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justinforprez · 2 years ago
When I was like 12 I played with a pedophile that wanted to fist goats
I was too old for him so it was fine
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COD lobbies are toxic af, but lawd jaysus these are some good ones
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enlitment · 7 months ago
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> This is what Iggers meant when he talked about the two faces of the Enlightenment, right?
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storytour-blog · 2 years ago
No Better than a Horse
A young student came to Tam and Chacham and asked to receive semichah – rabbinical ordination. Tam was studying from a holy book while Chacham stood at the window looking out at the snow-covered courtyard. Tam asked the young student about himself, and the student told him he was determined to live a pure and holy life. “interesting”, and how do you do that?” asked Tam. “I pray with strength and…
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artaddict · 2 years ago
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Voyage à Bali. Un moment hors du temps.
Fleur de Lotus.
Paysage de Rizière
Plage de Nusa Lembogan
Petit déjeuner à Ubud
Plages de Nusa Lembogan
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ticklygiggles · 4 months ago
Movie night | Lucifer, Barbatos, Solomon x Reader
Commissioned by @hakurei-k
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A/N: Thank you so much for your support and patience, dear! I really hope this meets your expectations and conditions! 💖 I hope you enjoy it! 💖
Summary: You and your three boyfriends having a horror movie marathon, what could go wrong?
Words: 1.7k
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You wondered how you ended up like this. Weren't you all supposed to be enjoying a movie night together? How was it that suddenly you had tears in your eyes and were laughing your spine off while six naughty hands were tickling you all over? 
“Now, aren't you enjoying this too much?” 
Ah, right. It was all that sorcerer's fault. Wasn't he the one who always said that the only two humans in the Devildom should support each other? This certainly wasn't your definition of support.
Maybe your mistake was even saying you should have a horror movie marathon with these three. 
“Are you sure about this?” Lucifer asked, letting out a soft laugh as your body got impossibly close to his. “Last time we did this I remember someone here had nightmares for a whole week.”
“It was all because Mammon accidentally cursed me, remember? Ah, Barbatos, sit closer, here,” you said, pulling Barbatos' arm and showing the big space between you and him, which was not igger than two centimeters, but he complied. “There it is, are you comfortable?” 
Barbatos chuckled behind his gloved hand before leaning forward to kiss your forehead. “I am comfortable as long as I'm close to you.” 
You chuckled and linked your two arms with one of Lucifer's and Barbatos'; your legs almost strangling Solomon, who was sitting on the floor, with his back leaning on the sofa and your legs resting on his shoulders. 
“Are we ready now?” Solomon asked with a smile, chuckling to himself when you tightened your legs around him, squishing his cheeks slightly with your thighs. 
“Yes! Play it now, Solomon!” 
This was definitely a bad idea. You thought you'd be a little braver, after all you lived surrounded by demons, literally, but horror movies always hit differently. You were tense, jumping with every little noise and change of scene and the screeches that left your lips didn't sound human at all.
You could hear your lovers laughing softly at your reactions, they looked so calm, even bored as they watched the movie. In fact, they seemed more interested in watching you than the tv and you couldn't help but blush. 
“S-stop looking at me! It- I can't help but get scARED!” 
They laughed and you hid your face against Lucifer's shoulder, screaming against his clothes. 
“Are you really that scared?” Barbatos asked, kissing your exposed beck tenderly. “This movie is…”
“... painfully predictable,” Lucifer finished Barbatos' sentence. 
“Indeed,” Solomon also chirped in. “You can tell when a jumpscare will appear… now!” 
“Aaahahaha!” Solomon's fingers were suddenly wiggling under your socked toes. He scratched the sensitive spot gently, your toes curling over his fingers. You barely had time to even get scared before you were laughing your head off, squirming between Barbatos and Lucifer and kicking your legs, trying to dislodge Solomon's fingers, but it was useless. 
“Now, would you two shut up? I can't hear the movie.” 
Solomon release your poor feet, but he still gently grabbed them as he looked up at the tv again, acting as if nothing had happened while you were trying to catch your breath.
What the hell was that right now? Solomon can be the randomest person to ever exist, although that was his charm, if you had to be honest. And he certainly didn't just act on a whim like everyone would think, he really did distract you from the jumpscare and now you weren't as scared as before. 
You chuckled, squeezing his head softly between your legs and gently rubbing his chest with your feet. He seemed to melt under your attention and you smiled, he was such a cat. 
