Hii!!! I’m super interested in Violett if you wanna talk about her - I think she’s so pretty I stare every time I look at your character list. Also feel free to ramble about anyone you want to right now!!! I hope you feel better soon! 💝
inhales. VIOLETT!!!! inhales again. VIOLETT!!!!!!!!!! im so happy to hear you like her... xe's one of my prettiest characters. HERES SOME VIOLETT THOUGHTS:
she's one of my very old characters, made in 2015. in her early days she was just a cute human elementalist tm but as i and my lesbianism grew she became violent evil genderfucked royalty. you know, girlie things.
vi is the child of a noble human family famous for their incredible elemental powers, and she was like. the perfect child. she had some of the strongest magical powers in generations. her sister Julia/Jue on the other hand lacked those powers. though vi and jue were very close as children, their parents soon would push jue away and pretend like vi was their only child.
after years of being raised as the families picture perfect daughter, xe eventually decided to just. fuck it all. and leave. vi met a sylvari named lysania, and later a charr named brum, and the 3 of them became friends quickly despite their differences. vi saw a bit of freedom in these friends and decided to travel tyria with them. she finally got to unfold her magical abilities in the way xe wanted!
vi has always had an obsession with queen jennah, and not a good one. she despises jennah and believes she is a terrible leader. maybe its one of the things her family passed down to her.
that queen obsession mixed with a huge ego and the experience with fighting she collected during her travels lead to- hm. a sort of god complex. an obsession with power. despite having two of the most "just some guy" friends in all of tyria, vi would always see herself as something better and powerful until xe snapped during an argument. violett became a queen in her mind.
what happened exactly? what did she do? i dont know thats the part of the story id never work on back in 2016 so it stays vague. i did have a vision of some sort of "castle" made out of rock and lava and pure elemental magic. i should probably go through with that
anyways she betrayed lys and brum and thats bad and sad and she became so so evil. xe does have a little moment where she snaps out of it when jue (who is also evil) goes crazy stupid and she's like "nooo my sibling!!! brum be my friend again to help my sibling pretty please :(" and brum is like "what the fuck is wrong with xem" and only the eternal alchemy knows how that story progresses. i dont.
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friesian · 2 years
Hey psst
Do you have.... any other characters? Be they in game or like... storyverse... anyone else in the gw2 universe? :3c
oh ABSOLUTELY anon. i'll do some flash introductions real quick since that sounds pretty fun!! hope u enjoy The Guys.
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tiyrnan -- sylvari
so he's kinda my unapologetic emo mary sue but i Love him dearly. long story short: firstborne who fell in love with trahearne as his apprentice but also had his heart smashed by him when trahearne chose marwyd over him. eventually became the champion of mordremoth out of pure rage and lost, is hellbent on killing marwyd at any cost. he's pretty much a dedicated marwyd assassin and will do anything to kill him. he's a harbringer in game so he specializes in some nasty alchemy and poison. great shot with a gun. incredibly secretive, never takes off a gas mask, and is NOT talkative.
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gyael -- sylvari
best sniper the order of whispers had to offer (and wanted to get away. FAST.) he's marwyd's dedicated apprentice. if anything ever happens to marwyd, essentially he's trained to take up the mantle. he's incredibly incompetent at it though! he spends more time showboating, trying to hit up literally anyone to flirt with him, and would rather be a pop star than a world saving hero. marwyd is trying to beat it out of him but it ALWAYS causes problems. his existence is to be a pain in the ass. however he has issues of his own when it comes to his own identity and essentially being the type of dude who is like "well if people see me only as a hot piece of ass that's all that i'll be".
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aiyndreas -- sylvari
head librarian of the priory and is the go-to guy for any information that may be needed. he's got photographic memory and can remember anything that's placed in front of him for about 4 seconds. he's an aspiring elementalist and looks up highly to @herrejorn 's niddhil. however THEY ARE COMPLETE opposites in personality. aiyndreas is a nervous wreck who can't get his shit together and wants to be a somebody rather than a sylvari who might die in the back of a library. he ends up travelling with marwyd for this reason but he often gets himself way in over his head and far too emotional about how much danger his friends get in. he's besties with gyael, and gyael protects him like a little brother with FERVOR.
