#ignoring an injury
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whumpster-dumpster · 1 year ago
Public servant-esque kind of whumpee that gets shot or otherwise injured in the line of duty (escorting some famous guy) but won't rest until the work is done ESPECIALLY if they can fight as well as if they were healthy. Bonus points if they literally get sorry that they get blood on the famous guy's belongings but not as the main thing people focus on "The sniper is on-*coughs blood and spills it on famous guy's clothes* sorry, sir, anyway, the sniper is on-"
Something so captivating about whumpees just degrading themselves or apologising profusely so casually sorry if this is long I'm on a random rant here
No need to apologize, I like your line of thinking!
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hobgoblinbard · 9 months ago
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All caught up on the latest episode & now I just have to be delulu for a month to stay sane :)
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Do you think that Andalites in general didn't know that injuries to your base body could be healed by morphing and that's why Elfangor didn't morph at the beginning of #1? And the Animorphs are simply doing Achievements in Ignorance?
This would explain so much about the way andalites use morphing (and don't) throughout the series. Like, #8 and #54 mention andalites with scars, and #18 implies that the T.O. thinks losing his tail is permanent. I love the idea that you have to intend morphing to heal your base form, and that if you don't specifically intend it then it won't happen.
So Rachel's ear piercings don't heal over, because she doesn't want them to (#32). Tobias's wing doesn't heal with a demorph, because he doesn't know how to make it happen (MM2). Asculan's missing an eye, apparently permanently, because he has no idea morphing could change that (#54). Mertil and Gafinilan are disabled because they believe the only alternative is nothliting (#40). And yeah, Elfangor dies because he assumes that morphing while that seriously injured would only serve to delay the inevitable (#1).
I love this idea. I'm incorporating this into my reality. Headcanon accepted.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year ago
It’s been done in every which way but Eddie being in an accident of some kind that leaves him paralyzed, but his doctors believe he could walk again with intense physical therapy
He’s stubborn and absolutely hasn’t dealt with any of the trauma of the accident and takes it out on his physical therapist, Steve, who is used to patients being pretty angry about their situation
He always meets Eddie where he is though, tries to keep a smile on his face and joke when appropriate and even shares his cookies from his lunchbox with him
Eventually, Eddie starts making some progress, but instead of being happy about it, he panics and cancels all his PT appointments for the week
Steve tries calling, texting, emailing, doing everything he can to encourage him to keep going, but it all goes unanswered until Gareth, one of Eddie’s closest friends, calls him on Eddie’s phone
He’s depressed and he won’t get out of bed, he’s given up. He’s tired of being in pain and having to try to so hard just to move his damn legs a little
Steve isn’t usually this personal with clients, and tells Gareth he can’t discuss anything medical with him due to patient confidentiality, but insists he should try to drag him to the office the next day before it opens
And somehow, probably through guilt, Gareth manages to wheel a very sullen and grumpy Eddie into the side door entrance to the office at seven in the morning
Steve tells him to come back in an hour to pick him up and Eddie ignores the goodbye Gareth says to him
And Steve pretends nothing is wrong at all, goes through the usual temperature and blood pressure check, asks how he’s feeling and gets a grunt in response, asks if there’s any pain and gets an eye roll
But Eddie met his match in Steve because Steve then pushes him to the center of the workout room, where a large mat is out and a walker is set to the side
“What’s that?”
“Your walker.”
“I don’t need one seeing as I can’t fucking walk.”
“You are today.”
And Steve knows he’s pushing and he hates being pushy
But he knows what his clients are capable of, and he knows without a single doubt in his mind that Eddie is ready to use the walker for five to ten minute increments. He has the leg strength and the stubbornness, he just needs the belief in himself
“Do you want me to hurt myself worse?”
“Of course not. And if you get tired, the seat on the walker is right there. But you can walk and you will walk.”
“And if I call Gareth to come get me right now?”
“Then I don’t believe my services are of value to you anymore and I’ll wish you the best.”
