#im always very nervous when drawing other people's characters
dreamerdeity · 1 month
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a/n: Really happy to be back on tumblr! College apps have been kicking my ass but it's getting better. Don't be shy to request a matchup, a fic, or a wip for Gaza! I'm also very sorry @tinysoulmentality for not including moodboards I had no time 😭
❁ཻུ۪۪♡ word count: 2k
Keira's Fundraising Event
███▒▒▒▒▒▒ 𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . . @tinysoulmentality 's character matchup
Hi! Id like to request a matchup for jjk, bllk and aot. Im mexican and being connected to my culture is very important to me. I love reading dc comics and watching old slasher/horror movies. My favorite color is purple and my favorite holiday/time of year of Halloween. When it comes to relationships, the most important thing to me is being with someone that I know i can be myself with and that I dont have to worry about their loyalty towards me. Here are my donations and pls lmk if theres any other info you need !!!💜💜
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Ino is an interesting little guy. He’s cute, but to say he has game would be like saying that cats can fly (handsome loser :3). When he first met you, he had to do a little double take because hold on a minute. Who’s that pretty lady? He casually walks up to you and blurts out a “You’re not from around here, are you?” ft. nervous voice crack that he manages to play off somehow. The question definitely elicits a few mental eye rolls from you. Typical male-tries-to-hit-on-foreign-girl one-liner, but he makes it… work? Maybe it’s the nervous flush on his cheeks, or the hand that sheepishly rubs at the back of his neck, or the bright smile he musters up to mask the nerves. 
I like to think that Ino is a very cosmopolitan person. It’s not really that he’s traveled all around the world, but more so that he has varied likes and interests spanning many different cultures. He likes to listen to old-school hip-hop and reggaeton. He’s into Italian and Turkish dramas. He sleeps well at night knowing there’s an Indian restaurant and another Mexican one down the block that can curb his cravings for butter chicken and quesadillas. 
So, it’s no surprise that he’s quick to grab a throw pillow and get comfortable on the couch whenever you talk about your Mexican heritage. He doesn’t know much about Mexico apart from the fact that the food goes extremely hard, so he’s always enthusiastic to learn more about the other aspects that characterize your country and its people. 
He also tries to learn some Spanish to “surprise” you but then it’s literally just a “¡Buenos días!” enunciated really badly. There’s a proud smile on his face every time he greets you good morning in your mother tongue though, and it’s very endearing, to say the least. 
To add onto his culture vulture, cosmopolitan vibes, I think he’s also really into movies. The type to just drop a niche movie reference every two seconds and frown deeply when no one gets it. 
Watching horror movies with him is interesting because for some reason he thinks that abruptly grabbing your shoulders mid-movie and growling menacingly would jump-scare you into oblivion, but you’re used to the genre so all it does is make you eye him narrowingly, unimpressed, ready to tell him off for interrupting a very crucial plot development. 
For whatever reason, Ino gives me major horror-enjoyer vibes. He likes analog horror and you’re lucky Halloween is your favorite time of year because it’s his too! Watching The Prowler (i just really like this movie lol) under the blankets with warm, freshly-made popcorn and a pretty lady in his arms? Yeah, count him in. 
One last thing, sorry to be the one to say this, but Ino is definitely the “can you draw me” person whenever he sees your sketchbook or art in general. It’s all in good nature, and he wouldn’t mind it if you say no, but if you do draw or paint him, let’s just say that that drawing will be in his wallet for the rest of his life. Sometimes he’d just randomly pull it out when someone brings you up and proudly hold it up to his company like “Uhuh, my girl drew this. Yup.” 
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I think that, unlike Ino, Chigiri used to be less “out there” in the world in his youth and kept more to himself in terms of being an experiencer of cultural diffusion; It was how he was brought up. But after going pro and meeting many people, traveling to many different places etc, he’s been exposed to the world on a greater scale. That’s how he finds himself meeting you one day at a party. He was charming. Need I say more tbh? That hair, that gentlemanliness, that whole aura surrounding him is hard to resist. He knew just how to sweet-talk but actually meant every word he said. 
Chigiri is one wealthy man, let’s be honest. Pro footballer?  Mbappe in another font? Yeah. I think he genuinely enjoys spoiling and lavishing you with gifts if that’s your thing. 
He loves hearing you talk about your heritage and if you don’t live in Mexico, I feel like if you were to even remotely express that you’re kind of missing your country he’d immediately be like, “Then let’s book a 2 week stay and you can show me all those things you were telling me about.” No biggie. 
Would also rent out the entirety of Playa Sisal in advance because you mentioned (once. 1 [one] time. ) that you were looking forward to taking a dip come the vacation. 
I think that there’s this stigma surrounding footballers and how they’re a bunch of players who sleep around but don’t commit. While that may have some merit, Chigiri is different. Like, have you seen him? Not to mention that he has a sister. 
I feel like he values loyalty and genuine companionship as much as you do, and should you ever feel yourself questioning where you stand within his life, or whether he’s trustworthy, he would be so quick to reassure you and make you feel heard, basically quelling the doubts before they even surface. (Communicative king). 
On the note of communicative king, he’s very good at praise and voicing his appreciation. The sort to genuinely encourage your creative hobbies and praise you for any work you create. He would literally not mind building a home art studio for you to promote your love for art and writing. Like, “Oh, I saw you painting the other day and you didn’t look very comfortable at your desk. Thought I’d make you a little art corner,” he’d say as he sheepishly shows you the “art corner” in question which looks more like a state of the art professional studio. 
I think Chigiri himself is a very artistic person beneath the surface. He just gives off that vibe quite a bit. Picnics where you guys sit at the park and paint the scenery together? So him. 
Would post your art on social media (if you consent ofc!) to his 5 million+ followers and bring you business if you ever decide to open commissions. 
In terms of entertainment, Chigiri is the type to be so clueless when it comes to media because he just doesn’t have the time. Like you were shocked when he told you he never watched Star Wars. Sir, what do you mean?? 
It became your job to educate him on the vast world of entertainment, namely movies. He doesn’t really care what you pick as long as you’re happy. So when he’s got some free time on his hands, he’ll binge horror or DC/Marvel movies with you and even try to analyze the plot as it’s happening (don’t kill him please he’s just trying to show he’s interested). 
Would buy you merch of your favorite movies and get giddy when you wear it/decorate your room with it etc.
Lastly, I think Chigiri would sulk in the corner if you insist he let you dye his hair purple since it’s your favorite color, but he literally can’t say no to you, so eventually he yields reluctantly but shockingly, once all is said and done, he figures out he actually really like how purple looks on him. 
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I’m gunna be honest. I think it just makes sense for Levi to like you because black cat x orange cat trope?? Him and Hange? Him and the Eren gang in general? Yeah. 
Going by your mbti, I imagine you’re not very extroverted, and I think that’s something that genuinely makes Levi let out a sigh of relief sometimes. 
*glance at each other* You: “wanna leave this party?” Him: “You read my mind.”
If loyalty were a person, it would be this man. He shows it in the small things, I’d say: Leaving you short messages before he leaves for work every morning, bringing you things that remind him of you, etc. I feel like that would be his way of saying “I’ve got eyes for you only/I’m always thinking about you and you alone”. 
Levi is such a meanie on the surface and I find it kind of hilarious. Like, I think you guys would complete each other's snark and sarcasm and people would not know whether you two are joking or not meanwhile yall are just trying to bite back giggles. 
If I’m being honest, Levi doesn’t strike me as a very creative person. He seems more of a STEM sort of guy if we think of him in a modern au, so he doesn’t pay much mind to the arts as a field. 
That’s not to say he isn’t supportive of your creative endeavors of course. You know when parents have no idea how a sport you play works but they still passionately cheer at your games regardless? Yeah, that’s Levi with your art, writing, etc. It’s all impressive to him even if you don’t think so and he’ll make sure you know that. 
“I love this poem you wrote. You could be famous if you took this up professionally,” he’d say even if there was like a single sentence on the page. 
Would be the type to send you anything art or writing related he gets on his fyp like “yup, she’s definitely gonna love this/find it helpful”. 
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think Levi is actually a film buff. There, I said it. Something about him strikes me as movie lover. He would be the type to drop a quote from some obscure movie from the 50s with a straight face in the most serious tone ever which makes it even funnier. 
So, when you two have some free time, he loves to watch things with you while cuddling on the couch. he’s the type to read the captions before the characters actually say them and it just spoils the scene for him, and then he’d sulk as if it’s your fault, but it’s cute. 
