#if you spent a day in my life you would come to learn how incomplete and silly a good lot of my doodles are
meringuejellyfish · 9 months
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other loose things that were on that one mspaint canvas i shared art from a little while ago ....... ohoh ! ohoh ! he has sticks for arms because he suuuucks
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alisria · 5 months
i know i am just smad because im tired and in pain and havent eaten in 12 hours and have no plans to but
i think as i approach 30 i am really starting to lose my mind a little bit about how ive spent 27 years putting my life on hold until X. like oh i will go out and do new things when i have X. i cant enjoy travelling until i have X. i cant be happy until i have X. and like. X doesnt seem possible anymore. i dont have the willpower to make it happen. i dont care enough. because i never gave myself anything to care about because that was something that would come after X. well what the fuck do i do when X never comes? feel like this forever? because ive certainly been dealing with that reality my entire life. and i can look at my friends and see they dont need X to be happy and thats fine and im so glad for them and i dont WANT them to need X but i do.
and it's like. okay well if X is my obstacle, what are the steps i need to take to get X? okay well join your support groups. go to your doctor. get more doctors. beg for help with X from them. from your family. and then the support groups say "you dont want it enough", the doctors say "you shouldnt want X at all", and your family doesnt answer your pleas because what you want doesn't matter, you dont want it enough, you should be doing other things, etc. and it's like. all my life i have felt like an absolutely massive part of me is missing. and the only thing that will fix it is X. doctor will give you vyvanse. doctor will give you all the hormones you can dream of without you even fucking asking. doctor will offer gender affirming surgery you dont even want. but you beg for X, you beg for help just getting closer to X, you write out a page of reasons why X would get you closer to finally feeling like a real person, like yourself, a self you havent even fucking met yet at nearly 30 years old, and doctor goes "ehhh well you need to learn to be happy without X. because you can't have it." and its like well girl what the FUCK do i do because thats the only thing ive literally ever wanted and i've structured my entire life over the pipe dream of maybe having it someday and i CANT have anything else until i have X and they kind of shrug and give you another doctor that goes yeah no you dont get a diagnosis and nothing is wrong with you and i wont help you get X so no more appointments call me if you need me but doctor i am fucking pagliacci.
and there's that nagging thought, that if i get X, nothing will change. the support groups tell you this. nothing will change. you will still be socially inept, you will still be mentally ill with agoraphobia, you will still struggle every fucking day of your life with choices that tear you apart. and i can hear that for 10 years and still feel incomplete without it. i am defective goods and i need a part installed and people either say "well you dont need that part to work!" "you can be happy without the part!" "you can never have the part, even if you get it installed it will never work so why even bother?" and this is supposed to feel like support. this is supposed to be positivity. but it's not. maybe it is for other people. but it isnt for me. but i can have hormones if i want!!!!! here you can transition wont that make you feel better!!!!! wont that make you hate yourself less!!!!! have as many hormones as you want!!!!!!!
and on tuesday im going to go to the doctor and smile and say everythings great im fine physiotherapy is working the meds are working everything is perfect see you in 3 months when i am quite literally rotting inside and there is no cure
im going to bed
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hippolotamus · 1 year
Having some thoughts for the last official day of Pride 2023. A common theme I’ve heard from friends this year (other than, y’know, their very existence being challenged) is angry commentary from family or strangers wondering why Pride is even necessary. Why does every show or movie need a gay/lesbian/queer/trans character or couple? Obviously, none of these are new, but the fact remains that these hateful questions still haven’t gone away. Seriously, WTF?
What you’re about to read are only my thoughts and opinions, so take it for what it is. You’re free to disagree and have your own. 
I’ll start with why is Pride necessary? One of the first things that comes to mind is something I first saw on instagram a few years ago, and it has stuck with me. A quote from munroebergdorf ‘Pride is important because someone tonight still believes they’re better off dead than being gay.’ Like, holy fuck, it doesn’t get more real than that, does it? 
From an evolutionary, biological standpoint humans have a very real fear of abandonment, and loss of protection, for straying from the pack. Unfortunately, it takes far too long for most of us to realize that another pack is waiting with open arms and love. That we do not owe our bio pack unconditional loyalty simply because that’s the family we were born into. Genealogy does not make up for lack of acceptance. 
Pride is important because it’s meant to be a safe space. The festivals, parades, queer owned restaurants and businesses. I can’t speak for everyone, but my experience is that being part of the LGBTQ+ community usually involves living life as more than one person. Most times are spent taking our most colorful pieces, boxing them away, holding our breath, and hoping the wrong person doesn’t learn our secret. 
That’s where all those previously mentioned events and places come in. It’s an opportunity to finally take a fucking breath. To be yourself. To hold your partner’s hand, or look at them meaningfully, and not have to worry. It may not always feel like a big deal to parcel yourself away. But then you find yourself in a place you can finally let go and it’s like dropping 50 pounds of baggage to the floor. 
Part 2 (also, bless you if you’re still reading any of this): Why does every [popular form of media] need [inconveniently not straight] person or couple? This sort of ties back to earlier with the bio pack and the ability to find a new pack. Books, comics, television shows, movies need these characters so we don’t feel so fucking alone. 
If I remember correctly, my first encounter with a queer character was a really super awkward Lifetime movie. The next significant memory was what I refer to as my Queer Reawakening, when I met David and Patrick from Schitt’s Creek for the first time in 2021. The idea of a place built around the idea of total acceptance? Where no one cared who you loved? Where queer people had a happy existence? That was life altering. I was chemically reconfigured. From there I found a phenomenal community of friends that know me better than most of my IRL people. 
I swear I’m not trying to make this about me, but this would be incomplete if I didn’t mention Heartstopper (aka the Repressed Queer Grief era). This, to me, is the height of why representation is needed across various media. I have heard, and read, many similar comments to mine from friends and articles about this show and the graphic novels. How different life might have been if we had something like this as kids. To know that sort of existence was even possible. That just maybe some form of joy was attainable, and it wasn’t always going to be living a dual existence. 
Just like it’s important (for example) for little girls to know they can be president, or for little boys to know they can be in the ballet if they want… it’s important for every child to know that they are not wrong for who they choose to love, they are not defective if they don’t feel romantic or sexual attraction like other people, and it’s okay to question that maybe the body they were born with is not the best one. 
Part 3 (bonus!) I know this is quite long. Again, bless you for still being here. This is a piece I will just never not bring up. I feel it’s important to reiterate the importance of The Timeline of Self Discovery aka No, you’re not too old to come out/learn this important info about yourself. Some people just know from an early age that there is something different about them from their peers. That’s amazing. Enjoy being ahead of the curve. Then there’s the crowd that sort of figures it out during the teenage/young adult years. Yay! Awesome! That’s so cool! Very proud of you!
Now, what about everyone else? Not realizing until later in life can feel like a real suck fest. You were just going along, living your life, happy as a clam and then… fuck. It’s all different and nothing is as it was and how the hell are you supposed to trust your instincts if you couldn’t even see that coming? Listen. Take a deep breath. Chill for a sec. You good? Okay, perfect. 
So, here’s the thing. There is no timeline. There is no deadline for figuring these things out. It’s not like if you don’t figure it out and rush to tell the world by a certain point you’re doomed forever. For that matter, if you choose to never come out? That is also a perfectly acceptable option. You can tell as many or few people as you want. And only you get to do that. Not one single other person on the face of this earth is entitled to pressure you or take that moment from you.  
The other cool super secret thing is you can change your mind. Gasp! It’s not necessary, but more likely than you think. Maybe a bi label felt good at first but then gay or lesbian or queer felt better. Ultimately, labels are always highly personal and there is zero requirement to use one. Personally I’m a big fan of referring to myself as queer. It’s easy and people tend to understand it better than the Pan label. Again, labels are completely optional. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s necessary because they’re rude and no you don’t. 
Stay safe out there, friends and Happy Pride 🌈
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ashenwinds · 4 months
     sailor @leadxxr sent a message in a bottle. . .
                ↪   GLIMPSES OF THE PAST
send CRITICAL for a scene from my muse's past in which they thought about / were reminded of something they're insecure about
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     “ Oh great. . . ” There is a grumble out of the Commander, taking a good long drink of his grog, “ Guard up, lads. Got a live one coming in hot. ” Seems that their usual quiet-ish night within the neutral tavern is going to go awry quickly with the entrance of a rather obnoxious Pirate Legend.      Ruth snorts, “ He learned his lesson last time he tried getting into my pants. ” She leans back a bit to watch as the man steps further into the tavern, smirking when she sees the eyepatch over the left eye, “ Ah, good. Looks like it did permanent damage. ” It is a quick thing to learn that one does not carelessly flirt with Red Ruth lest they desire a missing organ or limb.      Chi rolls their eyes, taking a drink of their brimstone rum, “ Still think you could have knocked him down a few more pegs. He's still walking. ” A few others join the man, all taking a table far too close to where the Generals sit. As if they want to instigate something.      Part of Chi deep down wants them to start it, so they can throw a punch and show just how pathetic those Legends are. Not the greatest timing to have their hair down, however, but after a long day of training their newly acquired guards, they need to let it down to dry after washing it. And they are far not in the mood to deal with people mistaking their gender.       “ When did they get a fourth to their crew? ” One of the pirates asks the crew, perhaps a bit louder than he wanted -- most likely drunk already.       “ Heard she's the newest of the group, ” another snorts -- not noticing just how Chi tenses up at the one word, “ Apparently found when entering the Sea and helped sink the entire ship. ”       “ Oh, so she's small and spicy? ” The captain of the group hums, taking a drink of his grog.      Grimm shakes his head as he picks up his tankard, watching his shipmate grip the glass bottle in a death grip, their eyes starting to glaze over, “ Might want to scoot a lil closer to me, Horatio. ” The other male hums before scooting his stool back towards Grimm. They both know what is coming next.      The thing that is as well known amongst them like how stupid it is to flirt with Ruth is to never call Warden Chi lady or she. It makes them feel incomplete, uncomfortable to be referred to as a female when they have spent their entire life trying to get away from it. That and reminding them just how much shorter they are compared to most other pirates. Strikes that will bring out the worst in the Warden -- something none of the other Generals will get in the way to stop unless it gets their shipmate in deep trouble.
     The pirate legend captain turns, standing up from his chair and dares to step over to their table. He tries to put on the charm, smiling as he clears his throat to get Chi's attention, “ I cannot help but come over to welcome such a beautiful lady pirate to the Sea and offer you a night to never forget. Maybe think about joining my crew instead of these misfits? ”      Ruth holds back laughter, “ I always wondered how blood would taste in grog. ” Her laughter however bursts out when Grimm bellows out his loud cackle.      But Chi does not react in the same way, their voice a low growl, “ I'd rethink those words, vermin. ”       “ Well I'm not one for public displays, but I can make an exception for somebody like you. ”       “ Oi! ” Horatio grimaces, getting up to punch the guy in the face for talking so crassly to one of his shipmates.      Although, he is only able to stand before Chi is on their feet in a blink of an eye and smashing the half-empty rum bottle over the man's face. They take hold of him before forcing him onto the ground and pressing the jagged glass against his neck, “ Call me lady again and I will tear out your insides with my teeth and shove each organ down the throats of your shipmates! ” The other three Legends step away from the table, horrified by what they just saw. The tavern owner simply watches, continuing to clean a tankard.      Chi leans in closer, eyes burning as they grab hold of the other's throat, “ You want a night to remember, wretch? I will drag your sorry ass to my prison and make you bleed over and over again, break every sorry bone in your body and make you regret every calling me she. ”      And he has the guts to follow up with, “ Tha-that's erotic. ” If Chi did not have him in a hold by the throat, the other three would be fighting over who got at him first. The absolute disrespect!       “ You think so? ” Chi purrs, tightening their grip so no air can reach his lungs, “ Because the only one who is going to be getting any pleasure or satisfaction out of your endless torture will be me. ” They stand before delivering a heavy stomp on his groin, waiting for his scream of agony to quiet down before grabbing him by the ponytail -- dragging him to the entrance of the tavern.       “ I'll see you back on the ship. . . ” Chi growls back to the other three before exiting with the wounded pirate.      Ruth smirks, looking at the three who are baffled at what happened, “ You may want to find a new captain. ”       “ Or run before the Warden comes back to get you as well, ” Grimm grins.
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mandoalorian · 4 years
Brown Eyes [Din Djarin x Reader]
*Hi. The episode has been out for three hours. The devil works hard but I work harder. I hope you enjoy! xx*
Summary: Din has always wanted to confess his love to you— but with his devotion to the Creed and with the risk of losing you, he wonders if the revelation would really be worth it. Would you even consider being with him if he refused to remove his helmet? When Grogu is taken away from Din and in the fiendish hands of Moff Gideon, Din realises there isn't anything he won't do to get his son back.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: descriptions of anxiety, *SPOILERS FOR Season 2 Episode 15: The Believer of The Mandalorian*
Word count: 2.6k
Permanent taglist - let me know if you want to be added: @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos
gif credit: @siennablake
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"Din," you froze up, backing away from the Imperial who was sitting at a table drinking caf. "I- I can't do it."
Din's head snapped to face you, masked by the Imperial Shocktrooper helmet he was doting. "Why not?" His voice was firm, but the tone of his question dripped with concern. You bawled your fingers into a fist as you squeezed your eyes tight shut, beginning to anxiously pace around in circles.
"That's Valen Hess," you muttered, trying your hardest to regulate your nervous breathing. "He- I used to serve under him. I- can't… go in there. Din, he'll recognise me." the thoughts in your head were jumbled. Din placed two hands steady on your shoulders.
"I'll go, hand me the dataspike." Din told you calmly. You felt like putty under his touch. Usually, his firm grip would calm you down and ease any of your troubles away— but not this time. You felt completely nauseated.
Grogu was at stake. When you met the Mandalorian, it took him some time to find the confidence in introducing you to the child. You were Ex-Imperial after all. But he warmed up to you, seeing the way you cared so deeply for the children on Sorgan. When he introduced you to the little green bean, who did not yet have a name, you were enamoured. That's when Din knew he was in love with you. Ever since that day, he'd only fallen in love with you more and more. His feelings became stronger with every waking second he spent with you.
Of course, he never acted on his feelings. He wished he had, he wished he could say something. He knew that if something happened to you and you didn't know how he truly felt, he'd regret it for the rest of his life. There had been countless times where you and him brushed paths on the Razor Crest. Plenty of times to say something, plenty of times to mutter the three words that had consumed his mind, body and soul. ‘I love you’. The words were like a broken record in the back of his mind. He looked at you through his visor, seeing your distress and his heart aching and he wanted— no, he had to do something.
His son had been kidnapped and suddenly, Din was an unstoppable force. Nothing could hold him back— not his friends, not the Creed, nothing. The regret ate him up like flies on a corpse. If there was one thing he learned from Grogu's disappearance, is that you never know what is coming around the corner. Din began to treat everyday with you like it was your last because there was no way of telling what the future was holding. And that only stirred him on, the desire of telling you how much you meant to him.
"You can't go," you removed your finger from your lips where you had been anxiously biting your nails. "The security system is biometric facial recognition. There must be another way." you tried to rack your brain for a solution, but Din's mind was already made up.
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes in search for an answer. You steadied your breathing. "Din," you whispered. "What if we distract them? You go in there and speak to him so he's looking the other way and I'll use that moment to sneak past and access the terminal."
No answer. "Din?" you asked, cautiously opening your eyes. He was already gone. Your mouth began to open and close like a goldfish as you watched his approach the terminal. He paused, midway between two tables, shakily saluting Valen Hess. Din turned back to the terminal, held his head up high and carried on over to it.
Upon examining it, Din found it was no different to any other information point— whether it had been New Republic or Independent, Din was lucky enough to already know how to navigate the system. He clicked a few buttons on the keypad, bringing up the facial recognition scanner. He stood still, letting it roam down his face. He didn't have much faith, but it was worth a shot.
Din cursed under his breath as the scanner light lit up red, beeping ecstatically.
"Error. Error. Facial scanning incomplete. Ten seconds until system shutdown." An automated voice informed. Din felt a few gazes burn into his back, no doubt Valen Hess noticing the commotion. "Ten, nine, eight-"
You watched as the timer went down, your hand fingers curling around the blaster in your holster. You didn't know what Din was going to, but you knew if anything— he was a man with a plan.
And that was when he removed his helmet.
It hit you like a ton of bricks, it took the air from your lungs leaving you gasping in silence. You felt like a criminal, looking at him with your own eyes. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't tear the gaze from the back of his head.
Brown hair. Dark brown hair, slightly messy from the helmet. Although you were some distance away, you noticed the little waves and the way it curled at the nape of his neck. The cut of the Imperial armour revealed just a sliver of his skin. It was golden tan— surprising to you.
"Facial scanning complete." The dataspike ejected from the terminal, a small light lit up in green, validating that the information had been processed and Din was now the owner of Moff Gideon’s co-ordinates. Just as he was about to put his helmet back on, a voice interrupted him.
Your heart sank when you saw that Valen Hess had approached Din.
"Trooper, where are you stationed?"
"My designation is transport— co-pilot."
"No son, what's your TK number?"
Din felt his throat dry up as he looked the man in the eyes. Valen Hess stared at Din right back, looking into the eyes that nobody had gazed into since Din had been sworn to the Creed. Din swallowed the lump in his throat, only for it to return immediately.
