#im also melodramatic
padfootastic · 1 year
my unpopular opinion is the whole ron weasley and weasley family bashing in the fandom is so wild to me??? with the same old argument about molly/ron/ginny stealing money from harry is so gross. i literally cannot stand that!! just because the weasleys are not rich and affluent does not mean they only care about harry for their money???! it all seems so classist and bigoted to me tbh. ron is my most favorite character and it personally offends me whenever someone bashes him unnecessarily, he's literally THE most nuanced and well rounded character in the entire hp series, more than snape, more than dumbledore, more than harry himself
ooooh this one is interesting!!
so, in the interest of fairness, i'm going with neutral on this bc ive def enjoyed my share of fics with all these tropes in it. it's pretty big in the indy!harry circles and i used to gobble those up like nobody's business.
but like, i do see where ur coming from too. from a canon perspective, yeah, i don’t think it has any basis, at all. i won’t ever argue that the weasleys were gold diggers or dumbledore was an evil overlord in disguise or wtv. and the way the weasleys are talked about in those specific circles are. well. let’s just say it’s not a space for people who like them lol
that being said, is it possible to take their actions and twist it that way? sure. u can do that with anyone for anything, really. and then it becomes a matter of how well it was written to convince me. purely headcanon territory and i’m ngl, it’s kind of fun to see how outlandish a theory can be lol
but honestly, end of the day, i sympathise with u friend! i can never ever touch a fic where james and sirius are demonised, and i absolutely hate how they’re conceptualised by most people so. i get it.
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fortjester · 6 months
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“I’d like to play you another song about suicidal depression. It’s about – if you are a certain type of person – me – . . . uh, you hear about somebody who did something horrible and drastic and you feel bad, but there’s a part of you that goes, ‘what, that’s, now I know, now I recognize my kind, because he did that.’ So this is about a guy who did a terrible thing and he couldn’t live with the memory of it, and so he went and did a worse thing, and it’s called ‘Cry for Judas.’”
- John Darnielle, frontman of the Mountain Goats
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killerwithknife · 5 months
maybe suicide IS the path for me gang 💯🔥
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moonshynecybin · 3 months
love how valentino is the yamaha ambassador but still his team is racing with ducati and for next year they will probably have at least one GP25. in the meantime he puts the academy riders wherever he wants (sliding morbidelli in pramac’s plate when they wanted bez, hilarious) and manages the riders' merchandising
if this wasnt motorsports, where underhanded silliness is par for the course and in fact often encouraged and rewarded. he would absolutely have been prosecuted as part of the varsity blues college admissions scandal. and he wouldve done jailtime
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vanweezer · 5 months
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that type of person who you think you'd be friends with in every universe - expressed through jim & corey - id/transcript in alt text
so this is a kind of not-so-surprise for my friend @sinclarsupremacy , bc they were the first person i showed this two and was on the phone with me the whole time while i made it. didn't give a single thing away until everything was scanned and done. five dead pens and one reliable sharpie later, i show him this. wanted to get used to drawing the slipsour guyz more but also wanted to articulate something i have troubles saying to important people. this is kind of an ode to all my close friends ive made who i definitely wouldve hung around some graveyards with, and an ode to some bands i didnt know id like as much as i do 🫶
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04tenno · 1 year
So, uh...
Mine lived(?)
How Are We Doing.
