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saijspellhart · 3 months ago
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FE7 Uther Character Analysis! (Hector’s older brother)
Stuff I’ve learned about Uther’s character while delving deep deep deep into FE7 lore and support conversations.
Uther can be treacherous. (Matthew and Oswin have a convo where they admit that Uther has a talent for treachery that Hector does not)
Uther can be impatient, and actually prefers making quick decisions rather than waiting around. Which is interesting given how much he manipulates people like chess pieces.
Uther secretly supported Lyn’s succession to the Caelin throne, even though the other marches were supposed to remain impartial.
Uther for sure sent Matthew to assist Lyn in her succession. (Though he was not supposed to.) but why the fuck was Serra given a body guard and sent on a “quest” to bum-fuck nowhere, that just happened to be in Lyn’s path, and suddenly her quest was not so important that she “abandoned” it to help Lyn. Why is it that the ONLY Marquess to lend Lyn any of their retainers was Uther? And he lent two. DESPITE his supposed neutrality during the succession. (But Matthew revealed that was a bluff, and Uther backed her all the way. Neutral my ass.)
Uther manipulated his Brother to go help Eliwood, without making it look as if he supported Eliwood’s cause, or Hector’s actions. (He needed to appear impartial as all the other marches had spies observing his actions and decisions, and openly supporting Eliwood would put Ostia in a precarious position, Especially since Uther is head of the Lycian League.) The man clearly knows how to play his Brother like a pawn. But in a good way.
Uther sent Leila to investigate the Black Fang and Lord Elbert’s missing whereabouts, despite claims that he has no interest in the matter, and Ostian won’t get involved. (Lies)
Uther keeps everything close to the chest. And withholds important information from even his own Brother. It seems Oswin is one of the only people he trusts implicitly.
Uther is both shrewd and pragmatic, as is evidenced by his dismantling of House Cornwall, another March in Lycia.
Oswin reveals in a support with Priscilla that Uther sent Oswin to investigate the matter regarding House Cornwall and whether or not Marquess Cornwall and his wife were stealing/embezzling Lycian funds. Oswin reveals this to be true. And that he and Uther played a part in the downfall of House Cornwall, Lady Priscilla and Lord Raven’s home. (Thus Raven’s grudge against Ostia and by extension, Hector.)
The whole incident with House Cornwall happened when Priscilla and Raven were young, so it stands to reason that Uther has been Marquess of Ostia for a handful of years. Probably since Hector was 12 or younger. Given the timeline of events, Uther couldn’t have become Marquess of Ostia recent to the events of FE7, even though the game would lead you to believe. It stands to reason Uther has at least been Marquess for 5 or 6 years. Which is still “new” and inexperienced to the role. The game constantly says Uther is new to being Marquess, and head of the Lycian League. But that doesn’t mean he hasn’t been in the position for a good five years, otherwise the rest of the timelines and context make no sense.
The etymology of Uther’s name: “Uther Pendragon is the name of King Arthur's father, who traditionally fell in love with the Count of Cornwall's wife, Igerne, and attacked Cornwall to win her. Merlin, knowing that Arthur was to be born of Uther and Igerne, helped Uther disguise himself as the Count so that he could sneak into Tintagel, the Count's stronghold, and conceive Arthur with Igerne. That night, the Count also died, and Uther later married Igerne.”
Uther was inspired by a man famous for seducing another man’s wife. (I’m laughing my ass off that I chose to write a fic where Uther steals his Brother’s fiancée. It was entirely accidental, I was not aware of the lore surrounding Uther Pendragon when I wrote the fic. It was for all intents meant to be a crack fic. But now I’m dying inside from laughter and coincidence.)
Uther had an unused General class, which I find very interesting given he has TB, and that armor must be a bitch to wear. But this implies that Uther, like Hector, has immense constitution and fortitude. He’s definitely not a small or frail man, even if he’s ill.
Uther raised Hector like a father figure after their parents died, which implies that their parents died at least some time before the events of the game. Hector would have been much younger if he still needed a father figure in his older brother.
