#ill assume its her middle name or something but thats what im calling her now
goofyjelly · 7 months
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nahoyaglock · 4 years
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📃 AS I AM CHAPTER 1 — Surprise!
SUMMARY — You knew Kageyama Tobio since you both were in diapers, being close family 'friends'. You always wanted to befriend the quiet kid but no matter your efforts, he would never crack. When you transfer schools and meet Kageyama again, what will happen to your relationship?
PAIRING — family friend!kageyama x fem!reader
GENRE — fluff/crack/angst
WARNINGS — uh, non rlly, just enjoy :D
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(Sent September 15th at 6:32 am)
Y/N: [Good morning Tobio!]
You turned your phone off before sitting up to stretch your arms. The warm sunrays peeked through your thick curtains, your room taking the shade of an idigo hue. You let out a bronx cheer before hopping out of bed, looking around at your nearly empty room. bzzz!
You smiled to yourself, hands finding your small hand held device before opening your notification, seeing a text from Kageyama.
(Sent September 15th at 6:33 am)
Kageyama: [Morning.]
Y/N: [How did you sleep?]
[Also, I have a surprise for you Tobiooo!]
Kageyama: [I slept fine. What is it?]
Y/N: [It wouldn't be a surprise if you told ya!]
You set your phone down gently on your drawer and you heard a light knock on your door, then the nob turning. Your mom peeked her head through the crack in your door, smiling as she watched you open your blinds.
"Hey honey," she whispered, knocking again lightly. You faced your mother with a sleepy grin, "good morning mom." You grabbed two bags from the corner of your room, slinging them over your shoulder.
"I'll load up the car mom, don't worry okay?" You walk over to the door and she moves over, allowing you to get through the door. "We leave in 20 minutes okay?" She pats your back before walking off to her room, leaving you to your job.
You slipped on your fuzzy pink slippers sitting at the front door and your turned the lock to go out. You went back and forth, in and out of the house loading up all of your luggage and baggage needed for the move. Your mom had finished her loading and was turning on the car as you grabbed your phone and locked up the house.
You climbed into the backseat with a fluffy, warm blanket for the long ride, buckling yourself up and checking your notifications.
(Sent September 15th at 6:35 am)
kageyama: [you're quiet annoying you know?]
(Sent September 15th at 7:01 am)
Y/N: [I wouldn't be y/n if I wasnt, am I right?]
After hours of sleeping, snacking and playing video games, the ride had come to an end. "We're here baby, wake up." Your mom shook your arm softly and your slowly forced your eyes open. You groaned and sat up, rubbing your eyes and yawning.
You and your mom unloaded your luggage into the empty house, your new home. It was a house way smaller than your previous one, two rooms, a bathroom and a small livingroom that connects to the kitchen. You decided that you wanted it to feel as much like a home as did your old house, so you decided to start decorating.
(Sent September 15th at 2:13 pm)
Y/N: [Hey tobio, ill tell you about the surprise in a week! :3]
Kageyama: [okay.]
As you went through some boxes you found old photos of you and Kageyama, the male with a blank expression but you could barely stay still that you were slightly blurry. You smiled at the memories of being an energetic kid and decided to put up the photos of you and kageyama on your pin board.
After your room was decently put together, missing a desk and a bed of course, you texted your friends from your old school and went to your moms room to see her folding her clothes. "Hey mom, can we go to the school to pick up my stuff?" She turned to you and smiled, putting her shirt down and standing up.
"Ah, yeah lets go now." She grabbed her keys and lead you to the car, you bouncing with excitement behind her. You opted on riding in the front with her, smiling at her as she turned the keys to start the car. The ride was filled with your conversation with your mom, talking about what you two should do since you arrived in your new home, your school and how you live closer to the rest of your family.
You pulled up to your new school and you eyed the entrance, reading the signs and inspecting the buildings. Your mom parked and unlocked the car, allowing you to hop out under the cold breeze. "Lets go honey," your mom grabbed your arm lightly and pulled you along with her, entering your new highschool. Karasuno highschool.
The principal greeted you and your mother and started to show you around the school. You saw your classes, your locker, the gym, and other important stuff that you mentally noted. Lastly was the office, where he gave you your printed schedule, needed textbooks and school uniform. With a wave goodbye you and your mom left to go back to your house, the car ride was silent this time.
It was the day, the day you started your first day at your new school. It's been a week since you settled into your new home, finally having a bed and a desk, some drawers and other things. You felt like you were at home, finally ready for a new start. Your mom decided to drive you to school for your first day, despite living close to the school.
"Are you excited?" She asked, eyes on the road with a proud smile. "Yeah, I am, time for a new start," you smiled, looking at your phone. "Well, im just glad you're feeling well. About your dad, you know–" your mom started. Your parents divorced, and your dad bringing in the most income, you and your mom had to leave tokyo, no longer able to afford the house that you had lived in since the age of 3.
"Mom, its fine, really. It didn't work out and thats okay, because now we have a little home of our own," you smiled widely, grabbing your bag as your mom parked at the side of the road. "Oh! Can we get a puppy?" You asked, bouncing in your seat and she laughed.
"I'll think about it. Have a good day, and if you see Kageyama tell him I said hi," she waved as you climbed out the car and you nodded at her before crossing the street and entering the school. You were so excited, seeing other students who noticed your foreign presence.
(Sent September 23rd at 6:54 am)
Y/N: [Good morning tobio!]
[I'll tell you the surprise later, are you busy after school?]
Kageyama: [morning, and yes I have volleyball.]
Y/N: [ah, okay! Have a good day today]
You spent your day alone, just taking in the new setting and adjusting to the classes you had. You had a few students talk to you when they found out you were new, but you decided to eat lunch alone that day. The day went by pretty fast and while you were slightly tired, you were still pumping with excitement. After all, you were going to see Kageyama today.
School ended, and after class you went down to your locker to put away some of your books and take anything you needed out of there. You remembered that Kageyama said he would be doing volleyball club today, and you assumed it would be held in the gym. You turned to see a tall blonde headed male with glasses from one of your classes.
"Excuse me, sir?" You tapped the male, causing him to stop and face you, removing his head phones and putting his hands in his pockets. "You're the new kid, y/n? Right?" He asked, but before you could answer he scoffed, "what do you need?"
"Ah, do you know where the volleyball club is meeting today?" You stood on one foot, bouncing slightly, which wasnt unnoticed by the male. "Im in the club, we're meeting in the gym." He answered before he turned to head to the gym.
"Is it cool if i walk with you then?" You asked, leaning to your left side to peek at the boy who scoffed before nodding. You smiled and he started walking, so you waddled after him. "Ah, whats your name?" You asked taking big steps to match the tall males natural stride. "Tsukishima Kei. Call me Tsukishima."
You realized that maybe he wasn't the type to like conversations based on the annoyance in his tone, so you just followed behind silently until you arrived at the gym. The team were doing warmups of their own already while a few males had stood around and talked amongst themselves. "Woah, Tsukishima! Is that like, your girlfriend or something?"
You saw a small male, with a noticably bright streak of blonde hair smack dab in the middle of his forehead. "Im Nishinoya Yu!" He grinned and stuck out a friendly hand, which you took. "Ah, actually im new here, I just asked Tsukishima to show me the volleyball club." You giggled at the charismatic member.
"What– what did you come to the club for? Are you trying out to be the new manager or something?" A taller, nearly bald male said, appearing behind the shorter male. Tsukishima groaned and walked off to the other side of the gym. "Ah, im actually here to see a friend." They both looked at each other then turned to the third years.
"Daichi, do you know her?" Nishinoya asked, pointing at you and the gyms attention was on you. You put your hands up and waved in defense "ah wait, im actually here to see–"
"Oh, whos this?" A familiar voice said and you turned to the entrance of the gym to see Kageyama Tobio. His eyes widened in shock and he froze, dropping his water bottle as you smiled widely at him. "Kageyama!" You shouted and ran to the male, wrapping your arms around his neck, giggling lightly as he stood frozen in shock.
"Y-y/n..?" He asked and softly pushed you off of him, looking at you with a glare that also had a hint of confusion fused in. "What are you doing here?" He asked, even though he knew exactly what was going on. He saw your uniform and heard about a new student who had transferred to their school. But why you?
"Well, I moved here and thought, why not transfer to your school?" You smiled as all the boys headed over. A orange haired male walked around you, inspecting you, bouncing around with an energetic presence. "Are you and Kageyama dating?"
"You moron!" Kageyama yelled and slapped hinata on the back of the head, causing the orange haired males expression turn sour. You jumped lightly and rubbed the short males head "ah, tobio." He whines and looks up at you and pouts at Kageyama. "Your girlfriend is way cooler and nicer than you."
"Ah, im not Kageyamas girlfriend, we're family friends," you say to the small male, and he thinks for a minute. "Ah, this is y/n?" Hinata asks and Kageyama pinches his ear, dragging him away while yelling at him. You smile and turn to the other males, seeing the captain walking over towards you.
"Hello, im Daichi Sawamura, call me Daichi." He says and bows. "Im Y/n L/n," you greet back. You were allowed to stay and watch the practice, and he even introduced you to the other team members and the coaches. The whole practice you watched Kageyama, who would occasionally shoot glances at you. You also noted that he wasn't doing really well, he seemed really distracted.
After practice ended, you stood up, slinging your bag over your shoulder and attempted to approach him, but he exited the gym as quickly as he could. You were slightly shocked and just decided to text him, hinata sneaking up on you. "Hey y/n, how do you know Kageyama?"
"Hmm, oh! Our moms are best friends, so kageyamas family was always welcome at out family get togethers," you stated, not taking your eyes off of your screen.
(Sent September 23rd at 8:05 pm)
Y/N: [hey kageyama, do you want a ride from my mom?]
Daichi called for everyone to exit the gym, so you put your phone into your pocket and exited with Hinata and Nishinoya. "So, Kageyamas girlfriend?" Noya asked and you laughed, "im not his girlfriend, again." You correct as you two walk to the bike racks for Noya and Hinata to grab their bikes.
"Hmm, well a friend of kageyamas is a friend of mine!" Hinata smiles and mounts his bike, wide and bright smile, when you hear a honk. "Ah thats my mom, I'll see you guys again!"
"Wait, do you want to eat lunch with us tomorrow?" Nishinoya asked, mounting his bike. "Ah, I'll think about it, it was nice to meet you guys!" You wave goodbye to the males and jog over to your moms car, climbing into the passenger seat.
(Sent September 23rd at 8:09 pm)
Kageyama: [no.]
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© tomura-heart — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, or copying is not allowed. you may translate with my permission and correct crediting. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
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bi-robins-club · 4 years
jason had just settled onto his couch with a jane austen novel and his favourite peach iced tea when damian crept in through his window. he sighed internally and decided to simply ignore him. he had told damian to use the front door (nevermind the fact that jason rarely used the door) and more importantly? he was freaking comfortable. after a few minutes as jason flipped idly through the book, damian cleared his throat. jason sighed again, outwardly this time and reluctantly dragged his eyes up to his youngest brother. baby bat was shivering slightly from the rain outside and jason simply rasied an eyebrow as he sipped at his tea. scowling, dami stomped over to jasons bathroom to dry off. he rolled his eyes. how dramatic. damian was acting like he sentenced titus and alfred the cat to their deaths instead of how he was actually saving jason from deep cleaning his rain soaked carpet. (he was still going to deep clean the carpet the next time he tidied up but still)
when damian stalked back into the room, looking less like a wet, angry kitten and more like a dry, angry kitten, jason titled his head back and established eye contact.
"so what brings you over to my neck of the woods, demon spawn?"
instead of snapping back like jason expected, damian simply stood there looking extremely uncomfortable. he shuffled his feet, opened his mouth then closed it and sat next to jason on the couch he splurged way too much on.
"i don't know how to tell you this" dami began, hesitant "but i believe harper is experiencing thoughts of suicide"
jason jerked up, almost knocking over his tea (and what a damn waste that would be) before fixing damian with a look. he hadnt noticed anything different in roy lately but he knew more than anyone that depression acted strangely and was hard to pinpoint. his mind raced with thoughts of why roy might be suddenly suicidal, from a sudden relapse to not getting a happy meal toy included in his 3.99 box of clogged arteries. "why do you say that, damian?"
"i have been keeping an eye on his health since he became a close confidant to you and last night he said something worrying that i am still not able to parse the meaning of" jason smiled lightly at that, in damian speak he was basically declaring that he cared for roy- if for nothing else than for how happy he made jason. still he shook it off and asked what roy had said that was worrying dami.
"he was patrolling last night" jason knew that. roy had been picking up his patrols since jason had a nasty leg wound. it was the reason he wasn't out tonight. "and he was on the phone with an unknown person, though i am inclined to believe it was either Starfire or Canary" okay, still not surprising "and then he said that the only place he could die happy was between your thighs" oh hello blue screen. yes jasons mind was in the middle of rebooting but could you hurry it along? he almost missed what damian said next. "not only does he wish for death upon himself, he wishes for you to give it to him!"
"damian" jason managed, frantically trying to figure out a way to explain to his baby brother without including his sex life. "uhh its just an expression"
damians face brightened up slightly. "really? he does not wish to smother himself between your thighs?"
"yeah, its like...like just a way to say... mind your business? mmhmm" he struggled to get out, pulling an explanation out of his ass.
"you have told father to mind his business a thousand times but i dont recal you ever using that one. is it new?"
oh god. jason would rather die again than continue this conversation.
"uhh its only used if you're close to someone" jason didnt know what he didnt wrong but dami's eyes widened in clear worry. "i thought you and father were reconnecting? has something happened? are you fighting again?"
well shit. jason had not thought this one through. fuck roy and fuck his mile wide kink that centered around jasons thighs. he was going to kill him. and he wouldnt even use his thighs. "oh nonono dami we're fine, just not as close as me and roy" he hedged, pleading to gods he didnt believe in to stop this conversation with whatever means necessary. strike him dead if need be but *please*. damians eyes narrowed "and exactly how close are you with harper, jason?" jason stared in disbelief. how had his nice relaxing evening turned into such a shitshow? damian was fine with roy when he and jason were just friends but now that he was (correctly) assuming a relationship, his over protective instincts were kicking in? christ. he remembered how when dick and babs finally started dating (again), damian seemingly lost all respect for her and called her an evil harlot more than once.
thankfully he was saved by answering in the form of the best person jason had ever met aka duke thomas. he announced his presence by awkwardly coughing. jason met his dark eyes and mouthed 'help me' over damians head. duke smiled as if it was getting pulled out of him by torture but nodded.
"hey dames, dick wanted you to join him by the docks when you finished up here" damian scowled "cant you see i am clearly not finished yet"
"hah, well dick was facing up against scarecrow and i think he needed some back up but you know him"
"yes, he wont admit he needs help when he very clearly does" damian sighed "very well, ill go check on dick. you stay and question jason. " and with that damian clambered out the window and after he disappeared from sight, jason threw his head back to stare at his ceiling and groaned. duke laughed at him.
"hey daisy duke?" duke grumbled at the nickname and jason cracked a smile "how did you know i needed back up?" duke winced and ran a hand over his dreads. he made a face and jasons soul was slowly draining out of his body. "oh haha funny story" duke rocked back on his feet and faked laughed "damians com was still connected to the channel" jason froze.
"who was on the channel oh my god" duke smiled thinly and his hand paused on his head. "other than me? everyone." jason buried his head in his hands and let out a high pitched whine. duke consolingly rubbed his shoulder. this is why jason loved him. he hadn't even laughed at jason like tim, dick or steph would or started plotting death like damian started to. he and cass would just offer support. jasons favorite brother and sister right here folks. duke sat down beside him
"listen. i know what it's like to be outed when youre not ready and when i heard damian grilling you about roy, i thought i would help" jason turned and stared at his brother. duke was staring at his hands and avoiding eye contact. "i got caught with a boy when i was 15 in high school. its pretty shitty to be gay and poor in a homophobic neighbourhood but its worse to be gay, poor and black." jason knocked shoulders with him. "if you tell me the name of whatever asshat outed you, I'll shoot him for you." duke let out a waterly laugh. "they kept bullying me for being gay but if they even listened, they would have realised that im pan" he joked "its a completely different thing after all". jason snorted
"that was horrible"
duke winced "yeah, it was wasnt it. im bad at this" it was jasons turn to avoid eye contact now.
"talia once caught me with a league operative. a male operative. i was so paranoid for days until i caught shiva leaving her rooms. i got the courage to tell her i was bi and she just patted my cheek and asked how my training was going."
duke huffed out a laugh. "bruce gives you shit but i for one think your lesbians moms are cool"
jason laughed with him "just wait until you meet Ducra. shes a badass"
"ducra?" he questioned with a weird look. "how many moms do you actually have? i knew about diana and your assassin moms but thats a new name" jason burst into laughter at the expression on dukes face. "its not fair man. steph is the only other one with a mom and you have four! you need to share" jason choked on his laughter and shoved duke.
"first of all, its only *three*. ducra is like my badass abuela"
"dont you already have a badass grandma? have you forgotten about Ma Gunn? she threatened to shoot bruce in the dick last week!"
"yes well excuse you i need strong female role models in my life, fuck you" the two of them continued to joke around for a little while longer before jason caught a flash of black kelvar outside his window and sighed. duke followed his eyes and smiled before patting jasons shoulder and pushing off. "have fun with the one strong male role model in your life. im going to see if cass needs help" both of them knew that cass wouldn't need help but jason accepted the excuse for what it was. "me and steph are still coming over to study tomorrow. college is kicking my ass and i need you to explain this English assignment to me"
jason scoffed "im not writing your essay for you"
"eh worth a try. bye jace" duke gave a two fingered salute and slipped out the window. jason took the brief reprieve to sip his tea and mourned when he discovered the ice had melted and watered down the peach taste. for the third time that night, someone crept into his window. oh well. third times the charm right? jason wasn't going to acknowledge bruce until he said something himself. it was a repeat of damian. jasom read his book as it got increasingly uncomfortable.
"bruce" jason drawled, not lifting his eyes from his book. bruce grunted like the neanderthal he was and jason finally huffed out a heaving breath before marking his page and looking up. bruce looked supremely uncomfortable. actually his face looked exceedingly neutral but jason knew how to read bruce and that was the brow furrow of how do i deal with jason without fucking it up? jason was well famailairsed with that one.
"you know i love you" jasons own eyebrows rose. bruce only said 'i love you' like four times a year tops. and he usually never wasted it on jason. bruce deflated at whatever face jason must have made. goddamn it. this was why jason always fought with bruce with his helmet on, he couldnt control his facial expressions for shit. "no you dont know that." bruce smiled thinly and to jasons suprise, quickly crossed the room and knelt, placing his hands on jasons shoulders.
"even if you dont believe it, and its my own fault that you do and i hate that i ever caused you to even doubt my love for you, i swear that i do, jay lad" jason was completely frozen. he had expected bruce to yell at him for letting roy go unchecked on patrol last night and how irresponsible he was yada yada, not this declaration of feelings that he had no clue how to deal with. he couldnt remember the last time bruce called him that. it had to have been when he was still in those scaly green panties and pixie boots. and not the adult verison that jason picked up from a halloween store on a whim just to see roys eyes.
bruce sighed and drew jason into a hug. when bruces shoulder started getting wet, jason was horrified to realise he was crying. "i wanted you to know that i wouldnt love you any less for loving a man. but you have to know that i love you in the first place for that to happen" bruce said self deprecating.
