#they are just soft cuddles in a flower shop on a couch
n6ptunova · 7 months
can u do chris bf headcanons
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boyfriend headcanons • chris sturniolo
a/n: ofc pookie!! thank you for the request🫶
warnings: none
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- chris would try to act a bit more “chill” and “nonchalant” before you guys date, but once it’s official he turns into the sweetest boy ever. he becomes almost soft spoken when it comes to you and you only.
- he goes to you for fashion advice since he can’t really match clothes. you take him shopping and dress him up in a way that he’s comfortable with but also looks so fine. he might even make one of those tiktoks “my style before and after my gf.” he also loves matching with you for sure.
- speaking of clothes, he LOVESSS when you wear his shirts and hoodies. it doesn’t matter if they’re baggy, tight, or well-fitted on you, he just thinks you look so beautiful in his clothes and he thinks it’s cute how giggly you get and how you burry your face in them admiring his lingering scent. he’ll let you keep your fav hoodie of his too.
- he cannot go to sleep without you. we all know how he’s always sleeping in nick and matt’s rooms, but ever since you got together, he only sleeps in his bed, yours, or the couch but you HAVE to be there or else what else is he gonna cuddle??
- his favourite is when he’s the small spoon laying on top of you and resting his head on your chest (not for that reason but it’s def a bonus) and you playing with his hair till he falls asleep. if he wakes up and you’re separated he’ll whine and cuddle closer to you.
- i think it’s a given that he likes when you play with his hair, it’s his weakness fr. but sometimes when you’re bored you start braiding his hair or trying different hairstyles on him like man bun, piggy tails, space buns or your personal favourite half up half down with some strands falling out. he acts like he’s annoyed when you do this but he melts at the feeling of your fingers in his hair.
- he’ll just be looking up with heart eyes at you focusing so hard to perfect the hair style for him and secretly smiling every time you get excited at how cute he looks and the little kisses you cover his face with. he’s so whipped it’s crazy.
- he’s a part of the sassy men apocalypse idc. being in a relationship with chris is mostly joking around and poking fun at each other. so when he’s in a goofy mood and you shrug him off bc you’re busy or not focused he’ll go “oh so you don’t love me anymore?? i see.”
- “babe literally what’s more important than me rn this is insanity.” you always call each other bro but when hes feeling sassy and you call him bro he’ll say, “are you bro/friend zoning me rn. what the fuck.” and sometimes he doesn’t even respond and just crosses his arms dramatically looking away until you say his name or “babe/baby”
- he takes pictures of things he noted you like before eg. the sky, sunsets, flowers, cats, etc. and sends them to you bc it reminds him of you and he knows how excited you get over them.
- he’s a mama’s boy i stand by that, so it’s important for him that you get along with mary lou, which you do! mary lou loves you so much he starts to get jealous of both of you because you’re “stealing” his mom and you’re spending more time with her that chris starts to miss you.
- i feel like in general chris is a bit touch deprived, like in vids he’s always reaching for his brothers’ hands or resting on them, hugging them, leaning on them when laughing etc. now that he has you, you get all these little touches, playing with your fingers subconsciously, tracing circles on your thighs occasionally squeezing it, rests his arms on your shoulder when you’re standing somewhere, always hugging and kissing you on the cheek, forhead, corner of your lips, and even boops your nose sometimes 😭.
- he definitely is always looking at you with loving heart eyes all the time that fans start to make edits of “the way he looks at you” and you both eat them up.
- when he’s sick he turns into a literal child, you have to baby him or else you’ll never hear the end of his whining and complaining. but it’s okay bc when you’re sick he does the same.
- overall that man is just whipped for you fr and his brothers tease him for it sometimes but he doesn’t care (he literally punches their arm almost every time and tells them to shut up but we move!)
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tinyluvs · 11 months
Hii! I love your blog <33 I read your NSFW headcanons of jealous Spencer, would you do a second part with aftercare? Thank you in advance :)
thank you angel! and absolutely !! you’re welcome!
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the change to soft!reid is enough to give you whiplash honestly, his eyes soften and his breathing evens out
he scoops you up, always, having to carry you, holding you tight against his body
"you okay? was i too harsh?" and "you're okay, my sweet girl"
he sits you on the counter, using the softest washcloth he can find to wash your face, so so gently, dipping to kiss over your forehead and eyelids
baths, he runs them slightly too hot but gets in first, pulling you down onto of him, gently. he lets you rest your head against his shoulder, chest to chest while his fingers drag up your back
you doze, on and off and he just lets you, constantly mumbling about how good you are and how he loves you so so much
once you're awake and warm he finds your comfiest, fluffiest pj's and wraps you up, leaving you in a corner of the couch while he makes you food
"choose something on tv angel, anything,"
he always makes your favourite food, sometimes getting food deliveries if he hasn't got the ingredients in, refusing to leave you to go to the store
when he splits the portions he always gives you the bigger one
cuddles !!! lots of them !! just a pile of both of your bodies lounging watching tv, your favourite blanket thrown over you both
when you're done eating he pauses the tv, picking you up and dumping you in his lap to face him
"you know i love you, right?" and "you know i don't mean any of it?"
he doesn't force you to reply audibly, letting you nod while he rambles
kisses, everywhere, peppered all over your face while he makes his way to your lips, kissing you so softly, like you could break
he massages your skin gently, over all the places he had been a little rough earlier, gentle fingers pressing against your hips and thighs but not in a sexual way
"y'wanna sleep?" he catches you drifting but you shake your head but he tightens his grip around you anyway, stroking through your hair, over your cheek and neck until you're softly snoring on top of him
the next day he always goes all out, breakfast in bed, an entire day of shopping or wandering around your favourite museum or the aquarium followed by a dinner date, with flowers and so much love
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thanks for reading! remember to like! reblog! and comment! i’ll give you a smooch if you do, ily!! send prompts to my ask box!
❥ spencer reid masterlist !!
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theemporium · 10 months
Oh what about sugar daddy!charles completely spoiling his girl and she just bursts into tears in the middle of a fancy shop cause she’s due on her period and all she wants is a lazy day with him
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
You didn’t mean to ruin the day.
It had been a while since you had seen Charles—around two weeks to be exact. Between meetings and factory days and races, he hadn’t been able to come see you. And because of your classes and assignments, he couldn’t fly you out to join him either.
It was tough. It really was. With the time differences and just how hectic both your schedules were, it was difficult to really sort out video calls or even phone calls that lasted longer than five minutes. All your interactions with the boy had been through texts or the bouquets of flowers he kept sending you, but it wasn’t enough.
It was him you wanted.
It was him you needed.
And then just last night you were hit with a wave of pain all over your body. Your back hurt, your muscles aches and the cramps stabbing into your lower abdomen just made you want to cry. You woke up that morning to your period and you were already so done with the day. You just wanted a simple day in as your body went through the worst symptoms.