Implied that the Illness (likely a form of fantasy TB) that killed Uther is the same illness that took his and Hector’s parents.
Not lore related, but it can sometimes take years and years for someone to expire from TB, so Uther could have been afflicted by it for years before he succumbed to it.
Anyway, I am FASCINATED by this character. He’s so duplicitous. Like, he’s clearly a good guy, but also flaunts some interesting manipulative tendencies. And I think Matthew and Oswin’s in game conversation where they assess that Uther is treacherous is very intriguing. Like even his retainers recognize that this man has some darker edges to his otherwise good character.
I hate that he’s become one of my favorite characters despite him hardly being in FE7 at all. I seriously did not set forth to adore this character as much as I have. But I love me a morally dubious good guy. And for as little information the games give us about Uther, he’s a surprisingly complex character.
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askvectorprime · 1 year ago
Is there an Exarchon in the Malgus cluster?
Dear Threefold Threat,
According to popular history, Exarchon was a Malignus warlord during the Second Cybertronian War. Claiming to be blessed by the tripartite god Vion-Lenja-Igern, contemporary records claim that Exarchon had a mutant mitotic spark, which allowed him to split his consciousness between three separate bodies—and, indeed, to take over the bodies of others that he had subjugated in battle. This made him functionally immortal, as even if one of his bodies was destroyed, he had two more to continue to spread his will.
These days, the understanding among academics is different. Lancer—a professor of archaeometallurgy at Drouhard University—argues that there is little direct evidence for Exarchon's supposed powers, which do not line up well with the modern scientific understanding of mitotic sparks; instead, she posits that it is more likely that the idea of Exarchon's "threefold spark" was a shared fiction created by the Malignus leadership through the use of public performance, puppetry and sleight of servo. The idea of an "immortal warlord" would, of course, be extremely useful as propaganda for a faction that rarely, if ever, found themselves with the edge in their war against the Guardians.
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 1 year ago
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E-Mail Programm kommt in die Jahre
Einfach - und funktioniert seit Jahrzehnten
Das E-Mail Protokoll wurde in den 80-iger Jahren erfunden, um Nachrichten von einem Rechner zum nächsten zu schicken. Dafür wurde schon 1982 das @-Zeichen verwendet. Um irgendwelche Sicherheitsfeatures musste man sich keine Sorgen machen, denn das Internet war noch nicht erfunden. So konnten sich Mail Server über das SMTP-Protokoll, das Simple Mail Transport Protocol, mit einem einfachen HELO anrufen und ihre Daten verschicken.
Inzwischen geschieht das natürlich verschlüsselt aber immer noch mit SMTP, Mail abholen geht ebenfalls seit Jahrzehnten mit POP3 oder IMAP - auch verschlüsselt. Und es geht seit 30 Jahren sogar mit beliebigen MIME-codierten  Dateianhängen (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), solange diese nicht zu groß sind (vereinbart wurden max 5MB) - egal ob der Rechner Mac, Windows oder Linux spricht, ein Android oder ein Apple Smartphone ist. Das ist der Vorteil eines vereinbarten Protokoll, an das sich alle halten müssen.
Und die Nachteile?
1. Der wohl am meisten gehasste Nachteil sind die massenhaften Spam Nachrichten, die wir sekündlich erhalten. Spam zu versenden ist mit SMTP super einfach, man braucht nur massenhaft SMTP-Sitzungen eröffnen und kann dann Nachrichten bei anderen Servern abladen. Inzwischen gibt es zwar relativ intelligente Spam Filter, aber denen kann leicht eine wichtige Nachricht zum Opfer fallen oder sie sind so eingestellt, dass immer noch Spam durchrutscht - ärgerlich. Viel gravierender ist, dass der Spamanteil an den umlaufenden Mails einen erheblichen Teil des Internetverkehrs ausmachen und dafür Energie verbraucht wird. Oft werden auch Server, die viele Mails (z.B. Newsletter) versenden fälschlicherweise als Spam-Schleuder betrachtet und von anderen blockiert. (Das passiert unserem Verein regelmäßig durch microsoft365.com und wir müssen denen dann klar machen, dass wir die Guten sind ... Auch Heise.de berichtet von ähnlichen Erlebnisse mit Googles gmail Postfächern.).
