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belitonginfo · 2 years ago
Miris! 2 Bocah Curi Sepeda Motor Di Masjid Al Ikhwa Lesung Batang
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BELITUNG, belitonginfo.com - Polres Belitung berhasil mengamankan terduga pelaku pencurian sepeda motor di Masjid Al Ikhwa, Kamis (9/2/2023). Pencuri motor di Masjid Al Ikhwa yang berada di jalan Jalan Gaparman, Kelurahan Lesung Batang, Kabupaten Belitung itu terjadi pada 5 Februari 2023 yang lalu. Menurut Kasat Reskrim Polres Belitung Iptu Edi Purwanto, kedua terduga pelaku masih anak- anak atau masih bocah dan berstatus pelajar, berinisial JS (12) dan VL (13). Sedangkan korbanya adalah M Zamroni. "Iya benar, dua pelaku sudah diamankan. Karena masih berstatus pelajar, kasus ini ditangani oleh Unit PPA," ujar Iptu Edi Purwanto. Saat mengamankan ke 2 terduga pelaku, Polres Belitung bekerjasama dengan pihak sekolah dari ke 2 pelajar itu. Penangkapan ke 2 pelajar itu terjadi pada Rabu (8/2) kemarin. Bermula dari Olah Tempat Kejadian Perkara (TKP) yang berujung pada penargetan ke 2 terduga pelaku. Menurut keterangan dari ke 2 terduga pelaku, mereka saat itu usai mengerjakan tugas sekolah dan pulangnya berjalan kaki. Dari situ, mereka melihat sebuah motor dengan kunci berada di box depan motor. Kemudian mereka mengambil motor tersebut. Baca Juga : Gempar, Lalaki Gantung Diri Di Kampung Perawas Ayo. Yang. Mau. Kepo. Dengan. Perkembangan. Berita Terbaru, Berita Terkini, Berita Hari ini dan Berita Viral lainnya di belitonginfo.com Dapat Mengklick Link. Di. Bawah. Ini : Facebook. (Dengan. Kamu. Mengklick Link ini Kamu Akan Masuk ke Facebooknya belitong Info) Ayo Klik Sekarang Juga. Atau Kamu Juga Dapat Melihat Instagram Kami atau bisa mengunjungi Google News Kami. Kami Juga Ada Channel Youtube Untuk Melihat. Berita. kami Secara Visual Ayo Sekarang Juga Bergabung Bersama Kami Read the full article
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muslimahreminder · 8 months ago
Your Salah.
Your Salah.
Your Salah ya Ikhwa
Be constant. Be on time. Be focused.
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fluffy-appa · 4 months ago
Ikhwa' spend some time listening to Islamic lectures everyday of authentic scholars.
It will increase your beneficial knowledge and help you to get closer to Allah ان شاء الله
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muntasireen · 3 months ago
#فتاوى_عبر_الأثير (( 598 ))
- السؤال:- وهذا سؤال يقول: ما حكم الأهل الذين يرفضون تزويج بناتهم للمجاهدين، علما بأن البنات يرغبن بالزواج من المجاهدين، وأعذار الأهل تتفاوت بين: عدم القناعة بطريق المجاهدين، وبين الخوف مما قد يتعرض له المجاهد من قتل وأسر وبتر وتشريد؟
- الجواب:- يقول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم (إذا خطب إليكم من ترضون دينه وخلقه، فزوجوه، إلا تفعلوه تكن فتنة فى الأرض وفساد عريض) رواه الترمذي، وبن ماجه .
- والبنات أمانة فى أعناق الآباء، يحسنون تريبتهن، ويزوجوهن ممن يرضون دينه وخلقه، وهذا من حق البنت على أبيها.
- روى البيهقي عن عائشة رضى الله عنها قالت: (النكاح رق فلينظر أحدكم أين يضع كريمته)
- وقال رجل للحسن البصري رحمه الله: (قد خطب ابنتى جماعة، فمن أزوجها؟ قال: من يتق الله، فإن أحبها أكرمها، وإن ابغضها لم يظلمها، ومن منع ابنته من زواج الكفء فقد ظلمها).
