#iirc s1 doesn't have that
patchoulii-2hu-144p · 2 years
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tiktaalic · 4 months
s1 dean: it's not gay to suck a dick or three or ten you're just making sure you're not gay
s2 dean: getting notes from my team that sometimes it is gay to suck a dick . i would like to formally announce that i never did that. and i never would.and also i'm masc. i'm masc. i'm literally masc.
s3 dean: too busy with dying to think about being gay i'm pretty sure.
s4 dean: really enjoying that cas is unaware of social norms so that dean can oscillate between preening when he teaches him how to be a man (+1 masculinity for being more of a man than cas +1 masculinity for being so much of a man that you can teach others how to do it) and. taking advantage of the no social norms thing to rationalize his OWN behavior with cas because he knows cas isn't going to call him on it not being normal which MAKES it normal because there is no one to refute that.
s5 dean: much of the same but there are now emotional stakes in play because they Are friends he is now Emotionally attached in a real way to this man he was engaging in one way gay chicken with.
s6 dean: mfw my brother tells me to be normal so i marry a woman. ratchets him all the way back to i have never liked a man and i never will.
s7 dean: very similar emotionally to endverse dean / s14 dean in my mind. kind of in the same place as s6 dean but crucially s6 dean was sad and wet and s7 dean is walled off and apathetic. attraction to men does not factor into his worldview.
s8 dean: he literally was in a foxhole with benny and got a spraytan and had a gay thing. this man begrudgingly puts one (1) rainbow ornament on his christmas tree after sending out christmas cards of him embracing another man while their gay ass dog sits at their feet. the sticking point HERE is "cas doesn't feel stuff like that".
s9 dean: We Cannot Get Into All That but. they literallyyyyyyyyy had to make cas sleep with a woman and get banished forever to sidestep The Implications. which are. dean winchester would fuck the gay angel given the FIRST opportunity. i'd probably fuck cas but my brother is dying so idrc about that rn. etc. this is a man who is conscious of his attraction to 1) men and 2) cas and WOULD act on it given the chance.
s10 dean: this is where it gets love triangle-y with crowley and cas. this is because dean DID fuck crowley and WANTS to fuck cas. textually. this is where he stands. moc dean has sex with men and doesnt care because hes normal. POST moc dean is like. the same sex attraction was a metaphor to show that i was evil and corrupted by the mark.
s11 dean: i'll be honest. i remember fuck all about season 11.
s12 dean: his mom is around which means he will not be out. this is also. iirc? where dabb gets his grubby little showrunning hands on things. which of course. means dabbification. which of COURSE. means destiel eating plain toast and raising a baby domestically. which. of course. translates to dean using cas as a girlfriend stand in. which. imo. is reflected in dean's mindset. like s12 dean is aware that cas is the most important person in his life, and he is not interested in deviating from that formula with a woman at all.
s13 dean: gay man realizing the love of his life is dead and he never said or did anything -> gay man whose love of his life comes back so he doesnt have to grapple with the consequences of never saying anything and they can jump back into pseudo relationship.
s14 dean: this is a gay man coparenting with a gay man and telling his father that he has a family. has accepted his fate as a life long ambiguous bachelor who lives with a man and sometimes sleeps in his bed nonsexually. very much dead inside staring down the barrel of throwing himself on a grenade does not have Time to push the boundaries of his relationship.
s15 dean: too many twists and turns to get into in the stinger of a post.
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cobragardens · 11 months
5 Good Omens Timefucks that Haunt Me
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Why is this here? Why is this line included? Is it just to add texture, to imply that larger world of corporate fascism of which Crowley and Aziraphale are subjects and victims and little worker bees? If so, why "They've started early" specifically? Why not "I wouldn't have expected that shrub to be the first to go" or "Aw, I liked that rock formation"?
Crawly doesn't make this comment in an offhand way: he sounds a bit taken aback and not thrilled that things have kicked off sooner than he anticipated. But it doesn't ultimately seem to make any difference to this scene, so why do we, the audience, need to know Hell started early?
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This one I'm not as confident will turn out to be significant, because iirc it appears in the book, which was a complete story when written, and because it serves a narrative purpose: it puts Agnes Nutter in charge of the situation, not her murderers. By backfooting Witchfinder Major Pulsifer, Agnes startles him enough she's able to walk past him without Pulsifer seizing her and discovering the extra 80 lbs of gunpowder and roofing nails in her skirts.
But. Agnes Nutter's sense of time is Nice and Accurate, and she notices the witchburning party are late and remarks on it to herself before she says anything to Pulsifer. So assuming a few minutes to position Agnes, tie her to the stake, and read the charges and conviction against her, Pulsifer and Agnes' neighbors are 12-15 minutes later than they should be. Why?
If the book answers this question, I don't recall; the show does not. And again, it seems to make no ultimate difference to this scene.
I'm not saying this was even purposely included in S1 as a timefuck. I am suggesting that as Gaiman seems to be fucking with time or timelines in this story, even if he and Pratchett didn't plan it like this when discussing the sequel, a retcon is hardly out of the question.
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As others have pointed out, Shostakovich's Symphony No. 5 is 45-55 minutes long. If you're listening to it on 78s instead of LPs because you are a CRAZY PERSON, it's going to take you more like 1 hour 5 minutes, because one side of a 78 holds, at most, 5 minutes of music, so every 5 minutes you have to get up and flip or switch the record.
Shostakovich wrote his 5th symphony in response to criticism in the state newspaper (possibly penned by Stalin himself) that his previous work didn't suck the Communist Party's dick hard enough--the kind of criticism that put him in danger of being sent to prison or killed. At the time it was first performed in 1937, Symphony No. 5 was considered a massive triumph, walking the line perfectly between Shostakovich's artistic standards and the Communist Party's demands of him.