When you two are watching horror movies, he’s the type to tsk and mutter under his breath complaining about the costumes or about how if he were there he would’ve totally killed that demon in like two seconds.
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jojo-schmo · 1 month
hi jojo! im just wondering but ive been wanting to make a comic for a little while but im not too sure where to start 😅. i really love your style of art and your forgotten land roleswap, and i was wondering if you had any tips for beginners?
Hello, hello! Thank you for enjoying my Forgotten Land Roleswap comic, it means a lot! <3
I'm very honored that people have been asking me for tips and advice. All of this is coming from a hobbyist who draws these comics purely for fun outside of my regular day job. Some of my methods would probably deal psychic damage to a professional, LOL. But I'm more than happy to share some things I've personally learned! :)
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First of all, the book, "Understanding Comics" by Scott McCloud ROCKS. It literally gave me a new dimension to understand the medium of comics and how it presents ideas and emotions to readers! And I haven't even had the chance to finish it all the way! I'm very happy I own a copy and I recommend having one of your own if you can, but it's archived here if you want to read it :D
I also like analyzing other comics and thinking about how they get information across to me as a reader. It's helped me learn more effective ways to visually tell a story, like what to include in a frame, how zooming in or out affects the feeling from the panel, maybe building a scene by focusing on other stuff if someone is talking a lot... etc.
ANYWAYS-! Some other tips I've learned through my personal experience-
I had to overcome a lot of negative self-talk in order to tackle a huge comic project like this and stay committed. I was a pretty severe self-deprecator for most of my life so far, and getting help has allowed me to catch myself when I'm slipping back into those habits, look in the mirror, and go, "NO, JOJO! You pour your heart into what you make and that is a wonderful thing! You are appreciated and loved and you deserve to have fun making something you are passionate about!!" Some examples of the negative self-talk I catch myself in....
"I'm a noob at writing and making a story interesting... What's the point of even trying?"
When it comes to starting a project, whether it's 2 pages or 2000 pages, is to just jump in and start! It's okay to be a little insecure or nervous about your technical art skills, writing skills, etc... But writing a "bad" scene is better than no scene- because you can always edit a "bad" scene down the line, but what can you do with nothing? Nothing!! I also put "bad" in quotation marks because I am trying to use that term less, and instead call them "early drafts." or "works in progress."
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The first Roleswap scene I fleshed-out was the first Bandee boss fight, in May 2022. I made this drawing on an impulse, getting my ideas down on the page without thinking about the technical stuff like comic panel borders. I consider it like a "pilot episode" almost, haha. The final project is going to be very different from how things play out here. But it got me interested in the concept and excited to see where I could take it, and I made the decision to commit to an entire game plot's worth of AU comics!!
Also, what's the point in trying you ask? The point is to have fun! Making a fan comic in my free time means I don't have restrictions like deadlines, nobody's telling me what I can and can't write, and I can make the story as long or as short as I want! I have full control, which means the world I'm writing is all mine to create! Yes, with a fan comic there is a pre-established world with existing characters. But a universe like Kirby has enough open-ended concepts for people to take basic concepts in the world and take them to whole new levels! I think that's why there are so many amazing fan interpretations of Kirby characters and OCs. The rules are so vague, you can just make up your own a lot of the time!! And it's a wonderful exercise to learn skills for someday building an original world with all original characters from scratch! Magical!!!
"I'm not good enough to make a comic. I don't understand perspective or color and other stuff. Anything I make will look bad.
I once read a two panel comic on here. I can't find it anymore but I remember most of it. First panel showed the artist looking at what they're drawing on their tablet, looking defeated and sad. "Man, I don't even know how to draw this....."The next panel was like them smiling and shrugging, I think rainbows and sparkles were coming out of their tablet, ".....I GUESS I'LL JUST HAVE TO DRAW IT SHITTY!! :D "
IF ANYONE KNOWS THIS COMIC I'M REFERENCING, PLEASE TELL ME AND I'LL LINK IT!!! Because it permanently and positively changed my brain chemistry.
No kidding, making the decision to just do my best even if it's not perfect, helped me a LOT. I was always waiting to "reach a certain level" to tackle a huge project because I felt like I'd never do it justice at my current state. Except I had been telling myself that kind of stuff for years and I still didn't start any projects!!
So the day I said, "Oh well! If I draw backgrounds shitty, then it is what it is! I'll learn from it and draw the next background a little better," Was the day I could commit fully to the project. I'll keep studying how to draw them better for my own benefit, but I won't let my skill issues stop me from even trying!
And for my limited confidence in full-color art, I solved that by making the comic in black and white with no-to-minimal shading lolol. Because I can only address one skill issue at a time before it takes me 25 years to finish this HAHAHA.
It saves a BUNCH of time to work with skill issues rather than against them! Because at least experience is gained in other ways, and who knows, maybe that new knowledge will help address the skill issues someday! So identifying your personal skill issues and deciding which one to try to grow stronger, and which one to work around, could help with big projects!
"Nobody will read this. I'm going to put months or years of my life into a dumb little thing nobody will even care about."
Learning how to draw for my own enjoyment instead of somebody else's was one of the biggest breakthroughs I ever made. Enjoying the feeling of being challenged artistically and just doing my best, even if it's not technically perfect, is the reason why I was even able to start this!
And just because someone doesn't directly like, comment or whatever on a post doesn't mean nobody saw it! I used to get really down on myself for the lack of engagement on my art on other websites.
I was a lurker for pretty much my entire teenage years and never posted my own stuff or commented much. But that didn't take away the fact that I really enjoyed the things I saw online. Those positive feelings were real to me, even when I didn't know how to articulate it in words. Granted, I grew up into a Words of Affirmation main, and I use words to tell people the positive things I think about them as much as I can! But I know not everyone prefers words to express themselves. So I think about the people that I don't know enjoy my work- that just because I don't see it doesn't mean I didn't make a positive impact on someone by sharing my stories.
If you work best on technology, start building the story in a Notes app, or a Google Doc! If you work best with pen and paper, start a notebook and rearrange stuff as you need to!
Or if you're chaotic like me, a mix of tech and paper!! I bought a notebook with ring binding so I can remove and rearrange pages of drafts as much as I wanted to! Like here's two very rough concept pages of one Chapter 1 scene made months apart.
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I'd say planning out the biggest basic plot points and then filling in between as I went was most helpful! I also have separate notes for character motivations, important story-changing events, etc... So I can have my own reference when I'm writing new scenes!
Okay this was a lot, sorry about the yapping! Hopefully it helps even a tiny bit. If you have any specific questions I'm happy to talk about my experience in the creation process! Or elaborate on anything I said above.
And finally, because I'm not a professional there are probably plenty of other tactics that could work better for some people. My ADHD probably doesn't help with the chaos of my process either, HAHA. But thank you for reading this far and enjoying the peek into the rainbow glitter and soap bubbles that inhabit the right side of my brain, heehee.
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lokorum · 4 months
Pls rant about non romance cole…he’s my favorite character in anything, ever and it feels so sad that we never got to have a deeper relationship w him. Like the mechanics/possible lore of having a romance with a spirit are so tantalizingly interesting but no…also doubting we will see him in veil guard which leaves me so so broken …
*looks at their pile of unpacked feelings about cole*
so ૮( ◡̀_◡́)ა where to start....................
first of all uh! im not good at talking! that's why i draw phphp but i'll try my best to resurrect my memories from 2014 and share it with you!! sorry if it will sound weird, english is not my native language! 
well WELL from the begining then. i remember spending hours  more like days hhhh thinking about how weird and cool the recruiting scene with cole is? later when he is already with the inquisition, our party is either on guard around him or kinda treats him like he is helpless and needs special attention or guidance or something like that? demonising someone like him or framing them as in need of help are like textbook behavior ofc and im not here to be a hater, i just noticed it? moments with solas and varric fighting over him like a divorced couple are super cute for sure!!
but i remember being confused because excuse me, out of all of them, this guy??, this feral bat that is chilling on the ceiling like it's a lounge-zone inside Lucius' head, created especially for him?
he is confident. also a little bit nervous, a bunch mysterious and just ghostly cool. but also confident. (im not saying this confidence is not misplaced sometimes btw x) he even tells you that if you'll leave your head you'll die! what a jokester (҂ ꒦ິヮ꒦ິ)
and the whole quest with templars and envy are soooo horror coded, i love it!! it looked a bit silly, sure
(even after so many years im not able to get rid of the image in my brain phphphp) 
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but it's still a very interesting quest!! dorian is ✨the bestie✨ but i'm always picking templars bc the implications of the story are just so good
1. its placed at the beginning of the game and your character is probably confused and anxious and dont yet worked out the routine of how to deal with their new title\powers + not every inquisitor character would want to be in the spotlight.
imagine you suddenly got yourself into position where a lot of people looking up to you, listening to what you saying, placing their hopes on you or waiting for you to fail? this is terrible! id 1000% just jumped out of a cliff!!! a small one, but still 
2. you meeting the guy who basically came from a place you now have unlimited access to.
he is: a) almost as confused as you are b) possibly came to this world without knowing consequences of that decision c) along the way he is figuring out how to be himself in the environment that is nothing like where he used to live. wow thats just like forced immigration *nervous laugh*
3. and let's not forget that you are meeting him inside your head and you can say to him "you look familiar".
dont know about you but apparently i dont need much to start screaming ¯(ツ)/¯
also can i just spend the moment to say that this is three (3) identical dialogue options??????????