2. Spoofing: Jeder kann sich als Jeder ausgeben, z.B. als [email protected]. Zwar kann man so etwas auch leicht als Fake erkennen, aber dazu muss man in den Header der Mail schauen, um zu sehen woher sie wirklich kommt.
3. ASCII-Zeichensatz: In den 80-igern gab es (in den USA) nur den American Standard for Character Information Interchange (ASCII), der einen 7-bit Zeichensatz für E-Mail definierte. Drum herum wurden Wege für andere Zeichensätze gefunden, aber der aus der Zeit gefallene ASCII Zeichensatz blieb leider als Kern erhalten.
4. Verschlüsselung: Mail Server reden in der Regel TLS-verschlüsselt, aber das ist nicht verpflichtend.
5. Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung: Die Transportverschlüsselung mit TLS zwischen den Servern reicht uns aber nicht aus. Wir möchten, dass auch auf den Zwischenknoten die Inhalte unserer Mails nicht gelesen werden. Dazu ist eine Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung, z.B. mit GPG notwendig, die das Mailprotokoll nicht vorsieht. Dazu sind zusätzliche Programme notwendig, die nicht alle Mailprogramme vor sich aus mitbringen. Thunderbird für alle PC-Betriebssystem kann es und auch K9-Mail für Android.
Völlig unverständlich ist, dass die für viele - leider nicht alle - verfügbare Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung nur zu weniger als 10% der wirklich real wichtigen Mails genutzt wird.  Selbst das staatlich geförderte Projekt DE-Mail - sicher verschlüsselte Mail für Deutschland wurde für Post und Telekom ein Verlust und wurde wieder eingestampft. Auch andere "Zusätze", wie das "besondere elektronische Anwaltspostfach" für den Verkehr zwischen Anwälten und Gerichten hatten viele Anlaufprobleme. Für das Gesundheitswesen baut die Gematik an der Telematik-Infrastruktur, über deren andauernde Probleme wir schon oft berichten mussten.
Statt einer grundsätzlich neuen Struktur für den Nachrichtenaustausch haben private Firmen in den letzten 10 Jahren eigene Messenger aufgebaut, denen (absichtlich) die Interoperabilität fehlt mit anderen Messengern Nachrichten auzutauschen. Es gibt auch bei diesen Messengern einige - die natürlich nicht von den Big5 kommen, denen man vertrauen kann, wie z.B. Signal, Threema, Gajim, Session, u.v.a.
Mehr dazu bei https://www.heise.de/news/So-kaputt-ist-die-E-Mail-und-sie-wird-trotzdem-nicht-sterben-c-t-3003-9532199.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3xs Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8595-20231123-e-mail-programm-kommt-in-die-jahre.html
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ajentmm · 2 years ago
JUNE '23 Refine Review
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This pic My predictions
Nagi: We got that DR and self-healing, but the rest is great. Dragon Wall, Def/Res penalty nullification (for those pesky daggers), and Atk/Res-10 on foe. Now the reduced Res on foe wouldn't help when adaptive damage kicks in, but it will help with double Dragon Wall, for 56% RD. This weapon isn't that powerful in a vacuum, but with the new premium dragon / armor skills, it's incredible for a far save tank.
Tanya: We got a magic bow that actually uses adaptive damage, and Spd% true damage, in the 3/4 star pool. Niles and Nina are in shambles. What's more, she has foe's penalty doubler to counter L!Robin, on top of just competing with stats of foe’s. Spd/Def Menace is perfect for her. This weapon seems pretty outstanding, until you remember, she has lower BST than Igrene, despite coming after. First Valbar, then Tanya, as the 3-4 star with lower BST then their 5 star allies, keep getting better perf weapons that make up for their short comings.
