#im still in denial with that localization spelling but oh well
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tacc0yak1 · 8 months ago
grandpa doodles before i skidaddle back to work….
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lacertae-dreamscape · 8 years ago
Oooooh, can I get everything in otp question meme for Wandering Eye? If you don't want to do all of those pick only your favorites?
Answering now because I’m lazy (and was busy drawing) from THIS OTP askmeme. Thank you anon whoa, ALL questions dang. I answered some already in an other post, but i’ll try to answer as many as i can for you, thank you for asking! :D
this is going to be long, so i’m putting it under a read more...
1. Who is the most affectionate?
Wander, definitely. It’s not even a thing he does on purpose, but beingaffectionate and receiving affection is a thing he IS. It’s basically part ofhim. it’s in his DNA. So he gives a lot of it, but also demands it, so muchthat after a while, even peepers ends up reacting subconsciously to Wander bydoing a lot of small gestures, like gentle touches, pats on the back, absentlyholding his hand, because he learns to read Wander’s need and precedes itbefore Wander becomes too hugsy (especially if he has work to do). It becomescalming for Peepers too. (of course, this happens once they are both in arelationship and have been around each other for a while).
2. Big spoon/Little spoon?
Peepers would like to say he’s the big spoon the most, but actually, heends up being the little spoon sooften. He doesn’t really complain, though. There’s something even he can enjoy,in being held with so much love. (when they sleep inside wander’s hat though,its crampy and somewhat too hot and there’s limits to how much Peepers canmanage)
3. Most common argument?
Oh man. What is NOT an argument when one is a grumpy mr fussypants who’sSO with a bubbly orange spoon? It’s not even bad arguments  but they talk about literally everything.
(conquering the galaxy admittedly comes up pretty often)
4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
Sightseeing. Where  Peepersattempts negotiations/conquering, and Wander drags him around to check thelocal sights.
5. Who is most likely to carry the other?
Wander has a tendency to drag and tug Peepers around, and is reallystrong so he can also carry him no problem. Peepers has trained a lot to beable to fight against Sylvia so he tries to do the same but he gets soflustered either way it takes him a bit to recover. (Wander getting all coy andflirty when Peepers sweeps him off his feet does. Not. Help. Wander P l e a s e)
7. What’s the first thing that changes when theyrealize they have feelings for the other?
There is an intense wave of denial coming from Peepers because this isexactly why he didn’t want Hater to obsess over Wander (well, minus the romancepart), because ‘he’s a good guy’, and ‘he’s annoyingly sweet’ and ‘how wouldthat even work’ and ‘besides he’s so focused on lord hater sir that WHAT EVENIS THE POINT UGH I HATE THIS’ and he’s sure he’s entirely too obvious when he’saround wander and screws up everything because he becomes fumbly and stupid.(wander really did not realise. He needs things to be spelled out for him tounderstand, and even then it doesn’t really register. When it does, it stilltakes him a while to parse through the meaning and if he feels the same. And thenmore time to realise that yes, he does feel the same).
Wander becomes all giggly and he just… enjoys being in love a lot? It doesn’treally happen often to him, so he’s not even good at recognising thesignals.  It shocks him because it’s noteven about ‘turning peepers to the good’, and more like ‘oh shit id like himeven if he was TRULY evil what do’
Oh boy when peepers finds out his love is requited, oh boy
8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
Wander has enough names that nicknames aren’t a must for him, butsometimes he enjoys dropping some affectionate name calling, and peepers alwaysends up flustered and unable to concentrate on what he’s doing, so Wanderstarts doing that on purpose. Often. When others are listening too.
The one time peepers attempts to fire it back it sends wander in asurprised bout of fluster he wasn’t expecting himself to feel and peepers issmug and ‘oh, you like that don’t you’ (answer is a startled ‘yes’ and they’reboth endlessly flustered it’s almost frustratingly cute to witness Sylvia snapchatsit to the world)
10. Who remembers what the other one always ordersat a restaurant?
Peepers remembers everything simply because he can’t NOT do it. Wanderwill seem scatterbrained, but he will remember the one time you mentionedwanting to try some exotic food in some never heard before language 6 monthsdown the lane and find a restaurant in the middle of nowhere who makes it theright way specifically for you, so there’s that. Also wander orders new thingsevery time. He enjoys trying out new things. It makes peepers annoyed becausehe almost never can predict anything.
11. Who tops?
You’d think I’d not answer this? WELL THINK TWICE BECAUSE I FEELDARING.
Both? They switch it up depending on how they feel about it and howthey want it in the particular moment they’re feeling frisky. I feel there isn’tmuch to go with topping or catching in terms of this fandom because… aliens. Aliengenitals. Alien setups. FUN STUFF.
(on a side note I’m partial to the wander has tentacles genitals thingyI’ve… happened… to see while navigating on tumblr. I WILL find a way totentacle my way for any fandom just watch me. Homestuck was mY HOMEBASE. But tobe serious, alien genitals in general are much more intriguing than the typicalhuman setup. P l z)
… does this need a nsfw tag because of this. I was very vague. I’m nota pg-13 person. They’re all adults in the show. THEY CAN BONE. (my blog itselfis tagged nsfw. I write p o rn. Well not for this fandom strictly speaking but…)
I think wander likes to receive more, but I think he’s like… powerbottom maybe? Or something. He takes what he likes, no problem asking andreciprocating either.