“Look,” Lucifer said your name tenderly, pointing at the tv. You looked up, tilting your head to the side and feeling the fear starting to grow inside your chest. Oh no, something scary was about to happen, right? Your body started to tense again and you closed your eyes a bit, staring at the screen through a small slit between your eyelids. 
“Gyahh!” You squealed in surprise, feeling fingers not only digging under your toes again, but this time also under your arms. You flailed, laughing brightly as Barbatos and Lucifer pulled your arms linked to theirs away from your body so their fingers could easily tickle your armpits.
You arched your spine and tried to break free, but they were holding you nicely, limiting your movements as they tickled you silly. 
“Hohold ohohon!” You laughed, squealing again when they didn't stop. “It's nohohot scahahary ahahanymohohore!” 
Barbatos, “I think it's still very scary.” 
Lucifer, “I'm so scared, indeed, please keep laughing like this so I can get distracted.” 
“Lucifer's right, isn't it getting scarier and scarier the more you watch it?” 
You shook your head. Those were all lies and you knew it! These three can look at torture videos without even blinking. A stupid, silly movie of ghosts possessing things wouldn't do anything to them! They were just teasing you! 
Your laughter became a little more panicky as they seemed to have no intention of stopping anytime soon. Lucifer and Barbatos wiggled their fingers under your arms, scratching at the sensitive skin through the fabric of your pajamas. Solomon had left your toes to tickle your insteps, his blunt fingers skittered along the sensitive skin, making you shriek. 
That was how it had begun. The movie was quickly forgotten, your three lovers more in love with the idea of tickling you until you were crying than watching a boring horror movie. 
What could be better than making you live through a horror movie where three tickle monsters attacked you mercilessly? Oh yes, the answer was clear: nothing was better than that. 
“Plehehease!” You laughed, shaking and squirming. “I wahant to whatch the mohohovie!” 
“Do you now? Are you sure you can see anything when you narrow your eyes like that?” Lucifer asked and you blushed. You've been caught. 
“Not thehere, nohohot there!” You begged, trying to clamp your arms to your sides and to kick Solomon's hands off your feet.
To your horror, you felt Lucifer's hand slip under your shirt. His fingers touched your stomach delicately and you gasped, your cheeks reddening as you tried to cover the skin of your stomach that had been exposed with Lucifer's hand underneath, but you couldn't, your arms were trapped to theirs and you couldn't do anything about it. 
Lucifer chuckled, kissing your rosy cheek as his hand climbed up your side, fingertips brushing lightly against the back of it, close to your back but not quite. Your spine arched and a bright cackle left your mouth as goosebumps covered your skin.
“L-Luhuhucifer! Not thehere, plehehease! AH! B-Bahahaharbatos not you too- ahahaha!” 
Not only had Barbatos also moved his hand under your shirt as well, exposing more of your belly, making you whine, but Solomon had also grabbed one of your feet firmly and his blunt nails were dancing up and down the sides of your foot. 
You threw your head back in hysterical laughter, your body convulsing and arching and squirming as they tickled all of your weak spots. Barbatos and Lucifer were making you shriek embarrassingly loud as their gentle touches kept abusing those sensitive spots between your back and sides. Solomon was making you cackle and whine as he moved back to your toes, pinching them and wiggling his fingers in the spaces between them. 
Thumbs dug into those spots on your back, making you see stars as you laughed even more. Solomon had peeled off your socks and the contact to your bare skin had you screaming in laughter. 
Tears started to stream down your flushed cheeks, your laughter became more hysterical and loud and panicky, thinking that they would never stop. Their fingers would keep tickling your most sensitive spots for all eternity; at least that was how it felt and somehow… it didn't sound half bad. 
“I’M TIHIHICKLISH!” They chuckled and you shrieked with laughter as Solomon's fingers moved from your feet to your thighs. 
“What? Are you?” Lucifer purred against your ear, his breath tickling your soft skin. 
“We didn't really notice before.” That was Barbatos, whispering in your other ear. 
“Are you ticklish? What a surprise,” Solomon mumbled, kissing the inside of your thigh as his fingers squeezed that muscle above your knees, sending ticklish sparks all over your nerve endings. 
You shook your head, desperately pulling at your arms and legs, but it was useless. Your laughter slowly turned hoarse, and the hysterical sound faded until it was completely gone and you were shaking with silent laughter. 
“Do you think we should stop?” Barbatos asked with a soft chuckle, kissing your cheek as his evil fingers were digging right in the middle of your armpit. 
