#if you feel generous go donate to your local shelter!
koniknits · 2 months
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Had some fun drawing kitten mittens on stitchfiddle.
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twelfthhaus · 2 years
Life has gotten tougher & tougher each day. It's so easy to think back & recall an event in the last year, two years, three years, that has knocked us off our feet. the world is changing. that is quite clear. the world is changing.
we constantly find ourselves on the glaring edge of history. another march. another protest. another slaughter. it almost feels easier to sit back and wait. it almost feels easier to give up.
but we've created a tidal wave already, there's a feeling abuzz. we have shaken this world & forced it to recognize our dreams. in this age where they've tried to keep us blind, mute, & deaf, we have found our redemption in our love & care for one another. in our hope for this generation's future. in our small things - in shared blankets, in celebratory toasts, in secret laughs, in raised fists, in eyes of the resilient who stand strong in the face of death & despicable slaughter but whose eyes burn & sparkle & shine with hope.
We must save each other NOW. RIGHT THIS SECOND. Every minute we ignore our power is a chance our ruling classes get to raze, burn, & destroy our futures for a pathetic profit margin increase!! We must stand up NOW or we will drown.
ADD AN ORGANIZATION, A CHARITY, A GROUP THAT NEEDS OUR HELP - that needs more helping hands, that is struggling with workers!
Feeding America (feedingamerica.org) lets you locate a local food bank where you can volunteer or donate food. Because of the pandemic, rising food & housing costs (among several other things), many, many people are displaced & needing someone to just lend a hand. Even one visit to your local shelter is enough to make an impressionable difference in someone's life. Go to their site!!! go go go!!!!
You can donate new/gently used professionall clothing to Dress For Success (dressforsuccess.org). This organization helps empower women's economic independence by providing professional attire & support to women entering the workforce. Imagine the confidence you can help bring to someone by donating something like a nice blouse. TELL YOUR FRIENDS & FAMILY!! TOGETHER YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!
Join the movement to inspire young people everywhere to build the future we all imagine for them at The Future Project (thefutureproject.org). Share your story or help boost someone else's & inspire a greater future. What are you doing, check it out now!!!!!! Someone needs to hear your voice!
"Let there be justice for all. Let there be peace for all. Let there be work, bread, water, & salt for all...
The time for the healing of the wounds has come. The moment to bridge the chasms that divide us has come. The time to build is upon us..." - Nelson Mandela
"...Over the bleached bones & jumbled residues of numerous civilizations are written the pathetic words: "Too Late!"" - Martin Luther King, Jr.
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zodiactalks · 6 months
What's Your HIDDEN DESIRE? Your Zodiac Sign Will Tell You the Truth
What we want the most in the world isn't always apparent. We might hide it from others, consciously or subconsciously. It might be because we don't want to jinx it, or simply because we are afraid people will judge us if we are authentic.
The stars can give you and your deepest desires away, though. If you're wondering what your partner or friend wants the most, or even if you just want to understand yourself a little bit better, here is what each of the Zodiac signs secretly want.
Being recognized by their more tender side
It can get tiring for Aries to have a reputation for being angry, impatient and proactive. They secretly want people to see them for who they actually are – one of the most romantic people on the planet, so sweet they could give you a toothache.
They are the kind of person who is very generous with their words and who loves to shower those they love with compliments. They get the best presents for their partner, family, and friends, too.
They are the first people to show up when you need help. Their sweeter side, however, often goes unappreciated. Reassure them that you love their more tender side and they'll be over the moon.
Being able to forgive
If Taurus could change one thing about themselves, they would actually stop holding grudges altogether. They themselves suffer from their inability to let go more than anyone else.
They would pay a million dollars for the capacity to easily forgive and forget, and we all know how much Taurus loves money. Encourage them to explore their more spiritual side, they might find the key to forgiveness in a crystal or a sacred text.
Being perceived as stable
Geminis are honestly tired of being perceived as inconsistent. As they have a more rational side, they are actually able to not to be swept up by emotion and they are able to be stable in a way.
If Geminis had one wish, they would change the collective narrative surrounding their sign so people would pay more attention to this. Make your Gemini feel special by telling them how stable they are. Appreciate the fact that they have a good head on their shoulders and that their thoughts are rarely clouded by emotions. They'll love you for it.
Quitting everything to save the animals
This might sound too specific, but you'd be surprised at the number of Cancers who fantasize about this when they are stressed or burnt out. Cancers are huge animal lovers, and if they could quit everything and dedicate their lives to running an animal shelter and saving as many animals as they can, they would.
For now, they are happy with four or five pets, though. Encourage them to donate their time and/or money to the local shelter. They might not know how much they need that.
Empowering and inspiring others
It's wrong to say that Leo only cares about themselves. They dream of making a difference in the lives of others. They'd love for their confidence to be contagious and help disempowered people find their voice.
They'd also love to inspire others to make positive changes in their lives. They are often found volunteering, especially to empower others through the arts. They also make great teachers for this very reason.
People taking care of them for a change
Virgo is always checking everyone is okay, but who checks that Virgo is okay? It's nothing short of Virgo's wet dream that someone looks after them and checks up on them without Virgo having to ask.
They might not even consciously know how much they really want and need this, but it might make a huge difference for them. If you love a Virgo, send them random texts asking how they are, and bring them soup when they're sick, just like they would if you were sick. It would mean the world to them.
Being loved for who they truly are
Like Virgo, Libra might not be consciously aware of how much they want and need this. They are used to making accommodations to their identity according to who they're with.
It would be a huge weight off their shoulders if they could just be who they truly are and felt no pressure whatsoever to put on a mask to please others. Offer them a safe space so they can be themselves, and be patient while they get used to that idea.
People anticipating their needs
If Scorpio has to ask for something, they don't want it anymore. It would be nothing short of a dream for someone to know them so well they can anticipate their wants and needs and they can receive them without having to ask for anything.
Of course, this is only possible in a long-term relationship, and even then, no one is a mind reader. But Scorpio will keep on dreaming. Do your best to remember everything they tell you and anticipate their needs. You won't do it perfectly if you haven't known them for long, but they will appreciate the effort.
A stable partner who can keep up their pace
Even though Sagittarius will say that they don't want to be tied down by a partner, they secretly want someone who can be their partner in crime and have their back in their numerous adventures.
They will continue saying that they don't want a committed relationship because they know it's a tall order to find a nomad who's hungry for adventure that they can date. Even Sagittarius, the incurable optimist, is daunted by how difficult it is to find such a person. But, when that person finally comes into their life, they'll absolutely adore them.
Being recognized for their sense of humor
Capricorns get a reputation for being too rigid and serious. They are actually hilarious, especially if your brand of humor is as dark as Capricorn's coffee. If you can learn to appreciate their sense of humor, laugh at their jokes and tell them how funny they are. They will seriously appreciate the difference.
Even more so if you follow their lead and start to banter in just the way they like. At the end of a long day, Capricorn just loves a good laugh, and being recognized by their comic genius.
Being the center of attention
Aquarius will deny this. They will say they'd rather have the voiceless be in the spotlight, or use whatever attention they get to raise awareness for their favorite social cause.
But they secretly love all the attention they get. It's one of their motivations for being so weird and outrageous. They secretly love to be the center of attention. They might even daydream about being famous, but they'd never admit it.
Sticking to a routine
Even though Pisces has a delicious chaotic energy, they'd love to stick to a healthy routine in which they do their chores in an orderly manner, look after themselves and fulfill their obligations without procrastinating or getting overwhelmed.
But it's a pipe dream and they know it. They'll oversleep, get distracted, lose their focus, and eventually do the best they can when they can.
Were these accurate?
Did we miss something?
If so, tell us in the comments!
Were you surprised by any of them or do they all make sense?
Did you get any ideas of how to make your loved ones feel special?
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livehorses · 2 years
I have something to tell to the people throwing soup at protection glasses of paintings
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First of, why do you attempt against art? Do you really think it's useless and doesn't make any difference? Do you have any idea of how much it costed materially, physically and psycologically to the artists, principally Monet and Van Gogh? For these artists, their artworks were literally their lives. If it wasn't about how art made them feel alive by expressing their most profound feelings, was about how with art, they literally won their daily bread. It was their salary. Art meant so much for them as a way to send a message, to open up minds and challenge an elitist society that found impressionism worthless. They were outcasts.
Mainly for Van Gogh, life was rough. He couldn't even afford food, he only sold one (1) of his many paintings while he was alive, and he had way worse phsycological problems that you could ever imagine to the point he had to be half of his life on a mental hospital. But art held him on the worst times, gave him courage to go on. Even more, he tried anything before art to please his parents, to feel worthy, to make him feel useful, but nothing except art made him feel like he was doing something self satisfactory. Art doesn't have more worth than life, but life without art is meaningless. Art is nothing more than the incarnated manifestation of life experiences.Twelve Sunflowers in a Vase isn't but part of a collection that Van Gogh painted to show how much life was worth living for because society wasn't paying attention to little details that form part of our daily lives and make life beautiful. He was a social activist, and it can be seen that portrayed in many of his paintings. That painting you're attempting to, is the ancestor of the camera your pal was holding. Art makes more concience than soup spilled on a canvas.
Your points are very valid, and I agree with you. The World is at war, hunger and poverty is everywhere and we're on a climate World change crisis. Even more, it's outrageously immoral the prices that these paintings cost today. I think it would be better that these museums were open to the public in general but in the end, there is maintenance staff that live from the salary that the money won generates. But how do you expect to end worldwide hunger when you're wasting food on a multimillion dollar painting? Why do you brag of being against oil when you dye your hair with chemicals and use new printed shirts made out of this oil? How much did it cost the ticket to enter these museums? Why don't you spend that money donating to organizations that urgently need it? If the cans of soup you're throwing at paintings were better donated to home shelters or feeding organizations, people would stop starving. If you're against something, reduce, don't waste, be congruent.
There are other things you can do to stop these problems. There's a peaceful economic sabotage that you can do, way more effective than you think:
Stop buying oil based products like plastic, hair dye, cosmetics, clothing. Go for naturally made things, for artisan made things. You can buy clothing on second hand stores, and you'll reduce the massive clothing production that wastes an amount of water litters and contaminates air, ground and water.
Buy to local sellers. Many products are transported by vehicles like cars, airplanes and ships that use oil fuel and generates high amount of co2. The closer you buy, the better you're helping to reduce oil use. Also, go for public transportation or, if your destination is near, you can walk or use other transportation like bicycles.
Reduce your electricity use and the time you spend online. In the present, the majority of electricity is powered by oil based power centers, and all of Internet data is stored on centers that have to be cooled down by electricity so, the less you stay on social media, the more you will prevent the massive production of unnecessary electricity.
Donate money if you can to organizations that search for other electricity generators that are eco-friendly. Donate old clothing to people that need it, and consume food responsibly so you don't leave leftovers. The food that you get left can be donated as well.
Stop blaming art, and start looking to what artists of the past have to tell you and teach you through their paintings instead. Art is World Culture Patrimony. Start living responsibly and take real action, change your lifestyle, and you'll see how change starts becoming true. If no one uses oil, governments will stop producing it.
I will end this post quoting the russian author Fyodor Dostoievsky: "Beauty will save the World"
And this section of one of the many letters Vincent wrote to his brother Theo:
“What am I in the eyes of most people — a nonentity, an eccentric, or an unpleasant person — somebody who has no position in society and will never have; in short, the lowest of the low. All right, then — even if that were absolutely true, then I should one day like to show by my work what such an eccentric, such a nobody, has in his heart. That is my ambition, based less on resentment than on love in spite of everything, based more on a feeling of serenity than on passion. Though I am often in the depths of misery, there is still calmness, pure harmony and music inside me. I see paintings or drawings in the poorest cottages, in the dirtiest corners. And my mind is driven towards these things with an irresistible momentum.”
