#not an s1 vet but still
patchoulii-2hu-144p · 2 years
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day 814 of thinking about the clingy duo every day
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bat-snake · 1 month
Still watching some s1 Dragon Prince, but a massive W to the vet that helps Callum and Ezran with Zym's egg the best he can.
He really saw these kids running around with what he probably realized was the "destroyed" Storm Dragon egg for some reason, gave them what very little help he could offer, and kept their secret for them.
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snorlaxlovesme · 7 months
i know we're going to have to find out how they got their powers eventually, and I'm excited for that, but the true question that's been haunting me for months (years, in fact) is WHY did Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi keep their powers a secret from Qiao Ling for so long? what is the purpose of that?
it obviously calls into question how they got them. Cheng Xiaoshi didn't appear to have his power in any of his flashbacks with Qiao Ling (if he did he definitely would have tried to dive to bring his parents back) and even if he DID somehow have them lying dormant inside of him, it's not until Xu Shanshan goes missing that CXS uses them for the first time on his own, so he's never used them without Lu Guang's guidance before then.
so presumably he found out about his ability/received his power sometime after he knew Lu Guang. within the past couple years, probably. and they both realize this power could be used to turn a profit. that makes sense.
now how does Qiao Ling get involved in all that? how does she become their manager, WITHOUT even knowing how their power worked??
was it not suspicious that her little brother seemingly got time traveling powers out of nowhere? she never wanted to witness it firsthand?
i know she says near the s1 finale to Xu Shanshan that she believes Cheng Xiaoshi is more of a tool and Lu Guang in charge of their operations, but it's still so weird to me that that's only her best guess. like how did she become the person who vets their clients AND the face of their operation ("I hear there's an old witch/pretty fairy who can see the past with photos etc etc") when she plays no part in the time traveling??? WHY did she never ask to see them work before that? WHY did they never LET her see them work before that???
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lu-is-not-ok · 1 year
Thanks for the analysis post! It's neat to see your interpretations, and is definitely helping me sort out my own(I was struggling with wording mine). I'd like to share my take/understanding on passives/supports, because I think characters who use different resources depending on whether it's passive or support are really, really interesting. (Plus I am still staring directly at Outis' LCB and G Corp needing Sloth. I want to know what is going on with that old woman)
I think passive/support sins mesh with the actual passive/support's mechanics themself and are meant as an explanation for why this occurs. Character analysis wise, I think it could be used to specify and solidify motivations for certain actions the character takes.
The best example I can use for this is Gregor, since 3/5 of his IDs heal HP. To abridge all of my understanding of the specific sins each ID needs for their passive/support: LCB Gregor's s1 Gloom has to do with, as you mentioned, his experiences of being a war vet, G Corp's s1 Gluttony has to do with his endless will to survive and continue fighting, and RB Gregor's s1 Lust is all about how impulsive this Gregor can come off as when it comes to food.
So like, all three of them have the same passive, with LCB Gregor's costing 3 for both passive and support, while G Corp's and RB's cost 4 for passive, G Corp costing 4 for support and RB 5.
So like. Why does Gregor heal in the first place? I think it's cannibalism for all three of them, with G Corp being much more aggressive about it when he's afraid of dying, and as such healing after clashes, not at combat start.
However, all three of them have a different reason for doing so- LCB's passive is quite literally labeled 'Forced Survival,' after all, and I think it's rather self-explanatory for his Gloom. G Corp's is gluttony because it's specifically the 'survival' gluttony- G Corp Gregor has resigned himself to the war, but he still wants to live. And finally, RB Gregor is lust because of his impulsivity and his want to make good food, to try the ingredients.
I think passive/support activation costs have a similar meaning to EGO cost as well? Because I'm sure RB Gregor really doesn't want to support Ryoushuu, but if he's convinced by his lust enough, he will. As much as LCB Gregor might hate it, he doesn't tend to resist things that happen to him and could fall to gloom and habits from his days as a soldier easily.
I also wanted to touch on characters who passives/supports did different things, but are fueled by the same sin- for instance, TingTang Hong Lu's Gluttony. Either way, he gets something out of it to satisfy his want for something interesting, though how he goes about doing it is different depending on if it's for himself or for someone else. But yeah. Sorry for the ramble in your ask box, just wanted to share a fun thought I've had.
(I've been also trying to figure out the EGO weaknesses for a while and I remember seeing an interpretation of them, but I can't remember what it was atm- something to do with being literally weak to that type of emotion, I believe?)
I think that you might legit be onto something here! No, yeah, all that you're saying here makes sense! The one thing I would argue is what LCB Gregor's healing passive represents - I think it has more to do with his bug arm constantly regenerating even against his will, which I think still makes it fit under the Gloom category, considering how his arm's behavior can be interpreted as an allegory of his PTSD.
But no, yeah, this all makes sense to me. Thanks a lot for sharing, my brain was running on fumes by the time I got to actually explaining how Sins work with Identities and E.G.O, so I didn't have the energy to actually take a moment and think about how all of that could apply properly.
When it comes to E.G.O Sin Resistances, I think the main point I want to figure out is whether they represent a Sinner's outward resistances or inward resistances, if that makes sense? Like, does it represent how they react to other people's actions fueled by those Sins, or does it represent how they react to the internal influence of those Sins?
So, if you don't mind me hijacking your own ask to talk about Sin Resistance quirks, I'm gonna just. Talk about them and see if we can figure some of these out together. Under cut cause... it got long.
For one - the amount of Fatal/Endure/Ineffective resistances depends on the threat level of the E.G.O.
All E.G.O thus far have two Fatal resistances. All Zayin E.G.O have one Endured resistance. All Teth E.G.O have one Ineffective resistance (except for Red Eyes Ryoshu, which follows the pattern of Zayin E.G.O). All He E.G.O have both one Endured resistance and one Ineffective resistance.
Here are some other patterns I've noticed.
All Zayin E.G.O Endure Sin damage of the same type as that E.G.O's Sin affinity.
Most Teth E.G.O work the same way, just with having the resistance to their own Sin affinity be set as Ineffective instead. However, there are actually some exceptions here!
Those notable exceptions are: - Red Eyes Ryoshu (who Endures it like a Zayin) - Sunshower Outis (Sloth is Ineffective against her, while Gluttony is Normal), - You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily? Meursault (Pride is Ineffective against him, while Envy is Normal) - AEDD Heathcliff (Wrath is Ineffective against him, while Gloom is Fatal)
Most He E.G.O follow the pattern of Teth E.G.O, having the resistance to their own Sin affinity be Ineffective. Just like Teth E.G.O however, there are some exceptions.