- قال الشعبي رحمه الله: (من زوج كريمته من فاسق، فقد قطع رحمها)
- ولا شك أن المجاهدين فى سبيل الله، هم من خيرة الناس، لقيامهم بالفرض الذى ضيعه وحاد عنه أكثر المسلمين، خاصة الدولة الإسـ ـلاميه التى جددت الدين، وأقامت الخلافة، ونشرت التوحيد، وحاربت الشرك، والمشركين، وأقامت شرع الله، فرماها أهل الكفر كلهم عن قوس واحد، ولا يشك فى منهجها، إلا مرضى القلوب.
- وعليه:- فإن كانت البنت ترغب فى الزواج من مجاهد، وكان وليها يمنعها من زواج من تقدم إليها من المجاهدين، بدون مبرر شرعى، فإنها ترفع أمرها إلى المحكمة الإسلامية، لينظر القاضى فى شأنها، ويلزم والدها بتزويجها للكفء، أو يسقط ولايته لعدم نصحه فى تزويج ابنته، والله تعالى أعلم
Sometimes sisters ask how muhajirat got married after making hijra knowing their wali will not approve of their hijra let alone marrying a muj, so here's an answer from the fatawa of the ikhwa:
Q: what's the ruling of the family that refuse to marry their daughters to muj, knowing their daughters want to marry them, and the excuse of the family is not being convinced of the path of the muj and being fearful of what a muj could go through of being slain and imprisoned, amputated and displaced?
Answer: the Prophet ﷺ said: {When someone with whose religion and character you are satisfied asks your daughter in marriage, accede to his request. If you do not do so there will be temptation in the earth and extensive corruption.} Mishkat al-Masabih 3090
And daughters are a trust in the necks of the fathers, they must be good in bringing them up, and marrying them off to who their deen and character is pleasing, and this is the right of the daughter on her father.
Narrated by Al Baihaqi that Aisha RA said: (Marriage is slavery so let yourselves see where he places his daughter)
And a man said to Al Hasan Al Basri رحمه الله :
Some people have sought my daughter for marriage, so to whom do I marry her off? He said: to the one that fears Allah, for if he loves her he will honor her and if he hates her he will not oppress her. And whoever prevents his daughter from a marriage that is her match has oppressed her.
Ash Sha'bi رحمه الله said: whoever marries his daughter to a sinner has cut the ties of her kinship
And no doubt the muj in the Cause of Allah, they are the best of people, for they carry out the obligation that many Muslims have let go of and deviated from, especially the state of the Muslims which revived the deen, established khi l afah, spread tawhid, combat shirk and mushrikin and established the laws of Allah, and so the people of kufr rejected them collectively. And there is no one who doubts in it's manhaj except those with sick hearts.
Upon that: if the daughter wants to marry a muj, and her wali prevents her from marriage to whoever proposes to her from among the muj ahideen, without a shar3i excuse, then her matter is to be raised to the Islamic court so the judge can look into her matter and obligates her father to marry the one suitable to her or his authority over her falls for refusing the advice to marry off his daughter, and Allah Knows Best.
The islamic court being the court of the islamic s t ate,
Many sisters made hijra and then called their families and sought permission from their wali to marry a muj, and often times alot agreed and let them. In the cases where they didn't, the brothers would contact them and explain to them the ruling and advise them, and if they refuse without a legitimate shar3i excuse, then the wilaya would be given to the judge from the muj, who would marry her off as the wali of all muslimin is the sultan I.e amirulmumineen and the appointed judge is given the authority and permission to marry off those who have no wali from her family.
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salafiway · 4 days ago
You need THESE 15 to be a student of ilm:
. Manners
. Sincerity
. Authentic Conformity
. Salafi Scholar
. Note-taking
. Daily schedule
. Quran
  - Reading
  - Reciting
  - Reflecting
  - Memorizing
. Zeal
. Eat less
. Befriend good ikhwa
. Repent
. Practice
. Teach
. Shukr
. Sabr
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bintturaab · 5 months ago
Some sisters keep repeating, “when will the men go forth?” “Where are the men” “ “what are you waiting for ikhwa?” Etc how do these girls expect men to go forth? This isn’t a decade ago when there was openings and it was easy to travel to certain countries, and right now there isn’t a place which is easy to go to for men to do their obligations or is there? These sisters listen to some 🔥 reminders related to ج and nasheeds and act like it’s 2014 days where men can just to travel and go to a place and then question the masculinity of men, I’m sure you know that lots would love and be the first to help the oppressed especially in falastin but there isn’t a opening rn? When will these girls understand or are they looking for reasons to look down upon men?
