#ignore him (severus) hes rude as shit
intristitia · 1 year
not me peeping the dash and seeing
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to which severus agrees 1000% couldn't have asked for a better outcome.
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seriousbrat · 3 months
a post of yours was on my for you, it was about james potter and an ask (who was pretty rude and i don’t want to come off that same way) told you that james potter never changed and you started talking about how it was impossible he never did, that it’s crazy to think he was a manipulator etc etc but it’s rather simple imo. james was a frat boy who had friends he liked and he was good to, except maybe peter, he didn’t like severus because he was friends with his crush and he bullied other kids with his friends, because he could. he felt entitled to lily’s love because he was a blood traitor. that’s ok characters can change, but did he stop bullying severus? no (i saw your argument about sirius and remus saying snape never lost an opportunity to hex james, but 1 wouldn’t have lily noticed then 2 i don’t trust the words of the same people who said snape was angry at james because he was jealous of his good looks and his quidditch abilities) so what is that about? he acted as if he had became better person (which he may have, but he was still bullying severus and we have no proof of him becoming a better person except lily marrying him which is crazy leave the girl alone she’s not a moral compass) around lily whom he wanted to impress and then still bullied severus. i don’t think that’s a crazy thing to say, it’s actually very possible and it happens a lot of time in real life.
Thanks for the message, you don't come off as rude at all so dw!
"it happens a lot of time in real life." The thing is that this isn't real life. It's fiction, and I feel like I'm always saying this so sorry lol but that means we have to analyse the author's intention in showing what she did. These are fictional characters and not autonomous real people who do things "off-camera" that we can speculate about based on statistics or our own experience.
We're given evidence that James changed. If the truth was supposed to be that he actually didn't change and was always secretly the same dickhead and maliciously hiding this from Lily the entire time, we would have been given evidence of that. Everything we're shown about Lily and James as a couple is that they loved each other and had a good relationship. Again, if he was meant to be an evil conniving manipulator who was tricking Lily, it would have been shown in the text.
If you don't trust Remus and Sirius's word there are two other major pieces of evidence that James changed. The first is that Lily started dating him when previously she couldn't stand the sight of him. The second is that he was made head boy, and whatever Dumbledore's faults I sincerely doubt that he gave Head Boy to a person who was actively going around terrorising the student body. We know that circa 5th year, his behaviour was very public and apparent to everyone. For me, that lends credence to the idea that James "deflated his head" during sixth year, enough to be given responsibility over others.
The fact that Remus and Sirius mention James changing and also the fact that Snape was giving as good as he got during 7th year, and this is never contradicted but reinforced by other sources, means it's probably mostly true. Obviously Remus and Sirius's account is biased and imperfect, and we have to read between the lines. But, and I say this as a fan of Snape, there is plenty of evidence that Snape had an aggressive side. As a child he causes a branch to fall on Petunia and he invents an incredibly violent spell. As an adult he throws jars at a 16 year old boy and loses his shit at Fudge among others. Some of these are understandable, sure, but it is a part of his character and I don't understand why people are so hell-bent on ignoring it.
Like, it's fine. Part of Snape's arc is learning to control his emotions and limiting these outbursts of aggressiveness, which is why he's shown to be much more uncontrolled and violent as a child, whereas as an adult he's more collected and circumspect. It makes sense why he is the way he is, because it's implied he grew up in a home marked by violence. Personally, I think this is a VERY interesting aspect of his character and for me it makes absolute sense that he would attack James during 7th year. Particularly given that James and Lily were dating at the time. I am cheering him on from the sidelines. I am enjoying the show. Meek little harmless spineless Severus, idk him.
Also I'm sorry, but a lot of this is your own interpretation, likely based on your dislike for James. there's NO evidence that james "felt entitled" to Lily's love for instance. That really seems like a conclusion you've come to on your own. It's fine to have your own interpretations ofc, but they're not necessarily supported by canon. Personally I disagree with them, but that's fine too!
I appreciate the Lily appreciation though!! Let that girl do whatever the fuck she wants 👏
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lumosatnight · 2 years
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Happiest of birthdays to @bluesundaycake!!! You have been such a wonderful presence in fandom this past year that I've gotten to know you. Your @hp-mcd-fest was one of my absolute favorites, and I'm so excited for the @hptragedieschallenge! Please accept my humble little drabble as a b-day present. I wish I had more time. I would love to write a longer work for you just to show how much I appreciate you ❤️❤️
Info: Sirius/Severus, E, 200 words Tags/Warnings: rough sex, hate sex, rope bondage Notes: I picture this happening sometime during OotP when Severus is out spying and Sirius is stuck at Grimmauld Place. Summary:
It's true. Sirius even fucks like a dog.
Read below the cut!
“You disgust me,” Sirius says. 
“Filthy mutt,” Severus hisses, even as Sirius hits his prostate and his back arches with pleasure, “you even fuck like a dog.”
It’s true. 
Sirius has him pinned to the bed, hips angled high, looming over him as he thrusts inside. Sirius growls and drapes his entire weight over Severus’s back, forcing his chest into the sheets.
“See, this is why no one likes you.” Sirius grabs Severus by the hair, yanking his head upright. “Rude. Arrogant. Deceitful.” He punctuates each word with a thrust.
“Fuck you,” Severus spits, squirming, but the ropes circling his wrists remain firm.
“I already am.”
He pushes Severus’s head into the pillow. Severus grunts in protest, but Sirius ignores him as he watches his cock disappear into Severus’s body.
It’s tight — Severus is always tight.
“Shit,” he says, pulling out and coming all over Severus’s back. 
He rolls over and waves his wand, releasing the bindings around his bedmate's wrists.
Severus redons his dark cloak, not speaking on his way to the door.
“Be safe.” Sirius stares up at the dusty canopy. “Make sure you come back in one piece.”
Severus pauses.
“I always do.”
The door slams closed.
Also read it on AO3!
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panfluidme · 5 months
Rant About Snape
So, I've fallen back into Harry Potter. I understand that JK Rowling is an awful person who does not deserve any form of respect. I am also trying really hard to separate the art from the artist. I do understand that the Harry Potter world is far from perfect and that there are many contradictions and holes and some of the things make zero sense, but I do find that the world is very easy to fall into
Now, with that out of the way. This rant is all about Severus Snape. If you like his character, ignore this and just don't interact with this post. I really don't want to argue with anyone about him, I just want to get my feelings towards him out there
Also, I'm currently rereading the books and just finished rewatching the movies, so I apologize if things aren't fully correct. My memory isn't the best and my brain sometimes mashes fanon/headcanons/fanfic with canon
Now, rant under the cut
Severus Snape is a god awful person who does not the deserve the fanbase that he has. Well I do think that him getting a redemption arc is interesting, I hate the way it's done. JK had a few different things she could've used with his character to make him a good person (which, honestly, he's not), but instead she went the "I was in love with your mother and she chose someone else" route
His "love" (I really wouldn't call it that, it's a massive obsession) for Lily is creepy. Yes, Snape was bullied, but he also was a bully in school and as a teacher. Lily told him that she didn't like that, and instead of doing what James had done (taken time to reflect and correct his behavior), Snape called her a slur and joined a group of people wanting to eliminate people like Lily. He was bitter that he was put into the friend zone (something that really only exists because men don't view women as people and get upset when a woman doesn't want to fuck or be in a relationship with him)
I don't like that in the movies (I'm pretty sure it doesn't happen in the books, but I could be wrong since it's been literal years since I last read the last HP book), Snape hugs onto her body and sobs while Harry's hurt and crying in the background. It isn't cute, it isn't romantic. It's weird and creepy and shows how little Snape cares for other people. Yes, I understand that he lost the person he loved the most, but it's still really fucked up to do that while her infant son is screaming and bleeding in the background
Snape is a petty man. He did care somewhat for Harry, but that was only because he's Lily's son, but overall, he was borderline abusive to Harry just because he was James' son. I am not saying that James is completely innocent in things, he was a bully to Snape, but Harry is not James. Harry didn't get a chance to know James
He completely disregards how uncomfortable and defensive Harry gets when Snape insults James to Harry's face. Yes, people should have told Harry about James' meaner side, but they mostly told him that James was a good person (because he was). Snape is challenging this belief and is shitting on James for no reason other than to be petty. I know deep down that Snape knows that James was a better person than he ever will be, and that's why Lily picked James over him. But there was no reason to be so rude to an abused boy who's going through hell and drag his dead father in the mud
Again, I don't remember if this happened in the books, but I hate when Snape is teaching Harry how to build his mental defenses. They're going through some good and important memories with people who are dead and Snape is over here like "getting sentimental are we, Potter?" and "I might vomit". Like, these memories are important to Harry, treasured memories with people he will literally never see again
Then when Draco cursed Hermione in the first book (I think) and made her teeth grow into large buck teeth, he looked at the crying girl and said "I see no difference". Yes, Hermione can be a know it all and very annoying (a whole nother rant, but I do love her), but there is no reason to tell a child who is already upset enough that there's no difference in her appearance. This led her to permanently change her teeth
Snape was Neville's biggest fear. Not Bellatrix, who literally tortured his parents into insanity and probably tortured him as well. Not his grandmother who seems to be a little abusive, not anything else. But one of his teachers. Someone who is supposed to be on his side and support him through school because learning is hard, especially for someone who's magically stunted like Neville is. Honestly. I wouldn't be surprised if Remus had reported this. What bugs me is that he wasn't immediately fired. If a child's biggest fear is one of their teachers, that teacher should not be allowed to teach
It bugs me that Snape gets so annoyed at Harry and Sirius for thinking life isn't fair. Both of these two had been abused. And before you say "Snape was abused too", I know this. But this bugs me because Snape is fine with Snape being mad at the world, fine with Snape holding onto grudges for decades. But Harry and Sirius aren't allowed to be mad for the exact same reason that he is? Like, that's such backwards bullshit
Then Snape outed Remus as a werewolf, which made him quit the job he so clearly loved. Yes, he made the potion that helped the transitions be easier, but there was no reason for him to out Remus like that. Remus already was struggling to get, and probably keep, a job because of a condition out of his control. This just goes back to Snape is a petty and whiney bitch (also doesn't help that he tried to nudge students to figuring this out when Remus couldn't teach and he taught them about werewolves)
He tells Sirius that he would love to see the Dementor's Kiss be performed on him, despite that he knows full well that Pettigrew was the traitor and not Sirius. This stems from him being petty and fucked up. Like, yeah, Sirius was a jerk to you, but does that really warrant wanting a front row ticket to watch him get his soul sucked out of him, a fate that's been stated to be worse than death??? I don't think so
Snape was abusive towards his students (clearly). He was willing to force feed Neville's pet toad a potion that he believed could kill it, doing so in front of the whole class. I do not care that he was abused (no one should be), but he kept that cycle going. It's disappointing that he was allowed to be a teacher with how he behaved
He made fun of Hermione for her Patronus being the same as Ron's, but then his Patronus was the same as Lily's. It can't be both ways. You can't make fun of a literal child for her Patronus being the same as the person she loves (not a fan of the Ronmione ship, but that's a whole different thing), then turn around and have a doe for a Patronus, which is the same one as the woman you "loved"
There's also the fact that he begged Dumbledore to keep Lily's family save, not caring at all about Harry or James, but wanting Lily to be fine. I firmly believe that he would've swooped in and tried to get her to marry him just days after James (and if Harry hadn't lived) and Harry's death. He does not take her feelings into account, and it's annoying
I know some of you are like "he was a spy". He only became a spy (if I'm remembering correctly) as soon as Lily's life was actually in danger. Before, he had no problems in the murder and genocide taking place because of a racist white man
Snape also created a spell that was meant to hurt the Marauders. And that spell is the same spell that lost George his ear (I can't remember is Snape was the person who actually cast that spell that took his ear, but he still created it)
He basically stole Draco's redemption arc. JK had put more focus into the creepy man's redemption than a child's. Draco, like Snape, was abused and reacted the way he did in situations because of that abuse. But, he also is shown to have a heart (something I don't think Snape has). He's shown to be scared and remorseful (i.e. the bird in the Vanishing Cabinet), while Snape's only regret is that he didn't get Lily. Draco was overshadowed by Snape, we didn't get to see how he would've grown so much if he had gotten love and care. I would've loved to see him get redeemed in the books, but Snape stole that spotlight
So, in conclusion, Snape is an abusive incel who is still bitter that he was "put into the friendzone" and wasn't picked over his bully, who was a better person that he was. This man should not be allowed to be a teacher. I struggle to find any redeeming qualities in him, and I wish I could
Genuinely, no hate to Snape Stans. He's a fascinating character, but he's also someone I just can't stand. This is all opinions and the reasons why I don't like him. Remember that I did not create this post to argue with anyone, but I am willing to have conversations as long as they don't turn into arguments. Just ask me anything if you have any questions or want to clear things up. Please don't go into my ask box or DMs to try to change my mind, because I am not changing my mind. This wasn't made to change anyone's mind, I respect that you have feelings one way towards Snape, these are just my feelings and thoughts
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lolawassad · 3 years
Hey it’s me again! I’m here to request one very needed fanfic from my favorite author :)) I was wondering if you can write one where the reader is new to hogwarts and then all the marauders are like “love at first sight” so then it becomes a game of who can make the reader fal in love with them first. And in the end it can be like they all settle to being a polyamorous relationship. (btw the way that each marauder express his affection would be like very different for example sirius would show off while remus would be like super calm and impress her with his brains, etc. or sum? Hahha i hope this makes sense)
Happy writing to my favorite writer!! <33
My belovedddd yesss
Also pettigrew will not be refered to as peter due to reasons, so he will be called pettigrew or wormtail, or pete. Also the marauders will already be dating
5th year but they are 18
Tw. Cussing, sex jokes, nsfw mention
Poly!marauder x hufflepuff!reader
3rd pov
The headmaster clears his throat "welcome back students, welcome new students, i would also like to notify the 5th years we will be having a transfer student from your year, please be nice to her if she is sorted in your house"
"Y/n y/l" the headmaster says out after all first years are sorted, the group of boys look shocked when they see her beauty, remus grabs onto his boyfriend sirius while james grabs onto wormtail "holy shit" lily evans says sitting next to the group of boys, when she notices their looks she says "thats my girlfriend, the one i told you about remember?" She asks messing with them, they glare at her "shes yours?" They all ask shocked
Lily goes to say more but is cut off by a loud "HUFFLEPUFF" and claps from all tables
Y/n notices the boys lingering gazes and waves shyly at them before noticing her friend lily sending her kisses, she smiles at her and skips over to the hufflepuff table.
When the headmaster finishes his speech lily jumps up and runs to y/n sitting across from her, the marauders glare at the ginger girl before turning to each other. Remus laughs "her name is rose, lily's girlfriend, lily does have a pen pal named y/n y/l" he says after some thinking. The other three sigh in relief "so we all agree, we want her?" Sirius asks
Lily grabs y/n's hand "im so happy you are here" they are soon joined by a tall guy with shoulder length black hair, "severus snape" he says in a monotone voice while holding his hand out to y/n "y/n y/l" she says happily making snape secretly smile, when the marauders notice this they jump up, sirius and james force their way between lily and severus and pettigrew and remus sit next to y/n
Lily scoffs "rude" she says to the boys who just pushed her and her friend to the side
The marauders ignore her "hello pretty" sirius purrs to y/n "the name is black, sirius black" he says making remus shake his head and turning to y/n "hey" he says giving a big dorky smile "remus lupin" james then speaks up "im james potter, and my uniform is made from boyfriend material, doll" he smirks.
Then everyone turns to pettigrew, the usually stuttering boy turns to y/n "hey princess, im pete pettigrew but you can just call me your future husband" he says without stuttering and kisses her hand
Lily gasps while snape scoffs "what is this a courting session?" He asks making lily slap the back of his head "be nice severus" she sneers before turning to the boys "dont do this to her, im not gonna let you play her feelings" she says before ducking under the table and pulling her friend with her to the other side, she grabs onto severus and drags him with her
Y/n looks confused when they reach the end of the table but still sits down next to her friend, severus sitting across from them "what was that all about?" The hufflepuff asks making severus scoff "those four are dating, they sometimes flirt with people to see who is like the hottest or some shit" he says making lily shake her head "no thats not it sev you know it, this has happened once before, they saw a girl liked how see looked tried to get her to join them then it went wrong, girl left and never came back" lily explains.
