#ignore me 👍
rainofthetwilight · 3 months
the WLWness??
...the SAPPHIC dojo????? 😱😱😱😱
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hum--hallelujah · 5 days
vampire hayley williams... life could be dream
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stressedjester · 23 days
drinking all the alcohol left in the house is good actually because by drinking all the alcohol it puts a hold in my alcoholism because that means there's no alcohol left to drink when I get the craving. because I drank it all
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thequibblingking13 · 9 months
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Fearne Calloway, the woman that you are
(Zoom for better quality bc this file is big as fuck)
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boar-cry · 2 months
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A Nightmare (Resignation) ▪︎ A Blessing (Confusion)
(flower meanings beneath the cut)
Emmet's two designated flowers are Asphodels and Zinnias. Asphodels usually represent death, but can also stand for remembrance and regret. Zinnias also represent remembrance, but can represent sentimentality as well.
Ingo's two distinct flowers are Foxgloves and Spider Lilies. Red Spider Lilies represent loss and separation. Foxgloves represent insecurity and delirium.
Both were given white Chrysanthemums. Chrysanthemums actually have a lot of different meanings! From love to optimism, a long life and loyalty, but specifically, White Chrysanthemums mean truth and honesty.
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^ also close ups
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futuristichedge · 1 year
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trixree · 1 year
The brain worms are ON ONE tonight folks I am thinking about Cody/Maul/Obi-Wan post order 66 living on tattooine together
like what if Maul sought out Obi-Wan's Commander shortly after O66 to get obsessive freaky closure about how Obes died (feels robbed of the kill, generally mentally ill about it, etc.) and is like "he is useless to me with all this fucking Imperial programing in the way" and does Force Stuff to break Cody's chip and what if Cody Wakes Up and goes "I can use this fucked up little guy to get to my General, who I believe survived, and then I'll just kill him easy peasy and live happily ever after with my husband" so he tells Maul that Obi-Wan is probably alive, actually, and cue a really violent road trip of them retracing Obi-Wan's steps in the hours after O66 via Imperial intel and hyper competence on both of their parts and
OH NO WHAT IF THEY START TO FALL IN LOVE like the forced proximity of it all...LISTEN TO ME. the intimacy of fighting alongside someone and having a functional partnership that's turned Dependency on both of your part's because you were both Traumatized in surprisingly similar ways (raised as a tool of violence for someone else's purpose, same guy actually!) and also have a similar goal via your mutual obsession with this one guy and actually, he's not that bad for a sith/clone, and by the time they get wise to Luke's existence and gun it for Tatooine, Maul is like "if I kill Kenobi this is going to upset Cody. That is Unideal. Can i live with not killing Kenobi?" and Cody is like "I cannot kill him afterall, I like him too much, how the FUCK am I going to explain this to Obi let alone any of the mind control & sorry i tried to kill you shit"
and what if Obi-Wan kept Luke because Reasons and is just so goddamn thankful for some extra childcare help (Luke's in his terrible 2s and he's force sensitive -- Obi's more sleep deprived than he ever was during the clone wars) that he really doesn't give a shit at all that it's his ex that tried to kill him for some mystery reason and motherfucking Maul on his doorstep. help is help 🙏 and they bang and stuff of course okay I'm only human
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codecicle · 20 days
shes the only one in this god damn office that does any work but no-one appreciates her
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had to put my phone down and silently scream in agony for a solid 30 seconds. SECRETARYCICLE WHAT I WOULD GIIIVVVEEEEEEEEEEEE FOR YOU
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bobosbillionsknives · 2 months
(not shipping content)
It's one of my biggest headcanons ever that Vash does NOOOT like his birthday dude I just can't believe it...Knives however. Biggest birthday enjoyer ever. He is the special birthday boy. 🤗🤗🤗
Knives usually leaves Vash alone but Vash KNOWS Knives is going to make an effort to show up on their birthday and it stresses him out so bad. Especially if the July incident was on their birthday...that would leave horrible memories for him. 😭 Not to mention how painful remembering his first birthday with Rem would be. Plus Knives would act so bitchy about it like wooow dont even want to see your own brother on your birthday wow. I get it I'm just the worst ever ..🥀 Vash would be so over it.
I feel so strongly that Vash is the introvert while Knives is the extrovert. Knives self isolates out of fear and disgust of humans but he secretly thrives while talking to others. Especially if they have strong opinions he can argue against (definitely a debate bro). If Knives had a normal childhood he would've loved big crowds, he has absolutely no social awareness or shame . Or filter. He'd talk to anyone who'd listen. Knives drives himself absolutely insane with his own isolation. All he really wants is social connection, something he's convinced himself is impossible with humans. That's why he's so fixated on getting Vash to stay, he feels Vash is the only person he can actually talk to. Vash on the other hand, would do anything for 5 minutes alone. He is constantly pushing away Milly, Meryl, and even Wolfwood. He cannot let anyone know him beyond his silly guy persona. He especially doesn't like being celebrated (doesn't think he deserves it. 😂😂😂) He is constantly trying to skip out on the parties towns people throw for him, leaving without saying goodbye. (He does like getting drunk tho...makes talking easier) He'd never EVER share his birthday with anyone. Especially not Wolfwood or the girls. Knives however, would tell EVERYONE !!! (like how the entire Gung Ho Gun knew Knives had a brother, but Meryl had no idea Vash did. I think Knives loves talking about himself and his tragic past, painting himself as the forever victim to absolutely anyone who'd listen. To Vashes absolute horror 😭.) Vash is constantly drained from forcing himself to perform socially. He loves people and talking to them but he just needs like. 8 hours of alone time to properly function. That's why he gets so bitchy with everyone sometimes lol. She just needs a naaaaap omg 🤦‍♂️. But he feels guilty for being snippy and tired so he'll force himself to be social anyway. Which makes it worse. Love hiiim !!!! 😍 Either way they're both hurting themselves when they behave like this.
