#im even working on like my dnd map and stuff
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ghost-cwunch · 8 months ago
Bro i have so much art to post but im so unmotivated to organize and tag it wtf :(
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spatialapprentice · 2 years ago
Commission/Support Anything Helps
everyone im really struggling financially right now. My cat has been having urinary tract problems which have resulted in some considerate vet expenses including an emergency vet visit. I also haven't been able to see a dentist which I've needed to for months for a cavity I have. Most of my clothes are torn and worn and i haven't been able to buy any new ones in a long time.
My bank account is almost drained and I fear my cat is going to have another emergency. I dont make alot of money from my current job so if someone could commission me or even send a little bit of money my way and I can draw a little doodle or something it would really help.
I do some varied art at varied prices and I can do all sorts of stuff that fits any price range, and a draw wide array of things in general. Here's some examples of my art
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I can do all sorts of stuff whether you want whether you want character portraits, concept art, landscapes, abstract
I also do maps/map tiles for videogames and tabletop games. Some examples of that work here.
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I also do writing and game design especially for tabletop games! I'm especially good at making stuff for dnd 5e and I can make custom monsters, magic items, scenarios, etc. for your campaign!
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In summary I can do all sorts of stuff for like all kinds of prices and I really need money. DM for inquiry. If you send some cash to my paypal I can draw or write a litle thing or whatever just send a message. Any thing helps please.
Even if you just share this post it would help a million please and thank you. Have a wonderful day
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dare-to-dm · 3 years ago
hi! i’m a relatively new follower but i was wondering if you took asks about dnd campaigns?
I’m kinda in a shorty spot rn. I’ve played dnd a lot but i never took it that seriously. i’ve moved several states away from home to go to college and my highschool friends back home wanted to start playing! i was pretty excited and i sorta dedicated myself to try and be better and 1) get into my character and 2) invest myself in my fellow players characters because i have been pretty bad at both of those. the guy dming hasn’t done it before so we did a short one shot last saturday (which went fine!) and another yesterday, bc we want him to be confident. between those two sessions i kinda redid my character just cause i didn’t like some stuff from the previous week. yesterday was very very bad.
part of the reason why the session yesterday sucked was cause i’m the only one online, i call in through discord and i have a hard time hearing them (although they can hear me well cause of a bluetooth) and i can’t see them cause our dm points the camera at the map. my character is a grumpy old guy and i’m trying really hard to roleplay that but it’s so hard when they can’t see me do physical mannerisms and i can’t interact with my friends. overall the session for me sucked because i struggled to hear people and it felt like i want actually there. then one my my friends characters killed my wolf that i had just tamed. so i quit and said i had to leave and left the call.
i was really upset about it this morning and so i was texting one of my friends and he said that it sucked for them because i wasn’t doing enough interaction , i kept being grumpy and not talking. and that i shouldn’t have tamed the wolf cause the other player had called dibs on it for meat (which i didn’t hear) ig from there perspective i was really rude during rp sections (i wasn’t trying to be, my character is an old guy and i was trying to play that. clearly not well)
and then there’s the combat. i’m pretty good at constructing characters and so i was consistently dealing more damage than other players and bc combat is my favorite part of the game, i tried to get really into and describe my attacks. last session our dm described our attacks and i was like hey! this my character i wanna say what he does! but i don’t actually know if that’s standard
anywya my friend told me that everyone was a little tired of my descriptions cause i would describe them vividly and take too long and that it kinda seemed like i was making myself the star of the show
idk where i’m going with this. i feel like maybe i should just quit and not come back for another session. i can’t be there in person anywya and obviously as things stands i’m making it less fun. i’m upset at myself and i feel bad for the way i acted cause i didn’t even realize it came across that way. i think i’ve been expecting too much of everyone involved and i know i should try and make it better by playing again but idk how to do that without sacrificing a character im really proud of and parts of the game i really love.
idk if these are the kinds of asks you usually get. you don’t have to answer if it’s not up your alley. i’m sorry for the really long message
Hey there! I do take asks, and I can definitely sympathize with your situation. I've been there before.
You've brought up several issues, any one of which would not be too hard to work out with your friends. But the combination of all of them is a doozy. Personally, I think being the only remote player is the toughest thing to deal with. It's very easy to feel isolated from your friends and like you can't actually get immersed in the role play, no matter how hard you try. In my experience, in order to make this work, you need to have one friend in particular really be your advocate to make sure you are heard and that you aren't missing anything. But even then, playing remotely might just not be fun for you. I know it isn't for me. When I was in this situation, I ended up bowing out of that particular group and finding a new group where I could play in person. That was tough, because the first group were people I had known for a long time, and finding a new group meant having to reach out to strangers. But it ended up being worth it, and I made some new friends.
As for the issue of you being rude, it sounds like if you were, it was unintentional not entirely unreasonable. After all, in some groups you would fit right in with vivid descriptions of your actions during combat. In fact, some would consider that a strength. While others might see it as grandstanding or slowing down the action. Personally, I would be cool with it, but if others are critical, that's fine as long as they give their feedback politely. I once had another player ask me to tone down my descriptions because they said it made them picture the gore too much, which was unpleasant for them. I didn't mind adjusting my style to their preference since they asked politely.
I'm sorry you had a bad experience! Rest assured that it's mostly not your fault. Honestly, you should probably seek a new group to play with. I know that's probably not what you want to hear, but I hope it doesn't make you want to give up on this hobby.
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ruffolive · 4 years ago
i really love your dnd works and your art style is just really nice and recognizable! if you don't mind can i ask if you have any advice or tips for new DMs?
oh my gosh!! thank u!! uhh here's a few random things ive learned so far? (let me know if u have specific questions tho too)
dojon is my best friend for when i need town details, simple maps, little random fleshing-out stuff, taverns, seriously there's SO much helpful stuff on this site
especially if you're a first timer, have your first group be 5 people or fewer. 3 is ideal. any more than that and you have to start thinking about how to handle down time during battles and talking. it's hard
u dont HAVE to use battle maps!! figure out what works best. u can find a lot of free or very cheap ones online or find a map maker that works for u (i paid once for dungeondraft but i use it soo much). some people use tabletop to play as well!
just like have about 4 different wiki sites for looking little dnd stuff up. like i use dndbeyond, dnd5e wikidot, forgottenrealms fandom wiki, roll20's wiki...and honestly if you can't find "falling speed" just make it up!
seriously. if it works for what you are trying to do just make shit up. randomly increase or decrease enemies' hp or ac to suit the challenge level. ive run a scenario, noticed that my players were losing a little TOO badly to a monster, and i just dropped the hp halfway through the battle. you're playing WITH your players, not against them!
images are really nice to have...and can add SO much for the players if you can! but sometimes you make up a character halfway through and you don't have an image for them and that's okay
read some prewritten campaigns even if you're planning on doing your own homebrew--it's super helpful to see how they're constructed. maybe run a free oneshot like "a wild sheep chase" to see what you need to prep for yourself!
and when i prep for a session, im REALLY bad at sensing how much my players are gonna get through, so id fill out as much detail as you're able or want to do and then just have some barebones ideas for beyond that so when they blast past your cool puzzle room you have somewhere for them to go!
