#if you count thor in endgame then yeah
Shine Bright
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Star!Reader
Word Count: ~4k
Warnings: fluff, angst, being kidnapped and almost killed, but then fluff again
Summary: Hydra wants to reign eternally, and the best way to do that is to eat a falling star's heart. They knock you out of orbit but didn't expect the Avengers to find you first.
Squares Filled: stars (2021) for @buckybarnesbingo
Author’s Note: This takes place during or after FATWS, but I've made John evil, and everyone who died post-Endgame is alive and well.
I am absolutely in love with the movie "Stardust", so I decided to base this story on that! The picture down below DOES NOT represent the reader at all, I just wanted to showcase the movie.
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The sky above is still and peaceful. There isn’t a cloud in sight that allows visibility to whoever looks up at it. John Walker looks through the telescope and positions it on the star Hydra is targeting. If he wasn’t on a mission right now, he’d appreciate the stars shining brightly for their human audience.
“John, is everything in position?”
“On my end. What about yours?”
John looks at his coworker who is in charge of the missile they plan on using for this mission. The man tweaks the numbers and aligns them with the correct star.
“We’re ready.”
All eyes turn to Valentina Allegra de Fontaine. She is in charge of this whole operation under the assumption this is for the CIA. She sits at the large desk in the middle of the room, leans back, and rests her hands in her lap.
“Fire away, gentlemen.”
John and his coworker turn the machine on and launch the missile at the star. John rushes over to the telescope and watches as it flies into the sky, breaks off into tiny pieces, and zooms straight into the heart of the star. Instead of blowing it up like most missiles do, it knocks the star off its orbit and sends it straight down to Earth. Whatever John is seeing through the telescope, everyone can see on the monitors in the room so that Valentina can see what’s going on.
Everyone watches it fall straight to Earth to a place they don’t know. They can’t predict the crash site for something as big as a star but it won’t be hard to track it down. Once they figure out where it is, they’ll have so much fun dissecting it for what they truly need it for.
It was Tony’s idea that the entire team kick back and relax after a hard working week. Sam and Wanda brought out the board games that can account for a lot of people since everyone lives at the compound. The only one not here is Thor but that’s because he has duties to complete on Asgard.
“Okay, this time, don’t cheat,” Tony says to Sam.
“Hey, that was one time and I was trying to get Steve.”
The game they’re playing is Cards Against Humanity, something they all love to play—adult edition. What’s a good night in with alcohol and friends if not for an inappropriate game?
“Bucky, you in or not?”
“Yeah, pass me some cards.”
With everyone on board, the game can get started. The first few rounds were hilarious and the next couple was causing a lot of people to drink. Tony loves to put a spin on his games. If he can get people to drink, then a lot of people are getting drunk. By the tenth round, everyone is relaxed and willing to kick things up a notch.
Tony brings out a Truth or Dare drinking game when something bright lights up the night sky.
“What the hell is that?” Clint asks.
Everyone gets up and gathers around the window to watch it fall to the ground. It lands not far from the Avenger’s Compound but far enough to where they can’t see it.
“Tony, Sam, let’s check it out,” Steve says seriously.
Tony and Sam get suited up while Steve fetches his shield. Steve catches a ride with Tony to travel two hours from the Compound in Madison County. There is a big crater on the ground from the impact of the white light, and the three men tread carefully over to it. Steve’s shield is in front of him ready to protect him, Sam’s drone, Redwing, flies next to him cautiously, and Tony’s repulsors are ready and waiting to be fired.
Tony expected to see some kind of weapon in the middle of the crater but instead of a thing, it’s a person--you. You’re wearing a white dress that goes down to your feet, and you have a white glow about you. You groan in pain just as the light dies down and you look up at the three men staring at you.
“What the hell happened?” you ask.
You look to the sky to see your sisters shining in the night sky. How the hell did you get from up there to down here?
“Who are you?” Steve asks.
“My name is Y/N. Who are you?”
“Steve, Tony, and Sam. What happened here?”
“I don’t know. One minute I was shining in the sky and the next I’m down here and in pain.”
“Shining in the sky?”
“I’m a star. I was minding my own business and someone knocked me out of orbit.”
Steve, Tony, and Sam walk down the crater’s walls and toward you cautiously. They still don’t know if you’re good or not until you get up and reveal what’s been behind you this whole time. A shell of a missile that has the Hydra symbol on the side of it.
“We need to get her inside. If Hydra wants her, then she must be special. We can’t just leave her here.”
“Leave me here? What the hell is going on here?”
“If Hydra wants you, it’s for a reason. We should get you inside before they come looking for you.”
Going with them beats sitting here and waiting for someone bad to find you. Everyone who was left behind waits eagerly for the men’s return, and they’re shocked when they return with a gorgeous woman. You’re scared of the many unknowns of your situation: who are these people? What do they want from you? Who is after you? Are you in danger? Will these people hurt you?
“Who is this?” Natasha asks.
“The white light.”
“Here, sit,” Steve offers, and you take a seat away from everyone else. He knows you’re scared so he’s trying to make this as easy as possible for you. “She’s a star.”
“A star?” Bucky asks with two eyebrows raised.
