#im just awful at talking to new people and worried about looking stupid in front of people i respect i guess
help-the-horse · 3 months
I've been wanting to work on making mods and stuff for mass effect 3 specifically (at least to start out with) but like it's just all so intimidating. I start looking at resources and half of them are videos showing how to download mods into ME3tweaks which I already know how to do and is not what I'm looking for, or the long text page tutorials that are the ME3tweaks resources which are hard for me to personally understand and work through. I get overwhelmed really fast and even then I feel like the resources available still aren't exactly what I'm looking for because it's all around modding npcs or the squad mates and I'm not sure if the same steps apply to working on a Shepard so then I just run away and say oh well I'm too dumb to understand what to do lol
Just my worries and woes I guess, and maybe an ask for any other resources that might be out there I'm not seeing. I just want to make the things and not have to go through all the hard learning parts but I know that's not how reality works unfortunately :( I also know there's a discord server but talking to new people who know more than me is nerve wracking and my neurodivergence says don't speak unless spoken to or you'll scare people away.
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elio-monroe · 1 year
just kinda talking about emotions and long term friendships. weird to say this but if you know me irl then this is probably about you but in a positive way, but sorry about the vague i guess. also its long and ramble-y, thoughts directly from head and through my keyboard (probably contradict myself somewhere in here because im having bad mental illness).
i feel really bad for all my friends having to deal with my ass. im so terrible all the time because i just have never had friends for this long. im use to meeting people and in a years time we go our separate ways and then i meet new people, and then rinse and repeat. and a lot of the people i called friends in my childhood (not all of them! but a lot of them) were kinda terrible to me. idk i got use to always being the lowest rung on the ladder you know, and i didn't mind it because at least i had friends and the situation would change soon enough anyways.
but i think years of metaphorically and physically being stepped on by so many people just kinda made that feel like thats how i am suppose to be. its hard for me to ask for help, not because i think im too tough or anything, but because i am so scared that i won't be able to fulfill whatever pay back i need to give for even asking for help. or that i bothered them or stopped them from doing something they had been looking forward to.
and now whenever friends want to hang out or do something with me i panic and worry that "maybe they don't actually want to be around me. they'll probably get really upset that i agreed to come over if i agree." because so much of my old friendships just felt like they were always trying to trick me into being the bad guy and i had to be so careful with every last thing i did or said or agreed to do. and i know its mean to think my current friends will be like that, and i know they won't but that doesn't really stop the feeling.
like when people offer me food i get scared because i use to get yelled at a lot for taking other people's food. like it was offered to me but i was suppose to say "no thank you" and i didn't know that. and im still uncertain if im missing some well known social rule or not. in some ways im grateful for my food intolerances these days because now not many people can offer me food, which is a big weight off my shoulders.
but now im having so many problems with like staying friends with people. everything in me tells me i shouldn't still be talking with my friends or asking to hang out because why would anyone want to hang out with me after a year or two of knowing me (and im going on knowing some of my friends for like 8 years now!). i feel like i have an expiration date. im very mentally ill and im not great at hiding it, it just doesn't really show itself to well if you only know me for a little bit i think. and i feel like im tricking all my friends into hanging around this terrible awful person who can't think straight. they have a lot of patience for me and i wish i could change faster. i kinda understand my issue and sometimes when im starting to worry im doing something that will make them angry with me later im able to talk my brain down. but sometimes i don't realize its happening and i just believe everything going through my mind as facts. it sounds so stupid to say all this and i know i am being stupid... but... idk i guess im too stupid to stop it and i think it makes me sound very rude to my friends.
but its not because i actually think they will be mean to me if i don't preform correctly, i don't even really have to preform in front of them... but its like... what if i actually fuck up this really good friendship? what if i do something that really upsets these good people? and so i try to push them away when im having very bad mental health times because i don't want to be a burden on them. but thats probably not very nice of me to do either...
its just very hard to not view myself as like.... ah this is going to sound kinky but as like an object of pleasure. and i don't want to lose my usefulness or else i might as well get thrown away. besides entertainment i don't really provide much else, im not skilled in anything. if there is something i do another friend they have probably does it better. and i start feeling like i should remove myself from their life because i start making myself feel like a piece of trash left in a coat pocket that should've been dumped years ago.
everyone is always telling me "you don't view others like that, so why do you view yourself like that?" and no one ever likes my answer that i actually believe myself to be sub-human. and disagree with me really isn't going to change that unfortunately, i have tried to think of myself as equal to any of my friends and it starts making me panic. i don't know why. but i have tried i really have and i don't think just changing my mindset is the first step of me. but i don't know what is (and im not suggesting my friends try and figure this out for me, i know its something i have to do alone)...
but this is making it so hard to be around friends, because i feel like i need to be offering them a service when i am with them. but lately work has me drained, im tired and exhausted, im struggling with writing and speaking clearly, my anxiety is so high. i just can't offer good service at the moment, or i can't think to offer it because im really bad at knowing when someone needs help. i always need them to ask me clearly for help or i won't understand and won't do it. and i don't want to accidentally hurt them, so i just try to shell up until its over but its been so long and im still in a bad mental mood. and my friends are asking to hang out but i dont want them to see me like this because its mean to them to be like this when they are so good.
and this is awful to admit but i like it best when my friends kinda force me to hang out with them. or give me no option but to be with them. i dont know why but it just makes it easier to loosen up a little and accept that they actually like me and want me to be around not just because i give them pleasure but because i am me. but thats so weird to ask friends to do...
ugh i just want to sustain these friends but i don't know how! i never learned how to keep up friendship! sometimes i wish i could just move somewhere else so i can stop worrying over it all and start over just like usual
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gamerwoo · 4 years
[Tales from the Pack] Joshua: Second Chance (Part One)
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Characters: Joshua x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, angst, possible character death, a little bit of fluff but it’s like angsty fluff
Word count: 1,837
Summary: After his mate died, Joshua always blamed himself and never wanted to imprint again. However, fate has other ideas when he meets you: a young, energetic werecoyote that’s quite the opposite of him. He insists he doesn’t want a new mate – nobody’s even sure if he’s ready for a new one – but he can’t ignore his instincts.
Next | Second Chance Masterlist
a/n: things in bold are in english. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY!!!! hi i know everyone has been awaiting this series from tftp in particular. and while i wish i could say im updating this regularly,,,,,i cannot. there’s no definite update schedule, im just doing it when i can. i wanted to wait until i had all the parts written but im impatient. but i hope you’ll enjoy this series even with the slow updates, and i hope it lives up to expectations 💜
“Where’re we going?” Joshua grumbled as he followed slightly behind Hansol and Kyung, the younger boy’s hand wrapped around hers.
Joshua was going with them to the doctor without actually knowing. Kyung knew better than to tell him before they left because she figured the grumpy werewolf would just tell her no, not really caring whether he was unable to heal or not -- even though that was very clearly a bad sign that he had overexerted himself.
Kyung thought maybe Joshua would be a little less...angry all the time once she got to know him, but Joshua was stubborn well before he’d even met her -- he was just bad at shoving his stubbornness and anger down.
“I promised I’d get my back fixed if Kyung decided to stay, and you said you’d go if I went, didn’t you?” Hansol reminded his brother with a smirk over his shoulder. “We’re gonna go see that doctor we were told about. What was her name again?”
“Minjee,” Kyung replied. “Not to sound rude but...Josh, why don’t you want to see a doctor?”
“I don’t really care if I can heal or not either way,” he replied flatly, “but I said I’d get help if Hansol did. So...here we are.”
“Here we are...” she repeated in a mumble.
Joshua simply followed the mated couple in silence as the alpha led them to Minjee’s, being the first to knock on the door. It was a girl -- as expected -- that opened the door, bowing politely to the group before smiling brightly at the darker skinned girl in front of them.
“Kyung!” she exclaimed as she gestured the three of them in. “I haven’t seen you in so long -- I suppose that’s a good thing, though. How’ve you been? Your pack hasn’t mentioned you.”
“I’m not actually in that pack anymore,” Kyung told her with a shrug, her ‘cool’ exterior coming back in the presence of an old friend. “I’m an alpha of my mate’s pack now.”
Minjee seemed impressed, eyebrows raising with a smile, “Wow, look at you. How’d the sudden change happen? Jiung must be proud.”
“He’s actually...passed away.”
The doctor’s face fell, placing a comforting hand on your upper arm, “I’m sorry for the loss of your brother.”
Kyung nodded, “I’ve been grieving, but it’s been easier with my mate. Minjee, this is Hansol, and his brother -- er, our brother, I guess -- Joshua.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Hansol said as he nodded to her. “Our brother, Soonyoung came in before with a human girl to talk about fixing us -- I’ve got silver burned into my back, and Joshua’s the healer that can’t heal anymore.”
“Ah, yes, the healer!” Minjee’s eyes lit up as she nodded excitedly. She looked to Joshua now. “Your power still hasn’t come back?”
“No,” he replied. “I thought just resting would help but...nothing.”
“I see,” she hummed, eyeing him over before looking back at Kyung like she was their mother that took them to the doctor’s office. “I’ll do a quick look over and then see what I can do. It’s almost time for me to close up, and I have to go out of town for a few days. I won’t be able to do anything until about a week from now, but they’ll be fine until then if they’ve been fine this long.”
“That’s okay,” Hansol shrugged as Joshua replied, “No worries.”
“Alright,” Minjee breathed with a warm smile, grabbing some gloves from nearby, “then let’s get started and see what’s going on.”
Even though you were never careful, you wanted to blame this on shitty luck. You were too carefree and excitable, so you ran and ran and didn’t see the trap. So with you trapped under a net with little prickles that you were sure were laced with wolfsbane from how fucking awful you felt -- that was an understatement -- all you could do was wait for hunters to come find you before death took you itself. Honestly, you hoped the latter would come first.
You faintly heard footsteps coming toward you as your vision went out of focus, your eyelids becoming too heavy to keep up. You sensed a presence beside you, the body crouching down to get a better look at you.
“What do we have here?” a female-sounding voice asked, but it sounded far away and muffled to you. “Is this another werewolf?”
“I can’t tell,” another female voice replied in a sigh. “Sura, do you have any ideas?”
“Doesn’t smell like werewolf to me,” a male voice said. “It definitely is some kind of were-creature, though. This thing wreaks of wolfsbane and it’s clearly affecting her. I’d say...coyote, maybe?”
One of the women sucked in a breath between their teeth before saying, “Prajya, help me get this net off of her -- it’ll be heavy but I’m afraid to let Sura touch it.”
Slowly, you felt the weight of the net being lifted off of you. You could also feel every little barb stuck in you being pulled out, and you whimpered softly from the stinging pain that covered your body.
“Minjee, will she make it?” the second girl asked as you were lifted into warm arms.
“No,” the male replied, “probably not.”
“The house isn’t far from here,” the first girl insisted. “We just have to hurry.”
But you were out cold before they even took the first step.
Josh and Hansol weren’t really sure why so many people wanted to go with them into town that night for them to finally get fixed. Suvi was understandable since she just enjoyed going into town, and Soomin made sense since she was basically their resident know-it-all when it came to werewolves. However, Wonwoo wanting to tag along was weird because Wonwoo didn’t like leaving the house, much less going into town. They figured maybe it was because he wanted to make sure Soomin would be alright, but she was already going to be with two werewolves and a girl who had gone into town plenty of times. She was in good hands, but whatever made Wonwoo happy.
“Are you nervous?” Suvi wondered, looking up between Hansol and Joshua as she walked.
“I don’t know how they’re going to fix my back, so that’s a little concerning,” Hansol decided, “but I’m more excited.”
Joshua just shrugged, “Eh, not really.”
“Try not to be so excited, huh,” Wonwoo commented.
Joshua did like his power. He liked that he was able to help people with it. However, it didn’t benefit him -- as in, it didn’t make his own personal healing any better than anybody else’s in the pack -- and it wouldn’t be needed if his pack wasn’t so stupid and got themselves hurt. It wasn’t fun like Seokmin’s or Chan’s or Kyung’s, and it wasn’t interesting like Jihoon’s or Soonyoung’s or Hansol’s or Minghao’s. It was boring -- kind of like Wonwoo’s or Seungcheol’s.
Suvi was the first up to the door, knocking before she took a step back to wait. The door was answered by Minjee -- as always -- who greeted them with an almost pained smile.
“Hello,” she greeted them. “Before you come in, I’d like to apologize. My partners and I have just gotten home, and one of our patients... Well, she won’t make it.”
Now that she’d mentioned it, the wolves could just barely hear the faint, slowing heartbeat from inside the house. But they could also smell that it wasn’t the typical werewolf. It was something they’d never smelled before, but it still wasn’t completely human.
Joshua also picked up on a scent that was very familiar but also so very different from anything he’d smelled before.
“We’re just trying to ease her pain until she passes,” Minjee continued, letting the small group into the house. She turned to look at somebody else who was helping with the aforementioned girl. “Sura, could you put a curtain up around her? Prajya, I’ll need you to help me with--”
Minjee stopped when she noticed Joshua stop in the doorway, his body going rigid. His golden eyes were spotting red and locked on you, hands balled into fists.
You were dying; his mate was dying. Again.
“Josh...?” Wonwoo spoke up, placing a hand on the older boy’s shoulder.
Joshua’s thoughts and opinions on re-imprinting were out the window when it registered that the girl quickly losing her life was his mate. The only thing he could focus on was you and saving you -- but he only knew one way how.
“She’s not dying,” he stated, walking straight through the small crowd and over to you where your pulse was just a moment away from completely dying out.
“What?” Minjee asked, watching him as he approached you with a set jaw and narrowed eyes.
“I’m not going to let her die,” he said louder, letting his hands hover above your body.
Joshua was too focused on trying to somehow get his powers to come back to him that he wasn’t paying any attention to Hansol and Wonwoo’s conversation over their surprise of their brother imprinting for a second time. Truthfully, nobody thought anybody would come after Lilly since Josh was so against it. But then again, imprinting wasn’t something any werewolf could control. 
Joshua mumbled to himself as he tried to will his power back. He was concentrating so hard but nothing was happening. No faint glow from his palms, no color coming back to your face, and your heartbeat was still rapidly decreasing by the second. It wouldn’t be long until it was gone all together, and then there would be nothing he could do.
“C’mon...c’mon...” he grumbled, closing his eyes as his eyebrows creased together in concentration.
“Your powers won’t suddenly work,” Minjee spoke up, watching from where she stood by his pack, wanting to give the werewolf space -- especially since she was preparing for him to be grieving for the mate he’d lose before actually having her.
“They have to!” he snapped.
He refused to lose you. If he lost two mates -- even if he didn’t properly meet or know you -- he was sure he wouldn’t be able to take it.
With his last bit of energy he had in his body, his palms faintly glowed to life, spreading a tingling warmth across your body. His healing power was starting to cleanse the wolfsbane from your system, and your heartbeat was starting to become stronger and more stable. Hearing your heartbeat louder in his ears made Josh want to cry. But he didn’t have the energy for it.
As you let out a cough and a girl with brown skin rushed over to sit you up so you could empty your system, Joshua collapsed onto the floor, knowing you were alive and would hopefully stay alive. He put his everything into saving you, and he didn’t know if that would kill him, but he knew it was worth it.
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sunrisefairy · 4 years
Pairing: George Weasley x reader
Word count: 2.1k
Summary: Y/N likes drawing people. More specifically, she likes drawing George Weasley. Which is fine, until she loses her notebook and George is the one who finds it. 
A/N: Okay so because of lockdown and me having legit nothing to do i spent the last 2 days writing this fic for @teawiththeweasleys​ writing challenge and i couldnt wait to share it with you. im lowkey very proud of it so i hope you all like it 
Taglist: @hufflepuff5972 @inglourious-imagines message me if you would like to be added!
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Ever since Y/N was a little girl she was always drawing whether it was scribbles of her family, animals, magical creatures or plants, you could always find the girl with a pencil and paper somewhere nearby. For as long as she could remember her home was covered in her drawings, Y/N’s mum and dad would frame and hang up all of their daughters’ drawings all over the walls. They were so proud of Y/N’s creativity and encouraged her to keep creating her art. It had become a tradition that every year for her birthday Y/N would receive a new notebook and pencils form her parents and it was always her most cherished gift.
Over the last few years Y/N has become very intrigued with drawing faces, she loved how she could capture a person’s emotion with just some charcoal and parchment. More recently when Y/N was sketching she’d try to focus on the subtle and small features that make humans unique and beautiful, may it be the way their eyebrows arched in curiosity or the dimples and freckles etched into their skin or small wrinkles that danced near their eyes when they smiled. Y/N loved it all.
Because Y/N was so captivated with how facial features made everyone unique she found herself draw a particular ginger a lot more than anyone else. George Weasley. Everybody at Hogwarts knew George Weasley was the twin to the confident and loud Fred Weasley. And being that they are identical twins they look very similar. Y/N found it fascinating trying to pinpoint their minor physical differences and she had become quite good at it.
Her brown leather notebook, which if it wasn’t in her hand was usually found stuffed in her book bag, was full of sketches of George. It started of gradual, her drawings of the sweet boy. Y/N was usually found sitting on a bench in the courtyard if the weather was nice, drawing anyone she saw nearby and normally it was someone new each time. But when her eyes landed on the loud group of Gryffindor boys, she felt a pull to the tall boy with fiery hair who was standing next to his twin, both taking turns to tell a story which had the rest of the group engrossed. Y/N wanted to challenge herself, it was simple, she wanted to capture the features that made an identical twin unique.
Y/N spent the last few weeks ‘studying’ George in a very non-threatening and not at all creepy way. The pair had a few classes together being in the same year at school but the two hadn’t really spoken much to each other. So, Y/N admired from afar, normally from across the great hall or in class. She quickly learnt that George’s face was longer than his brothers, his eyes were more slanted, and his lips had a curve in them that was more prominent when he smiled, something he does a lot, Y/N observed.
