#im going to just be happy as i am and chill out.
l0stfoster · 2 days
I wanna know more about the feather situation now tho ohhhh you got me intrigued ohhhh my goddddd
And paul just thinking and knowing hes the reason johnny’s in a wheelchair and that’ll probably haunt him for the rest of his life cuz now hes so associated with the greasers he probably knows johnny a lot better now and ohhh im gonna be sick . He probably has so many feelings about the shit he did b4 he was kicked out of the house ohhhh my sweet boy i love you so bad
Paul anon I hope you know you're an icon among the writers. Novva has previously expressed how much they want to put you in a jar and observe you (/pos)
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As always I am so joyous that you're enjoying Paul here hehe. I've said it once and I'll say it again. Canon Paul can go kick rocks, Cursed Paul, on the other hand, needs a break from me. I talk a lot below so yeah another below the cut.
The feather situation was a little thing I'd thought about recently, since I've brought up to the writers before about how Two would eventually offer Paul a feather for flock marking, and Paul, by god, does NOT want the feather. Not only does he feel like he doesn't deserve it for what he's done; but it proves something about himself too- that he's getting attached. What the fuck does it say about him if he begins to connect with these people? It doesn’t help the guilt, that’s for sure. Two tries for probably months to get him to take it; literally days on end of offering and being ignored or shrugged off- finally, Paul takes it, but he doesn't wear it, nor does he keep it on his person. The only reason Paul wears it visibly for the first time is because god DAMN does Two pull off some REALLY good sad, pathetic bird eyes (and Dally looks ready to kill him for upsetting Two-Bit, so.)
He just gets so damn unlucky with the timing and circumstances surrounding it. Not only do the harpies already hold beef with him because of Two’s original jumping and the feather issue (most of them are clueless to the fact that Two’s forgiven him, while others are aware and have kinda chilled), but having a soc who’s harmed one of their own in their territory does not sit well with a majority of them, even all these months later; something especially impactful to the Shepard’s Gang. The second one harpy spots Paul with this feather, the immediate assumption is that he’d taken it just as he did with the first one.
I don’t talk about the Shepard’s all too much, but this is a good time to mention that Two and Tim are pretty good friends— so, well, he takes this as a matter that he can settle himself; and it’s a good way to warn this rich boy imposing on their territory that he’s on strike two of three, whether he’s one of the cursed or not.
Paul Gets Jumped, Part 2. It’s definitely not as bad as when the socs got him because, despite their gripes, Tim is half aware that Darry does gaf about this guy (he’s very out of the loop, and doesn’t even know the two are dating). As bad or not, it does freak Paul the hell out due to how familiar it felt to the first time he was jumped. That’s called trauma big guy, you and Johnny can bond over shaking like chihuahuas when you walk home alone. They take the feather away from him too, and you bet your ass he will NOT ask Two-Bit for another one because he doesn’t want him thinking Paul had purposefully disposed of it, especially with how often he’d been turning it down. This mf also ends not up being very fond of harpies outside of the ones he knows (ie; Two, Mrs. Mathews, etc) for a little while. Refuses to walk outside the house unless he’s got someone else with the gang. Two dive bombs on and grabs Paul while he’s walking home once and the entire East side loses power for like 5 hours lmao. Two was not happy when he found out about it too. Harpy: “Oh yeah we got this back from a soc while ago here" Two: Two: “-Isn’t that Paul’s?” Harpy: Harpy: “Th. The soc?” Two: “Yeah??? Paul??? Darry’s boyfriend?? This was his-“ Harpy: “I mean, he had it b- ohhh shit. You gave it to him on purpose.” Two:
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Tim is very confused when a ruffled Two slams the door open and off its hinges at his house
Two, slamming the door open: “WHY WOULD YOU JUMP HIM WITHOUT EVEN ASKING ME ABOUT THE FEATHER????” Tim, half asleep on the couch: Tim: “..g’d mornin'?”