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 5 years ago
ApartmentAU Masterpost 2:
Link to Previous: https://hermitcraftheadcanons.tumblr.com/post/617100021235662848/apartment-au-masterpost-everyone-lives-in-an
-Aswell as being the landlord, Xisuma is a bee keeper!
-While the top floor of the apartment IS very rundown, Xbs room is super stark from the rest of the hallway! I imagine it being super homy and welcoming despite everything else around it.
-I think x’s bees are on top of the appt where there is a roof garden. 👉👈
-Joe and Cleo's apartments are right next to each other, and if they end up showering at the same time they sing over dramatic shower duets (much to the annoyance of all the other hermits. those walls are thin.)
-The map district is just an old printer they have in the basement. When Cleo went to write the Herald on the computer there she found the Mumbo for Mayor file and had to report about it! (-🤔)
-Grian is actually a really great cook! he doesn’t cook for others very often but when he does he tends to get a lot of compliments (based on the fact that irl grian is a good cook, according to ren). In stark constrast, X is a very poor cook. Not in the ‘burns everything he touches’ kind of way, but in the ‘most bland and underwhelming chicken you’ve ever tasted in your life’ way -sapph
-oh, the hermits DEF get "Hamilton but everyone is played by Impulse". they get it every day. usually late at night or at 7 am sharp.
-Once Grian messes up and got a ton of eggs, and instead of returning them, he just did them around the others apartments and claimed it wasn’t him.
-In regards of that post of Jellie sneaking out of Scar's room. A hermit has probably tried to reenact that video of that russian guy ["Mooommm there's a weird cat outside! Looks like grandma the f*king thing!] Whenever they see Jellie just chilling on their window or at their door. -Dott.
-Grian plays saxophone; it started as a new way to annoy the other Hermits but he's actually gotten quite good at it.
-Hypno has a collection of old pocket watches.
-Joe answers any question asked within earshot. He is generally correct, even when the questions are oddly specific or about concerning topics. Sometimes he knows more about the mafia and gang stuff than actual members. When questioned on how he knows this, he cites reading books, sometimes specifically his time in Keralis' library, even when Keralis knows he doesn't have books that say that. His answers are also frequently very confusing and absurd, and make less sense the more you think about it. The hermits learned to not think too much about his answers after a while.
-Keralis and Xisuma still have the lookie lookie at my alpaca store but the alpacas are actually giant stuffed alpacas. Some hermits are too short to reach the bags on the alpacas and need to ride them to purchase stuff. Occasionally Keralis places an alpaca peeking out of a dark corner of someone's room if they accidentally leave their door unlocked. It scares the life out of Bdubs every single time.
-Joe will generally correctly answer any questions within earshot, and any means /any/. he usually won't crack if you're chatting with him directly, but sometimes when overhearing theorizing & murmurs in the halls, he /will/ pop in to spill the tea. tl;dr: hc that joe is lowkey a gossip.
-TFC has an assortment of different gems and cool looking stones in his room and if a Hermit asks where he got a specific one, he gives a unique story for it.
-zed’s “cave of contraptions” in the basement is a lot less..... sinister-looking when you actually turn the light on. It’s just a messy spare room with random parts, discarded or failed projects in random spots, and some magic kits. One time when he took a hermit down there, he just ended up making them watch him do card tricks for a half hour. -sapph
-Jevin when he cooks somehow always end up with either Jello or an other type of gelatinous meal. He once tried baking and made wiggly cookies. Nobody knows how he did it.
-Jessassin lived in the complex, but far away from the others. He was (obviously) one of the assassins from a gang, but nobody knows. He sneaky.
(All those reds are from anons!)
-The hermits' bases are actually lego sets. (With some exceptions like Iskall's omega tree of doom being a bonsai tree etc.) (-@smolpotato187.)
-Hermits always have a game night every week and the most popular game is DND. Xisuma is the dungeon master.
-Grian loves to hide at the stairwell of the apartment cause whenever he sings his voice echoes. Ren and Wels also does the same but they prefer to sing in their own rooms.
-Stress's room is at the same hall as the Grian, Mumbo, and Iskall. Stress being a sweetheart sometimes brings cookies to the boys' doors and help them around. Since she is on that hall, she is already used to Grian's pranks, Mumbo's spoon moments and yes, Iskall sneaking around in her room.
-Since Grian sings a lot on the stairwell and his voice echoes, I can imagine someone waking up in the middle of the night getting spooked cause they are hearing ‘disembodied voices’ in the air. 
-Cleo is v awkward on her own and gives pep talks to herself every morning and pats her own back bfore she goes to bed. This is to ensure she always has some good quality conversation with any hermits she encounters.
-As a callback to s6 build-off, Stress’ room is in-between Grian’s and Mumbo’s, and occasionally the two boys would hear singing from Stress’ room. Too bad Iskall misses out on it.
-Maybe false is good at fencing? I don't watch her, but I know she's good at PvP.
-Speaking of time (the hypno one) maybe the apartments are separated according to their timezones? This may not work based on previous asks or just better ideas, but it did pop in into my head.
-Maybe Iskall doesn't have a robot eye thing on his face, but rather a pair of glasses, of which one of the lens' is coloured blue. He liked the look of it so much that when he got a new pair of glasses, he ordered for one side to be green. Either that or he comissioned some kind of futuristic monocle for the hell of it. (-@oh-hecc-im-stupid-af.)
-TFC is a retired coal-miner. (-@tomcatacaphe)
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grailbot143 · 6 years ago
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42 Followers Special
As promised, here is something fun we put together to celebrate 42 followers. Originally I planned to make a character sheet, but I also thought I’d know a a bit more about the characters backgrounds by the time I got 42. After all, I only had 27 last week, and the week before… plenty of time, right? So I decided to do this instead. When I watch this and other shows I often imagine them in terms of DnD sessions and I like to imagine how the DM will react to some of the stuff that shows up. I really like the episode CheeseBurger BackPack for this because it seems like a DnD session with an incredibly stupid amount of luck for the characters, but I decided I’d start at the beginning… sort of, I’ll probably go back and do a session 0 when I know a bit more.
So thanks to all my followers. And a special thanks for the shoutout from mindareadsoots
Campaign: Crystal Gems
Session 1: Gem Glow
MotelCalifornia : You guys already have a map of the town. You’re at your house here on the beach. It’s afternoon. It’s sunny outside. What do you want to do?
