#im looking for romantic partners but have no idea how to address that and i cant use tinder and most other dating apps suckkkkkk
facelessfractal · 5 months
Just a martin looking for a jon
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thegoldencontracts · 4 months
Azul is your boyfriend. Yes, boyfriend, as in, person you're in intimate and romantic relations with. So why, just why is he still calling you Prefect?
Notes: credit to @/cephalo-punk for the idea... Im sorry for my sins, reader is the Prefect, GN reader as usual
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You and Azul had a wonderful relationship, really. Wonderful, and romantic, and everything. It was safe to say you two were closing, dating, even. Yes, you two were dating. For months now.
And what did people usually call their partners whom they were dating? Their first name, maybe a petname. They usually dropped the titles.
But not Azul. No, Azul could never drop the title you held. Why? Who knew?
"Prefect!" Azul's voice pulled you out of your frying pan of rage only to plummet you into its fire. Ah, yes, that 'nickname'. That damned nickname. "Would you like to dine together this weekend? My treat, of course. I secured a reservation to that restaurant you kept ogling on our trips together. I know, I truly am a benevolent soul."
And yet, immediately your rage was quelled. Azul was asking to take you out on a date. And especially this week - Finals' must've left him completely swamped, no? But he did. And he even got a reservation to that one place that you somehow forgot the name of! Sure, you didn't remember the name, but you did remember that those reservations were super hard to get.
So, did the Prefect thing really matter that much?
"I'll gladly go on a date with you, Azul!" You said. Azul's lips jutted out ever so slightly.
"A 'date' is one way to call it, I suppose," he said. "Really, Prefect-"
Nevermind. In an instant, your mood was dampened by that stupid term of address. He loved you enough to go through all this trouble, and you really appreciated that, honest! You just wanted him to use your goddamn name!
Wait. You had an idea.
"Fine, fine, I'll stop teasing you," you said. "Housewarden Ashengrotto."
Azul looked at you in confusion.
"Housewarden Ashengrotto?"
"That's you, silly!" You said, like you didn't know the real reason behind his question.
Azul's face puckered up in displeasure, like he'd just eaten a sour lemon. He stayed silent for a while before speaking up again.
"Have I done something to offend you, Prefect?" He asked.
"Nope!" You said. "Why, Housewarden Ashengrotto?"
Azul's eye twitched.
"You've decided not to call me by my name all of a sudden," he said.
You smirked.
"Well, since you don't call me by mine, I thought we'd be on even footing!"
The realization hit Azul like a truck. His eyes widened, only to narrow as his cheeks flushed in an indignated pout.
"W-Well- that's different, er-" Azul sighed. "Does it truly upset you that greatly?"
You couldn't help but soften up a bit at that. He really didn't mean you any harm, even if you did still think it was uncharacteristically stupid of him.
"How does it feel when I call you Housewarden?" You asked. His face darkened.
"Point taken."
"Good," you said. "So, why don't you try calling me by my name?"
Azul's eyes widened.
"You heard me. We should be on even footing, right, Housewarden Ashengrotto?"
Azul gulped. If he wanted you to call him by his name again, he'd have to do this, and obviously he was going to, since it was clearly important to you, but...
It was hard.
"O-Of course," he said. "E-Er, Pre- ah-"
And then he said your name. Without "-san" added as an honorific. Nothing of the sort, just your name.
You smiled.
"Yes, Azul?"
And just hearing his name again made Azul beam.
"Why don't we go to your place? It's getting rather late."
"I would love that."
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taylortruther · 1 year
re your tags "the way taylor views and approaches love is way different than mine" "so in general a lot of her songs don't strike me as super romantic"
promise im not trying to start discourse or anything, im just very curious for you to elaborate on that because i find it fascinating. how exactly do you see the way taylor approaches love, and how is it different from the way you do? and can you elaborate on why you don't find her songs romantic in light of that?
the reason im curious is because ive always felt that some of her songs describing situations i think she finds very romantic, always give me mild ick (namely "the other side of the door," i find the idea of begging for someone back who cheated on you and admitting you "need them" kinda icky, but i think she finds it romantic in a way), so its interesting to me your tags kinda echoed that feeling and im curious for you to elaborate
you dont have to answer if you dont want though
well tldr you know how i am a ~touch grass~ nondramatic blogger? i am that way in my relationships too fjkadsl. and i don't think it's a hot take to say taylor isn't like that. she wants to be a lil melodramatic and romantic and passionate and out of control--she described wanting that (and thinking love should make you go crazy) for a long time. and i like passion and intimacy but i do NOT like feeling out of control and the times i allowed it were bad for me.
BUT!!! the really great thing about taylor's view of love is that we have seen it evolve and grow over time. she's addressed a lot of these things herself, because she's tried to unlearn a lot of behaviors that were hurting her! the archer, and much of lover in particular, is so stunning (to me) for that reason--she goes through her mentality of wanting conflict, going for the jugular, running away when things got hard or scary, icing out her partner, and basically begs him to help her through it. she said in so many ways, "don't let me let you go because i am my own worst enemy and i want to learn to be a good partner, not someone who cuts and runs." ie, she learned that cruelty works in movies, but life isn't a movie, life is about support and having healthy conflict so you can grow together. significantly different from "if this was a movie, you'd be here by now." i think she's been really clear about putting the work in and i love that and i will acknowledge that forever because it is hard to change, and she doesn't get enough credit for it within the fandom.
and this is completely normal/expected when you look at the maturity and growth of a high schooler to a 33-year-old woman. you live and you learn! it's really fascinating to see taylor do that in front of us, and i feel lucky she shares that with us.
but in general think taylor is also really driven by proving people wrong, and romanticizes her struggles more than i do--it is what makes her such a hard worker and beautiful artist and so growth-oriented. i'm not like that at all LMAO. like, i grow but i am just... different in my approach. and that's neither good nor bad for either of us.
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fatuismooches · 1 year
I AM BACK because now im imagining what ring pantalone would propose to reader with!? first dottore, now pantalone’s turn hehe. anyways of courseeeee its extravagant. like your average snezhnayan citizen could buy two or three HOUSES based on how much your ring costs. and hes so silly too because it’s literally intentional. he wants news of your engagement to him to be the talk of the town! like im just imagining the two of you attending a gala for the first time after your engagement, he’s unfortunately stuck in a conversation with a few of his business partners so you’re talking to another guest very animatedly with your hands and then suddenly their eyes just POP open because they’ve finally noticed the RING on your RING FINGER. as more people start to swarm you, they start asking you, isn’t it heavy? where did he propose? were you surprised? was it romantic? all to which you laugh off, completely unaware of your fiancé (😍) approaching you from behind, the BIGGEST smirk on his face as he puts a warm hand on your waist, guiding you to wrap your arms around him as he addresses the group, asking if he can “steal my (fiancée/fiancé) back for a moment?” the sound of his voice comforting as you lean against him before he’s leading you away with you in a fit of giggles trailing behind him.
turns out he just wanted to kiss you silly in an empty corridor away from the crowd.
(and after the party he’s helping you take off your accessories, be it the ones in your hair, around your wrist, or around your neck, the piece of jewelry that won’t leave your body is the ring on your finger, the ring he leans down to press a kiss against 🥺)
ANYWAYS THIS WENT ON SO LONG. BUT I HOPE YOU LOVE. 🫶🏻 hope ur having an amazing day!!
YESSS AHHHDBHEBDHDBE I LOVE THIS SM. Help I literally laughed when you described the price of the ring, cuz that's literally so true 😭 I don't know the house prices in Snezhnaya but honestly it might even be MORE than that, we know Pantalone doesn't care about the price tag when it comes to you, it's invisible 🤞 And omg yes he LOVES showing you off like he wants everyone to know that you're his, not just in looks but also legally now 💖
Gosh you and Pantalone at the gala 😫 The first time he brought you to one of these fancy social events everyone was like ?? Who is this? Because for all of Pantalone's good looks and popularity, he always declines any and all of his romantic pursuers... so for him to bring someone of his own accord is huge. And now no one could have predicted it'll come to this... his soon-to-be spouse 🫶
Thankfully at this point you've learned how to make good conversation with the numerous other people here since your lover tends to be wrapped up in business. (Sometimes your conversation partner brings up how great you are to Pantalone and he has to prevent himself from smiling too hard, because like damn that's his partner.) PLEASE I can just imagine the comical reaction of the average Snezhnayan noble/businessperson having an internal crisis and jaw-dropping expression when they lay eyes on your ring... like damn they're literally sweating bullets now because their life fortune isn't even worth a tiny fraction of that ring
You didn't even mean to make it that big of a deal but suddenly you have a whole crowd of people surrounding you absolutely fawning over your ring! There's even some paparazzi here?? And somehow everyone is so interested in your love life with Pantalone?? You can't blame them though, the idea of a Harbinger getting married is almost unheard of since they always tend to be scary as hell. Not to mention he's so extremely handsome. 😭
Everyone quiets down when your fiancé (😍) seemingly pops out of nowhere and protectively wraps his arms around you in front of everyone 😭. You know from the smirk on his face HE HAS NO SHAME and you only confirm that more when he boldly states that you're his soon-to-be spouse as if it's common knowledge!! He's doing this on purpose and honestly, you're here for it. As soon as you are out of earshot the gossiping and murmurs start up again and y'all are the only thing people are talking about at the gala for the whole evening 😭
I can imagine Pantalone pulling you away for a few minutes in private every ball simply to kiss you because he needs a break from all of these people (and he is totally not jealous at how some of the guests are getting so close to you... you have to reassure him that he's the only one who gets to see you like this)
Ugh Pantalone helping you undress and relax after all of that 🫶 All of the exhaustion suddenly caught up to you, you can just lay back on his chest and he very perfectly massages the stress and tension out of you, whispering about how perfect and lovely you are 🫶 AND THE RING KISS IS SO TENDER 😫😫🤞
After that little stunt, he makes sure to have a few professional photoshoots with you and him... which are displayed in the Snezhnayan newspaper on the front page... and now everyone is talking about how the ninth Harbinger is finally tying the knot with you!! He knows how to get people talking lol. Let's just say the wedding is the biggest one Snezhnaya has ever seen 🤭🤭
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this-should-do · 2 years
Before i get into everything, I want to preface this with the fact that I wrote this in one sitting starting at 9 and ending at 1:40. It is long (so very long, approx. 2.2k words) and rambling, it is largely unedited except for spelling and grammar and I refuse to read it over, and my eyes are burning. @portal2divorce , I hope this is what you wanted when you left that looking emoji on the post where i mentioned wanting to write about my thoughts on barney and his relationship with gordon and how it changes after the rescas and hl2.
Anyways barney is a bitter old man who I want to learn to be a little less bitter and heal in the end because, if I may borrow phrasing from that one captain America/bucky fic I’m sure were all vaguely familiar with, these fuckers deserve a softer epilogue.
I will also be putting this under a read more becuz i remember that those exist now and im on the web instead of mobile rn becuz i wrote this all in word cuz i knew it was gonna be so long, so i can do that
So firstly, before we can address how the rescas changes barney’s relationship with Gordon, its important to just clarify that I feel that barney and Gordon were very close, whether as friends or as romantic partners, doesn’t matter which, what’s important is that they were so very close.
And with that clarified we can get into post-rescas stuff which will be helpfully separated into pre and post hl2
So, the first time that barney has to deal with Gordon’s death is, as I’m sure were all aware, when he sees the military dragging Gordon at the end of blue shift, so he get to start the grieving process soon after that as he’s escapes black mesa soon after that. And he gets to go through the early stages of grief for the next few weeks, at which point I think he meets up with Kleiner, (who I have come to headcanon as managing to make it to the lambda labs before Gordon got there), who informs barney of the last time he saw Gordon, which for a few seconds gives barney hope that Gordon’s still alive before being smacked in the face with the fact that Gordon hasn’t been seen since. This starts his grieving process all over again, despite Kleiner trying to comfort him with the idea that Gordon hasn’t been confirmed to be dead (I also feel that Kleiner never truly makes it past the denial stage of grieving Gordon, which later becomes a point of contention between barney and Kleiner.)
As the years go on, but before Gordon truly becomes the semi-mythological figure who’s prophesied to come back, barney ends up spending most of his time bouncing between depression and anger about Gordon disappearing. Depressed that he couldn’t help Gordon (even though it was out of his control,) that Gordon presumably sacrificed himself to save the world, and just depressed that Gordon’s gone, his best friend (and possibly partner if you are fond of that ship) is gone. But he’s also angry that the world took Gordon away, that the other scientists (and Kleiner) sent him alone to certain death and they (Kleiner) won’t even admit that’s what they did, that they were too cowardly to even try to help him in the border world.
Eventually his anger ends up mutating and turns to Gordon. He’s angry that Gordon supposedly did all these great things but couldn’t even be bothered to come home, to come back to barney. He’s angry at Gordon for letting barney think he was dead when he saw him before escaping black mesa. He’s angry that Gordon made himself such a staple in barney’s life and had the gall to just disappear and not even have the courtesy to confirm that he’s dead, even though barney knows for sure that he’s dead, because he knows Gordon would come back if he could. He’s angry at Gordon even though he knows its unfair to expect al these things from Gordon, who he knows is just a person who was expected to save the world by himself but still managed to do so. Gordon was the victim, he shouldn’t be angry at him, but he wasn’t sure who to be angry with. The world wasn’t some conscious being. He couldn’t continue to blame fate. And even though he was angry at Kleiner for having sent Gordon to do that with such unrealistic expectations, he didn’t have room to talk when he expected Gordon to be able to come back from there. All that he had was to be angry at Gordon who was at the center of it all, he was the one who had ended the world and saved it, saved everyone but himself, and then ended the world all over again by not doing so. At least to barney.
Eventually barney stops being angry, and learns to live with the depression, which can’t really go away given the worlds state, and he’s almost ready to fully accept Gordon’s death. But its by this point that Gordon’s starting to have a mythos around him and have a Jesus second coming type prophesy courtesy of the vortigaunts. And he’s angry again. Angry that the world just won’t let Gordon rest, he already died for everyone once and now they want him to come back and do it all over again. They barely even recognize that he’s a person, almost exclusively referring to Gordon as Freeman; Freeman who killed and killed and saved and killed again. Freeman who didn’t really die, he’s just off somewhere else. He certainly tried his best to humanize Gordon, he tells stories about every stupid human thing Gordon ever did. It never really works though, the stories just further the mythos add fuel to the flames. He also tried to express his disbelief that Gordons dead, and he’s not going to come back, but nobody believes him and it makes them upset. He learns to leave it be, even if it hurts to hear it all, its not his right to try to take away others hope.
After years of hearing people talk about Gordon coming back he almost hopes its true. He tried to stamp down that hope before it can hurt him when it never comes reality. It never really works but he’s also realistic that it won’t happen, but it’s a nice thought. He knows Gordon’s dead and has accepted it. He can go long periods of time without truly thinking about Gordon now, even if when he does it’s through a rose-tinted lens, he barely remembers how Gordon really was, only that he was good and kind, forgetting how standoffish and frustratingly stubborn he could be, and forgets how rough every flaw Gordon ever had could be. It was all smoothened by time and distilled into the perfect memory of a time before the combine. He’s glad Gordon’s gone and that he doesn’t have to experience the world as it is now. But he’s also still so bitter about what happened to him, its just softer now and he can’t afford constantly thinking about it while he’s working as a spy in the CP.
Post HL2:
Gordon shows up at the station and barney thinks he’s finally snapped after over a decade of being a spy for the resistance and 2 decades of combine occupation. Disregarding the canon first meeting because it feels unrealistic, barney is in a major crisis, though he’s desperately trying to hold it together to get Gordon to Kleiner’s. He is suddenly being faced with Gordon who he knew was dead because he didn’t come back, but is now back, meaning he wasn’t dead and he chose to stay away. Barney is so angry, even though he tried at first to be funny and laidback, because that’s who he is. It doesn’t end up working and he snaps at Gordon when he doesn’t respond after barney “casually” asks where he’s been and for the general lack of communication. After Gordon goes off barney is left to grapple with Gordon being alive by himself. He is certainly relieved that Gordon is back, he can’t deny that, but he is so angry that Gordon’s back. He s angry because it means that Gordon could have been back this whole time and he grieved and mourned for nothing. And that to barney, Gordon chose not to come back to him, and his pain and suffering is Gordon’s thought. He’s also mad that Gordon is here to experience the combine and is now being forced (by his own hand this time too) to kill and kill and kill and save the world again, after all these years of barney being mad that people wanted that from Gordon, he’s forcing Gordon to do the same thing the people wanted this whole time.
And throughout hl2 barney also has to face multiple instances where he thinks Gordon is dead or going to die (teleporter malfunction at Kleiner’s, weeklong absence after nova prospect, and the explosion of the citadel) as well as the constant anxiety around what Gordon’s mission is and what he’s doing. Barney is constantly facing the abyss of starting the mourning process over and over again. Its constantly starting and stopping and is constantly building potential energy the longer Gordon’s around to reacclimate to.
Also ignoring the fast-paced plot of hl2, barney also gets more time to interact with Gordon, particularly once the rebellion starts. So, he’s forced to see Gordon as he is, with preexisting flaws and un-niceties, compounded with what is now weeks of trauma. Its jarring and hard to reconcile the Gordon he remembers and the Gordon standing in front of him. He never gets the time to truly be close to Gordon at this point, in fact Gordon seems resistant to anyone being close to him. He hurt by this and feels mor bitter and angry at Gordon than he did before. HE stops trying to be familiar with Gordon and falls back to his impersonal and pseudo-familiar persona he used for the many, many people he’d met in the resistance that he expected to die so it would hurt less when they did. It wasn’t that he expected Gordon to die (except he did if he were being honest) but it’s easier to deal with still not having Gordon back even if he could touch him.