I go to talk but severus cuts me off by putting some food on my plate "eat" he says before going back to his own plate.
The marauders glare at the raven haired boy and the ginger girl "i bet hes telling her lies already" sirius spits out making remus shake his head "calm down babe lily is there too, she will just correct him" he says hiding his sadness and annoyedness.
When dinner is done a hufflepuff prefect walks up to y/n, hes tall and cute "m'lady please allow me to escort you to the common room" he says with a weird accent making y/n giggle, lily pushes her out of her seat softly and y/n gets up linking her arm through his "im adrian by the way" he says with a charming smile but is cut off by y/n being pulled away from him the second they walk out of the hall, shes pulled into pete's side "hello again princess, we know everything there is about all common rooms in hogwarts so you dont need aran" he says with a big smile, his arm wrapped around her shoulder and he starts leading her to the hufflepuff common room
Y/n smiles at pete "you and ur boyfriends are very uh" "handsome? Thank you love" sirius cuts her off
"I was gonna say" she says while rolling her eyes but is cut off again "tall? Sexy? Bangable? Thank you sweetheart" james says throwing his arm over sirius's shoulder
She huffs "no" she says "she was clearly gonna say alot" remus says
Y/n nods her head "yeah" she says, pete gasps "princess, you wound me" he says while letting go of her and putting his hand on his chest, his place is quickly taken by remus
He grabs y/n's arm and puts it around his "they just got excited due to the pretty new girl, you understand right?" He asks kinda shyly she laughs and shakes her head "plenty of pretty girls in hogwarts" she says
Remus just smiles at her and pulls her to walk before his boyfriends, they are met with whistles "look at those legs on that girl" "and the ass on that man" "god they would make a great couple" remus just throws his left hand up with a middle finger and continues walking.
This makes the other three run quickly, james pushes remus away softly and throws his arm around y/n, sirius joins on the other side, his arm goes around her waist
"Hello beautiful" they say in sync before glaring at each other "shut up" they say in sync again "you owe me a butterbeer" they say
They both groan "see this is why we cant have nice things" sirius says with a fake glare "yeah because you take them away" james replies
Then they look at y/n "im sure our angle could fix this problem" sirius says, james laughs loudly "HAHA YOU SAID ANGLE INSTEAD OF ANGEL DUMBASS" y/n giggles making all four boys stop
"D-do it agai-again?" Pete stutters out his cheeks bright pink, remus just stands there with his mouth wide open while sirius says "fuck im hard now" james points at her and then looks at sirius "dude shes right here, she doesnt need to know about ur pickle"
They start fake argueing and y/n slowly backs up, only for her to bumb into a grinning adrian "there you are lets go" he says and pulls her with him
Pete notices this "WAIT YOU CANT STEAL MY GIRL, ARAN" he yells before running after them
"YOU MEAN MY GIRL" sirius and james yell at the same time before glaring at each other.
Then remus just calmly walks up to adrian "you are hurting her arm, let her go or i will kill you" he says with a smile, adrian lets go of y/n's arm and she turns to remus "thank you" she says rubbing her arm
The other three catch up and notice the forming bruise on her arm
"Guys this is fun and all but that fucker just hurt her" sirius says "so lets just take her to her dorm and help calm the bruises" james finishes for his tall boyfriend.
They all walk to the hufflepuff common room, pete turns to y/n and says "remember this princess" before tapping the second barrel of the bottom row in a pattern and the door opens
Y/n smiles at pete and he beams back, she walks in and remus turns to his beaming boyfriend with a proud smile and kisses his forehead before pulling him with him, james and sirius are quick to follow.
They pull y/n up to the girl dorms and look for her name, she has a room to herself because all the other 5th years have fu rooms already.
Y/n opens the door and gasps "that is beautiful" she says looking at the massive bed in the room
The marauders look at each other, this bed is even bigger then the one they got in their room, when they became roomates in year one they didnt have four beds they had one big bed as if telling them something.
They all smirk at each other knowing its a good sign
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snaddyx · 3 years
A/N: This is literally the first NSFW anything I've written, so PLEASE let me know what you think! I'd love to improve in any way I can. No real warnings apply to this, there's some light bondage, degradation- nothing too crazy.
The heels of your boots clicked down the hall of the dungeons, matching the pace of your racing heart while you made your way to Professor Snape's office for the sixth night this week. You could have sworn that he was making up work for you to do as a small way of torturing you for merely existing. But you had decided that you would not give up, not this far into working with the potions master. This was your second year as his assistant at Hogwarts and it was already proving to be harder than the last. 
The school year started nearly a month ago. At first, he ignored you much to your chagrin. You thought that after the events of last year, you had finally moved past him brushing you off and sneering at you. That maybe your working relationship could now at least be civilized. You shuddered at the thought of last year - images of Severus limping into your office one night with desperation in his eyes. You had stood from your desk, looking down to see a gash across his leg that was bleeding profusely. You still weren't sure why he hadn't gone straight to Madame Pomfrey to tend his injuries after he had thrown himself in front of Professor Lupin when he had tried to attack students as a werewolf. You tenderly treated his wound with healing magic, potions and salves before finally helping him to your bed. You stayed up all night monitoring him - you knew he would be fine, but you worried. 
After that, he had acted kinder towards you. It was his way of thanking you. But then you left for the summer break and everything had returned to normal when you arrived two weeks before term started. Determined to break through his rough exterior and see that side of him again, you had decided to keep pressing him, continued to be kind to him. You were resolved to become his respected colleague. You hoped to be his friend. And the butterflies you got when touching him, lightly caressing his thigh as you applied a healing salve to avoid scarring - the small grunts he made that didn't entirely sound like they were from pain - electricity shot down your spine and to your core... Maybe you wanted to break through to him in deeper ways. But he hadn't acknowledged anything that passed between you, and now you were back to square one. 
Until you had called him out in front of the second years in class six days ago. He had disrespected you in front of them and you had hit your boiling point. His eyes turned black, angry, and he dismissed the glass with a low and dangerous "Get. Out."  He brushed passed you then, storming out of the classroom leaving you to clean up and teach the next class. You received an owl at dinner that night with a letter scrawled out to you. 
My office, 7:00. Do not be late. 
And it had been so every night since - except tonight. Tonight, the note said to arrive at 9:00. So you did, at 9:00pm sharp, and entered the open door to his office with your shoulders back, chin high. Whatever tedious task you were assigned tonight would be done without complaint. 
"Shut the door," Snape said without looking up from the homework on his desk. 
You did as requested and approached his desk quietly. Sat in the chair across from him. Waited. 
Nothing. You sighed and sat back in your chair, crossing your legs. His eyes snapped up from his grading at the sound and lingered on your face before his gaze slowly went down to your chest, your legs, then back up again. 
"It's rude to stare, sir," you leaned forward again and propped your elbows on his desk and smirked. "What do you require of me tonight?" 
"I would like," he finally replied, "for you to transfer the ingredients from those jars to those jars." He waved at the ingredients across his office and resumed grading the papers. You scoffed and didn't move. 
"I believe that is all the instruction you require, is it not, Miss Y/N?" 
"Yes sir." 
"And are you incapable of standing to complete this task?" 
"No sir."
"Then why are you. still. sitting. here?" Each word punctuated, venomous. 
"Because this is a foolish task, Professor." You had spent the past six nights completing similar tasks, and when you had finished one there was another one lined up. It was a waste of time. "Do you not think that I am more than capable of assisting elsewhere?"
Snape slammed his hands on his desk and stood up, the legs of his chair scraping the floor as it flew back. 
"Do not speak out of turn! It may have escaped your notice, but you are my assistant, you are here to assist me." His brows were furrowed together and he leaned over his desk towards you.
"That may be true, sir, but it may have escaped your notice that I am qualified to do more than just silly tasks to pass the time. Why do you insist that I am here as just some fucking girl that you can ogle and abuse your power on. Does the potions master title feed your ego that much, that you feel the need to degrade me at every chance you get?"
Snape's eyes turned dark with anger as you spoke, but you didn't give a shit. You were tired of this, past your limits of what you could take and still respect yourself. If he wasn't willing to work with you, respect you enough to lend you even a speck of decency, then you didn't know where you were going with this. When you were finished talking, he recoiled away from you with a look of disgust. 
"That you have the audacity," Snape replied with a low voice, his fingers dragging on his desk as he began walking around it, "to speak to me in such a way-"
"The same could be said for you, Professor," you cut him off. You lifted your chin into the air as you held his eye contact, but backed away as he got closer to you. With every step you took back, he followed. 
"You insolent little witch!" Snape leaned down to your eye level as he spoke. "Always parading around like you own the place, demanding more respect when you have not earned it!" 
"Have I not?! I've been working as your assistant for a year now, and yet you still treat me like a bug on the bottom of your shoe. And after I helped you last year, I thought-"
"Thought what, exactly? That I would bow to you, my savior?" 
"No. That maybe things would change, that you would be able to acknowledge whatever this tension is between us because I know that there is more to it than just disdain. And you are too cowardly to admit it." You took another step back, turning to the door. "Fuck you, Severus. I don't know why I've bothered."
You reached the door and opened it, prepared to exit, but you heard his footsteps approach you quickly. His hand reached around your head and slammed the door shut, the other arm coming around your other side to lock it. You were pinned in between him and the door, heart beating in your throat, and you spun to face him. He leaned down once again to eye level. You could feel his hot breath against your neck and the smell of him... Merlin, did he smell divine. 
"Fuck you, she says. Yes, that's exactly it, isn't it? Don't you dare act as though I am the only one ogling here, Y/N. Yes, I heard those filthy thoughts when you mended my leg. I felt your desperation seeping from you." He stood straight then and grasped the back of your neck, dragging you beside him back to his desk. "Every day I must suffer those thoughts."
He shoved you towards the desk and spun you around, facing away from him. His hand pushed you down so your face was pressed into the cool wood. 
"Is this what you want, Y/N?" He pressed himself into your behind and you could feel his length against you. "Is this what you have been so desperate for?" You tried to stand back up but he pushed you down again. His belt rattled as he took it off, as he tied your hands with it behind your back. 
"So desperate for my approval, my respect, my cock." He chuckled lowly. You felt your skirt being lifted, exposing your ass to him. Heat rose in your face. "Just lovely," he praised as his calloused hand rubbed the now exposed skin, "and all for me."
He leaned down to your ear and whispered, "Count." 
You tried to turn back to look at him, to ask what he meant, when his hand came down and made sharp contact with your skin. 
"Severus, please," you yelped as his hand came down again. 
"One," slap. 
"Two," slap. 
"This is what disrespectful witches deserve," he sneered at you as his hand came down again and again. By the tenth slap you were whimpering. "Enjoying this, are we?"
Snape pulled you up by the belt just enough for him to reach around and rip open the buttons of your blouse. His hand went under your bra and pulled your breasts out before he roughly pinched your nipples between his thumb and forefinger. He pulled you up some more, giving him leverage to reach around to your heat. His fingers slipped between your folds and began rubbing circles around your clit. 
"Already so wet for me," he whispered into your ear. He nibbled at your neck and earlobe. "I need you to tell me you want this." 
You nodded eagerly, but it wasn't enough. He pinched your nipple hard. 
"Use your words." 
"Yes, please."
"Please what?"
"Please, sir."
He pushed you back down onto the desk and lined himself up with your entrance before pushing his cock in, not giving you time to adjust to his length. You both let out a low moan as he slowly pulled back out, quickly plunged back in. 
"My little slut," he grunted as he pushed all the way into your dripping cunt. "You belong to me." 
"Yes, sir." 
"Tell me." 
"I belong to you." You breathed out. With every pump, your hips hit against the desk and you let out a cry of pain and pleasure. Severus splayed his fingers in your hair before grabbing onto a handful and pulling it. His his snapped into you, quicker and quicker. 
"So tight for such a little slut," grunted out between thrusts. "Is this what you wanted? Taking my cock on my desk, writhing under me."
You moaned back in response, feeling yourself getting close. Teetering on the edge of coming, you clenched around him. 
"You don't come until I say you can come, do you understand?"
"Yes, sir." 
You struggled not to as his breathing became erratic as his hips kept snapping against you, his balls slapping against the back of your thighs. He once again reached around to rub circles around your clit. Your hands grasped the edge of the desk, knuckles turning white as you groaned from the pleasure. His low moans filled the air, making you throb on his dick even more, your body threatening to tumble over the edge. The heat was rising in your core, the familiar feeling becoming overwhelming. 
"Come for me," he demanded. Your body pulsed with the waves of your orgasm as you climaxed, your walls slamming down around his cock. You cried out with each wave of pleasure.
"Fuck, Severus!"
 "What a good little whore, coming all over my cock," he praised you as you came down from your climax. He kept pumping into you but you could feel he was close. 
He pulled out of you after a few more thrusts, pulled on the belt around your hands and dragged you to the floor. He pumped his cock in one hand, the other on the desk behind you, before streams of cum shot out onto your face and dropped down onto your chest. He tucked himself back into his pants before wiping up his cum with his thumb and wiping it along the inside of your bottom lip, marking you. 
"Clean yourself up and get out. I will see you tomorrow night at 9:00."
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Jily inspired by Anne with an E
Lily Evans was tired of James Potter. For starters, he was an asshole. He never got tired of making stupid pranks, doing everything to be the center of attention, and making Sev's life a living hell.
James Potter and Lily Evans had constantly fought since they met. Lily had always questioned his love for breaking the rules. Whernever she could, she told the teachers what those boys were up to, getting them into detention. Which was the correct thing to do, in Lily's opinion. And James hated her for that. He also hated her because she was friends with Severus. Lily knew they were mortal enemies from the beginning.
But for some reason, James Potter began asking Lily out. Lily didn't understand why. She was the only girl who treated him like shit. Lily knew he was obsessed to go out with her to show his friends and others, that he could get any girl he pleased. And no, no. Lily wasn't going to give him that satisfation.
"James Potter is not my favourite person" Lily said as she dropped on the seat besides Marlene, that particular morning of their fourth year. They were on the History of Magic class.
"What did he do this time?" asked Marlene. She was used to hearing Lily complain about James Potter.
"What he didn't do?" Lily sighed "He wouldn't leave me alone this morning. God! Why doesn't he just leave me alone?"
"Poor lad, just give him a chance. If you give him one date, he would leave you alone"
Marlene smiled. Lily saw James sitting a few seats behind her with Sirius Black. She rolled her eyes.
The class began. After a while Lily got bored and she was drawing little flowers on her parchment. When she felt a piece of paper on her neck.
"Lily" someone whispered
"Oi. Evans"
Bloody James Potter. Again.
Lily decided to ignore him. Perhaps he would give up. But hell no. This was Bloody James Potter. Lily felt more pieces of paper on her neck. He still was calling her. Lily was losing pacience.
At this point everyone at the class were looking at them. Except Mr. Binns who just continued to speak in a dull voice. Lily felt James presence kneeling down besides her desk.
"Oi. Evans" he whispered "I need to talk to you. It is important"
"Go away. We are on a class" she whispered back without looking at him.
"I said it is important"
Lily was red in flames from the anger. She was about to lose it.
"Evans. Evans" James whispered and then he pulled her hair.
"I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE POTTER" Lily screamed and smacked James Potter with the thick book of History of Magic.
The class stopped and Professor Binns, as well as the rest of the class, looked at them in shock. James was bleeding.
James Potter hated Lily Evans. She was this annoying girl that wanted to follow the rules at all costs. She had given James and his friends detention. But James somehow liked making that girl lose her senses.
On their fourth year, James Potter started noticing girls. And when he saw Lily on the train he was like 'wow'. Lily Evans was pretty. Her red hair has grown considerebly. And she had developed. As a teenage boy, James noticed she had a nice pair of tits.
