#ill see you out there lumis
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neednolighttoshine · 1 year ago
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For 2,5 years he’s been shunned, holed up, depressed and suicidal. I’m not delusional, if the allegations are true he’s the cause of the same pain and suffering among the women accusing him. All I’m saying is and eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.
I will never forgive people who intentionally set out to destroy other peoples lives. I’ve seen several people on here, on Twitter and on TikTok already who’s come forward and apologised for lying about being SA’d by Lucas. It makes me sick to my stomach that people will go out of their way to ruin a person like that.
My heart broke while watching the documentary. Seeing him so broken, honest and raw brought out my own buried emotions and made me face them. I’m glad to see him working through it with the help of friends, family and members. And I’m so, so relieved that he’s able to look forwards.
Life is now. You’ll face setbacks, tragedies, grief and sorrows - but you’ll also be faced with joy, happiness, love, inspiration and warmth. Try to enjoy the bright bits of life, and don’t watch as it passes you by.
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etoilesbienne · 1 year ago
honestly thank you so much for talking about this
i have been doing. so bad. it feels like half the fucking server and fandom are pretending like nothing happened and/or the admins that left did so just to pursue other things or whatever and then there was zero aknowledgment of that from q's side
like idk, i personally have other povs as well, but the french + bbh & dapper have contributed So Much and were/are my favorite parts of the server as well, and it just. sucks so much that everyone seems to just be moving on like it didn't mean anything
ywah. like ill be honest where i am rn ive spent the better part of two days crying out of frustration and i keep going on ocd spirals about everything happening because its agitating me to no end. ironically this is probably causing my inability to shut the fuck up but i feel like ive gotten to the point where i just. do not think i care about hearing excuses anymore. im tired of reading about how lumi or shade "never actually cared about the server and want it to burn down." they worked there for Ten Months and More for Free with no recognition. I think they cared a lot about it. im tired of reading about the possible theoretical ways restructuring could happen. i just want something tangible that shows literally any improvement of the original problem (communication) being solved. im tired of people blaming random ass "haters" as the downfall of the project and not the company's own mismanagement. frankly i feel fucking crazy seeing people say that quackity response was directed at anyone except the admins. he would not be making that statement if the admins didn't say anything. i don't want the project to fail but i feel like ive had a slap in the face after sitting and trying to be polite and quiet. what am i supposed to do sit and beg for scraps like a dog? this has turned into a personal post i guess but i sure am not doing great personally. i feel like everyone is gaslighting me constantly about things being better than they are and not acknowledging whats happened for some reason like are me and maybe 15 other people the only people who can see the dead bodies in the middle of the room . i feel quite negative currently is what im realizing
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usagiarchive · 1 month ago
angel of the codeine scene — afterword
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HI SO UM aotcs is finally over wow.
idk i know i shouldnt make a rlly big deal out of this hut hey im really just proud of myself for writing a whole fic and actually finishing it...
i have so much to say but idk where to start, i feel like this will be a very messy afterword, so id like to start by thanking everyone who read AOTCS.
it was so heartwarming and motivating to see your reblogs, your comments, your asks, some people even messaged me like omg guys 😭😭😭 im just so happy that people liked my work.
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this is what the plot is, like my starter plot, where it al began chuchu HAHA, i thought of this around oct 2024 and it was actually supposed to be a gore kind of plot, where in order to heal Xiao, he has to like eat the reader..........
no but seriously that trope is really good i love and aspire to be like the writers who write legit literature things u study abt in college type of writing.
READER WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE A VISION TOO !! it was supposed to be hydro bcs like why not i love hydro and i love healers (hello furina n kokomi ily two)
and i also really liked the healers need protectors trope, that's so cute, but i kinda discarded the vision thing cuz it would help w the plot hehe.
LUMINE WAS ORIGINALLY NOT SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE STORYLINE !!! it was supposed to be Ganyu that they would get jealous of and had like a whole crying scene written out too of you and Xiao fighting over trust and him not letting you in but talking to Ganyu all the time.
But then I was like nah, let's use Lumi, she's always so spicy when it comes to that.
Also idk if u guys noticed but the reader doesn't rlly know what jealousy is, hence why she thought she was coming down w something (jalosi cough jalosi).
IN THE LAST CHAPTER... Xiao has 5 things he's felt sick to the stomach with, I hope u noticed how the fourth one is you dying, which is a choice because of the symbolism of the number 4 in eastern asian countries !!
Now that I think abt it i actually have no idea what to explain next, ill probably add more in the reblogs, but if u guys did notice smth or a part of smth was not clear to u guys, please do feel free to ask or dm me !! ily all bye!!
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valictini · 10 months ago
(Anon from previous ask)
What doesn’t sit right with me is that Quackity said during a stream that there was no volunteer positions within his studios. Wouldn’t that mean that he or his team would have budgeted in order to account for admins payements even before the last merch drop ?
Even if you assume he wasn’t much involved in the behind the scenes workings of his company, didn’t know how many people exactly were working under it, it’s impossible to ignore the eggs admins, he literally played with them for months (putting aside Chunsik who joined much later, that makes 10 eggs who have been around for 6 months/an entire year).
Then if volunteers were never supposed to exist, wouldn’t they have budgeted in order to have enough money to pay AT LEAST these ten people every month ? Even if there was indeed a bad apple higher up who was misusing the funds before, this shouldn’t be an issue now.
I’m sorry for the rant, it’s just that the financial issues argument has felt very inconsistent for me since it was first brought up and I need to air my frustration.
Yeah I feel you anon, I really feel you.
First of all, I believe Quackity said he knew that there were volunteers, but he thought people were eventually hired after a trial. Also, I think the egg actors role was explicitly a volunteer role. Since it was supposed to last for like, 2 weeks, I can understand the reasoning. It should have probably been reevaluated after it was made clear that the eggs would stay longer though.
What still baffles me is that no official structure was implemented for when a new language would be included. I feel like one paid manager per language would have been the BARE minimum, but instead, we got Lumi (with later Lea) carrying the entire french side of the server alone, for months, for free, while also playing an egg.
Honestly, the ONLY way I can see Quackity being fully ignorant of the real state of things is that the administration lied about everything, especially the payment (as in, they showed fake receipts, declared that they paid people when they didn't, and pocketed the difference) AND, critically, that Quackity never checked himself.
This is in the realm of possibilities, and I wouldn't be surprised if it were what actually happened. Doesn't change the fact that it would mean that Quackity was sorely incompetent and naive, and doesn't excuse the real harm that this caused to the volunteers. But hey, at least he had no ill intents.
The fact that in this scenario, he never talked to the admins privately is, again, baffling to me, but seeing how limited the communication seemed to be between admins and ccs, it unfortunately is in the realm of possibilities too.
So here, this is the most generous scenario I can think of for Quackity. Unrealistic ambitions combined with absolute incompetence of how to manage such a big project and blind trust in people that ultimately exploited his ignorance.
