point in the series, but I was wondering if you could go into the specifics a bit? What led to that, what happened, how did Lestat and Louis react, how did that affect their relationship? And then I suppose, your opinion on if that same thing will happen in this show, or if things have changed so much we can't tell yet?
I really appreciate your commentary on the books. I've found a lot of interesting opinions and information on your blog since watching the first episode. Tysm for your expertise and willingness to chat about it <3
Yeah, for sure! And thank you so much!! I'm so glad you like my rambling meta posts and unsolicited opinions on these little guys. Hopefully this will be useful to you and anyone else who's curious about Claudia. She's an amazing character and so richly written.
Obviously reading the book itself will give a better picture of her, but I can definitely summarize her story. Under the cut for spoilers obviously, since it involves several major book events that will likely come up in the show as well.
I don't know how much you know about book Claudia, but just to summarize her backstory: Claudia is adopted by Louis and Lestat in 1795 when she's ~5 years old and newly orphaned after her mother has died of plague. Rather than a fire, she's brought to the brink of death when Louis feeds on her after losing control in a state of starvation. In a final bid to keep Louis from leaving him, Lestat turns the dying Claudia and basically babytraps Louis in their "marriage".
I don't know it will be portrayed in the show, but in the book, Lestat is extremely controlling of Louis and Claudia, pretty verbally/mentally abusive to them, and withholds as much knowledge of vampire nature from them as he can to keep them dependent.
After sixty years of living as a family in Rue Royale with things disintegrating over time, Claudia finally snaps, driven pretty insane by the lack of autonomy and the fact that she's trapped in a child's body, especially after learning the truth about how Lestat was the one who turned her. In 1860, she manages to convince Lestat that she wants to make amends with him and gets him to drink the blood of two young boys who she poisoned with laudanum (opium). While Lestat is incapacitated from the drugs and the betrayal, she slits his throat and stabs him to "death".
Louis is there while this is happening and even though it destroys him, he lets Claudia finish the job so they can be free of his tyranny and have their own lives, essentially choosing his daughter's happiness over Lestat. Together, they throw his body in the swamp and begin making preparations for travel to Europe. Before they can leave, Lestat does come back after them even though he's all gross and corpesy (affectionately dubbed Swampstat by the fandom), but Louis sets him on fire and runs off with Claudia for Europe.
Basically they fuck around in Eastern Europe for a while killing zombie vampire revenants and searching for other vampires like themselves, but are unsuccessful. They eventually end up in Paris in 1862 where Louis finally meets two vampires, Santiago and, more importantly, Armand, the leader of a coven of vampires who live in and operate a theater.
Armand is 400ish years old and develops an immediate obsession with Louis and Louis is taken in by the knowledge Armand is giving him. Unfortunately for Claudia, Armand knows that Louis will never abandon her to be his companion. Claudia is terrified that Louis WILL leave her because she sees what's happening, so she convinces Louis to make her a new caretaker by turning a bereaved mother, Madeleine, into a vampire.
Still, Louis can't bring himself to leave Claudia and Armand loses patience, realizing he has to get Claudia out of the picture before he can have Louis. He sends a mob of his vampire underlings to kidnap Louis, Claudia, and Madeleine and bring them to the theater, where Claudia is put on trial for the murder of Lestat (Armand knows what happened from looking in their minds).
In the midst of this, it's revealed that Lestat has healed enough to follow his family to Paris and beg for them back, but weak and disoriented from Armand's influence and in his desperation to save at least Louis, he confirms that it was Claudia who attacked him. (In The Vampire Lestat, we find out more of what happened between Lestat and Armand right before this, but it's not relevant here).
Armand is absent for all of this so it looks like it's happening without his consent, but Claudia is sentenced to death and Louis is locked in a coffin and buried alive. Obviously, Armand "comes to the rescue" and frees Louis, but he finds out that while he was imprisoned, Claudia and Madeleine were killed by being locked in a cell with an open top and exposed to the sun.