“As I said to them earlier, I was living peacefully in the sky when something knocked me out of orbit.”
“Hydra knocked her out of the sky. They must want a star.”
“Why? What’s so significant about a star?” Bucky asks.
“There’s lore around shooting stars,” you explain. “For centuries, people have tried to get stars to fall to Earth for their hearts. If our hearts are consumed, it’ll grant the person a sort of immortality. No one can live forever, but our hearts can extend life for centuries. Many of my sisters have fallen and died because of it.”
“Hydra must want to reign for a long time,” Steve theorizes. “Listen, why don’t you stay here until we can figure out how to get you back into the sky.”
“Can we even do that?” Natasha wonders.
“There’s a way. It’s complicated but there’s always a way.”
“Bucky, why don’t you show her to the room next to yours.”
“Thank you,” you sigh and follow the man with a metal arm. He’s very quiet and doesn’t talk much which you relate to. “I appreciate your kindness.”
“Sure. Let me know if you need anything.”
Bucky leaves you alone in the room and you sit on the bed in thought. You never sleep at night and allow yourself to rest during the day so you’re not tired at all. Bucky looks at you before he leaves but pauses. You look so scared and nervous that he can’t help but walk back into the room to be with you. He sits next to you on the bed and wipes both hands on his jeans.
“I was once new here. I didn't know anyone besides Steve. I’m gonna help you figure out a way to get you home.”
“Thank you,” you smile.
The rest of the night is uneventful but right before the sun rose, your eyes started to droop. All of your sisters are sleeping as you’re supposed to be, but the Avengers are so loud you can’t fathom sleeping with this noise. If Hydra wants you then they must have a base somewhere to hold the equipment to knock a star out of orbit. All that equipment will take a lot of money to acquire and a lot of space to hold, so they all come up with places that can be potential bases.
“Ah, there she is. We need your help,” Tony says and waves you into the room.
“What are you guys doing?” you sigh and slump over to them.
“We’re trying to figure out where Hydra’s base is. If we can, then we can plan an attack before they try and come for you.”
“Great,” you sit down and place your chin in your hand.
All of them start talking over one another creating a small headache to form.
“Y/N, I know you’re tired but can you remember where the missile came from? If we can get a sense of direction, we can narrow potential places significantly.”
“I’m not tired, Steve, I’m exhausted. I never stay awake during the day. I need to sleep and rest but you’re all being so loud,” you sigh.
“Come with me,” Bucky offers.
Bucky leads you past both your rooms and to a wing of the compound that rarely is used. This place is the farthest from where anyone is gonna be. There is a spare bedroom down here that Bucky takes you to, and he opens the door for you.
“You’ll be able to get some sleep here. I come here when I want to be alone. It’s quiet.”
“Thank you, Bucky,” you smile.
Your entire body shines slightly to show how happy you are but Bucky doesn’t think much of it. You’re a star. You’re supposed to be shining. All he does is give you a friendly smile and leave you alone to rest. It’s easy for you to fall asleep and you stay asleep for the whole day. When the sun goes down, your body wakes you up to start shining. Then you remember where you are and your glow dims.
You’re ready to take the night on and wander until you find the majority of the Avengers. They’ve been working hard all day to figure out where the Hydra base is and are now taking a break to watch a movie.
“Hey, sleepyhead,” Tony says when you enter the room.
“Got room for one more?”
Bucky moves over so you can sit next to him, and you blush slightly when your leg brushes up against his.
“Did you find out where Hydra is located?”
“No. They have defense walls that aren’t coming up on our radars, but we have Friday constantly looking for a way in.”
“Who’s Friday?”
“My AI,” Tony answers.
He turns the movie up so everyone can hear it, and you turn to Bucky with a shy smile.
“Thank you for letting me use your space,” you whisper.
“I don’t mind.”
“What movie are you guys watching?”
“Dumb and Dumber. They love it.”
You try to get into the movie but you’re not connecting to it as much as you hope to. Everyone laughs at the same time when something funny happens but not you. You’re not sure if you fit in well with this group. Humans have always been part of your fascination but you only know of the evolution of them, not them personally.
“Excuse me,” you whisper and get up.
Bucky watches you walk off toward our room without another word. He knows more than most what trying to fit in feels like and how bad he can feel when he doesn’t. He leaves his friends and follows you to your room. You’re sitting on the balcony and staring at the night sky where your sisters are.
“I promise I’m coming home. I’m figuring out a way to do that,” you sigh.
They twinkle to let you know they hear you.
“Mind if I join you?” Bucky knocks on the balcony doors.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m not really a group person.” Bucky sits next to you on the lounge chair. “I’m more of a loner. I didn’t have any planets orbiting me, and the closest star to me is my sister Vega. She’s such a sweetheart.”
“Yeah, I’m more of a loner, too.”
“My sisters are the only ones I can count on, and they’re watching over me right now to make sure I’m okay.” 
Bucky looks up and they twinkle so he can see where they’re located.
“When you were in the sky, could you watch over humans?”
“It was my favorite thing to do. I’ve watched humans grow since they first arrived. I see the value in human life because it ends. They’ve come a long way from where they first started.”
“I’ve never met a star before. You’re pretty nice and beautiful.”