The weather was particularly nice on this Saturday afternoon, so naturally Y/N found herself on a bench in the courtyard with her pencil tin open and a range of charcoals scattered around her as she doodled in her notebook (the one which wasn’t unofficially dedicated to George).
“Hello there little Gryffindors-” Y/N heard a voice call from nearby, the voice belonging to Fred Weasley. George was standing next to his twin and the duo were chatting to some unsuspecting first years.
“-anyone fancy a nougat? They are delicious” George finished; the twins shared a mischievous glance at each other.
Y/N quickly grabbed her other notebook and some charcoal and began sketching the boy’s face focusing on the way his eyes sparkled when he laughed at the poor Gryffindor who accepted the free candy which turned out to be a nosebleed nougat. Y/N was absorbed in her sketching she didn’t notice her best friend sit next to her, peering over her shoulder.
“Ah, drawing your lover boy again I see” Alicia chuckled as Y/N slammed the book shut.
“He’s not my lover boy, I’ve already told you; I draw him to-”
“-capture the features that make an identical twin unique. Sure, so if I flick through your other notebooks, I’ll find one dedicated to Fred too then?”
Y/N rolled her eyes, “shut up.”
“Come on creeper, we told the others we’d hang out today.” Alicia pulled on Y/N’s hand as she quickly threw her notebooks and pencil tin in her book bag.
“Merlin, hang on! You’re gonna rip my arm out of its socket!” Y/N giggles hoisting her bag strap higher up her shoulder.
The two girls walked off, arms linked and laughing, neither one noticed the lone notebook that was left on the bench.
George, Fred and Lee were heading towards the great hall after their amusing interaction with a group of first years when the younger twin noticed a brown book perched on a bench. He detoured that way to pick it up, flicking through the pages in hopes he will find who it belongs to so he can return it.
George furrowed his brows as he dove deeper into the book. He expected it to be filled with notes and writing but he was not expecting to see drawings of people; of him and Fred. But as he looked closer, he quickly realised that they weren’t sketches of him and Fred, just himself.
“Oi! What are you doing? We’re gonna be late for dinner” Fred’s voice pulled him back. George shoved the notebook in his pants pocket and hurried after his twin very confused as to why the notebook was filled with drawings of him.
Later that night George found himself sitting on his bed in his dorm room flipping through the notebook. These drawings were incredible, whoever it belonged to had some serious talent but he couldn’t get over why someone had drawn him, let alone multiple drawings. Each sketch was different to the last though, some were of his whole face others just of his eyes or mouth. George was in awe of the skill this person had; they had managed to capture his face perfectly.
Some might view finding a notebook filled of drawings of themselves a little creepy, however George Weasley found it flattering. You see, for his whole life, George has seen himself as the other half of Fred. Most people in their lives couldn’t tell the pair apart and opted to talk to them and refer to them almost as if they were one person as FredandGeorge and not Fred and George. This notebook was proof that someone out there noticed George as a singular person, an individual, which made George’s heart flutter.
“Oh godric” Y/N mumbles pouring out the contents of her book bag on the table.
“Hey, Y/N relax. I’m sure it will turn up eventually.” Alicia says in attempt to calm her friend down.
Y/N ran her hands through her hair, very stressed. She had been searching for her notebook all morning with no luck worried that the wrong person had found it and would deem her a creepy stalker.
“How can I relax when my notebook-the notebook which is filled with drawings of George Weasley-has gone missing. Oh merlin, whoever has it will most likely recognise the drawings of George and give it to him and he’ll eventually find out that it belongs to me and think I’m a freak” Y/N’s arms are frantically waving around to empathise her point as she paces up and down the room.
Alicia stops in front of her friend, placing her hands on her shoulders, squeezing reassuringly “Y/N breath. You’ve told me a million times that those drawings are just about capturing someone’s facial features, right? It’s not like you have a crush on the guy so it doesn’t matter if anyone thinks that, because it’s not true.”
Y/N’s sketches of George Weasley had started just as Alicia said but it quickly turned into Y/N possessing a small, okay maybe huge crush on the red head and her trying to find any excuse to stare at him and draw. Y/N’s heart hammered in her chest at the thought of George being the one to find her notebook. There was no way George wouldn’t be freaked out and think Y/N had some weird obsession with him.
“Okay so when was the last time you remember having your book?” Alicia questions.
Y/N racks her brain trying to remember, “yesterday afternoon. In the courtyard on that bench, I was drawing him when you came over. I’m sure I put it in my bag but I haven’t seen it since.”
Alicia nodded, the two deciding that was the best place to start.
Y/N practically sprints to the courtyard, luckily there wasn’t many students here, giving it was a Sunday morning and everyone was probably still sleeping. The two girls look around trying to spot the leather book. Y/N sighs in defeat, collapsing onto the bench and groaing into her hands.
“Bloody hell, I can’t believe I lost it. I’m so stupid”
“Err, Y/N” Alicia nudged her friend’s shoulder.
“Geez, thanks Alicia, you’re meant to say ‘No Y/N you’re not stupid’”
Alicia widened her eyes at Y/N before glancing behind her, “look”.
Y/N follows her gaze and freezes. George Weasley was walking towards them, that in itself was strange but it wasn’t until Y/N looked down at George’s hand and noticed the missing notebook.
“Oh no.”
George had figured whoever misplaced the notebook would probably come back to the last place they had it to search for it. He was hoping for that at least. Not only did he want to return the book to its rightful owner, he also wanted to thank them for seeing him, for noticing him.
As George rounded the corner his eyes scanned the courtyard and were met with Alicia Spinnit and Y/N L/N sitting on the same bench he’d found the notebook on, bingo. Judging by Y/N’s wide eyes that were glued to the notebook in his hand and how Alicia gave her a pat on the shoulder before disappearing, George figured the drawings were the work of Y/N. George’s heart sped up with this information. The two of them weren’t close but were friendly having shared some classes together. George had caught himself on more than one occasion glancing at Y/N during lessons and mealtimes, wondering what it would be like to get to know her. Guess now he has a chance.
His feet stopped a few paces in front of the bench as Y/N gawked up at him.
George cleared his throat, “uh I believe this belongs to you?”
Y/N basically snatches the notebook from his fingers, feeling insanely embarrassed and when Y/N is embarrassed, she rambles. “Oh merlin, I’m so sorry! I’m guessing you looked through it, of course you did. I would have too if I stumbled across a stranger’s book. I’m also guessing you realised all the drawings were of you. Look I’m not some stalker, I swear. Like I’m not some girl that has a massive crush on you and decided to fill a notebook with drawings of you… Well I do have a crush on you. But I promise I didn’t mean to be creepy. I just, I like drawing people and you have a nice face.” Y/N chews on her bottom lip, forcing herself to shut up.
George opens his mouth and closes it a few times as he processes the girl’s words. “Wow, um- I want you to know that I don’t think you’re creepy at all. I was actually really flattered looking through your pictures. It’s nice to know someone sees me as me and not as an extension of Fred.”
The two stare at each other for a few moments, neither one knowing what to say.
George moves to sit beside Y/N, close enough that their thighs are touching, “they are really good by the way. The drawings I mean. You’re very talented.”
Y/N blushes at his words, “thank you. I don’t normally share my art, with the exception of my parents and Alicia.”
George places a hand over his heart, “well in that case I feel very honoured.” He runs his fingers through his hair as Y/N giggles before continuing, “I know we aren’t super close and I kind of hate that it’s taken me this long to ask but would you maybe wanna hang out sometime? Like a date.”
Y/N fiddles with the notebook in her lap trying to hide her excitement “for sure, I’d love that.”
George lets out a sigh of relief, “great, well what are you up to right now? Maybe we can hang out and you can draw more pictures of my handsome face.”
Y/N rolls her eyes and playfully shoves at his side “careful, your head might explode with all that ego. But yes I’d love to hang out with you right now.”
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daydream-believin · 3 years
warnings: swearing
a/n: if rott gave me anything it gave me this idea
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no sorry i haven’t seen bbc merlin don’t come for me i’m ignorant
we know douxie kept an eye on the human trollhunter and co
but douxie’s really having a hard time convincing himself he’s just doing his job
he’s actually enjoying this a little too much despite how boring staying in the shadows is
and he’s kinda worried?
so he’s got this bright idea: you know what would better help him keeps tabs? if he befriends this person
and so he does
fuck merlin’s shadows
sod the rules
ofc he’s very up front about knowing they’re the trollhunter and that he’s merlin’s apprentice
we wouldn’t want that to become a huge festering secret that eats douxie from the inside out until the inevitable reveal when merlin calls them both to help with the arcane order and they realize they’ve both been lying to each other’s faces for months/years and neither of them know if they could ever trust the other again, right? — phew *catches breath*
but before you know it, mr. casperan and mx. trollhunter are best friends
he’s basically the toby to your jim
and you’re very happy to have a best friend like douxie
he understands that monster hunting hustle
he’s the only person you can vent to and actually talk about what’s going on without sounding like a loon
and douxie likes being able to tell someone all his frustrations with merlin, since you’re also in that boat with him
you spar sometimes. it’s fun, but you’re very careful not to accidentally hurt your friend (he’s extremely careful not to hurt you or wound your ego by effortlessly wiping you out)
ofc, there’s the occasional, brushing of hands, faces a little too close together, accidentally winding up on top of one another, purposefully winding up on top of one another 👀 you know how sparring be
you and douxie are a duo. a duo who have become trollmarket’s resident troublemakers, to vendel’s exasperation
you guys tease each other a lot
you do a lot of stupid shit, cause hey, now you have magic armor and a magic sword and a magic best friend, did you think you wouldn’t get up to some shenanigans?
douxie is your impulse control and he’s not a very good one, as he’s just as bad
truthfully archie has the brain cell
and pranks? gods the pranks. you two are always either pranking each other or you’re teaming up to prank some other troll who said smth mean to you in the pub. vendel had to personally put a stop to it (read: chew you out)
doux thinks the world of you tho, you’re such a noble knight, and likes to tell people about how you’re a cinnamon roll, so innocent, so pure
and then they meet you and you directly contradict those statements
trollhunter: i’ve never done anything wrong in my life, ever
douxie: i know this and i love you
(spoiler: you’ve done lots and lots of wrong)
doux spends an awful lot of time slinking around trollmarket now, and he’s in the know for everything that’s happening
(no more being kept in the dark for this wizard apprentice)
and doux knows merlin won’t completely approve of this, but hey, it’s not like he’s helping and thus directly disobeying
really, he’s not helping you at all, it’s really fucking annoying
okay so mayyybe the occasional healing spell. you’ve got those puppy dog eyes he can’t say no to
but you understand his sense of duty, or whatever it is that drives a follower, technically being a follower of merlin yourself
you respect the old geezer (as you have not been turned into a half-troll yet) as a wise mythical figure, and as your best friend’s father
and what a perfect match you are for each other, champion and apprentice, mutually being screwed over by a guy you both think has all the answers
you and douxie help each other grow in your self-worths, that you two are more than the chances merlin has given to you
unfortunately, mortifyingly, you have caught feelings.
douxie has also caught feelings, and is saying nothing yep you have enough on your plate without him putting this on you so he’ll just quietly pine and suffer don’t mind him choking to death in the corner when you take off your helmet and throw back your hair
y’all’s problem really starts manifesting itself as protectiveness. you are really protective of your wizard and he is really protective of his knight
lots of things said that are Not What Friends Say but neither of you really want to be the one to point that out
lots and lots of i love yous that slowly get more and more serious until it’s not exactly platonic anymore
and it’s just really nice to have someone to get coffee (or your favored hot drink) with at four in the morning after a tussle with a troll
and that’s basically how you and douxie spend the bulk of trollhunters, just vibing
as much as you can vibe, with all the changelings and shit trying to murder you all the time
then merlin wakes up and shakes up your world
you are aware of your impending doom
you’re aware of it
merlin keeps looking you up and down like he’s mentally making up the measurements of your coffin
and tbh the idea of fighting gunmar freaks you tf out
and you’re supposed to win that fight?
you’re preparing for your nightmares coming true soon
truthfully you knew your fucking job had a 100% mortality rate
you don’t want to die with regrets
you spill
you spill all the things you’d wanted to tell him and how much he means to you and that you couldn’t bear it if you were a goner before he knew
miraculously, douxie feels the same and tells you all the things he’d been holding back and and what you mean to him and how much he wants to protect you, that you’re gonna make it, if he had anything to say about it
and everything is perfect for one night
now you have a real reason to win
not that saving humanity isn’t a big responsibility on your shoulders and definitely A Reason
but knowing douxie’s waiting for you, for the life you’ll build together after this, the peace you’ll both have, it’s absolutely a big motivation to give your all and come out victorious and survive
hahaha loser you don’t know about the arcane order
and then merlin uses your microwave to cook a weird potion
you and merlin are alone in the house, but there’s no real mind games necessary. you may have grown past thinking he was a god, but in the end, you’re still a follower of merlin, and if merlin thinks this could give you an edge, well, who are you to question his methods
doesn’t mean you aren’t nervous as your master hands you the bottle
yet you don’t even hesitate to drown yourself in the black abyss of the tub
whatever it takes amirite?
and now you’re a half-troll
a sexy half-troll, if you do say so yourself
yeah, no ‘i’m a monster’ angst here, you’re loving the power-up
you’ve got to treat it like a cool new power-up or you will cry actually tbh i lied about the no-angst thing a new body is disorienting
your only real concern is douxie
not concerned for long tho, he sees you and the first thing out of his mouth is “nuclear!”
and he senses your concern, so he does go out of his way to assure you that boy, girl, enby, or half-troll, he loves you for your soul, darling
also again half-troll! you is hot as hell so he’s not really losing anything here 👀
he makes sure you know that too, not to let any insecurities fester
him raking his eyes up and down you gives the opposite effect of the dread merlin sent down your spine doing it
doux helps out a lot more in the eternal night
like helps merlin re-defeat and re-seal morgana
he’ll do it again in few weeks but with a bigger role you know, this is practice
but now you’ve got to go to new jersey
douxie’s been instructed to stay in arcadia tho 🥺
it’s okay, you’ll see each other again soon
sooner than you realize
and until then you talk each other to sleep every night over the phone <3
merlins glad, actually. he’s glad hisirdoux found some solace. even if it is with the lamb he was raising for the slaughter. maybe things will go okay for them. the time map suggests it might be so
hisirdoux may have done things in a way he didn’t quite approve of, but that’s because he’s becoming his own wizard, and merlin is proud
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stinkywinke · 3 years
Twelve Minutes
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I am obsessed with twelve minutes sooo, why not make an imagine about it 🧍‍♀️
Also this is the first time I have ever used tumblr, and my grammar is very poor. I will try and get used to the way tumblr works and hopefully if I have any motivation I will start writing more :) My writing skills are bad so this is going to be choppy
Another note : The roles are reversed, so instead of the reader being the husband, its going the be the wife figuring everything.
clench ya butt cheeks
Readers POV:
No..no, no, no, this can’t be it
As I took a step into my apartment I heard my husband in the bathroom humming a soft tune. 10 minutes. The pills. The cop. The pocket watch.
“Hey, I didn’t hear you come in”
I looked up to see h/n (Husbands name) walking towards me with a smile and pulling me in to a passionate kiss.
“I made desert, let me know if your in the mood” He stated while making his way on to the couch.
I give a quick nod signaling that I would tell him when I was ready. Quickly glancing around my home I made my way to the sink and filled up a mug of water, the floorboards creaking in a specific spot as I ambled to the bathroom. I opened the medicine cabinet grabbing ahold of the sleeping pills and pouring them into the mug, and going back into the living room to see h/n reading a book.
"I think its a good time for desert” I suggested
“Ok, babe” h/n replied with a sweet smile
He noticed the cup in my hand and turned around to the fridge and got the desert out. I placed the drugged mug by where h/n was sitting and got my own mug instead.
“So how was work?”
“It was alright, met a couple of new people, Its going great” I said as I saw h/n drinking his water
“How about you? How was your day?”
“Same old day I guess it just repeats itself” he said as his eyes started drooping down into a sleepy matter
Tch.. talk about repeating
“Im feeling so tired all of a sudden, Im gonna go lay down”
“Okay baby, goodnight”
As soon as I saw h/n close the bedroom door I scampered to the closet and closed the door behind me aware that the cop will be here in a few minutes
Now we wait…
“Police!, open up I have a warrant”
My breathe hitched as I heard him turn the doorknob and stepped into the house
“Hello?, anyone home?”
“Police” the cop shouted when he opened the door
“Police, I have a warrant”
He made his final call making his way into the bedroom,hearing the light switch turn on a scream came from the man as he layed unconscious on the floor. After hearing nothing but silence I crept out the door into the room, searching for the valuables from the cops uniform
The gun, 2 handcuffs, the knife, and the phone
As I did last time,Rolling him over, gripping both of his wrists and tieing them together, I remembered there was a little box with my mothers name on it.
A/N : I did change the baby clothes to a necklace, kind of like a bday gift
My hand trembled to the gift lying on the table next to the flowers, I held it and stuffed the box into my front pocket. I took my time staring at the man in awe and confusion
He’s already told me why he’s here, he told me he was a good friend of my husband’s father. He’s hiding something.
“Augh- what- you little shit”
The cop was stirring awake from the electrocution but only figuring it all together that he was handcuffed. He glared at my shoes as some kind of threat and saying words, pleading to be let go, I reached into my pocket pulling out the box and showing the man the name on the necklace
“Do you recognise this name?”
“Dahlia? Yeah I knew her so what?”
“Do you know anything about her?”
“Yeah, she was the mother of your husbands sister”
Mother of my husband’s sister? But that was my mothers name
“Just let me go you prick”
“I promise im innocent I dont have anything to do with this”
“Okay maybe if you let me go, I wont kill you” the cop stated in a cold and tone
I took the knife out of my pocket and handed him his things, he asked…
“Im here for a pocket watch very valuable… do you have it?”
