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🔻اللهم أنجز وعدك فيهم
#Alhamdulillah#islam#muslims#deen#dawah#dua#arab#reminders#gaza#muslim designs#palestine#quran#verses#ayat#muslim reverts#اسلاميات#اسلام#عربي#تصميمي#تذكير#مسلم#غزة#فلسطين#قران#ايات#دعوة
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peace be upon you, enter paradise for what you used to do.
- ♡
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Ya Rabb grant us ease in this dunia and hereafter ameen🙏🏽
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#قران#قرآن_كريم#quran_kareem#اسلاميات#quran#quran ayah#islam#quran kareem#تمبلر عربي#تمبلر بالعربي#اسلامی#يا الله#ايات قران#ايات#ayat#holy quran
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#quran#Quran#holy quran#Quran verse#quran verse#quran verses#islam#islamic#deen#imaan#muslim#muslimah#ayat#ayah#surah
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The Names Al-Qaabid, Al-Baasit— The Withholder, The Extender— are not specifically used as beautiful names in the Quran. Al-Qaabid is the One whose wisdom decides when to withhold something or to make something scarce, either physically or spiritually. He is the One who holds all hearts in His hand.
Al-Baasit is the One Who expands and amplifies all abundance and the One whose glory and abundance fill and expand the heart!
Qaabid and Baasit are Opposites
Qaabid comes from the root qaa-baa-daad, which refers to the attribute of withholding. It points to meanings like to lay hold of, to grasp, to make scarce, and to have absolute ownership of something (to hold in the hand). It also means to contract the heart, which causes distress, depression, and lack of joy.
Baasit comes from the root baa-seen-taa, which refers to the attribute of expanding. It means to extend, to grant abundance, to provide amply and to widen, to make spacious. The term Baasit includes a powerful and majestic sense of infusing something with a gift that will grow and flourish in great abundance.
Linguistically, the first name refers to decrease while the second to increase; these two actions embrace all things in existence. In other words, if Allah decreases something, this means that He withholds it, and if He increases something, this means that He extends it. Therefore these two names are mentioned together.
Our Provisions
There are different fields of Qabd (withholding) and Bast (expanding). One of the meanings of Al-Qaabid and Al-Baasit has to do with people’s provision or sustenance.
Allah says: Allah extends provision for whom He wills of His slaves, and straitens it for whom (He wills). Verily, Allah is the All-Knower of all things. [Quran, 29:62]
Regarding people’s provision, we should not say this is due to someone being intelligent or talented, because Allah ‘azza wajal is the One Who withholds or extends provision for people.
Allah’s extension of provision is for your honour or for your trial and His withholding of your provision is for treatment or protection. Allah says: And if Allah were to enlarge provision for His slaves, they would surely rebel in the earth, but He sends down by measure as He wills. Verily, He is, in respect of His slaves, the Well-Aware, the All-Seer (of things that benefit them). [Quran, 42:27]
Constriction and Expansion of Our Hearts
Allah ‘azza wajal withholds when it is good and gives when it is good. Sometimes our chests feel tight and our imaan feels low. This constriction of our hearts can bring us back to Allah if we take the step to strive. At other times our hearts feel spiritually expanded, our imaan, is strong, and we feel joy and strength to face the world. We daily struggle with the heart, which is called qalb in Arabic, which means to change or to turn. Just like Allah is Al-Qaabid, He is Al-Baasit who can remove any constriction we feel.
Special Equipment
Allah equipped you with a special criterion: Al-Qabd, whereby you feel depressed and dispirited as soon as you commit a sinful deed, like lying to others, looking at indecent things etc. You feel Al-Qabd only if your heart is still alive and you are sensitive.
Why does Allah grant us our mind? So that we thereby know Him! Why does He grant us our pure original human nature? So that we know our mistakes! With our mind we know our Lord; with our pure original human nature we know our mistakes by feeling unhappy and depressed. But instead of staying in that state, we should get up, seek forgiveness, and follow up our bad deeds with good ones!