Those are: - Sunshower Yi Sang (Gluttony is Ineffective against him, while Sloth is Endured) - AEDD Gregor (Wrath is Ineffective against him, while Gloom is Fatal)
Another pattern is that E.G.Os of the same Abnormality of the same threat level always have the exact same Sin resistances.
When it comes to E.G.Os of the same Abnormality but different threat level, usually there is still some overlap in resistances.
Specifically: - Sunshower share their Fatal resistances (Wrath and Lust), while different in their Ineffective resistances (Sloth for Outis, Gluttony for Yi Sang). Notably, Sunshower Yi Sang Endures Sloth, the Sin that's Ineffective against Sunshower Outis. - Fourth Match Flame, Capote and AEDD all share both Fatal and Ineffective resistances between their Teth and He counterparts. - Ryoshu's two Red Eyes E.G.O have only one overlap, that being Fatal to Pride.
Notable overlaps between the Sinners' Base E.G.Os and their other E.G.Os: - Yi Sang's Base E.G.O Endures Sloth (Sunshower, partially Wishing Cairn which has Sloth as Ineffective) and is Fatal to Gloom (Wishing Cairn, Fourth Match Flame) and Envy (Dimension Shredder). - Faust's Base E.G.O Endures Pride (Telepole) and is Fatal to Lust (Hex Nail) and Gluttony (Telepole). Notably Fluid Sac has no overlap, instead having some resistances as opposite to it (Fatal to Pride, Endures Lust). - Don's Base E.G.O Endures Lust (Fluid Sac, partially Lifetime Stew which has Lust as Ineffective) and is Fatal to Wrath (no current overlap) and Gloom (Lifetime Stew). Notably Fluid Sac has an opposite resistance to it (Gloom Ineffective), while Telepole has no overlap. - Ryoshu's Base E.G.O Endures Lust (Red Eyes) and is Fatal to Gluttony (Red Eyes) and Envy (no overlap). Notably both Red Eyes (Open) and Fourth Match Flame have no overlaps, instead both having some resistances as opposite to it (Red Eyes (Open): Endures Gluttony, Envy Ineffective; Fourth Match Flame: Endures Envy). - Meursault's Base E.G.O Endures Pride (Pursuance, partially You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily? which has Pride as Ineffective) and is Fatal to Lust (Pursuance, Capote) and Gluttony (Pursuance). Notably Capote has an opposite resistance to it (Endures Gluttony), while Pursuance is a near-perfect match. - Hong Lu's Base E.G.O Endures Gloom (no overlap) and is Fatal to Wrath (Roseate Desire, Dimension Shredder) and Envy (Dimension Shredder). Notably all his current E.G.O share Fatal resistance to Wrath. - Heathcliff's Base E.G.O Endures Envy (partially Telepole which has Envy as Ineffective) and is Fatal to Lust (no overlap) and Gluttony (Telepole). Notably AEDD has no overlap. - Ishmael's Base E.G.O Endures Gloom (no overlap) and is Fatal to Lust (Capote) and Sloth (Ardor Blossom Star). Notably Roseate Desire has no overlap, and all her non-Base E.G.Os have opposite resistances to it (Roseate Desire: Lust Ineffective; Capote: Fatal to Gloom; Ardor Blossom Star: Endures Lust, Fatal to Gloom). - Rodya's Base E.G.O Endures Pride (no overlap) and is Fatal to Gloom (Fourth Match Flame) and Envy (no overlap). Notably Rime Shank has no overlap, and all her non-Base E.G.Os have opposite resistances to it (Rime Shank: Gloom Ineffective; Fourth Match Flame: Endures Envy). - Sinclair's Base E.G.O Endures Gluttony (no overlap) and is Fatal to Wrath (no overlap) and Pride (no overlap). Notably none of his non-base E.G.O overlap with it, and Impending Day has an opposite resistance (Wrath Ineffective). - Outis's Base E.G.O Endures Pride (no overlap) and is Fatal to Lust (Sunshower) and Envy (no overlap). Notably Ya Sunyata Tad Rupam and Ebony Stem have no overlap, instead having opposite resistances to it (Ya Sunyata Tad Rupam: Lust Ineffective; Ebony Stem: Fatal to Pride). - Gregor's Base E.G.O Endures Sloth (no overlap) and is Fatal to Gloom (AEDD) and Envy (no overlap). Notably Legerdemain and Lantern have no overlap, and both Legerdemain and AEDD have opposite resistances (Legerdemain: Fatal to Sloth; AEDD: Fatal to sloth, Endures Envy). Another interesting note is that Legerdemain and Lantern overlap with each other in being Fatal to Wrath, and partially overlap in their resistance to Gluttony (Endured for Legerdemain, Ineffective for Lantern).
What does any of this mean...? Shrugs. I gave you the info, do whatever you want with it I guess.
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sunshinerapmonster · 2 months
The Saregeant's Daughter - Chapter 8 Madeline
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"page Dr.Rhodes to get ready for surgery,"
Chicago Med S1 EP 14: Hearts
"Excuse me!"
I exited the locker room and saw a person running around pushing a cart Maggie yelling for security.
"Can someone please help!" He said as he grunted out in pain.
"Dr.Sánchez!" Maggie yelled out.
I came up to the the patient before Maggie put up a finger making me stop in my place.
"Sir, look at me. We need to get you back into the waiting room"
"I could have lied; I could have said that I had chest pains, you would have had to see me then, but I'm not a liar"
Maggie kept moving closer to him and started to point at his heart and looked around scared.
"Okay, okay. Sir, why don't you just come with me?"
"I just need someone to make it stop please," he said pleading with her.
"Okay, it's gotta stop"
"We will get to you as soon as we can," Maggie said as she walked him towards the waiting room.
"No!" He said pushing her, he grabbed a pencil and stabbed it into his ear which somehow managed to break the pencil in half.
"Will somebody see me now?!" He yelled as he kneeled to the ground.
Security and Ethan grabbed him by his arm and brought him down to the ground.
"Page Dr.Charles now!" I yelled out as I grabbed items to check out the patient.
"Got you," Maggie said picking up the phone.
"I'm telling you I'm now crazy," he said fighting the nurses as they restrained him to the bed.
"Hello Mr.Colman, I'm Dr.Sánchez, we need you to stay calm," I said as I checked his heartbeat.
"Didn't help—its—it's still pounding!"
"He says his heart is pounding inside his head," April said securing the restraints.
"Mr.Coleman, I need to examine your ear"
"I don't care about the ear!" He screamed out in pain.
"Let's get him something for the pain, 5 of morphine IV, please," I said looking over at April.
