Twenty Class of '15 LIfeguard at Havensdale Gym Shifter First shift: Raven
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Isabel scrunched up her nose and shook her head slightly as she chewed, not bothering to swallow before speaking. "We'll just have to agree to disagree on that, Three." She really put some emphasis on the name, referencing a time when she couldn't be bothered to learn Cooper's friends' names. Unlike then, though, there was a joking and almost affectionate tone to the way she said it. "If it helps you sleep at night, know that there's not a beard on this earth I'd find sexy." Isabel scoffed at the mention of Faye, "Okay, and how did that work out for you?" There was definitely a smile on her face now, but she hid behind another sandwich bite when he told her what Joey had said. That boy really couldn't find a good balance between 'We're whatever' and 'We're getting married!' Admittedly, it stung a little. "Well, after his outburst at prom, I had to tell him to reel it in. There's only so many confessions of love a girl can take. How exactly is your girlfriend?" She snapped a little and only felt mildly guilty when she added, "Oh, wait..."
Robbie's eyes narrowed as Isabel wiped her mouth - he could've sworn there was a little sign of bemusement in her for a a fraction of a second. What was the world coming to? "Yes it is. If you think long and hard about it, it's exactly the descriptor you would assign to it," he stroked his beard, revelling in its magnificence, before audibly scoffing at her next accusations. "Excuse you, I took Faye Montgomery to prom. Sorry, Is, but there's no topping that. Besides, if I'd taken you to prom you would've just fallen in love with me, and Joey would've been real sad. He had nothing but high praises for you this morning. Said things like 'it's nice' and 'we're good' and 'just kinda dating'. Couldn't be happier for you guys."
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A cosy house party. That could be nice. Maybe she would even have a nice time, you know, if Juliette didn't crash it, or as long as Cooper wouldn't be there. Honestly, she could do with not seeing Lana either, but she wasn't exactly social these days. "Yeah." Isabel nodded, "Yeah, I'll be there. Does your strictly invite-only policy extend to Joey?" She wasn't sure if she could handle going alone.
"Yeah. I mean, it's not going to be a big thing. Strictly invite-only, so I can vet everyone." She gave Isabel a big, reassuring smile, hoping to tempt her to say yes, to have things be like they were in high school all over again. "It's going to be my place. Nice and cozy. And very well decorated. I promise. Please say you'll come. Please?"
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Isabel smiled down at his outstretched hand. It was easy to forget sometimes that this hadn't started as something more than two people trying to make another two people jealous. Despite everything, she still loved Cooper. She was one hundred percent certain that Juliette had cursed him, but he was so mean every time he saw her and sometimes it was easier to pretend that this, with Joey, was real. Maybe sometimes it didn't feel like pretending at all. "What if we just picked up Chinese and head back to yours?" Isabel took his hand and started heading in the direction of The Sneezing Panda. It was becoming more and more common for Isabel to not want to be out in public. Joey was well aware of her awful nightmares, but she had mostly kept her daytime hallucinations to herself, especially now that they were getting worse. "Maybe we could pick a new tv show to start?"
"Try to keep it to myself." Joey smiled back, noticing the way hers faltered a little when he asked. He wouldn't push her though, Isabel would tell him if she wanted to. They were... Well, she was best long-term, fake, girlfriend he'd ever had. Even if he wondered if now they were maybe, y'know. A little less fake. They'd never been closer and they'd never be able to take back the truths they'd shared with each other. That they were both hung up on someone else. Still, Isabel was important to him. And, well, Joey was taking gold when it came to getting his feelings hurt. "Nice. I guess the wind was looking out. Yeah, I'd love to-," he held his hand out- "Dealer's choice."
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Isabel scrunched up her nose at the sandwich being waved in front of her and it took all of her self-control to not swat it to the ground. Despite herself, the corner of her lips twitched and she had to pretend to wipe sauce from her face to cover it before it dared to become a smile. Not that she would ever admit it, but there was something comforting about knowing that Cooper's nerdy little friends were still out here being losers. "I was talking about the beard, but I'm not sure if that's the descriptor I'd assign it." Isabel shook her head at the offer of advice and took a bite of her sandwich as she thought about how to respond to the mention of Joey. "Yeah? You still bitter because he got to take me to prom? Did you get into a pre-curfew scrap?"
Robbie knew he could see Isabel Valentine sat all by herself eating lunch. How sad. Who would do that? Not him. Anyway. He shook his sub in her face for a whole three seconds, "it's your lucky day, I brought my own." He planted himself down next to her, blowing some flyaway hairs out of his face before taking a bite from his sandwich, "You mean the sexy hair or the sexy beard? Well anyway, the answer is yes. Looking for advice?" Wasn't it a bit of a coincidence that he would bump into Joey and Isabel on the same day? Or was it just a small world? No, small dome? "I saw your bf earlier," Robbie started, seeing if he could coax some kind of reaction that may or may not corroborate Joey's earlier statement vis-á-vis their relationship.