Your body shines a bit at his compliment.
“Thank you. Stars are pure and innocent despite the violence and horrors we see on a daily basis. We represent everything good about the world. We represent beauty.”
“I can tell,” he smiles.
Your body shines a bit more the more you are happy being here with Bucky. The stars in the sky shine a bit brighter when they see their sister happy.
Hydra hasn’t made a move against the Avengers over the course of the following week because they’re not sure how they can approach the situation. Valentina knows exactly where the star is and she can’t charge in like she normally would. The Avengers are powerful that deserve careful planning and strategy to overcome.
 Meanwhile, you and Bucky have grown closer. When you’re not sleeping, you’re spending as much time with Bucky as you can. There is only a short amount of time you can spend with him before one of you needs to sleep. In the beginning, you were only allowed a couple of hours to be with him, but now you’re spending half a day with him. You’re slowly starting to fall asleep later in the morning and waking up later in the night. It’s something you’re willing to change in order to be with Bucky.
“Tell me something,” Bucky says.
You two are lying on the roof of the building admiring the night sky which is sure to come soon. Your skin is glowing brightly that if whoever were to look up at the roof, they’d see nothing but a white glow.
“What?” you ask and look at him.
“I know that stars shine but do you get to choose when you get to? I’ve seen you with and without.”
“I shine when I’m happy,” you say with a bright smile, “and I’m happy right now with you.”
You and Bucky stay on the roof until there is no more sunlight left in the sky, and you yawn tiredly.
“A little bit.”
“Let’s go back inside.”
You and Bucky head back inside your room to get ready for the night, and you look at your bed in thought.
“You know, I haven’t been sleeping well. I’ve been transitioning into sleeping at night so I’m still struggling a bit. I might be able to sleep better if it were next to you.”
Bucky holds his flesh hand out, too scared to use his metal hand for fear of breaking you. He takes you to his room where you two get comfortable underneath the sheets. He’s shocked he can sleep with you shining next to him but it gives him a sense of comfort knowing you feel safe enough with him to shine.
The next morning, you wake with a smile on your face and your skin glowing.
“This is the first time I slept through the night.” You look beside you but Bucky isn’t there. The brightness dims on your skin until it looks normal. “Bucky?” You get up and walk around the compound in search of Bucky, and you find him in the main room where the other Avengers are. “What’s going on?”
“We found Hydra’s base. Nat’s gonna stay here with you,” Tony declares.
Your eyes immediately find Bucky’s.
“You’re not gonna stay here with me?”
“I know Hydra like the back of my hand. I have to go with them.”
“Oh, okay.”
Tony, Steve, Bucky, Wanda, and Sam get geared up to go while you and Natasha stay behind. She’s decked in her gear just in case something happens. She has the capabilities to keep you safe since you’re not a fighter--you’re a lover. You don’t think you could fight even if you wanted to.
“So, how long have you been with the team?” you ask.
“Too long.” You look away in thought and bounce your leg nervously. “Look, I haven’t known Bucky for very long but he’s trying. He used to be one of the bad guys but he’s doing a helluva lot more good to make up for the bad. He knows how to handle Hydra. He’s going to be okay.”
“I know,” you nod with uncertainty.
You and Natasha make conversation for the next couple of hours when the alarms start blaring inside the compound.
“Stay here.”
“You’re leaving me alone?” you gasp.
“I’m sure it’s nothing. Just stay here and don’t move. I’ll be right back.”
Natasha is gone before you have a chance to question her further. You wait nervously for her to come back because you have no clue where she is, what’s going on, and who is inside the compound. After an hour of waiting around, you get up and look out the window. Everything seems normal as if there isn't an intruder inside. Footsteps near the room you’re in, ad you turn to the door waiting to see Natasha.
The door opens and you smile.
“I was beginning to worry.”
The smile is lost when you see a strange woman with four soldiers around her.
“So was I. The easy part was tracking you down. Stars have a bit of… aura about them that is easily tracked. The hard part was infiltrating this place. I had to make sure I had all my bases covered. You’re coming with us.”
“No,” you stand your ground.
“No? Emilio.” One of the men takes out a tablet from one of the pockets and flips it open. He presses a few buttons and shows you what’s on the screen. All your friends are tied with Hydra soldiers all around them. Of course, you’re worried about all of them but you can’t help but look at Bucky. “Either come with me or your friends will be killed.”
You have no choice but to go with her.
The woman, Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, leads you through the large Hydra base to a big room with a staircase leading up to a small landing. A large table is on the landing with a  medical cart next to it. There is nothing but different sizes of knives--knives that will be used to cut your heart out.
“A shining star’s heart is the way to go, but I’ll settle for your scared little one any day of the year.” You’re only doing this because you’re scared of what these people are going to do to Bucky if you fight back. You’re forced onto the table where Valentina straps you down so you’re not tempted to leave. “Don’t worry, darling. I’ll make sure to make it quick and painless.”
She grabs one of the sharpest knives and walks over to you. You close your eyes and send a quick prayer to your sisters in hopes they can hear you. She raises her knife when the double doors slam open. You both look to see Bucky storming in with his deadly gun.
