Larry Lamb
39 posts
Larry was meant to be perfect, but something went wrong. Now he’s gotta face the tragic reality of hardship ahead. Will he ever find anyone that will love him as he is?
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larrythecutelamb · 5 years ago
Hi all! Sorry if this video sucks 😅 hope everyone is coping well with this virus 😓 wish you all well out there xxxx
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larrythecutelamb · 5 years ago
Facts found in Bendy: Dreams come to Life.
For those Bendy fans who haven’t realised just yet, there is a fictional book based on the game series Bendy and the Ink machine that you can now order from Amazon or possible any other website that sells books.
(WARNING: SPOILERS!!! If you haven’t read the book and want to find out for yourself, then please do not read this post! You have been warned!!!!)
I’m not ganna go into detail of what the book is about, but focus more on the facts that I got out of it. I’m not ganna lie, some of these facts were stuff we already knew long before, but at the same time there are some interesting things that may fill in some of the pieces.
First fact is who the first Boris from the game (you know, the one that Henry tried to save) really was. (MAJOR SPOILERS).
At the end of the book, it’s somewhat clear that the main character of the book, Buddy, has been turned into a copy of Boris. Now to be fair, there were many other copies of Boris before, so by now he could’ve been long dead in the game series, right? But then why was it that Alice (the deformed Alice) wanted this particular Boris so badly? She kept making out such a big deal that this Boris was very important for some reason and friendly towards Henry. This is another clue as somewhere in the story, Buddy learns about who Henry really was and his important role of the cartoon characters, Bendy, Boris and Alice, being sole creator while Joey Draw just seemed to make people assume he’s the one with the credit. Towards the end of the book, Buddy being in his new form runs away from Joey. Now i’m not entirely sure it’s clear if it really took place in the actual studio or just inside his head. I’m still a little confused by that. But according to the book, Buddy runs and hides in the studio as Boris and watches as Drew fires a bunch of people before possibly losing some of his memory. Now you must be wondering...why some of his memory? What does losing memory have to do with this? At the very end of the book, we see the last few lines of Buddy’s story become faded to give the audience an idea that his mind has finally caved in after some time. Later on in the game series, Boris seems to act friendly towards Henry and even acts concerned about him after the elevator crash. This could be a sign he still remembers a few things from his human life, like who Henry really is and his role in the studio. Like when you hear a familiar name or see something you haven’t for a long time suddenly clicks and memory re-services.
Examples of this are from Tom, Allison and Sammy.
When Sammy caught Henry and was preparing to sacrifice him to Bendy, he noticed for a second there was something familiar with him, only to get distracted by the ink demon.
The second example is the relationship between Tom and Allison. Alot of people probably already know this, but i’m just ganna say it anyway. At the end of the Bendy game, we see a letter written by Allison who’s now taken the same last name as Tom, indicating they got married at one point. Also, it’s made clear they are a couple in the book. In the game series, when Henry asks Allison “Why do you call him Tom?” she responds, “He responds to it”.
Therefore there is proof that some memory of the characters remain. So it could be possible that Buddy’s Boris recognised Henry by his name and understood who he really is and maybe decided to help him in the hopes of escape or restoring him back to himself. Who knows?
Another fact is probably the most interesting one. Joey Drew.
We all know Joey Drew had big ambitions and believed in making dreams come true. But at the same time....he’s a big player who plays with people’s mind.
If you thought this was obvious from the tapes in the game...then you haven’t read anything else just yet!
Joey Drew is the kind of guy that believes as long as he says what people around him want to hear, everything will fall into place and the investors will put their dimes into the company. Okay...well that’s nothing new! It’s something alot of big companies and animation studios tend to do for years. (*cough* Legends of Oz. Look up ElectricDragon505′d video of this. It’s very interesting).
Joey Drew was the kind of guy who liked to use his words and fake luxury lifestyle in the hope of scamming desperate people into making something out of an idea that’s just not picking up from the ground. In the book, he constantly shows of his supposed luxury lifestyle, explaining to the main character how he could end up like him and how he’s invested into big things happening, despite there being red flags! Throughout the story, there are constant little hints on how financially struggling the Studio really is and this proof to be true at the end of the Bendy game where if you look up on his wall of memories, there are some papers of a disclosure or late pay. Part of me wants to believe Joey was possible in that state where he was clinging onto whatever possible hope he had left of keeping his dream alive and didn’t want to look reality in the face. But then as the book goes past halfway...we are able to get a more clearer idea of who Joey really is.
