#the dinbo ship is on station
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pieshot56 · 2 years ago
Law and order special droid unit
In the criminal justice system, droid based offenses are considered especially heinous.
In the outer rim, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Droid Unit. These are their stories
Din the bad cop Bo the good one
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authortobenamedlater · 2 years ago
Somewhere I said I was going to do an MWAS infodump after Sabezra DinBo week. Here’s one I’ve been pecking at for awhile. This is how we got the divorce fight flashback scene in For Better Or Worse. I want to write this fic but it might be too exhausting, LOL. I still want it documented though because it’s an important part of this bonkers AU my brain wrote for me.
The Great Not-Divorce, otherwise known as what happens when you need a good angsty headcanon and have acquired too much secondhand aviation knowledge from your husband:
Around the 10 year mark is when we have the divorce fight in For Better Or Worse. Tom and Chyler have been stationed apart for about a year and while neither of them is the picture of mental health, Tom has gotten BAD. He’s been in survival mode for awhile now and the physical distance between him and Chyler isn’t helping. Chyler is increasingly unhappy, but Tom doesn’t have the brain space to really hear it.
I’m not sure what capital-S Stupid thing Tom did that pushed Chyler over the edge. Something worse than “forgot her birthday” and not as egregious as “hopped into bed with someone else.” Whatever he did, Chyler sends the decree of divorce with no warning—and right before her ship makes a slipspace jump and Tom can’t talk to her for a few days. Yeah, not her best move. Tom wakes up, sees the message, is completely blindsided, and immediately has to report for duty.
A couple of hours later, the CAG chews Tom out for doing something dumb on a training run and Tom tells him what happened. CAG grounds him for “however long it takes to get your head on straight” and tells Tom “if you love this woman, you fight. You dig in your heels and fight like mad for her.”
Tom has another day and a half to brood over this before he finally gets in touch with Chyler. He rightly unloads on her for unilaterally deciding their marriage was over AND sending the divorce papers when she knew they’d be on a communication blackout for three days. That’s the flashback scene, which in its own fic would end with Tom asking Chyler for another day to think about everything. Chyler isn’t pleased, but she relents since she can’t exactly force him to sign from where she is. Plus, she’s more hopeful than she wants to admit that Tom showed some fight.
Later that day Tom gets a call from the ship psychologist/counselor and my secondhand aviation knowhow becomes a headcanon. That yearly aviator physical last week? Well, the flight surgeon is concerned enough about Tom’s mental state to alert the chief medical officer, who alerted the psychologist. She thinks the flight surgeon is right to be worried and shows Tom a laundry list of the doc’s observations.
Tom’s not deluded about what this means. He’s on thin ice with his medical due to his cryo allergy (which is stupid by the way but that’s another topic) and any diagnosed mental health condition, never mind treatment for the same, is an automatic revocation. @mrtobenamedlater can elaborate on this but flight medicals are STRICT.
This would also DQ Lasky from any line officer position in real life, I have to think, but I gotta use what Halo gave me here.
Now comes a hard part in the story: A guy with the emotional intelligence of a brick (at this point in his life, anyway) has to have a lightbulb moment about mental health and not sound like he’s trying to ace therapy. Tom is not OK. He hasn’t been for a long time. He thinks he’s coping with everything just fine because he’s not drinking or smoking or getting high, but the counselor gets him to see that adrenaline/thrills/risk-taking is his drug of choice. That almost got someone killed yesterday and it’s about to cost him his marriage.
After this Tom goes back to his cabin and his oblivious roommate starts talking about how his brother is about to get medically discharged. Tom is REALLY not in the mood for this until Roommate says “He’s a nav officer on Kenaitze. Chyler might know him.”
Tom has an epiphany and runs to beg, plead, bribe someone, whatever it takes to get an immediate transfer to fill that vacant navigator position. He gets all the paperwork drawn up. Tom just wants it held until he can talk to Chyler.
The next day Tom spills everything to Chyler. He’s a mess. He loves flying, but it’s eating him alive. He’s been under the radar for awhile but the people holding his medical are onto him. If he admits defeat now, he can still have a say over what he does next. All he has to do is sign on the X, if Chyler will still have him.
Chyler keeps saying there must be another way, but there isn’t. Tom’s flying days are done. Even if they weren’t, he wouldn’t choose his wings over his wife. He’s been doing that all year and look where it got them. He’s absolutely sick that he hurt Chyler so badly she thought divorce was her only option. They both know that’s not really what she wants. Don’t they deserve another chance?
We all know how this goes. Though what exactly happens in the 10-12 years between this point and Reach isn’t hammered out yet. Tom and Chyler struggle a lot still during that time, and still do even by the time we drop into the meat of this AU right after Halo 4. They both have a LOT of trauma and personal challenges even before Forward Into Dawn. The life they have chosen is not suited to stable relationships. But, at the end of the day, Tom and Chyler love each other. Like, a lot. It’s disgusting, really. I invented them and I think they’re disgusting. Their combined willpower might be the only thing holding them together sometimes, but it’s enough.
Besides, divorce is a lot of paperwork. And if there’s one thing Captain Lasky hates, it’s paperwork.
That, however, is another headcanon.
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pieshot56 · 2 years ago
Got some more thoughts for you all.
I really hope at some point in the next 4 episodes that Bo tells Din about the mythosaur, because to be honest he's probably the only one that will believe her. I mean that man trusts her with his life, his word, and his son and I think there's no greater trust than that.