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antonymph -- charr
TRANSMASC SPARKLECHARR!! they're my epic cringe nae nae baby. antonymph is the nickname they chose. real names mean nothing to them. they're a proud gladium and refuse to join a warband, they don't like society, and they want to blast my chemical romance at you at 3 am. they were bullied to shit in the fahrar and have the scars to tell you about it, but that doesn't keep them down from being marwyd's go-to mesmer. most of the time they're drawing, writing, singing, and showing their love for life!! they may have a crush on a black metal singer charr engineer, but shhhhh... don't tell him that yet!! they want to make OCs about it first....
I HAVE A FEW OTHERS... namely caybre, penbrooke, and quinntyn (my newest and most ambitious guy). however they're still in rough drafting and concepting and i don't have quite the solid personality or stories for all of them. if you ask about quinntyn in a week or so though i should have something because im very motivated with him.
all art is done by jagal on FA!
THANK YOU FOR THE ASK i really want to show off these guys more but like. i have cowboy on the brain and it is ROTATING.....
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redwoodrroad · 3 years
How abouttt 30, 32, and 35? :3c @mystery-salad
omg I'm so sorry it took so long to answer this!!! once again, i saw this come in late at night and forgot to look into it after work today ;O; thank you so much though!!
30. Which Dragon’s corrupted area (like the brand, orr, etc) is the least pleasant to be in?
tbh primordus's minions are the most annoying to me because of constantly shooting fire, and you're burning for a while, and i think that's why i don't like the volcano regions (which is something i mentioned in a recent art post). a close second for me is orr because half those risen jackasses have immobilizing conditions and the other half have insane knockdown!! i think both are probably especially annoying to traverse both from an out of character perspective AND for scouts, the commander, and other people to get around from an IN-character perspective.
32. We’ve seen the unchained Risen in Siren’s Landing, and how some appear to have a limited intelligence and gather other Risen around them. How do you think Mordremoth’s and Kralkattorik’s minions fare after their masters’ demise?
so i think what's happening here is that when the absolute master creature dies, leftover small baddies will slowly congregate towards the next-largest creatures--which is why we're still seeing bigger baddies in these same regions + smaller baddies continue to be around these bigger baddies. i think this does not account for creatures like the claw of jormag or the mouth of mordremoth because these are specifically agents OF their respective dragons--the claw acts as jormag's hands, the mouth acts as mordremoth's... mouth.... to consume ley energy and Meat--and then also, of course, the eyes of zhaitan and the mouths of zhaitan. because of the nature of the game and events being recurring, these creatures existing for us as players doesn't go in line with what's happening in the universe, right, like the commander is never going to canonically fight another claw of jormag despite there being TWO metas about it. same goes for everything else that's "the X of Y dragon," you know?
but for creatures like..... the megadestroyer, say--this creature is still feasibly operating in mount maelstrom and drawing minions towards itself because it's not so much linked to primordus like other "x of y dragon"s are to their dragons, it's its own creature, and other minions maybe need something to lead them, something to focus their lingering animalistic natures towards.
what's especially interesting, and im glad i used primordus's minions as a related example, is that primordus's minions are so far the only ones without any humanoid minions. many other corruptions have tons of animalistic minions, but think of the icebrood, of sylvari-turned-mordrem, of risen that were originally mortal, living people of any race (other than sylvari), so..... i'd be curious to see what's going to happen to the icebrood and frost legion in particular because ryland really generated a sense of community among such a terrible group (and of course he did, not only from bangar's influence but from his own sense of charisma), many of whom BEING or BECOMING jormag's minions but we'll see what happens! ask me about charismatic leaders lol there's a lot there ive been thinking about. stuff that makes my sociologist brain VIBRATE
35. Many of you have made up splinter civilisations. Asura that stayed underground, Sylvari from different Trees, Charr cultures outside of the Legions and so on. This is a chance to share.
