#im an instagram veteran lmao
toonetowne · 7 months
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His name is Mickey:]
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gigsoupmusic · 5 years
Casey Reynolds Chats About Debut EP and His Climb in the Music Industry
Casey Reynolds debuted his first major EP on September 24th entitled The Way That I Am. Casey's smooth vocals, modern mix of pop and RnB, and lyrical honesty were quickly noticed.... and had us spinning this album on repeat. It's safe to say that with his debut EP release, Casey has established himself as an up-and-coming artist to watch. Fans seem to think so too as his YouTube has amassed over 5K subscribers and his music is taking off. Needless to say, we had to sit down with Casey and get the inside scoop on his big release and the momentum he is having as an artist. Read below to see what he had to say.
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Let's get started by you telling us about your recent release, 'The Way That I Am'. This is your first major EP release correct? What has the process been like to create it? Yes. The process has been insane. I was going through a bunch of things in my personal life and all of these songs just kinda spilled out all within a month and a half time frame. I was stoked to be able to create all of this. Especially to show my transparency to my supporters.  What inspired the album? Life lmao  What's your favorite song on the album? "Anxiety". This was the last song to be made on the project. I made it about a week before this was finished. It was a super last minute song that came together in about 20 min. I made the beat and literally, the whole song just made itself in that same session. It was also my most transparent song on the project. I'm at this point where I just don’t care about what anyone says anymore haha. I’m a glasshouse and I literally want to promote that it's okay to feel emotion. People are so scared to act like people now-a-days and it’s wild to me.  https://open.spotify.com/album/55tsbdYHEhxgngVcRhhKnN?si=NfcoJ5qkRTCRLaQnkxcikg Favorite lyrical line? This line stems from my song “No Love in La” I sing this line in the pre-hook that says “sipping on this drink that’s made for two, I barely know your name hardly know mine too, but that's all I think I need. LA got that type of thing.” Just stating that everyone in this city is very surface leveled. Im still figuring myself out every day too and thats okay.  You not only write the lyrics and music, but you also produce. How does that effect the creative process? Did you create this EP by yourself?  It enhances tenfold. I'm able to really feel what I'm making. I find it hard to even get on beats that I didn’t make unless I had an initial hand in constructing. I take pride in being like “Yo, I'm literally a one man show. I honestly don’t need anyone.” I had no help in learning this thing coming up, so I had to force myself to make it happen. I did create this project myself; however, I'm thankful for the small network I have of producer friends now. Shout outs to my boy from my hometown Reno, NV, Allen Lewis for creating the bass lines for "Anxiety" & "No Love in LA". Shout outs to my boy Platinum Dyl for creating all the drums for "Stay With You" and shout to my boy Kasper for taking my skeleton of a guitar riff I wrote for "Partially" and turning it into a pop masterpiece. Y’all are the real MVPS.  Why did you choose the song "The Way That I Am" as the title of the album? All of these songs were representing a different side of me. I'm also just promoting that it's okay to be transparent. I often get asked “how do you do what you do, or what made you say this or think this?” My answer often is, it's just “the way that I am”. I'm also leaning into taking my branding this direction. Being ok with being see through and still being confident enough to be a fire person and thrive.
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Tell us about your musical career. How did you get your start? What moments have led you to today? It stems from being young watching my grandpa play guitar. I was always so intrigued anytime I would watch him play with his friends. I've been raised around music my whole life; however, I didn’t start making music until I was 16. I dabbled with dropping stuff but didn’t take it as serious until I was 18. When I was 18 I was like “Yo, I'm a rapper now” and changed my name to D-Rey. That was an era of like 2-3 years I did that. I went on my first tour, got placed on the hometown radio for the first time and initially got a taste of getting a little bit of recognition locally. I was 20-21 now and was over the whole rapper phase. I killed off D-Rey and became my genuine self as “Casey Reynolds” aka Case. I moved to LA at 22 with my business partner who I created a filming production company with (Thats another story I'll get into when the time is right). I went full fledge into music as hard as I could. No real job, just my production company and music. I've been out in LA 2 years with no real job and just a passion for music and filming. Made a crazy network for myself of veterans in the music video industry as well as up and comers in the music circle who have helped shape me into what I am today. Today as of Sep 25th 2019, I have never felt closer to making this happen. My fanbase on Instagram has been insane. The momentum has been insane. The feedback has been insane. I'm really about to do this and I appreciate everyone holding me down. It has been a longgggg time coming.  What can fans expect next? New videos, New music. Probably another project soon and more merch. Cant forget the merch. Read the full article
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holycowbrowniekitty · 7 years
Thoughts on 3rd Rokkaku (Cast & Songs)
Thoughts on Rokkaku 3rd
Since Rikkai has started, and of course a new Rokkkaku song is there, I thought now would be the best time to write my opinion on the DVD from Rokkaku. I have not watched it live, so this rant may be a bit lacking, but I'll try my best anyways. Please note that everything under the cut is only my opinion and definitely not representative for everyone and may contain errors.
