#illager cook
Fish been battered, ready to be fried!
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wjbminecraft · 2 months
*bangs head on desk* Minecraft fishing/ocean update/mod concept again like what I did here but more in-depth (pun not intended) because I got up at like 3am and it's like 4 when I'm writing this title thing and I have nothing to do for several hours.
Anyone who makes "lol Mojang are too lazy to implement this stuff" comments will be thrown into The Machine™ for a week and forced to watch a video about the reality of multiplatform game development. Also like this is a pure hypothetical and more of a "what I would do if I still made Minecraft mods and could do something this ambitious.
The basics:
Cooked fish are now called Smoked [type of fish].
Some fish species can only be caught based on what biome you're in.
There are new aquatic mobs that can't be caught, but some can drop items that can be eaten. This includes Squid, which have a chance of dropping Squid Rings or a Raw Tentacle.
The ocean is now stratified, and also a lot deeper than it already is. It's separated into the Surface (basically just how Minecraft's oceans currently are, complete with more biome diversity), Abyss (much darker and filled with bioluminescent mobs, as well as only containing one biome), and the Darkest Depths (rarely generates and is extremely deep; contains a new boss and lots of hostile aquatic mobs).
Iron now rusts (over four stages, similar to Copper oxidising but a lot slower) if submerged for long periods of time; Rusted Iron is easier to break, but otherwise the same. Iron Golems can also rust, which makes them slower, weaker and less durable. Rust can be removed by using a Brush.
There is now a designated "ocean" village type, which uses wooden walkways (similar to how regular villages look when they generate on water), and has buildings made out of modified boats. The Villager textures look somewhat piratey, with eyepatches and stripey bandannas and stuff. There are also aquatic Illagers that use a more cetacean-like Ravager variety, live in towers that are connected to the seafloor by an underwater mountain. Also there's a new Illager variety, the Drillager (which wears a bulky diving suit with a giant drill attached, which it uses to break through blocks and to charge at its targets yes, this is a Bioshock reference).
Fishing has been slightly overhauled; while you still just stick your rod in the water and wait, there's now a Fishing Table that can be used to change what bait you're using, which increase the chances of finding rarer biome-restricted fish (more on that further down), as well as a "salvage hook" item that vastly decreases the chance of catching a fish, but increases the chance of finding treasure like Saddles, Name Tags and Nautilus Shells.
There are now Diving Helmets, which offer almost no protection (being a glass bubble-helmet) and require 8 Glass Panes to craft, but allow the wearer to stay underwater forever. If they're crafted with Stained Glass, then the player's view will be tinted the appropriate colour.
More in-depth stuff:
Sharks exist now; they're based specifically on the mostly-harmless Nurse Shark, and - being based on an endangered species - drop no items on death. They also attack small fish mobs.
Underground lakes now contain Cavefish (not based on any specific species), which are blind and swim away from (most) noises, effectively working like a sneaky "tutorial" for the Deep Dark's mechanics.
The Darkest Depths contain the ruins of an unknown civilisation, and are protected by the Ancient Guardian, based on the boss of the same name from Minecraft Dungeons (but without the shard in the top of its head). Also a variant of the Biomine spawns near Ocean Monuments.
Skeleton Sharks spawn in all ocean biomes at night; they're hostile, and move relatively fast. When on land, they don't drown, but being undead mobs they do eventually burn in sunlight. They can also spawn being ridden by baby Drowned.
There are three new types of Coral: Elegance, which is cyan and glows; Pillar, which is green and has Log/Pillar/Basalt-style rotation; and Maze, which is orange and can form Chorus Plant-like "trees" that are topped with blocks of other Coral varieties.
Biome-specific mobs (note that there would probably be more but these are just the ones I could come up with)
Icy biomes contain Seals (neutral to players, but hostile to fish; drop nothing on death have a unique baby design), Snailfish (basic ambient fish), and a new mob called the Iceshell (hostile; a creature resembling a giant Portugese Man O' War, with the "sail" being a giant chunk of ice, and the tendrils replaced by several dangling crustacean-like limbs).
Swamps contain Piranhas (hostile to any mob with 25% health or less remaining) and Electric Eels (electrify the water in a 3x3 area around them when attacked).
Beaches contain Giant Crabs (passive; can be tamed with Seagrass or raw fish, and ridden as a semiaquatic mount yes this is a Bionicle reference; their colours vary depending on the specific Beach subtype, with regular Beaches having red crabs, Stony Shores having blue, and Snowy Beaches having white).