"He's with me." you announced, walking over to Din and Hess. A wash of relief shuttled through Din's body upon hearing your voice, but that was completely blown away when he realised you had seen him. It was true, you had seen his face— but there was no time to act up. Din had sacrificed everything for Grogu and you weren't going to let this go wrong. "This is my trooper, sir."
"Who is he and what's his TK number?" Valen Hess repeated, clicking his tongue between his teeth.
"This is my commanding officer TK-0402, and I'm TK-0322. I'm afraid he doesn't speak much. Ever since his vessel lost pressure on Tanaab." You explained with confidence, sighing apologetically and placing a hand on your hip.
Din found the courage to look at you, making brief yet bewildered glances between you and Valen Hess. He had a thousand questions but he knew he could trust you, and so, he smiled wearily, nodding his head in agreement to your little story.
"What's his name?" Hess inquired.
You took a deep breath, and turned to face Din. He looked at you too, his face softening as your eyes met for the very first time. You felt your heart rate slow down as you took in his appearance. You were nervous, and tensions were high, but as you looked into the Mandalorian's sparkling eyes, you felt a familiar sense of belonging. You felt complete.
"Brown eyes." you whispered, feeling the tears pool up as you tried to choke back a sob. Din smiled at you, just a small smile, but enough to make the corners of his eyes crinkle. It gave you the reassurance to know that this was all worth it.
"Well, brown eyes," Valen Hess adjusted his belt. "You troopers were both on the transport that brought in the valium, correct? The only surviving shocktroopers, might I add." he grinned, raising an eyebrow.
"Y-yeah, that was us." You answered hesitantly.
"Please, come join me for drinks. We must celebrate." Hess said, approaching the table he was originally sat at and ushering you over with an exaggerated gesture.
You and Din exchanged a look before walking over to the table and sinking down into the chair. Hess poured out two cups of caf and slid them over. Din stayed silent for most of the conversation, briefly making utterances of affirmation and nodding his head to suggest that he was indeed listening.
Although, he wasn't listening really. His mind was racing and he couldn't concentrate on anything. Although it wasn't necessarily true, he felt like every head in the room was looking at him. Staring at him. Judging him breaking his oath. Was he a failure? Was he a disgrace to the Creed? Dishonourable? A monster?
"I could blather on 'to health' or 'to success', but… tell me TK-0322, where do you come from?"
"Alderaan." you said without hesitation. Din looked at you with furrowed eyebrows, wondering why exactly you had given Hess the details of your real planet.
"Ah, I see…" Hess frowned. "Well, to Alderaan!" he grinned, raising his glass in the air.
"No." you deadpanned and Hess shot you a confused look.
"No." you repeated. "Alderaan was a peaceful planet destroyed by the Empire."
"And those on the Death Star, those who aided in the destruction of Alderaan became heroes of the Empire. I was there." he said with pride.
Din watched your face harden as your cheeks burned up with rage. "Heroes?" you croaked out. "For attacking and murdering innocents? Hundreds of thousands of people died on Alderaan. I lost my family."
"Losing the ones we love is simply part of life," Hess revealed with a sigh— and Din felt his heart shatter at his words. He stiffened up, his gaze fixating on the concrete wall as his surroundings began to faze out.
"At what cost?" you whispered. "You know, every day I think about it. I wished there was something I could do to stop it. But no, I was here, fighting for the Empire. While the Empire was out killing my people." You gritted out as tears pricked your eyes. You felt Dins hand manouver under the table and take place on your thigh, as his gloved fingers rubbed comforting circles into the thin material that covered your skin. His hand was large, fitting around your leg perfectly. He held you down, stopping your anxious shaking and you immediately calmed down. Din wasn't going to stop you, but he did want you to not let your feelings intrude on what was really happening right now. Valen Hess, however, looked mortified. You picked up the glass and forced a smile. Din copied your movement and you clinked your glass with his. "To family." you toast, and Din smiles. He smiles so wide a dimple appears in his cheek.
"To family." he confirms, thinking about his son and how close he was to getting him back.
You put the glass of caf back down on the table and quickdrew your blaster, shooting Valen Hess in the chest.
Din knew better than to question you. He took out his own pistol and helped you take down the remaining troopers and Imps in the room before you both raced out of the base.
Of course, you knew that there'd be commotion. You heard the TIE fighter engines as soon as you stepped foot outside. Din grabbed your hand, pulling you along as you both sprinted into the depths of the forest. Once deep enough, you looked up. It was dark, strings of light beaming through the gaps in the trees. But it was enough to illuminate Din. You had envisioned what Din looked like beneath his beskar helmet every single day, and now, you had your answer.
Din took one look at you. He pulled off his leather gloves, dropping them to the ground and placed his hand on your cheek. Subconsciously, you leaned into the warmth of his palm as his fingers tucked the strands of hair behind your ear. You closed your eyes, humming in delight as his bodily warmth transferred to you.
"Din, when we return to the ship you can put your helmet back on. I never saw you." you promised, your voice barely above a whisper and your eyes remaining closed.
"Cyare," Din mumbled, his heart yearning. The pad of his thumb traced your face, following the height of your cheek bones and the arch of your eyebrows and down your nose. "Open your eyes." he requested. Cautiously, you obeyed, your eyes fluttering open as you drunk in his appearance once more.
Brown stubble with a patch of grey graced the lower portion of his face. You reached out, this time your own hand cupping his cheek. Din didn't let go of you, and he let you touch him. Your finger nervously brushed over the coarse hairs and you let out a small giggle as you remembered him telling you from the Fresher room on the Razor Crest that he was going to shave. He had, and now you could see for yourself that it had started growing back.
"Do… do you like what you see?" Din asked nervously, his gaze only temporarily lifting from yours.
You nodded your head. "I do," you admitted. "You're… so handsome."
Din felt his cheeks heat up as you watched the small blush creep upon his face. You were enthralled, seeing him like this. Seeing his humanity— his emotions and expressions. You knew you loved Din, with or without the helmet— but this confirmed everything.
"May I?" Din asked, leaning into you slowly and closing his eyes. The curve of his nose bumped against yours as and the softness of his lips touched you so delicately.
You mumbled a small 'yes' and as your lips parted, Din kissed you. Soft, sweet, but passionate and with heart. You tangled your hands in his hair, tugging at it and encouraging Din to kiss you deeper and further. He done so, willingly, a groan of pleasure escaping his mouth and vibrating through your body.
He pulled away eventually, breathless and his eyes dark and glazed. "I-I…" he was speechless, looking at you with the utmost adoration. "I love you." He sighed in defeat, knowing now was a better time than any to admit his true feelings. He had to do it one day, and it just so happened to be in the depths of a forest as you hid from Imperials.
"I love you too." you exhaled shakily, thrusting forward into his arms and letting him hold you tight to his chest. He pressed a kiss into your hair.
"I love you so much." Din sobbed, his grip around you tightening like he was afraid that if he let go, you'd vanish just like Grogu did. "Please, never leave me. Please."
"I'm not going anywhere Din," you promised. "Now c’mon, let's go get Grogu."
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Spilled Pearls
- Chapter 19 - ao3 -
Time passed, as it had a tendency to do.
After Cangse Sanren left, Lan Qiren remained in seclusion for the next two months, reviewing texts on the Lan sect rules regarding reciprocation, filial respect, and loyalty, and occasionally playing some new pieces – he’d started composing music as well as simply learning it, and that was a finicky business. Not only did he need to worry about the musical composition itself, like any normal musician, but there was also interweaving the spiritual energies and figuring out the way the song could be used as a spell, which was a completely different and often completely contradictory set of rules.
Moreover, the most powerful song-spells, he knew, were the ones that incorporated and drew on emotion, and he’d always had difficulty with those. Like most of his clan, Lan Qiren cleaved towards the more intellectual melodies, difficult but cold and distant, yet if he wanted to be truly innovative, he would need to find melodies in his heart.
Not long before he went to the Nightless City he had been inspired in a dream with a half-snippet of sound, which he had been painstakingly building up into a song in fits and starts, but recently he had found that whenever he played it the only image that came to mind was that of pearls scattered amidst blood-red mud.
The song was good, though, although it felt unfinished and incomplete. After he emerged from seclusion, he played it for his music teacher, first without qi and then with, demonstrating the suffocating and asphyxiating feeling of it – a heavy stone sitting in the midst of his chest, all his misery and anxieties wrapped up into musical notes – and his music teacher had been thrilled.
“You were born to write tragedies, child,” he said, examining the score proudly. “This is not only good but innovative, a new style with unexpected effects. I look forward to seeing you refine this further, and to your future works.”
Lan Qiren saluted deeply.
Music was just about the only thing that was going right for him at the moment.
The other disciples had been lured back into gossip by his presence, consumed by curiosity, and the teachers had come down on it hard, breeding resentment; even his few friends had been made tired by the whole fuss and only wanted it to die down. The rumors went by swiftly and quickly, anything to do with the Wen sect or the Nightless City almost immediately spread around everywhere, reaching his ears almost immediately upon his exit from seclusion.
One in particular caused him alarm, suggesting that Madame Wen had been discarded or even killed immediately after successfully bearing a son to her husband, but Lan Yueheng had convinced Lan Ganhui, always good at making friends, to write to the Wen sect disciples he’d become friendly with in the Nightless City to find out the truth. In the end, it turned out that Wen Ruohan had merely grown more distant from her, instructing her to go into seclusion for the birth a little early, and had perhaps sarcastically sent her a few treatises on the subject of a wife’s duty to support her husband. In the end, Wen Ruohan was an ambitious and ruthless man who encouraged his sect to take him as his model - as he himself had remarked, Madame Wen’s viciousness in fact demonstrated how she was an excellent match for him.
Lan Qiren hated that he was relieved that Wen Ruohan had not taken out his rage at what had happened on his wife, who had instigated the incident. He hated even more his suspicions that Wen Ruohan might have refrained from doing so not out of morality but out of the thought that Lan Qiren himself might disapprove - he wasn’t sure if that thought made him happy or sad.
At any rate, he soon didn’t have time to worry about things like that.
Lan Qiren’s refusal to explain in any detail what had happened at the Nightless City that had sent him fleeing and retreating into seclusion was largely not accepted by his curious peers, especially when someone had jeeringly pointed out that he’d probably told Cangse Sanren the whole thing already, and he refused to go to his teachers to complain, as he had in his youth.
His brother hadn’t accepted it, either.
He’d given Lan Qiren ten days after exiting seclusion, clearly expecting him to come and report on what had happened. When Lan Qiren had not done so, he had finally grown impatient and found him, demanding to know what it was that he had done that had caused such a fuss.
Lan Qiren had knelt and declared that he was unfilial and disobedient, that he had broken the rules, and requested that his brother punish him for his wrongdoing.
His brother had stared at him for a long time before realizing that Lan Qiren was serious – that he would rather be punished for intentionally breaking the rules against honoring and obeying his elders than tell what he had done or what had happened. Even when he was dragged to the hanshI, his collar pulled tight in his brother’s fist until he was thrown down to kneel in front of their father the sect leader, Lan Qiren did not object; he knelt without complaint, and even pressed his forehead to the ground in deference, but he did not speak.
The punishment his father decided upon for him was harsh, but Lan Qiren accepted it willingly. By the rules of his sect, an accepted punishment expiated a breach of the rules; once punished, he could no longer be persecuted for what he had done to earn the punishment. It would be over and done with.
Of course, there were always ways around that.
Technically, Lan Qiren’s breach was not in refusing to tell what had happened, but in disrespecting his elders by so refusing. A few days after he recovered from his initial punishment, his brother, still furious at having been denied, asked him the same question, with the same result. Their father looked disapprovingly at his eldest son – deliberately exploiting loopholes was not good etiquette – but again imposed a punishment.
Lan Qiren gritted his teeth and endured.
Lan Qiren’s brother did not bother him a third time, but by then it was too late; their relationship continued to deteriorate. Lan Qiren sought to avoid his brother whenever possible, and his brother’s disappointment in him grew; although he did not explicitly complain or impose punishments directly, he made his views clear. Those disciples and teachers that most admired him were, as always, more than willing to follow his lead and fill in the gaps, and for one reason or another Lan Qiren spent more time in the discipline hall than ever before. 
Eventually, noticing the division, others in the sect sought to reconcile them – their teachers, in the most part – but Lan Qiren rebuffed them, having noticed that their requests to be more considerate and free-minded were always aimed at him and never to his brother.
After poor Lan Yueheng, who never cared about anything but his alchemy and his mathematics and, possibly, the particularly indulgent outer-sect female disciple that guarded the stockroom of the ingredients he used to make things explode and regularly looked the other way when he came to get an extra helping, got roped into trying to tell Lan Qiren to be more forgiving, citing rules about fighting within families leading to nothing with a miserable and bemused expression on his face, Lan Qiren went to the teacher in question and rather acidly pointed out the discrepancy.
“He’s your elder,” the teacher said.
“Do not disrespect the younger,” Lan Qiren retorted.
“He’s your family –”
“Am I not his?”
The teacher sighed. “It’s not the same, with him. You know how he is – how he’s always been.”
Lan Qiren knew. Still, he said, “If you can identify where my conduct does not live up to the rules, please do so, and I will consider if my conduct requires modification. At the moment, I do not.”
“Why must I always be the one to yield?” Lan Qiren demanded. “I didn’t answer one question, and I took the punishment for it, as was my right. He is the one who is insisting on making a fuss, not me – why come to me? I don’t want anything from him.”
“That’s the problem. You shouldn’t fight so – why this, why now? You’ve always yielded to him before.”
Lan Qiren said nothing.
“He’s still your elder brother, Qiren. Soon, he’ll be your sect leader.”
“Do not fear the strong; do not bully the weak,” Lan Qiren said. “Being sect leader makes him more responsible, not less.”
“Qiren –”
“I have been a good brother to him for nearly twenty years, honored teacher. Perhaps not the most promising, perhaps somewhat embarrassing, but devoted in my own way. I have not changed so much. I am still loyal, still filial; I still do all that I am asked…the only thing that changed is that I expect nothing from him.”
Not even his love.
Lan Qiren knew better, now. He’d seen what a brother could be, what it should be - he’d experienced, however fleetingly, having someone genuinely care for him, listen to him and indulge him and take joy in his company; no longer would he accept his brother’s barely concealed disdain as an adequate substitute.  
“Qiren –”
“Has my father said anything?”
His teacher fell silent.
Lan Qiren bowed his head, having expected nothing better. His father was growing more and more distant from the world, less and less interested in the minutiae of everyday life; he could still stir himself to care for his precious eldest son, the child of his heart, but his oft-forgotten and overlooked second?
Unless Lan Qiren’s brother had complained about him, his father was unlikely to remember that such a person as Lan Qiren even existed.
“Does father hate me?” he asked, emboldened by his misery. It was the question he had always wanted to ask and had never dared to, and his teacher flinched as if struck. “Is that why he never saw me?”
“No,” his teacher said. “No – it wasn’t…”
“Does he blame me for my mother’s death?”
“He blames himself,” his teacher said, and sounded tired unto death. “From the very first. He thought that if he had not been sect leader, they might not have lost their children; if he was not sect leader, it wouldn’t have mattered if they’d had only one child left. But he couldn’t blame the sect, so he blamed himself – you don’t know how bad it was, Qiren; you don’t know what we all went through back then. When your mother died, he even lost his mind for a time.”
“What does that have to do with me?” Lan Qiren demanded. His hands had clenched into fists at some point, his knuckles pale and white. “If he blames himself and not me, then why did he – he never –”
He barely even saw me, he wanted to say. I am his son, just like my brother, yet it’s as if I don’t exist.
Why couldn’t he love me, too?
“You were very young,” his teacher said, his voice suddenly very distant as if he were remembering something. Lan Qiren looked at him in surprise. “I shouldn’t tell you this, but...she had just died, and he had lost his mind; none of us had realized the extent to it, thinking it merely grief. You were young, you didn’t understand. You ran to him, seeking comfort, and he nearly – he couldn’t risk having such a sin on his conscience, Qiren. You should not blame him.”
“What are you saying? That he neglected me and held me at arms’ length to console himself for nearly murdering me?” Lan Qiren asked, and thought back to all the times he had found himself afraid of his father’s glacial voice, terrified for no reason. If his father had tried to kill him in a rage, as his teacher suggested, shouldn’t he have been more scared of the heat than of cold?
Unless - his brilliant and accomplished father, who always acted as the rules said he should but who had lost his heart along with his wife - unless he had knowingly - 
Perhaps it had been the sect that had ordered their separation, not his father. Perhaps his father, who had spent years going through the motions of leadership and caring only about the son that reminded him of his wife’s joy and not the one who reminded him only of her death - his father, who led their sect and raised his eldest son and in so doing taught them all to be like him, overly partial to favorites and overly harsh to those that did not meet expectations - perhaps he had not objected to that arrangements. Perhaps it had been the elders that had set the rule of meeting only once a month, rather than not at all.
Perhaps they had thought that it had been for Lan Qiren’s own good that they had done so.
Perhaps they thought it was for his own good that they encouraged him to yield now to his brother’s temper, to humble himself despite having done nothing wrong, and all for the sake of familial peace.
That was not the conduct mandated by his family’s rules. Not the ones he followed, anyway.
It’s his fault, Lan Qiren thought suddenly. He saw the path we were walking down, my brother and I, and he did nothing to stop it; he loved my brother too much and me too little, and ruined us both through his negligence and indifference. He made my brother think he deserved the world that he then had to hold up on his own, while he made me think I deserved nothing...he could have done better by us. He should have done better by us.