i'm sure splinter civilizations are everywhere!! i havent personally come up with headcanons, but i love running around and finding new areas where recognizable species have their own systems in place. remember how cool it was to run into the jungle hylek groups?? THAT'S a perfect example! humans have also split across tyria--we already visited humans in elona, now we're going off to visit humans in cantha; these are all splinter civilizations, and there are undoubtedly many more! we may even see norn ACROSS the shiverpeaks, who knows! there is a whole wide world in tyria, and i think every splinter civilization--whether canon or not--is valid and realistic
that said, I'm always especially invested in the secondary species like the hylek as i said, but also skritt, quaggan, grawl, even our bird friends and largos, and shit! there may be another sylvari tree out there we haven't seen yet. i know that one cave burned down but that doesn't mean there weren't other trees! mordremoth could have gotten busy on another continent, and we won't know about it until fucking malyck turns up on a boat and says something absurd like "hey i got lost on my way to the jungle but good news, i found six other trees on the other side of the world" and we'll all just be gobsmacked
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akurathereaper · 4 years
30 questions: GW2 edition
Seems I was tagged by ye boi myta, and this is one of the asks that actually seem a bit fun (?) i thought I’d do them? I usually don’t do these cuz they’re just... well here we go
Favorite living world season? For as much as I hated replaying it (cuz achievs), it has to be Season 2. The build up to Mordy was very cool imho (but I might be very much blinded by nostalgia lol)  Second to it would be definitely season 4, that shit picked up real fast
Favorite expansion? Not surprising, Heart of Thorns. Not sure WHAT it did to me (looking at you, Hearts and Minds), but it made me feel and those to whom I ranted know that me feeling stuff is rare. I first played through PS, then Season 2, and then got to Heart of Thorns, and the build up to it (shame I couldnt play S1) just stuck to me. Not sure if it’s me playing this game for too long that the spark faded out for me, or if PoF is just... not that shiny, you get me?
Favorite soundtrack? Basically the entire HoT soundtrack. And Fear not this night (+reprise). That shit makes me cry.
First profession you played? Thief :>
First race you played? Charr, actually. I thought they were going to be the nature themed race (dont ask me how I didnt see the literal plant people), and was very much wrong haha. 
Favorite Destiny’s Edge character? Snaff, actually. I read the book and I loved him, even though he wasn’t there for long. Next up would be Rytlock, probably.
Favorite Dragon’s Watch character? Uhhhhhhh have you SEEN Canach? It’s obvious. It’s me boi Canach. I consider his ass a full fledged member of DW.
Favorite Elder Dragon? Ahhh, hard to choose, but I very enjoyed Mordy (until I saw him in the last fight lol I had hoped he would LITERALLY be the entire jungle, that his mental embodiment wasn’t a 50y o dad)
Best boss fight (story)? Mordremoth, first that came to mind.
Best boss fight (fractal)? Uhhhhhh hard to say, I’d say... the tentacle thingo in Solid Ocean. I enjoy chucking rocks at it.
Best boss fight (raid)? I’ve only ever killed the VG, so Imma say VG.
PvE or PvP or RP? Can I say WvW? haha no kidding. PvE is first, then WvW (Cuz I enjoy mindless killing), pvp is boring, and I am unable to stay in character for RP, so I don’t do it.
Favorite canon couple? Uh... Joko and his Choya concubine.
Favorite fanon/self made couple? Trammander is best boi. Also Catlock is very very fun (Canach and Rytlock)
Most emotional cinematic? Ending of HoT. I cry everytime I catch a glimpse of it, just because he looks like he’s in so much pain before everything goes white.
Favorite VA? Brandon Bales (Male sylvari VA), he just grew so much with the role! Although I didn’t enjoy how aggressive we seemed in PoF, I kinda understood that we were in a hot af area, plucked out of our element and chasing a fucknugget that was ruining our day lol
Post a fun screenshot!
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Post a landscape screenshot!
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Most used mount(s)? Skyscale, griffon, beetleboi. In that succession XD
Favorite mount skin (for every mount you have)? I loooove the bioluminescent ones!