Apparently Joey Stole Tom’s machine and fired him because he blames Tom for the monstrous Bendy form. Tom actually states according to one of his recordings that the reason that Bendy didn’t come out correct was because something was missing.
Keep that in mind for a moment as I continue writing the next part.
Towards the end of the book, Joey explains to Buddy that he actually lured Buddy into the studio because of his soul. His soul was perfect to be the toon’s host, therefore his Boris form was perfect.
Since Joey’s soul was possible corrupted or because he really had no love connected to the cartoons Henry made, it ended up festering inside the ink demon, making the monster Bendy an empty husk with no emotion.
The way I see it, whenever an artist put’s their heart and soul into their artwork or characters, there is an emotional attachment on the finish product. Even in the book, Buddy’s grandfather who was an artist explained that all the emotions, experiences and soul are put into the paintings. All the happiness, hurt, anger, love, joy, so on. And this is a very true fact!
For those who may have gone to an art gallery or study different styles of art, you will find a connection each art piece has to the artist. It can be something based on inspiration from an event, or because they felt something warm or cold when they saw what was in front of them. Art is about being expressive.
Henry made Bendy, Boris and Alice out of his love for the idea of making these characters and helping a good friend out. Therefore friendship and possible brotherhood was what went into the cartoons. But once Henry left, Joey became alone, bitter and empty inside. Also he never really showed the same kind of Love Henry put into making the toons. For Joey, it was never about enjoying the characters and watching them come to life. It was more about his success and having a grand lifestyle.
Think about it as this: A father that natures and loves their children will end up with happy children that will grow and develop into well off adults. But a father that chooses his cravings over his children and ends up neglecting them will end up having little to no emotional connection with them and thus the children will feel nothing for their father.
Overall, Joey Drew was nothing but an ambitious dreamer who lied, neglected and scammed. He really never cared for anyone else as he may have had for Henry and manipulated the helpless suckers into following his already damned plan.
These are the most interesting facts I picked up from the book and I hope you enjoyed reading this. This post did contain some spoilers, so if you read this before the book...your loss.
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larrythecutelamb · 5 years ago
My dreams are weird
I donno what it is, but lately my dreams have been getting a lot more stranger and alarming. Also, I noticed a theme I seem to be running into. When’re I try to call, text or write something down in my dream, something goes wrong. For some reason my fingers keep pressing the wrong buttons or typing in the incorrect words. Then it’s too late. For example: this one is most recent. There was a sad teenage girl who was complimenting suicide, because of how depressed she was. I then saw what she was going to do. She was going to take an elevator to the top of the building and jump off. I saw it happened, but then suddenly everything re-winded. So I knew what was going to happen, and tried to write a letter to the girl. Telling her we can be friends and that she doesn’t have to do this. I tried writing the letter, but something always went wrong. The words kept getting messed up and I tried finding new paper to write it on. I know in real life I could’ve confronted her or ignore the mistakes, but dreams are just weird. Anyway, I ended up wasting too much time and the girl killed herself. I guess it’s a good thing dreams are not real. But still the whole thing with the unable to text, write and call keeps happening, so I’m thinking of getting PJ’s with pockets and filling them with already hand-written letters. I know it sounds crazy, but who knows? Maybe there are people in my dreams that need help.
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larrythecutelamb · 5 years ago
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Looking forward to reading this!
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larrythecutelamb · 6 years ago
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I really like the trailers of the new Addams Family movie and pretty excited to see it coming out. Wednesday Addams has always been my favourite character out of the lot, so I drew her character. Sorry it's nothing brilliant XD I am kinda thinking of changing my art style to some new. Either way, hope you like it. Please like, comment and DO NOT STEAL!!! (*click click*)
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larrythecutelamb · 6 years ago
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larrythecutelamb · 6 years ago
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larrythecutelamb · 6 years ago
Heading to the seaside today 😊
Heading towards the Seaside with my father and grandmother 😊 We’re also ganna stop at a very nice fish and chip shop for lunch. I’ll be posting pictures throughout the day xxxx
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larrythecutelamb · 6 years ago
A Town Called ToonTown Ch.1
(Intro of this story is in this link:
Larry felt he had been walking into the dark tunnel for eternity, when in reality it was around ten minutes. He began to wonder if this tunnel really did have an end to it. There was hardly any sound, except for the odd one here and there, causing the little lamb to shutter in fear. 