"shut the fuck up" jason said sniffling and gripping his dads back. "i hate you"
bruce laughed softly at him before pressing a kiss to the side of jasons head. "i want you to know that i expect roy-and you- over at dinner on sunday. i need to meet the man that stole my babys heart" he murmured. jason laughed wetly "youve already met roy, you just want to con me into actually coming to family dinner"
bruce smiled "that was before i knew you two were dating. roy needs to know what hes getting into" jason leaned back enough to stare into bruces eyes and weakly punched him in the chest "dont threaten my boyfriend. he refused to look at me for two weeks after t was done with him" bruce sighed longingly "its times like this when i remember what caused me to love talia in the first place."
"bruce!" the aforementioned man laughed and hugged jason tightly before stepping back a few steps. "Sunday dinner. you and roy. 8 pm." on a whim jason reached out and snagged bruces hand. "hey" he started, swallowing "you wanna stay for a while? we could watch a movie or something" bruces eyes softened and he nodded. "let me change out of the suit."
and if roy had crept in after patrol only to see jason napping on his dads chest to a shitty action movie playing in the background and took several pictures, well that bruces fault for not waking up when roy stumbled it. (nevermind the fact that bruce had every single one of those pictures saved on his phone) (nevermind the fact that after roy put his phone away, he was greeted to the sight of batman glaring at him as he twisted a batarang around his fingers. it was sorta ruined by the fact that jasons curls was hiding the lower half of his face but roy was still adequately terrified)
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woogyu · 3 years
Funny Drabble Game
Drabble Prompts; fluff | angst | funny (when requesting PLEASE add which prompt list it is from)
Can have up to 3 prompts per request + can send multiple requests.
They will all be written for fem reader. I’m very sorry about this, it is just because of what I know/have experience in writing.
Please format requests as follows; funny member prompt # or #s.
ex. funny member #12 + #15
ex. funny florist!member x student!reader #14
Send your requests/asks: here
~ prompts under the cut ~
crossed out = don’t request, usually for when I’ve gotten tired of a specific prompt coming up too often or I don’t like it
Drabble Prompts [credit; https://justforshitsandcackles.tumblr.com ]
“You’re such a fun drunk.”
“Since my dog likes you then i guess i like you.”
“Tell them to fuck off.”
“It’s six o’clock in the morning, you’re not having vodka.”
“I want to strangle you 99% of the time.”
“Could you not suck for five minutes?”
“The ladies love a guy who’s good with kids.”
“You can’t banish me! This is my bed/bedroom too!”
“You’re seriously like a man-child.”
“Well thats tragic.”
“I’m too sober for this.”
“You are actually insane!”
“I think you’re actually satan.”
“It’s like -50 degrees in here.”
“Laugh at my jokes! They’re funny and you know it!”
“Sorry isn’t going to help when i kick your ass!”
“Don’t let one of them electrocute themselves or something.”
“Welcome back. Now fucking help me.”
“Do you find this amusing, fuck face?”
“Holy shit! That thing is huge!”
“Don’t kink shame me.”
“I hope i’m never stuck with you on a deserted island.”
“I just cleaned that!”
“Don’t get sassy with me!”
“What do you have behind your back?”
“If you interrupt me one more time, so help me god.”
“Not to toot my own horn or anything, but the dog loves me more.”
“I’m going to put on some clothes before you say anything else.”
“Bite me.” “If you insist.”
“Im not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.”
“I need you to be my fake girlfriend/boyfriend.”
“Can you stop playing connect the dots with my freckles?”
“You snuck into my room, at 4am..to cuddle?”
“If we get caught i’m blaming you.”
“What? No! I wasn’t staring..i-i was looking at something behind you!”
“I locked the keys in the car.”
“This is why we can’t have nice things.”
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
“Define normal.”
“Do i get bonus points if i act like i care?”
“Just remember if we get caught, you’re deaf and i don’t speak english.”
“Don’t look for any redeeming qualities. I don’t have any.”
“And you wonder why you’re single.”
“Remind me to kill you. Please.”
“I’m listening to you. I’m just not paying attention.”
“She’s crazy. and just when you think you’ve reached the bottom of her craziness, theres a crazy underground garage.”
“Sorry. I don’t speak skank.”
“My middle finger salutes you.”
“I don’t think i could ever stab someone. I mean, lets be honest, i can barely get the straw in the capri sun.”
“I don’t have enough middle fingers to let you know how i feel.”
“Somebodys cranky.” “Somebody needs to shut up.”
“All due respect but thats a bunch of crap.”
“I am one of the few people in the world who can murder you and leave no forensic evidence behind.”
“Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.”
“What did i tell you about calling him/her the devil?” “That it’s offensive to the devil?”
“I heard that!” “You were supposed to!”
“I’m not weird. I’m limited edition.”
“If history repeats itself, i am so getting a dinosaur.”
“You seem somewhat familiar. have i threatened you before?”
“Even when we were kids, i always kicked your ass!”
“Sarcasm is the body’s natural reaction to stupidity.”
“Don’t look in her eyes, she might steal your soul.”
“She’s hot, but she’s evil.”
“Do i regret it? Yes. Would i do it again? Probably.”
“You’re going to burn in a very special level in hell. A level they reserve for child molesters, animal abusers, and people who talk at the theater.”
“I’m not a damsel in distress. i’m a damsel doing damage.”
“Sometimes i question my sanity. Occasionally it replies.”
“Why should we date?” “Because we’re attracted to each other.” “I am attracted to pie, but i do not feel the need to date pie.”
“Why does everyone assume the worst of me.” “It saves time.”
“You’ve successfully cured him/her of anything interesting about his/her personality.”
“Neither one of us is drunk enough for this conversation.”
“Wow somebody needs a happy meal.”
“I didn’t do it!” “Then why are you laughing?” “Because whoever did it is a freaking genius.”
“Idiots. I’m surrounded by idiots.”
“You couldn’t handle me even if i came with instructions.”
“Obviously you have mistaken me for somebody who gives a shit.”
“I’m so glad you could come.” “Cut the crap. give me a drink.”
“Where have you been all my life?” “Hiding from you.”
“I can tell that you think what you’re saying is funny, but…no.”
“If you pull out my earphones, i will pull out your lungs.”
“Ah, he’s playing hard-to-get. thats cute.”
“I feel like a freakin’ soccer mom.”
“My ex? Yeah id still hit that. Except this time it would be with a car or a baseball bat.”
“Such big evil in such a little thing.”
“For the love of fuck.” “Yep, thats me. i love to fuck.”
“Are you ready to go?” “Yeah. let me grab my machete.” “We’re going to sephora. no machetes needed.”
Clears throat seriously, “Yas bitch.”
“No road trip is complete without the snacks. So go in there and buy everything you can fit in a tiny cart.”
“I’m all for making you miserable by being insufferable, but unfortunately i have things to do today.”
“Come on, you can help me make conspiracy theories. If you make an especially good one, ill pay for dinner.”
“You know what? Why not? I haven’t ruined my life yet this week. Lets go.”
“Do these dark circles under my eyes say nothing to you about how i am doing?”
“If i didn’t know you better, id say you were trying to flirt by giving me books.”
“What are you talking about? Im hilarious!”
“Duct tape? Duct tape is not going to fix this!”
“What did you think? That you were going to fight him?”
“You’re blocking the view.” “I am the view.”
“Why are you on the floor?” “Tying my shoe.” “You’re wearing rain-boots.”
“Cant stop me from slaying!”
“Close your eyes and imagine it, all the dogs in the world.”
“Be careful, he’s so sweet you might get diabetes.”
“Would you reconsider if i was sober?”
“Stop running i’m wearing flip flops!”
“Why are you holding your boobs?”
“I wouldn’t call it stalking, more like far distance admiring.”
“You need to stop making her laugh! you’re ruining her makeup!”
“I’m sure i can get some kind of sexual gratification from just staring at him if i try hard enough.”
“I’m not sure if its a sexual thing or not.”
“I’m either in the mood for french fries or to rip someone’s head off. Hmmm. decisions, decisions.”
“If you’re not out of the shower in the next five minutes, i’m going to cut your fucking hair off to make your life quicker.”
“No, i will not dress up as a chicken.”
“I never told my extended family that we broke up, and now they want to know when you’re coming over for dinner again.”
“I need a date to my relatives wedding, and i’ve already asked literally everyone else i know, so i know you probably hate me, but please say yes. Otherwise they’ll try to set me up with someone, and they have awful taste.”
“One more sound and i swear to-”
“Sometimes when (name) texts me, i just pretend they didn’t so i don’t have to respond.”
“You gave our pigeon boyfriend the wrong beans!”
“If i’m like 50 and still single, ill marry you because tax benefits.”
“Please, never have children.”
“I know its like 11pm, but i’m on my way to your house with nacho fries.”
“Sometimes i wish i was gay so i wouldn’t have to deal with all these dumbass boys.
“You know, would’ve been nice if you told me your whole ass family was coming to this dinner! I look like a troll.”
“Im going to the party to pet the dog, no thanks drugs.”
“I hope in college i get some excuse to deck him. Maybe with a bottle or something, ill wing it and be like “oops, sorry shithead, my hand slipped.”
“What is this shit…i’m just trying to graduate.”
“Ooo, i sense attitude in your tone.”
“Guess who only got two hours of sleep? Me, lol, i’m gonna die.“
“I’m gonna strangle you.” “Is that a threat or a promise?”
“Superheroes aren’t allowed in my house, especially after they’ve destroyed my living room. go away.”
“oh you’re coming. even if i have to drag you through the snow in your pajamas.”
“i swear you’re gonna end up getting like botox in your tits or something.” “well i mean-” “whAT DO YOU MEAN?!”
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Part 40! The Coronation
Sitting in the hospital wing of the royal palace beside Sokka and Zuko was interesting to say the least. Zuko was out of it half the time and passed out the rest, while Sokka cracked multiple jokes about how the war costed them an arm and a leg. The jokes were terrible but Kurt still laughed, it was more so the confident delivery of the jokes that got him.
When Katara busted in with Aang tailing her she headed straught for the trio. When she got to them she folded her arms over her chest and looked at them expectantly "well?"
"Grabbed a rope at a bad angle"
Katara let out a long sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose "Im just glad we're all still here" her words were choked at the end.
She moved to Zuko's side to heal his lightning wound as Haru and Kahno made it to the room. Haru having his arm over Kahno's shoulder with Kahno helping him walk "okay, we're here Kah, you can let me go now"
"Nope, gods you're just like Kurt, always downplaying your injuries, you have internal bleeding Haru"
"Thats where the blood is supposed to be!"
"Thats not what that means and you know it!"
Kurt couldn't help but laugh at the scene "sorry, its just, its nice knowing we've all made it out of this and can still bicker like that"
The coronation was a week after the end of the war and Zuko was taking as much time as he could studying, but Iroh had been teaching him since he was four, so he knew most of the information he needed to know. This studying was just a formality at this point.
The royal hair dresser took one look at his hair and nearly fainted. "I'm sorry, I can deal with it myself if its too much"
"No, not at all my lord, forgive my expression, there's alot to work with and it will take a while. Allow me to go get different products to properly work with your hair"
She left and came back to him sitting down at the vanity calmly working through his curls with his fingers humming a soft tune. "Im back my lo-"
"Please, just call me Zuko miss..."
"Ming, my name is Ming My lo... Zuko" she made her way to him "let me wash your hair and then I'll style it while its drying, it should be easier that way" He nodded and stood, letting her guide him the(idk what to call it? Hair sink? Idk ill figure it out)
Once she started working through the curls she thought aloud about the style she wanted to try, though it was a mumble. "Ming?"
"Oh, sorry, I think out loud so-"
"No, no, you're fine, I'd like to give you a tip however. With my hair it's easier to get a tight updo with braids, I know its not traditional in the nation but I grew up in the earth kingdom and braiding has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I'd suggest a tight earth braid to the middle of the top and then tying it up in a top knot" he paused "ive seen similar styles without braiding but its much easier to style my hair with braids"
She nodded "sounds doable"
After getting his hair styled by Ming he had to get into his coronation robes, heading for the seamstress he's been working with for the past three days. Arriving in the room he gave a quick three knocks on the door frame to alert her
"Ah! Zuko! Just in time! Oh your hair looks great, Ming is a wonderful stylist"
"That she is, so miss Lea, ready to help me with all these layers"
"Of course, you better not complain about the additions you requested again"
The two laughed as she helped him into the robes, the additions he requested were some two small jewels handing from the front of the top layer, one blue to symbolize Sokka and one green to symbolize Suki. After it was on he took the small jewels in his hand and smiled.
"You really care for them dont you?"
"Of course I do Leah, I was so scared I would lose them, and when Azula hit me," he paused for a moment to place his other hand over the robe covering his new lightning scar. "I was afraid I'd never see them again"
"Well, you're here now, and so are they, lets get you out to that coronation shall we? I'm sure your two song birds will be out in the crowd waiting for you"
Meanwhile in the crowd Sokka was officially introducing the whold gaang to his dad and Bato and a couple other members of the tribe. When Kurt spotted Bato and stood two feet from him he had to crane his neck to see his face "well nice to meet you string bean"
Bato, not understanding that this was a jab at his height smiled and patted Kurts head "nice to meet you too cub"
Kurts face was immediately bright red "cub?"
"Just... you're small? You had a nickname prepared I guess and I didn't-"
"That wasn- Cub isn't that bad of a nickname!"
"Its not? You looked upset"
"People usually call me kid because I'm short and they assume I'm like 10 or something but I'm in fact, 17"
"Well, I figured with the facial hair you weren't a child, but you are short"
Kurt let out a laugh and gave a light punch to Bato's side "that I am, and you sir, are tall as fuck, Hakoda probably has to stand on a stool to reach for a kiss"
The group went silent for a good minute before Hakoda cleared his throat "how uh, how did you know exactly?"
"What? That you two were together? I noticed at the invasion? Was this not... common knowledge?"
"You two are dating!?" Sokka and Katara both questioned loudly
"I guess it wasn't, im sorry, I thought you two had already told them, you weren't very subtle"
"I'll say" Toph piped up "I'll have you two know I can see everything that goes on during camp, and I had to put on shoes that night so I didn't have to"
The paired reddened and then the group fell into laughter.
After the end of the war, the gaang had to split up, however they did visit from time to time. The Kyoshi warriors became Zuko's personal guards, Sokka became the water tribe ambassador so he could be by Zuko's side too. The trio married 3 years after the wars end
Toph started up a metal bending school as well as an orphanage for children who lost their families or kids needing safe places from abusive families, she called it 'The Runaway'.
Katara and Aang set off to recover lost the heritage and culture from the southern water tribe as well as do the avatar duties.
Kurt set up a dance and bending school where he taught anyone and everyone how to dance as well as how to use firebending in a way that won't hurt anyone. He called it 'Flare' simple right?
Haru left to go help restore earth kingdom towns and cities but he visited Kurt's dance school from time to time.
Kahno joined Kurt with his dance school teaching along side him given the forms he used were similar to waterbending. The two of them were married by the end of the first year after the war.
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
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Title: your demons are my darkness
Pairing: Dark!John x Demon blood!Sam x Reader/ eventual Dean x Reader
Kink: Gangbang
Dark: Dark!John
Heaven & Hell: Demon Blood!Sam
created for @spnkinkbingo @heavenandhellbingo @spndarkbingo​
A/N: This will be a really tough thing for me to write again this is the territory that I seem to find my passion expanding more... Once more if you like this please give it a like and a reblog and if you have any questions or comments please feel free to send me a message.
Tags: forced vaginal penetration, forced anal penetration, screaming, crying, choking from gagging, magical mind melding sex, bad ass escape skills,  forced oral sex, gagging, puking from gagging, impregnation, male dick in male ass 
Kink masterlist. H&H masterlist. Dark masterlist.
You are a huntress, you had lived all over. While living in Greece several years ago you were walking in the countryside, you came across a temple.
Normally you weren't the religious type but today you felt drawn to the temple. You turned to the goddess Artemis for guidence.
Unbeknown to you at that moment that the actual goddess herself would come to speak with you in person.
Artemis: "child, you are blessed with a gift from the gods. I'm Artemis and I have heard your prayers my child. You have found favor under me by which I bestow to you the daggers of Olympus. These daggers grant you the powers of the 12 main Olympians. Use them in your quest to vanquish the demons that haunt this realm. Remember child yell when your holding the daggers & blessings will befall you. Now go home, your next quest is waiting for you. Remember this name: Winchester!"
YN: "Artemis thank you I go now under the guidence of the gods."
You left and boarded the next possible flight. You remembered what Artemis had said, the daggers became bracelets, you arrived home to discover your only hope of retrieving your weapons cache, was to somehow knock out the 2 guys that showed up just before you did.
You overheard their conversation it went something like this:
John: "look Sam I don't pretend to understand what your going through but you can't speak to your brother the way you did & you certainly as hell don't get to speak to me that way either."
At that moment it was unclear to John what was happening. He went to move but felt his darkness rise up once more.
This made your hunting senses go haywire, you tried to ninja your way passed them using the cover of darkness, but they spotted you..
Dark!John: "hey Sam look over here son!"
Demon Blood!Sam: "well well let's play with her shall we?"
Dark!John: "let's get away from here first then we shall have some fun with her."
Both guys were immediately by your sides they knocked you out. by the time you woke up again tied to a bed.
Dark!John: “oh good you’re awake, we were afraid you would sleep through all the fun!”
YN: “who are you?”
Demon Blood !Sam: “have you ever heard the name of Winchester?”
thats when Artemis’ words rang through your mind... 
YN: “you’re what my mentor warned me about. let me go... what do you intend to do with me?” 
Dark!John: “we intend to fuck you into the middle of next week unloading our dark semen into you, little girl. we will begin in just a few moments.”
John and Sam left the area, you struggled against your binds, your next move was to pray to Artemis.
YN: “Artemis Goddess of the Hunt, freeze time in my stay, come now to speak with me.”
in that moment, time stopped as Artemis appeared.
Artemis: “what has happened my child?”
YN: “those 2 goons over there go by the last name of Winchester. please o great & humble Artemis send me salvation for i know i cannot fight what is about to happen.”
Artemis: “not to worry child ill see what i can do...”
in that moment as fast as she had come, she was gone.. you sat in wait, fearing neigh dreading what was gonna happen to you, loosing the barrier of your innocence is something that has always kept you from falling too far in love... 
you retreated to your safe haven, to your inner mind, now you werent paying any attention , you knew you would eventually come back to reality but for right then you were perfectly happy living in your magic.
the rumors surrounding the winchester name were true... but un-beknown to you, your salvation would soon involve another winchester. Meanwhile Artemis was having a discussion with her “brother” Ares.
Artemis: “its time bro, you need to share your powers with the other chosen by the Gods. it is the only way to save my prospect.”
Ares: “chill out sis, who is the lucky person to inherit my gifts?”
Artemis: “dean Winchester.”
Ares: “come with me sister. this will go alot smoother if your by my side..”
Artemis: “very well brother...”
both ares and artemis went on their way to see the better of the winchester line. they appeared scaring the living daylights out of Dean whose reaction was to pull out the handheld, aiming it at Ares and Artemis.
Ares takes a few steps forward now standing directly in front of Dean rolls his eyes.
Ares: “bro put that down... trust me boy your the only solution but your gonna have to act fast...”
Dean lowered his gun at the ringing of Ares’ words...
Dean: “what are you talking about? who are you?”
Artemis: “Dean, you’re one of those chosen by the Gods of Olympus... Ares beside me here is going to give you access to his power as well as that of the 12 main Olympians.”
Dean sat down on the edge of his bed, the expression of shock clear cross his face.
Dean: “well if the dude is Ares, who does that make you sweetheart?”
Artemis: “i am Artemis Goddess of the Hunt... Dean do you accept the charges that Ares will provide to you?”
Dean: “of course but why are you guys just approaching me now?”