ShieldsNRoses : I brought snacks. They’re called Cookie Cats. My own special recipe.
AwesomeSaucem : AWESOME! Gimme!
MotelCalifornia : Alright, guys. Thanks Roses. What do you want to do first?
ShieldsNRoses : Ooh, I want to go to ‘The Big Donut’
MotelCalifornia : Ok, Steven goes to 'The Big Donut’. You guys going to stay at home?
AwesomeSaucem : Sure y not
MotelCalifornia : Alright, so Steven goes to the donut shop. The store is mostly glass windows in the front with posters for local events and advertisements taped to it. There is a giant donut on top. He enters and sees the two teenage shopkeepers running the store. Steven knows them as Lars and Sadie. Let’s switch over to the others for a bit. Rolls The house is invaded by giant bugs that look like a cross between centipedes and beetles.
Pearlescence : I want to roll to see what we know about these creatures.
MotelCalifornia : Okay, make an Insight check.
Pearlescence : Rolls low
MotelCalifornia : Alright, you manage to remember that this would probably spit acid, but nothing else for now.
Pearlescence : Alright I tell the others. Be careful! These things spit acid.
ShieldsNRoses : Hey, I wanna buy something.
MotelCalifornia : Uh, sure-
ShieldsNRoses : I wanna buy a Cookie Cat!
MotelCalifornia : I have a list of their inventory, my dude. They don’t have Cookie Cats.
ShieldsNRoses : Nooooooooooo! This can’t be happening! This has to be a dream! Lars! Lars! I grab him around the waist. Please tell me I’m dreaming!
MotelCalifornia : Uh alright Get off me man I’m stocking here!
ShieldsNRoses : Cmon dad! You totally should have put cokie cats here!
MotelCalifornia : Sorry kiddo, I just didn’t put it on the list… Hold on, I think I can do something. Sadie then says sorry steven I guess they stopped making them
ShieldsNRoses : Stopped Making Them!? Why in the world would they stop making Cookie Catss?
ShieldsNRoses : They’re only the most scrumcius and delicius ice cream Sandwich ever made!!! Dont they have laws for thsi!?
AwesomeSaucem : lol
MotelCalifornia : Lars Tough bits man! nobody buys them any more. I guess they couldn’t compete with lion lickers
ShieldsNRoses : Ugh Not lion licers! nobody likes them.. they dont even look liek lions! Kids these days, I tell you what.
MotelCalifornia : Gotta stop letting you watch King of the Hill.
MotelCalifornia : [PM to Pearlescence : I can do something with this. When he gets back to the house, tell him you heard they were dicontinued and bought a bunch.]
MotelCalifornia : Lars Well if you miss your wimpy icecream so much why don’t you make some with your “magic belly button” He walks away laughing
ShieldsNRoses : Thats not how it works Lars! Right?
MotelCalifornia : Yeah, it isn’t but im gonna take that as in character
ShieldsNRoses : ya thats fine. Oh sweet Cookie Cats. I draw a catface on the ccokie cat freezer. With your crunchy cookie outsides and your icy creamy insides. You were to good for this world. I kiss the freezer.
AwesomeSaucem : dude wth we already know ur proud ur snacks but u dont gotta sell em to us
MotelCalifornia : uh… Steven do you want to take the freezer with you???
ShieldsNRoses : nods I go home with the freezer im hummin this song
[ShieldsNRoses sent an audio file]
AwesomeSaucem : is this just you humming???? wut song even is this??
Pearlescence : You have a lovely voice.
STELLA: nice
MotelCalifornia: Just wait until you get to hear the actual song. Back to the others. You guys are fighting the centipeetles.
Pearlescence: How many are there?
MotelCalifornia: You see 12 in the main area of the house. 1 by the fridge, 1 in the living room, 1 near the warp pad, 1 by the front door. Roll for Initiative.
—I’m not going to write out a whole fight scene, that sounds really boring, so I’m going to skip it and put in 3 dashes anywhere fighting would be… —
ShieldsNRoses: can I be home now
MotelCalifornia: Sure. You are at the door.
ShieldsNRoses: Hey, guys! You won’t believe this!
MotelCalifornia: You are attacked the moment you step in the door. Roll for initiative.
AwesomeSaucem: 'Sup, Steven?
ShieldsNRoses: Awesome! What are these things?
Pearlescence: Ugh! Sorry, Steven. We’ll get these Centipeetles out of your room. We think they were trying to get into the temple.
ShieldsNRoses: Aw. You don’t have to get rid of them. They’re really cool.
MotelCalifornia: The one she’s still holding takes this chance to try to spit acid at Steven and Rolls misses. It splashes to the floor between you two
AwesomeSaucem: I wanna do an insight chck on them
MotelCalifornia: sure
AwesomeSaucem: Rolls alright
MotelCalifornia: ok you notice that they don’t have gems
AwesomeSaucem: Um, you guys? These things don’t have gems.
STELLA: That means there must be a mother somewhere nearby.
Pearlescence: We should probably find it before anyone gets hurt.
ShieldsNRoses: Oh! Oh! Can I come?! Can I?! can I?!
Pearlescence : Steven, until you learn to control the powers in your gem, I roll to snap the neck of the one I’m holding we’ll take care of protecting humanity, okay? Rolls well
AwesomeSaucem: heh rad
ShieldsNRoses : Aw, man.
MotelCalifornia: One of the centipeetles decides to start raiding the fridge
ShieldsNRoses: Hey! Get out of there! Go on! Shoo! Shoo! Aw! they got into everything! Not cool!
MotelCalifornia: While shooing it away you notice the freezer is full of cookie cats
ShieldsNRoses: lol No way. It can’t be! where dya get these?! I thought they stopped making them! thx dad
Pearlescence : Well, we heard that, too, and since they’re your favorite…
AwesomeSaucem : We went out and stole a bunch.
Pearlescence : I went back and paid for them.
STELLA: The whole thing was my idea.
AwesomeSaucem : It was everyone’s idea.
STELLA: Not really.
Pearlescence : All that matters is that Steven is happy.
[ShieldsNRoses sends an audio file]
Pearlescence: Is this the song you were humming earlier?
AwesomeSaucem : omg, i <3 this song! u write lyrics 2?
STELLA: nice
ShieldsNRoses: I can’t believe you did this. I’m gonna save these forever! Right after I eat this one. Hello, old friend. Oh, so good! I like to eat the ears first.
MotelCalifornia: Your gem starts glowing a little
AwesomeSaucem: Uh, Steven…
ShieldsNRoses: Wha-? My gem!
AwesomeSaucem: Quick, try and summon your weapon!