Still, the fact that he never hired any HR and never personally checked why, for example, there were languages that were consistently left out of official announcements are a big red flag to me, and a reminder that we just don't know wtf happened. I want to believe he never intended for the abuse, but there are ways he has facilitated it when, as a law student, he should have known better, and people have every right to not trust his intentions.
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frosty-sneasel · 11 months ago
Hello! I'm Lumi, The Sneasel's actually Camellia. You might know me as @battle-subway-ghost's friend, if you think you recognize me, or Frosty if you know about his stupid nickname for me. I don't mind either of them, honestly.
I used to be a Pokemon Trainer, but I've mostly retired from it. I'm still up to battle from time to time if I'm asked, but I'm just living my life.
I do freelance graphic design and art now. And while I made this account to post and not deal with business stuff at the same time, if you want to talk about a commission... @ lumi-p@porymail.com)
Well anyways, here's my trainer card!
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Camellia the Sneasel (♀)
Aspen the Glaceon (♂)
Sorbet the Vanilluxe (⚧)
Zena the Beheeyem (♀)
I named them when I was a lot younger, be nice to me :[
I think that's all there really is to talk about when it comes to me. If you see me out in the wild feel free to come say hi, I love talking to people :)
Hello! @act11as here again! Ooc posts are tagged as #ooc and #moth's yapping and are colored Green. My rotomblr "hub" account is @battle-subway-aftershow!
All triggers will be tagged as #[word] tw, for easier blacklisting. Don't be afraid to shoot a DM/ask if you need something tagged/I missed something!
Lumi's account will be more lighthearted, the only things you need to look out for are discussions of hospitals & chronic illnesses, and anything regarding the plot of BW2. Additionally look out for anything on @battle-subway-ghost's blog as she will likely comment on it
Self-insert Fallers, do not interact. There is a certain level of unreality I can handle and self-insert fallers cross that threshold. I will block over this, be warned. Everyone else is fine to interact!
NSFW COMMENTS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Mod is a minor, even if muse is an adult!
IN CHARACTER anon hate is okay! I have the right to not answer anything, and if you're ever unsure, feel free to ask.
Pelipper Mail, un-mail, and Malice are off, currently! There is an in-character reason if you'd like to bother her :3
Mystery Gifts are on!
Musharna mail, and Musharna malice are always on!
Magic anons are off.
Organizational tags:
#Frosty's posts - General post tag
#[nickname] the [pokemon] - Most posts about Lumi's pokemon should be tagged like this.
#Frosty doodles - Doodles, usually MS paint.
#Frosty's actual art - Actual art that may or may not get posted!
#Jore (Jean Lore) - Jean lore... elaborate bit between Mylah, Sprite, and Lumi involving jeans. Yeah I dunno how else to explain this.
Friend Tags!
#The Subway Ghost - Lumi's tag for @/battle-subway-ghost!
#Jylah tag - Lumi's tag for @/tinkatinktrain!
#Jrite my jon - Lumi's tag for @/thatfailedpokemontrainer!
#Busy Bee - Lumi’s tag for @/a-nickits-den!
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pommunist · 11 months ago
I do wonder a little if the very different reactions to Pomme and Dapper's beds being included in the stream might in part be like... a difference in people used to seeing a new admin play an egg? The situations are very different and that should be acknowledged and looked at and even if as is likely the case QStudios owns all rights to the NPCs created for QSMP it would feel extremely icky to me to give Pomme especially a new admin. But at the same time... I do wonder if people more used to say, Chayanne, who has had 2 different main admins and been played by 4 or 5 different admins regularly enough the different forms have nicknames are more... accepting of the idea? Because the idea of an egg belonging only to the one actor is less comprehensible to them, as it's not what they're used to? Ramón's situation might be closer, but again 2 admins at least. Im almost certain I've seen Tallulah played by someone else when her admin was sick, and I've no doubt some of the other eggs have occassionally been played by others due to admin illness even if not long term.
(This is not to say it's main the issue (even without eggs being acted Sunny's admin should have known what was happening just for bigger issues with the stream alone - admin health and treatment is far more important than what they provide) I'm just. Trying to think of reasons why reactions I saw were as polarised as they were, with half my dash treating it like parading a corpse in the street and the other half like this was entirely expected and normal.)
Oh that’s a good question anon !!
First, the ownership of the characters is a tricky point that I don’t have an answer to as intellectual property laws are extremely complicated and not something I know much about tbh.
And on the topic of admin change, I think public reception depends a lot of the cause of said change : For example, when Ramon switched admins, huevitos were perfectly fine with it as it was assumed that the OG had taken a break for studying purposes so it was not a problem (turns out they were fired 🥲). It’s the same whenever an admin steps up to punctually or long term play another character because their admin is too busy with irl stuff, other work within Qstudios, is sick…. (like what I assume happened for Chayanne)
Pomme’s situation is different because of Lumi’s circumstances and the fact that she asked for her character to end with her leaving. Plus the fact that CCs have said before that they didnt want her to be replaced, even before that whole situation, I remember at least Antoine saying he would rather have Pomme dead than be played by someone else. I’d say the french speaking side got quite attached to her as, with all the sidelining we went through, both her character and admin were our only beacon of representation within Qstudios/QSMP 🥹
Also something that makes me kinda ehhhh about saying that there are people who are completely fine with admins changes because their fav character went through at least one is remembering the whole Pepito/otipep mess that had people go mad because Pepito had an admin change for a few days and they didn’t like the "new personnality" or whatever ? (Couldn’t tell the details of it as my spanish suck and Roier often streams in the middle of the night for me, but I remember the twitter shit storm)
Finally about the eggs being like kidnapped and in a coma (I think ? didn’t watch the stream) I guess it’s an okay way to put them on hold while sorting things out + an opportunity to explain in lore if you have to kill some because no more admins ? Or at least it would have been okay if all the eggs admins still working would have been made aware that their characters was being put on hold 😀
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fairykazu · 2 years ago
(two weeks when tofus missing)
although you were catless for a while, you found a way to cope: tabby tearoom! the cat cafe is owned by kazuha kaedehara, one of your close friends. he first opened the cafe to cope with the loss of his boyfriend, tomo, who passed away due to a chronic illness. it started blooming in popularity when you visited with your friends; it became a hotspot for fans in hopes to bump into you but especially yoi, lumi and ayaka. 
not that kazuha minds, of course. it’s good for business and sometimes when his other regulars aren’t looking, he would hand you a coupon. 
although tabby tearoom was a way to cope with the loss of tofu. may he come back. well, today, you were wilting like a flower. one of your favorite hostesses noticed, “name, what makes you mourn like a dendrobium?” 
you snapped from your moping mess and looked at her, “oh hey kokomi,” as much as you didn’t want to show kokomi your grief, she had already seen it already. no need to hide it. “y’know how my cat has been missing?” 
kokomi’s indigo eyes widened, “tofu went missing???” you groaned as the pain waves hit you back like a truck. 
“yeah… some shitty ass guy took tofu–” a light bulb lit above your head. “–hey kokomi?” 
“hmm yeah?” 
“when i get the missing posters printed out, can you post some of them in the cafe?” 
“of course! but are you ready?” kokomi asked. you were confused. why would you be ready?? 