“Bucky!” you smile and shine brightly at the sight of him.
“Get him!” Valentina orders.
A dozen guards make their way into the room and start shooting at Bucky who is more than prepared to handle them. Bullets fly as your concern for Bucky grows. However, he seems to beat every single one of them as he makes his way closer to you.
“Emilio!” Valentina yells.
The big guy who was with her earlier steps into the room with two charged electric gloves. His metal armor makes him immune to the bullets Bucky is firing at him, and he gives him an uppercut when he reaches him. Bucky goes flying across the room and uses his vibranium arm to slow his descent down the walkway.
Emilio and Bucky meet in the middle as they fistfight for your honor. There is no way Valentina is cutting your heart out now. She wants to see how this fight is gonna end. She is pretty confident that her soldier is going to win against the Winter Soldier, but oh how wrong she is. The double doors bust open and Wanda comes in with red magic at her fingertips. Tony and Steve are behind her ready to fight whoever they need to in order to save you.
Red magic encases Emilio to hold him still while Bucky delivers a deadly punch to the bottom of his jaw. Emilio is thrown across the room and knocks into a mirror, and he slides down it unconsciously. Valentina sees the urgency of the situation and raises the knife.
“Tony, heads up.”
Steve rears his shield back and throws it in Valentina’s direction, and Tony shoots his repulsors at the shield to make it fly the rest of the way. Valentina tries to escape but is hit before she can find coverage. She falls to the ground completely knocked out. Bucky runs up the staircase and over to you with an easy smile.
“You really thought I’d let you get sacrificed?”
“I’m glad you’re okay.”
Bucky undoes your ties and helps you off the table, and the both of you run down the staircase to the other Avengers. Before you can reach them, all the doors that lead into the room slam open. Dozens upon dozens of guards come in with their weapons, weapons that can kill everyone here. There are too many guards for Wanda to control and too many for them to take on.
They might not be able to but you can. You pull Bucky into you and wrap your arms around his neck.
“Hold onto me and close your eyes.”
“What do stars do best?” You pull him down so that his face is nestled into the shape of your neck. “They shine.”
Your entire body shines with the intensity of a real star. Your teammates cover their eyes to protect themselves but the same thing can’t be said for the Hydra soldiers. Your light kills whoever dares look into it, and the soldiers in the very back leave as quickly as they can before they can succumb to your light. You pull away from Bucky and dim your light knowing that these soldiers aren’t going to hurt them anymore.
After Valentina is apprehended and taken back to the States for punishment through the CIA, Bucky returns back to the Compound with you by his side. There is a lot of paperwork that Nick Fury has to fill out, and Tony and Steve offered to stay behind to scour through the base and see what kinds of things Hydra has been up to.
The night sky is shining brighter than normal because your sisters are happy for your safe return.
“They say thank you for saving me,” you say to Bucky.
“No problem,” he says to the sky before looking back down at you. “She’s worth saving.”
“You know, these last two weeks with you have been amazing. If I’m being honest, I’m having second thoughts about going back. I don’t want to leave you.”
“I don’t want you to leave either.”
You wrap your arms around his neck and he pulls you in closer by your hips.
“Maybe staying here for a while longer won’t be so bad.”
He slides one hand up your body to your jaw which he cups. He leans down and kisses you with such intensity that causes butterflies to erupt in your stomach. The stars twinkle in the sky as your own light shines brightly for all to see.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
197 notes · View notes
justjams2003 · 3 months
Hiiii I'd like to request something about Chris Hemsworth......idk if your into kpop groups or if you like it or not but if you want to accept my request please kindly do a little research on it here's the story
So the reader is a part of a kpop girl group and her and Chris are dating secretly...he was also seen attending the readers group concert but the fans thought it was just because they are good friends that's why but reality is something that they are dating but fans some how people find out and start freaking out lol...... I'll leave the ending to you
Thank you so much for taking your time and reading this if you don't like the idea please feel free to ignore I totally understand....
Hi, girly pop! Sorry that this one took me like forever and a day. But I hope it's to your liking!
Pairing: Chris Hemsworth x Kpop idol!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, dirty talk, dirty thoughts, kissing, but nothing dirty actually happens. Wet cat eyes. Babygirl Chris Hemsworth. The use of Y/N. Let me know if I missed something
Word count: 1,8k+ Undeited
Divider by: @princessantisocial
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The studio lights cause the sweat to bead down your forehead. Your group’s makeup artist is quick to fix this. She wipes the sweat off and then brushes some powder there again. “Are you alright?” She asks, her black brows furrow together while she fixes the creases around your nose.  
Korean is like English to you now and you don’t even need to translate it anymore. “I’m just like a really big fan so, I’m a bit nervous.” She smiles and then takes a step back. She nods, proud of her work. Jisoo giggles, she is listening in on the conversation. You give her a slight shove. “Don’t even start.” 
She listens to your warning but she does give you a knowing wink. You feel your heartbeat rise when the other studio door opens and The Avengers Endgame actors start to fill the room. They’re on the Korean leg of their press tour. And your band released a song for the movie. And one of the actors has been your crush since the first Thor movie came out. 