It pained Steve to say it because he knew he was fucking good at what he did, maybe the best in town. His clients often had to wait for his availability to open for weeks or months at a time because of how many people were referred to him
But he said the right thing because Eddie huffed, groaned, and cursed under his breath before wheeling himself to the edge of the mat to hold onto the walker
He pulled himself up
His legs were shaking from not being used for the last few days more than the bare minimum, but his determination was clear
Steve slowly pulled the chair away as Eddie unlocked the brakes of the walker and glared at Steve as he took one step, then two
Sure, he was relying pretty heavily on the walker, maybe more than Steve would’ve liked to see, but he was moving
He made it across the mat and then locked the brakes, sat down on the pad on the walker, and gave a sarcastic grin to Steve
“Are you?”
And maybe Eddie wasn’t ready to be asked that because he was suddenly sobbing, covering his face as tears flowed down his cheeks
Steve gave him a few seconds before moving to kneel in front of him, pulling his hands away
“You deserve to have your life back, Eddie. You’ve been lucky to have the chance to walk again. Let’s not waste it, okay?”
Eddie spent the rest of the session walking across the mat and taking breaks every two minutes or so
It was better than Steve even expected, but he reminded Eddie not to do too much at once
Eddie didn’t miss any more appointments with Steve, and every appointment, he seemed to be more charming and flirty, more like “the old Eddie” according to Gareth, who drove him most days
Steve never admitted it out loud, but he knew what he felt for Eddie was different from other clients. It felt more personal, and it felt like it could be more someday
When Eddie graduated to a cane, Steve’s services were officially no longer needed
And Eddie decided that he should probably take Steve out on a date
“Since I can walk and hold your hand now,” he winked.
Steve should say no, but he doesn’t
Because holding Eddie’s hand feels even more right as his boyfriend than it did as his physical therapist
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wolfziedraws · 10 months ago
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Don't call me prince
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spooksicl-e · 1 year ago
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new year, old john watson doodles^^
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sporeclan · 1 year ago
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Love in the air, blood on the soil
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gh0stsblogs · 1 year ago
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young Tobs n EJ
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wolfsbane-and-nettles · 3 months ago
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‘Thorin looked down at his One, and he saw how the only red in Bilbo’s cheeks were from his wounds. He was pale and sallow, and unmoving. He looked dead already. The sight was enough to encourage Thorin to get Bilbo out of the mountain. If others needed to touch him to heal him, so be it…but he would not leave his One’s side.’
‘Chosen Horizons’
Chapter 39: My One. My only. My Precious
Not gonna lie, I’m pretty happy with how this came out. I’m just trying to enjoy myself with my art right now, and not focus on making anything good necessarily…just enjoying the process… :3
TW: Blood/Injuries under the break
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chipsoapart · 18 days ago
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Prompt by @thewisaaaaad
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cherrysnax · 1 year ago
I hate asking but I can’t draw due to chronic pain and my gfs last job literally made them develop asthma and we are very desperate right now. we’ve been surviving off of my gfs last paycheck and my savings and making it stretch but we just can’t anymore
we are two black disabled lesbians in a household of 6. we don’t have many groceries and our main priority is my little brother, my cat and my grandma. my gf is trying to get a job but is currently facing employment discrimination and is getting ghosted and rejected constantly. atm I’m STILL waiting to speak to a doctor because my chronic pain is making it to where I can’t stand or hold anything heavier than a drawing without significant difficulty.
usually I would offer commissions but I’m in too much pain to draw, I’m sorry. I just wanna be able to get some groceries
my PayPal is here
my cashapp is https://cash.app/$silvertheestallion and my gfs is $Peachjammn
my Venmo is @cherryadventure2
thank you for reading
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transmasccofee · 2 years ago
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im not ok i will never be normal about this guy again happy disability month
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lesbiansforrosemary · 17 days ago
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more liab fanart ? (@ssreeder) last chapter was so good IM SO NERVOUS FOR THE NEXT ONE AHHH
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milolovesbmc · 5 months ago
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“You know where to find me… and I know where to look”
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 1 year ago
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quite simply character of all time to me i keep coming back to doing screenshot redraws of Shiro in fall of the castle of lions & tears of the balmera. episodes of all time to me no notes.
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metaname · 2 years ago
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another another oc of mine
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