James told his friends he could get Lily Evans on a date anytime he liked. So they bet. But James didn't only want to the bet, but he would love to date a girl as pretty as her. And she was different to the others, which James adored. So he asked her out.
But she always said no. James didn't understand why the more Lily Evans rejected him, the more he wanted her.
So that morning he tried to speak to her and got yelled by her really badly. After that, while he was wondering the halls, he bumped into Snivellus. Hiding out, he could listen him talking with Mulciber. It was the first time James heard Snape talking fondly about He Who Must Not be Named and how what he was doing was right.
James was pissed. He hated Snivellus. He was really a loser and he was always trying to make fun of his friends. But this was on another level. He was practically a death eater.
James' first instict was to tell Lily. He knew she was a muggleborn and she was friends with him. She needed to know the kind of person he was.
So on History of Magic, James couldn't stop thinking about it. Besides he was bored as hell. So he wrote a note to Lily, which she ignored. She also ignored him calling her. He had to gain her attention. So out of despair, James pulled her hair. What he didn't expect was for Lily to hit him with the book.
So now they were sitting outside the Hospital Wing. James with a bag of ice on his forehead. He was bleeding and it hurt so much.
"Does it hurt badly?" Lily asked. She seemed really sorry.
"Yeah..." James answered "I think that book is made of bricks"
"I'm sorry" she said
"Well it's your fault if I get a concussion"
Lily rolled her eyes.
"Don't exagerate Potter"
"Ouu... It hurts" he said pressing his head.
Madame Pomfrey came out finally.
"What the bloody hell happened to you?" she asked when she saw James.
"She hit me with a book" James said pointing at Lily.
"It was an accident!" Lily protested
"No it wasn't. I'm pretty sure you did on purpose" James said playing the victim.
"Because you wouldn't stop bothering me"
"I was trying to gain you attention. But you bloody ignored me"
"We weren't supposed to talk, we were on class"
"You are very rude"
Madame Pomfrey looked between the two.
"Oh, young love" she said
"We're not in love" James and Lily said at the same time.
Madame Pomfrey smiled.
"Oh well. Let me see that Potter" She examined James' injury. With a flick of her wand, the injury cured itself. She took a vile out of her robes.
"This is for the pain. But do not drink too much.Three drops will do"
"Thanks Poppy" James said smiling.
"No off you go. You must have classes" Madame Pomfrey went inside and closed the door.
"Well you're good Potter. I'll see you in detention" "Wait" James stopped her "I needed to tell you something"
With all the issue, James almost forgot about Snape.
"Well if it is so urgent.. let's hear it out"
"It think Snape is going to become a death eater"
Lily sighed "What?"
"I heard him taking to Mulciber about..."
"It is unbelievebable" Lily said "What does he had to do with this?"
"I'm telling you that..."
"No. I don't want to hear it"
Lily's cheeks were red now. James thought she was so pretty when she got angry.
"You always find ways to bother Severus. You are a bully Potter. Leave him alone"
"Honestly you deserve to be hit, I don't regret it at all. I hope it gives you pain"
Lily stormed out of there very angry at James.
"Wait Evans"
James sighed. For Gods Sake. He was so into her and he will never had her. She hated him.
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sirrriusblack · 4 years
Falling Like Snow
So this is two things in one, um, @just-a-teen-fangirl asked for a part two to the second drabble I ever posted like back in October-ish and I just never really got around to it (that’s linked here and this will probably make more sense if you read that first) and then @lov-lyness (it won’t let me tag you so uh, yeah) sent in a prompt at like, the start of April and I’m horrible so I only just got around to it. But yeah, here we have some good old Dorlene plotting to get Jily together :)
(also thank you to @e-of-west-glendia​ for helping me with this idea like a good month or two ago...)
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It was cold. That’s all that Lily could think while she paced the steps of the courtyard.
“Lily!” she looked up to see Dorcas and Marlene, hand in hand and rugged up in at least five layers each. She smiled at them and they walked over.
“Hey,” she said, shivering. Lily had always been told she was smart, and she believed it for the most part. For all the ease it portrayed, magic was difficult. What was more difficult though, apparently, was remembering that it was winter and that there was snow outside. She was such an idiot.
“Shit, Lils,” Dorcas said, pulling off her jacket. “You must be freezing.”
“Oh you don’t have to do—” Lily started to object but Dorcas’ outer jacket was already in her hands.
“It’s okay Lils, you’ll need it,” she said. Lily furrowed her brows.
“What for?” she asked. Marlene linked her arm with Lily’s and started leading her away.
“We just want to go for a walk,” she said sweetly. “It feels like we haven’t hung out in ages.” Dorcas hummed in agreement. Lily didn’t mention the Hogsmeade trip they’d taken two days ago. The sun was shining—not that it was doing much to warm Lily up—and snowflakes were landing in her hair like confetti. She wasn’t going to refuse.
Lily landed with a scream and a thud onto solid ice. She fell silent for a moment, trying not to move an inch and waiting for the ice to shatter under her weight. It didn’t. Marlene, realising Lily wasn’t going to die, both broke out into fits of laughter, leaving Lily to lie on the frozen lake and glare at them.
“I could have died!” she yelled, though the frost—and her friends’ laughter, though Lily wouldn’t admit it—softened the bite in her tone. Marlene and Dorcas kept laughing and Lily heard a few muffled words break through the sound, along the lines of “she just… oh Merlin… the thud…” Lily stood up and took a step forward. Or at least she tried to. Instead, she merely slid further from the snow, further from Dorcas and Marlene. Ignoring the girls’ laughter this time, Lily spun around, realising just which lake she’d fallen onto. The Great Lake. The massive, frozen over, stretching for miles, lake. And she’d slid when she’d fallen. In some stroke of bad luck, there was no one skating here either.
“Marls! Dorcas!” Lily snapped, trying to take another step forward. She had no clue how to ice skate, let alone do it without actual skates. Her third attempt at a step toward the girls had her spinning even further away. Marlene called out.
“Where are you going?”
“Guys! Help!” Lily called back. The ice was slippery. She didn’t know what else she’d been expecting, and it was a stupid thought, but she could barely register anything she was thinking at that point. Marlene and Dorcas moved closer to where Lily was and squatted along the edge of the snow. Lily sat cross-legged, too scared to move in fear of drifting further toward the middle of the lake. That was where the ice would be starting to melt under the afternoon sun. That was exactly where Lily didn’t want to be. She looked back to Marlene, her hair shining as bright as the snow and her smile even brighter.
“You can’t get here?’ Marlene asked. Lily shook her head and glared at Dorcas, who was holding back her laughter. “Alright, we’re going to go get our skates, and we’ll come back,” she said, standing up and brushing the snow from her clothes. Lily stood up a little too quickly and nearly slipped again.
“Why do both of you have to go?’ she asked, confused. Marlene smiled.
“I’m not carrying three pairs of skates,” she said simply, reaching for Dorcas’ hand. Lily called out to them but they didn’t stop walking. It wasn’t until later that she realised Dorcas and Marlene were both good enough at skating to go out on the ice to get Lily.
In fact, it wasn’t until James showed up that she realised it wasn’t a walk at all. It was a plot. And Lily was having none of it.
“Evans?” James called from almost the same spot the girls had been in before. Lily rolled her eyes and sat back down on the ice, turning away from James. “Alright then,” he said, a little bit short. Lily tried not to let it get to her. “Have you seen the Marauders?” he asked. “They said they were going to meet me here.” Lily could almost see the way he was messing up his hair and looking around like they’d be standing in the middle of the Great Lake or something. She scoffed.
“You mean your group of bullies that almost got Severus killed? Lily asked. It was petty, she knew, and probably unfair of her to be mad when she didn’t really know what happened. But she knew James Potter, and she knew that Severus wouldn’t lie. Even if he had called her a mudblood. Even if they hadn’t talked since that day three months ago. James muttered something from behind her and she turned around instinctively. “What?” she asked.
“Look, Lily, if you want me to leave, I’ll leave, but you don’t even know what happened and it isn’t what you think,” he said, pushing his glasses up his face. Lily folded her arms over her chest and didn’t reply. James sighed. “Have you seen them or not?” he asked again, and once again, Lily didn’t reply, instead looking at her shoes. “Alright,” James breathed, turning and walking from the lake.
“Let’s hear it then,” Lily choked out, before she could convince herself not to. James turned around slowly until he was facing Lily, looking her in the eye, confused.
“Hear what?” he asked carefully. Lily bit her lip.
“I um… tell me what happened,” she said. After a moment of agonising silence, James’ mouth quirked into a small smirk.
“Do you really want to know, Evans? Or do you just need help getting off the ice?” he teased, stepping backwards like he was going to leave. Lily considered her answer; whether or not she told the truth—that she’d felt guilty ever since the day she’d yelled at him in the hallway—or lie, because she really did need off this ice. She smiled.
“Both,” she admitted, which made James’ smile widen. “Now shut up Potter and get me onto bloody land,” she ordered. James grinned and jumped down onto the ice, frankly scaring the shit out of Lily. He spun a few times to show that he was fine and drifted closer, circling a stranded Lily teasingly.
After a moment, James extended his arm to Lily.
“So how’d you get out here?” he asked, waiting. Begrudgingly, Lily took it, knowing that he was never going to let her live this down. She sighed.
“I was walking with Dorcas and Marlene and I…” he looked toward Lily, waiting for her to finish the sentence. She knew he was going to laugh at her. “I fell. And drifted,” she finished, stumbling slightly as James led her slowly back toward the snow. James let out a bark of laughter. Lily hated to admit that she was savouring his warmth and had to physically restrain from leaning into it. Because of the cold. Because. Of. The. Cold. James was smiling madly and Lily, too distracted by his face—no! Um… his… his rude laughter—stumbled a step. Which in turn caused James to stumble a step, until both of them were running across the ice, not wanting to fall onto it, and they landed face-first, next to each other. Despite the snow melting under her burning cheeks, Lily let out a loud, happy laugh and turned to find James still grinning with snow flecks in his hair.
They stood up and sat by the edge of the lake but at a safe enough distance to avoid any more ‘incidents’ as James had phrased it. Still laughing, Lily turned to him. She turned to James. James Potter. What was she doing? She looked back toward the lake, her smile dimming.
“Ah, there it is,” James said, almost exhausted.
“That look. You…” he drifted off, didn’t explain.
“What look, James?” Lily asked, looking at him and picking up a handful of snow in her right hand. James glances toward her and then down to his lap, like he was trying to decide what to do. He must have made a decision because he cleared his throat and looked at Lily.
“I know I’m a dick, Lily. I know I spent years annoying you and…” he trailed off again. “But you don’t look at me like I’m a dick, Lily. You look at me like I tried to kill your best friend and I don’t, okay. I didn’t do anything.” Lily chose not to correct him. Severus wasn’t her best friend. Not anymore. Instead, she let go of the snow and took a deep breath. “Look I know… I know I don’t have a chance with you, Lily,” he paused for a moment, like he was going to say more. Lily finally met James’ eyes, saw how beautiful they looked in the snow. She shook her head. “But for some reason, I can’t tell you why, I want you to believe me,” he finished. Lily blinked at him, trying to see past the act until she realised, there wasn’t one. For once, he was being honest.
Lily bit her lip, thinking back to that day, three months ago, when she’d yelled at James, accused him of something she had no idea about. She still remembered exactly what he’d said that day.
“I’m not a monster, Lily. Fuck, I— I would never put anyone’s life on the line. And especially not to prove my worth to you.”
“What happened?” she asked, looking away from James and watching the snow fall all over the grounds, catching on the leaves of trees and settling into the already snow covered ground. James sighed beside Lily.
“I can’t tell you the full story—“ Lily spun her head to face him. He was already trying to withhold information? “Because,” he kept going, “it’s not my story to tell.” He looked at Lily, eyebrows raised until she nodded for him to keep going.
“Sirius—he hasn’t—he’s not really okay at the moment,” James explained. “It’s not an excuse but he just… he told Snape—uh, um, Severus,” he quickly corrected himself at Lily’s eye roll. “He told Severus to do something—and this is the part I can’t tell you—and Severus did it because he’s—“ James cut himself short and looked sheepishly down at his lap. Lily laid back down against the snow, not sure how to act. She wanted to hear it, she really did. But every word that nearly came out of her mouth was to defend Severus. To defend the person who had betrayed she. James kept talking. “Severus listened to Sirius, and, I don’t know, I guess Sirius thought he wouldn’t, or—I don’t know. But Sirius told me what he’d done and—I can’t tell you why—but I ran after him and I grabbed him before he could get hurt.” Lily sat up.
“He had a bloody nose!” she said. James closed his eyes.
“Yeah well, he didn’t really come willingly,” James said. Lily sputtered.
“You punched him?” She exclaimed. James shrugged.
“He’s okay now, isn’t he?” he asked, glancing around Lily’s face. She huffed and laid back down in the snow, nodding.
They both stayed silent for a moment before Lily asked the question that had been burning inside her since it happened.
“What…” she started, taking a moment before she could really ask. “What was he walking into, James?” she asked, her voice a mere whisper. James laid down on the snow beside Lily, turning his head to face her.
“I can’t tell you that, Lily,” he replied, equally quiet. Lily bit her lip, considering asking another question. What’d she have to lose, right?
“Was he—was it Remus?” she asked, watching James’ eyes for any hint she was right. There wasn’t one. He just looked confused.
“What on earth would Remus be doing that’s dangerous to Snape?” he asked. Lily watched him for a moment longer but—nothing. Fine. He wasn’t going to tell her. That was fine. Whatever it was, though, was something bad enough to break Remus from the Marauders. And that meant it was bad.
“Nothing,” she smiled. “Nothing, it was a stupid thought I just—“ she shook her head again, looking at James lying in the snow, smirking up at her.
“If you say so, Evans,” he said, sticking out his hand awkwardly. “Now that we’ve got that cleared up, and I’ve so charmingly saved your life,” he started, nodding toward the frozen lake. Lily huffed a laugh. “Friends?” James finished, smiling. Lily smiled back and shook his hand without hesitation.
“Friends,” she confirmed.
“Oh my gosh, Lily!” Marlene yelled out at the same time Dorcas gasped.
“Scandalous, Lily!” she called. Lily laughed and let go of James’ hand.
“I’m glad you guys are back,” she called, smiling. “I have a question.” They stepped closer, intrigued. Lily looked at James and saluted him quickly, earning a confused chuckle. She turned to the girls. “Tell me, did you forget that you could have come out into the ice to get me?” she asked. Marlene froze. Lily had not forgotten her impeccable skating skills. In a matter of moments, Marlene and Dorcas were clutching onto each other and running away from Lily. Their laughter rung through the empty, snow-covered grounds of Hogwarts.
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argylemnwrites · 5 years
It Couldn’t Wait Another Moment - Chapter 15
Pairing: Drake Walker x MC (Riley Liu)
Book: The Royal Romance (Canon Divergent from Book 2, Chapter 15)
Word Count: ~4900
Rating: R (all the adult language - what can I say, Drake swears)
Summary: A much needed conversation, part two.
Author’s Note: Thought I would have this up yesterday, but my Vikings broke my heart, so I couldn’t bring myself to do final edits. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! This chapter is not even remotely holiday themed, but it contains one of my favorite scenes in this story, so I hope you enjoy it!
This series diverges from TRR canon, where instead of waiting to discuss his relationship with Riley until their last night in NYC, leaving her a note while Liam is proposing to her, Drake tackles this topic as soon as possible after Tariq makes his statement and Riley’s name is cleared. To catch up on this series, you can find the previous chapters in my masterlist (link is located in my bio).
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It was pitch black out when Drake awoke to a faint tapping sound. He checked his phone. It was 3:26. He figured he must have imagined the noise and rolled over, trying to go back to sleep, but the noise returned. It was a knock on his door - light, but insistent. Drake was tempted to ignore it, but deep down, he knew who it was. So he shuffled over, flipped the lock, and cracked open the door. 
“You know it’s 3:30 in the morning, right?”
Liam nodded. “I apologize. I couldn’t sleep and I thought maybe… But you’re right, it was rude of me to come by at this hour. I’ll just-”
Drake cut him off with a groan, swinging the door open fully and gesturing for Liam to enter. “No, come on in.”
