#ii predictions
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cursedmagician · 5 months ago
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so. let's talk about that episode shall we?
major ii 17 spoilers under the cut, and lots of theories. read at your own risk.
divider by strangergraphics ✮⋆˙
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I have no idea what to even think about that episode. I watched this at about 8 in the morning my time, and now I am in shambles and have been for the last several hours. I'm going to dump all my theories in this one blog post.
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my first topic, and the elephant in the room - THIS IS NOT THE LAST ACT. NO WAY.
I've seen people asking if this is the last act and therefore the last ever episode in the series, and to that I say... obviously not. there's still so many plot points to be resolved.
like, for example, why would they add in a scene of the prime shimmers going to the contestant grounds if they weren't going to do something for it later?
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yes I know that they were already used as merely a small plot device to allow the episode to progress, but when you think of it in the grand scheme of things there must be something more to it.
also, and - I may be going crazy here - but there might possibly be some sort of parallel of when cobs tells mephone to go "home" with him. we now know that all those previous theories of mephone being made with the shimmer egg are correct, because of fan. since that is the case, I feel like it would make sense for mephone's true home to be with the prime shimmer, right?
I feel like this could be a plot point in the next act. mephone feels more at home with the prime shimmer than he does with cobs (obviously). he would meet them and realise he feels strangely connected to them, and then he figures everything out which leads up to him discovering his true family. and I hope cobs rots and dies FOREVERRR
another point to add onto this is that remember how soap and mic took that photo together in the last episode?
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well, soap was going through her recently deleted.
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on apple (and I'm assuming meeple as well) devices, it takes 30 days for photos in the recently deleted photo to be fully erased from the device. before that, you can restore and fully erase as many photos as you like.
at the end of this episode when everything created by melife has been erased, baxter is seen walking up to soap's phone here.
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in a scene where everything is gone, don't you think this is weirdly symbolic? they didn't have any other reason to show this which leads up to the next theory.
mephone is most likely going to find a way to bring everyone back through some way, and it might be through this system. I'm not saying I know how he's gonna do it, but this will totally be some sort of factor in the next act. hopefully.
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second topic - what about bow and bot?
and I know what you all are thinking. I know that bow is definitely not gone, since she obviously isn't supported by melife anymore. (I'm a little curious, bow mentioned that she can't escape the confines of purgatory mansion, but since now that's been deleted, would she be able to roam free? just a thought...)
the same could be said for bot, since they were made by fan and test tube and not by melife. but there's been some speculation going around saying that since bot was made out of materials from test tube's lab, they would be deleted too right?
I actually think that's not necessarily the case.
we have no idea if test tube's materials or her lab was made out of things generated by melife. for all we know, she could have ordered the mechanical parts from overseas. she could have dug up the space she needed for the lab herself.
all we know is that the locations made for the game itself are generated by melife. however, test tube's lab has really nothing to do with the contest because it is its own thing.
so I think this entire theory is genuinely plausible. bot might still be out there somewhere, and I'm not going to say on the invitational island because we don't know if that entire thing was deleted too or just the floor's face. they genuinely might be making their way over to the season 2 grounds right now, wondering what is going on.
which could possibly make way for a bow and bot meeting, AND they might team up too to save the day!! that definitely feels like a direction that adam would be going for, and I personally would totally stand for it.
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third topic - can mephone X be avoided or stopped somehow?
here's what I'm thinking.
lightbulb actually managed to dodge mephone X here, and even though yes she did get got in the end, you can at least delay the process or maybe even outrun them altogether.
there must be a reason as to why only the person who is being targeted can see mephone X, but that's a theory for another day.
now, this part is less of a theory and more of an idea - that is supported by numerous twitter posts - but what if you are able to see mephone X with another me device thingy?
think about it, what if taking a picture or just going through the camera app enables others to see them, therefore allowing the contestants to potentially disable mephone X for good?
assuming my theory is correct and they do come back somehow, I doubt that adam forgot about this plothole completely. there must be more significance to this in the future.
we all know how the main writing team writes. they think of everything, down to the small details, and the reference previous things that were thought to be insignificant before!! reminds me of bfdi in a way.
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fourth topic - misc stuff/yapping
and well of course I had to dedicate an entire section to just my yapping alone. I know I'm still pretty new to blogging, I don't have many posts yet, but I think it's worth it to just leave my thoughts out here for people to cry over also.
firstly... OJ and paper's last conversation was an argument. lol!! XD!! also it was so funny as to how paper got so ticked off after salt said OJ is her boyfriend. I understand that he might have still felt pretty heated after everything that had been going on, + the argument they had earlier. and I know that OJ is very important to paper. but I still think it was really hilarious. some could say jealous. "he's not your boyfriend he was MINE!!"
ALSO!!! also also also THIS fucking scene...
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this is gonna haunt me for the rest of my life man. what the fuck. imagine if slasher movies were like this... like jigsaw or something. if I saw this in a slasher movie I would be terrified for my LIFE (something these contestants don't have).
I really really liked the scene where paintbrush was crying over lightbulb btw. jazzy did an amazing job at that, and they said that they didn't even cry to be able to voice it!! she's a very talented va, I aspire to be like her someday...
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another thing I wanted to mention is this tweet made by brian a while ago (screenshot I nabbed from me_phone4 on twitter) yes this is absolutely going to be for inanimate insanity. no questions asked. hope is on the horizon guys.