Finding that his teacher had run out of things to say, Lan Qiren saluted him once again.
“I will be filial and loyal, as the rules require,” he said simply. “I will respect and honor my father and brother. Do not doubt that.”
He said no more. Instead, he returned to his quarters, wondering if they thought he was happy about how things stood between him and his brother, who he still loved.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
He thought miserably to himself that he had been happier living in denial, pretending to himself that there was brotherly affection between them, that his brother’s coldness was only because Lan Qiren had spoiled things somehow by being inferior than his brother would have preferred. When he could love his brother whole-heartedly and think to himself that his brother secretly loved him back, when he suspected but did not know that that had only ever been a lie he had concocted for himself. He had been far happier back then than the way it was now, when even the paper-thin one-sided façade of love was gone.
The saddest part of it all was that Lan Qiren still loved his brother, his stupid Lan heart as inexorable as a mountain avalanche already set in motion. He just didn’t much like him.
He did like Wen Ruohan, the brother that liked him back and might even have loved him if a man such as him could recognize such a tender emotion, but that wasn’t really relevant.
Lan Qiren knew his duty, whether to his sect, to his brothers, or to morality. He knew what he had to do.
For his part, Wen Ruohan waited over a month and a half after Lan Qiren’s exit from seclusion before trying to reach out again by mail. No doubt conscious of his dignity and ego, the powerful sect leader that no one ever really denied, his letter talked around the subject in Wen Ruohan’s usual high-handed manner and evaded either apologies or explanations; from his tone, it was likely that he expected Lan Qiren to respond in anger and denial, or even not to respond at all. Instead, Lan Qiren wrote back obediently, reporting dully on his daily life. When pressed, he even wrote a short summary of his ongoing projects, copying the words precisely from the submissions he made for his teachers to avoid excessive enthusiasm.
Wen Ruohan’s letters developed a certain level of concern after that, which Lan Qiren ignored in favor of continuing to respond politely but unenthusiastically; a filial younger brother, just as he was to his own blood brother, and nothing more. At the next discussion conference, he saluted Wen Ruohan to the exact degree required by their relationship and called him xiongzhang as a respectful younger brother ought; Wen Ruohan had an expression on his face that suggested he had bitten into a sour lemon and stepped in dog shit at the same time, and his eyes followed Lan Qiren around for the remainder of the afternoon.
Lan Qiren was concerned for a while that Wen Ruohan would try to summon him once night fell, forcing the issue, but he was saved through an unexpected twist of fate – namely, that Jiang Fengmian had, like all the others, completely misinterpreted Lan Qiren’s relationship with Cangse Sanren. The Jiang sect heir marched up to him not long after the opening ceremonies had been completed and asked him, stiffly, to swear that he had no interest in the lady and would not communicate with her in the future. Lan Qiren, thinking primarily of their friendship, refused, and then Jiang Fengmian punched him right in the face.
Lan Qiren might be cold and standoffish as a rule, but he did have a temper, and that temper did not hold with being assaulted over things that weren’t even his fault – neither of them were even involved with Cangse Sanren! – and having been so thoroughly goaded he had no choice but to hit back.
In the end, Cangse Sanren had slapped Jiang Fengmian silly and Lan Qiren’s brother had sent him to kneel in disgrace all night, reminding him no fighting without permission and with his eyes silently promised additional punishment when they returned home.
Wen Ruohan didn’t disturb him that night, and Lan Qiren was able to persevere. Indeed, Wen Ruohan troubled him much less than he’d feared, opting in his hurt pride to instead turn to Lao Nie and stay remarkably close by his side – Lao Nie was the one who looked apologetically at Lan Qiren and tried to find time for him, whether to invite him on outings or to scold his brother for the apparent breakdown in domestic tranquility. For his part, Lan Qiren ignored Lao Nie and didn’t hold it against him even when he started showing up to the discussion meetings with distinctive red marks on his throat.
All right, he held it against him a little.
How Lao Nie had such bad taste, Lan Qiren had no idea. Surely he, unlike Lan Qiren, had known enough to realize that Wen Ruohan was an evil man…?
Probably he had; it was only that he didn’t much care. Lan Qiren had promised to try to stop lying to himself about people he liked, and that meant he couldn’t pretend that Lao Nie wasn’t a remarkably callous man at times, ruthless and careless with anything that was outside his sect – even his friends. There could be no doubt that he loved them, sincerely and honestly, and yet…
Lan Qiren was a little disappointed, but not much, knowing that he, too, was irrevocably bound to such a man as Wen Ruohan. He couldn’t blame Lao Nie for the same thing he himself had done. 
Mostly he was just pleased that his suspicion regarding their relationship had been confirmed, even if somehow – unbelievably – no one else seemed to notice it.
In fact, he thought it might mark the very first time in his life that he’d figured out something interpersonal before other people had. Normally he would report it to someone at his sect as soon as he noticed that they’d overlooked it, wanting to do his best for them, but the sensation was too novel and his relations with his sect a little too cold at the moment; he hugged the knowledge to his chest instead, enjoying the brief warm feeling of knowing something other people didn’t.
He intended to tell them, of course, once they returned back to the Cloud Recesses, only they had barely brushed the dust of their journey off their shoulders when they were summoned to the gathering hall for what everyone had now expected for years: Lan Qiren’s father, eyes blank, made the announcement that he was officially setting the date for which he would be retiring as sect leader and retreating from the world, going into seclusion to try to break through the boundaries of cultivation and reach the heavens in a single bound or else die in the attempt.
Lan Qiren’s brother, naturally, would inherit.
He was as fresh from the road as the rest of them, but with his hands behind his back, standing beside their father, he looked as fresh and untouched as a new-bloomed orchid, as beautiful as a polished piece of jade. His eyes reflected the dichotomy that Lan Qiren had learned governed his brother’s life: pride, for the power that he was going to inherit and the accomplishments that everyone agreed made him worthy of that inheritance, and envy, looking at his own father with jealousy, longing also to withdraw from the weight the world had placed on him and do what he could on his own, unburdened by others.
Lan Qiren’s brother, Lan Qiren had learned, saw everything in his life through the prism of himself – did others have something he wanted, did he have something that they didn’t, how did he compare, was he being compared…when he got something into his mind, he cared for nothing else but how to achieve it, no matter the cost, and most of the time he was successful, too. He was fundamentally self-sufficient, requiring nothing and no one but himself, and so was capable of performing miracles – if he was motivated to do so.
Lan Qiren was much less capable. He was lacking in cultivation, lacking in social skills, lacking even in a similar degree of independence, longing as he did for the company and acceptance of his peers even as his introversion demanded sufficient time to himself. There was no way in which he was superior to his brother; in every respect, he was inferior.
And yet, sometimes, he thought that his brother was jealous of him, too.
(Their father retreating into seclusion meant that they would both be losing him – but it was really only Lan Qiren’s brother that lost something. For Lan Qiren, what he mourned was only the absence of what had never been there, and he had finished mourning for that already.)
In the end, the main change occasioned by the impending change in leadership was that Lan Qiren’s brother grew too busy to pay much attention to Lan Qiren, much to his relief. Relations between them grew…not warmer, no, but less fraught, and although Lan Qiren knew he ought to celebrate, he mostly mourned that the cause of it was not a real mending of fences but rather his brother simply forgetting that he existed, just as their father always had.
Lan Qiren took the first opportunity he had to get out of the Cloud Recesses, even attending a party to celebrate sworn brother’s new son with relatively little issue. During the visit, Wen Ruohan ignored him in favor of sticking ever closer to a strangely distracted Lao Nie, almost as if he were deliberately slighting Lan Qiren for having been cold in their last interaction and for not answering his letters the way he wanted. Lan Qiren briefly felt hurt at having been put aside and forgotten so quickly - assuming that he had been forgotten, which he wasn’t sure of, as Wen Ruohan ignoring him sometimes seemed almost performative - but then reminded himself that this, like his poor relationship with his blood brother, was only the results of his own actions, and those of others.
He didn’t – regret it, not really. He’d lived his life by the Lan sect rules, and he didn’t regret doing so now, no matter how lonely the results might make him feel.
Instead, he returned to the Cloud Recesses and began to plan out in earnest his plans for departing the Cloud Recesses to travel the world as a musician, the goal he had set since he was young and was finally, impossibly, on the verge of satisfying. He would need to stay for his brother’s ascension to sect leader the next year, he thought, and perhaps for a year after that – just because their relationship wasn’t good didn’t mean he was entitled to do things that would let other people talk about it – but after that…
After that, he would go.
He would make new friends, or not. He would learn new things. He would see what the world was like.
Sooner than he thought, Lan Qiren turned twenty, thereby finally becoming an adult. The event took place with little fanfare, and Lan Qiren sent back the gifts he received from both Wen Ruohan and Lao Nie unopened with a polite note indicating that he was unworthy of such attention, and Cangse Sanren’s with a much more emphatic note reminding her that he was largely uninterested in sexual matters and therefore had no need for these sorts of implements. 
His brother got him new guqin strings, the same gift he always gave – Lan Qiren had once been very happy to receive it before he realized that it was the storeroom distributing the gift in his brother’s name – and Lan Qiren returned that as well. Lan Yueheng was the only one who successfully managed to give him a gift by virtue of sneaking the fancy brush he’d bought for him into his table in such a way that Lan Qiren utilized it before realizing it was new, and then refused to take it back on the basis that it had already been used. He looked so pleased with himself over his little trick that Lan Qiren didn’t have the heart to scold him.
Time continued to pass: day by day, night by night, season by season.
And then she arrived.
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otakusheep15 · 3 years
SFW Alphabet - Diavolo
I love Dia with all my heart, so I thought it was finally time I made a post for him
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He is probably one of the more affectionate characters. Not many people are willing to get this close to him due to his status, so he is all over you the second you give him permission. His favorite form of affection is when you sit on his lap while he works. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Him as a best friend is a lot of fun. He’ll constantly sneak out of the castle just to hang out with you. He’d probably also wear those silly disguises so no one recognizes him. You two go all over the Devildom and he takes you where ever you’d like. In the end, you two usually get busted by Barb or Luci, but it’s always worth it.   
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Cuddles are literally his love language. He’s always coming up behind you and lifting you up into a hug or dragging you off to his room just to cuddle in bed. Being the prince of literal Hell can be so tiring, so cuddles are exactly what he needs after a long day. And once you two get into bed, you’re never leaving again.  
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He knows that he can’t settle down, but he would love nothing more. Honestly, if it weren’t for his responsibilities, he would have already dragged you off to some secluded house in a forest somewhere to just live in peace. It’s also thanks to his status as prince that he doesn’t know any basic household chores. He cannot clean, and he can barely cook without burning down the whole kitchen. He’s had to rely on Barb and his other staff for so long, that he’s just never had to learn. He wants to, if only to impress you, but he never has the chance. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I don’t think he’s ever even been in a relationship tbh, so he’s never had to break it off with someone. If he did have to, it would be bad. Like, I’m talking literal execution in front of everyone in the Devildom bad. He is a very patient demon who is very caring towards basically everyone. If he actually had to break it off, there would probably be blood. We don’t talk about it.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
As prince, he does technically have to find a spouse, so he’s down to get married if you are. However, the whole point of getting married for him is so that his partner can carry his heir, so if you can’t get pregnant that might be a problem. Not with him, not at all, but more so with Devildom law and such. Afterall, he needs an heir, and he can’t let someone have it if he isn’t planning on marrying them. He’d still marry you regardless though, so there’s nothing to worry about there. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He is the gentlest giant you have ever seen in your whole life. He knows how big he is, and he knows how intimidating he can be, so he is very careful to make sure you know you can trust him. If he ever gets mad and feels like he might start yelling, he makes sure you are well out of range so that you don’t have to hear him. He also makes sure he never hugs you too hard or startles you without warning. He just wants to protect you, and that includes protecting you from himself if needed.  
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
A sucker for hugs, that’s what he is. It does not matter how, when, or where he hugs you, he just wants to, always and everywhere. If you’re in a place where he can’t out-right hug you, he has to be touching you somewhere. He’s lowkey possessive, so he loves any contact just to show others who you belong to. Hugs are just the best way to do that since they’re super obvious. And he also just loves you a lot and wants you to know. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He’d say it relatively fast. he’s not one to waste time or lead someone on, so if he knew he loved you, he’d say it. He wouldn’t even care if you don’t say it back, he just wants you to know how he feels about you. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He gets insanely jealous, but he’s always good at hiding it. With all of the public appearances and people he’s had to deal with, he’s become a master actor. Inside, he could be fuming with jealousy when someone so much as looks at you, but no one will even know. He just puts on his classic smile and ask you to go with him somewhere for some “business” you have to attend. In reality, he just wants to drag you away for some cuddles to remind him that you’re his and you love him above all else. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are usually rather soft cause he’s so afraid of accidentally hurting you in some way. They’re sweet and gentle, and so full of love. They don’t come as often since of how much he works, so that makes them all the better when they do. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He actually loves children, but they’re always so afraid of him. No kid would ever go up to him due to pure fear, so he never gets to interact with them. It really does make him quite sad since he would love to get to know the younger generation more, and he just finds them adorable. Maybe you can convince one (1) child to talk to him with the promise of candy after. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He has to wake up pretty early for work, but he always makes sure you’re still comfy before he leaves. If you wake up with him, he’ll talk to you about what his day will be like while getting dressed. If you’re still asleep, he tries his best to stay quiet as he gets ready. No matter of you’re awake or not, he makes you stay in bed and brings (read: makes Barb bring) you breakfast in bed. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He’s usually pretty tired by the end of the day, so he wants nothing more than to just pass out with you in his arms. However, he usually still has work to do even after dark, so he’s forced to stay up. During these times, he loves when you come over to him and just sit there while he works. That usually motivates him to finish up faster so that he can get cuddles. Once he hits that bed, it’s lights out for him. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He seems like he would be an open book, but he really isn’t. Trust me, he’d love to be as open with you as possible, but he can’t. There are so many things he has to keep hidden due to his role as prince. Plus, he doesn’t have much to share since he can’t really get out much to being with. He tells you as much as he can, but he always has to stop himself before he goes too far. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He is super patient. He’s always having to deal with less-than-ideal situations, so he’s built up a good amount of patience. Usually, he’s pretty chill, so when he snaps, it’s for a good reason. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Quite honestly, his head is already filled with so much, so he can sometimes forget things you tell him. That’s why he has Barb write stuff down about you so that he won’t forget. He keeps all of these facts in a journal in his room, and you have no idea. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He loves the first time you stayed over at the castle for the night. Not that time when everyone went over, but just when you came over. He was still busy with work at the time, and he loves how understanding you were about it. There was a short time where you left his room, and he was worried with how long you were gone. He was about to go look for you when you walk back in with some tea and snacks to help keep his energy up while he’s working. It was this moment when he knew he loved you. The fact that you cared this much for him really made him happy. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He is more protective than anyone else. The entire castle staff will be told numerous times over that their number one priority is now to protect you, much to the annoyance of Luci and Barb. He also makes sure to keep you close whenever you go out, and he’s always touching you somewhere. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He would only have the best for you. Every date you two go on will be the most romantic thing you’ve ever witnessed. He would only calm down if you mentioned you prefer more lowkey dates, in which he immediately apologizes for not asking you first. He still wants to make them the best dates possible, but he’ll try and calm down a bit. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He tends to overwork himself, often leaving you alone in favor of finishing his work. He also gets way too overprotective sometimes, even going so far as to drag you away the second he gets jealous. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Like Luci and Barb, he only really cares about his looks because he knows he has to keep up appearances. He has to make a good name for himself, and looking good certainly helps. Barb also constantly pressures him into taking better care of his looks when he starts slacking off. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
It honestly depends on how close you two are. He’s used to people leaving him because they can’t handle being so close to the prince, so he might not even care if you leave him too. It’s only if you two have gotten super close that he might feel something if you were to leave him. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Okay, so, this came completely out of nowhere, but I have always lowkey had a  headcanon that he and Barb were in a QPR before. (for those who don’t know, it means queer platonic relationship). Anyway, I have no clue where I got this idea from, but it just makes sense to me. They probably broke it off once he showed romantic interest in you, but I promise they were in a QPR at one point. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He wouldn’t like someone who would try and drag him away from his job. He wants someone who understands what it means to be the prince of the Devildom, and that includes them being aware of how much work he has and that he can’t just drop it all without planning even if he wants to
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He’s bog, even for demon standards, so he tends to take up a lot of room. Honestly, he’s the kinda person that would spread out across the whole bed without a single care for who else might be in it. Let’s just say, you’ve fallen out of bed several times because he accidentally pushed you out. 
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
thanks again to @dykerory and @willowcrowned for this genius au. this is an incomplete collection of very specific set of headcanons/daydreams i had about a tangential version of your au that made me emotional in the middle of the woods. whenever you feel the time is right, i’m very eager to hear your og version on the ‘but obi-wan, tho!’, because i admittedly pushed this one’s resolution really far chronologically because i wanted batman to be involved.
continuation from here
note: my understanding of dcu is as sporadically informed as my understanding of the gffa. 
newly graduated clark kent gets his first journalism job and starts settling more and more into the superman thing. the rest of the justice league has been around but his entrance onto the scene is the one that really inspires the various heroes to actually start coordinating to deal with the weirdness magnet that is dcu Earth. Clark is in his early 20s. Anakin is in his late 30s.