But Liam didn’t enter, instead pausing in the doorway for a moment before he spoke, “Actually, I was hoping you might want to go fishing.”
Drake blinked a couple of times, trying to clear the fog of sleep from his mind. They hadn’t gone out, just the two of them, in a long time. And given their most recent… conversation, it seemed like an odd choice. But Drake had stuck around to support Liam, so if he needed to go out fishing in the middle of the night, well then Drake would be going with him. “Yeah, okay. Just gimme ten minutes.”
So Drake brushed his teeth and got dressed, grabbing the fishing rods, the lawn chairs, and the tackle box before making his way down to the private garage. It was just Liam there when he arrived, so either Bastien had cleared a private outing, or Liam was ducking out without his security team knowing. It didn’t matter much to Drake either way. He just loaded their gear into the back of his car and moved to hop into the driver’s seat, but Liam called out, “Actually, do you mind if I drive?” Drake shrugged and walked around, sliding in on the passenger's side and settling in for the short drive to their usual spot. Except instead of turning right after passing through the palace gates, Liam turned to the left.
“Uh, where are you going?”
Liam glanced over at Drake before returning his eyes to the road ahead of him, “There’s a different lake I want to visit. I hope you can forgive me this break from our typical routine.”
Once again, Drake found himself shrugging. Not knowing how long of a trip they’d be taking, he leaned his head against the side window. It was dark enough out that he couldn’t see much of the scenery, but he knew they were basically heading east. They drove for well over an hour, not talking, just listening to Liam’s classical music playlist, the one he used when he needed to think. Drake didn’t know what was going on, so he let Liam drive on without any questions about where or how or why. They just drove and drove, and eventually, tinges of orange and pink started to appear in the sky. As the sun began to peek above the horizon, Liam turned off the main road onto a smaller frontage road. After about five more minutes, he pulled over to the side and stopped.
“We’re here,” was all he said before he got out of the car and went to grab his half of the gear from the back. Drake followed his lead, carrying his rod, chair, and the tackle box down a gravel path, Liam just a few paces ahead of him. It was a short and easy hike, leading to a large, crystal-clear lake. The area Liam had chosen was basically a meadow, but there were thickly forested patches along the shoreline, giving rise to large hills and mountains just beyond. Across the lake, Drake noted a grand estate.
He had no idea why they were here and not at their usual lake just west of the capital, but Liam had already set up his chair and was threading his line through the guides. So Drake placed his own chair next to Liam’s, opened the tackle box in between them, and started prepping his own line. Soon enough, they were casting out, the sky lightening in color by the second as the sun continued to climb upwards. They were both silent at first, but after several minutes, Liam broke the ice.
“So, Olivia’s aunt is behind the attacks.”
Drake whipped his head over to the left, trying to gauge Liam’s mental state. That must have been why Olivia came to the palace two days ago. It certainly explained the surge of activity triggered by her visit. Liam didn’t make eye contact with Drake, choosing instead to stare out over the water as he continued to fill him in on the situation.
“She wore a wire yesterday, securing recordings of her aunt talking about the whole thing. Lucretia’s initial plan was to kill any degree of public approval I had before I abdicated, leaving Olivia poised to take the throne. Olivia somehow managed to convince her that we were sleeping together and to give her more time so that she could eventually get pregnant and a Nevrakis would become the heir to the throne.”
“Wait, her aunt thought you two were sleeping together?”
“Olivia didn’t disclose how that even became a point of conversation with her aunt, but Lucretia brought it up unprompted very early on in Olivia’s surveillance, so it must have been part of her ploy to get the initial confession out of Lucretia. Regardless, it was effective. While Olivia was informing me of her aunt’s aims, Lucretia was scrambling to strike deals with her co-conspirators since they were no longer a necessary part of her scheme.”
“How’d that work out for her?” 
“About as well as you would expect. Turns out people who are willing to destroy and kill to gain power don’t respond kindly to being cut out of a coup. Lucretia started naming them all without Olivia even asking because she was planning on having the two of them take out the other key agents in the attacks, all of whom were looking to kill Lucretia at the first opportunity after she dismissed them from her plan.”
“Ah, classic Nevrakis family bonding.”
“Heh. Olivia made a similar remark. Regardless, the strike teams will deploy today to bring the parties involved into custody. Hopefully, things will be well coordinated enough that no one will be forewarned and able to flee. One other insurgent in particular is someone we absolutely need to arrest. His name is Anton Severus, and he and Lucretia seem to be the ringleaders.”
“I’ve never heard of him.”
“We hadn’t either. Initial research turned up some… strange connections to Olivia that we’ll need to investigate further. However, this photo was even more interesting.”
At that, Liam grabbed a small piece of paper out of his jacket pocket and passed it over to Drake. He nearly dropped his fishing rod when he saw the face on the paper.
“It’s that Justin prick!”
“Indeed. Seems he was working under an alias.”
“What the fuck, Liam? He was Liu’s press secretary. He spent a shit-ton of time with her one-on-one. He could have-”
“Drake, this whole situation is a disaster. If you have concerns about the vetting that went into hiring this man, I suggest you take it up with Bertrand. There is something else I thought it prudent you know regarding him, though. He arguably stood to gain the most from the initial scheme concocted by him and Lucretia. Understandably, it sounds like he is the most upset by her recent change in strategy.
“From the way Lucretia talks about him, not only is he highly dangerous, but he also has access to key information Lucretia has been collecting. This includes the findings obtained by the PI that was following you in New York. Apparently, the goal there was a titillating piece surrounding you, me, and Riley. Unfortunately, we think it is highly probable that he will have leaked the information obtained thus far to the press given Lucretia’s description of her conversation with him. So I apologize, but it is likely you and Riley will gain some media attention.”
“So will you.”
Liam shrugged at that, “Yes, well, that comes with the job description for me. That’s not exactly the situation for the two of you.”
“Was warning me about this why you brought me out here?”
“No, that was something I obviously needed to do, but that’s not why I wanted us to go fishing.”
“Why, then? Why today?”
“It's all just been... It's been hard to handle all the…” Liam trailed off. Drake couldn't remember the last time he was at a loss for words.
“Yeah, you've had a lot of shit to deal with.” 
Liam chuckled. “I think that safely qualifies as an understatement.”
Drake smiled softly, letting the quiet of the surrounding nature keep the moment still and peaceful. When Liam got like this, it was best not to ask a lot of questions. just let him talk when he felt like it. So they sat there, lines dipping below the surface of the water. The fish weren't biting, but that didn't really matter at all. They were both silent for many minutes, but eventually Liam started talking.
“My mind is just so full all the time. As soon as I think I have a handle on one topic or issue, another one just worms its way deep into my brain. Being out here, it's nearly like all those conflicting ideas can just float away from me. For the first time in weeks, I feel like I can breathe, that I can decompress even slightly. I know that I can't escape the realities of my life forever, but this is a nice reprieve. So thank you, Drake. Thank you for indulging me, even if I did wake you before 4 o’clock.”
Drake nodded, “Of course, Liam. you know I'd do…”
Liam's eyes drifted over to Drake's as Drake trailed off. He wasn't sure if he had the right to finish that thought. A few months ago, there was literally nothing that Drake wouldn't have done for Liam. He couldn't imagine a single thing. But now, after everything with Riley... Well, saying something like that seemed pretty fucking disingenuous.
But Liam just shook his head sadly, “Even after I said horrible things to you the other day.”
Drake frowned at that, “Liam, I deserved nearly all of it. I should be the one apologizing. You have a shit-ton of crap to handle everyday, and my pissy attitude should not have to be part of it.” He kept his eyes focused on the water, ashamed that he couldn’t even figure out how to be the first one to apologize. But Liam chuckled lightly, seeming to be oblivious to Drake’s pain and guilt.
“Drake, since when are you worried about your attitude around me?” 
He let out a sigh before he responded, “Pretty much whenever I can tell you’re stressed.”
“But that shouldn’t be how this works,” said Liam, “We are supposed to be equals, my title be damned. That can’t happen if you are tiptoeing around me when my life becomes stressful.”
“See, I knew you would see it this way. But you’ve gotta understand that the shit you face is so much worse than the shit any of the rest of us face. I gotta be more careful with you than you are with me. Besides, you look out for me, too. You gave me a place to stay, you let me duck out and do my own thing when I get antsy, you find me lots of high quality whiskey.”
“Are you kidding me, Drake?”
He smiled at that, glancing over at Liam, “Just a little. My point is that we both have been there for each other.”
Liam shook his head. “But don’t you see, Drake, that everything you just listed didn’t really impact my life in any major way. Doing those things for you required very little sacrifice. You, on the other hand, just aggressively reminded my brother that you have uprooted your entire life for me. You put long-term plans on hold to be there for me.”
“You were a prince, Liam. Now you’re the fucking king. You made the best accommodations you could for me given the situation. I did the same. It’s no one’s fault that your life doesn’t allow you the flexibility that mine does.”
“Be that as it may, I worry I’ve taken you for granted, that I’ve treated your support as a given. You altered major life plans for me. That shouldn’t be taken lightly.”
Drake waved his hand through the air, almost as if he could swat away Liam’s concerns, “Trust me, it’s really not a big deal.”
“Your screaming match with Leo would suggest otherwise.”
“Eh, Leo was just being an ass and things got outta hand.”
Drake dropped his eyes to the lake’s surface, watching his line cut through the water. He could feel Liam’s stare on the back of his neck, but he didn’t want to acknowledge it. Maybe, if he just sat there quietly, Liam would let it go. Accept his statement as the truth.
“So this is what you meant about keeping your attitude from me when you think I’m too stressed to handle it.”
Drake sighed slowly, rolling his head around to look at Liam. He didn’t know what to say, but his silence kind of confirmed Liam’s statement.
“I don’t need you to turn yourself into an emotional martyr for me, Drake. I would never want that for you.”
“That’s not what this is, I just-”
“Drake, I think you do it without even thinking about it. It’s become nearly reflexive for you. Remember at my coronation, after Riley was forcibly removed from the palace?”
Drake nodded. While the overall events of that night were burned into his brain, he honestly didn’t remember the details all that well. He’d been a mess. Chasing after Riley. Thinking he’d fly out to New York. He’d gone from being convinced that she was going to be this gnawing presence in his life, happily engaged to Liam and just out of reach, taunting him as the possibility that was never meant to be, to being terrified she would not even be a small part of his life anymore. It was in that moment that he decided if he ever saw her again, he would be grateful to fill whatever role she wanted for him in her life, even if that meant opening himself up to excruciating pain in the end. “Yeah, that one was pretty hard to forget.”
“As soon as I got visibly upset, you jumped into action, planning and organizing. You even told me you would go to New York, and I just assumed that you were doing that for my sake. But that wasn’t your primary motivation, was it?”
Drake closed his eyes and shook his head, “I needed to make sure she was okay. I just wanted to be there for her.”
“You loved her already, didn’t you?”
Liam’s question gave Drake pause. He’d never really bothered to think about when he’d fallen for Riley. It was just one of those things, where one day it had just hit him out of nowhere that he was completely gone on her. They’d been eating breakfast with Hana and Maxwell at Applewood the day after finding the photographer’s ID badge. She’d been giving him shit in response to some comments he’d made about mimosas and after a few moments of bickering, she’d stuck her tongue out at him, as if that would win her the argument. It had just been so stupidly silly, so damn playful, so completely her that he’d just known. And that had been it. He’d never really bothered to try and figure out when he actually fell in love, at least not until this moment.
“I think so,” he finally spoke, barely getting the words out. It felt so shameful, to admit out loud that he was in love with Riley. That he’d been in love with her for a long time at this point. It was stupid to get hung up on this. He’d moved to a new country for her. Of course Liam knew he loved her. But to explicitly state it felt wrong. Dirty. Cruel.
The silence of the surrounding nature felt unbearable. But after a painful minute or two, Liam finally responded to Drake’s confession.
“I wish you would have told me how you were feeling. I wish both of you would have told me, but I really wish you would have told me.”
“Liam, I-”
“Let me rephrase that. You should have told me. The rejection would have never been pleasant, but I would have handled it. Romantic feelings go unrequited all the time. But you lied to me, if not outright, then certainly by omission. And that Drake, is the aspect of this whole mess that I am struggling with the most. I always trusted you to be the one person in this world who was honest with me, to never have an ulterior motive during our discussions. And I’ve lost that faith, Drake. That is what hurts the most.”
“I know, Liam. I’m so sorry.”
“See, this is why you can’t just decide that you need to hide your actual emotions from me. Regardless of whether or not my royal obligations are intense, there needs to be mutual honesty between us.”
Drake shook his head roughly, “It wasn’t all about protecting you. That was part of it, sure, but it was more complicated than just that. I wasn’t exactly trying to be noble.”
“Why then?”
“I don’t want to make excuses here, Liam. I know I fucked up.”
“I just need to understand, Drake. I need to make sense of all of this. So please, just talk to me openly.”
Drake took a breath, trying to organize his thoughts before he started, “It was self-preservation really, and I know that’s selfish of me, but it’s the truth. It was going to be bad enough in the end when she chose you. That alone was going to hurt like hell. I just couldn’t stand the thought of you knowing about it.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“I was convinced that she was going to choose you once she cleared her name.”
“Is there some reason you thought that, or…”
“Previous experience mostly. It’s not important, though.”
“It kind of is, Drake. You are talking about this like it was some foregone conclusion that she wasn’t as interested in you as she was in me, when all I have is evidence to the contrary.”
Drake let out a huge sigh, his shoulders sagging in the process. He wasn’t sure if this topic was wildly embarrassing or just uncomfortable, but they were here now, and Drake didn’t see a way out of it at this point. “Over the years, there have been quite a few women who’ve tried to use me to get close to you. Some just feigned interest until you guys were introduced. Others seemed to have researched me and my interests pretty extensively, letting things escalate between us for quite a while before they suddenly didn’t have time for me. Usually, that was right after they met you. It didn’t take long for me to learn the drill.”
“And you thought Riley was doing the same thing? Drake, she hadn’t even heard of Cordonia when we wandered into that bar.”
Drake mustered up what was left of his courage before continuing, “I think she would have accepted your proposal that night. We snuck outside for a bit. Talked a little. We kissed. I don’t know. We both made it pretty clear that was it for us. It felt a lot like goodbye.
“Then after you got engaged and she came back, I don’t know. Things were different. She kept bringing up us actually being together. It was a strange shift, and part of me just couldn’t believe that she really wanted to be with me. I  kept wondering if she was just looking for comfort after being publicly rejected and I was the best option. So I kept telling her we should wait until she cleared her name to talk about our future. And I braced myself for the day that would happen and she would realize she could have you again. That she could go off and be with who she actually wanted.”
“You told me about your relationship the day after she cleared her name.” Liam’s voice was quiet, but calm. Understanding. Gentle.
“I know it’s not an excuse, Liam. But I just didn’t really think that she had any deep feelings for me until she told me she loved me that night. Some part of me couldn’t shake the thought that whatever the hell was going on between us was about to come to an end.”
“But it didn’t.”
“No. It didn’t.”
They both sat there, still and silent. It was tense, to be sure, but unlike the other day, Drake didn’t sense any anger rolling off Liam. He knew he was much calmer, too. Maybe they had just needed to purge their more toxic thoughts before they could have this conversation. Or maybe it needed to happen outside of the confining, binding walls of the palace. Out away from pressures and obligations, away from nosy servants and nobles. Maybe that was why Liam had wanted to go fishing. Maybe deep down he knew this was the only way either of them would talk. But that didn’t explain his choice of location.
“Why here?”
“What was that?”
“I am just trying to figure out why you wanted to come out here to… wherever the hell we are to have this conversation.”
“Valtoria. That’s where I brought us.”
“Okay, so why Valtoria?”
Liam sighed, looking around and fully taking in the surrounding woods and meadows. He was silent, with only the lapping water and the hum of last of that year’s cicadas filling the air. Eventually after several painfully long moments he answered.
“You know how Valtoria has been vacant for decades? Well, it was going to be hers.”
“What are you talking about, Liam?”