#yakuza#like a dragon#yakuza 3#yoshitaka mine#mine yoshitaka#masayoshi yokoyama#kson#I THINK THE STAFF MEMBER IS SANTO. LIKE 90% SURE IT'S SANTO but i don't have the video clip and cannot identify him im so sorry#i included the “preamble” to make it clear he was talking about mine and why but i'm just obsessed with the whole conversation honestly#kson having the opportunity to go up to yokoyama and say “do you think mine is out there somewhere.” living the dream#yokoyama's character arc not particularly liking mine back in the day and falling for him later on like me too bro#also he literally does just straight up say mine is alive. with zero ambiguity and even with an explanatory tone.#i ADDED what ambiguity there is because i don't want anyone to--as the tweet says--expect too much#anyway that's the end of the normal tags the rest of this is just going to be overwrought melodramatics#i hate the entire ending portion the transition and effects are godawful#not what my vision was at all#this is my first time actually editing and it shows. but it'll have to do.#i'm also nothing short of embarrassed of the timing and the missing words#but i really did do my best. i really did pay to have it professionally transcribed.#and part of me certainly wonders if this is all a mistake and irresponsible to put out there. if i'm giving people false hope.#if the extent of my understanding just isn't good enough to know better#yet if there IS something there... then what good will it have done to keep it to myself#original#my clips#my translations
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sollucets · 1 year
wrote a whole long post that didn't make sense because i'm a fic writer not a meta writer and the point comes down to this: sand and ray are both Such Bad Liars
they have honest faces. nobody, in-universe or in the audience, is ever really fooled when they pretend things are other than they are.
when sand is hurt you can tell, it's in every line of his body. ray is expressive and straightforward but hides his hurt a little better, not because he's better at lying but because the hurt hardly ever goes away.
ray can see sand freezing up and looking upset when he's called a friend or not prioritized, he can see the lie, but it doesn't matter compared to what sand's actually saying and what it'll mean if it's (not) true. he's gotten a lesson recently about pushing. and sand, i think, can see ray caring but he can't imagine it could be enough, that he could matter the most or be a priority. when ray calls sand a whore it's the only lie he told that night and sand knows it
when they hurt each other sand lies and pulls away and ray can tell, and similarly ray lies and pulls away and sand can tell, and theyre stuck in limbo because of it. awful. hate it. 10000 more just like it please
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scionshtola · 15 days
FFXIVWrite2024 Prompt 4 - Reticent
characters: Hien Rijin, Y'shtola Rhul rating: G | word count: 1216 words notes: Hien clears up some misconceptions about his relationship with Corisande. Slight spoilers for the Stormblood patches.
When Y’shtola arrived in Doma, Hien greeted her personally. On the advice of Corisande—a small aside in a letter sent ahead of Y’shtola’s arrival—he kept the meeting short and to the point, inquiring about her work and offering his assistance, as needed. He’d provided her with an apartment, if she chose to accept it, and access to his limited staff as she desired.
She’d accepted his hospitality with appreciation, and Hien had left the encounter with a slight swell of pride at having done well by the Scion so highly spoken of by the Warrior of Light. Over the course of her stay in Doma, while their relationship did not grow so warm as the one she seemed to share with Yugiri, he was happy to say they were rather amicable.
Or so he thought. But now, walking beside her on the Azim Steppe, he could feel a chill wafting in his direction. 
Corisande had run slightly ahead to speak with Cirina, leaving Hien and Y’shtola alone together as they followed. Unsure of how long the moment of privacy would last, he cast about for some way of broaching the topic—and confirming his suspicions—and settled on, “Corisande has been a great help to the people of Doma. Our restoration efforts would not be half so far along without them.”
“I am sure they would be happy to know their efforts are making a difference,” Y’shtola said evenly, without looking in his direction. 
“They spoke very highly of you, on our journey together,” Hien continued, trying his best to be nonchalant. “Quite effusively, if I might add.”
“So you have said.” The response was just short of terse, and he was certain she had started walking faster, though her lack of height gave him the advantage. 
“You spoke as effusively of them when first we met.” Hien paused, and glanced at her before he spoke again. “I admit I didn’t quite grasp the depth of your friendship until the three of us began to work together.”
Her expression remained as smooth as a river-worn stone. It hardly surprised him. In the short time of their acquaintance, she had shown herself as a self-possessed woman, difficult to ruffle.
Y’shtola’s reply was short, in length and tone. “We are close.”
Her reticence amused him. Had he not spent the last few days with the both of them—had she not grown cool toward him with Corisande’s presence—he might have left her to her secrets. Instead, he said, “I didn’t think you were one for obscuring the truth. We both know that is quite an understatement.”
Even that was putting it lightly. He had borne witness for days now to the ways Corisande and Y’shtola gravitated toward each other. Always half-turned toward the other, as if a private world existed between the two of them. They seemed able to communicate full thoughts with only a look, despite the limits of Y’shtola’s vision, and they worked in perfect tandem together, often anticipating what the other would ask or say before they even spoke.