He’s been living on Earth, without the force, for nearly 2/3rds of his life. He has a close knit circle of friends who were kind to him even when they thought he was just a weird and crazy emo cult victim (the gradual increase of public encounters with aliens and superpowers sparks some awkward apologies, Anakin at 38 just waves his friends off, smiling and changing the subject, neither confirming nor denying his high school ramblings of spaceships and magic. it doesn’t really change anything).
He lives an hour’s drive from smallville, and runs a successful auto shop. people travel from pretty far to check out some of his more wild and specialized motorcycle abominations. makes enough money selling them to rich idiots to fund his free auto-class and auto-repair programs for impoverished communities.
It took a while but he eventually came around to the idea of helping people without physical force (ironically, this is happening around the same time Clark is coming to the realization that he can help people with physical force). Generally respected as a pillar of the community. When people start to realize how profoundly weird he is as a person in a number of inexplicable ways, someone will generally pull them aside and quietly whisper that he was in a cult at a child, no one really knows much about it except that it’s what inspired his anti-modern-slavery work, which is a little telling. Not married. Was in a long-term relationship for like 9 years. It didn’t end well but no-one knows the details.
Has several cats. 
He’s- wistful but settled. He’s been through a lot of therapy. He meditates every morning and night, clearing his mind and examining his emotions in the way Obi-Wan taught him. He thinks Obi-Wan would be proud of him. He know his Mom would be.
Once he gets used to the idea, he never really stops loving the concept of learning just because. Duel bachelors degree in in african american history and american literature, masters in engineering, masters in astrophysics a phd in theoretical physics, another phd in medieval folklore. He’s worked a lot of jobs. 
He was already pretty well versed in astronavigation back at the temple. Over the course of his time on earth, he gets more educated in earth astronomy and physics. With is increased knowledge, his theory for ‘how did i get here’ shifts from slight hyperdrive miscalculation, to big hyperdrive miscalculation, to some sort of hyperlane incident. he realizes that none of the stars he knows are familiar in any NASA database. He must be beyond wildspace, which helps him let go of the last bit of hurt he felt that Obi-Wan never found him.
Then he really learns physics- and- light doesn’t exactly work like that right? He thought it was just primitive Earth understanding but... he gets a phd more or less accidentally, trying and failing to disprove that the speed of life is constant constant.
Get’s another even more accidentally, explaining how alternate universes might form if we assume slightly different universal constants. He publishes his thesis anonymously around the same time metas are becoming a household term, and at least one science journalist speculates on it and how alternate universes might explain the increasing prevalence of wildly different superpowers. He doesn’t claim credit for the honorary diploma awarded to the unknown theorist- he doesn’t want to risk drawing any attention to him and by extension Clark, who’s alien differences are far more of the ‘military experiment interesting’ variety then his.
He stops tinkering with Clark’s ship. He finally gets how it works. Now that he realizes how FTL travel has to work in this universe, tinkering with the mechanical generation and harnessing of the massive quantities of energy necessary to do is startlingly familiar. But it doesn’t matter. No matter how far and fast he travels, he’s never going to be able to get back to the life he used to know. 
Perhaps this is what being the chosen one actually means- he’s meant to live a life without the force, so that when he returns to it in death he’ll be able to somehow...educate? the force? maybe?
Ok, he’s not great at the metaphysical spiritual side of things, but he does accept that going back is out of his control, and he’s doing good here, even if it’s not galaxy altering.
Despite all the therapy, he never doubts that his early life was real. He has his saber and deep, deep down he can feel a spark in the kyber. He can’t do anything with it, but it’s there. There’s also pieces of the utter wreck that was his ship in the cellar, next to the sleek unblemished pod that Clark arrived in. Shortly before Clark becomes Superman, he asks for his help in melting down his old ship to make unearthly alloys. 
He’s not surprised when Clark tells him he met a ‘real’ ‘magic’ user- it stands to reason that considering how relatively easy it is to convert energy from one form to another in this universe (Clark can fly), at least one kind would bend to sentient willpower in a similar way as the force does.
It’s still a little nervewracking showing his lightsaber to someone new for the first time in a decade. Zantana scrutinizes, bewildered. 
“There is some sort of power locked within, but it’s unfamiliar to me,” she admits finally. “I could probably brute force it and force the energy to release itself, but it would likely destroy the container.” Anakin politely refuses. 
Later, after the justice league’s formation, Clark mentions to J’onn that he has a friend who might be able to work on his ship. J’onn is extremely doubtful when he’s brought to a bizarre autoshop in the midwest that looks half-like a roadside attraction. Anakin sighs and digs his hands into the guts of the craft, muttering incomprehensibly and yelling at clark to melt down some pieces from the special scrap pile. A few days later he explains the patches he’s done to an impressed J’onn. When he asks how a human came to learn such things, he’s absently informed that,
“I used to work in a junkshop in Tatooine. All sorts of ship parts came through.”
“I’m unfamiliar with this world.”
“Tell you what, if you ever meet anyone who’s heard it of it, send them my way, and I’ll make your next repair free.”
“Oh! I’m afraid I don’t have any earth money...”
“Ugh, of course you don’t. it’s cool, capitalism sucks anyway and everyone’s entitled to free transportation, regardless of the area they happen to live. I do ask that if you can’t pay for the repairs that you spend an equivalent number of hours either attending one of my free auto classes, or volunteer at a community-led charities of your choice, here I’ll get you a pamphlet-”
So the Martian Manhunter becomes a weekly volunteer at a Midwestern Food Waste Reclamation Facility. J’onn J’onzz ends up becoming Anakin Skywalker’s friend well before he becomes comes truly comfortable around Kal-El. For a telepath, 39 year old Anakin’s Jedi orderly mind is a soothing relief.
(again, Anakin has spent far more time meditating on Earth then he ever did at the temple. Before all this, spent five years dutifully memorizing the Jedi way even as he struggled to live up it’s basic practices. For the first few years on earth, religiously practicing every meditation technique Obi-Wan ever taught him, thinking obsessively about the philosophies he never had time to really process, is just a desperate attempt to reconnect with the force, prove himself worthy of it. But even after he gives up on ever touching the force again, he keeps up the practice, he can’t release his emotions exactly, but he does find peace. The tendency to stop mid-rant to earnestly pronounce made up zen bullshit and then sit quietly for an hour before picking up on his tirade again as though there was no interruption is one of the things many things people find profoundly weird about him)
Kal-El doesn’t stop asking new aliens and dimensional travelers if they’ve ever heard of Coruscant, or Hutts, or the Jedi Order. Anakin might have given up, but Superman remembers his older brother scrubbing away his own tears to focus on helping Clark calm down enough to touch the floor again. The more the Kryptonian’s powers developed in alarming ways, the more Anakin set aside talk of missing his home galaxy. Anakin might have claimed it wasn’t like that, but Clark was determined to take every chance his increasingly weird life threw at him, no matter how vanishingly small.
In the middle of his first battle with Braniac, Clark starts insulting his incomplete database. The world collector pauses, demanding a more precise explanation. Clark complies, giving his best technical description of Coruscant’s cityscape, Tatooine’s binary star system, and so on. Braniac is so distracted that Superman recovers completely from his kryptonite poisoning and easily saves the day.
Neither the lantern corp or the denizens of the neutral zone have the answers. Superman doesn’t mention it it Anakin, but he never stops looking and listening.
“How did you even meet that guy?” Flash asks curiously after stopping to say hello on one of their after work laps of the country. 
“Aliens among us support group,” Kal-El responds deadpan. 
“Oh. Wait, what? He’s an alien? I thought he was from the future or something! You’re messing with me. No way that’s a thing. How many people are in the support group? This is a joke, right?”
“Sorry, most of them aren’t out and I don’t want to violate their privacy- a lot of them have high profile jobs. How do you think I met J’onn?”
Anakin is just sort of vaguely known by a solid chunk of the super community as ‘that one midwestern zen space mechanic’ and no one really questions it because everyone’s life has just gotten so goddamn weird. A few of them know he used to be a space wizard of some kind. Space wizards now being a regular hazard of life on earth, no one has reason to doubt this, and it’s as good an explanation as any for Anakin’s general vibe.
well. almost no one doubts this. Batman does not simply accept Anakin’s general bullshittery without carefully investigating and drawing his own conclusions. He does not share these with anyone.
But one day Clark- this is well after Superman became Kal-El to him, and not long after Kal-El tells him to call him Clark- comes up to him and asks for his help finding about an alternate universe. Knowing and dreading where this is going, Batman stalls,
“Shouldn’t you be asking one of the league members who regularly travels between universes?”
“I have, over the years,” Clark admits, awkwardly scuffing a boot on the floor of the cave. “But no one’s familiar with the exact one I’m looking for, and I thought since you’re a detective, and also one of the smartest people I know, you might be able to help me...”
“You’re an investigator yourself, and you can survive the vacuum of space,” Bruce shoots back flatly. “I’ve told you before Gotham is my priority, and this has ‘personal project’ all over it.”
“Come on, B, please,” Superman pleads, trailing Batman around the cave like an overgrown puppy. “In a few months it will have been 30 years! He’s my brother! Just let me see the research you’ve already done!”
“Who says I’ve already done research on your brother?”
Clark shoots him a look. And Bruce concedes the point with a grunt.
“I’ll need need to talk with him first,” Bruce finally concedes. “Bring him by the cave. Take the-”
“Take the tunnel entrance, I know, I know,” Clark agrees with a grin. “This doesn’t mean he’s authorized to know your secret identity. Thanks Bruce, this means a lot. I’ll ask him tomorrow about his schedule.”
Superman flies off and Batman scrubs his face with a gloved hand. After a moment he pulls up Anakin’s file on the main monitor. Bruce honestly respects and likes the man, as much as he respects and likes anyone who’s not family. He admires his sense his style, appreciates his upgrades to the batmobile, and is impressed by both this civil rights work and his additions to the scientific community.
That doesn’t mean he’s not convinced that Anakin’s brother is a bit insane. Again, he’s not judging! He dresses like a bat to scare random henchmen and beat up actual demigods! He wishes his rogues gallery was as capable of directing their ptsd-inspired delusions and staggering intellects towards such productive pursuits!
Bruce was already in quiet awe of the Kent’s ability to raise an outrageously superpowered being without blowing up a chunk of the country; their success in derailing a supervillian origin story just puts him over the edge. He stares at the three most likely profiles he’s pulled together. Christen Jones, from a negligent family, death certificate filled out suspicously sloppily at age 3. Earl Lucas, went missing at age 9, both parents dead in a violent assault. And Jake Hayden, who at age 5 disappeared along with the rest of his family in a seismic accident later linked to Luthercorp.
Anyone of them could have suffered on the streets for years and coped by establishing an elaborate fantasy world, aided by self medication, only to eventually be picked up by the Kent’s and start healing. Certainly Anakin had the intellect to create worlds in his mind. All his rogues were smart enough to create their own little realities in their heads- it doesn’t mean they were actually reachable. 
Unfortunately Anakin had a Kryptonian younger brother who was determined to actually find the space wizard knight homeworld, even as the 'Jedi’ in question had slowly moved away his reliance on the delusion as an adult. Batman really didn’t see any way bringing up his conclusions to Anakin or Clark could possibly be helpful, and so many alien allies had a ‘If you find about the Jedi please contact Kal-El of Krypton on Earth’ pamphlet that it would be excruciatingly awkward to try and discretely correct anyone.
Bruce was not looking forward to this conversation.
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perspectivestarters · 2 years
Perspective's Sentence Starters; The Black Parade (Part III)
"I was there on the day they sold the cause for the queen."
"When the lights all went out, we watched our lives on the screen."
"I hate the ending myself, but it started with an alright scene."
"It was the roar of the crowd that gave me heartache to sing."
"It was a lie when they smiled and said, "You won't feel a thing"."
"As we ran from the cops, we laughed so hard, it would sting."
"If I'm so wrong, how can you listen all night long?"
"Will it matter after I'm gone?"
"You never learned a goddamn thing."
"You're just a sad song with nothing to say."
"This never meant nothing to you."
"I spent my high school career spit on and shoved to agree."
"Where did you run to?"
"Where did you hide?"
"Go find another way."
"I know that I can't make you stay."
"Where's your heart?"
"I know there's nothing I can say to change that part."
"So many bright lights to cast a shadow."
"Is it hard understanding I'm incomplete?"
"A life that's so demanding, I get so weak."
"A love that's so demanding, I can't speak."
"I am not afraid to keep on living."
"I am not afraid to walk this world alone."
"Honey, if you stay, you'll be forgiven."
"Nothing you can say can stop me going home."
"I'm out here on the other side."
"I get weak."
"These bright lights have always blinded me."
"I see you lying next to me, with words I thought I'd never speak."
"They encourage your complete cooperation."
"I can't control myself because I don't know how."
"They love me for it, honestly."
"I'll be here for a while."
"Give them all that they can drink, and it will never be enough."
"Grab a glass, because there's going to be a flood."
"They can fix me proper with a bit of luck."
"I'm the kind of human wreckage that you love."
"Mom and Dad think you'll be saved."
"They never had the time."
"They're going to medicate your lives."
"You were always born a crime."
"We salute you in your grave."
"Can't find my way home, but it's through you."
"What I'd do just to get back in her arms."
"Do you want to hold my hand?"
"Could you sign this photograph?"
"I'm your biggest fan."
"Would you leave me lying here?"
"We're not here to pay a compliment or sing about the government."
"Can't find the way."
"Come on angel, don't you cry."
"You can hide a lot about yourself."
"What're you gonna do?"
"The past ain't through with you."
"We are all a bunch of liars."
"Tell me, baby, who do you wanna be?"
"We all wanna party when the funeral ends."
"We all get together when we bury our friends."
"It's been eight bitter years since I've been seeing your face."
"You're walking away and I will die in this place."
"Sometimes you scrape and sink so low."
"I'm shocked at what you're capable of."
"Tell me all about your problems."
"I was killing before killing was cool."
"You'll never take me alive."
"Do what it takes to survive."
"You'll never get me!"
"You'll never take me!"
"It's been ten fucking years since I've been seeing your face 'round here."
"I will drown in the fear."
"I hear you've been bleeding."
"Make your choice."
"They say you've been pleading."
"Someone, save us!"
"Heaven, help us now."
"Hear the sound as you're falling down."
"I can't tell if I've been breathing, or sleeping, or screaming, or waiting for the man to call."
"Will you pray for me?"
"You don't know a thing about my sins."
"How the misery begins."
"You don't know, 'cause I'm burning."
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amythedvdhoarder · 4 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Word count: 4.3K
Warnings: Swearing, little bit of drinking, quite angsty and fluffy
A/N: (gif not mine) So this is my incredibly late entry to celebrate  @finleyjayne reaching 100 followers. Congrats hun you deserve it. So I picked the prompt ‘Feeling blue’ with Stucky. This is not beta read so I apologise now for any mistakes. 
Bucky let out a heavy sigh as he rolled over to face Steve in bed. Another night filled with restless sleep, the extra body in the bed missing making it impossible to sleep easily.
“What’s up? Steve grumbled still half asleep.
“You know what,” Bucky replied wistfully.
Steve stretches out lazily before turning to face Bucky and smiling sadly. “We had to let her go, give her a chance at a normal life. She couldn’t have that with is Buck.”
“Why can’t she have a normal life with us Steve? Everyone accepts us? We could have settled down, got married, had a few kids. No one would have questioned it.” Bucky knew the tiredness was stopping him from keeping a lid on his emotions.
“You know that’s not true,” Steve reached for Bucky’s hand and pulled it to his lips briefly, “nobody outside of the team knew about the three of us. It wasn’t fair on her, you agreed at the time too. We let her go before it got too far and we couldn’t. We had 6 happy months together, let’s just remember that.” Steve tugged on Bucky’s arm, encouraging him to come closer. Bucky shuffled over and rested his head against Steve’s chest.
“I know, I just miss her. I love her so fucking much it hurts.” Steve closed his eyes as he felt that familiar stab of pain that Bucky was talking about. Bucky was everything to Steve, they had been through so much together. But you. You were like the missing piece of their jigsaw puzzle they hadn’t even realised was incomplete. You fitted them perfectly, after everything they had been through they were happier than they had ever been but they noticed you becoming more distant, spending nights back at your own place, then suddenly it was all over.
You missed Steve and Bucky like hell. They had woven their way into your life and now that they weren’t in it, you felt lost. The first time you met them they had come into the coffee shop you were working in. Bucky’s fingers had grazed over yours as you handed him his takeout cup and Steve’s eyes met yours making your breath catch. You witnessed the pair of them having a quiet conversation and them both sitting down at a table despite ordering coffee to go. They spent the rest of the afternoon at the coffee shop, chatting away, their eyes searching you out and finding you already smiling at them warmly. When you were finally closing up they asked you to join them for a few minutes.
They explained to you that they were a couple but were interested in spending time with you. Surprisingly you weren’t put off by the idea but in fact excited, so you accepted their dinner invitation. Two weeks later you found yourself in their bed and after that a permanent feature in their lives. You spent most nights with them at the tower. On your days off you would explore New York together, looking like a couple and their friend just having a day out. Not that it bothered you. You understood why Steve was never affectionate with you outside of the tower, he kept his distance. He had only just started to feel comfortable being out with Bucky in public. Bucky was different though, he had spent too much of his life not being himself to hide any longer. He would tease you with small lingering touches, not so innocent looks whilst nobody was watching and whispering naughty thoughts in your ears as you peered into shop windows.
