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ashenwinds · 4 days
Fingers dusted with soot and ash brush through his long beard, huffing as the ships settles against the well crafted dock. Another successful voyage, hoards of gold to add to his growing collection nestled in the depths of his estate. He is not a man to enjoy being on land ; always preferred to be at the helm of a warship, to command the raging flames of a battle, but it is relieving to return to his estate. Not because of the land itself but something else -- Hazel eyes quickly raise, hearing the startled cry of one of the nannies from within the extravagant sitting room. And the small figure that darts out from the double-door, moving as fast as a shark in the water towards him. The crew behind him continue their work, hauling the large chests from the depths of the ship -- his first mate having to dodge the speeding child with a laugh and a light 'slow down there land-shark'. " Now, now, cool those heels! " He raises his voice the moment the young kid reaches the dock. Would rather not deal with a kiddo drenched in sea water dragging it all into the estate. Nor how grumpy the kid would be later on catching a cold with the evening dropping the temperature, " You don't need to take a dip with the fish. " Despite the serious tone, he shifts to a smile and reaches half way before his child is latched to him with a tight hug, " I missed you, papa! " The small head rests against his chest, ignoring the strong scent of gunpowder and charred wood lingering, " Did you find anything cool? " " Of course. I always do, don't I? " A laugh, easily picking up his child off the ground to hold them in his arms, " Come'on, let's get inside, let my crew finish up unloading. " It had always been jarring for his crew, to watch their captain transform from the devious and cruel pirate to somebody who smiles and is calm. A villain to those who crossed his path for a fight, but oddly strict but gentle when it came to Junior. Baffling to see that change the first time. Steps bring him from wooden planks to soft sand, trekking slowly as his body aches a bit from the battles that day and the journey through the Shroud. One of these days he'll need to retire, focus on Junior for a bit. These trips are starting to wear him and his ship down. A nod is given to the nanny, " I hope Junior behaved better than last time? " " Still a handful as always, sir, " she gives a light nod, stepping aside to let him enter the room first before following, " Nearly bouncing off the walls when your ship came into view. " Unsurprising, considering just how adventurous the boy's mind is, how desperately the kid wants to be just like their father. Far too young at the moment, however. Junior still has a lot to learn before they will be allowed on a ship. " If everything is order, you are welcome to head home. " He hums, setting down his kid before settling into the chair nearby the fireplace. The nanny gives a small bow before taking her exit, leaving father and child alone as the commotion outside starts to die down. From the inner pocket of his jacket, a vial is produced -- containing a pitch black liquid. It is held out, Junior gently taking it as wide eyes observe the contents, " Don't open that. It's kraken ink. " The word gets the kid to perk up, letting out a soft woah, " It is used by the witches of the Order to enhance their magic and visions. Right nasty stuff to get. "
" You fought a kraken?! " Junior beams, smaller fingers tightening a bit around the vial. " Aye, but this isn't the first I've encountered. " Usually he staved off the battles with such creatures -- even the most experienced pirate would struggle to even survive an encounter with a kraken let alone be successful enough to gather ink or bone from the creature, " Lot smaller than the other ones. Beginning to believe those tales being woven that all of 'em are just children. " He gives a light shake of his head. " Captain Flameheart, " both pairs of eyes glance over to see the first mate standing in the doorway, " Everything is in order. We'll be keepin' an eye out for when the next voyage happens. " Flameheart nods, snorting lightly when Junior gives a wave to the other pirate -- which is returned with a professional nod. At least he will have time to remain at his estate for a few weeks. Maybe longer depending on if they find more rumours of treasures. Should be present for a bit of Junior's training. . . no better than himself to train the one what will be continuing his legacy. " Can you tell me about the kraken, papa? " Junior inquires, holding out the vial to be returned, " One day I'll slay one myself and bring you its ink!" Such a statement gets a bellowing laugh out of him, lightly taking the item before pocketing it once more, " You'd better! The first voyage you'll be taking to the Sea will be to catch one of those blighters yourself! "
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ashenwinds · 1 month
