#ignore me and this gifset lol
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nanihirunkits · 8 months ago
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How about we... have a change in scenery?
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theforgottengreatpoem · 2 months ago
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"Maybe if I work real hard, I could be a Tornado Wrangler too."
-Twisters (2024)
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sillyabtmusic · 11 months ago
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(240321) Intro : Crush + BBB - Swan
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dellamortte · 3 months ago
can’t stop thinking about lucanis dellamorte…….. i am completely and utterly besotted with him…. so in love with my babygorl
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monorayjak · 2 years ago
I've not seen this movie, and don't plan on seeing it in all honesty (open to it though because it looks like it could actually be funny to me, but it's 50/50) but from what I've seen so far through stuff like this is that these two share like 3 braincells and Barbie has then most of the time (I'm honestly assuming that's her name actually, I feel like I've seen things with her called that but I honestly can't remember.... having an awful memory and adhd is fun)
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cal-kestis · 1 year ago
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HOW TO: Do A Crystallize Gif Transition
Hi! I was asked to explain how I did the transition effect in this gifset, so here's a quick tutorial! Disclaimer: This tutorial assumes you have an intermediate understanding of gif-making in Photoshop using Video Timeline and requires the use of keyframes.
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1.1 – Determine how many frames you need. Since you need at least 2 scenes for a transition, consider limiting the amount of frames you'll use per scene. For a transition between 2 scenes that's 540x540px, I would recommend no more than 30 frames per scene (for a final gif that's 60 frames). Even that may be pushing it depending on your coloring. Just be sure to consider the dimensions and colors of your gifs in relation to the amount of frames to keep your final gif under Tumblr's 10MB limit.
1.2 – Import frames, crop, resize, convert to smart object for Video Timeline, color, blend, etc. Do this as you normally would! If you need a tutorial for the basics, here's my tutorial. :) Please note, the methods in this tutorial only work with gifs that are converted into smart objects in the Video Timeline workspace.
Tip A: I recommend using scenes where there's a lot of one color (or scenes where you can manipulate it to look like that). The crystallize filter on a gif creates A LOT of movement that can feel a bit chaotic. Having your gif be primarily one color reduces the eye strain a bit imo.
Tip B: I like how this effect looks with blended scenes because it allows me to use different "crystal" sizes (more on this in Step 2.2). Check out the USERGIF Resource Directory for plenty of blending tutorials!
1.3 – Move all your gifs into one document, group into folders, and arrange. Once everything's in one doc, keep everything organized in a group folder! I have just two scenes, so that's Folder 1 & 2. Within those folders are the gifs I blended, which I labeled by gif color. Then, simply drag Folder 2 so it continues right after Folder 1. (Make sure none of your adjustment layers from Folder 2 accidentally affect Folder 1! You can do this by clipping your adjustment layers to match the length of the gif as I did, or using clipping masks.)
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(Ignore that lone Hue/Saturation layer lol. I decided last-minute that I wanted my gif to lean more pink than red.)
2.1 – Duplicate each scene. We're going to use opacity keyframe animations on these duplicated scenes that allow it to go from "normal" to "effect" and vice versa. The filters will only be applied to the duplicates. In the screenshot below, all of my duplicates are highlighted:
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2.2 – Apply the Crystallize Filter. Above your sharpening settings, apply this filter by going to Filter → Pixelate → Crystallize. On the pink gifs, I made the crystals bigger (cell size: 45), and on the black and white gifs, I did a cell size of 25.
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The different sizes help break up the uniformity of the crystals imo, creating more of a mosaic-like look, which is what I wanted to match my gifset concept.
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2.3 – Apply the Oil Paint Filter (Optional). Filter > Stylize > Oil Paint. Here are my settings (they're the same for both crystal cell sizes):
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Brush – Stylization: 0.1, Cleanliness: 8.6, Scale: 0.1, Bristle Detail: 0.3 Lighting – Angle: -60, Shine: 0.7
This filter helps soften the cells a bit while adding some texture (left: no oil paint; right: with oil paint):
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2.4 – Repeat steps 2.2 & 2.3 on all duplicated scenes.
3.1 – Add opacity keyframes. The very start and end of each scene needs an opacity keyframe set to 100% opacity. Move 0.09 seconds from each of those points, and place another opacity keyframe, this time set to 0% opacity. We're basically making the crystals fade in and out. Please reference the screenshot below for keyframe placement:
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If you need more info on opacity keyframes, check out Phase 2 from this fade transition tutorial I did on usergif.