Majority of the men wouldn't go even if there were openings right next to them, and that's the sad reality of the ummah. Maybe it's these men that these sisters are questioning the masculinity of? "Where are the men?" has been a cry of the oppressed and the prisoners for decades. It isn't anything new. If some sisters are reiterating it now, it's not hating on sincere men, it's trying to awaken the conscience of the lazy couch potatoes who'd rather sit in front of the tv and watch the ummah burn instead of getting up and doing something about it.
Sincerity is a lifestyle. If you're sincere with Allah, then what sisters say, or what anyone says, shouldn't bother you at all.
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magenkeshet · 2 years ago
Big shoutout to my shalomies getting all hangry during Pesach because we can’t eat carbs (and kitniyot, depending on your tradition) and an even BIGGER shoutout to my islamic ‘ikhwa wa ‘akhawaat who are getting very hangry because it’s Ramadan. Y’all are hardcore! May we all have meaningful observances! Chag Pesach Sameach and Ramadan Mubarak!
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daughterofmytribe · 1 year ago
Asalamu Alaekum ukhti, in’sh’Allah you are in the best of iman,
i wanted to ask you if you know any good ikhwa who are looking to get married?
barakallahu feeeki
Wa Alaikum as Salam, if I did, I would get all my beautiful sisters married to the best of men. There’s nothing more that I want for my muwahidat, than for them to marry the man of their dreams. May Allah grant you the best of men.
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basket-of-loquats · 3 years ago
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guess what i’ve been watching
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belitonginfo · 2 years ago
Jadi Lokasi Bazar UMKM, Kampong Reklamasi Selinsing Dipadati Ribuan Pengunjung
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BELITUNG TIMUR, belitonginfo.com - Kampong Reklamasi Selinsing di Desa Selinsing, Kecamatan Gantung, Kabupaten Belitung Timur yang dikelola PT Timah Tbk bersama BumDes Selinsing menjadi lokasi Bazar Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) Gerakan Masyarakat Wirausaha (GEMAWIRA) Kabupaten Belitung Timur, Senin (13/2/2023). Bazar UMKM yang buka dari tanggal 10 hingga 12 Februari 2023 ini membuat Kampong Reklamasi Selinsing ramai pengunjung. Pesona lahan bekas tambang yang PT Timah Tbk dulap jadi Kampong Reklamasi Selinsing memang kian menawan sebagai salah satu destinasi wisata. Selain Bazar UMKM, di Kampong Reklamasi Selinsing PT Timah Tbk bazar UMKM juga ada perlombaan bagi anak-anak seperti lomba mewarnai, melukis dan fashion show. Ketua Gemawira Belitung Timur Bambang Suherly mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua panitia dan pihak mendukung. Ia bersyukur acara bazar itu bisa berjalan lancar hingga malam penutupan itu. "Kami mewakili pengurus mengucapkan terima kasih kepada PT Timah Tbk telah mengizinkan memberi tempat untuk pelaksanaan Bazar ini. Dan juga Bumdes Selinsing telah membantu," Kata Bambang Suherly. Menurut Bambang, kegiatan ini dapat antusias dari pengunjung yang sangat luar biasa. Yakni mencatatkan omset selama dua hari pelaksanaan sekitar Rp 82 juta dari total 45 stand yang ikut. "Hari ini juga ramai dan padat, jika kita hitung rata-rata Rp 40 juta sehari selama tiga hari ini sekitar Rp 120 juta," sebutnya. Bambang melanjutkan, kedepan bazar UMKM akan berlangsung di setiap kecamatan di Beltim nantinya. Sebab Bazar itu guna membantu UMKM naik kelas dan menambah omset tentunya. "Kita ucapkan terima kasih juga kepada Pemkab Beltim sudah mendukung kami," bebernya. Sementara itu, Asisten 1 Setda Beltim Sayono mewakili Bupati Beltim Burhanudin memberikan apresiasi atas terlaksananya bazar UMKM Gemawira Beltim, dalam merayakan HUT Gemawira Beltim ke-1 dan Hari Jadi Beltim ke-20. "Semoga acara ini mendapatkan hasil yang diharapkan dan UMKM Beltim bisa meningkat sebagai salah satu penggerak ekonomi," katanya.