“to order!” she whipped out a notebook from her pocket, unsheathing her pen from the cap. you laughed, “yes, i am!” 
“i’ll take the usual, dango mew-ilk and the invigorating kitty meal?” 
“oh my orobashi! you really are sad.” kokomi replied, shocked at the mass amount of food you’re eating. 
﹒ ⊹ ˚₊ ✦ ﹒ ₊˚。 ₊˚⊹ ﹒ ⊹ ˚✦₊ 。˚⊹﹒₊
waiting for your food, you caught a glance of a new employee? well, you assume he’s new because you’ve never seen him before. but then again, you only go to the tabby tearoom when the sun’s out. maybe he did the night shifts? 
nevermind that, he's the most gorgeous guy you've ever laid your eyes on. he had a indigo jellyfish haircut with choppy layers and his eyes— his eyes were such a nice shade of indigo as if he was the night sky and you could see stars in his eyes. (hold on, this is so cringe. you snapped out of your trance.) but he looks so familiar, you couldnt put your finger on it. 
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as your food came closer, you noticed the person serving it was the gorgeous emo guy you gushed in your head. he said, “your order of usual dango mew-ilk and the invigorating kitty meal?” your dish was in his right hand. 
there’s no way. the guy shared the same characteristics as the guy from the camera footages. the same hair, the same clothing style and the same piercing eyes. why do you manage to like the worst guys ever? you didn't mean to blabber out loud, but you did anyway,
“you’re the one who stole tofu!”
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the cat cafe (scaramouche x reader)
masterlist | previously + next
theres the newest member in the cat cafe you regularly visit after school. hes kind of cute in a cat-looklike way. but then you realize, oh shit thats the thief who stole my cat!!
taglist: @whycantscarabereal @sakiimeo @cofijelli @xiaosonlybeloved @shewolfniko @ash-in-lavender
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lumithealien · 9 months ago
Yello, everyone.
Just wanted to make a post talking about my thoughts about wanting to make dark/weird art again.
I kinda stopped making it out out of shame and fear of both being shadowbanned on everything, and being perceived as "glorifying mental illness."
But here's the thing.
Dark art (and weird art in general) is a very important outlet for me and a lot of other people. It's how I express my feelings towards things like my chronic physical illnesses, and my mental illnesses like schizoaffective disorder and OCD. It helps me cope in a healthy, non-destructive way. It's also, honestly, just fun and interesting for me to make, so sometimes I'll just make it if I feel like I have a fun idea for a concept.
I see a lot of people (including other artists) accuse people who make things like creepy cute or dark art as "glorifying mental illness," or "portraying mental illness negatively/unrealistically" or "trying to trigger people into SH" without even stopping to consider if the artist might just be coping through their art, or just have an interest in dark themes.
I'm going to be very honest.
While I think certain things should definitely have content warnings attached to help prevent accidentally triggering someone actively struggling, I don't think dark art or even vent art should have to be censored or taken offline.
I am, most of the time, against censorship in general (unless it's something completely unforgivable and disgusting, or causing genuine harm through lies/speculation/misinformation). My general rule of thumb is if I disagree with someone, I'll start by criticizing/educating them if I feel they might listen. If I know they won't listen and they said something particularly heinous, however, I will usually report and block.
Finding other people's dark and vent art was very important to me. It let me know I wasn't alone in my struggles, that there were other people going through similar things, and that there were other people just interested in dark themes that weren't bad people.
There's one more important thing I want to talk about.
CW for SH
I have self-harm scars on my legs. Luckily, they healed quite well and honestly mostly just look like stretch marks at this point, but I know a lot of people hate when people depict them or even exist with them.
I'm going to be blunt.
I'm going to probably start drawing them in my depictions of myself/my persona.
I'm just...tired of being shamed for having them. Tired of being told I should cover them. Tired of being told I'm going to make someone hurt themselves by letting them be visible (that's a very traumatizing thing to hear btw, please stop telling people that).
I know some people might see them and it might make them depressed or even worse. If seeing them depicted is going to bother you, feel free to unfollow or block me.
But it feels pretty ableist and cruel to say I should have to cover them up and pretend they don't exist.
I'm human. I did it, the scars are here now, and I like to view them as a reminder that I survived and got better.
I'm not trying to encourage other people to SH for them simply existing.
I talk very openly about mental health and encourage people to seek support systems and get help they need in whatever form works best for them. I would never, ever want someone to harm themselves for any reason.
Anyway, my apologies for the long post, I just needed to get this all out of my worm brain.
If I start posting darker stuff and you decide it's not for you, feel free to unfollow, no ill will. I'm still glad you were ever here at all.
I appreciate all of the people who have stuck with me changing accounts throughout the years, you guys rock.
See y'all in my first youtube video in years.
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rubywithin · 1 year ago
Scrolls of Mudorius 9
After a couple more weeks we were able to solve a lot of local village's issues. For a couple of them I had to help build some houses and grow some crops which was exhausting! Then finally we got a request from Lumin City....I needed to go on this mission, (Tormai) "I um really want to take on this Lumin City request Commander!". He looked a little shocked, (Kiyen) "Sorry Torami but this request was given to another squad!". I felt disappointed but I guess it can't be helped since our group has been requested for a lot of manual labour lately. While this one was some sort of stake out to catch a mysterious thief. (Novelle) "I am sure Commander Icaru would be willing to allow you to let you aid in my squads mission!". No was was I finally going to get the chance to go to Lumin City...(Kiyen) "Fine you have my permission to go if Icaru allows it!". I decided to go and pack supplies just in case....Kiyen then stopped me, "Be a bit more careful around Novelle....sorry but I don't trust her!".
-Over at Lumi CIty in a back alley- (Umbrell) "I can't believe you expect me to rummage through these shops!". (???) "We need to find that scroll...my intel was only able to confirm it is in this city. Plus it's your own fault for failing to find it in your home village, if we did we could easily draw out the second owner here". (Umbrell) "They some how knew my attack was coming.....I had to fight a man I respected a lot" (???) "Hmm so what exactly happened?" (Umbrell) "He did not expect me poisoning his food before hand, I took his life....then gave him a burial. I am prepared to one day be judged by his apprentice but before then I hope to see the Blade of Hope!". (???) "Don't worry kid I am sure our allies while locate the third scroll while we collect the one here and the one form your home village!".
-At the entrance to Lumin City- (Tormai) "Wow this place is incredible the buildings look beautiful!". (Novelle) "Ah yes I heard the Lumi clan put a lot of effort into designing the shapes of the buildings. They believed it would appeal those looking on from the after life". I signed after hearing that....we went to the nearest tavern to get a brief on the mission! "There are 5 locations we will be keeping our eyes on a the Market, Jewelers, Blacksmiths, Luminous Book Shop and an Atelier!". I let two others volunteer for locations before me....(Tormai) "I would like to watch the Book Shop!". (Novelle) "Sure thing but I wish to assist you" I wanted to say no but she out ranked me. (Squad Member) "I would take Novelle up on the offer she has basically been leading our squad!". Huh that's interesting to know...I guess the Head Commander wanted to keep her in this squad since she is keeping them together while their Commander is ill. We made our way over to the shop and hung around nearby but not right in front of it!