“I was going to offer her the title of Duchess of Valtoria.” He kept looking around, almost as if making eye contact would be unbearable.
Drake's mind raced as he tried to figure out what the hell he was talking about. It only took a few seconds for him to realize the truth behind it all. “You couldn't marry a commoner. You had to make her fucking suitable match.”
Liam winced at that, finally turning his head to face Drake. “I was trying to give her a home. I wanted Cordonia to feel like her country, not my country. But yes, Drake. I was also looking to appease her critics on the council. Titling her was a needed formality.” 
Drake let Liam's words wash over him. He knew that Liam himself didn’t really care that Riley came from poverty, had clawed her way to a working class lifestyle. But somehow, the fact that he would have elevated her to noble class before marrying her rubbed him the wrong way just the same. His discomfort at the idea must have shown on his face, because Liam spoke again after a brief moment.
“Come on, Drake. I know it’s your reflex to hate the nobility, but surely that wouldn’t apply to her?”
Drake shook his head. “It’s not that.”
“Then what is it? Why would the mere formality of titling her upset you?”
“That’s not…. It’s just… No one needs to change anything about her.”
A faint smile crept across Liam’s face at Drake’s reply, even as he squinted his eyes in disbelief, “My god, who are you and where have you hidden Drake Walker?”
“That was dangerously close to romantic, my friend. Certainly more saccharine and sweet than anything I have ever said.”
“Bullshit, Liam.”
“Fair enough, but you have to admit that was far more sentimental than you usually act.”
“Jesus, Liam. I’m not saying that to be romantic. I just don’t like the fact that you wanted her to change who she is to marry you.”
“It was never about changing her. It was merely adding a formal title.”
Drake squinted at Liam, trying to figure out how he could be so oblivious, but then it dawned on him. Riley hadn’t let Liam see her as she really was. She’d kept things light and polite. She’d never laid into him. Never opened up to him. She had kept playing at being princess the whole way through.
“Tell me, Liam -  how many times have you heard Liu swear?”
After a couple of seconds, Liam said, “My answer is that I can’t recall her ever swearing, but I can guess that is not her typical behavior based on that question.”
“She called me a ‘goddamn motherfucking asshole’ within her first few days here,” Drake responded, shaking his head with a smile, “You may not have asked her to change who she was, but…”
“You’re saying she just felt compelled to act differently around me.”
“I think so.”
Liam was quiet for a few moments, likely thinking about everything that had been said. Eventually, he shook his head, “Well, I think there’s some form of irony buried in this whole situation. Apparently, there have been many women out there who acted differently around you to get to know me. The one woman I actually wanted to get to know was acting differently around me as she fell in love with you.”
“Liam, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, Drake. At least not for that part. I will certainly accept your apology for hiding your feelings from me and prolonging the uncomfortable situation. But the rest of it is just life. I fell for someone, but she fell for someone else. There’s no reason for her not to be with the person she loves if he loves her in return.
“I’m not blameless in this whole mess. You were right; I just assumed she was interested in me. I could blame the entire dynamic of the social season, but that wouldn’t be proper. I am a grown man, and I should have recognized her waning interest in me.”
“No, you were right. We should have talked to you sooner.”
“And I probably shouldn’t have offered up being my mistress without asking about her feelings surrounding my relationship with Madeleine. There is plenty of blame to go around.”
“Excuse me, you what?”
“It’s not my proudest moment, Drake, but I was desperate and grasping at straws. Looking back, I certainly could have done better there. However, I am guessing you have some moments you wish you could redo in this whole debacle?”
Drake was still trying to process the fact that Liam had apparently asked Riley to be his side piece, but he knew his overall point was valid. They both had made mistakes here. And maybe it was time to leave those mistakes in the past and start moving forward. So Drake just nodded, a gesture Liam returned with a smile before he looked out over the lake again. The silence between them wasn’t entirely comfortable, but it certainly felt closer to normal than it had in a long time.
Riley poured the couple at the bar two more IPAs, then quickly glanced around the room, trying to see if there were any other customers who needed another round. Not seeing any obviously empty glasses or anyone trying to flag her down, she started loading up a tray with dirty glassware to bring into the back to get cleaned.
After her breakdown her first night back in New York, she’d resolved to not think about Cordonia, and she honestly felt like she’d done a pretty good job. One of the afternoon bartenders had quit unexpectedly, so she volunteered to pick up some extra shifts, which not only kept her busy and distracted, but also helped her earn some much needed cash.
She gotten some texts from Maxwell and Hana, but she’d kept her responses light and casual. She really was doing fine. She just had to convince them of that fact. If they kept asking her how she was doing, she would fixate on everything that had happened, and the would be the opposite of helpful. She needed to keep moving forward, and then she would be able to move on with her life.
Riley carried the heavy tray into the backroom and loaded up the industrial dishwasher. After washing her hands, she went back out front, but the sight in front of her stopped her dead in her tracks. She knew that hair. She knew that face. But that hair and that face were supposed to be in Cordonia, not scanning the room awkwardly, clearly looking for someone.
“Hana?” she finally called out when she found her voice, “What the hell are you doing here?” 
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Tags: @addictedtodrakefanfic @kingliam2019  @dcbbw @mfackenthal @jovialyouthmusic @iplaydrake @gibbles82 @drakewalkerisreal @riley–walker @thequeenofcronuts @notoriouscs @butindeed @thesumofmychoices @texaskitten30 @yaushie @cosigottahavefaith @thequeenchoices @katedrakeohd @feartheendlesssummer @sirbeepsalot @ladyangel70 @ao719 @ooo-barff-ooo @octobereighth​
@sunnyxdazed @lilyofchoices
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Makes Me Wonder
request: greetings! if it would be alright with you, how about a student inadvertently making Snape laugh rather uproariously during a lesson after delivering some smart and well-timed sarcasm to another peer that they hold a moderate animosity towards? sounds a bit ooc for ol' Snapey, but thought it was cool. only if you want to, though
warning: uhhh bullying kind of, favoritism
note: i am the least sarcastic person ever so im sorry but enjoy as much as you can. also this request was from months ago and im realizing how far behind i am; sorry guys!
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You felt as if you were never the person to be involved in relationships. It just wasn’t entirely your thing and getting in other couple’s business seemed plain rude!
However, you believed there were some moments where input was needed - in your head. Whatever, its their relationship and they can say and do things whatever they want; except Draco Malfoy.
That Slytherin always had it coming with his backhanded remarks and bullying tactics. Nobody really had the guts to say anything and if they did, they heard from Lucius Malfoy. Except for Harry Potter; that’s Voldemort’s piece of meat.
You’d be lying if you said you never expected someone to fall for Draco. He was handsome and he knew it almost all the girls fawned over him. Sure, he was a jerk, but it seemed like his looks made up for it.
If something doesn’t go his way, Lucius will hear about it, no doubt. It’s his choice to do anything about it, though. The man hasn’t put any action to his son’s words.
Potions class wasn’t any different; Draco sits right behind you with Crabbe and Goyle. Beside you was Hermione Granger, the top student in your class. Draco loved to make crude comments towards your friend, making your blood boil with every word.
Usually, you both ignored it as Snape’s class carried on. Today seemed to be the same, sitting up front and taking notes of what Professor Snape was saying. Hermione wrote down every word, sharing her notebook with you as you focused, ignoring Draco’s feet lightly shaking your stool.
The man of the hour stood in front of the class, shifting his robe away from his feet as he spoke, wandering the class. Snape walked by your desk, jokingly bumping your shoulder as he continued speaking.
“Amortentia is the most potent love potion in the world and no one is immune, not even the most powerful wizard,” he said, making a return to the front of the class.”
Draco leaned forward and whispered, “not even a filthy mudblood like you, Granger.”
Snape turned his head to Draco, “Mr. Malfoy-”
You gripped your pencil and hummed, turning around as Hermione spoke, “Y/N, dont -”
“You know, Malfoy,” you started, “I can’t help imagining how much awesomer the world would be if your dad had just pulled out so I don’t have to hear all the shit that comes out of your mouth.”
Silence filled the classroom until someone burst into laughter. You turned around, seeing Professor Severus Snape leaning over in laughter. Hermione started to laugh as well as the rest of your classmates. It surprised you how even Slytherins were laughing.
Snape kept laughing, waving his hand, “enough, enough!”
He took a couple deep breaths to recollect himself as Draco’s face turned red, “my father will hear about this!”
You chuckled, “good! He might even agree with me!”
Snape bellowed into laughter again as his body shook, somewhat giving students the ‘ok’ to laugh as well. Ron wiped tears away from his cheeks as Harry gave you a thumbs up. Hermione hid her face in her hands as she continued laughing.
Finally, Snape collected himself, straightening his robes, “Miss/Mr. L/N, see me after class.”
Right on cue, the bell rang and students shuffled out, patting you on the back as they left. You stood up from your desk, gathering your books as Snape leaned against his desk.
You bit your cheek, “yes, professor?”
Professor Snape held up his hand, “keep up the good work.”
You laughed, giving him a high five, “thank you, sir.”
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Swapping Bodies
Chapter 19
Word count: 1837
A/N: I find the idea really interesting, but whether I managed to implement it properly, you decide ;)
You helped Professor in the lab as usual. You've made a whole pot of polyjuice potion for the next week practice. Snape brought an empty jar to pour the contents from the cauldron. You held the jar while he was pouring. Suddenly the potion exploded, forming a huge cloud of violet smoke around you. You coughed and got lost in space.
"Damn it! These dunderheads failed to clean the jars properly! Something caused the reaction..." Snape swore at the 1st course, who had detention today.
After the smoke cleared, you discovered that something was wrong. Everything was wrong.
"Professor?" Panicked a tall man, palpating his body and touching his head.
"Holy shit!" The young lady made a deep breath and leaned over the table with both hands, looking on the floor and trying to control herself.
You swapped bodies in this violet cloud.
The material embodiment of Professor Snape ran up to the polished cauldron and started examining its reflection. 
"Oh, Merlin! What shall we do now?!"
The body, which was supposed to be yours, came up from behind with an impassive look and also glanced at the reflection.
"It will last a day, no less." It snapped. "The concentration was too high, it would be naive and stupid to count on the usual for this potion one-hour effect."
"I will be you for a whole day?" You exclaimed in horror, looking at the black suit with lots of buttons, you were wearing.
"Don't worry, if it haven't escaped your notice, I also have something changed in my appearance." He quipped, showing you his long skirt.
You looked at him in dismay. 
"Remove that expression from my face!" He grimaced and approached you. "We'll handle this." He tried to reassure you. "Right?"
You looked at yourself with Snape's the black eyes, but the look, turned to you, wasn't yours, it was his look. The only thing that made it clear that now you were him, that is to say, he was you. What a mix-up!
Professor, in whose body you were captured, had unusual for him confused and frightened look.
"Well..." Continued Snape with your voice. "Fortunately, tomorrow I have 2nd, 3rd and your course. You'll hold classes for me."
You rounded Professor's eyes, and with hope offered to take a day off for tomorrow.
"No way, out of question!" He strictly refused. "I'll let you refresh the material, and explain your new theme today, so that tomorrow you will repeat it to your dumb peers. You can do it." He softened and took you by the shoulders.
It looked like a brave student was trying to comfort the most severe Professor at Hogwarts.
"It's so weird talking to myself!" Said Snape and twisted your face.
“I feel the same.” You stretched Professor's lips in a smile. "Fine, I'll hold your classes, and you'll attend mine."
Snape rolled your beautiful eyes. 
"That's what I needed!" He exclamed sarcastically.
You made a pleading expression on Professor's face. "I have a test in Transfiguration tomorrow, you'll have to write it for me."
Your body collapsed exhaustedly on a chair and leaned with elbows on your knees. "It's gonna be a tough day, I suppose." It sighed fated.
Professor's legs brought you to the chair standing nearby, and you sat next to each other. You were silent. 
You looked at Snape's hands, which were now yours. 
"Just one day, it could've been worse..." You thought, putting up with the upcoming adventure. "Well, that's even exciting!"
Professor's body jumped up from the chair joyfully, and his lips said:
"Well, since it happened, we need to make another cauldron of the potion. Miss Y/L/N," you jokingly addressed Professor with a stern look, "are you going to help me, or will you remain sitting like this?"
Snape couldn't resist, and a smile appeared on your face.
"You quickly got in my character!"
You spent the rest of the day in the lab, making that unfortunate polyjuice potion again, Snape explained you the new material, you had to teach your classmates, and made clear what you were going to explain the 2nd and 3rd courses. You, in return, reminded Professor what tasks he would face on the test, and how to answer them.
When it was time for dinner, you decided to wait until the majority of students dispersed in their dorms, and only then you went to the Great Hall. You sat in the farthest corner and could finally eat.
If someone, who still remained in the Hall, looked at you, he could see Professor Snape pulling a huge piece of honey pie out of his student's hands, while he was slowly eating a fruit salad. In fact, you were worried about your figure, which Snape was going to spoil by eating sweet overnight. He himself slipped you a fried chicken leg, so that you wouldn't ruin his reputation with girly salads.
"I'm not sleeping in your dorm!" He said resolutely.
"They would better find Professor in my bed?" You pointed out your appearance.
"You sleep in my chambers." Snape stated. "I’ll take the couch."
"Yes," you agreed, "it seems to be a good idea to have a view on each other."
At that moment, Professor Flitwick approached the table.
"Severus, decided to have dinner with the students?" He friendly greeted you.
The real Snape was about to respond, and your body coughed. You remembered that it was you who looked like Severus, and hectically thought what to answer.
"Yes... Miss Y/L/N asked to explain her some potions formulas, and since I didn’t have time today, I decided, why not doing it here." You cracked a smile on Snape’s face.
Professor Flitwick smiled to "you". 
"Miss Y/L/N, you should sometimes take a break from studying."
"I will, Professor." Said Snape, squeezing a smile with your lips.
"Stop smiling! I look like an idiot!" Snape made a remark when Flitwick passed by. 
"And I like it when you smile." You looked at yourself and smiled again with his lips. "In that case, Professor, do not frown my forehead, I can already see a wrinkle appear on it."
The rest of the day brought no more suprises. After dinner you immediately headed for Snape's chambers. The furnishing was just as you expected. Lots of shelves full of books, a table with a cauldron (why does he need a cauldron here?), curtained windows, with only a narrow slit for the sunlight. You found it cozy.
Snape took you to his room, where you could also see many bookshelves, a soft carpet on the floor, and a pair of table lamps on the sides of the bed.
Playful mood returned to you again.
"Professor, wouldn't it be selfish? After all, your body will sleep on the bed, and mine will suffer on the couch!" You looked at him seriously and broke into laughter.
"True." He agreed. "I'm staying. The bed is big, and there is enough place for us both. "
At first you thought he was joking, but he threw off your shoes and layed down. You did the same, expecting him to stand up and leave. But he didn't. You layed in the dark and looked at the ceiling.
"I’m glad it happened with you..." Snape said quietly.
You were surprised and cautiously asked: 
"Just because..." He paused. "You are the only person at Hogwarts whom I could trust my body." He turned your head to you and smiled. You smiled too. You were pleased to hear that.
"I also wouldn't like to entrust my body to anyone but you." 
Fatigue overpowered you and you fell asleep, each on your own side. Even despite you slept so close, both of you couldn't even think of intimacy, because it was all too weird and ridiculous.
In the morning you decided not to show up in the Great Hall and only had tea with cookies right in Snape's chambers.
You've agreed to meet after classes in Professor's office. You were very nervous, and Snape tried to comfort you giving you more instructions.
"Do not dare to smile! No jokes, no laughter! You understand?"
"And you don't be rude, and do nothing if they start teasing you... I mean, me... Just ignore them, ok?"
You agreed with each other's requests and went your own way.
You took Professor's part fairly quickly, because you saw him almost every day and have perfectly studied his manners and gestures. And when your own course's turn came, you were already unstoppable.
"Take your seats! Now!" You snapped with Snape's low voice. You even started enjoying it.
Suddenly you noticed yourself in the crowd. Your embodiment looked at you with a smile and admiration. When you saw Professor, you felt a little embarrassed, but decided to play the role till the end.