Va! Rudolf: I forgot Duma, the God his kingdom worships, had Atk check damage reduction. So he has that, along with healing after combat, prevent follow-up, Accelerate Special, Atk/Def-11, makes him great. But the cherry on top, he increases the Atk difference between him and the foe, based on 50% the highest total amount of bonuses on him or an ally (one within save distance). His Threaten skill with gives him 6. Rallying Spd/Res+ can give you another 6. If the foe negates his bonuses, a buffed up ally can provide the 6. So, if we combine the Atk bonuses and Def penalties, he can have about 23 more damage and less damage taken. 25 if he had +7 on all stats. It would be pretty busted if there was a way to buff a unit with +8 visible buff to two stats. 😑
Brunnya: I called the third condition that will give her effects, even when she has no penalties active. After that, she isn't inflicting -Atk/Res based on her Res, but based on the foe's Special Cooldown (lower score is higher penalty). We've seen this before on mages and it's great to deal with these "1 cooldown time pulsers", right Fir? And of course, the guaranteed follow-up is locked to support partner interactions. Boss Aether Raid Brunnya getting nerfed, Ewan is winning.
Igerne: I did a last minute call on her wordy complicated double spd check would get changed, now she only needs the "start of combat" spd check during enemy phase. Then it's Spd% TD, Null-Guard, Lull Spd/Def, and 30% DR. An incredibly offensive bow for a unit stacked in Atk/Spd. You just need to Deadeye her foes, or upgrade her Special Spiral to 4 and get +5 special damage and DR negation.
Next let's talk new skills
Armored Beacon / Armored Floe: These skills were definitely added since IS thought Hardy Fighter was the best Fighter skill for tanking, and there was no point in having another Fighter skill with an offensive Special. These are also a oxymoron. The damage reduction counts as a Special DR (like Pavise) which means it can't be pierced by Deadeye or Lethality, but it's also triggered by unit's attack to boost damage, meaning it isn't pre-charged by Shield Pulse or Hardy Fighter, and can be effected by Atk/Res Scowl. Oh right.
Atk/Res Scowl 4: A simple Enemy Phase Standard way of getting Atk/Res+7, but then, you get to uncharge the foe's pre-charged special before they can trigger it, if you met the Res check. It's similar to the effects that the last three Tiki's had as well as Halloween Duma. And apparently, these stack, so lower your foe's special by 2 if you like. This is available to all Dragons and is a supreme skill that lets you still have Dragon Wall, and use the D. Distant Counter seal. This and Armored Floe are the skill I meant when discussing Nagi.
Savvy Fighter 4: Speaking of tanks, didn't expect this to come so soon. Instead of just "Dodge"+ Phantom Spd, the unit needs more than opponent's Spd -10, in order to get 40% DR on the first hit (not all hits). Since you have NFU, should out Spd, and have extra BST to put in Atk/Def/Res, you should only be hit once for a little bit of damage. This won't help them combo with Spd Smoke, nor complete with Dodge + Phantom Spd foes. You could use AS Pavise to tank a second foe's attack, if you hit the foe twice to charge it.
SD Rein Snap: So this explains why Guidance 4 was so busted. They really are giving melee fliers +1 movement, giving it to melee infantry/armored allies, while still having Rein. Granted, melee fliers can inherit Odd/Even Tempest. Also, the movement bonus isn't granted to Singers or Dancers. Thank god.
Wings of Mercy 4: Oh, okay. I guess we can all be F!Lilith now. I predicted they put Canto in this skill, and I was off, it's going to be 2 tile radius wrapping if any ally is less than 60%. Add +4 damage and a 3 tile radius warp to adjacent tile when ally is under 100%, and you got a skill that's overkill if you were going to give it to a dancer/healers.
Null-Follow-Up "4": And finally, they made Null-Follow-Up 4. Well, it's actually, it's two different skills. Phys. Null Follow inflicts Spd/Def-4 ( and is exclusive to physical attacking weapons), while Magic Null Follow inflicts Spd/Res-4 ( and exclusive to Magic attacking weapons). On top of that, you get 50% DR reductions. That's two ways infantry units can pierce Hardy Fighter, Dodge Tanks, Dragon Wall, or just Remote Sparrow. I really like these skills, but I now need to rewrite some upcoming theorycrafts.