As well, sometimes Allah causes us to feel qabd (constriction) so that we reflect on its causes, like a stomachache tells us we ate something bad. Why do we feel like this? Did we put our trust in others than Allah? Did you seek the pleasure of others instead of the pleasure of Allah?
How Can You Live by This Name?
1. Know that after hardship comes ease.
If you feel in a state of constriction, look forward to expansion and lightness. Understand it is from Allah ‘azza wajal. The Story of Yusuf ‘alayhi sallam is characterized by the ups and downs; from the well, to a palace, from prison to Minister, from separation to unity. He made the best of his situation and knew the relief was coming. Have this attitude and strength and you will succeed, no matter the situation!
2. Contemplate nature.
Allah withholds the clouds from some people and provides them to others, and in some places the rain would be much heavier than in others. This means that Allah withholds rain from some and provides it to some. Allah is also the One who ‘withholds’ (conceals) daylight and then brings it back. Allah says Then We withdraw it (daylight) to Us a gradual concealed withdrawal. [Quran, 25:46] Reflect on these types of qabd and bast every time you experience them!
3. Reflect on life and death.
Allah Al-Qaabid, Al-Baasit infuses souls into us (bast) and gives us life, and He also seizes souls and causes them to die (qabd). Allah says: Blessed is He in whose hand is dominion, and He is over all things competent— [He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed– and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving. [Quran, 67:1-2]
4. Be a source of expansion to others.
Be of those who offer relief to other people. Expand the hearts of others by reminding them of the blessings of Allah (swt) and that after hardship comes ease!
5. Do da’wah with these names!
While doing da’wah strike the balance between reassuring people of Allah’s mercy and warning them of His punishment. Because Allah is simultaneously Al-Qaabid and Al-Baasit, you as a da’ee or da’eeyah should also warn people away from disobeying Allah and encourage them to obey Him. Three things must always be dwelling together in your heart as a true believer: glorification of Allah (through contemplation on the miraculous universe), love for Allah (through contemplation of His divine favors), and fear of Him (through contemplation of His irresistible wrath and punishment).
6. Sleep in the name of Allah.
When you sleep it’s called a minor death. Allah withholds the souls of some and they will never wake up and He returns the souls of others and they do wake up. That’s why it’s very important to make your bedtime dua: Allahumma bismika amootu wa ahyaa- O Allah in Your Name I die and live.
7. Remember the Day of Resurrection!
Allah says about another example of His power of qabd: They made no just esteem of Allah such as due to Him. And on the Day of Resurrection, the whole of the earth will be in His Grasp, and the heavens will be rolled up in His Right Hand. Glorified is He and far Exalted is He above all that they associate as partners with Him! [Quran, 39:67)]
8. Beg Al-Qaabid, Al-Baasit to guide your heart.
A happy heart is the heart filled with imaan. The Prophet salallaahu alayhi wasallam made this dua often: Yaa muqallibal quloob, thabbit qalbee ‘alaa deenik– (O Turner of the Hearts, keep my heart firm on Your Religion).
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الدكتور حسام أبو صفية وهو يسير باتجاه جنود الاحتلال الذين اقتحموا مستشفى كمال عدوان شمالي قطاع غزة في وداعة الرَّحمن يا دكتور حسام!
#Alhamdulillah#islam#muslims#deen#dawah#gaza#palestine#reminders#quran#ayat#verses#kamal adwan#اسلاميات#اسلام#عربي#دين#دعوة#دعاء#تذكير#مستشفى كمال عدوان#غزة#فلسطين#شمال غزة#قران#الحمدلله
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Daily Hadith
Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam ‘ala Rasulillah Narrated Abu Huraira (Radi-Allahu 'anhu):
Allah’s Apostle (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) said, “When Allah completed the creation, He wrote in His Book which is with Him on His Throne, "My Mercy overpowers My Anger.”
