#if you have ghost | verse
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tooxldtorememxer · 1 year ago
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“Ah… well…” Perhaps he should have told them about Dundy running through, that he was expecting a friend to come by every now and again without a set time. However, Rain had not been around for a few months and to be fair - he didn’t know Dundy decided to climb walls instead of walking through the front. “Sorry about that, I didn’t know he’d decided to find shortcuts to get here,” he chuckled. “It’s me you should apologise to, not to that!” he heard called from the bathroom, making Father Irving laugh. “They have a name you know,” he called back and all he heard was some incoherent muttering behind the door.
“I’ll speak with him about boundaries when he reemerges,” he said with a sigh and a shake of his head, though he still looked far too amused about his friend’s misery. “Thank you for not drowning him anyway. And sorry about him trespassing on your spot. I’m sure he’ll think twice about it in the future,” he didn’t want to keep the ghoul longer than necessary on a night like this, and Dundy was here safe and sound. “Well, good evening then,” he gave the ghoul a short nod and stepped back into his room to close the door. “I’ll see you around,” he gave his most charming grin before the door closed and he went to see if Dundy was doing alright. He suspected that this would be a lot.
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It was so very tempting to snap their teeth at the human, just to see if he'd jump.
They didn't even have to begin to try, though, because the look on Dundy's face was utterly priceless once he realized there was magic involved. How he had missed that fact by seeing Rain out of their glamour was beyond them, but humans were astonishingly blind when it suited them to be.
They smile, wide and just a bit predatory, enjoying the way the man skitters backward and presses himself up against the wall. There's no need to smell fear when they can see it all over his face, and in the way he frantically knocks at the door.
The door opens to save Dundy from his lightweight torment, and there's a laugh like the crash of waves when the human disappears into the room.
"Good evening, Father Irving," they reply, voice light and sweet in contrast to the feeling of the full moon thrumming through their body.
"I had to figure out if that one actually knew you or not. He was trespassing through the wetlands," they begin, peeking through the door to see Dundy disappear further.
"Or something... I pulled him into the bog by his ankle. I was intending to drown him until he said he knew you."
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iwasbored777 · 10 months ago
I love how people who hate the idea of Gwen and Miles being together cuz they're interracial "couple" always forget that Miles is a child of interracial couple
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cowboyemeritus · 5 months ago
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Day 9
Prompt: Voice Kink
Pairing: Copia/Reader
Tags: also pretty self explanatory
Notes: this one's pretty mild - just lovin' on copia after a show, with a little twist
“Spectacular as always, dear.” Copia gives you an appreciative nod as he crosses the threshold of the dressing room and flops himself down on the couch next to you, clearly exhausted. You’ll have to start getting packed up soon, but for now he deserves a moment to decompress.
“Grazie.” He cringes at the scratchiness in his voice, already so severe just minutes after taking his final bow. You perk up a little at the sound. It stirs something inside you can’t quite place. All you know is that you’re intrigued by it.
“Rest day tomorrow,” you point out. It’s actually a travel day, but what you really mean is the he won’t have to exert himself like he does on stage. That’s the closest thing he gets to a rest while on tour, anyway. Poor thing; being a rockstar is hard work.
Copia nods. You can see he’s looking over at the vanity, where a bag of lozenges is resting against a tumbler of water. He’s got an expectant look in his eyes, silently begging you to have mercy and not make him get up just yet. You oblige, rising to your feet to retrieve the provisions. If he wants them, however, he’ll have to humor you first.
“Are we stopping anywhere? Phantom’s obsessed with the idea of seeing the World’s Largest… Anything.” He just shrugs. Bruh. “Or we could cuddle up and watch a movie. Anything in particular you’ve been wanting to see?” You’re careful to ask an open-ended question this time.
“I will have to think about it.” You must be making some sort of face because he raises an eyebrow. “You are giving me the bedroom eyes, amore.”
“What?” You pump as much fake surprise as you can muster into it. “No. I’m just talking to my Papa.” Putting the pieces together, Copia laughs through his nose.
“This?” He asks, a hand coming to his throat. “Really? I need to be resting.” You give him a sly smile, kicking the ground a little. Your hand worms its way into the bag of lozenges, grabbing a small handful.
“I know, but…” You giggle. “I don’t know! It’s sexy. Like how you sound after we fuck all night.” You pause, grabbing the tumbler. “There’s another idea for tomorrow.” The memory of your last marathon, a last hurrah before months on the cramped tour bus, appears in your mind’s eye, setting off a pounding between your legs. Returning to the couch, you hand Copia his water, but elect to withhold the lozenges for now. He looks so tired, probably too tired for your games, but if he has one mortal weakness, it’s you. He takes a sip, letting his head fall back against the couch. With a relived groan he swallows, the life-giving water helping revive him just a little.