But when Charles had finally landed and drove to your apartment to spend his break in between races with you, you didn’t have the heart to say anything to him. You didn’t have the heart to say no when he came barrelling through the door, so perked up and excited and ready to spoil his girl after almost two weeks of nothing.
So, you let him drag you out of the apartment. You let him pack you up in his fancy car with their new leather seats and drive into town. You let him drag you from shop to shop as he swiped his card like it was nothing more than a wave of a wand.
But this wasn’t what you wanted. You didn’t want him spending money on you or buying you a bunch of new things. You didn’t want him making you his own little model, trying on different dresses and shoes.
You just wanted a day in with him, cuddled up on the couch with his back pressed against your chest and his hands resting on your stomach as he held you through the worst of the cramps and pain. You just wanted to be pressed up against him as close as you could be.
You just wanted your Charles.
You didn’t even realise the tears had started falling until you felt warm hands encompassing your cheeks. Thumbs were gently wiping away the tears that ran down your cheeks and his face morphed into one of concern.
“Ma cherie,” he murmured in a soft voice, though his worry was evident. “What’s wrong? What’s happened? Do you not like this colour?”
But you shook your head, feeling the embarrassment wash over you for the scene you were throwing in the uptown boutique. You couldn’t help yourself as you wound your arms around him, nuzzling your face into his chest as an attempt to hide yourself.
“I don’t wanna be here,” you cried into his chest. “But you’re being so nice and I feel so bad, but everything hurts and I just wanna be at home with you. I’m sorry but—”
“Shhh, it’s okay, ma belle,” he hummed as his arms wrapped around you protectively, a kiss placed on the top of your head. “You should’ve said something. I just want you to be comfortable.”
You sniffled. “I’m sorry—”
“Don’t apologise,” Charles told you before pulling back, smiling softly when he noticed the way you stared so helplessly at him. “We are gonna pack everything up here and head home. Maybe have a bath and order that Italian food you like, hm? How does that sound?”
“Perfect,” you confessed.
“Only the best for my girl,” he mused before pulling you closer. “Let’s go back home, cherie.”
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Lewis being soft for his girlfriend??? Like I feel like people are intimidated by him because he’s so renowned and successful but I feel like if he was in a relationship he’d just be so soft and caring! Taking baths with reader when she had a rough day, or cooking with her! He’d spoil her, too. Just give her pretty jewellery because he wants to and because he likes seeing his girl wearing pretty French lace lingerie and diamonds that he bought her. - 💎
take care of you | lewis hamilton
soft bf lewis that’s the only warning 😩 he’d be such a great bf I’m jealous
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“What are you thinking about, love?” Lewis asked his girlfriend, who was looking at her new purse that he just bought her.
“I’m trying to think what outfit this purse matches with.” Y/n sighed. She then put her new purse down and walked to towards Lewis, who was looking at his phone. They had just gotten back from a day of shopping.
“Look, someone’s mom saw us at the store.” Lewis showed y/n the tweet.
“I guess I’m the f1 version of Georgina. Not mad about that, she’s great.” Y/n said as she started to put away her new purses in her and lewis’ walk in closet. It was getting packed, but she always found a way to make things fit. Lewis was always the one buying her gifts anyways. He always used the same excuse: “it reminded me of you! How can I not buy something that reminds me of you?”
“Are you hungry? We can order food.” Lewis asked her.
“Actually I’m thinking of cooking today. I saw this recipe online and I want to try it out. Want to help?” Y/n questioned, joining Lewis in their bedroom.
“Of course. I love your cooking.” Lewis pressed a kiss to her lips.
So they spent the afternoon cooking a new recipe. It took more than expected since at any given time, they would distract each other with jokes or do a little dance since Lewis had put on music. But eventually they made dinner. When Lewis wasn’t busy, their nights would often end with them cuddling on the couch as some random show they were trying to catch up on was playing on the tv.
But some nights weren’t like that. Lewis had come home a day earlier than expected from Brazil. He wanted to surprise y/n with some flowers and a home cooked meal. When he heard the front door open, he had just finished putting the flowers in a vase.
“You’re home.” Y/n smiled warmly at him. She looked like she had been crying not too long ago so Lewis immediately walked towards her to give her a much needed hug. “I missed you so much.” Y/n mumbled as Lewis kissed her forehead.
“I’m here.” Lewis comforted her. “Want to tell me what’s wrong?”
Y/n sighed. “Just some work drama that’s extremely childish and somehow I got involved in. I’m just happy to be home and that you’re here.” Y/n kissed Lewis. She then noticed the flowers on the kitchen counter and smiled. She was glad she had found someone like Lewis to spend her life with.
“I made spaghetti. You want to eat now or take a bath?” Lewis suggested. They both looked at each other and started laughing as they had the exact same idea.
Soon, the couple was inside the bath filled with bubbles. Lewis had lit some candles and put them around the bathtub. Y/n had her back against Lewis’ chest. And in that moment, she felt like all her problems in the world were suddenly gone. It was just her and Lewis, something that sounded like a sweet dream that she never wanted to wake up from.
“I wish we could stay like this forever.” Y/n said to Lewis.
“We could.” Lewis replied, as he played with the rings on y/n’s hand. “I love you, y/n.”
“I love you more, lew.”
“I think you’ll love me more when you see what I bought you.”
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. “Gucci? Fenty? Prada?”
“You’re horrible at guessing. Remember that set from Victoria secret that was sold out everywhere?”
Y/n gasped and sat up to face Lewis. “You didn’t!”
“When I said I was going to take care of you, I meant it.”
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jsprnt · 3 months
gifting your boyfriend flowers because he deserves some
dominik szoboszlai x reader
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A/N: based on this request! loved writing this 🫶
W/C: 1.543
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your eyes dart from flower to flower. your senses are almost overwhelmed with all types of floral scents as you stand in your local florist shop. pondering over which flowers your boyfriend would love.
you fidget with the small booklet in your hand, flipping through the pages. the symbolism of all different types of flowers written in it.
you read the names and meanings, mentally remembering the options you think will fit together nicely. although, red roses are beautiful and romantic, you wanted to go with something more special. you wanted to put a little more effort in to convey your feelings perfectly.
you adjust your bag, it slung over your shoulders. you had just left work a couple minutes ago, immediately driving to the florist down the block.
you wanted to gift your boyfriend flowers. mostly, because he'd always given you flowers. whether it was a special occasion or not. he would do anything to see a smile forming on your beautiful face. it made him feel warm and fuzzy, his heart almost leaping out of his chest as you showed him how happy you were.
he'd just come back from international break. you were super bummed out about the fact that you couldn't go. so, you kept being a supportive partner and watched every one of his games. you were so proud. he scored in both matches, and you felt like he needed to be shown some love and appreciation for his hard work.
you had read the text messages he sent you earlier. he told you he had landed safely and arrived home already. which made you very eager to get home and back into his muscular arms.
after a good ten minutes of pondering and asking questions to the sweet lady who owns the shop. you finally land on a bouquet of tulips, wax flowers, and carnations. all symbolizing deep love, luck and fascination.
