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carbone14 · 1 year ago
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Chasseurs Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate démilitarisés et stockés après la capitulation du Japon – Base aérienne de Utsunomiya – Japon – 1945
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triscribeaucollection · 1 year ago
@foxstronaut: #YEAH SO I DID IN FACT WANT TO SEE IT#this is so good……this au just keeps getting better……….tysm for the link to this post!!#the wider context of the time travel……the fallout of bens betrayal…..#positively eating this up#also if i can ask- what is the ‘shereshoy’ mentioned in ur tag? :0
Shereshoy is the capstone of my Vod'e An Star Wars series, which is ALL about time travel, but I keep copy-pasting the intro scene into different AUs because it is. Definitely one of my favorite bits of writing to date.
Here's the series summary:
Have you ever seen a time traveler dropped into the middle of someone else's butterfly effect? How about several dozen someones? AKA I nabbed all my fave clone troopers and sprinkled them into a much happier galaxy, with a touch of violence on top. As a treat.
Aaand just for laughs, here's the intro scene in question:
The Force screamed in the middle of the night, and Ahsoka lurched awake with one overriding thought: not again.
Both lightsabers immediately flew to her hands as she rolled out of bed - boots and outer robes left behind in her sprint for the door. For the first time since constructing her own hab at Luke’s school, Ahsoka regretted putting herself on a neighboring ridge instead of down in the valley among the students.
Even as she ran, the Force flickered with another youngling’s death.
Beams of red light in the darkness, matched to knots of Dark power, drew her forward at even greater speed. Bounding off rocks and trees, the togruta remained nearly silent with every leap; she instinctively shielded herself with the Force to mask her approach, until the moment she burst out over the heads of three Sith acolytes, and let her own power flare.
Their helmeted heads snapped upwards. In the span of two heartbeats, her white sabers slashed, and those same heads fell to the ground, their bodies following after a brief pause.
Ahsoka landed in a battle-ready crouch, positioned defensively over a boy collapsed on the ground. When no further Sith revealed themselves, she deactivated and tucked away one lightsaber, freed hand reaching for the teenager at her feet. “Jacen?”
“I’m okay,” he rasped, heart pounding hard enough her lekku could feel the vibrations. “What- what’s happening?”
“Another Purge,” Ahsoka said, fighting hard to keep her voice level. “Can you feel Ezra?” After a moment’s pause, his face scrunched with desperate concentration, Jacen nodded. “Then let’s go. I’ll watch your back.”
The boy staggered upright, and led her around to the far side of the school buildings: student sleeping huts, a kitchen and meal hall, storage and laundry and library. Most of them bore scorch marks and other damage, while further up the valley, the actual temple where Luke handled meditation and combat training burned.
Storm clouds rumbled overhead, an echo of the fury roaring in Ahsoka’s mind. Twice, cracks of lightning revealed fallen bodies as she and Jacen ran past.
Another set of Sith attempted an ambush, only to falter when they registered her white lightsabers. Ahsoka didn’t hesitate to leap forward and deal with them swiftly, before any attention could be turned to the padawan beside her. Jacen, thankfully, didn’t attempt to join her, nor did he comment afterward - but his Force-presence shivered and pulled in even tighter on itself.
The next enemies they came across were a squad of stormtroopers, concentrating fire on a solitary figure, who deflected incoming plasma bolts and shot back his own with the same weapon. Ahsoka could sense two more younglings hidden behind Ezra’s billowed cloak, and increased her speed.
One trooper spotted her mid-charge. He and his neighbor turned to shoot at the new target, but their bolts went wild, too far off the mark to even require deflection. Ridiculous, Ahsoka could hear in her mind, as she spun and slashed, No brother would have gotten off Kamino with aim like that; do they even bother training these shinies, or just hand ‘em armor and a blaster and a new set of orders?
Faster than droids, but not nearly as fast or coordinated as clones, which meant Ahsoka carved through the stormtroopers within moments. As the last blaster fell in pieces to the ground, she saw Jacen dash past to crash against his favorite teacher with a desperate hug. Ezra wrapped an arm around the boy’s shoulders, the other still holding his lightsaber. “Ahsoka?”
“Get to my ship,” she ordered, as another peal of thunder rang above their heads, and the first few raindrops began to fall. “Don’t wait for anyone else, just take off and get to safety.”