“Yeah, I’ll go get it now”
Thoughts were running in my head as I went to go to the bathroom to get the strange watch
Mother of my husbands sister? Dahlia, thats my mothers name… no it can’t be.
I grasped the pocket watch in my hand, watching is slowly turn clock-wise
“Have you found it yet? I dont have all day!”
My hand gave out to him, as he took the pocket watch
“Im gonna need a few minutes with your husband, go sit on the couch, but if you do anything stupid, I’ll kill you..” he demanded
He’s gonna kill him, I know, so lets just let it happen.
A bead of sweat drip down my forehead as I smelled the scent of blood coming from the other room
Mothers name of husbands sister, husband said he got a necklace with my mothers name on it, Dahlia. So if dahlia is my mother h/n is my… brother. My own brother is my husband. Fuck no please, I have to get out
Sprinted across the room to the door and made my way out just to end up in the same place as always.
“No.. fuck no no no no- this can’t be happening please”
My husband came out of the bathroom again with a panic and worry on his face and started to bombard me with questions.
“Baby are you ok?”
“What happened honey?”
“Whats wrong?”
I’ve had enough
“Baby whats wrong” he pleaded with concern
“NO! Please I have to go” I shouted at him as I bolted through the door coming back to the same gentle humming tune coming from the bathroom.
“Hey, I didnt hear you come in”
Again met with the same eyes with my lover ugh- brother, I cant tell him, I cant.
“Hey babe” I said as he kissed me once again,
this is wrong
“I made dessert, let me know if your in the mood”
The same sentence every ten minutes.
Snatching the pocket watch from the ventilation grid, the grunting and groaning leaving my mouth as I tried to get up from the pain in my back,
The watch was broken. Turning the long handle I fixed it back to its place, 2 minutes before 12. I saw the world turn into a dark abyss, the watch turning anti clock- wise, my hand slowly fading into the tiles of the bathroom, my eyes growing heavy and started to close putting me into a deep sleep
“Hey there he is… your back”
“Look, I know this is a… terrible shock. But we need to be on the same page. Look, I… These feelings for my son… your brother. This isn’t how I wanted to tell you…you deserve… both of you deserve better.”
He said with a long pause
“Yknow the thing I hate the most, worst thing in the world?… Disappointing my lil boy. Well that was the worst thing…. And now a baby… you with your little… love… I guess it was always gonna happen”
He said as he walked around in disbelief and ignorance
“Nothing stays swallowed down forever. So, you gonna make a call”
“If i could go back..” I started
“Well. Things would be different. But you can’t just try again. Thats not how life works! So, you gotta make the choice, and make it now”
“Say something”
H/n’s book about zen..
“Fine!, your gonna force it by hand? Fine!”
“Hey “its only by forgetting that.. we ever really drop the thread of time, and approach the experience of living in the present moment””
“Ah, you’ve read that one, eh?”
“I know the idea of forgetting things sounds crazy but, what if… you could?
I can help with that if you want. All you have is the future, you’ll forget everything you went through. All the pain. All the stress. Forgotten forever. But, you need to understand there is no turning back. You can’t undo this… we can still talk about him but you need to choose an answer…”
I stared at the clock as I watch it about to turn twelve
“you don’t have to forget if you don’t want to, The choice is yours”
“ you do have a remarkable imagination… The stories you’ve created… but believing them so strongly, so deeply is unhealthy… you have to let him go… you can’t keep obsessing over him… sometimes things are just as what they are…
Its time for you to wake up…
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sangorous · 3 years
word count: 1.06k
genre/warnings: fluff? angst/none.
nozel silva x black!fem!reader
a disney princess series part 1: cinderella
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it's been five years since your mother has passed away and your father remarried someone new.
the move from your small town to the clover kingdom was something that you weren't expecting at all. you were so used to being in a small own where everyone knew each other, but when you moved to the clover kingdom, you felt like an outsider.
but now, you had a new life with your father, stepmother and two stepsisters.
your stepmother and stepsisters seemed nice when you first met them, but as soon as your father left the house; they became new people.
kicking you out of your own room, and moving you to the attic, where it was dusty and dirty. they turned you into a housemaid, carrying out their duty and doing their chores.
everyday you barley ate and drink, and it was a pattern you were use to. you became a slave in your own home as your father was away for work.
listening to your stepsisters nonsense, listening to your stepmother bicker and nag about situations that weren't a big deal, you couldn't take it anymore.
everyday, you'd go to your room in the attic and pray to the man upstairs that one day, you'd be free from their hell.
↳ ❝ [𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀] ¡! ❞
you were downstairs sweeping the floor when a knock was heard from the door, "well don't just stand there stupid, open the door," akane scoffed, looking at you.
you sighed and walked to the door and there stood an unfamiliar man, "hello madam, the king and queen are hosting a ball today to help their son, prince nozel, find his bride," the man bowed.
"here is an invitation, we hope to see you there," he handed you an invitation.
"thank you kind sir," you smiled at him as you waved him off.
"what's in your hand ugly?" aiyo spoke as she walked up behind you.
"the king and queen are holding a ball," you softly spoke, handing her the invitation but she snatched it from you.
"you certainly don't need that," your stepmom chuckled, walking into the living room.
"now let's see what we have here?" she spoke, looking at the invitation.
"this is tonight?" she shouted.
"what are we still doing here? we have to find the finest dresses out there for you two," she clapped her hands and grabbed her purse, you sighed as they cheered and grabbed their handbags and followed their mother.
"mother perhaps i may tag along with you guys tonight if i finish my chores early?" you gave her a weak smile.
"of course dear," she gave you a fake smile.
"that's if you can finish them in time,"she whispered, laughing to herself as she closed the door.
you smiled to yourself as you watched them slam the door shut, and began to clean away.
↳ ❝ [𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀] ¡! ❞
after three hours of cleaning the house, you rushed upstairs and decided to take a nice warm shower in the guest bathroom before your stepfamily came back from their shopping spree.
once you were finished, you walked out of the bathroom and cleaned it the way it was before and walked upstairs to your bedroom.
meanwhile downstairs, akane and aiyo and nancy made their way to their bedroom where they had their new dress in hand.
"so one of us has to get the prince so we can get out of here," aiyo scoffed, looking around the room.
"who are you telling? this house isn't big enough for us," akane gave a pout to the body mirror that stood in front of her.
"and that disease of a 'sister' thinks that mommy is going to let her out," akane snickered fixing her dress.
"i think it's time to go show mommy how beautiful we look don't you think?" aiyo looked at her sister with a big smile.
"let us go,"akane replied, lifting her dress up and walking out of their room and downstairs.
[akane's dress below: ]
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[aiyo's dress below:]
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"wow look at my stunning daughters," your stepmother spoke in awe as mina and nancy walked downstairs. you stared in awe as you watched your stepsisters make their way downstairs, looking like royalty while you looked down at your dress and saw that it was basic.
[ your dress below:]
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"you tried stepsis, but you've got to try harder," aiyo snickered, patting your back as she walked away from you.
you sighed as they gathered by the door, taking pictures and smiling at the camera.
"is everyone ready?" your stepmother spoke and they nodded their heads.
"well let's go," she clapped her hands as they opened the door.
"oh dear," your mother turned around.
"can you get my purse down the hall please?" she gave you fake smile, and you nodded your head.
she saw this as an opportunity to quickly place a small nail on the end of your dress, and when you began to walk towards the hall, you heard a ripping noise. you turned around and your dress was ripped from top to bottom.
"oh no," you cried, dropping down to your knees.
"your dress is ruined," your stepmother gasped.
"which means you can't go to the ball," she gave you a fake pout.
"don't worry, we'll have fun for you, aiyo snickered, walking out of the house and to the carriage.
"don't stay up to late sweetheart," your stepmother shouted, slamming the front door.
you ran upstairs to the attic and dropped yourself on your bed, 'how could she do such a malicious thing?' you thought to yourself as the waterworks came down.
you just wanted a night out of the house. a night to have fun. a night to meet new people. and lastly, a night to find true love, but that was taken away from you.
you looked at your dress and cried once more as you changed back into your pajamas and stared at the hole that ruined your chance at love.
"what's the matter darling?" a soft voice spoke, causing you to slowly turn around.
"who are you?" you asked, observing the petite woman.
"i'm your fairy godmother," she gave you a smile, walking towards you.
"fairy godmother?" you questioned and she nodded her head.
"yes whenever you're having difficulties, i am summoned here to help you. now what troubles you dear?" she spoke, looking at you.
"i wanted to go to the ball, but my stepmother took a small nail and placed it at the end of my dress, causing it to rip," your eyes began to water as you looked at the dress.
"all i wanted was to go to the ball. i'm always locked up in the attic and sent off to do chores and it's not fair!" you shouted, slamming your hand on the bed.
"don't you worry about that sweetheart, we'll make it happen," she smiled, waving her wand around you.
you felt yourself lifting up and saw glitter and sparkles being thrown around you as you twirled around and felt something covering you. once everything was done, you were back on your feet and stood in front of the mirror in awe.
[ your new dress: ]
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"well don't just stand here, go to the ball sweetheart," she smiled at you, and you carefully jogged down the stairs and out of the front door.
a beautiful white carriage waited outside for you, and your jaw dropped, "now listen to me. this is only temporary, you have until the clock strikes midnight. once midnight is here, everything will go back to normal. the carriage, your dress, the makeup, and everything else," she gave you a stern look.
"thank you so much, how can i repay you?" you looked at her.
"your hard work already paid off honey," she winked at you as the carriage drove off.
↳ ❝ [𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀] ¡! ❞
you stood outside the mansion and everyone was either walking inside the ballroom or talking outside.
you slowly walked up the stairs and made your way inside the ballroom. people were dancing with each other, sitting down eating, or making conversation.
as you walked around, you felt your shoulder collide with someone else's.
"oh im so sorry," you softly spoke, looking at him.
"it was my mistake," he chuckled softly.
"i'm prince nozel," he added, sticking his hand out.
"i'm cinderella," you shook his hand with a small smile.
"would you like to dance?" he asked, looking at you and you shook your head.
nozel grabbed your hand, and the two of you headed to the dance floor where the two of you danced. as the two of you were dancing and making conversation, you lost track of time.
you looked around for a clock and when you found one, it was already 11:50.
"oh no," you gasped, letting go from him embrace.
"where are you going?" he asked, following behind you.
"i must return before curfew," you shouted, running down the steps.
"wait will i ever see you again?" he shouted, behind you.
"i hope so," you shouted, turning around.
you stared at him and gave him a one more smile before you turned around and ran to the carriage, hoping you'd make it home in time before the carriage turned back into the pumpkin.
nozel sighed as he shook his head. the one opportunity he had to find his princess, failed. he was really intrigued by cinderella and wanted to see her again. he slowly walked down the steps and when he walked down the last steps, he saw something: a blue glass heel.
"this might be hers, which means i can see her again," he smiled to himself, walking back to the ball.
this was pure shit, but anything for nozel. ~tori 😗
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citadelspires · 3 years
Amphibia Oneshot Thing(I Never Claimed To Be Good At Titles)
I had an idea for a fun little story thing while I was at work over the weekend, and decided to take the time to write it up into this. In all honesty this is ridiculously self indulgent, and I wrote it late at night with no editing, beta reading, or even just looking back over it once I finished. Essentially I wrote this entirely for myself and just threw it on here in the hopes maybe a few other people might enjoy it like I do. That’s all I gotta say up front so just, here you go. (this is a long one so most of the story will be under a cut).
Anne found herself wandering around a lot of parks these days. After all her time inAmphibia sitting around in her house only made her anxious, and the city was just dull. So she would sit in the areas with the most foliage, where it always felt the most comfortable. Like one of her old adventures could come find her any second. Like she could pretend her friends were just around the corner and surely if she waited just one more second Marcy would come tumbling out of those bushes, launching right away into a rambling speech about a new plant she'd found, the perfect mix of adorable passion and somewhat interesting information that would always make Anne smile.
She knew that wasn't going to happen. She'd known and tried to force herself to get used to the idea, but even as her miserable daydream was interrupted by the rustling of the very bushes she'd imagined, she hoped for a second maybe she'd imagined it all. She hadn't of course, and the boy who pushed his way out of the bushes was anything but her Marcy. Even so, he must have noticed her solemn expression, because he immediately walked over to where she sat with a look of concern on his face.
"Hey, are you okay?"
Anne was surprised by the question for a moment, then again, she realized, she probably did look pretty miserable, moping around in the dirt in a random park. She was tempted to give an offhanded reply of dismissal, she was fine and his concern was almost certainly just a polite formality. But she was never good at following through with all that smile and say Im fine stuff.
"I've been better," she sighed.
The boy in front of her frowned, and took a seat beside her.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Anne blinked in surprise, not expecting that reaction. She took a second glance at the kid, wondering what his deal was. He looked a few years younger than her, probably about Sprig's age, dressed for wandering around the woods. He looked like a kid who liked an adventure, maybe that's why Anne felt like she might be able to talk to him. She couldn't say everything of course, god knows she'd need a full time therapist for all her turmoil, but maybe she could simplify it a little bit, dance around the truth slightly. Besides, the more she thought about it the more the idea of talking to a regular kid sounded nice.
"Well," she began, searching for each word and phrase carefully, "a while ago, me and my friends found this weird place. It was scary at first, and I was nervous for a bit, but after a while I grew to love it a lot. I think- I know my friends felt the same. It was a really magical place, but it, uh, well its not around anymore. And I feel like I left a part of myself with it." Anne suddenly became overwhelmingly aware that she had just poured her heart out to a random stranger, and probably sounded insane on top of it, "Ugggh I sound stupid, nevermind kid just ignore me, thanks for trying though."
She started to get up and walk away but the boy jumped up at the same time.
"Wait, hold on. I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but from the sound of it, I think I kind of get it. I've got a pretty magical place of my own, I can't imagine loosing it. I know it's not the same but, I could take you there, if that would help?"
Anne turned back to look, not sure why this kid was so eager to help, until she saw the look on his face. He just looked like a kid who wanted to help, just for the sake of being nice. In that moment he reminded her of Sprig again, and she couldn't help it, she laughed.
"Seriously? You don't even know me. You sure?"
The boy shrugged and smiled. "There's lots of cool people I don't know yet. And you seem nice. So," he reached out his hand, "my name's Craig, nice to meet you."
As weird as this was, Anne had seen weirder, so sure, why not. She took the boy's hand.
"Call me Anne."
As they walked Anne started to wonder where this weird kid was taking her. Sure “magical place” in her situation was fairly literal, but she didn’t think she was exactly in the most common position for a kid. Or really for anyone for that matter. Still, the boy seemed pretty excited about it, so she figured she’d give it a shot. Better than moping around in some random bushes all day. Who knows, maybe she could even get her hopes up a little bit there would at least be something cool out there.
‘Something cool’ turned out to be a tree stump. Anne wasn’t sure if the kid was serious or not when they first got to the clearing, but based on the way he jumped up on the tree base and spread his arms wide.
“Welcome to the stump!”
Anne stared at him for a few seconds, not sure how to respond. Before bursting into laughter. She just couldn’t help it. There had been so much buildup, all for, apparently a regular tree stump. Craig crossed his arms and spoke up.
“Hey, I know it doesn’t look like much, but you haven’t seen anything yet, watch this!”
Whatever he was about to do, though, was cut off by a battle cry and a flash of orange hair flying at Anne from the trees. It was pure instinct, really, when Anne dove behind cover of the stump screaming,
“It’s an ambush!”
She realized her mistake a few short seconds later. Ivy Sundew literally could not be here. So, with no small amount of hesitation, she peeked over the edge of the stump to see a small girl pointing a homemade sword at her while trying to cover up a pouting expression. Anne could vaguely make out the girl muttering under her breath about how “noble warriors don’t ‘ambush.’“
“So, uh, are you gonna put the sword down orrr...”
Anne trailed off as the girl gave her a weary glance and muttered something about ‘intruders.’ It was at this point that Craig, who seemed to have tripped and fallen off the stump in the chaos, also poked his head back up and called out,
“Kelsey, wait! She’s with me!”
The short girl’s demeanor changed immediately.
“Oh, cool! Hi Craig, hi new girl, sorry I attacked you, I thought you were a devilish intruder.”
“Don’t worry about it, I get randomly attacked a lot, it happens.”
The girl, Kelsey, apparently, looked over Anne again, a thoughtful expression on her face.
“You do? Do you need a heroic guardian to protect you?”
Well, Anne noted, maybe this girl wasn’t so similar to Ivy after all. Though she still got the feeling the two of them would get along exceptionally well. She gave Kelsey a grateful smile, but shrugged off the offer.
“Nah, I’m good.”
Kelsey nodded, seeming to finally relax, though she did pause for a moment and stare off into the distance, though to Anne it seemed more like she was probably just gazing into the depths of a random tree. She gave Craig a curious look, but he only waved it off, apparently this was just how things worked with Kelsey. Noted. When she came back down to earth Craig was waiting with a question,
“Where’s J.P.?”
“Oh he found a butterfly and then chased it into a mud puddle. It was close though so I went on ahead.” Her tone of voice suddenly changed into a much more dramatic one. “He and I both had our own battles to fight.” Before immediately going back to her normal one. “But he should be right behind me.”
Sure enough it was at  that moment another boy crawled out from the foliage outlining the clearing. This one already in a considerably messier state than either of the kids Anne had met so far. He wandered over to the stump, repeating the tale Kelsey had just told them, this time with a much higher focus on the mud puddle. He didn’t seem to notice Anne at all until she cleared her throat and waved hello. The boy, J.P. she assumed, immediately jumped with an exclamation of surprise.
“Relax J.P. she’s cool.”
Anne was a little pleased to notice this reassurance came from Kelsey this time, and didn’t miss the way Craig nodded in agreement.
“She was off by herself so I thought we could give her a tour of the creek.”