Ares: “cause your time to awaken is now, your partner from the Gods is in serious trouble. Dean, you have found favor within me, i bestow to you now the dual swords of Olympus, they will turn into Gauntlets when you arent in battle. the swords will grant you the powers of the Gods. now your task is to go and find one called YN, she is a huntress & your chosen partner. your father & brother are the ones that have her.”
Dean’s eyes went wide with shock and a bit of anger...
Dean: “where is she? how do i reach her?”
Artemis: “we will show you where but once there you must hurry for if they impregnate her, the apocalypse will start. Both you & YN are the 2 people both set to start the apocalypse as well as start it. her getting filled with dark sperm is the first seal broken, this must not be allowed to happen. once you rescue her you have to call our names & we will get you away from there. they havent climaxed yet they havent even started fucking her yet, but they are about to start... i know this cause im connected to her. Dean are you prepared to fight your own family?”
Dean: “im prepared to do what is necessary to save my partner...”
back at what you assumed to be some sort of a motel or hotel room.
YN: “look okay you guys really dont want to do this.. ive got very very powerful friends.”
Dark!John: “shut up you stupid bitch... take what we are gonna give you and like it...”
John came up to your pussy first running his finger through your folds before replacing his finger with his cock. you struggled, you knew what was about to happen... but you felt powerless at that moment to stop it... 
Sam came up to your mouth and started to slap your face with his cock... this went on for several moments before he tried to make you gag on his fingers, you ended up gagging but you bit him in the process... 
Demon Blood!Sam: “why you little bitch... thats it... Dad you can take her virginity im gonna teach this bitch not to bite people...”
Dark!John: “if your not ready for me by now sweetheart your not gonna have a choice now...”
before you could come back with your remark, Sam shoved his Cock in your mouth, thrusting in and out holding position making your eyes water and causing you to gag. you were only given a 1 second breathing period between gagging sessions. 
after the first 5 gagging sessions Sam was laughing so hard amused by your gagging that he didnt even realize that you threw up on his cock right away... he noticed it when John spoke out...
Dark!John: “okay bitch this is for throwing up on my sons cock...”
at that moment your eyes went wide, you let out an earth shattering scream as John thrust himself hard into your pussy breaking past the barrier of your innocence. 
Demon Blood!Sam: “okay bitch, clean my cock...”
Sam then stuck his cock back in your mouth, puke and all... this made it even harder to take in... you threw up multiple times after that... John didnt care that you were bleeding a bit, that soon stopped when your pussy started to form to John... 
you screamed between gags, you were crying and choking and barely breathing... you only hoped that your salvation would soon arrive and that your powers would not show, for the darkness must not contact the light... you retreated into your mental space only partially to keep up the gagging and noises... 
Artemis was now in a similar but not state of shock over what she was feeling from you, she knew you had retreated to your safe space... 
Artemis: “omg we dont have alot of time, YN is growing weak... if they impregnate her they will... wait a moment thats it... as soon as you have eyes on YN you need to mind meld with her, your powers are linked, it will allow you to meet her and to mentally fuck her.”
Dean: “im sorry what... mentally fuck her... what the fuck does that mean?”
Artemis: “ill explain before i send you in... lets go...”
Dean stood up in time to be transported with Ares and Artemis just outside of a warehouse district.
Dean: “explain please...”
Ares: “basically long story short you and YN can fuck in your shared mental space and what ever transpires in there climax wise will transpire in reality. meaning if you cum inside her in your shared mind, it will cancel any dark energy they would be putting into her in reality.”
Dean: “and all i have to do is connect to YN...”
Artemis: “yes she is in her mental space now... but the guys are close to releasing into her... you have about an hour at best before they release... once in the mental scape time will speed up... so make sure you stay out of sight till yours and YN’s roles are done in the mental space... Ares and I will wait here for you to call our names and we will pull you both out.”
Dean stared at the building behind him searching it with his powers trying to get a lock on you... finally after a few moments Dean was no longer in front of Ares and Artemis but instead was high in the rafters of one of the buildings in the district... 
he looked down and saw you, his father and his brother. he got into a position where he was sure that he wasnt gonna fall or anything and while keeping you in sight. he channeled his inner powers and went deep into a state of mind where hopefully he would find you...
entering the joining point he saw something in the distance that he could only assume had to be you. Dean then figured he had better look the part of “not here to hurt you” or anything look peaceful while still hot and sexy... 
indeed the form he had seen was you, sitting on the ground with your knees tight to your chest, knowing that you were at this point helpless to stop what was happening outside... thats when your powers sparked, making you turn around...
YN: “who are you?”
Dean: “im Dean Winchester... yes in unfortunate relation to the ones who are currently giving you your current predicament. but at the same time im the good one. i threw away my darkness a long time ago.. i never looked back. im the other chosen by the Gods of Olympus with Ares as my guide. our patrons wait outside this building for us... but we have to do something first to counteract whats happening outside.”
YN: “what do we have to do? what can we do we are in here they are out there defiling my body... they stole my innocence... they took the thing that kept me from loosing my sanity...”
Dean: “Artemis said that what we do in here in the form of sex, the only thing that will stay as a permenant to your outside form is the climax that i unload into you in here... that will stop them from releasing their darkness inside of you and breaking the first seal of the apocalypse.”
YN: “Dean i trust you to get us out of this mess safely and when we get back to our physical forms i shall like to explore more of what we can be together slowly.”
Dean helps you stand his clothes falling off of him, his arms lift you high softly and gently placing you on his cock. being thrust by Dean made you feel different, like it was meant to be, like this was destined.
Ares: “did they just.?.”
Artemis: “its happening... lets be ready to pull them out... there is only 10 minutes left out here but to them it will feel like mere hours.”
Ares: “lets hope the speed of the Gods makes their work alot faster.”
Artemis: “i hope your right brother.”
Dean was speeding up alot faster than normal, he then remembered about his powers. they were still kicking in, well he now had the speed of Hermes and man was he putting it to good use. 
Dean (out of breath): “squirt for me baby! i can tell your almost there... by my time count so am i and so are they... squirt for me baby... Ares, Artemis be ready to pull us out with clothes on, we are almost there...”
you were now in a half mental and half physical state so John and Sam could hear the earth shattering orgasmic scream you let out the second you climaxed, Dean, John and Sam also climaxed... you spat out the seman right back at Sam and vomited immediately. 
your magic was working to expell the darkness from your body... Dean was also back in his own body... for he then smiled lightly...
Dean: “Ares great God of War, Artemis Goddess of the Hunt pull our asses out. and someplace far way.”
within seconds you and dean were whisked away but Ares decided to teach John and Sam a lesson so he used his power to make them ready to cum again but placed them on the bed where John was about to unload into Sam’s ass and Sam all over John... 
Ares stayed to leave a creepy voice over.
Ares (thundering voice from above): “if either of you morons ever think about contacting that girl or your other family member again i will personally deliever you both to the firey gates of tartarus myself for the dark tretchery you have caused.”
you and Dean suddenly found yourselves in a room, one unlike that of which either of you had ever seen. there was a knock on the wall making both of you look up.
Artemis: “welcome to Olympus... i’m sure you both have lots of questions. let me be the first to say congratulations. but that is news for after a few words from Zeus...”
both you and Dean got down and Bowed before the king of the Gods. looking up at Zeus who smiled and gestured for both you and Dean to rise.
Zeus: “YN & Dean, i am delighted to meet those chosen by Artemis and Ares. i hope you will find this quarters to your liking. dont worry Artemis and Ares will go in a while to collect your possessions from earth. when you both are up to it i would like to discuss a few terms and oaths with you both. but right now with what you both have been through you both need to rest. Artemis and Ares wont be far, the grounds are extensive but are free to roam. no boundaries or secrets. i also recommend the hot spring it has healing properties. for now rest. we are delighted to have you both up on Olympus with us. please dont hesitate to ask questions, welcome to the family.”
with those words Zeus was gone. Artemis stuck robes and towels and things like that in the wardrobe.
Artemis: “dont worry YN when your better we will go buy many of the necessities for you from the best shops this side of greece. but i agree with father as much as it pains me too, you both need to rest. everything else can be put on hold for as long as you need to feel normal again.”
you both bow slightly as she leaves and a tinted glass door closes behind her and a couple of curtains fall over the door and the windows. this left you and Dean completely alone.
Dean: “are you okay?”
YN: “no.”
Dean: “do you feel like talking about it?”
YN: “not really..”
Dean: “lay with me on the bed we dont have to do anything but at least let me hold you.”
you nod as you feel the tears return to your eyes. flowing freely, yours and deans once clothed forms now lay bare covered by one single silk sheet, now cuddled together to rest from the events that took place that one awful fated day.
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the-dimensionmaker · 4 years
Oh boy.... where... WHERE... do i begin with this... i had to think about this for a LONG time... cause i know if i talk about this and try and give Aidan more attention... then my friend and great artist, Raisha gs will be upset with me... and.... will probably block me.... leaving me here to grieve again for the mistakes i did...... so if Raisha some how knows that i have a twitter acc... first off... hi dude... second off dont block me... yhe worst you can do is block someone for trying to get something out of they're situation so they can feel better... im not saying that your a bad person... im not saying that that your trying to control my life... all im saying is that.. please... understand that i need to do this... if people are doing this against people like Lui or Mini Ladd or even Shane Dawson... then i should do the same for a guy who has did this... dont worry... i blocked him on twitter.... so dont worry about him trying to find out about what im talking about... ok...? I hope you understand...
so for starters if you dont know who i am, i am the Dimensionmaker. Someone who wants to make animations for yt, who wants to make his own games, want do lets plays, and even talk to you viewers... i have a rough life... filled with nothing but people lying to me, people cheating on me without a reason (the numbers of people who did that is now 61 in total...), people lying ABOUT me, nothing but fear, and many more... Jaiden or Kitty Courtnie And Linka, is... the first gf i ever had. She was... the worst as well. She never listened, didnt care, and then cheated... then we have... Aidan2003, who is the main topic of this...
We start from what caused all of this to happen... when i was in middle school still i was on roblox... i had great friends... one of them named herself Jaidenanimations (not the real one...) also known as Courtnie... she was the nicest.. at the time she had a bf named Dud.. (btw Dud is Older then both me AND courtnie.. he acted like a complete creep around her..) but fsr.. Dud broke up with her.... someone named Ethan dated her too... but then broke up with her... and who knows if he is older then courtnie at the time... she was now sad... so i decided to become her bf... and when i did... we were... THE BEST... we loved each other more then anything... she would without me asking, want to do a drp with me... she wanted to come to my house... she wanted to meet me irl... she was better then anyone...things got a bit worst... Jaiden was now enemies with everyone... (Ethan, Dud, Jonathan, etc...) she doesnt want them to follow her... so i decied to be a bit strict.. and tell her to NOT go to any of the roblox games till she blocks them... and she lies to me... saying that... "She wasnt able to block them as a crack was CONVENIENTLY on the block and unfriend button..." and when ever we have a plan or another idea on what can actually work... she lied her way saying thaings like oh.. "My Phone Is Dead" and such.. so much in fake that it was... PREDICTABLE... she then started to hang out with them... i became a bit more stricter... then my mental health became bad... she didnt listen... it made me feel like nobody listens to me... leading me into a depression... i felt like nobody liked me... nobody listens to me... nobody even cared about me... i wanted to die... a... bunch of times... most of the time... she never cared... then... on yt......... she cheated on me... with 2 people who were OLDER THEN ME AND HER COMBINED (being both Jonathan and Dud... keep that in mind...)... i noticed this.... i was FURIOUS..... i yelled at the thing i thought was a girl i Loved... a girl i could trust... a Girl that i thought was LOYAL..... then her parents got involved calling me rude words like European Boy (i think it was something else) "just because my skin was black".. keep that in mind as well... "her parents deleted her discord acc For Good..." (keep thaf in mind...)... then... i sobbed... again... and again... i tried to go and find people who cares about me or loved me... but then they cheated... one by one... my mental health became WORST.... i tried many methods... me having more then one girlfriend... having them make promises due to what has happen to me... being nice... being strict..... nothing worked.......... my life was miserable...... i didnt finally be able to talk to courtnie and get her to break up with Jonathan... she was happy that she did... but then she didnt come back to roblox... but then betrayed me yet again........
I asked one of my friends on if they are able to talk to Courtnie...they couldn't... all except for one person one of them know... Aidan... i talked to Aidan and he actually was nice... but then... he started to act like im a pedo... wanna know why...? Get this... JAIDEN LIED ABOUT HER AGE THE WHOLE TIME. when i was 13 she was 10 ALL ALONG. She lied to me for YEARS... saying she was my age.... i blocked Aidan and never talked to him ever again... and jaiden finally talks to me and we were in good terms... but then... Aidan came in.... saying jaiden has caused alot of crap to him... i believed him and became his friend only to be forced into a group where this friends (ETHAN AND IVAN BEING ONE OF THEM) could harass me... then... we go to his videos... his videos are false... they barely show proof... he says points that are completely incorrect.... hell here is some (not all cause i dont want to be texting all night) he said in them...
- "I Know Where You Live And I Know Everything About You"
He says this yet he assumed i was a 25 year old man. Even tho im now 15. At the time i was 14 now im 15. Plus he doxxedy house. And stole my IP ADDRESS... that right there makes him seem more like a creep. Courtnie without me asking told me where she lived. This guy STOLE MY IP ADDRESS AND FUCKING DOXXED MY HOUSE. That right there will show that he is a bad person who is just lying to ruin my life... speaking of lying
- "Schroederluvr Is A Minor"
This proves that he didnt even talk to her... she isnt a minor... hell looking at her compared to me... she is OLDER THEN ME.. SHE IS 20 SOMETHING YEARS OLD. I Didnt Harass Her Anyways so why is he saying that i did.
- "Lillie is innocent"
Lillie on Instagram literally said in her own words that she is bullying me because of me being depressed. Thats jot justified AT ALL.
"Klara's post is about me"
No its not. Its about lillie and her friends. Who BTW IS DMING ME SENDING A PICTURE OF SOME STUPID PICTURE OF A INCINEROAR. sure yes it doesnt seem to bad but its EXTREMELY ANNOYING.
- "Telling the police that Aidan doxxed my house and Stole my IP Address wont do anything"
It will, Aidan. It literally says that no matter how you got it or why you got it, you will be send to jail.
- "TALKING to minors is bad"
Wrong. If thats the case then someone like WILDCAT, VANOSS, H2ODELIRIOUS, MARKIPLIER, CORYXKENSHIN, AND MANY MANY MORE would be swatted and in jail. Its not Illegal to talk to them.
- "that Katie is innocent"
Katie has done a MOUNTAIN of stuff to me. So much so that even the nicest people of all time wont be nice to her. She isnt in the right. AT. ALL.
- "that telling people to leave me alone is harassing them"
- "That im a predator yet youw ont go after Jonathan and Dud"
He literally spares them but not me. Jonathan was 17 i think. And Dud was i think 19. Now he's probably 20 OR 21 YEARS OLD. And you STILL come at me for just DATING someone who LIED ABOUT HER AGE.
- "that i was... Harassing? xxlitle_dummyxx"
Even tho she literally wants to be rude while im trying to help... wow... just fucking WOW
- "that not telling people your name, nor putting your name on your acc is a bad thing"
No.. no its not... hell we look at a bunch of youtubers doing that. Hell there are a bunch of people i KNOW that doesnt say they're real name. It's THEY'RE CHOICE. Not yours Aidan.
Anyways.... then to make things worst he called me the N word a bunch of times then say that he "didnt" because i didnt have proof... wanna know why? BECAUSE HE BLOCKED ME AFTER THAT SO I WASNT ABLE TO TAKE A VIDEO OF THIS. Then he made a fake conversation between me and jaiden. I can tell its fake by just looking at the pfps and names...
I decided to delete all the posts about him on Instagram... not because he beated me... but because i wanted Raisha gs to be happy... to not hate me...... to not block me... thats something that Effects me when it comes to someone like Raisha or Brsstar... i worry that if i make one mistake for what ever reason... ill be blocked... so im hoping that Raisha understands that i cant hold all of this in anymore... if Aidan are exposing me for shit i didn't do... if PEOPLE are coming out to finally say the truth about someone... then i should as well.... i hope you understand if you made it this far...
So... here's what i have to say for the conclusion of this... if you all see the name... "Aidan2003"... block him... REPORT HIM... do what ever you like to him.... he wants to hurt me for shit i didnt do... so why should i say to not do the same to him... he is not a good person... he never was....
This is The Creator Of Multiverses... and i will soon make other posts, dont worry ^^.
Till then my fell Universers..
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legion1993 · 5 years
Your Demons Are My Darkness
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Title: your demons are my darkness
Pairing: Dark!John x Demon blood!Sam x Reader/ eventual Dean x Reader
Kink: Gangbang
Dark: Dark!John
Heaven & Hell: Demon Blood!Sam
created for @spnkinkbingo @heavenandhellbingo @spndarkbingo
A/N: This will be a really tough thing for me to write again this is the territory that I seem to find my passion expanding more... Once more if you like this please give it a like and a reblog and if you have any questions or comments please feel free to send me a message.
Tags: forced vaginal penetration, forced anal penetration, screaming, crying, choking from gagging, magical mind melding sex, bad ass escape skills,  forced oral sex, gagging, puking from gagging, impregnation, male dick in male ass 
Kink masterlist. H&H masterlist. Dark masterlist.
You are a huntress, you had lived all over. While living in Greece several years ago you were walking in the countryside, you came across a temple.
Normally you weren't the religious type but today you felt drawn to the temple. You turned to the goddess Artemis for guidence.
Unbeknown to you at that moment that the actual goddess herself would come to speak with you in person.
Artemis: "child, you are blessed with a gift from the gods. I'm Artemis and I have heard your prayers my child. You have found favor under me by which I bestow to you the daggers of Olympus. These daggers grant you the powers of the 12 main Olympians. Use them in your quest to vanquish the demons that haunt this realm. Remember child yell when your holding the daggers & blessings will befall you. Now go home, your next quest is waiting for you. Remember this name: Winchester!"
YN: "Artemis thank you I go now under the guidence of the gods."
You left and boarded the next possible flight. You remembered what Artemis had said, the daggers became bracelets, you arrived home to discover your only hope of retrieving your weapons cache, was to somehow knock out the 2 guys that showed up just before you did.
You overheard their conversation it went something like this:
John: "look Sam I don't pretend to understand what your going through but you can't speak to your brother the way you did & you certainly as hell don't get to speak to me that way either."
At that moment it was unclear to John what was happening. He went to move but felt his darkness rise up once more.
This made your hunting senses go haywire, you tried to ninja your way passed them using the cover of darkness, but they spotted you..
Dark!John: "hey Sam look over here son!"
Demon Blood!Sam: "well well let's play with her shall we?"
Dark!John: "let's get away from here first then we shall have some fun with her."
Both guys were immediately by your sides they knocked you out. by the time you woke up again tied to a bed.
Dark!John: “oh good you’re awake, we were afraid you would sleep through all the fun!”
YN: “who are you?”
Demon Blood !Sam: “have you ever heard the name of Winchester?”
thats when Artemis’ words rang through your mind... 
YN: “you’re what my mentor warned me about. let me go... what do you intend to do with me?” 
Dark!John: “we intend to fuck you into the middle of next week unloading our dark semen into you, little girl. we will begin in just a few moments.”
John and Sam left the area, you struggled against your binds, your next move was to pray to Artemis.
YN: “Artemis Goddess of the Hunt, freeze time in my stay, come now to speak with me.”
in that moment, time stopped as Artemis appeared.
Artemis: “what has happened my child?”
YN: “those 2 goons over there go by the last name of Winchester. please o great & humble Artemis send me salvation for i know i cannot fight what is about to happen.”