you watch the florist combine the flowers into a gorgeous bouquet. you thank her after paying, walking out of the shop satisfied.
your mind begins wondering to how your boyfriend is going to react to being the one receiving the flowers this time. you step into your car, placing the bouquet on the passenger's seat and begin driving.
you arrive home fairly fast and park your car quickly. you dig your hands into your pocket, grabbing your keys, and enter your home.
it's quiet when you step inside. there is no actual sign dominik is home, except the fact that his black puffer jacket was hung up on the coat hanger.
you can almost predict he's sitting on the couch, playing a game on the PlayStation. he loved playing cod, the game was very violent in nature, but it was his favorite way to cope with his stress and worries. especially, when you cuddled up next to him or on his lap.
when he was away for days, he craved pressing sweet kisses on your face. he adored wrapping an arm around you, loving the way your skin felt on his.
you take your jacket off, hanging it up, and place your bag on the kitchen island. you look around carefully, looking for dominik.
you hold the pretty bouquet behind your back, confused when you don't spot him in the living room. you decide to take your chances and walk upstairs.
you frown as you can't hear a single indication he's home, so you wander into your shared bedroom. you peek your head inside, stepping through the doorway.
you jump back suddenly when a pink bouquet of tulips is shoved into your surprised face. you gasp in disbelief, eyes widening.
you look up from the gorgeous flowers, making eye contact with your sweet boyfriend. a smile plastered on his face, his hair a damp, wavy mess.
"hi, szerelmem.." (my love)
he says, voice thick with emotion and love. he leans down, brushing his thumb against your cheekbone and pressing a soft, tender kiss to your lips.
you reach up to clutch his white t-shirt, pulling him closer to yourself. his beard scratches against your skin, but that's the least of your worries. the feeling of kissing your boyfriend after so many days apart is the only thing on your mind.
his hand with the bouquet inches behind your back. the soft rustling of both bouquets when they touch peeks his interest. he hums against your lips for a moment, pulling away.
"what do you have behind your back?"
he asks, moving his head to take a look.
you tighten your grip on the flowers, smiling at the fact that you'd both thought of gifting each other flowers.
you slowly reveal the custom-made bouquet to him. a huge smile forming on his handsome face.
"What are these for, szívem?" (my heart)
you didn't know his smile could get any wider, but he proves you wrong when you watch him cheese and melt over how cute you are.
"I thought it would be romantic.."
you answer, grinning from ear to ear. both bouquets held up next to each other.
he chuckles, pulling you close again and planting a sweet kiss on the tip of your nose. your eyes flutter at the gesture, and you scrunch your nose after.
"you're cute, so cute.."
he mumbles, watching you reach up. you run a hand through his damp hair, messy waves sitting on top of his head. indicating he just got out of the shower.
your favorite look on him, by far.
"Let's put them in vases?"
you suggest, making him nod. the both of you walking towards the kitchen to prep the flowers for the vases.
you both settle on the couch after a while, both bouquets sitting in their separate vase, on the coffee table for now.
dominik grabs you by your waist, guiding you to sit on his lap. you do, without hesitation, wrapping your arms around him.
"don't you want to tell me which flowers you got me, édesem?" (honey)
you nod eagerly, ready to describe the meaning of each flower. wanting to tell him how much effort you put into assembling the flowers.
"Okay, so the pink tulips- you already know that one. it means- deep love and affection.."
you begin rambling, unbeknownst to you. he doesn't stop you, though. his hands run up and down your thighs, listening intently to your voice, a sound he couldn't get enough of.
you don't notice the look he's giving you, too occupied with your story, but he's absolutely hypnotized by your beauty.
how your eyes move and dart away, how your lips curl up into a smile, how you raise your brows and use your hands when explaining something you’re passionate about.
"..and obviously, you always get me flowers- so I thought you deserved them too.."
you finish your story, taking a deep breath since you talked absurdly long and fast.
"I missed you.."
he suddenly whispers, the movement of his hands on your thighs stopping. instead he moves his hands to your back, pulling you flush against his body.
you hum in surprise, pressing your face against his chest. his musky body wash and aftershave is a very manly, but comforting scent to you.
"me too, I'm happy you’re back, baby.."
he hums, the rumble of his chest making you smile.
"you liked the flowers, right?"
he asks, already knowing your answer, but he loved hearing you verbally tell him how you felt.
"of course, I do.. but you stole my idea with the tulips.."
you joke, chuckling at his confused expression.
"I'm sorry. how can I be forgiven, lelkem?” (my soul)
he asks, smirk playing on his lips. his eyes are narrow when he looks at you. you raise your head, making eye contact with him from an intimate angle.
your request is simple, no beating around the bush. you had missed his touch, the feeling of safety he gave you, and especially his voice.
"alright, drágám.." (my precious..)
he says, lifting you up from your position on his lap. he holds you tightly as he walks you to your bedroom.
he playfully throws you onto the bed, walking away for a moment to collect the now full vases. placing each other’s gift on the respective nightstand.
you watch him intently, patting his side of the bed to call him over. he grins at you, lying down beside you, his hand sliding underneath your shirt.
"how was work?"
he asks as you play with his dark brown hair. his eyes roam on your face as if to remember every single inch of it.
“tiring, I’m hungry though..”
he rubs your back, placing a soft kiss on your lips.
“how about we do a little date night?” he suggests, hand tracing the middle of your back.
“for what?”
“I haven’t seen you in so long. i want to take my szép édesem out..” (pretty sweetheart)
“Where to?”
you ask, your stomach growling at the thought of going out for delicious food.
“you’ll see, can you get ready in- an hour?”
you nod excitedly, pressing multiple kisses on his face before scrambling out of bed and into your closet. you hear a loud laugh behind you, your boyfriend watching your figure disappear as you get excited over your clothing options.
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ze-maki-nin · 2 years
ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʏᴘᴇ ᴛᴏ. . .
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Please do not repost my work/ideas on other websites!