The choice is symbolically significant, but it's a symphony, so whoever's censoring it isn't censoring lyrics or information. Again, why? Why is a 45-55-minute symphony only 21 minutes long? What did the time thief do with the 24-34 minutes?
Here's the rug that covers the portal to Heaven in Episode 1:
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Here's the rug in Ep. 2:
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Aziraphale does not change this rug for the party. We know this bc we see it in Episode 5 when Mrs Sandwich enters the bookshop and the party is in full swing:
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Now here's Aziraphale moving the circular rug to expose the portal to Heaven:
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But here's Crowley, putting the rug back:
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Why are there two different rugs?
Every end credits track has the first line of "Everyday" embedded in it But after the line from "Everyday," at the end of Episode 4, the theme skips twice like a vinyl record, and then is stopped by whoever controls the turntable and restarted, with several seconds of music having been skipped over.
This is not the first time it has mattered to a character in Good Omens what we in the audience see and hear. I argue here that God asks Aziraphale what he did with the flaming sword She gave him in order to show us the audience who Aziraphale is. God also addresses us the audience directly in S1, not only narrating about characters omnisciently but speaking to us about Herself in first person.
Now we evidently have a second character who has gone meta and is changing what we the audience experience of this story, and--indications are good--the story itself.
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✨already on the metatron erasure campaign™ let's fucking go✨:
*EDIT, IMPORTANT* I can't believe i even missed this...but metatron is dressed in a dark coat and (iirc) tie
we know from s1 that metatron has very little patience for aziraphale, was pro-armageddon, and at least claimed to be the voice of God (when my man is basically a glorified answerphone)
the half-and-half miracle was conducted on top of the sigil, the transportation circle through which aziraphale dialled 101-metatron in s1, and we know the miracle ended up being Very Powerful
michael doesn't seem to recognise metatron... which is odd as theyre high ranking, uriel and saraqael seem to recognise him, they've definitely met, and michael was shown in the job minisode to have pretty good recollection for job's kids' names - possible memory wipe? saw something they weren't supposed to?
says he has consumed human matter before - why would metatron have been on earth??? and know what to order in a mf café???
speaking of the café, the dialogue, about people asking for death? "No... I don't suppose they do... So predictable."not sure on what this means but 💀 fckin weirdo
refers to muriel as the dim one but still puts her in charge of a heaven sanctuary on earth? as far as we know, the only one? hmmm seems like you want a puppet metty babes
butters up aziraphale with the sweet, cosy coffee - but indicating that he barely knows him at all given that we mainly see aziraphale drinking tea
what he ordered in the café was a small dash of almond syrup, but then describes it to aziraphale as being a hefty jigger of the stuff, indicating something added? wondering if there's further significance to the laudanum poison - an opiate? planning to essentially kidnap aziraphale knowing that crowley won't come looking now?
'hmm it's nice!" "yes I should jolly well hope so" 😁
a veeeeeery faint miracle chime as the coffee is handed over and when aziraphale raises it to his mouth, but hesitates... He asks "shall i...?" And metty goes:
"DRINK IT???😠 of course🙂"
definitely History™ with crowley; crowley readily recognises him after a moment, the look metatron gave him as they left the shop was filthy, and: "ah well! always did want to go his own way... always asking damn fool questions, too!"... like i get metatron is the voice of God, but was it metatron that actually made crowley fall? does metatron have that power, not exclusively god? did metatron say it was on god's orders?
plus - metatron tells aziraphale that he can reverse falling which, to me, seems like a pretty bomb ass power... and a bit OP even for the highest Archangel of heaven, leading me to:
very low, sultry ass voice, maintaining eye contact with aziraphale - all trademarks of hypnotism (temptation?) behaviour? while aziraphale was possibly drugged?
and was the promise of getting crowley restored to heaven actually a bluff, metatron knowing the aziraphale even attempting to broach it with crowley would split them up?
"go tell your friend the good news!!" Said in a voice that makes me think metty knows it's very Bad News Bears
is the whole thing a ploy to split them up? they came together in heaven, and then again on earth; is metatron trying to solve this one by essentially making aziraphale an offer he can't refuse, but that crowley absolutely will?
why choose the lift? why not just power up the circle and go through the sunroof???
and im sorry metatron but you must realise that aziraphale is severely underqualified right💀
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genericpuff · 1 month
This might be kind of a stupid question, but in total, how many times did Rachel retconned LO? I clearly remember Hypnos being trapped for 10 years and then it getting retconned to "a few days"
Also, Hera, Demeter, Hestia going from friends to sisters
Did something else get retconned…?
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this question got me thinking so hard i consulted the UnpopularLO crew, here's what we were able to come up with but there are almost definitely more examples:
Melinoe claims she's only been trapped for a few days but this contradicts what Hypnos told us about Kronos using a child deity to overthrow the Underworld in the first place. Unless this just means Persephone showed up just a day or two after everyone fell into a deep sleep, but considering the state of the Underworld when she arrives and other things we're told after the S2 finale, there's no way this is the case.
Speaking of Melinoe, the whole concept of "the interloper" was clearly something Rachel came up with on the fly and didn't have an actual solution to because when we're first told about them, they look nothing like Melinoe:
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The weird replacement of Hades' imagined childhood self with Melinoe as a dream child who was actually "always present" throughout the first two seasons. Like, why is Hades so familiar with the ghost child 'checking in on him' if this was some random thing that started happening due to Kronos messing around with the timeline?
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The sudden 'reveal' that Ouranos was the one pulling the strings and manipulating Apollo since the very beginning even though that makes zero sense and was completely unnecessary to explaining Apollo's motivations. Apollo himself even constantly flip flops between being some evil mastermind out to get Persephone for a very specific purpose (overthrowing Zeus) and being just a completely oblivious obsessed asshole who doesn't understand consent and actually believes Persephone is in love with him. After all, why would Apollo go on a date with Daphne and then ask her if she'd be willing to cut her hair to look like Persephone's if the goal was to get his hands on Persephone specifically for the purpose of using her powers to overthrow Zeus? How in the world does Daphne factor into that?