“Hmm, I wonder. What do you both think?” Lucifer kissed your cheek as well, playfully nibbling at it as his fingers brushed and poke that sweet spot near your back over and over and over, sending you into a spiral of ticklish desperation. 
“Should we really stop? I think they can hold it a bit longer,” Solomon mumbled, his fingers back at your poor toes. 
They were evil! Were you really going to be tickled to possibly dead? Laughing your head off as they tickle you to pieces. There was no escape, but… did you really want to escape? 
“Okay, that's it.” 
The tickling stopped as fast as it had started. You went limp into the couch, trying to catch your breath as the laughter slowly died. Warmth started to wrap around you, arms hugging your figure from everywhere as kisses were pressed all over your face and neck. 
“It tihihihickles,” you giggled breathlessly, but melted under their affection. 
“Hmm~ you're so ticklish, aren't you?” Someone whispered and you nodded. 
“And you like us tickling you, hmm?” You nodded again, giggling when one of them nibbled at your ear.
“And you want us to do it again, right?” You nodded one more time, giggling as someone grabbed your waist and started tickling you again, another pair of hands joining soon after and then one more until you were reduced to a laughing mess one more time. 
Come to think of it, you four should have more horror movie nights together!
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saisuta-art · 10 months ago
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Some human Koopalings stuffs I uploaded in the Koopalings and Broodals discord server!!!!!! Featuring some fake anime screenshots I drew in 2023 and a couple of Iggers
and yes this is a reminder for y'all to join my server
do it or I'll eat your cereal
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never-be-tamed · 8 months ago
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N othing I've ever known — Bryan Adams
E asier said than done — Alexander Stewart
V ictory — Two Steps from Hell ft. Thomas Bergerson
E asy — Nico Santos
R ise — Fame on Fire
B igger Person — Lauren Spencer Hill
E verything Good — Ashes Remain
T here till the end — JERUB
A lte Bänder — Nico Gomez ft. Eko Fresh
M oving Forward — Colony House
E nemies — Lauv
D own with the Wolves — The Score ft. 2WEI
tagged by: @t-hevessel (thank you!!!)
tagging: @betterstay-dead @daemonoria @shevampyre @chaoticmvse @zeitrcisender @stcrseeker @rosewith-steelthorns @crownedembers @divine-felonies @thorn-defendstherose @c-elestial @modacriminal & you!
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b1g-raph1e · 1 year ago
I M-key.
Ur even igger an da other one.
Are you alright..?
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brave329 · 2 years ago
Flower Family
Bruno’s gift of controlling plants was seen as a blessing
He would use his power to instantly grow crops for the village
He and Julieta were golden children while Pepa was a scapegoat
Bruno became his sister’s protector and they were very close though a part of her did resent him and Julieta
Bruno when he was younger had tried to branch out and experiment with his gift but was always brushed off or scolded for it
He didn’t stop his experiments though he just kept them confined to his room the one place he felt he could be himself
Eventually he created a plant turtle he named twig
One day Alma decided that her children needed to start seeing some of their suitors and introduced Pepa to Felix Algeria surprisingly they got on well
It’s also how Bruno met Ozma the illegitimate child of Felix’s father they kept their meeting’s secret
Julieta on the other hand started courting, a boy, their mother disapproved of greatly
She stood her ground on this to her siblings, surprise Julieta never fought their mother on anything
Ozma and Bruno grew close Bruno even showing her his garden and mouse village
Three years passed Bruno and Ozma continued their secret relationship his sisters got married and his mother pestered him to do the same
Eventually this all blew up with Ozma becoming pregnant and Alma trying to arrange a marriage for her son
After an enormous fight where Bruno destroyed the entire town square with his plants he and Ozma eloped taking only Twig a few changes of clothes and some food
They climb the mountain and discover that beyond that is a second ring of mountains with a canyon between them Bruno grows a forest at the bottom of the canyon and grows a treehouse for them and the baby to live in
This attracts people that we’re living in the mountains but not in the Encanto
Soon Ozma gave birth to a beautiful little girl they named Isabela
She was a wild and rambunctious girl and the couple adored her with all their hearts
They were all taken by surprise when the day after Isabelas fifth birthday she woke them to show a cactus she’d grown
they hadn’t thought she’d get magic without casita but were thrilled
Bruno taught her all he could about her power and they experimented and learned new things together
Isabela used her flowers to create paints and use them to decorate the trees with her mother
She even created her own animal plant companion a griffin she named Rose
Life was good and the family was content
and then when Isabela was 16 they had a surprise baby they named Antonio
Life picked up after that their little forest village got a lot of refugees fleeing from the violence
Isabela was looking for a boyfriend wanting to have what her parents had with each other with someone else
But try as she might she never felt that spark with anyone
Soon Antonio also received control over plants and joined his father and sister in the garden
He went out there with animal companions creating a cat he named Parce that kept growing bigger and igger
None of them had thought of the Encanto in years with Antonio thinking it was just a made up bedtime story
That is until Bruno’s Niece Mirabel showed up begging Bruno to return and cure the towns famin
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enlitment · 9 months ago
Top five history books?