3.2 – Repeat step 3.1 on all duplicated scenes. All the keyframes in Folder 1 should line up exactly and all the keyframes in Folder 2 should line up exactly!
4.1 – Convert back to Frame Animation. If you're not sure how to do this, I've written out the steps here. I rec the action linked in my general gif tutorial which I shared earlier!
4.2 – Delete duplicate frames. Whenever you use keyframe animations, you'll get duplicate frames. That's just how it works, unfortunately. If you follow my steps exactly (specifically the 0.09-second spacing, which follows my tried-and-true 0.03-second rule), you'll have a total of 12 duplicate frames exactly — 3 duplicates per keyframe section. Just manually delete them! You can spot the duplicates by eye, but with this spacing, it's usually the 2nd, 5th, and 8th frame for each transition section. The selected frames below were my duplicates:
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If you want to learn more about why there are duplicates and the math behind it all, I explained it in more detail in this ask.
4.3 – Export and you're done!
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I hope this tutorial helps! Let me know if you have any questions :)
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serailovesbagelsetc · 2 months ago
(Posting this separately because the post was becoming too long with my reblog of the gifset)
Okay this possibility just occurred to me so hear me out!!
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This scene of Galadriel and Halbrand heading towards their horses is the first time in the series that we’ve seen Halbrand walk ahead of Galadriel! He also looks like his head is going to burst with how big it’s getting seeing all these people bowing to him and I wish it had actually. Before now, Halbrand has always been shown walking/riding behind her! (I’m pretty sure, at least-please ignore me if I’m wrong)
And Theo! The style in which he offers Galadriel the sword is very “swearing fealty”. The only difference is that he isn’t taking a knee-BUT! he’s on the ground while she’s on a horse, so he’s still lower than her- just like he would be if he had been taking a knee.
This, and the stink-eye “King Halbrand” (lol as if) is giving him-adding to it the fact that Sauron is a vengeful little shit-is making me think neither him nor Theo are done with each other. Some type of reckoning is on the horizon for these two, and it seems Theo has already chosen sides. I hope he whoops Sauron’s ass somehow.
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96z · 7 months ago
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this is a bit late, about 9 months and 300 more followers late to be exact, but i didn't feel right ignoring the milestone and not extending my thank yous to every last person who helped me reach it ♡ i have been creating on tumblr since september 2022, and in that time i've taken 2 hiatuses that were about 5-7 months long each... and you guys stuck around in spite of that. i've always been shocked by the idea that my little part of tumblr was important enough for anyone to wait around for. for that, i thank you <3
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how are we celebrating? my ask box is open: you have three options!
you can send me a make me choose prompt and i will create a gifset based on my choice (for example: black hair joshua or red hair joshua)?
you can send me an idol + era request (any idol except for the ones mentioned on my pin).
you can send a 'favorite' prompt (for example: my favorite bg music video?) and i will create a gifset based on it.
you are more than welcome to send the ask on anonymous; just keep an eye out for my answer! there is no limit on the amount of asks you can send, i only ask that you be patient with me! i have other things to do including a crazy baby to tend to ♡
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now for me to get sappy: shout out to my beloved follow forever.
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thank you to my longtime mutuals, including but not limited to: zaynab @hansjisung my very first mutual. @bandzboy my second mutual and the sweetest soul. @soonhoonsol who i love to see on the dash. @aceofvernons who is soooo normal. @seokmins who i miss dearly and was so kind to me when i first got here. and @wnjunhui , fellow huihui and occasional enabler of my delusions <3
and my lovely friends who i met last year. the jeongjan from twice loveclub, @ajusnice @kiimtaehyung @scouped @twiceland (and zay and mery again LOL) | i had the most fun with you guys last year when life was pretty tough. we shared the greatest laughs and the most ridiculous moments (sos is an english song?) and i am forever appreciative. my kpopcc family, too, including @lesseraive @pantropikos @taetheists @woozification and many, many more.
my newest mutuals, @taeraenomuyeppeo, @chwedout @minkwan @wonboos @bellamyblakru @jnwonwoos @fairyhaos and probably a shit ton more that i can't currently remember.
the people whose presence on this stupid site makes me so happy, @ashmp3 @taeiltual @seungkwan-s @leetaehwan @facethesuns @vcrnons @jeonsupershy @jeonwon-wonwoo @eoieopda @jeongtokkie @97-liners @dinotual @junmail @kimsmingyu and about a dozen others who i'll kick myself for forgetting later.
thank you for sticking around despite my inconsistency. you guys mean so much to me. even if we never talk, or talk very little, know and trust that i appreciate you and that you are so special to me.