You’re sitting right in front of where Chris is supposed to be sitting. Where usually there’d be an interviewer and an interviewee, now you’re both interviewing each other. You sit with the cards in front of you, each member has their own cards. You notice his presence by his delicious scent. Your head is slow to look up but you’re instantly hit with his bright blue eyes. 
You sit up straighter, and your breath gets stuck in your chest. And when he sits down you realise you have to breathe and have no choice but to let out a shaky puff of air. Your eyes glance at your managers, their eyes look dangerous and you know that this isn’t your image. You’re supposed to be the fun one, the confident one. 
The cameraman nods, three, two, one. “Hi, we’re BLACKPINK.” Your group says in unison, some making finger hearts and others a peace sign. Then it’s your turn to speak. “And we’re here to interview The Avengers Endgame cast.” Okay, yeah, it’s cool, you’ve got this. You’re sure you look cool as can be. 
You watch his every move. The way he scratches his beard when he thinks about his reply to a question. The way his bright blue eyes linger on you before quickly looking away when you notice. How he leans in when you speak. Licking his lips as if he stopping himself from saying something. 
Or when he leans back in his chair. His hips move forward as he gets comfortable. The way his slacks stretch around his huge thighs. His thighs make you think of all sorts of filthy things. You imagine yourself in his lap, his big hands on your hips. You can just see yourself bucking into the seams of his pants and- 
He speaks and your eyes snap up to him. He’s looking straight at you, did he see the lust in your eyes? “I have a question.” Chris’ voice is like hot lava against your back. “Let’s hear it.” You reply almost automatically, so badly just wanting to talk to him. His bright blue eyes fall down to his cards, they scan over the words as he reads them over. 
“Which Avenger is each member’s favourite Avenger?” Of course, this has to be the one that he asks. But he’s got this sly grin about it. Previous interviews flash through your mind. You try to think of all the times you’ve gushed over him and you can feel your face turn the same colour as the pink skirt you’re wearing. 
The four other BLACKPINK member’s heads all turn to you. They all have this shit-eating grin on their face. “Go on, tell him,” Lisa speaks, urging you on. Chris raises his brow and then RDJ interrupts. “Y/N, is there something you’d like to tell us?” Then all of the girls begin giggling. You bite your lip, trying to fight off the smile. 
“It’s sort of a...inside joke that I’m kind of...obsessed with Thor.” His eyes go big and he forms a sort of shit-eating grin. His muscular arm reaches back and rests on the chair’s top railing. You feel just about ready for the floor to swallow you whole. But luckily Jisoo saves you the embarrassment. “My favourite is Wanda, 'cause she’s a badass girl.” 
🪞♡₊˚ 🥐・₊✧ ホットチョコレート
“Y/N, we’ve got some good news and some bad news.” The director of your new music video speaks. He’s holding his clipboard like always. You can’t really nod since there are about three different people working on your look for the music video. Luckily you don’t have to. 
“You know how we have that scene where we have you lean against a guy’s chest?” Again he speaks without a reply from you. “Well, that guy cancelled. But strangely enough, we got a call right after they cancelled asking to be their replacement.” Your brows furrow together but then your director steps aside. 
It’s not very hard to see the Chris Hemsworth being oiled up by one of your makeup artists. Those wave blue eyes find you the second you see him. You can feel yourself turn bright red. He just looks so good and you can feel your hands itch to touch him. 
Your heart is racing in your ears. Chris looks so delicious lying on the set. It’s a messy bed, his abs flex as he gets comfortable in the bed. He holds out his hand for you. His hand is so much bigger than yours and so warm too. He’s so gentle when he guides your hips against his. His body heat makes your blushing cheeks so much worse. 
“Just breathe.” He whispers into your ear, his fingers tickling your waist. You try your best to touch him as little as possible. “How can I?” You mumble looking into the camera while they set it up. “Just imagine this is every day for us. Imagine that my hands are always on you like this.” Your breath hitches and the thought only makes your cheeks redder. 
The director speaks, he uses his fingers to count down to one. Then the music begins playing. You lip-sync to the song, you’re in your element, and you remind yourself just how long you’ve been working on this song. But then his lips are on your neck and for just a few seconds you lose focus. 
“Sorry, sorry,” you mutter when the cameras cut. A sigh escapes you and you lean back looking up at him. “That’s not very professional of you.” You scoff but you’re quickly shut up when his thumb grazes over your bottom lip. “How can I be professional when you’re looking at me like that, looking like this?” 
His breath smells so minty and his lips look so soft when he speaks. Breathing feels almost unnatural around him. His fingers pinch your chin and force you to look up at him. His eyes look so stormy when he speaks. “How old are you, little girl?” You understand completely how he feels when he says it’s hard to stay professional. 
“25.” You reply to him. He lets out a groan and then grabs you by the hips. He pulls you closer, higher up, adjusting so just you’re no longer lying on his groin. “Okay, we’re ready to start again.” 
🪞♡₊˚ 🥐・₊✧ ホットチョコレート 
His lips are on yours and his hands are all over your body. “Chris...” You mutter into his neck. He pushes you further against the wall. You’re trapped in his arms, in his scent, in his touch. “We shouldn’t be doing this...I’m not allowed to date.” Again you try to get his attention but Chris is just too furious for you. 