Snape took your place at the desk and watched you. You slowly walked back and forth between the desks, repeating his gestures.
You explained the new material, slowly, in Professor's leisurely manner, making pauses between words and giving contemptuous glances to some of your peers who made your life hell. 
Snape was amazed at how accurately you stick to his manner.
As expected, questions followed after the explanation. You answered them the way he would've done it. But suddenly you heard a question which you didn't expect, and you were not sure how to answer it. You were not confused though.
"Enough of dumb questions for today!" You said sternly.
Suddenly Snape raised your hand from your place.
"Professor, may I answer?" He asked softly, the way you would have done.
You barely restrained yourself, not to expose all Professor's teeth in a smile.
"Miss Y/L/N?" You let him speak.
Snape answered the question in detail and thus saved you (and obviously himself).
After the class, you quickly retired to the supply room so that no one else would approach you with questions or anything else.
The door suddenly opened.
"Professor, will you allow me to enter?" Asked Snape and laughed.
You laughed with him.
"We did it?" You couldn't believe.
"I can’t believe it either!" He answered, still chuckling.
You were sitting, exchanging impressions of the day and waiting for everything to return to its places.
Suddenly, it darkened in your eyes, you felt a complete loss in space again, and as soon as you came to your senses, you found yourself in your body.
"Finally!" You sighed with relief.
"Oh yes!" Snape agreed.
He came up to you and took you by the shoulders.
"Well done, you did an excellent job!" He gave you a tender look, full of admiration. "It was so difficult to talk to you, looking at that gloomy man."
You laughed.
"I found it also difficult to realize that this downtrodden girl was my powerful Professor!"
"Let's have a bite, I'm hungry as hell." He suggested. 
You also felt hungry and gladly agreed.
You sat down at the same place as the day before. But now you yourself were at the right places.
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Random anon here. I recently saw your ask about Severus Snape and I wanted to know, what are your reasons for supporting him? I'm not trying to start an argument I swear (personally he seems to fall more on the "love to hate" side of morality, but that's my opinion, not yours!) I'm just struggling to find my own opinion and I've seen both extremes on the topic. I realize this is kind of a racy question so feel free to just ignore me if'n ya want!
Okay, so I am not well off, and it was especially worse when I was younger. I grew up in a ghetto, on the worst side of the city. I didn’t have friends for the longest time. It was hard, and even then, I wasn’t aware of just how hard it truly was for my mom and I.
When reading Harry Potter, I never saw Severus as a bully. In fact, I just really didn’t take him seriously because he came off exactly as McGonagall, which is really strict. I’ve had teachers do far worse things than he’s ever done, so to me, Professor Snape was just really strict like a nun. At least he couldn’t hit the kids, which is different compared to the school I went to for years. Comparing my experiences at school, to his actions toward students, is nothing.
For the longest time I didn’t hold an opinion on him, other than why the hell does he care what happens to Harry if he doesn’t like him, you know?
PoA starts to put it together really. Dumbledore’s stupid comment in PS wasn’t really considered because I was more angry over Slytherin getting shafted out of points after being declared winners. (I was 6 when I saw the film the first time, and my sister was only a year older when she saw the film the first time and that was her first reaction too.)
But in PoA, Harry gets dragged into Snape’s office where he mouths off and Severus reveals that Harry’s father and his buddies nearly got him killed, and that whatever Dumbledore said, was greatly watered down to make James appear great. However, I was still very young and didn’t comprehend everything. Only that Remus literally admits at the end of the book, that Severus would have died because of Sirius using Remus to play an awful prank, and Dumbledore made Severus stay quiet about it, which wasn’t fair.
Sirius allows Severus’ unconscious form to bang into everything, Severus conjurs stretchers for everyone, including Sirius, and there was banging in sight.
In GoF Sirius tries to make him out to be someone super horrible but I couldn’t take him seriously because he obviously hates Severus and is really immature about it if we use the banging his head off of stuff as an example. How would he know that Severus was evil before coming to school?
The next time I truly consider him beyond that of a strict teacher, is in OotP when Harry rudely rifles through his memories and we see a scene that I have personal experience with. We see his ‘worst memory’, meaning it’s bad.
As stated earlier, I grew up in a ghetto. Mom and I were the only ‘white people’ in said ghetto that was African/Mexican. And while most people backed off when they learned that my sperm donor is a black man with many large, black brothers, some still bothered me. And when I transferred to the public Elementary School down the street, I wasn’t safe there either. I got bullied in my neighborhood, and bullied at school by the popular kids.
So we all know James was supposedly well-liked, meaning popular. And Severus wasn’t. And with how the series treats Slytherins, it’s not shocking Slytherins are bullied just for their House.
Severus is assaulted by 4 people on one, which annoyed me because I was used to that. Sometimes even more people. And if I fought back, they would claim I was the bully and try to get me in trouble at school. I had a bad reputation, and no one questioned the favorites because how could they ever do wrong?
The unfairness of a many on one scenario, made me so angry as a tween and to see him going through that just immediately put me off to James Potter. They held him down and choked him and stripped him, and a similar situation happened to me once in the park down the street where they struggled to pin me and managed to get only my pants off before I got free. 5 boys against 1 girl. Just because Severus has a dick, doesn’t mean the situation is any better with him in it.
James says he does it ‘because he exists’. Something else I’m familiar with. And then we get right from Lily’s own mouth, that the Marauders are arrogant and cocky and pick on anything just because they feel like it. She makes that observation. Severus saying a bad word once in the whole series wasn’t really enough to suddenly get me to hate him. I was disappointed with him, but was more hyped up at the time, on the fact that the great and wonderful Marauders, were just a group of bullies.
And then 1 chapter later, Sirius and Remus confirm EVERYTHING, but try to play it off as something simple. They said they never stopped bothering him, but that they got better at hiding it so Lily wouldn’t know. The bulling continued all throughout school. They graduated as bullies. It was very clear to me.
Effin wonderful.
And by the end of the book, we see that Severus was giving water to Umbridge instead of a truth serum. That he alerted the Order to Harry’s vision and told Sirius to remain behind on Dumbledore’s orders. That he went into the FoD to search for them when they didn’t return with Umbridge. He did all this when he didn’t have to.
I was a mixed bag of emotions in HBP because I don’t like Dumbledore at all so Severus killing him didn’t affect me in the least. His supposed betrayal though, hit hard and I was so sad. I read that book during the utter height of my Depression, so it was especially hard for a character that I formed a close bond with due to mutual experience, would truly be Voldemort’s man. This was before I understood that liking an evil character doesn’t make you evil. And it just contradicted all I knew about Severus’ actions during Harry’s school years and was difficult to come to grips with.
And yet in DH his actions made no sense. Sending Ginny to Hagrid for detention instead of to the Carrows? That was supposed to be a punishment when he knew they were friends?
And then all is revealed and we got more back story. He was just as poor as me, bullied before school even. Petunia bullied him for being poor. She bullied her own sister for having magic. Like, seriously, she’s horrible. 
On the first day, James and Sirius began picking on him for wanting to be in Slytherin. They hadn’t even been sorted yet and they were already bothering him.
And I felt Lily, the Prefect, expecting him to control his Housemates who aren’t even his friends, wasn’t fair since he was at the bottom of the ranks in Slytherin for his blood status. She made no attempt to control the actions of the Marauders, which Remus didn’t either as he too was a Prefect. They actually had power in those situations and never used it, which isn’t Severus’ fault.
Dumbledore’s plan comes into the light and nooooo, Severus was never on Voldemort’s side! Thank God!
And then he died to see Voldemort taken down.
It was pretty cut and dry in my eyes. He worked for Dumbles the whole time, just to make up for his mistake.
I am much older now. I know more things. I am in a better mental state than I was when I finished HP. I love Voldemort and I am unashamed of it, because I know that I can like an evil character and not approve of their actions.
I have seen other people’s thoughts of Severus and looked at his actions from different points of view.
How he treats his students is still nowhere near to what I was used to growing up. From my personal experience, he was very easy on his students when in such a dangerous class. It however, is bullying. I know that now, and I am disappointed in it, though can understand that half is for show, and the other half is because he’s a bitter asshat.
I too am bitter. I don’t like kids. I hate people in general. I lack tolerance for most things that annoy me. I am not mentally healthy despite being better than I was.
Harry had similar experiences to Severus. People use him somehow coming out perfectly as the only possible example of an abuse victim to become. He is in fact, unrealistic. To the extreme.
I understand now why Severus is the way he is. I understand why I am the way I am. That will not excuse the shitty things we’ve done, but it makes sense. Our experiences shape us, and people expecting someone who went through what Severus went through, to come out fine, are stupid.
I connect to Severus Snape very deeply. And with wiser eyes, I can see even more problems deeply entrenched in the things that happened. The stripping of someone without consent is sexual assault for example. Every now and then I re-read and pick up the more abusive aspects of what I read, and Severus was on the receiving end of some terrible shit that people overlook or excuse.
And it angers me when people ignore his plights as a teen because to them, he was the world’s biggest bully as an adult. Yes, it’s immature that he took his justified anger at James out on Harry. No, it is not okay behavior. No, he is not the biggest bully to ever live. No, his actions to stop Voldemort are not diminished simply because he was an ass to kids. Yes, he earned his redemption for joining the Death Eaters by helping to end Voldemort. Plain and simple.
If people can blame 15 year old Severus for what he did then and in the future, I am allowed to hold the Marauders accountable for the shit things they did as teens. Simple concept.
My #Severus Snape tag would take you on a trip.
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beaglelinefics · 7 years
Dissertation on Harry Potter
Johnny x Reader
Writer: Jaime
“So, uh, you like Harry Potter?”
You looked up to see Johnny, a kid you were paired with once for a project like last year, standing in front of you and pointing to your book. You shut The Deathly Hallows and looked up at him from where you sat at a picnic table. You were trying to enjoy the unusually nice winter weather, but of course he had to show up and ruin it. He’d been pestering you for close to a month now, trying to find ways to hold a conversation with you, but so far nothing had worked. You either hummed noncommittally to his questions or just flat out ignored him. Working with him had been a nightmare, and you still hadn’t completely forgiven him for the F the two of you had received. It had taken you months to bring that back up so your GPA wouldn’t tank.
“What’s it to you?”
“It’s one of my favorite book series,” he replied as he took a seat across from you. “My friends don’t really like talking about it with me, so I, uh, I guess I was hoping I could talk about it with you?”
“Maybe I actually think it’s trash and am marking it up with all my hateful comments. Ever think about that?”
“Pretty sure if you hated it you wouldn’t have Hufflepuff and Slytherin pins on your jacket collar.”
“Fuck,” you cursed under your breath while brushing your hair so it would cover the objects. “Fine, you caught me. What do you want to talk about?”
“Uh… I didn’t actually think that far ahead,” he admitted with a sheepish smile. “I wasn’t planning on getting this far to be perfectly honest.”
“Okay, let’s start with an easy question. Who’s your favorite character?”
“Hm… I don’t know… I love all them, you know? But I’ll go with Neville.”
“Good choice,” you replied as you nodded in approval. “I’ve always admired Neville. He went through so much shit at the hands of his peers and even one of his teachers, yet he was still so sweet and never gave up trying.”
“Is he your favorite character?”
“He’s one of them, but I love Ginny and Luna as well.”
“Snape used to be my favorite character.”
“What changed your mind?”
“I guess I just like Neville more. What about you?”
“What? My feelings about Snape?”
“Yeah, what did you think about him and Lily? I had this friend in middle school who thought they should have ended up together,” he told you.
“I hope you dropped his ass. Snape is a disgusting fuckwad.”
“Um… okay?”
“You don’t agree?”
“I mean, yeah, he wasn’t the greatest, but he was a hero in the end!”
“Oh, fuck off,” you scoffed. “What he did wasn’t any more heroic than what anyone else did at that battle, and at least the others didn’t do it for selfish reasons like his obsession with some poor girl.”
“Wow you really don’t like him.”
“I think it’s gross how the fandom idolizes him so much, makes him out to be this great hero. And as for JK, as much as I love her, she shouldn’t have named one of Harry’s children Albus Severus, like honestly Harry knew much braver men than that dick. Like Hagrid and Lupin did much greater things than Snivellis ever could.”
“So maybe he wasn’t the bravest guy Harry knew, but he did kind of look after him during his time at Hogwarts. He was on the good side.”
“He only ‘looked after’ Harry because Dumbledore told him to. And he would’ve been content to stay a Deatheater if Neville was targeted instead of Harry. Not to mention that when he found out about the prophesy, and that it was Harry in it, he asked Voldemort to save Lily, not her husband and newborn.”
“So there are no redeeming qualities about him?”
“Look, I think Snape is a beautifully complex character, but as a person he’s disgusting. A thirteen-year-old’s boggart was him, not the person who tortured said boy’s parents. It was his potions teacher. How fucked up is that?”
“Pretty fucked up.”
“Exactly. And don’t think this means I hate people who like him. I have nothing against those people, as long as they don’t try to excuse any of his behavior. James Potter didn’t drive him to the Dark Arts or anything like that. Just accept him as he is, doesn’t mean you have to stop liking him.”
“Nothing, it’s just kind of cute the way you’re so passionate about a fictional character.”
You felt your cheeks warm at his unexpected comment. “I mean, it doesn’t really matter what I think. It’s just a book.”
“Shut up.”
He fell silent as you opened your book again and started reading. Was he supposed to continue to sit there or should he leave?
“So, what house are you?” you asked, causing him to pause in the middle of standing up.
“Have you not taken the test?”
“Well, no, I have. I just… aren’t I bothering you?”
“I thought we were talking about Harry Potter, so I just… oh, I guess me opening the book was kind of rude.” You closed it and gave him your full attention. “Sorry, I just got a little embarrassed after my rant about Snape.”
“Like I said, it was cute.”
“I’m not cute.”
“Gryffindor. I was sorted into Gryffindor. How about you?”
“I’ve been sorted into Slytherin and Hufflepuff on different occasions, so I consider myself a Slytherin with strong Hufflepuff undertones.”
“Ah, a Slytherpuff!”
“Well, I’d like to see when this Hufflepuff side comes out, if you don’t mind.”
“Are you saying I’m not nice?”
“Are you saying that being nice is only a Hufflepuff trait?”
“Wha—hey! Don’t try to turn this on me!”
“And you say you’re not cute.” He grinned at the flustered expression on your face. “I’m only teasing you. But I would like to continue talking about Harry Potter with you. It’s fun!”
“Well, I’m free for a few hours right now if you want to grab something to eat and continue this conversation over some food.”
“Are you… are you asking me on a date?”
“Well I was trying to, but I guess I don’t have any game if you couldn’t pick up on that.”
“Have I mentioned before how cute you are?”
“Yeah, multiple times at this point.” You got up and tossed your hair over your shoulder as you looked down at him. “So you gonna come or not? I have an entire dissertation on the portrayal of Ginny in the movies.”
“Marry me.”
“Gotta take me out at least once before I’ll consider that proposal, cowboy.”
He scrambled to his feet and held out a hand to you. “Well then let’s get going, shall we?”
“You really like Harry Potter, don’t you?”
“Oh, absolutely, but I’m sure if you try hard enough, you could become a close second in my heart.”
“I’m sure anyone else would get offended, but considering how it’ll be the same for you when it comes to my heart, I’ll let it slide.”
“How gracious.”
“I’ve been told it’s one of my shining qualities.”
“Sounds great.”
“Now, how about that dissertation?”
“Oh, right! Alright, so, let’s talk about how she’s written in the books, because, let me just say, Harry was fucking head over heels for my wife.”
“Your wife?”
“Hey, no interrupting!”
“Right, sorry. Please continue.”
“Well now I’ve lost my place!”
“No biggie. I’ve got all the time in the world.”
“I’m trying to be romantic!”
“Let’s just get our burgers.”
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pookha · 4 years
Symphony of the Heart Chapter 4: Harmony
Something long-anticipated happens. Harry and Hermione have a big argument. In the end, though, there is harmony.
Harry banged his head on a rafter when the door banged open and almost dropped his wand.