N/A | I decided to do the ‘they’re the type to’ things with the Tokyo Rev characters cause ✨yes✨
Reader | They/Them but in 2nd POV so You/Your
Hinata Tachibana is the type to buy sweets before she comes home so she can spend the rest of the evening with you cuddling on the couch while watching your guys favorite show
Emma Sano is the type to think of you whenever she’s out with the other girls as they shop, go to a cafe, etc. if she sees something she thinks you might like, or it reminds her of you, she’ll take a look at it and possibly buy it
Mikey Sano is the type to be picky on what he eats unless it’s his favorite, however if you made him something then he’d be over the moon happy and eat every last crumb, no matter how good or bad it tastes
Naoto Tachibana is the type to hate physical contact and touching anything remotely dirty, however he makes an exception specifically for you, allowing you to hug him and hold his hand without needing to spray you down with disinfectant first
Ken 'Draken' Ryuguji is the type to buy you a single flower before he comes home from anywhere, it can be a rose or a tulip, he doesn’t know much about flowers but the nice old lady he buys them from helps him choose
Keisuke Baji is the type to be protective of his hair, not letting anyone touch it, no matter how close I’d friends they are, however he would let you touch or play with his hair in a heartbeat if you asked
Takashi Mitsuya is the type to unconsciously make his practice/demo clothes in your size so you can try them on, he usually makes them in whatever size he thinks would fit a mannequin he has but he’s started to make them in your size so you can model them for him
Nahoya 'Smiley' Kawata is the type to be passive aggressive and a bit rude/blunt to literally everyone that he meets, however when around you hes more sweet and sugar coats his words a bit to lessen the blow of some bad news, he doesn’t want to unintentionally hurt your feelings
Souya 'Angry' Kawata is the type to be a bit loud and rude like his brother to protect himself, hiding his real self however when we around you this facade cracks a bit and he becomes more quiet and shy, he’s sweet and likes to just sit with you
Chifuyu Matsuno is the type to hide the fact that he likes soft and cute things cause he wants to be seen as ‘manly’ and strong and not ‘weak’ however he can’t help but fawn over the cutesy things when around you as you two look at photos/videos or passing by a shop making him a bit embarrassed
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iiseor · 1 month
some hazel and reader fluff?? maybe??? please and thank you <33
Okay finally getting around to doing all of my hazel reqs now in honor of the other anon that tried to curse me out, anyways — here you go nicer anon 🪷 this is unedited btw sowwy ⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ·̭ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝ no cw
A feeling of serenity ran through your viens whenever you were with hazel — she was such a sweetheart with everyone of course, but she ensured she was an angel especially with you. To her you were fragile, like a delicate flower that would fall apart if held by the wrong hands. She never really believed in love at first sight, or the idea that love is sudden rather than slow burn — that was of course, until she met you.
An awkward yet impactful exchange at first, the two of you met at a coffee shop where she just so happened to spill her un-lidded drink all over your blouse. and after a million apologies, and an exchange in numbers so she could pay for your dry cleaning — the two of you became inseparable. Your bond tying once you realized how connected you two truly were, both sharing mutual friends and attending the same school. She was confused, scared even, at the feelings she felt for you so quickly despite her past outlooks on life.
Though after multiple exchanges, meet ups and introductions — she gained comfort towards the idea of being with you, oddly flooding with tranquility when in your embrace. It was, of course, the same for you. Hazel was gentle, and it was always the small acts of service that showed her affection towards you.
"we have 5 minutes until the previews end so hurry up!" Pj yelled from the couch as you and hazel emerged from the kitchen. It was another night in with her, pj and Josie — just how you all preferred. With jumanji loading on the tv and a table filled with snacks, you cuddled up on the couch with your head laying on hazels chest — her heartbeat playing in one ear and the movie playing in another.
With hazel placing soft kisses on your head and caressing your hair— you struggled to stay awake within the first few minutes of the movie, despite PJ and Josie's continuous yelling protests and predictions throughout it all. "It's okay .... sleep sweet girl" she whispered in your ear taking notice to your drowsy state, now caressing your face. Those five words were all it took for you fall asleep on her, hazel now careful with every move she makes.
"You know it's not really an enoyable movie with you two blabber mouths screaming every second" she said sarcastically towards pj and Josie, who had practically analyzed every scene in the film before they even knew what was happening. "Well it's not our fault everyone in this movie is so stupid!" Josie nearly yelled with her hands waving in their air, causing hazel to 'shh' her even louder— taking her hand and placing it over your exposed ear to muffle their noise. Josie and pj chucking in a lower tone in attempt to be quiet at the realization of your state.
Sound asleep, you felt nothing but safe in the arms of your unexpected lover — drowning out everything and anything beyond her clasp.
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artificialstardust · 27 days
roommate!ruffilo roommate!ruffilo roommate!ruffilo
just a soft spoken, introverted sweetheart. just wants to watch anime with you and i mean, hey, if you end up cuddling on the couch together oh well. mhm if you fall asleep on him can’t be helped.
personally imo a dream of a roommate — respects boundaries, cleans up after himself, do we think he cooks at all???? on occasion????? mayhaps??? stealing his graphic tees????
(also i want friends who are tattoo artists that’s so sick)
Okay so I’m assuming this is roommate!ruffilo that you’re more than friends with but not dating(?) so I’m going off of that
Roommate Ruffilo is genuinely so sweet. He’d always make you coffee in the morning when he makes his. You’d typically join him on the balcony and enjoy your coffee together while he has a smoke. It’s typically not a surprise if you walk out of your room in the mornings wearing one of his hoodies you stole from him while he was away on tour (you have four or five of them in your closet) and he just smiles and shakes his head when he sees you in them.
He’s pretty quiet for the most part. Your relationship with him is basically black cat and orange cat energy. He’s the shy reserved one, but will always listen and entertain you because you like yapping to him and get bored easily sometimes. He thinks it’s cute listening to you ramble. If you ask if you can braid his hair, he’s saying yes and sitting between your legs on the floor so you can braid it. If you’re outside, he lets you put flowers into the braids.
You typically take turns cooking, occasionally you’ll help each other. If he cooks, you do dishes and vice versa. If you do actually make anything together, is usually dessert. Then you both do dishes (one washing, the other drying and putting them away). Usually on those nights, you’ll sit on the couch together watching a new anime one of you found. It’s not uncommon to find the two of you sitting on the couch with your legs in his lap or one of you cuddled up to the other (he loves to cuddle into you, he thinks you’re soft and warm).
It’s also not uncommon to just lay in bed together if one of you gets bored and wants to just chill with the other. Usually it does end up with the two of you cuddling and showing each other memes you find. Neither of you are surprised if the other falls asleep on them. You’re comfortable with each other.
He ALWAYS asks you if it’s okay if the guys can come over, because the space is just as much yours as it is his. And you give him the same courtesy. If it’s someone you’re both friends with you’d just be like “I’m inviting xxxx over” and you’re both typically chill with it.
On days he knows you’re not feeling good or are just not in the best mood, he’ll leave a small gift bag outside your door with your favorite snack and a singular rose he got from the flower shop to make you feel better. When you say thank you, you end up hugging him longer than usual. He never complains because he loves having you in his arms, but won’t ever admit that to you.
And don’t think he doesn’t steal anything from you, because he does. He will very much steal your hair clips, hair ties, headbands and scrunchies for his own hair. From where he gets lost in drawing or working on something he doesn’t want his hair in the way at all. Especially if he’s cooking. He will casually grab the hair tie off your wrist without saying anything about it if you’re just sitting there watching him so he can tie it back while he cooks.
He also offers to give you tattoos when it’s around your birthday, holidays or just because you’re both bored. You don’t take him up on it 7/10 of the time because you like thinking pieces though, but you do have a couple he has done for you.
Rarely if he’s drunk, he is very cuddly and much more extroverted. He’s laying on you, saying random shit and just giggly. He will just casually mention that he wants to kiss you but forgets he said it the next morning. He falls asleep on you every single time.