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the screenshot is from here btw
how awesome would it be to be able to figure out stuff together? to find comfort in someone, with someone who barely experienced it this way? to build on your strong sides? like "hope" for cole and i guess "unhingedness" for the inquisitor? i bet they would ground each other easily as well: cole distracting inq by being unintentionally mischievous and inq would have a notepad with cole's "firsts ____" or they would just read together. oh im such a sucker for hurt\comfort\some things cant be healed stuff uaaaaaaaaa
ALSO THE "FORGET" THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the drama the horror the tension!!!!!!!! you can fight me over this but heres the thought:
cole being so stressed that he is erasing\being on the edge of erasing the inquisitor's memories??????
i got the feeling that cole's confidence in the concept of "help" is, among other things, makes him being able to zoom in on something borderline obsessively? or vise versa - dismissively, not noticing "it hurts, its not for the better"? he thanks you when you promise to kill him, he cries when you do not. i swear this man (─ ‿ ─)
+quick addition bc im not entirely sure: so if i got it right, the anchor makes the inquisitor "too bright" to read? so among all the people we know about inq is the one that cole can't truly empathise on this lvl? on spiritual lvl you might say lsdkjflksdjflkj sorry!!!!! but jokes aside,this is like the perfect ground to build both comforting stories 
"someone from the party notices that cole is hanging near inq before inq do, and when asked he explains it by saying something like "dry warm skin. the air is stilled with quiet, easy to breathe. i followed the shining whispers and then i was followed no more" with the most plain face possible? "
and "today for lunch i have glass" kind of stories, like "the inquisitor is cornered and possibly bleeding and probably on the verge of passing out and they know that situation is bad and no one should follow/find them, "it's better to wait it out and deal with it on my own" kind of clown behavior. so they laugh tiredly at how pathetic they are, maybe remembering something similar from their childhood, remarks from their sibling for ex., and just trying their best to not think about how they need cole's help, cole's presence. the sense of safety that comes when he is around" 
uh!!! that wasnt neither quick or painless so i'll go make a tea wait a second please
im back!! so since i talked about the forget thing i must confess - i dont really like cole's personal quest???? again, im not complaining or anything but i remember feeling kinda empty while playing it? like deep inside me, there was something sad, but it was so far away,i coudn't even feel it properly?
both human and spirit versions of his ending made me feel like the distance between you and him lengthened, and maybe you could do something about it before but now? this "something" is missing and you're lost and can't even tell for sure if theres was a chance to do something in the first place? and cole just moved on? its super logical considering he is not a romance option but phphph so, i rarely romance someone in games, partly bc rpg tends to be a little horny and im that kind of ace who is not interested in this, partly bc i tend to pay attention to non-romanceable characters, so when i started to explore last da:i dlc and i saw cole having gf i was like "well ouch".
imagine your inq has a crush on cole but they never were able to say it clearly?
mb it was a melancholic slowburn, and your character was going through too much and felt like burdening cole with their problems would be unfair?
maybe they tried but the timing was wrong, the words felt stupid, and their hands felt too dirty, too guilty?
oh anon its been ten years and its still huuuuuurts!!!! if you following me for a while you know that im an edge lord in poor disguise so its not surprising for neither you or me that i ended up rumbling about inexplicable sadness and crushing existential guilt, but sorry for that anyway!! if anyone would want me to talk about something specific, or to draw something - im here, staring at the wall, listening to cole's banter :') thank you for the wonderful question tho, it was more than just nice to return back to this ship. im so agreeing with you about cole being the fave character from everything, but i also understand that this could mean being very unsatisfied with the way he was portrayed at some points or just with the fact that characters like him are rare so im sending you warm and tight hugs and a little sketch!! <3 
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let's collectively accept the fact that dav gonna be a beautiful mess, we gonna love it (passionately), we gonna be hurt by it (not surprisingly) and COLE FOREVER WILL BE THE BEST DA CHARACTER EVER IM NOT GONNA CHANGE MY MIND FIGHT ME
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confettiepup · 7 months
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🐋 Hii! My name is puppie or confettie! Welcome to my colorful little world! ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡ My pronouns are she/her, I’m 22, autistic and an age regressor, I also have vision disability due to a rare eye disease
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I’m a promoter for the shop Oopsie Daizee! They are a sfw paci shop! My promo code is “puppie” if you want 10% off
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🍮 I’m a kawaii/cutecore (jojifuku) girly, I always dress up im that style and it makes me so happy and my room is my heaven I love surrounding myself with cute stuff and healing my inner child, I used to hide it but now I embrace it <3
🐠 My big age is 22 and my little age varies from 3 to 5 mostly, can be up to 11. I’m pretty sure I’m a permaregressor: leaded by my neurodiversity (mainly and my traumas (coping mechanism). I’ve never felt connection with people my age, I’m either too emotionally mature or too childish in my interests. I’m French Canadian 🇨🇦, I speak both French and English comfortably
🐬 My disability: I have the Best disease, (vitelliform macular dystrophy). Here is a site explaining what it is exactly. I’m also on the spectrum, tone indicators are welcome if you want or have to use them I totally understand <3
🐇 Pet regressors, therians and furries are welcome too! I don’t really identify as a pet regressor but I identify a lot to puppy, kitty, bunny and dragon space! I just don’t know what term to use but I’ll always tag petre and therian in my posts
🍭 I’m regressing for a lots of reasons (one of them is due to trauma). My regression is a coping mechanism diagnosed and is potentially linked to my autism. I regress both voluntary and involuntary!
☆Here’s my links for my other socials and more! ☆
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✿ animals: my favourites are guinea pigs, crows, ravens, octopus, bunnies, whale sharks, parrots, american woodcock (timberdoodle) bird, dogs, bumblebees, capybaras!
✿ Japanese fashion: fairy kei, kawaii/cutecore, decora, jojifuku, gyaru, harajuku
✿ Drawing (traditionally and digitally)
✿ Crafting; like sewing, painting, diy’s, making bracelets, wanna learn crocheting and more!
✿ Toys! I collect lots of them!
✿ Cartoons/videos games
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✩Cartoons!: My little pony (g4), Bluey, Peppa pig, the Octonauts, Young justice, paw patrol
✩ Video games: I looove animal crossing, Spyro, five nights at freddy’s, I also really like watching Markiplier’s horror games videos
✩Animals: Guinea pigs, ravens and parrots makes me so happy, dalmatians, dragons and raptors, I also love sea life! Octopus and whale sharks are my fav! Bumblebees looks so cute I try to not stim when I see them lol
✩ Toys: I collect my little pony toys (g3, g3.5 and g4), littlest petshops, plushies (I have an unhealthily amount of them-), calico critters
✩ Characters: Fluttershy - Pinkie pie - Discord (mlp), Nightwing - Klarion the witch boy (DC young justice/Earth 16), Spyro - Cinder - Ignitus (tlos and the spyro og trilogy) , Bingo (Bluey), Everest - Jake - Rex - Captain Turbot (paw patrol)
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ᯓ 「 ✦ DNI ✦ 」
General DNI: N$fw, l0li/sh0tacon, p3do/m@p, k!nk, pr0-@n@/$h, racist, drama, etc
My dog Cloe protects this blog υ´• ﻌ •`υ!!
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˗ˏˋ my dms and asks are open if you want! ˎˊ˗
ᯓ★ just consider that I’m very shy and can get nervous when interacting. English is not my first language and I’m autistic so please be patient with me <3
ᯓ★I might open drawing commissions soon!