Expression grim, Ezra nodded, and turned to drop into a crouch. He helped Alora get to her feet, the girl holding Grogu against her chest. “Pypey?”
The teenager shook her head, headscarf gone, face covered in tears. Ezra didn’t waste any more time before hustling her and Jacen off, towards the hidden landing pad where they kept hyper-capable craft. Ahsoka barely waited before hurrying onward again.
She passed more bodies; some students, some stormtroopers, the occasional Sith in black and red armor. The rain began coming down harder, turning the ground slick with mud, dragging visibility down to mere feet and severely impacting how much Ahsoka could sense with her hollow montrals.
But the Force didn’t falter. Every leap took her from one mostly-stable spot to another, following further death knells and surges of power, all the way up to the front steps of the old Jedi temple set into the mountainside. All the way to Luke.
Despite his much smaller stature, he moved like Anakin, and she could feel the intense emotions racing through him. One trooper after another fell, Luke refusing to let any of them put so much as a single foot on the steps into his school, his Academy. More bodies sprawled across the stones behind him; only one still flickered faintly with life.
Ahsoka took over the fight.
She landed ahead and just to one side of Luke, better positioned to defend the one student still gasping for breath. “Go! Take her and go!” Her fellow Jedi hesitated, clearly torn between multiple directions. “She’s dying, Luke, take Jaina and go, NOW!”
His Force-presence flared, then settled, decision made. Ahsoka felt the man lunge, scoop up his wounded student, and bolt into the Temple. She knew he’d follow a secret route out to the far side of the mountain, where an overhang sheltered his old X-Wing. With any luck, Artoo would be waiting, engines already fired up and ready to take off.
Even without luck, Ahsoka would buy them enough time to escape. Raindrops sizzled off her lightsabers as she swept them through the air, evaporating into steam that trailed after her every movement.
And Ahsoka moved.
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covid-safer-hotties · 3 months ago
Infamous paper that popularized unproven COVID-19 treatment finally retracted - Published Dec 17, 2024
Today in too little, too late. Nice to see this finally done, though.
By Cathleen O’Grady
Study on hydroxychloroquine by Didier Raoult and colleagues gets pulled on ethical and scientific grounds
A 2020 paper that sparked widespread enthusiasm for hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 treatment was retracted today, following years of campaigning by scientists who alleged the research contained major scientific flaws and may have breached ethics regulations. The paper was pulled because of ethical concerns and methodological problems, according to a retraction notice.
The paper in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents (IJAA), led by Philippe Gautret of the Hospital Institute of Marseille Mediterranean Infection (IHU), claimed that treatment with hydroxychloroquine, an antimalarial drug, reduced virus levels in samples from COVID-19 patients, and that the drug was even more effective if used alongside the antibiotic azithromycin. Then–IHU Director Didier Raoult, the paper’s senior author, enthused about the promise of the drug on social media and TV, leading to a wave of hype, including from then–U.S. President Donald Trump.
But scientists immediately raised concerns about the paper, noting the sample size of only 36 patients and the unusually short peer-review time: The paper was submitted on 16 March 2020 and published 4 days later. On 24 March, scientific integrity consultant Elisabeth Bik noted on her blog that six patients who were treated with hydroxychloroquine had been dropped from the study—one of whom had died, and three of whom had transferred to intensive care—which potentially skewed the results in the drug’s favor. Larger, more rigorous trials carried out later in 2020 showed hydroxychloroquine did not benefit COVID-19 patients.
Critics of Raoult’s paper have pointed out more damning problems since. In an August 2023 letter published in Therapies, Bik and colleagues noted the cutoff for classifying a polymerase chain reaction test as positive was different in the treatment and control groups. The letter also raised questions about whether the study had received proper ethical approval, and noted an editorial conflict of interest: IJAA’s editor-in-chief at the time, Jean-Marc Rolain, was also one of the authors. (A statement saying he had not been involved in peer review was later added to the paper.) The letter called for the paper to be retracted.
The retraction notice states Elsevier and the International Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, which co-own the journal, decided to retract the paper because of ethical issues, “as well as concerns raised by three of the authors themselves regarding the article’s methodology and conclusion.”