He feels closer to a memory of Gordon than he did the real Gordon and he wasn’t sure how to bridge the gap that existed and wasn’t sure that he’d ever have to time to learn. He almost doesn’t want to be close to Gordon anymore; he’d already mourned him it wasn’t fair that he’d have to start all over again and it wasn’t fair that Gordon, who didn’t look a day older than he did before the resonance cascade, didn’t even seem to want to know him and it made him angry all over again. But he does want to know Gordon again, and he knows deep down that Gordon just doesn’t have the mental space to be a person right now, he was hardly sociable before, but now… he had to be something else that couldn’t remember how to do anything but survive, and neither could barney. They were in a warzone, the most anyone could truly afford to live as people was in the dark of night when only distant gunfire could be heard, and everyone has to be okay with that. For now, barney would try his best to remember that Gordon is a person being forced to live as an icon of a better future and expected to be a martyr if need be, and that he’s not a faded memory of a better time to be used as a small piece of relief in a world of suffering. For now, barney would make do with understanding Gordon as a battle partner, someone he could trust with his life and return the favor in turn and settling for only brief looks behind the curtain when no one else can see them.
Post good ending hl3 where everyone lives and everything is as okay as it can be where a future is attainable:
It takes barney months to completely work through the bitterness and anger he still feels towards Gordon for the abandonment, but it’s easier after Gordon explains what happened. He also has to grapple with the fact that Gordon is alive at all, everyday he wakes up and forgets that Gordon is there and then is suddenly faced with reality. It’s difficult to process. Though once things calm down properly, its almost easy to fall back into familiar rhythms from black mesa, thought of course new one had to be made and some old ones adjusted to accommodate for both their sakes. But barney struggles to truly bare himself to Gordon (who struggles to do the same.) they could function in a pseudo familiarity but truly getting close is difficult. It’s hard for barney to truly be vulnerable again, always fearing Gordon will somehow be ripped away again, and scared that showing that he cares for someone puts them in danger from the long gone combine. It takes at a year at the bare minimum to properly and fully reach a equivalent level of emotional closeness to black mesa, frankly they eventually reach a state closer than before, built on shared life threatening experiences during the weeks of warfare and the gentle understanding of the resulting trauma, reflecting on their shared life before, and looking forward to a future.
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bonvoyagenoona · 3 years
miss Cheryl. let’s say English is the tannies’ first language.
which pet name(s)/term(s) of endearment would each of them love to address their partner by…
i, for one, could see yoongi being partial to ‘my love’ or ‘love’, since that was how he would address ARMYs before they gave us our official fandom name… he used to call us ‘my loves’ so i feel like he’d call his significant other ‘my love’ too in English 🥺🥺🥺🥺
as for namjoon, i feel like he’d use ‘baby’ because he says that word a lot lmao 😂😂😂
but anyways im asking for YOUR take so don’t mind me 😂 like, out of sweetheart, baby, babe, princess, love, honey, sweetie, darling, beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, cutie, flower, sweetpea, etc,,, which member do you think would use what and why 🥰🥰🥰
Ahhh, I love this! Ugh, it was before my time, but whenever romantic-ass Yoongi said "My Loves" must have been precious and divine. And Namjoon saying "baby" is just--- it's--- in that low voice--- I CAN'T GO THERE RIGHT NOW!
Phew, OK, so a loooong time ago, when I was still feeling out my personal characterizations of the guys, I started a series called Letters from the Road. It's meant to be a series of short letters from the boys telling you about their days on tour, and in each, they use a pet name for you. I haven't finished letters from all the members, but I extended the idea into The Road to You. In each chapter, you get a pet name from each of them that reflects your relationship with them. So to answer your ask, I’ll share a little more!
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Namjoon: "Sweetheart" | read his letter to you
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Namjoon uses "baby" all the time at work. In rehearsal. On stage. It slides out of his mouth so easily. He uses it for so many things. Not just as a nickname for people, but also as an enthusiastic exclamation. "We got this, baby!" / "That's what we do, baby!" / "Come on, baby, one more run!" Pats on the back for jobs well done. Eager excitement at a song that's coming along. Maybe even just a quick, peppy pick-me-up for a member who needs a little push to get through a tough day. 
You, however, need something all your own. A nickname that no one knows about. A pet name that expresses just how stupid in love he is with you. It's a bit retro and nostalgic, kind of like he is. It's also a little quieter, like his normal speaking voice, feeling like a warm embrace when it comes out in that naturally low and airy drawl. He wants to protect you. Wants to preserve you. Wants to be just for you.
Jin: “Doll” | read his letter to you
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Jin can do anything and everything. He knows it, and he’ll show you. He does. And he boasts. And he brags. Even news of his unparalleled looks spread world-wide. And a World Wide Handsome man like him pairs well with an unspeakably beautiful doll face -- especially yours. 
But it’s not just the aesthetic features of your face that he craves. It’s that knowing, happy smile. The light in your dazzling eyes. The potential within the cosmos that make up your playful, hilarious, thrilling brain. You also know that you can do anything that you set your mind to. You can take on any challenge, face every fear, and you’ll laugh in delight while you do it. Dolls aren’t meant to be collected and put on a shelf. Dolls are meant to live hundreds of thousands of lives, and Jin counts himself lucky if he gets to live one of those lives with you.
Yoongi: “You” /  “Your Yoongi” | read his letter to you
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Yoongi has several loves. His music. His brothers. His fans. 
But there is only one You.
There’s a video of the boys answering the question of how they might propose to someone. I know I’ve posted about it before, but I cannot find the original article that I learned about it from. This post by submissive-bangtan summarizes the point. All I remember is that Jungkook’s response was “You’re mine”, and Yoongi’s response was, “I’m yours”. That has stayed with me and impacted how I think of him. The fact that Yoongi, bashful as he can get with sentimental stuff, will give you everything that he is. It’s almost as if he doesn’t dare assign you a nickname. Rather, he calls himself Your Yoongi, happily surrendering everything to you for your love in return.
Hobi: “Honey”
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"Honey” seems like a pretty simple nickname. Yes, it’s sweet, like you. Yes, it’s bright, like you. Yes, it goes with everything, like you. But do people know how much hard work it takes to be you? How nourishing you actually are? How precious? How entire colonies will work just for a glimpse of you? Hobi knows. Because Hobi is the same way. Whatever he has, he works hard for, and he works like a soldier to ensure that you have the kind of love that you deserve.
In turn, you nourish him. You sustain him. You soothe him when things get too rough. And you do it all in that natural, amber glow of yours, golden like his sun. 
Jimin: “Princess” | read his letter to you
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Jimin loves to bask. Loves to shine. Loves the aura around his crown. He turns every place that he exists into a stage, and whenever he’s onstage, he’s the center of attention. He just switches on in the light. And he’s never as brilliant as when he’s with you.
Because Jimin worships you. He adores the ground that you walk on. He gives thanks for every moment that you have with him. You are never just together. Your bodies don’t just drape over each other. You adorn each other. Fitting that he would call you royalty. His pet name for you might be Princess, but he treats you like a Queen.
Taehyung: Some diminutive form of your name
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Taehyung has a quirky soft spot for cute, tiny things. Babies. Pets. Cartoon characters. He essentially squeals when he’s so overwhelmed with love for these sweet things in his life. It’s almost like his brain short-circuits and he can only take in so much information.
So he does that with you. Maybe he adds “-a” or “-ie” to the end of your name. Maybe he takes the first syllable and repeats it like a chant or prayer. Maybe he lops off the first syllable and keeps it that way, or keeps the second, or the third. But he finds a way to focus on you, on the core part of you, the part that he loves with his entire heart. And he makes it, you, all his own, just as unique as he is. 
Jungkook: “Babe”
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Can’t you hear it in all sorts of shapes? Twisting out of his throat when he’s whining? Teasing when you’re competing? Floating out on his voice when he’s calling for you? Cooing when you’re wrapped up in each others’ arms?
A simple nickname, but one he doesn’t take lightly. He loves it, you, so much that he rarely actually uses your real name. You are his babe, plain and simple. His to cherish. His to call. His to award with his simple, precious, clean love. Doesn’t need to overthink it. Just knows. And it helps you fall even faster.
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Okay so a little while back my friend @inklesspen shared a chat we had in which I explained a bit of my homestuck quadrant romance headcanons. Given that I am now attempting a tumblr, I figured it was as good a time as any to elaborate on those. Feel free to remix as you please.
So okay to start I'm going to address why I find quadrants useful. I see people sometimes say things like, "As humans we just aren't fundamentally able to understand kismesisitude," or "Quadrants were concieved of as a joke and shouldn't be taken seriously," but I personally find them an interesting and helpful way of categorizing and referring to different kinds of love, at least with other homestuck people. Given how often our media presents things that seem like kismesisitudes, or how they've cropped up within my own life, I think it's nice to have language to refer specifically to those sorts of things.
However, I do think that, talking from an in-universe standpoint, there are a lot of aspects of the quadrant system as its presented to us that are heavily colored by the whole fascist alien empire deal. So one of the things I do with regards to my headcanon-ing of quadrants is I try to pick apart what seems fundamental and emotional, what differences and similarities there are between the quadrants, and what seems like an enforced aspect or something tacked on culturally or systemically. That's how I came upon my auspictism headcanon.
Within the English language, we only have the one word for love, which we use for romantic love, platonic love, familial love, etc etc etc, and it carries certain connotations along with it when we use it. This all-encompassing nature of the term love in English is part of why I break from the explicit description of the quadrant system-- love in English does not just refer to matespritship. You can love your best friend, you can love your rival, you can love the gang of dumbasses you roll with to play dnd. So that's my starting point-- the quadrants are not distinct from the human concepts of love but rather a specific categorization of largely universal feelings.
Now, as it is presented to us quadrants are divided along two axes. Sexual and nonsexual, and loving and hateful. Troll society in general seems to romanticise hatred and violence in a big way, emphasizing the importance of black romance in doing so, but I don't think these terms are exactly right, even just with regards to what we see within the story's canon (especially john's hatecrush on terezi). See, the connotations of hate or enmity in english imply things like wanting to not interact with the other party, wanting to tear them down, and i feel like thats not a useful way to refer to kismesisitude because while there is rivalry there you don't want them dead and you don't want to stop interacting with them.
Rather, you want to compete, there's a sort of passionate drive within a rivalry to show what you can do, to tease and rile up so you're both actively doing. This is how I prefer to think of the red-black axis-- rather than love or hate, red is about passivity and black is about activity, red is about contentment and comfort while black is about passion and striving for more. That's not to say either of these are exclusive to any particular quadrants, nor that you need to do kismesisitude One Particular Way or it doesnt count, relationships and emotions aren't clear cut! These are general categorizations to give you an idea of what a relationship is like, not titles a relationship gains when you prune it to look just right.
The idea that blackrom has to specifically be hatred falls within that same headcanon of cultural bleed that permeates my auspictism headcanon. It's a romaticization, a mutation of the idea over milennia of fascist propaganda and rule. The same can be said for the idea that you can only have one relationship of each quadrant, and you want to fill all four-- again, relationships are fluid and dynamic, and as a poly gal myself i find the idea of having, say, three moirails and zero kismesises a perfectly valid and fulfilling experience as one of each.
All that im mind, here at the specific thoughts I have about each quadrant.
Matespritship ❤: A matespritship is a sexual relationship defined by contentment and safety-- the kind of partner you'd want to spend all day in bed with, make meals together with, whose arms you fall into after a long day of work for quiet calming cuddles. That sweet, lovey-dovey, everlasting honeymoon phase kind of feeling, defined by kindness and support.
Moirailship ♦️: A moirailship is a nonsexual relationship defined by contentment and emotional needs being met. The kind of person you can always vent to, chatter to, always find an open ear with or be an open ear for. Moirailship is defined by communication and openness, activities together with a moirail often being secondary to simply being with them and talking with them.
Kismesisitude ♠️: A sexual relationship defined by passion and action. The kind of person who drives you to act, to better yourself, who you in turn tease and encourage even as seeing them succeed spurs you onward as well. The kind of person you wrestle with in the grass, who drives you a little bit crazy but you can't get enough of it. If it sours it can turn to hate, sure, but its not about hating your partner its about wanting to chase each other.
Auspictism ♣️: A nonsexual relationship between three people defined by action and social needs being met. I've talked about this in the text post, it's the sort of those-three-people relationship where you're scheming together, cracking jokes together, doing things together, always in motion. Usually there's one person who's ostensibly the leader, but that's not the crux of the relationship.
Thus concludes all of my thoughts on quadrants as far as I can remember at the moment. Drop me a line if you want clarification or smth, haha.
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Heya, I’m trying to get a feel for the General Public’s Opinion on this, and you seem like a reasonable adult so I thought I’d ask you too: I recently turned 18, moved countries for work, and promptly fell for my new coworker. I’d really like to ask him out for a date soon. He’s 25 though. Is that too much of an age gap? Im afraid his endless charm and enormous biceps might have influenced my critical thinking skills.
Heya to you! And...oh.
So...talking as a 26 year old, I personally would think it too big an age gap, I'm going to say that...straight off the bat. I'm not going to tell you what to do, but I am going to tell you that if I were 25 (which I was one year ago as goes the flow of time) and an 18 year old - (almost still 17 year old) asked me out on a date...I would feel very, very awkward and would be thinking at warp speed about the politest way to turn this down without doing any emotional damage..............and also probably skip town and change my name and identity.
Just from my point of view, someone who recently turned 18 is...pretty much a school-kid. Heck, people still go to school at that age, while at 25, people finish university or worked in a solid job for quite a while and I, at that age, am going to be teaching kids very soon. Like, as early as September, kids that age will my students.
I'm...mostly going to talk about this from a Me-perspective, and not a "big talk about morality"-perspective. If you were a 25yo asking me if it was cool for them to romantically approach an 18yo, it would be an entirely different talk.
But falling for someone older than you is a normal experience. I went out with guys a lot older than your friend with the biceps when I was your age because...quite frankly, when I was in my late teens, stuff like age-gaps weren't really addressed as big "problems" beyond being a bit gauche. Having these feelings for an older person is completely fine. It's on the older person to turn this stuff down.
Now, don't take this the wrong way but where I work, we have a lot of interns who are in their early twenties, some as young as 19. One time we even had a kid from a school placement who was 17.
And many of these kids are very smart and nice and fun people who do great jobs and I enjoy working with them. They're people I love talking to, people I'm happy to help with stuff and if (pre-corona) they joined out work-gang for a beer or a trip to the Christmas market, we loved hanging out with them. And they're also people who taught me about a lot of stuff that I didn't know about and who had interesting and insightful things to say and smart observations to make - they're clever and great people is what I'm saying.
But truth is, even in casual conversations, I can never un-notice how young they are. And that these kids are at a very different stage of life than I am. And there is nothing wrong with that! We're supposed to be learning and developing and we're supposed to be at the stage we're at. That's good!
But it would make it absolutely impossible to see them as potential partners, for me.
Imagine yourself, for a moment. There's you, you're 18, this person is 25 - that's 7 years. Obviously, feasible, healthy age gaps open up as you get older. A 40 year old + 50 year old is something else than a 20 year old + 30 year old. But let's just take half the age gap you have:
Could you imagine being with someone who is 15?
Probably not, I imagine. However, at 15, do you think you could have developed a crush on an 18 year old? Probably. Because I did. I knew many people who did. Some were even younger and had relationships with 18 year olds. One of my school-friends had a boyfriend who was 24 when she was 16. (I'm going to spare you details, but it didn't end well, for more reasons than the age-gap but personally I still see him as someone who preyed on a depressed 16 year old girl and then manipulated her parents into letting him live in their house for free bc he couldn't be arsed to get a proper job. Anyway.)
I'm not trying to sound conceited. What I'm trying to say is that from my perspective, I personally would find it impossible to think of someone that age as a possible romantic partner. Mostly, at this point, when I meet someone < twenty, it at best activates "big sibling"-instinct in me.
And here is the catch: Yes, some people might go for a partner a lot younger. And the truth is, a fair share of these people are doing it, because they're looking for someone who does not yet have their level of experience. Hell, when I was in my early twenties, I knew a lot of guys aged 23-25, who were failing at university or their job and would go out of their way to pick up 17-18 year olds, because those were the only girls they could impress.
And truth is, even if someone is not consciously picking partners a lot younger to be a predator or to exploit or manipulate the younger person, I do have to wonder what is going on with that person, that they would pursue that kind of relationship.
Because my first idea would be that potential partners of their own age pick up dangerous or unreliable vibes from them or likewise see that person as not on a level that they could maintain a relationship with. And that these vibes they send off might be some that a younger person with less experience might not and that this effectively narrows their dating pool down to that demographic.
And the other option would be that something attracts them themselves specifically to younger people - something that partners their age lack. And that thing that attracts them might be physical, it might be emotional, it might be intellectual, it might be financial/economical, it might be the desire for a person who is more likely to be easy to influence or more easily be made dependent.
Truth is, whatever it is, if it automatically narrows their dating people down to almost scratching on the line of the barely legal - it is probably not something healthy.