˗ˏˋ Tags ˎˊ˗
ᯓ★ To be determined! (Work in progress)
{#marine 🪼 #confettiepup #wishfish🐠#plushies }
See ya! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
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nqn · 1 month
In theory I would enjoy stendyle but the anti-cartman attitude in that circle of fandom ruins it for me. I'm also just very picky with how Wendy is betrayed. I think she's more of a tomboy than the fandom wants to admit
HONESTLY. you're not wrong. i enjoy the ship only when im looking at it and applying the mental notes of my Own headcanoning and whatnot.
like any area has a really loud "cartman bad no ifs and or buts" and i'm such a fan of Nuance so its SO SAD. i cannot deny, as a teenager i was also NOT a fan of him- but as an adult with media literacy im like. obsessed with the idea of analyzing him.
which. i got outta hand. adhd and stream of consciousness, y'know how it goes sometimes haha. lemme read more this.
and the stendyle stuff SUCKS bc its so like yeah. fuck that guy. but ???? why. i don't think thsoe three dating WOULD really change their opinions on him as a whole. kyle and stan ARE his friends. even if theyre always at each others throats, they ARE friends. and wendy and cartman aren't like. besties. but i think that their competition towards each other can be really fun bc shes not afraid to stand up to him- like even less nervous about it than kyle is. and i think she sorta seems to revel in having someone who she CAN get into little picky bitchy moments with because its something she's not offered often.
so YES. i do think that those three would hang out on a date and someone would bring him up and they'd be bitches for a minute bc he gets on their nerves, but i don't understand why so much of the fandom is like yeah fuck cartman all my homies HATE cartman. he is ten years old + heavily abused + has an unhealthy relationship with basically everyone who should have raised him. that's not even TOUCHING on his actual trauma. but we've been shown, TWICE, canonically, how he can grow up into a better person- not perfect and not 'fixed', but he can be better, so i don't get why everyones like yeah. that thing is the worst in the world forever with no room for discussion.
as far as wendy's portrayal by the fandom i gotta agree. she's always been the fish out of water of the girls canonly, and i think too many people just sorta boil her down again to like. pretty. smart. awkward. they bring up that time she fought cartman and enjoy it but like. she gets treated like either Girl Kyle or.. Pretty but Shy or something??
she's never doing the Trends with the other girls at first, and i know she's the like "awkward" girl out of everyone, so she's used as an offset for Whatever Shit the other girls are getting into. but she's NOT shy and awkward or anything! she's loud and proud until she's beaten down. she's opinionated and chooses not to engage with trends and i think a lotta ppl see that she's a very feminist character and theyre like yes! thats the Girl™
but i think. personally. that wendyl was a really really awesome move. i wish more people would play with that idea, of wendy being ABLE to be less of a Girl for a while, even without bringing the transgender stuff into the picture. she can be boyish and wanna be crude and weird. she's educated and smart, but that doesn't mean she isn't ALSO a sorta tomboy? like she's so cool. i love wendy. so much.
and so many ppl also sorta just make her Girl Kyle which. don't even get me started. i think that drawing comparisons between them as "stan has a type" can be VERY FUNNY but too many people push it too far? so they basically treat her like she's just a stand-in for kyle. but she literally isn't. she's so fucking COOL by herself.
AND like you pointed out- her reaction to stans cvs!! yes she goes "ew!" "gross!" but she. listen. the girl still kisses him while after he finishes spitting the last of it out. i think if she was allowed to just be boyish and no one stopped her then she'd have so much fun hanging out with The Guys.
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devine-fem · 9 months
what got you into batjokes and what draws you to them as a pairing?
oh my GOD A BATJOKES ASK. anyway. it was telltale batman. like even lego batman was too silly for me to even care and out of every version of batjokes, i think lego batman falls flat for me. WHEN I FOUND TELLTALE BATMAN IT CHANGED MY LIFE. when i played that game it was the catalyst for my love for dc. ive never seen more tragic gay people in my life. in telltale instead of the joker being a maniac, it goes off of that idea that he doesn't have a backstory and basically his role is switched with harley. harley is the joker and joker is more harley, including the obsessive love and abusive tendencies. joker is likable guy, hes actually just genuinely mentally ill with a few identifiable illnesses. when he gets nervous, he laughs, he doesnt like to be blamed for things, hes sometimes irrational and jumps to conclusions but theres moments where hes just trying to do some good even though hes not taken seriously. its somewhat relatable even. if you pick a curtain route you get a curtain ending which entails that bruce tries so hard to make the joker something hes not. just the fact that he tries SO hard to keep his code while having joker has basically a glorified robin. theres so many basic romance tropes and honestly, i argue that they were genuinely in love with each other in that game because if you reject selina you get scenes with joker instead and the game dev comfirmed that joker is bi in the game and batman's whatever you make him. watching their relationships and the concepts of their character clash in such a tragic way and then the ending where it all was just like..." whyd we even do this, it was bound to blow up like this... " like they had to prove something to themselves which brought both of them down in the most tragic way. WHEN I
TELL YOU I CRIED LIKE A BABY at the end of the game thinking about bruce and jokers relationship and how fucking SADD it was. my friends actually LAUGHED at me cause i cried literally nine times that night and i dont cry at games but something about that really grabbed me in and PULLED on my heart so bad. from then i went on a rampage researching anything batman and joker related and realized their relationship has always been homoerotic like this. something about the villian x anti hero trope really pulled me in. even though i hate this trope, fanon batjokes was something else entirely. just the idea of having someone be made to be your opposite. their constant dance and twisted love for each other I UGHHHH the desperation of it all, the drama, how much theyre willing to twist their words and beliefs, EVEN betraying the people theyre close to just for the other. oh other ships PALE in comparison to batjokes and toxic codependency and it saddens me how dead it is because its my second favorite ship under jondami. wish there was more content because its a REALLY good ship. and im very normal about them btw ugh thank you for the ask, i need this lowkey
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obsoleteozymandias · 3 months
hello!! i'd like to request a twisted wonderland matchup if ur still doing them! if not that's totally cool :) feel free to ignore this!!
here's my info!!
i use any pronouns and i'm aroace irl, but i still like fictional characters LOL. my mbti is intp, and my "big three" zodiacs are pisces sun, aries moon, and sagittarius rising.
personality: for how i'd describe myself, i'd definitely say i try my best to be optimistic about things. whenever i ask people if my personality is the sun or the moon, they usually say i'm the sun LOL. i've been told that i have a relaxing voice and that i have a comforting presence. from my perspective, i'm decently quiet and shy and i get pretty nervous talking to new people irl, but once the conversation gets going, i can talk to anyone just fine. i tend to be agreeable, and i think i'm pretty easy to talk to. my friends say i'm a sweet person , but that i also seem to get lost in my thoughts a lot or daydream often. i've also been told by many people that i'm pretty funny, and my humor tends to rely on a mix of my vocabulary and the latest trends. i'm playful and silly by nature, often teasing my friends and goofing around, but i'm also capable of providing genuine advice and comfort to people if they need me to. i like a lot of playful banter in my life. i've also been told that i'm trustworthy and reliable whenever i work with other people. additionally, i'm more detail-oriented, mainly because i like to go in-depth and consider things with logic if i can. but, at the same time, i can be a bit impatient and impulsive if i really want something, but not so much that i do anything too reckless, if that makes sense LOL.
likes: psychology (so much so that i want to pursue a career in it), astrology, history, playing video games (mainly roblox, cookie run kingdom, the persona series, and twst), sweet stuff and candy, watching the sunrise, sleeping / taking naps, cats, listening to music
dislikes: bugs (i'm terrified of them ☹️ just the thought of touching them makes me shudder with fear), dirty rooms, injustice, canned green beans (i gagged last time i ate them 😭), singing in front of other people, dancing (only bcuz i'm really bad at it and it's embarrassing, LOL), overly arrogant people or people who think they're "above" me
hobbies: i spend a lot of my free time on my phone and in my room. i don't go to new places often, but i love to play games with my friends and chat on the phone. occasionally, i'll try out a new makeup look that i find online since i'm somewhat into beauty stuff. i usually spend a couple hours a day on tiktok (my attention span is cooked 🙁), but lately i've been trying to get back into drawing or painting!! i want to utilize a bit more of my creativity instead of just sitting around all day LOL. additionally, i'm a bit of a clean freak, so if a room in my house is getting a bit dusty, i'll dedicate a few hours to cleaning it up and reorganizing.
extra: im super sorry if this ended up being rlly long 😭 tysm for ur time!!
Extra info means extra points to write about no need to apologize!