     A low chuckle rises out of Warden, tracing a boney finger across the cheek of their current target. A poor little pirate that is absolutely dwarfed in comparison to the towering Ashen Lord, eyes glued wide with fear. Staring at the skull that glowers down at her, but avoiding what could be considered eye contact.       “ You can try to keep as quiet as you want, little pirate. . . ” Chi muses, the touch shifting to two fingers and their thumb quickly wrapping around the throat -- loving the squeak that comes out, “ I will make you sing for me. You have information, and I will get it out, preferably after so much agony and squirming! ” There had been enough time after dealing with some annoying Reapers trying to nab this one before they themself went out to show how it is done. Learning all they could about this particular pirate to find the best way to hunt her down. The best way to inflict the worst pain imaginable upon her. Give these newer pirates a taste of what it means to be in the hands of Warden Chi.       “ I won't tell you anything. . . I will not contribute to that monster's victory. ” What a poor little thing, so confident considering she was hardly anything despite how long she had been in the Sea of Thieves. A pitiful little errand runner for the Order of Souls and Gold Hoarders.      They shift, easily pulling the pirate off the ground to have her hang uselessly in the air as she grips the skeletal hand around her throat, “ That's not an option, insect. You have time, because I have to work out the best torture for you out of so many options. . . a pirate who does enjoy the company of others, ” a laugh, causing a few embers to slip out from their mouth, “ If I didn't need you to keep your words, I'd tear out your tongue since you are rather popular amongst the taverns for your singing! A pitiful little child afraid of drowning or being torn apart piece by piece! So many delicious ways to make you writhe! ”      The interesting part is learning of this one's partner in crime, such a wonderful thing to find out about, considering she is a Pirate Legend. Chi lowers their voice to a growl, the decision made, “ That does mean your dear partner won't need her vocal cords. What an interesting discovery after looking into you, I find out your lover is a Reaper! ” Oh, they enjoy the look of pure fear at the mention.       “ Don't -- ” She gasps when the grip tightens enough to nearly crush her throat, heat growing from the Warden.       “ Ah ah. . .~ don't waste your pretty little voice on useless threats or trying to bargain. Your screams and what you know is all I want. Anything else will cause more problems for you and your traitorous lover. ” They turn, forcefully shoving the small pirate against the wall -- chaining her hands up before letting her hang from them. High enough that she can stare right into the skull of the Warden, into those crystalized sockets. A shift enough for the pirate to catch a glimpse of her partner, stripped of her Reaper robes and put into rags. Arms and ankles tied like a carcass waiting to be cut apart, to be bled. Kept in good shape to make the torture far more impactful.       “ Thanks to my crewmate's alchemy, I can have quite a bit of fun gutting your shipmate without her dying. How pathetic one who follows my master would turn on her vow for a little wretch like a Pirate Legend. . . ” Fools to turn against the one true king, the rightful ruler of the Sea. Alas, they will always want those who fight against King Flameheart -- without them what fun would there be to flex their skills?       “ Now. . . let's see how long it takes before one of you break, shall we? ”
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ashenwinds · 2 months
     The sudden commotion of multiple Reapers gets both skeletal lords' attentions to rise -- cries of concern and a few yelling out to protect their leaders. Junior gives a glance to their father, watching as his focus remains on the entryway out to the sands and open sea air. They both would have heard if it was a group of Pirate Legends trying their luck. . .      Calls for defense are quickly turned into the sound of gunfire and swords clashing, Junior picking up his sword and moving to stand in front of Flameheart. Such sounds continue for a bit, a few cries of pain from those Reapers still burdened with flesh.      It never grows quiet, however the sanctity of the inner area is destroyed as a Reaper goes flying and landing just on the trap door -- both noting just how a light blue-purple glow dissipates from his body before the man is sent to the Sea of the Damned.      The Servant's attention rises, met with the orchestrator of the fight stepping inside, followed by some skellies wearing pink-purple bandanas. A visage they have not seen personally but knows due to the talk of the Reapers, “ You dare come in here in the presence of -- ”       “ Back off child. . . ” the skeletal lord hisses before the other can finish their words, “ My quarrel is not with you at the moment. . . and don't give me the shite of 'to get to him you have to go through me'. ” She is hardly focused on Junior, eyeless gaze narrowed on the one behind them, “ I am here to speak to my Captain. ”      Junior glances between the skeletal lord and their father, confusion growing thicker. Her captain?      Flameheart audibly sighs, a strange moment to see his head lower even for a brief moment before raising once again, “ Always one to make dramatic entrances, Duchess. ” He looks to his child, giving a nod, “ Leave us. If any of the Reapers failed to stand their own, kill them. ” There is a want to argue, but such is not acted upon -- instead bowing their head and leaving the room.