Bukhari Vol. 4 : No. 416
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#اللهم صل وسلم على نبينا محمد#quran#holy quran#ayah#ayat#islam#islamic#islamic post#islamic reminders#islamic reminder#islamic posts#islamic book#muslim#spilled ink#islampost#قرآن كريم#قرآن#آية#استغفار#آيات#آيات قرآنية#آية قرآنية#اسلام#اسلامية#اسلاميات#دین اسلام#دين
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REFLECTIONS ON THE QUR'AN: Sūratu’l-Kahf (The Cave): Part 1
Say: “I am but a mortal like you, but it is revealed to me that your God is the One and Only God…” (Al-Kahf 18:110)
There is no difference between human beings in their having been created by God and in their servanthood to Him. He is equally dominant over all of us, and we are equally under His rule or sovereignty. Nobody is great and exceptional enough to be a Lord or Deity to be worshipped nor is anyone so little or despicable enough to take any being other than God as Lord or Deity to worship. As Bediüzzaman Said Nursi aptly states, “All creatures are equal in regard to their distance from being worshipped, as well as in respect of being created.”
The verse above also rejects deification of some great persons such as Jesus and Ezra, upon them be peace. It is true that some among people, especially the Prophets, have a certain degree of nearness to God Almighty. However, this nearness, which comes from belief in and worshipping Him, can never be a reason for deification. They have no place on God’s Throne (of Deity, Lordship and absolute Sovereignty) next to God. Thus, in order emphasize this important point, despite his exceptional greatness, our Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, declared, “I am a mortal human being like you.” He added, “It is revealed to me that your God is the One and Only God,” pointing to the difference between other human beings and himself as the receiver of God’s Revelation. It is of great significance that this difference also marks the basic reality that both he and all other human beings are God’s creatures who must worship Him, and it is only God, the One and Only God, Who deserves worship exclusively.
To sum up, the verse under discussion both rejects the extreme considerations about some such as Jesus and Ezra and draws the attention of Muslims to the actual position of our Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings.
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وَهُوَ ٱلَّذِىٓ أَرْسَلَ ٱلرِّيَـٰحَ بُشْرًۢا بَيْنَ يَدَىْ رَحْمَتِهِۦ ۚ وَأَنزَلْنَا مِنَ ٱلسَّمَآءِ مَآءًۭ طَهُورًۭا
[And it is He who sends the winds as good tidings before His mercy [i.e., rainfall], and We send down from the sky pure water]
Qur'aan- 25:48
#quran#ayat#verses#allah is kabir#allahﷻ#islamdaily#islamic#inspiration#quran ayah#creation#islam#goodness
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When you feel tested, remember Allah's command for patience. Surah An-Nahl reminds us that sabr leads to reward and guidance. 🤲🌌
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Allah calls Himself Al-Fattaah— The Opener, The Revealer— on one occasion in the Quran. He is the One who opens all doors of blessing for His slaves. Al-Fattaah judges what shall be opened from opening hearts, clarifying visions and opening doors to sustenance to conquering cities and revealing knowledge!
The Judge of All That is Opened, The Granter of Success
Fattaah comes from the root faa-taa-haa, which points to four main meanings. The first main meaning is to open, unlock, or reveal and make clear. The second main meaning is to make victorious, and the third is to judge or decide. The fourth main meaning is to permit or grant.
This root appears 38 times in the Quran in eight derived forms. Examples of these forms are fatahnaa (“We opened”), al-fathu (“the victory”), and mafaatihu (“[are the] keys”).
Linguistically, fattaah has the structure of intensification; al-faatih is someone who opens. Al-Fattaah is the ultimate judge who decides to open gates that no one else can open, in both literal and symbolical, physical and spiritual ways, and He is the source of victory and success.