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pendragyn · 2 years
Hey, I know this is literally out of the blue but im asking for some emergency help for my cats current situation. Please boost/share it for us so that we could get some traction or it could reach more people. I understand if its not okay, so sorry for taking some of your time and I wish you to be safe and healthy, xx.(Please considering answering my ask privately or probably send me a msg! 😭🙏
look drcember, not to be mean but a blog that only came into existence 15 hours ago, reblogged a bunch of random fandom and cat stuff then suddenly has a cat emergency that needs a reblog and a private reply screams scam in every way conceivable.
But hey, you followed me 2 seconds before sending the message so kudos for trying to negate that massive red flag?
If by some miraculous chance you aren't a scammer then you should know this entire setup has ensured that everyone is going to assume that you are.
For folks new to tumblr, begging for help for a sick pet/family member is an unfortunately common scam that goes around frequently, and is why I don't reblog donation posts from randos. I highly recommend being exceedingly wary of anyone begging in your inbox.
Elodiunderglass and Vaspider have both done excellent posts on how to spot scams, but let me reiterate; there is no cat/dog/bird/sibling/child/parent/grandparent/etc, especially if;
🚩 Their blog only just popped into existence in the past few days - so no way to know what kind of person they are or if they even have the thing they're claiming they need money to save.
🚩 They don't or just started following you - meaning they found your name randomly and just decided to message you out of the blue. Why? Well, have you donated or reblogged a charity post? Did something you post go viral? Are you a mutual with people who go viral on a regular basis?
🚩 They ask for a private response to their message, but want you to publicly reblog their charity posts. This gives them and the post an air of legitimacy, that you found the post on your own (meaning you follow them) and decided it was valid enough to pass on to your followers.
Inconsistencies in their stories/posts might be minor but are huge red flags. A few examples: 🚩 being very vague about the issue but insisting it is an urgent emergency, 🚩 not using the name of the pet/person in the post, 🚩 they'll say you can send money directly to the caregivers but then only give you their personal donation links, 🚩 not having any mention of the creature/issue on their blog before the sudden need for a large sum of money.
and recognize that they have probably sent this same message to a ton of other random, viral/charity post people at the same time. 🚩🚩🚩
It's okay to be wary and not engage with those you feel are trying to scam you. If you're really worried, reverse image search the "proof" and the paypal/cashapp links. Are there other posts on other blogs with the same links but different names/causes? Are there posts on other sites about the issue but with completely different links? All confirmations of scamming.
Even if there's nothing concrete, you're still allowed to say no. Even if it's a real need! You are not obligated to donate to random strangers on the internet, please don't let anyone convince you that you are.
Save your time and money by being generous with your friends and family and local causes, or actual charities like food banks, doctors without borders, local shelters, etc.
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willowestate · 12 days
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congratulations della moray ( savannah smith ) ! you have officially been accepted into willowestate ! your apartment is waiting for you and we're so lucky that you choose us as your next home. you have twenty-four hours to join the discord sign your lease and pick up your keys at the front desk . don't worry about reapplying once you join ! just let us know it's you in the general chat and we'll give you full permissions . can't wait to meet ya !
(  savannah lee smith, cis woman, she/her, 27  ) $$$ — i’m pretty sure i just saw DELLA MORAY headed out of the estate. it’s weird though … i didn’t see them with their COLORFULLY TINTED SUNGLASSES, CHUNKY HEART NECKLACE, AND AIRPODS. i didn’t know they left the house without it. i feel like i can never catch them  ;  they’re always so busy … guess that makes sense since they’re a MODEL. have you met them yet?they live in MAGNOLIA SUITES, so you might’ve missed them. i think you’d like them a lot, actually. i swear their aura is ORANGE, and that seems like your vibe. maybe you’ll get lucky and run into them sometime. i can always tell when they’re coming up the hill ‘cause they’re constantly blasting HOT TO GO by CHAPPELL ROAN… it’s pretty much their anthem at this point, so if you hear it, you’ll know they’re around. y'know, the other day, i saw a tabloid with them on the front page that said “MODEL SPOTTED VOLUNTEERING AT LOCAL ANIMAL SHELTER: GENUINE ACT OF KINDNESS OR ALL FOR CLOUT?” … do you think that’s true? guess we’ll see what the neighborhood watch thinks! ( patches, 25, she/her, cst  ).
Okay LISTEN, Della grew up on what could probably be considered the wrong side of the tracks in some small town in Texas. But her mother, for all her flaws, did whatever she could to make a better life for her daughter. Better than the one she’d been given.
So she scrimped and scraped to save up enough to send Della to a good school, all the while sending the girl’s pictures to various modeling agencies. Finally, in high school, she got the call.
Della was accepted into a modeling agency when she was 18 and was able to start helping her mom out money wise. She solely but surely started making a name for herself in the modeling world, and by the time she finished college she managed to pay off her the whole of her student loans thanks to her rising career.
Currently, she’s enjoying her modeling career, as well as dipping into the philanthropic side of the world. When she isn’t supporting her mother, she’s donating her money to charities and volunteering her time as well. Pinterest here!
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cherrywillowapparel · 5 months
Cherry Willow Apparel Custom Donations
We are looking to collect certain items to distribute to homeless people in addition to what the shelters are able to provide. Our goal is to be able to facilitate a donation with every purchase made so we can help to redistribute the excess that is already out there and not add to the waste that is so often generated by corporations in this country. 
The number 1 need of most homeless people is clean clothes. When living on the street it can be difficult to keep up with hygiene with the lack of access to showers and laundry facilities. Any items donated will be distributed through local shelters and other outreach programs. Any blank apparel items that we are able to print on will be printed with the Cherry Willow Apparel logo and given to shelters so that homeless people may wear it and know that there is a brand working on their behalf and to help them in whatever way we can. 
In particular with clean clothes, socks and underwear are of huge importance. Used socks and underwear cannot be accepted, for obvious reasons, but we are working to find a partnership with a manufacturer to have a pair of socks and underwear be donated with every sticker purchase to local shelters to ensure they always have a supply to give out to those in need.
Winter clothing, especially in areas like Chicago and other midwest cities with large homeless populations are of huge importance. Anything from thermal underwear, to sweatshirts and jackets, to gloves, hats and boots are very much needed in order to survive the harsh winter. Please don’t only think of donating these items in the winter. When you are doing your spring cleaning consider donating these types of items to us or to your local homeless shelter. It goes a long way towards helping preparations for the winter when we are able to collect these items all year round. 
The second largest need is personal care products including sunscreen, hand/body lotion, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, menstrual care products and hand sanitizer. Living outside and exposed to the elements can have a tremendous impact on our skin. These items help the people who are homeless take care of themselves and protect their skin from the constant exposure to the elements. They also help ensure that they are doing everything they can to prevent infection or illness from exposure to germs and bacteria. 
Third would be supplies that will help people who do not do well in the shelter environment. Many people that are dealing with homelessness are also facing mental health issues including anxiety. The shelter setting is often very crowded and loud, with lack of privacy or space for yourself. Many people, especially those with anxiety or other social behavioral issues choose to camp instead of living in a shelter. To help support these people everything from backpacks, to sleeping bags, tarps & tents are a huge help. In order for someone to make progress on their mental health they have to be in an environment that they feel safe in. Ensuring we help provide the people that need space with the goods that enable them to create a safe space for themselves will go a long way towards helping them work on their mental health issues. 
Please share this with anyone who is looking to help the homeless as many of the donations to Goodwill, Salvation Army and other similar companies end up in their retail stores rather than directly going to someone in need. We are also looking for local businesses that are willing to be donation centers for those who would like to donate until such a time when we are able to set up a warehouse. Please if you are a local business owner or know someone who is and would like to help support homeless people while also generating some additional foot traffic for your business to get in contact with us and to read the donation center sign up document which is listed on the site under “Donation Center Sign Up” page under the Resources section of the website.
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crystalgood · 1 year
If you're looking for a delicious treat to share with friends or family, Dunkin' Donuts is a great option. With a wide variety of donuts to choose from, you can find something for everyone. But how much is 2 dozen donuts at Dunkin'? The answer depends on the type of donuts you choose, but you can expect to pay around $20 for two dozen donuts. In this article, we'll discuss the cost of two dozen donuts at Dunkin' Donuts, as well as some tips for getting the best deal. How to Calculate the Cost of 2 Dozen Donuts at Dunkin Calculating the cost of 2 dozen donuts at Dunkin' is easy and fun! Depending on the type of donuts you choose, the cost can vary. For example, if you choose two dozen classic donuts, the cost will be around $15.99. If you choose two dozen specialty donuts, the cost will be around $19.99. No matter what type of donuts you choose, you can be sure that you'll get a delicious treat at Dunkin'! So why not treat yourself and your friends to two dozen donuts today? The Best Deals on 2 Dozen Donuts at Dunkin If you're looking for the best deals on two dozen donuts at Dunkin, you've come to the right place! Dunkin offers a variety of delicious donuts that are sure to satisfy any sweet tooth. Plus, with their great deals, you can get two dozen donuts for a fraction of the price. For starters, Dunkin offers a special deal on two dozen donuts every Tuesday. On Tuesdays, you can get two dozen donuts for just $12.99. That's a great deal for two dozen donuts! If you're looking for an even better deal, you can join Dunkin's Perks program. With the Perks program, you can get two dozen donuts for just $9.99. That's a savings of $3 off the regular price. Plus, you'll get exclusive offers and discounts throughout the year. Finally, if you're looking for a really great deal, you can take advantage of Dunkin's Donut Party Pack. With the Donut Party Pack, you can get two dozen donuts for just $19.99. That's a savings of $7 off the regular price. Plus, you'll get a free dozen donuts with your purchase. No matter which deal you choose, you can't go wrong with two dozen donuts from Dunkin. So what are you waiting for? Get your donuts today and enjoy the sweet savings! How to Get the Most Value Out of 2 Dozen Donuts at Dunkin If you’ve got two dozen donuts from Dunkin, you’re in for a real treat! Whether you’re hosting a party or just want to treat yourself, there are plenty of ways to get the most value out of your two dozen donuts. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your donuts: 1. Share the donuts with friends and family. Donuts are a great way to bring people together, so why not share the love? Invite your friends and family over for a donut party and let everyone pick their favorite flavors. 2. Freeze the donuts for later. If you don’t think you’ll be able to eat all two dozen donuts in one sitting, don’t worry! You can freeze the donuts for up to three months and enjoy them later. 3. Make donut-inspired recipes. Donuts can be used in a variety of recipes, from donut French toast to donut ice cream sandwiches. Get creative and see what delicious treats you can make with your two dozen donuts! 4. Donate the donuts. If you’re feeling generous, consider donating your donuts to a local food pantry or homeless shelter. It’s a great way to spread some joy and help those in need. With these tips, you’ll be sure to get the most value out of your two dozen donuts from Dunkin. Enjoy! The Pros and Cons of Buying 2 Dozen Donuts at Dunkin The Pros of Buying 2 Dozen Donuts at Dunkin 1. Variety: Dunkin offers a wide variety of donuts, from classic glazed to more unique flavors like blueberry crumble and French cruller. With two dozen donuts, you can get a little bit of everything and satisfy everyone’s cravings. 2. Convenience: Dunkin is a convenient option for donuts, as it is open early and late and has locations all over the country. You can easily pick up two dozen donuts on your way to a party or event.