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scoobydoodean · 6 months ago
i’d like you to know you’ve made me much more of a bitter deangirl when it comes to the trap. like i still love the idea of it, of them reconnecting in purgatory of all places, and i still like the idea of lots of what dean says re: should’ve asked cas to stay and i forgive you and talking *about* his anger, but… dean had a right to be angry, including at cas. and yeah it’s good that dean apologized, for the sake of healthy communication cause that’s what you do when you’ve said hurtful things in an argument regardless of who’s “right”, but cas also should’ve apologized again. in fact, i can’t remember so i could be completely misremembering, but does cas ever actually apologize to dean beyond expressing the sentiment of feeling bad that mary died?
and i’m also thinking about the conversation they have before being separated. i like the angst of cas’s line re: i left but you didn’t stop me, but again, dean was not the only one in that argument. to leave was very much cas’s choice, and it feels kinda unfair to put that on dean, regardless of whether dean saying smth would’ve actually gotten cas to stay (which, to dean, probably would’ve seemed unlikely given cas’s past habits). and also, cas saying dean couldn’t move on, that’s actually fucking heartbreaking and almost… cruel. iirc it’d been at most a couple weeks since his mom (his mom!) had been killed!! plus dean never got to say goodbye, again!! of course he couldn’t just move on!
idk idk… anyway i believe i’ve sent an ask about your opinions on the trap before lol, and sorry about this long ass message, but i recently saw a gifset about that conversation (before being attacked) and all the notes were like ‘yes cas you tell him!’ ‘dean needed to hear that!’ ‘finally got dean’s head out of his ass!’ and it kinda made me annoyed for dean which. brainrot. but whatever. bitter deangirls unite, dean deserves the support 😭😭
LMAO sorry for my tumblr arc culminating in me turning full bitter deangirl ig and taking some of you down with me (I'm not sorry actually I'm having a ball in this bitch).
Cas's attempts at apologies are cataloged here. So he does try to apologize. But how many times has Cas been "sorry" only to do the thing he apologized for again? I mean the fact that he keeps "apologizing" for lack of communication and unilateral decisions over things that impact other people besides him and secret deals that blow up in all of their faces over and over and over and over shows that he is... not actually that sorry? Because if you're actually sorry, you actually change your behavior. Except Cas thinks "getting a win" (while actively digging a deeper hole in his relationship with Dean) is the way to "apologize" and make everything better instead of just... changing his behavior. And whatever his latest big plan to fix everything is never works and instead actively makes his relationships and his own self esteem worse. From the outside perspective, what Cas is doing (apologizing then doing the thing he just apologized for again) is just kind of... the ultimate way of telling a person you claim to love that their feelings actually have very little value to you. I mean Cas would be horrified by the idea that he doesn't actually value Dean's feelings, but what conclusion is Dean supposed to come to? Is it any wonder that Dean is perpetually confused about what exactly Cas thinks of their relationship? Is it any wonder that he reached a point where he couldn't stand to hear one more of Cas's meaningless apologies? To maintain any semblance of a relationship with Cas, Dean has to focus on what he feels about Cas's intentions (intentions Dean has always had faith in being good) but that faith and care increasingly forces him to ignore aspects of their relationship that are deeply hurtful because Cas refuses to do his part in addressing their issues in any meaningful way. It's just a vicious cycle of Dean trying to communicate that their lack of communication is upsetting and Cas pretending to listen and apologizing but clearly not actually listening or understanding the gravity of the situation and how it is slowly building a rift between them over years (with perhaps the most striking and hurtful example being The Future) until the secret over soulless Jack becomes "the straw that broke the camel's back" and Dean absolutely explodes at the end of season 14... and then... still... Cas's secrets remain—to the bitter fucking end.
Also yeah tbh Cas's "I left but you didn't stop me" makes my eyes roll so hard. Painfully stupid dialogue with unpleasant (though likely unintentional) implications (as linked in thread above).
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twig-tea · 1 year ago
Communication styles, mirroring, and new relationship growing pains in Cooking Crush
In Cooking Crush ep7 we get a lot of really cute moments and really wonderful plot arcs that fly in the face of BL tropes (Nobly ghosting your crush because you think their life is better without you? Breaking up rather than simply agreeing to take time apart to focus or be in different places? Not clarifying your feelings? Making assumptions about your partner's physical comfort levels? Ten said not today, Satan!).