Favorite weapon? Nevermore :3
Favorite gear set? Warbeast (It has a tiddy window)
Favorite title? I don’t rly have one? I choose them depending on the char I play. But the longest one I used is Loyal
Something you worked really hard to get? Twilight :D It was my first legendary and I slaved off for almost a year xD
Favorite GW2 Youtuber / GW2 related video? I don’t really watch gw2 youtube scene :< Last person I watched was my friend... Game slobs (but he hasnt uploaded for 2 years so uwu)
Most used miniature? Trahearne :>
Most used novelty? The Embiggening tonic heheheheheh
Number of achievments points? According to gw2efficiency... 11,218 :>
Something you’d love to see in GW2? Dyable weapons!! (And Kirin mount (thank u cantha)
aaaand that’s it I uh... don’t have many people to tag who probably weren’t tagged already so uhhhhh @just-eyris-things​ Im tagging yo ass again? :DDD
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Consider: Trahearne visiting the capital cities of each race and bumping into a 7yo commander Bonus if it’s a street rat human who steal him something
Ngl my first thought was “but the Commander’s canonically 7 years old” and THEN I REMEMBER OTHER RACES DON’T AGE LIKE VARI IM DUMB
He nearly steps on the small progeny that darts under his foot, staggering back at the last minute, watching them scuttle past, clutching a stool. 
He’s supposed to be looking for a college to discuss Orrian magic, but he’s intrigued by the stubborn determination on the chubby cheeks, as they set down the stool, drag themselves up it and reaching, mere fingertips away from a wrench held precariously on the edge. He’s not spent as much time as Khadeins has around the younger saplings, but he’s seen similar scenes play out enough times to know how this will end. So he does what’s, as the asura would say, logical; he leans over and picks up the wrench. Trying not to laugh at the way oversized ears stand upright as they follow his hand. 
He honestly expected the progeny to duck their head at being caught by an adult, but they simply stare him down expectantly, daring him to say another.
“I’m guessing you need this?” A nod “How about a trade? I give you this wrench, and you tell me where to find what I’m looking for?” They grin.
He tries not to grin as the college professor, a kind, old asura, laughs at the swagger in the young progeny’s gait as they head back towards their ‘lab’, wrench slung over their shoulder like he’s seen warriors carrying great war hammers. “Oh they’ll be trouble that on” Declares the professor “The best ones always are!”
He does a double take when years later an Order armoured Asura, swaggers up to him at Claw Island, ears now perfectly fitting, but face still set in a determined grin with a glint in their eye
It’s as he feels a tiny tug on his bag and catches the passing seraph’s face flick to anger that he realizes he’s probably being robbed. He supposes the thief didn’t see the seraph rounding the corner, and guesses that anyone who’s desperate enough to rob him but be truly desperate, especially since sylvari are widely believe to not even need food. He spins around to see a flash of dirty rags and a mop of wild hair darting away before a blur of silver and white takes his vision as the seraph gives chase.
He opens his bag to check what’s been stolen, and swears. He needs that book.
That had been morning, now it was late afternoon and, having taken a different route to the seraph, Trahearne was beginning to lag in his efforts, half tempted to accept the fact the book was likely gone for good. When a quiet sniffle hit his ears, followed by a sharp ‘shhh’. It takes him a few minutes of just slowly shifting around and listening to work out the direction it’s coming from in all the noise of city life, but when he shuffles into the alleyway behind the pub, he finds the source. 
Two human children, in familiar rags are huddled in the corner near some boxes, one curled up under a meager blanket, sniffling, the other up on their feet, staring Trahearne down like he’ll leave if they look scary enough. Placing his arms wide in a placating motion, he slowly inches forward 
“Hello, I’m Trahearne, what’s your name?” By the Mother the child still standing doesn’t even break eye contact with him “Or you friend’s name?” He risks a glance, feeling rather like he’s facing off against a wolf than a human child, towards the sniffling child to confirm his suspicions “seem’s your friend isn’t doing so well, would you let me look at them?” He pauses, close enough now he can see the pale skin and black hair of the sick child, and see the fact the other is coated in dirt, almost deliberately. 
I’ts a tense few seconds before they stiffly nod, and settle down, a rock Trahearne hadn’t noticed still clutched in a small hand, next to their friend and whisper to them what’s happening.