All of that said, I do wish you the best of luck after moving and with work and life! Take care of yourself! :>
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selfcareparker · 3 years
(lovely anon) i'm so happy to finally be answering this oh my goodness hi gorgeous human being i feel that it has been too long 🥲 SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED SINCE THE LAST TIME I'VE WRITTEN ONE OF THESE HOW HAVE YOU BEEN
to answer the things you have said most recently- i'm so mad that spring break is over bc now i have to go back to life??? like dancing and school and shit that feels so unnessacry 😭 and like i can't just do nothing anymore? i was so used to it and now...... ugh. i STILL haven't played sims (i think it's because ✨depression✨ be hitting sometimes) lol but MWAHAH IM SO HAPPY FOR YOUR NEIGHBOR!AU AND THAT THEY HAD LITTLE BABY LEO!! i feel the name thing.. i just come up with something that sounds nice? i think leo is a nice name, it makes me think about lea michele and the fact that her son's name is Ever Leo but anyway. i don't name my sims after what i want to name my children irl either... idk why though. (i don't know why i'm telling you this but for boy names i love Liam🥰 and if i had twin boys i think i would do Liam and Peter though i am not married to the name Peter.... anywho)
LMAOOO the therpaist coming made me laugh thank you :)) i hope it's helpful? this may be tmi but i've only really had negative thoughts recently and not many healthy outlets so i'm hoping crossing one thing off this sad list will make me feel better :') i think during spring break my anxiety and my depression really spiked? idk, it comes in episodes but yeah THIS GOT REALLY SAD
i think a lot of things when i read your posts but i never say them hahaha so imma say it now: i googled what bon appetit meant ( i also just had to google how to spell it ) but ur right, i feel like bone apple tea makes more sense than bone apple teeth.. the "th" is throwing me off bc how i say it bone appa (like app-a) teet (like you're saying tit but teet lol) so bone apple tea makes more sense to me lol
i never know really know the time difference for anything lmao but est to germany (that's not gmt is it?) is like 6 hours wOAH so it's like 9pm while it’s 3pm here? wowee
i feel mega weird after watching this show called hollywood (darren criss is in it, so is laura harrier and a bunch of other people) but i don't like it💀 i feel really icky rn and idk why but reading your last response to my ask (?) always makes me feel better :')
i am doing what you said btw, i'm typing this on my computer first then gonna transfer it to my phone's tumblr lol but when you said a digital detox, it's interesting cuz i feel like i've been having one since tom's new project was announced? gOD i don't wanna get into it bc i get so triggered but i've been off of instagram since then bc instagram stans literally stand by tom through whatever even when something ain't right- i’m just gonna leave it there bc i’ll continue the rant, but yeah so i took a break lol
also heard abt your driving lesson thing (?) was it that bad? i can't find the old post but someone asked if you hooked up with your lesson person and i was sOOO CONFUSED LMAOO LIKE OK ARIA GET SOME BUT UHH HUH?
now to address the actual response HAHA the way you touch my heart :') by :') bringing :') up :') halle :') being ariel :') (i honest to God don't remember if i brought this up first, forgive me if i did, it's been a minute lmao) i'm always talking about it and i'm pretty sure my family is so tired of me talking about it lmao, but YEAH when i found out they weren't twins i was so surprised but idk why i always thought they were twins? but YOU ARE SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE WITH THE DISNEY TALK- everyone is always like "tiana is my favorite princess" and yea she's strong and stuff but...... she was a frog. for almost the whole time. it's about time we got another one!! i do agree with some people on the fact that disney should just make another black princess but halle is adorable and i was ariel on stage so it's already really special to me :')
yeah lol there are good times with my brothers but they make me mad for a good portion of the time (there's the 12yo vincent and the 7yo daniel but vincent??? psshhh he is a piece of work and i'm not sure how much longer i can put up with him HAJAH AND YES VINCENT IS THE ONE WHO WAS 👁👄👁WHEN I CRIED AND THE ONE WHO DOESN'T LISTEN TO MUSIC- writing this now makes it sound like vincent is awful. which he isn't... we're working on him ig. not to add to the awfulness but no, he listens to obnoxious loud VIDEO GAME MUSIC and won't stop when we ask him to stop... he gets beat up a lot) anyway i imagine being an only child is really calming.. like you have time to yourself and its just you and your parents 😌
yeah let me know if you end up watching it (wandavision)! i think it's great but if you like it lmk!! tfatws is sooo good like PHEW i am honestly loving it. sidenote: j*hn w*lker makes me wanna jump through the screen and choke him to the ground. i was thinking right, and the falcon and the winter soldier (THATS SO MUCH EASIER FAJHKDAH) would techinally be like a 10 hour movie right? because every episode is an hour long and there'll be 10 episodes? like wow. i get what you mean though, abt the racism in the show etc, like looking forward to it but not like..... no i get what you mean i will not try and give another example lol but you make me wanna learn more languages like really badly (bc of what you said about the german to american translation) & if you end up watching hamilton PLEASE LMK ABT THAT TOO HAHAHA i love it so much, same thing with lion king lmaoo
speaking of germany, i was at lunch on saturday with my mom and her friend and we were talking about my schooling and like-- she planted this idea in my head lol like what if i just got my GED and went around the world (to england probably) to get a theatre experience??? and i think it sounds so cool but no where near practical lol, it's just..... the dream haha and i would then try and learn a language 😉
uh yes we absolutely should order basically a resturant meal at a cinema, how about burgers, chips (fries), and a large drink? any time next week works for me, should i pick you up?
also about cherry (which i still haven't watched yet lol) i got the timestamps from tumblr😌 i couldn't find them anywhere else, but i agree, i probably wouldn't even look twice at cherry if tom wasn't in it? like i liked tdatt a lot, but it's not a movie i would be itching to see ya know?
HAHAHAHA THE 24 HOUR NOTIFICATION- i think i have around 1030 hours on sims? but i've had it since 2019 lmao (reading the screenshots, yes u are 100% a genuis, i take screenshots too but on anon you can't upload them so i just read them and retype what i wrote lmao) i think the university experience in the game is fun, but time consuming and it's all work imo. idk why i do it so often tho 😭😭😭
and agreed!! when you're making good money in the game you have to find other ways to make it interesting. my cousins who play it just continously do "motherlode" and i'm like.... then what do you do in your game?? it just sounds boring to me... my current sims household, i had a famous comedian sim, her name was dylan, aND SORRY IM LAUGHING SO HARD WHILE WRITING THIS BC ITS A GREAT EXAMPLE OF THE UNI THING UNLESS IM JUST DUMB, she went to college for communications when i wanted her to be a comedian and when she graduated i realized that degree did nothing for the career 🥲 so yeah, i think i'm just dumb. but she had a kid in college, guy didn't stick around and she was pretty broke HA but then she got married to this (great) guy named steve, made good bank, had 5 more kids (two sets of twins and one more lol) but then she passed. uhm... yeah that's still an open wound . lol i'm kidding, but when you get rich like that, you have to find a way to make the game interesting and i chose a million kids.
(this was one giant paragraph until i broke it up uhh yeah) i seriously don't pay attention to the sims prices and just end up spending way too much money and not being able to finish the rest of the house😭 but then again, i'm so used to having sims live in apartments... if i end up building a house FIRST OF ALL it'll look like what you explained before lmao but i'll tell you if i actually end up building a house HAHA & planning out your sims game is so fun to me lol, did enisa and michael take in his daughter yet? i may be thinking too far ahead lol and i love that they fucked woohooed (i say woo woo lol) in celebration HAHA but when i was playing with this one couple i had them woo woo every night hoping the dude would have horrible pull out game and they would concieve, but one night they were too tired and i was like why? get back in there man. if i was in college and lived with my partner we would be fucking every night homie. be grateful. i have been talking a lot about sims, and like you said: enough 💀 i just love this game a lot 😭😭
SORRY LAST THING i think the sims romantic and sexual stuff is so nice bc its what i want?? LMAO IDK like the whole hot tub thing you're talking about- puh lease ITS JUST NICE TO SEE OKAY
i'm reading the german section over again and i said aloud "my german friend is so cool" lol (i was saying that to my brothers & i know they don't care LMAO) (& i'm glad the uni zoom call went well!!) so on a form, in german, it could possibily say Einführungsveranstaltungsteilnehmer because you would be a participant to an introductory event? i swear german sounds so cool 😌 but i love reading your german lessons!! it's really interesting, most of the time my brain can't comprehend it tho?? like that word makes sense to you, but i need a translation. like to be able to look at that and know what it says.... its just appealing and seems so cool lol i kinda wanna write something out in german but i feel that google translate will fail me. während googeln "google übersetzen" mein Computer war so verdammt langsam und es fühlte sich einfach wie etwas Gutes auf Deutsch zu sagen. ich bin nicht sicher, welches Wort ist "fucking", aber ich mag es lmao (did it fail me like i thought it would??)
LMAOOO THANK YOU FOR BRINGING UP JUSTIN BC WHILE AT THE RESTURANT THEY PLAYED A JUSTIN SONG AND I IMMEDIATELY THOUGHT OF YOU AND THIS STORY😭 lol i was thinking it's depending on your age but not even that either... i really don't know.... but tom's fans are hollanders💀 i would consider myself one? he's the only person i'm really into like that (like a lot lol) so idk lmao (directioners 💔💔the pain is real)
LMAOOO (both of these paragraphs started off with “lmaooo” smh) "i like my men when they look like they are on the brink of death" PLEASE, i don't like pete's blonde hair... i just don't. i'm not sure if i wasn't watching the most recent snls but yea. my mom thinks he looks like trash, but i think he's okay? like he said staten island people just look like trash LMAO and I STILL HAVEN'T SEEN KING OF STATEN ISLAND GIRL I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT THAT!! now i'm gonna make plans to watch it lmao, & yes agreed i find pete hot, don't ask why i really couldn't explain it to someone he's just .
my favorite songs from rex are from pony oh my goodness 🥺 anywho i'm gonna go eat cereal (i ended up eating bun and cheese instead) and listen to the Stormzy songs you recommended... aria. aria aria aria. i would like to thank you for introducing me to stormzy i- i don't have any words or any emojis to express HOW GOOD STORMZY IS. i hope he's popular in germany/the uk because i haven't heard of him but GURLLLL
one second - delicious i love it. it's really good. it’s not my favorite from the album, but its great.
superheroes - at first i played the non-explicit one (on accident) and wondered why the words weren't playing but i was reading them in the lyrics??? THIS ONE THOUGH??? IS THE BEST SONG I THINK I'VE EVER HEARD. i am so SO SO into black people empowering songs (like brown skin girl by beyonce) and this song???? PHEW I CRYYYYY ITS SO GOOD.... i was gonna quote some lyrics BUT THERS TOO MANY I LOVE, "i am young, black, beautiful, and brave" "black queen, you're immaculate, it's coming at the world, they ain't ready for your magic yet, and that was never your fault" THAT WAS NEVER YOUR FAULT- I ALMOST CRIED THIS SONG IS SO BEAUTIFUL (i played it twice lol)
lessons is another beautiful one, like its slow and it feels intimate and nurturing and just OO chefs kiss, beautiful . like you can feel the apology and the regret... it’s so good
own it - OWN IT OWN IT OWN IT IS AMAZING!! swear you would catch me dancing to this song, this song is so fucking good i cannot comprehend like this one might be my favorite for real... "it's the way you wind up your waist, i'm so in awe, you never have to worry abt nothing, you know its yours, you know you own it" 🥲 i played it two or three times honestly
rachael's little brother - YES I DID LISTEN TO IT LMAO AND YES I LIKE IT, its a very complex song and it's very layered in terms of emotions i think and i really like that about it. i probably won't listen to it that often, but its really good. i would recommend this song to my "older brother" bc he would just absolutely love this
shut up - i was taking this song seriously (also very good) until i heard him say shu-T up LMAO, this one is good, i probably wouldn't listen to it 24/7 like rachael's little brother but honestly its still fire
before listening to blinded by your grace and vossi bop, i know you brought up the religion bit, i definitely don't mind that, especially because i'm Christian lol and i actually liked that he brought up God in some of his songs like idk i just like it🥰🥰
(i then went to bed after that lol but first thing in the morning i listened to superheroes and... that song is probably my favorite tbh, i was gonna write MORE quotes that i loved from it but, yeah no there's too many. if you want i'll tell you lmao but this is already so long i would just be quoting the whole friggin song)
VOSSI BOP IS A BOP (lol) I CANT EVEN LIE, i love a song that hypes up a dude's girl so the line- i love that my phone decided to fail to load the lyrics, lemme google it, okay the lyric "looking at my girl like what a goddess" i was like AYEEE its honestly just really good. and no one in america says "sauce" like "i've got the sauce" but now i do (thanks to love island and Nas from last season) and now stormzy so (also im gonna watch the music video for superheroes bc it looks great so 😛)
(because this is already so long i feel like i shouldn't finish the rest but . no i'm gonna do it)
now for blinded by your grace pt2 idk why i’m nervous lmaoo PAUSE I'M NOT EVEN DONE WITH THE SONG GIRL THIS SONG IS *chefs kiss* no words, speechless PHEW y'all gon make me start jumping around. why did i not know about stormzy before, he is amazing i- ok yeah i finished the song, all i have to say is that Stormzy is immaclucate. period. i am literally sending his music to all my friends he is..... amazing
you want my song recommendations 🥺🥺 hmm uh okay lol i listen to a lot of old music, whitney houston, marvin gaye, queen, celine dion, i love "more than words" by extreme uhmm okay, but for actual music i listen to on the daily? (this is a lot of different music like.... they do not go together lmao so be prepared) a song about being sad by rex orange county, betty by taylor swift and lover by taylor swift and... most of that album lol, treasure by bruno mars lmao, OOOO and versace on the floor by bruno as well, lazybaby by dove cameron, creep by tlc has been on repeat lol, deja vu by olivia rodrigo (i saw what you said about drivers license and AGREED LMAO but i like deja vu a lot more haha) and two albums that i listen to in general, rare by selena gomez and ungodly hour by chloe x halle 🥰 you don't have to listen to all of them or any of them lol but that's a sense of what i'm into :) so basically everything haha, i'm into literally every single kind of music really so i wasn't too surprised that i enjoyed stormzy :’)
HAHASBSJHAHA your h20 story cracked me up,, like "wow these actors are so dedicated, learning german just for us" 😭 the beauty of overdubbing
once again, math and maths, in my mind maths makes sense because its mathmatics, but saying maths doesn't feel right to me lol, like if i said maths i feel like everyone would look at me like ??? and yea i was taught it as math so its just more natural for me. but yes math/maths is disgusting, easily one of my least favorite subjects so .
mkay. i- the first time i read this i could not contain my laughter when you said the only pollen you know is sex pollen LMAOKOOSHBABJFAJF STOPPP I'M EVEN LAUGHING WRITING THIS,, anyway. wow! that's interesting, my dad (<<< mostly anything else) gets migraines from the sun and the heat and stuff, yesterday (sunday, i was outside for like hours watching my brothers play football, the american kind lol) i was in the sun for like ever and i got a headache😔
summer clothes🥲 i need to go shopping fr fr. for my birthday my mom and dad got me a giftcard like dedicated to a shopping spree and we've yet to go so..... i should bring it up to my mom lol, but!! i went bra shopping (ended up returning literally all of them cuz they honestly didn't work for day to day work? its a long story) and if i could i would walk around in this new "summer bra" i got, i would. it's so fricking cute and its really light fabric (which isn't perfect for my nipples but still) so i don't get hot in it, but that bra and some shorts would be perfect. its the closest thing to being naked so
IS THE BIRD STILL BOTHERING U ARIA, TELL ME NOW ISTG, i laughed really hard that the bird isn't stupid and is really trying to torture you LMAOO like i was rolling, it wants you to suffer, badly
when you said "mensus" it was still close to mens!!! latin speaking queen 😌😌
okay STORYTIME i was reading back your response and started (fake) crying bc i love you lol and my youngest brother (daniel) gon say "oh man, catherine's crying about something we don't care about, again" I--- i swear when i tell you about them they sound awful, but they aren't that bad, just the stuff i say about them is sounds really mean LMAO
but the thing you said about being kind, same, what i always say is: don't be the person that makes people say "i hate people" ya know? like there's no reason to be a jerk or anything.... but its true 🥺🥺🥺🥺 you are really kind and every time i talk to you i would like to personally fly to germany and give you a hug 💖💕💞💗💓💝💖💘
& i'm gonna show my stretch marks some love bc of you 🥺😭 i really hate how men have basically everyone conditioned that you can't love your own body </3 fuck them, y'all beautiful :')
also thanks for what you said :')) you literally are the kindest, sweetest person i think i've ever spoken to and i love you 🥰🥺🥲💓💗
READING YOUR TAGS HAHAHHAHA the spelling errors makes everything so much funnier. once again, i like your german lessons & yea!! i'm gonna play sims after writing this hahah
#catherine's tags are back #i don't think i've told you my name before?? #anyway it's catherine🥰🥰🥰 #i'm typing this on my computer (without emojis) and if i didn't edit this you would be reading shit shite like #heartface and pout and cry LMAO #yeah abt the tattoos #some stuff with my parents i'm like deal with it??? lol #my mom tells me "if there's something you enjoy or you like but i don't have the same opinion on it... why would my (my mom's) opinion matter? #and i love that #like i'm not gonna go and do whatever i want #but if my mom doesn't like that i swear (which isn't true just an example) #its like okay.... #but whatever #and your tattoo ideas sound really cute!! #and yeah @ your parents, i mean you aren't getting something wild #and the tattoo album>>> #i'm gonna look up ariana's butterfly tattoos just so i know what you mean lol #but i'm guessing you don't want something so incredibily simple, but not super like over the top? #correct me if i'm wrong lol #LMAO the tags were in order don't worry ! #and yeah lol ily2 <33 #and once again, again, sorry for this post JSHJS ITS A MESS AND LONG AS HELL #and you don't need to go in order of my post its literally longer than your german compound words #u're fine #also !!! while writing this the birds were chirping outside and i was like 😳 #and one of your fics (i’ve read all of them, i don’t remember lol) that valentine’s day one where y/n had lingerie on (the pancake one lol) #inspired me to buy lingerie #like when i look back on me “growing up” #that fic & basically you lol really helped with that #that made no sense and i don’t know how to make it make sense... but... yeah. like ily
hiiiiiiiiiii <3333
Dear catherine, 😌
(you have said your name before, but it wasn‘t like an introduction or anything i think you were talking about .... was it possibly the incident at the cinema??? And you said something like ‘calm down catherine‘ like you were telling yourself to calm down idkd dkdkkdkd anyway i didn‘t mention it cause i wasn‘t sure if it was an accident or not dkdjd but now i know 😌❤️ Catherine is such a cute and lovely name btw omg and so are your brothers‘s names 🥰
Sorry that I‘m answering this so late, it‘s been an emotional rollercoaster for me since last week but i‘ll get to that in a second lol
Sksklssk girl i haven‘t played sims in like 2 weeks now ekejdkdlldld ok that‘s not that long at all actually but i keep wanting to play but then i end up not playing for whatever reason, so no news about my sims game 😔 but i love the names Liam and Peter and for twins!!! That sounds really nice actually
okay i‘m trying to answer your ask in chronological answer even though i wanted to wait for the depressing stuff and write it at the end or something OKAY so. i thought that i‘d feel so good when i start uni and that i‘ll like... have a purpose in life again and just be happy (cause in the last year i didn‘t do much and i was depressed like half of the time lol).... anyway i kind of feel even worse now? 😭 i think it‘s because in my brain it‘s like: university!!! that means your life will change and it��ll all be so exciting. and don‘t get me wrong it is exciting butttt..... idk the online thing is so weird cause you‘re not meeting any new people (i‘m introverted anyway but still lol) and it doesn‘t feel like you‘re listening to/talking to actual people cause it feels the same as just watching a video?
also i thought i‘d be busy again but i only have one lecture (90mins) a day and theres one day where i dont have any lectures at all and just one day where i have 3 hours but.... idk i mean i shouldn‘t complain about having so much free time but i just don‘t know what to do all day and in a pandemic there really is nothing to do but i also can‘t relax bc it‘s like during the week and i know i have uni the next day and .... yeah.