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"Didn't realise you were such a dreamer, Salvatore." Isabel smiled, but it faltered a little bit when he asked where she had been heading. The truth was, she had been looking for him, but admitting that you were hoping to spend time with your fake, long-term boyfriend in an attempt to ease your psychotic hallucinations was just... embarrassing. "Oh, you know, wherever the wind takes me. You want to grab some food before curfew?"
"I'd rather the streets weren't dangerous enough to be braved," he countered with a small smile. It was pretty impressive, y'know? 10/10 for landing. "Where you headed, anyways?"
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"A party?" God, remember parties? Isabel hadn't really been one to party since-... Well... "Where are you having it?" She wasn't sure she could handle it if she started hallucinating in front of an entire party full of people. Isabel was pretty confident that it was Juliette messing with her, but sometimes she wondered if the trauma of what she had seen on prom night had messed her up. She didn't need the town seeing that.
"I'm doing a little party at my place this weekend. Pre-curfew and invite-only obviously. See you there?"
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Isabel had to refrain from rolling her eyes as she shifted from her raven form and landed gracefully in front of him. "Would you rather I braved these dangerous streets on foot?"
"You know, part of me wishes that weird shit like that still surprised me-," Joey sighed as a shifter flew by and turned back into themself just before hitting the ground. "Happy Friday."
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Isabel was sitting at a park bench alone, her mouth inches from her sandwich, when she caught sight of Robbie at the corner of her eye. She sighed, not inaudibly, when he began his approach. Could she not get one second to herself in this goddamn fishbowl of a town? Sometimes she came here to get a break from Joey and whatever it was they were doing. Sometimes, she just couldn't deal with the daytime flashes of her nightmares and needed to distance herself from everyone. Sometimes... looking at Cooper was too damn hard. "My plan was to eat my sub, but you look kinda homeless, so now I'm worried you're here to take my last sliver of joy." God, when was the last time she had actually seen him? "Did you grow that yourself?"
Robbie had just completed his daily round of the dome, checking out the usual spots for suspicious activity, of which he had seen none, which was in and of itself suspicious. There were the normal sightings; Ian, Alex, and a handful of others at Franks', people hanging around Montgomery estate - though he didn't ever dare get too close to that place - and the hospital seemed reasonable too. Still though, something felt like it was afoot, but granted, something always felt like it was afoot. He was munching on his well earned lunch sub when something or someone caught his eye - something... suspicious? Only one way to find out. "Oy, you there, what's the plan?"
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𝐼𝓈𝒶𝒷𝑒𝓁 𝒱𝒶𝓁𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑒
Pronouns: She/Her Birthday: February 14th 1997 (20) Species: Shifter Alliance: Good - Resistance Occupation: Lifeguard at Havensdale Gym Location: Inside the dome
So What Happened?
Okay, for those of you who don’t know-- Isabel Valentine has been totally in love with BFF Christian Cooper for forever. Problem? First he was in love with her twin sister Quinn Valentine and then he was dating Juliette Palmer! So yeah, that sucks. Joey Salvatore had a similar problem given he’s totally in love with BFF Rachel Gates who is totally in love with his literal brother, Keith Salvatore.
So what did Isabel and Joey do? They go to prom together in a mutual bid to make both Cooper and Rachel jealous. It was nice. It was sad. They might have actually had fun if Isabel hadn’t had a little too much spiked punch. She saw Jenny Moore drag Cooper out of prom and told Joey she’d be right back. She doesn’t know where Cooper is going, but she doesn’t let him go alone! That’s how she ended up in the car with Ian Morrison, Jenny, Cooper and Claire Knighton.
Meanwhile, Isabel had no idea that Joey was spinning some romantic tale about their torrid love affair at the after prom party. Nope! She was a little busy witnessing a horrible murder, ya know? Juliette Palmer was a warlock after she killed Leo and Effy in the woods-- Isabel and the gang were there to witness it. Yeah, it was a lot. Isabel has had nightmares ever since, but she’s 100% sure that’s being prolonged and cause by Juliette herself. The evil b----
They have no choice but to go home. As Ian is driving them back in the rain, they pick Jesse McArthur up on the way. Isabel tells him what happened. It was the worst night of her life. When she woke up the next morning to about 100 texts about her and Joey, Joey comes over to apologise profusely, but he stops when he sees the look on her face.
She has to tell someone. So, she tells Joey what happened on prom night and can’t stop filling him in on every supernatural thing she knows about in Havensdale. It was a heavy recap, but Joey was there, letting her confide in him and ‘fake dating’ aside, they really cemented a bond that day.
From prom, from Founders Festival--- whenever she had nightmares, Joey would be there. And Cooper? Cooper was...different. He didn’t want to talk to Isabel and when they did speak, he was almost cruel. She suspects that Juliette is doing something to him, but she doesn’t know how she can stop it.
Isabel is so worried about her friends; all she cares about is keeping them safe. She also suspects that Juliette has been messing with all of them since prom night-- Ian, Jenny and Claire included. The nightmares are too vivid and sometimes she’s still awake when it happens. Isabel has been researching how to take Juliette down-- how do you take out a warlock like that?-- and get Cooper back. That’s her motivation for getting involved with the Resistance. She just wants her best friend back.
Wanted Connections
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