#alice x kady
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bardicwanderlust · 9 months ago
hello chat its time to be unironically annoyed again because can someone answer to me why the magicians fandom offed itself so hard. like okay I know the ending kinda killed shit and like older shows have less fandom but like come onnn hannibal has been a cancelled done deal tv show since what 2015 and people still talk about it like its actively being written. which is great because its an amazing show but I need the magicians to have a comeback right now and I'm so srs about this... i neeeed more fillorians in my life please please PLEASE come message me I'm so desperate for fandom friends its PAINFUL... i need to yap about quentin and eliot and margo and penny and alice and julia and kady PLEASE
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eliotqueliot · 3 months ago
Unauthorized Magicians Rewatch continues!
Thank you so much to @bredalot and @buckthefutcher for starting this group and keeping it going! It's been so much fun!
Many of us want to continue, so we'll be starting again with 1x01 soon.
We are still following the original guidelines, except just one episode per week:
(36) The Great Magicians Rewatch of 2023 – @bredalot on Tumblr
The above includes info on posting on Tumblr (please tag "unauthorized magicians rewatch") as well as about the Discord server, what kinds of things/how we'll discuss, etc. So many thanks again to our founders!
We'll announce the new starting date soon, but this rewatch is completely asynchronous--watch at your convenience--we'd love to chat with you about the episodes!
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nerdgirlbrittany · 1 year ago
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A look at some of my favorite items from The Magicians that I kept in my personal collection. Can you identify these amazing items?
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clarajohnson · 1 year ago
the magicians s1e6
i was in some dungeon you hobbit-loving freak
when alice isn't wearing glasses i want to put the glasses back on her
"yeah... as a kid..." this fucking baby man
if julia wicker told me she wasn't done with me like that i would do horrible things with very little prompting
kady's invented family is so cute sorry about your real life kady
"i'm not a virgin" "huh! life is full of surprises"
you just fucking know eliot had those stupid masks hanging in his room
the trials "will pass or fail you as the dean created them to" so did dean fogg invent the trials? are they really all playing by the rules of a like, maybe decade-old deanship? lol
penny x asshole at the horny chupacabras table
as a girl of hannah experience everything about hannah's character make me incredibly sad
super interesting that q's thought to get around the test is to see if penny could read alice's mind. and that penny's is to astral project to get the answers. idk i feel like magic schools in fiction are always encouraging cheating so it's not an unexpected plot point but it IS surprising to me that q goes for it so quickly
q sitting weird in his chair is such a fork found in kitchen situation
"the angriest bitch from the safe house" !!!!!!!
god i love julia's anger. it's so righteous, everything is so personal. she's so fucking cool and smart.
marina in her fuckass bondage gear again... call me you sick freak
margo can quote long fillory passages, comfortably enough to end them with a dirty joke, and i just think that's neat. in a few seasons when she's the one who loves fillory for what it is and not what it represented we should look back on this moment!
"that is not tonally consistent with the books"
i fucking LOVE eliot and margo's decadent little tea table these bitches have an incredible sense of occasion
margo wanting to get her catherine the great on >>>>>>>>>>>> CHARACTER OF ALL TIME
wait duh i am the stupidest bitch julia's going through trials too
kady palming penny in the nose only makes me like their relationship more
we'll get him............... sonnn
junior cowboy camp mention !!!!!!!!
"brakebills is teaching you to be arch and ironic about magic" for fucking sure
the fucking needle drops again oh my god
was the nudity necessary? no. but if i ran a magic grad program i think i would also try to pair these weirdos up, and as a viewer, i appreciate seeing hot people, so. ALSO q/alice and penny/kady don't have the same paint marks so i feel like this was just an excuse for erotic body painting.
oh brakebills south i'm so not ready for this. mayakovsky bad. "vix" BADDDD.
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cabeswaterdrowned · 1 year ago
hmm Kady/Alice and/or Julia/Alice for the makes sense/compels me thing?