Artemis: “not to worry child ill see what i can do...”
in that moment as fast as she had come, she was gone.. you sat in wait, fearing neigh dreading what was gonna happen to you, loosing the barrier of your innocence is something that has always kept you from falling too far in love... 
you retreated to your safe haven, to your inner mind, now you werent paying any attention , you knew you would eventually come back to reality but for right then you were perfectly happy living in your magic.
the rumors surrounding the winchester name were true... but un-beknown to you, your salvation would soon involve another winchester. Meanwhile Artemis was having a discussion with her “brother” Ares.
Artemis: “its time bro, you need to share your powers with the other chosen by the Gods. it is the only way to save my prospect.”
Ares: “chill out sis, who is the lucky person to inherit my gifts?”
Artemis: “dean Winchester.”
Ares: “come with me sister. this will go alot smoother if your by my side..”
Artemis: “very well brother...”
both ares and artemis went on their way to see the better of the winchester line. they appeared scaring the living daylights out of Dean whose reaction was to pull out the handheld, aiming it at Ares and Artemis.
Ares takes a few steps forward now standing directly in front of Dean rolls his eyes.
Ares: “bro put that down... trust me boy your the only solution but your gonna have to act fast...”
Dean lowered his gun at the ringing of Ares’ words...
Dean: “what are you talking about? who are you?”
Artemis: “Dean, you’re one of those chosen by the Gods of Olympus... Ares beside me here is going to give you access to his power as well as that of the 12 main Olympians.”
Dean sat down on the edge of his bed, the expression of shock clear cross his face.
Dean: “well if the dude is Ares, who does that make you sweetheart?”
Artemis: “i am Artemis Goddess of the Hunt... Dean do you accept the charges that Ares will provide to you?”
Dean: “of course but why are you guys just approaching me now?”
Ares: “cause your time to awaken is now, your partner from the Gods is in serious trouble. Dean, you have found favor within me, i bestow to you now the dual swords of Olympus, they will turn into Gauntlets when you arent in battle. the swords will grant you the powers of the Gods. now your task is to go and find one called YN, she is a huntress & your chosen partner. your father & brother are the ones that have her.”
Dean’s eyes went wide with shock and a bit of anger...
Dean: “where is she? how do i reach her?”
Artemis: “we will show you where but once there you must hurry for if they impregnate her, the apocalypse will start. Both you & YN are the 2 people both set to start the apocalypse as well as start it. her getting filled with dark sperm is the first seal broken, this must not be allowed to happen. once you rescue her you have to call our names & we will get you away from there. they havent climaxed yet they havent even started fucking her yet, but they are about to start... i know this cause im connected to her. Dean are you prepared to fight your own family?”
Dean: “im prepared to do what is necessary to save my partner...”
back at what you assumed to be some sort of a motel or hotel room.
YN: “look okay you guys really dont want to do this.. ive got very very powerful friends.”
Dark!John: “shut up you stupid bitch... take what we are gonna give you and like it...”
John came up to your pussy first running his finger through your folds before replacing his finger with his cock. you struggled, you knew what was about to happen... but you felt powerless at that moment to stop it... 
Sam came up to your mouth and started to slap your face with his cock... this went on for several moments before he tried to make you gag on his fingers, you ended up gagging but you bit him in the process... 
Demon Blood!Sam: “why you little bitch... thats it... Dad you can take her virginity im gonna teach this bitch not to bite people...”
Dark!John: “if your not ready for me by now sweetheart your not gonna have a choice now...”
before you could come back with your remark, Sam shoved his Cock in your mouth, thrusting in and out holding position making your eyes water and causing you to gag. you were only given a 1 second breathing period between gagging sessions. 
after the first 5 gagging sessions Sam was laughing so hard amused by your gagging that he didnt even realize that you threw up on his cock right away... he noticed it when John spoke out...
Dark!John: “okay bitch this is for throwing up on my sons cock...”
at that moment your eyes went wide, you let out an earth shattering scream as John thrust himself hard into your pussy breaking past the barrier of your innocence. 
Demon Blood!Sam: “okay bitch, clean my cock...”
Sam then stuck his cock back in your mouth, puke and all... this made it even harder to take in... you threw up multiple times after that... John didnt care that you were bleeding a bit, that soon stopped when your pussy started to form to John... 
you screamed between gags, you were crying and choking and barely breathing... you only hoped that your salvation would soon arrive and that your powers would not show, for the darkness must not contact the light... you retreated into your mental space only partially to keep up the gagging and noises... 
Artemis was now in a similar but not state of shock over what she was feeling from you, she knew you had retreated to your safe space... 
Artemis: “omg we dont have alot of time, YN is growing weak... if they impregnate her they will... wait a moment thats it... as soon as you have eyes on YN you need to mind meld with her, your powers are linked, it will allow you to meet her and to mentally fuck her.”
Dean: “im sorry what... mentally fuck her... what the fuck does that mean?”
Artemis: “ill explain before i send you in... lets go...”
Dean stood up in time to be transported with Ares and Artemis just outside of a warehouse district.
Dean: “explain please...”
Ares: “basically long story short you and YN can fuck in your shared mental space and what ever transpires in there climax wise will transpire in reality. meaning if you cum inside her in your shared mind, it will cancel any dark energy they would be putting into her in reality.”
Dean: “and all i have to do is connect to YN...”
Artemis: “yes she is in her mental space now... but the guys are close to releasing into her... you have about an hour at best before they release... once in the mental scape time will speed up... so make sure you stay out of sight till yours and YN’s roles are done in the mental space... Ares and I will wait here for you to call our names and we will pull you both out.”
Dean stared at the building behind him searching it with his powers trying to get a lock on you... finally after a few moments Dean was no longer in front of Ares and Artemis but instead was high in the rafters of one of the buildings in the district... 
he looked down and saw you, his father and his brother. he got into a position where he was sure that he wasnt gonna fall or anything and while keeping you in sight. he channeled his inner powers and went deep into a state of mind where hopefully he would find you...
entering the joining point he saw something in the distance that he could only assume had to be you. Dean then figured he had better look the part of “not here to hurt you” or anything look peaceful while still hot and sexy... 
indeed the form he had seen was you, sitting on the ground with your knees tight to your chest, knowing that you were at this point helpless to stop what was happening outside... thats when your powers sparked, making you turn around...
YN: “who are you?”
Dean: “im Dean Winchester... yes in unfortunate relation to the ones who are currently giving you your current predicament. but at the same time im the good one. i threw away my darkness a long time ago.. i never looked back. im the other chosen by the Gods of Olympus with Ares as my guide. our patrons wait outside this building for us... but we have to do something first to counteract whats happening outside.”
YN: “what do we have to do? what can we do we are in here they are out there defiling my body... they stole my innocence... they took the thing that kept me from loosing my sanity...”
Dean: “Artemis said that what we do in here in the form of sex, the only thing that will stay as a permenant to your outside form is the climax that i unload into you in here... that will stop them from releasing their darkness inside of you and breaking the first seal of the apocalypse.”
YN: “Dean i trust you to get us out of this mess safely and when we get back to our physical forms i shall like to explore more of what we can be together slowly.”
Dean helps you stand his clothes falling off of him, his arms lift you high softly and gently placing you on his cock. being thrust by Dean made you feel different, like it was meant to be, like this was destined.
Ares: “did they just.?.”
Artemis: “its happening... lets be ready to pull them out... there is only 10 minutes left out here but to them it will feel like mere hours.”
Ares: “lets hope the speed of the Gods makes their work alot faster.”
Artemis: “i hope your right brother.”
Dean was speeding up alot faster than normal, he then remembered about his powers. they were still kicking in, well he now had the speed of Hermes and man was he putting it to good use. 
Dean (out of breath): “squirt for me baby! i can tell your almost there... by my time count so am i and so are they... squirt for me baby... Ares, Artemis be ready to pull us out with clothes on, we are almost there...”
you were now in a half mental and half physical state so John and Sam could hear the earth shattering orgasmic scream you let out the second you climaxed, Dean, John and Sam also climaxed... you spat out the seman right back at Sam and vomited immediately. 
your magic was working to expell the darkness from your body... Dean was also back in his own body... for he then smiled lightly...
Dean: “Ares great God of War, Artemis Goddess of the Hunt pull our asses out. and someplace far way.”
within seconds you and dean were whisked away but Ares decided to teach John and Sam a lesson so he used his power to make them ready to cum again but placed them on the bed where John was about to unload into Sam’s ass and Sam all over John... 
Ares stayed to leave a creepy voice over.
Ares (thundering voice from above): “if either of you morons ever think about contacting that girl or your other family member again i will personally deliever you both to the firey gates of tartarus myself for the dark tretchery you have caused.”
you and Dean suddenly found yourselves in a room, one unlike that of which either of you had ever seen. there was a knock on the wall making both of you look up.
Artemis: “welcome to Olympus... i’m sure you both have lots of questions. let me be the first to say congratulations. but that is news for after a few words from Zeus...”
both you and Dean got down and Bowed before the king of the Gods. looking up at Zeus who smiled and gestured for both you and Dean to rise.
Zeus: “YN & Dean, i am delighted to meet those chosen by Artemis and Ares. i hope you will find this quarters to your liking. dont worry Artemis and Ares will go in a while to collect your possessions from earth. when you both are up to it i would like to discuss a few terms and oaths with you both. but right now with what you both have been through you both need to rest. Artemis and Ares wont be far, the grounds are extensive but are free to roam. no boundaries or secrets. i also recommend the hot spring it has healing properties. for now rest. we are delighted to have you both up on Olympus with us. please dont hesitate to ask questions, welcome to the family.”
with those words Zeus was gone. Artemis stuck robes and towels and things like that in the wardrobe.
Artemis: “dont worry YN when your better we will go buy many of the necessities for you from the best shops this side of greece. but i agree with father as much as it pains me too, you both need to rest. everything else can be put on hold for as long as you need to feel normal again.”
you both bow slightly as she leaves and a tinted glass door closes behind her and a couple of curtains fall over the door and the windows. this left you and Dean completely alone.
Dean: “are you okay?”
YN: “no.”
Dean: “do you feel like talking about it?”
YN: “not really..”
Dean: “lay with me on the bed we dont have to do anything but at least let me hold you.”
you nod as you feel the tears return to your eyes. flowing freely, yours and deans once clothed forms now lay bare covered by one single silk sheet, now cuddled together to rest from the events that took place that one awful fated day.
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trashbin-mumbling · 5 years
Chapter I
Ever since the humans has set a huge fire to the forest, it was marked as one of the biggest tragedy in history.
It has made a few animals go extinct and a few to become endagered.
When all hope was lost, a huge tree grew, and was given the role to protect all animals. The tree provided us with food and protection from the fire -- we called it the Tree of Life. Everyone worked in harmony and no one dared to strike on eachother. And even if they did, they'd get taken away from the Tree of Life.
But then the humans has striked and chopped the tree down after finding out that it was made out of "rare material"
The tree of life was gone.
I was quickly taken away from the area, abandoning my kind. We were the only ones left.
- - - - -
(1ST P.O.V)
I was currently still walking aimlessly in the ruined forests, the scent of ashes and dust was everywhere. It was a horrid smell.
What happened again?.. oh.. right.
I'm lost. I can't remember how many days, weeks, months or years has passed me ever since the Tree was chopped down. I was doing my hardest to survive since I was the only one left in my kind. What were we? I can't remember.
I scanned my areas, all I saw was rubbles, trash, and fallen leaves. Trees being one of them too, It was getting tiring to walk around, so I decided to rest for the night. There was a nearby cave made out of the rubbles and trees, so I rushed over. I was already feeling the adrenaline. It scared me, obviously.
When I rushed over to the cave entrance, I instinctivly placed my hand on the cold surface, just to catch my breath. The texture was somewhat in the middle of rough and smooth. Maybe its because it rained...? Or it was getting mossier, I dont know.
So I crawled under the cave, in hopes I'll live another day to find somewhere to stay.
(Back to 3RD P.O.V)
The fox finally fell asleep under the cool cave, the sounds of crickets chirping and the wind blowing filled the atmosphere. It was peaceful, yet left chills down your spine from the feeling that -- something will pounce and bite.
He was obviously tired and didn't really care much from the noises the bugs emitted, and was in a deep slumber, soon enough, the sound of crunching was heard.
"Hey.. is that a survivor?.."
"Lead the way."
The sounds got louder, and soon enough a sound of something brushing against the cave walls resonated in his ears making him flutter his eyes slowly.
And there he was faced to face with a wolf and swan.
The fox widened his eyes and quickly backed up "S-STAY AWAY!--" The swan gripped on his wrists softly, yet firmly "Sir, please, we won't do such thing. We have come to rescue you." She spoke out in a sweet tone to calm the frightened fox, the wolf simply glanced "Come, we should go back, we're done with our shift for today." The fox struggled out of her grip, but the swan simply gave a soft gaze, as if to say -- It will all be okay.
He stared back and saw genuine concern from the woman, he finally saw the truth and bit his bottom lip, anxiously "I... Im sorry for my behaviour." The wolf didnt reply and simply leaned against the cave, staring. The swan gave a soft smile "its quite alright. I apologize if we did look suspicious. We'll take you somewhere safer, come with us."
[ and so, the fox went along with the two, they walked over the hill, the swan was infront while the wolf was behind. The fox didn't know where he was going but then saw something soar from above.. an owl..? ]
"Cho! Imako!" The swan looked behind her, before glancing up the skies. She spotted the owl boy who was flapping his wings and gave a tired look, his voice was average to a person speaking infront of you, is that supposedly his yell? "Ah, Rowlet! Hows the situation back in Haseika Village?" The fox looked up as well, the owl, presumambly, Rowlet looked rather nerdy, yet at the same time, VERY sleep deprived, he wore a simple beige coat that has some sort of symbols and round glasses.
"Mr. Hagetaka is looking for you and the others. He requests you to come back. The village is currently alright." His voice was.. soft, making the two tilt their head, the wolf behind them walked forward, his ears twitching a bit "Mr. Hagetaka is looking for us. And the village is alright, we should go." The swan nodded before waving goodbye to the owl who then flew off.
Now the fox had questions, he didn't know there was a village. Who was Cho? Imako? Rowlet? Hagetaka?.. the swan seemed to have notice his mood by the way his tail was moving slightly along with his furrowed expression, she simply placed a hand on his shoulder causing him to jump, ever so slightly.
"We'll talk about the situation later, for now. Lets move on forth."
And so they did. The only sound heard was the sound of the leaves crunching each time they took a step, not to mention the harmonious bug's chatters.
It went up for a few more minutes when they finally saw 2 swans and a wolf. The swans was a male and a female, both looking quite the same, only difference being the hair length, while the wolf was still a male, but looked more.. nicer and welcoming. And next to them was a Koala clinging onto the wolf and a fidgety looking otter
"Ahh, Cho!" The male wolf waved at the female, so it looks like he can assume that the wolf was Imako and the swan was Cho. The male wolf surprisingly didn't drop the koala clinging unto him or well. The koala letting go. The two swans simply stared, not really saying much which honestly made the Fox a bit more anxious about them. Imako cleared his throat "Mr. Hagetaka is currently looking for us. We should report back to him."
The wolf gave thumbs up while the two swans simply nodded before holding the otter'a hands, to which he replied by awkwardly being dragged away by them. Cho walked forward and gestured the fox to follow, while of course, Imako stayed at the back.
"Whats the name of the village?" The fox spoke out, voice somewhat parched from lack of water, Cho hummed "Haseika. Its where the new Tree of Life is located." The fox widened his eyes
Tree of Life? "a new one?" Imako grumbled "Leave the questions for later. I'm pretty sure Kireika would happily answer them..." Cho looked over her shoulder, doing a little 'ehem'
He rolled his eyes "Mistress Kireika." The fox still stared, he was intimidated but there is so much going on.
[ it was another long walk, but sooner or later they walked through a tree bridge and through the tree leaves that were still... oddly alive and was finally greeted with the sight of Haseika Village from above. They were on a hill and there in the middle was... ]
"Is that the tree?" The fox pointed at the little bonsai in the middle, Cho giggled along with the cheery wolf "No silly, thats not it."
The two swans pointed at a hill with small opening that was decorated with flowers and had a vine like curtain. The fox just stared before realizing "Ah, so.. through that opening?" The two swans nodded, before going down the small log stairs (still dragging the poor otter) the cheery wolf simply followed, not having a problem about the Koala girl while the 3 went on ahead to follow them.
The fox's eyes glowed in amazement after seeing the beauty of the village. Everyone was seen working in harmony, children were happily chasing eachother, and the scent of simple pastries were from the distance. Who knew that they'd still get lively in the night.
Speaking of pastry, That made the fox's stomach grumble. He hasnt ate much... which is why he can barely remember things. Cho giggled "You're hungry, aren't you?" The fox simple laughed awkwardly "y-yeaah..." Imako stared blankly "Don't worry. Im sure Namake would happily treat your wounds, illnesses, etc etc." Cho nodded at his remark "yeah! Doctor Namake is the best!"
Before they made a turn, a loud booming voice was heard "OI, STOP RIGHT THERE!" the swans and wolves froze and turned around. Along with the survivors. They saw a tall vulture who wore all black and had a far different uniform than the swans and wolves, they all turned to his direction.
"WHERE THE HELL DID YOU ALL WENT?" The cheery wolf gulped while the two swans winced at his voice, Cho cleared her throat "U-Uh.. well Mr. Arukami sent us t--"
"DID HE NOT MENTION ABOUT OUR MEETING?!" the 2 survivors stood there in shock while the Koala woke up rubbing her eyes before sleeping on the ground instead. The vulture grumbled "Agh.. that forgetful little shit. Come. They'll just find their way to the Tree." Cho stuttered a bit, being caught in her sentence while the cheery wolf avoided eye contact, which ticked the Vulture off even more.
"AS FOR YOU, YOKIKA, DONT YOU DARE THINK THAT I DID NOT SUSPECT YOU FOR WRAPPING MY FUCKING STAPLER IN VINES." the now named, Yokika puffed his cheeks out "You'll be doing 300 push ups after the meeting is done. You 5, follow me." The vulture then glanced at the 3 survivors "You 3. You know where the Tree of Life is?" The otter choked on his saliva, while the Koala was still asleep on the ground, the Fox nodded "Y-Yes sir."
The vulture squinted his eyes "You're aware and respectful. I like that. We shall be taking our leave, please respect the Tree." The vulture then left, the way he spoke as if he glossed over his previous behaviour surprises the fox. But now his concern is the tree and the survivors..
"Ah.. well, hey uhm.. what are your names?" The fox glanced over to the two, of course the Koala didnt answer while Otter gasped "Y-you're talking to me..?" The Koala fluttered her eyes open rubbing her eyes "Tsubuya." The otter squeaked "Y-YOU'RE STILL ALIVE?!" Tsubuya stood up lazily and clung onto the fox "Sleepy." The Fox awkwardly carried her, she looked around 9 or 10 The otter looked sround 15 or 17, he was 19.
"A-AH UH.. M-MY NAME IS KAWAUSO- J-JUST CALL ME KAWA- OR UH- WAU-- WELL, UH, ANHTHING I GUESS!" He seemed to be a very.. socially awkward person. The fox nodded "I see uh.. my name is Kit." Kit then looked around "We should probably head for the tree of life." Tsubuya mumbled a quiet -- "Tsutsu" while Kawa nodded rather... aggresively
The path to the tree of life was a bit near, they just had to take a straight walk to the distant viney curtains. The village was still lively and cheerful, the village itself was circled by the mountain walls. But it wasn't that high. Finally, they were greeted by the vine like curtains. The 3 stayed quiet and took a deep breath.
Soon enough they went through the vines, and the sight amazed him, making his heart leap from excitement. The feeling of emotions rushed in once he saw the beauty.