Larry swallowed a lump, rubbing his hands together nervously as he kept trying to focus his way forward. A part of him wanted to turn back, but remind himself...there was nowhere else for him to go. Only forward. He had to keep going. He came all the way here to find a better life...and he was ganna do whatever it takes. Even if he had to face a monster in the dark. 
Finally his eyes caught a small glimmer of light a short distance away. At first he thought it was a star, since it was so light and small in the darkness of the tunnel. He began to move quicker....he ran towards it...every step he took it grew bigger and bigger. Until finally....he had reached to end of the tunnel. 
As soon as he ran out, there...stood before him.....ToonTown! 
“Wow!” he exclaimed, his big black eyes wondering over the view of the tall cartoonist buildings and scenery around him. 
It was just like the City...only more toon and colourful like! It looked as if something out of a fantasy! And not a human was in sight! Not one! Instead, there was Toons! So many other toons! Tall ones...small ones...fat ones...skinny ones....animal ones...human-like and white ones...colourful ones....object ones! The young toon had never seen so many different toons in all this life! 
For just a moment....he felt he was at the place where he should be. This feeling inside of him...full of hope...excitement...wonder! But most importantly...he was eager to make something of himself...and who knows? Maybe....he could make some friends. There were so many toons....perhaps someone him? 
Larry began to wonder the streets, taking in every new thing he could find. Every new building, toon, object. He wanted to remember all of if he were prepared to be dragged all the way back to his old unhappy home. 
He no longer felt tired due to all the excitement as he walked down a rather nice looking street with a park area across the road to some very nice looking houses all squashed together. The houses were coloured either a bright pink, red or white. Many lampposts lighting up the streets and the sounds of children playing nearby. 
This caught the Lamb’s attention as he hid behind a bush, making sure he couldn’t be seen as he stared towards a patio where four toon children were playing together. They looked around his age...three boys and one little girl. The three boys wore blue or white shirts with black shorts. The little girl looked like an actual doll. She wore a beautiful emerald green dress that matched her eyes, and her hair was light brown and covered in curls, neatly pulled back into a pony-tail. Larry couldn’t understand why...but he was so fixated on her! She looked like something out of a angel like the ones in the books! 
“She’s so...beautiful!” he whispered with awe. 
He then hid away in the bushes again, looking down at himself to make sure he wasn’t too dirty, patting off any reminiscence of dirt he could find. Even attempting to fix his woolly head. The ink marks he couldn’t do anything about...since they were apart of him. But suppose it would have to do. 
Taking a large gulp...Larry came out of the bushes and strolled his way over towards the group of children. He tried hard to look as confident as possible...and for a second there...the little girl was just lifting her head...her beautiful green eyes catch his....
When BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Larry barely had a second to react as a car almost ran him over, sending the Lamb leaping out of the way and landing onto the concrete hard, scraping his knees. 
“STAY OFF THE ROAD YOU DUMB TOON!” A harsh voice yelled at him a short distance away as the car continued to drive off, not even considering stopping to check on him. 
Larry had barely time to comprehend what was happening as the little toon girl was suddenly kneeling over him, looking very concerned and worried, “Hey! Are you okay?” 
The lamb looked up towards the girl’s face...again, almost completely in trance of her beauty, his cheeks going slightly rosy and warm, “I...I...”, he stuttered...his words were gone! Damn it! Why couldn’t be speak?! 
“Wow! That was something!” one of the boys spoke up as they rushed over to the scene, “That’s why we keep our eyes on the road before crossing it you know!” the first boy scolded the lamb, placing his hands on his hips, as if a parent telling off a child. 
Larry looked down for a moment, suddenly noticing the slightly bloody scrapes on his knees. He gently touched them, hissing slightly in pain. 