"Got it"
Soon Dr.Charles walked into the room.
"Mr.Coleman, I'm Dr.Charles, the psychiatrist"
"Just because I'm a vet does not mean that I am a mental case"
A small frown formed on my face as he said that, it broke my heart in half.
"Well you did walk in here and stab yourself in the head," Dr.Charles said looking at him
"Because no one—no one would help me," he said slowly starting to cry.
"Well, look, I-I just need to do a little evaluation, ask you a couple questions; will that be alright?"
"I'm not crazy. I'm not a drug addict"
"You're wearing six shirts?" April asked.
I looked down to where April was holding his wrist and sure enough he was wearing six shirts which explained why he was covered in sweat.
"Yeah, but just one pair of pants"
"Why's that?"
"Isn't it obvious? To—to muffle the sound of my heart"
I kept a hold of his head but his whole body was shaking and moving.
"Does it help?"
"Nothing—nothing helps!"
"Please stop moving your head," I said moving his head back against the pillow and making him look forward.
He started panting before he passed out.
Ethan was in the room with a patient removing the pencil and talking with him and it seemed like Ethan related to him.
"Morning Halstead," I said handing him a file.
"Morning Sanchez," he said leaning against the desk.
"So you and Natalie," I said smirking at him
"No," he said and walked away.
I laughed at him as he walked away from me.
"Mr.Coleman, the CT scan we took of your chest showed a lot of scar tissue from your shrapnel wounds," I said looking at the CT scan on my iPad.
"It's not affecting your health or your heart function," I said.
"But this scar tissue has created a malformation that acts like an echo chamber," Ethan said.
"It amplifies the sound waves of your heart"
"I could see it affecting a dish of Jello on your tray"
How could it affect a dish of Jello I stared at the back of his head confused and lost at what he was saying.
"So I was right, it is physical"
I nodded my head, "Yes, the vibration Carrie's up to your inner ear" I said looking at Mr.Colman before turning to look at Ethan.
"You are hearing your heart pounding in your head"
"God. Finally" he chucked, "so what are you gonna do to make it stop?"
They both turned to look at me waiting for an answer, Ethan saw I didn't have the answer he was looking for.
"I'm afraid there's nothing we can do," Ethan said.
"Come on, an—an operation maybe?"
"There's too much scar tissue, and it's too close to the heart. An operation just isn't feasible"
Mr.Colman grabbed Ethan by his shirt and Ethan held onto the back of his neck.
"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay"
"You gotta do something, this—this is driving me crazy," he said crying.
"Listen to me, We'll talk to ear, nose, and throat. See if there are any options"
"Please, please, do that please"
"Dr.Sánchez traume one incoming" Maggie said tapping my shoulder.
I nodded my head and grabbed some gloves.
"Talk to me"
"18-year-old female hit on guard rail, flipped her car," the paramedic said as they brought her in.
"Open left tib/fib, BP 90/75"
"Heart rate 130, GCS 10"
"All right she gonna need ortho, call X-Ray and alter the OR," I said
"Got it"
"It's okay sweetie, let go of the purse, it's okay. Let go, it's okay" Maggie said talking to the victim.
"You can give her your purse she won't let nobody touch it okay? Hey, I'm Dr.Sanchez, okay? Maggie, see if you can find me a name" I said checking her head that was wrapped up in bandages.
"Dr.Sanchez, her name is Skyler"
"Hey Skyler listen to me. You were in a car accident and broke your leg, but we're gonna take of you, okay? Hey see if you can find her family"
"BP is crushing"
"Pulse ox is 78"
"She lost consciousness"
"Give me 100 of sux, 20 of etomidate"
"On it"
"Need a hand?" Will said grabbing some gloves.
"Yes, throw in a tube"
"On it"
"Tube and scope ready, doc"
"Hang a Mag and KRiser"
"Got it"
As I listened to her heart I could hear bleeding moving from somewhere just couldn't pinpoint it, "she bleeding from somewhere. Get the level one transfused and trigger the MTP. I need the FAST scan and a chest X-ray"
"On it"
"Move it in here"
"Blood is in its way"
I looked at the ultrasound screen, "I'm in" Will said.
"All right, there's no free fluid in her belly, get the X-ray in here," I said removing the camera stick.
A/N: I don't know what the ultrasound stick is called.
"Sanchez takes over," Will said, I took over the bagging.
"Got it," I said.
"Thank you"
"Get her on the board"
"X-ray, clear"
"Her left side is whited-out, and her mediastinum shifted to the right," Will said looking at X-ray pictures.
"Tension haemothorax, chest tube tray now 36 French," I said.
"Got it"
"Here you go," April said helping with the gown.
"Hand me the trauma shears"
"Here you go"
"Airway clear"
"Thank you"
"Get the pleur vac"
"Set up for suction"
"All right, going in," I said as I cut into the side of the stomach.
April handed me a tube and placed it into the cut I had just done.
"Stand by"
The tube didn't fit I pushed my finger in and blood splattered out.
"We need more sponges"
"Yes, Doctor"
"More four by fours"
"She tore something major in there," Will said
"Transfuser'a here"
"Hook it up— start with the blood and the plasma page Dr.Rhodes to get ready for surgery," I said looking at one of the nurses.
"Got it, starting now"
"All right, we need some more lab sponges in here"
"We're going up to the OR now"
Walking out of the hospital I was greeted with wind, the beautiful breeze of the wind brought me comfort.
I walked towards my car as the Night Shift doctors were all coming in, turning on my car I sat in there and took several deep breaths.
Today I lost four patients it was always difficult losing a patient it hard trying to leave it at work or push it back to not bring it back home, but I care too much to push it away alcohol never fails to help me get rid of these thoughts.
With that, I drove off from the hospital back home to the whiskey that was waiting for me.
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whenthegoldrays · 8 months
hiii elly <3
kinda bored lately and wanted to watch something so came here for recs :) could be of any kind btw like movies, tv shows (any language)
also maybe not something from your top ten kdramas post lol i've already watched most of the shows on there
also how're you doing?
hope you're doing well <33
Hey girl hey! Thank you for asking, I'm doing well! Terribly busy, but on the whole things are good. How about you?
Oooh okay this is quite a thing to ask me, I'm going to get decision paralysis dhdvdvdg but let me think of some less-common things I can recommend!
Available on Prime Video.
The Surprise (2015). Also available on Tubi. After inking their own death warrants, an eccentric millionaire and distraught woman fall in love and find voiding their contracts isn't an option. Romance! Dark humor! The k-drama truck of doom, except it's a Dutch movie! (Disclaimer: I do not recommend watching this film if one is suicidal)
From Prada to Nada (2011). A modern Mexican-American adaptation of Sense and Sensibility that surprisingly really works?? The title is woeful but the movie is pretty darn good.