A single island in the middle while the lake around it had flower petals resting on them while a few children slept. And there the tree.. was instead a deer sitting down peacefully with her antlers spread all over the place.
She was the tree. The tree of life.
The fox widened his eyes. While the deer fluttered her eyes open.
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antihero-writings · 6 years
The Things We Say Aloud—Pandora Hearts Fic for Phmonth18 Rainsworth Trio Week—Prompt 2: Family (Full Fic)
Fic Title: The Things We Say Aloud
Fic Synopsis: The Rainsworth Trio has a tradition of midnight snowball fights. But what if this is Break’s last?
Notes: This is another fic I wrote last Christmas (for the prompt “Rain”), but I think will work well for Phmonth18. I think it works best for the Rainsworth Trio Prompt 2: Family. You don’t have to have read the previous Christmas fic to understand it, but they are supposed to take place in the same year, and there are a few connections/references between them. (The other one is called “In Plain Sight” and you can read it on this blog, and/or at I_prefer_the_term_antihero ‘s Ao3!)
Out of all the PH fics I’ve written so far, this is honestly probably my favorite. I would deeply appreciate it if you commented to let me know you enjoyed it!
I feel like the Rainsworth Trio–especially Sharon and Break–don’t really talk about Break’s death, even though they know it’s coming. I thought it would be interesting to explore how such a conversation would go, and almost made myself cry writing it!
Also, point of interest, a song that I think works really well for the section of this fic where Break is pondering if it will be his last Christmas is “Into the Open Air” from the Brave soundtrack.
P.S. This is a repost of an old fic!
Rain pounded its tune on the roof. It was the kind of rain that swarms the air, making it misty, grey, and cold with the buzzing of a thousand tiny drops.
It wasn’t that he disliked the rain. There will always be something about the rain that’s soothing to people dealing with sorrow. But rain like this; that pounds, and pounds, and doesn’t dissipate, sometimes serves to extend the mistiness inside too. Though it could be a rest, a relief, people like him always pray for the sun to come back. For sunny days and summer light were something people like him, with red eyes, and a past full of sin, knew they didn’t deserve, but couldn’t help seeking all the same.
Xerxes Break walked through the hallway of the Rainsworth manor. He wore his turquoise and gold outfit, half of his white hair falling across his shoulder, the other, shorter side, messily added to the covering the bandages provided—bandages over the place where his left eye should have been, though it rarely bled anymore.
As he passed by one of the rooms, he saw Sharon. She looked so small, but so regal, sitting on the windowsill, with her back to the glass, now frosted with condensation. Her chestnut hair was pulled back with a ribbon, and she was wearing her little pink dress. The little girl was pouting, staring at the ground, her arms folded over her chest in the characteristic expression children wear when they don’t get their way.
He paused, resting his hand on the doorframe.
She lifted her head.
When she met his eyes, he remembered very quickly that was not in his skill set to comfort little girls.
When he glanced back, she was giving him a look that said Well? Aren’t you going to come comfort me?
He knew better than to disobey such a look. He took a deep breath and walked in, hopping up on the windowsill next to her.
Like the rain, it wasn’t that he disliked kids, he just didn’t know how to deal with them. When they cried and threw tantrums…in short, he didn’t know how to deal with emotion (well, strong ones anyways). He couldn’t help hoping that kids like her could stay happy, and innocent forever. Like he had hoped for his young mistress from another time, and seen it go so very wrong, then later heard, through his own interference, that he had made it go far worse. But children would have to get hurt, they would have to grow up, some day. And in turn, they would become the kinds of creatures who hurt, and caused pain, who even killed, and made excuses for it…creatures like himself.
Luckily, he found that Sharon was a much happier, much kinder, much stronger child than most.
When she didn’t speak—(he didn’t dare ask, for fear of making it worse)—he turned to look outside the window.
“Xerx-niisan,” she began at last, “Why is the sky crying?”
He turned back to her, raising an eyebrow. “Huh?”
They weren’t siblings; they weren’t even remotely related. But for some reason, the name fixed itself in her mouth, and nothing he did or said could change that.
She could be a little tyrant sometimes.
At his misunderstanding, she continued to pout, averting her eyes. Then she jerked back to look at him, (he flinched a little), and said in a high pitched voice, “It’s almost Christmas! Why is it raining? It should be snowing!”
“Oh,” he relaxed a little, contemplating his response, “Well…it’s not going to stop raining just because you want it to. Sometimes,” he gave a sardonic smile that was more painful than the frown that seemed fixed on his face, looking away into the rain, as if he would find answers reading the drops, “things…people…that should be happy, just can’t be. And no matter how much you want something…”
He trailed off, and when he turned back, he saw tears welling in her eyes.
Nice going, Xerxes, you barely have to open your mouth to make a little girl cry.
There they were, brimming to the surface: all those emotions he didn’t know what to do with. He could only sit there, waiting for her own brand of rain to start, wanting more than anything to escape, to not have to figure out the right words to fix her.
It was the crying he hated the most. Maybe it was because it reminded him too much of a certain day, long ago, of a certain girl…but the snow did fall that day…
Still, he wasn’t going to tell her that if she just wished hard enough, if she believed in hope, the-general-goodness-of-the-world-and-its-inhabitants, and maybe a little bit of magic, that the snow would fall, that she could change things. Wishes were dangerous things, and he didn’t suggest anyone make them. You never know who, or what, might be listening.
Fortunately, before the tears reached her cheeks, Sharon’s mother, Shelly Rainsworth, appeared at the doorway. She looked almost exactly like an older version of her daughter, the same chestnut hair, the same smile that shined with a light of its own.
Upon seeing the tearful look on her daughter’s face, she marched into the room, put her hands on her hips, and turned to Break.
“Xerxes,” she said his name like he really was Sharon’s brother, “what did you say to her?”
“Why do you assume it was my fault, Shelly-sama?” he muttered, sounding like the child she was calling out.
“Let’s just say you have a habit of stepping on people’s feelings.”
He sighed. “I was only telling her that it won’t start snowing simply because she wants it to.”
“It’s almost Christmas, mother!” Sharon said like she was pleading her case, the tears reappearing in her eyes.
Shelly smiled, shaking her head.
“What am I going to do with you two?” she crouched down in front of Sharon, and paused, contemplating her own question for a moment. “Tell you what, sweetie; I can’t promise it’ll start snowing because you want it to, but I can promise this:” she pushed her daughter’s tears away, “The moment it starts snowing—or, I suppose,” she interrupted herself, “the moment there’s enough snow on the ground, but no later!—we’ll go outside, and have a snowball fight. How does that sound?”
“Really?” Sharon raised her head, the sadness lifting a little.
“Even if I’m busy, or it starts snowing in the middle of the night,” Shelly elaborated, grinning, “No, especially, if it’s in the middle of the night,” she placed a finger on Sharon’s nose, at which the little girl giggled, “I’ll wake you up—or you me—then, while everyone else is asleep, we’ll run around the house in just our pajamas and coats, we’ll wake Xerxes—”
“What?!” Break blurted out.
“Yes, we’ll wake Xerxes,” she repeated smirking, “drag him outside—”
“Do I get a say in this?!”
“Nope,” she grinned mischievously, “Don’t think I’m letting you get out of this one.”
“Tch.” He looked away.
She walked calmly to the couch, picked up one of the pillows, as if she was going to fluff it, brought it over to them, and smacked him with it.
He growled, his red eye starting to blaze, like some caged beast.
She threw the pillow back onto the couch, sighing, saying seriously, “I don’t want you sitting here on this windowsill forever…I know, somewhere inside you, there’s someone…” she pondered it, then smiled, saying simply, “Someone who’s not afraid. You’re stronger than you think. Deep down, I think, these sorts of things that seem childish, like snowball fights, and tea-parties,” she smirked, “fun things, you actually enjoy.”
He looked away, as if knowing he could only disappoint her.
She added softly, placing a finger on his chin, making him look at her,
“We’ll see that smile someday, Xerxes Break.”
He stared at her as she took her fingers away, then he blinked, averting his eyes again. murmuring something about, “Really, Shelly-sama…I’d just ruin—”
“Sharon,” Shelly interrupted his mutterings, turning to her daughter, “Do you think Xerxes should sit here sulking, day in and day out, or do you think he should join our snowball fight?”
“Xerx-niisan should come with us!” she didn’t even take a breath before she answered.
He stared into the little girl’s eyes, so full of hope, no question, no hesitation, just…kindness, endless kindness.
Shelly smiled at her daughter, which turned into devious smirk when she looked at him.
He bit his lip before jumping back down to the ground, muttering incoherently his displeasure, knowing once they were set, he couldn’t change their minds.
They could be tyrants sometimes.
Most people wouldn’t have gone near him, much less want him to be a part of something…well, fun. He knew what people said about him. It didn’t matter, it had been a long time since he had cared what other people thought, plus, he more than welcomed the lack of company. But, the thing is, he knew they were right; he was creepy, and dark, and very, very dangerous. So, he too, often wondered why they had taken him in, why they treated him like something worth saving, worth dragging out of bed for snowball fights, and tea-parties, rather than being sure, like rest of the world was—like he was—that he would just darken everything with any amount of light in it.
That’s what Children of Misfortune were for, right?
A little girl, who should have been more scared of him than anyone, who should’ve wanted him as far away from her and her snowball fights than anyone, could not only go near him, but fail to hesitate as she bounded up to this dark-and-dangerous man, looked into that blood-red eye, and asked him why the sky was crying, gave him flowers, and called him “brother.”
And that was worth more to him than he would ever dare admit aloud.
It was from nightmares about knights, and blood, little girls, dolls, and names that he never mentioned, that Xerxes Break awoke from.
Breath and heartbeat weighed heavily on his chest. Once the memories faded enough for him to remember that, though it may have been real, it was not now, he gritted his teeth together, slamming his fist into the wall behind him. He didn’t care how much pain was pulsating through his hand.
If only it would take his mind off the throbbing in his empty eye socket.
If he had been a weaker man, perhaps he would have screamed, even cried, perhaps he would have whispered something pitifully to the sheets about not wanting to remember again, not wanting nightmares like this one to show their faces in his head. But he had already made a wish, and these nightmares were its descendants. He didn’t have the authority to dream anymore.
All he had was the anger and regret surging through his body, and nowhere for it to go, except make his past a weapon that shattered him just as much as it did his enemies, into glass shards, and cold bones, and bloodstained roles.
Still, there was some part of him that hoped after so many years they would have stopped haunting him. And sure, maybe it wasn’t every night, but they did come. Perhaps that’s why they call them ghosts; There were too many horrors to be reminded of, too many sins to feel guilty for, too little he could do to fix it, and the nightmares were all too eager for the task. One lifetime was not enough for them to let him forget.
They say ‘there’s no rest for the wicked’, and his mind was often cruel enough to remind him.
When he raised his gaze, he saw that the curtain was open just slightly, and something in the sliver of window flickered.
The Mad Hatter sighed, throwing his legs over the side of the bed.
It was awfully cold.
He stepped up to the window, gently pulling back the curtain, just enough so he could see.
He drew in a breath softly, his eye widening at the view:
It was snowing.
There was enough moonlight to see flakes falling upon the grounds—which were cloaked in white by now.
Like that time years ago, for the whole month, the only thing that fell from the clouds was rain, and finally, the sky decided that Christmas Eve was no time to be laying in bed, sleeping, or else dreaming about past follies.
“Well, Shelly-sama, what do you think?” he spoke softly to the merciful sky, “One last snowball fight?” he paused a moment, turning, leaning against the window, as if waiting for an answer to be whispered in his ear.
He stepped over to his wardrobe, throwing a coat over his pajamas, taking up some winter gloves, putting on socks and boots, and, as always, placing Emily on his shoulder (she wouldn’t want to miss this).
Lighting the candelabra on his nightstand, he ventured into the hallway, making his way toward Sharon’s bedroom.
Opening the door as quietly as he could, he walked in, setting the light on her nightstand.
Sharon was sleeping soundly on her curtained bed, her hair splayed all over the sheets, wrinkled in the night’s sleep, and she hugged her pillow.
He resisted the urge to laugh at her un-proper appearance.
Break sat on the side of her bed, by her head, saying quietly,
She stirred in her sleep, muttering something indecipherable.
He gently ran his hand through her hair, saying louder, “Sharon.”
She blinked open fuchsia eyes to see her servant.
“Break,” she muttered his name softly.
Slowly, she sat up, yawning, looking around.
“Break, what’re you…?” she began, fatigue weighing down her words, then shook it away by shaking her head, “What are you doing in my room?! In the middle of the night! How dare you wake me up!”
He knew what was coming next: she grabbed one of the pillows, and he dodged it before she hit him with it. “Do you think you can just come in here as you please?!”
“Really, Ojousama,” he laughed, standing back up, “You think I’d risk injury without good reason?”
She folded her arms over her chest, pouting. He walked over to the window, throwing open the curtain, standing beside it.
“This better not be one of your pranks, Break,” she muttered, walking over to the window.
“Relax. When have I ever been that cruel?”
She glared at him, as if to say I-could-name-a-few-times, then turned to the window, surveying the landscape outside.
Her aggravated expression broke for widened eyes and a smile.
“Break!” she exclaimed, all grievance forgotten, grabbing his hands and spinning him around, “It’s snowing!!” she let go of him, and jumped up on the bed, repeating, “It’s snowing!! It’s snowing!!”
He smirked, folding his arms over his chest; No matter how old she really was, she still looked like that little kid to him.
“What do you say?” he helped her down from the bed, “One last snowball fight?”
“What are you talking about ‘one last’?” she grabbed the pillow and managed to catch him off guard this time. “You better not be talking about that again!”
She didn’t wait for him to respond as she dropped the pillow and ran over to her wardrobe, found a little coat to throw over her nightshirt, boots, and gloves, then handed him a ribbon to tie her hair back.
“Ready?” he tapped her on the shoulder when he had finished tying her hair.
She nodded, beaming.
They weren’t too far from Reim’s room when Break asked her to hold the candelabra, and stepped down the stairs to the front door.
“Where are you going?” she asked, “Reim’s room is this way.”
“This will only take a moment,” he grinned.
She put her hand on her hip, scowling at him as he ran out the front door. Quickly he returned, with the first snowball in his gloved hand.
“Break! Just what are you intending to do with that?!”
“You’ll see!” said Emily.
Sharon sighed, placing her head in her hand.
Reim stayed at the Rainsworth’s often enough that he had his own room (albeit, not a very fancy one). They quietly entered it to see the servant laying on a bed, much neater than either of theirs, facing away from them. His glasses, and some extra paperwork he just couldn’t leave at work, lay dormant on his nightstand.
Break tiptoed up to his friend, gently pulled back the collar of his shirt, and stuffed a snowball down the back of his shirt.
It was a moment before it took effect, but when it did, Reim skyrocketed out of bed, dancing around, until the snow fell onto the floor.
Break could barely contain his laughter.
He rested his hands on his knees panting. When he regained his bearings enough to figure out what had just happened, and saw Break laughing, he shouted,
Reim lunged at Break, at which the older man only needed to step out of the way, to make Reim trip onto the floor.
“Yes, a tired Reim-san, without his glasses, is definitely a match for me,” he remarked, leaning over him,
“A normal Reim-san isn’t exactly a match either!” Emily squeaked.
“Now, now Emily,” Break chided his doll playfully, “we mustn’t rub this sort of thing in people’s faces.”
“I’m gonna kill you,” Reim’s voice was muffled by the floor
Break laughed, “Is that so?”
“All in good fun!” Emily chirped.
“It’s not fun for me!” he retorted, sitting up, “How can your idea of fun be tormenting your best friend!” Reim got up off the floor and sat on his bed.
“Come now, Reim-san, ‘torment’ is a little harsh, don’t you think?”
“I meant what I said! I mean, who in their right mind thinks a good way to wake their friend up is to stuff freezing-cold snow—”
He interrupted himself, looking at each of them with question in his eyes. He repeated the word, “Snow…?”
Sharon and Break grinned at each other.
Break helped his friend up, saying, “And whoever said I was in my right mind? Didn’t you know? All the best people are mad.”
Reim rolled his eyes.
Sharon and Break stepped up to the window to unveil the answer to his question. Reim followed to inspect the view outside.
Then he looked at each of them, shaking his head and smiling. “Really, you two, after all these years…”
He trailed off, going over to his wardrobe to put on the winter clothes he kept there.
They barely had time to blow out the candles before Sharon grabbed both their hands and dragged them out into the moonlit hall.
They were like little kids trying to get a peek at Santa; bumbling down the hall, almost falling over each other, shushing each other, as they made their way through the manor, down the stairs, out the front door, into the cold grounds.
Even with their winter clothing, the cold still crept in. The snow muffled ordinary sounds, falling seamlessly, sparks of scattered moonlight gleaming off the flakes.
“So, we’ll—” Reim was interrupted by Break throwing a snowball at the back of his head.
“Oy! I was talking!” he whirled around.
“What’s there to talk about, Reim-san?” Break tossed another snowball up and down in his hand.
“I was simply—”
This time it was Sharon who threw the snowball at his face.
“Nice shot, Ojousama,” Break mentioned.
“Thank you,” she grinned, “You’re next, Xerx-niisan.”
“Alright, you two are going down,” Reim challenged.
“That’s more like,” Break smirked.
It didn’t make sense that three adults could have so much fun doing something so childish as playing in the snow. But between exploding snow and shouting, their laughter was what radiated like light from the scene. Maybe they forgot they weren’t children, they forgot that they had grown up things to do, responsibilities to attend to, and that the world was really comprised of blood and pain, and worthless names, not innocence and friendship.
The mad tea party, forever trapped in a moment, forgotten by time.
It was a while later when another voice broke through:
“Hey, what are you guys doing?”
They paused, turning to see Oz at one of the balconies.
“Our humblest apologies, Oz-sama!” Reim shouted back, bowing low, “We didn’t intend to be so loud!”
“No worries!” he yawned, “Are you…having a snowball fight?”
“That’s right, Oz-kun,” Break answered, “Would you like to join us?”
“Really?! You’ll let me?!”
“Sure,” he tossed a snowball up and down in his hand again, “but we certainly won’t be going easy on you!”
Oz beamed. “Hang on a sec! Lemme grab Gil and Alice!”
Not long afterwards, they heard the all-too-familiar sounds of Gilbert and Alice shouting, and they their annoyed faces appeared on the balcony.
“Why are you three having a snowball fight at 6:00 in the morning!” Gilbert yelled down to them.
“Oh? You scared you didn’t make the cut?” Break taunted . “Clown! Is this your doing?!” Alice demanded, “I’ll come down there and make you pay for waking me up!”
As Break spoke to them, Reim saw it as an opportunity to get his own revenge, and snuck up behind him. Break, of course, still heard him coming and, once again, tripped him, as he got close.
Break walked around him in a circle, grinning shaking his head, “You’re going to have to try harder than that to beat me.”
Reim gave an expression akin to Gilbert’s evil eye.
Break kicked some snow onto his head as he walked by, just to rub it his face (quite literally).
Oz, Gilbert, and Alice tumbled down the front steps, already laughing and yelling at each other before they even joined the fight.
“Well look who it is,” Break taunted, leaning over them, then Emily continued,
“The dumb bunny, the spoiled brat, and—” he didn’t get to finish, because the two lunged at him.
There weren’t really any teams, or way of keeping score—it was everyone against everyone else, though each of them had their own approach: Gilbert had a more meticulous method; creating a stash of snowballs, and walls to hide behind, (often getting hit in the building process). Oz was would sneak up on people, and took particular pleasure in knocking down, or stealing, Gil’s hard work, while Alice ran around pelting everyone in sight, holding a particular grudge against anyone who landed a hit on her (who were mostly Break and Oz).