Throughout S1 and 2, the gods claim that the mortals are largely disposable and easily replaceable, but then when Persephone causes the plague, suddenly mortals need to be protected because their beliefs and rituals are necessary to sustaining the gods (funny how Hermes bounces between the mortals being necessary to save at all costs but also just inconvenient to live without, like which is it lmao):
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The whole "plan" to overthrow Kronos bouncing between being Hera's idea and being Zeus' idea. Rachel just couldn't seem to decide if she wanted a strong female character like Hera to be a victim manipulated into abuse or willingly choosing to put herself in harm's way for the "greater good". IIRC it's written out in the end that Hera and Zeus couldn't even remember who came up with the plan first (but don't quote me on that, I need to find the panels, they do stick out in my mind but I don't know which episode they're specifically from)
The reveal that Hera was the missing fertility goddess depicted on the mural when the original reveal of the mural looks nothing like how it looks later in the flashback sequences. This is the same as the Interloper problem where Rachel was clearly grasping at setting up some kind of mystery box that she didn't know the contents of.
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The reveal that Zeus and Metis had a relationship which is what allowed him to use her powers in the first place (because within that same episode Rachel revealed that a bond of love was necessary to using them, but then clearly realized that meant Zeus and Metis had to be in love)
Zeus consuming Metis was changed into some plan to "protect Hera" from being used as a fertility goddess power battery, but then Zeus just went ahead and slowly drained Hera of her powers anyways.
Metis becoming a star after being eaten by Zeus because reasons.
The text messages from Leuce and Hades were retroactively changed into a "manifestation board", probably to absolve Hades of "fooling around" while Persephone was trapped in the Mortal Realm, but all at the expense of a woman who was now retconned into being delusional just for the sake of strengthening the main ship and giving Persephone someone to bully.
The reveal during the trial that Eris was the cause of Persephone's wrath when there was literally zero reason for that to be the case.
The reveal during the trial that Thanatos was actually Hades' adopted son, which really doesn't look good on Hades considering how much of a dick he was to Thanatos throughout the entirety of the first two seasons without any impression given that they might have a canon father-son dynamic.
Apollo and Artemis WEREN'T originally going to be children of Zeus in LO, as Rachel didn't want to create any possibilities for incest within the messy family tree of the Greek gods, but then she decided to make them the children of Zeus anyways as a "plot twist" which is really silly considering 1.) most people would assume they're Zeus' children anyways due to being his children in the myths, and 2.) she still designed them to look just like Zeus.
The subtle but very present SA retcon. This one's so egregious and in-depth I wrote an entire essay about it.
Minthe was originally written with BPD which Rachel decided to "move away from", probably because she realized how shitty it made her look to give BPD to the one character she was pitting the audience against as the "mean other girl" who we all knew was eventually going to be turned into a plant.
Edited panels and changes in the physical books. This is unfortunately not something that I can fully document here, I'm planning on making an actual dedicated post for it, but people have caught changes both in the webtoon version of the comic AND the physical prints that point to Rachel trying to quietly retcon things in the wake of her own bad writing, one of which is present in that aforementioned SA erasure essay in which a scene was added to make Persephone seem more sympathetic towards Apollo. That said, there's also a scene in the trial arc that was changed in the webtoon version, in which Rachel retconned Eris' dialogue from revealing that Hades was the reason Demeter wasn't queen of the mortal realm to reminding her that Hades was the reason (because obv later on we'd get a flashback sequence showing us what happened between Demeter and Hades, which implied that Demeter knew all along what Hades did because he did it right in front of her):
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(isn't it funny-weird how Persephone never asks about this despite being in the courtroom when Eris mentions this?)
There are almost DEFINITELY more examples of Rachel absentmindedly and/or intentionally retconning things throughout LO, but that's what we were all able to come up with and should at least get the gears moving in our heads when thinking about other instances of it throughout the comic. Granted, some of these are arguably less 'retcons' and more so just logical inconsistencies / plotholes / etc. but they all still point towards Rachel doing a very bad job at keeping track of her own comic's narrative, its characters, and its twists, even in spite of having multiple other people working for her who all seem to enjoy LO (including heyitsjaki, who is also a webcomic creator), an editor with a background in television writing, and a massive and dedicated fanbase that actively keeps track of her story and its themes arguably more than she does. At that point it feels less "oopsie daisy!" and more just deadass not giving a shit. I don't want to accuse her of intentionally doing this, but it's like she knows her fanbase will just go with whatever she tells them even when it doesn't align with other things she's told them or make sense within the overall narrative - and she'll still be rewarded with Eisner awards regardless - so she doesn't bother to actually try when it comes to the writing, it's just about meeting that panel quota and giving people more H x P fluff.
The simpler answer though, even outside LO, is that Rachel just can't write.
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dropoutconfessions · 17 days
I have never had an issue with Misfits and Magic. While it's very obviously inspired by HP and there are several digs at the Terf's shitty world building, in no way does it mention it directly or portray it in a positive light. Also, JKR did not invent the magic school trope, and she did not invent Kids on Brooms. Get mad at the Ttrpg if you want something to get mad at, because even Aabria didn't invent that, just chose it. The story doesn't follow any storylines from HP either, where it would be easy to do so. As a trans person myself, I'd find it offensive if it 1) directly praised her and her works 2) copied storylines to really drive that home how great her books were (they weren't) 3) the players were all transphobes. But they're not. One of the characters literally discovers they like being referred to by any pronouns (iirc I watched it last year) over the course of it! They all said "Fuck Terf's" into the camera. How much more obvious do you want it?
It's not my favourite, probably due to it being so short in S1, but I'm excited to learn more about the world.