One last thing, he can and will scare the shit out of you by jumping out at you from around the corner
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judgementdaysunshine · 5 months
Forever Valentine
For @sassginaswanmills
Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Fem reader
Description: Rhea makes you her Valentine forever after a big surprise
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Valentine's Day for you so far has been absolutely wonderful waking up to breakfast in bed courtesy of your girlfriend Rhea who showered you with unconditional love. The two of you give each other flowers and jewelry heading out for the whole day starting with going to the mall enjoying the small shopping trip getting your belly button pierced at a local shop along with matching tattoos with always on her finger and forever on your finger and getting each other secret gifts before having lunch together giving each other the gifts after getting home putting the lingerie she got you on under the dress she gave you while she wore a button up and jeans making dinner with music playing dancing throughout the time until dinner was ready eating and sipping on wine before being cuddled on the couch watching movies sharing a joint before she lightly kisses your shoulder going up your neck giggling as she lifts you up carrying you to your shared bedroom. Soft tender kisses are shared and peppered along each other's bodies smiling at how she was putty tangling her hands in your hair as you paid special attention licking and sucking her clit before she had you pinned returning the favor making your eyes tear up from the pleasure molding together as she thrusts in you with her strap until both of you just held each other in silence sharing soft kisses again melting like honey when she carries you to a bubble bath and you were a puddle of putty as she washed you washing her despite her instance of pampering you but you do anyway falling asleep while the two of you soaked in the warm water for the next hour waking up to find yourself dried off in one of her shirts and underwear smiling sweetly when she presses soft kisses all over your face "I love you and I want there to be more Valentine's days and just days like this" you smile more until you notice her on her knees with the ring tearing up "Will you marry me and be mine forever?" you laugh pulling her into a kiss as she puts the ring on your finger "Always and forever baby" the two of you share more kisses wrapped together under the covers falling asleep with a new change to your life together.
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giyuji · 2 years
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ft. osamu dazai, chuuya nakahara, ryunosuke akutagawa.
cw. cursing, gn!reader (i think; i tried to keep it as neutral as possible).
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#𝐎𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐔 𝐃𝐀𝐙𝐀𝐈 — this man, this fucking asshole. his side of the bed is his. your side of the bed? also his. the entire mattress is his paradise and he’s the king of it all. you? during the day you’re his royalty. during the night? you may as well be another servant tending to his whims. sleepy dazai is clingy, whiny, and will start of the night with a fit if you don’t cuddle up next to him. so, because you love him (and the 20 minutes of peace in his arms before he dozes off to sleep) you give in. it’s nice, it comfortable, it feels safe; a complete 180 of the situation as soon as that 21st minute hits. dazai sprawls himself around the surface, arms wide, legs strewn about, long and lanky limbs moving around all night. if you’re particularly unlucky, he’ll kick you a few times and you’ll wake up with excruciating pain in your back. if you’re lucky, the only thing that happens is him pushing you towards the very outer edge of the bed as he takes all space for himself. you tried building a pillow wall once. dazai tore it down within 7 minutes. and god forbid you move to the couch when you’re especially tired. if he wakes up and you’re not within arms reach? OUTRAGE! you’re his love, he needs you close :( why would you ever leave him all alone in the bed? :( that’s right, it’s unacceptable. at the end of the day, his sleeping habits are just another part of him. and being allowed near him in such a vulnerable state is an honour on its own. besides, it could be worse. at least he doesn’t snore. not super loudly at least.
#𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐔𝐘𝐀 𝐍𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀 — such a small man, such a ridiculous amount of blanket. there’s no need for him to wrap himself in the covers entirely, leaving you with, well, nothing. that’s right, chuuya nakahara hogs the blanket. he starts off completely different, though. will insistent on tucking you in (with a scowl on his face if you’ve been particularly bratty about it that night) before he goes to brush his teeth and all that. when he comes back, you’re already dozing off to sleep. he’ll carefully lift the duvet and snuggle closer to you, holding you against him and making sure the both of you are warm and comfortable before even thinking of going to sleep. you usually wake up around 2am, cold, freezing, and seeing your darling of a boyfriend wrapped in his own little heap of blankets. if he didn’t look so ridiculously cute, with those puffy cheeks and pouty lips, you’d be mad. but, as it was, he did look utterly adorable and so your brief anger quickly washes away. with a heavy sigh you’d inch closer to him, brushing the soft, red hair away from his forehead before pressing a soft kiss to it. he’s lucky you love him so much. if he were any other person, you’d kick him off the bed and feign sleep when he gets startled awake. but how could you be mad at him? especially when he smiles in his sleep at the delicate kiss you place on his forehead? that’s right. you can’t. so you instead keep a few blankets in a drawer in your room. it started with one, but as the night progresses he takes those, too. so, now you have multiple ones. it works out, as 4 blankets seem to be the magic number that leaves you with covering for the next morning. chuuya feels super bad about it each time, though, hence why he’s so insistent on tucking you in. will get you a bouquet of flowers as an apology. you get fresh ones each day <3 your appartement is a flower shop at this point.
#𝐑𝐘𝐔𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐄 𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐖𝐀 — sleeps like he’s dead. full on laying in a casket. arms crossed over his chest and on his back. not moving once. entire body tense, eyebrows pulled into a frown, lips downturned. always on high-alert, too. it annoys and pains you at the same time. it pains you to see him not ever being at peace, not even in his sleep. and it annoys you because, well, you love him and want to be close to him. you want to cuddle, to tangle your legs with his, to rest your head on his chest and to feel his fingers carding through your hair. some nights you want to be the one that holds him, clutching him against your chest while you kiss the top of his head. but the way he sleeps makes it so damn difficult. he isn’t even being actively annoying. in fact, if you were a coworker instead of his partner, you’d absolutely choose him to share a room with on business trips/missions. but—you weren’t a coworker. and you wanted ryunosuke closer to you. so, one night, you decide to try your luck. bad choice. you knew he was on high-alert, and the sudden appearance of rashoumon while you try and lift one of his arms to sneak underneath it really shouldn’t have come as a surprise. the squeak you let out at the ability rushing towards you has him snap out of it, and it quickly disappears again as he realises who was trying to get near him. he scolds you at first, berating you for trying to test him and that you could’ve gotten seriously injured. only when he sees your down-casted eyes, and slightly wobbling lip (c’mon, you’re sleepy and needy for you boyfriend, okay? you can be emotional) his harsh words quickly die down. when you mutter an apology and whisper that you just wanted to cuddle with him, he goes even quieter. will scoff and wrap his arms around you, pushing your head on his chest and hand in your hair. just like you imagined. he manages to feign nonchalance, but even in the dark you can see the blood flowing to his cheeks. still sleeps on his back, though. at least you’re in his arms now while he does it.
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kawaii-leilei54 · 1 month
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FWB!Namjoon x Reader
Genre: Fluff, slight smut
Namjoon: You up?