The girl suddenly frowned as she glared towards the direction of the car, “That dumb driver always tries to run us over! He’s a big jerk!” she scowled before sticking out her tongue, “Someone should teach him a lesson on driving!”
The little girl then turned his attention back onto Larry, offering him her hand, “My name’s Mary-Lou”, she introduced herself. 
Mary-Lou....that pretty....
His face turned rosy again, causing Mary to spot it and giggle slightly, finding it rather cute and funny, “What’s you’re name!” 
Once Larry got off the ground, he patted himself slightly, “Uhm...marry....NO! Larry! name’s Larry!” 
“Larry...that’s a nice name!” Mary said politely, only for one of the boys to butt in.  
“I think it’s lame!” he huffed, looking slightly peeved at both Mary and Larry’s interaction. Jealously slowly showing itself.
Hearing this caused Larry to frown slightly as Mary frowned, “Don’t be mean Ryan!” she defended the lamb, “Mama says we should be nice to our new friends!” 
“Friend?” Larry spoke up...hearing the word. The one thing he always wanted or wanted to be...a friend. Was this really happening? For real?
Just as Mary was about to take his hand one again, Ryan continued his taunting, even stepping between the two to keep them separated, or acting like he was protecting Mary, “He is NOT our friend...look at him! He’s all dirty and covered in ink marks! He should know how to clean himself!” he pointed his finger towards the lamb’s body. 
Straight away, all of his feelings of possible acceptance from others...all the hope...and excitement of entering a new life...vanished! His mind started to recall all of those horrible memories...those awful taunts and mean words! The ones that would send him to bed crying every night! The ones that caused him to pray to God or a Star to be made into a normal lamb! 
“Stop it Ryan! He probably spilt ink down himself by accident! You did the same once! Remember?!” Mary argued, causing the boy to grumble to himself and glance away from her out of sheer embarrassment.  
But what the little girl didn’t realise was in fact these ink marks will never come off. No matter how much he tried to scrub them off or even shave his wool, they would never go away. They are just part of him. 
Larry was too upset to realise this as tears started to fill his eyes, as much as he tried to hold them back, he was failing quite badly, he could’t even look at Mary anymore. 
“Aww, are you ganna cry little lamb!” Ryan continued to mock as the other boys smirked, wanting to join in with him. 
“I bet those marks are real! He’s probably one of those toons no one wants!” 
“Yeah! Where’s your family?! Did they abandon you cos you’re so ugly!” 
Oh no! Not this again! No! Nononono! Make it stop! Make it stop!
Larry found himself frozen in place, not having the strength to defend himself as the boys were now circling him and throwing more insults as poor Mary tried to stop them, pleading and yelling at them, but they wouldn’t listen. 
“You should go live in a cave! Then no one will see you!” 
“Ewww, don’t touch me...I don’t wanna catch your disease!” 
“You’re probably not even a real toon! Just a mistake!” 
The words continued to be thrown at him. Each one a stab to his heart and mind! 
“STOP IT! LEAVE HIM ALONE! YOU’RE BEING A BUNCH OF BULLIES!” Mary yelled loudly, trying to break into the circle once again to reach Larry, but before she could make it to him, the lamb legged it. Running away as far as he could from the group of children. 
“LARRY COME BACK!” The little girl called out desperately, feeling ever so sorry for the toon. But he was long gone! 
Poor Larry! T.T he just wanted to make some friends! :( 
Hope you are enjoying this so far. I will make some more throughout the week. 
Please leave your comment and likes. Also, if you are interested in RPing, please message me. (I am ganna be out all day tomorrow) 
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larrythecutelamb · 6 years ago
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Hope I get a golden ticket! 😁
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larrythecutelamb · 6 years ago
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I been seeing some of  kazooldlekatdoodle’s Art and asked if I could make a picture of my OC in her art style. 
-^.^- Nawww, he’s so cute!!!!! 
Thank you  kazooldlekatdoodle and please keep up the good work!!!
For those who haven’t seen her work yet, check them out on her page!
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larrythecutelamb · 6 years ago
Does anyone take free Art Requests?