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More under the cut
Overall Wow, this is a really cute team! It seems that they kept the fresh and lively behaviour of Rokkaku, but in comparison with 2nd, they're a bit toned down, and compared with 1st they're a lot more fresh so I'd say it's a mix between both. Since this group has a lot of age differences, it's a bit harder to see their "cameraderie", but they did a good job and I feel like they will definitely grow as a team.
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They’re a silly team
Yashiro Takuya - Aoi Kentarou Okay. This Aoi is definitely my most favorite Aoi (until now). The thing I immediately felt from him was his maturity, especially in the case of a character like Aoi, who practically exists to be cute and hyper. If not for his seniors, I would definitely have thought that he was the most professional actor in Rokkaku. He's well rehearsed, as is apparent in his speeches that tend to be very scripted and don't make a lot of place for emotions and crying, despite being one of the youngest members. Even in comparison with Miura, I believe he was a very good captain in correlation with his age. Of course he has his natural cuteness going for him, which is a 10 (sorry dude that you have to shave your hair), when I first saw the casting I was really dying because of his cute face. 
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When someone slips into your shot but somehow it isn’t Saeki or Ryou.
Things I especially liked about him were the moments after his playstyle was revealed. Not only his movements, but also his expressions and general feeling changed into something a lot more dynamic and terrifying, much like in the BaneDavi match. That said, he does an amazing switch between his three personas, the professional off stage, the "I want to be popular" on stage and the "I will definitely beat you" in his match.
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Arguably not the best picture
Futaba Kaname - Saeki Kojirou Saeki is by far my least favorite member of Rokkaku, because I usually view him as a enrichened white slice of bread. When I first saw the casting visual of Saeki, I did not have a lot of expections, and I was not in the mood to stalk Kaname's twitter a lot. Now that I've watched the musical, I have only one thing to say. Wow, this dude is handsome. Is it shallow? Perhaps. He has a big mouth, which makes for weird singing faces. But when he doesn't he manages to look handsome 99% of the time, and his smile really helps with that. Uh I should return to gushing about personality right. Saeki is a whimiscal, perfect, and oblivious character that tends to annoy the shit out of me. Futaba nailed that part absolutely. Things that come to mind are the adlibs: "No, I'm not popular at all" upon which Kenchan calls him out like the big fat liar he is. Same for the "Am I not a god?". He totally knows it. 
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So, you wanna fuckin go Fuji?
A different part that Futaba portrayed extremely well, probably a part of his own personality was his "coolness". He practically screamed "Kakkoii" and sometimes it felt like he needed no effort at all. He's probably the heartthrob of many new enrolled Rokkaku 3rd fans lmao. My favorite part of Saeki was when he got slapped by Ryou. All in all, Kaname was very Saeki, a lot more oblivious than 2nd and really cool.
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How uselessly handsome
Hinata Kento - Kurobane Harukaze MUSCLE MAN. Bane was always a big bro in my eyes, emphasis on bro, but after Rokkaku 3rd I feel like it has changed to big. When casting was revealed, I remarked that his face was really cool, but when I stalked him on instagram and came to know that he was super duper ripped as well, I knew this was the Bane in my heart. Mossan is still my pedestal Bane, and it hasn't changed, but I heartily accept this Bane. Kento made good use of Bane's speech style, had a lot of very little interactions that made his character come alive and was good at the "DAVIDE I'M GOING TO KILL YOU". 
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He was especially good at these faces
A minor point was that he didn't nearly laugh as much, since he was too busy with his Tsukkomi. From his twitter, he has a really huge smile, but in play itself, it seemed like it got pushed away, so I missed his bro. Moments I appreciated of him were for example mouthing the whole song of Onna no kara chuu, needing Davide's retribution slap and being some sort of mentor senior thing to the same aged Shudo. ShudoBane friendship lived in this one, and the same happened with Ryou, so that part was very appreciated.
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This is what the BaneDavi dynamic felt like.