ON THAT NOTE Paul is,, so utterly haunted by both Johnny's and Two's disabilities, and that is absolutely not helped by the fact that they don't even seem to hold it against him. In Johnny's eyes, Paul wasn't the one who'd jumped him, resulting in him carrying the switchblade that killed Bob. He wasn't the one who held Pony underwater with the intent to kill. Two himself already knows that Paul didn't expect him to be burned as he was, nor was he the one holding the lighter. The blame the gang directs at him varies; especially when they see that the two who fell victim don't even seem to be mad about it. I think that a large reason as to why Pony throws his blame at Paul for Johnny is because, well, Bob's not around to take it. He's an emotional teen who's taking it out on the person he knows had some correlation to it. Besides, I think all of us know Pony blames himself for the church fire; directing that anger at Paul makes it easier to cope.
But yeah, Paul's practically eaten alive by the guilt. It sure as hell doesn't help that he already feels bad for being directly related to the witch that cursed Tulsa.
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mountain-lion-gremlin · 9 months
I honestly don't really see a reason to fight others about what they think about p-shifters
Yes I've argued in the past
But like at the end of the day I don't know you, you don't know me, and i will most likely not interact with you again
people call p-shifters cultists. But like, we don't call ourselves cultists without good reason. We don't even call each other or ourselves p-shifters inside our own groups. Most of yall just see the word p-shifter and automatically assume, so please block me lol. I'm not going to talk with people who don't accept me, period lmao. (As in, block me if you are actively going against those who call themselves p-shifters ty)
We just are animals. That's it, we are just who we are. We aren't spending ages talking and arguing about how p-shifting works and running around in circles arguing usually.
It usually just consists of "Look i found this cool thing out!" and others will go ":0000" and then talk about tarot cards or the weather or something lol. Or there will be analysis, but either way we are just living and communicating with those who agree with us when it comes to our identity.
Most of those who are actually cultists are immature, childish adults who have nothing better to do with their lives usually then fight with teenagers and make more rules on how to exist within your identity. We ignore them and don't give them a platform, then its done for (usually again).
Tbh i feel like a lot of people don't realize that our communities (alterhuman and physical nonhumans) are nearly identical, except of one fact that we have been arguing over since the internet has existed. Like... 20 years.
None of us really don't care anymore if you continue to make warnings about how abusive or cult-like we are, when we know we aren't 🤷
I mean like there are and will always be those who pipe up in defense for us, and I honestly really appreciate it. I don't like being perceived as a cultists or an evil person because I identify with something 💀
Its just a known fact that we aren't accepted outside of our small community (which allows cults to grow in mass because some feel completely unsafe otherwise without that one group) but we deal with it anyways.
We find others like us and giggle about it, maybe share some help with others about being able to master some shifts better or puzzle slme identitystuff out, then we are on our way. We don't group for long periods of time in the shifter community lol.
Also, did you know that therian meant the same thing in the really early days? Like therians now, and physical nonhumans, they all called themselves therians. We still have old guides on how to shift referring to therians instead of shifters.
Regardless, I like mrrping on the internet and decided i would ramble a few more times to you guys.
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moth-flowers · 21 days
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moth-flowers #17
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schizomilitant · 20 days
i love rotting in bed and watching youtube all day. theres funny little people in my phone and they amuse me. dance funny man dance.
i also love not rotting in bed and instead just sitting on my porch. its like being in bed except the sun is there. and its warm and shit. and also the wind feels really fucking good. you guys gotta try it out. trust me on this. its great.
i also recommend moving to the couch if you dont like wind or something. just to spice things up. got some variety with your chilling out.