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Alice/Julia: I really like them they’re def compelling to me <3 I mean two chars I love and relate to who have very interesting parallels and anti parallels, and I enjoyed their interactions in s3 and late s2 shadeless. There’s not enough content of them in the show for me to rank it higher but I’d say it’s one of my favorite pairings to read fic for (largely because I trust those writing it to actually care about both of these chars. Imagine that.) Also the ship name is perfect, I had my problems with TM fandom but I will say they had really good ship names esp compared to some of my other fandoms..
Alice/Kady: mm I like this ship but I’m more passive about it. Their s4 storyline is compelling to me and the design of the ship appeals to me I like a repressed nerd x bad girl ship as much as anyone (although I prefer Malice as this), but I do think it got popular real fast largely because of fans being desperate to pair Alice with someone who wasn’t Q when s4 was on (I don’t like her with Quentin either I’m not against their agenda just. suspicious when there was little interaction with other facets of her story and other dynamics like Margo Julia Penny that were more interesting to me). It was a bright spot of the last couple seasons in some ways though… even though my being less interested in those seasons overall also limits my attachment. It is a ship I find more compelling as one side of an ot3 than on it’s own in particular Penny-Kady-Alice stuff does tend to go off. So basically they compel me but are on the fence.
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unauthorizedmagicians · 1 year ago
Season 1 Episode 5 - Mendings, Major and Minor
this is the welter's episode! but the foreshadowing keeps foreshadowing
love an L cut
fogg with ulterior motives aka always
fr alice internalized that q killed her brother
"what a pisces" penny u king
the show doesn't explain that travelers r especially jilted like the books and honestly i think they should
"there aren't enough noble quests to go around" we'll see about that
el's little boytoy feeding him snacks
how does el have so much sexual tension with margo as a gay man its so
i may or may not have memorized the tut for the silly little black hole spell when i was like 15 (along with like 15 other tuts but dw abt that)
the fact that we meet q's dad as a nightmare before we meet him fr is so sick and twisted
i did never understand how the correlation with q's magic and his dad's cancer
"need a hand" picks the smallest book off the stack
king and queen of being manipulative cunts
minor mendings tease
little cakes tease
lizard acid tease (even if they didn't know it yet)
they made him a pillow lazy boy
magic comes from pain mention
a great way to get the things you want is to be so miserable you don't want them anymore - womp womp
"its the universe deep dicking us, lie back and try and enjoy it" margo, queen of one liners
kady and penny fucking like jackrabbits my beloved
kady putting the joint into penny's mouth is the kind of relationship i want
i forget out much julia annoys me in the first season
the foreshadowing is foreshadowing (victoria and the beast:(
3rd year class in 2013 dates this show so bad lmfao
cancer puppy is too cute to be what he's supposed to be
bro why do spells exist and go into circulation if they don't work???
i love this scene with the airplane and the way it mirrors the one with the mug in season 4
marina and julia being the same person from different points in time
"the first spanking u wont enjoy" "thats kinda hot" queen shit.
the beginnings of alice x quentin
fillory mention
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fixated-on-something · 9 months ago
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Kady and Penny, 3x09
Quentin and Eliot, 4x05
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doorinthepage · 3 months ago
@shcftingpieces - x
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Alice felt a certain kinship with Kady she didn't really feel with anyone else in her orbit. It's because--unlike Quentin, Margo, Eliot, or Penny--Alice and Kady both grew up with magic. It wasn't something they discovered one day, it was always in their lives. From the looks of it, it seems neither woman had a very happy magic family, either.
Alice could not really think of a single helpful person to deal with Marina in this situation.
"I don't," she admitted reluctantly. Not having an answer did not exactly sit right with Alice. "But we can figure it out ourselves, if you wish for my help. My family is..." She pursed her lips. "Anyway, I don't know anyone, but I do have a lot of access to things most magician's do not." She revealed this with more embarrassment in her face than pride. She didn't want Kady of all people to think she was bragging. Because honestly, it really wasn't anything to brag about when it came to the Quinns.
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yourtinseltinkerbell · 4 years ago
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I know you don’t want the responsibility. So don’t take it. Let me.
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rubickk7 · 4 years ago
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Mood boards are fun.