There‘s also this one assignment i had to do that took me AT LEAST SIX HOURS AND IM NOT EVEN EXAGGERATING????? so that was the only thing i‘ve been doing besides “going to“ lectures. for this one course we have to read two (really really long) texts (like it literally took me 3 hours to read them) and we‘re supposed to post it on this website that all the professors in our uni use. So after 5 days of anxiety (✌🏼) i posted mine this morning bc last night i realised that i didn‘t even know why i was having anxiety so i just posted mine today. The deadline is tomorrow at 12 and no one except me has posted theirs yet........ so i have anxiety again 🥰 cause idk if i‘m the only one who did it or if i even did it correctly
Edit while i‘m rereading this: my anxiety about uni is a lot better and i‘m not as d*pressed anymore maybe it was just hormones? idk but i‘m better so that‘s good
(I started writing this like 5 hours ago and then i randomly completely forgot lol)
I‘m in a better mood now though so let‘s move on from that (oh wait also, i think i‘m gonna see if i can find a psychiatrist bc with my anxiety symptoms (long story) i need to go to a psychiatrist, and so far i‘ve only gone to like psycholgists and it didn‘t help but i think that‘s just bc i was meant to go to a psychiatrist and not a psychologist so dldjdjsj
n e ways but yes you‘re not alone, ily, things will get better and yes i love you (i‘m not good at this type of thing🥲 but i‘d hug you right now if i could <3)
Yess i think the time difference between est and me is 6hours but gmt is uk time i believe? i think mine is called.... cet? For central european time? I could be completely wrong though lmao
Oof i completely forgot about hollywood, i remember when laura kept posting about it on instagram but i never actually watched it and i definitely won‘t now lmaodkdksjsn
Okay my driving lesson LEBDJDKDK I DID NOT HOOK UP WITH ANYONE AKSJSKSMMLM especially not my 40 or 50 year old driving instructor lol i like her but NOT LIKE THAT, the lesson was really really really good actually and i think i‘ll have my driving test soon, but i don‘t even remember why the anon would have thought that??? Oh wait now i remember okay KEKSKDLDL so during the lesson my instructor was like do you mind if i turn on some music? AND THIS WOMAN TURNED ON ONE DIRECTION I LOVE HER so i made a post about it and i said something about the song up all night and i guess i phrased it in a .... idk in a dumb way 💀 so the anon made a joke that i stayed up with my driving instructor all night and NO. No.
Wait did i read that right? YOU WERE ARIEL ON STAGE? SIALDBDJDKSLMSBDKDMDMDKDJSLSMDJFJJEDMBFEKLEFBJDLDVSIDLESKSKWKDKDJDOWNYUEKWNDUWLNSUFLWVSUDLEHDOENSIDBEISBEHENJELBSIEMWUDNRIW KB WOBE JO ON SBEUU HIII S HWS LV W ICH US KB okay this keyboard smash is getting out of hand but uh please do elaborate on that 💘😌???? Like you can‘t just drop that information and not say more??? I forgot if you‘re in like your school‘s drama group (is that a thing? lol idk anything about acting) or in an independent group? Either way - ARIEL that is so fucking cool
Your brothers loooooool, no i get it though obviously you love them and stuff but esp at their age children are so annoying so good luck with them 😭😭😭lmao
Yeah “anyway i imagine being an only child is really calming.. like you have time to yourself and its just you and your parents 😌“ yeah just me and my parents who constantly fight 🥰 lmao no i like being an only child, like i cannot imagine having siblings but i feel like if i had siblings i would be saying that i can‘t imagine being an only child so? but i do think it‘s quite different like i‘m trying to imagine having siblings and WHAT that‘s just so different omg i‘ve never really thought about it like properly ???
I saw a tik tok the other day that was like “sometimes i forget that my siblings have a life of their own. like i see them as side characters in my life“ and even though i can‘t relate obviously i felt that. lol, like i can really imagine how it feels idk what i‘m talking about like shut the fuck up, daria
(also my actual name is daria not aria but i dont like it, and also i wanted to be more anonymous on tumblr so now i‘m aria lmao. pls don‘t mention it though cause no one knows except for you and mel (peterbenjiparker) dkdkdkdnkdnd. but i‘m starting to identify with the name cause everyone keeps calling me that looool😭😭😭 (but i like the name, more than daria anyway? well it also depends on the accent, cause the way germans say daria is okay. the was Americans say it is also okay, but some of my family in England are from the north of england and i don‘t like how they say my name 💀 no offence to them(?) but yeah pls don‘t mention the name in your ask cause the chance of people seeing it is higher then (or if you want to say something about it just send a separate ask and i just won‘t post it (IDK what you‘d want to say about my name but yeah just in case slsldlldmsndnsns)
I‘m loving falcon and winter soldier so much but when i was watching an episode the week before last week (?) my laptop broke😭😭😭😭 during the scene where the dora milaje came at the end my laptop just shut down? And it had these lines all over the screen and i had to bring it to the shop where i bought it and they said it‘ll take 6-8 weeks to repair 💔💔💔 but at least it‘ll be for free, cause if i brought it back to apple it would cost like 400€ (i think that‘s nearly 500$) so yeah. but it sucks cause now i‘m “going to uni“ on a really old rusty laptop and on my phone which kinda sucks. oh yeah and also i can‘t watch anything on there 😭 i definitely want to watch wandavision but it‘ll have to wait🤧
Yessss you should def get your GED! I googled and I‘m still not entirely sure what it is dldks but from how you described it- YES!!!!!!
Idk if you know this? Like no idea if I‘ve told you this already (hmmm wait i feel like we talked about it actually?) anyway i was originally gonna go study in England, but for loads of reasons I ended up staying in Germany and I‘m def happy with my decision, but I definitely want to go to England sometime even if it‘s just for six months or maybe for my masters or something? And (obviously everyone is different) but i think everyone should go abroad and live in a different country once in their life, no matter if it‘s for school or what, and even if it‘s just for a few weeks. But i think that‘s something that you‘d never ever forget! And combining that with your acting/theatre??? You really would be living the dream 💘💘😌
how about burgers, chips (fries), and a large drink? any time next week works for me, should i pick you up?— sounds good see you soon 🥰🥰🥰
i used to be one of the people who‘d just do motherlode motherlode motherlode and just... what did i do? Why did i do that??? But not anymore lol. Like I said i haven‘t played sims in a few weeks but i‘ve been watching a few legacy challenge let‘s plays and usually i play with the aging off. So my sims just don‘t age 💀 but i could (should) turn aging on so that it stays exciting and i have limited time and everything. and once i get bored with my current sims i can just make them have kids and continue playing as their children when they get older- like recently i remembered that i haven‘t played the acting career in ages? and i haven‘t had a shop in ages? and i think you can even become a vet right??? like those are definitely some things i want to do in the next weeks!!! Also yes sksksjs i have a few hundred hours on sims as well (if not thousands 😭) it was just that one household that i‘d been playing with for 24hrs
AND GIRL SSKSKJD THE UNIVERSITY THING HAPPENED TO ME TOO, it was a while ago so i don‘t remember what degree and what job it was about but i made my sim study something for aaaaaages so she‘d get a better job from the beginning (you know what i mean like get in at a higher level)...... and i apparently studied the wrong thing cause i didn‘t get any benefits from studying and still had to start at level 1 and shit 🥴🥲
Oh also (this was like 2 weeks ago) Enisa and Michael did take in Michael‘s daughter and i think Enisa currently even has a higher/better relationship with the daughter than Michael but um💀💀💀 also i was hoping (since michael and enisa married (in their back yard i think lol) that the daughter (i forget what her name is😭) would have enisa as her step mom? Like you know how you can see the relationship and it says daughter or son or sister.. and i was hoping that it would say step mom but it doesn‘t say anything 🥲 but in my mind (and if the sims had proper family relations) she is her step mom😌 also Leo is a teenager now???? I mean I aged him up lol dkdk he was being too annoying as a toddler but i don‘t like children so i aged him up twice in one day and now he‘s a teen, but that means he can look after his half sister when she becomes a toddler which is good (the game recognises them as siblings tho even if they‘re just half siblings? why can‘t they have step family members in the sims🥲) okay i‘ve annoyed you enough with sims ✋🏼
I‘ve been a bit sick these past few days and now i‘m getting a headache so i have to finish this response tomorrow 😭😭😭 </3
It‘s not tomorrow, it‘s 3 hours later but i‘m better lol
oooff when sims are ungrateful and won‘t woo woo (lol i like that) cause they‘re too tired like?? Be grateful that you‘re not living with your parents anymore 🙄 no okay dkdkdkdl idk if you play with mods (i don‘t) but i know there is a mod (or it‘s part of a mod idk maybe wicked whims?) where you can adjust the percentage of how risky a normal woo woo is, like you still click woo woo (3dksksks okay i‘ll say woohoo again— wait is that what’s it called? 😭) but there‘s like a 25% chance that your sim can still get pregnant just like in real life there‘s always a chance of getting pregnant even if you‘re using protection (just not 25% lmao) but yeah i personally don‘t play with mods sksk and you can always just click try for baby but it would be cool if you could add stuff like risky woohoo to the game without mods (i have no idea how to download mods and i play sims on a really really old laptop and sims is literally tje only thing that works on it anyway so—) i repeat my words from earlier: okay i‘ve annoyed you enough with sims ✋🏼
okay i‘m so sorry i‘m gonna watch fast & furious 1 now cause i need to watch f&f 1-5 until the 30th of april cause they‘re only on netflix til then (i mean i could watch them somewhere else but the quality is never as good) so i will finish this tomorrow after all😭
it is now 1 am, i finished the film, can feel a new obsession coming up again (i always have these f&f obsessions for six months before and after a new film comes out)
THE GOOGLE TRANSLATE wkekdjdj tbh it sounds like someone is speaking with some kind of foreign accent i guess that‘s probably because it just is a direct translation and so anyway slsjsj i don‘t know if you asked me what the word fucking is in german? like idk cause the translation is a bit weird but in case you asked lol sidjsjs theres not really a good translation like we just say fuck for fuck lmao, i don‘t know if you typed in fucking in google translate and it came out as verdammt? cause that means damn (or damned sksjjs) ummm yeah idek if/what you asked so imma move on🤧
I‘m not gonna comment on what you said about every stormzy song cause you already said all the important things but SKSKSJSJSKNSNDBDUDOENWBSLSKKHSULSLSKSBSJSKSK I WAS SMILING SO HARD WHEN I READ YOUR RESPONSE FOR THE FIRST TIME BECAUSE AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH finally i know someone who loves him as much as i do 💘💘💘 also since you brought it up, i‘m pretty sure he‘s considered the most successful UK rapper or if not then at least top 3 so he‘s defffffffffinitely big in the uk, in germany more and more people are listening to uk rap too but not as much stormzy cause theyre dumb apparently 🙄 but anywY i‘m sooooo sooo happy that you like him. i think hith came out end of 2019 (i could be wrong but i think it came out on the 13th of december so (in a european way) you‘d write the date: 13.12 and obviously i don‘t KNOW this but i can definitely imagine that he chose that date because ACAB and yes, Michael. Yes. But he hasn‘t made too much music since then so i hope he‘s working on some new stuff 🤞🏼
Also i ordered the stormzy poster😌 also a nicki minaj one bc i decided i‘m gonna have one wall with red-ish posters (i already have two kinda red ones) and one with blue/green-ish posters (already have two) and i can add stormzy to the blue one and nicki to the red one, but i think that‘s it cause if my walls are tooo full it could look cluttered? I‘m not sure how that type of thing works lmao but my room is generally untidy so i don‘t want the walls to look unorganised too so i think that‘s it for now
I really want to finish this now but my brain is getting kinda slow and i need to sleep soon so this will have to wait till later after all 🥺🥴 (not that it makes and difference to you bc you‘ll see this whenever i post it buttttt i wanted you to know that i want to talk to you again but with my slow brain i‘m just taking too long to do it in one day😭😭😭 and i‘m so busy tomorrow hmm but i‘m sure i‘ll have 30 minutes to finish this then <3)
Okay wait I‘m so dumb I didn‘t realise I‘d nearly answered everything i could have posted this yesterday 😭😭
Oooohh that summer bra sounds so nice like if i was confident enough i literally would just wear a top that resembles a bra (or really is a bra lol) cause my tiddies always be looking amazing i‘m just insecure about my stomach sometimes 🙄🙄🙄 but recently i‘ve been loving myself more and more tbh 😌
also i hope you can go shopping for some nice clothes soon ✨😌
I‘ll be honest I haven‘t listened to your song recs YET but only because i wanna take my time with them and i‘ve been so busy and slso AJ tracey‘s album came out last week and I haven‘t listened to that one yet either so ekdkdj (he‘s also a uk rapper like quite popular and successful as well, but i feel like i‘m not gonna like his album cause whenever i‘m looking forward to an album it ends up being really bad and the albums where you weren‘t expecting it turn out to be bangers.... so yeah but i‘ll let you know when i listen to your songs!!!! :)
Omg i keep having to scroll up all the way to see the next thing you said so sorry if I completely miss some of the things you said😭😭
So when you sent this the bird was still bothering me oh my FUCK DKDLDMMDMDMD but now i‘ve been going to bed at like 1-2am so the bird is probably still asleep lool
Okay and for the rest of your ask my response is: 💘💖❣️💚❣️💛❣️💛💕💞❤️💓💟💞💕💕💖💘💝💟💟🧡❤️🧡💞💛💚💓💚💚💚❣️🧡💖💘🧡💝🧡💕💘🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺🥰🥺🥺💘💘💘💘💘 (okay that looked cuter in my head i don‘t really like the green hearts dldkkdksndnd)
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junquisite · 4 years
Fated to love : Introduction + Preview
Tumblr media
PAIRING : Park Junhee X OC X Kim Wooseok
GENRE : Fluff, Angst, future mature content. Further warning for each chapter would be provided.
PARTS :  I+P  1  2
“You deserve this break more than anyone Bora” Aerin said and Seri agreed.
“I think so.” Bora whispered as they were called in for the training.
“Everything is cool but please tell me again why is the first thing you wanna do as we landed in switzerland is paragliding?” Aerin asked as they saw their instructor approaching.
“He's cute.” Seri mumbled and Bora rolled her eyes at her.
“Hello, I'll be your instructor for now and my name is Park Junhee, if you can just give me your consent forms.” he said and they handed it to him. “Aaah I can't believe I met Koreans on my last day as my last customers.” he said and they laughed.
“It's your last day?” Seri asked and he nodded. “I’ll still be here for a couple of days but the last few days before leaving I want to spend time appreciating this country. I'm gonna miss it.”
“Where are you from in korea?”
“Seoul. You?” he asked.
“We’re from Seoul too.”
Soon  they were standing on the edge, Bora about to take off (after Seri asking her own trainer if she could switch hers with Bora’s who had Junhee), did Aerin come to her.
“Think about it Bora, if i die during this your marriage might get postponed.” and Bora laughed.
“Trust me, she would like it”, Seri said as she dragged Aerin away and the next thing Bora knew, she was in the air with Junhee guiding the sail behind her.
Too soon for her, she was on the ground and waiting for Aerin and Seri when Junhee came and stood up beside her.