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hella1975 · 1 year
so it turns out it was actually never that serious
#the exam literally went fine what the fuck just happened i feel like i just hallucinated that#like im not one of those people that go 'omg i did soooo badly :(' just to come out with top grades if i say it's going to shit#then it's becuase i genuinely wholeheartedly believe it#and my headspace before this exam was the worst it's been in MONTHS like i havent felt that bad for an exam since first year#and i sat down opened the paper and. remembered everything. like i literally just Knew the answers#im not saying ive passed bc am i fuck about to jinx it and i was still riding mainly blind bc i have NO idea where that knowledge came from#but at the very least there was a 35 marker that i KNOW i aced like i could picture the exact lecture slides it wanted me to discuss#and i had all of them memorised so at the very least ive got like. 30 marks. which is enough for me to pass the module#bc this exam is only weighted 75% and with my marks from the other 25% i only needed like 20 marks to pass this exam#which... makes it even more embarrassing that i failed it the first time but whatever!!!!#oh my god im so glad that's done im so happy IM FREE#just been in the kitchen dancing around to my little tunes and texting my friends <3#im meeting up with one of them when she gets off work at 5 and we're going for drinks#so ive got until then to nap and chill and then ill go to the shop and get us some food and wine#and she's gonna come here for a bit & then we'll go. like actually look at me. im having people over at MY HOUSE im going out to buy us WIN#im literally a functioning adult living independently who IS she a misty memory#alas i do only have £23 in my account so this is gonna be such a slay seeing how i make that stretch for a night out#i acc could budget for england when it comes to alcohol i think like the way i manage to have a good funky time with MINIMAL funds#is downright impressive. it's a skill idc what you say#hella goes to uni
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maraeffect · 1 year
okay today was like the first time since surgery that i've been able to exist as a human outside my house!! and i had a great time even though i am PAYING FOR IT. HEAVILY 💀
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theromaboo · 1 year
The Fourth Day of Britannicus
Today I am doing Imperium: Nero.
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What. What did they do to him? I think the general rule of thumb is that when the actor for Britannicus has the five o'clock shadow, he's too old. I do not like this. He does not have the Britannicus energy.
This is supposed to depict someone who can't be older than 13 (I actually don't know how old he is supposed to be here because I didn't watch the entire movie. I merely skimmed it like you would do a book. I remember that earlier in the movie, Messalina was still alive. I seriously hope there was a time-skip and Brit was 13 here, because while this looks much too old for a 13 year old, this looks incredibly too old for someone who can't be older than seven. I'm just going to assume he's 13. But keep in mind that he can be any age younger. I just don't know)
I really don't like this one. When I saw that this was Britannicus, I honestly didn't know whether to laugh or cry (though it seems that Britanncius wasn't the only one to get the short end of the straw. *cough* LongDarkHair!Nero *cough*). No offense to the actor, of course. He just isn't a good actor for Brit. Brit was a child. This is a grown man. I cannot see him as Brit. To me, this is only a symbol to represent him.
And maybe that's the problem with this Britannicus series. It's either "Too old. Not good," or "Young looking. Good," which is kind of boring. Maybe I should look past age for a more interesting analysis. But it's hard!
I'm trying to imagine him as much younger, the age of Britannicus. Do I dislike this simply because of age? Yes. I think Britannicus would look great with that hair and facial features if only the actor was younger.
I guess, to me, the most important part of a depiction of Britannicus is the age. If he looks much too old, I will never be happy. But if he looks the appropriate age, I will be happy and I will be okay with quite a lot of variation.
This is different than how I feel about depictions of Cocktavian, because in that case, I'm extremely picky and will not be happy until he looks exactly the way he looks in my head. To this day, I have not seen a single depiction of Cocktavian I was happy about. I think the closest was an illustration of him from a children's book about ancient Rome. I really liked how he looked, but the thing is... the illustration had dark hair and eyes! Yes, I believe all colors of hair and eyes and skin are beautiful, but in my head, Cocktavian is fucking blond like the sources say.
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aria0fgold · 7 months
Okay last post before sleep cuz ngl though I'm not gonna put Conan in p5 simply cuz there's Too Many Things going on with him that I'd have an easier time with Kaito instead which also, can yall see the problem then? Conan and Kaito is similar in that they're both pursuing and being targetted by a dangerous organization, Kaito is at risk a lot more considering how he's practically putting himself out there with his heists as Kaito KID while the times Conan gets in danger is when he tries to get closer to any of his org nemesis' henchmen for evidence, which doesn't happen often.
