#(sort of hisses?)
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awesome-shoes-with-wings · 5 months ago
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The background humbled me as both an artist and a human.
This is an AU where Percy Jackson got to grow up with his Dad and brother, Triton, in a Mortal AU! Inspired by Mercy Upon Ourselves by hedgehodgy! Veeeery good fanfic, can't get enough of it, it's like an addiction at this point.
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cogentranting · 4 months ago
Swan Lake adaptation where Odette and her assorted other maidens are cursed same as always (swans during the day, human again between midnight and dawn) BUT there's also just some random wild swans caught up in the curse and they are their normal swan selves during the day and turn into humans at night, but still with swan brains.
So the plot is basically the same except that there's a couple of these humanized swans hanging around most of the time who A. see Odette and the maidens as part of their flock and are protective B. are swans and therefore crave violence at all times
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anaceshornyblog · 27 days ago
Look non-apocalypse MonsterJon is just the creature that lives in the Archives that everyone is scared of. No one goes down there, but if you put a request into the box by the door your statement will be in the outbox within 4-5 business days.
Sasha being, queen of no self preservation that she is, going down there to investigate. Jon seeing a new human and just following her through the Archive like a very weird shadow. Sasha finally decides there nothing down here and turns to leave and there’s just a monster behind her. She screams, it screams, and the two are just standing there screaming for a moment before Sasha stops, and actually looks at it.
The creature just staring at her with big sad eyes because he did not mean to scare her Jonah is just very bad at socializing his pet. Sasha deciding that she is going to touch the neck floof if it kills her.
Jonah coming down like an hour later, he was at home okay even he can’t make London traffic disappear, to find Sasha tucked into one of Jon’s extra arms as he shows her his filing system. Sasha has one hand buried in his neck floof because it is so fucking soft while she offers him some tips.
Jonah just sighing and getting the non-disclosure agreement and job transfer forms ready.
Sasha becoming the new archival assistant because the monster in the basement was just like mine now.
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attacus-atlas-moth · 3 months ago
Science Communication post for school part II: Madagascar hissing cockroaches
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This time we looked at light preference and food preference in cockroaches
MHCs are nocturnal detritivores (meaning they eat decaying plant and animal matter). They produce a hissing sound by forcing air out of their spiracles.
The experiment was conducted using choice chambers to give the cockroaches the option to choose between a light and dark area, and later, choose to eat a carrot or slice of pepperoni. They were deprived of food but not moisture for 5 days leading up to the experiment.
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The fact they are nocturnal may make it seem like they would prefer the dark. However, at least at time of experimentation (early afternoon) the cockroaches were about an even split on preference.
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About half of the cockroaches didn't eat. It's unclear if the majority not eating is due to time of day or if they weren't hungry. Those that did eat seemed to have a preference for the carrot, although a few ate the pepperoni.
In order to record data for this experiment we used google sheets. Nearly everyone wrote down data despite working in small groups. The problem with this is that we did not use any tactics to make sure data wouldn't be repeated, perhaps group numbers would have been a good idea. So I ask you, dear random bug people on tumblr, don't do that! Make sure your data makes sense and is accurate. Even ignoring the small sample size this would not be a good study because I don't know if the data is accurate! Good data is important
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the-ipre · 8 months ago
starting my sixth (?) dead boy detectives rewatch and very fun how charles also seems to have extradimensional pockets because he draws his cricket bat out from his inner coat pocket. also the way their clothes sizzle at the iron makes me wonder how much it is actually A Part of them as a projection of their Ghostly Self
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bonefall · 2 years ago
You mentioned in the Pinestar post that there's more cats interested in non-clan life than we think. Who are some of those cats? I mean we have Ravenpaw, Cloudtail, Spiderfoot and Buster for sure who left (even if briefly) but who else?