He had you cornered after the shoot. Quickly had you in some storage closet. His rugged voice and smooth touch had your knees weak and you just couldn’t resist when he placed the softest gentlest kiss on your lips. It was like his mouth was made of delicious cotton candy. And he tastes just as sweet. 
He sighs, seeing just how serious you are. His hand swipes across his lips. Trying to get rid of the feeling of your lips on his. “Come to my house. No one will see. Just me and you.” He suggests, his big blue eyes look to be pleading with you. Like he needs you more than he needs air. You sigh, crossing your arms. The way he looks at you...you just can’t say no. 
“Please.” It’s like a punch in the gut when his voice cracks. Begging to see you just once more. How are you ever supposed to resist? But the thought of your managers finding out...it could cost you your job. “If anyone asks, we’re just friends. I know the routine. I know how I’ll have to hide.” 
A sigh escapes you. He’s so smooth with his words, he knows exactly what to say. “Okay, but just this once.” 
🪞♡₊˚ 🥐・₊✧ ホットチョコレート 
His laugh is like intoxicating incense that makes your head swirl. And when he’s done laughing he fiddles with the rings on his fingers and the watch around his wrist. You look down at the empty plate. Your stomach feels full and your heart too. Your cheeks hurt from just how much he’s made you laugh. 
You look around at his big house. You took the first opportunity you could find to head to Australia and see him. Each time that the thought crossed your mind of just ignoring him you’d see those eyes and the way his voice broke. Begging for you to just see him. Now, you’re glad you came. 
Chris’ house is so empty. Everything looks like it’s come straight out of an Architectural digest. Like it’s been thoroughly cleaned before you came. Very few signs of someone living there. You can’t really imagine someone living here. “Don’t you get lonely, all on your own?” You ask, finally returning to him. It’s as if he just can’t stop looking at you. When you see him, he sees you. 
“I’m rarely home...don’t you get lonely?” He leans his chin on his intertwined hands. You smirk, eyes all over him. “I’m rarely home.” You repeat his words to him. “But...” Again a sigh escapes you. “I haven’t laughed this much in a long. I haven’t eaten this good in so long...” His hand slowly creeps up, grabbing yours in his. 
You feel this sort of magnetic draw towards him. Like the whole world just spins around him. When he smiles, you smile. When he laughs, you laugh. You feel sort of at home. Talking to him moves so smoothly. And everything inside of your heart and soul is telling you to- 
“Stay.” Chris’ deep Australian accent cuts off your obsessive ramblings. It’s as if he’s reading your mind... 
🪞♡₊˚ 🥐・₊✧ ホットチョコレート
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c-is-for-circinate · 2 months
MCU 2024 Rewatch MASTERPOST: yeah sure why not
Fuck it, guess we're doing this! I, in the year of our lord 2024, am watching my way through the full MCU, in release order. Just that kind of masochist I guess. And because this is the Masochism And Schadenfreude website, you all get to watch!
One of the reasons I'm doing this is because I actually really want to track where it feels like the MCU went wrong. I saw the original Iron Man in theaters in 2008 (twice!), and it was genre-defining in several ways that seem very distant after sixteen years and thirty-some-odd movies. We all watched these for a reason! Time to figure out what it was and also where it got lost.
Note: for now we're skipping the various TV shows, Agents of SHIELD, the assorted Netflix miniseries, Agent Carter...it is Too Much and unlike Twitch reacters, I ain't getting paid for this shit. We're also skipping The Incredible Hulk. Fight me on it.
I have seen...some of these. Pretty much everything through Civil War, and then most things through Infinity War, and basically nothing since then. So it's also going to be interesting to see how future knowledge impacts some of the earlier movies, and then y'all are going to get my actual reactions to the later movies. Which I'm sure will be fun for SOMEBODY.
Anyway I'll be tagging everything as C Watches MCU 2024, and I'll link below on the list after the readmore as reactions happen. Hopefully this whole list will keep me honest!
(oh god there are 32 movies on this list even skipping the Hulk. why am I doing this to myself. what have I begun. why.)
Iron Man (2008)
Iron Man 2 (2010)
Thor (2011)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
The Avengers (2012)
Iron Man 3 (2013)
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Ant-Man (2015)
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Doctor Strange (2016)
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Black Panther (2017)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
Captain Marvel (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Black Widow (2021)
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)
Eternals (2021)
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022)
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023)
The Marvels (2023)
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5 + 10 of the Fanfic Writing Ask!
5. How many wips do you have? What fandoms/pairings are they for?
Oh wow. A lot. Well over 10. I couldn't tell you an accurate count, but it's definitely over 10. Some of that's because I have on-going series that have different parts, and those parts are either started already or they're not started yet, but they will be at some point.
Fandom is mostly Marvel - Tony/Loki, Tony/Bucky, Tony/Steve, Steve/Scott Summers, Tony/Scott Summers, Tony/Emma Frost, Bucky/Emma Frost, Emma/Steve, Uhhhhhh...Loki/Bucky, Loki/Emma, Loki/Emma/Tony, Scott Summers/Logan, Justin Hammer/Loki, Bruce/Thor, Steve/Bucky, Bruce/Jane Foster, Thor/Darcy, Clint/Natasha, Natasha/Sam, Justin Hammer/Bobby Drake... Yeah, I'm kind of a multi-shipper, though I have my NOPE characters and my Notps.