== Twisted Wonderland ==>
I match you up with…
Rook Hunt
Rook sees your inner beauty, as he does with most people, right away. The instant he meets you he’s going on about how lovely you look, and how your shyness hides away a vivid personality. 
How does he know these things? Pure instinct. But it’s a refined and usually correct instinct, so make of that what you will. 
He flutters around you day in and day out, asking you questions and testing you reactions to anything and everything. He’s a bit overwhelming at first, but once you really get to know him, he’s a reliable friend and always there to pick you up when you’re feeling down. 
He’s also taken by your interest in psychology. He himself is very observant and notices quite a lot about others that they don’t even know, and so the study of how the mind works fasniates him. If you tell him a factoid or two about psychology, and how you think it applies to one of your classmates or peers, he’ll be thrilled and praise you for your intelligence. 
Once you get close, he’ll often bring out the playful and silly side of you, absolutely taken with your smile and the sound of your laughter. Perhaps it’s then when he realizes that he’s fallen for you.
Rook is a romantic, sure, but he’s also knowledgable about your tastes and preferences. If you’d want a beautiful confession by moonlight, him singing a ballad beneath your window, then you’d get that. If you’d want a small and intimate confession, him gazing into your eyes lovingly, you’d get that. Whatever it was, two things would be certain: it would be terribly romantic, and it would be perfect. 
Whatever hobbies you have, Rook will absolutely be a part of them now. You want to draw? He’ll be your model, or watch you as you create! Playing video games? He’ll be your player 2! Whatever it is, he enjoys it, so long as he gets to be by your side. 
He hides his emotions fairly well from others around him, but when he’s around you, he tends to let you in on some of the smaller or more negative things he feels. It’s here that he appreciates the part of you that gives good advice. 
In turn, he’s always a willing confidant, and absolutely will tell you if you need to take a break from being the school’s therapist. 
He won’t just tell you: he’ll scoop you up and run away with you if needed, laughing like a madman and cuddling you so you wouldn’t be able to escape.
One thing is certain: whatever challenges or trials you face in life, Rook will be there to help you through them. 
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journey-to-the-attic · 10 months
eeee okay!! i was gonna ask about the actor au i know its from ages ago but im a sucker for that kind of au 😭 thinking about the cast all taking care of each other on set and stuff and everyone is ik's biggest hypeman/woman, after all shes carrying the whole show on her back. ik falling asleep mid-scene and belphie carrying her back to her trailer and telling off the directors for pushing her... beel sneaking her snacks on set just in case.... mammon and ik making each other crack up while theyre trying to film........
i do have a soft spot for this genre of au, especially since here the actors just get to be regular people... allow me!! (this ended up being more au framework than cast interactions so feel free to ask for more of those haha)
okay so quick refresher on what i'd previously established: jtta is a show, and everyone's an actor in it
for simplicity's sake, they all have keep their names, and the character they play within the show is just named for their sin/role
so lucifer's character's is Pride, mammon's is Greed, so on for the other brothers - diavolo is The Prince, barbatos is The Butler, etc
of the brothers, in this au, only beel+belphie are still twins, and satan+lucifer are cousins, but the rest aren't blood-related
now starting to add some stuff...
diavolo's already very well-known before being cast, he'd be the Big Celebrity Name that draws in people
they're all from varying backgrounds - lucifer used to be a concert pianist, solomon was in stage magic, asmo's an idol, satan and simeon were both in theatre, luke started out in local pantomimes and got scouted, etc.
of everyone, simeon, levi, ik and luke are regarded as 'newbies' to showbiz
ik and luke because they're young, though luke has more acting experience (ik got called to audition purely by chance so this is her first role)
simeon because he came into acting from having been a nurse, which doesn't really prepare you for the job
and levi because this is his first role, his previous work has always been on practical effects and such (so he ends up being the most nervous in interviews)
before being cast in the show, lucifer and mammon were already acquainted - lucifer was mammon's mentor when he first got into acting, so they're under the same agency (they get called 'double threat' because they tend to appear in the same productions)
satan and lucifer are fairly distant emotionally, but they aren't on bad terms, they just had different trajectories in life before both ending up in acting
(satan starts a faux-rivalry with lucifer to prepare for their roles as wrath and pride feat. all the baggage from obey me, and it turns out they're actually very good at annoying each other in real life)
everyone has the same base personalities - mammon is still loud and impulsive, levi is still self-conscious but passionate, diavolo's still cheerful and confident
but with some elements softened (for example, barbatos isn't a super dedicated butler who literally lives to serve diavolo, he's just a good friend of his)
partially because the different setting means there's a different sort of social hierarchy, partially because they're all humans who lived mundane human lives and experienced a lot less trauma
e.g. lucifer is still fairly formal, stern, and not exactly cuddly, but he's much softer by default, has less sophisticated speech patterns, and has a higher tendency to joke around with the others
before they start filming, they get the cast to spend a few weeks together to get a feel for their chemistry
the seven 'brothers' click fairly quickly, but it takes a bit longer for the purgatrio to do so because for some reason simeon and solomon can't STAND each other in the beginning
it's so bad at some point that they almost consider recasting, but then one night they get drunk together and suddenly they're best friends the next day
ik's probably under a lot of pressure, since she's completely new to all this and is now expected to shoulder basically the whole show
diavolo and barbatos would be the quickest to take her under their wing
but ik is a little (a lot) intimidated by her new co-star, given that diavolo is like a ss-tier celebrity (as is asmo, solomon (though he's less mainstream and more cult-following), and lucifer to some degree
so at first she gravitates towards levi instead - who is similarly new to the scene, and not too busy arguing with solomon like simeon
and since levi's also spending time with his 'brothers', at that point ik gets pulled into the group
it's only after getting used to lucifer that ik can graduate to just accepting diavolo's support without freezing up
anyway by the time filming starts the entire rest of the cast has agreed: ik must NOT be bullied by the directors, we are going to make her first acting job go as SMOOTH as possible
there's actually a bit of an issue where they film scenes from earlier in the season before the characters have actually bonded in canon, but because ik's already formed a very strong bond with the 'brothers', their acting ends up being too familiar
the scene will call for pride to very haughtily look down his nose at the lost kid (ik's character name) and say something scathing, and instead lucifer will look at ik with the Gentlest eyes and deliver the line with entirely the wrong vibes
they're still actors at the end of the day though, so once suitably scolded they do know to ignore their real life relationships and play the roles as directed
one time ik accidentally breaks a prop mid-scene, which mammon notices before the directors can, so he grabs it and makes it look like he did it instead (he gets a reprimand for not being careful, but nothing otherwise. even so ik feels so bad that mammon has to distract her with card game)
later they figure out what happened while reviewing the footage, and when they go to ask mammon about it he's like "yo you stay QUIET about this, understand?!!"
beel is ik's designated hide-behind person when she gets nervous/uncomfortable in interviews, while belphie is the designated deflect-the-questions or tell-the-interviewer-to-fuck-off person
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twipsai · 6 days
24 for the ask game :D
this is kind of a long story but -- a while back, close to a year ago, i got introduced to a friend group i had only really heard about. this was coming out of me only really talking to people over dms but with this group it was mostly over vc and everyone was like 20+ so i was pretty nervous. anyways, since most of the people in that group live near each other in the same state, they had a dnd group and one of the players went into depth of his character while on call. i decided that the concept sounded really cool and wanted to try and design him, esp since he didnt have a design yet. so yk, i draw the character and the creator compliments the art, but hes a pretty mellow guy so i wasnt really expecting that much of a reaction but i was still very flattered he liked it
fastforward to weeks later (maybe even months) and one of the people in the dnd campaign joins our vc of like three, and theres like 4 people using one persons phone and all of them were high, especially the guy that i drew the fan art for. and he notices im in vc and starts going on about how he showed the art i made to the rest of the players + dm and how everyone loved it, and how i was so cool etc etc. and dude when i tell you i just froze and almost cried like. man. that still makes me so happy thinking about. it made me so happy to know that someone liked my art enough to save it to their phone and show it to their friends (even if theyre mutual friends) and then express that to me. he said it and it sounded like he had the biggest smile too. and whenever i feel demotivated i always remember that and remind myself its all worth it to make people happy through my art :)
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raspberrysmoon · 11 months
intro post bc i desperately need to put one up its stressing me out LMAO
~ my name is elliot/alice! other names i go by include raspberry, berry, ella and julian (plus any nicknames you can make from those!)
~ my pronouns in order of preference are: he/him, she/her, fawn/fawns, star/stars, they/them, it/its :]
~ call me whatever you like! mix and match em, and go wild with pronouns !