Perhaps that could be explained with a deep friendship, were it not for how often they seemed to forget he was there, providing him with an unobstructed view of the warmth in their gazes when they looked at each other—when they lingered long after the other had turned away. 
Ahead of them, Corisande was deep in conversation with Cirina, oblivious to the exchange happening behind her. Hien leaned slightly into Y’shtola’s space, whispering conspiratorially, “Though I am not sure Corisande quite realizes it yet.”
“I am not obscuring anything,” Y’shtola stopped just short of snapping at him. “There is nothing to hide. Though you may be unable to engage in a conversation with Corisande without flirtation, she and I have no need to partake in such behavior.”
Hien fought a smile at having his suspicions proven correct—the occasional flirtation peppered in the easy back and forth of his conversations with Corisande was the cause of her distance. He did not think she would take kindly to even minimal gloating, so he kept the victory to himself, and said, “No need, perhaps, but the desire is there. You need not deny it—neither of you are as subtle as you believe.”
“Your conclusions are ill-informed,” Y’shtola said, a sharp edge in her voice. He was not quite sure, between the two of them, who it was meant to cut. She turned to him with narrow eyes. “If our familiarity has been as overt as you suggest, it is simply a result of the gratification of our reunion.”
“Besides,” she added as she turned away, seemingly as an afterthought, though Hien guessed it was more of a calculated risk than any carelessness on her part. “Corisande’s attention is held elsewhere.”
It did not take an academic of any caliber to puzzle that one out. He laughed, and she shot an irritated look in his direction. “If their attention is elsewhere, it is certainly not on me.” 
Hien only flirted with Corisande because it made her laugh—she never responded in kind, and he never wished for her to do so. Any hope of romance between them had long diminished, almost before it had even begun. “Did she tell you of the kiss we shared on a hill not far from here?”
Y’shtola looked away again, her jaw set. “I know of it.”
An interestingly vague answer. She’d learned of it, but perhaps not from Corisande. “Then you should also know that it ended in disaster. And enough tears to drown any budding romance.” 
“If their grief was enough to deter you,” Y’shtola said, and this time there was no mistaking the recipient of her ire, “perhaps the romance should not have been pursued so casually.” 
“I will not argue that,” Hien said, with a twinge of shame in his chest. It had not been his proudest moment, though he was sure that the conversation that followed the short-lived attempt at romance had made way for the friendship they had now. “I knew very little of their past at the time. The feelings were new and not so deep rooted as—” yours “--those of others.”
Y’shtola studied him, her eyes narrowed. “You are becoming quite the diplomat.” 
“I’m certainly learning,” Hien said, with a smile. “You should tell them, and spare the rest of us all the longing looks at each others’ backs.”
Y’shtola laughed quietly, and he was grateful that the conversation was ending on a pleasant note. The chill he had felt from her had evaporated. 
He stepped forward, walking backwards so he could look at her as he spoke. “Or perhaps you need a challenge to motivate you? I can resume my efforts, if it will inspire you to speak up.”
Hien had barely enough time to dodge the stream of air she aimed at his head. She wore an impish smirk when he looked at her, and pushed her way past him with a bump of her shoulder. He watched her catch up with Cirina and Corisande, the latter of whom immediately looped her arm through Y’shtola’s as they walked. 
Corisande looked over her shoulder at him, smiling brightly and gesturing for him to catch up. He jogged after them, falling into step next to Cirina with a smile.