Thank you for the ask! ✨
Some of my favourites may be well known at this point after the book ask, but I'll try not to repeat myself too much!
1. Ghosts in the Middle Ages: The Living and the Dead in Medieval Society by Jean-Claude Schmitt
A fascinating book on a rather niche topic which explores the changes in people's belief about ghosts/souls of the dead coming back to life. Schmitt does not only focus on obscure anecdotes however; he analyses what role the so called 'revenants' came to play in medieval society (spoiler alert: the Catholic church used stories about them to their advantage to pressure people into paying indulgences and/or spread Catholic doctrine).
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2. Historiography in the Twentieth Century: From Scientific Objectivity to the Postmodern Challenge by Georg G. Iggers
Not sure if this is cheating or not, since I had to read it for uni? The title sounds quite bland, but I actually enjoyed reading it quite a bit! It gives you a framework for how to think about other history books in terms of reliability and potential biases. The author also explores the question where is the line between history and fiction (and whether it is as clear-cut as we would like to think). (It also defends the Age of Enlightenment legacy from postmodern criticism which I appreciate, though I'm not sure this would be of much interest to people who don't study/aren't into philosophy.) Still, it's quite a short, comprehensive read and a great place to start when one wants to learn more about historiography imo.
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3. The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History by Robert Darnton
Probably my favourite book on this list, since it hits so many of my areas of interest (French history, the 1700s, cultural and especially book history). It includes six essays which analyse different aspects of French culture across different social classes, ranging from villagers' fairy tales to analysing the texts of the Encyclopédistes. It's also very engaging and fun to read, though be warned, if you like cats, maybe skip the titular chapter, the name is quite literal I'm afraid!
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4. Jean Paul Marat: Tribune of the French Revolution by Clifford Conner
Okay, I'll confess, I'm only about half-way through, but I'm really liking it so far! It reads more like an apology/ a text that tries to correct some of the problems with previous biographies on Marat, but I actually quite like it. It makes for an interesting read.
The author definitely has biases on his own, since it is clear that he shares much of Marat's political views, but a) he's upfront about the fact b) I don't think that the goal of all historical books should be to be as objective as possible - there's a room for subjectivity in my opinion, as long as it is reflected c) he cites his sources much more meticulously than - let's say - Scurr d) his biases are also my biases
Plus, Marat is such an interesting figure to read about! That said, this Goodreads commenter puts it much better than I ever could:
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5. From Olympus to Pantheon: The Religion and Ethics in Ancient Times by Ladislav Vidman
A super interesting and accessible overview of the religious practices of ancient Greece and Rome! The author explains that many books focus on mythology, but his aim is to explore the lesser known aspects of the Greek and Roman religiosity, such as the ritual sacrifices, the oracles, the mysteries etc. It was a fascinating read, though the chapter on the sacrifices was very, very vivid in its descriptions.
(The author also seems to low-key have a crush on Vergil, explaining how he was a great role model and essentially beautiful inside and out. Not a deciding factor, but definitely a bonus!)
I unfortunately don't think the book was ever translated from Czech though, which is a shame. It would be certainly worth it!
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minecraftbrainrot · 1 month ago
(The Shadowrot anon again)
Oh definitely.
Since Cleo is undead and doesn't need to breathe or take breaks and I don't see Lizzie being too igger to take a break with, I can imagine it went in for a while too
Also, important to note that Cleo could probably make herself a dick on the spot with her hand or something, all she'd need is some needle and thread, on demand girl dick, if you will
Cleo having a dick is such a Canon vibe I love it and Lizzie loves it
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staiiiircasewiiiit · 2 months ago
Dont even feel like smoking I doi cant smoke cheyennnes anymore im going in swishers for the rest of the way before a full pack of regular iggerates i FOUND MY FRIENDS AT THE CASH REGISTER AND i COULDNT BRING THEM HOME WITH ME AND i DO NOT REMEMEBER AT ALL; yeah hes mean like any other Indian and Mr. Deli guy is his dad and thats his godddad and behind all of it hes mriend and I was being THATS YOUR BMW BANNER DELI CASHIER OWNER IN THE SHEFFIELD GARAGE INBETWEEN WHITE SUBUARUS IS MY MOMS &and =KNOWDADS MINICOOPERD=KNOW CAR.