Warm Oceans contain Frogfish (passive; come in eight colours that match up with the five vanilla Coral varieties and the new ones. They don't swim, instead walking on the seafloor; when standing on the Coral variety that corresponds with their texture, they turn invisible), Sea Slugs (passive; inflict Poison on contact) and Eels (neutral; spawn at night and attack smaller fish).
In the Nether, there are now Firefish (passive; instead of being cooked, the player has to right click on a water-filled cauldron while holding one in order to make it safe to eat), Basalt Floats (passive, but dangerous; function like floating platforms the player can stand on to get across lava, but can descend unexpectedly), and Magmateeth (hostile; giant lava-sharks that can set the player on fire just by biting them).
Abyss mobs include Anglerfish (passive), Octopi (neutral; much larger than Squid), Glowmouths (hostile; pale, shark-like creatures with no eyes and glowing mouths), Comb Jellies (passive; deal damage on contact) and Giant Isopods (passive; run away from the player).
There is probably more I could write but I have very few ideas.
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russetfoxfur · 12 days
alright these are subject to change but ive been getting into headcanons abt the minecraft default skins. not just alex and steve tho im talking bout our underrepresented underappreciated newer defs. under the cut are my headcanoned backstories abt them based off mostly vibes (T-T minecraft plsss you couldve given THEM a story instead of these new fuckin characters in the minecraft movie. pls im begging you)
Efe—a piglin hybrid. They/them. Fighter/builder. They were raised in the Nether as a Brute and journeyed to the Overworld, where they were picked up by Steve and Alex after besting Steve in combat. Infatuated with the water because there’s no water in the Nether—has learned to swim and loves to relax by a lake or ocean. The best fighter of the defs, rivaling Alex in terms of combat, and enjoys learning new combat techniques—loved experimenting with the mace. Builds interiors, something the rest of the defs tend to neglect. In a relationship with Makena and Ari.
Makena—a bee hybrid. Xe/her. Farmer/builder. Xe was part of a Hive before she left to see more of the outside world. She loves gardening and farming and has a green thumb; loves to be helpful and tries her best to better nature in any way she can. Xe’s also very good with agriculture and farming. Loves mobs and the creatures of the world and tends to have five dogs and cats each at minimum. Loves landscaping and creating natural-looking builds; usually calls in Noor or Efe to help her with details. In a relationship with Efe and Ari.
Ari—a fox hybrid. She/her. Redstoner/magic-user. She grew up in a small taiga village and first discovered magic through the local brewery. She was apprenticed to a cleric, but, on an expedition to gather mushrooms for a spell, found Noor and took him in. She resigned from apprenticeship and began to travel the world with him before finding the defs and settling down. She’s very outspoken about her beliefs and hates authority figures with a passion. Very good with enchantments, brewing, and other magical activities. Can hold her own in redstoning due to her cleric apprenticeship. In a relationship with Efe and Makena.
Sunny—a cow hybrid. He/him. Crafter/blacksmith. He grew up as a leatherworker apprentice in a small, cozy village—but, after a zombie chewed off his arm, he abandoned that career to become a blacksmith. He made his own arm and got into redstone to keep his arm maintained—but left his village at the urging of Kai to explore the world. He settled down with her after finding the other defs, and enjoys a plainer life. He’s best at formulating plans and, while he's not utterly useless at it, prefers to let others do the fighting. Mostly makes simple, practical contraptions to ease his quality of life. Also loves fishing. Aroace.
Noor—a frog hybrid. Ze/zem. Culinarist and builder. Ze grew up in the sunny mangrove forests and led a relaxed, easy life, but one day ze returned to find illagers chopping down zir forest. Ze fled and ended up in Ari's village, where ze was taken in and apprenticed as a farmer. Ze and Ari left the village to get revenge on the villagers, and, though ze's settled down with the other defs, ze's never forgotten zir vengeance. Likes the methodical tasks of farming and cooking, and enjoys decorating larger builds. Gay, currently open.
Kai—a breeze hybrid. She/he. Dabbler—leans redstoner/prankster. She’s always lived a relatively mundane life, even though she accidentally spawned in a village instead of the Trial Chamber beneath it and became a villager-breeze, but, after a zombie attack put her village in peril, fled with Sunny and never looked back. He likes accomplishing the most insane achievements he can think of, and loves dragging Sunny into his shenanigans. Bi, currently open.