“You can turn even the most innocent conversation into something dirty, mia diavoletta.” He spies the medicinal candies still clasped in your hand and gives you a look. It’s not quite pleading, more of a firm request.
“It’s not my fault. You could read out of Leviticus and it would be hot right now.” Copia chuckles.
“Oh yeah?” The expression on his face says get a load of this. “Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head and honor the face of the old man, and fear thy God.” Sitting up, he reaches for your hand, hoping to snatch up the lozenges, but you’re too quick, whipping it behind your back.
“I’ll honor you all you want,” you say, kneeling between his parted legs. Your free hand finds his perfectly-sculpted thigh, giving the firm muscle a squeeze. Copia grunts, already half-hard. “Just keep talking.”
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junnneedstochill · 2 years ago
Sorry but the spider squad means so much to me. Like that whole scene of Miles Gwen Hobie and Pavitr working together and being friends and just cool spider people I can't, I love them so much I want a whole movie of just their shenanigans please and thank you
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ghostly-sunflower · 3 months ago
[happy 1month blogiversary for Gwen!!!!!!! heres a weird skit prompt thingy i wrote on my notes app] [this wasn't planned as an open starter, but if anyone wants to expand upon this with their creative juices, go right ahead <3]
Gwen's back hit the wall with a sickening crunch, her breath leaving her in strangled gasps.
Doc Ock, the anomaly she was fighting, smiled at her, a wicked gleam in his eyes.
He was the standard evil, sure, but there was something different about him. Something more cold and calculating compared to the other Doc Ock's she had fought.
He seemed arrogant. Like he knew something Gwen didn't.
So Gwen pushed herself off the ground--her arms shaking as she prepared for another round--and launched herself at her enemy, her fist raised high.
Before her spidey-sense could warn her, Doc Ock's arms had sprung out from behind him, one grabbing Gwen's arms and tying them to her torso, and the other grabbing her chin, forcing her to look him straight in the face.
He brought her close, the smile on his face no longer there. It was somber. Was he faking it?
What was he going to do with her?
Instead of violence, he examined her, scrutinizing everything that was visible on her body.
Gwen's nose wrinkled, sniffling in the blood that she hadn't realized had started dripping, "Ha... what? Judging my fashion sense?"
Her fingers started to work under his weird octopus arm, trying to pry her hands out of his tight grip so she would be able to press her web-shooters.
"Didn't realize you Doc Ock's even knew what fashion was-"
He cuts her off before she can finish, the words turning her blood cold.
"Do you blame yourself?"
Gwen's mouth slacked, "...what?"
The confusion seemed to encourage him, and he raised his head high, moving his face away from hers.
"Well, it's common for a person to feel a sort of... guilt."
Gwen swallowed thickly, shaking her head and now struggling with her whole body to get out of his grip, "Come on man," her heart pounded wildly in her chest, her breathing becoming frantic, "c-come on. This isn't funny."
She looked down at her torso, the arm only serving to tighten around her further. Doc Ock's smile returns, knowing he's got her.
"What are you talking about...?" Gwen dares to ask, her entire body pounding from the hot fire running through her blood. She could barely think straight, everything now seeming like a whir.
"The Accident."
His words douse her like acid, running down her back in blazing fire trails.
Gwen's breath forced itself out of her, her mind running a projection in her head as her body goes slack.
Her Peter.
She remembers fighting the Green Goblin--fighting him-- watching him die.
It was all her fault.
If she was a better person, a better friend. If she had let him in, this could have all been avoided.
But she didn't.
A shiver ran through her body.
She still remembers the scream that tore through her that night.
Raw and raspy and so full of rage towards everyone, but especially herself. That night left a bleeding, gaping wound in her chest.
And she never let it close...likes to pick at it to keep it bleeding to remind herself why she doesn't do friends anymore.
Until Miles had come around, helping her stitch together that wound.
She betrayed him.
Betrayed him for a society she thought she could trust.
But instead he lost his trust in her, and she was sent back to her world, to her father.
He's better now--she swears--but sometimes, in the dark, she'll get scared of his shadow, remembering how he came up behind her in the rubble with his gun raised towards her.
Towards Spider-Woman.
She remembers her hands shaking, trying not to drop the mask that protected her identity. The mask that had separated her two worlds from her father.
She had pulled it off for him, and then he raised his gun at her instead. His Gwen.
And so she remembers leaving. Which had started this entire mess in the first place.
Would this all have changed if she had let Peter in? If she had let him know who she was?
Would she want to go back and change it all if-
The feeling of a needle sliding into her neck made Gwen snap back to reality, having completely ignored her blaring spidey-sense to realize Doc Ock had slipped a needle into her.
