#ig droids
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The IG-Series Assassin Droids from Star Wars Legion! Haven’t collected any other Legion minis but I love the bounty hunters so I had to get these two. Pretty easy to paint cause they’re mostly one colour, the details are quite tiny tho so it could be a little fiddly.
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irkinsblog · 1 year
When Mando is not on Razor Crest
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nizaen · 1 month
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incredible, thanks fortnite
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theworstcreature · 7 months
No “other” option because you MUST choose from the first ten droids I could think up
Reblog for reach !!!
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star-wars-forever · 7 months
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by mikekimart
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rubydreamsuwu · 3 months
Silly droid doodles
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
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Terminate asset. Terminate asset.
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from-a-legends-pov · 5 months
Star Wars Legends: Poll of the Week — Favorite Droids (Who Are Not Artoo or Threepio)
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We know that Artoo-Detoo (R2D2) and See-Threepio (C-3PO) are favorite droid friends and heroes in any canon. But which of these other droids from Legends is your favorite?
Squeaky, the cantankerous protocol droid who served as quartermaster to Wraith Squadron and had a previous career as an extremely rude waiter at the tapcafe near Folor Base (X-Wing: Wraith Squadron)
Tonin, the R2-series astromech droid and companion to Gara Petothel; dubbing himself “king of the droids,” Tonin wrangled an army of mouse droids to slice into the systems of Warlord Zsinj’s ship, the Iron Fist (X-Wing: Solo Command)
IG-88, an assassin droid created by the Intergalactic Banking Clan that was given sentience programming to improve its operation as an assassin, reasoned it was superior to its biological creator, and destroyed them; it later started a droid revolt and worked as a bounty hunter during the time of the Galactic civil war (Tales of the Bounty Hunters)
Shiner, Myn Donos’s beloved astromech droid, whom he considered the last remaining survivor of the ambush that killed Talon Squadron, causing Myn to nearly go catatonic when the droid was destroyed in a battle with the Blood Nest pirates (X-Wing: Wraith Squadron)
Whistler, also known as Xeno, Corran Horn’s astromech droid, who assisted him with detective work when he was a Corellian Security (CorSec) officer and later came with Corran when he joined the New Republic starfighter corps. Similarly to Artoo, Whistler escaped memory wipes and developed more of a distinct personality than other droids. He was painted the same green and gold as Corran’s X-wing (X-Wing: Rogue Squadron)
R5-D4, the astromech with the bad motivator originally chosen for purchase by Owen Lars. R5-D4’s original story was that he was extremely jealous of other droids and that Artoo deliberately sabotaged R5’s motivator to make sure Artoo was the one purchased; however, in the “Skippy the Jedi Droid” story, R5-D4 was a Force-sensitive droid who sabotaged his own motivator after seeing a Force vision of a grim future in which R2D2 never reached Luke or Obi-Wan and was never able to complete his mission (Star Wars Tales)
Gate (R5-G8), originally R5-D2, Wedge Antilles’ astromech droid with Rogue Squadron. R5-D2 was known as “Mynock” because of how noisy and shrill his whistle was. Wedge got so annoyed with Mynock’s noise that he had the droid’s memory wiped; during the wipe, the droid’s internal components were upgraded, resulting in its new designation and nickname (X-Wing: Rogue Squadron as Mynock; X-Wing: The Bacta War as Gate)
Vape, Garik “Face” Loran’s R2 unit astromech. When he had the droid repainted from red to the unit’s gray color, Face had Wraith Squadron mechanic Cubber Daine reprogram the droid to respond to the command, “Cold one” by dispensing a cold Elba beer (X-Wing: Wraith Squadron)
HK-47, a Hunter-Killer assassin droid and Jedi hunter constructed by Darth Revan in 3960 BBY. He despised organics (whom he referred to as “meatbags”), and multiple times over the centuries turned on organics who attempted to reactivate him or use his data or AI. These included Separatists who found him on Mustafar during the Clone Wars and a group of spacers in 1.5 ABY whom he convinced to help him regain his body and restart the Mustafar droid factory, after which HK-47 built a droid army to kill all organics, including the spacers (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)
Looking for more Legends content? Follow @from-a-legends-pov and come join us for From A Legends Point of View, a fanfiction event where we’ll be building a collection of fics featuring Star Wars Legends characters during the time of the Original Trilogy. Writer signups are open now — use our Signup Form to pitch your story concepts (Signup Guidelines here), check out our Event Overview and FAQ for more information, and encourage your favorite writers to participate!
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irishteagoblin · 7 months
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Who taught the droid to swear?
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gender-luster · 1 year
every day i (star wars droid enjoyer) suffer (star wars treats all the droids like absolute shit and i'm tired)
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bonefydskeleton · 2 months
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I got to debut this scene in a Star Wars TTRPG tonight and it was a huge hit! We opened the combat scene with this daunting image of the Black Sun gang making off with the players’ beloved former captain. As they rushed to try and stop the ship from pulling the cargo container holding him out the window, an IG-100 MagnaGuard droid leapt through the shattered glass, announcing “You will all perish in the name of a true god.”
The players were able to stop the droid but it nearly cost several of them their lives. And they came no closer to rescuing their friend or stopping the Black Sun. With only the knowledge that they work for a mysterious Kaleesh and a hyperspace trajectory heading towards the Corellian Trade Spine, the crew nurses their wounds and prepares to give chase.
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rateatinginsulation · 2 months
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What if I was a robot and you were my creator and we lived together in a post apocalyptic world and we were both girls 😳😳
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vvitchering · 1 year
oh actually while I'm thinking about it and since I didn't do an episode reaction post like I have been, I wanted to say that I absolutely HATED the character regression concerning the droids Din went through this past episode. One of my favorite parts of S1-S2 was Din working through his hatred and mistrust of droids, mostly due to his experience with IG-11. I loved that bit of character development for him because it paints a picture of someone who, while he had entirely valid reasons to hate droids, came to care enough about one to work through that feeling and overcome it.
Din never struggled with interacting with droids again after that and I always felt that was in honor of IG, which I loved. To see him regress right back to his early S1 blunt hate with no explanation was hard to watch. To me, that's just another example of how little the writers care about Din as a character this season. Especially since they had a golden opportunity to frame Din's regression as specific to seeing clone wars era battle droids for the first time since he was a child. Not only would that have actually made sense, it would have been a great way to give Din some MUCH needed personal development when he'd inevitably have to explain his freak out to Bo-Katan.
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The Mandalorian + Text Posts
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star-wars-forever · 2 years
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pedroam-bang · 1 year
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Warren J. Fu - Droid General & Henchmen (2002)
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