A few hours passed but there was no suspicious activity at all, I got us some lunch! (Novelle) "Thank you Torami, you can go in the shop if you have some business there". (Torami) "Thanks but shouldn't we focus on the mission over my errand..." (Novelle) "It's fine I'm sure I could take on the thief by myself if they show up!". I ate up and decided to go into the shop, it was pretty big....I reached for the scroll to see if showing the owner it would get me the info I was after. I stood by the counter....suddenly a man stood next to me (???) "I know you and your buddy are watching the place!". I drew my sword without hesitation.....-BANG- I ran outside to see what happened. (Novelle) "That came from the Market place let's hurry! we both rushed over and as we arrive we saw some locals holding the a Light Barrier up I guess to stop the explosion from damaging too much. I then looked around....no it can't be...not him. (Umbrell) "Twin Blade Scar".
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david-talks-sw · 2 years ago
And this is where we'll have to agree to disagree.
Because I think that...
seeing as some of the character dynamics in Star Wars are based on his own real life friendships,
seeing as the Jedi share the same Buddhist values as him,
seeing as the narrative reflects his own political views,
seeing as his own marriage fell apart because he tried to fully commit to two things at once (just like Anakin does)...
... seeing as all these personaI aspects from his life have been injected into the films... I think George Lucas' word is - in fact - law, on the matter of Star Wars.
Admittedly, it's for better or worse.
But I'd also point out that you're showing a textbook misunderstanding of what the word "attachment" means, in Lucas' Star Wars.
It doesn't mean relationships, it's not "emotional bonds".
It comes from the Buddhist principle of non-attachment. It's not about depriving yourself of bonds, it's about being able to let go and move on from who/what you love, when it's time.
As Lucas has stated over and over.
If you wanna go ahead and make a fairy tale character - whose sole functional purpose is to show that discipline and selfishness causes your downfall - the poster boy for mental illness, you can go ahead.
But if it were me, I'd go with someone else. But hey, your headcanon is your own. However I'll admit I was confused because in your description, you state:
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Why specify that when you don't think Lucas' input and vision is actually that important? You've got your headcanon, embrace that!
For further reading on what "attachment" is meant to mean in Star Wars, I'd recommend:
So that whole interaction between Ahsoka and Huyang, where they talk about Sabine's choice to help the enemy find Thrawn (in hopes that she can then find Ezra) is clearly meant to be subtext for what happened with Anakin.
I mean change the pronoun from "she/her" to "he/him", tweak some of the names and...
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... it's just blatant.
The parallels were already clear in the previous episode, as pointed out in this post here, and it still holds true:
Sabine's struggle with attachment mirrors Anakin's.
We know Filoni's whole stance on why Anakin fell to the Dark Side: he'll usually acknowledge that Anakin was ruled by his attachments, got possessive of Padmé, but then adds:
"HOWEVER is loving that way really that bad?"
"HOWEVER he never stood a chance because Qui-Gon wasn't there to teach him properly and be the father Anakin needed."
I've already gone into why both these statements don't track with Lucas' intended narrative here and here... but I wanna touch on this notion that "Anakin wasn't trained enough to make a better choice."
He was.
You know how we know? Because we saw him overcome his attachments before.
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We saw him explain the theory of the non-attachment rule, before.
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In fact, wee saw him pass down a lot of the Jedi lessons, in The Clone Wars, including being disciplined, following orders and not acting impulsively.
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The issue is that - while Anakin knows the theory, even has a few minor successes applying it - he never builds the self-discipline needed to master it because... deep down... he doesn't want to.
This is partially because you got Palpatine telling him he doesn't need to, molding him into an arrogant, power-craving person... but the fact remains that Anakin made the choice himself.
Which Filoni acknowledges, sure... but not quite. The difference between his thesis and George Lucas' is that the latter picks a stance and defends it.
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"He started out as a very loving and compassionate person. And as he progressed, it was his inability to control his temper, his inability to let go of things, and his quest for power that were his undoing." - George Lucas, E! Behind the Scenes - ROTS, 2005
Anakin fell because he was greedy, just like any one of us can be.
Cool. Filoni, on the other hand, doesn't seem to land anywhere.
He dances around the issue (as can be seen by the debate between Ahsoka and Huyang, with no clear winner) and merely questions whether it's as simple as that.
Clearly he wants to justify Anakin's actions to some degree... but y'know, the narrative considers those actions so reprehensible that Anakin gets friggin' burned alive for it.
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"I felt it was important that we actually see that happen so that we could see the consequences of these bad things that he did. […] He forces his friends to turn against him. Which is heartbreaking." - George Lucas, “The Chosen One” Featurette, 2005
Because Anakin's actions are not meant to be justified.
It's easy to see why Filoni likes Anakin. One of the earliest tasks he had when writing The Clone Wars was humanizing a character whose sole functional purpose was to carry out a narrative about how:
"Without self-discipline, greed [can] force a character off the path to freedom." - Micael Hearn, The Cinema of George Lucas, 2005
And Anakin is a very sympathetic character.
His flaws are flaws that we all carry.
Q: Is it fair to assess Anakin is kind of cursed by his own goodness/good qualities? "I wouldn't say that’s true. He’s cursed by the same flaws, and issues that he has to overcome, that all humans are cursed with. There's a lot going on there. [...] The whole point is—and the reason I started the story where I did—is that Anakin is a normal, good kid. And how does somebody who is normal and good turn bad? What are the qualities, what is it that we all have within us that will turn us bad?" - George Lucas, Star Wars Insider #52, 2000
But narratively, Anakin is selfish.
He doesn't want to save Padmé's life, he wants to save himself from the pain of losing Padmé.
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And while you're supposed to sympathize with him, you're not meant to agree with him. He's Darth Vader, the space nazi. He messes up and consequentially "leaves the Force in darkness" for 20 years, instead of ushering it towards the light in the chancellor's office, when he has the chance.
So to shift the blame and say that...
HOWEVER, Anakin didn't have the proper support system or training to make a better choice.
... when the whole point of the narrative is about taking personal responsibility and being selfless instead of selfish... well, it is missing that point.
He did know better. He just didn't want to choose better, so he convinced himself he wasn't able to.
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pinkseas · 2 years ago
[parasocial bestie] to both responses on ur wip fics; i'm not a writer myself, like in a fic way altho i pour my brainrots out in a narrative way its a Mess, but i get what you mean!! it does feel like the more you stretch a story out there's bound to be a lot of loose ends and gaps you need to fill since you basically expanded it. in a way its how it is with drawing when you do big Big projects, having too much blank spaces over your main subjects without a decent background of the piece can get Annoying.