3. Price: Dunkin donuts are reasonably priced, so you can get two dozen donuts without breaking the bank. The Cons of Buying 2 Dozen Donuts at Dunkin 1. Unhealthy: Donuts are not the healthiest option, so if you’re looking for a healthier snack, you may want to look elsewhere. 2. Limited Options: While Dunkin offers a wide variety of donuts, they may not have the exact flavor you’re looking for. 3. Crowded: Dunkin can get crowded during peak hours, so you may have to wait in line for a while to get your two dozen donuts. What to Look for When Buying 2 Dozen Donuts at Dunkin When you're buying two dozen donuts from Dunkin, you're in for a treat! Here are some tips to help you make the most of your purchase: 1. Choose a variety of flavors. Dunkin offers a wide selection of classic and specialty donuts, so you can mix and match to find the perfect combination. 2. Consider the size. Dunkin's donuts come in mini, regular, and large sizes, so you can pick the size that best fits your needs. 3. Look for special offers. Dunkin often has special offers on donuts, so be sure to check for any discounts or promotions before you buy. 4. Ask about customization. If you're looking for something extra special, you can ask about customizing your donuts with special toppings or decorations. 5. Enjoy the experience. Donut-buying should be a fun experience, so don't forget to enjoy the process! With these tips in mind, you're sure to find the perfect two dozen donuts from Dunkin. Happy shopping! How to Choose the Right 2 Dozen Donuts at Dunkin Choosing the right two dozen donuts at Dunkin' can be a daunting task! With so many delicious options, it can be hard to decide. But don't worry, we've got you covered! Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect two dozen donuts from Dunkin': 1. Consider your crowd. Are you serving a group of adults or children? If it's a group of adults, you may want to opt for more classic flavors like glazed, chocolate frosted, and jelly-filled. If it's a group of children, you may want to go for more fun flavors like Boston Kreme, strawberry frosted, and powdered. 2. Think about variety. You don't want to get the same flavor for every donut! Mix it up and get a variety of flavors so everyone can find something they like. 3. Don't forget the classics. While it's fun to try new flavors, don't forget the classics! Glazed, chocolate frosted, and jelly-filled are always crowd pleasers. 4. Get creative. If you're feeling adventurous, try some of Dunkin's more unique flavors like blueberry crumble, banana split, and maple bacon. With these tips, you'll be sure to choose the perfect two dozen donuts from Dunkin'! So go ahead and get creative - your guests will thank you! The Different Types of Donuts Available at Dunkin Dunkin' is the ultimate destination for donut lovers! With a wide variety of delicious donuts to choose from, you'll never be bored. From classic glazed donuts to more creative flavors, there's something for everyone. Here's a look at some of the different types of donuts available at Dunkin': Glazed Donuts: Dunkin's classic glazed donuts are a fan favorite. These light and fluffy donuts are covered in a sweet glaze that will make your mouth water. Chocolate Donuts: If you're a chocolate lover, you'll love Dunkin's chocolate donuts. These donuts are covered in a rich and creamy chocolate glaze that will satisfy your sweet tooth. Jelly Donuts: Jelly donuts are a classic treat. Dunkin's jelly donuts are filled with a sweet jelly filling and topped with a light glaze. Cinnamon Donuts: If you're looking for something a little different, try Dunkin's cinnamon donuts. These donuts are covered in a sweet cinnamon sugar glaze that will make your taste buds tingle. Frosted Donuts: Dunkin's frosted donuts are a delicious treat. These donuts are covered in a thick and creamy frosting that will make your mouth water. Cake Donuts: Dunkin's cake donuts are a classic favorite. These donuts are light and fluffy and covered in a sweet glaze.
Maple Donuts: If you're looking for something a little different, try Dunkin's maple donuts. These donuts are covered in a sweet maple glaze that will make your taste buds dance. No matter what type of donut you're looking for, Dunkin' has something for everyone. Stop by today and try one of these delicious donuts! How to Make the Most of Your 2 Dozen Donuts at Dunkin If you’ve just scored two dozen donuts from Dunkin, you’re in for a real treat! Here are some tips to make the most of your delicious haul: 1. Share the love! Donuts are a great way to show your friends and family how much you care. Invite them over for a donut party and let everyone pick their favorite flavors. 2. Get creative! Donuts are a blank canvas for your culinary creativity. Try topping them with melted chocolate, sprinkles, or even bacon bits. 3. Make donut sandwiches. Spread some cream cheese or peanut butter between two donuts for a delicious snack. 4. Get creative with your drinks. Dunkin donuts pair perfectly with coffee, tea, or even a glass of cold milk. 5. Freeze them for later. Donuts freeze surprisingly well, so you can save some for a rainy day. 6. Don’t forget the classics. Dunkin’s classic glazed donut is a timeless favorite. No matter how you choose to enjoy your two dozen donuts from Dunkin, you’re sure to have a sweet time! Conclusion In conclusion, the cost of two dozen donuts at Dunkin' is $19.99. This is a great deal for those looking to purchase a large quantity of donuts for a special occasion or just to enjoy with friends and family. Dunkin' offers a variety of flavors and styles of donuts, so there is something for everyone.
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getsoftly · 2 years
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Happy Howlidays - Sustainable Gifts for the Pets in your Life
Should you give your pet a gift this holiday season?
Does your dog even know it’s a special time of year? They probably do, but not for the reason you think.
Pets pick up on our emotions; they know when we’re happy, sad and yes, stressed. The holidays are a busy time of year and when we’re rushing around doing more tasks than we have hours, our pets notice. This season do something special for your furry friends so they can enjoy the holiday with you.
The gift of time
Spend time with your pet and you will both benefit. Oxytocin, also known as the cuddle hormone, promotes feelings of intimacy and trust. It has been found to be released with eye contact not only between mothers and babies, but also between dogs and their owners. So spend some time looking deeply into your dog’s eyes.
Take your dog for an extra walk and you can log in the steps as well. To get you both in the mood you can buy her a new leash. Teach your dog a new trick or take him to a training class to reinforce the bond you have. If you want your cat to sit with you, pull out some important work and it’s almost guaranteed that she’ll sit in your lap (or on your work). Spend some time playing with your pet.
If you’re going to give your pet a toy, consider repurposing materials you have around the house. You can give your dog an old children’s toy like a stuffed animal, a squeaky toy or wooden blocks. You can make chew toys out of old t-shirts. A piece of yarn may be all you need for your cat. For more DIY pet toys check out these ideas from Puppyleaks.
Treat your pet
Treats are a great motivator for dogs. In the training world a treat your dog really loves is considered a high value treat. They’re the treats they give your dog after she’s mastered that awesome new trick you taught her. Cats like treats too, and may give you some extra love if you give them something special. When you’re buying treats for your dog, look for high quality ingredients and free of additives. Softly - Your Personal Sustainable Shopping Assistant can help you find treats that are certified to be free of certain ingredients.
Spread the love
If your pet already has everything she needs, consider donating to a charity that benefits animals. Start with your local animal shelter or rescue organization. They will often take donations in the form of both supplies and money. Other top animal charities according to Spruce Pets include The Humane Society, Friends of Animals, and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).
Pets are an important part of our lives. They give us love on even our worst days. It’s important to remember them during the holidays and not pass our stress onto them. So be generous with your pet this season and give them something old, something new or just a scratch behind the ear.
How do you include your pets in your holiday celebrations?
If you need more ideas, check out our extended list of Pet SWAPS! that are certified to be:
- Environmentally Friendly
- Cruelty Free
- Free of Harmful Ingredients
- Free of Allergens, or
- Socially Just
Don't forget - using Softly will help YOU shop more carefully this holiday season!
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Maggie's Macaroons Dog Treats
$$ ($25 to $50)
by Coco Therapy
These hypoallergenic dog treats are RAW, vegan, grain and gluten free, dairy free, egg free, and made with no preservatives, colors, or artificial flavors.
Organic Catnip for Cats and Kittens
$ (<$25)
by SmartyKat
SmartyKat catnip is all-natural and made with no fillers; it's pure, potent, and meets your cat's essential needs for stimulation
Check out our full list of Sustainable Gift Ideas for Pets!
Homemade for Hamsters
$ (< $25)
by Carin Oliver
20 easy projects for creating toys and exercise equipment for a hamster (and guinea pigs, small rabbits, gerbils, and pet rats and mice, too). The projects use materials and tools commonly found around the home. Treats may also be used and the book includes a list of those that are safe and not safe for a hamster.
Pets and Animals Charity Lists
Send items to the charity of your choice!
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ladyfogg · 2 years
We Live for Love - Part 1
We Live for Love – Part 1
Fic Summary: Eddie is recovering in the hospital where you’re volunteering. The whole town may have shunned him but you refuse to do the same. Masterpost. 
Fic Rating: 18+
Pairing: Eddie Munson/Female Reader
Warnings: Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Language, Season Finale Spoilers
Fic Song: We Live for Love by Pat Benatar. Full fic playlist on Spotify.
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A/N: Alright, so I had the idea, and because I can’t seem to help myself I started writing. This is definitely a fix-it fic because our boy deserved so much better! I’m not sure how many parts this is going to be. Probably somewhere around three or so. This fic is eventually going to have smut which is why it’s 18+. Minors DNI!
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You never thought you would actually see an apocalypse up close.
At least, that’s what you feel happened. One minute you’re closing up the shop for the night and the next large flaming red cracks are splitting the road apart and everything is shaking like crazy. By the time it’s done, everything around you is in ruins.
You escape relatively unscathed. The same cannot be said for the rest of Hawkins. You aren’t even supposed to be there. Your plan was to go to the local community college for a year before moving on to a bigger university.
Yeah, that never happened.
School isn’t your thing. Maybe it had been when you were younger but it definitely isn’t now and you have no idea what you want to do with your life. You gave up after a year and found your way back home. You got a job at the town bookstore and spent the year working, reading, and generally having more fun than you’ve ever had in your entire life. It’s like, as soon as the weight of expectations was lifted, you were finally able to breathe.
And then the world ended.
You don’t have too many skills that can be useful. You choose to volunteer at the hospital since it was the busiest and full to the brim with victims. With so many people missing or presumed dead, they need all the help they can get. Occasionally, you help orderlies stock rooms or change linens, but mostly you try to help the patients pass the time.
Today is no exception. You get there a little later than you anticipate. The roads that aren’t torn up are filled with people leaving or emergency vehicles responding. You’ve taken to walking because it’s the quickest way to get around. When you arrive, you put your bag down behind the nurse’s station.
“Any new rooms added to the list?” you ask, pulling your book cart out where it was jammed into the corner, kept out of the way.
The nurse puts a slip of paper in your hand with a list of rooms. Most of the hospital is being run by generators so anything non-essential, like TV, isn’t available in patient rooms. You volunteered to pass books out to those reading to loved ones or people who are stuck recovering. It’s not much but it’s what you can offer. The bookstore and your little apartment above it barely survived the catastrophe. Your landlord and manager didn’t which left the store to you. At least, you assume as much. No one cares enough right now to argue.
Every morning you gather a bundle of books and deliver them throughout the hospital to lend out. You’ve also donated several boxes to the school which is now a shelter.
You scan the list in your hand and notice it skips over a room number. “Hey, what about room twenty?”
“You don’t need to go in there.”
“Why not?”
“That’s where Eddie Munson is.”
Shit. Eddie is here?
You knew Eddie from school and were in the same year until you graduated and he was held back. You even spoke to him on occasion but that was as far as it went. He had his Hellfire club and, though you’d been interested in Dungeons and Dragons, the fact that it was all guys didn’t exactly make you feel comfortable enough to give it a try. At least not while in high school. You played a bit in college and even stocked a section of the bookstore with D&D stuff. Before the stupid Satanic Panic set in and you had to take it all down.
“Why shouldn’t I go in? Is he in bad shape?”
The nurse makes a face. “You know what they say about him right?”
“That he’s innocent,” you remind her. “Remember, the Sinclair kids said that Jason Carver was behind everything. He was even seen buying weapons and ammo. They found a stash in his car. He knew the victims. It all fits.”
“Well, yes, that’s what they say,” the nurse says. “But, that Munson kid…”
“Didn’t do anything wrong.”
The nurse doesn’t look convinced. “If you want to go in there, be my guest.”
You add Eddie’s room to your list, more than a little annoyed at the nurse. People like her remind you why you wanted to get out of Hawkins in the first place. You make your rounds, checking in with patients you’ve come to know and introducing yourself to new ones.