Bazar UMKM Di Reklamasi Selinsing Sukses
Senada, Kepala Desa Selinsing Harianto mengapresiasi, bazar UMKM Gemawira dilaksanakan di desa mereka, sebab UMKM berkumpul pada bazar itu. "Jadi masyarakat bisa tahu apa saja produk yang diproduksi oleh UMKM ini dalam bazar UMKM ini," katanya. Harianto juga berharap, event itu terus hadir di desa mereka, sebab kegiatan itu mampu menggerakan ekonomi masyarakat. Sementara itu, Ketua Bumdes Selinsing, Diky Apriansyah mengungkapkan pihaknya ikut terlibat sebagai pengelola Kampong Reklamasi oleh komunitas UMKM menjadi penyedia tempat.
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Agrowisata Kampong Reklamasi Selinsing sebagai lokasi Bazar UMKM, lomba dan fashion show itu meningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan ke tempat tersebut. "Tujuan utama kita sebenarnya adalah mempromosikan Kampong Reklamasi agar semakin dikenal luas oleh masyarakat," bebernya. Menurutnya, Bazar UMKM itu berdampak terhadap pengunjung yang datang yakni sekitar 3000 pengunjung di tiga hari pelaksanaan kegiatan UMKM Gemawira itu. "Dampak untuk reklamasi itu salah satunya sebagai ajang promosi yang pastinya Kampong Reklamasi Selinsing bisa lebih dikenal masyarakat luas, kemudian mungkin kedepannya kegiatan ini bisa dilaksanakan kembali karena melihat respon masyarakat yang sangat bagus," jelasnya. Ia juga mengapresiasi, selama pelaksanaan itu berjalan lancar dan tidak ada kerusakan apapun terhadap sarana dan prasarana di lokasi tersebut. "Alhamdulillah selama event ini berlangsung dari awal sampai akhir tidak ada kerusakan apapun terkait fasilitas yang ada di kampong Reklamasi, hanya terkadang sebagian masyarakat atau pun pengunjung ada yang masih kurang sadar dengan membuang sampah," tandasnya. Baca Juga : Miris! 2 Bocah Curi Sepeda Motor Di Masjid Al Ikhwa Lesung Batang Ayo. Yang. Mau. Kepo. Dengan. Perkembangan. Berita Terbaru, Berita Terkini, Berita Hari ini dan Berita Viral lainnya di belitonginfo.com Dapat Mengklick Link. Di. Bawah. Ini : Facebook. (Dengan. Kamu. Mengklick Link ini Kamu Akan Masuk ke Facebooknya belitong Info) Ayo Klik Sekarang Juga. Atau Kamu Juga Dapat Melihat Instagram Kami atau bisa mengunjungi Google News Kami. Kami Juga Ada Channel Youtube Untuk Melihat. Berita. kami Secara Visual Ayo Sekarang Juga Bergabung Bersama Kami Read the full article
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thecrysanthemum · 5 years ago
Mengahafal atau murojaah?
Menjadi Pr bagi muslim dan muslimah yang telah bertekad menjadikan Qur'an sebagai bagian dari hidupnya. Bagaimana tidak, menghafal dan murojaah sudah menjadi kegiatan sehari-hari yang dilakukan.
Namun terkadang,
kala iman mulai turun mengahafal menjadi hal yang berat apalagi murojaah. Mengulang kembali ayat demi ayat yang pernah singgah dalam ingatan tidaklah mudah.