     When the footsteps in the sand drift away, along with the skellies Duchess had summoned creeping their way out as well, only then does she focus back on the other skeletal lord. No words spoken, simply standing with her cutlass still held tightly.      Finally, she breaks the silence, “ You have some nerve, mon roi. ” Hissed words, stepping forward with rather relaxed movements. Has it truly only been a little over a decade since she had been in the same room as him? The last time had been when the Lords were about to be given the manipulated curse -- when he requested her specialty, “ What a thing to find out those annoying Reapers stealing my treasures were aligned with you. And then here you are and you never bothered to say hello. ”       “ I assumed either you were still unhappy or not around, mi reina. ” A lie, but he will go with that.       “ Bullshit, captain, ” Duchess snorts, “ But I won't push that matter right now. ” She knows they will not have a lot of time alone, considering just how protective the Servant of the Flame seems to be, “ We have a lot to speak about and you can either start with what you did to the ship or when you planned to tell me you had a child this entire time. ”      Flameheart cannot help but let out a small laugh, something sad to it. He knows well that she will not leave things at small answers, that she will want all the truth. Stubborn as always, even after all this time, “ Very well. ” He stands from the throne, one arm behind his back while he offers out the other hand for Duchess, “ Then let us speak privately on the ship. ”
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ashenwinds · 2 months
     “ Not to question your idea, my King. . . but would that not be risky? ” It had been a bit of a surprise for the Chroniclers when their old captain and king came to pay them a visit. It had been near a decade since they had been consulted by Flameheart on curses or ancient artifacts ; The first time he has approached them since his resurrection to a physical form.      This time, he came with a proposition that floored them both. Hammer had to place down the book he was flipping through and rest the spectacles onto the table -- Anvil staring in stunned silence.      Anvil's specialties came with studying the physical land, the curses and rumors floating about. It is Hammer's job to know about the living things-- and not just the humans or the merfolk or sirens, but the creatures as well. Megalodons and krakens, the ebb and flow of life above and below the water's surface.      Just mentioning the name brings a chill down their spine.      Hammer gives no waste of time, standing up as Anvil gives a yelp of protest -- marching their body over to the nearby bookcase stuffed full of old journals and parchments. Boney fingers tracing along as he tries to find the proper one, “ Krakens are already a dangerous enough creature on their own, as you well know, and even their bones hold quite the magical properties. . . and as all the tales tell, the ones we see today are merely adolescents. Taming one is hard enough, but searching for her? ” “ It's just a bit outlandish, ” Anvil finishes, twitching back at the fiery gaze burning through him from Flameheart.       “ The Old Mother is dead, ” Flameheart reminds, “ That very information you two obtained. I am well aware her life has been snuffed out long before we even took a breath of air. I am not asking for the confirmation of her living or not. ” His fingers tap against the hilt of the blade, patience growing thinner by the second.
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     “ I want to know where her remains are. And if your archives are not thorough enough, then my Ashen Lords will be far more valuable to me for this task. ” He turns when there is a low sigh from Hammer.       “ What sort of purpose would be to find the Old Mother's remains, if you don't mind me asking, my king? ” Hammer turns as he pulls out an old looking book, flipping it open and browsing through the pages, “ They may give some extra strength compared to the enchanted bones you already have, but I doubt it will give anything significant to counter the struggle of finding her. ”      Flameheart's chuckle leaves both feeling a little uneasy -- knowing that sound well from their past. He is planning something devious, something highly dangerous that would end in death for anybody else seeking it.