Near the end of their fight, as Break snuck up on Sharon, just about to land a hit on her, he found himself falling, and was then somehow on the other side of the yard,
He paused to regain his bearings, and stood back up to his full height, quickly discerning what had happened.
“Is that really fair, Ojousama?” he called across the yard, knowing she had used her Chain.
She chuckled like it was a trivial offense, “Since when have you cared what’s fair Xerx-niisan?”
Well, she got me there.
It was at this moment he felt a rush of cold! against his neck, and tensed, resisting the urge to spill some choice words. He spun around to see that Reim had been waiting behind a nearby tree and, as he addressed his mistress, Reim had managed to get the perfect revenge.
Break pulled back his shirt to make sure the snow fell, scowling at his friend.
“Say it,” Reim folded his arms over his chest.
“What? That you got me?”
Reim’s expression was unmoving.
“I’ll say nothing of the sort, Reim-san,” he flicked his glasses, “After all, you merely copied me. You should be more creative next time.”
Reim’s fingers curled into fists, practically growling at him.
“I didn’t know we could use Chains!” Oz called, running up to them, having noticed Sharon’s expert use of Eques, (but not the following exchange between Break and Reim.)
“Seaweed-head! Release my limiter!” Alice shouted when she heard, “I want to smash the clowny bastard to smithereens!”
“Is that so?” Break called, “You really want to go down that path, Alice-kun?” Break smirked evilly, “My Mad Hatter would destroy you before Gilbert-kun even had the chance.”
“You wanna go, clown!” Alice hollered, and Gilbert had to hold her back to keep her from rushing at him with teeth and claws.
Reim looked worried, and Oz—wearing a similar expression—spoke in hushed tones, “No, Alice! You don’t want to go up against his Mad Hatter!”
“Try me, Manservant!”
“Break! No one wants to see you killing yourself over some stupid fight with some little girl!” Gilbert scolded.
“Oy! Who you callin’ ‘some little girl’?!” Alice snapped at Gilbert.
That seemed to return Reim to his senses,
“That’s right!” Reim scolded, “What did I tell you about being reckless with your powers?!”
“Always so tense, you two,” he walked up to Alice and ruffled her hair, “I’m only teasing.”
Alice broke free, and the fight resumed, though the others were glad to see neither managed to draw blood, and that it quickly returned to the antics of the snowy game.
And for one brief moment, Break forgot about everything else. About the nightmares, the regrets, and the answers he clung to so desperately as a reason to keep himself from falling further. And for one moment, he could see those flickering lights behind dark eyes, and he was happy he could feel the cold biting his skin, he was happy he could see their faces—rosy-cheeked, all smiles and laughs, even if they were yelling at him—for one precious flicker of a moment, he was happy to be alive.
That moment would end. The shadows would crawl back from the corners of his mind, the smiles would become fake again, the world would become a wax museum of happiness. Reasons that were just that, empty reasons; desire had left them behind in an alleyway long ago, for better, darker wishes. The pain would come back, and once again he’d convince himself, I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care about them. About what happens to me. The snow white chaos would return to tears too fast. But in this moment, it was okay. He was okay.
Sharon and Reim ran at him, but instead of getting out of the way, this time he let them bowl him over, the three of them collapsing in the snow.
Shock flitted across their faces, which broke for smiles.
He wanted to say he was sorry. He wanted to tell them over and over I love you both so very much. But he wasn’t the only one who knew that those words falling from Xerxes Break’s lips was all too close to admitting defeat. Because if he admitted he cared, then he wouldn’t be able to let them go when the end came. And he knew it would come all too soon. His lips wouldn’t dare betray him with such miserable words.
So they settled for a smile.
His real smile. Not the smirks and grins he gave away at a moment’s notice. The smile that was barely perceptible, but which, for them, captured within its folds more sunlight than anything else in their world.
Sharon and Reim glanced at each other, then smiled back at him, deciding not to sully the moment with words.
And, as soon as it came, the true smile was replaced with a smirk.
“You two really are gullible,” he put snow in their hair.
They jumped up, shouting his name, trying to rub it out, then quickly ran after him.
He couldn’t tell them the truth. He couldn’t tell them that he was thinking how this might be his last Christmas. He couldn’t tell them how he was wondering if they would still put his stocking on the mantelpiece when he was gone.
He didn’t get a chance to anyways, because it wasn’t long afterwards when beads of citrus and crimson light began tracing the navy sky.
They paused, panting, raising their eyes to look into the sunrise.
For a moment they stared silently at the art the morning made of daybreak, gentle smiles tracing their lips at the beauty.
Then Oz broke in, exclaiming,
“Merry Christmas, everyone!”
“Merry Christmas!” they answered, a little tiredly.
“What do you guys think?” Reim asked, “Ready to go inside?”
“Aww, but we were having so much fun!” Oz protested, trying to mask the fatigue in his voice.
“Easy for you to say, we’re exhausted!”
“To be fair, we were out here much longer than them,” Break panted, realizing just how tired he was. “Perhaps I have gotten old after all. If you youngin’s want to go on—” he flapped a shirt sleeve their direction.
“There he goes again calling himself old!”
Sharon broke in, “Don’t you want to open presents?”
“Presents?!” Oz repeated, like a dog who had seen a squirrel, glancing at Gilbert and Alice, his grin widening.
They began to make their way inside, still laughing and talking about the plays they each had made, and how they would eventually get each other back. As they walked back, instead of joining the conversation, Sharon gently tugged on the corner of Break’s coat, holding him back.
He turned to see that instead of the tired, but joy-full smile that had traced her face moments earlier, she was hanging her head low.
“Ojousama?” he asked worriedly, crouching down beside her, seeing tears begin to grace her cheeks.
The others noticed, and stopped too.
“Xerxes! What did you do?!” Reim demanded.
“Yeah, Break! How dare you make a girl cry on Christmas?!” Oz questioned, running up to her.
He rolled his eyes at them.
“I’m fine, everyone,” Sharon reassured them, giving a somewhat plastered smile, “I’ll just be a moment.”
They all glanced at each other, knowing something was clearly wrong.
“Are you sure?” Gilbert asked.
“Yeah, Sharon-chan, if you need something—”
“Yes. Please, go inside. Break and I will catch up with you.”
They glanced at each other.
“Alright, Sharon-chan. Just let us know if you need anything, okay?” Oz put a hand on her shoulder.
“Thank you, Oz-sama,” she smiled.
The others gave similar smiles back to her, then they gave Break a collective you-better-not-make-this-worse look before walking up the stairs into the manor.
“Sharon?” he asked softly.
No matter how many years went by, he still couldn’t handle the sight of a child in tears.
“Xerx-niisan,” he could tell she was fighting back against the tears, “What if… What if this is your last Christmas?”
He gasped; he didn’t expect her to be thinking about the same thing.
“What if…” she continued, breath taut, “What if we never get to have another snowball fight? What if…?”
“Well,” he rubbed his neck, looking away, “you and Reim can still—”
“Don’t act like everything will be the same when you’re gone!” she threw snow into his face.
He fell back onto his elbows, gently brushing it out of his hair. After a moment a laugh bubbled in his throat, and he put his hand on his face.
“What’s so funny?!” she demanded, scowling.
Obviously that was the wrong thing to do.
If only she had chosen someone else to comfort her; someone like Oz, who could read the situation, and chose his words carefully. Or Gilbert, who was sensitive enough to understand. Even Reim would be better, despite his rather unemotional, straightforward nature. But she had chosen him.
“It’s funny…to tell you the truth,” his voice became more serious, “It’s just…I was thinking about the same thing.”
Shock added to the concoction of hurt and yearning in her eyes.
“Y-You were?”
He looked at the ground and nodded ever so slightly.
“How dare you laugh at that?” she balled a fist in the snow, but the strength seemed to leave her.
She shook her head, tears fluttering back to her eyes, “You can’t…Xerx-niisan, you can’t! I…I don’t want to be alone!” she put her arms around him and fell onto him.
His eye was wide, his breath harsh and cold as he looked at the girl in his arms, forgetting for a less than a moment that she was not that little girl in a darkened room, surrounded by coffins.
He shook his head of the memory.
“You won’t be alone, you’ll have Reim, and Sheryl-sama, and—”
She lifted her head to scowl at him, as if to say must-I-repeat-what-I-said and he cleared his throat, changing his method of attack.
“Well, I won’t go down easy, that’s for sure. But, despite how it might seem,” he gently ran his finger along her cheek, giving that sad but true smile, and whispered, “I am not that strong.”
“You think you can talking about you dying all the time and I’ll just—?!” she tried to fight back, to be angry, but her words fell like the snow, and she murmured again, she let her head fall back onto his shoulder, and whispered back, “Xerx-niisan…”
He gently wrapped his own arms around her.
“I want to be there for you…” she murmured, “I don’t want you to do something stupid…You’re always running into fights without a second thought…” she sobbed for a moment before saying, “Maybe we could…maybe we could stop it? I-I could go into the fights with Eques…Oz-sama and Gilbert-sama—”
He pressed a kiss into her hair, and as she lifted her head off his shoulder to look at him with the wide and teary eyes of her younger self. The look in his eyes was enough to say I’m sorry, Sharon.
“It’s just like I told you, Ojousama,” he ran his fingers through her hair, and murmured into her ear, “No matter how much I may want it to, I can’t stop it from raining.”
She lifted her head off his shoulder to look at him.
“No matter how much we might want it to, we can make the snow fall. Our wishes can’t change things. Even if…” his words were blown by the wind into the stars.
She shook her head gently, murmuring that name.
“Just promise me you won’t make any illegal contracts to bring me back,” he laughed a little, which turned into a grimace, and she knew just how serious he was being.
She smiled for the first time since the conversation started. “I promise.”
For a moment they sat there, together, in a sort of limbo, watching as the sunrise turned into a light blue sky—a present sorrow caught between the earlier joy, wondering which emotion of the two would soon come. Moments were so finicky.
“I can’t promise I’ll have another Christmas, but we still have today. Let’s not waste it with talking about depressing things.”
She nodded, smiling.
He gently reached down and picked her up.
“Xerx-niisan!” she protested at first.
He touched her nose with his finger.
After a moment, as he took her inside, she rested her head against him sleepily, murmuring, “Xerx-niisan, I don’t want…I don’t want you to pretend you’re okay for my sake.”
His eye widened and he jerked his head to look at her.
“Don’t give me that look,” she responded, “I know you do it. You think I can’t handle it.”
He took a deep breath, “I’m fine, Ojousama,” he murmured, and smiled, “It’s Christmas, after all.”
She shook her head, “No you’re not!”
Once again he kissed her head gave her his real smile, “No, really, Sharon. I am. At least for today.”
The smile she returned was real too.
And that was worth far more to them than either of them needed to say aloud.
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funny prompts
“You’re such a fun drunk.”
“Since my dog likes you then i guess i like you.”
“Tell them to fuck off.”
“It’s six o’clock in the morning, you’re not having vodka.”
“I want to strangle you 99% of the time.”
“Could you not suck for five minutes?”
“The ladies love a guy who’s good with kids.”
“You can’t banish me! This is my bed/bedroom too!”
“You’re seriously like a man-child.”
“Well thats tragic.”
“I’m too sober for this.”
“You are actually insane!”
“I think you’re actually satan.”
“It’s like -50 degrees in here.”
“Laugh at my jokes! They’re funny and you know it!”
“Sorry isn’t going to help when i kick your ass!”
“Don’t let one of them electrocute themselves or something.”
“Welcome back. Now fucking help me.”
“Do you find this amusing, fuck face?”
“Holy shit! That thing is huge!”
“Don’t kink shame me.”
“I hope i’m never stuck with you on a deserted island.”
“I just cleaned that!”
“Don’t get sassy with me!”
“What do you have behind your back?”
“If you interrupt me one more time, so help me god.”
“Not to toot my own horn or anything, but the dog loves me more.”
“I’m going to put on some clothes before you say anything else.”
“Bite me.”
“If you insist.”
“Im not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.”
“I need you to be my fake girlfriend/boyfriend.”
“Can you stop playing connect the dots with my freckles?”
“You snuck into my room, at 4am..to cuddle?”
“If we get caught i’m blaming you.”
“What? No! I wasn’t staring..i-i was looking at something behind you!”
“I locked the keys in the car.”
“This is why we can’t have nice things.”
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
“Define normal.”
“Do i get bonus points if i act like i care?”
“Just remember if we get caught, you’re deaf and i don’t speak english.”
“Don’t look for any redeeming qualities. I don’t have any.”
“And you wonder why you’re single.”
“Remind me to kill you. Please.”
“I’m listening to you. I’m just not paying attention.”
“She’s crazy. and just when you think you’ve reached the bottom of her craziness, theres a crazy underground garage.”
“Sorry. I don’t speak skank.”
“My middle finger salutes you.”
“I don’t think i could ever stab someone. I mean, lets be honest, i can barely get the straw in the capri sun.”
“I don’t have enough middle fingers to let you know how i feel.”
“Somebodys cranky.”
“Somebody needs to shut up.” 
“All due respect but thats a bunch of crap.”
“I am one of the few people in the world who can murder you and leave no forensic evidence behind.”
“Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.”
“What did i tell you about calling him/her the devil?”
“That it’s offensive to the devil?”
“I heard that!”
“You were supposed to!”
“I’m not weird. I’m limited edition.”
“If history repeats itself, i am so getting a dinosaur.”
“You seem somewhat familiar. have i threatened you before?”
“Even when we were kids, i always kicked your ass!”
“Sarcasm is the body’s natural reaction to stupidity.”
“Don’t look in her eyes, she might steal your soul.”
“She’s hot, but she’s evil.”
“Do i regret it? Yes. Would i do it again? Probably.”
“You’re going to burn in a very special level in hell. A level they reserve for child molesters, animal abusers, and people who talk at the theater.”
“I’m not a damsel in distress. i’m a damsel doing damage.”
“Sometimes i question my sanity. Occasionally it replies.”
“Why should we date?”
“Because we’re attracted to each other.”
“I am attracted to pie, but i do not feel the need to date pie.”
“Why does everyone assume the worst of me.”
“It saves time.”
“You’ve successfully cured him/her of anything interesting about his/her personality.”
“Neither one of us is drunk enough for this conversation.”
“Wow somebody needs a happy meal.”
“I didn’t do it!”
“Then why are you laughing?”
“Because whoever did it is a freaking genius.”
“Idiots. I’m surrounded by idiots.”
“You couldn’t handle me even if i came with instructions.”
“Obviously you have mistaken me for somebody who gives a shit.”
“I’m so glad you could come.”
“Cut the crap. give me a drink.”
“Where have you been all my life?”
“Hiding from you.”
“I can tell that you think what you’re saying is funny, but...no.”
“If you pull out my earphones, i will pull out your lungs.”
“Ah, he’s playing hard-to-get. thats cute.”
“I feel like a freakin’ soccer mom.”
“My ex? Yeah id still hit that. Except this time it would be with a car or a baseball bat.”
“Such big evil in such a little thing.”
“For the love of fuck.”
“Yep, thats me. i love to fuck.”
“Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah. let me grab my machete.”
“We’re going to sephora. no machetes needed.”
Clears throat seriously, “Yas bitch.”
“No road trip is complete without the snacks. So go in there and buy everything you can fit in a tiny cart.”
“I’m all for making you miserable by being insufferable, but unfortunately i have things to do today.”
“Come on, you can help me make conspiracy theories. If you make an especially good one, ill pay for dinner.”
“You know what? Why not? I haven’t ruined my life yet this week. Lets go.”
“Do these dark circles under my eyes say nothing to you about how i am doing?”
“If i didn’t know you better, id say you were trying to flirt by giving me books.”
“What are you talking about? Im hilarious!”
“Duct tape? Duct tape is not going to fix this!”
“What did you think? That you were going to fight him?”
“You’re blocking the view.”
“I am the view.”
“Why are you on the floor?”
“Tying my shoe.”
“You’re wearing rain-boots.”
“Cant stop me from slaying!”
“Close your eyes and imagine it, all the dogs in the world.”
“Be careful, he’s so sweet you might get diabetes.”
“Would you reconsider if i was sober?”
“Stop running i’m wearing flip flops!”
“Why are you holding your boobs?”
“I wouldn’t call it stalking, more like far distance admiring.”
“You need to stop making her laugh! you’re ruining her makeup!”
“I’m sure i can get some kind of sexual gratification from just staring at him if i try hard enough.”
“I’m not sure if its a sexual thing or not.”
“I’m either in the mood for french fries or to rip someone’s head off. Hmmm. decisions, decisions.”
“If you’re not out of the shower in the next five minutes, i’m going to cut your fucking hair off to make your life quicker.”
“No, i will not dress up as a chicken.”
“I never told my extended family that we broke up, and now they want to know when you’re coming over for dinner again.”
“I need a date to my relatives wedding, and i’ve already asked literally everyone else i know, so i know you probably hate me, but please say yes. Otherwise they’ll try to set me up with someone, and they have awful taste.”
“One more sound and i swear to-”
“Sometimes when (name) texts me, i just pretend they didn’t so i don’t have to respond.”
“You gave our pigeon boyfriend the wrong beans!”
“If i’m like 50 and still single, ill marry you because tax benefits.”
“Please, never have children.”
“I know its like 11pm, but i’m on my way to your house with nacho fries.”
“Sometimes i wish i was gay so i wouldn’t have to deal with all these dumbass boys.
“You know, would’ve been nice if you told me your whole ass family was coming to this dinner! I look like a troll.”
“Im going to the party to pet the dog, no thanks drugs.”
“I hope in college i get some excuse to deck him. Maybe with a bottle or something, ill wing it and be like “oops, sorry shithead, my hand slipped.”
“What is this shit...i’m just trying to graduate.”
“Ooo, i sense attitude in your tone.”
“Guess who only got two hours of sleep? Me, lol, i’m gonna die.“
“I’m gonna strangle you.”
“Is that a threat or a promise?”
“Superheroes aren’t allowed in my house, especially after they’ve destroyed my living room. go away.”
“oh you’re coming. even if i have to drag you through the snow in your pajamas.”
“i swear you’re gonna end up getting like botox in your tits or something.”
“well i mean-”
Once again, these are loosely categorized as funny.
admin Charlie💕
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andremarcusburky · 6 years
David Pastrnak as a boyfriend
yeeeahh bet you saw this coming (also a little inspired by a scene in Gilmore girls)
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he was really pretty there ok
so as you all know he’s a little weirdo
he was lost in a mall and looking for a store where they sell kids toys (for some teammates kids birthday)
so he went up to you to ask for help but it was literally just behind him
“oh, okay. thank you. you’re pretty by the way”
smiled at you with those chipped teeth as he walked away
you then went to whatever store you were headed to and then to starbucks for a coffee
and about five seconds after you've entered the line there he is just behind you
“oh, its pretty one again!”
you laugh at him but you start talking
then you order your coffee and tell them your name
“oh, Y/N? pretty name for pretty person”
he then pays for your coffee along with his own despite you arguing
he got a pumpkin spice latte btw
so when youre waiting you ask about why he was buying toys and he tells you about the little girls birthday party and how apparently he babysits sometimes 
and then he goes on to tell you how he thinks everyone’s gonna get her princess stuff so he bought her cool shit like a Spiderman figure and a remote controlled helicopter 
and you fell right then and there
so when he asks for your number you dont hesitate for a second
oh and I feel like I should tell you he did not try to hide the hockey thing for even a second
you went on your first date and its like the first thing he tells you about
“you should come to game someday, I think you’d like it”
“i’d even start a fight with someone if you like that”
and then he goes on to tell you about how the little girl loved the toys 
oh and the date wasn't like super fancy or anything he just took you to a diner and you got fries and chicken wings and milkshakes
but it was perfect
and then you took a walk and happened to go by a cinema
“omg have you seen the new ‘the incredibles?’”
and you said no and before you know it youre both in the theatre so fucking excited and you get so into the movie
then when its over you both keep talking about it and he says something about elastigirl being super hot and youre like yeah obviously 
and you tell him you wanna do that again sometime and he agrees and suddenly youre kissing 
and its nice
and then you pull away and youre smiling at each other like idiots before he takes your hand and you start walking back to the diner because thats where the car is
and its a little more quiet now after the kiss because none of you know what to say but youre both still smiling
the next date was a dinner date and he spent the night at your place
there wasn't ever a “what are we” conversation until like 4 months in when you met his parents
and they dont really know a lot of English but his mom just said “ah, girlfriend! Y/N!” when she saw you and you were like FUCK YES because obviously youre mad about him
turns out he’s just assumed youre in a relationship the whole time 
so that night when you talked about it he was like ????
