#as for everyone else? I’m not sure but I do think Spark would be Margo (spider-byte)
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thunderstomm · 3 months ago
I just realised that two of the VAs on hwlr have voiced a version of Spider-Man before…
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revisitingstoneybrook · 4 years ago
#8 Boy-Crazy Stacey: Chapter 8
Today, the Pikes torture the local mini-golf course.
FINALLY. A postcard from Mary Anne! And she writes a lot more than Stacey. Anyway, this one is to Kristy and she talks about them going to play mini-golf. She also thinks taking care of eight kids isn't any harder than taking care of two or three because while the kids argue and tease, they help each other. Yeah, the BSC Kool-Aid has definitely gotten to her. Oooh, and she slips in some digs at Stacey at the end - she calls Stacey a pain and tells Kristy to NEVER show her the postcard. I guess this makes good blackmail material to keep Mary Anne in the BSC. "If you think of quitting, I'll show Stacey that nasty postcard you wrote about her!"
We skip Wednesday (which probably consisted of more going to the beach without Dee and John, Stacey flirting with Scott, and Mary Anne being left to watch the Pike Army alone), because this chapter takes place on Thursday. And, what do you know, it's raining and crappy out. Stacey pouts about how it should have rained on Scott's day off and I roll my eyes.
At breakfast, John announces they're taking a trip to Smithtown. The kids all start to whine and groan and they say Smithtown is boring. They don't want to go and Vanessa decides to torture us all by saying, “I always wear a frown when I go to Smithtown.”
John describes it for Stacey and Mary Anne - Smithtown is a restored colonial village, kind of in the same vein as Williamsburg or Sturbridge. Now I’ve always been a history buff so even as a kid, I’d be cool with going there. Mary Anne seems to agree with me and acts very interested and Stacey says, “That was just the kind of thing that would interest her.” Ouch. Was that a dig at her?
The Pike Army still doesn't want to go and I guess because she sees this as an opportunity to sneak off and once again rediscover the spark in their marriage, Dee tells the kids they don't have to go with them. Everyone's thrilled except Mary Anne. I'm surprised Mallory isn't bummed either because she always struck me as the history buff type. So Mr. and Mrs. Pike give Mary Anne and Stacey some money and they drive off.
Within an hour, everyone's bored. There's no TV in the house (the BSC is forbidden from letting charges watch it, so not like that would make a difference) and they run out of stuff to do. The kids try coloring and reading and playing tag, and Mallory goes upstairs to sit on the window seat and watch the ocean. Finally, Stacey suggests going into town, since it isn't raining. She probably wants to go on the prowl, looking for Scott, but they all agree to go play mini-golf at Fred's Putt-Putt.
Now I love playing mini-golf, but reading about it is another story. I'll keep it brief. So they get there and Stacey rolls her eyes when Claire calls Nicky a silly-billy-goo-goo. She's probably just embarrassed that Scott will walk by and see her with the Pike Army. I wonder if she wore the whistle.
Ok, now here is where Mary Anne and Stacey borrow a page from Kristy's book and show zero logic. All TEN of them line up to play mini-golf together as one group. Did it occur to them that they would take forever to play through that way? And considering Stacey said the course was crowded it's rude to the other people.
Sure enough, Claire takes 27 strokes to get the ball into the hole and a couple behind them asks if they can play through. Stacey's about to say yes, then Margo throws a tantrum saying it's her turn. The guy lets Margo play, she takes 11 strokes to get the ball in and Stacey lets him and his wife go through before he goes Happy Gilmore on the Pike Army.
They finally get past the first hole and move onto the second. Nicky gets a hole-in-one and I'm sure he's happy because the triplets finally acknowledge him by offering their congratulations. Then they go back to treating him like garbage. Once again, everyone else takes forever to finish up and by now, they have a family waiting impatiently behind them. Mary Anne then realizes ,"Hey...we should spilt into groups so we don't end up with a putt-putt club wrapped around our necks!" so they split up. Lucky Stacey ends up with Claire and Margo.
They end up stuck on the third hole for a half hour while Claire takes 37 STROKES to get the ball in. Margo announces they should have a 20-stroke limit (20?!?!?! I play with a 5-stroke limit at the most!) and before Claire can throw one of her patented "NOFE AIR!!!!!" tantrums, Stacey explains that you want a low score. Regardless, they still end up moving through the course slowly, with the two other groups finishing before them. They go off to explore the nearby shops, while Stacey's group finishes up.