You roll over as you stare at the text.
You were in fact up, your insomnia had gotten you again.
Up late thinking about how much work you had left to do, how you were going to pay next months rent when you were already behind.
Y/n: Yeah
Namjoon: I'm coming over
Your eyes go slightly wide, though this isn't the first time he would come over this late.
You two had many times doing this, since you were both busy during the day with work.
You worked at the same place, at a plants and flowers shop not too far from your house.
Namjoon saw you that day you walked in, wearing that dress with your hair in a cute style.
He fell for you almost immediately.
But of course, he didn't talk about it.
He instead grew closer with you, and even changed his schedule so that your shifts matched.
One thing led to another and you two agreed to take it to the next level.
He kissed you.
It wasn't rushed, he took his time as he kissed you, leaning you against the shelf in the backroom of the shop.
You were back there picking out flowers for a customer that was coming later, and when you turned around you bumped into a firm chest.
You look up at him and he stares at you with a blush on his face.
You stared at each other for what felt like hours.
He leaned in and you did the same out of reflex.
And since then, you two would meet up a lot more outside of work.
He took you out, bought you things and would say:
"This reminded me of you, I thought you would like this."
He would walk you home and make sure that you locked your door after going in, you would tell him to text you as soon he got home.
He even let you borrow his hoodies sometimes, though you wouldn't give them back, he never minded.
You hear a knock at the door and you go to answer.
Namjoon smiles softly as he sees you, he wore a green hoodie and some sweatpants with his slides on, you could tell he had been up a while.
"I brought snacks." He says as he lifts the bag.
You raise your eyebrows in amusement and move to the side to let him in.
"How could I say no to that?"
He chuckles and walks in, taking off his slides and going to the kitchen to set the bag down.
"Couldn't sleep?" He says as he turns towards you.
You sigh and shake your head.
"Anything that's bothering you?" He asks softly as he moves towards you.
You look at him shyly, you didn't want to bother him with your problems which he could tell.
He took your hand and left you to the couch.
You both sit down and he looks at you attentively.
"It's just.. I've been thinking a lot.." you start.
He nods and puts your legs over his.
"Wanna talk about it?"
You shake your head.
He sighs and frowns.
You look down at your hands, messing with them subconsciously.
You didn't want to mess up the mood with your work issues.
He sighs again and pulls you closer.
"How about we watch a movie instead?" He suggests.
You nod, staying quiet.
You felt bad that you couldn't talk with him openly, but you didn't want him to worry about it. You didn't want to have to think about it yourself.
It's already late and you just wanted to enjoy your time with him.
You cuddled into him, his scent calming you down.
His secret was soft, not too heavy but something that you were used to.
He wrapped an arm around you and kissed your head. He turns on a show you too had started a while back but hadn't finished.
You start to watch the show, letting your mind forget about all the troubles that kept you up.
"You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" He whispers in your ear, startling you slightly.
"Yeah.." You mumble.
He smiles and watches the show keeping his eyes on the screen as he held your waist.
You didn't want to talk about, if anything you wanted a break from even thinking about anything.
He understood.
He moves his hands towards your hips, holding you there and whispering in your ear.
"You want me to make it better?"
He smiles and nods and moves his hands to your thighs, massaging them.
"Of course, love." He whispers as his hands continue moving down, his other hand comes to your breast, causing you to squirm.
He knew all the spots, the ones that would make you completely useless.
He kisses your neck softly, taking his time before leaving bites.
You knew you could be vulnerable with him, you sigh deeply, letting your anxiety fade.
Your eyes flutter as you give him access.
"Good girl." He says lowly in your ear.
"Come on, let me handle it." He taunts.
You give in and melt into him, his hands working you like they always do.
You needed this.
You needed him.
Namjoon had always been your only.
Your only hook up, your only best friend.
He was everything to you, but to him you were way more than you could ever think of.
He kept telling himself that he wouldn't want to tell you about his feelings
That this was only for fun, to relive the stress of the hard days.
But even then he couldn't stop himself from wanting more.
To be closer
To be your everything like you were to him.
Maybe.. one day.
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toasttt11 · 3 months
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July 19, 2017
Sebastian leaned his head on Michael shoulder and Matt sat on the other side of him, the three sat on the stairs together listening to their parents arguing again.
They could hear their mother screaming at their father and most likely the glass they can hear shattering is their mother throwing cups around again.
The fights between the boys parents have become more common over the years, especially with hockey and if money was tighter around certain times of the year. It seemed nothing Todd did was good for Jennifer anymore.
Sebastian whimpered slighty hearing his mom sound so upset again and breaking dishes, He turned his head and hid his face against his oldest brothers chest and held tightly only Matt’s hand.
“It’s okay Sebby.” Micheal cooed softly rubbing a hand through his little brother soft brown hair.
Matt frowned guilty tightening his grip on Sebastian’s hand feeling guilty because they were arguing about moving to Michigan because of him and him getting drafted to the US Program.
“Come on let’s get to bed.” Michael told his two little brothers and stood up, He hated how much all of them heard the arguing but especially his little brothers.
Micheal led Sebastian and Matt in to his room and he pulled back the covers of his bed and climbed into it and laid down in the middle and Matt walked around climbing in on the other side lying down next to his older brother, Sebastian climbed in and cuddled into his older brother.
Michael wrapped his arm around both of them gently playing with their hair and getting them to relax and fall asleep as they ignored the arguing still coming from downstairs.
July 20, 2017
Sebastian woke up first and he got out of bed and paused hearing the sound of sobs coming from downstairs, he walked down the stairs slowly and saw his dad sitting on the couch sobbing into his hands.
Sebastian frowned in worry and walked over towards his dad, “Dad?” Sebastian called out softly looking at him in concern.
Todd’s head snapped up hearing his youngest son soft voice, “Oh Sebby.” Todd breathed out as he wiped his tears, he knew this was going to crush his sweet son’s soft heart.
It was very obvious from a young age that Sebastian was a mamas boy, always crying unless she held him, always wanting to be with her and no one else, second he could walk he would craw into his parents bed and cuddle with him mom, he always picked flowers he saw and would bring them home for his mother and was always saying that she so beautiful, his first word was Mama.
Sebastian slowly walked over to his dad and sat down on the couch next to him, seeing a few stacks of papers on the coffee table.
Before Todd could tell Sebastian what was wrong, Matt and Micheal both walked down the stairs and frowned as their dad red and puffy eyes.
“Dad?” Matt asked titling his head to side looking at his in concern as he walked over.
“What’s wrong dad?” Michael also asked in concern as he walked over and sat on the other side of his dad with Matt sitting next to him.
Todd took a deep breath and said the words that he knew would break his kids, “Your mother left.” Todd knew that his relationship with his wife had been rocky lately but it seemed like she started turning into a completely different person always caring about money and shopping.
“What?” Matt whispered out looking extremely hurt.
