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nailatem · 2 years ago
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@browar.magic.road Perfect Brunch #craftbeer #cervezaartesana #craftbeeroftheday #craftbeeralways #cervezaartesanadeldia #craftbeerforall #craftbeergram #instacraftbeer #craftbeerneverdies #polishcraftbeer #browarmagicroad #pastryimperialstout #imperialpastrysour #imperialstout #stoutale #stouthunter #stout (en Cádiz) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqA2Wdbt5LO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ontariobeerguy-blog · 6 years ago
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Birra Roma Bionda 5.2% 🇮🇹🍺🇮🇹🍺🇮🇹🍺🇮🇹🍺🇮🇹 #craftbeergeek #drinklocal #beerlife #craftbeerdrinker #like4like #craftbeerlife #beersofinstagram #beer #craftbeernation #igbrewcrew #craftbrewing #brewerylife #craftbeer #craftbeernerd #craftbeernotcrap #drinkgoodbeer #drinkcraftnotcrap #craftbeerlover #ilovebeer #instacraftbeer #instabeer #beertography #italy #italiancraftbeer #craftbeeritaly #craftbeeritalian 🇮🇹🍺🇮🇹🍺🇮🇹🍺🇮🇹🍺🇮🇹 (at Pratola, Abruzzi, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsJTmwmgH2-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=eucr1sxsc5yp
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beernbsshow · 4 years ago
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Need a podcast fix between our episodes? Check out a new show from Washington State USA - Hazy Sessions. Two friends exploring craft beer and sharing their thoughts with the world via the show. Follow them at @hazy.sessions or by visiting www.linktr.ee/hazy.sessions to listen to the show. . Show them some love and give them a follow. . #beer #craftbeer #beerstagram #beerporn #instabeer #beeroftheday #craftbeergeek #beergram #lovebeer #craftbeers #beertasting #beeroclock #beerfan #instacraftbeer #realbeer #beerphotos #podcast #instapodcast #podcasters #podcastshow #newpodcast #podcastepisode #podcastersofinstagram #podcastlove #bullshit #newepisode #comedy (at Quirky Ales) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNXLOE_ldjR/?igshid=wik6rrbdhx1h
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allcraftswelcome · 4 years ago
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Hoodies and tee's with an appalachian beer scene! Now available. Mountain Momma Mia! . . . . #westvirginia #newrivergorge #newrivergorgebridge #gameday #bridgeday #wvu #wildandwonderful #countryroads #almostheaven #marshalluniversity #Allcraftswelcome #beersofinstagram, #craftbeerstagram #music #drinkcraftnotcrap #drinkcraftbeer #instabeer #instacraftbeer #ilovecraftbeer #wishyouwerebeer https://www.instagram.com/p/CHA1YX2lcbL/?igshid=1twhrnx8l8ezi
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juntoscomcerveja · 5 years ago
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🇧🇷Antony's⁣ 🍺Milk Stout⁣ ☢️6% ABV⁣ ☣️20 IBU⁣ ⁣ Chegamos na metade da semana, meus queridos. E ai, já tá ansios@ pra sexta❓Calma que falta pouco✌️⁣ ⁣ Nessa quarta nossa nova funcionária, Lara Craft, deu uma de Indiana Jones e ficou de guardiã dessa delícia de cerveja.⁣ E o Hop, como de costume, segue nos acompanhando na degustação. Lobo bebum 🍺🐺👍⁣ ⁣ O fato é que todos nós provamos e aprovamos 👏⬇️⁣ ⁣ 🖌️Rótulo bem bonito, com letras chamativas e cores que já remetem ao estilo.⁣ ⁣ 👃No aroma, notamos um café com leite evidente, apoiado em notas de chocolate.⁣ ⁣ 👅No paladar, o dulçor prevalece, sendo ajustado por leve amargor que não permite a cerveja ficar tão doce, o que é ótimo. Sabores que, novamente, remete ao chocolate meio amargo e algo proximo a um Capuccino.⁣ ⁣ 🧐Adoramos essa cerveja. Bem aromática e saborosa, com álcool perceptível no final, mas sem prejudicar a experiência. Ótima cerveja pra um café da manhã, pois lembra bastante 😍⁣ ➡️O Café da Manhã dos Campeões⬅️⁣ ⁣ Como diz na lata:⁣ "Nunca Diga, Dessa Stout Não Beberei"⁣ Pois estará perdendo uma experiência incrível.⁣ ⁣ ❓Já provou essa cerveja? Conhece outras da @antonysbeer ? O que achou da postagem❓⁣ ⁣ Saúde 🍻⁣ Beba Com Moderação 👍⁣ Se Beber, Não Dirija 🚫⁣ Lave Bem As Mãos 👏⁣ Fique Em Casa 🏠⁣ ⁣ #beer #drink #cerveja #beeroftheday #cervezas #beeradvocate #beergram #goodbeer #bebida #beerfan #cervejabrasileira #craftbeeronly #stoutbeer #cervejaboa #instacraftbeer #realbeer #ineedabeer #cervezasartesanales #juntoscomcerveja #antonys #stout #milkstout #laracroft #bebamenosbebamelhor (em Jundiaí) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDzeHdKJF7g/?igshid=1mayep4idkl0k