Lucas Sinclair is still by Max Mayfield’s bedside. He’s reading from the book you brought him yesterday, so rather than interrupt, you leave two more on the table next to him. He gives you a grateful smile and you move on.
You don’t know why you save Eddie’s room for last.
Maybe because you’re not sure how your presence will be received. Maybe you’re a little intimidated. Or maybe because you still harbor a very slight crush on him. That last part surprises you. You aren’t expecting the feelings to come rushing back and they had the second that nurse said his name. It’s been two years. You thought you were over your feelings but apparently not.
You give yourself a pep talk, tell yourself to get it together because you doubt he remembers you. You shared a couple of classes once upon a time. It’s then that you realize it’s been about five minutes and you’re starting to get funny looks standing there in the hallway.
Taking a deep breath, you push your cart to the half-closed door and knock.
“Come in.”
You push the door open with your cart.
“Henderson, seriously, I appreciate it but you don’t have to come to see me every…” Eddie turns to look at you and his smile fades a little. “…day.”
“Hey, Eddie.”
He says your name and it’s so soft, so tender, it takes your breath away. He clearly remembers you. And if the way his eyes are taking you in, your presence is greatly appreciated. You stare into his eyes, seeing a flood of emotion. You’re not exactly sure which emotions because you’re too busy taking him in as well.
He looks good. Well, as good as someone in the hospital who’s covered in bandages can look. He’s wearing a hospital gown but you can see his arms are wrapped in gauze and so is his forehead. Other than that, and some bruising on his face, he’s relatively intact.
“Hey! Um…wh-what are you, um, doing here?” He adjusts himself against the head of the bed and folds his arms, trying to appear nonchalant and chill.
“Volunteering,” you say, motioning to the books. “Thought you could use some company. Mind if I stay?”
“Yeah, I mean, no, no I don’t mind. Yes, please stay.” It’s cute to see him flustered and babbling. You’ve never seen him that way before. “I didn’t think you were still around.”
“I wasn’t. Not for a year or so but I’ve been back for a while now.”
“Cool, cool,” Eddie nods as if you’ve said the most interesting thing in the world. “What have you been up to?”
“You mean before the apocalypse?”
He grins. That wide goofy grin that is somehow more adorable than you remember. “Yeah, before that.”
“Not much. I work at that little bookstore on East Street. Well, I guess I own it now.” Your hands fidget on the handle of the cart. Your heart is racing and you have no idea how to get it to stop. You think for a second before taking the empty chair in the corner of the room and dragging it over next to his bed. You sit down. “What about you? You seem like you’re doing well for a murdering Satanic cult leader.”
He rolls his eyes. “So you heard about all that?”
“Oh yeah.”
He gives you a look out of the corner of his eye. “And yet you’re still talking to me.”
“Even before Jason Carver was found out I knew you didn’t do it,” you say, waving your hand dismissively. “Never believed the police for a second.”
“Why not?”
You study him as he stares at you with those big eyes and your heart melts even more. “It just…didn’t seem like you,” you tell him. “Besides, the whole thing with D&D being satanic is just bullshit. I’ve played and I never once worshiped Satan.”
“Then you must not have played it right.”
You know he’s joking. He can’t keep himself from grinning when he says it and it makes you laugh. “Maybe not. I was actually thinking of doing D&D nights at the bookstore once things calm down a little. You know, give some people an outlet to deal with all this.”
“Count me in.”
He says it without hesitation, without even a second thought. The conversations between you had been simple in school but you don’t remember them being this easy. It’s like no time has passed at all. Like you’re talking to an old close friend.
“I actually have a confession to make,” you say. “I really wanted to join Hellfire when I was in school.”
Just when you think his eyes can’t get wider, he gives you a wide-eyed stare. “Come on, you’re messing with me!” he says.
“Nope, I swear, it’s true.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“You and your buddies didn’t exactly seem open to a chick joining.”
“I would have totally let you join!”
You laugh again. “Oh, really? You would have let a newbie just roll a new character and stumble her way through a game.”
“Of course!” He gives you a lopsided grin. “I would have even offered private tutoring after.”
Your face grows warm. As does the rest of you. This is not how you anticipated this talk to go. In fact, he’s a hell of a lot more upbeat than you would guess he would be. Never in a million years did you think he would be so happy to see you. Or would be so flirty. Was he always this flirty? Well, yeah now that you think about it, he was. But you always assumed that’s just the way he was. Maybe you were wrong.  
“So, what happened?” you ask, clearing your throat and trying to think of anything other than how much you want to lay a kiss on that adorable smile of his. You motion to his injuries, which he glances down at.
“Oh, you know, earthquake stuff.”
He doesn’t elaborate and you get the sense that he doesn’t want to. Doesn’t matter. He’s here and seems in relatively good spirits. Definitely more upbeat than he probably has any right to be feeling. You wouldn’t be smiling if you had to deal with the whole town thinking you did something you didn’t, especially while trying to recover from what looks like serious injuries.  
“Well, not sure how long you’re stuck in here, but I have books!” You pull your cart over, remembering the whole reason you’re supposed to be there.
“Sweet! What do you have?”
You reach onto the shelf and pull out The Fellowship of the Ring. “Something tells me this is right up your alley.”
He pumps his fist excitedly before winces in pain. “Aw, shit!” he exclaims, clutching his side.
Instinctively you reach for him, your hand touching his as you lean in. “Are you okay?”
It’s like a jolt of electricity shoots from his touch. Your entire body comes alive and you’re suddenly super aware of everything about him. Those eyes, those lips, that smile, the proximity of his body. His eyes find yours and you two stare at each other in silence. You’ve never been this close to Eddie, never touched him in any way. It’s like you two are magnets, being drawn together by an invisible force.
“I’m good. Especially now that you’re here,” he says. It’s soft, barely above a whisper. His fingers link with yours and you swear your heart actually stops.
Everything around you fades and goes silent, the only sounds are your labored breathing and Eddie’s shallow breaths. Fuck. Fuck. All you need to do is lean in. His lips are RIGHT THERE. You feel yourself leaning forward before your brain can second guess. Eddie moves too, gently caressing your chin with his thumb…
“Hey, Eddie! I brought you some comics!”
The door suddenly bangs open and you jump back with a start. Eddie does too, wincing again and swearing under his breath as he grips his bandaged torso. You turn your head to see a young kid standing there, arms full of comics. Well, kid isn’t exactly the right word. He’s definitely younger than you and Eddie by a couple of years but probably is around the age of a freshman. He doesn’t notice you until he looks up from the pile of comics in his arms. Only then does his mouth falls open.
“Oh…sorry,” he says, looking between the two of you.
“No worries, I should probably get going anyway.”
You’re chickening out. Yup, that’s exactly what you’re going to do. The air has been sucked out of the room, your heart is racing, and your head is spinning. Eddie stares as you get to your feet and grab your cart. You motion to the book which lays forgotten next to him on the bed where he dropped it.
Before you can move, he reaches out to gently grab your wrist. “Are you coming back tomorrow?” he asks.
Fuck, those big puppy dog eyes. That hopeful look. How can you say no? It’s not like you were going to anyway. “First thing in the morning,” you say. “See ya, Munson.”
You push your cart past the kid who is mostly still standing in the door and has to jump out of the way to let you go. Once outside the room, you can breathe a little better but your heart is still racing. It’s like your entire body is doused in flames and nothing is going to put them out. You suck in a lung full of air, leaning against the wall for support.
Where the fuck did that come from?! Okay, you know where it came from on your end but, fuck, dude. Almost kissing Eddie Munson was not on the list of things you assumed would happen today. Part of you is supremely pissed you were interrupted. That kiss is years in the making, alright. You’ve been fantasizing about it longer than you can remember.
Apparently, you’re not the only one pissed. From inside the room, you hear Eddie’s voice raise several octaves.  
“God damn it, Henderson! You have the worst timing!”
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trueshellz · 4 years
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I hope this is okay! I tried to show her as helpful as possible but a little sparky too. They're not all the same length but I tried to use different scenarios too.
The first time he saw you, you were surrounded by 2nd years pestering you for your phone number and he truly felt sorry for those guys. You couldn’t have had a bigger ‘fuck off’ face even if you tried. As he walked over, he was getting ready to set them straight when he overheard you.
“If you don’t get away from me in the next 10 seconds, I will rearrange your face.”
He’d never seen boys run away apologising so fast in his life, his signature laugh being heard by everyone, even Kenma gave him a WTF look as they walked together down the corridor.
“Oya? You seemed to have put them right in their place.”
Still annoyed at the situation, you whirled around and glared at him, hands placed on your hips. You knew Kuroo Tetsuro, everyone knew Kuroo Tetsuro. Third year, Nekoma volleyball captain, signature smile and absolute flirt.
“You wanna go as well, pretty boy?” You huffed as he held his hands up in mock surrender, grin wide across his face.
“Woah there, sparky. I was coming over to help you.”
Hiking your bag up your shoulder, you purposely walked between him and Kenma. “I didn’t need your help.”
The second time he saw you, he was grabbing a book from the library and he saw you sat with one of the 1st year girls. Exam week was around the corner so the library was busier than usual, he could see some of his teammates in the back too, knowing full well if they failed exams they could be pulled from the upcoming games.
He could see the girl was stressed out from the way she was flailing her arms, her face red as she pointed at her books. He saw you smile as you leaned over, pointing to something before taking out a mini whiteboard and pen from you bag. You giggled as she held her arms up in the air, she must have got the answer right. He was momentarily stunned by your change in demeanor and he could feel himself smile as you clapped for your student.
When you were dating, Kuroo was more than aware of how people perceived you. He had the same issue to some extent, being perceived as a harsh captain with a scheming personality meant some students were often scared to approach him. But when you were alone, you would often curl up to him on the sofa and often acted cute in front of him especially when he came home after a game to help cheer him up. Packing bento boxes for his lunches with cute cut out fruit and animal shaped onigiri and leaving cute notes in his bags and books.
You would always come near the end of Nekoma practice matches with drinks or healthy snacks for his team, who loved you for this reason. Yamamoto more so than the rest, a huge flirt who tried to hug attack you every time only to get yelled at by your boyfriend and given clean up duties as punishment.
"Tetsu, he just wants a hug."
He mock pouted as he looked at you, his lip stuck out almost comically. "Those hugs are mine, he can't have any."
The manager and you got along well too, you would help them by sweeping up after the boys or tidying away the equipment. A few times you helped Lev out when he tore his uniform falling over or tripping on his long legs as he got used to playing volleyball. He would feel so bad too, looking at you like a lost puppy as you sewed up his hem or patched a hole he had in his shorts or t shirt. The one time he managed to rip the stitching of his t shirt up to his arm pit when he skidded across the floor trying to save the ball. Needless to say, it didn't end well and you were glad you had taken to carrying a sewing kit with you when you went to watch them practice.
"I'm so sorry!"
"It's fine, Lev. Don't worry about it."
Kuroo knew the saying: Don't judge a book by it's cover, but he didn't realise how true it was until he met you. He could have missed out on one of the best people in his life.
Bokuto was known for having a cheery outlook on life, yes he had his emo moments but it took a lot to get him down generally. But you always baffled him, whenever he saw you it seemed as though you were angry or annoyed. In class, no matter the task or who you worked with, you looked fed up. After school when you were walking home, you seemed frustrated. At lunchtime, you sat with friends but you seemed like you'd had enough. You were a conundrum to him.
After school one day, he was walking towards the local shop to grab some snacks and he saw you crouching on the ground, your face was a mixture of awe and sadness as you looked at a box on the ground. As he neared you, he could hear small whines and the scratching against the box and when he peered over your shoulder he could see some puppies in the box.
"Someone left them here alone?"
You jumped as you heard his voice, looking up to see him standing over you, he had his bag slung on his shoulder and was still dressed in his volleyball gear. You'd seen him around school, he sat on the opposite side of the classroom to you so you never worked together. You knew he was the captain of the school's volleyball team but didn't know much else about him.