And! We also got a lot of more subtle goodness that I want to take a second to highlight around the feeling out of their relationship that happens between Ten and Prem in this episode. They each try out ways of showing affection, and of communicating, and it sometimes lands and sometimes doesn't, and they also take turns trying out one another's methods on each other! They slowly start to use more of each other's styles, and they get better and better at understanding one another as a result. I'm mildly obsessed, so let's break it down.
First, after Ten blocks Prem from leaving (communicating that he needs an explanation--first with his actions and then with words), we get Prem trying out the cute nuzzle-y apology in the grocery store, and then going in for a peck kiss (and Ten meeting him immediately and then getting flustered, loved this!). This was such a good moment because Prem uses the kiss in place of words, to indicate his feelings (he says "do you know now? you're not the only one" but doesn't specify he's talking about his feelings). This theme comes back in the episode later.
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[gif by @gunsatthaphan; full set here]
At the cafe, Ten lies about having eaten and then not having eaten to appease Prem, and Prem immediately noticing and pinching him about it--this white lie for Prem's peace of mind clearly did not land well.
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And then Ten tries to make up with him by mirroring the way Prem did to him in the grocery store (the cute nuzzling). And this seems to land better; Prem eventually gets flustered but tells him it was cute. And then Ten goes to get Prem food, because feeding one another is already an established-effective form of communication for them. Ten comes back and makes a really cheesy pun about sweet food/soulmates and it does not land and he sits a bit ashamedly back down.
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[Ignore the two caption formatting styles, that was me being too lazy to go back to WeTV but wanting more screenshots so getting them from YouTube.]
He tries physical touch again instead, by reaching out with his foot. And again, it doesn't land, Prem confusedly asks him what he's doing. And then Prem accidentally (?) reciprocates--awkwardly because he doesn't really get it. And so Ten explains that this was supposed to be a signal that they should kiss some more. He decides to use words, and this works! Prem nods and goes with him to make out against some very unstable bookshelves lol
Ten asks Prem if he wants to continue--using words because that's what has worked best so far--and Prem gives him the green light nod again.
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And so they try again, and again get interrupted, and Ten gives up. But this time Prem uses Ten's method--words--to ask if he wants to continue, and Ten gives him the green-light nod back! Again, they continue to mirror one another's styles of communication when they see it works.
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[Both this and the previous gif above done by @tenprems, with full gifset of this exchange and the mirrored nods available here]
This next tiny moment was cut from the YouTube version, but in the car, Prem gives Ten another one of the now-established-as-effective green light nods before jumping into his lap lol Loved these continuous check-ins and establishing of mutual interest!
Back in the cafe after giving up on making out--and how much do I love the frustration about not just being able to kiss all the time, and not having a good place to go because they both live with their families, this was so relatable--Ten says his feelings outright (this is the Ten way) and tries cuddling in again, because Prem said he thought it was cute before, and Prem responds positively by verbally saying he feels the same, which gets Ten to pop back up in excitement because this is the first time Prem has said aloud he has feelings!
I love this moment that follows because it establishes just how differently the two of them think about communication. Ten, until now, was unsure about Prem's feelings because Prem never said them aloud. Now that he has, Ten takes that as a signal to ask if they can move to the talking/hitting-on stage. Prem looks at him like he's ridiculous, because they just made out in three separate locations lol and points out that obviously they're already past that stage. To Prem, his actions should have been clear enough to communicate enough of his feelings to Ten. Again, like in the grocery store, Prem thinks actions are explicit and clear, while Ten finds them ambiguous and wants clear and explicit words. And as they continue testing and mirroring communication methods on these dates, Prem starts to use more words and Ten uses more actions, and they understand one another better.
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[gif by @gunsatthaphan full set here]
Later in the episode, Prem brings Ten food, because as mentioned this is an established as effective communication method for them. He overhears the fight with Ten and his father, and leaves, because that conversation underscored his worst fears about his relationship with Ten--that he'd make Ten's life worse by being in it. Prem defaults back to his usual methods of communication--avoidance and action--and Ten holds him back and uses his words to describe his feelings. And Prem goes back to meeting him halfway and responds with words! He explains exactly how he feels to Ten.
And in response, Ten goes for action to comfort Prem--he knows this speaks to Prem more by this point.