If so, could someone draw me a picture of my OC, Larry wondering into ToonTown? I would very much appreciate it :) 
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larrythecutelamb · 6 years ago
A town called ToonTown (Intro)
It was getting dark and already Larry was yawning his head away, rubbing one of his eyes. His character was still that of a child, so naturally it was about time for him to get some shut eye. But then he remembered....he had nowhere to go anymore! He was alone and lost in the streets of New York that seemed to never end and only continued to get busier then allow things to calm down. 
“Guess they weren't kidding when they said it was the city that never sleeps!” he yawned once more, slouching his feet tiredly across the ground. 
If only he were able to find somewhere to rest for the night. There were alot of hotels...really BIG ones with all the flashy looking people going in and out. Problem was, he didn’t have any money. This point he began to wish he’d taken some money, but reminded himself he didn’t want to be a thief. Still...he was longing for a nice warm bed and something to eat. His stomach was rumbling in pain as well. 
Just then, he spotted what appeared to be a man sitting under a lamppost, his clothes all scruffy and had messy hair all over him. Not to mention the horrible Oder coming from him. The man wasn’t really doing anything, other then holding up a sign which said “Please spare some change”. 
The little lamb watched as a couple of fancy people walked by the scruffy man, some ignoring him, whilst others took out some coins or a dollar, dropping them into the man’s hat. 
A light bulb switched on above the little lamb’s head as he had an idea.
Grabbing a cardboard box nearby and using some of his own ink, he wrote “Need cash for bed and food”. 
For a moment, the toon felt proud of himself before holding the sign and standing underneath another street lamp not far from the homeless man. Feeling eager, Larry waited for someone to give him some change, or even a dollar. Gosh! If this plan worked...he could be a billionaire over night! He would buy a nice fancy house, a car and maybe a whole farm for himself where only he...
He suddenly paused at that thought...remembering the painful past of his existence. All those other toons...the ones who were suppose to be his friends...but never meant to be. Just like their creator....they ignored him...abused him....called him a freak. Laughed at his tears and pleads for acceptance. He still didn’t understand...what did he do wrong? 
“Oi FREAK!” 
A harsh tone woke him out of his thoughts as much to his shock and surprise the homeless man was standing over him, face full of rage and hate. 
“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING IN MY TERRITORY?!” the man yelled, his hot and vile breath caused the hairs on Larry’s body to stand up. 
The poor toon had no concept of what was happening...he was too in shock, he couldn’t answer...”I...I....”, he stuttered, body quivering in fear, prepared to feel a harsh slap, as his creator had always done to him. 
“GET LOST YA FILTHY THIEVING LITTLE TOON! GO BACK TO TOON TOWN WHERE YOU BELONG!” The man continued to yell, drawing some attention from other people nearby. 
Larry felt all those eyes staring at him, causing his heart to pound so hard, he was certain it was ready to burst through his chest. He decided to leg it and ran as fast as he could, leaving the sign behind. He was so afraid that this man would come after him, that he would end up in big big trouble, even though he hadn’t done anything wrong. 
He only stopped running until his legs gave out, leaning against a wall as he gasped for breath. His legs felt like jello...he his heart was still aching through his chest. Checking behind him, he found he was in a quiet area. He had no idea where exactly he was, but it was quieter and he couldn’t see anyone else around. 
Unable to contain himself, Larry collapsed onto his hands and knees, tears stinging his eyes and dripping onto the concrete floor below. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stop himself from crying. 
“Th..this was...all a...big mistake”, he sobbed furiously, banging one of his fists against the ground as the tears kept coming, “I’m....a mistake! I’M A MISTAKE!” He cried out, banging his fist again, feeling all the frustration and pain pour out of him like a steam kettle. 
“Aren't we all?” 
A small voice spoke up, prompting the toon to lift his head up, looking around but couldn’t see anyone. 
“He...hello?” he called out nervously, standing up once again. 
“Up here!” 
Larry looked up towards a lamppost to find a small moth sitting there, her eyes glancing pitifully down at the sad lost toon, “Who...are you?”
“Well that all depends how you put it”, she moth replied, taking her cigarette stick and smoking a few puffs of smoke, “I can be either “Pest” “Nuisance” or “Dumb Bug!” Take your pick!” she puffed once again. 
“Oh...”, Larry looked down for a moment, “I know how you feel. Mine are “Freak”, “Splotches” or “Mistake”, he sighed sadly. 