Willowclaw of WindClan had kittens with a barn cat and really likes the taste of kibble. She brings nuggets to Aftergatherings and eats them with her soup like croutons. Boulderfur's lucky as hell she had to keep her tastes a secret else she would have named him Nuggetkit.
There's Featherwhisker waaaaay back in time if you want to count him, he had Frostfur with a secret kittypet lover.
Sneezecloud doesn't give a Doug Dimmidamn (Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmidamn) who you are as long as you've got good goods, when trading is involved. His mate, Havenpelt, was an outsider who caused a lot of trouble around the territory before they started talking. He turned a rogue into a business partner and then eventually into a wife, because he has rizz.
Either Rippletail or Rainstorm was seeing a kittypet who hangs out near the nature center in RiverClan territory, but I'm not sure which one.
I'm also sure there's more who have gone investigating, but these are just the ones who have brought something back from their cavorting. It's VERY taboo, but not unheard of.
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zukosdualdao · 8 months ago
least favorite thing is when an anti obviously KNOWS tagging ship hate is bad etiquette, and they want to be able to feign ignorance/innocence so they can be In The Right, so instead they don’t Technically Use the main ship tag, but they use the ship name like in five separate tags, hoping to get a rise out of people. and i KNOW they know what they’re doing, and that even now i am falling for it hook line and sinker lmao, but i can’t help it, i just find it so goddamn condescending and there is little in this world that gets me as riled up as being condescended to.
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vamppeach · 26 days ago
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exsofa · 5 months ago
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esther. an fbc scientist turned parautilitarian ever since she touched that petrified tree stump
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sleepyorchidmonster · 1 year ago
Speedrunning the Fontinalia festival in Genshin made me think of the possibility of a similar TWST event, where we make a film alongside the characters.
Maybe a Vil hometown event, where we can meet his father and create a film via twstunes, with the main problem being Vil's old bullies trying to sabotage the production/ compete in the film festival.
Since it's in the Shaftlands, it can even be a Vil, Jack AND Cater hometown event, with each of them bringing a few classmates (Vil brings Ortho and Epel to help with filming, Jack and Ruggie drag Leona along, and Cater brought Riddle because there's a festival with SWEETS). The groups all run into each other in the fair and come together to create the film, based on Beauty and the Beast.
Funny moments include Leona and Vil bickering, Cater as the lead actor, Riddle using magic for special effects, the bullies running for their lives because they insulted Vil, causing Ortho, Epel, Jack and Riddle to get mad, etc.
They also got snowed in for a night at an abandoned castle near the outskirts of the town. Most of the film took place there.
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finnishtango · 6 months ago
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i'm so tired, always tired now. but i must reach the Hotline. i think i'm under attack, an attack of dementia, exhaustion. it's a brain cloud, making me forget. the Hotline. i must reach the Hotline.
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edraculation · 11 months ago
my parents are tormenting me by making me stay up until the absolute sick and twisted hour of 8pm
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shayandwildlifepack · 4 months ago
Next poem to post. Kinda rushed through. Have we being used.
Tw/cw: Chained up animal, caged animal, growling mention, biting mention, clawing mention, hissing mention.
- Shay (They/it)
Not Wild and Not Tamed
Chained up and caged.
Not human is what we are.
Not wild and not tamed.
We growl and bite.
We hiss and claw.
Not wild and not tamed.
We aren't a pet.
We aren't free.
Not wild and not tamed.
Chained up to a fence.
Caged in like a threat.
Not wild and not tamed.
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bbbrianjones · 1 year ago
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um guys........ i think u need to understand i'm going fucking insane over this picture
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cassmouse · 6 months ago
Idk if it's just me being overly into it or my inexperience with these sorts of games but Control is fucking terrifying in the best way possible
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arwenkenobi48 · 8 months ago
PJ jumping up and down screeching “I’m kiiiiinnnng!” is so fucking funny like my brother in Christ you are a literal toddler, stop throwing your toys out of the pram and go sit in the timeout corner
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