By the time they get to the 16th hole, Claire and Margo whine that they don't want to play anymore. Stacey informs us Claire's score is over 200 at this point. She's also sick of mini-golf, so they go right to the ball return, where you hit the ball down a chute and it gets returned to the shop. And, of course, Claire happens to be the 500th person to return their ball that week, so sirens go off and lights flash and Fred himself gives Claire two free passes. The girls want to use them right away (I thought they didn't want to play anymore?) but Stacey tells them they can use them the next time it rains. Claire calls Stacey a silly-billy-goo-goo and Stacey says she's one too. They then leave to find the others.
God, that was a painful chapter. Who knew mini-golf could be so dull?
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karmeninka · 5 years ago
WIS Javier, Jackie, Gani, Evangeline, Hoku, Lonnie, Margo, Carter, Hadie, DJ, Dijon, Genesis, Amelia, Maya, Jane T, Dizzy, Claudine, Myrcella, Aimee, Cassie, Jess, Evie, Mary Kate, Addison, and yourself with?
I know that @javierchvez has lady friends already but I quite like the idea of him and @hailstormvale. They have common interests, appear to be able to converse well, and are in the same attractiveness level.
I’m not sure what kind of person @jacqueline-chavez would like but I know @genesis-philip also has a rodent she talks to, so...
I don’t want to guess wrong for @ganiambrosius, so I won’t guess at all!
I could see @eveningstardubois with someone like @ben-desrosiers, honestly. They feel as though they’re on the same wavelength.
I kind of like @hokukawena with @kendallandersen! He would treat her so sweetly and who doesn’t want to be treated sweetly?
@li-lonnie could work well with @kiarataji, I think! They’re both very active and very pretty and could probably have good conversations.
@margovasilovich is very special to me and I want her to have the grand romance she undoubtedly deserves. @cashforrester seems to be one of the more romantic boys in the land, so maybe she’s on the right track! I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think there was still a spark with her and Hadie but maybe sparks are just sparks sometimes and you don’t need to think more about it than that.
I don’t know how to do this for @carterlabouff, honestly, because if things were different, well, it’s conceivable I would’ve been trying to court him myself. But things aren’t different so... I don’t know. He seems happy with what he’s doing, doesn’t he? I honestly haven’t paid too much attention because seeing him date Hadie was a little painful, but he also has Lucy and whoever else so he’s probably fine. It’s silly to be upset about not being able to date him when he would’ve been out of my league anyway.
@hadieathanasius is someone who I still haven’t seen as happy with someone new  as he was dating @margovasilovich but maybe that’s a biased perspective.
@djcygnet is someone I actually care about a lot, and someone who’s happiness I wish I could ensure. I ship him with whatever’s best for him, for his kingdom, and for his heart. It’s just a shame that those aren’t all the same thing, isn’t it?
I think @dijonnoginger is on the right track with dating another nerd but honestly? I think he and @claudine--frollo could have been special too!
I’m going to stick with @jacqueline-chavez for @genesis-philip!
Maybe @mayariverax could be with a sweet musician like @marcoalandale, perhaps? He’d share an interest without ever competing with her, and that’s important.
I think @janetobin and @carlos--devil have a very adorable dynamic and if it ever became more than friends, I think they’d have fun with it.
@dizzybydesignx needs someone who has her back and doesn’t ever want to disappoint her. @gastonlegume3 seems to fit those qualifications and he’s a very good-looking individual, on top of that!
I did say @dijonnoginger for @claudine--frollo already, but maybe also @hadieathanasius? They get along well and also, if Hadie moves on to someone who was his friend before Margo, then maybe she won’t feel as jealous about it? I don’t know, but if they both move on, I want him to pick someone who would hurt Margo the least. 
Honestly, I find @madmyrcellamim and @oakleyoaken a bit mismatched but it seems to work for them so I’ll let that one rest as is.
I ship @aimeeblake with someone who loves her as much as @djcygnet does, since their friendship is so special. It’s the same standard I have for Margo so it seems like a kind one to have. 
I’m not sure who @cassieadale would be good with! Someone who’s sensitive and considerate, maybe, like @chandler-cogsworth?