“Yes.” Todd took a deep breath, “And she signed away all of her custody rights for the three of you.” Todd told them softly knowing no matter how he tells them it’s going to hurt all the same.
“No. No no no no.” Sebastian quickly stood up and shook his head rapidly as tears filled his eyes, “She wouldn’t! Mom loves us and she wouldn’t just leave! She will be back tomorrow. She loves us.” Sebastian trailed off feeling his heart breaking he turned around and rushed out of the living room and ran up the stairs ignoring the calls from the three downstairs and he slammed open his bedroom and slammed it behind him and locked it close.
Sebastian jumped onto his bed and buried his face into his pillow letting out heartbreaking sobs, his whole body shaking as his face was soaked with tears and snot running from his nose.
Micheal went to go stand up to get his little brother, Todd rested his hand on his eldest arm, “Let him.” Todd knew Sebastian needed some time alone.
Matt curled up into a little ball cuddling into his father’s side as Micheal stayed right next to him.
That day changed the whole house, Todd was focused on working and taking care of the kids, he seemed more emotionally gone most days. Michael started hiding his feelings and everything trying to be strong for his little brothers but really it was just pushing them farther away from him. Matt tried to acted happy and funny pretending nothing had happened and their mom didn’t leave them, he felt so guilty because Michigan caused so many of the fights before his parents.
And Sebastian, he was no longer the sweet boy anymore. He was quieter and rarely talked to anyone anymore, he was angrier all the time snapping in hockey games a lot more often and getting into fights because of that and he was breaking his sticks more often. He no longer wanted to cuddle in bed with his brothers and be affectionate with any of them. He mostly stayed in room or outside shooting pucks most of the time.
Todd hoped that there move to Michigan would do all of them good, and hopefully become a fresh start for all of them.
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
Can I request B, C and D for Charlie?
Insert a funny or clever caption here
This probably won't be relevant when this posts/I'll forget it by then but I'm BEGGING on my knees for people to understand the difference between intrusive thoughts and impulsive thoughts/actions (this is totally unrelated to this ask and blog)
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Really anything is on the table so long as it's not drugs, something lewd, or something violent! She can be a little pushy with activities but once she notices you're uncomfortable with something shes quick to put a stop to things to make sure you're okay! if you just want to do a puzzle together or explore a media together and rant about it, shes happy to do that too!
Very warm! Got her warmth from her mom, if I'm following the body heat hc me and my friend came up with! Soft too, and her hair is soft. She lets you play with her hair when the two of you cuddle. Looooves being little spoon but she will happily agree to being big spoon if you want to switch! More comfortable cuddling with you in bed and in private, but will slightly lean into you when you two are sitting together on a couch in the hotel's common area
She loves taking you out to shops! Flower shops, places with trinkets and stuff. Theres always something there and it's just so peaceful! Or maybe to a petting zoo.. calm things like that are nice for romantic dates! She might also be a sucker for movie dates or carnival dates, she seems like she would be a sucker for classic romance. Will try to win you prizes
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paperclip-skz · 1 month
It's Perfect
Reader x Felix
Imagine: You and Felix have been dating for a few months, but is a few months enough time for you to say the most important words in a relationship?
WC: 681
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You and Felix were lying in bed. Nothing special, you both were just in each other's arms, basking in each other's warmth. 
He was holding you lazily around your shoulders while you were in his grasp, resting your head on his chest.
He was telling you stories of his time in Australia. “And when we got back to our campsite, there was this huge spider, I mean like it was the size of my hand, maybe bigger!”
You slam your hands over your face, your eyes screaming with fear “Felix no! Are you joking!”
He always found your fear of bugs amusing, but he grew up in Australia, so he was used to big and little bugs! And you adored his caring side, even if he cared about the well-being of little bugs in his apartment. 
“Yea,” he giggled at your overaction. “It's Australia, there's a spider around every corner” he explained, acting like it wasn't your worst nightmare. 
“Oh my god Felix” your eyes were still closed and you were starting to laugh along with him, “I love you, but you will never take me camping in Australia.” 
All of a sudden his muscles tense. His laughter stops. And his eyes bulge out of his head like a cartoon character. 
You crane your neck to look up at him, your brows furrowed in confusion. “What?” and then it hits. The realization that you said the three most important words in any relationship. 
You and Felix had been officially dating for only a few months. And those few months had been magical. You knew you loved him, you loved him the second he asked you for your number in the coffee shop where you two met. You knew you loved him when he agreed to come over to your house to watch your favorite movie and cuddled endlessly on the couch. You knew you loved him when he bought flowers and chocolates and wrote a card just to ask you to be his official girlfriend. You knew you loved him, and deep down you knew he loved you too, but were you ready to say it out loud? 
You shoot up from his chest, sitting cross legged in front of him. He stays completely silent, staring at you in awe. His bare face is so unreadable, you almost take those words back immediately, you’ve never seen him unreadable. He always shows his emotions to you, so you know almost exactly what he's feeling, but right now it's just blank. 
“I- uh” you stutter, keeping your eyes anywhere but his. You're panicking, you not only feel the blush of embarrassment climb up your neck, but you also feel the small glint of sweat forming on your forehead. 
“Do you mean it?” His soft voice breaks you out of your panic. You look back up for the first time since you had said the words. His coffee glazed eyes bore into yours. His freckles shine in the morning light, and his soft face only reads adoration and love. 
Adoration and love, that's all you feel. The fear of rejection leaves your body and the panic you felt only a moment ago washes away. 
“Yes” it does not come out as confidently as you wanted it to, but it's enough for his eyes to widen ever so slightly and his smile beams. 
Felix lunges forward pinning you down with his body on the far end of the bed. He showers you with kisses, attacking your face with his lips. “I love you! I love you! I love you” His smile blinded you, and your lighter filled the empty room. “Jesus Y/N you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to say those words! I wanted to say those words the moment I met you. I wanted to say those words the first time I kissed you, I’ve wanted to say those words to you over and over” another kiss to your nose. He pauses, staring into your eyes. “I love you”
It's perfect, this moment, this feeling. It's perfect. 
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luminouslywriting · 2 months
I read and adored Timeless, and I now have the biggest crush ever on Gale (also would love to be friends with Bucky and all his chaotic energy). I know you have a million projects in the works, but if you ever get the chance, would you consider writing some domestic headcanons for Gale? ❤️
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ABSOLUTELY! The way that I screamed when I saw this in my inbox haha! i don't nearly get enough asks and I love this kinda thing! So yes yes yes!! And also, you're so sweet and it absolutely made my day to get your message about Timeless 🥰
Let's get into it!
-Gale Cleven is above all things, a man that keeps his emotions close to his chest and isn't super verbal about the way that he's feeling. But you know what he's really really great at?? ACTS OF SERVICE!
-He is a firm believer that the little things make the difference in people's lives!