“I can't believe the girl that caught my eyes for the first time in almost a month here is korean AND engaged.” and she looked at him.
“Who's engaged?” 
Junhee gave her a confused stare,”Aren't you?”
“Well..” she trailed off. “I'm not per se engaged but I am supposed to marry someone when i get back home.”
“So not engaged yet?” he asked her as he bent to stare in her eyes and smile at her.
“Not yet.You never know though. I might be engaged when i go back 2 weeks later or i might get a text message tonight saying I'm engaged. But not engaged yet.” something in his smile made her tell him that. And it was the truth. She wasn't exactly engaged yet.
“So this is like a pre wedding trip for yourself?” he asked again, she felt him taking a step closer towards her and she hid her face behind the scarf around her neck.
“Sort of.”
“Why not sure? Parents against it?” he asked and the way he laughed when he looked at her, he knew he got the bullseye.
“You can't even imagine.”
They saw as Aerin and Seri’s sail was going in circles meaning they’ll be landing soon enough.
“Try me.” he said as he turned to face her completely.
“Okay..you know how they come to check your permanent address for verification before issuing your visa?” she asked and he nodded.
“My father denied I lived there when they came because he did not want me to come on this trip.”
They saw how the girls landed with loud cheers but Junhee had his eyes set on her, wide open.
“You win. Oh god how did you come here?” he asked her and she giggled.
“I ended up giving my apartment address as my permanent address. And here I am.” 
Seri and Aerin were loudly calling her name as they were coming to her.
“I'm happy you're here.” he said with such a  soft smile that she hated to admit that it made her heart flutter. It was all so new to her.
“It wasn't that scary and i'm happy i tried it bora.” Aerin said as soon as they reached them and Bora smiled at her.
They were called by the people from the paragliding company staff and Bora turned around all too suddenly without realising she was still tied up with Junhee over the string and ended up falling down taking him with her - they ended up with her over him and she heard her friends giggle as Junhee held her softly.
“I don't give in before the third date, Miss. You gotta take me out thrice to get me into bed with you.” he said and laughed loudly at how quickly she turned red.
“Oh please take her out Junhee-ssi. She deserves at least one good date and getting laid before her marriage.” Seri said as they both stood up and the glare Bora threw her way could have been scary if Seri was one fo those who got scared of her.
“You have never been on a date before?” he asked her and she turned away from him.
“That's not true.”
“High school doesn't count Bora.” Seri spoke again and Aerin mumbled how she had no fears.
“Lass mich dich auf ein Date Mitnehmen.” he said and Seri cursed out loud.
“Ja.” bora said with a smile, giggling at how seri cried about not knowing what he asked because she wasn't a language nerd like Bora.
“I think we can announce our engagement today.” Wooseok said as Bora ended her call and she narrowed her eyes at him.
“I have no objection if it's okay with both of you.” Her father said.
“We won't be announcing my engagement at my company’s party organised for possible collaborations.” she said with certainty, “we can hold another party for our engagement.” she added and her father nodded as she turned to bow and leave.
“At Least wear the ring.” Wooseok asked before she could leave though and she stopped to level him with a cold gaze. She extended her hand to him and he tried to put the ring on her finger but she took it from his hand instead.
“I’ll do it myself. It's not like we have been properly engaged. You don't have to do this.” she said as she turned to leave.
“But we’re engaged still. I’ll see you at the party.”
“As the Chairwoman of ‘Neverland’ fashion, I'm proud to announce that it’s been a year since my company has been listed and I’m extremely thankful to each and everyone of you who have chosen to consider the idea of collaborating  with us. I truly wish i can find a chance to work with all of you at some point of time and as always, I'm extremely thankful for the support. Please enjoy the party!” Bora said as she bowed and everyone clapped. She was proud of what her company has come to and nothing could make her happier. And a lot of companies she has been interested in were here for a chance to work with her company. The time to prioritize the needs of her company and the demand of products was now.
“”Miss Kang?” someone called her and she turned to come face to face with a smiling face.
“Im Lee Donghun from JD Footwears. I was hoping to get a chance to talk to you.”
She smiled. JD footwears - a rising company giving even established brands a run for their money - a company founded by two friends which was reaching new heights every month. According to Bora, with the speed they were rising, she was expecting them to come on her level in a few months. JD footwears - a company she has been keeping an eye on for months now and would probably be her first choice to work with.
“Aaah I have been meaning to get a chance to talk to you.” she said with a smile.
“That's a pleasure to hear from you.” Donghun said as he bowed and she did the same.
“I thought you have a partner too?” she asked and he nodded.
“He was supposed to be here but there was an emergency at the shooting site for our new product’s advertisement so he had to be there. Regarding that, i have request for you?”
She raised an eyebrow at him, a request?
“What is it?” 
“How about we have dinner tomorrow night? A meeting to discuss potential collaboration and get to know each other. Since we would be working together soon enough.'' Donghun ended with a smile and she was impressed. There was a subtle flirting in his tone with enough pinch of professionalism which was a fresh surprise. His smile was adding it to it showing he knew there was a very small chance she might deny it -that confidence was something she found attractive, not necessarily in a romantic way but in a general sense.
“I don't think i appreciate you talking to my fiance like this.” she heard from behind her as Wooseok came and picked up her left hand to show the ring to Donghun.
“Oh I apologize I had no clue you were engaged. I swear it was all harmless flirting, I was just trying to make you feel comfortable Bora-ssi.” Donghun said as he bowed to her and Bora waved her hand as she smiled, “it's fine Donghun-ssi. I understand.” Then she pulled out her card from her coat’s pocket and a pen, scribbled her personal number on the card and handed it to him, “Feel free to message me the details for the dinner. Does tomorrow night works for you?” She asked as Donghun nodded at her.
“Then i hope to see you and your partner tomorrow night. Please send me the place you’ll be comfortable to meet at and let’s discuss the possible collaboration in detail.” she said and bowed as he bowed back and turned around as Wooseok tugged at her arm.
“I don't like the idea of you dining with him.” Wooseok said as they walked in the party hall, smiling and waving at people.
“It's not only him. His partner will be there too.” she said.
“What if he’s like him too?” Wooseok mumbled.
She turned to look straight at him at that and as he saw her cold expression, he realised how much she has changed from the Bora he used to know since middle school. 
“Don't act like you care for me Wooseok. I don't care whether you like me having dinner with them or not, I am going and nothing is going to change that decision.” 
It’s the trip. That changed her. Wooseok thought.
“I knew it was a bad idea letting you go on that trip to swiss.” he mumbled and saw how she narrowed her eyes at him - he had been seeing that look on her too much recently.
“Stop trying to control my life. You're marrying me, not buying me.” she said and she pulled her hand away from his and left him standing along at that party hall.
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xianglingslesbian · 4 years
way of kings, Satsuki’s moving castle (👀), Daiki’s basketball (👀👀), oh no he’s hot, and unstoppable force/immovable object pls
ah hihi! ty for the ask!! <3 this got very long so i am putting it under a cut
the way of kings
this is basically just a knb stormlight au lmaooo. i actually dont have much yet its just a vague outline and the main character placements. i also have to work out a LOT of stuff bc. heralds. i’ll list the placements i have for now!!
kaladin - hyuuga OR aomine i really cannot decide smh. EDIT HOLY SHIT MIDORIMA IS THE PERFECT KALADIN 
adolin - kise bc you cant tell me that ‘“fight me!” adolin said’ isn’t PEAK kise energy
shallan - .......izuki. puns? puns. also yay for shared insecurity complexes and refusal to address their own mental health
dalinar - kasamatsucchi <3 he has the eyebrows and the blue uniform don’t @ me
jasnah - uhh araki, solely because i didn’t wanna change au!jasnah’s gender. otherwise 100% would have been midorima
sadeas - imayoshit :) everyone flip off the manipulative bastard
renarin - kurokooooo!! okay but the idea of a person construed as weak finding their own way in the world is really similar b/w these two
sylphrena - momoi <333 syl rlly do have momoi energy tbh
i do have a couple more placements BUT idk where ur at in the series and it could be a potential spoiler so i’m gonna shut up now. tagging @serenesavagery bc i think she’d like this ily saori
satsuki’s moving castle
ok here’s an AU i actually have shit planned out for (and some chapters written) lmaooo it’s a momoi/riko howl AU!! riko = sophie + momoi = howl is rlly fun to write lol. also aomine is calcifer bc let’s be real that tiny fire demon was basically just demon!aomine. the chapter titles in this one are gold tbh i’m really proud of them -- examples are, “Do YOU Want A Charming Stranger To Sweep You Off Your Feet? [Not Clickbait]” and “Riko Aida Presents - Being Old Sucks, Part 1/? (Also, There's A Demon But That’s Not Important)”.
tiny snippet: 
Riko could feel the stirrings of heat in her cheeks as Satsuki pressed against her, arm laying on her hand. 
“Let me,” she said sweetly. Dazed, Riko did so, moving aside so Satsuki had better access to the food. 
“Hand me a couple of eggs and some more bacon, please,” Satsuki instructed. Riko complied, doing her best to keep her composure. This was the wicked wizard Satsuki, not just any pretty girl - she had to be on her guard. 
Satsuki cooked much the same way Riko did, planting a few doubts in the now-aged girl’s mind. Eggshells in the eggs, blackened bacon… perhaps her cooking really was bad.
Then again, from what she’d seen of Junpei, he did have a tendency to exaggerate.
“no its totally not gay for a girl to cook over your shoulder what do you mean” - aida riko, circa 1920 (approx. when this is set bc it follows the ghibli movie)
daiki’s basketball
yes its an aomine-kuroko roleswap yes i like torturing myself because it comes w/the bonus of inflicting this upon my readers. it’s my first multichapter, and like ewbts it’s also half posted and then i realised how shittily i’d written it so i started rewriting smh. the only redeemable bit about v1 is the summary bc it’s good for my summary standards: 
tetsu had changed. tetsu was no longer his partner. but daiki saw that same spark in kagami, and even if he wasn’t one for sappy romantic stuff like tetsu, maybe this time… maybe this time the light he picked would stay with him.
im not crying you are
a small snippet: 
“Well, you like painting. Maybe paint a basketball on the school wall or something?” Satsuki suggested absently, still looking at the giant chocolate fountain. It couldn’t hurt to go in and try it, right?
“Thanks, Satsuki.” Daiki’s voice had a sudden spark to it, and Satsuki’s eyes shot wide as she realised what she’d said.
“No - Dai, wait! You can’t-” But he’d already cut the call.
Oh, God save Satsuki Momoi.
(yes. he did actually. paint the fucking school wall. god save momoi indeed)
oh no he’s hot
this is an older idea but one i still love tbh! i have to work around the setting bc i wanna set it in not-america 😂 i have a summary written up which describes it well so i will plug it: 
Everything was in place. Zuko would have adopted Izumi by this time tomorrow; would have met the demands of his company; would be a father, the best one that he could. He had to admit he was a little more than excited - it’s not every day that you get to be a father, and especially not to a firecracker like Izumi. Now, if only Izumi’s social worker weren’t this attractive… and if only he weren’t the same man that Zuko had been absolutely, abominably horrible to the previous week.
its a zukka modern AU in which zuko is running his dad’s company after ousting ozai, and the board pressures him to get an heir. ace gay bean zuko decides he’ll adopt instead. also azula/katara subplot with katara being an intern at azula’s hospital (NOT in charge of azula tho bc that can lead to some weird power dynamics). highkey slowburn romance tbh. zukka hate each other for only a bit, but the friendzoning is unreal lmao
immovable object meets unstoppable force
this is a set of legend of korra rewrite oneshots! basically im trying to fix all the colorism, sexism and other issues + give a better rep to korrasami bc lbr we deserved more development. also side character rights <3 
i actually have posted one fic of it here so i suppose this counts as a snippet? its pema/lin hahaha yay for lesbians
thank you so much for this ask i just really ran away with it i get excited talking about my projects and wow now i have fuel for daiki’s basketball again so that might just be the one i finish soonest <3 
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imaginariumrpc · 4 years
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okay so the lovely @imbicilite​ / @whitrph​ and i were talking and it gave me the idea and we thought it was a great idea to spread it around so here’s how it goes: when talking with someone about pretty much anything tbh, but especially for something that could potentially be triggering, communicate with color codes based on city traffic lights ! GREEN means it’s good to talk about these things and you’re not feeling triggered by the topic, YELLOW means to slow down or stop talking about the topic at for now while RED means to stop the conversation about the topic immediately until green again where the conversation can divert into another topic or they feel safe to talk about it again !! this is EXTREMELY important, because it’s a way to alert others that you’re going to be talking about something that could possibly upset someone because of the subject matter, especially for those who may get triggered by a certain topic - even without you realizing it because squicks and triggers can honestly be anything, it could be different words or phrases or certain topics - and can cause severe anxiety in those affected, even panic attacks or flashbacks, and because we want to be considerate and respectful towards one another, it’s important that we use these to help our friends and fellow rpers know that we’re going to be posting or talking about something they might not want to see or talk about, and it’s of utmost importance to make them feel safe, it’s best to use this to be a more supportive friend and a member of the rpc!!
on a sidenote, i’m also here to tell you about tone indicators !! keep in mind that i didn’t come up with nor invent the concept of tone tags itself, but it was being spread around for a while now and i’d figured i’d talk about it !! essentially, tone indicators are used to indicate if the person is joking, being serious, etc., neurodivergent people often have trouble conveying and understanding emotion and tone through written text, using tone indicators is really helpful for neurodivergent people to make it easier for them to read/convey, it is also very helpful for people with anxiety. i encourage anyone who reads this to also type the meaning of the tone tag ( i.e: i love you !! /p for platonic ), so it is more accessible for neurodivergent and disabled people, like those who use screen readers.
“why should we use tone tags?” one might ask, but as an autistic, disabled and otherwise neurodivergent person myself, sometimes i don’t always get my friends and fellow mutual’s tones by their message but when they use tone indicators, it helps me understand and, not to mention that it can be really helpful and avoid misunderstandings. i would also like to note that NOT ALL neurodivergent people want you to use tone indicators on them, so if they don’t want you to use tone tags on them, please respect their wishes.
“i don’t like tone tags!” one might add, well, okay... but don’t make fun of the people that use them, it’s not a big deal, and if you’re a neurotypical who insists on not using tone tags when a neurodivergent person clearly asked you to, get your head out of your ass.
“using /j at the end of a joke ruins it!!” one might bitch, and okay but... it might be ruined for you, but it still makes me laugh, personally, so please try and get used to it, and not to mention, what’s more important: making sure you’re clear with your tone so that there’s no misunderstandings or throwing a fit just because the joke’s ruined for you?
additionally, some other things to keep in mind !! please do not mock the use of tone tags, you may not need them but some people do, not everyone can tell when something is a joke, when someone’s either being platonic, romantic or sexual in intentions, etc.,, especially when there’s no visual cues or tones of voice to help us, just be nice about it, it’s... really not hard, man. if you don’t use a tone tag and someone reads the tone of your statement incorrectly, do not get upset with them or laugh at them for not getting it - that is perpetuating ableism and/or sanism, whether you intentionally intend it or not. just kindly clarify and next time, keep in mind that tone tags are very helpful for neurodivergent, disabled and people with anxiety disorders. using a tone tag isn’t an excuse to be mean either, you can’t just say something mean or not cool and then put /j ( “joking” ) after it to get away with it, don’t be an ass. if you’re saying something that could be anxiety inducing for others, i would highly recommend putting the tone tags at not only the end but also the beginning of that post. do not intentionally use tone tags incorrectly “as a joke”, to confuse people, etc., the entire point of tone tags is to clarify, not confuse people, if you intentionally use them incorrectly, you’re an ass. keep in mind that no one has to use all the tone tags, use what you’d like, respect others who use what they would like, use them however feels rights to you. for me personally, sometimes i use multiple, sometimes only one, or sometimes none at all, just do what feels right, depending on who i’m talking to and how long i’ve known this person or group of people i’m speaking to, it’ll be fine, and if someone asks for clarification on what you mean, that’s okay, kindly clarify for them. additionally, please be patient if people don’t know what tone tags are, someone might not even be aware of what they are and that’s not their fault, just patiently explain it to them or link them to a source !! education always helps !! please don’t use “/srs or serious” as a joke, some neurodivergent and/or disabled people don’t need you to use three tone tags, and in my case, i’m presuming you’re neurotypical if you’re doing that when conversing with me, but what i’m trying to say is it looks like you’re babying us neurodivergents / disabled folx, so try to use only two tags ( that is, if that person is okay with it !! ), because some people don’t need you to use three tags.