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gawrkin · 8 months ago
I just realized an eye-opening possibility:
The Latin version of Igraine's name is Igerne or Igerna. Old French seems to follow this rendering of her name (Ygerne or Igerna)
Ignoring for the moment that the Welsh rendering of Igraine is Eigyr, if you were to imagine it, Igerna would be "Y Gerne" or "Y Cerne".
I'm no etymologist and I certainly don't have complete hang on the historiography of Arthurian Literature, but I thought it might provoke an idea.
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Yglais... Y Glais?
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"The Stream"?
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Based on an old Arthurian short I wrote (and the idea from both a reader and a dear friend of mine), I thought about an alternate means for Arthur’s conception.
Merlin is a shapeshifter in a lot of the old stories and I believe many of us can agree that it’s criminally underutilized. I wrote a short story where Merlin takes Igraine’s form and fucks Uther to make him calm his tits and prevent all out war (I headcanon Uther and Merlin as lovers anyway), but what if he conceived Arthur while in that form? He goes to change back to his normal form and discovers that oh shit, he can’t…and it’s because he’s going to have the magic prophecy baby.
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@igerne replied to your post: outofcrowns;      I love how there are so many...
that means we’re doing it right
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     Exactly, Arthurian Legend is full of this stuff like kidnapping, Being tricked someone so they can have your kid , Imprisoning, Jealousy, and just all that good stuff.
There is no peace in arthurian legend.
You are correct, no peace at all especially with how that story ended. No Happily ever after here, just a Holy Grail War to try and get that happy ending. But got to look at all the assholes in your life to do it if you’re really unlucky.
...I love it so much.
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elusivemaster-moved · 6 years ago
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  Conclusion: Trust nobody in affiliation with...
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solaetis-moved-blog · 6 years ago
"Love of mine life. Muse of mine muse... Why is there a horse in the room in which we dine?" Josh pose.
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He didn’t think that far ahead. When he asked for the company of the Red Hare, Uther assumed that there’d be no need to explain the existence of General Lu Bu’s horse. After all, said horse had been summoned as a Servant as well here in Chaldea. Did his wife not know of such a thing? She cannot be blamed. Perhaps she had been tending to more pressing matters. To which it is the husband’s job to ensure that his Queen and his new horse friend is better acquainted! But ah…
It appears that Red Hare is now far from sober and is… resting upon Uther’s lap in a rather promiscuous position. It’s all the alcohol’s fault. That damn Oni had given them a rather scandalous supply today! Uther doesn’t remember how that happened, but!
“Mine wife… I can explain…”
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readingloveswounds · 5 years ago
Ygerne (Igraine) deserved better and here’s why
First a little background - I’ve been reading Robert de Boron’s version of Merlin. Or sort of, because he originally wrote the narrative in verse, but I’m reading it in the prose because a lot of the verse was lost.
Short timeline: Geoffroy of Monmouth’s Historia Regium Britanniae gets reworked into Wace’s Roman de Brut, which greatly influences Robert de Boron’s Roman de Graal cycle (Joseph, Merlin, Perceval), which then gets turned into the Vulgate-Grail cycle. Chretien de Troyes’ work comes a little earlier than this and is actually mentioned briefly in Merlin. All this to say that there is a very strong connection of French literature with the Arthurian legend (think Norman conquest etc).
Anyway, now on to the actual story. To set the scene: Uter (Uther) has just become Uterpandragon on the death of his brother Pandragon (we can talk about naming conventions at another time) and has also just become king. Merlin had created the Round Table under Pandragon’s rule, but now it’s a tradition to gather at Pentecost at the Table for celebration. Ygerne (Igraine) is the wife of the Duke of Tintagel (not named here, but often identified as Gorlois in other works).
She lives a tragedy. Not necessarily in the Greek sense, as she does nothing wrong. In fact the fatal flaw is really on Uter for falling in love so deeply that he (in my opinion) loses his sense of reason. Here’s my explanation how Ygerne is a victim of her time, situation, and Merlin. (Content warning: creepy behavior and nonconsensual relationships)
She’s established to be beautiful, well-born, and incredibly loyal (”estoit molt preudefeme et molt bele, et molt loiaus vers son segnor”). That loyalty is incredibly important.