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morningstarbee · 10 months ago
okay,, we all know my thoughts on Queliot, but in regards to the other ships....
I do like Best Bitches/Hedgebitches (Julia x Kady),, like their history and how they supported each other with the hedgewitch thing + Reynard
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But I also like Kady x Penny, with them both being people who kinda put up a tough front while actually being softies,,,
And I ALSO like Kady x Alice ? Like how they both have complicated relationships with their mothers and how people don't really get that.
The ships I'm neutral on include Penny x Julia. I don't really see it but I'm not against it.
The only ship I really don't like is Qualice. I don't think they're good for each other (+ they're both bottoms). They would be really cool friends though. Like they have more platonic chemistry than romantic chemistry.
I also feel like Margo is Aromantic and her getting with anyone, I don't really see. I just get those vibes from the way she reacts to like how Eliot reacted to the Mike situation, plus other shit.
The Magicians Liveblog Season 2
Finally got around to watching Season 2,,,my mom made us cancel our netflix and its basically the only place its available lmao,, so i'm watching by "other means",,, i might honestly buy the show but we will see !!
feel free to mute this thread !
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eliotqueliot · 1 year ago
Chapters: 4/7 Fandom: The Magicians (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Quentin Coldwater/Eliot Waugh, Margo Hanson & Eliot Waugh, All of the friends together Characters: Quentin Coldwater, Eliot Waugh, Margo Hanson, Kady Orloff-Diaz, 23rd Timeline William "Penny" Adiyodi, Alice Quinn (The Magicians), Josh Hoberman, Prometheus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Calypso (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Julia Wicker, Ora (The Magicians), The Monster (The Magicians) Additional Tags: The Muntjac (The Magicians) - Freeform, Episode: s03e13 Will You Play With Me?, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, True Love, queliot, The Quest of the Seven Keys (The Magicians), Two-Masted Schooners, Boats and Ships, Depression, References to Depression, Physical Kids Cottage (The Magicians), prisons, Jailers - Freeform, Magic, Flying Ships, Fillorian Deer Class sea vessels, Castle Blackspire (The Magicians), Eventual Smut, Happy Ending, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Hand Jobs, Cuddling & Snuggling, Men Crying, Eliot Waugh's Canonically Huge Dick Series: Part 1 of Sailing to Blackspire Summary:
Quentin says he's staying with a Monster for all Eternity.
Eliot says, "Hell, no. Not without me."
----- In which Eliot and Quentin use their time aboard the Muntjac on the way to Castle Blackspire more wisely.
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nerdgirlbrittany · 1 year ago
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All The Magicians items are now up for Pre-Bid & Buy it Now. Reminder no purchase necessary to participate in FREE trivia and giveaways. Auction starts at 8:45 PM EST on March 20th, 2024.
Pre-Bid & Buy It Now:
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madwomanwithawarehouse · 5 years ago
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@fishfingersandscarves Did this amazing (and adorable) kalice commission for me. Go here to read about the commissions they're doing
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fixated-on-something · 8 months ago
Hi! Let's keep the "assign x to each of the magicians' characters" theme going Which fruit or vegetable would you assign to each of them? Either as their preferred food option or just based on the general vibe Aaand i'm going to veto peaches and plums, this goes into a special category of it's own!
Ooooo this is a good one… I’m gonna go solely based off of vibes
Eliot- Green bell pepper
Quentin- Blackberry
Julia- Strawberry
Alice- Lemon
Margo- Cayenne Pepper
Penny- Olive
Josh- Dill Pickle
Kady- Raspberry
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anniebibananie · 5 years ago
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Because I Found You ❄ ️teen ❄ ️17k
Unexpectedly home for the holidays, Quentin is convinced by Julia to join Christmas Cupid—a holiday pen pal service. The only problem is he's not sure whether his pen pal is Alice Quinn, the ex-girlfriend he'd never quite gotten closure with, or the enigmatic Eliot Waugh, an old almost... something. He just hopes he can manage to figure it out before Christmas. 
[a holiday story written for @themagicianshhe] [pls go check out the lovely art @froggy-iced-tea made for this fic!!!]
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