“you dont think im your boyfriend? have you been seeing other people??”
so sweet
you obviously haven't 
and I mean you've been to his games countless times wearing his jersey etc
so you were in a relationship it was just a little unclear
and there was this one time I wanna tell you about
you were cooking together and he was making rice
and he burnt the entire thing because he barely used any water
you called him an idiot (in a very loving way)
“but you love me, though”
“do i?”
“yeah. and I love you”
you looked up at him and he wouldn't meet your eyes because he was so scared
and he turned around to cut some veggies on the counter behind him
so you went and sat down on the counter right next to him
waiting for him to look up at you 
but he just wouldn't 
and he was lowkey freaking out because you hadn't said it back yet
so you grabbed his chin and tilted his head up to meet your eyes
“I love you, you idiot”
and he cut himself. 
so youre running to get bandaids and he’s trying to stop the bleeding and then eventually you got it all fixed and through the entire thing he hasn’t stopped giggling and smiling
“you really are an idiot”
“but you love idiot”
“yeah, i do”
i realize this is getting long but there’s more
so the more basic boyfriend stuff
gets you flowers at least once a week because he has no idea how to spend his money
he’s always planning your future
like a Dalmatian walks by and he’s staring at it and then
“we get those”
“Dalmatians. we should have Dalmatians someday”
“and then when we know we can handle dogs we have kids”
“also if youre freaking out about pregnancy and pushing baby out we can adopt”
“but also im just sayin, a baby that looks like you would be a good baby”
he’s also always buying you the weirdest shit
like he sees something that reminds him of you and he’s like yeah ill get it
a fucking sweater with a Dalmatian on it
“it’s our future child!”
you were once singing along to Britney Spears from the top of your lungs together in the car
the next day he’s got tickets to her show
imagine a 10 year old millionaire 
thats pasta
on your birthday he got up in the middle of the night and painted “HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N” in big bold letters on his wall so when you woke up it’d be the first thing you saw
“I can get it painted, it’s worth it”
he’s also big on cuddling with your boobs in his face
like he’ll just lie down on top of you and shove his face into your chest and 5 minutes later he’s asleep like that
“if we have a kid we should name it spagetti”
“if we have two we can make one macaroni”
“or do you want them to have your lastname?”
“come on it’s fun”
“middle name?”
you end up naming the dogs gemelli and fusilli 
you call them gem and fuss though
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My Story
This will be mildly depressing but its my story and why i am how i am and all ive gone through it twenty short years
So I will be twenty soon and people keep wondering and asking or praising me for surviving trauma. I’ve decided to explain in full and un censored detail my process, what i went through, my thoughts during it, the effects and how it left me. There are mentions of abuse, sexual assault, depression, domestic violence, suicide, and very dark thoughts so be warned. My memory is also unreliable as i am never sure what is real and what is not before the age of thirteen so im doing my best to recall everything in order, ages wont be exact as i try to repress and just out right can recall them.
My trauma started roughly when i was 7-9. I recall laying in bed and hearing my parents violently shout at one another, about what i cant recall, and crying because i was afraid of an unknown danger. I remember a rift being made in my house, me being lashed out at, and my mother rarely being around the house. Now before i go further i was a shy child who had little friends, i have one younger brother who is two years younger than I, most of my days, or what i can recall, was in my room reading and later playing on my ds once i got one while rarely going outside to play aka catching frogs and bugs. i dont recall much from when it started, i was a smart kid so i think i knew something was wrong but wasnt emotionally or mentally ready to deal with it. 
Now, i was a big daddys girl but i also loved my mom dearly because well shes my mom. One of my clearest memories from this when i realized it wasnt right was my mom showing up to the house and me being so excited since i hadnt seen her in so long i let her in, she hugged me and my father instantly yelled at me and scolded me. i think the next thing was me being sent to my room but thats where it ends. i remember feeling so confused because shes my mom why cant she be home? why shouldnt she be allowed inside? why cant i be happy to see her? thats the last clear memory besides us getting kicked out of that house due to rent not getting paid.
I remember my mom trying to keep calm and smile and she told me “we have to keep stuff packed because we will be moving soon and need to be organized”. Looking back im really happy she tried to keep little me happy and from knowing.She may not have been the best mom but she certainly loved me then as well as my brother. When we were kicked out i recall my dad not being as in a rush as my mom, he seemed tired and to say flat out like he couldnt care less. I was packed up with a few of my things, the rest in a storage unit including my entire child hood, and moved to a different state. 
Me, my family and our dog were moved in with my mothers mom who was by far not the best but i couldnt do much as i was maybe 11-13? I remember her blaming my father for things he didnt do, i remember yelling and violent arguing between my father and my moms boyfriend (my mother and father had separated if you couldnt guess), my mom in the middle yelling at them to not do it infront of the kids. Eventually we moved from there after my grandmother had called the police on them for some reason (i recall it just being a warning or something nothing serious). My mom had broken up with her boyfriend and moved with us, i shared a room with her and my brother shared a room with my father, at this point we had our original dog and 3 dog sisters who we loved dearly (we being me, my mom, and brother). i remember starting to feel what i would come to realize was the beginning of my depression as well as my anxiety, that i had since i was little, beginning to get much worse. I was bullied harshly during this time and barely got by in most of my glasses because of what happened in that house.
i dont know how long i lived in that house but it wasnt incredibly long, 2 years maybe? i know it was half of middle school there with a year or so at my grandmothers. The first little while was calm, i hardly remember much from when we moved in so im assuming it was. I recall playing wii with my mom and watching tv siting of the floor eating pizza, followed by me and my brother playing the wii version of sims ( i recall him learning how to beat the rng and us never playing again). My next clearest memory is more yelling and banging. Violence. Now i wasnt a stupid kid and was much more brazen than i am now, i was a child genius who could quickly deduce what was wrong. I would get into the arguments, stand between my mom and dad to keep him from hitting her, yell that i wouldnt move or let him touch her. yell at him so much my throat hurt. One of my most clear memories is my mom yelling at me to call the police and as i dialed she came in and locked the door telling me to just not. i checked if she was okay and recall hugging her and just siting there afraid not fully being able to understand.
At some point my dad had enough of me and my mom and threw us out of the house, throwing our things as we sat on the bed of her truck, even throwing our two of the 3 dog sisters at us while we waited for the police, now what happened after this makes me realize just how manipulated and emotionally abused i was. My dad convinced me to come home, leaving my mom at my grandmothers. he convinced me my mom was evil and manipulated me using the state i was in to take me from my mom. he talked badly about my mom constantly and eventually his girlfriend moved in. his girlfriend was as bad as him and i recall feeling unwanted. i have a scar on my arm that makes me recall how brazen and unafraid i was at times. The scar was breaking up a fight her dog had started, it attacked my dog sister and she told me to stay out of it as my dog probably started it, i got in the middle picked up her dog, it scratching me deeply across my upper arm and shoved it into her chest. i picked up my dog and took her to my room. i was still bullied during this time, faced the manipulation at home, and started becoming suicidal.
Now this next part is something im not proud of but shows just how far i was into this manipulation and how far i came. My father kid napped me. Him and his girlfriend decided they wanted to move back to her two daughters and away from my mom. my brother was apprehensive but i was a mindless puppet so i did as told as thats what i was raised to do. we packed up in a 48 hour period, me not sleeping for that entire period and were getting ready to leave. i had this large white monkey i had since i was little, it towered over me and i loved it, his name was marvin. i mentioned why we werent bringing him and that we had to because he was our family and even got a bit teary eyed over it my dad said “if you want it that bad we can leave you and dakota (my dog sister) and you can sit on your ass until your mom swings her ass around to get you”, that terrified me so i reluctantly agreed and was taken to a completely different state yet again with the question of “why would he leave me”. i recall not enjoying my time there and my father limiting my mom talking to me so much i dont really recall much more that a phone call, i was kept out of school for a while until one day police came and told them my mom was taking us back. i left with barely any of my childhood possessions yet again with my dad treating it as her taking us by force, i said goodbye to my dogs and promised i would see them again, i never did and never will.
the trip back i screamed, argued and fought my mom and not yet step father. my dad manipulated me well i guess. i calmed down when we got back to my now home state and got the last dog sister ginny, my mom asked my grandmother to watch her, and headed to my moms home. i had trouble suddenly adapting to a some what better environment where i wasnt treated like a mindless child. i was so damaged and i dont think they knew to the extent. 
In these years i was verbally abused by my mom, step father, and brother but they were so much better than my dad despite it. i was reaching my peak depression and had attempted to commit suicide by this point but had failed. at some point i recall them “cleaning” my room, as due to losing nearly everything i owned i clung to things, and burning what they deemed trash it made me have a break down because well just look at what had happened previously to things i owned. in that period i was locked out in the cold, verbally and emotionally abused, treated like i was a piece of shit and that i was worthless and i believed that for so long. my brother had hit me a few times and even started encouraging my suicidal mind set, my parents (which will not be my mother and step father) said it was just him being my brother. Due to my previous trauma i was desperate for friends and to be liked and it have social interactions it led me into some very very toxic friendships and relationships. i had someone who stole my phone and said she just wanted to see what my number was, but had texted my mother iw as stay for a study session when i wasnt. i got home and was brutally yelled at for lying and they yelled the entire time while forcing me to give them all my passwords then calling me out for lying when i gave them the wrong email password by mistake. in the following time period they would check everything i owned, i had to privacy or sense of self. even to this day i hate people touching and looking at my stuff, im still so paranoid ill get in trouble for something. during this time is also when i was first sexually assaulted.
Yes that said first as it happened twice. they both abused my prior trauma that made me a selective mute that disassociates when in stressful situations. i wont go in depth but even years later i couldnt be in the same room with the first without being sick to my stomach. the second was into my junior year of highschool. between that time and the first i was emotionally manipulated, attempted suicide again and failed, became even more depressed and suicidal, and developed more toxic friendships that i now realize only hurt me as they playfully bullied me and only one of that group, who never did, remains my friend or well my best friend as she stayed by me despite not knowing any of my past. i was manipulated into entering a long distance fwb relationship that ruined a good friendship but also helped make me more stubborn towards people who tried to do that. the verbal abuse still happened during this time and my brother got to the point of doing it the worse. my junior sexual assault ended with us breaking up mutually but him getting such a hate towards me that he tried to ruin my life by turning any “friend” against me and brutally harassing me until a girl i respect so much stood up for me, shes getting married and im excited for her and happy i met her despite us not talking. half way through my junior year i began to realize how bad the people i was around most of the time were for me, so i stopped hangin out with them and started selectively being around people who engaged me in conversation and who actually included me. i was still struggling through the tail end of my suicidal spell and my awful depression as well as  ptsd, having nightly flashbacks that often left my crying and having break downs where i just hated myself so much and hated that i couldnt be normal and happy and not annoy my friends with this shit, it caused me to never talk about it and it made it so worse going through it all alone with only my fucked mental state.
my senior year i gained some self confidence and started accepting myself. midway through i had a bad relapse and nearly succeed in killing myself but managed to yell at myself to not as i was holding a handful of pills to my mouth, not even an inch from it. that was my last attempt. 
i struggled still, had relapses, fought with my own head without anyone knowing as it told me they didnt care and i was a burden so i should deal with it by myself as no one deserved that. i hated when who i told felt so bad for me and wished it hadnt happened because it happened and i cant change that no one can and i dont like being seen as sorry and weak. 
over the years until now i tried endlessly and hard to build my self back up and gain some sense of self and try to begin my recovery.
i still relapse, i still think about killing myself, i still have massive anxiety and panic attacks. but im alive and i survived. 
I count the days between relapses, it happens left often. Im covered in scars but no one can see the ones i purposefully caused anymore. I hurt and ach and want to be cared for and want to be loved and have people around me who care for me and who value me. Im working on building myself a supportive circle of friends and trying to become as stable as i can be with what i have.
My family says i dont need therapy and refuse to try to help me get it so when i move out its my first priority, i have ever lasting mental scars from my trauma that wont ever go away but im slowly learning to live with it and becoming proud of who i am.
something i forgot to mention is yes i was hit as a child. to this day i freak out and panic and will throw myself to the ground if it appears someone is about to hit me. i cant hand yelling or loud noises, im afraid of people and crowds, i have trust issues, i speech impediment, things i cant do because of the scars of my trauma.
now you may be asking how im alive? why i still keep living? how i got through this alone? honestly i cant answer the last one because i dont even know, but the first two i can roughly explain.
i didnt ever kill my self because right before i would i developed a concept of proving people wrong, that i belonged in this world as i had already survived nearly dying at 5 due to an allergic reaction. then as i got older i made the deal that if i made it to 18 that would be enough, im turning 20 soon. Now a days i have people and things to live for. When i think of killing my self i think of my friends L and M (not real names of course), i think of my dogs, my guinea pigs, my dreams, my goals, all the things i want to do. Ive become a role model to others now so i cant just die on them and give up on them. I cant help people and help others going through what i did, i cant be there for the people i care about to ensure they live and make it too, i cant be there to give them what i didnt have; someone who cared and loves them.
ive felt unloved my entire life and it hurts knowing the people who are supposed to love you apparently dont if they do what they do. it hurts seeing people going through what i went through because i know how much that hurts and how over bearing it can be. My trauma made me not want to make the same choices and hurt others in the way they ones who hurt me did. It made me not want to bring life into this world unless i was sure i wouldnt make the same mistakes. It made me crave to be loved and have people by my side and it gave me a weird but reasonable goal: Live a life i can be truly happy and safe in, a life without fear. 
i still struggle daily but im getting by and im getting there, im trying to become someone who i can be proud of, someone who can and will make a difference even if its saving one person.
i fight every day to live and have been for a while, hell i cried on my 18th birthday because well i didnt think i would last that long or be alive to see it.
Im alive, and i will continue to be to show others facing and feeling what i have felt that you can do it. you can live and thrive and fight for your life and end up better than you are or were and better than those who hurt you. Ill stay alive to act as a pair of open arms to those who are in my place, to give them someone who cares, to teach them they dont have to do it alone or hate themselves for wanting to depend on others. 
Im here because i feel i need to be to break the cycle and prove i deserve to live as do they and as do you.
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ofphcenixes · 6 years
BLUE & LIBBY - text thread 001
texts from 3:55pm to 7:01pm
hey lib. (: havent talked today. just wanted to drop in and see if u were doin alright i have memes if u need them
i mean, technically we did talk. i reminded you of the moment the world stood still: when valentine and you made contact (1) time. are you okay though? you seem a little, weird
i maintain that valentine was an alien in a spider suit that wanted to destroy me but u know what I mean djdjdjd just chats between us. the gc has been a june holden fest lately lmao hope it works out for them tho anyways i am always weird in ur eyes djdjhd. but im fine. shit was crazy that night and we never really got to talk about what happenedand if u wanted to talk i just want u to kno im here ABOUT NADIA bc yeah kdjdjjd
don't talk to me or my son ever again yeah, wow, okay so holden stayed over the night. i only know that because i saw his stuff in her room? i think she mentioned that like, it was a one time thing but i feel like... he might be coming over again which.. is Interesting oh. yeah, no i think i'm okay. i guess just in shock. june is very broken up over it, so i'm doing my best to be a good pal, and bring loads of ice cream and kisses. /: do you wanna talk? about nadia? i know that she like, meant something to you
ok good luck getting me to stop talkin to u but as for valentine? bye Felecia! is that right. hmm well he doesn’t seem like much is goin on so maybe they were just,, hanging out. bringing a bag over is pretty damning tho. and if he does come over and u see him tell that bih he owes me $ bc he ate my fucking chorizo salad ): r u proud lib?? I ate a salad by choice well I would have if Holden wasn’t a lil birch bitch DONT CENSOR ME fuck. im sorry. ): i actually wanted to see june today tbh. but if u need anyone pls let me know alright? id skip practice if u needed me, lib WELL. i mean ok i was sorta close with her in middle school and she’s always been a friend and I just. I’m just fucking numb tbh. I really can’t believe it
i'll have you know that valentine died shortly after my 18th birthday so ): idk idk, why would they hang out in her room if they were "hanging out"? like they have history. i feel like thats, a little too ... suspicious given the context. in a good way though. like i hope it works out theyre both so miserable without each other. oh my god!! look at you go! so proud of you, dude! ( even if you never got to it lmao ) no, no, it's okay. june needs all the support she can get, and i don't wanna impede. i'm really fine, i just sort of need to accept it and i guess reflect on how terrible it is. she was a really sweet person and fuck i really cant believe any of it i guess
fuck what kdjdjdnd I thought valentine just yeeted shit that’s not a good way to put it fuck but. im sorry lib ): ok I take it back Valentine was alright. still scared the fuck out of me tho all i know is that if i loved someone as much as holden loves june, i wouldn’t let you go **THEM fuck Damn phone Typos Djdjhdi can’t believe u make me eat green stuff its truly CRUEL whomst? I only know nadia just didn’t fucking deserve any of this. shit even daisey didn’t. i just want to protect everyone and i don’t know HOW it goes without saying that im happy to be ur uber driver for the indefinite future
no omg, i took good care of my boy. idk what happened, they can live up to like 15 years so i was pretty bummed tbh. i was a bad mom he appreciates your support from the grave though i mean, i guess. but not everyone you love is going to love you back, i think that's where holden's at. not everyone wants to be clung to, and june seems reluctant besides, you know all about that. holden, the love of your life, loves june. how sad it's good for you!!! i'm helping i ... feel so badly for both of them. i can't imagine how their families must be feeling, fuck. i hate this. i'm moving to spain ah, dude you don't have to do all that. you probably are busy with practice, and holden, and work. thank you tho
im sure ur a great mother. ): but still valentine was lucky to have u. and im sure he misses u in his weird spider heaven web of flies and whatever it is spiders like idk ill dm peter parker and find out i mean... guess that’s true. I suppose I dont get to see how june feels most of the time. i just wish they’d talk about it and sort it out at least. they both deserve to be happy holden is the loml that is true aksjjsjd. holden has enough room for both me and june in his heart. so i mean technically i can love someone else too?? but enough about that lmfao you definitely are helping. even coach has noticed dkdjd. making me better without even trying u can’t move without me who’s gonna get me free popcorn ): you’re just as important as practise and holden to me, lib.