Also I think no matter what happens Din will never abandon Bo. No matter how alone she feels he will always be there for her now.
On a side note I'd love a scene of them eating again but this time Din just sits back to back with Bo. She would be like "isn't this breaking the rules?" And Din would just be like " I can't see you you can't see me so I think we're fine". That would be the good shit tbh.
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pieshot56 · 2 years ago
Last ramble of the night but I really like how Din is a ride or die type of dude. Like oh you wanna kill this giant flying lizard let’s do. I mean 100% no stop full send you go I go shit fucking love it.
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pieshot56 · 2 years ago
Another thought when Din sees Bo’s new pauldron (presuming she doesn't paint it by next episode) he’s gonna be like. 
Din: Bo
Bo: What?
Din: We match
Bo: *proceeds to get very embarrassed and stammers a lot* 
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pieshot56 · 2 years ago
Another small note I just kinda realized. When they where making the plan to go after the foundling Din is the very first one to volunteer with no hesitation at all. Bo then turns and looks at him and nods like " I knew you would come, thank you". All the others where ordered to go (although paz would have gone anyway im sure). It's just a detail that stuck out to me.
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pieshot56 · 2 years ago
Also did they call each other Din & Bo this episode my brain thinks yes but I am unsure.
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pieshot56 · 2 years ago
You know, I know DinBo isn't the most popular ship in the world for one reason or another. I know it only really has a 50% chance of being cannon. But with all that said what I really want is grogu to have parents that love and give him the security that he hasn't had since order 66. I also what him to have the cool space mom that gives him the gentle support he needs whilst his dad gives him the hard but loving parenting Mando dads are known for. I would also like for din to have someone to support him no matter what he does and won't kick him out because of a religious rule. Don't get me wrong I like the coven right now but they're still kinda dicks. I realize he technically he has grogu for this but having someone his own age or closer, that shares his culture and creed to a degree would be great.
TLDR: grogu needs a mom, din needs a wife to support and save his dumb ass, and bo needs someone who won't betray or leave her.
Extra TLDR: I want the space warriors with the cool armor to be happy and lean on each other
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pieshot56 · 2 years ago
Some nice lore for those who need it. DinBo
Wedding Vow:
"Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde."
A Mandalorian marriage contract
Marriage is a mere set of four short lines, spoken together.
Mhi solus tome= We are one together.
Mhi solus dhar'tome= We are one when parted.
Mhi me'dinui an= We share all.
Mhi ba'juri verde= We will raise warriors.
Pacts are sealed with a mere three words. Haat, ijaa, haa'it. (Truth, honor, vision.)
Adoption is literally a single sentance between a Mandalorian and his intended child.
Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad. (I know your name as my child.)
extra help: http://mandoa.org/dictionary.html
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pieshot56 · 2 years ago
You know if DinBo becomes cannon and they marry, I want it to be a small ceremony with just them and grogu. I would also love it if the vows where spoken in the mandaloian language I think that be bitchn.
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pieshot56 · 2 years ago
On another note
Bo katan= mom and now has the space suv
While dad = din has the space sports car
And baby grogu got to ride home with mom
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pieshot56 · 2 years ago
Final thought of the evening
Next time Grogu gets a new armor piece I hope both Din and Bo are there being super proud parents. Better yet they all need a new piece and are just sitting on the waiting bench when Din and Bo recognize that Grogu is having a flashback, so both comfort him and do there best to sooth the episode. This is especially true for din who has felt with this before.
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pieshot56 · 2 years ago
Sentimental rambling incoming please feel free to ignore.
Hello all how are you all doing this morning, I hope you are well. I just wanted to say thank you to this community this nation for being as good as it is. I have not went hard on a ship in many moons so it is nice to find a good community. With that said I'm glad you all are here with me on this little journey. Especially to all the fan fiction writers and artists who feed us the good shit day to day. I must also thank all the people who help put content on this tab day to day you keep us moving and well fed haha. Finally I must thank all those who are here liking posts and leaving comments it wouldn't be the same without you. I must also thanks to all people new or old who have come here I am grateful for you all. Now to all the people who come here to hate on this ship, please I ask you to block the #'s and find somewhere that makes you happy life is to short to be hating on things. Finally to any and all who are here if the haters come and pester you know that I will always be here and you may lean on me if need be I will not let anyone insult you whilst I'm here. So no worries no fear I am here.
Thank you all for being wonderful, Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum. Remember we are all clan and family here, have a good day :)
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pieshot56 · 2 years ago
Just fyi if we become canon I’m doing donuts in the parking lot lol
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pieshot56 · 2 years ago
Thoughts on the new episode
All and all a good episode, we got some crumbs for DinBO primarily in the from of ride or die and the sitting super close together at the fire. the fights where good to see. although with that said I don't like how the armorer shunned Din for 2 whole years for taking off his helmet then she just tells them Bo walks both ways and its ok. That's just kinda bullshit to me but hopefully din asks some questions about it, I mean the mans not a brick (water Buoyance aside). But still a good episode I expect Bo to be gone for an episode then return or Din will go with either way.
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pieshot56 · 2 years ago
So thoughts on the new episode
All and all a good episode we got to see Din and Bo be detectives for a bit which was great. Also man there's couples all over the place in this episode we got aliens, droids, and humans just littered throughout. Hmm I wonder if they are hinting at something? Finally, the only real downside of this episode is the whole dark Saber thing, I mean it's in character but it still feels ass pully but maybe din will get it back later or something who knows.
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