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lazyofficer · 6 months
Warning: I'm not a writer and English is not my native language. So kindly bare it or DM me about it. Criticism is welcomed not hate.
I always wanted to post a detailed analysis of  Shirley X Lelouch  relationship and will post in parts due to Tumblr restricted on images. 
Fun fact- I started watching Code Geass with all the spoilers (deaths) and was fully expecting to be part of the Cclulu or Kalulu fanbase (because they are popular), but as I continued watching, I couldn't understand why Shirlulu had a minor fanbase and was ignored when their feelings were so obvious. Needless to say I became a Shirlulu shipper.
Let's start -
Shirley and Lelouch loved each other.
While Shirley's feeling are so obvious.
Lelouch's feelings are hinted throughout the series (both direct and subtle hints), which are often ignored as filler or brushed off as "guilt" for killing her father (which is not the case). 
There are people who dislike Shirley just because she is not "useful" like other girls. Let me tell you it's called a business deal and not love if you are going to choose a person based on their "usefulness." 
Let's start with Direct hints
R1 Stage 14 -
although the whole episode is dedicated to Shirlulu and their relationship. I'm focusing  only on the bits right now.
Lelouch, being dense when it comes to love, didn't realize his feelings until he lost her. Lelouch really cherished her presence in his life.
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When I first watched CG , I really didn't expect that Lelouch would say such a romantic line especially for Shirley ( the ship so unpopular) and I repeat NO ONE would say this for a platonic friendship.
I was suspicious of Lelouch's feelings but this episode made it crystal clear that's its mutual , it's just Lelouch didn't realize it before.
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Honestly, I would love to see them bicker and laugh it off after patching up
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R1 Stage 12 & 14 -
IIrc, Shirley is the only girl whom Lelouch kissed back.
Personally I don't think he kissed her back due to guilt over killing her father but more like doing anything he could to comfort her.
He could have kissed Kallen if guilt was the reason but he only let her kiss him.
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R1 Stage 14 -
"Any sin you commit is mine to bear" is the love language of Lelouch. If we consider Lelouch's personality.
He is not type to buy flowers and chocolates and he is the type who would do everything in power to hide the evidence of murder and going far to even take the blame for it.
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Ranked as one of the best anime hugs and only hugging scene in code geass series. The way Lelouch pulls her to hug is everything
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R2 Stage 12 -
Shirley felt Lelouch was lying about his feelings for her. His immediate response was a hard " No". Once he realized what he blurted out he tried to cover it up.
The he reason why he played innocent was because he is too busy and cannot afford to be in a relationship. He doesn't want to be neglectful boyfriend to her because doesn't deserve it.
This alone should be a proof that Shirley's feeling are reciprocated.
It's because of his feelings he wants to keep her at distance so that is safe.
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R2 Stage 24 -
Lelouch was arguing with Schneizel about how people struggle against sadness yet still seek the future.
The first scene that played was Shirley's death, symbolizing that Lelouch's struggle against sadness was Shirley's death and how he still he seeks a future.
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R2 Stage 25 -
Lelouch was dying, the first person that came to his mind was Shirley (after it was just chronological order S2-S1), and his last being his childhood with Suzaku and Nunnally. Special people in Lelouch's life
Many people chose to ignore this moment but this one is undeniable proof that Lelouch never moved on from Shirley
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
finally getting around to rewatching iwtv w a bit more of a critical lens (since the first time i was just getting seduced by the story :p) and i might be vvv late to this but! im so bamboozled by the details of armand and his memory wiping? Louis de “we keep the damage to remember the damage” du lac asking to forget? After a SHOWER in his burnt body? And if he did forget then wouldnt he just immediately be like “wtf why am i covered in burns?”
armands lying then, but if the s1 drop took years (iirc) for louis to recover and was tended to by claudia, for louis to forget the attempt happened wouldnt armand have to wipe the event AND entire subsequent years of his life healing from it?That seems like a lot to erase is he that powerful? If he is, why were daniel’s memories of armand talking to him popping back up? Does armand just have more control over louis bc he’s with him all the time? What are your thoughts on the extent of armands abilities? also im not sure if they just didnt show it, but do u think its implied that armand starved louis from both blood and drugs for the week so the guy was in pain, out of his coffin, hungry and in withdrawal 😭
The drop in 1x05 did not take years to heal, it took a few months.
But you are correct, re that first memory wipe - I don't think it happened after the burn. I think that happened a few years later. There is no year said, and as you noted, it would be quite weird if Louis would have still been burnt...
And so yes, I do think that Armand wiped a few years off Louis' mind.
And yes, Armand is a very powerful spell and mind gift user - the erasure is more a tweak though I think, a hidden trigger - the memories are still there, but he cannot access them. I mean, otherwise they wouldn't be able to recover them.
I think Louis' memories have been popping up at times - that is why he has been inviting journalists again and again after all! - but Armand is there to "fine tune". And we see that implied in the show, Louis having breakdowns, and then totally fine next evening. Louis being up during the day, burning his arm... and then suddenly needing to sleep when Armand wants him to. As Assad said, Armand is constantly manipulating and spinning that net.
As per the drugs and Armand letting Louis go through withdrawal to get him off them... that is an aspect to it all, yes.
Armand put Louis cold turkey, so to say. But... as Louis said in the fight with Armand, there's also the "gremlin or the good nurse" aspect. And we see that later on, after the trial, too, when Armand lets Louis suffer in that coffin, starving. Because Armand could have pulled him out earlier, but he let him suffer a bit instead.
That is something Armand does, canonically - he passes judgement and enforces it, too. That is very much ingrained in him, and something he doesn't fully give up later on either.
He does what he thinks is best, and what he thinks is appropriate.
And - in addition and unfortunately... his emotions get in the way.
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givehimthemedicine · 2 years
hot take: I could see it being possible Will picks up smoking, and very unlikely Max picks up smoking, for the same reasons just opposite.