"i have my overall goal and less of an idea of how to reach it" OKAY BUT PERSONALLY? not even gonna relate genshin than my own original stories i always have this problem and still do, like. having a Beginning and End but literally almost no middle bc theres SO MUCH TO FILL and you have to think how it progresses chronologically And logically how it reaches the ending you imagined. it felt easy, it felt nice and 'complete', until you think of the middle and thats how i have stories that never finishes itself and stick to just throwing ideas around but unsure to put it as its canon or not o)-( so yeah!! the closest i can understand of a Process especially to long narratives.
oh. yeah. i realized i did sorta sent a Bunch of brainrot BUT LIKE PREE MUCH EVERYTHGIN I HAD RELATED TO UM,.. AKFJHD THE XIAO DYING ONE OOPS cus,..... becus ughuhfjfdhgk its like a Big fav for me and am curious (and now i am a lil embarrassed JKAFHSDKFJH) and anyways i have a lot of Impulsive Brainrot Showers,....... scattered in that big one i told u cus of the Potential,....
also ill have u know during the recovery after xiao woke he can be a little cold bc the incident rlly shot down his physical constitution to nature so lumine covers him in a lil blanket over his shoulders that he can walk around with and that imagery is probably an Icon that represents the whole brainrot in general. blanket taco burrito xiao i think. anyway lumine got bored and did crochet, taught xiao how since its easier than knitting that thoma taught her, and the guy spent hours continuously crochetting a sheet like probably miles long till late at night bc lumine forgot teach him how to End the stitching. sweet lovely dumbass <3333
yes yes the expansion and more gaps to fill !!! that def makes sense with art too we are shaking hands rn... and idk when you have the filler/details planned beforehand it can be SO fun but when youre struggling to fill in the gaps. well. Fawk
admittedly cannot relate too too much with having a beginning and end, 80% of the time when i write i start from the middle there's just So Much Middle and then i dont know what goes where or how to connect it or what to make the beginning or end and and. explodes. actually tbf i have a solid beginning idea for both current wips and a half-decent ending for one of them but god help me figure out how the FUCK im gonna end the xiaolumi one i havent even thought about it yet it could honestly go on forever <- my worst nightmare.... stories that are never finished my BELOATHED i definitely get that god we are shaking hands once more
THAT'S ONE OF MY RLY OLD FAVORITE SONGS ITS SOOOOOOOOOOOO. xiao when he sees himself as an object or a tool or a weapon or something horrible but never really a Person and the song captures that so well when you think of him and the uckfingfg.f the fuckifngfg.
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explodes and dies
THE XIAO DYING ONE GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD hold on finishing responding to this first
cold man with a blanket over his shoulders what if i Cried. that is so perfect in every way shape and form dear LORD. and lumi teaching him crochet and forgetting to teach him how to end the stitching is both so cute and so fucking funny dear lord this poor man sitting there for hours going on and on and on........
i have too many thoughts on death and near death and grief. something about xiao not allowing himself to grieve or process that he'd really been dead for a moment there because he survived, it's in the past, what is there to worry about? what is there to think of? it doesnt matter anymore. lumine struggling to come to terms with how close it was, constantly pushing back the what-ifs, if she'd been sooner if she'd been later if she hadn't been able to help him the way she did if zhongli hadn't come if if if if. zhongli, so accustomed to deaths of those so dear to him and moving forward from it, still shaken to the core because no matter how many times it happens you never really get used to it. it doesnt ever get easier. similar to xiao, telling himself over and over that it doesnt matter, all that matters is that xiao is okay, there's no need to grieve or be upset when he's alright. it's pointless.
lumine (and paimon) (and probably also venti lbr) bonking them both on the head because its important to process your emotions, because the fact that xiao isnt dead doesn't just magically get rid of the fear and the grief that the situation created. yes we Are talking about our feelings you stupid fucks ignoring the elephant in the room will not make the elephant in the room disappear. ignoring your feelings will not make them vanish it will only allow them to fester and grow stronger and more destructive!!!!
you'd think that people who've been alive for thousands of years wouldve learned how to express themselves by now but lumine and venti have to really push them through it.
and idk. just. the physical repercussions and what that means for him mentally. the intense feelings of self hate and uselessness amplified by being stuck in bed, amplified by being unable to move and fight and function the way he used to, having to relearn such "basic" things. he would be SO hard on himself about it. he should be better than this, he shouldve avoided it, it never shouldve happened in the first place, he should be recovering faster (nevermind that he is recovering exceptionally quickly in the first place, all things considered. just adepti things). and working through all of that, working through the frustration and the helplessness, being shown endless patience and love and care through it all, i just. mmmmmmmmmmmmmgmnfmngmfngmfdgnmg fuck.
finding himself useful and kept around and maybe even cared for as a tool vs being very suddenly forced to face the reality that even when he cannot fulfill his duty, even when he cant fight, even when he has no "use" and cant fulfill what he sees as his purpose- he's alive. he's cared for. he's loved and learning and moving forward regardless.
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hallothere · 2 years ago
A Forochel One-shot
The Great Lodge of Sûri-kylä was alit with a thousand flames, diffuse in the smoke that curled and vented through the ceiling. Candles, cookfires, and the forges made up most of the lights. Few pipes were to be found amidst the assembly. Most lips were far too occupied in the telling of tales or the singing of songs. Now was as good a time as any.
A great blizzard had rolled over the mountains to the east, but one without the Fell air of Angmar. It was one typical in the winters of Forochel, though somewhat early for the season. Quite a few travelers had been caught unawares on the roads to and from the great city of the Lumi-väki. Though few who could be considered Etelä-vieras sat inside Yrjänä’s Great Lodge, there were several noteworthy visitors nonetheless.
“Come come. I am quite over sitting here doing nothing. I feel quite well.”
“You look quite ill.”
“What? Never. And surely I can’t look worse than I feel.”
“Perhaps you can! It’s a small feat after all.”
Radanir scowled. “Laugh while you can, but the skin stings less so it must be less inflamed. Logic is on my side, brother. I feel better and I must look better as well.”
“No you do not!”
At this, Radanir felt forced to adopt a more petulant look. The pair of them had not come up the road unscathed, but they had arrived in Sûri-kylä whole. Lothrandir, neither a great jokester or of dour mind, never persisted in a jest so far. Else, never carried on in insults when none were exchanged. 
“And how are you to know how I feel?” He punctuated his question with as haughty a look as he could manage. Radanir was perplexed and a little affronted. The frostbite had not bitten so deeply as they had feared, and he knew from Lothrandir’s shifting hands his friend felt the sting more keenly than he. Despite all else, he had maintained possession of his gloves.
Lothrandir shoved his fingers out of sight under his arms. “And how are you to know how you look?”
Here, Lothrandir might have a point. Only a day ago, his face had been badly swollen. Today, he could see the flaring of a few of Lothrandir’s old injuries but there was no mirror in the Great Lodge with which to view his own progress. Time had not yet done all its healing work, true enough. But while the dangers of travel had not been kind, Radanir still felt… If not ‘wronged’ then at least the victim of impolite company. 
So he stared, eyes exasperated and eyebrows expectant. “Perhaps you should describe me.” 
Lothrandir turned back to look at him. His face was a picture of impatience, like as the grimace of a parent who has finally met their wit’s end. Petulant though he felt, Radanir was no irrational child and he would have his demands answered. 