That last bit caught Anne off guard, just a bit. Up till this point she had just been assuming Craig had took her here to see the stump and his friends. She wasn’t sure how much more exciting one creek could be, but after all her time in Amphibia she wasn’t one for making too many assumptions about that kind of thing. Turning her focus back to J.P. she noticed how he looked her up and down with squinted eyes, before seeming to focus on the leaves and sticks that had (again?! seriously?!) gotten tangled in her hair, and nodding sagely.
“Good call Craig! I like her style.”
As J.P. immediately began to inspect the ground for his own leaf, which he immediately deposited snugly in his, much shorter, hair, Craig waved Anne over to the stump, where he’d rolled out a large piece of paper.
“This,” he announced proudly, “is my map of the creek!”
Anne wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but a fully detailed expansive rendition of what must have been a really large area of land, complete with notations of inhabitants, activities, landmarks, and literally anything else one could find to write down, had not been it. She gave a low whistle of appreciation. Man Marcy would’ve loved this.
Craig beamed at her show of awe, allowing himself a pleased, “drew the whole thing myself” before asking, “So, where do you wanna see first?”
After that, Anne was pulled around the creek to all sorts of locations, each one more intricate than the last. There was an entire colony of kids in these woods, a civilization even. Even on Amphibia she had never seen anything quite like it. It was wild, and, kinda cool? The more she saw the more she started to get what Craig meant. The whole place had its own feeling to it that didn’t quite mesh with any of the surrounding area. After a while, she was even able to push (most of) the weight that had been on her shoulders for so long to the back of her mind.
Which wasn’t to say that her time in Amphibia left her completely. In all likelihood it was more inclined to have already made her a primary target for whispers and gossip to all the kids there. Though she never would’ve expected it before she’d gotten flown away from earth so long ago, she was kinda an expert at being in the woods now. Though she did slip up once or twice. For one dangerous moment there she was mortified that everyone would think she was insane when, upon being shown to the trading tree she had casually remarked,
“I don’t see why you need a whole place to trade for snacks when there are so many perfectly good bugs to eat out here.”
In her defense, she also preferred a good bag of chips over tiny dirt critters, but what could she say, she’d gotten used to a lot of weird things. While her immediate first reaction upon the words escaping her mouth had been to play it off as a lame joke(especially considering the way all the kids stared at her, some in horror, some in awe, at least one clearly wondering to themselves why they didn’t think of that first, the clearing totally silent save one kid who apparently didn’t get the memo and loudly exclaimed something Anne thought sounded like “my candy!”) her backup plan ended up being totally unnecessary as J.P. just started laughing, confidently proclaiming,
“I told y’all, she fits right in here”
And sure, maybe that made Anne smile just a little bit.
After that they had a few more people to meet, including a few girls prancing around a big open field, one of whom blushed slightly as she informed J.P. that she liked his leaf, to which J.P. gave a cheerful giggle and a thanks. (Anne considered it one of her foremost signs of character development that she didn’t break out any magazines as soon as they got back to the stump). But eventually things started to wind down, and the trio of friends, along with their new straggler, made it back to the little home base.
Anne took a few minutes to discuss the finer points of exploring woods with Craig, who had been eager to talk about it since they’d gone out earlier, while out of the corner of her eye Anne watched Kelsey do mock battle with an imagined enemy.
“You know, my little brother is much better at this stuff than I am, maybe you’d like to meet him sometime?” Though she’d posed the question to Craig, she didn’t bother to wait for an answer, as she saw Kelsey perform another made up sword move, and something occurred to her. “Hold that thought.”
Walking over to Kelsey, Anne continued to watch her form, confident enough based on where she was swinging and where her eyes were trained on that she had a pretty good idea of what the fake enemy the other girl was fighting might look like. Eventually she offered,
“You’re pretty good, but if you’re fighting something that much bigger than you, you’re gonna want to switch up your strategy a little bit.”
Without waiting for Kelsey’s reaction Anne grabbed a stick off the ground and performed a demonstration of a few moves she’d picked up in Amphibia. Though sword fighting was never something she had expected to be proficient at, she couldn’t deny that at this point she’d picked up a decent amount of skill. Once she’d finished her quick combo demonstration she turned to where Kelsey was standing, a little surprised to see a look of pure awe on the younger girl’s face, before she shouted,
Anne grinned sheepishly at her excitement. “Uhhh, yeah, a little bit I guess?”
She’d barely gotten the words out before Kesley was on her, begging her to show more moves or better yet, spar with her. Anne waited for the tirade of excitement to slow down before smiling and offering,
“Sure I guess I could, but honestly my little sis knows way more about this fighting stuff than I do. If you want someone to practice with she’s your best bet. I could bring her out here some time, if you’d like.”
Kelsey’s excited nodding was interrupted by an instrument Anne couldn’t quite place, and suddenly the smaller girl’s shoulders fell in disappointment, before immediately perking back up again.
“That’s dinner, but you can bring her tomorrow! I’ll see you then!”
She waved goodbye as she rushed off, as did J.P. though with considerably less rushing, leaving just Anne and Craig, who seemed to also be on his way out. Anne figured that was just one more of the natural ways of the creek. As he left, though, Craig paused for a moment.
“I’m not sure where your special place was, but this is a pretty good one for a lot of kids here. I hope you had fun, I know we did. See you around Anne?”
Anne could tell the last bit was phrased as a question, and she paused to think, if only for a moment. Sure this was no Amphibia, and sure a lot of the stuff that had happened since Craig had tumbled out of those bushes was pretty weird. And maybe she did feel a little guilty that she was off playing around while her friends in Amphibia were, well... But still, for the first time since her birthday, Anne had gone one day where she actually felt like the 13 year old kid she was. Sooner or later she could blow their minds with magic powers and frog siblings, but for now, she was just Anne, she was just a kid. She gave a grateful smile.
“See you around, Craig of the Creek.”
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fallingfor-fics · 3 years
Teachers Pet-chapter 21: occlumency
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Chapter 20
"So how is this gonna work?" I said taking off my robes and laying them on the table. He finally looked at me and for a second and looked as if he was already tired of me. I folded my arms waiting for instructions. "First off I want to know what you know already?" he asked leaning against his desk. "Well Beauxbatons taught me pretty much everything well I read a book there about it, except how to actually do either" I said smiling up at him. 
He hummed in response and thought for a moment "And may I ask for the real reason as to why you want to do this?" he said brows furrowed. I looked around for a second thinking up a good excuse. "I just don't want anyone in my head" I said looking down. "And you would also like to get into people's heads as well?" he said a sarcastic look on his face at my doubled sided statement. "Well why did you learn how?" I said looking at him and leaning against my table. "I had to." he said in a cold tone as if to say don't ask anymore questions. "Look if you don't want to do this you don't have to," I said looking sad and turning to grab my robes. "Y/n it's fine, plus Albus suggested that it wasn't such a bad idea" he said quietly, I paused for a moment, turning to him confused. He told Dumbledore? "What? You talked to Dumbledore about me?" I said more confused and worried than anything. He sat up straight off his desk and his face displayed a look of guilt almost. Like he wasn't supposed to say that. "Yes, I asked him for permission." he said turning and fiddling with papers on his desk. I'm not amazing at reading Severus since he was so hard to read, but I sensed he was lying and walked over to him. "Why did he think it was a good idea?" I said suspiciously and raised an eyebrow. He opened his mouth to speak but then paused for a moment. "You'll have to ask him yourself." he said, still not looking at me, whatever he wasn't telling me I would find out one way or  another. "Severus" I said in a more confident tone, to which he looked up at me with a glare. "Are there people that want to invade my mind?" I said spitting out any conspiracies I was cooking up in my head, I remembered the night when I was spying on him and Dumbledore's conversation about the Death eaters in Hogsmeade, they were talking about a girl and I still wondered if it was me, and that's why he was so secretive. "What no of course not if there were I'm sure you'd know" he said reverting back to his normal cold tone. As if he could intimidate me at this point. "Let's begin shall we?" he said, stepping around from behind his desk.
We stood apart from each other but first Snape raised his wand locking the doors. I looked back from the door to him, I guess he didn't want anyone to disturb our lesson. "Relax, and clear your mind of all thoughts and emotions, make it blank and calm" he said in his silky voice. Yeah cause this is so easy to do when all I can think about is the very man in front of me. "Okay." I said closing my eyes and doing my best to clear my head. "I'm going to attempt to enter your mind, now this may seem scary if you don't succeed in deflecting it, but it's going to be hard to get it on your first try." he said in a more apologetic tone, "Try not to see all my thoughts please" I said worried, I was determined to not let him in at all, I couldn't risk him seeing my feelings for him, I didn't consider the part about him actually having to try to read my mind in order for me to protect it. "I can only see if you allow it, now once I say the word you are going to start out with a simple shielding spell, or you can try a disarming spell on me understand?" he said and I nodded smiling "Although I prefer you don't do the second" he said in a serious tone.
I closed my eyes once more and cleared my head, numbing my body and looking into my mind and silencing everything else around me. I took a deep breath and slowly nodded my head, my hands sweaty, signaling I was ready. Shield my mind, this should be easy. I pulled my wand from my skirt and steadied my feet. "You must shut down your mind the minute I speak and the moment you feel me get into your head, it's going to be tricky your first try, so be prepared." he said softly. I kept my eyes closed, I didn't want to risk looking into his eyes and leaving my mind vulnerable. "Is it going to hurt?" I asked before he began. "No, although it may uncover hurtful memories" he said in a more somber tone. I shook my head and got ready. I heard him let out a breath and felt him raise his wand, "Legilimens" he said softly. I could feel him enter my mind almost instantly, it was a strange feeling, just them I saw memories flash before my eyes. Me seeing my mom cry, it was like I was on display for him to see, I was almost in that moment again. I tapped her shoulder, she yelled at me. Snape was trying to stay out of the more personal parts of my mind, although that was a difficult task. It was gone fast as soon as it ended, a new one popped up. My first day at Beauxbatons, a big smile on my face as I walked in, my blue shiny new uniform. Another, my second year, the mean girls that picked on me, this was when they decided to ruin all my textbooks by throwing them in the toilets. He seemed to move on quicker from that one, then it was my fourth year, my sister was talking to me about defending myself against them, teaching me the spell to get them off my back, her smile and her comforting voice, telling me "you won't have anymore issues with them" smiling and hugging me. I tried shielding my mind, I didn't want to see anymore, and I didnt want him to see them either. I kept muttering a shielding spell trying to focus it but it didn't work. I felt him exit my head and I opened my eyes with a small gasp.
   "Are you ok?" he said in a comforting tone. I looked up at him breathing out, "Yes, im fine, I tried but clearly it didn't work." I said looking down. "That is ok we can take a break." he said softly. "No lets go again" I said confidently, I was gonna figure this out one way or another, and taking a break wouldn't help. "As you wish." I closed my eyes again taking a deep breath and making sure my mind was empty again, I focused on the quiet and tried my best to not have a single thought. He raised his wand "Legilimens" he said once again and I tried my hardest to shield it, I didn't feel him in my head yet, but I could feel him fighting it, I pushed as hard as I could to resist it, but I let it slip by thinking about the man that was standing before me that was watching out for me. This time he was in a different part of my head. Me and my sister watching a movie, turning up the volume to drown out the sound of our parents arguing, "they are foolish" she said trying to lighten the mood, "I wonder what they argue about all the time" I said looking at the door, "Nothing important" she reassured me smiling down at me and turning back to the movie. I squeezed my fist around my wand trying to get him out, but another memory began to play, this one more deep. I was standing in the living room, my dad going on about how Albus shouldn't visit anymore. I never understood why he had a newfound hatred for the kind man, it almost came out of nowhere, the same time he began to grow cold to us and changed into a man that wasn't my father. A man that didn't care. "But dad I don't understand? What did he do?" I said, raising my voice to him. "Thats none of your concern! It's between him and me!" he yelled, "He's my godfather you can't just kick him out of my life for no reason!" I yelled back, I was never afraid to fight my father. He continued yelling, but Snape skipped through. The next one that showed up was a particularly dark day, I was sitting on the stairs, wearing a black dress I had stashed away now, tears rolling down my cheeks. It was the day of my sister's funeral. My mom and Dad stood in the living room not aware of my presence, they were arguing as usual, I never understood why they couldn't remain civil for one day. "Our daughter is right upstairs and she just lost her sister, we do not need her hearing us argue today!" my mother yelled at him, I couldn't recall what they had been arguing about in the first place. "I know i'm not an idiot!" he yelled hands up in the air, "This is all your fault and you know it, thats why you wont even bring yourself to talk to her, Constance would still be here if you hadnt made that stupid mistake!" my mom cried out. I always wondered what she meant by this, I never understood why she would blame my father, as far as I knew what had happened was not something we could have prevented. I never brought myself to ask. I stood from my spot on the stairs and they looked over in my direction. I looked at them with a cold expression, "You're an awful person" I said to my father with tears in my eyes, "Connie knew it, and I know it, and so do you." he grew red in the face as I continued. "I don't know what's infected your mind, what's caused you to act...crazy, but you need to kill it before someone else does!" I said, raising my voice, venom lacing every word. This was the most morbid thing I'd said to my father, but I never punished myself for saying it. "You little bitch! Who do you think you are talking to?" he said growing more angry, he began stepping closer to me getting in my face, I didn't falter, I was never gonna let this man know he got to me. "It should have been you, a million times it should have been you!" I yelled, hot tears running down my face, only this time I could actually feel them, and they were real. He grew nearer and I recalled what happened next, this wasn't something I wanted Severus to continue to watch, almost forgetting he was in my mind uncovering these messes, I squeezed my eyes tight and fought with everything in me, shielding the rest of my brain and slowly attempting to shove him out. I needed to be able to do this, I know I can. He ended the memory and a new one popped up, I was taken aback not expecting him to get to this part. It was the night in the astronomy tower, he was there talking to me. No he can't see this, he would find out too much, and I would never be able to face him again. I pushed this memory out controlling my emotions to where it was out of his reach, and blocked off, it only triggered another memory, this one even more recent. I was brewing Amortentia, Draco had just taken a whiff, It was my turn. Come on y/n don't let him get this far, focus. "Your turn! Better hope it doesn't smell like filch!" I leaned over the cauldron taking in the scent. No come on focus calm yourself, he cant find out. Leather shoes. Relax. Parchment. Clear your mind of all emotions. Firewhiskey. I released my grip on my wand, relaxing my whole body and resisting, pushing him out further and further. The memory slowly faded away. Come on. I let out a breath and the memory disappeared completely. I felt nothing and my body was cold. I opened my eyes and saw Severus standing in front of me, somber look on his face, breathing heavily. I turned away from him, sniffling and quickly wiping the tears off my face. I didn't want to see his expression. He knows why I was crying and why I wouldn't tell him. "Y/n." he said calmly. I breathed out, my heart beating fast. "Y/n look at me" he said softly. I fiddled with my fingers and turned back to him, not looking in his face still. What is he gonna think? What will he do? I can't even fathom what he's gonna say. "I'm sorry." he said kindly "What for? You just did what you needed." I said shaking my head and looking up at him. "You did good, it was your first try and you were able to get me out." he said with a small smile. "And what about what you saw?" I said looking in his deep black eyes. I needed to know, I didn't want him ignoring it. I needed to know what he thought or else I would go insane. He stepped closer to me, "Your sister seemed lovely" was all he said and I looked at him confused, "And your father was indeed as you described him" he added. What was he talking about? Doesn't he know this isn't what I meant? He's a smart man, why is he being so oblivious. "That's not what I'm talking about," I said quietly. He looked in my eyes and almost stared through me, reading my expression, he stiffened up a bit, but his face seemed apologetic. "I see no need in picking through your personal matters Y/n" he said, turning to walk over to his desk. I picked up my wand and followed him over. He can't just leave it at that. Not after what he's just learned. "This was a bad idea, I should have never suggested we do this, I let my pride get in the way and didn't consider the consequences" I said looking down at my feet. "Ms. L/n I do not know what you mean, you did exceptionally well." He said in his more normal cold abrasive tone. "My Amortentia" I stated, looking up at him to try and read any expression he may have, he looked away for a moment then back at me. "It's late, we have taken up a lot of time, you should go to your dormitory, we will continue on Friday. And i'll see you for tutoring tomorrow" he retorted sitting down in his chair and grabbing papers to grade. I stood shocked, why was he avoiding it? Was he gonna tell Dumbledore? Was he gonna have me expelled? But he just sat there not giving me another thought. I grabbed my robes and slowly walked towards the door. "Goodnight Y/n, I'm very proud of how well you did." he said in his usual tone, not looking up from his papers. Why wouldn't he talk about it? Were we just going to pretend like nothing happened? Did he not understand what this meant? I had so many questions. I took a breath easing my thoughts. "Goodnight Severus" I said as I walked out and headed to my room.
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bokutosbestie2 · 3 years
Chapter 3
Sorry for the slow pacing! The good stuff will soon be starting on the next new chapters!
As I and Oikawa walked I look behind me, he seemed worried.
What is wrong with this dude ever since I ask him where he came from he been acting WIERD.
" Uh so Oikawa why do you need to go near the border," I asked suspiciously as I looked at him.
" I just want to see the river of gold which is near the border... Isn't it princess~? " Oikawa said in a smirk.
" I guess you're right.. "
" Ok but the real question is why do you want to go near the border? " he asked as he looked at me.
" I have a couple of friends that are Guards I wanted to pay them a visit "
" Haha, I have a couple of Guards who are also my friends ." He said
Oikawa pov:
Oh shit, that slipped out...
Back to Y/N pov:
Once Oikawa finished his sentence I stopped walking and looked at him dead in the eye.
" OIKAWA who just are you? Only people who have " Guards " are royals...
I looked at the brown eye boy as he got even more nervous.
As I stared at him I begun to noticed he had very unusual large fangs.
" I'm just a Lost stranger," he said as he chuckled nervously
" Bull shit .. FIRST I see you wearing a cloak and now you said you have guards? "
" I won't move until you remove your Cloak," I say in an angry tone.