Jika sudah dalam keadaan seperti ini, pertanyaan yang muncul dalam benak adalah
Menghafal dulu, murojaah kemudian?
Murojaah dahulu lalu menghafal?
Satu hal yang perlu diingat, jangan pernah lupa berdoa agar Allah Azza wa Jalla memudahkan lisan dan pikiran kita dalam menerima ayat cintaNya
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hassanaat · 5 years ago
Some examples of good conduct and love between The Prophetﷺ and his wives.
He ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم would never hit his wives.
He would let things slide by not picking/addressing every little mistake.
He would play and joke around with them.
He would help them whenever they required help.
He would give them nicknames e.g he used to call Aa’isha ‏رضي الله عنها ‘O Aa’ish’ or ‘Humayra’ which signifies something that is small and red.
He would drink from the exact same part of the vessel from where his wife would drink from.
He would spend on them.
He would do things on their behalf even after their death like when he sacrificed an animal and gave some of the meat to Khadija’s ‏رضي الله عنها friends.
When A’a’isha ‏رضي الله عنها was on her menstrual cycle, he would lean against her and recite Qur’aan while they both rested.
— Shaykh Abdus Salaam Faylakawi ‏حفظه الله
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muntasireen · 4 months ago
When Abu Mus'ab AZ تقبله الله said:
"ولقد أثبتت التجارب والأيام، والمحن والخطوب،
أن ليس لكِ بعد الله تعالى
إلا ابناءكِ المجاهدين؛
فهُم حصنك الحصين، ودرعكِ المتين، وقلبك النابض،
يفرحون لفرحِك، ويبكون لحزنكِ،
يسهرون الليل لأجلكِ ويغارون عليكِ،
وتتفطر قلوبهم ألماً على حالكِ.
ولسانُ همِهم الأول والأخير؛
اللهم أرفع الذل والضيم عن أمتي،
اللهم اعد مجد أمتي وعزها."
"Indeed the experiences and days, the trials and tests have proven that you have no one after Allah The Most High except your sons from the mvjahideen; for they are your firm fortress, powerful shield and beating heart,
They rejoice over your happiness, and cry over your sadness, they stay awake at night for your sake and are jealous over you, their hearts break with pain over your plight, their first and last concern is: O Allah lift the humiliation and injustice from my Ummah. O Allah restore the glory and honor of my Ummah."
And my mind takes me back to the days we were displaced from Raqqa to Mayadeen to the villages of Gharaneej, Bahra all the way Baghuz. When the injured, the elderly, the women and their children all retreated from one place to another while the mvjahideen guarded their surroundings and helped them cross over hills and rivers to reach the next place of safety. Sometimes in the middle of the night and other times at the crack of dawn. Masked up, carrying already their gear and weapnry what weighs kilos upon kilos, walking us and directing us, carrying the injured on their backs and our children on their shoulders without a single complaint while making dua for our safety.
In those moments, while hearing the cities and villages and posts of the ikhwa behind us being torn to pieces by the coalition and its allies, I never felt so protected and my wellbeing treasured by a people outside those moments, knowing that these men came out of their homes and sacrificed their lives and wealth for the wellbeing of this ummah.
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tawakkull · 4 years ago
ISLAM 101: Spirituality in Islam: Part 35
Denoting, “Love, the opposite of disfavour, inclination of the heart and an attachment to a particular thing or person,” mahabba has arguably reached its pinnacle in terms of richness of meaning within Sufi thought and action. Mahabba can be categorised into three components: God’s love for His servant, the servant’s love for God and servants’ love for one another for the sake of God.
Mahabba, which Abu ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami (412/1022) describes as “the essence of futuwwa,” can also be linked in his definitions to such concerns as establishing close ties with the people, being faithful to old affections and relationships, deriving joy from helping the people, listening to them and receiving guests and showing hospitality to them, treating people with respect, compassion and grace, loving each other for the sake of God and maintaining close relations, loving the downtrodden and giving them their due, and sharing in the joy of the people.