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ok I think that is the end of this post. likes and reblogs are appreciated, and also reblog if you want to add onto my theories later!
for now, signing off!! - CURSED MAGICIAN
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yagurlhere · 6 months ago
II Movie Predictions(?):
(I haven't watched the trailer)
-Steve Cobs appears but MePhone4 is able to ward him off with his contestants
-MePhone4 is easily forgiven for all the sh*t he's done cause he has trauma
-More d*ckriding for the "Bright Lights" and by that I meant Paintbrush, Lightbulb, Fan, and Test Tube
-Suitcase either doesn't interact with Balloon, Baseball, and Nickel at all, or barely, or easily forgives Nickel and Baseball (I didn't watch Ep. 15 sorry)
-Might reference III but have a feeling they won't
-Suitcase wins and has no quarrels with anyone despite the sh*t she was put through
-Or Knife wins and Suitcase accepts it and while the whole fandom cheers I rage and plan on transferring my period pains next time to Knife and the fandom so they can suffer
-Knife faces no consequences for his actions
-Neither does MePhone4
-Fandom will d*ckride it to oblivion, cry about how beautiful it was, and I will proceed slander them forever in my thoughts
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static-errorcode · 1 year ago
Hey guys
What if inanimate insanity s3 ep 17 with all references to season 2 characters were foreshadowing that the season 2 final four are gonna save the people in season 3
Cause it yes... I hope they give a springy backstory and give him a redemption arc... just some food for thought
I mean I'd love to see suitcase beat the shit out of doctor fizz and knife literally pushing the camras off the cliff and heck if have sprinkles be adopted by light bulb while Yin say "WHY CHOOSE HER OVER ME" then yang say "I think he's still mad at you for yelling at him... and also for naming him sprinkles"
Also since the toy versions of the final three are ment to be like them what if the balloon bot sacrifices themselves...
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pankiepoo · 1 year ago
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mephone4 and that annoying bitch
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answithvanzz · 5 months ago
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If this happens I will laugh and cry at the same time
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 4 months ago
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if anything happens to mephone4 in the movie, i'm going to record myself ripping apart my pillows while screaming hysterically
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m3rcuryxd2763 · 4 months ago
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Bro predicted ii 17
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borgialucrezia · 1 year ago
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JOHN MOULDER-BROWN as PRINCE OTTO OF BAVARIA LUDWIG — 1972, Directed by Luchino Visconti
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usuallyrated2stars · 5 months ago
Oh my lord the trailer. I fear that I'm not ready. I fear I will not make it. I fear we are cooked. Lord.
I've been drawing them separate a lot recently
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^ POV your brother dies and the only person who talks about it is Lightbulb and she makes a fart joke
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I love deranged Yin. I like exploring the aftermath of the "only one of them dies" scenario and these two pics are very indulgent
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And a Candle x Yinyang doodle I did for my friend!!
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oscconfessions · 7 months ago
"we need more complex women in osc" yall couldnt handle taco yall couldnt even handle CABBY
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sprucestairs · 25 days ago
Hades 2 prediction that probably isn't accurate but it could be. Because I would think it's cool:
Hypnos is fighting Epiales (his brother who's the god of nightmares) in his sleep. Hypnos gets a cool ass set of armour and giant ass weapon, and Epiales gets to ride a nightmare (mare, as in female horse, made of nightmares) and also have cool armour.
Why would Epiales be working for Kronos?
... I don't know <3
Maybe he's older than Hypnos and feels he should be the god of sleep. Beause nightmares are like. A part of sleep. And so he feels like the older sibling should be in charge of sleep, and the younger in charge of nightmares.
Idk I just want Hypnos to be doing something super cool and important in his sleep and to not just have Mel's mission to wake him up be a funny throwaway sidequest.
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cursedmagician · 5 months ago
✦ my predictions for act 2 tmrw... ✦
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original by freaky_blade on twitter and under the cut! ✮⋆˙
if you want to do this reblog with what you put in!! :D
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ii-meeple-confessions · 2 months ago
Not enough people have talked about the scene where mephone finially spoke up and told the shimmers to run, and how insane that was for his development. 
According to Brian, Mephone4 was completely aware that if he warned the shimmers, it would basically be a death sentence. He KNEW that cobs would kill him if he did so :-( This sacrifice was easily the bravest thing he’s done in the show.I think. 
And it’s really amazing to see this character who famously becomes easily paralized by fear, willingly risk throwing his life away in a situation where he’s probably more afraid than he’s ever been. 
Character development 🥹We love to see it
but also SO thankful he didn’t actually die because I think. i would have died also.💔
While it’s safe to say that mephone4 still has a LONG way to go, I still SUPER appreciate how far he’s come. From this apathetic, uncaring host to someone who genuinely cares and is willing to give up so much for those people he cares about. 
I hope he is able to continue to grow and improve and heal.He deserves it c: 
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bilaudad · 1 year ago
I just keep thinking about the Richard II kiss (you know the one) and of course, like everyone else here with stage IV good omens brainrot (with comorbid acute-on-chronic blorbosis) I’m picturing Crowley there. but the more I rotate it in my head -
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this would be such an Aziraphale kiss tbqh. Think about it - Crowley had his turn, for their first kiss, in the final fifteen, of being beyond what can be accomplished with words and launching himself at Aziraphale lips-first.(1) So narratively it’s Aziraphale’s turn to be in that role, and this kiss in particular has his character written all over it.
Especially this longer cut of it, where we see his breaths building before he goes for it (courtesy of this post):
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It speaks to a hunger, a breathless, naked want that’s too overwhelming to tame it into something more demure or polite or with anything like plausible deniability/pretense. Ox rib devourer type stuff.
1: and it was exquisite agony, I’ll have what I’m having, thank you
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condishawn-haver · 2 months ago
Dear ligthbrush nation let's make " just like me" our anthem
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puzzlevision · 5 months ago
thing i made yesterday
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