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     “ If I must tame a kraken to find her bones, then so be it. I have learned a many of things from the orbs of secrets, one such thing I can improve upon the rituals we have known prior. ” Even if this is a test, it will still prove useful in growing his strength and perhaps enhancing his Ashen Lords as well. This could be far more than just a flex of his newfound power, but to further increase it. What better way than to get the power of a creature so feared the Ancients locked it away for a century before it died. Sturdy enough to survive and requiring chains that could never rust and locks that could never be broken.       “ You're not thinking -- ” Anvil gasps.       “ Aye. I want to resurrect the Old Mother, be it with flesh or bone. ”
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ashenwinds · 4 months
     sailor @champion-of-light sent a message in a bottle. . .
send CHANGED for a scene from my muse's past that represented a turning point in their life - For Chi!
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     A deep breath, holding it in for a moment as the pain rakes through their left shoulder -- the bullet being pulled out carefully. Dark eyes scan around them, watching as various skeletons move about the lower depths of the ship ; seeing that there is a distinct lack of things like food supplies or places to rest. Guess skeletons don't need those things, and aside from the three others, none of them have flesh.      They hiss when something is placed against the wound, a sharp pain that quickly soothes out and becomes a gentle tingle -- feeling the skin healing, “ What the fuck was that? ” “ Healing ointment, ” Ruth responds, Chi not needing to look to know she is rolling her eyes. There is a lot they need to learn, considering all the others have experience in this place beyond what they know. Easy to beat less than a day, “ You should get feeling better soon. We'll see about having some new garments made once we reach our destination. ” She rests her hand against their right shoulder before smiling, “ Glad to have you part of the crew, Chi, and not just because I won the bet against Horatio. ”      They have barely scratched the surface of everything, let alone those who are to become their new crewmates. The other three seem to be warming up to them quickly as well. Similar minds, sharing philosophies makes it easier to bond with another.      Chi grunts a bit, Ruth stepping away to head back up to the deck, “ You're welcome. When you're feeling better, the Captain wants to speak to you in his cabin. ” They give a nod, spending a few minutes to process everything. One second they were a merchant on a slightly odd voyage, the next they had pledged themself to a skeleton pirate. Their heart still beats in their chest like a drum, having yet to calm down from the adrenaline.      This is the start of something amazing ; something they would have never experienced in their old life. And they do not regret it one bit. The life of a true pirate is within their grasp, they just need to solidify their place.      Heaving themself onto their feet, Chi ascends from the depths of the galleon, then heading straight through the cabin doors. It is far from what they expected, the place lined with trinkets and weapons, no sign of a bed but a large throne-like chair set up and a large table with scrawled out maps shoved off to the side for now. The other three stand off to the side, Grimm unable to stop himself from giving a light smirk when eye contact is made.
     They stop a few paces away from where the skeletal captain sits, perched like a king, waiting. A knee is taken, bowing their head as one would in front of their king.      Satisfied, Flameheart shifts to standing, closing the distance between him and Chi, “ In a matter of minutes, we shall be docking at my base of operations. Although you held your own in a fight with Captain Grimm, there is still much you have to learn of how to survive on the Sea of Thieves. ” He himself takes a knee, grabbing hold of their chin with skeletal fingers to lift their head to look him in the face.      The fire is there, burning and waiting to rage against all that dares to contain it -- the fire that he saw in the others. Such a beautiful thing to be harnessed. He knows exactly what Chi's position will be, but it will be up to them to find out what it is, “ Your training begins the moment your feet hit the sand. You are an unknown entity upon the Fortress, so the skeletons will not take kindly to your presence. ”      There is not a shred of fear in Chi's mind, just the thrill rising once again -- a test to prove themself.      “ Make it to my throne room, and you will be able to rest until the next session. Your training is mine to oversee. ” He steps back, slowly removing the touch before gesturing towards one of the shelves lined with weapons, “ Choose what you see fit, you are only allowed three. ”       “ I will not fail, ” Chi cannot help but grin, standing before stepping to gaze across all the various weapons offered to them. Pistols, blunderbusses, swords and rifles. What sticks out is a rather beat up looking Eye of Reach, worn down but aged with experience and strange markings glowing against the metal. It alongside a set of jagged throwing knives and a cutlass are chosen, a perfect weight to the knives to be thrown at enemies, and the cutlass in case some get too close.      When they are pleased with their choices, the distant call of a skeleton is heard seconds before the anchor is released. Flameheart simply strolls past them, “ I look forward to seeing you in my throne room, Chi. ” Gesturing for the other three to follow.      Fingers grip the cutlass in hand, placing the knives into a small pouch that survived the fight. This will not be easy, they know it. Not an inch of the layout of the Fortress is known to them, so it will take time to find where the throne room is, and who knows how many skeletons are crawling in the hallways.      No matter, they will get through it, “ See you very soon, my Master. . . ”
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ashenwinds · 4 months
     sailor @leadxxr sent a message in a bottle. . .