But despite that Conan has A Lot of reliable allies, Kaito included (not really on the "reliable" part but more on the "ally" part). While Kaito only has Jii-san which is the same guy making the KID gadgets for him and Conan (again not a "reliable" one for Kaito but still an "ally"). And like???????? What about Kaito's other allies? I'm not counting the group Kaito got pulled into by his childhood friend which is a group made to Catch KID and not help 'Kaito.' Like, what kinda allies are that, Aoko only wants to catch the magician thief, Hakuba is... Hakuba (he can be an "ally" but like Conan, not a reliable one), and there's that... witch who never really does anything much to help but give out warnings. (I forgot her name holup... AKAKO! There we go).
Compared to Conan who has like, a lot, and most of em are spoilers so if whoever reading this wanna get into dcmk, feel free to skip. There's Agasa that's the one creating the gadgets for him, Ai who knows his secret and is practically in the same boat as him (since she was a scientist from the org that wanted out yet shrunk too), Heiji which is like his bestie who's a fairly good detective, THE AKAI FAMILY (That entire family is a mf unit bro, there's a FBI sharpshooter, a mom that's a mi6 agent, another highschool detective with skills on par with Conan that knows jeet kune do, a shogi master that's also insanely good at strategizing in general. Like bro, wtf), Furuya Rei aka Amuro Tooru aka Bourbon-- Also a wtf moment there. CONAN HAS PROTECTION FROM VERMOUTH, one of the most important members of that same organization he's pursuing. Vermouth refuses to hurt and especially kill Conan and Ran.
Like, that kid has it all meanwhile Kaito DOESN'T HAVE ANYONE??? The treatment here. So yes, I'm only putting Kaito in p5 cuz he deserves ppl to be there for him if there's barely anyone in his own source material. (Maybe I'd even put Hakuba in p5 too, as a treat, cuz he's also gotten the short end of the stick too). Hakuba can be with Akechi to put some load off his back with the addition of Another thief getting added in their universe except Hakuba is also a menace of his own way so honestly, good luck Akechi.
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correct-bangtannies · 2 years
I don't even like men and I'm somehow already a military wife, what goes on
PS. Don't open the tags unless you want a big ass wall of text of me rambling on your screen
#hit#im just honestly so glad that I've become a lot more chill with the whole being an army thing#in the sense that i used to be a lot more attached and hyped over everything#i do still get very hyped and i do still have an attachment to them n their work but y'know just more toned down#(i mean i remember the days of staying up all night to watch award shows knowing damn well they'd always perform last)#(mma 2018 was an emotional rollercoaster like i legit cried a little from the tiredness and being overwhelmed with the performance)#so im glad im a lot more calm about the enlistment news than what i would've been say three years ago before they started to#take longer breaks and eventually announce the hiatus this year#it's like they did it in purpose so that the fandom would grow a bit more used to it n im glad to see that a huge majority are very calm#many are sad ofc but its not being treated as some kind of horrific news#if anything ppl are coping with humor including me lmao#so idk im mostly just happy for them that they're taking their VERY well deserved break before doing their service#i just hope everything goes well and is decently peaceful (as peaceful as enlistment can be at least lol) for them once they're there#now why am i rambling in the tags? bc i need to put my thoughts in order but i don't wanna clog my blog with a long ass wall of text 💀#I'm at least relieved to know that they already have a set plan of when they're going to go and return + BH is sure af gonna keep putting#out a lot of content that they've filmed over all these years#i mean run bts; documentaries; probably even music and ofc not all of them are gonna go at the exact same time#and ofc stuff related to the HYYH and Chakho#them being absent won't as hard for most hopefully#and hey 2 years aint nothing ive waited far longer for stuff to come out than that we'll be fine!#*cries in silksong and the YOI movie