Zuri—a bat hybrid. He/him. Redstoner/noteblock artist. He grew up in the lush caves, living off glowberries and azalea buds, but, when Alex and Steve explored his cave, he followed them to the surface and moved in with them. He is also pretty bad at fighting, preferring to use redstone to make his life easier. He loves music and redstone, and has the largest store of music discs ever. He loves making his own music and creating cool redstone contraptions. Autistic. Gay-ace, has a crush on Noor.
Alex—a human. She/her. Fighter/builder. The second human ever, created to destroy Herobrine. She chased him away from the burgeoning Minecraft servers and settled down on one. She is undefeated in combat and is otherwise very intelligent. She is also rather friendly and casual, and wants to uphold the peace of the Overworld. Good at creating practical, lived-in builds, grounded in what she knows. Aroace.
Steve—a human. They/them. Miner/builder. The third human ever, Steve was spawned as a test to make sure that Herobrine was indeed a fluke instead of a norm—made up of much of Herobrine’s code, with a few changes to personality and power. Wants a life of peace and simplicity. Easily spooked, especially scared of screaming goats, but resourceful and good at combat. Mute. They tend to build more fantastically than their counterpart, with huge megabuilds and whimsical creations. Aroace.
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hmshermitcraft · 9 months
!For theme!
Now the hermits are used to strange encounters and just frankly ridiculous situations. Some more so then others for the pure fact 9 times out of 10 they’ll be the ones to end up in said situations none more so then Etho, Grian, Scar and ever since they started hanging out with the emperors more Sausage. To this date many of the hermits and emperors have had to rescue them from weird situations such as during the crossover when they had to rescue them from the depths of the Grimmlands castle finding them fighting a giant golem to more recently them surviving a test vault made by iskall.
But when they said they’d be going to check out some ruins on the server that popped up they all thought they’ll be fine…and they were right for the most part. Then they suddenly went missing for close to two months and started searching for them. And low and behold they find them in the middle of some kinda ritual with witches and illagers galore in one corner they Grian being tied up while trying to bite a witch in the middle of the camp they see Sausage and Scar cooking chicken and bbq in front of a group of hungry illagers. And the most confusing of all in the back of the camp where most of the illagers and witches were was Etho in a throne dressed as some sorta raider king as they were in the middle of some sorta crowning ceremony with him sitting there confused to hell and back.
Frankly…both groups are more confused than it should realistically possible but they can save the explanations after they get their danger prone friends back to safety. And once they do it only becomes more confusing where it turns out they got kidnapped and were made to fight in a gladiatorial fight pit for two weeks. Then taken on serval raids as bait where Etho accidentally killed their last king in trying to escape thus leading them to the situation they found them in….and apparently that was just the tip of the iceberg.
Rando anon
It's the kind of story that wouldn't be believable if it were anyone else. After Gem thoroughly demolishes them (through her words and fighting), it's a relief to be back home with the other hermits and not... Whatever that was. Look, Grian doesn't regret trying to fight them, alright?! They started it.
Now they just need to make up for all the dates they missed and that their partners will absolutely hold over their heads... At least it might keep them out of trouble for a bit.
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invisible-shadow · 9 months
Illager hierarchy
I feel like Evokers hold the most power, they always get final say. Vindicators serve as their bodyguards and do stuff related to raids. Pillagers are the subjects/followers. Witches and other illagers are usually higher ups.
More detailed version below.
• They are the highest rank. Usually only found in the woodland mansion. • They have 3 divisions, each with varying level of power.
• What division an evoker falls under may be dictated either by their family status or by their powers.
• The most powerful are those amongst the high council. They make decisions that affect everyone, in the mansion or not. Some Evokers in the high council are known to be unjust. Those who disobey the high council will face death. • The second most powerful are the Evokers that participate on raids. They work closely with the vindicators who plan the raids, often advising and instructing tactics and strategies. During the raid they must be obeyed. Illusioners, Geomancers, windcallers etc often fall into this division but are often deemed to be more powerful that a regular evoker in this division. • The lowest rank of evoker also resides in the mansion. They play no role in raids not the high council, but in other matters. They may be embassies or diplomats for the mansion. Sometimes they supervise projects commissioned by the high council.
They are second on the hierarchy
They have a vast range of roles in the mansion, what they do depends on their family status and physical strength.