MotelCalifornia: It starts fading slowly
ShieldsNRoses: I don’t know how! Ah, its fading! How do I make it come back?!
Pearlescence: Calm down, Steven. Breathe, don’t force it.
AwesomeSaucem: Yeah, and try not to poop yourself either.
STELLA: Please, don’t.
MotelCalifornia: It’s back to normal
ShieldsNRoses: Ah, I was really close that time! Can one of you just explain how to summon a weapon?
Pearlescence: Oh, I’ll go first! I think I remember how it happened. I want to take him to that cherry tree outside the town to show him.
MotelCalifornia: Sure that’s fine. When you get there you find that the petals are falling off the tree all over the place
Pearlescence : Oh! Perfect! Pay attention to these petals_, Steven. The petals’ dance seems improvised, but it is being calculated in real time based on the physical properties of this planet. With hard work and dedication, you can master the magical properties of your gem and perform your own dance!_ I summon my weapon and catch one of the petals in my hand. Like so.
AwesomeSaucem: k my turn I wanna do it at the big donut
MotelCalifornia: ok
ShieldsNRoses: wait I take some petals with me
MotelCalifornia: ok you are at the big donut
AwesomeSaucem: I buy a donut then we go to the dumpster in bak
MotelCalifornia: um, ok
ShieldsNRoses: I throw the petals up and try to make the gem glow Wah!
AwesomeSaucem: Did Pearl tell you the “petal thing”?
ShieldsNRoses: Yeah, I need to practice really hard so I can dance like a tree… I think.
AwesomeSaucem: Listen Steven, all that practice stuff is no fun. Whenever I need to summon my weapon, it just happens. i summon my whip and hit the dumpster See? Didn’t try at all.
MotelCalifornia: Lars comes out the back door and sees you destroyed the dumpster *Lars* Huh?! Again?!
STELLA: my turn
STELLA: outside the lighthouse
MotelCalifornia: ok, you go to the lighthouse
ShieldsNRoses: So I’m supposed to work really hard and not try at all at the same time?
ShieldsNRoses: rly?
AwesomeSaucem: lol
STELLA: Or… you could link your mind with the energy of all existing matter. Channeling the collective power of the universe through your gem, which results in—At least that’s my way of doin’ it.
Pearlescence: I don’t think that’s how you did it.
STELLA: shrug
ShieldsNRoses: dad did any of that work? Is my gem glowin?
MotelCalifornia: nope
ShieldsNRoses: back to the kitchen then I think my best bet is to recreate what happened the last time my gem glowed. Im gonna just try to make yall be where you were last time exactly So… Garnet and Amethyst were here. Pearl was next to the fridge. Hmm. Amethyst, I think your arms were crossed?
AwesomeSaucem: Okay, your majesty. crosses arms
ShieldsNRoses: And Pearl, your foot was like this. I move pearls foot
Pearlescence: I don’t think it works this way, Steven.
ShieldsNRoses: And Garnet, uh… I grab your face and point it up Yeah
STELLA: sure
ShieldsNRoses: Then I took a bite of this Cookie Cat. Oh, wait! I sang the song first. Uh, he’s a frozen treat, all new taste, interstellar war, now available at Ghurven’s. Aww, it was funnier last time. *sigh* Maybe I’m not a real Crystal Gem.
Pearlescence: Don’t be silly, Steven. Of course you are.
AwesomeSaucem: And you’re fun to have around, even if your gem is useless.
AwesomeSaucem: I… mean, you’re one of us, Steven. We’re not the Crystal Gems without you!
ShieldsNRoses: Yeah, even if I don’t have powers, I’ve still got… Cookie Cat! *takes a bite* Mmm, so good.
MotelCalifornia: Your gem glows brightly and a shield comes out of it. It is a round pink shield with a spiral of thorns from the outer edge to the center where there is a rose
Pearlescence _: Steven, it’s a shield!_
ShieldsNRoses: Whoa, what?! I get a shield?! Oooh… yeah!
ShieldsNRoses: Huh? Cookie Cat! I summon my weapon by eating ice cream!
MotelCalifornia: Roll a d20 Steven
ShieldsNRoses: Rolls
MotelCalifornia: Your excitement causes your shield to shoot across the room and ricochet back and forth, but no one gets hurt but the tv gets destroyed
ShieldsNRoses : NOOOO!!!1!
Pearlescence: What’s in these things? Seriously, I am concerned.
MotelCalifornia: You hear a loud roar from outside. A shadow passes over the window looking like an even bigger centipeetle. Steven, your shield disappears
ShieldsNRoses: What was that?
Amethyst: we go out
STELLA: It’s the Mother!
Pearlescence : I follow Amethyst and Garnet outside, but first I tell Steven to Stay in the house, Steven!
ShieldsNRoses: No way, I’m coming too! I go get the cookie ca fridge and fill it with all the cats in the frzr
— some rolling, some fighting, some hiding —
AwesomeSaucem: We could really use Steven’s shield right about now!
ShieldsNRoses: I go outside wfth the frige and extention cord. I plant it in the sand near the monster Hey! Leave them alone!
Gems _: Steven, no!_
ShieldsNRoses _: Cookie Cat Crystal combo powers, activate!_ I eat a cookie cat
MotelCalifornia: what? Your powers don’t activate
ShieldsNRoses: Uh-oh.
MotelCalifornia: the centipeetle attacks you
ShieldsNRoses: Aaaah!
Pearlescence: We need to save Steven!
AwesomeSaucem: Can we save ourselves first?!
ShieldsNRoses: Goodbye, my friends. I eat several more
MotelCalifornia: nothing happens
ShieldsNRoses: Why isn’t it working?
STELLA: Steven!
MotelCalifornia: rolls Steven, you notice your fridge has been hit by a stray blast of acid
ShieldsNRoses _: No… Oh, no no no!…_I try to pick it up
MotelCalifornia: You get electrocuted rolls
ShieldsNRoses: Cookie Cat, he’s a pet for your tummy. Cookie Cat, he’s super duper yummy! I grab it by the cord and drag it to the centipeetle Cookie Cat, he left his family behind! Cookie Caaat! I throw it at him
MotelCalifornia: really? You throw a fridge at him?
ShieldsNRoses: she made me mad
MotelCalifornia: okay, I guess make a strength check?
ShieldsNRoses: * rolls a natural 20* YESSSSS! Now available… nowhere.
AwesomeSaucem: Yes!
STELLA: Gems, weapons! Let’s do it.
MotelCalifornia: You defeat the Centipeetle. Its gem drops on the ground
STELLA: I bubble it
ShieldsNRoses: I want to have a funeral for my cookie cats
MotelCalifornia: Sure
ShieldsNRoses: I dig a hole big nuf for a cookie cat rapper. I place the rapper in the hole I cover it with dirt and I put a leaf in the top Farewell, sweet Cookie Cats. I’ll always remember the time we spent together.