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send CRITICAL for a scene from my muse's past in which they thought about / were reminded of something they're insecure about
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     “ Oh great. . . ” There is a grumble out of the Commander, taking a good long drink of his grog, “ Guard up, lads. Got a live one coming in hot. ” Seems that their usual quiet-ish night within the neutral tavern is going to go awry quickly with the entrance of a rather obnoxious Pirate Legend.      Ruth snorts, “ He learned his lesson last time he tried getting into my pants. ” She leans back a bit to watch as the man steps further into the tavern, smirking when she sees the eyepatch over the left eye, “ Ah, good. Looks like it did permanent damage. ” It is a quick thing to learn that one does not carelessly flirt with Red Ruth lest they desire a missing organ or limb.      Chi rolls their eyes, taking a drink of their brimstone rum, “ Still think you could have knocked him down a few more pegs. He's still walking. ” A few others join the man, all taking a table far too close to where the Generals sit. As if they want to instigate something.      Part of Chi deep down wants them to start it, so they can throw a punch and show just how pathetic those Legends are. Not the greatest timing to have their hair down, however, but after a long day of training their newly acquired guards, they need to let it down to dry after washing it. And they are far not in the mood to deal with people mistaking their gender.       “ When did they get a fourth to their crew? ” One of the pirates asks the crew, perhaps a bit louder than he wanted -- most likely drunk already.       “ Heard she's the newest of the group, ” another snorts -- not noticing just how Chi tenses up at the one word, “ Apparently found when entering the Sea and helped sink the entire ship. ”       “ Oh, so she's small and spicy? ” The captain of the group hums, taking a drink of his grog.      Grimm shakes his head as he picks up his tankard, watching his shipmate grip the glass bottle in a death grip, their eyes starting to glaze over, “ Might want to scoot a lil closer to me, Horatio. ” The other male hums before scooting his stool back towards Grimm. They both know what is coming next.      The thing that is as well known amongst them like how stupid it is to flirt with Ruth is to never call Warden Chi lady or she. It makes them feel incomplete, uncomfortable to be referred to as a female when they have spent their entire life trying to get away from it. That and reminding them just how much shorter they are compared to most other pirates. Strikes that will bring out the worst in the Warden -- something none of the other Generals will get in the way to stop unless it gets their shipmate in deep trouble.
     The pirate legend captain turns, standing up from his chair and dares to step over to their table. He tries to put on the charm, smiling as he clears his throat to get Chi's attention, “ I cannot help but come over to welcome such a beautiful lady pirate to the Sea and offer you a night to never forget. Maybe think about joining my crew instead of these misfits? ”      Ruth holds back laughter, “ I always wondered how blood would taste in grog. ” Her laughter however bursts out when Grimm bellows out his loud cackle.      But Chi does not react in the same way, their voice a low growl, “ I'd rethink those words, vermin. ”       “ Well I'm not one for public displays, but I can make an exception for somebody like you. ”       “ Oi! ” Horatio grimaces, getting up to punch the guy in the face for talking so crassly to one of his shipmates.      Although, he is only able to stand before Chi is on their feet in a blink of an eye and smashing the half-empty rum bottle over the man's face. They take hold of him before forcing him onto the ground and pressing the jagged glass against his neck, “ Call me lady again and I will tear out your insides with my teeth and shove each organ down the throats of your shipmates! ” The other three Legends step away from the table, horrified by what they just saw. The tavern owner simply watches, continuing to clean a tankard.      Chi leans in closer, eyes burning as they grab hold of the other's throat, “ You want a night to remember, wretch? I will drag your sorry ass to my prison and make you bleed over and over again, break every sorry bone in your body and make you regret every calling me she. ”      And he has the guts to follow up with, “ Tha-that's erotic. ” If Chi did not have him in a hold by the throat, the other three would be fighting over who got at him first. The absolute disrespect!       “ You think so? ” Chi purrs, tightening their grip so no air can reach his lungs, “ Because the only one who is going to be getting any pleasure or satisfaction out of your endless torture will be me. ” They stand before delivering a heavy stomp on his groin, waiting for his scream of agony to quiet down before grabbing him by the ponytail -- dragging him to the entrance of the tavern.       “ I'll see you back on the ship. . . ” Chi growls back to the other three before exiting with the wounded pirate.      Ruth smirks, looking at the three who are baffled at what happened, “ You may want to find a new captain. ”       “ Or run before the Warden comes back to get you as well, ” Grimm grins.