The Lady Vanishes (2013). Iris Carr is traveling across Europe by train when she befriends Miss Froy, an elderly English woman. But when she wakes up from a few hours' sleep, Miss Froy has vanished. As fellow passengers claim the lady never existed, Iris fights to discover the fate of Miss Froy - and prove that she's not going mad.
Love and Friendship (2016). Adaptation of Jane Austen's Lady Susan, starring Kate Beckinsdale. The main character is the definition of gaslight gatekeep girlboss, and the supporting characters are all just. so funny.
To Tell The Truth (1961). If you just want something to distract you that doesn't take a lot of thinking, old game shows are ideal. In this one, a celebrity panel tries to guess which of three strangers is the person they claim to be.
Masterpiece/PBS Passport Shows.
All Creatures Great and Small (since 2020). Season 4 currently airing. A feel-good (but unafraid to get real and sad) show about the misadventures of a country vet practice in Yorkshire.
Miss Scarlet and the Duke (since 2020). Season 4 currently airing. In 1880s London, the daughter of a private investigator decides to take over his detective business after his untimely death. Mystery series that also has just about the BEST opening titles ever.
Available on Tubi (which is free!)
Forever Young (1992). The movie where I realized that Mel Gibson was cute, actually. In 1939, a heartbroken Army pilot volunteers for a cryogenics experiment and wakes up in 1992, where he gets a second shot at love.
The Space Between Us (2017). On his first visit to Earth, a man born and raised on Mars bonds with a street-smart young woman while unraveling the mysteries of how he came to be. To quote my mutual Chris: "wanna cry? 🥰"
The Dick Van Dyke Show (1960s). Some of the stuff hasn't aged well, but this is still one my top favorite old sitcoms. All the characters are so fun and endearing. You probably won't want to sift through all five seasons, so my top episode recommendations are "The Curious Thing About Women" (s1 e16), "The Two Faces of Rob" (s2 e2), "That's My Boy??" (s3 e1), "Big Max Calvada" (s3 e9), "October Eve" (s3 e28), "My Mother Can Beat Up My Father" (s4 e1), "4 1/2" (s4 e7), "The Impractical Joke" (s4 e16), and "Coast to Coast Big Mouth" (s5 e1).
(I got a little too excited with those episode recs, oopsie 🤭)
The Surprise, like I mentioned.
I just found out that they have some episodes of The Flintstones and Tom and Jerry on Tubi, if you want some good nostalgic laughs.
Available on Netflix.
Love At First Sight (2023). Cute romance about taking a chance on a good feeling.
The Adam Project (2022). You've probably seen it, but I will mention it anyway! Time travel. Annoying and precocious 12-year-old child. Ryan Reynolds and Zoe Saldaña. Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo! FIVE STARS.
Trevor Noah: I Wish You Would (2022). The best Trevor Noah special, in my opinion. The curry story??? Iconic forever and ever.
The Full-Time Wife Escapist (2018). A woman takes a job as a housekeeper, but in order to stay in it, she and her boss agree to a contract marriage. If you've ever seen the k-drama Because This Is My First Life... This is the better version of that show, imo. The ML is suchhh a sweetheart.
Indian Matchmaking (since 2020). I never watch reality TV, so I don't know how I started seeing this show, but it's SO good and super bingeable.
Omg the Jurassic Park movies are on Netflix right now
Available on Hulu.
Wild Mountain Thyme (2020). It's a love story, and it's so silly and enjoyable. The resolution is just shdhfhshshsg
The Giver (2014). Jonas learns the secrets of the past, and the utopia he's grown up in begins to look more and more dystopian. Also, Taylor Swift is there for some reason.
Flamin' Hot (2023). It wasn't until I watched this that I realized how much I need movies about Mexican success stories in my life. File this under ✨inspirational✨
If you haven't yet watched The Artful Dodger (2023), you absolutely should. Come for the romance, stay for the absolutely bonkers, insane hijinks.
I barely started watching Timeless (2016), but it looks really fun and good. It's about time travel, unsurprisingly for me 🤭
Available on Disney+
Baby's Day Out (1994). A childhood CLASSIC of mine. The cuteness is just. so much. The humor is standard slapstick, but really fun, and the mom has some of the most gorgeous 90s outfits omggg
Hidden Figures (2016). I love this movie endlesslyyy. Awesome intelligent Black women overcoming the odds, space race setting, and even a side of cute romance.
The Art of Racing in the Rain (2019). Dare I say, best dog movie I've seen?
The Call of the Wild (2020). Another dog movie, with Harrison Ford. I don't remember much of it but I remember really enjoying it.
Milo Murphy's Law (2017–2018). Have you seen this follow-up to Phineas and Ferb? If you haven't, you need to. The comedy is so gold tier and the music slaps.
Delicacies Destiny (2022). I kind of stopped watching this c-drama about 1/3 of the way through, but I totally should pick it up again, and it's worth watching even if just for all the gorgeous food scenes.
And of course, anything from my top ten k-dramas that you haven't seen yet is an automatic recommendation 😌
This got. so long. I hope you find something here that you like and thank you for asking @milkteawithrusk!! This was so fun to put together! 🫶🏼
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feylived · 2 months
whenever i think about laura and her resurrection, i generally always imagine it happening around either the end of s3a, when jennifer is killed by peter at the nemeton, or somewhere around when jennifer is doing her sacrifices because of the imbalance of nature and the fact that laura's literally meant to be the forest's guardian, but ... what if she was resurrected before that.
the only reason i normally don't bring her back earlier is because obviously so much of s1-2 for derek's storyline is tied to him being the last of his pack, and then building his own so that he can boost his power and also deal with the fact that now, he's literally the last hale alive, to his knowledge. that, and the fact that also so much of the show would have been handled so much differently had someone experienced like laura been around.
but, if she was brought back in say, between when her body is found and the reveal of peter being the alpha, an act that had been done by deaton, it could definitely work. she would have been incredibly weak, needed so much more time than peter did to regain her strength ( especially after her alpha power had been stolen ) and even more so to deal with not only the fact that her body was torn nearly in half and later actually cut in half, but also her soul being ripped from her body. she easily could have been in the background throughout all of season one, under the care of deaton. and when derek presumes the vet to be the alpha and ties him up, takes him to the school and he's later gone from derek's car when he's there with stiles and scott, it's because laura gets him out and back to the clinic to heal.
deaton was her mother's emissary, after all, and when laura took over, it's safe to assume that he likely would have been hers for at least a period of time. the role is not explored too deeply in the series, but considering the veil has always been thin in beacon hills and my lore is that the wolves initially come from the fae themselves, in very rare cases he could have the means to bring someone back, within a certain window and especially depending on the level of power. which, having inherited it from talia upon her death, laura would be extremely powerful, making this something that would have been possible.
so that said, laura would still come back in around the 3a mark, though earlier in the season than the finale of it. she would be working with deaton during the time when they're investigating the alpha pack, and her first on screen appearance would end up being around the events of currents, when deaton is taken by the darach as the intended sacrifice. when scott and deaton return back to the clinic after he's checked out by medics, scott is surprised to find a werewolf who happens to look an awful lot like an older version of derek and cora standing in the office, introducing herself as laura hale.