I think @evie--grimhilde and @malbfaery have something possibly a little more special than best friendship? I might be wrong but that’s what I see!
@marykatehood chose well for herself -- I think everyone would ship her and @n-atua even if they hadn’t been together for this long already!
@addisonpendragon is really great -- I like her friendship with @keanupelekai a lot, I wonder if they’ve ever considered being more!
And me. Well. I don’t see much use in shipping myself with anyone, given my current situation, do you?
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i need entertainment
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nancywheelxr · 6 years ago
#10 in angst for Alice/Kady? - lesbianmxgicians
10. Change in mind or change in heart?
The weeks after are a mess.
The Monster is gone, true, but the mess it left behind is still very much there and sometimes Alice wonders if they will ever be able to clean it up for good.
It’s just, there are so many other things to take care of– sometimes it feels like they’re putting out fires by drowning everything else.
And besides, everyone is busy in their own way.
Eliot and Margo are running themselves ragged, trying to find a way to save Fillory, and Eliot himself is frankly as much of a mess as could be expected considering what he went through, and Quentin is always either fussing or staring at him as if Eliot might disappear if he looked away.
Julia is running herself ragged in that familiar way she did last year, trying to fan the spark of magic inside her back to the holy fire it used to be, with Penny devoting himself into making up for his choice. Well, Alice can’t fault her, really. It must be strange to go from goddess to ordinary in less than a blink.
But where does that leave Alice, really?
Everyone else either has something to do or someone to look after, but Alice is still struggling to find where she fits in all that. In the beginning, she had been alone, and then she hadn’t, and then she was alone again, and now– she’s not not alone.
An odd limbo of a place to be, if she’s being honest.
The Library would have her working there full time, she knows, but something doesn’t sit well with her. Maybe it’s the history in those walls, all that place did to them over the years and all they did to it– how do you see past all that? The new dust settling over the shelves doesn’t cover all the times they nearly died in those halls.
Maybe that’s what makes her knock on Kady’s door.
“Please, don’t punch me again,” she says once the door swings open, flinching in embarrassment when it’s not Kady on the other side. “Oh, it’s you,” she adds, unsure if she meant to be rude or not.
Pete only snorts, though, calling over his shoulder before stepping aside. “Kady, I think this one’s for you.”
He slips out the door in the time it takes Alice to frown at him and take two steps into the living room. It hits her none of them had come back here since then, only Kady.
And Pete, it seems.
“Thought you were still holed up in the Library.” The voice startles her and Alice whirls around to find Kady, arms crossed and lips pursed, leaning against the doorway to the kitchen.
“Hi, sorry, I should’ve called,” she feels the need to backtrack even without having said anything, apologize for vaguely shaped things, and maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. “I didn’t mean– I don’t want to interrupt.”
Kady shrugs. “Pete was already leaving.”
In the pause, Marina’s clock tick-tocks loudly.
“So? I’m assuming you wanted something?” Kady raises her eyebrows, pushing off the wall to wander closer, sit in the couch in front of Alice. Go on, her eyes dare her to.
“I changed my mind,” Alice says, announces, and it feels more important than it really is. And vaguer, too. She changed her mind about quite a few things in these weeks she spent in the Library. “I’ve been thinking– I take it back, I was wrong.”
Something complicated flickers through Kady’s eyes, her face shuttering in less than a second, but not before Alice could see the hope rippling through her carefully blank expression in quiet waves.
Inside Alice’s own stormy chest, it cracks like thunder.
“What the fuck does that even mean?” Kady asks deliberately, her spiky defense going up valiantly.
“You know what it means,” Alice says quietly, tucking her own hair behind her ear with shaking hands. She’s not sure she’s brave enough to say it aloud, not yet.
“You said,” she stops, fingers flexing like she wants a drink, and god, Alice already knows all her ticks and oddities by heart, how could she think this was anything less than– no. Not yet. Kady sighs, runs a hand through her hair, but when she speaks again, her voice is surprisingly vulnerable. “Was it a change in mind, or a change in heart?”
Alice smiles.
“In mind,” she answers easily, taking a step closer and a deep breath, lungs aching with need. “I think my heart was already sure then. It’s my mind that needed to catch up.”
“Alice,” Kady whispers, averting her gaze, and Alice is thrown back to that night they had left the Library late, later than all nights before, and Kady had paused under a streetlight, causing Alice herself to stop a few feet away.