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ashenwinds · 4 months
     anonymous sailor sent a message in a bottle. . .
send BLINDSIDED for a scene from my muse's past in which they were betrayed or shocked by what someone did
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     “ What? ” Chi tries their best not to sound too stunned by what was spoken to them. They had devoted their entire existence to their Master those years ago ; vowed to follow him no matter what happened. He gave them everything, including a new position in life -- a beast of the Sea that none had seen before. Unstoppable because of him. Yet, hearing such a thing out of their captain leaves them uncertain for a moment.      Crystalized fingers twitch a bit, looking away a moment to process the words over and over again. They are one of four that could question Flameheart's orders without deadly repercussions, but this one is. . . baffling.       “ I must know, why? ” Chi turns back to face Flameheart, their gaze matching his even as they take a knee to bow before their King, “ Our loyalty is never questioned, that is something I can back without a doubt. I don't find it. . . ”       “ You will do as your are commanded, Warden. ” Flameheart responds, his tone cryptic, “ It is your purpose to learn the weaknesses of everyone, to be able to break whoever crosses your path and make sure they do not die and suffer unimaginably. ”       “ Of course, my Master. . . ” They lower their head, exhaling a warm huff of ash. Never once had they even thought about turning their skills upon the others. . . they would never betray Flameheart, so why would there be a need to learn their companion's weaknesses unless he has plans to remove such things when learned? “ Are you concerned they may turn? ” Is he concerned they themself may turn against him? The thought would never dare cross their mind. They could never betray him.       “ I want no risks, not after that fool got the advantage on me. . . ” The anger is apparent in Flameheart's voice, still enraged by Slate's tactic back on the island. The Pirate King had learned something as he clawed his way through rock and those skeletons unfortunate enough to be nearby when he got free, “ I need you to know their weaknesses inside and out, so you can counter them and they can counter yours. ”      Flameheart himself sighs, before slamming a fist against the chair he sits upon. A moment of silence before he growls out, “ My time may very well be coming, Warden. ”
      “ Master? ” His time? He cannot be thinking --       “ You and the others will not be accompanying me on the Burning Blade when the battle begins. ” The words strike them hard, like a blast from a trident of dark tides. They must be there to protect their King, to ensure he survives! “ You will return to the Stronghold, and ensure all prisoners are eliminated permanently if failure happens. ”       “ Failure will not be an option! ” Chi snarls, having to calm themself before continuing, “ I will study my fellow Lords, but I will not leave the fight. The four of us can easily take down that weapon! That whelp will fail as he did before. You have been training and enhancing us to be unstoppable for something exactly like this! We alone could kill all these pathetic legendary pirates! Let us -- ”       “ That is an order, Chi! ” His words get them to look away again especially when only using their name, teeth clenching as the pure white fire turns their crystals pale, crawling across their body. They cannot disobey an order. . . even if it sounds like the stupidest thing they have ever heard, and it is coming from their king.       “ I will follow your orders. . . Master. ” Even if it means they may be unable to stop what is to come. He knows what he is doing, even if it means his fire burns out.      They will not understand this decision -- to study their own companions is one thing, but to not allow any of them to join him is what feels like a deep wound. He knows something they don't, like fate has set in stone this would be the day of his fall. And they can't do anything to stop it. . .      And they despise it. All the power that the Ancients tried to lock away, to command the Devil's Fire and being able to manipulate the Shroud, and they are not allowed to stop these fools from winning against their captain. If he falls. . .       “ Find the others, I have one last thing that must be done. ”
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