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pearwaldorf · 11 months
David Zaslav you owe me and all the fans AT LEAST two episodes' worth of character and story development. Or I guess we could just throw you under your yacht. I'm not picky.
I think everybody did the best they could with the time they were allotted. But oh god we needed at least five minutes of Stede and Ricky actually interacting. I'm so fucking mad we didn't get a good narrative and character parallel because it would have been so wonderfully chewy.
I love that Pop Pop didn't actually think to try and vet Ed as an actual person who can fish lmao. I'm still chewing on "Do what you're good at," because without that well-honed expertise everybody would have died. But any skill is a tool. It's not bad to kill to protect the people you love (in fiction anyways). I would argue sometimes it's absolutely necessary.
I'm a little sad we didn't get more Ed and Zheng (and Stede!) teamup. I would read so much fic where they all bicker about leadership and professionalism and why they all have to switch off on being bad cop.
I thought there was a possibility they'd kill Izzy off. So much of the dialogue from the trailer is from this last episode. I understand narrative beats and arcs. And given what happened this season, there's not really much more to say.
I would have preferred that he lived*, but he was given the best send-off you can give a fictional character: emotionally at peace, loved (and wouldn't that have been a mindfuck at the end of S1), and fences mended with the people you've hurt most and have hurt you. I hope we are all that lucky.
And these two fucking idiots. Neither of them know a goddamn thing about carpentry. Ed is going to forget to eat and have a hangry meltdown. Stede is going to bottle his feelings up because he's absolute fucking shit at taking his own advice about talking. They're both going to be terrible at customer service for different reasons, and they're going to try and kill whatever asshole is rude to the other.
And it's going to be hard, and it's going to suck sometimes, but it's a life that's going to be theirs. A thing they've both picked after not having a choice for so long. And I hope they'll keep picking it, because love and relationships are things you have to continually recommit to. But as I've said before, sometimes you cherish something the most fiercely because you've fought the hardest for it. I don't think either of them will lose sight of that.
* Was that even a Chekov's seagull when you know there's going to be some witchery afoot?
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sflow-er · 1 year
Excerpt from my letter to Lisa
With YR S3 likely less than half a year away, I've started taking stock of my time in the fandom. Today I looked up the message I sent Lisa in the summer of 2022 (well before S2 and right after finishing my S1-compliant longfic) and decided to post an excerpt here for the sake of documentation.
It's in Swedish, and there are bound to be some grammatical mistakes and non-idiomatic expressions (although I did proofread it again just now). Yet I still quite like how it sums up some of my thoughts on the personal inspiration that I and so many other fanfic authors around the world had derived from S1.
Det som jag särskilt ville tacka dig för var att din serie har varit så otroligt inspirerande för mig. Som tonåring tyckte jag väldigt mycket om att skriva (både fanfic och originellt), men under tiden före Young Royals hade jag inte skrivit en enda kreativ text på cirka tretton år. Plugget och jobbet hade släckt den gnistan, men förra sommaren - då jag blev helt investerad i berättelsen och världen som du skapat och som de väldigt duktiga skådespelarna och hela den fantastiska teamen väckt till liv - så tändes den igen. Jag som inte ens lyckats skriva en drabble i över ett årtionde råkade skriva och komplettera en fic på mer än 230 tusen ord. En berättelse som jag en dag skulle kunna tänka mig att skriva om till nåt helt originellt, som folk gillade, som också gav mig väldigt mycket motivation för att fortsätta skriva. Det var verkligen fint att kunna skapa och utveckla en historia igen, och jag kommer alltid att minnas att det var just Young Royals som hjälpte mig att hitta den känslan igen ❤ Jag har funderat ganska mycket på varför det blev så. YR är otroligt duktigt skrivit med många välutvecklade karaktärer som man vill gärna skriva/läsa mer om, men det gäller också för många andra berättelser som jag har älskat under åren. Det måste alltså finnas nåt speciellt här och jag har landat på två svar. För det första så är det väldigt skönt och sällsynt att få höra författaren bakom originalverket uppmuntra fansen att skapa sina egna versioner och berättelser, rätt från början. Jag hoppas att du vet hur mycket vi uppskattar det! Och för det andra så finns det nåt i din berättelse och dess budskap som får folk att känna sig trygga i att utreda/behandla sin identitet och sina inre tankar just genom YR-fanfic. För mig var det min asexualitet, men jag tror nog att många av dem som skrivit om genus, sexualitet, ångest osv. kanske känner likadant. Och när man börjar skriva om nåt så personligt så blir det kanske lättare att hitta sin egen röst också. Jag är säker på att den inspiration du gett så många runtom världen också kommer att leda till helt fantastiska originalverk i framtiden Det är verkligen speciellt, det.
I have a lot more thoughts, on this as well as my other takeaways, but I can still stand behind what I wrote back then.
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liminalmemories21 · 2 years
It occurs to me that they could probably have done 90% of this Iris plotline and made her his ex-wife instead of current wife and invited about 70% backlash.
You’d still have the pathos of young Carlos trying to fit himself into the box he thinks he’s supposed to fit. You’d still get the questions of what did his parents think - did they know why he was doing it (and if they did, why did they let him).
You’d still be able to have Iris come in as the ex-wife/best friend to vet the future husband, only it would so much less charged because she’s not holding anything over their heads.
And, okay it still wouldn’t be great that Carlos had never told TK, but it would feel like less of a betrayal - and I could work my way around to Carlos asking for all of TK while holding this back about himself, because it’s a thing in his past not his present or his future.
And! It would make S1 less weird with Carlos-Michelle-Iris if they’re no longer married. All you’d be losing is him keeping her on his insurance, and if you try and tell me they couldn’t have found a different plot contrivance to get Iris to Austin I will not believe you
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2x4plank · 1 year
TWDG S1 Character Opinions
At first, I was gonna do a ranking but I soon realized how fruitless that was as I enjoyed pretty much every main character in Season One and don't wanna do any injustice any character.