" Yeah sorry I won't be able to do that Princess " Oikawa said in a serious tone.
" Fine, I'll do it myself " as I went near him, with my right hand I tried to take his hoodie off his head...But before I can even touch the hoodie of the cloak Oikawa grabbed a hold of my wrist.
As he had a hold of my wrist he came close to my face. Our Noses were almost touching then he leans in even closer. At this point, our lips were only separated a few centimeters.
" Don't even try to do anything stupid or else you won't like what I will do to you " he said grinning.
My cheeks were bright pink.
But the stubborn person I am with my left hand I pulled his hoodie off which caught him off guard.
At that moment Oikawa lets go of me as he stood there in shock facing in my direction. I also stood there in shock hoping my eyes were deceiving me.
We both stood there not knowing how to react. Now everything makes sense on why he was acting so weird.
Thank goodness no one was near us or else's this would've started an uproar but, for some reason, I wasn't afraid of him. Despite our differences, he was a pretty decent person for only knowing him for a while.
As we stood there I came close to Oikawa. He still stood there not knowing what to do. So I decide to grab his hoodie and put it over his head.
Oikawa seemed surprised, so I grabbed his hand and started to lead the way for him as I walk in front. The warmth from his hand gave me comfort. For few minutes we didn't talk much but I decided to break the silence.
" UH, SO HOW DID YOU EVEN GET HERE? " I asked nervously.
" Why aren't you scared? " Oikawa asked as he held my hand
" Why should I be? You haven't done anything to me!"
All of sudden he stopped walking, but the grip of his hand tightens.
" Hm so they are right about Angels, They do have kind souls," he said he looked down at the ground.
" SHEEZ you don't have to make me feel lovey-dovey. " I rolled my eyes at him.
" Now the real question is why are you on this side? If someone else found you.. you would've been killed. " I ask out of concern.
" Well it's kind of a long story... " he chuckled
" I got time...The prince of Nekoma doesn't come in like another hour. "
" Fine! I will explain the story but, can you let go of my hand? I know I'm cute but your hand is kinda sweaty "
My face turned bright red from his comment.
" HEY, IT'S YOUR FAULT THAT I WAS HOLDING YOUR HAND... YOU WEREN'T MOVING " I let go of his hand and started walking forward faster.
" You know you love me!! " Oikawa said as he walks behind you.
" I just met you like an hour ago Calm down "
" UGH WHY are you so mean y/n - Chan," he said as he pouts
" You're so annoying... SO Are you going to tell me HOW YOU got here... " I said irritated
" FINE! "
After getting told what happen by Oikawa I started laughing.
" Omg Your friends sound pretty cool to me "
" Yea they are especially IWA-Chan~ we been friends since we were kids," he said proudly
" I would like to meet them one day " I looked at him.
" But Princess that means you have to come to the other side. That can be dangerous for you " he said in a serious tone.
" You shouldn't be the one talking about danger! If you can come here how come I can't come there? " I said laughing
" I will think about it "
" Fine by me, but pretty boy I better get a response soon because it seems like our walk is over. " I looked over at him.
" Ugh, you make it difficult to say no with that cute face of yours ~ "
Yet again I can feel my face flustered.
" SHUT UP you make it sound so embarrassing," I say laughing
As we stood there laughing together, I see a figure walking near us.
" Y/N!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE !! " a jolly voice shouts from afar.
Uh oh, I and Oikawa looked at each other with a panicked look.
I turn around to see which guard was shouting my name.
Oh, it was only Hinata!
" Oh, y/n WHO IS THAT WHO YOU WITH?! " Hinata comes running closer.
" uh-uh, A LOST STRANGER!! "
Hinata finally caught up to us.
He greeted me with a tackling hug.
" SHEEZ I just saw you yesterday silly," I say laughing
Oikawa just stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do.
" Oh y/n who that? " Hinata asked as he looked at Oikawa.
" Uh, he is a lost stranger who needed help. So I help him find the river of gold... " I say laughing nervously
" Yea y/n helped me find my way back home," Oikawa said looking at Hinata.
" I'm Oikawa Toru! " he said happily
" Well Hinata are you guys free right now, I originally came here to see Kags and the others but I came across this Goof! " I say as I looked at Oikawa.
"You so mean y/n Chan!! " Oikawa yet again started to pout.
Hinata was laughing at us.
" Well right now I'm free, Kageyama and the others on the other hand are busy on guard. " Hinata said.
" Ok! Why don't we 3 do something? I have about an hour left before the prince of Nekoma comes! " I say happily looking at the two boys.
Oikawa pov:
Back to Y/n pov:
" Uh, actually I have to get going... " Oikawa said as he tries to point with his head trying to get my attention.
" Oh uh! Actually, Hinata Let me take Oikawa home real quick! Then I'll come back here some and you can go eat out! " I say
" OK, THAT'S FINE BY ME!! I'll wait for you at the Guard station so you can greet the others " Hinata said happily.
" Ok sounds good!! "
" Alrighty, then Bye Oikawa nice meeting you! "
Hinata said as he began to walk to the guard station which was not far.
When Hinata left I turned to Oikawa.
" Why do you have to leave all of sudden.. "
" Just like you, I NEED TO MEET WITH A PRINCE to discuss important" matters." " he says in a sassy tone.
" Ok, then where do I take you, so you can leave to the other side? There are guards everywhere near the border! " I say
" There is this part where I came from we have to cross the river of gold and there is a back path where no one seems to know. "
" Alright lead the way, pretty boy "
" Aw y/n - Chan already giving each other Nicknames ~," Oikawa said in a flirtatious tone...
" Oh shut up and lead the way already "
All of sudden I felt my hand getting swooped in by Oikawa's hand. He caught me off guard, but his hand in mine felt comforting.
" Ok so here is the river we need to cross the river. If we just see on your right there is an abandoned bridge we can cross on," he says
" Oh ok! "
As we cross the Bridge our hands are still intertwined.
Why is my heart beating so fast? I just met him and he seems to attract me in some sort of way. Love at first sight? Nah I must be going crazy...
My thoughts get interrupted by Oikawa.
" Ok so here we're, you see that large tree with the bushes? Once I go through there it leads to the other side! "
Why do I feel sad?
" I guess this is our goodbye then huh... " I say sadly
" Aw don't be sad Princess, remember you still want to meet my friends! " he says happily as he still held my hand.
" Oikawa so when will we meet again? "
Oikawa pulled me close to his face, then he moves to my ear.
" Princess already missing me huh? " he whispers.
"Let us meet again tomorrow night and maybe you can go to the other side with me," he said as he pulls me even closer.
" Fine! I'll meet you tomorrow night and also can you let go of my hand.. Now seems like your the one in love with me " I say as I whispered in his ear.
Oikawa moved away and let go of my hand. Instead, he was using his hands to hide his face. This the first time I saw him flustered, this was a funny yet cute sight to see.
" Well, Princess I didn't see you like that type of person. " Oikawa smirked
" Yea yea whatever, you have to get going or else they're going to worry more. " I said
" Ok, then I'm off and remember tomorrow night! Don't miss me too much ok? " He said as he begins to walk in the hidden path.
" Not missing you one bit... but tomorrow night we will meet again. " I say as I waved goodbye to Oikawa.
After his figure disappear I began to head back to Hinata and the others.
Oikawa pov:
As I left y/n my heart was pounding uncontrollably. There was something about that girl which makes me want to meet her again. Is it the fact she knows I'm A monster and she does not care or is it because she sees cares more for who I am than my appearance? I don't know which it is but I will see her again...
As I got back from afar I see Iwa with an angry face.
Uh oh
Oh, shit he going to ask me about everything...
Chapter 4
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True (Lucifer SPN)
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Pairing: Lucifer (Supernatural) x Reader Words: 1.5k+ Warning(s): Shapeshifter, a lil bit of angst, some heated stuff ehehe A/N: Im rewatching Supernatural and it rekindled my love for Lucifer. What is it with me and Lucifer ahaha. I hope you guys enjoy~
You grunted and winced, the fabric bag that was over your head ripped off your head. There standing in front of you was a damn Shapeshifter with your damn face. They smirked at you as you struggled against the ropes binding you. You were on a case alone that was supposed to be a simple salt and burn, and it was. But apparently the shifter in town caught wind that a hunter was in town. The guy who spoke to you before you left town at the gas station must've been the shapeshifter; before you became his new face. He was the last person you saw before blacking out. You looked around and pieced together you were in some sort of basement.
"Wakey-wakey, (Y/N)." He chuckled. "My, my... To get ahold of someone who is so close to the Winchesters. I must've won the lottery!"
"If you know anything about them you would know you can't fool them." You snarled back.
"I am currently learning everything about you." He tapped your forehead, "I already know juicy details about Sam and Dean and oh! The bunker too. I'll pay them a little visit and kill them in their sleep~." The shifter walked away from you, slipping your hunting bag over their shoulder. "I left you some food and water, can't have you dying on me! Toodles!" He chucked your knife close by you before leaving the basement.
You smirked to yourself, seems like your imposter hasn't learned everything about you yet. Like how you were in a relationship with the Lucifer, your soulmate. You had to stop yourself from praying to him, just in case the shifter would be able to access that. If the boys didn't figure it out soon enough, Lucifer would definitely tell the difference. You felt almost sick that a shifter took on your face, you just hope they would stopped in time.
You maneuvered the knife your doppelganger tossed you to your tied up hands, and slowly you began cutting away at the ropes. When the ropes were cut off you immediately started looking for a way out. The only window to the outside was way too small for anyone to enter or exit.
"Damn." You growled. You walked to the door, just in case there was a slim chance it was left unlocked; it wasn't. You sighed and attempted to kick it down, didn't work. "There has to be something the dumbass left around."
You sighed and began your search through out the basement, hoping this would all be over soon.
Shapeshifter you pulled into the garage around 10pm and smirked. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to get ahold of you; one of the closest people to the all too well known Winchester brothers. He felt all too confident that he could trick the two easy-peasy. He locked the car and strode into the bunker, a cocky smirk was on his, technically yours, face.
'All I have to do is wait until they fall asleep.' He found his way to the library of the bunker and there were Dean and Sam, not suspecting a thing. The two looked up from their laptops and grinned.
"How was the hunt, (Y/N)?" Dean asked.
"Pretty easy. The ghost didn't stand a chance against me." Shifter-You grinned and sat down at the table with them.
"Good you got back in time, we found a big hunt about 3 hours from now and we want to go first thing tomorrow. We also want to bring your boyfriend too, we may need his help with some things." Sam passed over the newspaper article of whatever they want to hunt. The Shifter mentally cursed at the fact you had a boyfriend, he hadn't had enough time to learn more about you.
"Sounds good." He gulped as he scanned over the paper. He carefully eyed the two brothers as they continued talking about a game plan for the hunt and he hoped more of your memories would become accessible to him. "Well I am going to my room and catch up on some sleep, see you both later!"
"Goodnight, (Y/N)." They both waved and he got up from his seat.
"There is my one and only favorite human!" A voice the shifter didn't recognize shouted behind him. He turned around, ready to act like you, but practically froze on the spot.
'This bitch is dating Lucifer?' He internally screamed and put on his best (Y/N)-esque smile.
"Hey there, babe~" He continuously began silently freaking out when the Devil leaned in and kissed the shifter-yous forehead. Did he successfully trick the infamous fallen angel?
"You look scrumptious." Lucifer smirked.
"Ugh get a room you two." Dean grunted, causing the shifter to turn and face him.
"Don't worry Dean, there won't be anymore PDA."  Lucifer wrapped his arms around the shifter, his arms tightening. "Because this isn't (Y/N)."
"What the hell?" Both Dean and Sam grabbed their guns, keeping them at the ready.
"Lucifer w-what are you talking about?" The shifter paused for a second before struggling with all his might to break free from the practically bone crushing hug from Lucifer but he couldn't.
"Demon?!" Sam shouted.
"Nope, a shapeshifter." Luci smirked, his eyes shifting to red. "Oh you are so going to regret shifting into my (Y/N)."
"If you harm me I won't tell you where they are!" The shifter tried to bargain.
"Are you stupid or dumb? I am archangel Lucifer, I will find (Y/N)."
"Why do you want to find that bitch anyways? They think of you as a monster, Lucifer." The shifter snarled. "I have access to all their memories and thoughts. You disgust them, repulse them even. They think you are nothing. The mere thought of you touching them makes then want to burn their skin on off-"
"Shoot them, they bore me." Lucifer sighed and shoved shifter you forward. Before the shapeshifter tried running, both Dean and Sam landed two fatal shots with silver bullets. Your body fell to the ground with a thud... And the shifter was dead. The Winchesters eyed Lucifer carefully but his face was unreadable.
"Uh are you okay, Lucifer? They were saying some pretty harsh stuff as (Y/N)."
"That was rookie stuff." He shrugged his shoudlers. "Take care of this while I go find (Y/N)."
You sighed and slumped against the pillar you were once tied to. It had been hours since the 'evil you' left and you were feeling exhausted. Your search for a way out was futile, but you had high hopes for a rescue. You figured that the Shapeshifter should be at the bunker by now, so you were pondering your choices.
"Ah fuck it." You closed your eyes and began concentrating, preparing to pray to Lucifer.
The sound of fluttering wings made you snap open your eyes, Lucifer was standing right in front of you. He grinned and held out a hand, which you gladly took, and he immediately pulled you into an embrace.
"I knew you would know." You buried your face into his chest, hugging him tight.
"I will always know who the real you is. Now let's get you home." You felt the usually spinning when Lucifer teleported and next thing you know, you were in the bunker library.
"Where's the brothers?"
"They are taking care of the Shapeshifter. Let's go to our room." He took hold of your hand and you both walk down the hallway to your room. You watched Lucifers carefully, you can tell there was something wrong and you knew it had to do something with the shifter.
You arrived to your shared room with Lucifer. Once the door was closed you pulled him into a deep, emotional kiss; your body pressed against his. You break away and stared deeply into his eyes, placing a hand on his cheek.
"I am sorry if shifter-me said anything to you, Luci." You sigh,"What happened?"
"Why are you apologizing? It wasn't you." He lead you to the bed to sit down. "That shifter said you hated me basically, that I am disgusting. And watching "you" die was something else."
"Aw Lucifer, I love you with all my being and I hope you know that I could never see you as a monster." You wrap your arms around his shoulders and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Now, I was stuck in a dusty, dirty basement all day. I think a shower with my favorite Devil~"
"Oh I like the way you think." He smirked. "Let's get those restricting clothes off.~"
"No need to tell me twice." You maneuvered and now you were straddling Lucifer, you ran your hands through his sandy blond hair. You felt his hands go to your hips, and slowly they made their way to your back. His hands slid under your shirt, the light and gentle touches made you shiver.
"My favorite human, my soulmate, my love." Lucifer murmured in your ear before he kissed your neck. He held you tight while he left little hickies along your collarbone.
You felt pure happiness in that moment with your soulmate Lucifer.
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pixiegrl · 4 years
Baby I'll Never Leave If You Keep Holding Me This Way
Calum stops by the flower shop to pick up Michael for date night. 
Hello I'm back with more blurbs from the Flower Shop/Tattoo Parlor AU even though I have not written the whole thing. This was for an anon prompt on Tumblr for "So, can we go eat" with Malum (which tumblr ate im sorry anon i hope you see this). @tigerteeff asked if someone would write a Malum fic for cozy hoodie Malum after the Twitter video today so I wrote this for them. Love you Heath, collector of Trans 5SOS. and thanks to @blackbutterfliescal for editing this for me love you!
on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29646975
Calum makes his way into Over The Rainbow looking for Michael. It’s late Friday afternoon and the only thing Calum really wants is to find the object of his affection, go get dinner, and go home. He’s been sitting all day, hunched over doing tattoo after tattoo. Every part of Calum hurts. Michael was supposed to meet him at Do Momento Mori when they closed almost 30 minutes ago and Calum still hasn’t seen them. Michael’s never on time, unless there’s food involved and the flower shop closed around the same time they did so Calum’s a little worried. He hasn’t seen Luke or Michael leaving the shop either, so Calum finally grabbed his hoodie and bag and made his way over.
Luke’s at the front counter when Calum comes in, counting out the money in the register, curls pulled back into a bun, humming along to the Taylor Swift song that’s playing over the speakers. He looks up when Calum comes in, surprised, glancing at the clock. 
“Aw shit, they’re late aren’t they,” Luke mumbles, straightening up. Calum can hear the sound of his back cracking from over by the door, wincing.
“Yeah. I was getting worried.”
“Michael wanted to take a nap before seeing your date tonight. I told them I’d wake them up in time, but well, clearly I got distracted with closing things too,” Luke mumbles. He’s flushed and clearly embarrassed. Calum smiles, shrugging as he crosses the store.
“Well, this way I get to surprise them. You should probably head out though. Ashton’s nervously fidgeting in the shop and he needs someone to go remind him to eat,” Calum says. Luke perks up, smiling at Calum. Calum rolls his eyes, fondly. It took far too long for Luke and Ashton to finally admit they liked each other and that they wanted to date and now that they’re boyfriends, they’re insufferable. 
Calum passes behind Luke, heading into the back room of the store. He finds Michael curled up on the couch they keep in the back. They’re curled into a tight ball, hands tucked under a pillow they’re using. Michael’s clearly fast asleep, chest raising and falling softly, fringe in their eyes. Calum drops his bag by door, crossing the room. He crouches down in front of Michael, ignoring the cracking sound of his knees to reach out and brush the fringe away from Michael’s eyes. They blink their eyes open slowly, startling a little when they realize that Calum’s in front of them.
“Am I late?” Michael mumbles, reaching up a hand to rub at their eyes. Calum’s hopelessly charmed by Michael’s too large sweatshirt sleeves, curled over their hands in sweater paws. 
“Only a little.”
“I wanted to be on time. Show you I was responsible,” Michael whines a little. They bury their face into the pillow. Calum chuckles a little.