Squaring his shoulders Lothrandir engaged the challenge fully. “Very well. Someone’s replaced the skin of your face with apple peel but carved in some spots too deep, for you are a sorry mix of red and pale. Is that enough for you?”
Oh, what a fine snit Lothrandir was in! Radanir crossed his arms. “It does begin to paint a picture. But for want of a mirror and Techeron’s second opinion, you’ll have to wax more poetically than that.”
It was a very good opening sally for Lothrandir’s part, he had to admit. The sort of thing Radanir might stew on for days before the opportune moment came around. Ever the wordsmith aren’t you, snowball? He thought, No wonder they made you diplomat to hither and yon. 
Lothrandir was not immediately forthcoming with unflattering verse so Radanir jumped back in. 
“Fine, then maybe consider speaking plain. If you so tired of me, you could have handed me off to that friend of yours and Calenglad’s, else taken him here in my place. If not that, then what? Have I embarrassed you? Committed some sort of Lossoth sacrilege, to be confined here and monitored lest I repeat it?”
“None of that!” Lothrandir brushed him off with an angry gesture. “Your grousing might lead them to name you ‘Laulu-vihâja’, but you’re not wholly unbearable.” When Radanir’s stare did not relent, he continued. “You feign wellness too readily. If it had been a few days more, if you had taken time to rest…”
Like you did? Radanir bit the words back hard. He wanted neither lecture nor fight and stamped down the impulse. “I do not ask to frolic about in the storm.” He held a hand up, forestalled the rebuttal, and exhaled. “I do not ask for much. Only to walk about, here, indoors, and see if there is something to do. Help if I may, observe if I may not. It doesn’t matter overmuch. Unchaperoned if I could have my way, but as they say ‘Brotherdir is borne at the hip and shoulder’.”
Lothrandir’s lip twitched at the old saying in spite of himself. “Brotherdir’ could bear you out the door and into the canal if he did not put so much work in keeping you alive.”
“For which I am ever grateful.” Radanir conceded. “But since I am not withering before your very eyes, what is your objection?”
“I do not object, Radanir.” He said quickly. “I only wonder if you are healed well enough to go about.”
“Or if I am lying to your face?” Radanir grinned. “I can take care of myself you know. Imperiled is not my natural state.”
At this, Lothrandir tried not to grimace and Radanir confirmed his suspicions. He knew what was up. For his part, he remembered days of labored walking. The roads in Forochel were not paved, as were about half the roads of his acquaintance, but they also came forth obstructed by snow. Lothrandir knew the way. He was adept at finding a track they wouldn’t need to plow and guided the trio northward. 
But not all the dangers of the hills had piled up underfoot. The servants of the Iron Crown were not wholly broken, and a handful of them had sought to make trouble. This Radanir remembered more hazily. They had been long in the storm by then, and the air sapped one man’s strength as much as the next. He and Techeron had put their lives into Lothrandir’s hands as they trudged along what seemed like the whole of their journey over again. They might have frozen, but a traveling merchant crossed their paths and took pity on them. 
The silence sat a little too long. “Techeron is free.” Radanir argued. “And his eyes were swollen shut when we got here.”
“He listens to reason.”
“He listens to you, you mean.” 
Now Lothrandir crossed his arms. “So you can choose to see sense.” 
“I hope one of us can!” he gestured between them. “Are we through trading barbs? As much as I enjoy a stimulating conversation--” Radanir stopped. “You’re distracting me,” he accused, “in the hope that I might tire and give up the fight!” 
It seemed Lothrandir did not want to acknowledge that remark. “Techeron can go as he pleases because he needs no supervision. He’s on my side, you know. And it helps that he proposes no dangerous chore, only offers his services in the textile arts.”
“I don’t know how to knit.”
Here Lothrandir shrugged. “A shame.”
Radanir rolled his eyes. “I am not dead or dying. I have better use of my hands than either of you, and have no desire to go far enough from a fire to even get a chill. Come to think of it, Techeron seemed to have a low opinion of my recovery as well. What is this pact between you? Some sort of revenge for winning that wager?”
Lothrandir snorted but did not answer. He crossed his legs, bit back signs of a wince, and leaned back against the crate that had served as a perch for Techeron’s vigil. 
“Fine. I will take matters into my own hands.” Radanir shed his blanket and made to rise. He watched Lothrandir close his eyes in some kind of resignation. “A headache won’t stop me from sorting herbs, if they have any. Or watching those two rascals pretend to kill each other, if they don’t.” 
“Radanir, we thought you dead.”
He stopped. At last, there it was. “You should have thought me stunned, for that’s all it was. I was unsteady, yes, but awake all the while.” 
“So you can recount clearly what happened?”
Radanir hesitated. “No. But what I can’t recall is fuzzy, not dark.” Against his better judgment, he voiced his previous complaint. “You needed only a good night’s rest before you were back on your horse.”
“The need was dire.” Lothrandir ground out. “And while it was necessary I would not advise repeating it.” 
He did not need to look back to know the barb had struck and stuck. Yet he did, somewhat shamefaced. “How dare I throw that back at you?” Radanir smiled with little mirth. “I call you my jailor, but you and Techeron have suffered me more.”
At this, he offered a hand out and Lothrandir took it. Standing, his kinsman looked tired and a little abashed. 
“No doubt you are well, and not a child.” Lothrandir did not yet meet his eye. “You surely understand why we are worried?”
“All too well.” Radanir swallowed over the lump in his throat. Their journey was made only after great pain and trial. None had gone south and returned unscathed. “I won’t make you suffer further. If I must behave myself, I will. You have my word.” He paused. “Only, promise me the same, will you?”
Lothrandir gripped his hand at what must be a painful strength but refused to flinch. “Techeron will be pleased we could ensure your cooperation. I believe I owe him a meal, for he was loath to bet silver now that his supply has depleted.”
The barking laugh was not out of place in the Great Lodge. It joined other sounds of camaraderie, joy, and family in the bubbling hall of hope and light. 
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prismaticutie · 2 years ago
Lumi lore ending explained
Hi everyone! I want to make a post addressing my experience w mental illness in the past year(s)
It's going to be a very long post but before I get into it, I want you to know that I'm more or less happy with where I'm at currently! I just want to talk about my mental illness and what it's been like for the past year or so
If you're not interested in that just skip this post okay ty <3
TW: suicide, mentions of self-destructive behavior
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This is gonna be a long ride so strap in pals. I should also clarify I don't know the technical terms that would apply to my situation. I don't want a diagnosis on this, I just want to talk about it.
Let's talk about Cyrus. If you know me, you probably know that I've been obsessed with the guy for a little over a year now.
It goes past the point of obsession. He lives with me. And he has, for the past year, mentally.
I like to think of him as my "mental aid" or sometimes even my "caretaker". I don't consider him a "fictional other", although I suppose the nature of our relationship might look that way to someone else.
Already this is a lot to take in, but allow me to explain.
I have had a history, since about 2019 or so, of having fictional characters reside with me inside my head. It started out as just talking to characters, like any imaginary scenario. But then it grew to be more.