Lee - Literally who doesn't love Lee (except Larry). He is a rational, patient father figure who takes it upon himself to take care of Clementine. And to the end of his life, he keeps that purpose at the top of his mind, crossing a sea of dead and devising a way to get her out of Savannah safely. He also gets points for the open sesame joke ( and his great sense of humor in general), the way he raises his hand when questioned about his interest in civil war history, being a black protagonist, and so on and so forth.
He has the unsaid sadness of losing his family and not even the chance to lean on anybody because he doesn't want his past crime to be revealed. He has to perform a balancing act of keeping the group together through starvation and their arguments. He stacks the responsibility of a child ontop of that. 111111/10 character!
Clementine - She's literally my daughter. She's everybody's daughter--you adopt her the moment you see her. She's quiet at first but has streak of mischief and resilience. When you find out she's been led on by the stranger with her parents being the carrot on the stick, you realize that the disappearance of her parents affected her way more than what she let's on. She might seem "tough" (and to some degree she is), but she's also a child and we shouldn't expect her to just get over anything. I find the stranger leading Clementine away after stalking your group to be one of the stronger horror elements in TWDG and its an aspect I think about a lot.
As time goes on, we see Clementine grow up with Lee no longer around. The man who protected her will be replaced with adults who don't treat her like the child she is. She suffers from their incompetence and toxicity and is forced to make calls she shouldn't have to make. This constant reliance on her factors into her adoption of AJ, as not only have his parents died, but she wants to take care of him just as Lee took care of her, and sees herself as the most fit to do so.
Kenny - Oh goodness. He makes me feel confused, and not even when talking about his season two incarnation. I like him lots and lots. I hate him, sometimes, also. I feel confused. He has a very funny onscreen presence, but sometimes, quite an offensive one. I'm speaking from the place of someone who would be affected by his bigotry for a multitude of reasons.
Kenny starts as a cowardly man, but someone who is willing to run into the fray for those who are on his side. He comes back to save Lee and considers him a good friend. If you agree with his decision to kill Larry and protect everyone in the locker room, he'll work with Lee to kill Danny and grow even closer to him, making him one of your closest comrades and a ride or die once his family's gone. Being there for his family was one of the caveats that kept him from coming to the rescue, outside of general self preservation. I don't think if they were still around he would've jumped down for Christa.
Another big thing with Kenny is his explosive dogmatism. You need to agree with him and do it HIS way. If you don't, it's a whole argument. I love when he starts shit in Episode Three with Lilly and then he's like, "We can work this out! Everybody calm down." KENNY!!! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO STARTS STUFF! YOU'RE THE AGITATOR!
Katjaa - I love her so much! I love her design, I love her voice, and I love the way she handles shit to the best of her ability. Not only is she willing to get sad and bloody (even before the apocalypse, being a vet and all), but her awesome bravery (is that the word I should use?) when she's holding onto Duck as he's dying. That is an incredibly painful thing to do but she remains so memorably steel-faced (like that expression she gives is seared into my brain), knowing that as a parent that she should provide Duck comfort in his last moments (UNLIKE KENNY, WHO CHICKENED OUT AT THIS POINT!) even though she has to be so close to his suffering.
She's often gentle but she can be stern when the time comes. 12/10 no notes!
Duck - Awh, he's adorable! I will never understand why people could hate this kid. He's literally just a busy body. I was personally on the other side of the spectrum, being pretty low-energy at that age, but I'm not gonna hate on the little guy. He didn't do anything wrong. I will always get a laugh at how no matter how explicit you were that they were all eating Mark that Duck will pause for only a second, look slightly confused, and then resume eating. It's so funny and I respect his disengagement with the situation at hand. He's perfect.
Carley- My favorite thing about Carley is the fact that she never dropped the reporter voice. She's locked in. She's one of the most "regular" people--and not in a bad way. She's kind, funny, and thoughtful. I don't know how she didn't figure out that there were no batteries in that radio, though. I like her lots and lots.
Doug - My experience with Doug was secondhand because one of my relatives picked him by accident. Poor Doug! Anyway, I like him a lot. He's very funny (I say that a lot don't I?) but he's got that reasonable bravery. He saves Carley and in his last moments, he protects Ben. Personally, I like Lilly shooting Carley on purpose better than accidentally shooting Ben but I think its something more interesting and scary for Ben to grapple with.
Glenn - For the short time we spent with him, he was incredibly funny. I liked him a lot and how he just always spoke his mind no matter the circumstances.
She has obviously been treated like terribly by her dad despite how much love she has for him, and because she acts tough about it, she expects the same of others. The fact that Larry is so quick to tell her to "shut up" and that whole anecdote she tells in the fourth season does reflect something nasty about her home life. I didn't read much into the "he's probably gonna keep treating you like shit" line in reference to Larry and just thought it was funny because it's a weird thing but I soon realized that was her reaction and she just expected others to cope like she did.
Now, do I think Lilly's toughness is just a front? No. I do think she was actually tough, but too much is too much. Starvation, apocalypse management, and watching your dad be murdered while you're restrained/trying to revive him is pretty traumatizing--no matter how much of a dick Larry was. I don't think her anger, sadness, or general mental breakage lessens her toughness in the slightest, but her actions eventually run counter to morality (see: shooting Carley in the face).
Mark - lol this guy had it rough! He was introduced and eaten within the same episode. I like his smile when you offer him rations and his small jokes. He's one of the more average characters but 1) that is not a bad thing at all and 2) we don't get a lot of time with him. I really liked getting to know this guy before he got hammed.
Mr. Parker - Loved his jumpscare!
Travis - Talking all tough and he didn't even learn the rule of not tripping during the apocalypse. Better luck next time.
Ben - Jeez. I should have been nicer to this guy.
Starting out, Ben is very awkward and clumsy but that's to be expected of a high schooler. He fumbles and is not held in the kindest regard by the rest of the group, who seem to see him as incapable. He struggles to prove otherwise.
Yes, trading with the bandits was wrong, but there is a question of if his isolation from the group made the desire to have his friend back that much stronger rather than telling the group about the offer and seeing how they handled it or even if they would be concerned about his problems as a newcomer. Sure, Lee, Glenn, and Carley were willing to help that woman in the motel, but there are a lot more caveats to dealing with human enemies.
I love the shock of his initial confession and even though he picked the worst possible time to tell everyone else, the guilt of all those deaths would weigh on anybody and I don't think he was equipped to make the best decisions.