god, i miss him. you think the girls would be mad if i bought another one? like, to keep in my room.  i know! they're both obviously still in love, you can tell. i can't wait for them to overcome this and get to be together. also, im grateful for the amount of sleep i'm able to get now that... the room next to mine is less loud welp, i hope you find someone who is willing to share you with holden lol oMG, REALLY? IDK WHY THAT MADE ME IRRATIONALLY HAPPY LOL. WE CAN GET SALAD LATER let's go, we'll go to spain and take on a new identity. we can live along the coast and work in a bakery or something. get a puppy don't show holden that text he might cry. but dsjflk thank you, you're very important to me too. kinda my best pal
u would have to ask. but if you did get another what would u call it? thanksgiving? funnily enough valentine is only a few weeks away. a sign?? i mean fuck ive known holden for years and can confirm he is happiest when he’s with june. when she’s not roasting him at least lmfao. and if my MasterPlan works im afraid things will get bad again djdjdj. I can take one for the team and try to get them to come over here tho - u don’t need to deal with that shit i hope i do too tbh. and who would I want it to be u ask? that’s right. danny devito. LETS NOT GET TOO CRAZY IVE ALREADY HAD THREE VEGETABLES THIS WERK AND ITS ONLY TUESDAY. I think it’s popcorn time 8) bold of u to assume i know where Spain is dkdjdjdjdj well he’s gonna catch on soon enough we spend every day together at this point lol
i was gonna name this one patrick, after st patricks day actually lol. yes you know what's also approaching that is more important? your birthday! i know, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure that out. he's v much a relationship kinda dude, actually bc he's also kinda slutty lol. but even june is sad and its just, SO HARD. i hate when people are clearly, happiest together are like, nO IM GOING TO PROLONG THE MISERY. i feel like we're in a rom-com. how do we get them back together? i'll let him know. my v-day gift from me to you oooo, should i get the skittles ready too then? popcorn is kinda of a veggie if you think abt it omg, okay well now you can't come with me. offer rescinded. im going with the hot cop lslsfkjdjkldfs i mean its not like we're doing anything weird, so its okay, right?
ur so cute wtf. although if u did do this i hope u know im calling him patrick star. also how the fuck do u tell if its a female or a male spider theyre so small and gross. fuck it is too lol. i dont have any money so im gonna let ppl down on the party front lmao. ud still come tho, right? how can he be both slutty and relationshippy. like not to be weird bc i know hes ur cousin and all dkfjgg but he doesnt.. have people over anymore. unless hes someone learned not to stomp around the house WHICH I DONT BELIEVE. and ha hA im already on plan 384 to get them back together get on my level lmao.  we just gotta force them to spend time together tbh. does that mean i have to give u the hot cop for valentines bc i mean. i would if that's what u wanted but im sure u can do much better than him OH FUCK UR RIGHT OUR WHOLE RELATIONSHIP HAS BEEN A LIE TO CONVERT ME TO VEGGIES HASNT IT r u breaking up with me? well fine, ill take the dog ): it's... it's not weird unless we make it weird. and we haven't. have we?
fdsjfjdsl shhhhh, back at you. Patrick Star will be his full name, i promise you this much. as for gender idfk, i am honestly assuming its pronouns lol. i'd be sued by the LGBT community if they knew. also dude, of course. i'll make you cupcakes. plus i know what i wanna buy you! i  can't wait dude what? really?? i thought he was seeing people this whole time, holy shit. dude he's really messed up over this huh? wow, okay, we need to kick this into high gear and have them get back together. tell me your plans. omg, no you clown. i don't even like him that much, he's just pretty. i do like... some personality and he has 0 GOD MY PLAN HAS BEEN FOILED. I CANT BELIEVE IT like i'd ever let you take the dog. she's mine sdfjlkdsfjlk iDK DUDE. I MAY HAVE MADE IT WEIRD BUT WE'RE BAD AT TALKING ABT STUFF, SO WE DONT HAVE TO LOL.
do spiders even have gender i thought they were just the minions of evil lmfao lib u rly dont have to get me anything, really. altho now im curious tbh. but get ready for me to get a lit gift in june >:) ill even wrap it myself which says a lot bc i cant wrap for shit but i want it to be personal lmao not many that im aware of atm. will give u info is this changes. huh we r spies lib. >:) but i dont have any current plans except trying to force them to go in a photo booth together or something when we eventually go to the arcade djsjdh omg how did u know. but idk everyone speaks about him like hes gOD he’s just a dude. eyebrows on fleek tho I will say that IM SO HURT UD USE ME LIKE THIS LIB. ALL THIS TIME WE WERE GETTING CLOSE AND U WERE ONLY HERE FOR THE VEGGIES so u get Spain AND the dog. what do I get, sadness ???? you haven’t made it weird lib, i promise. not to me, anyway. maybe we both wanted the same thing. maybe. oR MAYBE NOT LMFAO but yeah we can talk about whatever lol
don't talk about nate like that omg! i want to, plus its a surprise so no asking what it is. also wow i cant believe you remember my birthday, lol. you dont have to get me anything. you can buy me an ice cream though oh my gOD THAT'S BRILLIANT! aw, what if they take one of those cute kiss pictures in the photobooth like in the movies? i can't wait for them to love each other again, they're so cute. are you jealous that no one is talking about your eyebrows? you have nice eyebrows and nothing to be jealous abt GOD, IM SO SORRY. ROY HIRED ME. HE WAS WORRIED ABT YOUR HEALTH. IM SORRY YOU HAD TO FIND OUT THIS WAY. I THOUGHT YOU NEVER WOULD /: you get the memory of what we were to keep you warm right, cool. noted
why do u talk about the string bean all the time i know u grew up with him but seriously he's like a pale pipe cleaner that i dont need in my life ofc i remeber ur birthday lib. dont u remember ur 10th?? probably the best day of my life lmao. and if u get me something i get u something thats how this works as long as june doesnt say anything mean and holden say anything stupid, its a pretty solid plan tbh. im not jealous HOW DARE ROY PLAY ME LIKE THIS. cant believe u betrayed me lib, after all we've been through ;-; but what if i want something to sell off now that u took the house oh fuck lib i didn't mean it like that. just... pretend i said nothing ok and. yeah talk about something else
hey sorry, i gotta go. talk tomorrow.
oh is everything ok? but alright talk tomorrow then i guess bye lib
its 6pm lib but okay night
lib if i did something u dont have to tell me but pls know i didnt mean it, whatever it was. i hope youre okay. but i wont bother u again i promise. just. yeah
it's okay, dude. i'm fine. it's honestly my own fault, it's not you. you're always great. i'm sorry. it's fine
i dont understand what ur talking about but i can tell u dont want to so ill just... leave this. but you're always great too lib. the greatest, in fact. just let me know if ur still coming to the arcade later or not yeah
i guess i'll go. i like pacman.
if u... if u change ur mind i understand. but i really hope u can make it.
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dylanobrienisbatman · 6 years
oh heyyyy can i please have pirate mechanic and 22?? I'M SO EXCITED
…in a rush of adrenaline.
Raven wasn’t one to be afraid of anything, ever. She was a zero g mechanic, a literal ASTRONAUT, who had been to OUTER SPACE in nothing more than a space suit, for fucks sake. She’d been sky diving, bungee jumping, zip lining, she used to go bouldering off the sides of mountains for fun before she got hurt and her leg wouldn’t let her. She was an adrenaline junkie, to put it mildly, but the one thing she never, ever did, was ride a motorcycle. Everything else, every other insane crazy thing she did, there was a modicum of safety to it. In space, everyone was trained to know exactly what to do, and everything was tested to perfection before she went. Sure it was dangerous, but it was all SCIENCE. She wasn’t afraid of science. Sky diving and bungee jumping and zip lining were SAFE, they had to be for people to be able to pay to do it as excursions. Normal average people could go bungee jumping on vacation. Bouldering was a little risky, but she never went high enough that she could have DIED from the fall, maybe gotten pretty hurt, but she went with friends, and knew the safety rules. Motorcycles though? There was nothing safe about that. In a fast car, you had some kind of buffer, some level of protection from seatbelts and airbags, but on a motorcycle you had nothing. You were out in the open, strapped to nothing, a helmet and some leather if you were smart, flying down the road. When she saw motorcycles weaving in and out of cars on the freeway, she scoffed, and hoped she wouldn’t see them being scraped off the road with a shovel later. She assumed no smart person would ever put themselves in that kind of danger.
And then she met Ezekiel Shaw.
Zeke used to be an Air Force Pilot, and then he was a scientist for NASA. He worked on the crafts on the ground that she worked on in space, and was damn good at it, though she’d never tell him that. He was brilliant, the first person she ever met who could match wits with her day in, day out. And Zeke Shaw rode his Harley into work. Every. Single. Day.
She scolded him for it when they first met, spouting statistics about deaths by motorcycle at him from memory, but he just smirked, waved her off, called her a “fraidy-cat” (yes, he used that exact phrase. He wasn’t catholic anymore, but he had been raised that way, and never swore, ever), and tugged his helmet on, roaring away out of the parking lot while she climbed into her car.
Her relationship with Zeke was a complex one. On the one hand, he was her friend, a great friend, a confidant who she bounced ideas off of and worked well with, her equal in brains and wit. On the other hand, he was delicious to look at and Raven wanted to jump his bones. This combination made the fact that he rode that stupid motorcycle very troubling to her, and it took a toll on her mental state. She got in the habit of calling him around the time she knew he’d be home every day, under the guise of wanting to talk about work or some new theory she was studying, but really she was just checking to make sure he made it home every day, alive. She always offered to swing by and pick him up when they would make plans, even though it was well out of her way, because the idea of him getting on that bike to come see her and then becoming road burn in the process made her sick to her stomach, but he always turned her down, and always showed up in one piece.
They had known each other about a year and 3 months, when the universe conspired against her.
She had called Zeke to see if he wanted to come into work with her on a Sunday and help her run a simulation she had been tossing around, and he lept at the chance, like always. He had been helping her write the simulation, and plan the program for almost two months, and she knew he’d want to see it through. It was pouring rain, so she offered him a ride, as always, and he turned her down, as always, showing up to work at the same time as she did even though she knew he lived an extra 15 minutes further away. They spent the whole Sunday in the lab, downing espresso shots from the bosses machine in her office and running and re-running the simulation, ordering thai takeout while they tried to get it perfect. It was late, almost 9pm, when they finally called it a day, and headed out the door, walked into the parking lot, and Raven realised she had left her lights on all day long. She tried to start her car twice, but she knew she would need a jump and there was no one around , the lab was almost 10 miles from town. She thought about calling a tow, but calling a tow for a jump seemed stupid, there would be people at the office tomorrow who could give her a jump, and she was halfway through trying to price out an Uber when Zeke shoved a helmet in front of her face.
“Come on Reyes, you’re really gonna pay for an Uber when I can just take you home myself?”
“No way. No way in hell am i getting on that deathtrap.” She kept typing in her address.
“You’ll have to get one back in the morning too, and you know its like… 30 bucks both ways. Thats $60 you could avoid by just strapping on this helmet and letting me take you home.”
“No way!! I dont care how much it costs, im so not doing that.”
“Look. I know you think its unsafe, but the rain stopped at like noon, the roads are bone dry, and I promise ill go slow.” He had this twinkle in his eye that was very distracting, and the sight of him holding that helmet, leaning against the hood of her car, was doing funny things to her stomach. She glared at him.
“Do you kn-“
“do you know how many people die on those things every day?” He raised his voice a bit, to a squeaky annoying pitch, and had to jump away when she smacked at him.
“The only reason you got away is because im a cripple.” She snarked, and he laughed. “Yeah sure, blame the leg.” He said, dancing a little further away, and then coming in close, holding the helmet out. “You can pay for that Uber if you want, but I promise, I wont let anything happen to you.” She eyed him, and the bike, wary.
“Come on Reyes, you ride up into space on a ship i work on.” His voice was all teasing, but there was something else dancing behind his eyes. “Don’t you trust me, Raven?”
He barely ever used her first name, but his sincerity was like a gut punch. He was standing really close now, just enough space for the helmet between them. Finally, she took a deep breath, shut her eyes, and grabbed the helmet in both hands.
“If we die on this damn bike, I’m going to spend our entire afterlife beating your ass.” She said, pulling it down over her head, walking over to the bike.
He sat down on the front, popping the kick stand and sliding forward enough for her to fit. He pulled out a small metal bar that had been hidden in the bike, on her right side. She knew she looked shocked, and even though he couldn’t see it through the helmet, he knew anyway.
“I was always hoping i’d get you on this thing, so i added a place for you to put your leg, since i know you can’t keep it bent for so long.” She couldn’t see his face either, and she thought maybe that was a good thing. She slid onto the bike, behind him, and propped her leg up on the stand, wrapping her arms around his solid middle.
“Remember. If we die. Perpetual ghost world ass kicking.” She called, as the bike roared to life, vibrating underneath her. He laughed, nodding, and they took off.
The speed of it was unreal, the wind whipping all her clothes and the hair that was coming out of the bottom of her helmet, and she held on tighter as the sped up. He zipped down the roads, taking every turn with ease, and even though she knew he had to be going slower than he normally did, her heart rate was a million beats a minute and she could feel her adrenaline rushing through her body. She squeezed him again, and he took one hand off the bike for a second to squeeze her forearm, to reassure her. She kept her head on his shoulder, and somehow keeping her eyes open was better than closed, so she just watched as the trees zipped by, and headlights from other cars came in and out of view. The longer they rode, the more comfortable she got, and soon it was just a rush of adrenaline, and she could feel herself loosening up, smiling, until she finally sat back a little, keeping herself still firmly around his waist, and whooped into the night air. He turned his head, and she couldn’t see his face but she knew he was laughing at her, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. The ride took about 20 minutes, and when they pulled into her complex parking lot, her heart rate wouldn’t quit. He popped the kick stand on his bike, and they pulled off their helmets. He got off first, and helped her off, and maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was the blood rushing through her ears, or maybe it was just him, close and tall and grinning ear to ear, but something came over her.
“See, Reyes, told you you wo-“
She cut him off with her lips, throwing her arms around his neck, running her fingers over his scalp and pulling him down to her, kissing him hard. He was frozen in shock for a second, but then he responded with ferocity. He opened his mouth to her, letting her tongue slide across his teeth, and wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her into the air and spinning her around. When he set her back on solid ground, and they broke the kiss, she tucked her face into his chest, holding him close.
“If you say I told you so, I’ll never kiss you again.” She muttered into his chest.
“Does that mean if i DON’T say it, you will kiss me again?” The hopeful tilt to his voice got her to look up, and his eyes were bright, a smile threatening to break his cheeks. She leaned up, pressing a kiss into his cheek.
“So I’ll definitely need that ride in the morning.” She whispered, into his ear, close and intentionally low.
“Yeah,” he said, failing at nonchalant, “what time should i swing by.”
She smirked up at him, taking him by the hand, leading him towards the door of her building.
“I’d say just whenever we wake up is good.” He tugged her back in for a kiss, quick and easy. The adrenaline was still rushing in her ears as she tugged him into her apartment, towards her room, but she wasn’t sure it was from the motorcycle anymore.
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lysdal · 7 years
tagged by @rick-wrights-right-nipple​ q; thanks <3
Drink: tomato soup :)
Last phone call: with my mom asking when they’d get home again
Last text message: girlfriend q: 
Last song listened to: røde mor - kys din frø      really getting into old danish protest and psychedelic rock q:
Last time you cried: yesterday i think, dont remember
Dated someone twice? nope
Been cheated on? well.. no, not really
Kissed someone and regretted it? yeah... definitely. i assume both of us have just forgotten it though
Lost someone special? grandparent, knew her very well though
Been depressed? i dont know, never been checked by a doctor
Been drunk and thrown up? ofc :’) threw up in my hair resulting in it being sticky the day after. (also managed to puke and then faceplant into it later :’))
Talked to someone named Tom? no, not yet
Made a new friend? yeah :) 
Fallen out of love? definitely :’) much has happend this year though, i feel it was necessary to shape me, so i dont go around being sad about the time i ‘wasted’
Laughed until you cried? always. if its worth laughing about itll probably make me laugh until tears come lmao
Met someone who changed you? i guess you could say that, yeah q; <33
Found out who your true friends were? already knew who those people were
Found out someone was talking about you? not really
How many people on Tumblr do you know in real life? 4 people :)
Do you have any pets? sadly no ;( i did have a bird sometime, he was pretty cute
Do you want to change your name? maybe my last name, but not my first name, its pretty okay q:
What time did you wake up this morning? at 11 or 13 i think, its vacation so i dont keep track
What were you doing last night? just talked to a nice person q; 
Name something you cannot wait for? meeting up with my girlfriend q: it has been what ive been looking forward to for a pretty long while now
What getting on your nerves right now? pretty much nothing, maybe a couple of ‘friends’ at school but not too much. 
Blood type: im pretty sure its 0-
Nickname: lysdal (yah, username is creative i know)
Relationship status: post minecraft sex, but still no hand holding yet
Zodiac sign: aries (horoscopes seem to fit so im pretty happy with it)
Prounouns: whatever you want to call me, swamp monster included
Favorite tv show: futurama so far :)
College major: no ideaaa
Hair color: dark brown, getting darker i think
Long or short: long definitely q: 
Do you have a crush on someone? well that person would be my girlfriend  🤔 is it still a crush then
What do you like about yourself? if i really want to do something i can focus on it, and do it. i suppose thats quite good. i also play guitar and bass okay. my curiosity seems to drag me around in a lot of hobbies, so thats also nice.
Surgery: had a splinter 1 cm deep under my nail :’) the doctor just took a pair of pliers and ripped it out nearly alongside with my nail :’)
Piercing: i once fell and pierced my own head, but no intentional ones, and im not too sure ill ever get any
Best friend: eh.. my middle school best friend didnt really turn out like me, so we stopped talking pretty much as soon as we stopped going to school together
Sport: volleyball :’)  for 3 years :’) never againnn
Vacation: hungary when i was 2 years old, i remember the trip by car being wayyyy too long z.z
Pair of sneakers: never had any i think
Eating: protein rods aka breadsticks
Drinking: pepsiii 💦💦
I’m about to: go to work because ive been postphoning it whole week
Listening: an 8 hour long video of joel playing half life 2 👍
Kids: later in life, yeah
Get married: unless the social norms change, yeah
Career: i wish i knew :’) maybe music if thats possible, probably not though
Lips or eyes? eyess 👀, lips are still pretty tho :)
Hugs or kisses? both are very nice :) especially together q: 
Shorter or taller? preferably shorter, but thats because anyone taller than me would surely have back problems z.z
Older or younger? same age, maybe a bit younger, depends on how mature the person is though
Romantic or spontaneous? romantic definitely q:
Sensitive or loud? depends on what mood im in, both can be nice
Hook up or relationship? relationship 100%, hook ups seem rather pointless for stuff other than self confidence
Trouble maker or hesitant? hesitant when theres risk, trouble maker if there isnt :’) 
Kissed a stranger: neverr, kissing is more precious than that
Drank hard liquor: you bet, currently the strongest stuff ive tried was 80% alcohol modern absinthe, but im still looking out for stronger stuff :’)  why not try it all if i can.
Lost glasses/contacts: dont have either
Sex on first date: if its with a person like rick wright maybe 👀 i mean.. its a once in a lifetime opportunity.. generally no though :’) if you like the person that much then whats the rush, there will definitely be more dates.
Broken someone’s heart: nooo z.z never done that and i hope i never will
Been arrested: noo, but i once slapped a police officers ass in the amsterdam airport when i was younger :’) was too young to get arrested though, and the police officer didnt mind 
Turned someone down: once a veryyy long time ago. its not often i get asked though so eh, not like theres much to reject lmao
Fallen for a friend: sadly yeah.. went okay 1 time, lost a friend the other time
In yourself: depends on what stupid stuff im doing :’) when i seriously try stuff i do tend to believe i can do it though
Miracles: sometimes its hard not to 
Love at first sight: attraction at first sight maybe, but theres no way you can know the persons personality and everything by just looking.
Heaven: maybe, but not in the traditional sense
Santa: sadly not ;(
Witchcraft: heck yeah, that would be hella cool
ill tag @subdivisi0ns and @silentfreeway if they want to q:
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