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dick-chugger · 1 month
Thinking about this always
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animalinvestigator · 1 year
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watched kizuna finally its good
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fmet · 3 months
And Nayuta is still gone. Aki is still gone. The people who loved him unconditionally are still dead by the consequence of his actions and there’s nothing he can do to change that. He can’t keep a family. Even the girl who he thought he could receive affection from is having her body puppeted by a freakkkkkk oh it’s so over
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bunnihearted · 2 months
𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅
#i know im way too intense and melodramatic#but i keep feeling so sad and starting to cry constantly bc everything reminds me of him#like when im outside and feel the breeze against me all i can think is how i'll never walk next to him and know what his hand feels in mine#when im going on an errand i think of im never gonna do it with him and feel his hand on the small of my back#and turn my head to look up at him while we're talking abt anything and everything#when im on my walks i get so sad bc i've fantasized a million times abt going on different kinds of walks with him#but now i dont even have the hope that i'll ever get to go on a walk with him and point at all the birds i see#or show him the snails i find :c or talk to him or walk in comfortable silence#when it rains .. he reminds me of rain and i feel so sad bc i'll never be held or hold him while it rains outside#when im in the grocery store all i can think abt is how he will never occupy the empty space around me#i'll never get to walk up next to him while he browses a shelf and grab his arm and pull him close to me#i'll never get to put my arms around his waist and feel him pull me close and rest my head against his shoulder#it's all i can think abt....#when i read a book or watch a show i wanna talk to him abt it. when smth happens i want to tell him#i wont ever get to cook for him or take care of him or listen to his worries and try to be there for him#i'll never get to play video games or watch movies with him#the loss of him hurts so bad bc it's just him him him for me (i know it cant be anymore i know) but no one is him#i keep wondering what he'd think of this or that or just like literally everything#i dont know.. i just keep crying bc i think of it all the time and it hurts so bad bc ???#also he's the only one i've felt safe and comfortable showing certain sides of aspect of myself. i never thought it was possible but w him#it was. so idk i feel so hollow on my own account lol... i feel selfish bc ofc i care abt him and want him to be happy but i hurt sm too so
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
Mr Scott Smajor himself
I couldn't decide which part to put on here so its a bit long, enjoy! (This one also has a lot of Xornoth. They also come as a set in this au. There are a lot of people who come as a set in this au.)
Scott isn't in the north-side sheep pen. Xornoth wasn't really expecting him to be, but its on the way to the owlery so it was worth checking just in case. And if it is also a little bit of procrastination that is between them and the voice in their head. Just when I think you can't get any more pathetic- And they aren't listening to the voice in their head. "-At least now I can stop waiting for the other shoe to drop I guess." Xornoth peeks around the corner of the stairwell, almost kocking their antlers against a lantern but managing to dodge it at the last second. Scott is sprawled on the floor, or well, his version of 'sprawled' which means sitting slightly less than bolt upright, legs criss-crossed and elbows on his knees as he stares down an owl that Xornoth is fairly certain belongs to one of the librarians. "I did get more than half a century, I guess. That's more freedom than I though. And it will be good for Rivendell, we really don't have any solid alliances other than the Overgrown and the Lost Empire. If I can do this for my people that's a good thing." Xornoth slid down the wall to sit on the stairs, just out of sight. The crown on their head had never before felt so heavy.
AU Masterpost
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suncaptor · 4 months
Eridan is so fascinating to me because what he does is in this fit of hopelessness and suicidality and he's like, 13. and the end result is him shooting dead two of his closest friends, right? and there's all these consensus about him, since he liked Feferi in a quadrant he was never in with her, because he had his pitch flirting with Vriska and the genocide traps (as if his major responsibility and the role he was playing in both his relationships wasn't specifically to make sure Feferi's lusus wouldn't start killing off everyone bottom of the hemospectum up). But like he does in fact end up killing, not only people he cares about but those closest to him. And he's stuck in this sort of irredeemable space, but the reality of it was he was a 13yo with too much power. Sollux and him dueled before and even without a weapon Sollux won, but this time Eridan knocked him out. And Feferi came at Eridan. He shot her right through and then Kanaya was a threat too. So he's stuck forever with this guilt and inability to become redeemed to himself from basically being given too much power while under threat to his life by those he cares about when he was an unstable traumatised 13yo. It's so compelling and heartbreaking.
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atthebell · 4 months
oh yeah im despondent btw it's just that i've been despondent like definitely since november and honestly since september so like this is just a final nail in the coffin of well i never got anything i wanted and i just have to live with that
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billygaysanguine · 4 months
does anyone ever think about how scapegraces speech patterns changed drastically after book 4 or just me
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