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relicsnrust · 8 years ago
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It's the start of the weekend and our friends over at Pistonhead Lager have just released these mixed packs of beer... 👌 🍻 Repost from @pistonheadlager - 🍺🍺**IMPORTANT BEER ANNOUNCEMENT!**🍺🍺 Something very exciting has just landed in Sainsbury's! Say HELLO to the Pistonhead Mixed 6 pack, currently available in 1000 Sainsburys stores in the UK! #craftbeer #beerporn #beersnob #killerbeerphotos #craftbeerunited #craftbeeru #beer #beerporn #beerstagram #beergeek #beersofinstagram #craftbeerlife#craftbeer #craftbeerporn#craftbeersofinstagram #craftbeerstagram #craftbeergeek #drinkcraft #drinkcraftbeer #instabeer #instacraftbeer #craftbeerbeautiful #craftbrewselfies #craftbeermovement #ilovecraftbeer #mycraftbeerlife #craftbrewselfies - #kustomkulture #relicsnrust
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chengnewq · 6 years ago
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The Wildcrafting Brewer Creating Unique Drinks and Boozy Concoctions from Nature’s Ingredients! Look at this book, know the most ambient to nature brewing! #ebook #craftbrew #craftbrewing#homebrew #beer #brewing #brewbeer #homebrewery #book #beersmith #homebrewlife #homebrewed #hops #allgrain #allgrainbrewing #malt #recipe #instabook #Instacraftbeer #food #Instagram #china #家酿啤酒 #精酿啤酒 #山东 #济宁 #济宁市 #desire https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs2NL9DA5xZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1naxzuyvexcgn
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thefallenprinces-blog · 8 years ago
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Addicted to @microbrasserievoxpopuli Double Fruit Punch IPA. Great can art followed by a great tasting beer! . . . . . #beerswithpeps #beers #beerexplorer #beerstagram #instabeer #instacraftbeer #craftbeergeek #craftbeervigilantes #craftyfollow #followbeer #ialsofindbeerenjoyable #fruitpunch #ipa #quebec #ottawa #picoftheday (at Ottawa, Ontario)
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nailatem · 2 years ago
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@garagebeerco Calvell 45 #craftbeer #cervezaartesana #craftbeeroftheday #craftbeeralways #cervezaartesanadeldia #craftbeerforall #craftbeergram #instacraftbeer #craftbeerweekend #garagebeerco #sourale #fruitedsour #berlinerweisse #bcnweisse #sourhunter #sourlovers #sourbeer (en Cádiz) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-PeiCtTle/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ontariobeerguy-blog · 6 years ago
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Wow. This beer was Fantastic Menabrea Bionda Premium Lager 4.8%. 🎄🇮🇹🍻🎄🇮🇹🍻🎄 Christmas in Italy 🇮🇹 #craftbeergeek #drinklocal #beerlife #craftbeerdrinker #like4like #craftbeerlife #beersofinstagram #beer #craftbeernation #igbrewcrew #craftbrewing #brewerylife #craftbeer #craftbeernerd #craftbeernotcrap #drinkgoodbeer #drinkcraftnotcrap #craftbeerlover #ilovebeer #instacraftbeer #instabeer #beertography #italy #italiancraftbeer #craftbeeritaly #craftbeeritalian 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹 (at Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br3YkmgglZX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=93888mi2d586
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beernbsshow · 4 years ago
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One of the statements is bullshit, the other four are true. Listen to the show to find out which is which. . Get the show at www.beernbs.com or by searching 'Beer n BS Show'wherever you get your podcasts from. . #beer #craftbeer #beerstagram #beerporn #instabeer #beeroftheday #craftbeergeek #beergram #lovebeer #craftbeers #beertasting #beeroclock #beerfan #instacraftbeer #realbeer #beerphotos #podcast #instapodcast #podcasters #podcastshow #newpodcast #podcastepisode #podcastersofinstagram #podcastlove #bullshit #newepisode #porter #comedy (at Quirky Ales) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNCj1DWFvEh/?igshid=1c1jgeuipwkee