Other fandom that I don't have a WIP technically on, but I have other fics in mind to go with the one I've already written is Stranger Things, and the pair would be Steve/Eddie. The first one that's been posted up is already Steve/Eddie established.
10. Do you work on multiple wips or stick to one fic at a time?
Here's what I do. I pull up 4-5 WIPs every day when I reboot my computer. I work on whichever WIP screams the loudest to be worked on. Sometimes that means I bounce around to all or several at once, and sometimes that means I just work on one, and that would be the one that screams the loudest.
Currently, the one screaming the loudest, which also happens to be a joy right now to work on (no really, I'm not being sarcastic) is my in canon (but canon divergent) Justin/Loki go on a mission to Vegas fic. It has quite a few Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas references (how could it not? it's got the Collector in it - if you know, you know), and it's post-Endgame, everybody lives, and it's an utter delight of adorable awkwardness and bonkers bullshit. This may well become one of my top favorite fics of all time, and I usually can't pic faves of my own work.
Thanks for the asks!
Fanfic Writing Asks.
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swan-of-sunrise · 2 years
Endgame (Chapter One)
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Summary: (Y/N) and Steve struggle to come to terms with their loss as a new ally rescues Tony from space, and the Avengers decide to track the Mad Titan down.
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader
Word Count: 4.4k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: Hi guys! Hopefully you’ve forgiven me for the way I ended the last book (sorry not sorry lol) because now we’re moving onto Endgame! It’ll be one hell of a roller-coaster, so be ready to experience every emotion a human can possibly experience lol thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoy!
Chapter One June 2018 Avengers Facility, Upstate New York (Previous Book)
“Dear Mister Fantasy, play us a tune, something to make us all happy. Do anything, take us out of this gloom. Sing a song, play guitar, make it snappy…”
As (Y/N) listened to the melancholy song blaring at an unhealthy volume through her earbuds, she stared up at the ceiling of hers and Steve’s bedroom and studied the subtle imperfections of the dry paint. The longer she stared at the slight ridges and streaks above her, the more they stopped looking like slight ridges and streaks and started to resemble the handful of faces she was trying her hardest to ignore.
“You are the one who can make us all laugh, but doing that you break out in tears. Please don’t be sad if it was a straight mind you had, we wouldn’t have known you all these years…”
Her throat tightened in grief as Sam’s teasing smile and playful gaze morphed into existence, quickly joined by Wanda’s devastated expression as she destroyed the Mind Stone embedded in Vision’s forehead and Bucky’s friendly but tortured eyes.
“Dear Mister Fantasy, play us a tune, something to make us all happy. Do anything, take us out of this gloom. Sing a song, play guitar, make it snappy, yeah…”
T’Challa’s regal and commanding stare materialized beside the others and her own eyes began to well with fresh tears when her old friend Greg’s cheerful face appeared; she didn’t know that her friend and book publisher was among the Vanished until they all returned to the Avengers Compound and began taking a census, the shocking realization bringing with it a fresh wave of pain and anguish at the thought of Mara, Abbie and Leo having to grapple with his sudden disappearance.
“Dear Mister Fantasy, play us a tune, something to make us all happy. Do anything, take us out of this gloom. Sing a song, play guitar, make it snappy…”
(Y/N) squeezed her eyes shut when Loki’s face came to mind, but she was unable to stop herself as she thought about the brave and misunderstood friend who offered her protection and support in one of her most desperate hours and who selflessly sacrificed himself while attempting to stop Thanos before it was too late. She struggled to cope with his loss, partially because she hadn’t been there to witness it herself but mostly because out of everyone residing at the Avengers Compound, she was the only one who truly saw the gentle and loyal side of the God of Mischief; Thor did, too, but the God of Thunder adamantly refused to speak or even look into her eyes after their defeat in Wakanda three weeks earlier. She knew that he blamed himself for not killing Thanos before he could use the Infinity Stones and although no one dared to say it out loud, she also knew that he felt responsible for her very personal loss.
“You are the one who can make us all laugh, but doing that you break out in tears. Please don’t be sad if it was a straight mind you had, we wouldn’t have known you all these years…”
Imagining Carina and how the infant looked when they said goodbye to her right before leaving to battle the Black Order and defend Vision – her tear-filled (Y/E/C) eyes and sweet little pout as she looked up at her adoring parents – proved to be the final straw. (Y/N) sat up on the bed and ripped the earbuds out of her ears, switching the old MP3 player off and setting it on the nightstand before wiping away the tears that managed to escape; she managed to hold back the sob that had started building in her chest and took a quivering breath to try calming herself down.