"Miss Hermione is home," Dobby said from the base of the ladder. Even if he hadn't said anything, Jenny's excited meows would have told Harry this.
"Thanks, Dobby," Harry said exasperatedly.
"Harry!" Hermione called from the entryway.
"I'm in the living room, fixing that soft spot in the roof!" he yelled back.
Hermione came in just as he was climbing down the ladder. He went to her and they hugged and kissed. Dobby averted his eyes. Jenny twined around both of their legs.
"Oh, thank you; how's it going?" She stared up at the roof.
"I found the leak. I put some of that roofing tar on the outside and I think I sealed it. I was just checking the inside part when you came home."
He rubbed his head.
"I banged my head when the door opened though and have a lump now."
Hermione moved his fingers with hers and rubbed his head. He felt them go over the bump. She pulled her wand out and did something. It felt like ice and the swelling went down immediately.
"Better?" she asked.
He nodded.
"You're home early; is everything okay?" He kissed her again.
"Dobby will be getting lunch," Dobby said and almost ran to the kitchen.
"You should have a seat," Hermione said with a smile.
Harry gulped and sat. Hermione sat next to him and grabbed his hand. Jenny leapt into her lap.
"You know I've not been feeling well lately. I went to see a Healer today after throwing up."
"And?" Harry asked, a quaver in his voice.
"We're pregnant," she said softly. She grabbed his hand and put it on her belly.
Harry smiled, leaned in and they kissed deeply. Jenny put her paw over Harry's hand and purred.
He pulled back and sat back on the couch, leaning against Hermione.
"I--that's great! I've got to admit, I thought that might be it, but we've been trying so long, I thought something might be wrong."
"I was worried, too." She let out a breath she'd been holding.
"Do we know if it's a boy or girl yet?"
She shook her head.
"The Healer says it's too early yet; I'm only around 9 weeks, and he said it'll be about 20 weeks before he can scan for sex."
She met his eyes.
"Do you want to know before?" she asked.
Harry thought for a moment before answering.
"Yeah, I think I do, but only if you do, too."
She nodded.
"I mean, I know it doesn't make any difference, but I still do." She laughed.
"We should celebrate," Harry said.
"Ugh, I'd like to, but the thought of food right now is making me nauseated."
"How about we go somewhere or do something special?" he asked.
"I think I'd just like to visit Ginny and Luna, if that's okay?"
Harry nodded.
"Is it okay if I send a Patronus to Molly and Arthur?" he asked.
"Yeah, but after we tell Ginny and Luna, please."
She stood and went into the kitchen with Dobby to tell him to not bother with lunch. Jenny leapt off and followed her.
Harry went to their bedroom to change and had just finished when Hermione came in. She changed out of her work clothes and into a long floral skirt that Luna had made for her and a bright orange blouse. He scanned her for any change, but she looked just the same.
"It'll be a bit before you notice," she said when she saw him looking.
He laughed.
"It could just be that I like looking at you." He crossed to her and kissed her again, more passionately this time.
He jerked his head back suddenly with an impish smile.
"Wait; you did brush your teeth after puking earlier, right?"
She punched his arm lightly and widened her eyes.
"No; should I have?"
They both laughed and she grabbed him into a hug again and put her head on his chest.
"I was so worried; we've been trying for so long and nothing." Her voice was almost a whisper.
"Me too." He kissed the top of her head and she finished getting ready.
"Is Apparating safe?" he asked as they were about to leave.
She nodded.
"The Healer said as long as I was confident in it, it's okay, but Floo is better."
They Flooed over a moment later.
As they were coming out of the fireplace, Ginny ran in with Luna right behind her. Both of them had raised wands. When they saw Harry and Hermione, they lowered their wands.
"For fuck's sake!" Ginny said.
"Did you not tell them we were coming?" Hermione asked.
"I thought you had when you went to talk to Dobby."
"I thought you had when you went to change."
Luna's laughs brought them back.
"Sorry," both Harry and Hermione said together and all four of them laughed.
"Hello, Ginny, mind if we come over?" Harry asked between laughs and then they were all laughing again.
Hermione hugged Ginny and then Luna.
"Oh, you're pregnant," Luna said when she pulled back from Hermione.
"What? How can you tell?" Hermione asked.
Luna smiled.
"It's nothing physical; you don't look any different outwardly, but your aura--your demeanor is different. You're either pregnant or some other equally as good news happened, and I know you've been trying for a long time, so it seemed most likely. Am I right?"
Hermione nodded and Ginny squeed in a distinctly un-Ginny way. She hugged Hermione tightly then kissed Harry on the cheek.
"Do you know if it's a boy or girl yet?" Ginny asked.
"Why do people always ask that?" Luna asked.
Everyone turned to her.
"What I mean is; isn't it more important to ask, ‘is the baby healthy?''' or ask about the mother's health."
Ginny waved them toward the couch and chairs. Hermione flopped next to Harry and put her head on his shoulder.
"Yeah, I get your point, but people are always curious about names and sex; maybe it's something we have to think about." Hermione sighed.
She lifted her eyes to meet Harry's.
"God, we haven't even talked about names before."
"I didn't want to jinx anything, and it didn't seem like something to bring up until it was time."
"Going to choose a traditional boy or girl name?" Luna asked. Ginny nudged her with an elbow, but Luna ignored it.
"There's nothing wrong with that," she said, turning to Ginny.
"It's just a bit rude, love," Ginny said to Luna.
"Is it? I thought people asked about names all the time, too?"
"It's all right." Harry held out a hand to Luna and she took it. He squeezed it gently and she smiled the smile that always made him smile back.
"Really, we hadn't talked much about names, but I have some ideas?"
"Oh?" Hermione asked.
Harry released Luna's hand, sat back and met Hermione's eyes.
She nodded, understanding.
"Okay, we'll talk about it in private instead."
There was a silence for a moment. It stretched out longer and longer.
Ginny rose suddenly.
"I'm going to go get some tea."
"Do you have chamomile?" Hermione asked.
Ginny nodded and walked into the kitchen where they could all hear her humming softly to herself as she put on the kettle and gathered mugs, sugar, milk and tea.
"I didn't mean to make either of you uncomfortable," Luna said, breaking the silence.
"I--you didn't," Hermione said.
"You did, but it's okay," Harry said and Hermione nodded.
"You always see to the heart of things, I think in a way that I wish I could," Hermione told Luna.
Luna shook her head.
"I think I'm just good at reading people, but sometimes honesty is not the best policy and it's been a long life lesson learning that." She laughed again at her inadvertent alliteration.
They passed the rest of the visit in small talk and Luna showed them her new plant hybrids.
"That was nice," Hermione said when they returned home.
"Miss would like dinner now?" Dobby's voice came from the kitchen.
Hermione handed her jacket to Harry and she went to the kitchen to talk to Dobby. Harry hung up their jackets and went to the living room to sit.
Hermione came up behind him on the couch, leaned over and kissed the back of his neck.
"Mmm, that feels good." Harry reached a hand back and rubbed her hair awkwardly.
She came around the couch and sat across his lap and they kissed for a long time.
"Dinner will be ready in five minutes!" Dobby called from the kitchen.
Harry and Hermione broke apart and went to sit at the table.
"Not too often we have dinner at the same time anymore," she said as Dobby brought in the dishes.
"But more often now that I'm mostly working from home."
"Yeah, I do like that. You still want to be a stay-at-home dad?"
"Yeah, more than ever."
He noticed her plate.
"Just plain toast?" he asked.
"Ugh, I don't think I can keep anything else down. The chamomile tea did help though."
She sighed.
"The Healer said the nausea should pass in a few weeks, and then ther'll be other changes."
Harry nodded.
"Whatever it is, we'll work through it together."
Hermione smiled the quirky smile that he knew meant she was thinking about the bedroom.
"She also told me that sex is okay as long as it doesn't hurt."
Dobby had just been coming in with a pitcher of water and bowed deeply to them.
"May Dobby be excused for the night?"
Harry blinked; Dobby had only asked to be excused early twice before.
"Of course. Is everything okay?"
"Dobby thought you might like some privacy tonight." He said bowing again.
"Thank you, Dobby; you may go." Harry smiled at the elf.
Dobby put the pitcher and glasses on the table, turned on the spot and Disapparated.
"Did we need privacy?" Hermione asked.
"I think sometimes we embarrass him or maybe he really is just trying to give us space."
They finished dinner and Harry did the washing up while Hermione finished something involving large stacks of parchment. He'd just finished and come into the living room as she was putting it all away in her satchel.
"Glad that's done." She sighed contentedly.
Harry sat next to her at the table.
"Did you want to talk about names?" he asked.
"You said you had some in mind?"
He nodded.
"Lily if it's a girl and Albus Severus if it's a boy."
"No," she said instantly.
"Lily might be fine for a girl, but no to Albus and especially no to Severus." Her voice was rising.
"I--he was the bravest person I knew; what he did for me cost him everything." Harry held his hands out placatingly.
"No! Just no! He treated me like shit!" She was yelling now and her face was red.
"He belittled me at every opportunity and the way he treated Neville was even worse! He was a grown man, a professor; and he couldn't get past child-hood grudges!"
She started to list every time Snape had been cruel to her.
"But that was cover," Harry interrupted her and immediately saw that was a mistake.
"Some of it may have been, but he was a genuinely horrible person and I will not have a son named after him. Do you really think he did what he did for you?"
Harry nodded.
"Don't delude yourself, Harry; he did it for the obsessive love he had for your mother. It wasn't healthy. If Voldemort had only killed your dad, do you think he would have switched sides?"
Harry thought for a moment.
"You shouldn't need to think about that; it's fucking obvious isn't it?" She stood suddenly and her chair banged over.
"I'm going to bed."
He started to rise and she shook her head.
"Just give me some space and think about this." She started to walk by him, then paused and kissed him on the back of the head.
"I do love you, but I'm not going to move on this."
Harry blinked and then put his head in his hands as she walked off. A moment later a blanket, a pillow and the pants he wore to sleep in floated in. They'd never slept apart before if they were both at home.
A few days later, Harry went to his appointment with Dr Statler.
Harry came in and closed the door. As he sat, Dr Statler spoke.
"How are you? Things going okay?"
Harry smiled and took his seat.
"The best they've been in a long, long time. Hermione's pregnant!" His cheer felt false even to himself.
"That's great; I know you two have been trying for a while. That also likely answers the question I was going to ask."
Harry nodded.
"Yeah, that part's been good, too. I haven't had any issues there for a while. I mean, Hermione's not really feeling up to sex right now with the nausea and body changes, but before that it was fine."
"That may change as she progresses," Dr Statler said.
"What will?"
"In a lot of women, sexual desire increases toward the end of the second trimester and into the third. Not all, obviously, but a good percentage." She smiled.
"Let's see. My non-profit is almost in the black and it's not bleeding money anymore, which is good since I'll be taking some time off from it."
"Anything you'd really like to talk about today?"
"Well, Hermione and I did have a pretty big row, maybe the biggest since we've been married?" He sighed.
"What was it about?" Dr Statler got out a quill and parchment to take notes.
"The baby's name. I suggested Albus Severus for a boy and she went off."
Dr Statler blinked in surprise and hesitated with her hand over the parchment and Harry noticed.
"I surprised you, too, I guess." Harry laughed.
"Yeah, Albus doesn't surprise me, I know you were close to Dumbledore; but Severus?"
"I--there are some things about the war that I still can't tell you, but the rumors that Snape was a double agent were true. He did a lot to protect me that I didn't know about until later."
"I can imagine why Hermione wouldn't like it, though, Snape didn't treat her well."
Harry sat up.
"She actually flatly refused. She said that no matter what Snape had done or why he had done it, that it didn't make up for all the abuse he'd given out over the years to her, Neville, me and probably lots of others over the years. She listed a lot of things he'd done to her."
"And what happened after that?"
"I explained my reasons, but she wouldn't budge. I guess I can't blame her."
He paused and thought.
"No, I mean, I do understand, you know, but I've always wanted to honor both of them."
"Was there a resolution to the fight?"
Harry shook his head.
"I agreed that we wouldn't name the child Albus Severus if it was a boy, but we haven't come up with a name yet. I suggested James Sirius after my father and godfather, but she seems a bit cold on it too."
"And if it's a girl?"
"We're thinking Lily after my Mum or Rose after hers, and maybe Luna or Ginevra as a middle name." He smiled.
"We're much closer there."
He lay back on the sofa.
"One thing I've learned over the years is that sometimes compromise means doing your spouse's way completely and not meeting in the middle."
Dr Statler laughed.
"That's very wise. Seriously, though, don't let this fight fester, it's the sort of thing that can cause real hurt on both sides."
"Yeah, I get it." He sighed again.
The rest of the session seemed to pass too quickly to Harry.
"Our time's nearly up, Harry, but I wanted to talk to you about our sessions. I don't think you need to keep seeing me for the sexual dysfunction, and if you want to switch to another, more general therapist, I understand."
Harry shook his head.
"No, if you'll still have me on as a patient, I'd like that."
Dr Statler smiled.
"Of course I would. Would you prefer to stay fortnightly then?"
He'd gone to fortnightly instead of weekly over the last year, but it seemed like there was always so much to talk about.
"I think I might like to go back to weekly for a bit, if that's okay."
"We can make that work," she said. "Are you worried about anything in particular?"
Harry shook his head.
"It's more general. I--I think I just need someone to talk to that's not family or a friend."
"I--I mean," he stuttered, "not that you're not a friend, but you're my doctor, so it's different."
"I understand," she said, "friend makes it too personal and there's not the doctor/patient distance, and that makes you comfortable."
"That's exactly it," Harry agreed.
"Although, if you weren't my doctor, I'd like to think we could be friends now. For a long time, I didn't think people could change, but I've seen too many people who have. It's just hard and takes time."
"Thank, Harry." She stood and looked at her watch.
Harry stood.
"Would it be inappropriate this one time to hug my doctor?" Harry asked hesitantly.
"I think I can put my ethics aside for a moment for a hug," she said.
They hugged awkwardly and Harry laughed.
"Thank you; I'll make an appointment for next week with your assistant."
"See you then."
Usually after a session Harry felt lighter, but today he just felt different. He tried to put his finger on it, but couldn't. Hermione wouldn't be home from work until five at the earliest, so he had time. He Disapparated and appeared a second later outside Ottery St Catchpole. He walked the rest of the way to Ginny and Luna's.
When he knocked on their cottage door, he noticed the mobile over the door had protections on it that it hadn't before and looked at it closely. He smiled. It was one of the wards he'd invented with Hermione's help to guard their own house. This one looked like it might have been Ginny's work, but the calligraphy on it had to be Luna's handwriting.
Luna answered the door a moment later, wearing a smock covered in clay. Her hands were also covered and there was a smear of it on her left cheek just under her eye.
"Harry!" she yelled and hugged him.
"Oh!" she said when she pulled back. "Sorry."
He waved it off.
"May I come in?"
"Of course, tea?"
She held the door for him and he came in.
"I'll make it if you want to clean up?" he asked.
She nodded and went to her studio while he bustled in their small kitchen and made tea. He'd visited them a lot over the years and knew where everything was.
Luna came out as he was pouring the tea. He'd put out honey, milk and sugar, not sure of what mood Luna was in today. She'd taken off her smock and cleaned her hand and face, but still had clay under her fingernails.
"Thank you." She took the cup from him.
"You're welcome." He sat at the kitchen table and she pulled up a chair right next to him. If it had been anyone else but her or Hermione, he would have felt uncomfortable with the closeness, but somehow with Luna it felt right.
"What brings you here? I can tell you're worried about something." Luna dropped a sugar cube in her tea and stirred, then another and another.
"I--you know I see a therapist?" he asked.
She nodded.
"Well, usually I feel better after seeing her, but today, I just felt..." he searched for the word.
"Weird, odd, unsure?" she suggested.
"Weird is good," he agreed.
"What do you think it is?" Luna asked, taking his hand.
"I think it may have been something Dr Statler said about not letting an argument with Hermione fester." He squeezed Luna's hand.
"Oh, the one about the baby's name?"
"Hermione told you about that?"