Looking back, dropping him was a terrible decision and I probably would have pulled him up if the zombies weren't so close. Maybe I was also a little jealous at how tall he was.
I'll pull him up next time. His death was also way more painful than expected and I do really believe he didn't deserve to die at all.
Andy - He's my favorite of the St. Johns which is a hard ground to clear. He is just so unapologetically evil it rounds back into comedy. Nothing is ever his fault and nothing he ever does is wrong. And he could've kept getting away with it if it wasn't for that meddling Georgia State professor.
Danny - He was so committed though! I heard they had some icky things planned for his character originally but I'm glad that it didn't make it into the game or canon because him being the "loyal dog" to cannibalism makes him a character you can love and hate. Also he talks to the cow.
Brenda - Literally all she wanted was to run her dairy, man. It's hard raising two kids and managing a farm. I love her voice and I would totally be eating like Duck because I know her barbecue was blue ribbon worthy.
She likely has the most conscious of the St. Johns which is...not a high bar but she seems to not want to be involved in the act of murder. She wants her hands clean and her men slow-cooked.
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Joleeeene - Love her crossbow. Her story is horrifying but well told as an aside to the episode. I wish she got to see her daughter again because what happened there is terrible.
Bandits - Ew.
Chuck - I like him. I love his speech about "you're not boy, you're not a girl"--he said nb rights! But anyway, he popped in and died in like the next episode with his body discovered in like...the episode after that. Shame what happened to him but I like the time he had.
Christa - Tough but incredibly fair! I like her lots. I like how she was portraying herself as willing to walk away from the group but she's also willing to cut Lee's arm off for him after like...a day of knowing him. She was a rider.
It's hard to find the words to talk about her, but don't take that for disinterest.
Omid - Funny. I have said that a lot in this writing, but it is still true. He is very cushy and pleasant and definitely a well-placed bright spot after everything that happened in Episode Three.
Vernon - I love his name and his dry sense of humor. And also he got that devious lick in the end.
Okay, so I wouldn't give him flack for stealing the boat for his crew if not for the fact that he was leaving a child, or possibly two children, without any food.
I like the small taste of betrayal before the bigger one in S2.
Brie - I love this cheese. I like her design a lot too.
The Stranger - Bro this is why stranger danger PSAs are so important. GET OFF OF MYSPACE MAN! He was CREEPY and deranged and though I understand why somebody would think he came out of nowhere I do like his conclusion and think his part is very well done.
I think it was an extremely interesting thread of the story that I wouldn't expect in apocalypse media. To take a child away using means well known to us in current year. The parallel of a guardian who sought to protect her as soon as he met her to a man who had bad intentions as soon as he got the opportunity. Pretty good!
And also the bowling bag head reveal was hilarious. Way to respect your spouse.
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friedfriedchicken · 1 year
I finally finished watching TF:EarthSpark S1 (please give me like 2+ seasons) and I have gathered all my thoughts into one silly list
Love how Alex Malto is very Filipino honestly. Like- it's so small but he's very there and he's the only fictional Filipino I've ever seen in anything live-action or animated that didn't originate from the Philipines. My dad was immediately activated when he heard/saw Alex say 'nanay' (my TV was quiet compared to the movie he was watching in the other room) and it makes me insanely happy. Also he's a lot like my dad scarily enough.
Originally I had TF:Cyberverse in my brain as the 'divorced Transformers show' but EarthSpark has much more divorced-exes vibes oml. Megatron with Soundwave and Shockwave, Bumblebee with Breakdown, Tarantulas in general, especially Megan and Sounders
I'm not a fan of humans in TF stories but the Maltos were great- they were woven into the story very well and were also very entertaining! Alex could infodump and had a fun arc with Bumblebee, Dottie and her backstory were great lore-fillers and her mom abilities were silly (there were a lot of dads but only one mom), Robbie and Mo felt like their own characters without overshadowing the Transformers, and the other background humans were generally enjoyable.
On the other hand- Mandroid didn't really stick with me, especially after he came back after his thingy blew up. Dude is practically a zombie- let him die 😭 BUT I'm excited to see what he'll do next season regardless of how little I enjoyed him as the big baddie
This show has so many dads oml. Alex Malto, Optimus Prime, Megatron, Bumblebee, Wheeljack, Tarantulas, Soundwave, where are all these dads coming from?! It's so fun, you get dads in different fonts like silly, casual war vet, PTSD war vet, not-paid enough war vet, new dad war vet, give him another chance war vet, and angry ex!
Starsceam's eyes are blue! It's so random and small but it activates my brain! Is it a design choice or something more?!
We've seen multiple stunticons but never all together in one place. I wonder if we'll get Menasor or not but, regardless, I love this version of Breakdown so much. Dude is so chill and spawned a new ship in my brain QwQ Bumbledown? Breakbee? Those two had very complicated vibes but my non-TF fan sibling agrees with me they have friendly exes energy
The fight scenes were so 💋 smooth and beautiful and I'd marry the fight scenes if they were people
I thought Bumblebee's friend he was chasing down was going to be Blurr because hee hoo I grew up watching TF:Animated and TF:Cyberverse plus Blurr is one of my favorite Transformers
Arcee with her classic car-inspired look omg 🛐 she's so cool and pretty besides for her black eye-liner thing. It looks really weird when her eyes are closed but she's very pretty regardless
Addicted to the found-family vibes of this show (It's not a TF series unless there's found family) but the especially traumatic energy of Tarantulas and Nightshade fuels my 4:47 AM mind. Tarantulas literally doesn't care about anything other than keeping this kid safe and can't tell what actually is safe or not and SACRIFICES HIMSELF SO NIGHTSHADE AND THEIR ENTIRE FAMILY CAN ESCAPE. PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM HE JUST WANTS TO LIVE IN PEACE WITH THE COOL KID HE FOUND IN HIS HOUSE ONE DAY
The size differences in this show are immaculate.
After getting kidnapped by Mandroid and cut, Megatron keeps the slice in his shoulder for later episodes and it's so cool that the continuity is there but sir, please patch yourself up! I don't hate it, it looks cool, but your armor is broken!
Please where did Mandroid get the funds to make who knows how many Arachnamechs?! The government/GHOST sure wasn't paying him while he was in his corrupted Howl's Moving Castle evil lab or sitting in his illegal fight ring.
I know the captions call Hashtag 'Hashtag' but she said she didn't have a word for it therefore her name in my brain is actually gonna be #. Just that. #. She deserves it because she's so silly. She has a fake ponytail and headset as part of her head design- it's amazing.