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dragqueenpentheus · 2 years
#the tarot person i met at halloween and i have been talking like. EVERY day#and she just sENT ME A VOICE NOTE#and im just like.#blushy anxious and i wanna hang out and !!!!#am UNABLE to tell my OWN intentions let alone hers but im trying to just be CHILL and match her ENERGY#which means i DO have to send a voice mail back nsnskajNDNDJJD#but i think shes really cool and im so happy to have met someone new and on my own and like !!!#shes so KIND !!! and encouraging and smart !!!!#this should all be going in my journal but im feeling daring and posting instead#irl#personal#ANYWAY im excited i have made a grown up friend#i admire her willingness to be so emotionally open and just !! go for the things she wants!!! she runs her own tarot business like thats so#wicked#she posted my etsy review on her insta story and i was giggling all day about it#and weve been playing a game where ill post a daily rough for my tarot deck and she'll guess the card and its been FUN IM HAVING FUN!!!#shes a part of this group of local artists and craftspeople who table at shows and festivals and markets and they have just !!!#a cool little community!!!!!!!!!#i wanna get in there but i also dont want to be. too large about it#one of the people in that community does WICKED stick and pokes and ive been thinking about getting one from her#but what if i do my patened 'getting tatttooed' move and get soooooo awkward and get big foot in mouth disease huh what THEN#well. like all the other times i have done this (every single one) i get some sick forever art out of it#and id even go back to one of the artists probably without crying in shame on the bus the whole ride therebdjsksmmsms#ANYWAY THESE ARE TRULY JOURNAL THOUGHTS MY GOD
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carbonateddelusion · 2 years
pretty people <3<3<3 beautiful bois and gorgeous gorls <3<3<3
#i am. having a rae moment my girl my daughter my everything...#her gf calls her her 'rae of sunshine' and rae calls violet her 'letty bug' theyre so cute im going to go into diabetic shock#BUT ALSO.. billy is so sweet... he's the kind to absolutely want kids and he has Girlboss GF...#also i dont think ive ever mentioned it but billy is a bpd king and i think that's very boyboss of him#he has a hard time with orange sometimes bc she's very nonverbal with her acts of love and not the most cuddly#so he ends up feeling like he's done something wrong and spiralling... she learns how to speak his metaphorical language tho!#billy is kinda All The Emotions Ever and orange is pretty monotone but she puts a lot of effort into learning how to communicate with him#and learning his emotional needs.. she's a very Steady person yk? she has her stuff together so she doesn't mind putting in some extra work#so her boyfriend feels comfortable around her...#i also love billy bc he's very comfy in his masculinity#blue and red are both v masculine people but billy and rae came out p feminine (billy less so)#billy's more than happy to be a model for orange's work; he loves baking and he's learning how to sew from his gf; he doesn't need scruff#and callouses to feel like a man. and i like that a lot about him#when he nd rae were growing up he had kind of a one sided rivalry with her because he felt like she; being someone who just lost her#parents; was 'getting all of the attention' so he tried VERY VERY VERY hard to be 'worthy'#he chilled out when he got older but it was pretty rough for him as a kid. he felt like he had to work twice as hard to be loved#bc rae was related to red so she had that automatic family tree tie. but he was adopted#and he was adopted BECAUSE blue enjoyed caring for rae so much that they wanted their own baby yk#he's very sweet and sensitive i love billy...#the only person who doesn't call him billy is orange and that's because she calls him william or will#this just turned into a billy ramble but </3 i love him he's a good kitty kat man
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imthatqueerkid · 2 years
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pizzapizzadickz · 2 years
I've been popping pills like they're candy lately. (Also known as I've been in pain a lot and my allergies are horrible bc of all the mold in my room).