The highest ranked role is helping plan raids, vindicators in this role tend to be well respected and live lavishly. They rule over the pillagers in accordance to the high council Evokers. They work closely with Evokers that take part in raid, but many of these vindicators choose not to take part in raids.
Also amongst the highest ranks are vindicators who were hand selected by Evokers to be their bodyguards. They are very loyal and close to their Evokers, often they will cover up the Evokers’ scandals because without them they wouldn’t have luxuries.
The second highest rank includes vindicators the take part in raids. They, also, are to be obeyed but what the evoker says will always overrule what they say. It is seen as a honourable role to have. They make sure what is obtained from the raid is distributed accordingly, most goes back to the mansion.
The lowest rank will often do jobs around the mansion. Whether that be cooking, looking after others or maintaining equipment. Sometimes they are raid captains.
The highest rank are the raid captains. They overlook and lead the raid. They take orders directly from those who plan the raids. Whilst not raiding, it is their responsibility to protect the outpost and the pillagers in it.
The lowest rank in the hierarchy are the regular pillagers. They live fairly normal lives but can be called upon to participate in raids and have some aspects of their lives dictated by those who are higher up. Poverty is common in this rank, unless they have a very successful raid.
Witches aren’t counted as illagers, they choose how they want to live their lives freely. If they choose to involve themselves with illagers, their position on the hierarchy may depend on their abilities. Some may be kept by Evokers to be their doctors, witch would give them a higher rank. Some may be assigned to work in the mansion to make potions that may be used in raids.
Overall, they are usually in the middle of the hierarchy, but it isn’t unusual to seem them with Evokers in the high council or others Evokers.
Other types of Illager
This includes windcallers, geomancers, iceolgers, illusioners etc.
They choose how they want to spend their lives freely, but are open to working with illagers.
Due to their specialisations, they can be equal to Evokers. Their powers prove to be useful in many different ways in the mansion and on raids.
Thanks for reading until the end!
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fuk1ngb1tch · 2 months
Yoo Minecraft witches!! (Most being motherly figures lmao)
Oh, and Shard's mum:3
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I made an Albino witch! Except, she's not really a witch mwehehe>:3 something is a little off about her:3 Her name is Esther, and she's actually an Albino Illager! Although, her adoptive mother, Dorian, didn't know this when she found her. Now Esther has a 9 year old Biological Daughter named Naomi who's usually hidden away due to her odd appearance for a "witch" (being due to a one night stand with a wandering witch, and subsequently only being half witch, the other half Illager). Esther is very important in the story I'm cooking up for my Minecraft ocs>:] (an antagonist)
Other things: I changed what past Margaret looks like somewhat and drew a doodle for Benjamin meeting Naomi. Other than that, just related to the new OCs:)
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datapacks · 8 months
So what are your plans for progression and new subsystems? New recipes? Structures? Or something else?
As far as the new progression system: I don't want to spoil too much, but I'll say this: new inventory slot. Not something I've seen in a mod before. Acquired after beating the ender dragon. After that, Every update I do can have the existing structures update for pre-enderdragon players And longform-progression post-enderdragon players Without Conflict between the two. To players not engaging with the progression system, structures get a cool overhaul! To players engaging with the new progression system, they get.... something secret.
As far as new subsystems, I really want to overhaul Potion Brewing, expand on cooking, fully expand archeology in a way that players will have Incentive to kinda be put in an actual archeological mindset, as well as a couple conservation mechanics with a new Limited Pack Spawning system and a new Villager Rewards system- mobs not showing up in the mod, like the old Brown Spider, will have some implications that illagers hunted them to extinction. Reclaiming their remains for preservation is a big part ov this.
Also I'm wanting to add in a new "stonecutter" type table for Dyed / Painted blocks! It's gonna be neat I think....
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dirt7core · 19 days
... I love villagers and illagers along with witch's
But I seem to go hard on villagers witch Hunting more than others. Wixh is like oh yay quirky... did anyone cook cooler execution of this concept of a witch hunt story that I can stare at it though.