MotelCalifornia: Steven, you hear your stomach growling
ShieldsNRoses: Shh, hush now.
AwesomeSaucem: Are you crying? This is so sad, Alexa play Despacito
ShieldsNRoses: Only a little!
AwesomeSaucem: Well, I guess your powers don’t come from ice cream.
Pearlescence: Of course they don’t come from ice cream. Don’t worry, Steven, I’m sure some day you’ll figure out how to activate your gem.
STELLA: Yes, in your own Steven-y way.
ShieldsNRoses: I’m okay guys. I just- Ugh, I think I ate too many Cookie Cats.
MotelCalifornia: Make a constitution check.
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ikesenmotonari · 6 years ago
5 things tag!
aaa thank you so much @tacogawa​ you beautiful taco!! oh man i’m gonna get into serious detail here am i??? let’s see
5 things in my bag
1. keys. my house key has a custom finding nemo print on it lol. 2 mango keychains, tmnt raphael lego keychain, keychain from denmark that looks like a ship’s wheel, and a bnha keychain even though i barely follow the series anymore
2. fast food coupons. mcdonalds and burger king coupon sets from the mail, though i think the mcdonalds ones expired by now? update: nope, apr 14
3. wallet. it looks like a tomato slice.
4. a two-day-old mcdonalds receipt. a vanilla cone! the moments mcdonalds gives me ice cream are moments i tend to cherish. ... i should throw this out tho lol
5. a dollar store lock. for work lockers!
5 things in my room
i think the most interesting thing in my previous room was that all the old commissions and prints i got are framed! they make awesome decorations
this is my sister’s room LMAO but she moved 3 hrs away so i’ve claimed it as my cave for now!
1. a bunch of notebooks + sketchbooks. where i write dnd things, fanfic notes, character sheets... a lot of stuff!
2. mini versions of things. i have a small saxophone in a little case that was given to me by my awesome piano teacher as a semi-late christmas present. then there’s the cutlass letter opener my sister (not the one that moved away) bought. i once accidentally stabbed myself with it. i stole that one from her room and it just adds to my pirate hoard
3. oh yeah, a pirate hoard. various pirate history books and novels in a shelf here. conveniently tucked behind the cutlass letter opener.
4. a protoman exe plush collectible. did i ever mention that i was a huge megaman battle network fan? now you know. do i have a blog focused on mmbn? ... maybe. ;)
5. sister’s map of middle earth. she is a huge lotr fan. it’s right above my bed just in case i want to yeet myself into the sundering seas.
5 of my favourite things
oh uhhh im not sure if i can pick many favourites that really stand out to me but here we go!
1. my phone. kinda self-explanatory.
2. my bed. i love to sleep. and lie down and decompose every once in a while. (often.)
3. all my bread plushies. i have... four. mr toast, mr loaf, catdog bread and bread. as in it’s just a huge fucking bread pillow my friend gave me. actually, mr toast was also given to me by a friend! and catdog was given to me by my sister -- they’re all gifts, but mr loaf i ordered for myself.
4. books. all of them. all the ones i read and the ones i have yet to read.
5. muse album collection. i have all of them save for the live ones and extras. unfortunately the closest cd and dvd stores closed down :( so i had to order simulation theory online. muse is my favourite band!!
5 things I’m currently into
1. i’ve been playing aq3d for the past three days. listen, it’s a free mmorpg where i can be a fucking pirate. give it to me.
2. 2000′s bops. idk who has me on discord but whenever i’m listening to something on spotify, most llikely it’d be a relic of my elementary school musical interests.
3. naturally: pirates. ;) i hopped on this train since i was five and the ocean is in my veins. it’s definitely not something i’m going to drop soon.
4. jason momoa. ...................... hhhhehehe,
5. talent competition shows. it’s a guilty pleasure of mine but i love watching the voice. or... more like listening to it? and same with world of dance or america’s got talent. i care little for the judging aspects of it, tbh.
5 things in my to-do list
i don’t keep to-do lists unless they’re like... super duper important, and i’ve done the super duper important stuff. so i only have one thing.
to me: update your fucking fic you loser
the rest is just... improvise, bay bee!!!
tag time!! you’re it! (throws bread)
@nyktoon-in-otomeland @ikesenhell @tsundere-mitsuhide @daeva-agas @acrispyapple i love all of you! sail on, ye scallywags!
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xanthicantag · 6 years ago
omg do all the dnd asks im so curious !!!
Long boi this one is
1. A favorite character you have played.
This is a hard one, I was a real big fan of my storm barbarian Tiffany, or Unfaceable the ranger I played awhile ago.  They were more or less the same character
2. Your favorite character that someone else has played.
Oh absolutely Ragnarok the Winged One, he was my friend Juan’s first character I think (if not first one of the first).  He was a white dragon born sorcerer, who didn’t actually have wings for 96% of the campaign.  He also hated capitalists so goals really. 
3. Your favorite side quest.
One time I tried to set up a One night ultimate werewolf side quest, and it kinda worked, it’s just we stopped playing for like 2 months and they didn’t finish it.
4. Your current campaign.
I’m currently in Dungeon of the Mad Mage as an Aasimar Warlock!
5. Favorite NPC. 
Pit Man.
6. Favorite death (monster, player character, NPC, etc).
So, technically they didn’t die, but one my players character went into the Negative Plane to marry a nightwalker who was going to be the final boss, but I felt really bad for all of them after making them do a like 4 stage thing.
7. Your favorite downtime activity.
Rivals!!!!!  They are the coolest thing.
8. Your favorite fight/encounter.
The Strahd fight when I ran CoS last year was p cool, they all died but it was really not close (They got him to like 15 hp but there’s still tons of bullshit to do after that) or the final fight I did as Unfaceable, we fought a beholder and I was paralyzed for like 6 rounds.
9. Your favorite thing about D&D.
Honestly, I enjoy seeing people get excited about playing the game.  Like when Juan (Tbh he’s just my all time favorite player sorry everyone else) got a crit while we were playing in the cafeteria and just fucking yelled about it.
10. Your favorite enemy and the enemy you hate the most.
OH fccuk this is a hard choice.  I really think Nightwalkers are like the coolest right now since I love Negative plane shit.  I think dragons are kinda overrated as enemies tho, i don’t hate them really tho since dragons are dope as fuck.
11. How often do you play and how often would you ideally like to play?
I Dm about twice a week and play once a week, Ideally I’d play or dm every day and have no other obligations but life is simply unfair
12. Your in game inside jokes/memes/catchphrases and where they came from.
13. Introduce your current party.
We’ve got Krosnis, my Celestial Warlock, Temaridy, a Tiefling Fiend Warlock, Sigil, a Warforged Eldritch Knight, Ketla, a uh, the elvish giants, FIRBOLG, Moon Druid, and shit fuck uh, the Abjuration Wizard, who’s name is, uhh, Enzio?  Idk his name but the player canonically decided he looks like Fenris so that’s all that matters.  