please note that the following aren’t every single example out there and there are different terminologies in different languages, but they are important, a few examples of these are: 
“/j = joking / used when saying something in a joking manner, “so im pretty much the president of oreos /j”, 
“/hj = half joking / used when saying something that’s kind of a joke but kind of serious / “well,,,,, im usually right /hj” / 
“/s or /sarc / refers to the opposite of what you really want to say / “i just [clenches fists] love...... being sad..... /s”, 
“/srs / used when saying something you really mean / “i really appreciate you /srs””, 
“/nsrs = not serious / used when saying something not too seriously / “you’re the worst /nsrs”, 
“/lh = lighthearted = used when something’s said lightheartedly / “hEY LEAVE ME OUT OF THIS /lh” / i’d say something like this when me and my friends would get into a silly argument and they’re trying to ask my opinion on a topic”, 
“/ij = referring to something that’s only understood by people with special knowledge about something, typically only a small group of friends or a group of people would be aware of, those outside of the group would most likely be confused by it or not find it funny in the same way people within in the group would / “aAAAAAAAAA MY NUGGIES!!!!! /ij””, 
“/ref = a reference to media, usually movies, tv, music, etc., “yOU SHALL NOT PAAAAAAAASSSSSSS /ref”, 
“/t = teasing, use when teasing someone or provoking someone, often playfully, “aiight sure mx idk wtf im doin /t”, 
“nm = not mad, to indicate you’re not actually mad or upset about something / “ow... i felt that /nm”, 
“lu = a little upset / used when about about something or someone, but not too upset / “oh... that sucks /lu”, 
“/nbh = “nobody here” = often used when talking about something vague to ensure your friends it’s not indirectly to or about them / “sometimes i just wanna..... tell someone to shut the fuck up /nbh”, 
“/nay = not at you / used when saying something but not meaning it at the person you’re responding to / “god i can’t stand lame people /nay”, 
“/ay = “at you”, make the person aware you’re addressing them”, 
“/g or /gen = used when saying or asking something for real / “i’m proud of you /g” or “have you watched the news?? /gen”, 
“/th = threat, used when giving a genuine threat / “if you don’t stop, i’ll block you /th”, 
“/p = platonic, a friendship type of love, used when saying something with platonic intentions / “i love you /p”, 
“/r = romantic intentions, typically of partners when saying something with romantic intentions / “i love you /r””, 
“/a = alterous, an attraction best described as wanting emotional closeness without necessarily being at all or entirely platonic and/or romantic, used when saying with alterous intentions / “i love you /a””
“/m = metaphor / used when saying something metaphorically / “god you’re a shining star /m””
“/li = literal / used when saying something literally / “i hate pears /li””
“/rh = rhetorical / a question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer / used when saying or asking something rhetorically / “who cares? /rh””
“/hyp = hyperbole, exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally ; “i have a million things to do today”
“/sx = sexual intent, used when meaning something in a sexual way”, 
“/nsx = nonsexual intent, used when meaning something in a not sexual way”, 
“/pos = positive / used when saying something and meaning it in a positive way / “omg im gonna cry /pos”, implied they’re crying for a happy reason”, 
“/neg = negative / used when saying something and meaning it in a negative way / “omg im gonna cry /neg”, implied they’re crying for an upsetting reason”, and 
“/neu = neutral / used to show that what you’re saying is neutral or that you feel indifferent about it / “yeah i don’t care man do what you want /neu”, you don’t care about something but not in a mean or a negative way, you’re just indifferent”.
on a final note, HERE is a list of tone tags both in english and in other languages ( namely italian, spanish, portuguese, french, polish, german, lithuanian, serbian, dutch, indonesian, romanian, bulgarian, russian, hebrew, japanese, mandarin and korean !! ) and HERE are the list of sources about the content of tone tags !! i wish everyone reading this a lovely day !!
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Objection!: Chapter 13
Chapter title:  A Spooky First
A/n:  Oh look! I'm not dead! And thank god that uh I planned this to come out on Halloween! I've never been so happy! In other news, I LOVE PATTON SANDERS AND THERE IS NOTHING I WOULDNT DO FOR HIM. Also, Character asks are always open and for people asking yes you can do art for this (I've gotten some asks, and IM HONORED SO IF YOU WANT OH MY PLEASE DO) Don't forget to leave me some comments!! They make my day!! And Happy Halloween!! 
First | Previous | Next
words: 4300
summary: After Romans unfortunate incident, the gang still has to prepare for Halloween
pairings: Eventual logicality, eventual prinxiety, platonic demus, romantic remile
warnings: swearing, blood, hospital, passing out/fainting, poison mention
Ao3 Link  
“Excuse me, would you like some Xanax? Because you are freaking out and it is freaking me out and we are all freaking the fuck out” Virgil claps, Logan turns to him huffing annoyed.
“Language!” Patton exclaims softly, they face him now the same expression plastering their face.
“Patton!” They groan in unison, he shrinks away, his eyes darting towards Romans empty bed.
“Sorry” He mumbles. He makes his way carefully towards the bed, sitting on the remains. He can hear the pair arguing behind him.
“You're telling me? To not freak out? That's like your brand!” Logan retorts, Patton clutches the bed knowing that that will only spark more of a debate. One Patton would rather not be apart of. “I'm mister can't keep my pants on and freaks out over every little thing” Logan mocks, the lawyer had never seemed so childish
“My brand? Oh, I'm sorry that I'm not ‘mister cold and frozen twenty-four-seven!’” Virgil responds, Logan scoffs. Patton shuts his eyes, feeling like a child again, except he can't escape the arguing parents, he has to get them under control. “No wonder Patton doesn't like you!” Welp there it is, Patton stands now. Now Virgil knew that wasn't true, but it sure would hurt, and that was his only aim.
“Oh I'm sorry, ‘mister oblivious towards Romans feelings’” Logan rushes, praying Patton had not heard the last part. Luckily, Logan had the same agenda, they were upset. Although by the look on Virgil's face, it didn't matter, they had really dug deep.
“Enough! Both of you!” Patton intervenes, quite angrily forcing himself between the pair. He faces Virgil first “You, will apologize to Logan about those awful things. And you will calm down, we are all very worried ok? Roman is our friend and the last thing we need to do right now is argue, understood?” He wiggles his finger in Virgil's face, the frozen detective nods.
“Yes Patton” he whispers, a little too afraid to speak. Now it's Logan's turn, Patton spins on his heel, Logan prepares himself.
“And you will apologize to Virgil, you were just as mean! He is allowed to be worried! Our friend is lying in an operation room alone, and we have no idea what's going on!” Patton takes a deep breath, steadying himself “Got it?” He questions sternly, feeling trapped between his own kids. Except they were grown adults.
“Got it” Logan mumbles shamefully. He had to admit, Patton was very good at conflict resolving. And a little scary. They bow their heads, preferring not to meet the lawyer's eyes, waiting for something to shift.
“Good, I'm going to go and get some coffee, you two” he glares “Are going to fix this and be nice to one another, you're friends, don't forget that” He reminds, Logan and Virgil glance up, locking regretful eyes. “And Lo?” Logan snaps his head towards him “I like you very much” He confirms before promptly leaving the room. Virgil notices the blush immediately, he wonders if Patton knows how much that meant.
“I am...sorry Virgil” Logan begins, going first to rid himself of the jumbled ideas in his mind. “You have every right to be worried about Roman, I shouldn't have snapped” He admits, now feeling the effects of his previous words. “And I shouldn't have said...that about your..brand” He quotes, using his fingers to mimic an air quote. Virgil holds his breath, exhaling only when Logan's shoulders fall.
“Guess it's my turn” he jokes, chuckling dryly. Logan nods, avoiding anything. “I'm sorry dude, you're just worried and I think that just freaked me out a bit cause...you're never worried” Virgil rubs his arm, squeezing it to make sure he's actually there. “And it's fine, my anxiety is usually better than…” He shrugs knowingly, Logan purses his lips.
“You have been doing better lately” Logan notes, recalling the techniques Virgil had utilized.
“I have yeah thanks” He smiles, the pace picks up, there's just one thing neither want to address. A word spoken makes it real. “Ok I'm just going to say it, I'm so sorry about what I said...about you being...and Patton and…” he's rambling now, apologies are never easy. Logan winces, Patton's face standing in the doorway, promising, assuring that he likes Logan. As if the lawyer is so desperate for confirmation. “You're not-”
“Let's not do this, shall we?” Logan interjects. His face reserved once more, Virgil curses himself, so close. “I apologize, and you apologize and that is that” He finalizes, Virgil decides not to push, too exhausted for round two. Thankfully the door opens once more, introducing a new topic. Patton returns, smiling and bright as ever, instantly Logan softens, his face morphs ever so slightly. Virgil wishes he could put Patton's energy, his essence in a bottle or something and just bring it out whenever Logan was tense, annoyed or… just needed some light.
“All happy in here?” He asks cautiously, handing the pair coffee. They share one last look before agreeing to nod, saving themselves and the hopeful figure more distress.  “Yay,” He celebrates weakly, the matter of Roman still fresh in the air. As if on cue, the door slides open once more, a familiar doctor enters. You can hear the trio seize their breath.
“Judge Reial did very well during surgery” He assures, the collective sigh of relief quite audible. “They are finishing him up before rolling him back here…” Patton smiles, the doctor coughs unsure “However, I would like to...discuss what we found...during his operation” He explains, Virgil's internal alert system goes off, his eyes shift.
“What? What did you find?” He requests, wanting the information more than anything.
“I cant...well...I have to wait for the police” Patton's heart drops, tightening his grip around the coffee cup. Virgil wastes no time pulling out his badge, shoving it in the fearful doctors' face.
“No waiting required, what did you find?” He tries again, the doctors swallows, leading Virgil out of earshot.
“We believe…” He glances back at the worried lawyers “That Judge Reial was...poisoned”
“Alright kiddos, let's just settle in” Emile advises, herding the trio into the cushioned seats of a nearby diner. Remus hopped in first bouncing until he found the perfect spot, Damian followed reluctantly taking a seat next to his new friend, Valerie sat politely at the end next to Emile.
“Mister pickle can I have some fries?” Remus wonders, showing the item on the menu to Emile, his small fingers tremble as he tries to sustain the giant menu.
“Of course, but you have to get something of sustenance as well” He informs, Remus cocks his head, his little brows raise in confusion. Emile smiles weary, not sure how to continue.
“Little kids Em, you gotta use your little kid speak” Remy teases as he joins the group, kissing Emile on the head before sitting opposite him, next to Damian. The little boy waves politely receiving a ruffle of the hair in return. “You gotta eat something else with your fries little man” Remus sighs, hearing this before, Emile averts his eyes.
“Can I have chicken nuggets and fries please?” He decides, growing impatient already. Remy considers it, stroking his chin.
“Only, if you get some carrots” He offers “Take it or leave, final offer” Remus folds his arms, pouting. “Deal or no deal mister Hart?” It almost felt odd addressing anyone other than Patton as that.
“Deal!” Remus exclaims, shaking Remy's hand quite ferociously. “What are you getting?” He turns, asking Damian who is still perusing the menu.
“Mmm I don't know, Papi usually helps me” He comments, Emile pulls out his phone in remembrance, shooting a quick text to Virgil. The kids continue their conversation, finishing their orders and moving onto their colors. Damian and Remus collaborate on a drawing, using purple, yellow, green and blue to create a wonderful world. Valerie sits pleasantly chatting away with Emile, talking about her day. Remy watches, the kids so...oblivious to everything. And Emile so...happy and relaxed. Remy had to wonder what was really going on in his partner's head, he hates to admit it but sometimes it was hard to read Emile.
“Rem? Everything alright?” Emile cautions from across the table, Valerie joins her brother in his activity adding spruce of red to the mix.
“Yeah...I just-”
“Hold on, sorry, I'm getting a text” Emile checks his phone, his eyes tracing the text, Remy watches the reflection in his glasses. “Oh!” He chimes, he looks to the kids who turn their focus towards the bright figure. The twins find it comforting how much he reminds them of their dad. “We gotta eat quick! Your dad is expecting you home soon!” He tells them, Damian pouts returning to his drawing.
What about my dad?
“I feel bad for leaving Roman” Patton laments, returning home Logan by his side. He helps his fellow lawyer hang up his coat, before inviting him towards the living room. “Would you like a cup of tea? Coffee?” Patton offers from the kitchen through the window that connects to the living room.
“Tea is adequate” He responds examining the newly hung decorations, little pumpkins strewn around each carved. It was quite easy to tell which ones Patton made and which ones the twins did. Logan finishes his observations, sitting at the kitchen counter watching Patton work.
“One cup of tea!” He exclaims, placing the beverage in front of Logan. The lawyer smiles at Patton, thanking him with a nod. “Do you think V is alright?” Patton fiddles with the sugar packets laying in front of him, trying hard not to reach for his phone. He hadn't wanted to leave Virgil and Roman but it was Halloween night. Logan watches carefully,
“I think…” He starts slowly, taking Patton's hand so he stops. “That Virgil will be ok and that you…” Patton looks up, meeting Logans' eyes, only now can they see just how tired they are. “Need to focus on tonight, its good for you, a distraction. Plus, Roman needs his rest and you and Virgil need a break” Logan explains, Patton nods thankfully. The door creaks open, two scurrying feet rush in followed by a disheveled Emile.
“Papa!” “Dada!” The twins shout in unison running directly into their father's arms. Patton was noticeably happier as they made contact. They instantly began rambling about their day as Patton leads them to their room to change, Emile takes a moment to breathe.
“Heya Logan!” He greets finally noticing the lawyer, Logan turns his focus from the spot where Patton had left towards Emile. “Whatcha doing here?” He asks serving himself some tea, Logan had to wonder how many times everyone had been to Patton's house to feel comfortable enough to do as they please.
“I was invited for Halloween” he responds, Emile's smile glistens. “Where is detective Nyx, might I ask?” he references the empty spot next to the doctor.
“He’s dropping off Damian at Virgil's house” Emile clarifies, Logan nods finishing his drink. He makes his way around counter washing his dish in the sink, Patton returns a moment later.
“Well, they are off getting ready! They are much too excited for this” Patton proclaims, Emile giggles delighted for the twins. “Thank you so much for dropping them off” Patton turns to Emile, the doctor waves it off grateful to spend time with the twins.
“It was nothing, you know how much I love them” Emile admits, Patton laughs softly giving his friend a farewell hug before watching him depart. The twins emerge after a moment, Valerie first spinning around as she shows off her outfit. Logan has to commend Patton, his handiwork on the clothes was astounding. She wore a poofy top with a red sash around her, slowly going out into a short skirt with leggings. She had a fake and very dull sword by her side, and a tiara lay perfectly on her head.
“Beware! It is I! Princess warrior Valerie!” She announces swinging her sword around. Patton claps, laughing delightfully. She jumps into his arms, hugging his neck. “Thank you, papa!” She says nuzzling herself comfortably into his arms.
“Of course angel face,” Patton says kissing her on the forehead before releasing her to play. She takes a swing at Logan, he tilts his head confused but understands after a while ‘falling’ off his chair. Valerie giggles, covering her mouth as she does so. Patton sighs content, shooting a grateful glance towards the lawyer, hoping the dim lights covered his blush. Luckily he wouldn't have to know seeing as Remus joins the group soon after.
“Behold!” He pauses turning to Logan “Is that the right word?” He wonders, Logan nods proudly that Remus even listened to the man's ramblings sometimes. He resumes his position showing off his own royal outfit. The green was prominent, meshing beautifully with the dark black. As opposed to Valerie's outfit, he was messier and fluffier. He waddled around the room, showing off his outfit. Quickly tackled by his sister as the pair engage in a mock fight, careful with one another.
“Kiddos!” Patton stops them checking the time. “Ready to go?” He asks, the twins share a glance before turning back to their father and nodding ecstatically. Patton chuckles turning to the table where he left a witch hut, putting it on carefully. Logan genuinely thought that Patton couldn't get any…
“Cuter! I'm cuter!” Remus claims, he pudges his face, pursing his lips “Look!” Patton sweeps the boy off his feet, placing him comfortably in his arms.
“You're both adorable” He reassures, Remus grins holding his trick-or-treating bag steadily. Logan takes this as his cue to collect Valerie, she wastes no time jumping into his arms, causing an ‘umph’ to escape him.
“I...concur” Logan adds as Valerie stares at him with nothing but joy. They were really cute, Logan wasn't one to deny that.
“Remember we’re going to go for a little bit and then meet up with Virgil and Damian, go with them for a little while and then come home and-” The twins are ready. Disappointment should not have been what Logan felt at the mention of meeting up with Virgil.
“Movies!” Remus exclaims, squirming in his dad's arms.
“Candy!” Valerie adds, Logan chuckles at their antics. Patton nods, he leaves a bowl of candy outside with a neatly handwritten sign with the message ‘Take two! From me to you!’, he leaves the string lights on and locks the door.
“Alright, here we go” He smiles, the bustling street full of kids chattering excitedly to collect candy. Logan has to wonder what is so enticing about walking around for hours, on foot, bothering the neighbors for an unhealthy amount of sugar.
“Down! Down!” The twins chant wanting to be one with the others, Patton sighs looking around before hesitantly setting Remus down keeping a delicate grasp on his small hand. Logan follows suit holding on to Valerie's hand for safety. The twins jump and bounce around as they walk, finally deciding on a house. Remus, with a lift from Patton, rings the doorbell. They wait practically vibrating as the owner comes to the door.
“Trick or treat!” They exclaim together, holding out their custom made bags, as the door swings open. Logan and Patton smile politely at the woman as she fills up the bag, complimenting their outfits and wishing them well on their journey. The rest of the night goes similarly, the twins go from house to house filling up on candy. Slowly the quartet falls into a routine, the kids are allowed to wander freely as long as they don't go too far and Logan gets a moment to breathe.
“Having fun?” Patton inquires, his eyes fixated on the skipping twins who sing a sweet tune ahead of them. Logan sighs, the night was cool but not too bad. Patton, with the addition of his witch hat, was wrapped up cozily in a grey coat. Logan wore a darker coat, longer as well.
“I am having an enjoyable time Patton” He assures, it's quite obvious to tell Pattons nervous. But logan wasn't lying, sure there were moments where he felt uneasy or out of his comfort zone but it was enjoyable. Not having to think about the case or murders. He wonders if Patton knows how amazing it is he gets to experience this, Logan himself never got to do Halloween but this was the twins first time. Something they would remember forever and Logan got to be apart of that.