She catches the king’s eye and he falls in love immediately pretty much. He sends her jewels - this is the first trap. She cannot refuse them. (”Et ele n’osa refuser les joiaus.”)
Uter tells her she has his heart and she does the only thing she can do - pretends not to hear. (”et ele ne fist onques samblant que ele l’entendist”)
Uter talks to Ulfin, who rebukes him for wanting to sleep with a women - essentially telling Uter to back off on the lust/wanting to die from love.
This doesn’t stop anything, though since Ulfin agrees to talk to Ygerne and brings her even more jewels. Ygerne refuses - “s’en desfendoit, et n’en voloit nus prendre.”
She asks him why he’s done this - he lies initially and says it’s because she’s beautiful but eventually reveals that it’s not actually him that’s giving the jewels, but the king. Ulfin tells her that she has the king’s heart. At this, Ygerne crosses herself and says ‘God, what a traitor the king is, who has pretended to love the duke so’. Essentially, the king has been showing her husband with attention so he can see her. (”Deus, com est li rois traitre, qui fait samblant del duc amer”).
She threatens - rightly - to tell her husband about this. She states that her husband will kill the king for this. (”je le diroie mon segnor. Et se il le savoit, il vos en convenroit morir.”) This makes sense - obviously she’s doing her best to stay loyal to her husband, in a very fraught situation.
Ulfin says have some mercy on the king and also remember that you can’t go against the king’s wishes, to which Ygerne makes her only possible response - she will never be in the same place as the king ever again. (“Et Igerne respont en plorant: ‘Se ferai, se Diu plaist, que je ne serai jamais en liu u il me puisse veïr.’”)
Uter still won’t back off. Here’s the second trap - at dinner, he sends her a beautiful golden cup filled with wine with the request that she drink from it for the love of him. She cannot refuse his request in public and has to drink from it. She feels shame, but drinks and wants to send it back, but is told that she is to keep it. (“Quant la dame l’entent, si en ot molt grant honte et rogi, et prist le cope, et i but, et le volt renvoier arriere.”)
After this episode, Ygerne tells Ulfin that she knows that the cup was a trick by the king and says that she’s going to tell her husband. Ulfin tries to talk her out of it, as the king once again pretends to show favor to the duke in order to be near her. She knows this.
At night, when she and her husband return to their lodgings, she begins to cry. Her husband tries to comfort her and asks what the issue is. She explains and says that she would like to be dead. Her husband has his men saddle up and get ready to leave. They go back home, though the king is alerted.
The king then brings political machinations into this by claiming that the duke has offended him (technically true as he wasn’t granted leave, but at the same time, he has good reason for it.) Uter is told to send a messenger requiring them back at court, which he does.
The duke of Tintagel receives this message and is like ‘bruh’. What he actually says is that he’s never going to return to the king’s court because of what Uter did to his wife. (“’Car il m’a tant fait, et a moi et as miens, que je ne le doi croire ne amer’”). The duke also sends out a message asking for support should the king bring a war to him.
The king, predictably, does. [I’m going to skip ahead a bit here, but just know that the king beseiges Tintagel and feels super in love with Ygerne. There’s also some standard Merlin trickery.]
Merlin has shown up and Uter asks for help. Merlin says this might be difficult since she’s smart and loyal towards her husband and God. (“car ele est molt sage dame, et molt loiaus vers Dieu et vers son segnor.”)
But, this is Merlin. He’s got a plan. The plan is that he’ll give Uter the form of the duke so that she’ll confuse the disguised Uter with her actual husband. Yeah.
The plan goes down - Uter gets into the castle and sleeps with Ygerne, who thinks he’s her husband. This is absolutely horrible. Like, I’m sure you can see that, but hoo boy, this particular narrative makes me so angry on her behalf. Like, no woman is treated well by Arthurian narratives, but Ygerne did nothing wrong. Oh my god.