I would talk with them about everything going on in my life, live out entire storylines with them, and it got to the point where they would advise me in what to do with my life.
There were two other characters before Cyrus. Characters rarely exist simultaneously. Before Cyrus, characters would only be present for a few months, then disappear for a few months, then come back or be replaced with another character. That new person would stay for a few months, and the cycle would continue.
These characters were there to help me. To guide me, to serve as my subconscious and voice of reason.
And to provide emotional support when I needed it and felt I couldn't confide in anyone who was real. This often led to a sense of closeness and to me developing emotional attachment to the characters, to the point of even seeing them as "fictional others".
I knew the characters were not real. I know they are not real, were never real, and will never be real. However, I still choose to rely on them and develop relationships with them.
It is not normal. It is not conventional. I am fully well aware that they are not real. But at the end of the day, it's my mental illness, and this is the coping mechanism that helps me the most.
Cyrus has been around for over a year now. He has not taken a break for a few months, he has not waivered, he has not left for any reason. This makes him extremely different from the previous characters that have been in my mind.
Cyrus is with me pretty much every second of the day. He is my guide and advisor in life. He serves as my voice of reason and as a reflection of my own self.
We've only ever been apart for maybe a few hours at a time. I spend most of the day talking to him about anything really, we do everything together, and he helps me, all the time.
Separating him from me would, in all honesty, probably kill me.
I have not been well. My circumstances are awful, to put it lightly. I'm severely mentally ill and unable to get any sort of therapy or medication due to the aforementioned circumstances.
Without Cyrus to help me, I would probably give into the suicidal urges that I struggle with every day.
He advises me and takes care of me. He helps me see reason when I'm lost in paranoia and irrationality. He calms me down when my anxiety is high. He does pretty much everything.
My brain functions in a highly specific way, and he has all the knowledge to be able to deal with it.
I cannot stress enough how dysfunctional I would be without him. He likes to put it a certain way.
"Most people can function on their own with little to no help. [Lumi] is someone who requires a lot of help. He does not have any way of getting the help that he needs naturally. That is why he relies on me. It is abnormal and unconventional, as he likes to put it. Yes, it is indeed very unconventional. However, nothing about him is conventional." -Cy
"What he's dealing with is difficult to explain. But we have tried just about everything. He firmly believes that this is what's best for him, and so do I. It may be unconventional, but it is not inherently horrible. It may be hard for others to understand, but this is his life. It is different, but it is his "normal"." -Cy
"And I should clarify, if any of this posed actual harm to him, I would cease it all in an instant." -Cy
In the past year of having Cyrus by my side, life has been a lot easier for me to manage. It took a while for us to get used to working together, but we figured it out eventually. It took a lot of trial and error!
But a few months ago, everything just got...easier. Not in terms of life! God no, my life is. Not getting easier, haha. But! I'm getting better at managing it.
I've improved on meeting my basic needs, which is something I used to struggle with. I have a lot more energy than I did last semester, and I've been way more productive, which I'm happy about.
Life hasn't gotten easier, but it's more doable. I'm managing my emotions better, particularly my stress, which is great, cause that was a huge problem for me previously! I'm also better at managing my depression.
Basically my bad days are a lot less bad than they used to be, and my good days are way better than before! And I assure you, I could not have done it without Cyrus' help.
It's a little unnerving, talking about it publicly. But that's how mental illness is. The experience is always gonna be odd, but I really wanted to explain what's going on w Cy! He's become such an important part of my life and I could not do any of this without him.
Like, I seriously could not live without him.
Oh, and as reassurance, I wanna clarify. My attachment is to him as a person (concept?) inside my head, not the character so much. So like, it wouldn't be the end of the world if he had a scout in pokemas that I didn't get or something like that.
I don't even own merch of him, actually! The closest thing I have is a team galactic phone ring, which. Broke. Lol
I am planning on buying his TCG Collector's deck (which releases later this month !) but even then I'm not about to go merch crazy over him
Basically my attachment to him shouldn't prove to be a detriment to my real life in any way shape or form.
Trust me, I have a lot of experience with this. I havs had it get unhealthy with certain characters. It has been severely mitigated with Cyrus. This is as healthy as it gets for me, I assure you.
If you knew what the past ones were like, you would definitely agree. But I don't feel comfortable sharing that bc it was uber fucked up lol!
I wouldn't be posting about this if it weren't successful for me personally. I'm confident in it because it's been a year and I've been observing it closely.
Do I think Cyrus is a great idea? Yea! If things are difficult for you to do for some mental reason or another, having a favorite character there to help you can make a world of difference! But would I recommend doing this sort of thing? It depends. You really have to exercise a good level of control over it. If you're going to have the character helping you, there has to be boundaries for them that they can't overstep in attempting to help you, otherwise it goes downhill REALLY fast.
I don't think it's the sort of thing that most people could replicate because it all relies on the specific rule system that my brain functions by. And my brain is rigid with its rules. Rules are rules, so if they're set, they're not likely to be broken in my case. This isn't the case for most people. It's not really a self-control thing for me either, it's more like I couldn't break the rules even if I really wanted to. They would have to be changed or I would have to be granted permission. It's a long story.
It is important to note that Cyrus really is a mental aid to me. A caregiver in a sense. He will make me take care of myself even if I don't want to. He does battle my self-destructive urges and negative thoughts constantly. His ultimate goal is to make me do what's best for me even if I really don't want to.
And honestly, I need it a lot of the time. Sometimes I really don't want to do things that are good for me. I'm a bit childish in that way. So having Cyrus like, drag me to the bathroom to brush my teeth for example, is really necessary sometimes.
He helps in bigger ways than that too ofc but that would take a LOT of explaining and this is already fairly incoherent. If you have any questions you can absolutely ask and I can try to explain it to the best of my ability!
Ummm what else did I have to say about this. Oh. The awkward part abt him being an "f/o" of sorts.
He's not real so my relationship with him isn't real. I know that. Still, I got feelings for him. That's all there is to it, really. You might see me treat him as a real significant other.
You don't have to remind me that he's not real. I know he isn't. But my feelings are real and I would appreciate it if they were respected.
I can't really think of anything else to add? If you're curious, no, I don't get hallucinations of him or anything like that. He doesn't impede on the real world, he only exists in my imagination. He's like an imaginary friend! If an imaginary friend was like, super intelligent I guess?
Idk. But he helps me, and I'm grateful for him. And I wanted to talk about mental illness a little. It is never easy and I'm convinced it will never be easy. But he makes it more manageable. He takes care of me and looks out for me. Even if it's just me looking out for myself, I could not do it "on my own" like most people can.
Also I don't think he's an alter or anything like that. There's a certain degree of separation between us. I am not Cyrus and he is not me. He just happens to reside with me in. My body. None of this makes sense does it. Point is he can't like front or anything but you can like speak to him I guess? It's more like me relaying messages for him tho
This is a really complex thing that my mind has developed over the years so there's a LOT I'm leaving out again if you're curious plz just ask I love talking abt it
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sirensofthefiveseas · 7 months ago
Cirrus frowned softly as the other said she was out of breath, tilting her head to try and listen to her breathing better. She was a trauma medic though, more trained for emergency moments instead of trying to help illness like this. Cirrus didn’t know if this was a chronic illness that she just lived with or a momentary sickness that she’d get over soon enough. Once she summoned the cloud Cirrus held the cloud still for her as she climbed on, ready to grab her if the cloud gave way.