She nodded.
Harry looked down. He and Hermione didn't usually discuss their marital issues with anyone, but here he was talking to Luna, so he couldn't blame Hermione for having done the same.
"You get why she doesn't want to name a child; her child after Professor Snape, don't you?"
"I do get it, but I also know what Snape went through for me."
"Can you explain it to me?" she asked, pouring another mug of tea for each of them.
"I can't explain a lot of it, because it would be dangerous for you to know it, but he was in love with my mother and when Voldemort killed her, it flipped him."
He told her all he could while she listened raptly. When he was done, she spoke softly.
"Harry, it sounds like he was obsessed."
He was going to say something, but she put a finger on his mouth.
"No, I'm talking."
He sat back surprised. Luna never talked to anyone that way.
"He may have loved your mother, but it certainly doesn't sound healthy. It sounds like he never got over it or grew. What he did, he did for revenge, not because he thought it was right, or at least not primarily. Am I wrong?"
"Fuck! I don't know!" Harry stood angrily and Luna just stared at him owl-like as he stalked around her kitchen.
"I mean, I know he didn't love her the same way my dad did but he also protected me when he could."
He flopped back on the couch angrily.
"Done?" Luna asked patiently.
Harry nodded.
"And he treated students very poorly. He treated me poorly. You know he called me ‘Loony' in front of the class every time he talked to me, just like all the other people who teased me."
She stood, and put her hand on Harry's shoulder.
"Professor Snape was complicated; most people are complicated."
"You're not," Harry said quickly.
"Oh, but I am, I just don't show it as much. Do you know how much I worried about you when Ginny came to live with me? It wrecked me inside to know it was hurting you, and Ginny too. But we couldn't deny how we felt and live with that lie. No, I'm complicated too; and so are you. You're a fierce animal, but at your core, you're really a hurt little boy and sometimes you lash out because of it."
Harry hung his head. He wanted to be mad, but it was true.
"Is your therapy helping?" Luna asked.
Harry nodded. Tears fell into his mug.
"It really is." He looked up and wiped his tears.
"You always seem to see what's real." He hugged her tightly and she let him cry on her.
She patted his shoulder.
"Sometimes it's good to just get it out. There are things you can talk to friends about that maybe you can't talk to your therapist about, yeah?"
He left soon after and went to visit Ron's headstone at Shell Cottage again.
"Here I am again, Ron." He hiccuped and let out a small rueful laugh.
"Seems like I'm only here when I need to vent about something, about Hermione, but if you can't understand that, who would?"
He picked up the rook he carved last time he was here and put it back upright by the stone. He stood and searched the beach until he found a similar rock, then went back to sit by the stone again.
He began to carve it to match the rook while he talked.
"I mean, I really get why she's so set against it, but I had my heart set on Albus Severus as a name and it hurts that she rejects it."
He looked at the stone.
Ronald Weasley
Beloved Friend
He raised his head suddenly, ran his fingers over the stone and smiled. He finished carving the rook, sat it next to the other and Disapparated.
A moment later he was striding down the hallways of the Ministry to Hermione's office. When he walked in her secretary started to greet him.
"Anyone in there with her?" he asked.
She started to say something, saw Harry's expression and shook her head.
He walked by her and opened the door. Hermione didn't look up from her paperwork.
"I said no interruptions, Sandra," she said sharply.
Harry closed the door.
"Not Sandra," he said as walked behind her and hugged her where she sat in the chair.
"Harry! Is everything okay?"
"Yes. I love you. I'm sorry I've been a dick about the name thing."
He spun her around in her chair to face him.
"I felt weird after therapy today so I went to visit Luna and then Ron's stone."
She nodded.
"Ronald James," he said softly kneeling in front of her.
"Ronald James," she repeated and smiled. She leaned over and kissed him.
"I can't believe neither of us thought of it before," she said when she pulled back.
"I think we were both so upset we weren't thinking. I'm sorry I've been a numpty."
"A dick you said earlier."
They both laughed.
"All right, a dick," he said.
"Rose Lily if it's a girl?" she asked.
"Even with how things are between you and your mum?" he asked gently.
Tears spilled down her cheeks.
"Especially because of that." He hugged her tightly and let her cry on him. He saw the door open behind him and her secretary stuck her head in. Harry shook his head gently and she saw. She closed the door and Harry heard her talking to someone. Hermione heard it too, broke the hug, wiped her tears and sat up.
"I've got an appointment with Percy to talk about the Hogwarts reforms again." She sniffled and started visibly pulling herself together.
"Want to stay and we can gang up on him?" she asked.
"No, I'll let you deal with him." He leaned over and kissed her again.
"Ronald James or Rose Lily; I like both of them."
"Me too."
He opened the door just as Percy was complaining to the secretary.
"But I have an appointment," he sputtered as he saw Harry.
"Sorry, Percy, I needed her for a moment."
Harry stuck out his hand and they shook.
"Quite all right; I imagine she's pretty emotional right now."
Harry yanked his hand back.
"Tell her that and see how it goes."
He stalked by Percy and left for home where he got out Muggle stationery and wrote a long, long letter.
A couple of weeks later they were woken up by her mobile pinging. She groaned and grabbed it from the side table.
She read something, then poked Harry hard in the side.
"Did you write a letter to my dad?" she asked, showing him the message.
He blinked at it owlishly without his glasses, pulled her phone closer and read.
Your mother and I both send you our best wishes on your upcoming child. I'm sorry that we've not responded in the past. Rose wanted me to contact you. I would love to catch up with you, but she's still hurt and I think it'll take her a bit more time to come around.
When he was done, he said, "yeah, I did."
"What did you tell him?" Her voice was thick.
"I told him about us getting married and that we were going to have a baby. I let him know a bit more about what happened back then and that you were only trying to protect them and I told them about some of the other families that had been taken or killed."
He leaned in and kissed her.
"I just told him the truth. I didn't try to guilt him or gloss over what you did, but I made it clear to them that if you hadn't sent them away, they'd likely have been killed."
He sighed.
"I'm glad he got back to you."
"Mum, though." Her tears started soaking the pillow.
"Like he said, it may just take more time."
"It's been fifteen plus years. If that's not enough time, I don't know..."
Harry held her and let her cry.
When she was done she spoke suddenly.
"I figured out the date."
"What?" he asked.
"When the baby was conceived. I figured it out. It was that Saturday morning in May when neither of us had to be anywhere."
"I remember that day. That was a good day. We visited Neville and Hannah later and oohed and aahed over their little girl."
"You were so good with her; I kept thinking about what a good dad you'd be."
She shook her head.
"Who knew you'd already knocked me up just that morning."
He laughed.
"Knocked-up: who says ‘knocked-up'?"
She fake-pouted.
"Well I do, obviously." They both laughed and he kissed her deeply.
"Going to answer him?" Harry asked.
"Later," she said and shrugged her pyjama bottoms off.
"Later," he agreed and took his pants off.
Fourteen Years Later
The Hogwarts Express steamed and chugged on the platform. Harry looked at R.J. who was talking animatedly with Rosie. She shook with excitement or nerves, Harry couldn't tell.
"You both ready?" he asked.
"Yeah," R.J. said
"Yes, daddy," Rosie said.
"I still don't think it's fair that R.J. gets to take a broom and I don't," Rosie whined.
"You know first-years aren't allowed a broom," Harry said, kneeling down to her level.
"You were on the Quidditch team when you were a first-year," R.J said.
"How did you find that out?" Harry asked.
"I saw the dates on the trophies and pieced it together. But you were just special all around, weren't you?" he asked.
"Yes, I was. I was the best."
R.J. blinked. Usually when he teased his dad, Harry just let it go, but this time he'd answered.
"Kidding. Professor McGonagall saw me flying and added me to the team even though I was a first-year. She wanted to win that badly."
R.J. nodded. He understood wanting to win. He adjusted his Slytherin pin and Harry looked at it. At first he'd been afraid his dad would be angry, but he'd merely told him that he was proud of him no matter what.
"Am I going to be in Slytherin, too?" Rosie asked.
"Well, you'll find out in a little bit, love," Harry told her.
"I don't want to have to be by myself in a different house. I want to be with R.J."
"That's not up to me or you, that's up to the Sorting Hat, and they say it's never wrong."
R.J. rolled his eyes.
Harry smiled. "I agree, but it really is good. It picked the right house for me and your Mum for sure."
"I wish Mum were here." Rosie sniffled.
"Alakazam! Wish granted!" Harry said.
The kids looked around and their mum was walking toward them. They ran to meet her and Harry followed.
"I managed to get away for a couple of hours." She kissed Harry and both of the kids giggled.
They helped Rosie and R.J. load up and put away their trunks then stood on the platform and watched as the train chugged away.
"It's hard, isn't it?" a voice said from behind Harry.
Harry and Hermione both turned.
"Pansy!" Hermione said at the same time Harry said, "Dr Statler."
"Please call me Patricia outside the office."
"Sorry," Hermione said.
"No problem." Dr Statler smiled.
"My daughter's off to seventh year, and it really doesn't get any easier to say goodbye. And this time, she may be getting a job right after at Gringott's, so this may really be empty nest time."
Hermione held out her hand and Dr Statler shook it.
"Thank you, you've helped Harry a lot."
"It's my job, and I like to think I'm good at it."
She looked sharply at Harry.
"Would you say life is perfect?"
"No," Harry said quickly. "Perfect is something that shouldn't be chased, but improvement is good and it's much better now than ever."
He grabbed both of Hermione's hands.
"I have a wife I love very much, children I love very much and a job I actually enjoy."
He shook his head.
"Not perfect, but really fucking good."
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uillanelle · 7 years
[sips tea] okay here we go: 🔥 - i like severus snape's character. I see so many anti-snape posts and that he was flawed and etc etc...and yeah he was an arsehole, and would i have smacked the shit out of him for his actions...also yes. But, sirius and james were bullies. I spent most of my life being on the receiving end of crap, with no friends, from the 'popular kids' and it can be horrific. I don't agree with what the marauders or snape or dumbledore did, but humans make mistakes....and theyre characters. They didnt actually do any of this - so I don't feel bad for being interested or actually liking any of these characters 🔥 - i dont like lily evans. I love the fancasts and the edits and her aesthetic but....she always comes off so 'butter wouldnt melt' and mary sue. Maybe I'm just jealous idk. I don't hate her with a passion...but I'm not on board with the hype, I only really reblog the edits because I like them more than who they're about. 🔥- a doctor who one for anyone who cares....stop shitting on martha!!!! Martha is the coolest badass lady, and once upon a time i was on team 'shoddy rose replacement how dare the bbc even try' but as i grew up I just ???? She dealt with so much, and travelled with the w o r s t person ever. At that time I get the doctor was hurting but he could be so arrogant, rude, and dismissive of her!!! I also felt like throwing her with mickey was so random and last minute. I felt like that needed developing and both characters deserved better than being thrown together. 🔥 i don't know how unpopular this opinion is but i'm sick of all the middle class dramas and posh boy/rich kid actors taking over the industry. Especially upper class british ones. Not all of us have money and live in fancy houses - the world knows that but for some reason showbusiness ignores us now Ok i think thats all of them????
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shostakobitchh · 7 years
One shot request: modeling scout starts trying to recruit Ariel when she's in line at the muggle grocery store with Severus (based on a true story it happened to my friend apparently they are in desperate need of red heads)
Ariel is staring at the grocery basket Severus is holding with dismay, and he’s seconds away from standing on a separate line to avoid the jeering gleam in her eye. There’s only two items in it, and he’s certain that Ariel, for some reason, finds this to be incredibly amusing.
“Paper towels and bread.” she says. “The two basic food groups.”
“If you’re eating paper towels,” Severus snips back. “that explains an awful lot.”
“How are we supposed to survive on this for the next week?” Ariel raises a skeptical eyebrow. “We should get other stuff too while we’re here, Dad.”
“We have other food at home.” he waves her off dismissively. “I didn’t bring you to lecture me on how to feed myself, or my dependent.”
“We have maybe two apples, and a can of beans. And coffee.”
“That’s three food groups, then.” Severus says, tapping his foot impatiently. “Perhaps you don’t know as much as you think about nutrition.”
“What food group do the apples and beans fall under then?”
“I would think that would be obvious,” he drawls. “Obviously it’s the paper towels.”
Ariel gives him a knowing look. “We should really look around some more. I saw some rice would could make with dinner tonight.”
“If I wanted your opinion, I would ask for it.” Severus shoots back, irritated with how long this supposedly short and painless trip has taken them. He has a batch of Blood Replenisher brewing he left to simmer for ten minutes, not thirty.
Ariel’s eyebrows hit her forehead – his temper bounces off her like oil on water. “Wow, I didn’t know rice was a touchy subject for you.”
He curls his lip and turns away, not wanting to start bickering with her in the middle of a Muggle grocery, of all fucking places. Severus knows Ariel is only trying to lighten the mood, but he needs to be home to be able to engage with her – this kind of environment makes him want to slit his wrists with a butter knife, which they’d passed in aisle four.
Severus is about crush a candy bar to curb his annoyance when he notices a man on the line next to them staring at Ariel. He’s rather short, balding from the forehead back, in a suit that doesn’t fit into the setting they’re in. It’s too high-end for a simple Muggle store, the shine on his shoes bouncing off the fluorescent lights.
There’s a gleam in his eye Severus immediately wants to snuff out, like he’s found a treasure he’s been searching for endlessly.
“Miss?” the man says, and Severus is ready to slit his throat with the wrapping on the candy bar. “Miss, I’m sorry to bother you –”
“Then don’t.” Severus shoots back rudely, making his voice sound as uninviting as possible. The people in front of them actually recoil, but the man is persistent.
“If I could just have a moment of your time –”
“We’re obviously very busy.” Severus says coldly, gesturing to the line, which hasn’t moved in ten minutes. There’s an elderly couple counting out change by hand at the very front, reminding Severus why he hates Muggle shopping with every fiber of his being.
Ariel gives him a look that’s half exasperated, half amused, and says, “I’m sorry, just ignore him. Did you need something?”
“Yes – I’m sorry, miss,” the man gives Severus a sideways glare. “Is this gentlemen your, er, father?”
I’m about to become the last face you see, Severus thinks to himself, gripping the basket so tightly he can hear the plastic beginning to snap.
“Uh, yeah, he is.” Ariel says, with her usual amount of eloquence.
“Right,” the man, flustered, digs into his shirt pocket. “well, miss, I couldn’t help but – have you ever considered modeling?”
Ariel’s face goes completely blank as Severus gives a ripping snort.
“Modeling?” she echoes. “I’m sorry, sir, but I’m really not –”
“You’d be perfect.” the man insists, holding on a card, adorned in a sleek black lettering. “You have just what we’re looking for – you have a figure most girls would kill for, and good looks to boot. Agencies would be fighting to get a hold of you –”
“She’s not interested.” Severus interrupts, putting his arm out in front of Ariel. “I suggest you move along, before I decide that giving my sixteen-year-old daughter the look-over warrants further action.”
The man sputters. “I wasn’t – sir, I didn’t mean to insinuate –”
“I’m sure you didn’t.” Severus hisses. “Walk – away.”
He gives Ariel a defeated look, holding out his card before eyeing Severus like he might bite his arm off. “Here, at least take my agencies’ number, unless you change your mind.”
Ariel glances up at him. Severus is seriously considering slicing him open and rearranging his insides.
“My daughter’s looks,” Severus snarls. “are not going to be what makes her successful. She’s got much more to offer than her physical appearance.”
The man gives a shit-eating grin. “Of course she does, sir.”
That’s fucking it, Severus mind decides before he can stop himself.
He stares at the card, giving a vicious smirk when it ignites. The man lets out a startled shriek, dropping it to the ground and stamping on it repeatedly.
Severus drops the groceries and grabs Ariel before the Muggles can swarm them to see what’s happened, or for management to kick them out themselves. He has no interest in engaging with the simpleton any longer – he’s quite sure that if he stayed another minute, he might kill him.
“And to think,” Ariel sighs as Severus speedily walks them down the block. “We spent all that time mulling over paper towel brands for nothing.”
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