Al-Fattaah Himself says: Say, Our Lord will bring us together; then He will judge between us in truth. And He is the Knowing Judge. [Quran, 34:26]
The different gates in life
How does Allah ‘azza wa jall open? It is Al-Fattaah who opens the Gates of Paradise; it is by the help of al-Fattaah cities are “opened” (conquered) to Islam, it is Al-Fattaah who opens doors to solutions to your life’s difficulties, and it is Al-Fattaah only who opens the door to recovery when you are ill. If Al-Fattaah so wills, He opens to you the gate of provision and sustenance, the gate of work, the gate of marriage, and the gate of tranquillity and peace of mind. He opens to you the gate of success and He opens to you the gate of righteous deeds.
How Can You Live by This Name?
1. Trust in the judge.
Life is full of arguments. Some people accuse others and claim to be right. Who is the judge? Who knows the reality of people? It is Al-Fattaah. Make the Quran and the Sunnah the judge of your actions, always. People may speak badly about you and accuse you falsely, but if you are on the right side, do not be afraid, because Allah is Al-Fattaah is the just Judge. Also don’t judge others too quickly— Al-Fattaah can open anyone’s heart.
2. Realize Al-Fattaah can open all doors.
Al-Fattaah says: Whatsoever mercy Allah opens to mankind, none can withhold; and whatsoever He withholds, none can lose after Him. And He is the All Mighty, the All-Wise. [Quran 35:2] This ayah has a beautiful impact if you are a true believer; you realize that everything happening to you is under Al-Fattaah’s divine control. Close doors for His sake— by leaving a bad habit, wrong friends, or a place of sinning– even if it causes you physical hardship— and He will open a door for you to good. Never despair nor give up. Realize thatAl-Fattaah can always give you a way out. Know that all the relationships in your life are confined by your relationship with Allah al-Fattaah.
3. Be sincere.
The best opening of all is the opening of the heart. Al-Fattaah opens hearts which were locked, like the heart of Umar ibn al-Khattaab radiyallahu ‘anhu which was before filled with hatred of the Muslims. Some people say: I read the Quran, but I don’t understand a word of it! But after some time, they begin to understand. They begin to seek answers, memorize, interact, enjoy, and preach the words of Allah. Work hard and strive to be sincere so that Al-Fattaah opens to you the gate of knowledge, the gate of closeness to Him and the gate of contentment in this life.
4. Ask al-Fattaah.
Whenever a gate is closed in your face, remember Al-Fattaah and ask Him to open it for you. This goes under all circumstances, whether serious or insignificant; even if your phone, wallet, or anything else, valuable or not, is lost. If you open a new building, want to get married, or if you desire to do anything, ask Al-Fattaah, for help and success. Start anything permissible in His name, by saying bismillah. Also when you feel low, or you feel you lack understanding of the religion, ask Him to open your heart and the hearts of your loved ones. A supplication of pious people before us used to be: May Allah open to you gates of good.
5. Study Surah Al-Fatiha.
Learn to recite, memorize, and understand Surah Al-Fatiha, the opening surah of the Book of Al-Fattaah. Ibn Abbas radiyallahu ‘anhu said: While the Messenger of Allah was sitting with Jibril he heard a creaking sound above him. Jibril looked up and said, This is [the sound of] a gate that has been opened in heaven today and has never been previously opened. Then an Angel descended through it and came to the Prophet) and said, Rejoice in the good news of two lights that have been given to you such as no prophet before you has been given. [They are] Surah Al-Fatihah and the concluding [two] verses of Surah Al-Baqarah. You will never recite a word from them without being given the blessings they contain. [Muslim] Study the tafseer of this beautiful surah; when you recite it in prayer make sure you pause after each ayah and apply its lessons to your daily life.
6. Benefit others.
Open to others the gates of your own good work and become involved in projects beneficial to others. If you have a certain skill, develop it and help others with it so with the guidance of Al-Fattaah all can work together to open doors to all that is good for the community.
O Allah, Al-Fattaah, we know that You open to us every closed gate according to Your wisdom. Open our hearts, open for us the doors to all that is good in this life, help us to trust on You as our judge, inspire us to ask You only to open any door for us— physical, spiritual, big, or small— and to open for us the door of Your mercy and open for us the gates to Your Paradise, ameen!
And Allah knows best.
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