An investigation by Elsevier could not establish whether the researchers had obtained ethical approval for the study before recruiting patients, nor whether the patients had given informed consent to be treated with the antibiotic azithromycin. This medication would not have been part of standard care for these patients in France at the time, the investigation concluded, so would have been considered an experimental treatment that required consent.
According to the notice, the three authors who raised concerns about the paper “no longer wish to see their names associated with the article.” Gautret and several other authors told the investigators they disagreed with the retraction, and the investigators did not receive a response from Raoult, the corresponding author. To date, 32 papers published by IHU authors have been retracted, 28 of them co-authored by Raoult, and 243 have expressions of concern.
In a press release, the French Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics says the now-retracted study was the “cornerstone” of a scandal that saw millions of people take hydroxychloroquine unnecessarily, endangering patients who experienced side effects including heart attacks. “This series of events serves as a reminder of an essential point when it comes to medicines: Even in times of health crisis, prescribing medicines without solid proof of efficacy, outside the rigorous framework of well-conducted clinical trials, remains unacceptable,” the society says. “One of the fundamental principles of medicine—primum non nocere (‘first, do no harm’)—has been sacrificed here, with dramatic consequences.”
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beautyandthebeskar · 29 days ago
Verde (Warriors) - Chapter 1
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Pairing: Fives x Mandalorian OC
Next Chapter
Summary: When the 501st meet an unlikely ally on a backwater planet, their mundane assignment becomes much more exciting. For Laan'i, the quick bounty hunt she took on out of necessity led her on a much longer, more difficult journey. Everyone's capacity for teamwork is tested as two very different worlds collide.
Read on AO3
That injured Agorian Moose would be such an easy target , the Mandalorian thought, And I’m starving . Perched in a tree with light green leaves, her black armor stood out like a sore thumb, but she remained still, waiting for an opening. Through the foliage she had a clear view of the large quadruped, a gash on its face contrasting the green landscape with a stream of crimson. 
Just nock the arrow Laan’i , she thought, eyes locked on her prey as he drank from a stream, facing just the right way…
Nayc , she thought, returning her arrow to her quiver. Nu ijaa o’r pakod lenedat . She took a syringe and sedative out of the small medkit she kept on the back of her utility belt. Without hesitation, she leapt from the tree onto the moose’s back, injecting the sedative as she landed. The moose bucked and bolted through the woods, losing Laan’i in the brush along the way.
She staggered to her feet and tracked the moose with the ease of an experienced hunter, using every clue to her advantage. The trail of disrupted brush and occasional smear of blood led her to the edge of the woods. The stream widened as the trees disappeared into a vast prairie, muddy ground making hoof tracks much clearer. She found the animal lying in the grass not long after.
With a sigh she began cleaning the open wound with water from the stream. Then she cut off the dead tissue with her vibroblade and cleaned some more. Ideally, she would have stitched it up and been done with it, but seeing as she only had what she could carry, bacta patches would have to do. If she was going to do something, she’d do it right, so the Mandalorian used bandages to secure the bacta patches around the moose’s antlers. 
I’ll have to check up on this guy later , Laan’i thought. I just need a way to find him again . She decided to take the brightly colored, glow-in-the-dark fletching off of one of her arrows and tie one feather on each antler. Even if her eyes didn’t pick up on it, her HUD definitely would; she’d calibrated it so she can track her arrows across battlefields after all. You’d better be worth it for me to be down an arrow. Shabla ijaat, haar’chak .
She finished just in time to remove the syringe from the animal’s hide as he stirred. She watched from several paces away as he righted himself and stumbled off across the plains.
Time to find this shabla bounty… hopefully some food, too. 
“Pretty planet. Pretty boring, that is,” Fives chuckled lightly at his words. Echo shook his head, eye roll on full display for the lack of his helmet.
“It was Cutup who was good with jokes; not you,” he spat, continuing to walk as Fives faltered a step.
“Let’s just do our job, yeah?” Echo asked flatly. Fives jogged up past him, turned, and walked backwards to fully face his vod.
“What’s your problem? I was just talking.” Fives spread his arms out saying, “This whole field is visible and the only thing in it is that moose, so I don’t see any harm in chatting a bit while we make our rounds.” 
“That is the problem. This is our first mission as ARC troopers, we actually have to do the job right. Gotta uphold our reputation.”
“Reputation? We’ve been ARCs since Taungsday, we don’t have a reputation!”
