#im a tumblr veteran
tacc0yak1 · 3 months
grandpa doodles before i skidaddle back to work….
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inseamajor · 2 years
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5 posts!
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lunapegasus · 1 year
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Nearly a year ago today I made this blog and posted my art online for the first time. So here's a redraw of it to celebrate :) Also sketch under the cut because it actually looks very different than the lineart but I really like it (+ the lineart for comparison)
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oddberryshortcake · 16 days
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elle-oh-ell3 · 25 days
as this beating heart of mine grows ever more antique, 
and the sun warms my back, 
still i mourn. 
i mourn for having to mould around people, instead of them moulding around me.
i mourn for little me, 
how her room is dark and her cries are loud. 
i draw her towards that beating, 
antique heart of mine,
and promise that she will one day too,
be warmed by the sun she can see seeping through the cracks in her door. 
the day her tears cease, 
is the day the dark corners of my mind, 
so resembling my childhood home, 
fade away. 
i don’t know if that day will ever come. 
her laughter will simply overbalance her dim fill of my conscience, 
and the light she can see outside will bleed through.
shh. it’s okay. 
i mourn on this bright morning, 
but that beating, antique heart of mine grows ever more full. 
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candyredterezii · 2 years
“Vriska is a tumblr sexywoman” “lady d is a tumblr sexywoman” “barbie is a tumblr sexyman”
GLaDOS is the tumblr sexywoman and ONLY tumblr sexywoman.
She is a machine, she has no physical form, only a voice. She’s shipped with the only other same gender/gender presenting character in the game. People make her and see her as this sexy, alluring woman.
She is the Tumblr Sexywoman to Cecil Palmer Tumblr Sexyman.
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evermoredeluxe · 1 year
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drnightingale · 7 months
Can anyone help with my tumblr theme?
I've edited a really nice theme that I really like, but it's not showing up on my blog and I want to know how to make it work because I can't figure it out and neither tumblr help or google are helping
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Can anyone help?
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sillysadduck · 11 months
for those who didnt know my previous accounts, or even those who do, in 2020 I was also SUUUPER harassed for a fnaf fanart where my humanized bonnie and mangle LOOKED AT EACH OTHER.
so I may redraw that fanart for the good old times, here's to me being the black sheep of every fandom for no reason😭 lmaooo
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noodlesbrrrrr · 10 months
Genuine Question: should I get into homestuck or not?
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rosenfieids · 6 months
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holy shit.
alright, everybody dig up their funny soundalike names for benedict cumberbatch. we need them now more than ever.
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hyperactive-vampire · 6 months
I would like to consult the Tumblr experts on this one:
There's about as much content as there is water in the Saharah Dessert! How do you people do this????
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toonetowne · 7 months
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His name is Mickey:]
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dumpster-lizard · 1 year
We need more shipping positivity out here so I'm gonna go off about all the Ghirahim ships I can think of and why they're rad. Now, if you purely like vanilla ships, you might not like these for the same reasons I do! I love toxic and/or angsty dynamics, and love the darker sides of all these ships so I'm going to focus a lot on those parts. I'll look at the vanilla perspective where I can too. If you like this and want me to try another Zelda Character (preferably a villain) shoot me an ask and I can do this for other characters!!
GhiraLink - The OG- I feel like most people who ship him with anyone shipped him with Link first. I certainly did. There's a ton you can do with them man. Link is tied to Zelda as Ghirahim is tied to his master and both are pawns in the greater scheme of things. You can do so many ways - personally I do prefer the darker route that plays into the creepy obsessive side of the character. The softer versions of the ship are nice too, though personally I like it better when you can see Ghiras development in these depictions. They can find solace in each other post game- and if you hc Demise was a bastard to Ghirahim this is also an opportunity for him to unlearn all the bad shit. Ghirahim becoming Link's new sword too? agh, Good Soup.