~ im a minor! my birthday is august 5th :]
~ im super duper shy/anxious when talking to people i dont know very well ! i swear i want to meet people but i get nervous, so please try to be patient :(
this is mainly a starkid and ride the cyclone blog! i also try to post writing here but that doesnt always work out, im a bit slow sometimes lol
•⚬⬨✿⬨⚬• more specific stuff below •⚬⬨✿⬨⚬•
hoooolly crap dude i love ride the cyclone. its unhealthy. talk at me about it Please i know too much and not enough. also, i like warrior cats, my little pony, fnaf, and im also a huge qsmp/hermitcraft/life series enjoyer.
if you Ever need information about cat, horse or goat genetics, breeding or keeping, im your guy. i know too much about all of those things <3
im mostly a writer, but i also draw and make music! i play guitar and plan on learning piano in the next few years. (i cant sing, though) i also make bracelets and other jewelry! im planning on selling my creations some day, im not sure when yet
also, im physically disabled! ive been dancing since i was three, and it keeps my body strong lol. i might talk about those two through various character head canons, etc
dni: the basics, dream stans (dsmp fans are chill tho), people who seek out pointless drama all the time, ableists </3
my tags are in the tags of this post :)
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mysteriawrites · 1 year
Matchup requests forda gooooo (Niji en pls uwu)
So first i'll describe myself ig-
I am a very empathetic person, always putting others before me :) I am the type of person to befriend all types of people too! I like to chexk up on my friends and fam a lot, I tend to just pop in and ask how they are hehe
My form of love language, both platonic and romantic, is physical touch, quality time and words of affirmation <3
My friends say I am VERY expressive, though im the type to try to hide my feelings a lot, especially when irs negative, i tend to just push that back to not kill the mood or to please people- However, according to my friends, they can already tell by just looking at me ;3;
As for my hobbies and passions. I am an artist! I can sit all day and draw if i want to! I also live writing stories and coming up wit a lot of character lore for my many ocs :D
Well thats all from me :) cant wait to see what you got!
Hello thank you for the request! Had to think on this one for a bit (you had two really great guys fighting over you) but I hath decided. DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!
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The man of sex-/j
I think you and Ike would be good together. You two have a lot in common. You’re both emotional and empathetic people. You look out for others while still pursuing your passions.
You and Ike met when you went to a book signing of his. He was your favorite author every book he wrote was better than the last. When you found out he was doing book signings at your local library as part of a charity event you couldn’t pass up the chance. So you gather as much money as your could and your favorite book from him and went off on your journey.
The line was super long, so long it made you squirm even more in anticipation and nervousness. Finally it was your turn, and he was every bit and beautiful as he was in his pictures if not more. He smiled at you as you handed him your book.
Much to your pleasure (and the displeasure of the people behind you) you and Ike hit it off. You two were talking about the book he was signing for you and what you enjoyed about as well as what was going through his mind that inspired him to write it. Unfortunately your time was cut short as his manager told him they had to keep it moving. So you said your goodbyes and assumed that was that.
Except it wasn’t, because a few hours later when you went to your favorite cafe for lunch you saw him again. He was on lunch break from the signing and almost took your order by mistake. When you two made eye contact again Ike’s eyes lit up like a chrismas tree. Despite being in a hurry and his shy nature he wanted to continue your conversation, so he gave you his number.
Since that day you two have had very avid discussions about all sorts of topics: favorite books, favorite hobbies, hopes, dreams, and eventually romance. He confessed that despite writing all about love he had yet to experience much of it himself and wished he could experience the fantasies he’s only dreamed about.
As he ranted off about the romantic and gentlemanly things he would do with his partner, you couldn’t help but with that you could be the person in those fantasies with him. That’s when it hit you: you were in love with the sweet novelist Ike Eveland.
You couldn’t get your mind off him after that. You so desperately wanted to be his lover, but you were too shy, too nervous to confess to him. You tried to ignore your feelings hoping they would go away, but they only got stronger.
One day you got a knock on the door. You open the door to be greeted with the man of (sex) the hour himself holding what looked to be a gift basket filled with flowers, your favorite snacks and candies, your favorite movies, and a few books.
You asked what it all was for and he responds that he noticed how you had been a bit down lately and he wanted to try and cheer you up. That was the last straw you couldn’t contain it anymore.
You jumped up, hugged him, and told him how much you loved him only for your eyes to widen as you realized what you said. You look up nervously at the novelist only to see him stunned, eyes wide, and a bright red blush on his face. After a moment of awkward silence he regains his composure and asks if you really ment what you said.
You respond and his face breaks out into a small smile. He admits that he had feelings for you too, since day one in fact, and he had been too shy to tell you. The his eyes light up with realization and he says he’ll be right back. He returns with what he says is a special book he wants you to read.
You open the book to the booked marked page and there in red letters and cursive writing it says “will you be mine? ❤️” of course you say yes.
And the rest is history. You two became a couple and you couldn’t be happier. Since you also like to write you help him with his novels from time to time. Your dates usually consist of just cuddling and reading together or karaoke nights. Sometimes you two will have a contest on who can be the most romantic and think of different romantic scenarios together, different kinds of dates and presents, and what your future could hold.
In short you guys are really cute.
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This took me a bit to figure out it was a tie between Ike and Hex, but gut said Ike so I went with him. It was also kind awkward because they’re both my oshies and writing for your oshi can be quite awkward lol. Anyway sorry about how late this is hope you enjoy.
Runners Up: Hex Haywire
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starry-snippets · 1 year
Hi! I was interested in getting a matchup!
My name is Beau and my pronouns are they/them, I’m also only halfway through part three in JJBA (just finished the episode where polnareff meets the judgment stand and reincarnates his sister) so im only familiar with characters from the first three parts lmaooo Im an ENFP and I also like to crochet, roller skate, draw, play videogames and dance Im also have ADHD so Im very hyper and love hanging out with people. I do befriend all kinds of people though, like my best friend of 6 years is super introverted and like super call meanwhile im like “AYO WHATS POPPIN” Im also only 5’1, the first thing people comment on when they first meet me is always how short I am and im like COME ON BRO PLEASE ST O P I do enjoy quiet moments with my friends and on my own as well, I always appreciate a little quiet crochet session every now and again lol my favorite kind of music is 60’-80’s since its what I was raised on, and I also love the fashion from that time period. I also have curly hair which ngl sometimes I’m like why you gotta be so difficult like goddamn but ANYWAY I hope you don’t mind me sending a request in!!
ofc i don't mind! my first matchup yay! these are very fun, thank you for requesting! hope you enjoy!! also sorry for the delay, but here you go!! @deercryptid
side note i love matchups so you guys should request more jk unless
first thought was immediately kakyoin!
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☆ kakyoin loves that you play video games and he'll look forward to playing any and all of them with you! ☆ he'll find it really cool that you crochet, especially if you make stuffed animals. for his birthday or a holiday if you make him a little hierophant green he'll keep it on his bed for forever. the best gift he's ever gotten ☆ one of his favorite dates to go on with you would just drawing! maybe you'd go on a walk in the park and draw whatever peaks your interest. a child who's playing by the pond, a dog laying on the trail, or a grasshopper perched on strands of tall grass. at the end you'll give each other what you drew and it'll go in a scrapbook since you're both artistic people! ☆ kakyoin would be pretty good at handling how hyper you are usually, except when he's really tired. he's a good listener so even if he's a bit drained due to being an introvert he'd love to listen to you talk about your interests ☆ he LOVES your curly hair! if you have special secrets to keep it looking lush and healthy he'll want to know them. he's not a vain person but he does like looking nice. he'll love to help you style your hair if you let him! kakyoin will research to make sure he doesn't damage it, as hair care for curly hair is very different from straight hair
☆ kakyoin really appreciates that you're open minded and able to connect with those who are different from you. he's different than you in many regards but you still took the time to befriend him, and that's a big part of why he's fallen in love with you ☆ would love to go roller skating with you, but is a bit nervous. hold his hand and take things slow! he'll get the hang of it and it'll become another date he absolutely loves ☆ i feel like he'd like your music taste too! i imagine kakyoin likes indie pop, folk, and 80's! i like to think kakyoin likes culture club, toto, and madonna from that period of music! ☆ if you dress in that style he'll love it too! the eccentric patterns of the 60's, the denim jackets and flared pants of the 70's, and the crazy colors of the 80's. he would dress up with you to go to roller skating, to go on a diner date, or even to concerts if you enjoy going to those! ☆ kakyoin really appreciates how well you compliment him. you consider how introverted he can be and give him space, and he'll do the same whenever you need it. kakyoin is charming and a little awkward at times, but he'll learn about your interests to get to know you more and to get closer to you. he'll even learn to dance a smidge and surprise you on your birthday by taking you out to dinner and then taking your hand, showing you he's done his homework ☆ yeah so in conclusion kakyoin would appreciate you a lot &lt;;3 also forgot to mention, but kakyoin likes that you're shorter because he can rest his chin on your head very comfortably when you hug, and he also feels taller because of the height difference. doesn't tease you extensively though
second thought is avdol!