“So we’d better make it a good one,” Echo said, his features softening. “I just wish the rest of the squad was here too.”
Fives turned so he was walking beside Echo. So that’s what this is about , he thought. Approaching the treeline, he recited a saying he knows all too well,“ Nu kyr’adyc, shi t – oof!”
Echo only heard rustling in the tall grass before the world spun and went black.
Echo groaned as he tried to get up, his neck and shoulders protesting the movement, not to mention his pounding head. Then adrenaline took over, he remembered what happened and jumped to his feet.
“Fives!” he called, pivoting to look for his brother. He found him a few feet away, sprawled out in the grass, a rope encasing his torso and arms. Echo then realized that he was detained in a similar fashion. Ah, this is my fault for starting an argument. How long have we been out? he wondered, poking the limp body of his brother with his boot.
Fives snorted, and muttered something resembling, “ five more minutes .” Echo gave him a firmer kick and Fives woke up with an incomprehensible string of grumbled Basic. 
Echo knelt down in the waist-high grass next to Fives, who was looking the other way. “Hey Fives, this way. I don’t know who knocked us out but we need to make an escape plan.”
“Yeah, I dunno about me but you still have your blasters and we’re in the middle of a field. I think we can just walk out of here and shoot whoever did this,” Fives said, cracking his neck.
“True, but we don’t know how many of them there are. I can’t reach my blasters anyway.”
“Our helmets are gone too.”
The two clones jumped when they heard the grass rustle again. A parsec later they were staring up at the white Jaig Eyes of a black Mandalorian helmet.
“I see you boys are awake,” a tinny, feminine voice quipped.
Echo and Fives instinctively stood up and reached, unsuccessfully, for their sidearms. The Mandalorian crossed her arms, taking on a confident, relaxed posture.
“What do you want with us? Where are we?” Fives growled. The Mandalorian tilted her head to the side and put her hands on her hips.
“Saw you out on the plains and figured you could help me find a bounty,” she answered simply.
A few beats of silence passed before Echo asked, “Are you gonna tell us more?”
“Like, maybe who the bounty is and why you have us tied up like hostages?” Fives added.
I’m gonna regret picking up these two chatterboxes, aren’t I , Laan’i thought with a groan. “Here’s the bounty,” she said, showing them a puck that projected a Twi'lek who wore a headdress inlaid with jewels and ka’rtase , the hexagonal pieces on mandalorian chest plates. “Rata, she steals anything valuable, buys weapons, and sells them to the Seps for massive markups. Wanted dead or alive.” She took her buy’ce off, letting straight brown hair frame her face, her narrow, icy blue eyes sizing up her acquaintances.  
Just the target we were scouting for , Echo thought.
Fives’ eyes widened comically, but he collected himself enough to ask, “Well why does a pretty Mandalorian like you need help with a job like this?”
The Mandalorian snarled, “ Tion’gai ru’ne’sushi? This chick is wanted in half the galaxy. You think I’m the only bounty hunter after her?”
Seppie arms dealer on the same planet we were deployed to in order to gather intel on possible experimental Separatist weapons? Echo thought . Maybe this kidnapping will be beneficial. 
The silence she was met with told her she made an impression. Now they’re down for business.
“Well, Mando, how can we help you if we can’t use our hands?” Fives asked. The Mandalorian then strided over behind the clones and undid the knots holding them hostage. She handed a coil of rope to Fives and kept one for herself. 
“You look like you’re good with a lasso,” she said, and although Fives had never used a lasso before, he felt compelled to impress this bounty hunter with his nonexistent skills.
“Not to brag,” he drawled, earning an eye roll from Echo, “but I’m the best lasso-er in the 501st.” He tossed the loop of rope at a tree stump, overshooting by a few feet, but reeling it back until he caught the stump.
The Mandalorian blinked. “Awful technique but it’ll do. Let’s get moving, she won’t be at these coordinates for long.”
Fives and Echo got their helmets back, received a run down of a sorry excuse for a plan, and followed the Mandalorian.
After a couple hours of traipsing through bright green landscapes, the small group arrived at a ridge in the woods overlooking a separatist camp just in time to see a top-of-the line speeder flanked by two large utility speeders pull up to the gates.
“There she is,” Fives noted upon seeing a blue Twi’lek dressed in black step out of the lead speeder, guards surrounding her. Echo hummed in agreement from behind a fallen tree..