“Hey,” Kady had said, and her eyes had caught the stars above, glittering impossibly, “we should– we could get a drink.”
Alice had frowned, feeling her heart race. “It’s almost midnight,” she had looked around at the empty street as if to prove her point.
“So what,” she had shrugged, hiding her hands in the pockets of her jacket, “I know a place that’ll still be open.”
Then, Alice’s heart had dropped all pretenses of still knowing how to beat and drummed up a hurricane in her ribcage. She wanted to say yes desperately, anything to keep Kady looking at her like that, but the fluttering of her stomach was terrifying in the way staring down an abyss is– the second where you sway in that stomach-dropping way right at the edge, and it could go either way, you could find your footing and stay firmly on firm ground, or you could free fall down the rabbit hole and–
In the past, Alice found it hurts a lot when you hit the bottom.
Kady is still looking at her like she’s the one with the moon on her hair.
“I– it’s late,” she ends up saying, eyes glancing away, down at her shoes, at the cracks in the pavement. “We should– I should probably go home.”
“Yeah,” Kady echoes, and all the stars dim their light above them, “I’ll walk you home, come on.”
She does, and they don’t talk all the way to the bus stop.
Alice chooses the safety of the ground below her feet.
“We should go out for drinks,” she says here, now, in the present, in the middle of the apartment that used to be Marina’s but is now Kady’s and that looks every day a bit more like Kady. “And you should kiss me. Now.”
“It’s late,” Kady echoes their previous conversation, eyes wide as she looks up at Alice from the couch. She leans forward, elbows on her knees. “Near midnight. Are you sure?”
“I don’t care,” Alice says firmly, stepping even closer. Her sensible black shoes are touching Kady’s boots. “You really should kiss me. I mean, I’d like that. A lot.”
A grin, slow and delighted, bordering into a smirk, spreads across her face. “Well, when you put it that way,” she laughs, quiet and breathless, and drags Alice down for a kiss.
Alice tastes the skies on her tongue and decides she quite likes the fall.
Drinks are postponed until the next evening.
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dylanobrienisbatman · 6 years ago
Julia Wicker, Penny Adiyodi, Margo Hanson, Eliot Waugh, Kady
oof. Okay…. 
Julia Wicker: Legitimately she is a top five characters of all time character so this one was an easy choice. She’s fiery, brilliant, strong, funny, and literally a goddess BECAUSE SHE WAS WORTHY OF BEING ONE. Like she was given a spark from a MONSTER, and by helping people and being good it grew and turned her into a full on goddess. How is she not everyones fave tbh.
Penny Adiyodi: I just LOVE HIM. Like SO MUCH. Both versions of him, i LOVE. He is so sarcastic and grumpy, but he is also somehow the most self sacrificial of them all. He will put himself in harms way at any point just to save his friends, and then immediately deny giving a damn about them. Also he attacks toxic masculinity at every turn, and has the best fucking style holy shit Penny Adiyodi Style Icon. 
Margo Hanson: Between her and Kady I had a hard time, but Margo won out in the end. She is the kind of woman I hope to be, honestly. She is intelligent, driven, and gives absolutely NO fucks, while also being unwavering in her devotion and love for her friends. She became High King because she took the time to have conversations with the least valued members of Fillorian society, and always forges her own path. I love her very much.
Kady Orloff-Diaz: Kady is so broken inside it hurts my soul. She has so much anger, and pain, and she does an excellent job of perfectly balancing shoving it down so no one sees and lashing out when its totally unrelated to her actual pain, and here in this house we love an emotionally unavailable angry woman who isn’t sure how to handle her pain, but would literally always do anything for her friends. Her love runs so deep, and spreads so far, and it’s remarkable to watch her grow this season into the leader of the Hedges. I’m so proud of her, and I hope she finds love that sticks around, because baby girl deserves it. 
Eliot Waugh: Honestly, and this is going to be a very unpopular take, but Eliot is my least favourite main character (not including Alice, who i just can’t stand). He’s wonderful, and i adore him, but I never pick him over anyone else. I think he adds this vibrancy to the story, and has such a big heart and kind soul, and I love him, but he’s just not my fave. 