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allcraftswelcome · 4 years ago
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Hoodies and tee's with an appalachian beer scene! Now available. Mountain Momma Mia! . . . . #westvirginia #newrivergorge #newrivergorgebridge #gameday #bridgeday #wvu #wildandwonderful #countryroads #almostheaven #marshalluniversity #Allcraftswelcome #beersofinstagram, #craftbeerstagram #music #drinkcraftnotcrap #drinkcraftbeer #instabeer #instacraftbeer #ilovecraftbeer #wishyouwerebeer https://www.instagram.com/p/CHA0ZwFlWbu/?igshid=yvpldd1ribo1
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juntoscomcerveja · 5 years ago
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🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿Fuller's "ESB"⁣ 🍺Extra Special Bitter⁣ ☢️5.9% ABV⁣ ☣️35 IBU⁣ 💸Boxer Beer @boxerbeer⁣ ⁣ Que tal começar a semana com o pé direito, apreciando uma boa cerveja e trazendo mais sabor para seu dia❓⁣ ⁣ Para isso, vamos de uma clássica que possui excelente custo-benefício... A ESB da @fullers⁣ ⁣ 🖌️Uma bela lata, com um azul metálico bem chamativo e elegante.⁣ ⁣ 👃Aroma predominantemente maltado e com toques sutis levando ao lúpulo, mas bem discretos.⁣ ⁣ 👅Paladar seguindo o aroma, com maltado evidente e presente durante toda a experiência. Possível notar um leve cítrico, bem tímido, no final.⁣ ⁣ 🧐Uma cerveja muito boa, que representou muito bem o estilo ESB. Teve um valor bem interessante, deixando seu CxB muito bom. Recomendamos para todos que gostam do estilo ou querem conhecer. Cerveja com qualidade FULLER'S.⁣ ⁣ ❓E então como passou o fim de semana? Já provou essa cerveja❓⁣ ⁣ Saúde 🍻⁣ Beba Com Moderação 👍⁣ Se Beber, Não Dirija 🚫⁣ Lave Bem As Mãos 👏⁣ Fique Em Casa 🏠⁣ ⁣ #craftbeer #beerstagram #cervejaartesanal #beerus #beeroftheday #cervezas #beergram #lovebeer #cervejasespeciais #beerfan #beerleague #abeer #craftbeeronly #cervejaboa #instacraftbeer #realbeer #ineedabeer #beerphotos #cervezartesanal #beerhall #beercation #juntoscomcerveja (em São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDboJdbpC9h/?igshid=bbh7kbrdh0d8
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relicsnrust · 8 years ago
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Is it Weekend yet?? Pistonhead Lager T-shirts now in stock at Relics n Rust. @pistonheadlager #relicsnrust #kustomkulture #tattoos #tattooed #tameside #manchester #barbershop #barbers #pistonheadlager #craftbeer #craftbeerporn #craftbeersofinstagram #craftbeerstagram #craftbeergeek #drinkcraft #drinkcraftbeer #instabeer #instacraftbeer #hotrods #hotrod #bobbers #scooters #vw #ratrods #lifestyleshop #volkswagens
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chengnewq · 6 years ago
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新疆羊肉手抓饭 羊肉手抓饭所需食材: 1.科尔沁羊肉一斤。 2.胡萝卜、洋葱各一个,姜一块。 3.花椒、酱油、料酒根据个人口味而定。 4.大米半斤。 制作羊肉手抓饭流程 1.将羊肉、胡萝卜和洋葱洗净切好,将料酒、花椒、姜倒入羊肉中,使羊肉腌制入味。 2.加热油锅,放入适量的油,爆炒至香味溢出,再放入葱、姜、蒜和八角翻炒。 3.加入洋葱翻炒至变色,倒入胡萝卜块,炒至变软后捞出放入电饭锅中,再在上面撒上一层大米。 4.往锅中倒入热水,水不能盖过食材。盖上锅盖煮至饭熟。 #ebook #craftbrew #craftbrewing#homebrew #beer #brewing #brewbeer #homebrewery #book #beersmith #homebrewlife #homebrewed #hops #allgrain #allgrainbrewing #malt #recipe #instabook #Instacraftbeer #food #Instagram #desire(在 Jining, Shandong) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsVUMRggPve/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13fy02n96f554
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thefallenprinces-blog · 8 years ago
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Auval Arrière-Pays Grisette. This was a wonderful beer! Dry, tart and citrusy in a perfect balance. This beer also has a wheaty undernote. A delicious beer. This is also my entry to @ifindbeerenjoyable 5000 followers competition. Go head to his IG account to check it out. #beerswithpeps #beers #beerexplorer #beerstagram #instabeer #instacraftbeer #craftyfollow #craftbeergeek #craftbeer #craftbeervigilantes #quebec #ontario #ottawa #canada #auvalbrewery #ialsofindbeerenjoyable (at Ottawa, Ontario)
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