“I can’t fault you for sleeping a little more. You deserve it if the dark circles mean anything,” Calum says. Michael turns their head, looking at Calum, wary.
“Still. I’m not a very good partner if I’m late to everything,” Michael mumbles. Calum shrugs.
“Well I snore and you’re late to everything. We all have our strengths and weaknesses,” Calum says. Michael huffs out a laugh, rolling their eyes. Calum stands up, nudging at Michael’s shoulders.
“Move. I wanna cuddle.”
“Why? Thought you wanted to get dinner together.”
“I’ve been sitting upright all day. Laying down sounds amazing right now,” Calum says. Michael sighs dramatically, rolling over slightly. Calum climbs over them, wiggling behind Michael on the couch. He curls up behind Michael, running his fingers through Michael’s hair. They hum lightly, leaning back into Calum’s chest. They lay there for a few minutes, breathing in sync so quietly that Calum thinks Michael might be asleep until they speak up.
“You’re warm,” Michael mumbles, leaning back into Calum. Calum smiles, keeps stroking their hair. There’s a lull until Michael speaks up again. 
“What are we?”
“What do you mean?” Calum asks.
“Like dating? Are we together? Casually seeing each other? I know labels are stupid or whatever, but I want to know before we go any further. I can’t get invested if you’re not serious,” Michael says. 
Calum pauses, thinking about it. If Calum’s going to be honest, he already assumed they were dating. He knows they’ve never spoken the words aloud, haven’t put the words to their budding relationship, Calum already considers Michael his partner. When Calum talks about them to his mum, he calls Michael his partner. He says it in stores and at restaurants when the check out people ask who he’s buying things for. Calum’s not sure what the feeling in his chest is whenever he sees Michael, when they burst into the tattoo parlor to bring Calum mid-day coffee or bring Calum food on longer days, when they sit with Calum while he sketches, asking questions about the art he’s making, the techniques he’s using. If Calum had to guess, he would say that the feeling in his chest is love. It’s pure, unadulterated love at its finest. Calum’s hesitant to put the word on something so new, but it feels right. The shape of the words on Calum’s lips, the idea of love is so close he can almost taste it. Calum fantasizes sometimes, when it’s late at night and he’s trying to fall asleep, what it would be like to have Michael with him all the time. What it would feel like to fall asleep with Michael, curled up around them, pressing close. What it might be like to wake up with them, make breakfast together, walk to work together. Calum knows it’s too early, but he wants a full life with Michael, for as long as Michael will have him.
“I want to date you. I want to hold your hand in public and call you my partner when we’re out. I want to go on date nights and kiss you at the movie theater and I just....I want to be your boyfriend Michael. If you’ll have me, I want to be your boyfriend,” Calum says.
“You can’t just hit me with that kind of confession while I’m comfortable and warm and cuddling with you. I’m emotionally compromised enough as it is,” Michael whines, covering their face with their hands.
“Well you asked! Don’t ask if you don’t want the answer,” Calum says, laughing.
“Terrible, terrible, terrible. I can’t believe my boyfriend is awful and mean and a dork,” Michael bemoans dramatically.
“So, does that mean you want to date me?”
“Unfortunately, I very much want to be your partner. I want to hold your hand and call you my boyfriend and kiss in public until Luke whines at me to stop.”
“Good. Glad to know we’re on the same page with embarrassing our friends with our relationship,” Calum says, laughing. They lay together on the couch for a few moments until Michael’s stomach rumbles. 
“So, can we go eat?” Calum asks, running his fingers through Michael’s hair. 
“No, cozy,” Michael mumbles, burrowing into Calum’s chest. Calum sighs.
“Come on Mikey. I won’t even make you eat a veggie. We can order pizza and cuddle on the couch and watch a movie.”
“But you’re warm and the couch is cozy,” Michael whines.
“It’ll be even warmer and cozier back at my place. I’ll make you pancakes in the morning since it’s a late shop day.”
“Chocolate chips?” Michael asks, cracking one eye open to gaze at Calum.
“Yes, I’ll even add chocolate chips.”
“Fine, I guess going home with my boyfriend won’t be such a tragedy,” Michael says dramatically. They wiggle out of Calum’s hold, rolling over to face Calum. Michael leans forward, pressing a kiss to Calum’s nose. Calum grins, leaning forward to press one to their nose.
“Glad to hear it. Love you,” Calum says before he can stop himself. He freezes, heart pounding, unsure of what Michael’s going to say in response to Calum’s sudden confession.
“Love you,” Michael hums back. They burrow back into Calum’s chest, head tucked under his chin. Calum knows they should sit up, get going, so they can get food and do this at his place under covers and warm, but right now, Calum’s content to just lay on this couch with Michael curled up in their love.
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rairaidango · 4 years
SEEDS THAT GROW - Tobisaku, Madasaku, Ita(masaku)
First chapter garnered more attention than I had expected it to ngl! But it felt nice to know ppl like wtv im trying out here. Here is chapter 2! Just a reminder I’m not a creative writer (nor do I write well at all lol). This is just fun for me and allows me to focus on something new during quarantine :) It’s pr slowburn but focuses on a lot of Sakura’s thoughts and feelings. (and her amazing friendship with Ino) 
TW : mentions of depression, anxiety, self-loathing, etc
“Yeah I’ve definitely seen you at the club before!” Itama pointed at her, mouth wide open in a boyish smile.
There was no way this Itama boy was that boy. Was there? 
Sakura’s eyes were eagle wide but she quickly shook it off with an awkward laugh. She really couldn’t be sure if it was him, but maybe it was? There really was a possibility. 
“Ah, you know maybe! I can’t recall if I have seen you on a night out though.” she tried to calm her nerves down with even more awkward laughter, but she caught Itachi’s eyes. He could see she was a little uncomfortable.
“Maybe you were like really drunk or something but I’ve definitely seen you-”
“Itama, you’ve seen everyone at the club.” Itachi rescued her. She gave Itachi a silent look of thanks. He only nodded in reply. “And you know, you talk too much man.” He slapped the Itama boy on the back.
“Was just trying to be friendly!”
“More like annoying. Why are we friends again?” Shisui tapped his finger on his chin comedically before laughing and receiving punches. 
The boys were strangers to her, with maybe the exception of Itachi, but she barely ever spoke to anyone outside of her girl group. She never allowed herself to talk to guys casually, and there was a reason for that as stupid as some people felt about it- but it made sense to her at the time and she feared getting close to people.
So this, this, this was nice. And this was a good thing, a casual conversation with friendly guys. She smiled at the thought, because she missed the times when she had close male friends. 
“Alright, everyone’s here according to the attendance list.” Madara announced whilst shuffling the papers in his hand. He pointed to the board making sure to point out the layout of the plans for tomorrow. “The introductory session is tomorrow and we’ve all assigned you to specific roles. We have a large group of eager college students who want to learn more about the wondrous world of medicine and medical practices. If you look at the board you’ll see about 5 groups, each group having 10 students. And two of you will essentially be leading each group and bring them around our campus, then the facilities in our building. This tour will all happen after the presentation that I and Izuna will prepare. Lecture hall 2 alright. You should ALL be there before students arrive. Is that clear?” 
The many student volunteers nodded. 
“Do we have to do anything before the talk?” Itama raised his hand and spoke. 
“Usher in and organise the students coming into the hall. Just make sure everything’s done in an orderly fashion. Knowing you Itama...please do this and work with Itachi.” 
Madara knew Itama? Sakura quirked her brow glancing ever so slightly at the boy with the badly done highlights. She wondered what relationship they had for Madara to speak so casually of him. 
“Will this be sent to us through email?”
“Of course, you’ll receive the plans, groups, layout and even the presentation when you leave the union. We professors aren’t stupid enough to think any of you, or one of you, could remember this stuff.” A playful smirk plastered on Madara’s face was all it took for Sakura to understand that he was probably only referring to Itama. “Alright 3.30pm tomorrow. Go home and get some rest.”
Who were they to each other?
“You know, I get why nii-san finds your uncle annoying and doesn’t like him very much.” Itama grumbled. 
“Eh well to be honest, I get your brother.” Shisui shrugged in response. “Madara likes Itachi though, because he’s a ‘prodigy’.” Itachi only smiled at the mention of his name.“He’s your professor right uh-sorry what’s your name?” 
“Ah yeah he is.” a pause. “Uh my name is Sakura. And he’s really a good teacher though.” She got up from her seat and caught sight of the mentioned professor turning off the projector. 
And then she realised he was looking right back at her with a piercing red gaze. Embarrassment rose in her and her cheeks felt hot; she looked away as quickly as she noticed his gaze and covered her face from him. 
What was that reaction?
“Sakura? I bet you hear how fitting that is.” Shisui snorted. She noticed Itachi was giving her some sort of look, but she couldn’t really figure it out. 
Ah shit, he knows. 
“Yeah, but you don’t have him constantly picking on you in class and after class and outside of university.” 
“Outside of university?” Sakura questioned. 
“Yeah, he’s just close to my family. Don’t really understand how or why.” Itama says hands stretched up in the air. 
“Don’t know why we’re close to you.” Itachi teased coolly, earning him an annoyed look from Itama. 
“Yo, anyone wants some bubble tea. Kokoro Kafe?” Shisui and Itachi grabbed their bags and headed towards the door. “I could do with some milk tea.”
“My sweet tooth and I agree. Sakura?” Sakura looked at the boys in front her. Were they really inviting her to go out and eat? Her? 
It was a good thing, they were nice people, and where was the harm in getting to know them?
But Sakura couldn't accept this.
“It’s alright, thank you though. I really do appreciate the invite. I’m just going to go back home and eat.” She smiled, eyes closed. “It was really nice meeting you three though.” She waved, and the boys all waved back and left the union. 
She sighed.
Outside, it was getting dark. The blue paint of the sky was darkening to a violet tone dashed with white specks of clouds. The yellow street lights only added to the magical transition of day to evening. It was quiet - but not eerily so, soft fading chatter of students echoed around the campus and the sounds of distant birds were sung in the air. 
Sakura breathed in, taking in the moment. She was sitting down on the cold stone steps in front of the union. She rarely ever looked at the scenery around her, but when she did, it helped her feel a little bit more at peace. It helped her feel a little bit more alive.
“Sir, you haven’t left?” a sudden bubble of anxiety exploding in her.
“I am now. Are you alright?” He asked. She wasn’t sure if he was asking just to be nice or if he genuinely was concerned. 
He probably didn’t care, he just had to ask as her teacher. Realistically speaking, why would anyone really care anyways. She was pretty burdensome and didn’t deserve to be worried about by even her closest friends. 
“Yeah, I’m fine!” She smiled, her smile feigning genuine happiness.
“Alright then.” He passed her a...cookie? “Just making sure. Get home safe, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He pointed at her, his expression asking her for confirmation. She just nodded in reply with the same smile.
His figure grew smaller as he walked away and into the parking area, and her stomach felt even more uncomfortable now that she was alone. But she wanted to be alone, so she really couldn’t complain about the discomfort. 
Also, what the fuck? A cookie?
“I kind of wanted to ask for her number…” 
“Then you should have before we left.” Shisui sipped his Chatime drink. “But then again, maybe you scared her off with all that eagerness.” 
“I don’t think I came off too forward.” Itama stated questioningly, and looked to Itachi for an answer.
“I mean...when you mentioned the club..she did look a bit uncomfortable.” Itachi pointed out. Itama pouted slightly. “Maybe next time. You need to be able to read people better if you wanna find someone.” Shisui only laughed. All of the boys, including Itama himself, knew that it was hard for the boy to date. “Not your fault though, cheer up.”
“I was a bit nervous.” Itama said, taking a sip of his green tea latte with a nervous smile.”I’m sure I’ve seen her at Kyo, but only in passing maybe, once or twice. Pretty sure we never talked before.” he sunk into the chair. Itachi just stared at his friend’s disappointed features. “I would’ve remembered.”
“You’re so upset, awh!” Shisui teased.
“She was just really pretty, you know?”
In their house it was always quite lively; everyone was cooking and getting dinner ready before communing in the living room area to gossip and talk about their day. Hinata and Ino were undoubtedly the best cooks of the house, while Sakura and TenTen were often the ones buying readymade food. 
Tonight however, Sakura’s fridge was almost empty and all she could really make was some good old penne pasta with ready done tomato sauce. She wasn’t upset about the option, but it was about the fourth time in a row now that she’s had to eat pasta for dinner. 
Ino came into the living room - bouncing happily as her usually gleeful self- with an amazing katsu curry dish she had whipped up. The curry flavours lit up the whole room in salivating awe. 
“Yes, all of you can have some too. I made a lot.” She grinned with a certain kind of confidence only the Yamanakas had. Taking a seat on the floor between Sakura and Tenten, Ino dug into her delicious dish.
“Honestly I’d marry you just for your food.” Sakura hummed after taking a spoon of her curry. 
“JUST for my food?”
“Let me correct myself.” Sakura rubbed her chin in a joking manner. “Because I love you.” Sakura hugged her best friend, and everyone erupted with laughter. 
“Ino would be an annoying wife though, think about it.” Temari piped in. “All that nagging and having to do everything her way blah blah.” 
“Well, Shikamaru seems to be completely fine with Ino.” Tenten winked and gave a sly look to her long haired blonde friend. 
“Oh shut up, we aren’t a thing. We’re just hooking up here and there and we enjoy each other’s company.” 
“Well I bet 50 that they’ll end up together!” Ino shot a look at Tenten.
“Honestly I’d be happy if you guys date Pig, you’ve known each other for a while and he is actually a nice person.” Sakura thought of them dating, and she had always rooted for them to eventually end up together. Ino furrowed he brows. 
“Maybe Ino just wants to just leave it as it is?” Hinata, usually just an observer, added. “I’m happy you’re having fun though!”
“Okay enough about me guys. My love life is always a hot topic but it gets tiresome when-” Ino flipped her hair back dramatically, “-its always about me” she grinned and sat prettily. 
“Yeah oh my god Hinata how are you and Naruto!” Tenten squealed like a little 15 year old girl. Hinata blushed at the question, she was usually more reserved when talking about her personal life.
But Sakura could feel a tightness in her chest at hearing that name. 
Hinata noticed this, and smiled softly. 
“We’re doing really good. It’s been about 2 months and he’s already met my family.” Hinata made sure to keep it short for her pink haired friend. She knew there was a lot to unpack there and hadn’t expected Tenten to carelessly bring that name about. 
“Awh, you guys are honestly so cute. It makes me happy knowing that 2 of us here are having good and fun love lives.” Tenten sighed as she slid next to Temari. 
“Let’s not talk about me though!” Hinata waves her hands off nervously. “My relationship isn’t very interesting, we all know about it!” She glanced at Sakura, who was fumbling with her fork and pasta. Ino noticed it too and caught on to redirect the conversation. 
“Sakura! So, found that mystery hot makeout session boy in Kyo yet?” Ino grinned nudging her best friend.
“Ah?” Sakura woke up from a trance. 
Fuck. She didn’t like falling in and out of conversation and her thoughts like this. It was really tiring and disorienting. 
“Kyo guy!” Tenten giggled back.
“Oh you know what, maybe? I met this guy today and he said he recognised me-”
“What?! You’re only saying this now?? Bitch the fuck!!” Ino’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped to the floor. 
“What’s his name?” Temari asked amidst all the shocked faces.
“Well uh..I met 3 guys. The guy who I think could be the one I met at Kyo is Itama. Then I met Sasuke’s brother and another Uchiha. Shisui if I remember right.” Sakura remembered. They were all really friendly guys.
“Was it at that meeting today?” Ino asked.
“Yeah, Madara knows like all three of them personally. Madara’s Itachi’s uncle. And I think Madara also knows Itama’s family? Or something? Honestly I’m not sure.” It was confusing to be fair. 
“Even I’ve never met the famous Itachi…” Ino muttered. “So, Itama was it?”
“Yeah. He’s got like brown hair with silver highlights and it’s not done well I can tell you that.” Sakura scoffed. “He said he recognised me because he’s seen me in the club.”
“Ah but everyone here goes to all the clubs. Your pink hair sticks out so he probably just remembered that.” Temari waved her hand and looked at Sakura before smirking. “Was he cute though?” 
“I mean..he was actually pretty cute...in a boyish charming kinda way.” All the girls had wide smiles on their faces.
“Will Sakura finally find the one?!” Ino shrieked.
“Is this Kyo club makeout boy?!” Tenten added.
“Will Sakura go on dates again?!” Temari furthered the questioning.
“Stay tuned to find out!” Hinata closed the statements clapping her hands together. It was followed by her kind smile and all the girls laughing- the atmosphere was light and warm between them. The girls, all 5 of them, shared a strong bond. 
Sakura smiled at their jokes, but she also knew they genuinely wanted her to be happy. All of them understood how hard it was for Sakura to engage in meaningful conversations with boys; her anxiety and defenses would instantly go up if a boy approached her on campus. Which was why they were all so interested in ‘Kyo club makeout boy’ who Sakura -though very drunk and out of it -chose to instigate a hot kissing battle with. 
However happy they were for her -and she was appreciative of this, don’t mistake that - it was hard to see herself dating again. It was a scary thing to think about, even though deep down she wanted to fall in love, again. She missed being in love, and the last time she was - she was unlucky. 
There was a knock at Sakura’s door. 
“Just come in!” Sakura yelled from her desk spilling with notes from lectures. The door opened revealing Ino in her flowery satin nightdress. 
“Almost done?” The blonde sat on Sakura’s double bed that was messily covered in her grey covers detailed with white and pink sakura trees. Looking at Sakura - who was dressed in her oversized Neck deep tee - Ino could see she was stressed; but this was often how Sakura looked. It worried Ino.
“Yeah - I’ll get to bed soon.” Sakura muttered, completely focused on her assignment. Scribbling away, her desk lamp was bright and boring into her papers and laptop screen; her jade eyes were tired and her eyelids weighed heavy. She sighed. She wasn’t taking care of herself with all of these late nights. 