#diary#personal#on another note entirely that i didnt want to put it in the main thing. i feel so. different from what ppl know me as sometimes#like. i may talk to you. and you may think you know me. but do you really? ive been thinking. if ppl met me would they even like me?#like. when i have meltdowns or sensory overload or just need time to chill n stim. or just lay down n nap#like. idk if others could tollerate that of me. if i met someone irl and arent heavily masking my personality you can tell im strange#fuck. just today i spent like 5-10 mins just. tapping on my collarbones hard bc it feels nice feeling ur bones vibrate#idk. like. honeslty i cant even put it into words and speaking itself is so ineffective tbh.#it just really sucks tho. cuz i mask so much of myself so much of the time. i mask the pain. i mask my happiness.#heck i even mask everything inbetween.#honestly i sorta just dont believe anyone would like me if i acted how i want to. like. i am very autistic natually. VERY AUTISTIC#i just hide all of that for everyones comfort and it makes things activly less enjoyable for me.#idk. i just. want to go out. cling to someone i care about and make them guide me. wear noise cancelling headphones everywhere#i rly just want to never go anywhere loud or crowded (even tho i like trying new food n things).#i want to jump up and down when im happy. run when i feel. scream if i want. cry if i need.#id like it if someone saw me meltdown or shutdown they wouldnt freak out.#id like to be able to mess up things in social situations and it wouldnt matter. i just wouldnt worry about if id still have a friend.#id like to be able to be heard when i say no i cant have/do that. i really wish that was the case even now.#i. really have just become so much more autistic the more ive focused on myself. my needs and my feelings .#like. today my dad wanted to order something that *admittedly* is the exact same thing i was gonna order.#HOWEVER THERE IS ONE KEY DIFFERENCE. IT IS NOT WHAT I PICKED OUT. so what if its different from what i want????#i cant have that!! so i panicked a lot. and he repeatedly ignored me when i said no i dont want x food.#eventually mom stepped in and made it so i got what i wanted.#yknow? existing hurts so much. just all of the time too. i keep on coming back lately to the same thought.#over and over and over again on repeat. just. idk. its hard to explain.#i keep on thinking how itd be better if i was like replaced with someone else. if someone else was born instead of me.#like. im utterly useless. but maybe if only x sperm was born instead of me they wouldnt be like me. idk.#maybe then everyone would be happy. maybe then theyd be able to work and make my parents and everyone else happy.#theyd be able to fit in. they could lead a much better life than me. i wish i wasnt so utterly useless.#i just want a long break. its exhausting living and im not rly cut out for it. too bad i wont get one anytime soon. god i hate this.
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rotturn · 2 years
#negative cw#i am feeling. very not good#every day we go to restaurants where there's nothing on the menu i can eat bc all ive been able to manage lately is soup#or sometimes mash potato and gravy but like. its gotta be a Good day and i have not had good days in a While#so i just sit and have nothing while they eat then down an entire block of white chocolate as soon as we get home bc its my comfort food#and like. i dont mind not eating at a restaurant or whatever im cool to chill and chat while someone eats it doesnt bother me#its just when theyre doing it every day and getting annoyed when I say i dont want anything as if they don't already know#mixed w the fact that my sister has been constantly unbearable its just been Rough#esp since we share a room#and we've been having issues w our accommodation in new york but i think hopefully it'll be sorted#im just exhausted and stressed all the time and there's no end in sight#and this trip has just made me aware of how much i do not feel loved by the people who should make me feel loved#like i love my mom and she does her best and she does make me feel better but sometimes shes a part of the problem#and i have support at home my roommates are so good for me but. theyre not here#and i feel shit every time i tell my roommate how i feel bc this is a once in a lifetime trip that she may never have a chance to take#and it makes me feel so guilty and selfish to not enjoy this but its so hard to enjoy#that one week where we were on the boat and i could have multiple soups a day was the only time i was happy#and its because i wasnt constantly starving and we didnt have stress about luggage or where we're staying#but ever since its just been constant stress and anxiety and hunger#and like. theres nothing i can really do ab any of it bc seeking out something i need means they dont get to do something they want#and i cant take what my sister wants away from her bc she'll throw a fit#mum says the usa will be ab me more but i know it wont be. i know exactly how it'll work#i will not have a chance to rest and be happy until im home and even then i have to find a job as soon as im back#bc i have bills and rent and i only budgetted enough for a month after i get back and that's with barely any groceries#and i get the feeling my roommates mad at me or upset ab something but i don't know how to approach it bc im on the other side of the world#and idk i feel like its me i feel like i did something wront#im just tired and sad and hungry all the time#but that's just. kinda my life innit#i just wish. people weren't upset with me all the time. i try so hard not to upset people but nothing i do ever seems good enough#i just want to be good enough. but i know im not.