The world seemed hazy now... everything whirling around her at a sickening speed.
Gwen closed her eyes, feeling slightly nauseous, and didn't open them again.
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batcavescolony · 1 year ago
So I'm watching Across The Spider-verse (finally) and could you imagine Gwen's Captain Stacey meeting other Captain Stacey's? Do you think they'd be pissed? He doesn't know it but he's from one of the handful of universes where Gwen doesn't die. How many Captain Stacey's across the multi-verse would take a Gwen that is a Spider-person because at least SHE'S ALIVE?
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thunderstomm · 3 months ago
I just realised that two of the VAs on hwlr have voiced a version of Spider-Man before…
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mantisgodsdomain · 2 months ago
Back at it again (generating ships & fic prompts with a random generator)
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slavhew · 4 months ago
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dreaming of friends
[pose reference: Reunion by Salman Toor (2018)]
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solivagantingrebel · 11 months ago
One crack taken seriously fic I really want to try writing with Ghoap is that one of them is in a world where things are a bit fucked up and they're equally fucked up because of that setting & their backstory and the other one just got isekai'd from the canon timeline and has to deal with this reality lmao.
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iwasbored777 · 1 year ago
The Amazing Spider-Man is on TV and I'm looking at the parallel of Gwen Stacy defending Peter Parker from Flash here vs in Across The Spider-Verse when Gwen defended Peter from Ned and I love that TASM Gwen was so cute like "please just come with me and leave him alone" while ATSV Gwen was a badass who wanted to throw hands with a guy much bigger than her
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little--ghost · 2 years ago
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they're hanging out together
Group 1 - @hexcia, @voltdrake, @modpix-blog, @goonsgospel Group 2 - @pocochiiiiii, @evielutionevie, @hidevessel, @a-h-li
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five-nights-at-artsys · 7 months ago
okay can we as a fandom for the love of all that is holy cool down on how we treat the kids. stop demonising them for fucks sake
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thuganomxcs · 6 months ago
What type of Pokémon team would Yusuke have?
BRUH This is DEPENDING ON THE REGION TOO. For simplicity's sake let's go with the newest Paldea region. If Yusuke were to pick a starter then of course that starter would be:
Fuecoco, WHY? Because Yusuke runs hot. Adding Puu likeness to him I think he'd just let him be just that, an unevolved Fuecoco cause Yusuke needs a cute mascot with him. Now Yusuke's out in the wild with his new pokemon. The two will see so many different pokemon on the way during this exam (I THINK it was an exam, LORD knows he wouldn't stick around for class either way) and then the pokemon that would catch his attention is Pawmo. Look at it, little guy and looks like it likes to throw hands, he'd resonate with that pokemon so he'll catch it and eventually on the long journey it'll evolve, so second in line is Pawmot.
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Another pokemon I think he'd actively catch is a Slakoth, because knowing Yusuke he'd be making a pretty good meal and that'll attract the little mon tow his campsite. Yusuke might see a kindred spirit in Slakoth's lax nature and catch him too and of course it would evolve into Vigoroth and the two are just on the same wavelength, always up for action. What I also wanna stress is Yusuke would be the type of trainer that would help a pokemon along the way of his journey. The pokemon I'm sure he'd find would be another cute one, maybe a Happini that would represent 'Keiko'. The poor little thing could have lost its egg and of course Yusuke would help her out, with a nudge from Fuecoco of course. So they find the egg and Happini didn't want to separate herself from Yusuke so she joins him and eventually turns into a Blissey through bonding. If I'm not mistaken Blissey's themed item is a Lucky Egg and in Yusuke's own canon he's a pretty lucky individual soo it works.
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We're nearing the end of the pokemon selection. NOW We did say Fuecoco's with him because Yusuke really has a knack for having something cute be connected to him spiritually in some way, but I think the TRUE stand-in for Puu in the realm of pokemon would be Altaria. It's a bird, with a long neck and it's blue, we know he'd definitely be knocking heads with this. AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST the pokemon Yusuke would definitely catch is a mankey. You don't need me to go into WHY he'd have a Mankey. Look at it, it's mannerism. It'd shine to him and he'd DEFINITELY want it on his team. ALSO I will say even here Yusuke would be a kind of fighter, not a demon or something like that honestly but definitely still a street fighter, so he and his primeape can throw hands. Then Anihilape.
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antihibikase-archive · 1 year ago
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"Hey man, me and my friends were checking your vibe from across the room and they said your aura is rancid. Yeah sorry, we're going to have to kill you." - Barrett "Barry" Alabaster on a regular Tuesday
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deiscension · 9 months ago
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      ⌜◈⌟    ▌ ── Enthusiastically fans you. 
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