It takes the better of two hours for Trahearne to actually figure out and learn what’s wrong with the sick child - Quinn, is his name from what he can gather from the soft whispers - and to pay in advance for a week’s safe lodging’s in a local healer’s hut. The children seem smaller here, skinnier and dirtier too, when surrounded by wounded soldiers and healers, but they’ve got a roof over their heads and from the way one of the healers was eyeing them, a hot bath and some food. He’s halfway out the door when something tugs on his bag. He glances down to see a familiar shape take off back into the room Quinn occupies, and lifts his bag’s cover to find his book returned. And if her redirects some still suspicious seraph, well, who’s to say?
It takes him off guard how tall the children of the Norn are, his height if not more seem’s to be the norm as they roughhouse and boast about their soon-to-be-legends. He’s crunching his way into Hoelbrak, desperate for a warm fire and the company of his newest book, when he spots a a large, furry roadblock. He’s seen dolyaks before, but he’s still a bit nervous around the hulking beasts, especially when he has to pass them on a narrow ridge. 
“Hello, old friend, care to move a little for me?” He says to the beast, scratching it’s greying muzzle “I need to get by you see…” all the beast does is snort at him. Rude. “Come on now” he tries to gently press on it’s side, but the beast doesn’t budge, simply sighing like he’s interrupted it’s nap. “Come ON” he hits the snow as the dolyak sways away from the weight. Scrambling to his feet, finding the dolyak still blocking the way, his soft cursing is interrupted by a loud laugh from behind, that he spins to find the source of, dismayed to find he’s got snow clinging to him. 
There’s a small norn child, young enough to be smaller than him, if only by a head, and grinning wildly. Before he can say a word, they march forward and shove him, a little harsher than they intended he thinks, to move infront of the dolyak. Press their hand forward, gently into the dolyak’s chest and clicking with their tongue, he watches in amazement as the docile creature begins slowly backing up to allow him to pass. 
“There ya go! Have a nice day Mr Plant-person!”An with that, the child jogs away into the snow. Leaving a confused Trahearne and a dozy dolyak behind.
Trahearne spots them later, blowing air into the dolyak’s nose and giggling as they receive a long tounge to the face for their efforts, as some adult nron shop at the market nearby. Trahearne grins and waves a little when they spot him, hiding his laugh behind his book when they yell and wave, and the dolyak headbutts them softly for daring to stop petting them, spending them into another giggle fit
He’s studying outside the black citadel when he feels the leaves on the back of his neck shift uneasily. The growing sense of being watched settles in his gut and causes him to quietly close and pocket the book he was enjoying, shifting to look around and face whatever threat is lurking nearby. Only to make eye contact with a litter of charr cubs. Likely still new to the fahrar he’s sitting near, too big ears and paws and big eyes a tell-tale sign of their youth, and the fact he’s likely the first sylvari they’ve seen.
“Hello?” He smiles and waves, still ill at ease with all the eyes staring at him. There’s a tense few minutes where the cubs don’t move, before the apparent leader strides forward, the other cubs whispering behind them as they approach. 
“What’re you doing?” Ask the cub, attempting to look at his lap, where the book once was, before plopping down beside him.
“Reading what?”
“A book”
“What about?”
“You wouldn’t understand-”
“Why not” It was like talking to a fifthborn, but worse; this one had claws, teeth and back-up. Speaking of back-up, the other cubs now sat somewhat behind their band-mate, all attempting to hide behind them and stare at him. 
Before he can open his mouth again the lead cub speaks “Where’s your warband?”
“My what?”
“Your warband” They give him a look that says they think he’s thick in the skull “your brothers and sisters who fight beside you?” They all cock their heads at him in sync
“Ah, Sylvari don’t have warbands, most of my siblings live in the Grove though”
There’s a beat of silence before the cubs explode with noise
“What’s a Sylfari?” “It’s Syl-Vari, Dinky” “What’s the Grove?” “How many siblings do you have?” “Why don’t you have ears and a tail?” “Wanna see my cool dance?” “I can do better than that, Reeva!”
Trahearne spends the rest of the day answering questions (and praising dance moves) from the little warband before a stressed out Primus comes to collect them, apologizing for disturbing the syvlari dignitary (despite assurances they were a welcome distraction) and cursing the youngling meant to be keeping an eye on them, Howl, by the sounds of it. While he doesn’t get any studying done that day, the small break the cubs granted him is more than appreciated, especially when the leader runs back quickly to press their forehead to his (somewhat harshly, as Trahearne feels some lumps that will one day be horns dig into his bark) and inform him he’s part of their warband now.