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Do it CGI industry
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Fulfill your destiny
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clothingfashionandjewry · 3 months ago
After exposures the Jew has to front run reality because stalking means they're not pfhagitz....lets review....
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Jews looking around confused means the possibility of free money because obviously they're retarded and need help or to help themselves to all of Americans money because we exist in a jewtocracy....
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The Jew creates "relief" within the jewbrian by claiming control....let's see the extent of Jewish control where there is no jewtocracy....
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The retard Jew sells gold for ponzi because because anyone anyone?
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The Chinese moved all Bitcoin mining to Kazakhstan why? Because american regional banks pay out to accounts in Kazakhstan so when people go looking for money that's been stolen they'll have to sue Kazakhstanians for their wealth....but jews control the world right ?
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Bitcoin in reality is worth less than that....buttit sez 100000usd how? Because you are a retard again money is retrieved using the index that index makes all stocks go up the Jew cheers because the price of individual stocks goes up then they take the money they put in after the dumb Jew buys in because house iggers suck their dicks when they press buy so how can anything bad happen to them?...then the world sells and gets all the money from us via the Jew/housenigger centipededal buying system whence that happens the jew then sells value or treasuries and gold because you get instant cash that cash is then placed into markets so the jew can claim victory at which time the world buys indexes again and the whole process reviews....you are reading this because its true
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the-firebird69 · 8 months ago
R.E.M. - Drive (Official HD Music Video)
these guys wwere trying to kidnap him.  kept it up. and he said that might be my bro so shut it. and they did. nd stopped them a bit heard it no no we  reoutmacehd stop. and saaved us.  was him too were outmatching they worked.  and he sang this to him.   loudly.  and hated him for it.  and thought he involved in the large stuff.
we are
Hera Zues
As he's leaving this party and they had it on barges and he said he understood at Bechtel and he did and he got it too he said other people need to know and he he's saying the big stuff because the max know about it order up too and he flipped out threatened too much and became this monster in the sinking his race and similar races. They're all going to die. This song is very important to us dave is after our son never really relented much but he heard the music and understood it but didn't care thought he could do it with him and it was awful and he went out thinking it by the way and hated Joel so he put a hex on him as he was going out. For real. It's not been taken off and it's coming from Saturn. Joel is really stupid.
They say the big stuff is our son and daughter and they admitted and they go around saying it. Now there's been some recent events and they are talking about it but one of them is going to outshine everything and it will be the pyramids but there's some other stuff that happens first period and it does have to do with Cuba and this object offshore. These little guys get up they start saying we have to go at it we have to grab it see what it is then they start saying we have to grab him and see what he is and they start yelling it they started this morning it's very ugly stuff it's very loud and rude and in the 30 years if you're close enough they yell at very loud and it's obnoxious and we're gonna get rid of them for it they're animals and they don't know what they sound like code look like and people are going after them for just uttering it not streaming streaming they come up and try and shoot them right away and they really should it's it's very deleterious to their cause because it tracks us like the plague some people try and use it they end up dead too. It's somewhat comical because they don't know if it's real or not and they're screaming they're gonna go get it at the top of their lungs and it's disgusting 'cause we don't want them screaming it and telling everybody and they're kind of giving away the quandary and they're losers. But I'll tell you what I've had enough of these idiots it struck me funny a minute ago but now it's not funny. They run around all day long screaming it and what he says is we should not allow them to say it once a year if they say it once a year they know too much and we're putting too much out there and we have to go exterminate huge armies and not wait for them to fight the whole time throughout the whole fight we have to we have to actually start maintaining massively and set goals for numbers of them on top of taking a territory and praying and I'm starting to get on this this is what it is we need to. There's a horrendous number of them now way too many I sit around waiting for them to fight each other and it's getting really disgusting here. I don't want people in now we're gonna have a meeting.
Thor Freya
andyes they do see it but he is forced to publish as we cnt handl the small load then itsb igger way too big and we cnt keep this up......
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niriaveil · 9 months ago
"However, with Blighted Elven Gods roaming the world, and thanks to the Blight's radiation-like spread, it's a much b igger threat in Veilguard than in any Dragon Age before it."
(warden voice) SAY SIKE RN
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