Everything had been going smoothly until Steve had gone on a mission that lasted longer than expected. Before that point you hadn’t slept with either of them without the other being there or joining in. But during this week Bucky felt himself getting more and more stressed and in need of release so he called Steve and asked if it would be ok for you and him to sleep together. Steve agreed at the time but when he got back from his mission to find you and Bucky curled up with each other on the sofa his face told a different story. Of course, you instantly panicked believing you were driving a wedge between them which was the last thing you wanted to do. After you voiced you concerns to Bucky he told you that you were being daft but Steve’s demeanour changed around you.
From that point you began to distance yourself from the both, you made excuses to avoid spending time with even though it made you miserable. In that short 6 months you had fallen insurmountably in love with them but realised it had to end. Bucky and Steve were meant for each other, you cared about them too much to come between them. And after one short, teary discussion between the three of you it was over. You made your excuses about needing the chance to have a normal life where you could be open about your relationships, have some proper stability. It was all lies of course, something to avoid having to tell them the truth and potentially cause them more pain. Neither of them fought or argued with you, they looked a little ashamed but ultimately let you go.
Truth be told you missed all of the people from the avenger’s tower; Sam and Nat had become good friends of yours. They had tried to contact you after you left but you ghosted them, unable to have any sort of connection to anyone linked to Bucky and Steve. Your life seemed quieter, mundane and as you cleaned the coffee machine up for closing time you didn’t even notice when a new customer came in.
“Y/N?” the soft voice snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Sam? What are you doing here?” you said moving towards the counter. “You want anything making?”
“Only if you’ll join me,” he smiled.
“I can’t. I need to close up and clean.” You could tell by the way his eyebrows raised that he wasn’t going to fall for your attempt to get rid of him.
“How about this. You lock up and I’ll help you tidy up. It’ll give us a chance to talk, I miss talking to someone who isn’t over 100 or a trained assassin.” Sam knew he had won when you burst out laughing.
“Fine, but only because I don’t want to clean up this place on my own,” you stuck your tongue out at him as you walked over to the door, clicked the lock shut and turned over the sign indicating you were now closed.  
You and Sam chatted away for the next 30 minutes talking about this and that, both delaying the inevitable topic of the two super soldiers. You handed Sam his payment of a cappuccino and you sat down in an armchair opposite him, nursing your cup of tea.
“So, you gonna ask me how they are?” Sam asks an amused tone to his voice.
“Sam, I-“ he shakes his head at you.
“I’m gonna tell you anyway. Y/N they’re not good, they really miss you even if they won’t admit it to us. Bucky is miserable, he barely laughs, makes a joke. Hell, he has even stopped teasing me. For some reason he only wears this one red t-shirt all the time, he is refusing to wash it. Like it actually smells now. And Steve. Steve is worst. His mood swings would put an adolescent teenager to shame. One minute he is snapping at everyone, breaking open punch bags and the next he weirdly calm and this look of despair just washes over him.” Sam’s eyes fixed on your face.
His words had clearly had an impact, making him feel instantly guilty. Your bottom lip wobbling, eyes full of tears threatening to spill over. He jumped up out of his seat and wrapped a comforting arm around you. At this the damn broke and you descended into sobs.
“Shit, I’m sorry Y/N,” Sam crooned softly, taking the hot tea out of your hand and placing it on the table. “Take a couple of deep breaths for me,” he instructed. Once you had finally had your breathing back under control and wiped away your tears, he finally released you and sat back down opposite you.
“I’m sorry Sam,” your voice croaky and raw from the crying. “I just miss them, I don’t feel like myself anymore. It’s like I’m hollow, does that sound crazy?”
“No, it doesn’t Y/N, I felt the same way when Riley died. The difference is they didn’t die, you could have them back in your life if that’s what you want?” he said solemnly.
“I would go back to them in a heartbeat Sam, but I just don’t think that’s what they both want,” you twisted the ring around your index finger.
“Did you not hear what I told you earlier? They’re lost without you,” Sam was thoroughly confused. His plan had been to try and talk you around to help you realise what a big mistake the three of you had made.  Nat was having a similar conversation with Steve and Bucky right now, informing them what she had found out by following you around for the last week or so since you’d left. But now Sam had a feeling that there was a bigger issue at hand.
“I heard you but they’ll learn to live without me. They love each other completely, I don’t think there is room for me in all of that.” It was the first time you had admitted the truth aloud, it stung but it felt good to have finally got the big weight off your shoulders.
“That’s the biggest pile of bullshit I have ever heard,” Sam scoffed. Your head shot up immediately, your mouth open in shock. “You can’t seriously believe that?”
You were quiet for a minute, not sure how to respond. “You don’t know them like I do,” you replied quietly.
“You’re right, in some ways I know them better. I knew them before you, they were happy but it was nowhere near what they were like when you were with them,” he folded his arms content that he had won.
“See that’s where your wrong Sam. You remember that mission that Steve went on, every little thing that could go wrong did. Well when he got home something was different, he was more guarded around me. I think it was because me and Bucky got closer whilst he was away, he didn’t want me anymore. I was getting in the way,” you reasoned.
“Y/N, I was on that mission with him. We went through absolute hell and back. I was distant from everyone for a while. Did you know he nearly died?” he looked at the way your eyes widened to find the answer to that question. “So, no then. Well he did and do you know what he said to me?” You shook your head. “I’m quoting here. ‘Tell them both I love them. Tell Bucky to look after our girl’. If you were really getting in the way, why would he say that?”
You sighed. “I don’t know. But he didn’t stop me from leaving.”
“Did you tell them the real reason why you were leaving?” Sam asked already knowing the answer.
You shook your head.
“And people call me an idiot?” he scoffed.  “Of course they let you go if that’s what they thought you wanted. You need to talk to them or at least see them and find out the truth.”
You picked up your tea and took a long gulp to avoid responding to Sam’s suggestion.
“Well whatever you decide you’re going to have to see them this weekend anyway?” he said smugly making you choke and cough as the now lukewarm liquid went down the wrong way.
“Sam what the fuck?” you managed to get out in between spluttering coughs.
“It’s my birthday party on Saturday, you promised you’d come ages ago.” He folded his arms at grinned.
“That was before,’ you stammered. “Besides, I’ve already said I’ll work another shift.”
“Liar,” he said getting to his feet. “Nat will come to yours and pick you up around 7. Think about what I’ve said Y/N. They really do miss you.”
You stood up followed him as he walked to the door. “Ok I’ll think about it. Don’t think I have much choice about Saturday, do I?”
Sam wrapped you up in a bear hug. “Nope, absolutely none.”
After you had locked up after Sam you sat back down and tried to process everything. Sam’s words played over in your head. There was no doubt that Bucky was missing you; he was wearing the shirt of his that you had slept in the last night you spent with them. It was Steve you were more sceptical about. If what Sam had really said was true then maybe Steve did care for you more than he let on. Perhaps some part of him doubted your affection and loyalty to them. There was no way to be sure except to see them. You just didn’t know if you were ready for that.
Nat showed up a whole two hours early with an array of outfits for you to pick from. She wouldn’t let you get something old and familiar out of your closet, she was determined to get you dressed up and into the party spirit. She only succeeded at one of those and by the time you both pulled up to the tower you were a complete bag of nerves.
“Will you quit fidgeting, you’re making me nervous,” Nat scolded you.
“Sorry,” you mumbled before pulling up the front of your dress. “Why a sleeveless dress Nat? They are so impractical.”
“Well -” she paused to twist the thin satin material at your hip, repositioning the perilously high thigh split, “- that may be true but I can guarantee one thing, those boys will certainly realise what they have been missing.”
You frowned at her and gave one final look over your appearance in the elevator mirror before the door pinged open into the loud and bustling party. She took your hand and led you to the bar where you were greeted by Sam who promptly handed you a drink. You knocked back the amber liquid quickly in an attempt to sooth your nerves, before anxiously scanning around the room for any sign of the two men you both longed and dreaded to see.
“Relax Y/N, they’re not here yet,” Sam leaned over and whispered in your ear. He gave you a small reassuring smile which mixed with warmth the alcohol was providing finally made you relax a little. Nat and Sam caught you up on everything that happened and the latest avenger’s gossip.
“Hey kid, we missed you. How’ve you been?” Tony walked up to you, his purple tinted glasses nearly falling of his nose as he threw his arms out to embrace you.
“Ok thanks,” you said quickly. “Great party as always Tones.”
“Well we have Mrs Stark to thank for that.” He turned to face Sam. “They’re gonna short-circuit when they find out she’s here,” Tony uttered, half amused before walking over to greet some other guests.
You rounded on Sam. “You didn’t tell them,” your voice low as you tried to control your emotions.
“Not exactly,” he shrugged. “Well guess we’re going to find out any second now,” he smirked at the entrance over your shoulder.
Bucky looked around the room, wishing at that moment that he could be anywhere else. He was walking towards the bar when he realised Steve was no longer walking next to him.
“Stevie?” he turned around searching for Steve and spotted him stood stock still, his eyes fixed on something across the room. Bucky walked back towards him and put his hand on his shoulder.
“Steve?” he said starting to get a little worried, he looked like he had seen a ghost. Bucky followed his line of sight and his eyes met yours across the crowded room. His breath caught in his throat and he could feel his heart pounding against his rib cage. He had thought of this moment every day since you had left and now that it was here he couldn’t quite believe it.
“Is she really here Buck,” Steve’s voice was barely above a whisper.
Bucky blinked and turned to Steve. “I think so. Steve, we have to …”
“I know” Steve said as he took Bucky’s hand and squeezed it.
When the men turned back around you had disappeared from sight. You saw them frantically searching for you but you had managed to tuck yourself behind a group of shield agents. At the sight of them part of you wanted to run to them and throw your arms around them and never let them go but there was still doubts niggling away in your mind. One thing was for certain, Sam was right. Bucky did look sad and Steve. Well Steve was the one you hadn’t ever been able to get a read on before and still couldn’t now.  
“Y/N seriously, hiding from them?” Nat shook her head at you.
“Well you found me so I’m clearly not hiding am I,” you sassed.
“You certainly won’t be in a minute” she smiled deviously before standing on her tip toes and waving at the two super soldiers.
“I fucking hate you Nat,” you hissed.
“No you don’t. If you’re still planning on hiding I would move now, they’re on their way.” You stuck your middle finger up at her and then scarpered. Sure, you were going to have to face them at some point tonight but you planned on having at least another couple of drinks before that.
Mid-way through your first vodka and coke a tall red-headed man approached you and Bruce as you were chatting at the bar.
“Hi, I was wondering if you wanted a dance. Seems a shame to be hiding that dress over here at the bar,” Bruce bit back a laugh as did you at the corny line but none the less you agreed.
You let the man who introduced himself as Tom, take your hand and lead you to the dancefloor. Thankfully the song was slow so you didn’t have to worry about your dress slipping down. Tom placed his hands lightly on your waist as you held onto his shoulders, gently swaying to the music.
Midway through the song he leaned over and whispered quietly in your ear. “Do you have any idea why the winter soldier looks like he wants to kill me?”
Your grip on his shoulders tightened. “Bucky,” you corrected. “No, I have no idea,” the tone of your voice sharp. As you spun around your eyes landed on Bucky who was gripping onto the glass tumbler in his hand so tightly you were surprised it hadn’t smashed. It was often that you saw this side of him but it sent a shiver down your spine. Your eyes sought out Steve who you assumed would be with Bucky but you couldn’t find him.
“Mind if I cut in?” a familiar voice spoke softly whilst still managing to carry an air of absolute authority.  
Tom stood still and turned to look up at the blonde man. “Sure thing Sir,” he stuttered, “thanks Y/N,” and with that Tom backed away and nearly ran from the dancefloor.
“That was mean,” your hands fell to your hips as you scowled at Steve. “Plus, do I not get a say in this?” His blue eyes flashed with panic briefly but then that classic Steve Rogers look of determination reappeared.
“So, what do you want Y/N?” you could sense the double meaning behind his question. “Because I know what I want Y/N,” he continued, his blue eyes boring into yours taking a step closer.
“Steve I…” you closed your eyes and bit down on your bottom lip trying to find the words you wanted to say. A calloused hand cupped your jaw and you opened your eyes as Steve traced the tender flesh of your lower lip. The sound of the party disappeared and all that remained in that moment was you and Steve. Instinctively you pressed your hand on top of Steve’s and inched yourself closer to him.
“I wish this were simpler Steve but it’s not,” you hadn’t even realised you were crying until Steve removed his hand and quickly wiped away the tears rolling down your cheeks.
“This was never going to be simple Y/N. But all I know is that I love you. These last few weeks have bit a shit show. I didn’t say it enough before but if you’ll have me then I will spend every day showing you exactly how much.”
“What about Bucky?” you asked quietly.
“What about me doll?” Bucky had walked up to the pair of you, a lop-sided grin on his face.
“You two are meant to be together. I don’t want to get in the way of that,” you looked from Bucky’s face to Steve’s.  
“You can’t seriously think that Y/N,” Steve said moving forward to try and get closer but you took a step back.
“I know that when you came back from that mission everything felt different,” your voice cracked as you tried to make Steve understand.
Steve’s face fell at your words. “I was scared Y/N. I realised on that mission how important you were. How much we needed you. When I saw you when I got back with Buck, I realised that you deserved so much more than someone who might not come home one day. You’re worth more than that. I was scared you were going to figure it out and leave. So, when you started pulling away I let you because I thought that was what you wanted, what would make you happy. Even if it meant we weren’t,” Steve rubbed the back of his neck.
“And you,” you rounded on Bucky, “did you think the same thing?”
“Y/N you didn’t seem happy and I thought we were to blame; doesn’t that sound familiar?” he was right of course. “All I know is it sounds as if you have been as miserable as we have. Doll, we’re not us without you. We’re a team. You, me and Stevie. We’re all yours if you’ll have us?” he shrugged.
“Maybe you need us to convince you?” Steve closed the distance between you and pressed his lips to yours with a softness you hadn’t expected. You felt yourself melt against him as his hands found the nape of your neck and held you to him, your lips moving against his as you became reacquainted.
When he finally managed to tear himself away from the sweet taste of your lips, his cheeks were flushed and his ragged breath matched your own.
“My turn,” Bucky stepped over, his hand moving to the back of your head as he crashed his lips to yours. The intensity of the kiss had both of you moaning against each other’s mouths. You wrapped your arms around him, not wanting to let go but you had to eventually.
You stood breathless looking between the two super soldiers who owned your heart, your mind made up.
“Yes,” you smiled.
Bucky was grinning like a kid of Christmas morning but Steve didn’t allow himself to celebrate to soon. “You sure about this Y/N because we won’t ever let you go again,” he said.
“I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life,” and you meant it. You couldn’t imagine a version of your life without Bucky and Steve in it. “Now get over here,” you giggled at the look of pure joy on Steve’s face.
Steve was on you in a second, picking you up off your feet and pressing kisses all over your face. Bucky came up to the pair of you and took you out of Steve’s arms to repeat the whole process all over again before leaning over to give Steve a quick kiss.
Bucky finally slid you down his body back onto the floor and Steve cupped your cheek and was about to lean down to kiss you again until Sam interrupted.
“Um guys, as much as I am enjoying the reunion maybe you wanna, you know, take this somewhere a little less...” Sam waved his arm around at the crowd of people around you.
You hid yourself in embarrassment behind Bucky’s shoulder. “Sorry” your voice muffled by Bucky’s suit jacket, but you knew it was loud enough for them to both hear it.
Steve laced his fingers with yours and pulled you to face him. “What are you sorry for doll,” he stroked the side of your cheek with the back of his finger.
“I know you didn’t want people to know about us,” you looked down at the floor.
“I got nothing to hide doll. I love both of you and that’s all that matters,” he squeezed your hand and turned to Bucky. “Let’s get outta here.”
“Been waiting all night for you to say that Punk,” Bucky grinned.
He took your other hand and lead you and Steve out of the party. None of you caring what people may have been saying about the three of you, only caring about the fact that you were all together again, just how it was meant to be.
Taglist is open. Let me know if you want in or out 😊 (it is quite possible I missed someone 😬 just dm me)
@stargazingfangirl18 ,  @silentcoyotesong, @queenofstarliqht, @buckys-henley, @lonelyheartsm @alexa-lightwood-blog, @angrythingstarlight, @drabblewithfrannybarnes, @rogueheretic555 @rebekahdawkins @chrissquares @pumpkin-and-pine, @hereforbuckyandsteve, @drakelover78, @baddie-barnes   @its-izzys @thehumanistsdiary​
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rubeau-art · 3 years
Foxhole is a Darkbloom borrowerAU that has been plaguing my thoughts for months now. I figured I may as well use it for writing practice and try sharing more of my writing even if incomplete. 
I will add a link to AO3 when I finish editing the next chunk.
Chapter One under the cut- 
Chapter One:
It had gotten late. Far too late for anyone to be lingering at the office. The lights were out and the doors had been locked tight. Five desks sat still and silent  in a moderately sized, immaculately decorated space, with the blinds left open wide to let in the soft residual light from the street below.