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bramble-star · 5 years
My Impressions of GW2 because no one asked for it and I’m only lv. 22:
base game is free, that’s rad
classes are bad ass and look fun. More focus on fantasy than anything else
fucking microtransactions
the human city feels epic, that’s nice
grove is a neat city
okay the norn city is awesome too
asura are the obligate “I’m tiny but smart!!!” race
i love my exclusive LGBT content sylvari
Sylvari are a cool take on the obligate elf race. Like, they’re plants cosplaying as humans??? that’s awesome
the character creation is great, both creating your character and then creating your story
charr are the obligate furry race
charr are the obligate asshole race
okay but while I’m on charr, it threw me for a loop that the race based on mongolia and ancient roman empire is steampunk and the most advanced in steam power
dying isn’t that punishing, which is great
questing was weird at first, but I like it a lot
love the dye system
everything is account bound, which makes the game alt friendly
exploring the world and seeing the beautiful landscape feels rewarding
story is great, and I’m glad I can make choices
pretty sure I’ve heard Lor’themar’s VA 
this game is spoiling me, as someone who played WoW for 12 years, and FFXIV for about 5
im gonna look up sylvari sexuality
*finds a discussion on reddit* whoa nevermind that’s a clusterfuck
the zone missions/events reminds me of FATES and I like them a lot
not all the hair in the human character creator is your standard white people hair, which is amazing
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Raise Anchor - Short Fiction from the Past of Movran of the Mists
Movran recalls the last time he heard Sylvie Baruch voice.
   Boy! Boy wake up! The commanding voice of a distant ghost howled into the ear of the tired, dreaming sylvari. He did not hear it, he could not hear it over the screams of the past echoing before him. Flashes of pain, small glimpses into the last he saw of this world, over and over again. Those evil creatures, with their sharp sharp knives.
  Movran, wake. The World is moving without you. A second, calmer voice of a ghost spoke. The stabs of pain were replaced with watercolor blurs. The smell of fire, the screams of someone other than himself. He could feel the burns on his hands, as if they were new, and then.
  Ya Planty Bastard, Your lady is gone. A third voice, harsh, but caring, spoke. The smoke was replaced with the smell of salt and sea air. The sound of waves. A soft hand tracing the burnt bark with no ill intent. A lovely laugh over raunchy jokes and good wine. Gentle presses of skin to bark, a gentle snore. Did you hear me boy! Shes Gone!
  Movrans eyes shot open, not that it did him much help. Jurrah began painting his picture with words. A bed stand, an empty bottle, a lit lantern and... an empty bed. He ran his hands along the covers to check. She had to be somewhere, she was there when he closed his eyes, she had wished him good night. Kissed him before she shut her own eyes. Slept gently in his arms.
   Perhaps she was in the bathroom, or the kitchen, or anywhere in his small, no their small home. He stood quickly, nearly knocking over a lamp in the process, and ran for the corners of their house.  He searched high and low, at a speed Jurrah barely managed to keep up with, but to no avail. She was... she was gone.  His Sylvie was gone.
   The Sylvari fell to his knees, letting out a pained cry,  No, by the tree No, she could be gone not her. Not her too. "When... when did she leave?" He spoke, to himself and to those tied to him. His voice echoing in the dead silence.  
  About two hours ago Boy, Osh Moran responded, gently, as if the ghost had placed a hand on his shoulder.
   We tried to wake you, but you were too deep in that sleep of yours. Jalis Ironhammer, last king of the Deldrimor Dwarves, spoke as well. Movran could almost imagine him pacing in front of him in anger.  Didn’t even wake you up, didn’t even say goodbye to your face! The King spoke the words the sylvari felt, deep inside, muted by the sadness of her leaving.
  She left you a recording, however. His eyes, the former Master of Whispers Jurrah, spoke. Jurrah painted him a picture of a thin worn figure standing, gently touching a sleeping sylvaris shoulders, before shaking her head and leaving a small circular device on the bedside table. She... Your Sylvie would have had a reason, Movran, best to listen to it.