"Yeah, it's so cruel. They're only babies too."
And that was how you two became started friends and eventually dating, bonding over your love for animals and disdain for the situation. He accompanied you to the local animal shelter where you dropped the puppies off, not being able to take them home. He was enthralled by your change in demeanor, you would always smile at him and act a lot more animated. You would help Akaashi get him out of his funk when he had a bad day or one of his moves didn't go to plan. He had taken to buying you the famous octopus plushie too and would use it to gauge your mood, you found it hilarious. If you were sad or angry, he would come bearing snacks or gifts and if you were happy, he knew he was able to hug attack you and smother you in kisses.
Attending every game, you would always dress in his team number and cheer the loudest for him. After school, you would help him unwind, either spending time giving him a massage or just cuddling on the sofa together. You would lay on him, arms and legs intertwined as you watched television or playing with hair as his head was in your lap. Even going as far to sometimes climb into the front of his hoodie so you would be skin to skin with him. You loved the feel of his heartbeat against your ears and his breathing would calm you. You spent more time in his lap, head buried in his neck than sat alone as you lived feeling his body heat against you. Thankfully, Koutaro didn't mind, he loved the attention and having you close to him.
Who knew such a angry little bean would become such a cute little sloth?
Every weekend like clockwork at lunchtime, you would walk in and order 2 meals. One to eat at the time and one to pick up at the end of your meal and take away. You always sat in the corner by yourself, flicking through your phone. You weren't rude or anything, but you had an aura of 'leave me alone' or else which usually kept people away from you. As Osamu watched, he couldn't help but wonder about you and your background.
He tried talking to you first, but apart from polite conversation you didn't seem to want to talk to him. He tried broaching lots of subjects but you just gave minimal answers. He was quite frustrated to say the least, Atsumu didn't help with his idea either. They just seemed to be annoying or potentially harassing, neither a great choice.
It was the end of the day when he was packing away, you had just left the restaurant and Osamu was packing all the left over food in boxes to give to the homeless people around the restaurant. He didn't like wasting food, not being one to be ungrateful and decided early on to donate it to those who were less fortunate. Carrying the snack packs, he started his usual journey down the roads and handing his packages out to anyone who was in need.
As he rounded the corner, he saw you leaning down speaking to an elderly lady who had a small child. She looked tired, her cheeks red from exhaustion and cold, the child looking equally cold in this weather too. They had been selling fruit from what he could see and he stared in fascination as you not only bought their remaining stock but gave them the second meal you bought that day.
"No, no. You always do this. It's not fair, we'll exchange. You give me food for my fruit."
"Auntie, no. You know very well that I don't expect payment for this. Its a gift. Take the food, go home and eat. Use the money for your daughter."
Nearing to you, he bowed quickly before leaning down and handing the child some onigiri. She smiled up at him, all toothy and he felt his heart warm up seeing her munch away at the rice ball. Looking at you, he could see the broad smile on your face as you bantered with the woman, seeing you like this was such a contrast to your usual stoic attitude.
This routine continued for a few weeks, eventually you would help Osamu out with his packing. Carrying some of the lighter packages to hand out to everyone, your conversation becoming more and more in depth the more you spoke to one another. You had more in common than you thought, including your selflessness you both had similar taste in music and movies.
One thing led to another and soon you found yourself dating, Osamu didn't realise how cute you were in real life until you moved in together. He remembered how shocked he was when you bought matching Pikachu onesies to wear and would take lots of selfies with him. His phone was full of cute pictures that he got during the day with little messages and lovey dovey quotes. The apartment was full of couple things like matching slippers and the progression of your relationship through little mementos strewn across the wall.
You would spend any spare time you had at his shop helping him, or trying to as you seemed to get distracted by how pretty your boyfriend was. Or you would come behind him and attach yourself in a backhug, Osamu wouldn't be able to get much done with a limpet attached so you compromised on a only doing that when he had a break.
What started as a fascination ended up being one of the biggest surprises of his life and he couldn't imagine his life without you in it.
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wrenseyeview · 2 years
I truly don't want to be a doomer. I don't want to be exhausted and full of impotent rage. And I think that state of mind is actually solvable, and in great part due to not having any control or options for action. So, why are so many of the calls to action still exhausting and upsetting?
Going down the line:
Vote! - did that
Volunteer for a political campaign! - did that
Email and call your elected officials! - did that
Donate to relevant groups/funds! - did that
Talk to your family to convince them! - did that, wish I didn't, never ends well
Get informed on the issue! - did that, maybe blissful ignorance would be less depressing? (/j... mostly)
Volunteer for local relevant groups! - pin in that for below
Go to protests! - second pin
Okay. So. Out of that list, I've done most of them and try to continue doing them when able, and this general tidal wave of shit still keeps coming. So how about the last two?
Volunteer has a few issues depending on location. Where I am, I'm an hour drive each way from the little LGBT+ center downtown, and it has kinda limited meetings or offerings. I still want to get involved, but it'll take some planning and a lot of effort to make anything regularly when I'm tired after work, and their events tend to be small group meetings to just chat. The nearest Planned Parenthood, also over an hour away, burned down, so.... the next nearest one is at least 3 hours away. Nearly every community impact type of group I've found through local news and bulletins have been through churches or Republican/conservative clubs. The exceptions are an animal shelter and maybe Habitat for Humanity, though I think that one's also managed by churches here. The most I can have a local impact is probably via the Friends of the Library donations or conservation groups for certain strips of woods. None of which help ensure I get to keep legal rights and access to healthcare.
Protest is... so. I just. Really don't understand how it's effective. There have been protests around here of various things, like a group of maybe 30 people stood in downtown in favor of Ukraine. Okay, I guess? What's our city council gonna do about that?? Do they even care about 30 people with some signs standing outside for a few hours? If it gets to summer 2020 levels maybe, though I actually don't know how much actual action resulted as compared to the harm endured by the protestors (not at all to disparage their efforts or their rage).
Ultimately the entire political landscape feels like job hunting. That complete drudge of putting out effort after effort with no indication of reaction or even receipt, just slowly hitting your head against a brick wall at a steady beat for months on end. It's the same feeling of exhaustion and is this even worth it and what if I just disappeared into the mountains and forsook human society and concepts like money or gender and... yeah, not a great thought cycle. With the extra added bonus of having mostly old white men continually spew diahrettic levels of smug hipocrisy while remaining unfortunately out of nut-kicking range. If he wants to legislate my uturus so badly, I should be allowed to kick Alito in the nuts at least once.
Anyway! Yeah, so it feels like the main issue of doomer-ism around all this comes down to lack of options, lack of control or impact. Which is naturally not helped by these measures being centered around taking away control and options. So what are more options besides those usual ones above that either aren't doing much, or at least not much in immediate view?
Well there's the individual self care kind of level, of doing something small and immediate where you can see the impact and feel those good brain chemicals of having influence on your life. This is the step of stop doomscrolling and go sew something, cook something, color, garden, put out bird seed, feel the results of your will in your hands. Be intimately aware that you are not a passive object in your life.
Okay, so now we're a little more present, a little less a disembodied cartoon cloud of rage and despair, we have hands again. Now we can look past individual present to individual future. What do you personally need to feel insulated at least a little from the danger and uncertainty carried on this tidal wave of shit?
Individually, I can:
Have the locations and approximate budget written down for driving to stay with a friend in a state that protects abortion
Research options and potentially order abortion pills now
Ask my doctor about options for a hysterectomy
Any or all of these may not actually be options, largely depending on cost. Hopefully there's actually more options I'm just not thinking of because that's a short list and there's a lot that's left outside of individual control, but at least having the information is a start. Make plans, know where the fire exits are. If we can establish some level of firmer foundation of individual safety, then we can free up some of that anxiety brain space to think more about community and society options.
So after figuring out my fire exits and a few more laps around the self-care track to maybe eventually get more energy for all this, what are some community-level actions besides that first list? What actions can insulate your community from harm imposed by larger society?
Okay. Let's see.
Keep some money set aside for requests for aid from your specific community (narrowed down to your pride center, religious group, dnd group, something small enough to know the people and feel like you are fostering a community that will also support you in turn, reciprocity rather than charity, and ideally in person)
Make a list of who in your small group can offer what kind of aid (who can drive places, who can babysit, who has medical knowledge, etc.)
Meet with the small group on a regular basis. Foster connections, bring food.
Trade favors, establish the gifting cycle among the group, so no one feels bad having to ask for help. Of course we can pool money to help get you a trip a couple states over, because you helped fix my fence because I watched your kids because you brought soup when I was sick because. Everyone should feel important and like they're not relying on charity if they need help.
So all these ideas come down to what ends up formally as mutual aid, but that often feels a little too expansive and hard to get into as a community rather than charity if you start at the "look up local mutual aid groups" level, hits the same problem as the top list in my experience at least. So this is more of a bottom-up approach of turn your friend group into an informal mutual aid network, aka make friends in real life. Which... is hard, it is, but it's gotta be worth the effort and is really the best starting point, and also good for you.
So after all that, it looks like my steps for getting out of the doom cycle are
Stop doomscrolling
Find my hands again by making stuff
Make some emergency plans to file away
Go find some more in person friends and bring food
As much as I am the kind of person that very happily will stay in my house alone for way longer than the average human being, it's fundamentally necessary to feel the support structure of "there are at least five people within a 30 minute drive of me that would not kill me for a corn chip, and in fact would provably prefer that I not be killed" when it feels like the entire rest of the "doing stuff" arm of society would happily kill you. You spitting at the government isn't going to have any impact you can see, but if you make your friend a scarf, he has a scarf now, and he might be the friend that keeps a stocked medicine cabinet.
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delimeful · 4 years
the end of being alone (2)
donation drive commission for @bumblebeekitten for the next chapter of TEOBA, with the prompt: patton & virgil fluff! hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it!
chapter 1
warnings: miscommunication, false impression of a very bad situation for like .5 seconds, recklessness, sometimes you just gotta have a good cry
The next sunrise, they set out again, this time with considerably less weaponry and considerably more snacks. Roman held point again, since he was the one with the most practical experience in tracking. 
There had been a somewhat tedious argument on whether or not Patton should come, one that Roman had thoroughly lost, since it was Patton’s quick thinking and emotional attunement that kept the previous cycle’s encounter from descending into disaster. 
He had acquiesced in the end under the combined force of Logan’s reasoning and Patton’s disappointed look, but that didn’t mean he had to be happy about it. After catching barely a wink of sleep between restless nightmares, he was feeling more grumpy than generous. 
Still, his own irritation faded as they grew closer to the rocky cliffs where he suspected the Human was, shifting into an intense concentration on the task ahead. It was a miracle that their initial encounter hadn’t gone sour, a miracle that this Human seemed young enough to be somewhat nonaggressive, and while he hoped that whatever they had said to scare the young kit off hadn’t irreparably damaged their budding acquaintanceship, he wasn’t counting on it.
He had his underarmor on for a reason.
The other two didn’t quite share his concerns. Logan’s arms had been in an excited, information-gathering flurry practically non-stop since they set out, and he and Patton had been discussing the plants and insects in the nearby forest that were relatively non toxic to them (and so would probably be no issue for a Human), and how many nutrients they would provide. None of them knew how much or what a Human needed to eat, but Patton seemed firmly of the opinion that whatever the kid was eating, it wasn’t enough. 
“Fledgelings need plenty of food and the proper nutrients to grow up healthy! A lone child in the middle of one forest can’t possibly have all the variety they need in their diet,” the Ampen insisted, feathers fluffing up at the mere idea of a kid going hungry. 
“Another important factor to note is the planet itself is not the child’s home, and so may not have the necessary nutrients available at all, let alone in one localized area,” Logan added. 
“You two have enough variety in those packs to weigh down a mountain,” Roman interjected, “so how about we focus on not scaring the kid off before we even reach them. Human senses are ludicrously strong, enough so that they’ll hear you two yakking a parsec away.” 