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rahnesinclair · 7 years ago
one way or another
The process of losing their memories takes about a day. A day to reflect, to rage, to cling to memories as hard as possible. A day to lose themselves.
Inspired by this post made by @changelingfray​
Cross posted on AO3
Q The potion tastes like blueberries as it’s forced down his throat, and Quentin knows he will never enjoy the taste of blueberries again. He can do nothing as he hears his friends gagging and choking on a potion none of them have agreed to take. “You will be different people, and know none of what you have done and who you have met,” Dean Fogg drawls. Quentin looks at his friends and sees the varying degrees of horror and rage. He can’t move, can’t reach out to them. “We are not needlessly cruel, and we will allow you some input into who you will be.” “Go fuck yourself,” Kady growls. “Take them to the library catacombs for the process. There are enough rooms down there that we can keep them apart.” “No, wait-” Quentin starts to protest, amidst yells and screams of his friends as they try to fight. The library Traveler starts to approach him and he tries to move, can only swivel his head and look at his friends. A quick glance at a horrified Alice still trapped at the other end of the room, Alice who was so sure and now looks like her heart is breaking. Eliot, tears in his eyes and remorse on his lips. Margo, lips peeled back in a snarl. Josh, looking confused and helpless and afraid. Penny, not even looking at him, all his attention on Julia. Kady, muscles taught with her struggle to break free, as if she could tear magic apart with her bare hands. And Julia. His Julia. Her eyes lock with his. She mouths something and Quentin knows without seeing the actual form of the words that it is “I love you”. Then a hand on his shoulder and he’s in the dark. . The room he is placed in is stark white, a bed and nothing else. It’s either a clean room, no magic, or the Library is already controlling what magic goes where, because he can’t make even a spark. He had felt magic return, the glow in his skin, and then it had vanished just like that. He paces because it’s all he can think to do. He paces and he wills himself to remember even as he feels the potion oozing through his veins. How did Julia remember? Never mind that this is different, never mind that this is rewriting everything he is. He hits his arm against a bedpost trying to leave a mark, a scar like Julia had made. The first thing to go is his life with Eliot. Already like a dream, wisps of memories of a life never lived, he grasps at them as hard as he can. He had a family. He had a life. He had a son. He had so much, and he had loved so well. But it fades and fades, the last image of Eliot old and gray and beautiful, and an instant later he does not know why he is muttering “peaches and plums” to himself over and over again. People fade. Brakebills fades. Fillory, his home since he was nine years old, fades. He lets them go so he can hold onto his friends. They are his home now and they fade just as everything else has. Josh, always wanting to make people smile, make them happy, a round peg in a square hole. Kady, who he knows most through the eyes of others, who helped Julia when he could (did) not. Penny, his Penny not this new Penny with stranger’s eyes, Penny who hated him and who loved him, he knows this. Penny who is gone and may never return. Margo, High King for a day and already beloved, who had made him a King of Fillory and who had understood him more than he had ever understood her. He regrets that in his bones. Eliot, oh Eliot, his first friend in the magical world, his confidante, his mentor, always with something there under the surface, something they would get moments to touch but there was always something else happening, some disaster, some tragedy, that they had to deal with and could never just be. Alice, who he’d brought back from another life, who was hard and soft, angry and sad, all the jagged pieces of her fitting to his own even when they were so far apart. Julia. His partner in crime, his Jane, his everything for so very long. Last to fade, he holds on to her smile, her laugh. Who is he without her? Who is he?
Eliot knows it’s not his fault. Eliot doesn’t know it’s not his fault. He couldn’t leave Quentin there. He just couldn’t. Not to be alone forever, trapped with a monster who would want to possess him and never truly know or appreciate who Q is, how he tries. Would they have had time to get away if he had not shot it? Would Alice have had time to snort the fairy coke, take the keys? Would Julia have had to come, all Goddessed out, and make new ones just to turn magic back on? Would the Library have gotten to them in time? What if, what if. He doesn’t want to forget them. He doesn’t want to lose them. Funny enough, it doesn’t even occur to him that he will forget Bambi. This thought is so unfathomable it doesn’t cross his mind until memories of her start to slip. When they do, his eyes widen, he SCREAMS indignation. “YOU SONS OF WHORES, GIVE THEM BACK, GIVE HER BACK!” He loves them, he loves Quentin, but Bambi is his one true love, the one in a million kind. He beats his fists against the door, yelling, then begging, then crying. “Don’t take her, please.” He passes out before she is completely gone, and it’s a small mercy.