   "We... I best listen to it then. Where is it?" Movran continued, forcing himself from his knees to standing. Jurrah directed him back to their, no his, bedroom. Gently cradled in a navy scarf was a tiny one use recording device. Hed seen her buy it at the Bazaar, from a small booth run by a surly Asura and his Charr partner. His hands trembled as he reached for it, he was begging this to be a dream. Hoping that in a moment, Sylvie would reach over in her sleep, kissing the back of his neck and mumbling about the future of The Cockatrice.
But that didn’t happen, and the device was now in his hands. He found the play button, and heard the distant kind voice tinged by tears.
   "Movran, I’ve tried to make this recording seventeen times now. I’m sorry if this one is a hot mess but I... Its my last recorder and the Ship leaves in an hour and..."  Her voice grew distant for a moment, she sounded like she was crying, but from another room. "I love you Movran, I love you and I always will, but things, things cannot continue as they are." He clutched the recorder to his chest. "Youve spent more time as of late drunk than you have sober, Gods, Vig had to stop you from walking right off the ship last night, and now with you joining those... what are they mercenaries? That are gonna have you working with some priory scholar up in Jormags territory away from the Crew. I just..." She trailed off "You’re living life too dangerously Movran, you don’t care if you get burnt up, but you dont see that others will get burnt up with you."  He heard sniffling, he could feel the stabbing pains of the past again but differently. The Asura had never managed to reach his heart, but this, this did.
  You should go after her, Osh started, only to be hushed by the other two ghosts. The sniffling continued on tap. He wishes she was saying that here, he wishes he could reach out and pull her into his chest and comfort her. Promise her he’d change, that he’d work on it, that he loved her just as much as she did. He could feel tears start to form at his eyes.
   "Im leaving for the Unending Ocean with the Cockatrice at dawn. You leave with the Merc Band tomorrow afternoon. Dont look for me, please and... Take care of yourself Movran. If not for me, than for you." The recording beeped, an automated voice asked if he would like to hear the message again.
  A Silence hung over the room. He pressed Replay.
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drunkcleric · 8 years
Can I ask what guild wars is because I see you post about it all the time and it looks fun and interesting but I have no idea what it's about and junk
I am honoured that i make the game look fun anon!
It’s an online mmorpg that’s free to play (main story and all the way up to max level, but if you want the dlc you gotta pay for it) I’ts got a really fun system thats not too challenging - although there are dungeons, fractals, pvp, world vs world and a new feature called raids if you want to have a challenge. The game’s incredibly fun and has some really interesting races!
Most notably are the asura, charr and sylvari - but there are humans and shape-shifting giants called the norn. The game also has some really unique class mechanics, alongside the warrior, elementalist, necromancer, ranger and thief you’d find in alot of mmos, there’s mesmers (with kinda act like bards from dnd, you have clones you can teleport to and destroy at will), engineers (you have tons of kits), guardians (my personal favourite, basically clerics and paladins) and even a new revenant class (you ‘move through the mists’ and invoke dead champions) - with the dlc there’s even elite specializations which can change the classes completely! 
Aside from the gameplay, the characters and dialogue are really fun, and it doesn't take away from the seriousness of the plot! there’s lgbta+ representation (a toxic lesbian relationship which is frequently shown as toxic, and we even see one of the characters essentially break free of that relationship (at least I think so, correct me if Im wrong!), several healthy lgbta+ relationships - one of which is between main characters and especially if you take the sylvari routes, and we’ve even got a trans character! (only mentioned in passing so far, but you can talk to them about it in a positive way it’s a start!)
The community is honestly the best part, everyone, especially the tumblr side, is lovely and very encouraging and creative! There’s even a show run by the staff to showcase artwork! 
if you want to knwo more I’d be happy to answer any questions, or if you want to see some youutbe content I’d recommend WoodenPotaoes, AuroraPeachy and BogOtter - and if you’re after some wonderful people to follow who post about the game regularly (and in a far more organized manner than my screeching, I’d be happy to link you to some anon!)
Hope that helps!
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