“That's good, I'm glad you're here” He admits, Logan's face feels hot almost immediately. Patton releases a quick, shaky breath, rubbing his shoulders in a fast motion. “I hope they are bundled up enough, its really quite cold” He expresses, the twins seem fine. With the amount of clothes, Patton made sure they wore, and the amount of heat they circulate by running around proves that. He blows warm air into his hands, wishing he had brought gloves.
“Here,” Logan says taking Patton's arm and linking it with his. It could be debated whether it was for more...self-indulgent reasons but Logan's body heat (As proven by research, he swears) would transfer towards Patton. He expects some kind of retaliation or resistance but Patton adjusts comfortably. Neither could tell whether the redness present on their face was due to the weather....or… ”Better?” Logan asks distracting himself from his thoughts.
“Better” Patton clutches tighter, yawning as they continue.
“Dee? I'm home!” Virgil calls out setting his things down. A moment later two figures appear, Damian, all dressed up in his wizard cloak and hat, waving around a little wand. Remy appearing behind him. “Well look at you!” Virgil admires kneeling down as his son comes pummeling towards him, wrapping his arms around his dad's neck and hugging him.
“I'm ready! I'm ready!” He dances around, Remy chuckles watching him go.
“Alright alright, how was your day?” He asks taking a coat off the rack. Remy sits at the table, pulling out his phone, no doubt sending a text to Emile.
“I had so much fun! Papi, I made a friend! And then we went out to eat! And then we came here! And I played with goo!” Damian explains, Virgil has to wonder if he already has sugar in him, the boy was never this...hyper.
“You made a friend? That's so good, I'm very proud of you” He encourages grabbing Damian's treat bag, his squiggly name inscribed under the inside flap should it ever get lost. Damian nods, trying his best to drag Virgil to the door, revving to go. “Hold on” Virgil laughs, he walks over to Remy. “Thank you so much for dropping him off” He acknowledges, Remy shakes his head waving it off
“Dude anytime, as much as I would love to stick around I gotta go, Emile and I have plans” He smiles coyly, Virgil swats his arm frowning. “Not that you weirdo, I mean actual plans” He corrects, Virgil sighs. “See ya” He dismisses himself, hugging Damian goodbye as he goes.
“Okey! Time to go” Damian decides, Virgil shakes his head chuckling, no point in delaying. He shuts the house down, putting a bowl outside with candy before starting on the street, a very tugging Damian in his hand.
“Where to first?” He asks his son, Damian points forward with no specific target in mind. Virgil shrugs and follows his son to the first house. Damian had done this last year and considered himself an expert, bouncing from house to house, until finally, they were to meet up with the others.
“Papi...carry” Damian requests, his small hands grabbing towards his dad. Virgil smiles sweetly picking him up, they walk slowly back towards the meeting spot. Virgil would have been worried about missing them but the sounds of shrieking were a pretty good clue. Emerging from a darker street Virgil walks up to them.
“Hey” He greets, Patton swivels around taking Logan with him, as Patton unlinks himself to say hello to Damian, Virgil gives Logan some much-deserved shift eyes. Receiving a glare in return. “How's the night going?” He asks handing Damian to Patton, the little boy seemingly found some extra energy. The twins join the group hugging Virgil's legs as hello, he ruffles their hair, picking up Valerie who seems more adamant to say hello.
“Good! The neighborhood is really bustling tonight” Patton replies, allowing Damian to fiddle with his glasses. Remus pouts feeling a little too short, Patton nudges Logan hopeful. Logan nods offering his own arms to Remus whos mood improves as he takes his place in Logan's grasp. Following Damian's example, he removes Logan's glasses playing with them.
“Look! I look like uncle Patton!” Damian shows, the glasses practically falling off his face. Remus giggles placing Logan's own specs on his face, Logan isn't sure whether his heart can take anymore, or if he's upset.
“I look like LoLo!” Remus decides, it's safe to say, Virgil and Patton couldn't contain their laughter. More than embarrassed, Logan takes his glasses back, desiring to see once more. Damian, bless his little hands, tries his best to place pattons glasses back on the lawyer's face, succeeding only slightly. He fixes them, smiling tightly at the little boy.
“Alright, where to next?” Patton queries. Virgil turns his focus from playing with Valerie towards Patton.
“I don't know, why don't we ask LoLo?” Virgil teases, Logan groans knowing he won't be living that down.
“I'm going home if you continue with your mockery” Logan informs. Patton smiles sweetly watching the pair. Virgil and Logan continue their exchange walking ahead, Patton follows with a sleepy Damian in hand. He releases a breath, he had tried so hard but he missed Roman. He missed the way he entertained the kids, he missed his smile, his booming voice, he missed his friend. He catches up taking his place next to Logan, his energy dulls now, he's exhausted and it finally caught up to him.
“How about a few more houses? And then we settle in for the night?” Virgil proposes, Patton yawns nodding lazily. The kids, as much as they want to have the energy to continue, enjoy the prospect of cuddling on the couch. Virgil examines the trio before laughing his words “Or maybe we just head home” He decides. And so they did, returning to Patton's home after a while. Logan, Virgil, and Patton set the now napping kids on the couch, placing a blanket over them. Patton removes the now empty candy bowl, locking the house as he returns.
“Guess they tired themselves out” Patton comments, Virgil nods stroking Damian's head from behind the couch. Logan sits on the other side, he's not sure how it happened but Remus and Valerie had found their place huddled up with Logan and he was not going to move and risk them waking up. Patton finishes cleaning up, sorting the candies into respective jars labeled for each kid. Once finished, he joins the other two in the living room, stopping himself at the sight of Logan adjusting the blanket so it fits atop both twins. He goes over leaning slightly. “You don't have to do that” He whispers, Logan shakes his head softly.
“It's alright, wouldn't want to wake them up” He lies, honestly he is quite comfortable and the image laid out in front of him is not a sore sight. Patton fights the urge to squeal and hug Logan, instead he nods making his way towards Virgil.
“Hey” Virgil greets, his voice low as he watches Damian's little breaths, his chest puffing in and out as he sleeps.
“You wanna spend the night here? I wouldn't want you to have to drive home at this hour” Patton offers, Virgil ponders for a moment, his own anxieties of intruding overlooked by pure exhaustion.
“Yeah but only if you're totally ok with it” Virgil ensures, Patton nods immediately leaving to set up the guest bedroom. Virgil cradles Damian to go and help, closing the door quietly behind him. “So...Logan staying over?” Virgil raises his voice no, not too much as to not wake his son.
“Oh! Well I don’t want to bother him and honestly, the twins love him and I don't mind having him around so...I suppose” Patton babbles, carefully crafting the bed for the pair. Virgil groans softly, Patton cocks his head.
“Oh come on Pat, go for it!” He enunciates, Patton shakes his head, face riddled with confusion. “With Logan! It's been four years...and longer technically” Virgil glares, Patton stops his grip tightening on the bedsheets, he takes a breath shutting his eyes.
“I don't want to...go through it again” He pauses sitting down, Virgil softens taking a seat next to him. “I know it's silly but...what if Logan...is exactly like Liam?” His voice is so low now, his words seize into a fearful whisper. “I just can't do that again” He slumps his shoulders rubbing furiously at his eyes, his glasses lifting as he does so, clinging to the tiniest ear.
“Logan would...never do that” Virgil hopes, he wants to say something to Patton but how does he know? In all honesty, he doesn't want to see Patton go through that again. Virgil watched Patton suffer silently for years, he knows ...hopes that Logan would never do the same but even the idea…
“I know…” He starts, he shakes his head, a squirmed breath “I know, let's just forget about it” He says standing quickly.
“No it's fine” he refuses to meet Virgil's eyes “I'm fine”
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oliveskylarks · 4 years
~lwj astrological birth chart analysis~
hi!!! i was thinking about lan zhan’s birthday, and i got a bit curious as to what his birth chart would look like. i did a lot of guessing and interpreting here- i know there’s no official canon year in our history that this all takes place, and that its reaaaaaally difficult to get outer/generational planets right that far back in time. i did my best. enjoy!!
Aquarius Sun
The Aquarius Sun is, above all else, an individual. They strive for their independence and freedom, in whatever form that may take. Ruled by Uranus, they value and look forward to drastic changes and seek to differ from others around them. They are skilled in dealing with facts, logic, and ideas. They have razor sharp intuition, and they usually learn to rely on it early in their lives. Because of this, the Aquarius tends to stick to their beliefs on what is right and what is wrong, and usually cannot be swayed from this, unless shown concrete evidence to the contrary. The combination of these traits create an engaged spirit that seeks to maintain an emotional distance from whatever, or whoever, they are dealing with. This emotional distance is key in defining the core essence of Aquarius- they use it to attempt to transcend the mundane, the drama, and those annoying emotions they can’t seem to get rid of. An Aquarius may face challenges that arise resulting from their detachment, and their struggles with emotion and working with others. This may make them come across as unemotional, rigid, or cold. However, they’re motivated to learn as much as they can with the world around them, and use their principles and intuition as a guide for exploring the universe. They deal in the abstract, and they are fundamentally unconventional, seeking to push boundaries and fight for the social causes they believe in. Keywords to Aquarius Sun: eccentric, independent, detached, curious, intuitive, self reliant
Scorpio Moon
Scorpio Moons are mysterious and intense. Ruled by both Pluto and Mars, they are passionate, and in search of the deeper truths behind something’s first appearance. This parallels themselves, and the truth of their emotions. Beneath all of the first impressions you get from them, there lies the truth of their inner world: sensitive to emotions around and within them, vulnerable (especially to dark mindsets), and the fear of expressing themselves and all these secrets that have been bubbling beneath the surface. All of these things they deal with makes them crave emotional purges- letting out all these powerful emotions, anger, jealousy, pain, love, compassion, in bursts because they just can’t handle keeping it to themselves anymore. They’re secretive, and it’s a defense mechanism. Keywords to Scorpio Venus: intense, sensual, moody, secretive
Capricorn Mercury
They are typically very cautious in what they say. Ruled by Saturn, they are detail oriented but they know what the big picture is. They’re good at organizing their thoughts and activities. They are conservative in what they say, and they are high focused and goal oriented. They do get irritated when too much information comes their way, because they aren’t given the time they need to process that information. Keywords to Capricorn Mercury: focused, intelligent, analytical
Capricorn Venus
People with Venus in Capricorn typically like to impress people with their intelligence and drive to succeed. Ruled by Saturn, love is very serious to them, and they might feel like they need to be at a stable, independent place in their lives to be able to settle down with someone. Behind their “cool” demeanor, they are warm and emotional people. They may be shy, but they show their feelings through their actions. They say what they mean, and how they appear to others is very important to them. To feel safe and secure, they often need to have a sense of financial security or wealth, so they may choose someone who is well off to be with. There is something soulful about someone with a Capricorn Venus, and it is even more intriguing because of their sense of privacy. Keywords for Capricorn Venus: quiet, ambitious, analytical
Leo Mars
They are extremely proud people. They tend to be quite competitive, and they do not accept compromise, or failure. They play the game of life by their own rules. They put their all into everything, including their ego, so they can get quite defensive when provoked or humiliated. Leo Mars people are naturally born leaders. They strive to succeed in any and every single thing they do. They are skilled performers, and deep inside themselves, they have a need to create. They act with their heart. However, their pride is their downfall, aided only by the high standards they set for themselves. They love being the center of attention, in more ways than one. They do take care of their partner’s needs; however, their attention is focused most on their own pleasure. They crave the excitement of a new relationship, and all the affection and love that comes along with it. They can get jealous easily, and they may “test” their partner’s loyalty. They become easily irritated with disloyalty or dishonesty. Keywords for Leo Mars: direct, dramatic, vivacious, proud
Sagittarius Jupiter
The Jupiter in Sagittarius placement creates a powerful urge to travel, to expand your knowledge and learn about other cultures. They typically can come across as detached, friendly, and non-judgemental in passing. They seek to expand wisdom, and to teach. Learning is their highest calling in life. This is a Sagittarius Jupiter’s greatest strength, but it can also cause them to come across as a know-it all, or rather aloof. Typically, not always, they may be active, and seek competition. 
Taurus Saturn
Those with their Saturn in Taurus seek tangible challenges and answers from their world. Saturn, as a generational planet, shows our limitations and challenges, and Taurus deals in the sensual, the tangible, and the desire for material pleasures. This can manifest as collection of things they deem beautiful, such as art, clothing, food, or just money. They can feel intimately tied to their physical world, and weaknesses can be found in hoarding goods valuable to them. Taurus brings this planet reliability, stability, and determination. 
Libra Uranus
Another generational placement, Libra channels Uranus’s desire for transcendence and enlightenment into art. They may be musically gifted, or particularly literate or artistic. Their deep imagination gives way for an incredibly sense for detail, and intuition. They tend to be restless, and dislike others intruding into their private lives. Uranus in Libra is uniquely prone to domestic troubles, such as the loss of their romantic partner. They can be unconventional, and are often characterized as anarchic. The balance and reasoning they bring to this planet brings changes to the traditional definitions of law, norms, and relationships.
Scorpio Neptune
Another generational placement, the Scorpio in Neptune individual is deeply emotionally spiritual. They can find physical intimacies and pleasures as spiritual connections, and seek explanation for the truths they seek about the universe in the esoteric, or the occult. They search beyond reason- they delve into the inner workings of the soul to define the world around them. They often find inner conflict in their selfish desires and fantasies, and their overwhelming tendency for self-sacrifice. 
Cancer Pluto
As Pluto represents hidden power and the deep psyche, Cancer gives meaning to this with emotional connection. Every emotion is incredibly intense, and a lot of inner conflict comes from their efforts to control their emotions. They are protective of those they love, and because of this, they seek to always be one step ahead of all their troubles in order to protect themselves and those they love. They find their purpose in their family and their relationships. They may also find themselves clinging to their childhood belief systems, even when this conflicts with what they find they desire in the present.
OKAY LETS CHAT. lets address the elephant in the room. yes, canonically, mdzs is not set in any time in our history. im just a hoe for astrology and i pieced together a relative year based on historical context given throughout canon, 423 AD. already a bit shakey on the timing of things, but also, because this is soooo far back, i did not factor in retrogrades for outer planets. technically speaking, since this is so far back in history, retrogrades become a bit insignificant when calculating for planets like jupiter, that switch signs every year and can retrograde several times a year. oh fuckin well.
let’s dive right in, shall we?
We all know homeboy’s an aquarius sun, but like come on. “value and look forward to drastic changes and seek to differ from others around them” ???? “skilled in dealing with facts, logic, and ideas” ???? “emotional distance is key in defining the core essence of Aquarius- they use it to attempt to transcend the mundane, the drama, and those annoying emotions they can’t seem to get rid of. An Aquarius may face challenges that arise resulting from their detachment, and their struggles with emotion and working with others. This may make them come across as unemotional, rigid, or cold. however, they’re motivated to learn as much as they can with the world around them, and use their principles and intuition as a guide for exploring the universe” ???? fuck yeah my dude.
having a scorpio mood explains his unsettling demeanor that we experience through wwx’s 15 year old eyes. Not only is he quiet and rule abiding, but he’s ~mysterious~. he’s secretly brimming with enough feelings to make rambunctious wwx shit himself. not only that, but he’s emotionally constipated!!! we love to see it. WE ALSO LOVE TO SEE EVIDENCE OF THE EMOTIONAL INTENSITY THAT MAKES WWX WANT TO CRY EVERY TIME LWJ TELLS HIM HE LOVES HIM OKAY BYE
cap mercury- reserved, brief, to the point. all in character.
cap venus- warm and emotional behind a cool demanor???? If that aint him???? soulful, intentional, and a rich motherfucker. yes yes yes.
OKAY THE LEO MARS MAKES THE MOST SENSE. Everyone’s so suprised to see him tell wwx to shut up and get out so many times in the beginning of wwx’s stay at the cloud recesses. But leo mars really does give him quite the temper. He’s got a bit of an ego, even if he doesn’t show it all that often. he needs to be the best at everything he does- and he is. he’s truly hanguang-jun. also in novel canon, he a dom top. and we love him for it. he knows what he wants. he knows how to get it.
okay normally i don’t put much thought into outer/generational planets, but because this is a “historical” tale, i think it’s important to put his personality into context. of course, none of these planets have an incredibly direct hand into the personality, they more give context and the foundations of the personality given your generation. first off- the sagittarius jupiter is actually so true?? he shows up in the chaos, he gets into the thick of conflicts all over the place. of course he does, how else is he supposed to learn? even if he’s quiet and doesn’t show all the character development he goes through, it’s there. there’s a reason why after wwx comes back to life, that he doesn’t really go after him for demonic cultivation. it’s because lwj seeked out places that put him out of his comfort zone (finding wwx in the burial grounds after the sunshot campaign to see all the wens, following wwx after his massacre), that really taught him the lesson “what is right? what is wrong? what is black? what is white?” let me tell you, if he just stayed in the cloud recesses year round, he would not have arrived at that conclusion. and he sure as hell comes off as aloof. if you don’t think so, ask su she.
we don’t really get to see much of lwj’s domestic life in the thick of the plot, so it’s hard to say how accurate his saturn sign is. all i know is that he’s reliable and stable as hell.
doing research on the libra uranus placement cracked me the fuck up. musically gifted? check? your romantic partner dying and leaving you alone? check. unconventional relationships? check. that last one i really want to stress. being “cutsleeve” in that historical context is very unconventional. also, given the romantic relationship that has been modelled to him in his most formative years, a stable, healthy relationship with good communication is rather unconventional. for sure, he challenges laws, norms and relationships throughout the cultivation world.
the scorpio neptune i also found really fascinating. as painful as it is for us to admit, for a long time, lan zhan’s desires and love for wwx can be interpreted as a bit selfish. not inherently!!! just that it was unrequited, and especially since wwx screamed at him in a cave as he lay dying and lwj just told him over and over again that he loved him. (wanna stress!! love is not inherently selfish!!! context!!!) he also has an undeniable tendency to self sacrifice. all the fucking time. he just don’t stop. every opportunity that he can take to punish himself for not adhering to his childhood standards, he physically punishes himself. he blames himself for a shitton of things that’s happened to him. and this is a major conflict for his character development. i also find it interesting that the scorp neptune gives an interest in the esoteric/occult. given that this is a fantasy world where he gets to go kill monsters and demons, i find this very interesting.
cancer pluto. hoooooo booyyyyy. he sure as hell tries to control his emotions. from what we, the audience, can see, he seems to have a very intense emotional world. this is only proven further by his scorpio moon and neptune. his dedication to waiting for his deceased mother for a month after she passed, his continued attachment to his uncle despite lqr’s devout hatred of the love of his life, and his dedicated attachment to wwx, this seems pretty true to me. and if anyone tries to tell me he doesnt cling to his childhood belief systems despite their contrast to his current desires, idk what ill do. Ill have to reread and rewatch everything.
oh boy!!! this was actually so much fun. if i got anything wrong, lmk!! ill make edits!! bc i did this all within an hour in the middle of the night, completely dehydrated lol
thanks for reading this far!!!