They agreed to be stealthier, and just in time, because Roman was pretty sure he’d found a more solid trail than the ghost-like faded prints that seemed all to trek over the place. He gestured in Crav’n sign for the two of them to stay put and stay quiet, and then followed the fresh tracks until they came to the mouth of a small cave amongst the crevices and steep drops of the pale cliffs.
He slowly stalked into the cave, keeping his movements light and quiet even as the light grew dimmer and his vision more restricted. Before it could grow too dim, however, his gaze caught on round, un-rock-like silhouettes. 
It took a moment to identify the shapes as small, limp Humlilts, all piled up around the larger Human. He nearly physically recoiled at the sight. So, this was why the small creatures had gone missing: slaughtered en masse at the hand of a Deathworlder. Not for food nor shelter, not in defense of itself or others, just for the sake of the callous cruelty and disregard for life that Humans were apparently born with. 
Humlilts were small, but Patton was scarcely bigger. Once the Human got tired of playing at mimicry, would it try to add the Ampen to the hoard of bodies?
He wasn’t going to lose another family.
Almost against his will, a low, near-subsonic growl rumbled out of his throat. He took one advancing step forward, and then… 
And then, a tiny head poked up from the pile, small dark eyes staring at him over a long snout. 
Roman nearly tripped over his own feet, astonished. There was still a living Humlilt in there? 
Before he could even finish his thought, another head appeared, and then another, until there was a sea of fluffy faces and huge ears all pointed in his direction. The undersized ungulates were fine, each and every one of them. They had simply been sleeping, all cozied up with one of the most dangerous species in the universe. 
Roman felt a strange and overwhelming mixture of relief and shame, his scales flattening down guiltily. It was too late, though, the movement had already rippled through the group until it reached the Human. Their creepy mask was absent in rest, and they pawed at their eyes sleepily as they sat up to see what all the commotion was about. There was a red mark on one of their cheeks from where it had pressed against the cave floor.
The moment they saw who stood at the entrance of their little nook, all the color drained from their face. The Humlilts shifted uneasily, and Roman found himself bracing to have thirty miniscule sets of horns charging at him. They couldn’t really hurt him, but they were persistent little things, and Patton and Logan would not be happy if a bunch of Humlillts tried to drive them away from the Human before they’d even properly spoken.
Instead of siccing the plethora of tiny mammals on him, though, the kid whistled a few notes in a perfect echo of the Humlilts all-clear call, settling them down. They carefully detangled themself from the pile, trailing a few stray twigs and leaves behind them in the process. Roman wondered absently how long they’d been building the collection of plant matter that covered them. 
A few parting trills later, the kid was in front of him, holding their bony shoulders firm but unable to conceal the tremor in their legs. They raised their chin up in what looked like a friendly Crav’n greeting, but attitude-wise seemed more along the lines of a challenging stance. 
“No hurt,” they said firmly before Roman could say a word. “No hurt small--,” a few words in their own language here, “--small good. No hurt. No hurt. Yes?” 
“I’m not going to hurt you,” Roman tried to reassure them, “I swore, remember?” 
The kid stomped their foot once in… some kind of emphasis. “No hurt,” they started again with deliberate slowness, and then ended with the Humlilt whistle-greeting. Many of the Humlilts whistled back from where they were still observing the two of them. The small cavern echoed with the sound eerily. 
“You don’t want me to hurt the Humlilts? The small creatures?” Roman asked, gesturing to the pile of fluff and hooves, and was rewarded with the kid seeming satisfied. 
“Yes. Small good. Good good small. No hurt.” 
Roman extended his hand palm up for another oath. “I vow not to harm your small good friends,” he intoned solemnly. The kid patted his hand twice, bobbing their own head in a curious motion. Roman could only imagine the sort of notes Logan would be taking. 
Oh, right. He’d left the others in the bushes. 
“I brought my friends, too,” he informed the kid, who blinked up at him. “Logan and Patton, remember them? Little critter?” 
He said the last words in the chirps of the Ampen language, only a little strained by his accent, and the kid visibly brightened. “Little critter!” 
“Wait right here, and I’ll get them,” Roman instructed, lowering a flat hand to convey wait. The kid probably didn’t really grasp it, but seemed content enough to stay put, shifting from one foot to the other. 
It took no time at all to find Patton and Logan, who had progressively edged closer to the cliff face as he’d taken his sweet time in there. 
“Okay, so,” he started, “I know where all the missing Humlilts went.” 
Virgil shuffled his feet slightly, feeling the cool stone under his toes. 
He should probably leave now, because even if the fluffy chirp alien really was there, they knew or at least suspected he was a human, and aliens hated humans. All of them, even the ones that looked soft like birds or cool like dinosaurs. 
A soft, velvety nose poked up against his hand, and he squatted to gently pat the strange little singing puppy-antelope that had parted from the group to check on him. He couldn’t help but smile a little bit as it bumped its snout against his knee, sounding like a windchime. 
Okay. Maybe not all aliens. 
He looked up at the clitter-clatter of talons on rock, and then the fluffy chirping alien really did careen into view, feathers all puffed up like that very angry owl that had roosted outside his window for three whole hours one time. The other two bigger aliens came in only moments later.
Virgil couldn’t help but shrink back slightly from where he was still crouched, because aliens were weird and sometimes they did weird things that he didn’t really… get. Typically, this would be right before they started getting really mad or shaky, and screaming at him. 
Before Fluff-Chirp could get any closer, though, the puppy-antelope had charged between them, planting its little legs and lowering its head so that the little horns were pointed out in warning. Virgil went still, eyes darting between Fluff-Chirp and the little creature, who he was pretty sure was the one with the white spot on its forehead, the one he’d named Susan after his nice neighbor. 
The cool dinosaur alien had promised not to hurt them (he was pretty sure), but would it count if the puppy-antelopes attacked them first? 
Fluff-Chirp stepped forward a little bit, and Susan let out a shrill cry like someone blowing really hard on a flute. Virgil clapped his hands over his ears as he attempted to whistle the calm-down sound, but Susan would not be budged, even as the other two aliens got all tense and twitchy.
In front of it, Fluff-Chirp stopped advancing, and instead plopped down on the ground with a soft thump. They ruffled in their bag, and Virgil was struck with the fear that they would pull out a space blaster gun to shoot Susan for trying to protect him. Hurriedly, he crawled forwards and threw his arms around the puppy-antelope (puppylope?) and hugged it close to shield it from any laser gun beams, his eyes squeezing shut.
There was a grunt-grumble from the cool dinosaur, and the click-click-click of the bunches of arms of the blue one moving around, but all he heard from Fluff-Chirp was shuffling, and then—
“Hello good morning,” the fluffy alien said. Or at least, that was what Virgil thought the birdsong-like words meant. 
Fluff-Chirp always said it when waking up in their little camp, and Virgil had said it back, because that was just basic manners, especially when someone gives you stuff. Fluff-Chirp had given him a bunch of sweet sliced up fruit, kind of with the feeling of mangoes and the taste of strawberries. It had reminded him of home. 
It… kind of smelled like Fluff-Chirp’s fruit now, actually. 
Patton watched hopefully as the kid slowly opened one eye to peek over at them. 
He hadn’t meant to scare the poor little guy by rushing in, he’d just been absolutely delighted to hear that not only would he get to see some Humlilts after all, but also that the kid seemed to have some company after all.
Some very loyal company, if the one threat-displaying at him was any indication. Patton was careful not to engage, particularly since further back in the cave, he could see a whole assembly of tiny, reflective eyes. Roman would probably just hold him up in the air if there was any real danger, but it was the principle of the matter. He didn’t want to upset the little guys! 
Or the kid, who had finally spotted the dishes of fruit Patton had set out. 
“You wanna come eat with me, little critter?” Patton offered, patting the ground near him. 
“Little critter…,” the Human murmured. Their face was much more expressive now that it wasn’t mostly concealed by wood, and the kid looked painfully young. Probably no more than seven or eight sun cycles. Patton’s hearts twanged in sympathy.  
Slowly, like they were waiting for the rug to be yanked out from under their feet, the kid scooted forward enough that they could grab a few pieces of the dana fruit, setting one down in front of the Humlilt to distract it. Patton eye-crinkled encouragingly, and took a piece of his own to nibble on. 
“Do you remember me? I’m Patton. Patton,” he emphasized, ‘pat’-ing his own chest in example. 
The kid paused mid-bite, and then swiped their wrist over their mouth before mumbling, “Patton,” back. Patton glowed with happiness. 
“And that’s Logan,” he said, bolstered by one apparent success. Logan obligingly stepped forwards and gestured to himself. 
“I am Logan,” he enunciated clearly. 
The kid, who had stopped eating to focus wholeheartedly on this new task, scrunched his brow up. “I am Logan?” 
“No, not quite,” Logan corrected gently. “Logan. I am Logan.” He cast a meaningful look to Patton. 
“And I am Patton!” he added cheerfully, gesturing between the two of them. “Logan! Patton!”
“Logan,” the kid mimicked, looking at the Ulgorii and then the Ampen, “Patton.” 
“You got it! Good job!” Patton noticed that the kid was very careful to keep their hands in their lap, and wondered if Humans were normally this withdrawn, or if exposure to other aliens had caused this reticence. 
“Good job?” the kid echoed, wide eyed. They looked to Roman curiously, though only for a moment before dropping their gaze. 
“I am Roman,” Roman surprised them both by beating them to the introductory punch. 
“... Roman?” the kid offered, and got a chorus of nonsense praise for their effort. They bared their little teeth and clapped their hands together, and it took the three of them an alarmed pause and exchange of glances to realize that they weren’t, in fact, being threatened by a youngling. 
“Joy? Or perhaps, contentment?” Logan was mumbling to himself. “The skin around the child’s eyes folds much like an Ampen expression of happiness, so…” 
“It would make more sense to be happy after receiving praise, right?” replied Roman, who had gotten a bit bristly from nerves for a moment. Patton resisted the urge to elbow the both of them into not saying long, confusing sentences. Luckily, the kid seemed too occupied with their own thoughts to notice. 
“Patton, Logan, Roman,” they recited, looking at each of them in turn. Then, very carefully, they reached up and patted their own chest. “Virgil. I am Virgil?” 
There was a brief moment of stunned silence, and then Patton trilled in delight, clapping his hands in an echo of the Human’s gesture, in hopes that it would convey his own happiness and pride in the kid’s quick learning. The kid jumped, but then did that teeth-bearing smile again.
“Virgil!” he tested out, not quite getting the Human tones right, but that was okay because he could practice! “Virgil Virgil Virgil! Yes! That’s you!” 
“I am Virgil!” the Human was practically bouncing in place as they matched Patton’s energy, and Patton couldn’t help but dart forward and try to bump his head to the Human’s affectionately. 
Roman hissed something exceedingly panicked, but Patton was already using one of the Human’s bent legs to reach, and then he was brushing his antenna to the kid-- to Virgil’s forehead, and then the Human was lifting their arms slowly and curling them around him, and okay now Patton was a little bit concerned, but. 
But, all Virgil did was lean into him slightly, arms bracing but not suffocating, and sniffle once, like they were holding back tears. Any resolve Patton had to not give his teammates stress ulcers faded away like dust in the wind, and he leaned in carefully and wrapped his arms around as much as he could reach of the kid’s shoulders and neck, which Roman would tell him was stupid dangerous because necks were weak points on Humans and they would absolutely react defensively-- 
Virgil promptly burst into tears, their chin coming to hook over Patton’s shoulder as a stuttering little wail worked its way out of their system. Patton made soothing nonsense croons and sung Ampen lullabies as the kid shuddered their way through a good cry, and tried not to feel too alarmed that unlike Ampens, Humans apparently leaked emotions while they cried.