Shinnosuke Takagi -  Itsuki Marehiko Not a lot can be said of him, because with Icchan being my favorite character, he has absolutely 0 screentime, which makes for a hard time trying to know what the heck he's doing really. As usual, they left out the part where they mention that Icchan is a sensitive (clam gatherer) player, which quite adds to his character, but it seemed they casted on looks and not on noseness (can't blame them). Each generation of Icchans seems to get a lot cuter as well, which I really don't mind. Now, as to what I think about Shinnosuke, it's probably that he really looks like a nice person. I really can't exaggerate and be like OMG HE'S SUCH A CUTE MINI BUCHOU, he's super handsome and cool wtf, WHAT A BRO THE MUSCLES AAH... Nope I can only think of how nice he looks, or quoting a fellow Rokkaku fan: "He is shaped like a friend." And he is, I would definitely want to be friends with him. He looks like a total mom as well.
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Yes, position for mom is still open
Moments I liked about him were in the senshuuraku, with the adlibs, when Bane and co go to kidnap Saeki in order to kill him, he crouched down in his fetus position, which I though was a really nice touch, since it's kind of the trait how I fell in love with him (and subsequently became a Rokkaku stan OKAY I KNOW A BOY CRYING UNDER A PIER IS NOT THE BEST PROPAGANDA BUT IM WEAK). Another part is when Davide slaps Bane, and Bane slaps Shudo. His concerned face is really adorable and Icchan like.
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With Saeki, he just makes fun of him
Sakagaki Reiji - Amane Hikaru Oof this is my struggling point. Again, I'll admit that my first impressions of him were..biased. That's to say, he looked like a fish. After stalking even more media, I was really convinced that they chose the worst face. He looked dead in all kind of media, and he didn't know how to shave probably, which was not really bothering me but it made for quite an enigmatic figure. When the cringy introduction videos were released, it was then that I accepted him, as he had a very Davide feeling in his puns. So in the looks department, he was definitely not lacking when it came to the stageplay itself. Holycow he was so cool and uh, mature in the more adult way? He definitely got a shot of Shiraishi I think lol. He was the objective best one in singing and dancing I believe, (SHAKE THOSE HIPS) and had a really cool feeling. He lacked a bit in the acting department (all his shit eating grins come to mind), but he was a very good choice for a musical that is usually populated with inexperienced actors. 
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Rennaisance worthy On what his Davide was, wow Davide you're such a shit. It felt like he changed the "dependent" Davide to the "brat" Davide. It felt a bit more off, since I was really used to the sweet cat that 2nd was, and not the shit cat 3rd, but in the end, I'm really weak to assholes, so I kinda liked his interpretation. All in all, I prefer the characterization of 2nd, while also appreciating how shitty 3rd was. I have no particular favorite moment of him, perhaps I would say the "Sumash ni Shimasu", line he had in his match. Somehow he looked really really cool there.
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A super cool Mizuki twirl
Sato Yugo - Kisarazu Ryou Ah, this Kisarazu wasn't nearly as vain as fancy as I wished for him to be, simply because Yugo seems too sweet for me.  Yugo was pretty much my fav actor from pre-Rokkaku (cause again, I'm weak to tears) and I was looking forward to tears in Rokkaku, but it seems like he has hardened into a veteran Tenimyu. In comparison with 2nd, he missed a little bit of the outgoing bitch personality and instead became the more canon introvert bitch.
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Protecting your hair is your first defensive mechanism?
What can I say about Yugo, except him being buff but still pretty enough to pull of the horrible wig. He definitely makes Ryou a lot more capable, with his breakdancing and all which adds a cute touch. I feel like he did a very good job at portraying the somewhat more, petty side of Ryou. Moments that come to mind are like when Saeki entrusts his jersey to Ryou, upon which Ryou gracefully accepts it, folds it and then sweeps it off the bench to the ground or pushes it to Shudo. Also the Saeki slap. That's still such a beautiful moment.
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Dumping your responsibilities on the team pet
Chiba Kota Shudo Satoshi Would it be hypocritical to say that this guy is my fav actor now despite having the least to say about him? He's horribly cute, has a really nice face and looks like a really nice guy. The thing I was suprised by was his voice. It doesn't seem to fit his face at all, but it's so lively and has a raspy cuteness to it. That said, while I thought that he would be a lot more calm and cute offstage, it seems that he really keeps the Shudo persona in both places. While I characterized Shudo as a brave, somewhat more stoïc individual that happened to make stupid choices, they really decided to exaggerate his character in a very pleasant way, which translated to YOLO AHAHAHA WHAT IS THIS DRINK non preservation mode Shudo. My second OTP after Saegoku is ShudoRyou, and while I don't really want to relate this to the actors, ShudoRyou lived during the stage.