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ar-ray-of-muses · 6 years
Updated: [06/05/2019]
Hi, this is a bit lengthy - but first, thank you for checking out this post! It means a lot to me and I hope we can interact! <3
1. Themes might vary with this blog. I’m usually SFW with this stuff, but there might be dark themes, swearing, and other things of that nature. Depends on the muse, sometimes, too.
Things will be tagged! I’ll try my best, anyways. If you want something in particular tagged, please let me know. The format I use for tagging is, for example, tw: swearing.
I don’t have any triggers but I do ask you tag all of your NSFW content.
That said, I won’t do anything NSFW - gore is okay, though.
I’m of age.
2. I’m a little selective, so I might be a pretty picky when it comes to who I interact with. I’ll interact with anyone, including canon, AU, Crossover, and original characters - as long as they’re literate/write para.
If it’s a crossover, I have to know the fandom and be at least a little bit confident with it. This is so I’m able to work with you, our thread and have muse for it.
No godmodding or Mary-Sues, please.
3. Please don’t rush me for starters or responses.
I have a lot of blogs. Pretty much an understatement - so I’m pretty busy with stuff, and it’s all dependent on what muse I have. Motivation and life also exist.
Please note the mun deals with anxiety and depression - this might affect how frequently she roleplays.
Chances are, I’ve probably has seen that bit of interactivity and just haven’t gotten around to responding yet.
My roleplaying style being para/multi-para, I may take a while to respond. I hoard drafts like a dragon - it’s really just the motivation to write and ship those out.
Additionally, if I don’t end up responding to an ask or something, the case might just be I don’t have the muse for it, or I’m not interested in the thread. Apologies!
4. Shippings? I’m down, if the muses are of a similar age.
If I don’t happen to be interested, don’t force anything on my character.
I do not ship incestuous ships. Do NOT follow/interact if you do.
The ship has to have chemistry; I’m generally shipping trash, but if they don’t click, they don’t click, sorry.
This is a multi-ship blog, meaning there will be more than one ship without them conflicting with eachother.
If you want to ship and I already have a ship of your choosing going with a duplicate, please don’t hesitate to hmu! My ships aren’t exclusive and each character/relationship portrayal is unique to me!
Relationships are eternal until you deem otherwise.
5. Whilst I am of age, I’m not aiming for sexual content on this blog (and will not be dealing with fetishes). That stuff makes me uncomfortable, and I typically don’t recommend pulling it with my characters if you’re interacting with me. Nonetheless, should it arise, I will tag it appropriately.
6. About reblogs…
I am not a meme source, and reblogs clog up my activity. Please reblog any memes you find on this blog from their SOURCE. The exception to this rule is if there is no source; go ahead.
I don’t feel comfortable with Personals reblogging my IC posts, so please don’t do that.
A few times is fine, as it happens, but repeatedly breaking these rules will result in me soft blocking you.
I try to participate in reblog karma as much as I can, but always reblog from the source/a meme source.
If a post or ask is for you, you’re free to reblog it to save it though - but only if you’re an rp blog!
7. I’m a para / multi-para blog, novella if I’m adventurous and have time. Whilst I may roleplay crack threads with shorter responses, this does not apply to all threads I write. This means:
I write my replies as detailed as I can muster.
Short responses (such as one-liners) in more serious threads where I’ve written a decent deal can instantly kill my muse for that thread.
Whilst I’d prefer for partners to at least somewhat match my length, it’s entirely up to you - just try your best and make sure you give me enough to work with. ♡
If my muse happens to go nuts out of nowhere - like, overboard - don’t stress too much about matching them.
If para roleplays are not your forte at all, it’s not recommended you roleplay with me seriously. Anything else outside that is fine, though - we can still have fun outside of proper threads.
8. Threads typically happen naturally with me, but if you’re looking for interaction opportunities:
Starter calls? I usually have one for each of my muses! I’m still adding links, but please check out my museroll for starter call links or the tag corresponding to them until you can find that muse!
Additionally - muses that are under the ‘researching’ section typically mean I’m not entirely confident about them yet or I am still bingeing their source material, so do keep that in mind, and be patient with me if I happen to miss a reference or two.
I reblogged a starter meme? Send something! If I’m interested, I’ll answer it!
PLEASE SPECIFY THE MUSE. I won’t know what to do if you send something in and there’s no muse attached to it. If these are general asks and my character is currently on the dash, I WILL assume you’re addressing them - and I don’t want to disappoint people!
This goes for verses, if you so desire - but there will ALWAYS be a default to the muses which is what I tend to go for.
If you’re unsure what muses I have, I have a mobile list up in the description.
If you want to turn an ask into a thread, go ahead!
I may not roleplay with every starter I am given - I’ll do a ‘background check’ if you’re a new blog on the block. If I don’t feel your writing style/length matches mine, I might not respond. Apologies. ;__;
In that sense, I don’t recommend writing starters for me unless we’ve discussed something. I don’t like to leave anyone hanging.
IMs are open to mutuals, if you want to do any in-depth plotting. 
JUST because I don’t use a muse often/you don’t see them on dash, doesn’t at all mean I don’t want to use them! If you’re interested in roleplaying with a slightly inactive muse, then honestly - shoot! Chances are they could use more threads and I’d be overjoyed if you gave them attention. (Although sometimes it can be a case of HAVING muse for the muse.)
9. Guidelines on mains and relationships:
If we’re mutuals and we interact a lot with particular characters, you’re welcome to ask me if I’d like to be your main!
Please don’t be offended if I deny, though; I typically want to pick those I trust to be my mains as well as people I can comfortably write with.
Not limited to them! I roleplay with duplicates galore so don’t be afraid to hit me up if you want to interact!
Pre-established relationships are a-okay in my book; if you have an idea for a relationship between our muses we can work towards, hit me up! I reblog those pre-established relationship memes every so often too. Romantic relationships link back to the shipping guidelines.
Also, friendship/family relationships are EXTREMELY valid to me so don’t feel scared about asking for them. Chances are, I’ll always be down!
10. If you have any issues, please let me know and hopefully we can resolve it!
Mun is actually super nice, so don’t be afraid to hit her up!
IM-ed me and I haven’t responded? Social anxiety is a jerk and it’s exhausting for me to communicate sometimes. Know that I’ve seen your message and will get around to it eventually!
Please leave me out of drama; I’m here to have a good time, as is everyone else, and it pains me to see people arguing.
11. It’s easier with a clean dash for me, so I’m more likely to follow people who:
Trim their posts.
Don’t spam reblog memes.
Have rules and about pages! I always read those before interacting or following!
12. On threads...
If you’re not interested in a thread anymore, and would like to drop it, please let me know! I’d feel terrible if we’re both not having fun with it or if partners feel overwhelmed with the amount of threads we have.
Honestly, unless I let you know, our threads have no expiry date - so no need to worry about me dropping them without telling you. I can just be quite slow sometimes.
13. Mun does not equal muse! Anything my characters might say does not reflect on how I think unless I explicitly say so.
14. The mun is TERRIBLE at breaking the ice. If she follows you, she’d like to interact - but she’s super nervous about approaching people.
15. These rules may be subject to change. I’m new to multimuse stuff.
Please like this post if you’ve read the rules! You don’t have to, but it’s of personal reassurance to me if you have.
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nashyuck · 5 years
Red Wine
Tumblr media
smut/somewhat fluff  
2,000 words 
jealous husband, oral sex, unprotected sex. ft Moon Taeil 
Your husband was never good with words, especially after an argument. The correct word used for his type of behavior would be called being stubborn. You guys were at a dinner party, it was never very interesting. Most men huddled around and talked about business and their wives would huddle around and talk about jewelry and vacations. You weren’t a social person, so coming to these parties didn’t really interest you. Yes you and doyoung were rich and fancy stuff but it wasn’t important as least not to you. Doyoung said he didn’t care about money but lately it was the only thing he talked and thought about. Not saying it was a bad thing but there were more important things you wished he worried about. Like starting a family, for days you’ve tried everything to seduce his dumb ass but he simply either didn’t pay attention or ignored you completely. Drinking your second glass of white wine. Looking up to see doyoung across the room talking to johnny seo a local business owner also his known as doyoungs ride or die. They’ve known each other since grade school and have been friends/ business partners ever since. Doyoung never failed to look handsome in suits. But tonight he look specially handsome on his red-velvet designer suit. Man did he look stunning you couldn’t help it but just stare at your husband.
“Be careful there, you might drool more than you should” said a mysterious voice. You looked up to meet eyes with a red haired man. He wasn’t tall but he was the right height. He was definitely smaller than  doyoung and johnny.
“Im moon taeil, taeil to friends” he said smiling, he had cute like features. A flower boy if you could say.
“ y/n kim” you say extending your arm to shake hands.
“Oh you are kim’s wife” he said glancing over are doyoung.
You smiled and just nodded. “Say why aren’t you sitting with the other ladies today? My wife says that you aren’t much of a talker” he said.
“Oh, i just simply don't know how to jump in a conversation, i was getting tired of just sitting around and listening to them brag about their lecherous lives and their successful husbands . So i decided to just hang around alone” you said looking down at your glass of wine.
“ come on doyoung is amazing and good looking how come you don't just brag about him? I hear a lot of the ladies here have a crush on him”  
He was right doyoung was indeed amazing and super hot and sexy how can other ladies not help it but stare. I mean you guys have been together for 4 years now only 1 year married. he still made you all fluttered and loss breath. wide shoulder and his tiny waist. Let’s not forget about this butt. He was gorgeous, he kinda made you feel all hot inside. You couldn’t tell if it was the wine taking over your body or just the thought of doyoung's amazing body.
“I don’t know, he is successful and I’m proud of him for that. He just works so hard sometimes I worry for him” you say looking at doyoung who was still talking to Johnny.
“He is one lucky man, not a lot of men get to have a caring wife, some simply care about the money” he says taking a sip from his class cup.
“I’m guessing Luna is your wife?”.He looks up and nods.
“Arranged marriage?” You asked.
“Ah yeah, her parents need the money and we needed their lands” his voice seemed to be disappointed. He just looked away and took another sip of they alcohol. “Maybe if Luna was a little more like you, I’d enjoy being married to her” his words surprised you.
“Taeil, you need to love well in order to be loved well” you said quoting one of your favorite authors.
“Alashia dubner” he said looking at you.
“You know her?” You said with excitement.
“Yes she’s an amazing author, I may sound lame but she is one of my favorite authors. I’ve learned a lot from her books” the fact that taeil read the same type of literature as you was unbelievable.
“Waw, I’ve never met somebody who has liked Alashia’s writing before. Taeil have we just became friends?” You say smiling wide. You can see doyoung staring intensively at you and taeil.
“Yes we have, thanks to the power of literature” he just smiled and continued talking but all you could focus was on doyoungs stares. He seemed frustrated. It made you somewhat happy to know he was staring.
“Hey there is this book event happening on Monday, and Alashia is going to come and give a talk. We should go”.  He said.
“That would be great! Here give me your number so we can keep in contact” you said handing him your phone. Taeil was cool and you finally had a friend who wasn’t a female and who wasn’t interested in you romantically.
He grabbed your phone and put in his number. “I texted myself so that I could have your number as well”. You could see doyoungs face heating up with anger. He’d had only been jealous once, the time sehun hugged you. Doyoung popped and literally made you take your punishment real good. He was a straight up dom. Leaving love bites everywhere, specially your thighs. It was the best sex you had ever had.
“Y/n, it was nice talking to you, but it seems like Luna wants to go home. I’ll text you the address for the event” he smiled and waved by. You smiled back.
After taeil disappeared in the crowd. You felt to pair of cold arm around your waist.
“I see you’ve made a friend” his breath hit your neck, giving you goosebumps. “Now why exactly did you hand him your phone” again cold air hitting your neck. Legs growing weak.
“I wanted his number” doyoung turned you around by the waist. Lust in his eyes, red lips from all the wine he has had. “Oh you wanted his number, why?”.  
“He invited me to a go see Alaisha” you say innocently, he knew who Alaisha was you always talked about how much she had inspired you on becoming a writer. He pulled you closer and whispered “ i think it’s time for us to go home and have some fun of our own”. He let pecked your lips and pulled away. He grabbed your hand making your way through the crowd to saying goodbye to all of Doyoung’s friends. Walking out of the venue, eager to get home and get the fucking you’ve been asking for.
“Have a goodnight sir” says the valet handing doyoung his key. He nodded at the guy, opening the door for you, “oh i’ll have a goodnight” doyoung says giving your butt a spank. You jump at his action and get in the car. The drive home was full of tension and lust. At every chance you could get, you’d rub his thigh seductively. You could see how your actions affected him, growing bulge. He would lick his lips every 10 secs. He was so frustrated and anxious. Once he parked the car, he wasted no time getting you all heated up. He picked you up bridal style, opening the front door walking both of you upstairs to your shared bedroom. Throwing you on the bed, hovering over you.
“Making plans to go out with another guy was a bad idea baby girl” he press his lips harshly against yours. You moan in to the kiss. During these situations he gets really touchy. Biting your lip, making you gasp. He takes advantage and slips his tongue in your mouth. Taking dominance. Room feeling hot, he moves from your lips to your neck unzipping your dress. To get a better view of your body. Good thing you had decided to wear your red lingerie under. “So beautiful, i dont even know where to begin” coming in for another kiss you unbutton his shirt. He slides his shirt off. He was such a god, you brush your fingers through his chest down to his waist. Once you’ve reached his waist, glancing over at him licking your lips. “You wanna suck daddies dick? He says with the most sexy tone.
You nod “i want to suck you off good daddy” you say making him smirk. You were always so submissive and obedient. One of the things he loved the most about you. Tugging at his pants you push them down leaving him only on his last piece of clothing. Taking the opportunity to flip him over so that you were not on top of him. Grinning hard against his bulge, he groans. “Baby girl you really shouldn’t do that”. Again you grin against his bulge. He just smirks and flips you over.
“Let’s stop the games and start the real fun” he moves down your body removing your panties. Spreading your legs, breathing against your heat.
“So pretty” he says before licking your clit intensively. You pull his beautiful soft hair. Burying his face deeper on your heat. Your first orgasm building up.
“Im gonna cum” you moan. He sucks harder making you reach your high. He licks lips, hovering over you. You kiss him tasting yourself. “So sweet, like always” he takes off his underwear throwing it across the room. His hard cock hits his abdomen, pink tip, precum dripping.He bumps himself a couple of time. Making your mouth water. You kneel up and remove his hand from his cock. “Lay down, i wanna please you” you say. He does as told and lays down.
You take him in your mouth. Pushing him as deep as you could. “Fuck… that feels so good” he groans. Hitting the back of your throat. You make a gagging sound that vibrates on his member.
“Fuck if you keep doing that i’ll come at any minute” you smirk making eye contact with him.
“I wanna come inside of your pussy not your mouth, i wanna fill you up completely” he says pulling out of your mouth. “How about you turn around for me ass on the air” you don’t hesitate. He positions himself at your entrance. Teasing, “daddy fuck me” it was like magic words he pushed in you. You gasp at how good he filled you up. He was big and thick always took your breath away. “Fuck your so tight, i've fucked you so many times how are you so damn tight” he groans. Thrusting hard in you. Each thrust getting harder and faster. Reaching areas his never reached before.  “Fuck” you scream. He thrust faster making you blank out. Your second orgasm building up hard. You clench around him. “Oh yeah” he moans. He flips you around so that you were chest on chest. “Daddy faster please, i wanna cum all over you” he moves faster. The pleasure taking over your entire body. One last hard thrust and you hear him groaning, moaning. Your wave hitting you harshly.  “Doyoung..” you moan. You can feel his warm liquid dripping down your thigh. Heavy panting.
“Waw that was amazing” he says sliding out of you.
“Yeah, that was amazing” you saying trying to catch your breath. He got up from the bed and grabbed a towel to clean you up.
“Babe you are dripping, for sure you are bond to get pregnant” he says throwing the towel on the dirty laundry. Laying down next to you.
“That’s right, but i don’t think it’s enough for you to have put a baby in me” you say pecking his lips.
“How about round two” you say getting up making your way to the bathroom. You feel to pair of hands. “That has to be the best thing you’ve said, let’s go get you pregnant” he says pressing his dick on your ass.
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