Oh well diversity is fun [my brain assuming to fit in with vanilla minecraft, than realizing i put political reference and love Self rightousness is the most comin and devouis evil than one who knows their evil] I do love how hard the illager expremanetinf goese, I love to think the cows they brought on their journey as villager warriors were evolving with them in my cutsy way of looking at illagers... i mena i needed a reason to why their isny a lot of witch villages, probablystill destroyed, i mena they still came from villagers their not that diffrent evoloved like illagers anywho [the British empire is illagers in my lore, and so are the witch Hunters to.. british i mean]
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ask-tdw-0666 · 9 months
How they met: Mia and Leo
*Asher and his guardian Vexes, Mia and Leo, stop and make camp for the night, as they sit around the campfire, cooking some fish they caught, Asher decides he will ask them something he has been wanting to know for awhile.*
Asher: Hey, Mia, Leo? How did you guys meet?
*The Vexes looked up at the young Illager and blush at each other smiling.*
Leo: Well, back when I was alive, I was a Pillager Captain, and my unit was summoned by a local mansion's Evoker for missions from time to time, and that's when a beautiful Vindicator caught my eye~
Mia: heheh~ and that's when I met a certain Pillager who stole my heart~
Leo: for me, it was love at first sight, and I was instantly smitten.~
Mia: Whenever Leo would come and visit the mansion, we would always spend time together, chatting, going on small dates and walks, and we got closer and closer every second we spent together~
Leo: It was at that time, I knew I found my soulmate. The Illager I wanted to spend the rest of my afterlife with~
Mia: *she smiled and kisses Leo on the cheek.*
Asher: awww~ You guys were fated to meet and fall in love from the sound of it.
Mia: Maybe we were~
Leo: Then fate was kind to us after all because If it brought you to me my dear then I am happy~
Mia: awww~ <3
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ninjacat1515 · 1 month
Sad au: Matias being one of the few surviving illagers left after the humans, villagers, and piglins band together to wipe them out. Fueled by hatred and rage Matias sets out on a path of vengeance and when he finds out humans have some illager children captive, he loses the rest of his mind and becomes a living nightmare.
After the horrific bloodbath, with the tortured pieces of humans and Villagers alike splattering every surface of the compound, Matias approaches the dungoen cell where the illager children are being kept. Its very cold and they're starving, cuts and bruises on their little bodies making Matias wish he had made those humans suffer even more.
He deftly opens the cell and crouches down, now a gentle giant with nothing but fatherly instincts and care for the terrified, sobbing beings. Hands that had ripped jaws from mouths and limbs from bodies, now carry the two cubs away as softly as can be. He sings to them an old illager lullaby and becomes the most determined protector. Matias watches them sleep after treating their wounds and feeding them. They were on solid food at least, and the abundant human flesh made for easy cooking.
"I shall burn their world to the ground and save as many as I can. I promise you, I will keep you safe."
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"To those woundering if I can't kill. What about saving my life?"
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"Although they are aware of their limits too." :T
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szilianna · 7 months
For when you get back: Share some worldbuilding about illagers in your minecraft lore =)
I already did that on @szlilianna but i have some more things about them so here we go. If you're interested in it them basically read the whole blog it's mainly illager lore.
They have night vision. Not that good though, but they can see in the dark quite well, a bit better than players can, so that's why some rooms in the mansion are dark. Those are the important rooms.
They can't cook. At all. The only time they eat good food is when they steal it from villagers. They eat whatever they can find, their meals mostly consist of plants like pumpkin (that they grow in the mansion) and some meat if they have, but this is only for the upper classes, the lower ones get whatever they can have. By lower classes I mean witches, lower ranked vindicators and maids. So it might be gross for players but illagers like it (they don't like anything lmao) and they eat it. And mostly they're full after it (upper classes but sometimes lower too)
They don't kill, they just kidnap young villagers to transform them into vindicators and form their souls into vexes. They don't do it out of pity, they would kill anyone. They just know that a child is way easier to kidnap than an adult, but sometimes they kidnap adult villagers as well to work them as slaves or maids.
They're hot (by them i mean vindicators. Im such a slut for them wtf whats wrong with me)
They have gay and lesbian couples, but not out of love. They don't marry for love, they "marry" for tactical reasons. This mostly goes for vindicators. Ngl they look so gay already like 😳😳
Every mansion is controlled by a high ranked evoker and vindicator family. They also own outposts (5) and villages (10). By own I mean they send patrols to villages every month to collect food and stuff they need, and in exchange, villagers get iron golems and peace. But they're not allowed to get any help. So when a player comes to the village with the Bad Omen effect, illagers send a raid to teach the villagers a lesson on why they shouldn't befriend the enemy, and should rather work for them, the greatest kind (illagers think they're gods, especially evokers)
They're mean. Very mean. That's why anyone with a normal mind kills themselves. Or they become alcoholics, which is still better than your only pleasure being killing innocent people (vindicator reference)
High ranked vindicators get a johnny nametag every time they raid. Yes. Even girls. But most vindicator girls are disguised as boys and nobody will ever find out because of the modest clothing, and because most vindicators don't really talk. Yes, they're a bit weaker than men, but that's not a big deal.