GhiraDemi: Master/Servant dynamic is ALWAYS a winner in my book. The adoration Ghirahim has for Demise is fantastic, and makes for a great dynamic whether it's returned or not. Again, I do like the darker route here, cause they are both mean bastards- I like the idea of Demise rubbing off on Ghirahim... but also think it would be rad if Ghirahim was deeply disturbed and violent BEFORE they met. Let them be terrible together, let them be CODEPENDANT! The angst potential for this ship is absolutely fantastic, and regardless of the level of toxicity you prefer - you KNOW he didn't handle it well when Demise was sealed, and he was left alone for centuries. I
DemiGhiraLink: Real ones know. Kudos to the folks who have made it their own and put different spins on it.
GhiraFi: I've drifted away from this ship, but it's still the parallels that get me. How they are functionally for the same purpose but so different? Have they always been like that? Which one changed? There are so many stories you could give them that could provide a variety of rich histories. I personally love the angst portion here. Love a good betrayal. Adore the scenarios people come up with where Ghirahim speaks to Fi during the events of the game, whenever she's separated from Link. And, of course, depending on whether you think she was changed, he could realize there's something wrong, this isn't the person he knew, and he would never get the closure of explaining himself. Or, if she remembers... Ghirahim being cold to her to avoid his feelings so he can do his job. Maybe a solemn understanding on Fi's side.
GhiraZant: Two super different guys dedicated to the same master. Both are massive creeps in their own right (see Zant's confrontation with Midna after the water temple), but have way different motives. Zant wanted to be a king. Ghirahim wanted to serve a king. I can see that being a good source of conflict. Perhaps they could find solace in each other if they ever understood they were being used.. or just magnify each other's obsession with their master. I suppose it depends on how much either of them remember. Does Zant remember the end of TP? Does Ghirahim remember the end of SkSw? The timeline of Hyrule Warriors is pretty unclear. Of course, there are AUs where Zant finds Ghirahim in TP...
GanGhira: Very similar to Ghirademi, but give Ghira some internal conflict about serving this mortal who's so different from his perfect master. Would he hold Ganondorf to higher standards? Would he just settle? Would he admire Ganondorf with the same fervor he did for Demise? Or, perhaps he sought Ganondorf out purposefully to continue his master's legacy. I have a lot of thoughts of a sword spirit mentoring a younger Ganondorf though sword fighting, dark magic, and seeding a deep hatred for the Goddesses. And it wouldn't be difficult, Hyrule really does create its own enemies.
GanGhiraZant: Combine the above two and add in Zant's dynamic with Ganondorf, and you've got some good soup babes GhiraVaati: I like Ghirahim, and I like Vaati (understatement of the century). And these two could NOT be more different. Vaati is essentially the hylian equivalent of a fae that decided he wanted to be a god and has a serious issue with authority. Meanwhile, Ghirahim is drawn to authority to the point he "waited his whole existence" for the chance to bring his master back. Now, perhaps Ghirahim would admire Vaati for this - ignoring his minish origins. But if we throw Ganondorf in the mix, I'm talking rivalry, I'm talking petty fights, hohoho it can get UGLY! Good opportunity for Enemies to rivals to friends to lovers here.
Getting into ships I'm not too knowledgeable on --
GhiraZel: Look. Heroine/Villain ships rock. Especially if you go with the HC Ghirahim betrayed Hylia and/or was her original sword. Perhaps he has some lingering regret about that. Perhaps he has mixed feelings about sacrifincing her- or perhaps he redirects his feelings into something more malicious. This isn't a ship I'm personally drawn to but there are quite a few possibilities and Godspeed to the folks that ship this, you rock.
GhiraVolga: Look a dragon getting possessive over what he deems a valuable treasure just gets to me ok. Two monsters, both keeping a barely restrained facade, but one that can turn into a fire-breathing monster at will? It's been a while since I indulged in this ship, but I know firsthand there ARE fics out there that explore this better than I can.
GhiraImpa: Could be an interesting history with these two. Considering, Ghirahim certainly have very intense feelings towards her in game. To the people who ship this rarepair I see you and I love you.
I know I definitely missed some, so feel free to send me any other rarepairs so I can send them some love too!
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franklyn-newt · 5 months
Catching up with the new functionality and 15 year old me DREAMED of having Spotify integration in Tumblr omg, I was uploading my song of the day manually !!
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wndforce · 1 year
// im giggling to myself rn... tumblr migration where a lot of you seem to be unfamiliar with the site omhg
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