And then he goes back to words and explains his plan to Prem to stay apart for now so that they can be together in future. Later, Prem runs into Ten at the cafe, and goes to touch him--again, action being his primary language of communication. He goes to leave and Ten asks him to stay, and explains with words that he'll be out of town for the mid-semester break. He asks Prem for a lunchbox for the trip--again, asking for their tried-and-true food in order to get reassurance of Prem's feelings for while they're apart. And Prem, in response, uses his words to confirm that he knows he's in Ten's heart. He then asks Ten for physical affection in return ("recharge my battery").
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I love this moment in particular because it does three things:
Establishes that Prem is more interested in Ten's love than his money
Combines their communication styles by both being physical and verbal since Prem explained verbally that this hug was important to him
Confirms in Prem's style (non-verbal communication) that he's still open to physical affection even given their slightly ambiguous status.
And Ten immediately acknolwedges receipt of this message by kissing Prem--again using Prem's preferred communication method and mirroring his actions in the grocery store at the start of the episode--and then following it up with a verbal explanation (because he's Ten).
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In the final scene of the episode, Prem brings Ten the food as promised, but explains he also included a written note with the food (more explicit communication!). And Ten responds to that by offering a hug. Every time one of them tries to meet the other halfway, the other does too, and it gives me LIFE.
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Prem pulls away, and Ten checks in verbally, but Prem doesn't run off like usual. He stays to explain, because he's learned now that Ten needs that verbal reassurance around what's going on with him. And Ten responds physically, by wiping away Prem's tears.
He then tries this cheesy thing with the glasses as a metaphor, and it does not land, Prem is too practical.
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[gif by @gunsatthaphan, full set here]
But he does make another metaphor about seeing only him--again, meeting Ten halfway. And then he tries to make a joke about how he, Prem, would flirt around while Ten is away, and again it does not land lol. He immediately backtracks and instead makes a cheesy pun, mirroring the one that Ten made in the cafe that did not land at all for Prem, and for Ten it clearly lands, he looks quietly really charmed by this. I loved this so much, there's something extra sweet about someone who hates puns making a pun for you because they know you love them.
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And then Prem says explicitly and clearly in words, "I promise I will wait for you".
Ten starts his journey and opens the lunchbox, and reads the note from Prem. Unlike the previous (often partially failed) attempts that Prem has made to communicate his feelings through food without explaining what he was trying to say (I'm thinking of when he made that lunchbox full of things that turned out to be food Ten doesn't like, or when he made all of Ten's favourite foods and brought it to school pretending it was leftovers but the fact that Ten had read Prem's deleted text message made Ten understand that it was actually for him), this time Prem has explained with words exactly what he was trying to express with his choice in food.
These forays into feeling out one another's communication styles, styles of humour, finding one another's hard lines (don't lie to make me feel better; don't joke about cheating on me) and just getting a sense of what works and what the other needs, this is bread and butter early relationship stuff, and the show is quietly depicting it so well. I had such a great time watching Ten and Prem not just fall in love, but learn how to effectively be in a relationship with each other this episode!
Huge thanks to the giffers @gunsatthaphan and @tenprems being fast enough to make gifs that I could include in this meta! If anyone gifs any of these other scenes I described, especially the battery recharge and Ten popping up excitedly hearing Prem use his words, please tag me!~
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mutipede · 5 days ago
Alright I think the pettiest reason I've started blocking people is "they're the OP on gifsets that slow down my phone, and are from shows and movies that I have never seen or don't care about, and when I go look at their blog it's all stuff that I have no interest in, and looks like they wouldn't be interested in anything I post either, so neither of us would be missing out if we never encounter each other"
This site needs an ignore function lol I don't care if they interact with me and I feel no animosity I just prefer to not see their stuff!
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rahleeyah · 1 month ago
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I love your take on things so I gotta ask: why do you think she’s sad or that she looks sad? Obviously she is still reeling from what just happened with Noah.
This is about the gifset from the end of gone baby gone when the squad is gathered together at Liv's place with Noah and everyone looks very happy and leave it to Beaver-esque and Liv is standing up, apart from everyone else, observing them interacting with her son with a decidedly melancholy expression on her face.
I think there's a number of reasons why she might look so sad in this moment so let's dig in thank you so much for asking 🩷
So they're home. Finally. She can breathe. She got her boy back and Sheila can't touch him again. That's a victory.
It is also a staggering, stunning defeat for her.