This is a huge turning point for Louis and he's completely destroyed by this, consumed by grief until he's a shell of himself. He sees Lestat again after finding out, and he's also devastated, sobbing and holding what's left of her dress. He rejects Lestat's final pleas to stay with him and runs off, but returns the next night just before sunrise and burns the theater down, killing all the vampires there except Armand (and Lestat we find out later).
After that, Lestat disappears and Louis, with nothing and no one else, travels with Armand for several decades, but he's basically an empty husk at this point. Armand finally leaves him after accepting that all Louis' passion and humanity died with Claudia.
Sometime in the 1920s or early 30s, Louis returns to New Orleans and finds that Lestat is there and has been living in an abandoned house for decades, half a corpse and too weak and mentally scarred to function. They have a bit of a heart to heart where Lestat begs Louis to stay and be his companion again, but Louis says no and leaves again to wander alone.
We know from The Vampire Lestat that soon after this, Lestat buries himself in the Earth to heal and hide from the world, but this last meeting is the last thing Louis knows of him at the time of the interview. Except for the final exchange between Louis and Daniel, that's where the first book ends.
Claudia is mentioned by Lestat in his brief version of the events of IWTV at the end of the second book, and he says he isn't angry and that she was right to do what she did (and that he would've done the same in her situation).
In the third book, another character has visions of Claudia at Rue Royale, and Louis and Lestat reunite there after the main events of the novel, checking to see if Claudia's ghost is really there (it's not). In the very cursed books that are book four on, Claudia is mentioned shockingly little, but we know that Lestat never tolerates any slander of her and Louis is still actively grieving by the early 2000s.
In the book Merrick, Louis speaks with a spirit who claims to be Claudia and it says horrible things to him, that she never loved him, her death was his fault etc, but it's pretty implied that it's an evil spirit pretending to be Claudia. Still, Louis believes it because it confirms his worst fears and it's the primary factor in his suicide attempt in that book (another event that brings him and Lestat together after a period of separation).
She isn't mentioned much after that, but I suppose it's to be expected. The character of Claudia is a representation of Anne Rice's daughter, Michelle, who died of leukemia at five. The first book was written while she was grieving. I think the treatment and presence of Claudia in the narrative reflects what kind of mindset AR was in when writing more then any kind of consistent arc.
As for the show, I honestly have no idea what will happen with Claudia. There's a scene from one of the trailers that some people think shows Claudia in modern clothes, meaning she doesn't die, but I don't find it to be definitive proof. I don't think her survival is out of the question with all the changes that have already been made to her story though, and I do think it's possible that they'll follow the original draft of the book where Claudia runs off and leaves Louis instead of dying.
With the aged up Claudia, I feel that's more feasible. I don't think there's any happy ending for a Claudia permanently stuck in the body of a five year old, but maybe fourteen can be dealt with? I'm not sure, but I do have more hope for this Claudia. It's too early to say though.
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hrodvitnon · 6 months
I was completely joking with the heresy comment btw
Honestly, that is one thing I feel the Godzilla fandom is good with. It's kinda just a vibe here. Even though I've only been around for like ~2 ish months I haven't seen any insane ship wars like I have... elsewhere (was one of the Shonen fans that picked up MHA when it got big and I have many friends into MCYT... I sometimes feel like a scarred war veteran compared to some of the people on kaiju tumblr). Seems pretty damn chill here and basically everyone seems to multiship at least a little bit.
(Read: ON TUMBLR. I know that other website is the goddamn wild west when it comes to this shit. You know exactly which one im talking about. That's primarily where the pink godzilla hate-train happened and where the shimo gender pushback came from. Never have an account there if you desire peace.)
Yeah, I haven't seen anyone flip shit about this or that ship in the Godzilla fandom on Tumblr, but that could just be me staying in my lane and not sticking my nose where it doesn't need to be. There's probably someone losing their mind over ships somewhere on this hellsite, but if there are, I haven't seen 'em nor do I need to.
My stance on approaching That Other Website is like my approach on Fromsoftware games; I know it's big, I know lots of people use/play it, but I don't have the patience or masochism to bother with it!
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