Margo Margo kicks and bites and screams as soon as she can move, and it doesn’t help. She prowls her room, screaming Eliot’s name over and over again in the hopes that he will hear her, that he will remember her. “You cocksucking motherfucker if you forget me I will NEVER FORGIVE YOU!” she rails. What she means is that if she forgets him, she will never forgive herself. Her fairy eye gives her feedback that is largely useless because she can barely understand it. Wards are sharp and blue like when they fall, and bursts of color show up for no apparent reason. She tries to understand, tries to work with it because it’s all she has, and nothing happens. “El! ELIOT! I swear to fucking god I’ll FIND YOU. Don’t you dare die! Don’t you dare! EL!” Her voice gives out long before her mind does. Her last image is of Eliot kissing her hand, eyes full of adoration and love, saying, “Long may you reign.”
Josh It hurts, a little, seeing the others exchange desperate, pleading looks and not being as included in them. He knows they’re his friends, but they’re so entwined to each other, he’s still on that periphery. Still looking in. But in the end, maybe that makes the process for him less painful. Less earth shattering. He thinks that he might have fully integrated in, one day, and is sad that will never come to pass. He truly does love them. And he respects them all like crazy even if they’re all fucking insane messes. He never thought he’d be the most sane one in a group. Wild. He’s also kind of pissed that the librarians ignore him and don’t ask for input on his new life. Rude. Josh hopes the others are doing okay. They must be so freaked. He can’t even imagine how some of them are feeling at this point. His last thought is “Oh fuck, I never found out what The Quickening is”.
Penny Penny feels bad that he doesn’t care about anyone but Julia. He knows that Kady loved the other him, but he doesn’t know her. He also knows this Julia doesn’t know him, but he loves her despite this. He isn’t even hurt when he sees her searching eyes seeking out everyone but him. Especially this world’s Q and this world’s Kady. He can’t help hating this Q, even though he’s not the same. His Q got his Julia killed. But the devotion isn’t unfamiliar. He’d seen the same look on his Julia’s face plenty of times. He wonders how their Penny is doing. He can’t imagine being trapped in the Underworld. But he gets why Penny 40 did it. He did it for the person he loved most. Penny 23 would have done it for Julia. Any Julia. He doesn’t like thinking of Julia in tears, her memories slowly being wiped. He sits and he closes his eyes and he waits.
Kady Kady manages to headbutt a librarian hard enough that blood gushes from his nose and into her hair. It’s not enough to save her, but it’s enough to fill her body with a lightning strike of pride before that fades and she’s back to the terror of forgetting. Forgetting her mom. Forgetting Julia. Forgetting Penny, the real Penny. The idea of forgetting them is like a knife to the gut. It’s crazy to her that some days she’s thought it would be better to just forget them all and move on. How could she have ever wanted that? How could she have for a second thought she should forget them and be happy? Remembering is painful, but they are part of her, irrevocably, and losing them was losing pieces of herself. Like Free Traders Beowulf, like losing her mother all over, permanently. Kady clutches her best bitches necklace half in her fist. She hasn’t worn it in a long time but she’s kept it. It doesn’t work without magic. She’s told herself she’ll throw it away so many times but it has never left her pocket for long. She wants to hear her Penny’s voice one last time. She can picture it. “I love you. I’m sorry we’re cursed.” The last time she looked into his eyes. When she is gone, will he remember her in the Underworld? Will he wonder about her? When she dies, will she remember him again? Please don’t let this be an eternity of not knowing the people she loves. Please don’t take them away from her forever.