“Mando, I’m not sure your ‘plan’ is gonna work. Look how many droids there are.” Echo motioned to the battle droids milling about the camp.
“That’s not our problem, as long as mir’shab over here can rope two of the guards and you can hold up on your end. We just need to drag ‘em to the speeders and high tail it out of here. I get my beskar and you get your pick of the weapons. Now let's move .” She vaulted over the log, Echo and Fives not far behind. They switched to internal comms.
“Are you sure we should be doing this? I know she has the same goal as we do, but we’re working with a third party. And how do we know we can trust her?” Echo said.
“Vod, there’s not only a separatist leader in that building, but also a kriffing arms dealer. Two condors in one stone! Hey, we’re ARCs, we can go off the beaten path a bit,” Fives enthused. “Plus, she’s a Mandalorian, if she wanted to kill us she would’ve by now. I must just be that charming, eh?”
“Not sure I’d call you charming , vod. Jackass is more like it,” Echo teased back.
“Well since we’re clones, that’d make you a jackass too,” Fives retorted, successfully getting a laugh out of Echo.
They made it to the fence, and Laan’i used the hand signal for “go”. The three scaled it, and once perched at the top, threw their lassos. Laan’i caught two guards in one go, but Fives caught the speeder. A tense silence replaced the focused one the group previously donned. The other two bodyguards spotted the team, and Rata fled to the safety of the building as they began shooting.
Laan’i tied the rope to the fence, and stood to her full height, signaling for Echo and Fives to follow Rata. Their armor clacked with their rough landing, and as they ran, they caught glimpses of two long projectiles just centimeters from their helmets, silent unlike the blaster bolts they were dodging. They raised their own blasters to shoot the guards just as the silent bolts pierced their enemies with a shunk. 
The blast doors were sealed with who-knows-what on the other side. Echo and Fives used their plasma cutters to crack open the doors, sparks flying everywhere. Over the buzzing they heard two more thwacks followed by footsteps. Then each planted a thermal detonator on the weakened doors. The blast was rather impressive, the sound nearly deafening. With the cover of smoke, the three ran into the building, mangled, scorched metal all over the place. They ran as a unit, shooting and being shot at. The sound of blaster bolts echoed off the durasteel walls. 
Adrenaline fueled the chase, a glimpse of blue here or a clink of beskar there alerting the team to Rata’s whereabouts. They’d just made it to the other entrance when they saw her. Four magnaguards surrounded her. 
“Three against four, Mando,” Echo whispered.
The Mandalorian made a fist and tiny glowing spikes protruded from her vambrace. “I can take ‘em.” she said. With the flick of a wrist the green spikes flew off and whistled around the magnaguards, slicing them up until their momentum was spent and they fell to the floor with a clink.
Whistling birds , Echo thought. Impressive .
The group wasted no time shooting their way through the magnaguards, hearing the metallic footsteps of battle droids approaching. Laan’i put a flustered Rata in a chokehold, and while she was distracted, Echo snuck up behind, and went to stun her when she headbutted the Mandalorian, making her lose her grip. Laan’i and Echo ran after the escaped bounty. At the same time, Fives ran out of ammo, opting to hold off the droids with an electrostaff. In his moment of vulnerability, a droid landed a shot on his shoulder, burning a hole through his pauldron. Echo was already running back as Fives cried out in pain.
Holding off the droids and trying to evaluate his brother was impossible, so he shouted for the Mandalorian.
Laan’i stopped short just feet away from the thief. “ Shab ,” she sighed. “ Ijaa ori’shya waadas .” Reluctantly, she let Rata get away, but not before retrieving a holo-drive off the floor.
Laan’i pushed Fives into a sitting position behind a metal support, working quickly. She gave him a painkiller and a bacta patch, since it was all she had to give him. Helping him to his feet, she gave him a push to let him know he could run ahead. 
“Let’s get outta here, we can still take the speeders!” she shouted. Echo nodded and they ran, finding the speeders still parked at the entrance. Laan’i and Echo each piloted one, zooming across the plains and into the woods, eventually slowing down once they were sure it was safe. 
“So… you gonna follow us back to base?” Fives gritted out, cradling his shoulder.
“Gotta drop you off somewhere,” she replied.
“I see you have Jaig Eyes.”