On the topic of design, Nightshade's protoform look was a little uncomfy for me with the helmet leaving their head very exposed and the random 'ear' discs. It felt weird but after they got their alt-mode they've been nothing but beautiful.
Jawbreaker my boy- you don't need an alt-mode to be so silly <3
Reoccurring Fluffy Ears is amazing
Honestly a lot of designs are either hits or misses. Megatron looked perfect to me but Optimus was off with his very flat head and weird faceplate. Like he was missing a forehead and the faceplate itself looked wonky. Soundwave was super pretty, even if his face is one solid color he absolutely rocked that look. I miss the smiley face Cyberverse Bee had on his pelvis area but at least my eyes aren't drawn to EarthSpark Bee's hips lol. Also Wheeljack. They brought back the mustache face but made it white and it feels incredibly silly and cool and scary and weird at the same time.
I think I'm done rambling for now but this might come back later hee hoo
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autistichanseo · 2 years
first: a hanseo edit I made that I’m pretty proud of :3
for my intro: welcome ^__^ I specifically talk about the kdrama vincenzo (but I’ll also talk about other shows if I feel like it) !! my hyperfixation on Vincenzo is solely jang brothers focused so I’ll probably almost exclusively talk about / analyse them, but I also make fanart and will do a whole lot of other things here !!!!
• My Palestine Gofundme list of different accounts that have reached out to me (and have been vetted)
• Strangers For Peace’s Palestine, Sudan and Congo charity commissions
• main blog: @littlerockeatingfriend
• bts blog: @hyyhjimin
• AO3: autistichanseo
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• I don’t like good brother au hanseok but u can still interact if u write / like it as long as it’s because you just want hanseo to be happy. I might still follow you if you do make good brother au hanseok but I won’t interact with anything related to that on ur page :D
• jang brothers shippers stay 50 feet away from me thanks!!!!! this includes ppl who support jangcest and even those who are neutral to it <333 I will just block u if i find out ur a jangcest shipper im so serious ab this Thanks
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also dont repost my art anywhere even with credit (reblogs ofc ok) though you can use it in non weird shit like pfps etc if you credit me
(hyperfixation list and watch lists under cutoff):
hyperfixation list:
jang brothers from vincenzo (+ hanseok and hanseo seperately)
tale of the nine tailed (lee rang specifically, lee rang + yuri & lee brothers)
strangers from hell kdrama (mjjw specifically but strangers from hell as a whole)
bad and crazy (su yeol & su yeol + k.)
have seen somewhat recently:
tale of the nine tailed s1 + 1938
strangers from hell
bad and crazy
tua s4 unfortunately……
(rewatched) b99 (all seasons)
currently watching:
suits (s5 ep 10)
planning to / might (re)watch:
might rewatch the untamed
might rewatch 2gether
might rewatch the good place
sotus S
love in the moonlight
save me
shadow and bone
a shop for killers
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omniuravity · 1 year
I haven't talked about Helluva Boss in a while, so here I go!
S2 E3:
This was basically a Wattpad story.
Man is kidnapped and forced to marry someone for their mafia father, sound familiar?
Anyway this unfortunately didn't give us any Millie depth either than reaffirming that she loves Moxxie.
I do think Chaz is a funny character and I can't wait to see Crimson again.
S2 E4:
The return of Striker...but he's played by a different VA because Norman Reedus was busy with his Daryl Dixon spin-off.
I do hope he comes back if he wants to.
The episode wasn't bad, and I did enjoy the side plot of Loona going to the vet, I thought it was funny.
It did end on a heartbreaking note with Stolas being critically injured.
S1 E8:
Finally we get this episode!!!
I did like seeing more character added to Loona as she still has a crush on Vortex, but now she meets his girlfriend who is literally a hell queen or some shit.
I think Kesha is a wonderful singer, but voice acting might not be her thing. Either she had poor direction, or she's not a great VA which is fine.
On a different note you can see how Tex acts towards his girlfriend and how embarrassed he is when she blows up.
Now I wait for Millie's character development!
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Time for Big Mouth season 6 summary!
I do this every year and that’s basically the only Big Mouth post I make for the year. So let’s go!
THE SONGS IN THE SEASON WAS… BANGERS!!! And now the new song album is out!!! With all the songs from season 4-6
The fucking ”Girl we got with your mom” song will forever be stuck in my head though now
Andrew’s parents :( I feel bad for him.
Him and Bernie were so cute :,) And i’m lowkey glad we saw her clips cause… some of the stuff reminded me of stuff I’ve done… what can I say the show really reminds you of the weird shit you did when you were in middle school
Anyway I am tempted to do that list lmao
Aren’t they supposed to be 14 now? They’ve been 13 since S1-
This season was a little like a ”middle season” where I feel like not as much happened. But I do know they’ve been picked up for S7 so this is probably intentional.
I miss Ali and Jessi’s scenes :( But I do know why they didn’t have much interaction except that ”does anyone have a tampon” scene. First is that this season focused much more on family - and also, since stuff that happens on human resources also affects Big Mouth, Jessi doesn’t have a love bug since she got fired. Maybe Human Resources will pick this up in their next season. We’ll see.
ASEXUAL CHARACTER! Also the fact that his hormone monsters are so ok with it.
CONNIE AND MAURY’S BABY I love how they just fit right in
Missy finally got her period! I was actually wondering if she had gotten it or not. Also ”it’s brown, are you sure I haven’t pooped myself?” wow that’s relateable
Very accurate representation of a yeast infection lmao… god why are female genitals like this we constantly have to look out for stuff like this all the time
Love how they’re always going crazy in the last episode of the seasons. FUCKED UP FRIDAY YEAH IT SURE WAS
Lola and Jessi’s friendship awwww
I really love how things are starting to get better for Lola :) She deserves it
And Jay :( He deserves better
I wonder if Delilah will get any monsters. Babies have some monsters too I vet (besides the need demon)
Ok so when I was 13, I had found a lot of ”transformed into a baby/forced to be a baby” stories on wattpad. I don’t know why, I found one and suddenly I had read like 20 of them. I was so weirded out by them but I also was intrigued to it. So anyway, with all the diaper jokes, people wetting and shitting themselves, Jessi switching bodies with Delilah and having to spend the time as a baby, I kinda cringed because. I had read a lot of stories and I sat there like just questioning why I ever did. This show is great to remind yourself about the weird stuff in your adolescense <3 And that’s both the charm and the con of it hahahaha
To be fair, I read far worse things on wattpad… those things were MILD to the weird shit I otherwise found on that site
Anyway! Liked the season! Didn’t feel like as much was happening, but I am still gonna rewatch it 😄 I always find new things upon rewatch
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