Once Virgil had more or less settled down, they seemed completely wiped from the outpour of emotion, eyes drooping, body tilting to one side. For the first time since they’d arrived, the kid looked too wiped out to be nervous. Sure enough, only a few moments later, they shifted to curl up on their side, falling asleep on the cold stone easily.
Patton looked up at his teammates from where he was sitting in the center of the curled c-shape of the kid’s body, and offered them a sheepish shrug. “Well. Now we know that Humans can experience touch hunger?”
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thevioletjones · 4 years
31, because I can’t see it fitting Ian/Mickey easily and know you’re a good enough writer to prove me wrong ☺️
Thanks! I tried. 🙂
Prompt 6: “I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you.”
Ian’s Box of Crap
Being currently unemployed, Mickey didn’t have much of a leg to stand on when attempting to deflect Ian’s demands that he get chores and household tasks done while his husband was out earning an honest paycheck. He wasn’t even allowed to shake people down anymore, let alone pull robberies, or get back into the drug trade. Ian had made it clear that divorce wasn't off the table if Mickey deliberately did something stupid that got him thrown back in prison for a long stretch.
He didn’t much like being told what to do, but what he liked even less was not having Ian in his life. He’d had to go too many years without him in the past, and nothing good ever came during those times. Unfortunately, Ian Gallagher was it for Mickey Milkovich. That meant that he actually had to stay in line and put in the work if he didn’t want to lose him again. Ian wasn’t as soft as he used to be. Never really had been at his core, but the maturity of age had cemented his backbone rather rigidly, and Mickey was actually loathe to piss him off too badly these days.
So he did the bullshit grunt work requested of him, just to keep the peace. He was tired of fighting every day of his life, and what was the point of marrying Ian if they weren’t going to try and make each other happy?
In the past couple weeks, Mickey had done everything from laundry and dishes, to vacuuming and mopping. He’d patched up a couple of big holes in the wall that Frank had made, and fixed the loose parts of the wooden outdoor steps and banisters, both front and back. He’d even gone so far as to babysit the tiny, helpless Gallagher spawn a few times, which had been interesting and somewhat terrifying. Then Ian had given him this look when he caught the scene one afternoon, eyes shining, smile beaming. It reminded him of that brief time they’d helped take care of Yevgeny, which made Mickey’s head spin. He didn’t need Gallagher getting the whole ‘having kids’ thing back in his head right now. Mickey was in no way ready for all that. Hadn’t been the first time, and they’d all seen how that turned out.
Today, he was supposed to clean out the attic. He told Ian that asking someone outside the family to do it sounded like a bad idea. How was he supposed to know what shit the Gallaghers wanted to keep, and what they wanted to get rid of? What if he made a mistake? If anyone had asked him what to keep from the hoarded piles of shit in the Milkovich house, he would’ve laughed in their face, then set everything on fire. Mickey wasn’t the sentimental type. So did Ian want him to just toss everything?
Ian had rolled his eyes, clarified that Mickey was a Gallagher now, and given him a run-down. Anything that had obviously been made or cherished by a Gallagher kid, any family photos and albums, or small boxes of keepsakes, those stayed. Anything that wasn’t being used by anyone, but could be of use and handed down to the youngest or recently shacked up of them, set them aside to be put in rotation. Anything that worked, but they already had one of or didn’t need, donation box (because apparently they actually sometimes donated shit to the local shelter). And anything that looked completely unnecessary for anyone, throw it in a Best Choice trash bag, but don't take them to the curb yet. Ian would go over everything when he got home to make sure it was sorted correctly.
“So you’re gettin' me to do all this boring-ass grunt work, then you’re gonna have to go through it anyway? What the fuck, man?” he’d asked.
“It'll make the whole thing way easier on me, so can you just shut the fuck up and do me the favor? I’ll blow you later for your trouble.”
“Like you wouldn’t be doin’ that anyway.”
Ian had shrugged. “If you don’t, I won’t.”
“Threatening to withhold sex? That’s a bitch move if I ever heard one.”
“Whatever, deadbeat. You want me to support you, gotta help out when I ask. A blowjob would just be a bonus, because I’m generous of spirit.”
“I’m not gonna forget this hardcore manipulation, Firecrotch. I’ll get my revenge eventually.”
Ian merely kissed him on the nose. “Sounds like a plan. See ya.”
And he was out the door.
“Asshole,” Mickey’d muttered under his breath.
And now, a few hours later, here he was; sitting on the dusty, hard planks of the weird-smelling Gallagher attic, sorting through the memories and forgotten things of the family he’d married into less than six months ago. He’d dawdled as long as he could on the couch, eating junk food and watching his favorite daytime game shows, judge shows, and salacious ‘who’s the baby daddy?’ shows. The only hint of fun left in the remainder of his day was in the bong and the beer he’d brought with him up the rickety ladder. After every box sorted, he’d take a rip or two and chase the smoke with a long swig of cheap alcohol.
The most interesting things he’d found so far were some old pictures of Ian when he was little, his hair a curly mess, and his pale skin covered in dark freckles. His smile was too big for his face, and he looked goofy as all hell. Nothing like the hot hunk of man he was today. It was the Ian Mickey remembered from Little League a million years ago. And maybe he’d set one of the photos aside to keep for himself and taken some pics of others with his phone, so what?
Mostly he’d had to sift through little Debbie’s ridiculous girly shit, and Frank’s completely random assortment of insignificant trinkets with a side of what looked like bondage gear. He’d since moved on to a group of boxes obviously labeled by Carl when he was younger. He recognized the scrawl, occasional backwards lettering, and lack of possessive apostrophes. The words were short enough not to be atrociously misspelled, and consisted of a Gallagher first name in plural, followed by: ‘box of crap.’
Everybody had one, including Fiona, who hadn’t taken it with her when she’d left Chicago, and the kids she’d raised as her own, behind. The most scandalous item in there was a dildo of decent size that Mickey definitely would’ve packed in his suitcase if he’d been the one moving away as a single chick. The thought crossed his mind to pilfer it for his own collection, but he figured that Ian would be weirded out by the association. Sex toys were probably the only thing Gallaghers never shared between them.
Carl had a box of his own, semi-well-hidden compared to the others, and Mickey discovered why when he’d managed to get the copious amount of packing tape off. It was full of straight porn mags with big-tittied women and shaved pussies, underneath an array of dangerous weapons the family had forbidden him to have when he was underaged. He found everything from nunchucks, to throwing stars, to switchblades, to brass knuckles. No guns or attempted homemade bombs, thank fuck. He chucked the porn in the trash pile, cuz nobody needed to see that shit, and set the switchblade aside for himself, deciding to give the rest to Ian to sort out.
He saved Ian’s box for last, opening it up to find a grab bag of old army decorations, tattered paperbacks, comics, a bunch of loose paper covered in scribbles, and a stack of notebooks.
Mickey didn’t realize Ian was such a huge nerd that he’d kept his high school notebooks, but giving a quick flip through the first two revealed they weren’t school-related at all. He remembered Ian going through a phase when he was always writing shit down, ranting about having great ideas he needed to save for posterity. Before he went to the hospital. A manic phase. Probably one of many he’d cycled through, yet Mickey had missed some of those extremes.
Everything had been so chaotic then. He’d pushed Ian away, then gotten the same treatment in return. Their typical messiness pervaded everything back then. And now, he had in his hands Ian’s unfiltered thoughts about what happened back then.
“Fuck,” he said to himself, setting the notebooks down and going for the beer/weed combo again.
There were exactly two ways to go about this: he could put the notebooks back into the Ian box and not invade his privacy, or he could skim through them and hone in on the interesting relevant bits and maybe get a few long-pondered answers. On the one hand, Ian would probably get pissed if Mickey read them. On the other hand, Ian never had to know about it, did he?
It really wasn’t much of a choice… he’d always been curious as to what the hell was going through Ian’s head back in the day. They’d never exactly been great at talking things out, and he didn’t have it in him to try and make Ian relive some of the lowest moments of his life just to give Mickey some peace of mind. Plus, they were always facing some new bullshit obstacle head-on, so the past always just kind of got lost in the shuffle of their present difficulties.
Mickey took a deep breath and opened one of the notebooks again. The pages weren’t dated, and a lot of it didn’t make much sense. There were many lists with lines crossed out, but they didn’t describe things ‘to do,’ more like an endless inventory of concepts and feelings. The thought patterns were totally abstract, and Mickey couldn’t really make heads or tails of them. It hit him sharply in the chest when he realized that when Ian had been out of it, he’d really and truly been fucking out of it. These seemed like the crazed rantings of an unmedicated schizophrenic babbling on public transportation. It pained Mickey to the core, and it scared the shit out of him too.
He flipped through it fairly quickly, then opened the next one. It seemed to be calmer, more legible, and less unintelligible. It was more like a diary with bad poetry sprinkled in, and it only took a few pages for Mickey’s own name to jump out at him among the wall of words. It must have been written during Ian’s lost months, after going AWOL from the Army when he was 17.
He described running away from Chicago, scamming his early enlistment, crashing and burning his way out of bootcamp, shaking and selling his ass as a club boy, snorting, smoking, and swallowing all manner of substances, and crashing anywhere from penthouses to flophouses with sexual favors sprinkled in liberally. It was like the chronicle of a person going mad and coping in all the wrong ways. It surprised Mickey how emotional it made him to read these things in vivid detail. He’d completely forgotten how worried he used to be about Ian. When he was gone, when he went missing again, and when he started doing irrational things that could’ve ended so much worse than they did.
Ian was the one that had to live out all the drama and trauma of his disorder, but Mickey was the one caught on the sidelines, not having a single clue what to do or how to fix it. He’d never felt so useless or helpless in his entire life, even through all the bullshit he’d suffered growing up with Terry as a father. Maybe it was because of his age, or how Ian made him feel a certain way he’d never felt before. He just remembered hating it, and being so fucking sad.
These pages reminded him that through the mania, Ian was a bottomless well of sadness himself.
It was tough text to get through, and more than once, he felt like maybe he shouldn’t be reading it at all. Ian had never intended for other people to see his innermost thoughts, even Mickey. But it was impossible to stop now that he’d opened that floodgate. It was like reliving a part of their shared history through the eyes of his partner in crime. It was too fascinating.
After countless pages of dark tales from the void, Mickey came upon a page that was actually addressed to him. Surely, Ian had never intended to hand it over, but it was his nonetheless.
Mickey— I never had the balls to tell you this, But you’re the only boy I’ve ever loved. I thought you loved me too, But now I’m not so sure. I’m so confused and I go back and forth, Never really knowing what to actually think, Or what the truth is. All I really realize now is that I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you. It took you forever to let me, And now I just do it with anyone, Cuz I don’t fucking care. I just miss you, And I wish you were here. But also, I don’t, Cuz I don’t want you to see me like this. I’m having a great time on my own adventure, But also not. You shouldn’t be a part of it right now. You’re on your own strange journey, I guess. Maybe one day we’ll be on the same road together again, And also for the first time, since we never really were.
Mickey barely had enough time to sniff and wipe away the stray tear that had fallen, when his husband’s voice startled him out of his reverie.
“You’re still up here?”
“Jesus Christ!” he cried out with a visible jolt of his body.
His head snapped toward the attic hatch, where Ian’s dumb red head was surveying the musty space. Mickey let the notebook fall from his grasp, but Ian was already climbing the rest of the way in before it occurred to him that he was about to be caught red-handed with journals that were supposed to be deeply private. He could only flip it closed and grab his beer to polish it off, before Ian was crouching in front of him and taking a seat.
“Can’t believe you actually did this for me, to be honest,” Ian said with a chuckle, glancing at the bong. “Anything left?”
“Baggie’s right there,” Mickey replied nodding his head to the left.
Ian got distracted with loading a bowl, so Mickey very subtly tried to nudge Ian's notebooks aside with his foot, like maybe if they were slightly farther away, he could claim complete innocence as to knowing what they were.