Olivia was afraid to trust Sheila, but she desperately wanted her son to have a family, to have a grandmother, for her to have a family, a relationship with another woman who cared so much for Noah. She wanted a family for her son so badly that she ignored her instincts. She didn't want her instincts to be right. She didn't want her years of experience on the job to warp her interactions with other people; she just wanted to love and be loved.
But her instincts were right and Sheila tried to take Noah from her. Almost did.
In the gifset, Olivia has her son back. But she also knows that he will never have the kind of family she thinks he deserves, and she knows that she was right. That the world is dark and scary and out to get her. That she doesn't ever get to win this battle. She doesn't get the happy family she's always dreamed of.
But she's got the squad. There's four people and two kids in her living room, and they're there bc they love her, and they love Noah. That's like a family! It's better than family, sometimes!
But in an hour or two they're going to leave and the apartment is going to be very very quiet and it is just going to be Olivia and Noah on their own again.
And she's got to be remembering every awful thing Sheila said.
Something that's always struck me as interesting about the fight with Sheila is that Sheila makes all this noise about how Noah isn't Olivia's by blood, it's just a piece of paper, Liv can just pick a different kid but this one is Sheila's. And Liv fights back, of course she does, but she never once says no this one is mine. She doesn't say I'm the one who stayed up all night with him, I'm the one who took him to the hospital when he was sick, I'm the one he comes to when he's scared, I have poured my blood sweat and tears into this child and I love him and he is mine. Nothing like any of those sentiments ever comes out of her mouth!!
And I've always wondered; why is that? Is it just that they only get 45 minutes an episode and there wasn't enough time for a bunch of lines from Olivia defending herself? Is it just that that's supposed to be so obvious it doesn't need to be said? Maybe.
But on a meta level, is it perhaps bc Olivia thinks Sheila is right? That sure loves her son, desperately, with everything she has, and would rather die herself than lose him, but she still believes that he isn't really hers? By that I mean - does she believe she doesn't really deserve him? That he belongs with a real family, a family who can give him everything she can't? Is there a part of her that still worries he can be taken from her at any time, like Calvin, bc he's not hers? Bc beautiful things aren't meant for her, are they? In the park with Tucker, she cries bc she's happy and she knows it won't last. That is who Olivia is. In the gifset, in that moment, is she looking at her son wondering when she's going to lose him for real? Believing that she eventually must?
I don't know! But there sure is a lot going on there lol
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researchgate · 3 months ago
introductory post [forever wip]
so, I have this blog for like over 5 years now, and I've been on Tumblr for like 10 years (I moved blogs several times lol). Maybe it's time I introduced myself a little.
— you can call me offi
— I'm Jewish
— 23
— language enthusiast but suck at them
— tagging aficionado**
— heterosexual
— I'm not really a radfem, because I think feminism requires activism of some sort, and I honestly am not yet in a place I can do any impactful activism.
— I used to be somewhat known in certain spn circles as a broccoli enthusiast. One of my favorite bloggers made a special gifset for me with broccoli. supernatural truly has a gif for everything.
— I was known in the men's soccer (football) fandom for my tagging system. Or maybe it was also the supernatural fandom? Idr. I love tagging, not just comments but also the content, so I can find it later. I always dreamt of having a navgation page when these were a thing.