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illwilledomen · 2 years
My headcanons for each new (and the 2 ogs) default skin!
Tall and wide, they might seem a little intimidating at first but they are a gentle soul. Very mechanically inclined, Sunny knows the ins and outs of redstone like the back of their hand. They are very laid back, and regard others with quiet interest, never involving themselves in the quarrels of others and being the peacemaker of the group. Very close friends with Makena.
Their amputated arm is a result of having caught Withering in their younger years of traversing the Nether. The stump left behind is in a state of rapid necrosis and Sunny has made a truce with a local witch in order to get medication to keep the curse at bay. Sunny doesn’t like to go into the details of what occurred that made them end up with the curse, however they are more than happy to instead discuss the regular mechanical additions they make to their prosthetic arm, such as turning it into a makeshift Swiss Army knife, or replacing the hand with a large scoop specifically for collecting frog spawn.
Makena has a bubbly and energetic personality, always keen to make a new friend and barrage them with questions about their botanical knowledge. She has a green thumb, and in her free time she’ll be either gardening or baking. She wears villager attire and has a lot of villager-like mannerisms (such as hiding her hands) - this is because she was adopted and raised in a village! She is fiercely protective of her villager family, and will hit you with a trowel if you so even attempt to threaten them.
She is also very fond of bees, and in turn, the local bees are fond of her.
A wannabe warrior, however his scrawny build and cowardice in the face of danger tends to stop them in his tracks. While he can be a bit emotional and short tempered at times, they, at heart, care deeply for his friends. Has a little allay friend called Pickpocket, who, hence the name, has a habit of thievery.
Tall and broad shouldered, with a large slit lip and a freckled face. Aloof and distrustful of anyone who isn’t Steve. Blunt and doesn’t really get social cues. Not the most talkative person (when she isn’t with Steve). Them and Steve are smitten with one another. Has a sarcastic and mischievous sense of humor.
A short and chubby man. Awkward goofball. While a skilled fighter when he knows his enemy, he tends to lose his skill to his nerves when startled. Hates spiders. Loves Alex. Easily trusting due to his yearning for human connection, which doesn’t always work in his favour.
(Nothing for Zuri because I don’t have any ideas for them yet, sorry!)
Cold and harsh, tall and wearing a permanent expression of dissatisfaction. Efe is a particularly skilled alchemist. They are a stark contrast to Makena, being anti-social and dismissive. They were also raised by illagers.
Average height with a round face and freckles. Absolute gremlin. She’s always up to mischief. Loves practical jokes and chaos. Also a redstoner, however they are nowhere near as proficient as Sunny (expect to see some kind of violent explosion coming from his house whenever she’s working on something)
A nether cartographer, and due to this, has many burns and scars as well as baggy eyes from nether sickness (body adjusting to extradimensional conditions) and lack of sleep (unless you like becoming multiple small pieces of flesh, do not sleep in the nether). A surprisingly good cook, despite the lack of edible food in the nether. Gets along well with piglins and can speak nether sign language fluently (a pidgin of piglin-speak, used for inter species communication as humans physically cannot pronounce piglin words due to different anatomy). Pretty chill and has a good sense of humour, however is an extremely skilled fighter if challenged. Always wearing some kind of gold trinket, for obvious, hog-related reasons.
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onyxolay · 2 years
It had taken Calvin a while but he finally got the location of Waldas mansion. He had heard the stories from Archie and Thord, all of witch described traumatic events Archie had experienced through his 28 years of living there. Calvin kept himself contained for a long time, mainly Because of Archie begging Calvin not to snap on Walda or anyone in the tribe knowing the reaction that would follow. But Calvin just couldn’t today, as Archie cried in his husbands arms Archie told Calvin of yet another traumatic experience he endured while at the mansion. Calvin held and comforted the smaller illager listening to him carefully and intently not missing a single detail.