If you were to walk into the office for the first time, you would think it an inviting, friendly space. Maybe a bit less professional looking than it ought to have been, with every desk scattered with personal photos and trinkets of one form or another across it, along with a bouquet of half deflated balloons attached to one of the chairs. The remnants of a birthday the week before that the owner hadn’t the heart to remove just yet.
Reynard had always liked living above the office. Listening to the women who worked there as they spoke of their days, the projects they were working on, and whatever nonsense occupied their minds at any given time.
When he had first arrived, he had barely any idea of what they all did here. The world and works of humans had always been something out of reach and not required to be understood. Not when there were more important things for him to worry about. 
That was until he’d grown bolder and started jourying from his hiding spot over the office and down to the desks below. There he had stumbled across papers left open across the various workspaces. Drafts tossed into waste paper bins, and notes passed between the ladies that worked there detailing things he had never heard of. Strange stories, impossible events. All this writing. All these stories. They began to consume his thoughts at a rapid pace, and soon he found his life taking a turn as those little scraps of tale he found at night steered him down an enticing and dangerous path.
You might have guessed by now, Reynard was not human. Despite the fact he appeared to be in every sense, it was easy to tell given his meager stature, barely standing at four inches tall.  If you had seen a photo of him, you would simply see a young, sharp-faced man with bright red hair and piercing silver eyes and probably think ‘wow, that is an intense looking young man’. It probably wouldn’t even cross your mind to think he stood barely the width of your hand.
Well aware of his place in the world, like most small folk, Reynard had kept to himself and stayed out of sight when humans were about. But since discovering the thrill of writing, he had been emboldened.
Three months ago when he had first moved into the ceiling space over the office, he would never have dreamed of making sneaky late night trips. Not to steal from the little kitchenette in the break room, but to ‘borrow’ one of the humans laptops so he could do a little writing of his own.
And on that quiet night, writing was exactly what he was doing.
Pale blue light shone down from the monitor and splashed over the keyboard, illuminating Reynard’s miniscule figure as he tapped a few keys with the sole of his boot. He’d lost count of the times he had done this now, but even so, he always stopped to check how loud the sound of his typing would be before kneeling down to reach the keys with his hands. He tapped out the stolen password he had taken days to learn, a little smile dawning on his face as the desktop opened up.
The fear that the door would open behind him, that the lights would come on and he would be caught splayed out across the keyboard, unable to hide, had long since gone. No one was ever here this late. If they were, he would leave no trace he’d been there and hunker down in his little nest over their heads.
He happily spent the rest of the night tapping away on the keyboard, though constantly having to walk end to end to reach the keys was always a bit of a workout. But the effort was worth it. To create something from nothing, and then to be able to share that creation. It was as close as he would ever come to having an impact on the unreachable and dangerous world of humans, and it thrilled him to no end that, even if they never saw him, through his words they would at least remember him.
By the time the dim gray light of dawn cracked through the windows, Reynard was long gone. The story he had been working on feverishly through the midnight hours, now folded neatly in an envelope and left on the mat by the door with the rest of the mail. Waiting for the office ladies to find it. The file was gone from the computer too. Carefully deleted, so that no trace of his actions was left behind.
“Chris!” Lana’s voice carried through the small office as she hurried into the room, “Chris where are you? He sent us another one!” The tiny woman trotted around the office, an envelope clutched in her dainty, ring-clad hands. Circling like a mad butterfly until she skittered to a stop beside one of the desks “Oh my goodness, I can’t believe this is the last one!”
Chris looked up from her screen when she heard her name, and watched as Lana tittered about. A perfectly shaped eyebrow raised in surprise. “Have you read it yet?” She asked as she stood from her seat to take the offered envelope.
Chris was a tall woman. Tall enough to make most men feel a little inadequate in her presence. And that was without her preference for wearing a cuban heel. She wore big round glasses that gave her an owlish appearance, combined with her neat, comfortable clothes and the way she wore her pale hair up in a knot, she gave off a sort of ‘kindly librarian’ vibe.
“Psh! Of course I haven’t read it yet!”Lana pouted, feigning offense as she placed her palms on Chris’s desk. “I was hoping we could all read it together. Like we usually do.”
Over the past few months, the office had been receiving unaddressed letters. Left on the step in the mornings, each contained a chapter of an ongoing story. All they knew was that it was penned by a ‘Mr. R. Walker’, and that they were all addicted to the mystery he had been sending them.
The ladies had taken to reading the chapters out loud together over lunch whenever a new one arrived, and would talk about it around the office until the next one came in to answer the questions they had about the previous.
“The final chapter.” Chris pulled out the pages and  thumbed through them slowly. “It will be a shame to see the story end.”
“Oh, but we have to know how it ends! And who knows? Maybe he’s working on another book already? Come on, Chris. Please?” Lana whined, barely able to stand still in her excitement.
“Alright, alright. We’ll save it for lunchtime.” Chris laughed softly and set the pages down on her desk.
“Yes!” Lana beamed at her, then scurried off to tell their colleagues that the final chapter had arrived.
Chris watched her go with mild amusement. She loved how honest Lana was with her excitement. After a moment, she turned back to the article she had been editing and sighed. “The last chapter…”
They had never gotten to meet the mysterious penman in person, and their attempts to send letters back never got a response. Was Lana right? Was he working on another book? Would the letters still come after today? More stories? Or even just a simple hello? She surprised herself with how sad she was at the thought this might be over.  
After ten minutes of staring at the words on her monitor, but not actually reading a word of it, she sighed. She closed the window and pulled out a sheet of paper to begin penning a letter of her own.
Tucked away safely behind the roof panels, hidden amongst the dust and wires, Reynard had made his home. It was little more than a patchwork tent of stolen fabric and a bedroll of roughly quilted leather for the bottom and thin linen on top, but it was more comfortable than laying on the hard ground. The rest of his things were crammed into a worn out old backpack in desperate need of repair. It wasn’t much, but it was safe, and for the most part, spider free.
Reyard could hear everything the woman below were saying from where he lay bundled up in his blanket, their voices carrying easily through the thin internal ceiling. At lunchtime, half asleep, he rolled over to listen as they started reading his final chapter out loud.
His own words felt alien in their voices, but that was why he listened. The way his chest filled with warmth as their voices carried up to him, secret and unknown, every word of his they spoke reminded him that he was someone. That he existed. That he was not simply a tiny stowaway on the back of humanity.
“...Maybe I should start another book.” He mused to himself as the group of women below laughed at something. He didn’t want this strange relationship to end.
The thought that it might end stifled the warm feeling in his chest and he groaned quietly into his blanket before pulling it up over his head. For all his efforts, he would only ever be words on a page to the world beyond. Unable to truly interact with even the handful of people who knew he existed. They didn’t know what he was. That he was barely five feet away from them, wishing to be standing beside them. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if he had others like himself to talk to, but it had been over a decade since he had seen any trace of another person like him.
He only had himself. Himself and the words he set to paper.
Reynard shut his eyes and let out a sigh weary with the weight of the world, then rolled over and tried to force himself to sleep.
That night, after everyone else had left and the banter about the final chapter had faded into the city streets, Chris set about locking up the building. After a quick glance around to make sure the others had all gone, she pulled her letter from her coat pocket and taped it carefully to the door. She had no way to tell if Mr Walker would come this way again, or if he had gotten the letter, but she left it for him anyway.  Just in case.
Reynard knew of the letter. He had looked through the crack in the tiles and seen her working on it. Though he had not known it was for him. If he had known, he would have made every effort to take it off the front door and drag it back up to his little home. But he did not. So the envelope stayed taped to the door waiting for him.
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namistrella · 2 years
how can i resist? 🛒  👀 🤗 
Thanks for the ask! Sorry, this is so long!! I got a bit carried away. What can I say? They’re good questions :)
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Oooh I love this question. One of my favorite things to include, particularly in longer fics, are scenes doused in liminality. I'm a little bit obsessed with the idea of it. I keep coming back to liminal spaces, scenes at the threshold of the past and the future, at points in the story where characters have to make a critical choice. For example, in Love Laid Bare (which I swear I haven’t abandoned!) that scene happens in chapter 2 in the empty parking lot outside the diner, at dusk. Simon paces back and forth, having a grand moment of introspection, and he’s waiting for Baz to show up, but isn’t sure if he’s going to go with him or not. (Tiny unimportant spoiler here) He ultimately makes the choice to get in the car with Baz, which kickstarts his arc and the rest of the story. It's a scene that takes place in a classic liminal space (empty parking lot), at the threshold between day and night, and marks a turning point in Simon's life.
Another favorite theme of mine is the idea of second chances. Second chances at love with the right person, second chances at life, second chances at learning and growing and becoming a better person and doing things right the next time around. People, in reality, make a lot of mistakes. So do my characters—and I love to let them make good on the opportunities to fix them!
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Oh god I have so many wips, but none of them (with the exception of LLB that is published, but incomplete) are snowbaz. The two biggest projects I’m working on right now are:
1. An angsty Yuri on Ice fic:
Yuuri quit skating at 18 after he was partially responsible for an on-ice accident that brutally injured Victor’s knee, which never healed enough and eventually forced Victor to quit, too. They find each other ten years later in Michigan, where Yuuri is now a medical resident and Victor manages an ice rink. Victor convinces Yuuri to get back into skating, and they compete against each other in the Adult Figure Skating Championships. They’re well matched against each other, even though Yuuri’s out of practice and Victor’s got his bad knee and hardly anyone even watches the adult competitions and they’re both getting a little old to be jumping around like they used to :) Throughout the fic, Yuuri struggles to let himself fall in love again, both with the sport and with Victor, but he figures it out in the end.
2. A series of three long (20k+ each), interconnected one-shots for Haikyuu:
They’re all in a similar style as All The Things We Don’t Mean, with a nonlinear narrative and short, punchy scenes. Lots and lots of angst across the board, of all different kinds. One is published already here. The second installment, which I’m working on now, follows a different pairing from the first. They were high school sweethearts, but after about ten years, when neither of them is happy, they realize that maybe the reason things are so hard is because neither of them had time to grow on their own. They got together so young and have hardly spent any time apart. So they break up, and the fic starts there, and works through the way they grow apart and change and find themselves and then find their way back together, all of it interspersed with flashback glimpses into the way they fell in love in the first place.
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
I would say, just go for it! Start writing! Post that first fic, even though it's not perfect. Write what you like and want to see more of, even if it's not everyone's cup of tea.
When I first started, I spent way too much time reading and re-reading my own fics, trying to see them the way everyone else might see them, and trying to make them palatable to everyone. I was SO scared of getting my first negative comment, and worrying about that took a lot of the fun out of writing. Spoiler alert: it's not possible to please everyone, and everyone gets negative comments sometimes, and the level of engagement with your fics (comments, kudos, shares, etc) will go up and down no matter what you do, so you might as well just do what brings you joy!
On a more practical note, I would also recommend finding people you can swap writing with—either as a formal “you both beta each other’s fics” kind of a thing, or as an informal “hey let’s sprint together and share some snippets as we go” or “hey look at this scene I wrote that I think was really good/that I think needs some work”. External feedback is extremely valuable for improving as a writer, but I’ve found it to be way more fun (and less scary, and often more helpfully targeted to what you want and need) when that feedback comes from people you already trust and who know your writing style and likes and dislikes and strengths and weaknesses.
Asks here
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ereri-fics · 3 years
Lost fics
Hello, everyone! We’ve been looking for these fics for a long while, but unfortunately can’t find a match, so under the cut you’ll find the asks we are struggling to answer to in case any of you recognises some of the fics!
Thank you for the help :)
1.  Hello~ I'm looking for this older fic where Levi and Eren are in their high school's marching band. They have a car wash fundraiser and Eren crushes over Levi in shorts. It was really cute and funny, but I can't find it anymore. Would you be able to help me? Tysm for being a place readers can go to for assistance<3
2.  Hi do you know of an ereri fic where they start in canon universe and suddenly wake up in 20th century where they learn modern technology and that's how they eventually get together? Thank you!
3.  Hey I'm looking for a fic where Eren just graduated training to be an agent from some secret government organization and is assigned to be Levi's partner/mentee? I remember they met before in a coffee shop owned by historias sister and Zeke was there. Thank you!
4.  Looking for this one shot where Eren is a student and Levi works in a restaurant. He comes home late at night with some food to find Eren asleep with his books from studying. Story ends with them falling asleep cuddling in bed.
5.  Hi! I was wondering if you could please help me find a fic? Eren is a high school student and Levi is his english teacher, and theyre in a secret relationship and use Eren's college entrance essay as an excuse to spend time with each other. Eren gets up early to go meet Levi at school and they fuck in his office and Levi makes Eren wear a plug connected to a harness the whole school day and then they meet up again after school. Im pretty sure its part of a series
6.  Hi I would like you to help me search for this AOT fanfic, the setting was Eren lives outside of the walls, he met an injured Levi and nurse him back to health. The story mentions how Eren was so beautiful and seems to be doing better than others who lived inside the walls, part that gives emphasis to it is the salt that Eren gets from the sea that those in the walls couldn’t get. Then in the later chapters the got back inside the walls and then everyone was flirting with Eren, even Erwin.
7.  I can’t remember this fic name and I’m not sure if was deleted but it was a modern au with a vampire eren?? I specifically remember a scene with Levi sleeping over whilst Mikasa preps Eren some blood and Levi being sus?? I remember it also being pretty soft
8.  I have spent three hours going through my bookmarks and cant find it. Eren is a fairy and levi is human. They capture eren to use his tears to heal armin. Armin is prince and krista is his sister. Hanji is secretly a fairy and armin turns into one. Its incomplete. Also levi accidentally breaks eren's wing when they first capture him. Ymir is the queen of the fairies and actually gave eren to the humans and mikasa is also a fairy and mad that Ymir gave eren to the humans. I dont know, please help
9.  Hello! I’ve searched on fanfic and archive for this story- no luck! Please help! It’s about levi, who is being weird and protective over a piece of paper all day. I don’t remember the middle, but in the end of the story, levi and Eren are cleaning together when levi leave for a sec. Eren reads this mystery paper and finds it’s a love poem (to Eren but Eren doesn’t know that). The paper gets sucked through a window and levi actually jumps out to grab it. Thank you!!
10.  Hi!! I just wanted to ask whether you know about this fanfic where both eren and levi have wings and they are married and eren is pregnant with twins and the whole fanfic is basically about their domestic life? I remembered reading it on ao3 a few years ago but i can’t seem to find it now. I think it has like 7 chapters? The last chapter, if i’m not mistaken, ends with eren giving birth to the twins.
11.  Hi, I read a fic a while ago called Golden eyes I think and eren was like a werewolf and a lacrosse player and levi was just a student but I’m not sure where to find it, do you mind helping???
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percywinchester27 · 4 years
La Petite Mort
Word count: 2.1K
Pairing: Dean X Reader AU
Warnings: None, just fluff, humour and implied sex ;)
Series Summary: The reader has just shifted to a new flat and boy, someone on the floor has a really banging sex life! The passionate moans have been keeping her up for several nights in row and enough is enough! Reader has her suspicions, but is it really the green-eyed hottie from room no. 307?  
A/N: It’s a neighbours!AU. I’m finally writing one. So excited to share it with you guys. Hope y’all like it! <3
Beta: The best babe, @deanssweetheart23​​​​​
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Everything was fine till the banging started. Pun very much intended.
The shift had been smooth, the job was going great and life was finally on track. You had slid under the covers with the most satisfied smile in years only to be woken up to a lady very, very, very happy with her life.
Oh yeah… oh yeah… ahhh right there… oh fuck yeah…
You sat up right in your bed, eyes wide, face hot.
Third night in a row. Third fucking night. Literally.
What in the good heavens? The landlady might have mentioned this while renting out the flat!
Shoving the pillow over your ears, you fell back onto the mattress, closing your eyes shut very tightly. Eventually sleep overtook you and you lapsed into lousy dreams of trying to catch the taxi which kept evading you. Not a metaphor for your sex life at all. Nope.
The disturbed sleep didn’t help your mood the following day. Everyone at the office thought of you as a happy-go lucky person. Lately, they were seeing this whole new dark side of you. Sleep was essential to your functioning. 
In the evening, on your way back, you stopped by the coffee shop downstairs to pick up a brownie. It was a little place; busy yet quaint. The barista, Charlie, made two hearts in your coffee instead of one. That put the biggest smile on your face. 
At least, the day was ending on a high note.
Your newly rented flat was on the third floor of a very complicated building. One staircase did not directly lead into another. An entire hallway had to be crossed to get to it. The design probably broke a hundred different by laws and someone was definitely paid off in the city civil office to get a construction permit. You did not want to imagine how the people would fare in case of a fire emergency. Learning the escape plan was like memorising the map of a treasure hunt. You escape, you win. You lose… whoops! Better luck in next life. But the rent was cheap and you were already living all the clichés of a struggling writer- one incomplete book, a job at a publishing house and addiction to coffee. So, yes, you would brave fire when it came to being able to afford a living.
Struggling with the brownie package and the coffee in your hand you jammed the key into the door. It didn’t go in. 
What the hell?
You tried again, and once more the key got jammed. On a closer look, you realised that the lock didn’t resemble yours at all. Stepping back, you peered at the door. 307. Not 306- which was yours.
The floor design was insane and instead of the flats being lined up next to each other, they were all fronting one another in a haphazard fashion. Shaking your head, you took a step back and jammed the key into the lock of your own flat.
Jesus! You’re losing it, Y/N.