— my blog title "he's got a *COUCH* bro" — first year of uni. I'm existing the building trying to mind my own business but cannot ignore the two guys walking just a bit ahead of me talking. I can't catch anything until one exclaims (probably about a friend) "he's got a COUCH, bro!" [Putting this here so that I remember that was my title when I change it]
DNI: Idrc who interacts, it's not like ppl interact with most of my original posts anyway 🤧
** I do need to edit my tags though
selected tags [wip]
my posts (all) · asks (all) ·
not feminism (all);
Humor · memes · languages [German · Hebrew · English · French · Arabic]· health and environment · linguistics · supernatural [dean winchester] · harry potter · sports [soccer · women's soccer · men's soccer · ] · guyposting [Jared Celma · Luigi Mangione · men] · personal [uni life] ·
feminism (all):
misogyny · rape · prostitution · pornography · violence against women · violence against girls · men in women's sports · men in female spaces · beauty industry · pedophilia · male degeneracy · awful moids · abortions · reproductive health · medical misogyny · j.k. Rowling other · feminism adjacent
— —
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oflgtfol · 2 years ago
ok im home now i have to say from the visuals alone the whole time i was watching it i was like. god damn this is what star wars could be. like the choreography and the color grading and the cinematography it all felt so carefully chosen and selected and just so… NEAT and DELIBERATE, in a way that makes star wars, particularly the disney+ shows, look even messier than i already knew they were. and on one hand i mean i get it a tv show will have a smaller budget than a blockbuster film like this but its still like. fucking imagine if the fight scenes in like, kenobi, had the same gravitas and weight as the fight scenes in this movie. instead we get dull color grading, dark scenes that are so dark you cannot fucking see ANYTHING, underwhelming scores, underwhelming to outright cringy fight choreography, its just. imagine what it could be. watching john wick 4 all i could think of was, man, things could be so much better if they were like this
i watched john wick 4 earlier i have never seen a john wick movie before i have many thoughts about literally anything other than the plot but im in the middle of something rn so i cant say much but i will summarize to say: one of the best fucking movie soundtracks i have ever experiences, such epic color grading and cinematography, epic fight choreography, overall really fun to watch with my eyes i wasnt really paying attention with my brain but it was so good for my eyes and ears that it was a great movie for that alone
#the scenes were DARK but yoy could still SEE WTF WAS HAPPENING !!#and the COLOR CHOICES !! i cannot stress enough#im so sad theres no gifsets yet bc the colors are just GORGEOUS#almost every scene has complementary colored lighting and its just. its so fucking pretty#the whole sword fight at the end of the osaka sequence was just so gorgeous it was so gorgeous#and the music slapped but they still had the restraint to have important moments that were just. absolute silence#man i cannot relay the plot or any of the characters back to you but it was a spectacle for the senses#and the fucking gunfights had such weight to them even just in the sound effects alone#normally gunfights in action dont do it for me bc its just like. Whatever. but christ not this movie !#i guess this also goes bc it was a theater experience#but like with the bass of the sound effects i could literally FEEL the vibrations of the action as it happened on screen#the gunshots the punches its like holy shit these have IMPACT#idk. sorry. ranting and raving. it was a spectacle for the senses#again i cant even say if the plot was good or bad or anything bc i didnt care for it#plus i never saw john wicks 1 2 or 3 i went into this movie completely ignorant#so i had little idea of what was happening i was just along for the ride#brot posts#my friend asked me to see it with her bc she doesnt have a car and so she was bribing me to take her basically lol#which like im always down for a movie so i was like alright i’ll go
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after-nine-at-the-oasis · 4 months ago
And now, it's time.
Day 5: Happy 5 Year Anniversary!
Wow. 5 years. I honestly can't believe that. Oh my GOSH that's long o.o. I went :O when I saw that when seeing advertising for the week.
I love this show so much (ignore me posting and editing to get it here before midnight for me lol). It's absolutely insane how long it's been. I started watching late in November, I believe, maaaaybe early December. We'd talked about getting Disney+, and I knew my family would find it silly but I was intrigued by a show called High School Musical: The Musical: The Series. A crazy title and a weird premise. I said I was just curious, fascinated by it, wondering what it would be like. So, one evening, my sister and I watched it.
We watched the first four episodes and laughed and made fun of it the whole time. But, miraculously, I found myself invested.
And the next episode.
In Season 1 Episode 5, they brought Seb and Carlos to us as a couple. I was shocked and happy, and honestly a little confused. I didn't know I was queer yet. I knew what queer was, had found out from my sibling surrounding some family stuff, but I'd never seen canon queer characters before. I guess I knew I was an ally, even if I didn't totally get why, but it was just so cool to see them. I honestly felt kind of weird because what did two gay high school boys mean to me, I was a straight girl!
It wouldn't be for a couple more years that I would realize I was queer. I too fell victim to the "yeah, but I'm just an ally" trap lol. But I seriously fell in love with them. I remember my sibling and I loving how cute Carlos's little dance was, how excited he was. How devastated and in denial we were when Seb didn't show up. And how much we loved it when Carlos danced, and when Seb did show up :').
That solidified the show for me. That made me stay. They made me stay. They've meant the world to me ever since.
And since then, I have seen 33 amazing, wonderful episodes (just like the 5 before them lol). I've been angry, I've been sad, I've been in awe, I've been happy. I've seen myself represented not just in queer characters, but in theatre kids. In kids who are lonely and find family there. In kids who lived in a shadow, who were shy, who were thrust in and trusted by their teacher and director.