Qushayri describes love as a noble state that God Himself has confirmed as a quality belonging to a servant, and that God has made known His love for His servant, declaring, “A people whom God loves, and who love Him.” This famous Hadith Qudsi also expressly illustrates God’s love:
Whoever shows hostility to My saintly servant, I will surely wage war on him. My servant cannot draw near to Me with anything more loved by Me than fulfilling the things I have made incumbent on him. Then, My servant draws nearer and nearer to Me through supererogatory acts of worship until I love him. When I love him, I become his ears with which he hears, his eyes with which he sees, his hands with which he grasps and his feet on which he walks. Were he to ask (something) of Me, I would surely grant it to him, and were he to seek refuge (from something), I would surely take him under My protection.
God loves his worthy servants – in whatever manner is the sublime and exalted love behoving Him – and renders the manifestations of His love for them visible upon them. And, of course, if God loves one of His servants, He becomes their guardian, protector and, as mentioned in the hadith, assists them in their every undertaking and affair. He causes them to act righteously, make the right decisions, look at and speak of what is right.
God’s love for His servant is His willing to confer special favour and bounty upon that servant. This is identical to His showing mercy to His servant by bestowing blessings upon them. Accordingly, mercy is more particular than will and love more particular than mercy. In other words, God’s willing to grant blessings to His servant is termed mercy, while His conferring a distinct nearness and exalted spiritual states to His servant is a manifestation of His love for that servant. If it is connected to universally bestowed bounties, it is called mercy (rahma) and if it is connected with particularly bestowed blessings, namely to making His proximity felt, it is referred to as love (mahabba).
As for the servant’s love for God, it is a state experienced in their heart and defies description and words. This state drives them to glorify God, pursue His good pleasure and approval and renders them completely unable to be without Him. They thus turn to remembrance of Him, with a view to experiencing constant intimacy in their heart, and a ceaseless sense of reverence and rapture.
As for the believers loving one another, the Qur’anic verse, “The believers are but brothers,” is noteworthy. In addition to using the qualifier innamā (‘Only’) in emphatically drawing attention to the topic at hand, the verse uses the plural ikhwa, which is used to denote siblings, in lieu of the word ihkwan, meaning brothers more generally, thus stressing a second point.
When relating the characteristics of the people who will be given shade in God’s shade on the Day of Judgement, the Messenger of God includes those who love one another for His sake, who meet and part for that reason alone.
The two Prophetic Traditions below are noteworthy with respect to their associating love and belief:
By the one who has my soul in His hand, you will not enter the Garden until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I inform you of something which will make you love one another? Make the greeting widespread among you.
None of you can truly be said to believe until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself.
It can be concluded from these Traditions that so long as believers do not love one another, they cannot attain perfection in belief. It appears as though the believers’ finding reasons upon which to love one another is presented as an obligation. The emphasis on the ‘Peace Building’ that the Prophetic Traditions make is thus a good deal self-evident. The believer is required to love everyone who shares their belief, regardless of their race, colour, nation and language. And this should not be restricted merely to love; they should also act with a sense of responsibility towards them.
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ynx1 · 4 years ago
Shaykh Hasan bin ‘Abdul-Wahhāb al-Bannā [may Allāh have mercy on him] said:
“Keep yourselves busy with [seeking] knowledge and do not busy yourselves with the differences between such and such.”
Naseeha ash-Shaykh [may Allāh have mercy on him] lil-Ikhwa fil-Jazā’ir
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dardawirdhaa · 5 years ago
Keinginanmu untuk menikah biarkan tersimpan dalam doa-doa yang riuh melangit. Berdoalah agar dipertemukan dengan seseorang terbaik versi-Nya diam-diam, dalam tenang, dalam-dalam, lebih khusyuk.
Lagi viral tentang ikhwan modus, nikahin akhwat terus ditinggalin. Tihati~
Oh, my dear, ingat ya, goals hijrahmu, kedekatanmu pada-Nya bukan untuk didapatkan dan mendapatkan pasangan shalih, tapi untuk mendapatkan tempat di Surga. SURGA.
Ingat ya, goalsnya Surga. Bukan ikhwa; nikah~
Pernikahan itu ibadah, bukan tujuan. Maka pastikan prosesnya adalah proses yang mendekatkan ke Allah juga surga-Nya.
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