Joyce doesn't hide her smoking but she is conscientious not to smoke in Will's presence (she does smoke right next to Jonathan though). iirc she almost never smokes at home when Will is home, and puts it out before she goes in his room. I'm sure she would advise her boys against the habit, but I don't think it would be terribly ooc if they picked it up as a stress response learned from her. they both probably associate the smell with their mother, who is a positive and loving presence in their lives.
btw I have a crisp $1 bill that says pre-s1 Joyce has caught Jonathan smoking before and that's why she feels ok to do it around him
then you've got Max, with multiple varyingly abusive family members who smoked (and drank) in her presence all the time. she comes and puts out Susan's cigarette when she's asleep even though it's already safely in an ashtray, meaning Max just doesn't want to have to smell the rest of it. she resents her mom for blowing so much of their resources on her addictions. plus there's Billy who smoked (and drank) in front of her all the time, both in their house and in his car, and I don't have to tell you Billy is a negative presence in her life.
in my mind Will and Jon are, at a minimum, at peace with it whereas the smell could be almost triggering for Max
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hollowwish · 15 days
List of arosepc headcanons I have below (it is quite long) (list subject to future updates/suggestions (you can send me propaganda for your blorbo))
Ford Pines - he literally just has the vibes tbh. Crazy uncle who doesn't want anyone bc he's aromantic and obsessed with portals. also it would make billford worse.
Mable Pines - she literally picks her crushes and then stops 'liking' them in week. Do you know how many aromantic people have done this.
Hollyleaf warrior cats - fallen leaves was her qpp. Okay. The website family tree is lying to you. If Lionblaze asked her when she would get married she'd respond with "I'm already married to the warrior code."
Sonic T. Hedgehog - it's in character. Sega themsleves said he would hate settling down.... (I also think hes bi)
huey dewey louie or webby duck(tales) - at least one of them is arosepc I just can't figure out which one. Or maybe it's all of them
Della duck - cool aromantic lesbian mom. She does not need a husband or a partner she just needs her ducklings (and donald ig)
lapis lazuil - ngl I was rewatching steven universe and I just had a Feeling. Also she's one of my favorite characters, so.
Rise Leo - he's like Mabel he's doing comphet. (I think he's gay aromantic specifically and just keeps mistaking "I want to be friends with this guy/wow they're attractive" with "I want to date him") (also makes the fandom wide headcanon of aro donnie really funny. Wrong twin guys..)
C!peal and c!gem - especially empires s1. Pearl being aroace and gem being arospec but she hasn't figured that out yet (insert "I'm probably nonbinary but I have a job" image)
On that note, empires 1 fwhip has and will always be demiromantic in my mind
No idea what e2 fwhip has going on but he is somewhere on the aro spectrum. Maybe it's why he's so weird abt jimmy.
ONE Jimmy solidarity character is also arosepc I just don't know which one. But one of them is i know it in my bones.
grian and scar- they are both aros who fuck and 3rd life was world shattering platonic love.
Donatello tmnt - I haven't seen every tmnt iteration but like. ONE of them is aro and it is NOT rise donnie
Scott smajor - @/funkily suggested he was cupio and it made way too much sense
Saiki kusuo - do I even need to explain this one. It's basically canon (unless it is canon and I just missed something)
Wednesday Addams - most aromantic coded girl ever and I'm going to fight netflix for making her kiss barista boy
Honorable mentions -
Oli theorionsound (suggested by sage thinkingabout-girls)
Whatever the fuck was going on with divorce quartet in double life specifically
Violet and lena saberwing ducktales
Also ducktales gosalyn
At least one of the powerpuff girls
Adrien agreste because (iirc) he sucks at romance and I need to escape love square hell
Mumbo jumbo
Arospec mythicalsausage
Maud Pie (I think if I finished mlp she'd be on the list)
Shadow T. Hedgehog
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anti-spop · 6 months
might have said this before. sorry for repeating myself. but catra definitely contributes to adora's suicidal thoughts.
catra makes it pretty clear that adora's whole existence ruined catra. that adora wasn't enough to protect her. that adora only hurts all her other friends and won't ever be a good hero, and every time adora feels happy, it's because she's selfish. most of this catra says in the s3 finale, but she makes them pretty clear in the entire show.
adora in s1 (iirc) is convinced that she ruined her friends' lives and that she shouldn't be near them anymore - and perhaps never come back at all. swift wind shows her that glimmer and bow love her and will stick for her, they will never abandon adora to die. and even after catra did leave her to die, adora blames herself for "pushing catra further to the side of evil".
then in s3, adora has to sacrifice herself to save the world. angella sees through her and hugs her. adora cries and still tries to argue that it's the only way to fix things. thankfully, angella proved her that isn't true.
s5 comes along, and adora behaves the same way, too. adora doesn't want to die but she doesn't value her own life or happiness. she's forced to do this again. and yet catra only guilt-trips her more, and what does that do? obviously, that only convinces adora further that she has to go to the heart of etheria alone. and i hate that catra suddenly acts like adora always abandons ppl.
but WHY does adora do that? yes, her being raised to be a soldier has to do with it. shadow weaver's influence onto her as well. but catra is the one who keeps feeding all of this. catra manipulates adora and abuses her to make her feel worthless. that way, adora ends up isolating herself from her loved ones and she is convinced that she should die so everyone else gets to live happily.
while a lot of ppl know this, in the end none of them want to accept that catra has a crucial influence on adora's self-sacrificial behavior.