But it doesn’t end there! Because in the morning after Uter flees, Ygerne learns that she’s pregnant and that her husband is actually dead. She’s a smart woman, so she realizes that she doesn’t actually know who she slept with that night.
So now Ygerne is in charge of her husband’s cause. And it gets worse. Uter sends her a messengers who is supposed to tell her that she can’t fight against him - consider the deeper meaning here. (“Et li dites que ele ne se puet desfendre vers moi”).
They have to negotiate the end of the conflict, which includes a price for her husband’s death. Which means she has to negotiate WITH UTER. WHO DID THAT TO HER. She has so little power in this situation - she demands all she really can, which is a recompense for her husband’s death but she is so trapped. [Skipping over more negotiations]
Uter forces her hand and gets her in marriage - to quote the text more directly - ‘thus had the king Ygerne’. Again, double meaning. Not sure if that double meaning is there in the Old French, but it may well be. (“Tot ensi ot li rois Ygerne.”)
IT GETS WORSE THOUGH. She’s clearly pregnant, and who knows who the father is (Uter does). KNOWING THAT HE IS THE FATHER OF HER CHILD, Uter confronts her about her pregnancy and FORCES HER TO ADMIT SHE DOESN’T KNOW THE FATHER, which forces her to relive the uncertainty around that situation and makes her fear for her ‘relationship’ with Uter as well. I could talk about the situation with Merlin’s mother, but this is already so long.
Uter then tells her that he won’t tell anyone if she won’t breathe a word and also gives her child away immediately after birth. She does so - essentially giving Artus (Arthur) to Merlin who then passes him on to his foster father.
Once she’s given birth to Artus, Ygerne pretty much disappears from the narrative.
To summarize that behemoth of a text:
The king falls madly in love with Ygerne, a married woman, who understands the conventions of the time - she can’t really go against the king’s wishes, but she can avoid him. She tries her best to avoid his attentions, but he goes too far and she tells her husband, who ends up going to war with the king over the insult. Uter’s forces kill her husband, but before she learns of this, Merlin gives Uter a disguise so that he can sleep with her. They then negotiate the end of the conflict, which ends with Uter taking her as his wife. He then pretends to be ignorant of the circumstances of her pregnancy and makes her give away their child.
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teagrl · 5 years ago
No one’s having fun in a fascist regime
“In Core Worlds Classical Culture: “Who here can tell me which opera the composer Igern is best known for?”
Ciena’s hand shot up, and when the professor nodded at her, she answered, “Chalice and Altar.”
“Very good, Cadet Ree. And can you tell me the themes for which this opera is famed?”
Uh-oh. She could hum several melodies from Chalice and Altar, but she didn’t enjoy opera music. That made it difficult for her to connect music to plot.
After only a moment’s pause, the professor turned away. “Memorizing by rote, Cadet Ree? Unfortunate. Does anyone else know?”
The sound of Thane’s voice from behind her pierced her like a knife between the shoulder blades. He said, “The opera deals with the morality of self-sacrifice and the repression of desire.”
“Excellent, Cadet Kyrell.”
-Lost Stars (Claudia Gray)
It’s cliche by this point to point to the link between fascism and sexual repression (all that hawt fascist fashion looks slightly less hawt after you read a lot of interpretations where you have all that subbing for actual sexuality, haha, on the other hand it makes the category of “uniform kink” hilariously redemptive BUT I DIGRESS).
It’s just a tad on the nose here but hey, it’s YA. I appreciate the shout out, Ms Gray.
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ariainstars · 6 years ago
Why the Sibling Kiss?
The kiss between Leia and Luke is a scene that in retrospect irritated many viewers, considering that the two would later discover that they are actually brother and sister.
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This has fueled the assumption that George Lucas did not really know what he wanted to tell, and that he just thought up his story as he went along, leading to unexpected and irritating plot twists.
On following the entire arch of the narrative, however, you can see a very striking parallel to a famous classic legend: King Arthur.
As Luke enters the narrative, he is a young farmer unaware of his origins, who, hardly grown up, meets an old magician from former times (Obi-Wan, the Jedi) who tells him of the past and of his father, and gives him the sword who used to belong to the latter.