Shirking off the mild irritation, you cooked yourself a hot cup of instant noodles, put on your favourite TV show and slinked into your couch. Tonight’s episode was going to reveal who the murderer was and you had been dying for the suspense to finally end. 
Just when the protagonist was about to point a gun at the killer in the shadows…
Oh my God... you’re incredible… aahhhh… ahhhh… ahhh…
You completely abandoned the TV and jumped up from the sofa. The fire hazard might still be worth it, but the thin walls so weren’t.
On tiptoes, you made your way to the east side wall, putting your ear against it. The noise wasn’t coming from upstairs. That was the only sure thing. But it was impossible to pinpoint the direction. The moans were reverberating through the walls. So loudly that there was no escaping it. Not in the bedroom, the kitchen or the living room sofa. 
Of all of them, the east wall seemed like the culprit. 
Right there… yeah…
307. Whoever it was in that room needed to calm the FUCK down. You grabbed your blanket and dragged it to the end of the living room, fuming. What ticked you off was how much this was ticking you off.
It’s sleep you told yourself. The lack of sleep was the only thing making you mad. The sex noises couldn’t be it. Because there were other noises- a dog barked somewhere occasionally, one of the rooms had a very loud stereo and someone was too much into baking- the beater was ceaseless. No, it had to be the timing and your wrecked sleep schedule.
Just like the nights before, you covered your ears and started reciting the story of the manuscript you had been reading at work. Eventually, sleep overtook you again.
The next morning you woke up in a crappier mood. If that was even possible.
Breathing down on anything and everything, you locked the door on your way out for work. Turning into the corridor, you ran into a wall of solid flesh. 
In your groggy, sleep deprived state, the first thing you noticed was the way he smelled- leather and whiskey and something headier than that. It was divine. Next, you looked up into those eyes- stunning green, like sparkling water running over jade.
“Easy there, sweetheart!” The guy smirked. 
You straightened yourself and took a step back. In front of you stood the most handsome guy you had ever seen. He was tall, with dirty blond hair, almost brown, and those stunning eyes. 
“I’m so sorry,” you muttered, trying to collect your scattered thoughts. You had one of those dumb faces that gave away every damn thought crossing through your brain, so obviously you tried your best not to meet his gaze. Which was a shame really. That face demanded to be ogled at. Let alone the body that followed.
“No, no… I didn’t mind at all.” 
You saw him reach out to the door of 307.
“You’re the one who lives there?” You asked through gritted teeth. 
He raised an eyebrow. “Sure. You want a tour?”
Uhgg the best looking guy and he has to be such a douche!
Slipping past him, you stomped off towards the stairs. This too-good-looking-for-the-world asshat had been ruining your nights and in turn your life. 
You knew it was wrong to be mad at him without, at least, talking about the issue first. A polite conversation explaining your situation wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world now, would it? But how does one start a conversation pertaining to that? After all, he wasn’t exactly the one making the noise. What would you say?
So, hey would you mind pleasuring your girlfriend a little less? 
Or better. Ever heard of a ball gag?
Mere thought of it made you shudder.
The work day was spent trying to shove your neighbour's stupidly handsome face out of your mind. It didn’t help that your mother kept calling, repeatedly. You knew what she had to say. How you should have taken that bigger job at Royal’s publishing. How the writing career might never take off. How you really should get a boyfriend now, or you’ll be the only unmarried cousin in the family.
Usually you could entertain your mother with well-timed hmms and ahhs. Today wasn’t that day.
Bone-tired and absentminded, you jammed the key in the keyhole in the evening, only for it to get stuck again. You looked up at the door. 307.
Well, shit!
Putting both your hands into it, you yanked the key with all your might, just as the door opened. There he stood, with his crooked smirk, dimples digging in, wearing nothing but a thin cotton t-shirt and sweatpants that hung all too low on those hips.
“You don’t need to break into my house. I already offered a tour.” Of course, god gave him an irresistible voice. Cause at this point, why not?
“Sorry,” you muttered, looking anywhere but at him. “I keep getting the wrong door. This one’s mine.”
“Oh, so you’re the one in 306!” You could feel his smirk more than see it. “Looks like you’re having a good ol’ time in there.”
“Excuse me?”
The guy raised scratched the back of his neck, face apologetic. “You might… ya know… just keep the voice down in there?”
The audacity of this guy!
“Rich of you to ask anyone to keep it down!” You hissed. “Why don’t you tell your girlfriend to keep it low?” 
With that, you shut your door in his surprised face. The worst part was, after bumping into him in the morning, your mind was producing distinct images of him in the bed, doing things to a woman. You had tried your best not to let them make a home in your head. But like a stickly tenant, they refused to evacuate. No wonder it was hard to look him in those brilliant, brilliant green eyes. The guy was hot! There was no denying that. You weren’t even willing to accept to yourself just how much time you had put into imagining him naked.
If anything, the denial mixed with your pre-existing irritation and sleep deprivation had you ready tonight. 
So the moment the enamoured voice started begging, you hopped out of your chair. You had every intention of yelling yourself hoarse at the delectable resident next door, but the moment you stepped into the corridor, you came face to face with the very man. 
He was- thankfully, completely clothed- looking a bit harassed, himself.
aahhhh… ahhhh… ahhh… right there...
Your head whipped up to the suspected direction of the voice, and back at him. “Wait, you aren’t… it’s not...?”
His face mirrored your expression of surprise and then he burst out laughing. “Looks like we’ve both been played.”
“Not intentionally,” you said, peering at the adjacent doors, mostly to not look at him. “Where do you think it’s coming from?”
He shot a glance at the door opposite to his. “If it’s not you, my best guess is that guy over there. I mean, if you ask me, Nick over there doesn’t look the type to make a woman that happy… but what do I know?”
“You shouldn’t make assumptions about people,” you said, taking a tentative step towards the said door.
Mr. hot guy smartpants laughed. “Oh, trust me. He’s the douchiest douche you’ll ever meet. Guy like that? Definitely selfish in bed.”
You frowned at him.
“He asks women in the street to smile more,” hot guy explained.
“Uhhgg… yeah you’re right. It’s definitely not him.”
Hot guy pointed his fingers at the rest of the doors. “That one’s rented by three guys. I don’t think it’s them. Mrs. Hendrickson over there works night shifts. I have no clue who lives in there,” he pointed to the last door, directly in front of you.
Goodness you’re amazing...
“Yes, lady, we already know!” He called out.
You couldn’t help the giggle that burst through your lips.
His eyes softened. “Dean Winchester,” he said, offering his hand.
“Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N,” you said, taking his. He had a firm grip. A very funny sensation gripped your stomach. Like a flutter. Nervousness? 
“It’s great to meet you, Y/N.” He smirked. “I sure wish the circumstances were better.”
You bit your lip. “Listen, I’m sorry for the comment about your girlfriend. I was just mad about, you know... “
“Don’t worry about it. My non-existent girlfriend is very cool. She took no offense.”
You snorted.
“I was dead serious about the house tour,” He winked. “I can promise great coffee.”
“Sure, sometime soon.”
He shot a look at the door with the unknown occupants again. “I hate to leave this here, but I think we should get whatever kind of shuteye we can while they’re quiet over there, huh?”
“Oh, yeah!” You hurried back to your flat. “Night, Dean.”
He gave you his crooked grin again, just a hint of mischief. “Night, Y/N.”
You knew it wasn’t him now, and he was right about making the most of the quiet and fucking off to sleep, and yet, each time you closed your eyes, your mind decided to replay your imaginations for you. With a start, you sat up in your bed, a thought occurring to you like a hit on the head- If you had been thinking about him that way? Had he been imagining you as well?
Blood rushed to your face at the very idea. Though a tiny part of you begged for the answer- would it be such a bad thing if he had?
A/N 2: So? So? SO??? What do you think?
I value each and every reblog more than I can tell you! Thank you! Feedback is love and life!
This series will have a total of 5 or 6 parts max.
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shorkbrian · 4 years
Prelude - Don’t come @ me pls I tried to be pOeTiC and artsy okay lol
Pairing - Keigo Takami X Reader
Warnings - no NSFW, religion, blood mention, nonconsensual touching.
Music - https://open.spotify.com/track/4SQ0ytpTP8v1Rx8FWR22cv?si=d_i0QJowT9yF-b6rZMOKvw
People often don’t notice the little, gradual problems.
Cluttered desks, dishes in the sink.
The thing that stands in the corner at night.
You only noticed it after it started to move, creeping closer, sitting in your chair, bright golden eyes piercing through the dark.
His name is Keigo, he tells you, and there’s no reason to be afraid.
Of course, that doesn’t stop fear from icing over your veins, stomach twisting, hands clutching at your blankets as if they were a shield to protect you from the strange entity that had haunted your bedroom for so long. You had done so well, pretending that the shadow was nothing but a trick of the light, that there was nothing there except a chair filled with dirty clothes.
He doesn’t come any closer, crosses his legs in the chair he occupies, tilting his head as the two of you stare at each other.
His name is Keigo, and he’s an angel.
The angel has been with you all your life.
He is able to recount the days you’d spent in your room, crying and begging God for something different, to take your pain away. The moments you thought you had been alone, forgotten.
The troubles you’d overcome, the faint flashes of happiness that filled your life and made you feel light and warm.  Keigo even remembered the color of your bedroom walls in your childhood home, the small scribbles you’d made in the corners, near the baseboards. How you’d get in trouble for leaving your mark on your world, be punished for taking up space.
You were too young to remember that.
But Keigo remembers.
He was there for all of it.
When you confide in him your fears, small whispered thoughts, Keigo listens.
“I feel so lonely all the time.”
“You may feel lonely, but you’re never alone. The plants in your window love you, for you give them life. Your bed welcomes you with the arms of a lover after a long day, loves to hold you in it’s embrace. The ground welcomes the steps of your feet, how you shape it’s very existence just by being present. You’re an entire ecosystem, your flesh sculpted from the earth. Your blood is brewed from rainwater, thousands of creatures live inside of you and on your skin. And of course, you have me. I am never far from you, you’re never truly alone.”
Life doesn’t seem as bad.
The angel usually only appears at night, when you’re tucked in bed, fresh from a shower. You’ve come to like his visits, no longer feel trepidation when he shows up in the corner, materializing out of thin air.
He doesn’t look like what you think he should. There are no heavy wings, no  countless eyes, no sharp halo adorning his head. No white robes or silken clothes, just tattered jeans and a hoodie.
But he doesn’t look exactly human either, with his golden skin and molten eyes. His fingers are long and slender, made for music and praise. The curve of his soft lips makes it easier for him to worship, to condemn or guide his charge.  Hair that looks too soft, like liquid gold that flows from his scalp. You want to touch, but you’re afraid to ask.
You notice that the plants in your house flourish at night, when Keigo is around. The tender stalks seem to reach for his presence, follow his form greedily, as if he has a gift that he’s withholding from them. Flowers bloom and vie for his attention, and Keigo laughs, touches the petals gently and watches the blossoms burst with color and growth.
His existence as an angel is unquestioned, not when he proves to you that he knows you to a degree that you don’t even know yourself. The freckles decorating your skin, those are all from him. It’s true that they’re angel kisses, given to the people they favor, that they watch grow.
They’d dusted across your nose as a child, light and varied. Darkened as you’d gotten older, appearing on your hands and peppered over your face in no particular pattern.
It makes you blush, and at first you don’t believe him, thinking he’s playing with you. But Keigo moves to the edge of your bed, gently takes one of your hands in his own, and lifts it to his lips.
A freckle appears when they press to your skin, a dark mark pushing to the surface.
You spend the next day looking at each of your freckles in the mirror, studying the marks that mar your skin. They’re sprinkled across your shoulders, you’re collarbone, your ankles. It’s strange to think that each mark is evidence of a kiss. Why would the angel kiss you?
When you ask him the next night he visits, Keigo pauses.
“Sometimes… there’s a hole in your soul, and that’s just the way things are. And you try to fill it with various things; songs that make your heart waltz, views that make your eyes long for more, raindrops against your skin. I’ve found the most effective way to fill it is with being with the person who makes the world seem less bad.”
How can an angel feel incomplete? “Are you not God’s perfect creation?” You ask.
Keigo sighs, and says no more.
“Why is that book your favorite?” Keigo has read it before, scouring the pages to try and find pieces of you in it. He’s read all of your books, picked up every single thing you’ve ever touched, ever looked at, jealous of the way it had caught your attention.
You don’t know.
You don’t know why you love the book clutched in your hands. You just do. Keigo thinks he understands.
He’s been visiting earlier and earlier, while the sun still rests above the horizon. The angel never asks about your day, he’s there for every moment, just never visible to you.
He’s the warmth that soothes your skin when it’s cold out, when you’re afraid that your jacket won’t be enough to stave off the chill.  Keigo whispers reminders into your ear, a little tickle that helps you remember to turn in sale reports on time, or what time you’re supposed to meet with a new client.  He never gets the credit for all that he does, but that’s okay.
Your thoughts turn to him constantly, mind churning with questions. Why show himself now? Is that allowed? What is heaven like? Is God kind?
Keigo brushes these questions off, frowns when you ask them. He won’t talk about his holy father, nor his own role as a guardian angel. You learn to hold your tongue.
The angel prefers to talk with you, or sit in silence as you tend to your evening tasks. You think he might be lonely.
You wake up sometimes with warmth still on your skin, more freckles dotting along your body.  But there’s already so many, the new ones go unnoticed.
Keigo is never around those days.
“Why do you not visit?” You ask him, saddened by his absence. Was it something you did wrong? Were you no longer worthy of his presence?
“I met someone that reminds me of warm toned skies. I’m afraid of what I might do to them.”
You don’t know what that means. Asking the angel to clarify results in a long silence, and you look out the window of your house to take in the stars, the clouds that try and hide them from view. You wonder if Keigo knows their names.
“I saw you in my dreams” Finally, the angel answers, golden eyes fixed on his hands folded in prayer in his lap.
“You dreamed of me?” You didn’t know angels could dream.
“At first…. Now I think of you. I..... I love you on purpose, I love you intentionally.” The confession is weighty, said slowly and quietly. Golden eyes find your own and search for acceptance.
What do you do when an angel confesses their love? 
When you stay silent, Keigo disappears.
Sleep does not come easy that night.
“Nothing you humans do ever matters. All that really matters is what you do.”
He’d appeared after a time, a few weeks where you stared at the chair in the corner and saw nothing. You weren’t sure if you were glad that he was back.
Keigo was critical of your actions, hovering behind you while you tended to the plants in your home, lounging on the counter while you cooked meals, sitting near you while you read and making you nervous at his unwavering company.
“So the meaning of life is to give life meaning?” You had answered his subtle jab, and Keigo had shown you his teeth in a smile. It looked much less like a smile, more like a gesture of a puppet, a mockery of a human with too many teeth. He didn’t say whether you were right or wrong.
Safety was no longer the prevalent feeling when Keigo was around.
The angel does not have the same restraint he used to exhibit. He touches you now, unashamed of his needy nature, how he craves your humanity, fascinated by the intricacies of your life, the thoughts that run through your head.
It makes you uneasy, his hands cold as ice when they find your own. But who are you to tell an angel they are wrong?
He never misses a night spent in your presence, even when you think he does. The angel waits till you’re asleep, creeps past your defenses and indulges in human comforts.
You always murmur in your sleep when he slips into your bed, when his cold, cold vessel presses against your warm body. Keigo wonders if he could steal some of your warmth, carry it with him.
“You look perfect even when you’re half asleep and not speaking proper English. I am so in love with you, it feels like I’m floating all the time” You don’t hear his words, but he says them anyways.
His residence is overbearing.
You find yourself spending more and more time away from your home, spent at work, where he doesn’t appear. Nights are spent with friends, drinking in their homes, sharing stories about romantic endeavors.
A small part of you knows that Keigo must be nearby, being your guardian angel. But he never materializes around other people.
The angel grows desperate for your company, invades any spare moment you have, while you’re using the bathroom, showering, when you’re early for a meeting and alone in the conference room.
His demeanor is casual, relaxed, but you begin to see the outline of his wings, blood red plumage displayed across his back.
Strong emotions bring out their wings, you had learned. A dropped glass had wings flashing behind Keigo as the angel was caught off guard, and you’d begged for him to show you them.
He couldn’t make them visible at will, he had explained. They only showed if an angel was experiencing strong emotions, strong feelings.
Their appearance now made you afraid.
You tried to talk to Keigo one rare night you spent at home, work out your differences and soothe his feelings towards you, the jealousy and the anger that sank deep into his being.
“I don’t know how to make this better. I don’t have feelings for you the same way you feel for me” You had confessed.
Keigo’s eyes had blazed, yellow fire flickering in the iris.
“My body forgot what it felt like to be warmth. You’re the sun that I step into, the rays that fall upon my back and warm my wings, the heat that fills my heart and spills from my lips.”
He was passionate, gripping your arms with too-hot skin, and it burned.
“Before you go to sleep at night, you water your flowers, your plants. In the light of your window I can see your body wrapped in your nightgown, and you’re indistinguishable from the blossoms.”
The pain seared deep into your bones, and you felt anger, true anger at the celestial body in front of you. Never had you asked for his affection, for his protection.
“I have thought about my love for you, and the ways I could describe it are innumerable. You’re so human and it makes me want, and I don’t know what to do with the fire burning within me. I love you-“
You’re screaming at him then, and the sky turns dark the same moment you thrash out of his burning grip. Harsh words are said, things you should’ve expressed months ago, when the angel broke your boundaries into pieces and did what he pleased.