“Dear… please don’t be upset but I have to leave, I will be back though…” Calvin said with a low voice as he got up from the bed of there room. “W-where are you going…?” Archie sniffled. “Just a place…I’ll be back I promise…” Calvin leaves into the living room and Chase sees him, “hey Calvin you okay? You look pissed.” “That’s because I am…Archie was venting to me earlier and I’ve had enough, I’m had enough of staying under control… I have the mansions address…” “your gonna kill Walda are you?” “Maybe, Either that or I’m gonna commit a felony, I’ll decide outside…”
Calvin leaves to the outside of the base, taking potions and his iconic knife with him. (His main weapon besides his spells was his switchblade, he never left the base without it), and so he went on to the mansion following the coordinates he had gained from an old friend. Calvin soon arrives at the mansion. He holds his book in his arms and keeps his head held high, he knew that an enchanter was supposed to have a meeting with Walda that day, so everyone who saw him in the halls as He walked to Walked to Waldas office assumed that it was him and said nothing.
Calvin walks into Waldas office and Walda rolls her eyes. “Calvin, what’s re you doing here?” “To make a deal with you!” “What kind of deal…?” “So I know your still after my husband…” Calvin puts his hands on Waldas desk to get in her face. “So I was thinking… that maybe, just maybe… you could stop Harassing my husband, and I won’t kill you!” Waldas eyes got wide and a furious expression shown on her face. “I’m not harassing anybody! I’m just giving your husband warnings about what’s gonna happen if he makes the same mistake!“
“you call sending people to pick on my husband to the point of panic attacks and break downs giving warnings?!” Calvin got in Waldas fave more until Walda pushed him away. “Listen! I have no time for you! Go away!” “Well I have all the time in the world for you…~ hehe…” Calvin took his switchblade out and cut Walda straight across the throat. “OWWWW! WHAT THE HELL?!” “HA! SO YOU DONT LIKE IT HUH?! WANT SOME MORE?!” Calvin proceeded to chase her around the room, hitting her or stabbing her when he could, and then…he did it… He catches Walda on her desk, he says to Walda, “you bring this upon yourself…” and stabbed her, right the head…
Calvin got up and heard footsteps running to the door of the office, he jumped out the window and booked it for the woods. As Calvin ran he laughed and and yelled, “WOOOHOOOOO” as he reminisced on he had just done. Remembering the sad mood Archie was in when he had left, Calvin found some roses and Picked them, making a huge bouquet just for Archie.
Calvin soon arrived home at the base, he sees Lucas cooking in the kitchen with Archie, both are laughing with each other. “Darling~! I’m home~!” “CALVIN!!!” Archie hopped down from the counter and ran to Calvin and hugged him. Calvin have him the flowers and kissed his husband. “Awww! So where were ya Cal?” Lucas asked. “I was getting these roses for Archie! And finishing some…family business…” Calvin winked at Lucas and Lucases eyes went went wide, but he smiled, knowing now what Calvin had just got back from doing. He said, “great job buddy!” “Thanks Lucas!” “Your welcome!” Calvin then helps Lucas and Archie cook, Lucas and Calvin hint at what happened with each other, Lucas praising Calvin for what he did and Calvin just laughing. Meanwhile Archie stayed completely oblivious…
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atherix · 2 years
🍫 for scar, 💝 for grian,🧸 for mumbo, and 😶 because you deserve to rant about obscure random stuff <33 is that too much- ARE YOU ENTERTAINED
-🍂autumn anon🍂
So I'm answering all of these as being from Midnight, of course, so <3
You Unleashed me btw. Long post!
🍫 A headcanon about food for Scar!
Scar is Fae, and on top of that he's a royal. He definitely has a taste for finer foods; Fae food is naturally savory, and often sweet (though sour and bitter foods are also possible to make), and Scar's cooking reflects this. But of course- be careful when accepting food from him, or any other Fae! As he said in Midnight Strolls, things of Fae are meant to be... naturally alluring and tempting, and if made with the right intent, can be addictive and you might find yourself trapped by the Fae who gave you the food's whim :)
💝 A headcanon about their love language for Grian!
Grian is absolutely a physical touch love language type person- casual but intimate touches, hand holding, kisses, hugs, cuddling, randomly draping himself across his partners, wrapping them up in his wings... however, he also has a touch of gift-giving too! Although he doesn't too often get his partners gifts, when he does it means a lot to him. Often the things he'll gift will be extremely personal to him (his feathers, for example) and have great meaning (for example, the pendant he gave Mumbo is a symbol for "forever," through the gifting of his feathers <3) so! Mostly physical touch mixed with gift giving <3 Important to note- he likes to give gifts but he doesn't really like to receive them!