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☆ sorry to double dip in the same part but I think avdol would love all your hobbies and how compatible you are with other people. you get along with even jotaro despite him being heavily guarded and polnareff despite him being really irritating sometimes. he's very impressed with that ☆ he loves watching you draw and crochet. you can be silently doing a pattern or just doodling and he'll love observing your craft. he'll compliment you with all the jargon because he's researched into your craft so he sounds more sincere cause he's entirely genuine in his compliments and he wants the vocabulary to prove that ☆ avdol likes that you're short! he finds it really fun that he's taller because it's a little fun to him whenever you need help opening a cupboard or reaching something. he won't be evil about it, he'll just chuckle and help out. just finds it enough cute aspect of you ☆ deals with how hyper you can be really well! he's pretty chill but can let loose, and he'll do a good job deciding when he should do one or the other. sometimes he'll actively be hyper with you and you'll do more kinetic dates like roller skate when that's the case. other times he'll listen to you ramble and just listen with a smile ☆ loves to dance with you! he'll wear the most gorgeous shade of red satin dress shirt and black flared pants, so whenever he moves the light shines on his shirt and his pants move as elegantly as he does. avdol is a good dancer you cannot convince me otherwise. he'll get even better so he can impress you, and he'll be marveled at how well you can dance! ☆ it's super interested in video games but likes to watch you play. he's sometimes convinced depending on the game, but he has the right idea. you'll be sitting on his lap or besides him (whichever is more comfortable to you) while he watches over your shoulder or on the bigger screen of your computer or tv ☆ avdol loves the bohemian style mixed with the hippie style. so he's so down with your music and aesthetic! he dresses that way too when he's more casual i headcanon, so you two match very well. you're like a walking pinterest board when you're heading on dates in public ☆ avdol gets the natural hair struggle! he is always here to help though, and he knows how to take care of various hair textures. if you don't want his help he's entirely okay with that too! ☆ if you need any accommodations because of your adhd he's already on it. written reminders, little notes, a text, whatever it is he's willing to do it. he's very considerate! ☆ like kakyoin, if you crochet him things he'll keep it forever. if you make him a tiny version of his stand he'll be so joyous. red will also love it, stealing it off of avdol's shelf and putting it into his own nest ☆ in conclusion, avdol's favorite thing to do with you by far though is to just cuddling with you, listening to your favorite bands, while enjoying your company. he loves your bubbly personality and is very accepting of your interests and hobbies
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chemicalcarousel · 8 months
questions taken from this post
just answering all of these for myself because i can and i don't wanna wait for potential asks
Hi! Who are you right now?
I'm Levi ✌
How do know its you thats out? What are your usual cues?
Uhh good fucking question. i feel like a guy ig (dysphoria). and i have very strong feelings of justice and i get very pissed when ppl aren't treated right (im super vengeful). i also dissociate a lot when im confronted with my source and i think my voice is lower and im less "all over the place" than some of the other alters? i'm more "relaxed" ig, even if my emotions can get very strong and bordering black/white
Do you like it when people know its You and not the collective whole? Is it situational, or depends on the person?
It's complicated. i feel very exposed and i'm nervous what other people will think of me since i'm a fictional introject of a very popular anime character. i'm also worrying about which impression we as a collective have on the people around us, and if they know we are a DID system and which alters we got, then they might treat us in some weird fucking way (and let's be honest - that's the reality of it) but on the other hand, i feel so lonely and invisible when i'm talking to my friends and they don't know that i even exist, ya kno? i'd wish i could be myself around my friends and i'm still trying to find out if that is possible
What sort of aesthetics do you draw to?
i guess darker ones? like black and red. i like grunge and punk too. i also fuck with traumacore, again especially black/white and red shit. angry shit. im an edgy little man
What do you look like?
pretty much like my source, i just wear different clothes ig here's some pics xoxo
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What sort of emotions do you feel mostly when you’re out?
anger, grief, vengefulness, idk man i'm ready to punch a bitch lol
What sort of situations are you out in most of the time?
I'm a host, but other than that i'm always the one going to sleep and i am the one that doesn't hate ourselves ig. i'm not gonna blame us for what other people did or do to us, ya kno. i'm a protector
Are there other parts like you in the same system?
we have another introject of the same character, but he's nothing like me or our source. so no, i think i'm the only alter like me in this body?
Are you part of a subsystem?
no, i don't think we have subsystems
What’s your relationship like to the parts nearest to you right now?
idk, kinda like roommates or "found family"? i'm not sure who's close rn tho, but i'm chill with all the alters i know
Do you have vague memories of before you came out, or do they feel blocked out?
i have no idea what this means. i think it means before i fronted and yeah we kinda have a "shared consciousness", but sometimes i realise i don't have all the pieces of what happened, but it's mostly greyouts and emotional amnesia
What’s your favorite way to ground?
nature, fidget toys, drinking something tasty
Do you have a favorite snack or drink?
idk i love coffee ig. i like food in general lol
Do you have a favorite item in the present world?
hmm... can't think of one item, but i have some clothing and other stuff that i like. i love flannel shirts and i love pretty teacups
Do you have an inner world? Do you have a place you like in there?
nah, not really. it's just a black void. we haven't been able to construct one and nothing has seemed to pop up yet
Whats a simple way other parts might describe you to like a therapist or something?(they’re the fierce one, the sad one, ect)
the angry/vengeful one/the fight response one
What’s the safest thing you can imagine right now?
so pathetic, but ig that's a part of why i was created. but the safest thing i can imagine is the guy i see as my soulmate (erwin), but he's a fucking anime character from my source and has never and will never be real. but he's such a comfort for me and thereby the entire system. i just wish he was actually real lol i definitely haven't cried myself to sleep because he's a drawing ahahaha :')
What’s something you wish the system would do more of?
stand up for ourselves. but i do understand why other parts don't do this and i don't blame them. i'd just wish they didn't feel this fear and shame
What’s your handwriting like?
idk ugly? i think all of us have an ugly handwriting lmfao
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Free space! Tell me a random fact about you or something you’re thinking about
uhh rn im dissociating bc we are opening up to a friend about our DID and it's making all of us nervous, so that's what's in my thoughts. a random fact could be that i fucking love making fun of my source and i love making fans mad lmfao
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gallegher · 3 years
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Characters in order are Roy, Runt, Ollie, Charles, and Eden, all belonging to @cupcakes-and-pain
Consider this a little thank-you note for letting me binge read all your great stories!
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
it’s my birthday soon and i’ve always felt lonely during my birthdays— so if it’s alright, can i request headcanons for scaramouche, xiao, and albedo with an s/o who only locks themselves in their bedroom because they don’t feel special enough to even celebrate their birthday? thank you 🥺
S/o’s birthday but locks themselves in their rooms because they don’t feel special [Genshin Impact]
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Characters Included: Albedo, Scaramouche & Xiao
Notes: 👁👄👁 the title is so long- i don’t know how to shorten it- hshshs. Btw, HAPPY ADVANCE BDAY ANON-!! I KNOW THAT FEELING ANON- SO UR NOT ALONE 🤧🤧 if you want to talk, you can msg me anytime-! You deserve to be showered with love-! Hope ya’ll like this!
Reader’s Gender: Neutral
Warning: none
[aether, childe, diluc, kaeya, venti]
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As much as Albedo wants to remember your birthday, he just forgets because of many things running through his mind. Especially when it comes to new discovery. He’ll be so sorry when he remembered that your birthday was today-
At first, Albedo had a hard time looking for you. He asked everyone- yes even Diluc, Kaeya, Jean, Klee, everyone- but no one has seen you. Which made him worried since no one has seen you the entire day—
He would literally tear down Mondstadt trying to find you until he remembered that he hasn’t check your house yet. When he finds that you’ve been locked up in your room the entire day, it literally broke his heart- ;w;
He would feel like it’s his fault that you don’t feel special, like bro- he would have a sad puppy face on. He will put his hands on either side of your face and make you face him-
“You are special. You are like the sun. You are like a (God/Goddess). Even if you don’t feel special yourself, you’re special to me. And since you’re my beloved, my (prince/princess), you deserve all the happiness and love in the world. You deserve to feel special on your special day. So smile, I don’t want to see any tears.”
