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justharmless · 3 years ago
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The new Tree House facility in S. Deerfield
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tamtam-rev3 · 4 years ago
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わたぬき / 京都醸造 岩塩とローズマリーを副原料に使ったケトルサワー(乳酸菌発酵のサワー)。穏やかな乳酸菌由来の発酵臭とアプリコットのような華々しいフルーツの香り、そしてほのかにジャミーなアロマがある。飲むと酸味はそこそこ強く、一方で岩塩を効かせたことによりむしろ丸みがあり(これはディスクリプションを読むまでわからなかった)、同時にジューシーな感じもある。どこか野性的な香りもする。疲れた身体に酸味が心地いい。 #kyotobrewing #kyoto #fruitedsour #fruitbeer #fruitsour #craftbeer #beer #instabeer #beerstagram #beersnob #ilovecraftbeer #craftbeerporn #クラフトビール #kettlesour #sourbeer https://www.instagram.com/p/CREaNPCljuM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pilgrimageofthehops · 5 years ago
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Finally got down to @cerebralbrewing to pick up an order for this weekend. So excited to crack into these!! What's your favorite Cerebral Beer?? . . . . #craftbeer ##beer #hopstraveler #beergeek #drinklocal #instabeer #instagood #craftbeerlover #beerporn #ilovebeer #craftbeernation #ilovecraftbeer #beerstagram #craftbeercommunity #doubleipa #ipa #pilsner #witbier #westcoastipa #saison #grisettebeer #wildale #barrelaged (at Cerebral Brewing) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDWtnjOJyRp/?igshid=1hjpj7l7p6xxs
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craftybrewrankers-blog · 5 years ago
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For those of us missing summer, here is a post to lift your spirits! #oskarbluesbrewery #beachvibes #imisssummer #palmtrees #craftbeerlife #craftbeer #ilovebeer #ilovecraftbeer #brews #beerbeerbeer #raiseyourglass #beerblog #craftbeerblog #instabeer #beerstagram #beerme #beernation #oceanblue (at Bridgeville, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4gRPJBlj23/?igshid=3r1gluome3w6
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stephloveslove · 6 years ago
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Phoenix isn’t known for its brewery scene, but @not_tyler_durden and I are going to try as many as we can find. We’re so happy that @state48brewery was recommended to us because we loved everything about the place! #ilovecraftbeer #dtphx (at State 48 Brewery - DTPHX) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwnvr0lFqg_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qhpopou1w4ox
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ilovecraftbeer · 7 years ago
This blog has been idle for way too long!
I still love craft beer and I know way more about beer than when I first started this blog way back in March of 2011. 
Cheers to new beginnings!
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omnombeer · 4 years ago
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• Sourbit - Cherry & Strawberry • @hopalaabrewery 🇱🇻 • Sour Ale • 7% ABV Our 3-way collab returns to Latvia and Hopalaa brewery. Tonight we dive into their Sourbit series, starting with: Cherry & Strawberry 🍒🍓 Cherries, strawberries, cocoa nibs, sea salt, lactose and vanilla beans have been used to brew this extraordinary madness. 🇳🇿 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 @maltytasker and @neil_beersnob Be sure to check out their thoughts on this. The sourbit itself ⬇️ It pours slight cloudy rapberry-red. Big fast fading Light pink head. Sour combination of cherries and strawberry juice on the nose. Big strawberry presence in taste. Notes of Cherries and redcurrant establish a sour and slight tarty swirl. Traces of Vanilla and lactose can be found. But not really getting the cocoa nibs. But no worries. Finish is short and dry strawberry dominated. 🍓 If you like fruity, sour and super refreshing ales. Do no hesitate. This one is for you! 🍻 #hopalaa x #kiwifinnandscotwalkintoabar x #sourale x #fruitedsour x #cherrybeer x #strawberrybeer x #latviancraftbeer x #alus x #canart x #beerart x #ilovecraftbeer x #instabeer x #beerstagram x #beerbros x #beerbloggers x #beerreviews x #craftbeerpics x #beertography x #craftbeerculture x #craftbeercommunity x #hopalaabrewery x #cocoanibs x #alus x #craftbeers x #craftbeerpics x #sourbeer x #sourbeers x #Fruitbeer x #instabeer x #beerphoto (at Jakobstad) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN74XC1Jo4y/?igshid=1qwev9zaloaku
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allcraftswelcome · 4 years ago
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Hoodies and tee's with an appalachian beer scene! Now available. Mountain Momma Mia! . . . . #westvirginia #newrivergorge #newrivergorgebridge #gameday #bridgeday #wvu #wildandwonderful #countryroads #almostheaven #marshalluniversity #Allcraftswelcome #beersofinstagram, #craftbeerstagram #music #drinkcraftnotcrap #drinkcraftbeer #instabeer #instacraftbeer #ilovecraftbeer #wishyouwerebeer https://www.instagram.com/p/CHA1YX2lcbL/?igshid=1twhrnx8l8ezi
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justharmless · 6 years ago
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Got to visit my happy place!