14. Introduce any other parties you have played in or DM-ed.
Hmmm this is a tough choice there’s tons of them....  I’ll do the first party I solo DM-ed for I guess since they were p cool:  Hellspawn, a Tiefling Monk with the homebrew way of the 8 gates of hell subclass (He was so goddamn edgy, and played by @t-rexquefuturus even tho he doesn’t really use tumblr), Thargus Irvin, a Totem Barbarian (Played by @themonotonyofdays fun fact i guess?), Borges, an Alchemist who was just trying his best, Mikono, who was also trying his best but was much sadder about it (Played by @tsurikun so double fun fact in one post actually boom), uhhhhhh, Delgor?  Delgar?  Del-something, a Battlemaster Warlock multiclass, i’m not sure what delgar was triyng to do (other the complain about hellspawn yeah i went there they don’t have a tumblr so none of you better snitch on me i stg) and last (literally he joined in towards the end of the campaign) Magnus, a uh, Mystic, he was there
15. Do you have snacks during game times?
Yeah usually, me like snackys
16. Do you play online or in person? Which do you prefer?
I do both!  I prefer in person since it’s harder for people to talk online since it all gets muddled
17. What are some house rules that your group has?
Er, on the sly anything goes tbh if it seems cool enough
18. Does your party keep any pets?
In the current one we have so many familiars it’s crazy.
19. Do you or your party have any dice superstitions?
Amy (The one who loves pit man) rolls all her dice at the start and takes the one that did the best
20. How did you get into D&D? How long have you been playing?
In highschool i played 2 times for like, 10 hours each time?  that was so fucking long holy shit, and the freshman year of college i started co-dming a group and then it took off from there
21. Have you ever regretted something your character has done?
Tbh, not really?  Like, 80% of them are dumb as fuck so jot that down, but I don’t usually do stuff in game that I regret, except that one time i died but it was to be a hero so worth it
22. What color was your first dragon?
I think it was a baby black dragon?
23. Do you use premade modules or original campaigns?
I use both depending on how busy I am
24. How much planning/preparation do you do for a game?
Depends?  I usually do a lot of long term planning early on and then not too much per session
For DMs
25. What have your players done that you never could have planned for?
The one group got really attached to some meaty boiz, and then the one player killed all of them and like most of the party, great way to end the campaign
26. What was your favorite scene to write and show your characters.
Oooo, hmmmmmmmmm, I really had a good plan for the end to this arc (the one with the nightwalker) but it kinda didn’t really happen how i planned which was a bit of a bummer, but it worked out in sort of a better way
27. Do you allow homebrew content? Yeah as long as it doesn’t seem like super busted
28. How often do you use NPCs in a party?  I usually give npcs if they need like a healer or something, like Kargol
29. Do you prefer RP heavy sessions or combat sessions?
I don’t really have a preference for either?  My groups get a lil bloodthirsty if they go too long with a fight usually (Except you @themoragontrail just pacifist running a whole session and a half)
30. Are your players diplomatic or murder hobos?
Oh definitely murder hobos
For Players
31. What is your favorite class? Favorite race?
Oh this is hard, I’m a big fan of Warlock customization and flexibility, I don’t really have favorite race (It’s tieflings I read homestuck feel free to at me)
32. What role do you like to play the most? (Tank/healer/etc?)
I’m usually a tank/front line, It’s where I like to be, does it always end well?  Not even close, does my warlock have more hp than our fighter?  Hell fucking yes
33. How do you write your backstory, or do you even write a backstory?
So, it depends?  I usually do it last once I’ve made the rest of the character and use it as a reason why their the way they are now.  And I give like 65% of them heterochromia cause i thinks it’s sick as fuck
34. Do you tend pick weapons/spells for being useful or for flavor?
as someone who loves lances, need i say more?
35. How much roleplay do you like to do?
It depends on what game i’m in, i usually don’t do too much rping in combat heavy stuff, but i like to, and also i love rping sub 8 int, or 14>= int but that’s just me irl and let me tell you, I’m a dumbass who will eat the exploding rock
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moonelf19 · 6 years ago
Today in wild things I wasn’t expecting: I know someone who is friends with Matt Mercer? Irl?
I’m in a database class, and my group decided to make a database for a really simple DnD campaign even though I’m the only one who knows literally anything about DnD. Most of our group sessions consist of me explaining different aspects of the game so we can convert it to whatever our assignment calls for.
I have mentioned and referenced Critical Role while explaining stuff. Today one person in my group goes “Oh, by the way, I figured out why some of the stuff you mention sounds familiar-- you’re talking about that thing my friend Matt does.”
Me: Oh yeah? You have a friend who plays? You should ask him for his opinion too, he might think of something I haven’t
Her: Idk, I guess he’s really busy with that show.
Me: Show?
Her: Yeah, the critical role show you are always talking about. I don’t wanna bug him about a class.
Me: *slowly getting light bulb over my head*: What did you say your friends name was?
Her: Matt? Matt Mercer? Maybe you know him, since you both play?
Me *head explosion*: I mean.... I know of him. Since he’s. You know. Famous.
Her: Hahah. Sure. Yeah. That dude crashed at my house before, I wouldn’t call him famous or anything.
Me: Uhh, he’s married to a girl named Marisha right?
Her: Yep, thats the one, hes got long hair, blue eyes, we used to all play this one video game together before I moved to WA. They’re pretty cool.
Me: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhu what?
She kept referring to him as “Matt” and thought it was weird I was always referring to him by full name... like a famous person, when he’s just Matt to her and she showed me her facebook where she’s friends with him and was like “But i’m not gonna bother him, we haven’t talked in a while so it would be weird.”
Like, it literally never crossed my mind to ask her to do that, but she was more like “i dont want to sound weird like im into DnD now, because I’m not” and I was just *dragging hands down face* my dude, friend, you don’t seem to understand the magnitude of this. 
You don’t just casually mention you are friends with this person.... that’s fukking crazy to me. 