But the courage was here now, the bravery to defy an angel, to say that it was wrong, that you didn’t want them around anymore.
The sky crackled with lightening, and Keigo’s wings filled out, full of sharp, dangerous feathers. You had wondered about the color, why they were red instead of white, but as it began to rain, the red sloughed off, dripping to the ground in thick rivulets.
His blood-red wings were colored with the spatter of the sins he’d committed. But Keigo never talked about his sins, never about heaven.
Now he did, shouting at you with his thunderous voice, telling you of the lengths he had gone to in ensuring his existence in your life. How he’d begged at the feet of God to be allowed to show himself to you, to express the desire growing inside of his traitorousus body.
How he’d been shamed, shunned.
He’d shown himself to you anyway, took each reprimand in stride. When another angel had been assigned to you after the golden one’s confession, Keigo had broken, fought with teeth and claws.
The blood of his brothers tainted his wings.
So much had been sacrificed to stand by your side.
There had been no grand plan, Keigo had seen you and knew he wasn’t like the other angels. He was different, able to feel and touch and learn.
The two of you scream at each other, you spitting hateful things, how you wish he would leave you alone.
Keigo doesn’t care, you’ve made him feel and he’s not letting that go.
Lightening strikes a tree and it erupts into flames, and the tears running down your face are hidden by the pelting rain.
You hate him, he scares you.
It’s said out loud, and the angel stops in his tracks, looking at you with emotions you can’t begin to understand.
He leaves in a rush, his wings still stained red despite the cleansing water streaming along them.
Keigo leaves you alone.
Your flowers start blooming again, even without the addictive presence of a holy angel.
The freckles dotting your skin fade, and you don’t mind, you don’t miss the marks that litter your thighs, your chest, the marks you’d never allowed to be made.
Life is okay again. You can breathe.
“It’s cold again and I miss you” His voice makes you drop the glass in your hands, and it shatters against the floor.
His wings materialize for a second, red as blood, dripping.
But then the angel is waving his hand, and the shards of glass on the ground are gone, the puddle of water, his wet wings.
Keigo has something to say to you, and he wants you to listen.
“I’ve got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you. But I didn’t. And, in truth, it was maybe better that I didn’t - I say that now, though it was something I regretted bitterly for a while.” He keeps stepping closer to you, until he’s in your space, heavenly body inches from your own. He feels like marble, a chill emanating from his golden skin.
“More than anything I was relieved that in my unfamiliar wanting-to-talk state I’d stopped myself from blurting out the things on the edge of my tongue, the things I’d never said, even though it was something I knew well enough without me saying it out loud to you like this….. which is, of course, I love you”
“This won’t work, Keigo.” You explain, voice small. “We aren’t the same. I have someone out there meant for me, and it isn’t you.”
He frowns, takes your hand in his, interlaces your fingers. The angel presses a kiss to your knuckles, the same as he did the first time you met him.
“If soulmates do exist, they’re made, not found. You build a relationship with the person that makes your heart happy. I demand the labor of love so that I may make it. Craft so that I may make it art. So that I may make it mine.“
You don’t get any more say in the matter.
His love is all consuming.
It grows and burns with each moment he spends with you, leeching off of your warmth.
People often don’t notice the little, gradual problems.
They don’t notice until the problem becomes unfixable.
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suoyou · 3 years
[wip] 真金不怕火炼; true gold fears no flame
incomplete wip. 2744 words, rated t. 
originally drafted for the wangxian weddings for maubrey collection. a sequel to baby’s first wangxian fic 蓝色生死恋; a blue love (to live and to die for)
Wei Wuxian wakes up the morning after his wedding a little cold and a lot sore, skin tingling like it’s new. He’s spent a lot of both lives waking up feeling like his skeleton had sneakily rearranged itself overnight in the worst way—a rib in his throat, a femur jammed up through his belly, vertebrae scattered around him like loose gravel. 
But today he wakes up with the sun in a crescent on his hip, smiling at the edge of the window, feeling like every part of his body for once is in the right place. Brain in his head, head on his shoulders, heart in his chest. Lan Zhan is, of course, already awake, staring up at the canopy of their wedding bed. Not wide-eyed, and possibly for the first time in Wei Wuxian’s life, lazy. 
“Lan Zhan.” He can hear his own voice vibrate against Lan Zhan’s body. 
“You’re awake.”
“What were you doing up, earlier?” Wei Wuxian presses a deep yawn into the side of his husband’s—husband’s!—neck, the kind that sends shivers all the way down into his ankles and feet. “It was barely dawn. Don’t tell me you weren’t tired? I can’t believe I didn’t tire you out last night. I don’t even know if I was awake for our last round.” The thought makes heat flare in Wei Wuxian’s cheeks. They’ll have to revisit that.
“Hm,” Lan Zhan says, and the low thrum of laughter runs through him. It’s mostly silent; Wei Wuxian feels it more than he hears it. “You were, but only just.” Then, “I thought of a song.”
“A song?”
“About what?”
“You,” Lan Zhan says, both fondly and in a way that says this should be obvious.
“About my oral prowess, I hope.”
“It was not.”
“Is it happy, at least?”
Lan Zhan is quiet. “My other song for you is not very happy, is it?” 
“Well,” Wei Wuxian pushes himself upright so that he’s lying on top of Lan Zhan, rests his chin on his folded wrists. A constellation of hickeys and bruises stretches across Lan Zhan’s neck, and Wei Wuxian takes his time studying them. He hasn’t seen his own skin yet, but he can tell the violet blooms are already fading on Lan Zhan, burnt back by the heat of his golden core. “I think someone a lot lonelier than the Lan Zhan I married wrote that song, is all.”
“Mm.” Lan Zhan holds Wei Wuxian by the waist, steady, steady, like balancing the weight of the world on him in the cradle of his palms. “But you’re here now. To have you like this, it would be impossible to feel lonely again.”
“To have me like how?” Wei Wuxian asks, propping his chin in his palm, wide-eyed with mock wonder. “Will the esteemed Hanguang-jun care to elaborate?”
Lan Zhan’s eyes darken, narrowing for a flicker of a moment before he moves, and Wei Wuxian ends up on his back so fast that ah, there, there’s that feeling that his bones are all in the wrong places—in the best way, in the only way he hopes to know it again, with Lan Zhan’s hands on his body  and heart against his. Beating, beating, beating.
For some reason, Wei Wuxian is surprised when he gets up and Lan Zhan offers him clothes that look virtually identical to the ones he’s always worn—dark, red accents, wristcuffs laced with ribbons. Everything is a little nicer, and even for someone who never cared to notice, the fabric folds heavy and well-made in his hands. There are cloud patterns embroidered in black thread along the collars, and peonies in the shoulder patches. 
He stands in the middle of their wedding chamber, naked as the day he was born, turning them back and forth without slipping them on. 
“Do you not like them?” Lan Zhan asks, already decent with his satin underrobe on.
“I love them, they’re just so—me?” Wei Wuxian lowers them. 
“Would you like me to put them on?”
“Yes!” Wei Wuxian says. He lifts his arms helpfully when Lan Zhan comes to him, slipping the sleeves of a new red underrobe over him and leaning close to do the ties at Wei Wuxian’s waist. He’s so close that Wei Wuxian simply leans forward and kisses the crown of Lan Zhan’s head. Then his temple. Then he stops, because if he doesn’t, they will never leave this chamber. 
“These were commissioned from a different tailor,” Lan Zhan says when he slips the black outer robe onto Wei Wuxian’s body. “I was concerned that they wouldn’t get your measurements right, but I’m glad to see it fits.”
It fits like a hug around Wei Wuxian’s body. 
“The collars of the underrobe are quite high?”
Lan Zhan looks at him. “That was intentional.”
Wei Wuxian stares blankly until the faint ache of hickeys registers, and he puts his hands over his face and groans, “Ohhh. Oh, I won’t make it through the week like this.”
“Wei Ying.”
“I love you, Lan Zhan, I really do, with all the force of ten thousand weeping mountains—a hundred thousand—but my heart will give out. It will cave.”
Lan Zhan ignores his theatrics and turns him around to run his hairbrush through Wei Wuxian’s hair. He’s always so gentle when he does it for Wei Wuxian—not that he’s rough on himself, but he certainly doesn’t seem to take as long, brushing out every lock of hair between his fingers. 
“I can’t believe the Chief Cultivator can’t even take a few days to himself. After his own wedding!” Wei Wuxian says as Lan Zhan twists his hair up into a soft knot. It’s elegant and something Wei Wuxian will likely never learn how to do himself. “I want to stay with you all day. I want to lie in the sun with you and then go running by the beaches at sunset. Well—I’ll run, you can walk gracefully, as you do. I want to sit in the grass with you and feed the rabbits until the wet seeps up into my robes.”
“Mm. So do I.” Lan Zhan pushes his hairstick through the base of the knot. “But it will be a short meeting. Just a report and a written acknowledgment that we are married, that the sects have bore witness that we are married. And that any assault upon you would be considered an offense to the Lan Sect.” 
Wei Wuxian’s knees go soft and it has nothing to do with the exhaustion from the night before. “Lan Zhan...”
“You could come if you like, but I would not ask you to.”
“Because you’re flawless and perfect.”
Lan Zhan exhales. It’s his favorite way to laugh. Then he smooths his hand down the free length of Wei Wuxian’s hair. “I’ll meet you in the Jingshi for lunch.”
“Come back to me soon.”
For two weeks after the wedding, Lan Zhan has reduced duties and Wei Wuxian a leave of absence from classes, but it has been a while since he watched the sun turn the sky blue, then grey, then lace-white as it rises over the blanket of clouds. Once, on a night hunt, Wei Wuxian had climbed high enough in the Cloud Recesses that the clouds were finally under him, and he looked over the endlessness of it, feeling like he was standing at the edge of existence. 
By the third day, after all the guests leave, Wei Wuxian finally gets some much-needed solitude. It’s a weird thing to need, for him, anyway, considering how much time he’s already spent alone. When he sits in the meadow of rabbits in the back hills of the Cloud Recesses, he lies down with his arms spread until he can feel rabbit nosing at his pockets.
“I haven’t brought anything for you,” he says, eyes closed. The sun is orange and veiny against his closed eyes. “Since when did you guys even like me enough to look for snacks?”
There are voices coming down the mountain path, though, so Wei Wuxian sits up and brushes stray bits of grass off his back and knees, tries to pick some out of his hair. Before his wedding, he would not have cared, but he’s husband to the Chief Cultivator now. He needs to look the part. 
“Morning,” he greets, and blinks when it’s a handful of older Lan women carrying the rabbit feed today. Tending to the rabbits is disciple work, usually, but vaguely, he knows they had to change the structure of classes for the two weeks he isn’t teaching. 
“Oh! Wei gongzi. We didn’t expect to see you out here.”
“Hanguang-jun isn’t with you?”
“He’s busy in the mornings,” says Wei Wuxian, hands jumping to the collars of his robes. They’re bound tight, thank heavens. “I’ve simply been unwinding after a wedding like that. It really takes everything out of you, doesn’t it?”
“Being married does that to you,” says one of the women, sagely. Lan Danyi if Wei Wuxian’s memory serves him correctly. The other women nod, murmuring their assent.
“It...takes everything out of you?” he asks. That doesn’t sound pleasant, but he hasn’t been anything but happy since being married. Is he doing something wrong?
“When does it not?” says another. Lan Ruyi, who looks so much like her sister that they could be mirror images. “You’re lucky you married Hanguang-jun, Wei gongzi. Marriage is hard work. The first year of a marriage is the hardest year of any relationship.”
“It—it is? Why?”
“Well, of course,” they say, like this should be common knowledge. Lan Danyi bends down and begins feeding the rabbits their carrots. “You will probably have it better than we do, but when you get married, who do you become? You lose your sense of self. Before this, you’re your own person, but you don’t just belong to you anymore, don’t you? Of course, Hanguang-jun would never be so uncouth, I see that he doesn’t mind that Wei gongzi continues to wear his own robes. Which is as it should be, do you remember that Zhao Xiaohong that Lan Hongqi married a few years ago?”
“Oh,” says Wei Wuxian. He hadn’t thought of that. 
“Of course, of course,” says the third woman. Wei Wuxian well and truly cannot remember her name, which is going to be a problem if he’s going to be part of the Lan Sect now. “But your future isn’t your own anymore, either. You walk a two-person path now. When one person hurts their feet, you must check your own for thorns. Sometimes the path diverges and you want to take a different one than the one they choose.” She sighs. “And you have to choose the one they want to take.”
“I think learning how to walk one, honest path is romantic in and of itself, Jianying.”
“Perhaps. But not all of us can marry Hanguang-jun, so really, how romantic could it be.”
“So you can’t be headstrong, it’ll be such a pain,” Lan Ruyi says. “It’s easier for someone who grew up in the Lan Sect, but marrying in is always harder.”
“Which is what makes the first year of living together the hardest,” says Lan Danyi, nodding. “You don’t want to be someone difficult to share space with. But, Wei gongzi, I’m sure you and Hanguang-jun won’t have a problem at all. Right?”
“Right,” he says faintly. A morning with the rabbits is almost always calm and soothing, but today he feels neither calm nor soothed. “Uh, have a lovely morning.”
“Wei gongzi, go safely!” they call after him as he slip-slides back onto the path.
He gives them a wave, and starts heading back alone.
“—ying. Wei Ying?”
 He blinks.  Then he comes to, piece by piece, chopsticks still aloft between his bowl and his mouth. A bite of married-couple spiced tripe drips its fiery oil into his food, a little red coin on the pebbled surface of his rice. Lan Zhan has leaned forward, mouth set in a taut line of concern. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing!” Wei Wuxian shovels his food into his mouth. “Nothing, Lan Zhan.”
His husband—will he ever tire of that title? Evidence points to no—is not convinced. Not that Wei Wuxian expected him to be, but he also doesn’t expect Lan Zhan to set his own bowl down, resting his chopsticks over the rim, and insist, again, “There’s something wrong.”
“Lan Zhan, it’s really...really, it’s…”
Of course, Hanguang-jun would never be so uncouth, I see that he doesn’t mind that Wei gongzi continues to wear his own robes.
“Well,” says Wei Wuxian, and Lan Zhan leans forward minutely to listen, “Lan Zhan, do you hate that I dress this way?”
This question apparently catches Lan Zhan off-guard. He blinks once, twice, then asks, “In what way, Wei Ying?”
“Like...myself.” Like my unmarried self. 
A faint ribbon of confusion slips between Lan Zhan’s eyebrows. “I love you regardless of what you wear.”
“You probably prefer me not wearing anything, right, Lan Zhan?” Wei Wuxian jokes weakly. 
“Yes. But,” says Lan Zhan, as Wei Wuxian wheezes at his frankness, “what is this about?”
“I just thought,” Wei Wuxian says, feeling wild and stupid, because they’re married, they’re married, why is he being silly about this, “that. I don’t know, I’d look different after I got married. To you? That I should look different.” I want to look different. I want to look like I belong to somewhere, to someplace, to someone.
“Different how?”
“Uhm,” he looks down into his rice, chili oil staining the grains a bright, yolky gold. Gods, this is ridiculous. “Never mind.”
Lan Zhan is a quiet rustle of fabric and footsteps when he stands and moves around the dining table. When he sits down beside Wei Wuxian he’s a warm waft of sandalwood and camellia oil. “Wei Ying,” he says, brings Wei Ying’s hand into his lap between his own. “Something troubles you.”
“It’s not—I’m not troubled, Lan Zhan, I promise. But I guess I. I want to look married to you.”
Lan Zhan searches his face. The concern softens around the edges. “How so?”
“I don’t think I can wear all white or a forehead ribbon, or more than three layers,” Wei Wuxian warns, “but. I felt at home, wearing your white underrobe. It’s not that I don’t like red, but I only wore it so much so you couldn’t see the bloo—”
Wei Wuxian snaps his mouth shut. Really, is this a topic he should be bringing up a day after their wedding, at dinner, no less? He feels like an uninvited, rain-soaked guest falling through the doorway of a place he’s not welcome. 
“Stains less,” he finishes in a tiny voice. 
“Wei Ying,” says Lan Zhan, and he reaches up to tuck one of Wei Wuxian’s feathery wisps of hair behind his ear. “If that is what you want to wear, then you should wear it.”
“I didn’t want to make you feel bad. You commissioned those for me in mind specially.”
Lan Zhan shakes his head. “Only because I mistook your preference for them. What you wear is your choice, Wei Ying. In this life, you do not have to look any way but the way you want to. All white. All black. A bit of both, or neither. The things we put on our bodies...they’re an extension of us. Whatever that looks like to you now is what I’ll love.”
“What if I want to wear a pink tunic and a green skirt and, and a gold belt, and no shoes?”
“You would look like Nezha,” Lan Zhan says very seriously, “and I would love you all the same.”
Wei Wuxian laughs, and then he kisses his husband right there at the dinner table, and he thinks that being married really doesn’t take too much out of you at all. Lan Zhan steadies him by the arms, and then pulls him into his lap, and Wei Wuxian’s ribs wedge into the side of the table and the bruise from even that will be sore and sweet the way a hickey is.
What a fortune it is to be married, Wei Wuxian thinks, when Lan Zhan has him on the bamboo mat floors and his hair in a dark fan across them, and have the privilege to be nothing but your messy, scattered, glimmering self. 
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