#im dying here ;-;
ashroomancer · 24 days
Can y'all make my ecology posts more popular ;-; if my biology posting gets more notes I'll white an HDG fic, how does that sound? I've got one mapped out and everything!
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lvnesart · 2 years
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Valentines Sketch Requests 2/3
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dead boy detectives was everything i needed condensed into two clueless fucking ghost boys who are both literally me at different times of the day
where have they been all my life
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manforsale · 1 year
Somebody has GOT to make another weird little doll or put on another art gallery so I can see her (gerard) again please PLEASE
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thermodynamiclawyer · 7 months
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i’m uh uh um uh huumumumumyumum um Smiles.
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kaijudick · 1 month
9 am on a monday time to clock into my day job a the dragon age inquisition
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alteredsu · 1 month
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Its been a bummer work week ☹️
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boncottontail · 1 year
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i’m totally normal about this btw
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kennyyomega · 17 days
i miss kenny and the bucks and hangman all being together i don't know how much longer i can do this
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binvibin · 6 months
trying to find that jegulus fame texting fic that changed my life
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book-girl4evaaa · 3 months
Can someone shout at me to study?
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sunflower-named-cyan · 5 months
So I'm working on a presentation for my history class and I had to pick a event or something that happened during WW2 in American. Me being the cottage core loving being am i, I picked victory gardens and rationing.
See, that would be a normal topic to go over. However, I am not normal. I know that there are comics and cartoon panels of Disney characters -mostly Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, however I learned of a new comic character.
Fucking. Batman.
It was the cover of comic from the world's finest comics, which were war time comics of Batman, Robin, and Superman. This one, number 11 in the comic line, depicts the three in a war time Victory Garden.
I expected this from Superman, him being a farm boy and all, and possibly Robin cause he's a child. However Batman was not who I was expecting to be harvesting fucking cabbage.
The things you discovered in a search for posters.
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luxthecreator · 8 months
OKAY, LISTEN (well...read, whatever):
So does someone else have this cycle with ships?? Like for a time you *need* to read a ship like let's say a few weeks. The you are like "holy sh*t! I have this other love of my life of ship and I need fuel for that" so you go ahead and search for fanfics or read your comforts or favs. At this point I really think I have ships in life cycles xd. Can it be stressful? Yes, more when the there's not much content for that ship or the specific type of troop you want them in.
Oooooh that reminds me! It's not just ships it's troops too!!! For times I go "I need this type of Au", then switch and be "nonono time for fluff", "nonono let's go all the way with angst and mystery and what not".
Well, that's all thank you for reading. I'm I the only one? Hello? Someone? TT ^ TT
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Episode 91 Nara to Neil: Is it because you know, because you know that my affection is a means to an end or do you feel something for Wynn and don't know how to say it?
Episode 95 Neil to Wynn: If this is a moment where there’s a line in the sand about us staying together, you know I’ll follow you to go die.
Episode 91 Neil to Nara: I haven’t known these things maybe for a long time, and so I just sit in inaction because I don’t know.
Episode 95 Narration of Neil by Rob: When Wynn confirms to Britta that she’s in love with Kabir, Neil goes stock still.
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poems-of-a-lover · 1 year
ugh. periods /neg. need a guy to hold me in his arms and rest his hands under my shirt on my stomach for the warmth and kiss my forehead and tell me im his pretty boy. or ill die.
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cupofcappuccy · 7 days
I got that bipolar swag yo
Anyways I got a dentist appointment in a few hours. I think I might have surgery or just filling
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