I was so tempted to be like “When he comes to Seattle do you guys meet up or what the fuck kind of friendship is this because I’ve literally already told you that he is a huge inspiration and I want to work for WotC and networking is important but also holy shit you are friends with some of the literally coolest people I’ve ever heard of and it ISNT EVEN THAT IMPORTANT TO YOU HOWWWWWW”
And then I took a deep breath and finished mapping the database stuff we were working on because what else am I going to do i literally just have to file away the information that I have a direct line of connection between me and Matt Mercer and I have to be an adult and forget about it
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nbnezumi · 7 years ago
25-30 w ALL ur dnd charas plus Marshall
im gonna limit it to the ones that have been posted on here because 5x3 is 15 and LONG and also some of them just arent that developed. under a cut because, again, long
25. Favorite animal?
azgen- Oh You Know 🐀
cléon- birds in general, but particularly big colorful ones
marshall- cows because he just thinks theyre neat
26. Expansion of civilization or the preservation of nature?
azgen- they just want things to stay balanced overall, like expanding is fine if its not hurting anything
cléon- definitely preservation of nature, she grew up surrounded by nature and values it for both its necessity to her work back home and because it was here first dont be rude
marshall- expansion of civilization kind of by necessity, like its not safe for most people outside of the domes so in order to have everyone live somewhere safe they need to push outwards
27. They’re at a tavern. They bump into a big burly angry drunk with a combative attitude. What happens?
azgen- 💪💪🐀 but only if the other person actually physically starts the fight
cléon- apologizes and offers to buy them a drink/share her snack to settle things down
marshall- since he bumped into the other person he would say sorry and try to continue whatever he was doing, but if they tried to start something he would say lets take this outside and then after walking out the front door he would just keep walking and leave and go home
28. What do they do between quests?
azgen- azgens been running a fairly successful business for about a century and is not gonna let a little jail time and a move get in the way of that. its pretty much just for fun/hobbies at this point though because adventuring makes a lot of $$$ (that we left on that goblin island because i dont know how factories work but they should be compensated for their work! i hope theyre doing ok...)
cléon- shes entirely out of her depth and is doing the adventure equivalent of nodding and saying yeah when you didnt hear the other person, so shes gonna spend a good while meeting everyone and exploring. she likes to draw maps so she probably draws one of the core/surrounding area
marshall- even before switching to office work it was pretty similar, like monster hunting and desk jobs are stressful in their own rights so a lot of it is stuff that relaxes him... read a book, work on a jigsaw puzzle, play with the gerbils... but also because too much of that is boring he definitely took the car outside and did some things of questionable legality 
29. Biggest positive and negative influences on their life and development?
azgen- positive, well both kids were troublemakers but they had a very patient mentor who put up with a lot of their shit until they figured out that actually sometimes learning is cool and actually got down to it. another positive i actually would count is getting arrested because otherwise theyd still be in that hermit hut and i think meeting a bunch of new friends and getting a big ol prophecy is a better direction for life. negative, since there were two of them and they basically did all the same stuff they ended up dividing up/prioritizing things differently which after they werent together anymore left azgen not being able to read common/swim/cook well/etc... also the Chicken Incident which scared both of them so much they still cant face a chicken in the flesh. this cant be used as a weakness against each other just based on the fact that one of them would have to get close enough to one to move it/put it in a trap/confirm its a chicken. and of course the whole gun thing is also a big negative.
cléon- positive, she has a very caring and supporting family! especially her older sister who took her on trips when she was younger and helped her get into music, and her mom who raised her to be polite but take no shit. learning to play an instrument also was a positive because it gave her a good creative outlet which shed been needing for a while. negative, she lived kind of in the middle of nowhere as a young kid and didnt really have perspective or exposure to much, and shes had a lot of responsibility re: her younger sisters handed down after her older sister moved to the city which she didnt really have a chance to get away from unless shes working.
marshall-i dont have a lot of his deeper backstory official yet because i know were supposed to do the shared history bits and ive been planning to get those and then work from there + my skeleton to get the big picture? i get stepping on toes anxiety about storywriting too though so this is partially that sorry. i do figure though that monster hunting as a profession would be a general negative just since its pretty dangerous and doing that as a paid job for a company like with a schedule would be more stressful/less flexible than just doing it freelance. positive, since hes got a less fatal job at the moment hes had a good amount of me time and has got himself right, as much as one can when they live in a dome and probably will go back to hunting monsters in the future. he might have to leave the gerbils with his cousin so he calls her twice a month to make sure she remembers how to take care of them, and also to watch movies. that counts as positive because they have a good time and im running out of things to say!
30. Would they smooch a ghost? 
azgen- they have to meet the same standards as any other person but the fact that theyre a ghost wouldnt get in the way
cléon- shed have to understand how someone can exist as a ghost and just how dead they actually are but she would be 
marshall- it might be a little weirder than bigfoot but yes you know it
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bookworm-2692 · 7 years ago
8, 14, 17 for the dnd asks!
thank you!!!!
8: what does your dream dice set look like?
hmmm i’m not sure…. definitely blue. probably that etheral yeti one miho sent yesterday that i fell in love with haha they’re so pretty!!!!!
14: what inspired you to make your character?
i guess i’ll go through each of them.
norixius kava, dragonborn paladin (out of the abyss). this was my first one and i had no idea how dnd worked haha at all. in the car on the way to my cousins place, i was driving, and my dad and brother were reading through the books and talking about the races and classes and stuff and explaining to me bc obvi i couldnt read them bc i was driving haha. anyway we got to my cousins place and each of them paired up w the three of us to help make our first characters and we rolled for stats and they asked if i had anything i wanted to play and i was like “idk dragonborn sounds really cool” and they were like thats as good a reason as any, and then they suggested paladin would work well w my stats so i was like sure why not and did it haha. she survived the campaign, to level 11
matilda, human monk (curse of strahd). this was point buy system. i had mentioned seeing a homebrew avatar thing, so one of my cousins mentioned how way of the four elements monk is like the avatar, so i read through it and thought it sounded cool. i took the mobile feat, and went way of open hand instead. in this campaign we had a fight where four characters died outright (three deaths due to natural 1s in the death saves) and only two survived, including matilda. the dm mentioned taking the dead people to another room to discuss what to do and i was like “nah brian and i will just move since we’re the only alive one and theres more of you”. they ended up becoming revernants (idk spelling) but i suggested adding a caveat in place where every time you died as a revernant, you lost 1hp from your max, which we did. we then abandoned this campaign after 4 levels bc my uncle who was dm-ing was having trouble finding the time to read the campaign
jamnugget, gnome fighter (arcane archer) (storm kings thunder). this was rolling stats. one cousin rolled between 13 and 18 for every stat, and after race ability improvements got all 14-18…. so he multiclassed all of them and got to level 12 as one of each class it was a beautiful amalgamation (omg i spelt that correctly first try haha). then someone else rolled three single digit stats but was told he wasnt allowed to reroll so he became a druid for wildshape. he had -2 con, so only adding 3hp per level, starting at 6hp. 3rd level before he got double digits. if you averaged the rolls of these two you got normal stats haha. anyway onto my character. my cousin suggested the arcane archer thing on unearthed arcana so i was like “sure ok”. turns out you only got two magic arrows per rest thing and they werent very good so i hardly used them. the sharpshooter feat was way better. the best part tho was bc we were fighting so many giants, at one point someone cast fly on me, someone else cast greater invisibility on me, someone else gave me bless, so then i went in a chased a giant just shooting him on my own while everyone else was doing something else it was great. i also accidentally succeeded on an intimidation check bc an npc was saying “im sure we could handle a giant” when we asked about that and i was like “ive killed 15 myself” (bc we were keeping tallies on our sheets) and the guy panicked bc was technically in an alliance w them whoops. jamnugget survived the campaign. six of the seven original characters survived to the end, my brother went through four characters
maegrakka, half elf barbarian. we were told to make characters for a quick one shot dungeon thing for when storm kings thunder dm wasnt able to make it. so i made a barbarian bc i decided that was something i hadnt done yet and would be easy to just make (no spells. i have a strong aversion to spell casters). i think shes level 3 now???? every time we play this everyones like “wait whats my character again” bc its so long in between haha
nissa, human rogue 1 monk 2. one shot a friend wanted to dm before he moved to canberra. it was very fun. i made a monk bc i was desperate to play again bc matilda had been abandoned. i added a rogue level for sneak attack damage, w mobile feat, it was great
clover, human fighter 11 or 12, monk 3 or 4. level 15 fight to the death situation. i knew how powerful the arcane archer stuff was so i did it here. monk levels were to give me back up in case i got engaged in melee. i shouldve had some sort of healing that was my downfall. my first character to die bc three of them were ganging up on me!!