Jules Forgetting is not unknown to Julia. She was forced to forget Brakebills. She was forced to forget magic. She had fought tooth and nail to remember and it had nearly destroyed her. Being immobile, helpless, is not unknown to Julia. She was a goddess and now she’s not. She gave up everything for her people, and now she is unable to save them from this. She tries to move toward anyone but she can’t, and bad memories bloom in her mind as she looks at Kady, thinking, “Kady, go!” But this is different. They will live. And they will forget. She locks eyes with Quentin. “I love you,” she says, knowing she won’t be heard over the yells of her friends. Knowing he will know. Besides Alice, she is the last taken from the castle. The benevolent energy she had felt as a goddess is fading and she glares at Dean Fogg. She almost says, “I should have left you blind”, but she knows she never would have. “You lost your powers.” “I gave them up for magic. For you and all Magicians. How could you do this?” “There are factors, Julia, that you do not know.” “I was a goddess. I knew.” “Not everything.” Julia shakes her head. “You’re making a mistake.” . Julia paces, almost an echo of the movements that Quentin is making in a room too far away for them to hear one another. She can feel the potion working and she fights hard, harder than she even did to remember Brakebills. Her time as a goddess is gone in a blink. Her time Shadeless takes longer. Why does it take so long for Reynard to fade? But soon she’s grasping at her friends. Eliot and Margo fade, moments with them flickering and gone. Penny fades, and she has a moment to feel bad that he will never mean to her what she meant to him. Josh, who she had an adventure with, who only ever met her after she had been to her lowest low and climbed out. Alice, how they’re so much alike, and how they’re different. Julia worries for her, sends out a final prayer that someone will look after her, that Alice won’t live with her regret as a heavy weight for the rest of her life. She knows guilt. Kady. Her best bitch, her friend when she had no one. Kady assuring her she wasn’t alone. Kady holding her hand. Kady wrapping her arms around her. Kady loving her even when she barely loved herself. Quentin. Her Quentin, her other half. She could feel him, sharp and warm, even as a goddess. His emotions. His heart. She grinds her teeth and holds on to Q for longer than anything, longer than should be possible. Her nails dig into her palms and she holds onto him, holds- “Jules.” He is gone. She is gone.
Alice Alice remembers. Alice is the only one left. She remembers and she worries and she regrets. Where are they now? Who are they now? She wasn’t always one of them, wasn’t always a part in a way that worked. But she could have been. She should have been. Alice has lost them and she can barely breathe. She wishes she could forget.
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blairwaldcrf · 7 years ago
Tina Minoru and Penny Adiyodi for the character meme (that last one preferably without spoilers since I'm not caught up :P)
send me a character & I’ll answer the following about them!
Tina Minoru
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff   Tina Minoru invented the House of Slytherin, everyone else can gtfo if they think otherwise
best quality: She loves so fiercely, like wow, who would have thought?
worst quality: I don’t want to say worst quality, because it’s understandable given the fact that she’s constantly under surveillance by an evil alien, but her icy cold mask she shows to the people she loves and how she pushes them away
ship them with: *sighs* Honestly, nothing to do with their daughters, but Tina and Leslie are ones who honestly have the most spark and history... their dynamic is just uh, how do you say, fucked up as hell? And yet I will go down with this trash ship
brotp them with:  Also Leslie. “You were always my right hand.” Tina, “That’s funny I thought you were mine.”
needs to stay away from:  her cheating ass husband who doesn’t deserve her and, you know, that evil alien dude.
misc. thoughts:  I want to know more about her and her history with the Staff so much
Penny Adiyodi
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff -- okay so like, we all know Penny is a fucking softie underneath his exterior and if he ever went to hogwarts he would be fucking bitter as hell about being a puff... but Penny is one of the most hard working out of all the group, the one always ready to help his friends and sometimes people he barely even knows, and who else in the group is more patient than the guy who claims everyone is driving him crazy while he continues to hang out with them? Also the Library
best quality: he’s an adorable softie when he gets to be alone with one person at a time. Penny the Introvert™
worst quality:  honestly, his selflessness is starting to become more like recklessness and self-endangerment....
ship them with:  Julia, honestly? Also Quentin, just because there’s so much nonsensical tension there, it’s amusing. Also I really want to see that one time shag that he and Margo had non verbally planned on
brotp them with: Alice, for sure, although Alice has been pretty off for me this season. They had solid respect for each other which was cool. Also, of course, Margo. “Wow, bitch, you get stuff done!”
needs to stay away from: ...Kady... I just feel like Penny puts so much onto her because he wasn’t used to opening up and being in love and now that the relationship doesn’t even rationally work-- and Kady is clearly suffering from it-- he can’t stop but trying to push it so he’s not abandoned. He needs to let go of her and learn that he can be open with friends too, not just one manic pixie dream girl.
misc. thoughts:  I’m like SO psyched and hyped for the next few episodes with him and to see what carries over to next season
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