This show is silly. It does silly things, it has silly performances, it has silly jokes, silly unlikely things happen, and it's a silly premise. But I absolutely love it. I realized one day, after having seen someone mention "the One show that changed them forever", that mine was High School Musical The Musical The Series. Sounds silly, and I had to think about some of my more recent shows to figure it out. But it is. I remember scrolling through the tag, searching Seblos, before I even made a Tumblr account. Seeing things first after the finale of Season 1, deleted scenes pictures of Carlos giving Seb flowers. So many important moments for me were taken alongside step with HSMTMTS. Even though I barely post about it anymore (because so many interests catch my attention and I don't usually have much to say about it off the top of my head), it's still the 4th top "Posts a lot about" when you go to search on my blog. I think that says something. And I'm proud of it.
I haven't had a lot of interaction with the fandom during my time here, especially while the show was still running (and because I mainly stay in the Seblos tag, especially with remembering scrolling through all the Driver's License stuff before and when it first came out lol), but everyone means so much to me. Especially everyone still posting, still creating now. The fanfics, the art, the edits, and gifsets, everything is so important to me, and everything else. Thank you all <3. And thank you, when I did come, for being such an accepting place (at least the places I went to). Thank you guys for sticking around through this show, and even for just being here for a little while. Thanks for sticking with me, those that have :). And the friends I've made from this fandom and this show - you mean the world to me <3. Thank you all so much for everything you've done, everything that's made this show even more enjoyable :'). I love you all so much ❤️.
I love High School Musical: The Musical: The Series. And I'm proud and happy I do :).
Happy 5 Year Anniversary 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥰🥰🎊🎊🎉🎉🎂🎂🎂!!!!
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gojuo · 6 months ago
omg im that person who sent you an ask like months ago about how I was catelyn and Robb trash before I became aegon and alicent trash. You've been one of the few hotd blogs I can stand because woahh why is this fandom so pleased with mediocre nonsensical work???
Reading your thoughts on each episode was healing because it was like FINALLY, AN INTELLECTUAL, and even though I never fully read the books (yet), the show pissed me off so much (and I have a twin bro who loves it *sigh*)
Anyway, I just discovered that you used to be an aot fan because I stumbled upon an old gifset you made, and YOU'RE AN EREN FAN TOO? Like being a fan of Eren post finale is so bad because all the content creators and meta writers just do not understand my boy. So, this just me fangerling over this lol.
Lastly.....I had a couple friends who only watched the show, but haven't read the manga practically beg me to give jujutsu kaisen a chance. Seeing your blog posts have made me hesitate. Would you recommend? T-T
thank you, and im sleep deprived, so that might explain the atrocious grammar.
OH AND, THAT GRRM BLOG POST. I AM SO GLAD HE SAID SOMETHING. Everyone calling him whiny or unprofessional can stfu. It's his work. His art. I'm glad there are those defending him. Because the nonsense being pulled isn't acceptable.
Omg thank you for the compliments that's literally soooo sweet I really don't think my takes are all that so your words are very flattering, thank you very much 😭🫂 and omg yes I know you sent me an ask and I'm soo sorry I haven't responded yet 😭 I get a lot of asks my inbox is always full plus I'm a workaholic who does a lot of overwork that's why I'm barely online/on hiatus in the first place so asks get buried all the time and I tend to ignore my inbox because I get so overwhelmed it's literally a never-ending cycle I just can't get out of 😭😭 I'll try to answer this weekend but no promises 😓
Oh man don't remind me of those AOT days.... You couldn't even say you understood why Eren did what he did or why there were flaws with Armin's group et al or why there was a point to the Yeagerists without getting hounded ... but to be fair I do think Isayama sorta failed in conveying his messages and themes properly but oh well ... It's done and gone I AM FREE and I will never discuss AOT ever again lmao
About JJK...... man.... it hurts.... It was so good...... until it wasn't 😭 Listen it starts out as a 6 or 7 out of 10 until it grows into a pure 10 out of 10 score for the Hidden Inventory & Shibuya Incident arcs ... and then it falls down a steep cliff right into a, in my generous opinion, 2 out of 10 score 😖 Post-Shibuya is so bad I can't even explain it bc it hurts too much to think about... I used to love this series so much and it turned into... this... It's heartbreaking. I only recommend JJK to you if you're aware that it's not that good and it's mostly carried by its battles rather than its plot or characters. And tbh the community is fun. I've had the time of my life when JJK was at its peak in summer '23 and even if the manga is ending in a few weeks, the anime is still ongoing for a few years at least, so there's that too if you care about that ❤
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