The moth stared towards him for a second, wheels turning in her head as she began to realise what this kid may have gone through, “Sorry kid. Life hasn’t exactly been kind to us toons”, she said somewhat more sympathetically this time. 
“My actual name is Martha.” 
This seemed to bring a spark in the lamb’s eyes as he wiped away his tears, feeling a small smile appear for a moment, “That’s a pretty name...I’m..Larry. Nice to meet ya!” he said politely. 
This seemed to cause the moth toon to smile as she flew down and landed on one of his shoulders, “The pleasure is mine...least someone around here has good manners”, she grumbled, glaring towards a tunnel. 
Larry noticed and stared towards the same direction, spotting a sign just hanging outside which said “Welcome to ToonTown!” in big black words. 
This jolted a memory of what the horrible homeless man yelled at him just minutes ago. 
“Toon Town..”, he mumbled curiously. 
The moth stared up towards the lamb’s face, “You’re not from around here, aren't ya?” 
Larry shook his head, his eyes still glancing towards the tunnel, “I runaway.”
“I understand”, Martha said as she sat comfortably on the toon’s shoulder, “Life in the city can be full of excitement...until...the tigers come at night”. 
“Tigers?!” Larry suddenly looked worried. 
“It’s just an I made up. Might sound good in a musical one day”, the moth said thoughtfully before getting back onto the subject, “Look kid...the point is...New York isn’t exactly a dream come true place...for toons like us.”
“Why?” Larry said, face full of confusion. 
Martha just sighed, slightly irritated with explaining everything at this lost little toon, “Because we mean so little to them”. 
Still the lamb was struggling to wrap his head around it, “But I thought the audience love toons!” 
“PRODUCT toons. And Children. But once they grow bored or find the next best thing...that’s it! Career, Income and any respect...gone! The end!” Martha explained in a dark tone. 
At this point Larry couldn’t deny her words as they sunk in. He had hoped coming here would make his life better then back home, that hopefully people will love him and not see him as a freak. But now it seemed as if anywhere he went, it would all just be the same. So now what? 
“But then...there’s Toon Town”, Martha continued. 
Toon Town! That place again. 
“Wh...what is Toon Town like?”
Great, more in the world did she get herself roped into this, “It’s like New York...but only Toons can enter and leave.”
This seemed to really intrigue the young toon, “Just Toons? You mean..there are no humans?” 
“Nope...just Toons. It’s been part of an agreement that as long as Humans stay out of ToonTown then there will be less trouble. It’s not perfect...but it’s sanctuary for us.”
Larry stared at the dark tunnel and realised then and there perhaps that is the place he was best to go too, “What are the Toons like? Are they...mean?”
“Some...not ganna lie...but there are plenty of friendly ones. Honestly kid...I think you’ll be okay. Just...don’t get yourself tangled with the Bendy Mafia!” 
“Huh? What’s the Bendy Mafia?” 
“Kid...i’m getting tired from all this chatter....just take my advice and stay clear from them. Even if they offer you something, just politely decline it. I’ve seen some of the things they ain’t pretty”, Martha yawned as she fluttered her wings, flying away from Larry, “Good luck kid! Stay out of trouble!” 
“Goodbye...and thank you!” Larry called out as he watched the moth fly off into the night. 
The lamb walked over to the dark tunnel, peering inside of it. It was large enough to fit a large truck and looked so dark like a cave. He could barely hear any noising come from it, just a slight breeze of wind. 
“Well....goodbye New York...Hello ToonTown!” 
With that said, he entered the tunnel, not looking back behind him. 
End of intro.....
Wow, I actually had fun typing this story out.  Hope you guys enjoyed reading it as well. If any of you would be interested perhaps interacting your characters with Larry, please let me know :)  
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larrythecutelamb · 6 years ago
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My baby! 😘
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larrythecutelamb · 6 years ago
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Took my baby to the park today.
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larrythecutelamb · 6 years ago
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The first draft and three pages of my comic! I donno how long it will take, but I think i am ganna try and make a comic series about Larry. These are the drafts I just made this morning.
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larrythecutelamb · 6 years ago
What shall I make of Larry next?
I want a challenge! Give me an idea of what I should make a picture of Larry next?
 (As long as it’s not something gross or 18+ themed) 
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