12. Who initiates kisses?
Wander. All the time. All the kisses. Always. Logistics with a SO whois… an eye… and has no mouth… but can still speak…? Weird. But he kisses allthe time. Wander loves kisses. And hugs. Usually the kisses are preceded andfollowed by a lot of hugging.
13. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
Wander is nice and always asks for permission and only takes it forgranted if he reads the situation well enough to know Peepers is 100% fineabout it, but in terms of gentle reaching out, peepers does it often on hisown. He might be second in command, commander of an army out to conquer thegalaxy, but he actually is very giddy about landing himself a SO before hisboss. (who still doesn’t know it’s wander. Nooot yet. Just… hang in therepeepers. You can do this)
14. Who kisses the hardest?
Wander. Peepers gives back as much as he gets, though. It’s a matter ofpersonal pride, can’t be seen as weak or soft in front of the troops, not evenabout kissing. (in fact they get really hushy hushy about him landing WANDER ofall people like man, boss, how DID YOU)
16. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Neither. They both have a lot to do and places to be, and they cancuddle normally during the day or talk with one another, staying in bed iscounterproductive for both of them!
17. Who says I love you first?
Peepers sort of… reveals it in a moment of distress and annoyancehoping it’ll disappear if he says it out loud. It only makes wander aware ofhis feelings and hyperaware of himself and sends him into a sudden realisationabout himself he had not seen until then. So it’s still good.
18. Who leaves little notes in the other’s onelunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
Wander. He leaves postits all the time everywhere. On the mirror, onpeeper’s shoes, in his lunch box (delivered by the cook, Mark, or one of hisassistants). It’s little things like ‘you need to eat something else, not justrations. I asked mark to give you an extra pudding today! Xxx love wander :D’and stuff like that. Plus his signature is everywhere, from decent coffee brandto sugar in his usually sugarless coffee cup, so sometimes Peepers doesn’t evenneed to find a note to know Wander was there.
19. Who tells their family/friends about theirrelationship first?
Wander again! He cant really keep a secret from Sylvia. She’s his bestpal, best friend, best everything. She has to know. Though the first one whoknows is obviously the hat. That good hat has been rooting for Wander andPeepers longer than anyone knows ;)
They’re still on the line about telling hater. The timing is never theright one and wander is still trying to convert him to good so most of the timethere’s just a lot of chasing and annoyance and a little stolen kiss behind awall while Sylvia punches the shit out of some poor watchdog… so…)
20. What do their family/friends think of theirrelationship?
Sylvia is a little… not grossed out but like, ‘peepers. Really. why. Youcould have had… anyone. Like… literally someone who isn’t a bad guy? Really?wander? Peepers???? Really? oh boy’. But she supports wander always, so shesupports him in this, too. and at first she’s suspicious about Peepersreturning his feelings but… it makes wander happy? So she will refrain frompunching the living daylights out of Peepers unless he gives her a reason to.
Once hater finds out,  he’s notsure what to think. His best friend slash second in command WITH his worstenemy slash possibly ok person to have around but really annoying when he triesto get him to do good Wander??? H O W. but.. grudging support. Eventually itgets smoothed out but Hater for a bit feels a little left out and  envious that peepers got himself a SO beforehim. isn’t he HATER THE GREATEST THAT EVER EXISTED.
(bonus sylava: when Sylvia and dee hit it up, dee just… laughs her assoff so much. SO much)
21. Who is more likely to start dancing with theother?
Wander would spontaneously request dances, and then be surprised whenpeepers actually knows how to dance.
22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
Wander experiments the most with new things and can whip up foodstarting with literally nothing (as seen in the canon show), while peepersreligiously follows the recipe point by point and almost never strays unless heKNOWS it will make the recipe better, then he just reprints the recipe with theadded tweaks and follows THAT one.
23. Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
Hater. Because hater tells them to peepers all the time and they pop upin the most inconvenient of times in peeper’s mind and it’s almost frustratinguntil he actually uses one and gets wander to giggle and then peepers is like?????????????? so cUTE BUT WHY DID YOU LAUGH AT THAT.
(how did it even wo R K)
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in theother’s ear during inappropriate times?
We had an entire episode about toilet jokes so we all know it’s wander.All the time.
25. Who needs more assurance?
Peepers requires it often! Though Wander sometimes will seek it outbecause of… things. Peepers learns to recognise those moods quickly. They’renot the best times for either of them, but they navigate through it somehow.
26. What would be their theme song?
Sorry but… I’m honestly shitty at pairing up songs with… characters orships. Unless people do it for me, points me at the songs, and I like the songand thus associate it to them. I cant do that on my own, though.
28. What do they do when they’re away from eachother?
Go on with their lives. They are people with a lot of personal freedomand require time away from each other, just like any other person. Wander is afree spirit, and peepers values his privacy and independence a lot. They docommunicate with one another through other means, like phonecalls and the like,though.
29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
W A N D E R I S A G E L E S S.(or ancient. Dont… i dont want to thinkabout this in terms of… ships… please).
30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
The f luff. So much fluff possible.
But also. Like. Reincarnation specifically for point 29, or…like, if a soul bonding happens, they get to share wander’s age. What if it’snot just possible for a pairing but like, soul bonding with any close soul thatwander feels close to and who feels the same for him. soul bonding as a group,so they all get to live forever and do their thing, knowing they will alwaysfind one another through space and time even if they are separate for acentury.
Man this sounds like it’d be a good idea for a fanfic. Huh.
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