He watched Ian take a couple hits before passing it to him, and Mickey welcomed the opportunity to temper his suddenly sullen mood.
“How was work?” he asked between hits, before passing back to Ian.
Ian snickered and furrowed his brow. “You never ask me about work.”
Mickey shrugged. “Don’t mean I don’t care.”
“Uh huh.” Ian looked even more skeptical, and finally glanced around at what Mickey had in his vicinity. That sent his brow up high, in a decent imitation of Mickey’s usual expressiveness. “Oh. That my box?”
Mickey gulped and nodded. “Yeah. Just sorting it out. Should’ve just left the whole thing for ya. Sorry.”
Ian’s gaze snapped to his face. “You read stuff.”
It was a statement rather than a question.
“Just a little,” Mickey admitted. “I shouldn’t have. Fuck, I’m an asshole.”
But Ian only shook his head. “Nah, it’s okay.”
“You don’t have to say that. I’d be pissed.”
“I’m not. I promise.”
“Really? You’re not mad?”
Ian shook his head again. “No. Actually, I’m kinda relieved.”
“How the fuck so?”
“It's all stuff I wanted you to know. I mean, part of me used to be really ashamed, maybe still is, but… another part of me always just wanted to be totally honest with you. In a way I haven’t ever been with anyone. Even Lip. But I didn’t have the words to say it, you know? And I know a lot of it is just scary rambling. I don’t even understand what some of it means, but the stuff that’s real… the lucid stuff… it’s depressing as fuck, but it’s the truth. We didn’t always tell each other the truth, but we showed each other. And this was something I couldn’t really show you. So maybe you were meant to find these. Do my dirty work for me.”
“Damn, Gallagher, that’s kinda heavy. These were… kinda heavy. Made me feel shit I’d forgotten about, you know?”
Ian nodded. “Yeah. I haven’t read ‘em in years, but I remember. It’s why I wanted to put ‘em away, I guess. Plus, I didn’t want someone else snooping around and finding out too much. I mean, you never know in this house. It’s possible every fucking Gallagher already read them, but I hope not.”
“Ian…” Mickey started, but didn’t know exactly what he wanted to say. Words of reassurance? It was all in the past, and Ian was doing so well now. He was diligent about his medication, and he hadn’t spun out of control since before prison. Anything Mickey said now would just be cold comfort, since that notebook version of Ian barely existed anymore. Ian was always afraid that it would recur, but Mickey wasn’t. They were truly in it together now, and he’d never let Ian cross the threshold into the uncontrollable. “I wish I coulda been what you needed me to be back then. However impossible it was. Some of it was my fault.”
“It wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t even my fault, really. It was some shitty shit that happened to me. I reacted the only way I thought I could. There’s no use in either of us wishing we’d done things differently now. At least we got the right outcome, right? We’re together.” He clasped their left hands so that their wedding rings touched. “Forever.”
Mickey couldn’t help but snort. “Okay, you didn’t have to get that gay about it. I already had to suffer through a buncha your faggy teen poetry. I deserve a break from the high drama of it all.”
Ian laughed, kissed his hand, dropped it, then smacked him on the cheek. “Fuck you.”
“Just say when,” Mickey responded with a smile.
“After we go through all this shit, Romeo. Explain the piles.”
“Well,” said Mickey, pointing to the nearby corner, “Carl has a shitload of contraband in there. Weapons, not drugs. Frank has some shit that might be S&M gear, not sure, then aside from your lunatic journal ramblings, everything else is boring as shit. Oh, and Fiona left a big blue dildo.”
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algrenion · 4 years
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it was brought to my attention that this sight-impaired artist from ireland, my neighbouring country, is trying to make eyepatches for those who are losing their sight to rubber bullets, tear gas, etc. and general abuse from police
they are doing their absolute most to provide eyepatches to those who need them, but of course, they can’t possibly provide to every individual who needs them
i asked them if they have any sort of fund to donate to or a place to support their craft so that they can continue helping the people who have been injured in the demonstrations taking place across the world - their only request was to share what information they have on how to craft an eyepatch, in case you or your loved ones find yourselves in need of one
with that, i’m going to ask you all to share that information with your friends and family so that, if you or a loved one is in need, you have access to the appropriate information on how to craft a medical grade eyepatch
if you are a creator with the means to produce these eyepatches, please do so, or share the instructions with fellow creators so that they can become more accessible
to me it feels important that we are all able to maintain our identity in times like these; function and comfort for the disabled is an utmost priority, and at the same time, so is remaining true to yourself - especially considering that these demonstrations are taking place due to a discussion based on identity and self worth
support this creator @TheHogAndDice
support your local communities, donate to your local bail-out funds and shelters - even just reblog and bring light to the news in your areas
you’re doing great, and you’re trying your best
keep doing just that
*side note: no i did not intend for the image to be based on MGS; i googled references for eyepatches and found that ref to be the easiest/most attention grabbing reference to draw from. I apologise if it seems unsavoury but i’m in a hurry and can’t do it over at this time!
#BLM _ #BlackLivesMatter _ #EndPoliceBrutality _ #DisabilityAssistance _ #SightImpairment
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rockofeye · 3 years
It’s Kouzen Season: More about Kouzen Zaka and His Family
As I wrote recently, the month of May is a special time for Kouzen and his family. Kouzen’s fet/feast day is May 1 and May 2, but fetes for Kouzen are held all through the month of May in Haiti and the Dyaspora.
In English, ‘kouzen’ translates to cousin and is a title that we address Kouzen as. He comes with a lot of different names: Azaka Mede, Azaka/Zaka Si, Azaka/Zaka La, Zaka Krib, Zaka Toné, Kouzen Mòn, and many others. He also is very, very close with his wife Kouzin, and there are a whole variety of children in fanmi Kouzen as well.
Kouzen is most well known as the minister of agriculture and work, and this is reflected in how we address him sometimes as Minis/Minister. He is vital to life in Haiti, as it is him that makes the crops grow and ensures there is enough food for the lakou to survive, as well as oversees business and money. It’s often said that even Haitians who don’t serve the lwa always give for Kouzen, because he determines success or failure and can answer hunger.
In some ways, he is also the living memory of Haiti; he carries the weight and knowledge of subsistence farming and how to survive with very little. He is a master medsin fèy (literally ‘leaf medicine’, refers to a practioner of bush medicine), and is often called upon to treat illness especially for folks who can’t afford a Western doctor or even a medsin fèy in the community. He is the reminder of where many Haitians come from and what Haiti used to be: a more rural island where farming and agriculture ruled over most other businesses. It’s not a coincidence that his month of May is also Haitian Heritage Month.
He is often referred to as a lwa travay/work lwa for his indefatigable work ethic. Kouzen knows what it is to be hungry and to suffer, so he is working all the time to make sure he never has to suffer again and that his family and those that he loves don’t suffer either. His fetes are often utilized as means to determine how the next year will go; if Kouzen comes happy and enjoys himself and eats, it will probably be a good year with normal challenges. If he comes angry or upset and refuses his food and the special marketplaces made for him, that’s potentially a forewarning that there are difficulties ahead and a lot of work goes into appeasing Kouzen to change the flow of luck.
Kouzen is also intimately involved in things like immigration. He can help (or harm!) an immigration process, and can be a huge ally in getting those papers moving. 
He is always very concerned about being taken advantage of. He comes as a poor peasant, and so folks often underestimate him or try to rip him off when he loans money or offers a good deal. He is incredibly sensitive to this and is paranoid that someone will steal from him. It’s not unusual for him to arrive at his fet and unpack his makout to make sure everything that was there last time he came is still there. He’ll count crumbs. Anything missing will need to be accounted for.
A well-known story from communities I am close to tells of a time when someone did a maryaj lwa in a temple and had brought things from their own table at home to place on the table built for the ceremony. When packing up at the end of the night, someone mistakenly packed the bottle of Kouzen’s liquor that belonged to the temple in the makout of the Kouzen the person married. It went unnoticed until that temple’s fet Kouzen rolled around.
Kouzen arrived and found that his bottle was not in his bag. He asked for it and when it could not be found, sat down on the floor and cried. He refused to let anything else happen until his bottle was located. Some fast thinking and a lot of luck had the person who did the maryaj at the fet and they had a eureka moment and drove home quickly. She lived locally (thank everything) and soon returned to the fet with the bottle. Kouzen had to be consoled and many promises and assurances made because even though the bottle had been returned and it was a genuine error and not a theft, he was so upset that his things had been taken.
He is an expert deal maker that negotiates for his best interests. Something common at most fet Kouzens is that a marketplace will be set up for him. It’s usually a large layout of fruits, vegetables, and maybe some special items for him to look over and offer up for sale. He is very, very shrewd and downright stingy. I’ve seen him refuse to select what he is willing to sell until someone presents him with money, and then he will pick what he thinks is a fair exchange. One evening, I watched someone give him a $20 bill, and he looked for a moment, selected a banan/plantain, and snapped it in half. He gave one half to the person who had paid him $20. 
He’ll often walk around holding his chapo/hat and asking for money. Most folks will come prepared with a little cash in their pocket, but pity the person who brings their wallet. Someone had the misfortune of coming to Kouzen’s fet with a significant amount of their rent money in their wallet. Kouzen asked him for money, and when he took out his wallet and opened it, Kouzen reached in and took all the cash. He refused to give it back, and so that person made a nice gift (willing or otherwise) of several hundred dollars.
It’s often said that Kouzen is the one who works and it’s his wife Kouzin who manages the money. Kouzen may want to account for every dollar, but it is Kouzin who keeps track of where it all goes. 
Folks always make him out to be greedy, full stop, and he certainly can be, but as Kouzen has known suffering he can also be very generous. I’ve watched him give money to people who were in great need and clearly say that he only needs to be remembered each week and that they don’t need to pay him back. I’ve seen him loan money to people in dire circumstances (but that money better be paid back on the terms he negotiated). 
One of the most poignant moments I’ve seen with Kouzen came at his fet when someone who had sacrificed a lot to be there came to talk with him and brought him a little money. They had been struggling with finding work for a little while, and so it was a really hard trip as they did not live locally. Kouzen refused their money and told them to keep it, because he knew they needed it. Some folks thought that was extremely negative coming from Kouzen, but it was a gift. He followed up by giving them a specific lamp recipe to find work, and less than a month later that person had a job.
With all of these very important things on his shoulders and in his makout, you’d think Kouzen would come as something other than a peasant...but he doesn’t. I think that’s really important because it reinforces how close Kouzen and all the lwa are to us; even the ones who are literal royalty.
For me, in addition to all of the above, I also experience Kouzen as a source of a lot of creativity and creative drive. My relationship has developed in such a way that he oversees a lot of my art and art practice. He doesn’t care so much what kind of art or if it even turns out good, but more that I do it and keep my hands moving because that’s good for me. He has definitely been the push to put some paint on paper or beads on fabric when I really don’t want to or don’t have any internal motivation. I will feel him eyeing me and I’ll drag myself to my studio space and do something. Or, if I’m really too busy to make art or there’s some other barrier to me actually sitting down, he’ll push me to resolve it so I have space to get my hands dirty.
In terms of what someone could do for Kouzen without getting into trouble or having him be upset is to do charity in his name. If you can, donate money to a cause that supports providing for folks who are hungry, that supports agriculture that supports self sufficiency in developing countries, or even that aids folks who are homeless or unhoused. If you can donate your time and labor, even better! Kouzen values labor and hard work, and there are plenty of places that need help these days: packing food at food pantries, distributing and delivering meals, volunteering to serve meals in homeless shelters, even volunteering to help vaccine efforts would be looked on favorably by him, as it assures further survival.
I caution folks against preparing food for Kouzen without guidance; even looking at his food in the wrong way or thinking it’s delicious can make him upset and jealous, and he’ll refuse it or spoil it. There’s specific ways to even taste his food for seasoning to make sure it will taste good...don’t risk it!
I hope this is helpful; please let me know if there are questions.
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