Albedo would do anything you want, probably to make up his forgetfulness- :p if you want cuddles, then cuddles you’ll get. If you want a cake or something, he’ll try to bake something, no promises though. (Its the thought that counts, right? 👀).
Albedo would use his ability of drawing and bringing them to life. He would draw all sorts of things, bunnies, squirrels, flowers, and others. He knew that you love watching him draw and bringing them to life. It honestly warms his heart knowing you love what he’s passionate about.
If you want, Albedo could talk to you about all the things he found out recently. All of the research and things he discovered. If you ever question some things regarding about what he discovered, he would happily try to explain it. (It’s honestly adorable seeing him explaining the things he discovered in his research- 🤧)
At the end of the day (around 11-), he would cuddle with you while laying beside you. Every so often, he would press a kiss on your head.
“Happy Birthday, my love. May many more to come... the next time your birthday come, I promise we’ll celebrate it together properly.”
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If you think that Scaramouche doesn’t care about your birthday, then you’re right-! 😃 I’m joking- (unless-). He honestly wants to spend your birthday together with you, but his duty as a Harbinger comes first.
Believe me when I say he feels guilty. Leaving you alone on your special day is honestly low, even for him. He would definitely try to finish all of his missions immediately to get back to you. He would do whatever means necessary to finish them all immediately (he might or might not have sacrificed some people in the process- 👀).
You can imagine his confusion when he couldn’t find you anywhere. He already has something set up for you, all he needs is the birthday person themselves. But he couldn’t you anywhere.
Someone better tell him to check your room or else he would literally tear down the Fatui headquarters just to look for you-! He seriously need to manage his anger- 😓
Scaramouche would find it weird to he finds out that you’ve been in your room for the entire day. At first, he didn’t understand why you’re doing this. But soon, he’ll understand. Afterall, he might’ve done that before..
This guy has no manner whatsoever as he just entered your room like he owns the place- one look at you and the next thing you know is that he’s pampering you- like he’ll be preparing a bath for you and choosing an outfit for you (he’s a fashionista, change my mind 😃). Like bro, who are you and what happened to Scaramouche?
“Tsk. You’re quite a handful, you do know that, correct? Making me go through all this effort to comfort you. Now tell me, who put that idea on your head? Was it your family? Was it someone else? I honestly want to murder whoever put that idea in your pathetic head. ‘Not special to celebrate your birthday’? Ha! Don’t make me laugh. Everyone deserves to feel special, even if its for one day. Now, stop being stubborn and enjoy it-!”
Scaramouche would pamper you so much, like his personality did a 180- he would be pressing kisses all over your body and praising you like theres no tomorrow. He would help you dry yourself and put on the outfit he chose for you. If your hair is long, he would help styling it.
He would take you on a fancy dinner date (this guy is also rich, fite me—). He would honestly spoil you lmao- so enjoy it while it lasts- 😃
“Don’t expect this everyday, okay? I’m not gonna put much effort the next time... still.. happy birthday, my beloved. Don’t ever feel like you’re not special when you’re special to me.. if you ever feel sad, come to me. Thank you for putting up with me.”
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(Yes I’ve remade the Xiao banner again- 🤧🤧 im very indecisive ik-)
Celebrating birthday? What’s that? Xiao honestly didn’t think much of it since centuries pass by with his day of birth passing each time, he never really thought much of it. Never bothered celebrating it.
But when he found out (from Verr or Rex Lapis/Zhongli) that the mortals celebrate their birthdays, he honestly doesn’t have a clue on how to celebrate it. So he might seek the help of Verr or the Traveller.
He does his best. Please give him credit for trying- ;;w;; He’ll try his best to make something for you. It won’t be anything grand. A simple picnic near Wangshu Inn with some Almond Tofu and other food-
So when the day of your birthday came, Xiao is nervous. He doesn’t know if you’ll like the surprise or not. But when he started to look for you, he was confused when he couldn’t find you before growing worried.
Unlike the other bois, he would immediately check your room before tearing the place down- when he finds you there, he’s honestly confused again- (poor bby, always getting confused- ;;w;;). When you explain to him that you just don’t feel special during your birthday, Xiao would get worried and upset-
The first thing he does is hug you. Like this is the only thing he knows about comforting someone- its not like he encountered humans that needs comforting- ;w;
“I.. don’t really know what it feels like to not feel special on your day of birth but.. you’re special to me. Isn’t that enough?”
Like broooo, he looks like a sad puppy- he’s honestly lost on what to do. You might as well need to comfort him too 😅. He would try to shower you with affections before dragging you to the picnic he set up.
He would be so relieved if you like or love the picnic he set up. As much as its embarrassing for him, he would allow you to feed him and, if you let him, feed you in return. He will continue to press some kisses on your face, head and hands. Because, like, u really deserve it- 🥺🥺
He would bring you to the highest mountain just near Wangshu Inn and enjoy the view, and possibly go stargazing with you. I can see him knowing how to make a flower crown for some reason :pp so he’ll make a flower crown out of Qingxin flowers and place it on your head-
“Happy day of birth, my love. Even as more days of birth come, I promise to make you special. Even though it’s not the grandest, I hope that my efforts and love will be enough.”
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friesian · 2 years
Hey psst
Do you have.... any other characters? Be they in game or like... storyverse... anyone else in the gw2 universe? :3c
oh ABSOLUTELY anon. i'll do some flash introductions real quick since that sounds pretty fun!! hope u enjoy The Guys.
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tiyrnan -- sylvari
so he's kinda my unapologetic emo mary sue but i Love him dearly. long story short: firstborne who fell in love with trahearne as his apprentice but also had his heart smashed by him when trahearne chose marwyd over him. eventually became the champion of mordremoth out of pure rage and lost, is hellbent on killing marwyd at any cost. he's pretty much a dedicated marwyd assassin and will do anything to kill him. he's a harbringer in game so he specializes in some nasty alchemy and poison. great shot with a gun. incredibly secretive, never takes off a gas mask, and is NOT talkative.
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gyael -- sylvari
best sniper the order of whispers had to offer (and wanted to get away. FAST.) he's marwyd's dedicated apprentice. if anything ever happens to marwyd, essentially he's trained to take up the mantle. he's incredibly incompetent at it though! he spends more time showboating, trying to hit up literally anyone to flirt with him, and would rather be a pop star than a world saving hero. marwyd is trying to beat it out of him but it ALWAYS causes problems. his existence is to be a pain in the ass. however he has issues of his own when it comes to his own identity and essentially being the type of dude who is like "well if people see me only as a hot piece of ass that's all that i'll be".
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aiyndreas -- sylvari
head librarian of the priory and is the go-to guy for any information that may be needed. he's got photographic memory and can remember anything that's placed in front of him for about 4 seconds. he's an aspiring elementalist and looks up highly to @herrejorn 's niddhil. however THEY ARE COMPLETE opposites in personality. aiyndreas is a nervous wreck who can't get his shit together and wants to be a somebody rather than a sylvari who might die in the back of a library. he ends up travelling with marwyd for this reason but he often gets himself way in over his head and far too emotional about how much danger his friends get in. he's besties with gyael, and gyael protects him like a little brother with FERVOR.
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antonymph -- charr
TRANSMASC SPARKLECHARR!! they're my epic cringe nae nae baby. antonymph is the nickname they chose. real names mean nothing to them. they're a proud gladium and refuse to join a warband, they don't like society, and they want to blast my chemical romance at you at 3 am. they were bullied to shit in the fahrar and have the scars to tell you about it, but that doesn't keep them down from being marwyd's go-to mesmer. most of the time they're drawing, writing, singing, and showing their love for life!! they may have a crush on a black metal singer charr engineer, but shhhhh... don't tell him that yet!! they want to make OCs about it first....
I HAVE A FEW OTHERS... namely caybre, penbrooke, and quinntyn (my newest and most ambitious guy). however they're still in rough drafting and concepting and i don't have quite the solid personality or stories for all of them. if you ask about quinntyn in a week or so though i should have something because im very motivated with him.
all art is done by jagal on FA!
THANK YOU FOR THE ASK i really want to show off these guys more but like. i have cowboy on the brain and it is ROTATING.....
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