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daily-linkclick · 1 year
What is the theory abt lg being from an alternate timeline? I’ve been seeing a lot of ppl talk about it and idrk where it comes from, and what are your thoughts??(have a nice day!!)
this ask magically appeared in my inbox just today but apparently it was sent weeks ago, holy shit! thank you for waiting op LMFAO
anyways, it's a theory that's been around before season 2, iirc! mostly because we had little to nothing lore wise around their powers, and its just fun thinking about while we waited for anything canon. there were a few things that did hint at lu guang being from an alternative timeline, being that we don't know his age and backstory, and his weird hair color (not a lot of people sporting full white hair, or any unnatural hair color in link click, at least)
those aspects don't necessarily point to him being from an alternate timeline, but they also could be hints towards it! but there's new content that makes this theory potentially canon! it's from this music video played during Bilibili World. it features an alternate mv for vortex, which is interesting because we see lu guang falling first:
in it, there are several shots with cheng xiaoshi wearing completely different outfits, some injured and one seemingly dead? Plus a frame that shows four cxs's merging into one. maybe it's just ooo pretty visuals, but there's a looot of imagery that implies different timelines (shard fractals, reflections, mirror images, etc)
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There's also this shot, with lu guang wearing an alternate fit we've never seen - and he's wearing more black in this one?? his s1 fit also featured a dark shirt and pants but his flannel color was more dominant. this leads me to believe that this is lu guang but less experienced (another timeline).
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maybe all of this is just non-canon for marketing, they did market lu guang as dead for all of pre-s2 lol, but i like to believe this is them teasing lu guang's past! even if he's the main character, he's someone who's past we know the least of. i'd argue we find out more about side characters than we do about him actually - which makes me (and a lot of other people) think he's from an alternate timeline!
that's the gist; i'll put my own thoughts under a read more so this post won't be insanely long
my own thoughts on the theory is that i think lu guang is from multiple alternate timelines. the frame with multiple cheng xiaoshis, and the one where four merge into one makes me believe lu guang met cheng xiaoshi in his timeline, but cxs either died or had a miserable life. he kept going into different timelines in an attempt to save him / be in a timeline where cheng xiaoshi is actually safe and happy, and finally got to the timeline we see in the show.
though that part requires him having more than just the power to look into what happens in a photo. but there's been proof of lu guang hiding what he knows / has with cheng xiaoshi (re: him hiding the fact emma died, and him hiding the photo that liu tianchen gave him). he's also an incredibly private person. if he hides from his closest friend, who's to say he isn't hiding something from the audience either?
we also don't know how they got their powers. if lu guang originally had the power to dive back into pictures, then it would make sense on how he's able to go to different timelines. also, studio lan clearly emphasizes the fact that the pair are two halves of a whole, and the show is more interesting because of that dynamic.
as an extra: lu guang's doting nature makes a lot of sense too, he just doesn't want to see cheng xiaoshi miserable again! it's a pretty known fact that cheng xiaoshi didn't have any friends (besides qiao ling) before lu guang, and his life insantly got better when they finally were a trio (interesting that it was mainly because of a mysterious person that popped out of nowhere). here's a fun twitter thread by t3mp0s about the trio's dynamic
lastly, i just think it'd be fun if at one point cheng xiaoshi slowly discovers what lu guang did in his past for him. and how hypocritical lu guang would sound after saying "past or future, leave them be" if he never applied that to cheng xiaoshi! either way i still want to see a cxs saving lg arc man... they keep teasing it EVEN IN THE MV
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that's it!! i know link click's best quality is the trio going through other people's stories, but i think they're preparing us for the biggest one: lu guang's.
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mkuliatruther · 9 months
Whats your least favourite ship and why?
man the last thing i wanna do i spread ship hate buuuuut if you insist...... and my answer should be obvious coming from a mkulia shipper.....
i do NOT like juliayne. at all. i can see where people are coming from in S1, but when i watched it the first time that possibility kind of flew over my head. even in rewatching the first season again, i don't see it unless you clean your glasses and squint your eyes. wayne says his team has a bunch of hotties (that can refer to nichelle, julia, and emma iirc), wayne tells julia she's looking 'pretty good today', and he calls her jules. that's all i can think of from the top of my head
i will admit, i've decided to have an open eye and take a glance at the juliayne tag for once and i think wayne's attraction to julia is very cute. i'm not exactly sure if it's plausible, considering the fact that in S2 julia's willingness to cheat in the game and that doesn't ride with wayne at all. however the thought of wayne crushing on literally anyone i like a lot. honestly i think i like any one-sided wayne ship.
big keyword here: one-sided. i cannot understand how in any sense julia would like wayne. she barely knew his name in S1 and addressed him as 'one of the hockey guys', and in S2 she was clearly annoyed and fed up with being partners w/ wayne + did not hesitate to hurt him if it meant winning. and yes, julia did the exact same thing with mk, she didn't hesitate to stab her in the back if it meant getting further but she felt SO guilty. and she didn't even lay a finger on MK, i could only imagine how she would felt if she had to hurt MK in anyway at all.
julia getting all mushy and soft for wayne out of all people is... i can't exactly point out why, but i just cannot take it seriously in any capacity. sure i go "aw, she's falling for a himbo how silly and cute!" but it doesn't feel like i'm looking at julia when i'm looking at juliayne. it just feels like i'm looking at Some Girl crushing on Some Guy. it is a fun dynamic to work with though, but it's a dynamic i don't particularly enjoy. i'm not a fan of evil girl x himbo. i will say, if julia was truly the warrior moon goddess she was in S1, then perhaps i would've liked juliayne just a tiny bit more.
at the end of the day you could shrug and just say that julia has a plain crush on him with no further explanation and that's fine. that's the whole deal with shipping anyways. you can like two characters together just cause and that's fine, but juliayne is personally not for me.
also small note i headcanon julia as lesbian so any julia x guy is a big no-no for me. with juliayne it's a weird relationship since it's the only popular het julia ship and i wanted to bite the bullet + be more open to the idea of it since it was getting to a point where the pairing genuinely made me uncomfy :')
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woah hang on a second, pause one moment. we are all fairly agreed, right, that the pre-fall scene and the minisodes are all slightly off, that they don't quite ring true, and certainly indicate the work of an unreliable narrator... but why are we assuming that it's aziraphale?
the openings
opening title cards read like movie epics, compared to the neat little white placards in s1, and also all open with crowley as the first character in screen, with the exception of the resurrectionists - which has neither*.