meredith, elf wizard (tomb of annihilation). we started off playing as commoners, as servants to this lord guy. so i was a librarian and realised id have to be a wizard dammit. i hated the spell casting part haha. she died. its funny bc my dads character died at first level, then we levelled up. brians character died at second level, then we levelled up. they were also sitting next to each other. i was sitting in the next seat along so was worried i was also gonna die… then my brother took that seat and died instead. so i was like there is definitely a curse. i was in the next seat along, and then one of my cousins. then came a fight where my cousin next to me turned to stone and then i died. turns out he could come back to life so the death seat thing continued. we levelled up to level 4 after my brother and i died in separate sessions in the same location. also my dad and brian died in the same location in separate session. so now theres multiple patterns - theres the “someone needs to die to level up” thing, and the death seat thing, and the two characters dying in the same location in separate sessions thing. w my cousin who got turned to stone, i keep on insisting he stays in the death seat bc either he dies (death seat) or he doesnt (he tricked death w the stone thing so is now immune), and if he doesnt die either it skips him and my uncle dies, or no one else dies ever. its very exciting haha. also w this campaign theres a map thing only the og characters can see and we’re joking how now only three characters left can see it and you can see how my cousin the dm is getting worried that we’ll all die haha. also the campaign is about how the og characters lord got sick and we need to find a cure, but once the og characters die then who cares about the random lord? itll be very funny haha
elenoa, tabaxi monk (tomb of annihilation). since i started at level 4 here, and matildas campaign got abandoned at level 4, it felt fitting to play a monk again. no mobile feat yet, but im playing the sun soul monk from xanathars which gives a radiant punch w a range of 30 ft so i dont need to get close to punch and then use mobile to run away. 
i havent even talked about where the names for each one came from….. maybe another time if asked……..
17: what is your favourite race?
idk actually. the only races ive ever played multiple times are humans, but altogether ive played longer as a dragonborn or gnome than human so like. theres not super much difference in the races in phb, like its just flavour. the new races and stuff have heaps extra stuff, but tabaxi is the only one of them ive ever played and only two sessions so far. i think humans are cool bc you get a feat at level 1 haha but other than that theres not really much difference in them yknow? races w darkvision make things easier too haha but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
thank you for these asks!!! it took so long to respond haha im gonna be late to uni now (bc still in pjs havent made lunch or brushed teeth or anything and if i wanna be on time i gotta leave in the next 15 minutes so maybe ill just…… skip this lecture lol idk haha
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istehlurvz · 8 years ago
if you've ever DMd, can you give some tips on how to make a good plot? im supposed to be DMing soon and I can't seem to come up with anything good
I have never DM’d before but @ghostering is one of my lovely DM’s and they kill it every weekend
My other DM (who is also wonderful and the one I played my first game with Hope this helps!
ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS: https://dnd.rem.uz/5e%20D%26D%20Books/  this link includes books like Rise of Tiamat and Curse of Strahd, Mine of Phandelver and pretty much everything for EVERY EDITION although I only really care about the 5e stuff but GUYS its amazing go download that shit before it mysteriously disappears from the interewebs!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XikjjQok5Y&list=PL7atuZxmT9570U87GhK_20NcbxM43vkom - Matt Mercer’s GM tips
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlUk42GiU2guNzWBzxn7hs8MaV7ELLCP_ - Matt Colville’s tips and tricks for DMs - I highly recommend both of these palylists
https://www.reddit.com/r/criticalrole/comments/485sek/no_spoilers_matt_mercers_playlists_for_critical/?st=ivuo1ioo&sh=6f7a1b40 - Critical Role music (Mercer also uses Elder Scrolls music, I like to add Witcher stuff too)
http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/DM_Experience_2011.pdf - this is a breakdown of a game run by Chris Perkins (works for Wizards of the Coast) and things he learend from that campaign
http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/ - this is for making your own pdfs for home brew stuff.
http://donjon.bin.sh/d20/magic/shop.html - this is a random generator for treasure, shops, taverns, even NPCs!
http://kobold.club/fight/#/encounter-builder - Exp generator
http://lunarmage.tumblr.com/post/150621458669/dnd-5e-homebrew-bard-college-of-trickery-by - a cool homebrew bard class
dnd-5e-homebrew.tumblr.com - Just a good tumblr to browse through for resources
http://www.wizards.com/dnd/tavern/Welcome.asp - random inn menu generator
http://inkwellideas.com/ - this is a gateway to a lot of stuff from random map generators to random encounters and things like that
https://www.patreon.com/elventower/posts?tag=underground - this guy makes maps available for download through his patreon
http://2minutetabletop.com/?s=dragon%27s+lair&post_type=product - more maps
http://inkarnate.com/ - a map making tool, more for large scale maps of regions and worlds
https://roleplayingtips.com/tools/1000-npc-traits/ - NPC traits
http://roleplayingtips.com/one-sentence-npc-generator/ - NPC generator
http://www.enworld.org/forum/dnd_view_block.php?id=1615 - NPC generator
http://roleplayingtips.com/city-encounter-generator/ - city encounter generator
178 notes · View notes
nemossubmarine · 8 years ago
My enthusiasm for everything has been around -20 for a bit now. Time to start cranking out those to do -lists.
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