“Lumi, nice to meet you.” Cirrus formed her own cloud under her and floated alongside her, using her powers to move them forward. She could float on her own, partly dissipating her body to let it move in the wind, but Cirrus found it hard to keep herself together when she was like that. Concentrating for a moment she dragged the fog higher, thickening it to the point it was starting to affect visibility behind them and their little follower no doubt was going to lose their mind about this.
Keeping them moving forward she tried to remember the streets and if there was a way to duck into an alley and escape notice even further. She was only visiting this town, her grandfather having kicked her off Reverse Mountain for a while so that she could ‘see the world’. Hopefully they could duck away soon before the other person decided to ditch the subtle and just come charging at them. "So, tea or coffee? I think there's a cafe around here somewhere we can wait out this fog."
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"I'm fine." Catching her breath she shook her head gently at the concern clearly upon the other woman's features. "Just out of breath." A truth, but perhaps not the full one. Given as her gaze slipped over her shoulder, noting that her tail had paused along with them. That was good. They were holding back now that she wasn't alone.
Returning her attention to the woman confusion knotted her brow slightly. Her flying nimbus? Unsure of how a cloud could carry them, but suspecting it had something to do with the rising fog she nodded. Watching as the cloud manifested before them, confirming that what ever devil fruit power this was, it was the womans. "That would be appreciated if it's not too much trouble."
Moving forward she lowered herself onto the somehow soft surface of the nimbus. Weight sinking in slightly even as a sigh fell from her lips. She hadn't realized just how exhausted she was until her weight was no longer being carried by her legs. A fact that had a soft smile pulling at her lips as he raised her gaze towards the other. "Lumi. It's nice to meet you Cirrus."
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peachiipark · 3 years ago
Adult Trio with a s/o with too high fever
I had a bad flu these days and I got the idea
oh no! i hope you're feeling better! being sick sucks. i guess flu season is coming up 😭 i better prepare my awful immune system for the worst!
(edit: ..guess who's getting sick too 😞)
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chrollo lucilfer!
chrollo is noticably softer and more careful with you. of course, he can't wait on you hand and foot, but he's there for you!
depending on how long your fever lasts, chrollo will try to cut down his schedule to spend some time with you.
"goodnight, love." he said, trying to lay on the ground instead of your shared bed that you were sprawled out on.
"i'm only sick, chrollo!"
"i cannot afford to be sick. it's a level of weakness that i refuse to be on." chrollo spoke softly, stuffing his head into a pillow.
he always manages not to get sick somehow. you are now convinced that chrollo is not human.
he makes you soup! (though it doesn't look very appetizing).
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illumi zoldyck!
"what are you doing? have you been crying?"
"illumi, i'm just sick."
"how could you be so weak to allow that?"
sickness does not exist in the zoldyck kids' vocabulary.
illumi has some butlers care for you, taking everything to the next level. bath? done. breakfast in bed? done. illumi staring at you from the corner of your shared room because he has no idea how to comfort you? ..yeah.
"lumi, come snuggle. you'll cool me down."
"no, y/n. i don't want to spread your illness."
"i'll grab you myself!"
he sighs and just goes with it since he kind of feels bad for you.
has little to no concept on how to be gentle so all of his acts of care become very very forceful.
"eat the soup." "you must drink liquids." "put your phone away and get some rest."
he means well! (..i think)
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hisoka morrow!
"i'm going to have to skip our little fight for today. i'm sick."
"but, i'm already outside of your house. are you going to leave your favorite magician hanging?"
he gets a kick out of seeing you so weak. this is the same y/n who threatened to kick his ass today! now, they were defenseless and relied on him for (almost) everything.
he feels a little bad when he realized that you were in a bit of pain.
he might stay in your room and do a few card tricks to cheer you up!
"y/n, darling, can't i just have one kiss?"
"hisoka, no. you'll get sick."
hisoka does not care about getting sick. he just really likes feeling your warmth next to him.
accompany on: to the masterlist!
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ask-lir · 3 years ago
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Work in Progress!! - With Progress Made!!
As it stands our lovely Lir is in the reworks! updates are going to include a final choice on design, a story that I actually like, and a rework of the blog's visual. it will take time as I have a bad habit of wanting to churn things out and getting burnt out- ill try to avoid that and take my time :3
Small notes for the current blog
Asks and Interactions are open, well im slower than a snail i do look at them.
Old posts are private, I didn't have the heart to delete them. if you want to see an old post i can easy send a screenie
Some lore is now set below! well it maybe in a post i would like everything together along with his official ref!!
Thanks for it all - Mod Bee <3
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him tm (small note : OG Design is by @ask-tay-relic and his wifey HLK)
Lir Lore
So for one I have lir to be much older than he was before. rather than being an edgy story for his history hes now just a ball of magic that over time sort off collected itself and gained a conscious that even hes not sure of. he perked from a lake below the crystal empire as i like to think that with rainwater going down the mountain and the natural magic in the earth getting caught in the water is where he comes from but even then im not sure.
For a while he took on no form, before mimicking animals in the forest north of ponyville (the large one generally believed to hug Fluttershys cottage, and be below cloudsdale from when fluttershy fell) at some point he did meet some ponies being Sapphire and Lumi (Up for change) so he mimics them then before slowly changing into his own form he holds onto now. Sap and Lumi have long sense passed and Lir stays more hidden in the forest.
He cranky and admitally cold to ponies for his own reasons and often leads them out of what he veiws as his forest. finding encroaching development harmful to the animals he has grown to care for. he lives in a rundown old cottage, although lived is a debatable word but it well taken care of. he is own to growl and bare teeth like a wolf before being friendly just due to how he has experienced life although he also enjoys pranking those who return, or fouls who come in based on a dare. he doesn't actually ever attack or harm as he more wishes to scare or mess with them. he does however show signs of curiosity and an interest to learn more things but is unwilling to leave his forest due to his distrustful nature.
ive given him the nicknames "Ghost of North Woods / Winter Prince" as he will often switch between a sort of magical blob and using a water body. he has noted that no pony has both a horn and wings and hes unaware of the status associated. for a while he did sport wings but now he opts to not form them unless he wants to be annoying and freak/prank someone out.
He takes after the animals as well, well he is not bonded to one animal in partular he is a general help. letting them drink from his "hair" and being just portable drinkable water. he dosent tend to see the same animal often so he treats them all well.
He dose have sharp teeth like a dog/wolf as it seemly seems to freak out most ponies who come by.
i like to say that at one point, well the rail road though the mountains to the crystal empire was being built Lir was a bit of a pain often causing havoc and rain as he didn't like the railroad as it seems to separate the forest from the lake there. even if a train likely comes once every day or less really.
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