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kittyloops · 2 months
is there a reason that the only reason i'm looking forward to this hangout is for it to not exist anymore
#blabbering#INCOMING TAG RANT BTW.#ii am being INVITED To an AMUSEMENT park#why am i not happy. i like this girl she's neat. she's my friend.#but i just don't care i don't want to go out.#i don't know why#i crave human connection.. i want friendship and to spend time with people..#but i want it on my own terms or something#i don't know actually#i just don't want to go to this hangout#i feel so against it all#and i want to have friends and be merry but it's like..........#i dread hanging out. i dread being around people. it makes me feel so uneasy and dreadful#like im so excited for august because it'll mean i no longer have a hangout to look forward to.#i can't stay underneath a rock forever even if it's comfy#i know that. obviously . i know it's good for me to be around people#so why does it feel so ??? not good to me#as if it's like not something i want#i was frantically googling “How to tell if you want to be around someone” and “how to tell if you don't want to hang out with someone"#it wasn't really helping because nobody makes articles for that level of fucked-uppedness.#i just prefer to be on my own i like to dictate my own happenings#and if i want to be around someone it's my boyfriend or my best friend or my family#and even with my family it's like umm well you guys are just chill we can do our own happenings in the same room and it's like chill#and with my boyfriend i like him always because he does nice things with me and we watch things and go do things#and my best friend is my online girl (I love ypou Meowsercat.)#so it's like well i don't have alot of friends#and that's chill i like to not have a lot of friends#but i always find myself wishing i did have a lot of friends like people who invited me places#it's just that i naturally feel the need and the want to AVOID other people#sometimes i wonder if it has something to do with the way that i was raised or the way i grew u
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exopelagic · 4 months
List of my curses:
• Cassandra
• straight boys keep happening to me
#IM NOT EVEN INTO STRAIGHT GUYS. LIKE BY EXTENSION IM NOT ATTRACTED TO GUYS WHO ARE SUPER STRAIGHT ACTING OR WHATEVER LIKE SOME PEOPLE ARE#past two years I have had a number of crushes and I will grant that two of them? probably a little wishful thinking but not unjustified#BUT THIS GUY. THE CURRENT GUY. OH MY GOD#this guy wears ACTUAL LITERAL PRIDE SHOES. BECAUSE HE LIKES RAINBOWS.#on top of that he acts like a queer guy has mostly queer friends dresses way too nice bc he thinks straight man clothes are boring#doesn’t correct people when they assume he’s queer bc he gets this a lot! he’s literally just the coolest straight guy alive and it’s insane#i did not read this wrong at ALL he’s just insane and oh my god I love him. it’s fine I am so happy just being friends bc he’s great#like out of the five significant crushes of the past two years. we have had:#1. ​guy who also had rainbow stick tape. Everyone thought was gay. incredibly friendly and way too good at texting. EVERYONE THOUGHT WAS GAY#2. guy who I hadn’t talked to a whole lot but Kept talking to me and AGREED TO GO ON A DATE. AND THEN MADE IT DINNER.#because he thought it would be funny! actual complete prick but again not really a misread on my part!#3. guy who again mostly has friends who are queer. wore a dress to an event completely unprompted. again did not Act like a straight guy#4. probably the ONE time which was mostly me Hoping but I figured it out quickly enough after talking more to him. was just chill+long hair#5. TYPE OF GUY PREVIOUSLY UNKNOWN TO SCIENCE WHO WEARS PRIDE SHOES DESPITE BEING STRAIGHT#homosexuality does not begin to explain the things going on here#BUT LIKE HOW DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING IM REALLY NOT INTO STRAIGHT MEN#it sounds bad when I say yeah I keep having crushes on straight guys bc like come on man self respect BUT ITS NOT MY FAULT I SWEAR#apparently my type is incredibly chill straight guy who has gone past homophobia and come out the other end#some of them should try homosexuality instead I swear. like this is equally incredibly funny and so frustrating#gotta start checking guys’ gay cards as a requirement to talk to me#luke.txt
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