She was tired of feeling this way.
“Do you need me to stay? Ino asked. “I can’t really sleep either... I’m just feeling a little off as well.” Sakura turned to look at her, not sure what she was saying.
“Yeah..of course. What’s..wrong?” Sakura asked, turning around from her work. Ino shuffled uncomfortably and crossed her legs on the bed. Had Sakura been so caught up in her own head that she completely ignored her best friend? Was Ino hiding it well or was Sakura that selfish?
“The whole talk earlier about Shikamaru...it just made me uncomfortable.” Ino paused. Sakura had completely forgotten and internally facepalmed herself. “I don’t like him that way. And you know how I feel about relationships.” The issue here was that Ino didn’t want to settle down, and Sakura would often bring up relationships to Ino - about how Ino should get in a relationship. Sakura knew that her friend was a strong and confident person, but had taken that for advantage and pressed on Ino’s insecurities.
“Fuck I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have projected my own wants of being in a relationship onto you..” Sakura muttered, guilt strung in her words. Her head was swirling and she felt horrible. Why was she such a bad friend? People always had to support her, people always had to help her, and she couldn’t even keep her own mouth shut. Why was Sakura such a fucking shit friend- and to Ino who had been there for her every step of the way. 
“No it’s okay, I just felt weird talking about it and I know I won’t date him. I just don’t want to get into a relationship.” Sakura’s eyes were heavy with exhaustion, but her head was heavy with guilt. “Hey, honestly don’t feel too bad about it at all. I came to also just sit with you. I knew you were uncomfortable too.”
Ino could pick up on Sakura’s discomfort, and Sakura couldn’t even do the same for her friend. She didn’t deserve Ino. 
“Yeah. The whole Naruto thing kinda just made me space out.” Sakura ducked her head as she moved to sit next to her best friend. “It’s just...it hurts to think about it sometimes.”
“You know, I think if you tried to talk to him now he would be all for it. You know how much he cares about you. Heck he loves you as much as I do.” Ino’s head fell into Sakura’s neck to remind her that she wasn’t alone. 
“Maybe one day I can. When I’m better.” Sakura muttered, wanting to believe it could happen. She wanted it to, but somewhere inside, she didn’t want it to. 
“Well, when you’re feeling good, or bad, and on your best and worst days I’m here for you okay?” Ino smiled reassuringly. 
“I know.” Sakura smiled in response. “I...I also emailed welfare for a session…its in 2 days” Ino jumped up and looked at her friend. 
“You did?” Sakura nodded smiling. “I’m so proud of you! That’s a really big step! I can’t wait” Sakura was met with a loving hug and giggled in response. “I am so proud of you. I’m coming with you okay?”
“You don’t have to-”
“I am.” 
Sakura thanked Ino. That night, Ino slept on Sakura’s bed to make sure Sakura slept alright and that she would feel at ease falling asleep. Ino missed being at peace with her best friend, and she just wanted the best for Sakura. 
There were no other two best friends like those two. 
She doesn’t even know why she’s here at this point. Why did she volunteer to do this? 
Sakura groaned internally, her back against the wall. She was standing in the hall filled with college students, and she was lined up on the sides of the hall with other volunteers. She slept pretty late last night, but she was glad she managed to get sleep anyway. The anxiety and self-deprecating thoughts always snuck their way into her head when she wanted to find peace in slumber; but she felt like she deserved it anyways.
It was just exhausting. 
“Oh I think he’s finally about to end his speech.” Shisui spoke. 
“Finally.” Itama yawned. “We gotta gather the students and call the groups after this.” Itama looked at Sakura, expecting an answer from his group partner. She was looking at Izuna presenting, but her mind seemed elsewhere. 
“Honestly, Madara talks a lot, but Izuna can go on forever. At least Madara is able to get straight to the bush rather than beat around it.” Shisui huffed. “Don’t know how Sasuke and you dealt with uncle Izuna over summer.”
Sakura woke up. Sasuke?
Itachi noticed.
“We were fine. It wasn’t hard.” Itachi shrugged his shoulders.
“And now your tour shall start. The volunteers will bring you around campus and the facilities - they’ll call you by name so when they do please stand up and come on stage.” Izuna closed signalling a thumbs up. 
“Aight, that's our cue Sakura.” Itama nudged her with a grin. 
He had such a boyish grin, Sakura thought. 
“Lets round up the kids.” She joked, a more confident part of her showing. Itama looked at her, amused.
Gathering their group, Sakura felt a little out of place. She had to remind herself to be confident, to just go with it, and that she would be fine. A little speaking wouldn’t hurt her and she chose to do this, so she had to live up to it. 
“So here we have our main cafeteria. Conveniently close to the Student Union, so it’ll be easy to grab lunch.” Sakura walked the students through the food hall. It was large and circular shaped, and it smelled like damn good food. 
“It’ll be easy unless you’re studying art.” Itama joked. “Which none of y’all are, so it’ll be an easy quick lunch!” he winked, earning him a laugh from the younger people. Sakura smiled. This Itama boy had charm, that much she knew. “Alright so that concludes the main campus. We’ve just got the facilities left in our building.” he led the way. 
Itama was so confident, and so happy. He carried himself so well and just by the way he walked, you knew he was someone whose company people enjoyed. 
“Oh yeah we’re passing the main Law building, if any of you were interested in what’s that big old rusty building. It’s the Law building. Just one of their buildings.” Itama pointed to a very wide and stretched out red brick build. 
Laughs, and a lot of them. 
“They like you.” Sakura noted, walking by Itama’s side. She peered to see his reaction which wasn’t any less than what she expected from the boy. A toothy grin. He may be older, but sometimes she swore he was 15. 
“I’m just a likable guy haha! They like you too, you know. You speak very well.” he replied pointing backwards to their walking group of students.
“Oh no, I really don’t.” He looked at her with a really-bitch-? Face. “Alright, I guess..yeah I can speak quite well. But I’m not as confident as you.”
“What? Really? You seem really confident to me.” That earned him a sweet laugh. He suddenly felt a jump in his stomach.
“I’m not. I can be, but I doubt myself a lot.” They were close to the building entrance. “You also don’t really know me.” She pointed out, opening the doors to their building.
“Okay everyone, we’ll take you to labs first.” Itama announced to the buzzing group, before turning to Sakura. “Well then, can I get to know you?” he swung his phone out. 
“Did you get her number?” Shisui asked, slinging an arm around his two friends. 
Itama looked at the pink haired girl across the lecture hall.
“No, I didn’t.”
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Home - Part 5
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It had been a couple of weeks since Jack had turned up out of the blue, i had stayed with Bucky and the kids for a week while Bucky had a restraining order sorted out. I was back home now but not before Bucky had arranged for a state of the art security system for the house (which Steve came round to install), i had tried to tell him a standard alarm system would be fine but he insisted that i had this one.....I would even get alerts on my phone if anyone was detected approaching the property.
It had definitely put my mind at ease about being home alone.
Thursday night i was at the Barnes residence later than expected, Bucky had been held up on a case he was working. Allie had been unusually quiet tonight, every time i asked if she was okay she just nodded and after dinner she took herself up to bed.
It was nearing midnight when Bucky finally got home, i had been asleep in the armchair with the chunky blanket over me but woke up hearing the front door close. Bucky walked in looking exhausted but still gave me a smile when he locked eyes with me.
"Hey doll, I'm sorry its so late. You didn't have to wait up you should have gone to bed"
"I was going to but i wanted to talk to you about Allie" i told him rubbing my eyes trying to wake up.
"She okay?" He asked looking worried, i nodded quickly as he sat on the table in front of the armchair i was in.
"She's just not been herself since i picked them up from school. She's been so quiet all evening Bucky and thats just not like her..... she had dinner then took herself to bed. I tried asking if she was okay and all i got was a nod"
"That does sound odd for Allie, i'll talk to her in the morning"
"Okay, well i'll just do their lunches then I'm gonna turn in for night" i said throwing the blanket off and getting up.
"I'll help you with that, get it done quicker".
I made the sandwiches while Bucky grabbed the fruit packs and juice boxes.
He zipped up the lunch bags after adding the sandwiches i made and put them into the girls school bags. I was wiping down the side when i heard Bucky mumble "shit" under his breath.
"Everything okay?"
"I think i know whats got Allie acting like she is..." he said handing me a sheet of paper from Allie's bag.
'Mother Daughter Picnic' was written at the top of the page signed by Ms Harper for tomorrow!
"Is this a yearly thing?"
"No, they've never had one of these before"
"This woman is crazy! She doing this because you turned her down?"
"I have no idea" he run a hand through his hair "i'll just keep Allie home from school if you dont mind having her?"
"I dont mind at all Bucky you know that. Or i could go with Allie?" I shrugged, this woman was really pissing me off!
"You'd do that?"
"Of course! Ms Harper already thinks we're married so why not" i chuckled rolling my eyes "i dont want her thinking she's got one over on you either"
"Im sure Allie would love having you there with her Y/N" Bucky smiled.
"Do you think Steve could watch Rosie while i do the picnic with Allie?"
"Yeah not a problem, i'll call him in the morning get him to swing by"
"Sounds good, well I'm gonna go get some sleep...good night Buck" i smiled before turning to head up to my room, he grabbed my hand stopping me as i passed him and pulled me in for a hug.
"Thank you doll, you dont know how much this means to us. Your amazing" he kissed the top of my head and took a step back "goodnight Y/N"
"Goodnight" i replied quickly feeling my cheeks burn and went up to my room before he had a chance to see the effect he had on me!
"Allie, baby i saw a letter in your bag about a Mother Daughter picnic at school today" Bucky said at breakfast the next day, she nodded sadly not looking at any of us.
"What would you say if Y/N went with you?"
She looked up with wide eyes at me then Bucky "really?"
"If thats okay with you sweetheart, i'd love to come to a picnic with you" i smiled at her, she broke out in a huge smile climbing down from her chair and running over to me.
"Thank you Y/N" she squeezed me tightly back to the happy Allie we were used to.
She leaned back and placed her little hands either side of my face and smiled "I love you!"
If it was possible my heart would have melted right there!
"Awww Allie! I love you too sweetheart" i smiled at her.
"I love you too Y/N!" Brooke added not wanting to be left out, i chuckled before smiling over at her.
"I love you too Brooklyn James, i love you all"
I caught Bucky smiling at his girls then at me, i quickly returned his smile.
"Okay, i gotta go my girls" he got up pulling on his suit jacket "Steve will be here at 11am to watch Rosie"
"How about i swing by the school and pick you girls up today?" Bucky suddenly added like it was the best idea he'd ever had.
"You having a early day?" I asked sounding surprised.
"Yeah, i'll be there to pick you and the girls up" he smiled kissing Rosie and Brooke on the head then coming over to where Allie was still in my lap to kiss her, he surprised me when he kissed my head too.
"See you girls later, love you" he called leaving the dining room, and with that he was gone.
"Okay, lets get you guys to school".
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Steve was at the house at 11am as promised, i didn't have to be at the school til 12 so we sat and had a coffee and a chat while we waited. When i told Steve id have to walk to the school because Bucky had insisted on picking us up afterwards, he offered to drop me there instead saying he didn't want me wandering alone.
"So, Mother daughter picnics huh?" Steve said teasingly and wriggling his eyebrows as he drove me to the school.
"Yep looks like it" i nodded " i love the girls, id do anything for them.... even going to mother daughter picnics organised by bitter old bitches"
"Ms Harper definitely fits the bitter old bitch title" Steve laughed "she's liked Buck since high school! You'd think she'd get over him already.... i mean his not even that great" He rolled his eyes playfully making me laugh.
"Thats a lie and you know it, your both great guys"
"Aw thanks Y/N!"
"Shut up Steve, dont make me take it back"
"Oh no you can't take it back now"
"But in all seriousness, you and Bucky seem to be getting along well...."
"Yeah of course, it'd be kinda awkward if we didn't being as I'm there with kids all day" i scoffed.
"Seems like a little more than a work relationship though"
"Well its not" i shook my head looking to Steve "do you think im sleeping with him or something?"
"No! no of course not..... are you? I mean it'd be totally okay of you were..."
"Im not! God Steve...." i huffed as he pulled up out the front of the school "i can't believe you would ask me that"
"Why? Its not such a crazy thought! I think your good together, and i haven't seen him this happy in a very long time....I think a lot of that has to do with you"
"Your crazy!"
"Tell me you dont have feelings for him then..."
"Shut up Steve" i threw the door open "im late now! Thanks!" I turned to check on Rosie she was still fast asleep in the back seat "dont be bringing this shit up to Bucky!" I closed the door and marched into the school.
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I followed the signs for the picnic around the outside of the building that then led onto the playing field where benches had been set out. All the benches were filled with moms and smiling little girls, then i spotted Allie standing on her own away from everyone with Ms Harper! I jogged over only to hear Ms Harper make a comment to Allie about having no mom and that she shouldn't here at the picnic!!
I saw red!! The anger was raging through me, but i knew i couldnt make a scene here infront of everyone.
"Allie!" I called to her so she knew i was there and hadnt let her down! Her little face lit up and she flew into my arms.
"Im so sorry I'm late babe, you can blame Uncle Steve for driving like an old woman" i smiled at her before turning to look at Ms Harper.
"Ms Harper, id like to say its nice to see you again but i dont like to lie infront of my kids" i felt some semblance of pleasure from the worried look on the womans face.
"Allie why dont you go find us a seat, i'll be right there"
"Okay" she said happily running off towards the benches. Once she was far enough away i turned my attention to Ms Harper.
"I heard what you said to Allie you spiteful bitch! I get your not happy that Bucky isn't interested in you but guess what? You dont always get what you want!! And you cannot say that shit to a five year old!"
"I was only telling her the truth! Her moms dead! Why should she be here?"
"Shes got a mom you stupid fuck! Im her mom got it??! I already warned you about messing with my kid.... your lucky theres people here because god help me you would be on your fucking ass by now if they weren't!"
I turned to go find Allie but stopped to look back at Ms Harper "oh and you should probably start looking for a new job, I'm not letting this go and I'm sure my husband wont either when i tell him the vile shit coming out of your mouth"
"But i....." she started to say with wide eyes.
"Have a good afternoon Ms Harper" i called back in an over the top happy voice as i approached the benches and found Allie.
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The picnic was lovely, we were sat with some of Allie's friends and their moms who Allie introduced as Josie and her mom Kylie, Emma and her mom Rachel and then Nell and her mom Nessa.
They were all lovely and very welcoming, the afternoon flew by and playdates were arranged, I'm sure Bucky would love that!
2:45 came around and the picnic was over, i took Allie's hand and we made our way out front to wait for Bucky. To our surprise he was already outside waiting for us leaning against the side of his car, he greeted us both with a smile.
"Hey girls"
"Hey yourself" i smiled at him as he scooped Allie up into one arm and draped the other over my shoulders placing a kiss on the side of my head.
"How'd it go?"
"It was so much fun daddy! Y/N met my friends!" Allie told him sounding so happy at how the afternoon went.
"She did?" He asked matching her tone and smiling. I spotted Ms Harper hovering over near the gates looking towards us and frowned.
"You okay doll? You look like your ready to murder someone" Bucky asked as his arm slipped down to wrap around my waist.
"Maybe because i am! I need to talk to you about Ms Harper....."
"Okay" he nodded then turned to strap Allie into her booster seat while we waited for Brooke to come out. Once he was done he closed the car door and turned me to face him so i had my back to Ms Harper the super bitch!! He held one hand against the side of my face making me look up at him, it would look pretty intimate to anyone watching and that was the whole point.... right?
"What happened?" He asked calmly and i couldn't help but wonder how long he'd keep that calm look about him once i told him what she had said.
"I was a little late getting here because Steve was driving like an old woman..." i started to say, i wasn't about to tell Bucky i was late because Steve was questioning mine and Bucky's relationship!
"When i got here Ms Harper was standing away from the picnic with Allie.... as i got closer i heard her telling Allie she shouldn't be at the picnic because she doesn't have a mom!" I closed my eyes trying to fight back the anger once again "how could someone say that Buck!"
I could feel the anger vibrating through Bucky but he just pulled me into his arms, my arms wrapping around his waist.
"I think we should report her Bucky, she cant get away with saying these things to Allie!"
"I agree doll, this has to stop. I'll make an appointment to see the principal”
"I can come with you if you want? Tell him what I've heard her say..."
"Yeah okay, id like that"
"I should tell you now, i threatened to knock her on her ass.... i kinda lost my shit with her" i admitted and Bucky just chuckled dropping his head to my shoulder.
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nostalthicc · 5 years
send your regards | jeff wittek
mobster!jeff x reader
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summary: y/n and jeff both find out some pretty unsettling things about their relationship
warnings: cursing, horribly written, hella mistakes, im just not that happy with it 
3k words
y/n didn’t find herself in a relationship very often, so she understood why her friends were so eager to hear about this new guy she had been seeing for about five months. they’ve had to watch y/n come home in the early hours of the morning, new designer items pop into her closet and her mood suddenly shifted from her usual unbothered attitude to a brand new happy woman and hadn’t even heard a peep about who caused all these changes in their friend’s life.
but today was the day, y/n’s small group of friends sat crowded around her bed as she started to tell them about her newfound relationship- if she could even call it that. “we met at sandy’s, the club near the outlet mall. and you know me when i have one, two many drinks. i thought he was gonna kick me out in the morning but ended up making me breakfast and asked for my number.” y/n said, pausing as she noticed the girls were dying to interrupt her story with questions.
“how was it?” 
“what does he look like?”
“what’s his name?”
“eggplant and baby carrot?” 
“does he have a brother?”
y/n’s eyes widen at the abundance of words thrown her way, she knew they were curious but not this much so. “one, that’s for me to know, court. two, he’s really fucking hot, i’ll show you guys a picture in a second, three his name is jeff wittek-”
before she could go any farther, her older friend, nora blurted out: “What?! Jeff?” y/n gave her a questionable look, urging nora to quiet down and explain her sudden outburst. “y/n, no, you have to end things, you can’t get involved with him.” she said frantically. “h-he’s not a good person.”