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now god knows that my film knowledge is probably rather limited, but if nothing else, i definitely got space odyssey-type glee from the pre-fall scene opening, and maltese falcon definitely sprang to mind for 1941 (and godzilla, weirdly). this... seems like the little bit of pizaz that crowley would employ in telling his own flashbacks.
this, to me, is even more apparent when compared with the white placards in s1, which feel more like aziraphale - orderly, and neatly filed. now, arguably you could say it's god's narration, and that certainly may be true, but the kicker for me is that the majority of the hard times flashbacks, and the eden scene, begin with aziraphale on screen.
in fact, iirc i think only 1862 and 1967 open on crowley, but with 1862, aziraphale is walking towards him in the opening shot anyway, and 1967... well, it doesnt surprise me that we don't get a shot of aziraphale before crowley is in the donkey. these are pivotal scenes for the both of them, but in some respects more so for crowley. it makes sense that the perspective would shift slightly here.
hero role
but back to s2; we then have the fact that crowley is portrayed, arguably, as the hero in each of these minisodes. he does have a tendency, i think it's fair to say, to assume the role of the hero especially in response to aziraphale placing himself, thinking that it's what makes crowley happy, into the part of the damsel-in-distress. but it goes beyond this; it's his scheme that saves the children/job's plight, he prevents elspeth from suicide, and then, yeah, he overcomes the miracle blocker and manages in a feat of well-timed skill to miss shooting aziraphale in the face.
he then is also the one to teach aziraphale certain lessons, especially around the nuance of faith and morality, and whilst it makes sense for this to be told from aziraphale's perspective, it's equally viable from crowley's; that he is the mentor in these minisodes, helping aziraphale to develop his own sense of right and wrong - particularly in the job and resurrectionist minisodes.
the 1941 minisode is different, because it feels more personal; crowley starts trying to teach aziraphale conviction in himself. but it all goes awry when he withholds the truth about having shot a gun, and when he is unable to save himself in the dressing room. crowley has a tendency to monkey-paw himself, and this is never more evident that in this minisode. his hero narrative unravels, aziraphale saves the day, and crowley plays it off smoothly and suavely back at the bookshop, without a word of thanks (if anything, he doubles down on insulting aziraphale - a contrast to his attitude at the beginning of the minisode - and the very trick that saved his hide).
but why does all this suddenly read to me like crowley's perspective? tbh, i can't quite put my finger on it; it's not like crowley doesn't deserve a positive light in the story, because he absolutely does, and in many ways is an incredibly good influence on aziraphale, but these minisodes... feel like crowley is trying to prove something. to himself, aziraphale, the audience, all three - idk.
this is compounded for me, however, in the pre-fall scene. no doubt, aziraphale did in fact develop an instant crush on this genius and brilliant angel, and again this would ring true if this scene is in fact being told from aziraphale's perspective. but in a way, to me, i think it is more sensical from crowley's; he's a bright and likeable angel, building stars, has another angel fawning over his brilliance, and - the kicker - it's of course set up to suggest to the audience that he fell 'just for asking a few questions", when we're equally led to believe from s1 that this is, perhaps, not the whole truth.
this is another where i can't quite put my finger on it exactly, but - the minisodes feel... different. there was a brilliant meta on the job minisode, that i will find and link back, where the op remarked on the stark costume difference between the relatively simple costuming for crowley in mesopotamia and golgotha, and even that for aziraphale, compared to the biblical glitz and glamour of uz.
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and if we look at the job minisode especially with his perspective in mind, he even takes stabs at gabriel (the lord farquaad haircut and arguably dumber-than-usual that i don't-quite-believe-he-was-this-dumb demeanour), that he doesn't seem to extend to michael - to the point that it feels like a vendetta against him... which tracks, given his less than favourable disposition towards gabriel/jim throughout s2.
in the resurrectionist episode, he doesn't have such an outlet or target, but some of his lines feel almost needlessly funny/over-exerted - "might have slightly overdone it on the hole" is one that springs to mind. im not even going to go into the specifics of the whole laudanum-induced state of ridiculousness, that ultimately feels way more amped-up than it maybe ought to have been, but in a way, it almost feels like crowley has started telling this bit of the story to a child. the immediately sober way in which he remarks on the "stunning view", contrasted to him growling down at elspeth and aziraphale, feels like this was a catch-moment of 'present-crowley' remembering on just how nice it actually was.
1941 again feels different, mainly because it doesn't quite follow the same narrative tone and pattern of the other minisodes, but his interactions with aziraphale in the car and bookshop, the fear at firing the rifle, and his not remembering furfur all feel that he's remembering this flashback a little more deeply - that not only is their fondness because of what the events of that night meant for him and aziraphale personally, but also it reminds him that his memory is still not wholly complete*.
memory-wipe theory*
this is relatively short and sweet, but... i think we can all agree that crowley has some issues with what he remembers of heaven and/or his fall. this feels so obvious when you - again, if we assume this perspective hypothesis is true - look at the way he portrays heaven; it feels very deliberate. god does not appear to be present in heaven, this is even somewhat confirmed within the god-job scene itself, but the Lighting Is Everything.
is this what crowley remembers of heaven of old, before he went up there on reconnaissance? did the change come as a surprise to him in 2023? the golden glow, the white and gold spangley robes? and muriel - why does aziraphale not seem to recognise muriel in 2023, if his memory is still intact and, by all accounts, accurate? does crowley actually remember muriel, and that's how he knew their rank? or did crowley just fill in the blanks, give muriel a starring role when retelling this flashback (given he was, obviously, not there)? is he telling it to muriel themself, in the context of s3? are these the clues that muriel is patching together, like the crow road?
the diary*
when we look at the following lines for the opening and closing of the resurrectionists minisode, and read it like it's aziraphale's retelling, the wording seems... odd. it implies that a month - a month - is a long time for aziraphale and crowley not to see each other.