-You've had a tough day at work or school? Flowers for you when you get home
-The car is a little low on gas and he's fully aware that you're capable of getting it yourself BUT he's getting it for you because he wants to
-He's out getting a few things to fix things up back at home (be it plumbing or lighting or whatever it is) and he'll see a small thing and think of you. So maybe it's a piece of candy or something he knows that you've been wanting for a while, but he gets it! This is also goes along with gift-giving, but I digress
-He notices you're tired and a little low on energy? Don't worry babe, he's got you covered with the dishes or cleaning up a mess or whatever it is
-Now I do really think that he expresses a lot through physical touch
-So if you're brushing your hair or doing a nighttime routine, he's gonna be watching you starry-eyed and wanting to help in some way
-He's absolutely the type of man to brush your hair for you or do his attempt of putting it up if you prefer it that way.
-LOVES physical affection when it's just the two of you
-It's the quiet hand-holding during dinner
-Or the way that he'll pull you closer while trying to fall asleep because he loves the way that you fit against him and it's really comforting
-There's at least one time where he's washing the car himself and you're watching from inside and THIRSTY and I can't say that I blame you, okay?? That may or may not be how you ended up pregnant, but that's ANOTHER STORY haha
-Saturday is work day and Sunday is a day of rest even if you two aren't necessarily religious
-Like, he wants to get all of the shopping and house-work done on Saturday so lazy Sundays can exist for the two of you
-But also he doesn't like to just laze around so he's usually up before you and Sunday mornings might just mean breakfast in bed for the two of you
-I do think he's actually pretty decent at cooking and would definitely get better at it as time goes on
-Sunday afternoon walks around the neighborhood, especially when you have babies haha
-Washing the dishes together absolutely ends in water fights if you're in a playful mood
-He's a dog person so you guys definitely adopt a dog or maybe two or three together
-Loves working with you, especially with his hands
-He also really likes late-nights when you're reading in bed together or just cuddled up on the couch to watch some late night tv shows or movies
-He's an I Love Lucy fan and this is just the facts
-He's a caretaker so be on the watch for if you're sick because he will absolutely baby you and take care of you
-But if he's sick? Hahahahaha, that man is working through it until you can convince him to rest
-Some spicy things next haha
-He has an authority kink in the bedroom and you can't convince me otherwise
-He's absolutely relentless when he's in the mood and there are so many little domestic things that get him in the mood. It can be as simple as you bending over to put something away or something as mundane as you playing the piano and watching your fingers move. That doesn't necessarily mean he's VOCAL about it, but if you find yourself suddenly pinned and he's giving you a certain look, then you know what's about to happen haha
-Gets more comfortable being vocal in your sex life as things progress and time goes on
-Sometimes he comes home from work and he acts like a man half-starved and kitchen sex is a thing, though i could not tell you why haha
-ANYWHO, it would just be the most loving relationship and you'd always be taken care of
-And as always, let me know if you want to see me elaborate on anything or if you just want to chat! I'm always down haha!
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milkmissiles · 11 months
♡Boyfriend Denki headcanons♡
This is my first post hope ya'll enjoy! Sorry if there's any misspellings♡
-CW- implied spicy, fluff, fluff, and more fluff.
Denki x GN reader
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Denki as your Boyfriend would be so, so wholesome.
Like imagine him just absolutely doting on you constantly. You mentioned you liked a certain brand of lip balm once in passing conversation? Well you better Like it for the rest or your life 'cause every time your almost out he buys you like 10 more.
Buys you flowers on every date that he thinks "match the vibe."
If he sees a dandelion on the side of the side walk, he picks it, placing it behind your ear. Then he'll pull you in, giving you a quick smooch on the lips, interlocking his fingers with yours, swinging your arms happily as you continue walking.
If you question his motives, he'll say something cheesy like, "it compliments your beautiful eyes~" or "because it was pretty, but it pales in comparison to your beauty~"
You roll your eyes but a blush spreads across your face, proving his flattery works to some degree.
If you are ever feeling insecure he would take the expression "kiss it better" to an extreme.. he would absolutely worship your body. Peppering kisses on any part you are insecure of. Every few minutes asking if you take it back... you should really take it back otherwise it will be a looooong night...
He is mesmerized by everything you do. Whether it be cooking, cleaning, or even just playing video games on your phone..
He would watch you complete the most basic tasks, a soft grin plastered on his face as he follows you with his eyes. Burning your image into his mind.
He would come up behind you, hugging you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder. "Are you done yeeeet? I'm boooreeed~" He would groan burying his face in your neck, breathing onto your skin
"If you do that it'll end up taking me longer..." you would respond, an annoyed smile on tour face. It inevitably does take you longer.. you find out pretty soon after you start dating Denki that doing anything with a bored, in love Denki hanging on your back is very, very difficult.
When you finally finish cleaning and agree to cuddle. he would fall down onto the couch, dragging you with him. He would wrap his arms around you and turn on a show for you two to watch. Admittedly you wouldn't really be paying attention. Much preferring to relax into Denki's arms and take a bit of a nap.
While you two are chilling, he would totally give you little love zaps, to let you know he's still there and he loves you♡.
Denki would take you on so many dates, movie theater dates, resteraunt dates, dates in the park, dates on the beach, coffee shop dates... the list goes on and on. But your first date in particular he planned weeks ahead..
I mean, your kinda one of the first people to say yes to a date with him after all... how could he not go all out?
On your first date, Denki was so, so nervous. He was so scared he would mess up. He planned for sooo long that you were starting to think he changed his mind.
He texted you, telling you to meet him outside the dorms. Before you two walked to the date location..
When you got to the spot, you saw a picnic blanket layed out on a grassy hill.. the trees delicately laced with fairy lights. There was a bottle of champagne, (the cheapest one he could find...) with two champagne flutes on the picnic blanket. Along with sandwiches cut into perfect triangles.
There was also a bunch of paint and two little wooden boxes. And a box of pocky... (he's a flirt give him a break.)
He led you to the blanket motioning for you to sit down before pouring you a glass of champagne.
You two sat there for hours, laughing, and chatting. You painted your little boxes that at the end of the night would be given to eachother.. the cheap little wooden box that Denki painted for you with little lightning bolts scattered around it finding a home on your bedside table for years to come..
After you painted he suggested playing the pocky game.. you got all flustered but honestly he was more flustered. Especially when you agreed which he honestly was not expecting at all.
You played the pocky game, your lips brushing against eachother.. he leaned in a bit, biting off the pocky..
"Can I kiss you..?"
He asked quietly, quieter than you've ever heard him talk before.
When you agreed he leaned in, kissing you softly. Not a long kiss but a very genuine one. His usual flirty behavior dimmed down significantly. His cheeks flushed and he pulled away quickly, rubbing the back of his neck and smiling at you. Trying so desperately to hide his nerves.. it doesn't work.. he's beat red...
By the end of the night your walking home, hand in hand. Having a conversation so deep it was almost uncomfortable.. until then you had no idea Denki could be like this..
At the end of the day. I think denki would be an amazing, loving, flirty, doting boyfriend.
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