“How’d you get them?”
“None of your business.”
A moment of silence passed before Fives said, “Thanks.”
“For what?”
“Comin’ back for me. You could've captured Rata if you left us behind.”
“Well I didn’t, and now I’m down on credits, arrows, not to mention all the beskar I could’ve gotten.”
Then the Mandalorian pulled a thin stick of transparisteel and metal from one of the chains around her kama and passed it to Fives. “Found this, thought you might want it.”
“Do you know what this is?”
“Echo,” he shouted, “We got what we came here for! We got the intel!”
Mando'a Translations: Nayc. Nu ijaa o'r pakod lenedat- No. There's no honor in an easy target/ easy prey Shabla ijaat, har'chak- Fucking honor, dammit Nu kyr'adyc, shi ta('ab'echaaj'la)- Not gone, merely marching far away Tion’gai ru’ne’sushi- Didn't you hear [me] mir'shab- lighthearted insult Shab... Ijaa ori’shya waadas- Fuck... Honor over credits
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dixieconley · 7 months ago
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pieshot56 · 2 years ago
Some nice lore for those who need it. DinBo
Wedding Vow:
"Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde."
A Mandalorian marriage contract
Marriage is a mere set of four short lines, spoken together.
Mhi solus tome= We are one together.
Mhi solus dhar'tome= We are one when parted.
Mhi me'dinui an= We share all.
Mhi ba'juri verde= We will raise warriors.
Pacts are sealed with a mere three words. Haat, ijaa, haa'it. (Truth, honor, vision.)
Adoption is literally a single sentance between a Mandalorian and his intended child.
Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad. (I know your name as my child.)
extra help: http://mandoa.org/dictionary.html
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archeo-starwars · 1 year ago
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Haat, Ijaa, Haa'it --- Truth, Honor, Vision - words used to seal a pact.
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cienie-isengardu · 2 years ago
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Your people say family is more than blood. You’ve been that to me. I will stop Kace -- but I won’t betray you. Haat, Ijaa, Haa’it. I seal a pact on my honor -- as a Mandalorian!
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likethetrench · 2 years ago
chapter 23 - ijaa
i have did the thing for this week
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s-c-g-s-c-g · 2 years ago
Six Sentence Sunday
Hi! I’m working on another senatorial missteps and mandalorian mishaps! Meet my Mandalorian gremlin babies!
He gestures and three Tholothian children step forward and stare, unblinkingly, up at Mace.
“Uh…” Myles places a hand on one of their heads and gently tips their head back so he can see their face better. “So, this one’s Haat…” He mutters something suspiciously close to probably under his breath and moves to the next child. “Ijaa and… that makes you… Haa’it.” Haa’it sticks their tongue out at him and he sighs.
“Traditionalists, honestly.” Ijaa kicks him in the shin, Haat says something probably meant to be insulting. “Knock that off, you wanted to come.”
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carbone14 · 2 years ago
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Bombardiers lourds Mitsubishi Ki-21-II en formation de vol – 1940's
©United States Navy National Museum of Naval Aviation - 1996.488.159.009
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triscribeaucollection · 2 years ago
Working on the next Haat, Ijaa, Haa’it update, which is proving to be. A Tad Tricky. Considering I don’t really know most of the characters or plot involved beyond other people’s fan fic and wookiepedia. But I’m still giving it a try regardless!
Jaster wakes up slowly. That, generally, is a good sign.
His nose twitches at the nearby scent of bacta, overlaying the more faded traces of smoke and burnt skin. There are voices, distant, muffled. Someone else breathing in the same space.
Cautious, Jaster cracks one eye open, and sees the overhead cloth of a medical tent. Annoyingly familiar. He doesn’t feel terribly hurt, but it’s entirely possible for pain medication to be interfering in that assessment.
“Doc said you could sit up, if you want.”
And just like that, all the tension releases from Jaster’s body. Jango is here. Jango is well enough to sound amused, which means things can’t have gone too badly while Jaster was unconscious. He peels both eyes properly open, and turns his head towards the familiar voice, ready to ask for an update and a casualty report as well as a very simple are you alright, but the words all catch in his throat.
That isn’t Jango.
Jaster can’t say how he knows, he just does. Something in how the young man sits, the way his head is tilted, the wary watchfulness in his gaze. That isn’t Jaster’s son.