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Arthur’s half-sister - not twin, in this case - had the name “Morgana”, which explains Leia’s surname “Organa”. (There are many versions of the legend and in many of these Morgause is Mordred’s mother: however for my theory I found Morgana more fitting because of Leia’s surname.)
In the Star Wars saga, Leia is seduced by Han Solo, the siblings find out the truth, Leia marries Han and the incest does not occur.
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But the son these two have, the angry, destructive patricide and throne usurper, is definitively modeled upon Mordred.
Mordred had been a valiant and respected member of the Round Table until he found out about his family, i.e. that his uncle was at the same time his father.
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Feeling disgusted and betrayed by the man he had put his trust in, Mordred destroyed the kingdom Arthur and his followers had painstakingly build up, and killed his father. He never found out the truth, which was that Arthur had not raped Morgana but had been seduced by her with deceit; just as he once had been fathered by King Uther when he lay by his mother Igerne (in French: Ygerne), Merlin having given him the looks of her then husband Gorlois, the duke of Cornwall.
Ben Solo, too, finds a skeleton in the family closet, which is that the criminal Darth Vader, the scourge of the galaxy, was in truth his own grandfather. He never knows about the actual past, i.e. Anakin’s heroic background as a Jedi, and the unimaginable mental and physical pain endured by Vader.
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The moment Ben feels betrayed by his uncle, the legendary galactic hero, is his breaking point: feeling let down by his entire family, he becomes Snoke’s follower and changes his name to Kylo Ren.
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Afflicted by his failure in taking care of his nephew, his beloved sister’s son, Luke retires to die on a green, foggy island reminding very much of Avalon.
He became a Jedi knight in his time, but he never was a king. As Rey comes to see him, he now finds himself in the role of the old, wise magician.
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azure-platter-writes · 5 years ago
Meet my knights of the round table
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Gawain. He’s a disaster bisexual and non-binary, but he uses He/Him pronouns.  He’s dating Percival. He’s a drama queen, but we love him. 
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Lancelot. He’s a gay man and Merlin’s first boyfriend and childhood friend. He’s of Spanish origin.
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Gareth. A trusted Knight of King Catigern until he stays in Camelot. Catigern named Merlin’s cat after the knight. He is ace and trans. 
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Geraint. One of Uther’s most trusted knights, however, he doesn’t respect her because of her sex. She is Enide’s ex-wife. She’s ace and bi. Arthur knows better than to disrespect her. 
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Percival. He’s trans and gay. He’s dating Gawain. He’s a buff cinnamon roll.
All trans characters mentioned above have fully transitioned with the help of magic. Outside of Camelot, magic is used to help people transition if they so choose. Inside Camelot, both magic and anything overtly LGBT is banned and punishable by death. 
tag list: @floralandrogyny @nyxnevin​ @magicalmisstemi​ @luxscribbles 
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ibadouji · 7 years ago
fight me in broadstreet. 
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syriism-blog · 7 years ago
Though her mother's forced smile could fool most, it could not fool her own daughter. She had seen that smile far too many times in their living lives. Whenever a young Morgan asked her beloved mother if she was alright. While the circumstances said otherwise, she would smile and tell her ‘Yes of course, my little light’. 
My little light. Ha... Even when her hair was darker than the dead of night and no longer it’s fair blonde. Even when she probably looked down from the heaven she belonged in to see her once precious daughter corrupted by her own mind, a vengeful, bloodthirsty, power-hungry beast.
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“I weep, Mother, because a wretch such as me has been graced with your presence. Because I have missed you profoundly. Because I fear you will not want to have me close to you...Even after all the atrocious acts I performed, you still lovingly wipe my tears away as if I were still a young girl.” She tilted her head, nuzzling her mother’s soft and familiar hand. She seemed to mirror her mother and smiled even when her eyes told the painful truth. What a bittersweet occurrence..
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valiantbcrn replied to your post “@igerne replied to your post: outofcrowns;      I love how there are...”
Soo Arthurian legend was just reality television drama + soap dramas that come on TV before the modern Era?
.... :D
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