mrsacko-potatoes · 1 year
Victory and Potatoes
Within minutes, I rigged the wires to draw electricity from my bag of potatoes, and Pepper submitted her work. As the page loaded, the lights turned back on and Dr. Gradepocolypse pledged his revenge over the intercom.
“You know, not many people know that potatoes carry electricity,” I said flirtatiously. “I think we make a good team. Best spuds even.”
“Agreed,” Pepper replied with a smirk. “Say, how’d you get that bag?”
“A genie gave me a wish,” I said.
“And you made a great wish,” Pepper said, grabbing hold of my arm. “Thanks for everything. I truly thought I was mashed potatoes back there.”
“Oh, it was easy, babe. Dr. Gradepocolypse was small potatoes.”
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mrsacko-potatoes · 1 year
It's Always Darkest Before the Dawn
“Hey,” I whispered, calming the girl. “I’m Mr. Sack o’Potatoes from SHO. Who are you?”
“P-Pepper,” she said. “The computer died and-”
“Do you have a cell phone?” I asked.
“Oh, my work is on the cloud,” Pepper said, pulling out her phone. “We could-”
“There’s no time!” I mashed her phone and stripped the wires. “Trust me.”
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mrsacko-potatoes · 1 year
Dr. Gradepocolypse vs Mr. Sack o'Potatoes
It was 11:50 PM. The class project was due in nine minutes, but it was hard for me to focus while working next to the beautiful girl. Her project was also almost finished, but a voice rang over the intercom.
“Good evening,” Dr. Gradepocolypse croaked. “To punish procrastinators, I will be cutting power to Metroville City! At midnight, my freeze ray with freeze your grades! If one student submits their work, I’ll consider myself defeated. Good luck!”
And then, the power was cut. The girl’s computer died. Panic ensued.
I pulled my bag of infinite potatoes closer. I wasn’t going to sit idly by like a couch potato – I was a member of the Super Hero Organization, and I was going to help.
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