"Dear diary,
Last month, Crowley and I both happened to be in Edinburgh. And he insisted I visit a local graveyard... at midnight. He had come upon something, he said, that 'might amuse me'..."
"...and that was the last I was to see of Crowley... for quite some time..."
of course, we can take this as aziraphale being dramatic, and goodness knows that he leans into his own brand of flair in s2... but is it completely in character? to assign a month as being a long time?
and does it really fit with the tone of the canon? because, we see at the end of 1827 that he gets sucked down into hell. and then in 1862, he's shaken and nervous and paranoid, and asking aziraphale for holy water. this seems too much like cause-and-effect. it could well be that crowley returns from hell after a month, meets aziraphale, shrugs it off etc., but then... keeps getting sucked back into hell? tortured? enough that he breaks in 1862, and asks for a weapon?
it reads to me more that, if this is from crowley's perspective, that he is essentially taking the piss out of aziraphale in the opening, painting a picture of him practically lying on his belly on his bed, legs kicking, writing his diary with a pink glittery gel pen. and aziraphale's lines at the end of 1827, about crowley getting into trouble, are delivered so... fondly, and adoringly. now, that's not to say it's impossible for aziraphale to have delivered it like that, couldn't have been seeing/feeling for crowley like that, and god knows aziraphale is mercurial, but... on reflection, i can't say that it doesn't seem like an exaggerated version of himself.
the self that (yes, theres a lot of context missing between 1827 and the below moment that would account for aziraphale 'regressing' in character, i realise that) reacted like this to getting shot, compared to crowley's reaction:
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so let's read those lines back again - is it possible that the opening lines are crowley speaking with aziraphale's voice, imitating and making a caricature of him, leaning emphasis on the spooky, dramatic words (similar to how aziraphale actually does when he's a 'newspaperman') and then the 'quite some time' trailing off is, in fact, quite some time?
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etihw000 · 6 months
share with the classss what are some things youve gotten into lately
you a cop? 🤨
I don't get into new things I circle back into old interests every couple of years ad infinitum like some sort of death spiral
right now it is a manga called nanbaka that doesn't have an official english translation anymore due to end of serialization and the author took it down to self publish so it's a pain to read legally. The wiki is outdated by about 250 chapters. it has an anime but I can't really recommend it unless you like the manga because the second half of s1 gave me whiplash. iirc s2 was fine
Its 300 yen / 3sgd / I don't know how much this is in USD probably like 2 to get access to the whole thing for a month, and I theres gdoc translations available, so it's not expensive it's just ... Yeah. it's a pain
fwiw it gets very chaotic especially around c250-320 because of the amount of characters that get airdropped in but if you don't care that much and don't take things too seriously it's a pretty good time.
if you do start reading it:
1) push through the first few chapters because it started as a self indulgent gag manga and while the self indulgence never really goes away re: character design, the story does turn towards a more serious shounen story and
2) ymmv on the ending I personally didn't enjoy it. the end of serialization was looming real heavy for a long time so it's kind of abrupt (and I personally believe is the reason for the amount of characters that get dropped in, I couldn't keep track of who is named what lol). I think the creator said there'd be a sequel / continuation eventually
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andthebubbles · 3 months
okay, finally time to watch 3x06... this is the slowest watch ever
at least this ep doesn't have anthony so i won't be screencapping/randomly stopping to gif. the only screencaps will be creloise 😈
(eta: pt 1)
does anyone sorta feel like......... ohhh idk. colin fell in love too fast? but he didn't, really. but like, he kissed her, and then he fell in love. well maybe this is beyond my maybe!ace understanding skjfngkfng halp
so. the title thing is back to normal now. huh.
nooo cress' father is fucking horrible, someone needs to stab him with a blunt knife
omgg the b&h and then everyone moment is really cute, i hope someone gifs it
awww the c&e scene was lovely too, i always go for the family moments over the romantic pairings haha
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i love eloise this season. wild, after finding her annoying in s1-2 (particularly s2 iirc), but like, annoying in the sense that they wrote her to be annoying (which is like imo the biggest crime a character can commit haha)
CRESSIDA AAAAAAAAH this blorbo must be protected
wait, why did fran and john just chuck it on violet's lap that she had to go speak to the queen
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this would be a really good reaction gif ^
man i like portia. she's complex. and polly walker is an amazing actor
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also are they like, having a fucking picnic in the bedroom
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ideas, ideas............
yeah okay that bit at will's club... where's anthony lmfao, they could've at least dropped some explanation in the dialogue
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aww this scene is nice. and then when mondrich turned away i thought he was gonna see a ghost skjfngksfjgnfkdjfkgjfkgjf
oh wait, WAS that the stag do or not? i thought it was. if it wasn't, then nah we don't need to know where anthony is
woah. okay this is good for fic:
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oh wow the church scene. yeah, very suss that anthony isn't there/there should be an explanation for why he isn't
why are priests always so creepy
not a fan of pen's massive red/pink eyeshadow (?) or whatever it's called. but i looove her dress here. and uhh i dont get her last question before the scene changed...? "were you ever punished as a child" ... what, for dancing in church...? aaah whatever
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until i saw what she said next anyway...... i thought she was asking eloise to elope with her to the continent and/or wales where they could live their perfect lesbian lives together forever
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creloise in their breakup era
(btw as an aside, i can't imagine the hell it must've been to write eloise and pen and cressida and colin re what each one knows; i would get terribly confused)
wait, what was that bit with fran and john and her looking at polin and violet and lady d and then back at john...
cressida is so blorbo........... aaaaaah also i have like 20 mins left and it's 5:05am, i should just stop watching. and yeah! i think i will
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