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brewheads-blog · 7 years ago
Check out this weeks video! Click the link in our profile! @backeastbrewing #suzygreenberg #BHE3 #craftbeer #craftnotcrap #brewcrew #craftbeer #beer #beers #beerstagram #booze #guyswhodrinkbeer #hophead #hopheads #hops #ctcraftbeer #ctbeer #beergeeks #drinkcraft #craftbeerlife #ilovecraftbeer #automotive #auto #mustwatch
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bendbeeryoga-blog · 7 years ago
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You Asked For it Bend! Bend Beer Yoga is Coming to @threecreeksbrewing in Sisters! . . #threecreeksbrewing #sistersoregon #inbend #bendoregon #bendbeerisbetter #beer yoga #craftbeerlife #craftbeerlover #craftbeergeek #craftbeers #craftbeerjunkie #craftbeerlover #beersnob #beernerd #craftbeergirl #dutchbeer #drinkcraft #ilovebeer #ilovecraftbeer #craftbeers #craftnotcrap #craftbrew #bier #instabeer #beerstagram #craftbeergirl #craftbeer #instabeer #beertstagram #craftbeerstagram #craftcans #craftbeernotcrapbeer #CentralOregon (at Bend, Oregon)
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thesundaybeer · 5 years ago
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Bringing in the New Year in style here on #thesundaybeer - LIKE IF YOU ❤️🍺 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ Here we have the ‘Galactica’ double #IPA from @clownshoesbeer - the artwork says it all with this one, beer is out of this world!! Love the flavor and great mouth feel 👍🏻👌🏼 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Style: Double IPA ABV: 8% Taste: 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺 Artwork: 🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Till next time...Cheers!! 🍺🍻 . . . #instabeer #beerbeerbeer #beeradvocate #craftbeers #beerlover #birra #beernerd #craftbeer #craftbeerlife #craftbeerlover #beertime #beerme #beerlove #ilovecraftbeer #beerstagram #beer #beergarden #drinklocal #beerlovers #craftbeerporn #beergeek #beertography #beerhouse #beers #ipa #beerporn (at Clown Shoes Beer) https://www.instagram.com/p/B60kwusJVc6/?igshid=1qccq2nzic3ke
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craftybrewrankers-blog · 5 years ago
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This #abominationbrewingcompany Bro Beer Crushable Session ipa comes in at 4.7% abv! This beer is very aromatic with grapefruit, tangerine and bready malt on the nose. The taste is of tangerine, mango, grapefruit and a slight pine. The finish is dry with slight peppery floral notes! This is a great beer and it has all those neipa qualities! #craftbeercollection #craftbeerbar #craftbeerlover #craftbeerhunter #craftbeerofinstagram #ilovecraftbeer #iloveipas #ipa #dipaporn #craftbeer #craftbeernerd #craftbeerblog #craftbeernation #juicyhops #beerenthusiast #craftbeergeek #craftbeerculture #drinkcraftbeer #craftbeersnob #bier #cervesa #hazyipas #neipa #stanford #twelvepercentbeerproject (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6UtJkuJuHd/?igshid=189c0ss068xiw
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thedanishbeerblogger · 5 years ago
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Christmas Craft Beer Food Pairing🍺🍽️🤶🎄🎅 That's the theme for this years Christmas craft beer reviews. Beer and food pairing is a new area for me as well, and I hope you will join me into this new, exciting adventure. I also hope you will learn from the mistakes I make along the way, so you can get the right Christmas craft beers for your Christmas dinners. Once again, thank you for following and feel free to share your opinion along the way🙏 The following breweries / craft beer sellers are included this year: @amagerbryghus @beerherebrewery @braunsteinofficial @fanoebryghus @furbryghus @grauballebryghus @hancock_bryggerierne @hetanker #craftbeerculture #craftbeersnob #craftbeerstagram #craftbeerpics #bebamenosbebamelhor #ビアスタグラム #крафтовоепиво #啤酒  #크래프트맥주#beerblog #piworzemieślnicze #instacerveja #beertasting #craftbeerjunkie #ilovecraftbeer #instabeerofficial #specialøl  (her: Kolding, Denmark) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5fg2hAlMTs/?igshid=1fwcftnonipl3
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joesliquor · 5 years ago
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Just in finally in stock from @puffbarofficial with #bananaice now available @joesliquor for $9.99 🔥 🔥𝐁𝐔𝐘 𝐍𝐎𝐖 @ 🔗 www.joesliquor.com🔗 🌎𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊 𝐈𝐍 𝐁𝐈𝐎 🔥 🔥 🔥 #canyoncountry #saugus #newhall #valencia #stevensonranch #sandcanyon #craftbeer #bottleshop #craftshop #beerporn #beergeek #ilovecraftbeer #craftbeerheaven #joesliquorscv #puff #puffbar (at Joes Liquor SCV) https://www.instagram.com/p/B46fxAoF2Ho/?igshid=hv45xt920ghd
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taptraveler · 5 years ago
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Do you hike with beer? I've never done it until our road trip earlier this autumn. Maybe I'm used to longer hikes but I'm always thinking about how heavy the beer is and how it will get warm. Our daughter forced us to take shorter treks and when we took a spur to a rocky beach with full sun it was natural to share a beer. In this case, an @sgbco Northern Logger that we'd tasted the night before in Thunder Bay, Ontario. If there was ever a beer you'd take on a hike it would be a Kölsch. I'm still on the fence regarding hiking with beer. Sell me on it. #taptraveler #kolsch #beersofinstagram #beerpics #beerstagrammers #beerphotography #craftbeerpics #beerphoto #brewtography #microbrew #beertime #craftbeergeek #craftbeeronly #craftbeernation #craftbeerculture #ilovecraftbeer #beerblog #drinkcraftbeer #thunderbay #ontario #canadianbeer #sleepinggiant (at Sleeping Giant Provincial Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Uus-HF7OD/?igshid=1vp1h2dvk5p5d
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