“what are you talking about?” y/n asked, her eyebrows furrowed. jeff was one of the kindest people she met whenever they were together, she couldn’t imagine a bad bone in his body. what nora was saying didn’t add up, it seems her friend must have been confused and was talking about the wrong jeff. since the first time she met him he had been nothing but nice to y/n and the people around them and every one of jeff’s friends were also highly kind to her. 
“are you stupid, y/n? jeff wittek is the mob boss that haunts this god forsake town. how could you be so clueless and naive?” nora whispered harshly, causing all the girl’s eyes to widen. they’ve never seen nora act this way, she was always chill and down to earth so to see her blowing up as she was, was shocking. 
everyone had their attention focused on nora they completely missed the look of horror on y/n’s face. little pieces of the puzzle were starting to come together, she knew he was hiding something but y/n never thought it would be of this capacity. the late-night or early morning phone calls, they obnoxious amount of weapons hidden throughout his house, jeff’s constant stance of authority with everyone around him, the bloodied clothing he swore were nose bleeds or bar fights, and the never-ending pit of drugs he had handy at all times. it all made sense now, y/n had dismissed it because she wanted jeff to tell her what his secret was when he was ready but now y/n really regrets her idea. why would he not tell her? how many people has he killed? would he ever hurt her? 
“do you know what he does? he kills people, y/n.” she seethed, earning unprovable glares from surrounding customers- not that she cared. nora knew what she had to do  and she was willing to do it at any cost. “you better get away before he kills you as he does with all his little whores!”
y/n had heard enough, she swiftly grabbed her coat and purse and made a beeline for the door despite her friend’s calls. frustration was building deep inside her, why had everything gone to shit in a matter of minutes? y/n slammed her hands down on the steering wheel multiple times before resting her forehead against the cool leather. when her mind drifted to jeff a new emotion emerged, fear. she was scared.  
y/n knew she needed to confront jeff or it would eat at her alive, she wants to hear the words come from his own two lips before she made any rash decisions. meanwhile, nora had escaped the mob of anger girls and was standing behind the cafe with a burner phone pressed to her ear and a cigarette between her lips. 
“hello?” a gruff, agitated voice answer on the other line. 
“do i just have the funniest story for you?” she was met with silence from the man. rolling her eyes she continued. “you assigned me to keep on an eye on y/n after you two called it quits but you’ll never guess who’s bed she crawled into...wittek.” 
the sound of glass shattering course through the speakers, he was angry, very angry. “jeff wittek?! you had one fucking, nora! one job, how did you manage to fuck it up?” 
“it’s not my fault.” nora defended herself, she was not threatened but the anger pouring through the phone and she was not going to be blamed for something she didn’t do. “i was finding out right along with her dumbass friends, apparently y/n’s not one to openly talk about relationships because it’s been going on for three months but guessing from  her reaction when she found out, i don’t think it’ll last much longer.”
“if something happens to her because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut, so be it, i will put a bullet in your head.” 
nora chuckled, blowing out a puff of smoke. “don’t joke around like that i might get excited.” 
todd met y/n at the front door of jeff’s overly large house, he offered y/n a genuine smile but it quickly fell when she didn’t return the gesture and kept her eyes trained on the floor. “hey, are you okay?” he asked, reaching to rest a comforting hand on her shoulder but y/n hopped back before he could come into contact with her. todd took her weird demeanor and silence as a sign to go get jeff, he can always cheer her up. 
y/n was terrified to even be in this house, so many awful things must have gone down on this very floor, so much blood. y/n wanted to vomit at the thought. nora’s words continued to fill her brain, how could she have been so clueless? why did she ignore every sign of danger? y/n shook her shook, trying frantically to think of what to say when she heard the footsteps approaching. jeff walked into the entryway with a pair of tan cargo shorts loosely hanging on his hips. he was beautiful, his dark hair and tanned skin, his eyes, his lips, her eyes wandered down to his toned abs. on any other day, y/n would be quick to pounce on the man, she was still urged to greet him with a kiss even after the newfound news.
“s-stop. stay there.” y/n tried her best not to stutter but nothing could have prepared her for this moment, she wished she would have stayed in the car and driven home but her brain never worked when she wanted it to. y/n held her hand up when jeff ignored her wish, taking a few steps back. “please, jeff.”
“baby, what’s wrong? toddy said you seemed upset.” jeff whispered softly, in hopes of not pushing y/n farther over the edge.
“why didn’t you tell me?” a sob fell through the girl’s lips, a sound jeff swore he never wanted to hear as long as he lived. his mind raked with confusion until he noticed the look hidden in her eyes, his girl was scared of him, practically shaking with fear. how had he let this happen? how did she even find out? 
jeff took a slow stride towards her, putting his hands up in defense. “baby, listen to me-”
“stop! don’t lie to me again, i don’t want to hear any more lies! i want the truth jeff!” y/n shouted, her body simultaneously stood a little taller on her toes until she remembers who she was talking to. y/n went into a frenzy apologizing to jeff, while still keeping her distance but he kept coming closer and she knew this was most likely the end for her. “i’m sorry, i’m so sorry, i-i- please don’t hurt me.” 
jeff froze as he watched y/n break down in front of him, he watched in silence as his nightmares came true. “no, no baby.” he reached a hand out to her cheek, whipping away the tears as new ones took their place. “please don’t say that. i couldn’t even imagine laying a finger on your precious body if it wasn’t to worship every inch. i would never hurt you, ever. okay, y/n, do you hear me? now, tell me who told you.”
y/n sniffled, taking deep breaths at their close proximity. “nora did. she said y-you’d kill me once you were done with me.” her limbs felt numb and hollow, this was all too much. jeff cursed under his breath, looking down as he tried to make any type of connection but he had y/n pretty well hidden. 
“i would never hurt you, i could never hurt you. please, please stop saying that, you’re breaking my heart over here,” he said. 
“but you hurt other people.” she whispered, a lump forming in her throat. “how many people have you killed? how many people's lives have you claimed? what’s to stop you from doing the same to me?” y/n rambled on, asking so many questions, too many questions, pumping more worry into her head. 
“because i love you, goddammit.” jeff shouted, running his fingers through his hair, he watched in horror as y/n flinched away from him, snapping her eyes shut tight, awaiting the blow. “i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i just wish you’d listen to me. i love you, i really do. i wanted to make you my queen, we would lead together. i promise i was going to tell you.”
y/n shook her head. “whatever made you think i’d want to do that?” before jeff could answer she raised her hand to stop him, y/n had heard enough. “i-i need time, this is all too much.” she stood up slowly and started backing away from the man towards the front door, y/n wanted to bolt away but she didn’t know how he would react to that. by the time y/n made it to the door, she looked back a jeff to see todd’s hands on his chest. her heart broke but if he truly did love her jeff would let her think things through. 
“my dear y/n, i knew i’d be hearing from you soon enough.”
for the few days y/n had been with ricky she started to remember why she broke things off with him in the first place. he was obsessive, power-hungry, an asshole and he wasn’t him. ricky wasn’t jeff and as much as y/n wanted to deny it, she missed him greatly. maybe she was realizing she loves him but her mind couldn’t shake the thought of who jeff really was and how he had lied to her for so long. 
“god, y/n, i told you no one could treat you better than i can and you went ahead and got involved with a fucking psychopath.” ricky ranted, lighting another cigarette before turning to y/n, eyeing her carefully. y/n knew what he was waiting for and that’s exactly why she bit her tongue. ricky wanted y/n to defend jeff so he could spit a thousand more reasons why jeff is a horrible person and she was stupid for leaving him in the first place but she was not giving him the satisfaction. y/n was starting to realize calling ricky in the first place was a mistake, he clearly had gotten worse since she left; he took her phone, won't let her leave the house, monitors all her meals, and even controls what she wears. ricky was sick.
“my sweet doll, you naive, pathetic precious being,” ricky brushed his fingers across y/n’s chin, scowling as she pulls away from his touch. he was right where he wanted to be, he not only had y/n in his clutches but he had something he could use to bring jeff down. “how do you think i know so much about wittek?” he asked bitterly, the name burning his tongue as he spoke. 
y/n's eyes widen in realization. “because you're just like him.” y/n spoke, defeat clear in her voice. while running from one leader she ran straight into the arms of another mobster, she now more than ever she could be back at home cuddled up with jeff on the couch not stuck in a prison with her crazy ex-boyfriend. 
“no!” he shouted, slamming his fist on the wall. “i am nothing like him, i’m so much better. jeff wittek wishes he could be like me, lead like me, own what i have.” his eyes cast down to y/n’s frightened face, a wicked smile gracing his features. this wasn’t the same ricky y/n used to know, he changed, became a violent version of himself. before he had always been obsessive and controlling but never once had he been violent towards y/n or anyone for a matter of fact. 
“you’re sick, ricky!” he would have thought she knew to keep her mouth shut but y/n was never one to bite her tongue. it infuriated ricky that she didn’t fear him the way she feared jeff, when y/n first called him to pick her up her voice was trembling with fear. why wasn’t she scared of him too? he was just as horrible as jeff, so he thought. ricky grabbed y/n’s arm, dragging her to the living room towards the stairs when a voice halted all movement in the room. 
“it’s taking everything in me to not rip your throat out with my teeth.” jeff smirked at the ricky while basking in his frightened appearance. when he finally found out where y/n was, he went out of his mind, doing everything he could to formulate a plan to get her back or away from that psycho. it was supposed to go down two days from now but when jeff got a text from nora he knew he couldn’t wait any longer to retrieve his girl. 
ricky’s mouth opened and closed, he became a stuttering mess as he tried to form words. “h-how? what are you doing here?” he asked, his grip tightening. sure, he was scared shitless- he’d never actually seen or been face to face with jeff fucking wittek -but he wasn’t going to back down just yet, everyone had a weakness and ricky seemed to have found jeff’s. 
a chuckle could be heard from the mob boss. “newbie’s, man.” he mumbled, turning to todd who had a fancy-looking gun pointed at the rookie. “they’re always so naive.” 
nora made her appearance next to ricky, shoving a needle in his neck before he could react. he slipped to the floor, the hand constricting y/n falling swiftly to the ground with the rest of his limp body. she yelped, jumping away from nora and ricky’s body. y/n was sure everyone in the room could hear her heartbeat rumbling in her chest, all eyes were on her and all y/n could do was stare blankly at them. 
“y/n, come on.” nora coaxed the girl over to her side with a warm smile and a desperate expression, jeff narrowed his eyes as he watched the scene unfold. he knew nora wasn’t completely loyal to him or the mob but he didn’t think she would try and take y/n away from him after all he’s done for her. 
“no, y/n come to me!” jeff countered, earning a highly confused look from the girl. jeff sucked in a sharp breath when nora lost her patience and wrapped her arm around y/n, moving her into a chokehold and pointed a gun to her head. both of the guys pointed their guns at the hostage and her capture, nora had officially crossed the line of his mercy and she would not be leaving this building alive. but before jeff or todd could do anything y/n nailed nora in the stomach, grabbed her arm and pulled it back causing her to drop the gun she held onto right into y/n’s awaiting hand. not a second later she hit nora in the head with the butt of the gun, knocking her out cold. 
“god, she was annoying.” y/n muttered, dragging her hand along her throat. when she finally turned to face the boys with a smirk matching their confused and perplexed expressions. “i can tell by the look on your face, you knew, didn’t you.” 
“i prayed it wasn’t true. ignored it because i loved you, y/n.” jeff said, balling his fist at his side. even aiming a gun at his girlfriend felt foreign, it felt wrong, like he was betraying her and himself at the same time. “after your performance i didn’t believe the rumors but i guess that was a lapse in my judgment, huh?”
y/n internally flinched at the jeff’s use of ‘loved’, she wished the could have met in another light, where they were free to fall in love and be normal- rather than stuck in the life of mobs and mafias. “loved? god, jeff, you both were my targets but somehow i’m gonna get on this helicopter only eliminating one.” she explained painfully, her life with the boy she cares for so much a mere spec now, the life she built was years gone with the simple wave of a hand.  “i-i love you too and i won’t kill you, not now at least, baby. i’ll send your regards to my father.” 
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legilimensxsnape · 4 years
How to stay sane when arguing with Snaters
1. Feel the energy before If the post is too hateful, makes you feel overwhelmed or you just feel a very bad energy coming from it... don’t read the comments. They’re going to be worse. If you really want to write something, come back later once you had time to feel better. It’ll allow you to control your emotions if (and when) a Snater will reply. Choose your battles, kid.
2. Feel the energy during Is the other person insulting/disrespecting you? Are you feeling okay? Is the other person just doesn’t want to understand anything? They’re like a wall? Do the comments have a bad energy (for example, hateful)? Don’t allow the other person to drain your energy. You can leave whenever you want. You say goodbye and that’s it. It’s not about winning the debate.
3. How is the other person? Are they disposed to receive your opinion/argument? Are they open-minded? Do they respect you? Are they willing to understand your point of view? If right from the beginning, they start saying Snape is a racist and incel piece of shit who deserves to die, you might just want to leave it. They’re just irremediable and it will be hopeless to try to have a debate with that kind of person. If they seem to be nice and not too hateful, you can counterargue. You’ll see how it goes. If they just say “I hate Snape.”, that person is not necessarily looking for a debate. No need to argue with them. If you want to know why, just ask them. Depending on the answers, you’ll need to judge if that person is opened to your counter-arguments and if you think you might change their mind on certain points.
4.  You can’t change everyone’s opinions How many debates I’ve had? A lot. How many I’ve “won” (made the other person change their mind on Snape/James)? Too little. That’s why you need to ask yourself if it’s worth the effort.
5. Immature people with no knowledge of psychology That’s what I see the most in Snaters. They are young, have no experience in life and don’t know shit about psychology. Some are just not fully evolved yet to understand your point of view and won’t do anything to hear what you have to say. Psychology is complex and so is Snape. If the other person is too immature to grasp a psychology concept, life values/principles, anything that has to do with “the more experiences you have in life, the more you understand how it works”, don’t expect them to understand what you’re trying to say. How many times have I told Snaters that Snape called Lily a mudblood because he was being humilliated in front of the whole school and lashed out on her because he was losing control and tried to gain it back with the only way he found. That he didn’t mean it, that it’s what abuse does to some people, that he apologized and it was his worst memory ever. How many times have I been told that I was justifying what he told her?
6. Basic arguments He was obsessed with Lily, he was Neville’s worst fear, he insulted Hermione, he bullied kids, he almost killed TREVOR, etc. To be honest, they’re 90% of what a Snape lover has to deal with! They’re easy to answer and you might win some debates by changing their opinions because they’re mostly people who followed the pack and use those arguments without even understanding them. But once again, if they’re not opened to what you have to say... not worth it. Just say ciao.
7. They don’t make sense You say something, they understand something else, and now they distort what you said and created a whole new argument? Yeah, welcome to the club. You say that Snape was abused as a child and now they say you glorify child abuse. See what I mean? Here is an example of what happened to a friend recently:
Her: “Hagrid caused Dudley great trauma, a big fear of wizards and fat-shamed him. No, I don’t dislike Hagrid, but I hope you do, as he did awful things to students too.” Snater: “Sis are you really telling me that Hagrid is worse than Snape, the man who emotionally and physically abuses kids?” Obviously, my friend wanted to show that Hagrid also did bad stuff and the Snater distorts what they said and change her argument into “Hagrid is worse than Snape”. When they start to put words into your mouth, run! It happens frequentely. No fucking idea why they do that. I guess they don’t know how to debate.
Another weird thing they do: they change the subject. You’re talking about Snape’s greasy hair and how it might be caused by his depression, and the next thing you know is that Trevor almost got MURDERED by Snape. You’re like.. “the fuck? I was talking about hair?” They don’t follow the rules of a debate. You open an argument, you end an argument. They’re out there opening parentheses wherever they want and never coming back to what you said. Which means that 1: you never concluded the argument, 2: you already have another argument to answer, and 3: it means they are not paying attention to what you have to say. This often happens with another thing: the word-vomiting arguments. They say every goddamn arguments they can think of and that’s it, that’s the debate. It’s up to you if you want to counterargue or not.
8. Don’t put too much energy in this Not worth it.
9. Verify who posted the post If it’s a Snape hate account or a Marauders fan account... think about it.
10. Disrespectful snaters & bullies Don’t worry, it’s not personal. Something’s wrong in their head and that’s it. They’re hypocrites. Blocking is an option for those cases. Don’t play their game. Sometimes I like to act stupid when I see it’s a dead-end.
11. They want to make you feel bad Here’s a comment from the previous Snaters, talking to my friend after her ending the conversation: Snater: “byee (kisses and heart emojis) at least the convo ended w me knowing im not a toxic person apologist (in love emoji)” So yeah. If you’re called a racist, an abuser, a KKK member, a Nazi, a whatever-you-want apologist (for example, Sn*pe apologist (which is the worst, in my opinion))... Don’t worry. They like to say that to everyone who likes a dickhead like Snape. I doubt they understand the meaning of those words. They’re hating on Snape for saying mudblood but hey ho, it’s okay to bully and insult real people, uh? Just saying that we all know we aren’t bad people for loving Snape.
Last point: No every Snater is like that!  Thanks to them. Don’t assume every Snater you encounter is hateful. But from my own experience... a lot of them are lol! Isn’t it surprising? They hate Snape for being the way he is yet they are very hateful person themselves. Just be respectful yourself and block them if it’s too much for you. Feel your emotions, understand them and control them! ♥ Don’t put too much energy in defending Snape. He’s a fictional character after all and your mental health is way more important.
Also, keep going, Snape lovers! The vast majority of you are open-minded, kind and smart. That’s why you gotta spread kindness. Love you and have a good debate x
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