Knives is definitely the yapper while Vash just listens. I feel like Vash would appreciate not having that pressure to constantly respond. Even if Knives can be overbearing, I do think they enjoy each other's company. When they aren't... trying to murder each other. Nobody knows him like Knives does, it would almost be relieving not having to pretend to be happy all the time. He can perfectly morally justify being as mean to Knives as he wants to be !! And he wouldn't admit it, but he does enjoy listening to Knives complain about nothing. He thinks it's funny. Knives is just happy to be with someone he's deemed worthy of his time. He views Vash as his equal, someone he actually trusts to confide in. They are the opposite and also the same in every way life is so beautiful I love these guys.
It would also just be such a cute subversion of audience expectation if Knives, the self proclaimed people hater, was a people person. I think that's sooo interesting and makes so much sense with the context of his desperation for the approval of humans when he was a child. I think kid Knives would've tried to argue that celebrating something everyone goes through is pointless, but would love all the attention anyway. Even be a bit resentful that it was Vashes birthday too if he didn't seem to appreciate the attention as much. As he got older hed mellow out and warm up to the idea of having a birthday and sharing it. Mostly as an excuse to talk to Vash and make everything about himself again. Lol. Plus I think he likes organizing parties. His dream is to have that sweet 16 fantasy the humans in the old world used to have. He actually wants to be normal is the thing. They both do.
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rustyelias · 4 months
thinking about these two making puns together in damascus…. sobs
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peggy-uwu · 1 year
Listen so we know that Sebastian didn't have many human skills like cooking etc at the start of the contract right? so maybe at the very beginning, when he first meets Nina, she teaches him the very basics of sewing, just in case he needs them..
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Just imagining like,,, a few days after Ciel returns from the cult with Sebastian, Angelina contacts Nina and asks her to go and check on Ciel, make him some clothes etc bc obvs the mansion burned down with everything inside of it.
She takes all Ciel's measurements, (notices all the scratches and the brand and everything else), and then says she'll stay for a day or two to throw together a few outfits and essentials for him. So Ciel goes to take a nap and she sits down and starts working on his clothes, some shorts, some socks, a nightshirt and a few coats, just enough to last him until she can get him a proper wardrobe. She drags Sebastian along with her thinking 'well hes a butler, he has to have SOME kind of sewing knowledge, he could at least cut some cloth pieces out' but NOPE hes completely useless.
So she sits him down and starts showing him some basic stitches, just in case something happens and he needs to fix something, while asking him about everything that's happened.
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flimsy-spine · 9 months
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Just you and me, against the world – you and me, in the world.
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daisyscottage · 6 months
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Happy Homewarming!
here’s Eddie and Frank hangin out!!!! this is actually a super old piece from December, I just colored it this morning as a warm-up. good thing Welcome Home just recently entered its Christmas era so im not awfully late with this🙏🙏
click 4 better quality!!
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thedemises · 3 months
should've posted this here the moment I finished but I forgot after sending it on discord, anyways here's silly Boothill + extras :3
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moonchild-in-blue · 6 months
Australian Rituals / Teeth of God Tour Bingo
Alroighte gwois, let's hear your predictions for the upcoming rituals. I *might* make another bingo (like on Wembley) - even if I don't, let's get them all in one place cus I think it's funny.
If you have something specifically for the Teeth of God Tour (because they are headliners and can do Cooler™ Fancier™ stuff) do specify. Same for strictly Australian Rituals. Some stuff may happen earlier (like when they debuted TMBTE and the new Espera masks), others may only happen on the Tour, so let's just put them all here and see what happens 😗✌️
Please reblog/put on the replies your predictions!! Whether serious or silly, please share!
Mine are:
One of the Vessels (Vessel or ivy OR Espera!!!!) singing onstage with Oli
Kangaroo/koala headbands / Aussie Explorer hat
EUCLID (more for Teeth of God but wouldn't be surprised if earlier)
The Apparition (PLEASE)
The Summoning pushups will return
Older song throwback (please please Sugar or Jaws. TNDNBTG for ToG)
Outfit change for the Vessels (only cus i think Australia is quite hot now innit? poor iv will MELT in that jacket)
This one I'm not super confident/keen on BUT new Vessel mask with Antlers (more likely on ToG but who knows)
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daz4i · 1 year
dazai approaches life with the idea that wanting anything is pointless because it will be taken from you
chuuya keeps losing everyone important to him and yet he keeps going, he finds new friends, he keeps living as his own person
in a way, chuuya's life is like a confirmation of dazai's bias; any time he has something good, someone important to him, a connection, it gets taken away from him
and yet unlike dazai, he doesn't give in to despair
and i think that might be one of the reasons dazai finds him interesting enough to care about. because chuuya actively challenges the way he sees life itself just by doing his own thing. he doesn't go out of his way to talk dazai into seeing value in life, and i think this is the sort of language dazai has an easier time speaking
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