🧸 A headcanon about their childhood for Mumbo!
Mumbo was, unsurprisingly, the de facto leader of his and his friends' little group, not because he was confident or even best for the job but simply because he was the oldest of them and, well, obviously the one with the highest status, the others literally being the children of his house's servants. They were well known around Boatem for running around and being children, and though Mumbo's parents were not looked at with very high regard, the people adored Mumbo for being down to Earth and eager to learn. Mumbo learned redstone from one of the local scientists of Boatem, and when his friends had chores to do and he had no more lessons he would go spend time with them and learn even more. He valued this time just as highly as he valued time with his friends! This of course ended after the uprising that he ended up caught in the middle of, but he continued to send letters to the scientist and learned from them that way.
😶 A random headcanon for Midnight in general yay!!
haha thank you for giving me a chance to ramble about some of my world building that I won't get to talk about in-story!! I mean some of it WILL be discussed eventually BUT. Not in depth, so- The world of Midnight is of course divided into continents and also different realms. On the continent our lovely trio live on you have Hermetia to the northeast, Essem to the west, L'Manberg (a very tiny landlocked country) within Essem, and a certain Empire of animal-human Hybrids to the south. Hermetia is the largest of these countries, of course. Who knows what's on other continents... so far away, hmm.... Now, that being said, obviously I have referenced ancient civilizations- in fact if I did not delete them out of the final draft I have hinted at two ancient civilizations that have fallen before. Yep, Midnight isn't just a post-apocalyptic story- it's post two apocalypses! The strongholds are remnants of an ancient society that discovered (and eventually migrated to) the End before shit hit the fan. The non-Peecy (Testifica) survivors of this event who did not move to the End ultimately split into two groups- the Testifica and the Illagers. Peecy people, on the other hand, found themselves splitting too- many forming animalistic characteristics, all to different degrees. They end up called Hybrids, regardless of whether they look like animalistic humans or humanoid animals. Prior to this event, however, there were only the Testifica and the Peecy peoples, and their far ancient ancestors lived in an already-ancient world and dealt with problems far different from what the modern day people do- back in the days of the Ancestors, there were no Vampires or Fae or Werewolves living in the shadows of an unsuspecting society. Wizards and Sorcerers were new, magic was unexplored and no secret, the Nether was not yet traveled or learned, and what would one day evolve into the Testifica were not yet discovered. In these days the cursed sand and an ancient evil that lives within it was society's greatest fear, and the Nether was simply known as Hell. Now, of course- the only thing all three societies have in common? The Mobs. No one knows where they came from. No one knows if they were always there, or if they came from somewhere else. If, perhaps... maybe there was someone from before. A time before the Ancients and the Ancestors. Regardless of the truth of the matter, all three societies have dealt with Mobs- from skeletons and zombies and creepers and spiders, only for more to be discovered over time (or perhaps... they simply evolved). There are rumors that some Mobs were highly intelligent, even giving themselves names, and perhaps they were the first incarnation of the Hybrids that became so prevalent thousands of years later... but who knows. All anyone knows now is there are many Mob Hybrids in existence today. How they came to be, though- is still quite the mystery...
Anyway thanks for letting me ramble~~ :D
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vanillaarts · 1 year
14 and 15 for Adrian!
Thanks for the ask, @ninjacat1515!
14. Can he cook/bake?
He can cook very well, actually. He has spent so much time living alone that he has grown used to cooking good meals for his own tastes. However he is the worst baker imaginable. That is why he does not have desert that much. He always either burns it or it turns out terrible and sometimes so tough you can’t bite through it, even with an illagers teeth.
He has no idea why he’s so bad at it, but he just is.
15. Can he sing/dance?
HELL YEAH HE CAN! Adrian loves to sing and dance, but he will not do it in front of people. He is very shy and prefers not to perform for others often, but the people who do see him will say he it really good at both. He found his singing voice on his own, and although he will never say it, likes the sound of his singing voice. He learned how to ballroom dance when he was an evoker, but later on he was taught some ballet moves to help relax and stuff.
He is a bit of a gifted performer, but he will never admit to it.
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