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Especially the adlib with Satoshi-kun and Ryou-chan was everything I needed to establish a beautiful scenario in my mind. Another moment was Shudo jumping on the bench and pushing of Kisarazu, after which gets Shudo of the bench again. The Inui adlibs could get a bit repetitive, but it's okay, seeing Shudo roll off screen multiple times makes anyone's day brighter. I love Shudo. Protect him from himself.
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He has a really precious  :<> expression
Nice People Good People You know, the name of the song already killed me. And I will be honest, the first thing I thought when I watched this song was how horrible it was compared to the other super cool songs the other schools got. However, after 500 repeats, I grew to like it as the best most ultimate good song that tenimyu could deliver. It seems like Rokkaku now has a theme that focusses on geometry lol? Everything about it was really cute, though I have to admit that the singing felt more like shouting in a melodious way to me. Bane and Amane didn't stand out, they were more like shouting all the time, but it was the first time I could see how captivating Reiji was as Davide. Icchan looked like a happy man, and Saeki was needlessly cool of course. I really liked the choreography they did between BaneDavi and SaeIcchan's singing parts, the circling while turning on the beat was somehow really cute... Aoi looked a bit constipated, but that's what usually happens when you always close your eyes and have a relatively big mouth. After all, Kisarazu's performance was the first one that didn't immediately sounded like shouting to me and his experience was really apparent. Shudo was shouty, but his happy face when Kisarazu is singing and he is pointing his racket around was really adorable. A Rokkaku worthy song, not enough wiggle, but a very fun choreography, needs more geometry.
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Shabadada Adult. I never imagined i would like Shabadaba as much as I absolutely loved Scatto scat, but BaneDavi blew me away, partly due to how amazing Davide was in that one. His dancing was perfect, and it was at that moment that I accepted that Sakagaki would definitely be the Davide closest to the actual David statue. Again, shake those hips and shoulders. I'm glad they decided to put in a shoulder pump Bane line,cause thats what Bane's all about. Bane unfortunately didn't get a lot of solo singing time, and when he did, he was shouting his way through so that was a minor point, but his arm muscles and beautiful exaggerated expressions made up for it. All in all, Sakagaki is really really handsome.
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Why is this here? Someone explain
Acrobatic and genius Futaba unfortunatly didn't have the smooth voice 2nd had, which he made up for with sheer power. He ended his lines very breathy, something I definitely didn't expect since his music videos (okay I stalked his media a little) had him with a very light voice, that he somehow exchanged in the musical for a deep voice.I think he still can improve a lot on it, if he somehow managed to get rid of the unecessary vocal inflexions (lol no idea what im talking about). The song was a great example of how uselessly handsome Saeki is, really a big but handsome  showoff. Shinchan did pretty as well despite falling short of breath a lot of times. I could imagine his voice as being a bit nasally though, so it was all fine.
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Saeki, stop overcompensating, Icchan , your collar is adorable
Onna no kara chuu By far my favorite new song that Rokkaku got, MINI BUCHOU IS THE CUTEST. Not only did Takuya really surprise me with his vocal evenness (I expected nothing since his voice sounded like Horio to me at first) he also seems to have a natural happy and cheery feeling to him in the song, which couldn't really be said for other Aoi's. The song also got a lot more cooler, this time also adressing the pressure playstyle a bit more. 
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BaneDavi cheering on mini Buchou from the stands, I believe Saeki would have liked that place too
The second part is the benchwork. Ranging from Ryou benig fussy about his hair when Kenchan sings about women, to Icchan's preliminary kisses and Shudo having this enourmous MWAH kiss. Speaking about kisses, it seems like Saeki, Bane and Amane put more focus on the "cool" airkisses and Ryou on the direct kiss, but uh that's definitely not what this song is about right. Other cute parts include Kento mouthing parts of the songs, Yugo doing a really agressive hagu hagu, but like very agressive, Davide accidentally falling of the stand during the chorus and Bane repriminding him a little bit (Reiji really makes a lot of mistakes huh). The choreography was a mix between chicken dance and some japanese girlish idol band, which I absolutely don't mind. Yes, give me more super adorable buchou songs. One day I want to compare all the buchou solo songs, ranging from Tachibana's impressive Kejime, Tezuka's powerful stoic songs, really fancy Atobe songs, Gangsta mafiosa Kite, Shiraishi's ecstasy and Yukimura's god songs VS mini buchou who wants to kiss a girl. Best buchou.
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Various expression of chuus
Conclusion I love Rokkaku 3rd. I'm really looking forward to their party song in Rikkai (apparently Saeki rocks his solo) and more adlibs. There is so much more to say, but I'm afraid I've gone on too long.
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Thanks for withstanding this mini essay!!
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