A panel of the tent twitches aside. A figure in heavily mud-splattered armor steps through, and freezes in place. “Buir.”
Yanking his helmet off, the actual Jango strides up to the side of Jaster’s cot and drops to one knee. “How do you feel? Are you alright?”
“...think I must’ve hit my head harder than I thought,” Jaster huffs, glancing away from his son’s anxious face to that of the- ghost? Shapeshifter? The being currently sitting and watching them with a faintly sad smile.
“Oh. No, that’s Boba. Who is apparently related to me but won’t say how,” Jango grumbles, rolling his eyes. Then his gaze hardens, deadly serious. “Jaster. He saved your life.”
“Dead,” the stranger with his son’s face answers. “Along with the Death Watch members who ambushed you. Hope you don’t mind I borrowed these,” he says lightly, lifting up Jaster’s favorite blaster and a vibro-knife usually tucked into the back of his belt.
Jango gives him a brief warning glare. Jaster hums. “Suppose I don’t. As long as I get them back, anyway.” Taking the none too subtle hint, the stranger passes the weapons to Jango, who snorts but lets Jaster have them.
Both have been cleaned.
Maybe that’s what lets the sense of wariness ease in Jaster’s chest. “Boba, was it?”
“Yessir. Boba Fett.”
“Have anywhere you need to be getting back to, Boba Fett?”
“Not at the moment, no.”
Nodding, Jaster sets down his weaponry and looks the young man straight in the eye. “How would you feel about joining the True Mandalorians, then?”
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pscottm · 2 months ago
Infamous paper that popularized unproven COVID-19 treatment finally retracted
A 2020 paper that sparked widespread enthusiasm for hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 treatment was retracted today, following years of campaigning by scientists who alleged the research contained major scientific flaws and may have breached ethics regulations. The paper was pulled because of ethical concerns and methodological problems, according to a retraction notice.
The paper in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents (IJAA), led by Philippe Gautret of the Hospital Institute of Marseille Mediterranean Infection (IHU), claimed that treatment with hydroxychloroquine, an antimalarial drug, reduced virus levels in samples from COVID-19 patients, and that the drug was even more effective if used alongside the antibiotic azithromycin. Then–IHU Director Didier Raoult, the paper’s senior author, enthused about the promise of the drug on social media and TV, leading to a wave of hype, including from then–U.S. President Donald Trump.
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theemperorandhiscutefamily · 6 months ago
“Could you… tell me about where you are from, please? What is your name? My name is- is Czarina.”
My real name. This feels important. I… don’t really know why, but it does.
The man blinks. "Czarina?" he murmurs, stirring his soup around, "Like... the princess of Ordo, Czarina?" he waits for your confirmation and then sits up straighter, saluting you, "Bic cuyir ijaa, d'arbav."
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hickeygender · 1 year ago
trying to find the context for "haat, ijaa, haa'it" is giving me grief 😑 i'm having to google all of kt's books on the internet archive and word search for "haat" or "truth" bc i wasn't sure if she'd used it in mando'a or basic. i've found all but one of her books, and the one i couldn't find was from legacy of the force so i doubt it shows up bc it's not focused on the mandos iirc. it doesn't make an appearance anywhere, so i'm gonna have to track down a copy of her old mando culture article (articles? can't remember how many she wrote off the top of my head and wookieepedia didn't have any functioning links).
i'm sure it's said by the person swearing the pact, but idk if it's echoed by the person who the oath is declared too, à la "this is the way" (i am fully aware that "this is the way" is unique to din's offshoot, so i'm removing it from my fic and substituting "haat, ijaa, haa'it" or just an affirmative when appropriate).
anyway, this is basically just an excuse to complain abt kt. fuck that lady and the horse she rode in on
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violetscoundrel · 1 year ago
Hi there! Welcome to my tumblr. I'm Parker/Indy and I've been here since 2010 and have moved and changed my name many times. I'm also happily taken by @thejedihavetheleft (who will probably never come back to tumblr tbh). You may've known me as: -morelikedominope -zeroflux -x-wingrebel -out-punching-dinosaurs -cinvhetin-ijaa and many more! This is my personal tumblr where I post nerdy shit, music, art and write about my life or thoughts. I also run a separate RP blog which you can find here Looking for me elsewhere? CARRD Thanks for reading!
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