It had been three weeks since Thanos snapped his fingers and used the six Infinity Stones to wipe out half of all life in the universe, three weeks since the Mad Titan walked through a portal and disappeared without a trace, and three weeks since (Y/N) lost her daughter and her friends in the blink of an eye. After everything they’d done since that terrible moment they realized they’d lost – returning to the Avengers Compound, conducting deep space scans to hunt down Thanos, documenting a complete census of the Vanished, becoming acquainted with the cosmic superhero who was summoned back to Earth by Fury before he himself Vanished, and checking in with their surviving friends and family – it still felt as though (Y/N) was trapped in a waking nightmare. Every day for the past twenty-two days, she woke up with thoughts of Carina on her mind and in one heartbreaking moment, she remembered all over again that her daughter was gone and an insurmountable wave of grief would threaten to overtake her.
After taking one final gulp of air, (Y/N) stood and crossed the room to the closed bathroom door, her hand hovering over the doorknob for a brief moment of hesitation before grasping it and slowly opening the door. Steve, who’d been leaning against the sink and staring morosely at his own reflection in the mirror, looked over at her and attempted to smile, but the haunting emptiness in his azure eyes remained; he set the razor he’d used to shave off the physical evidence of his two years on the run down in the sink and ran a hand over his smooth chin. “Yeah, I figured I was overdue for a shave.”
“You were looking a little scruffy.” Stepping into the room, (Y/N) pulled a towel off of the wall rack and carefully wiped away the spots of shaving cream he’d missed. “You and Rocket were beginning to look like twins.”
The super-soldier huffed out a quiet chuckle as his large hands moved to rest on her hips while she continued her methodical task. “Speaking of the talking raccoon, I saw that he disassembled your Bug’s engine; I thought that he was only supposed to be checking your brakes?”
“Well, after he finished with the brakes, he said that he should check out the rest of the car because – and I quote – ‘you humies don’t know jack-shit about machinery.’ He needed a distraction and seems to really enjoy fixing things, so I just let him continue working.” Her movements slowed as she recalled something she’d witnessed earlier that evening and it wasn’t until Steve started running his hands up and down her sides that she finally spoke. “He misses Groot and his friends, the other Guardians of the Galaxy he was telling us about. I saw him sitting in the driver’s seat earlier, listening to one of my old 80’s compilation cassette tapes and staring off at the woods across the lake.”
Steve pursed his lips and nodded. “Thor told Nat that one of the Guardians, a guy named Quill, was originally from Earth and that he loved music as much as you do; she’s been trying to get more intel from both of them to see if Quill’s still got any living family here, but she hasn’t had much luck going off of one name.”
“I can’t say that I blame either of them. They want to forget.” (Y/N) set the towel down on the bathroom sink and lowered her gaze, unable to look at Steve without seeing a hint of their daughter in his features. “I just…” Her lower lip trembled and she blinked back her rapidly-forming tears. “I want to forget, too. Even if it’s just for one night, one moment, I…I-I just want to feel something other than pain.” She mustered up enough courage to glance up and into Steve’s reddened eyes. “Make me forget. Please, sweetheart, make me forget about it all for just one night.”
“We’ll forget together,” Steve promised, a tear trailing down his cheek as he leaned down and captured her lips in a passionate kiss; while she kissed him back with equal vigor, he backed her up against the sink and without warning, he lifted her up by her waist to sit on the bathroom counter and stood between her parted legs. Their kisses were desperate and needy, a far cry from the romantic reconnection she’d spent her entire pregnancy longing for, but their urgency to lose themselves in one another put any thought besides the two of them entirely out of their minds; (Y/N)’s arms wrapped around Steve’s neck and her fingers weaved through his long blonde hair, tugging on the locks and eliciting a sinful groan from Steve. The super-soldier broke their kiss and began to trail his lips down her jawline and along the column of her throat, causing her to tip her head back for easier access and stifle her own satisfied moan.
But just when Steve’s hands were beginning to tug the hem of her shirt upwards, he suddenly stilled against her. “Do you feel that?”
“Hmm?” (Y/N) struggled to regain her breath and comprehend what her fiancé was talking about but moments later, her question was answered when the counter she was seated on began to shake. Her brow furrowed in confusion as she glanced around the bathroom, noticing the mounted makeup mirror quivering and the window pane rattling in its frame, and she pulled away from Steve with her eyes widened in realization. “Oh my God. Do you think that Carol finally found the Benatar?”
Steve nodded as his azure eyes filled with a glimmer of hope. “Let’s go find out.” With a final fleeting kiss, the two of them quickly dressed and hurried outside to where Rhodes, Bruce, Natasha, Rocket and a distraught Pepper were all gathered; the CEO of Stark Industries and Tony’s fiancée had been staying with them at the compound since they’d returned from Wakanda, and she’d spent many sleepless nights analyzing deep space scans in a desperate effort to find Tony and bring him home safely. The super-soldier’s hand squeezed (Y/N)’s tight as they joined the others and they looked up in time to see a massive spacecraft descent from the sky; Carol Danvers, the former U.S. Air Force pilot more commonly known across the galaxy as Captain Marvel, glowed brightly with cosmic energy as she guided the groaning spacecraft to the ground.
“She did it,” Rocket quietly remarked, and there was a hint of fear in his voice. “The glowing chick found ‘em.”
The spacecraft’s steps descended and Pepper stifled a sob in her hands when Tony appeared at the top; a blue-skinned woman was helping the weakened billionaire down the stairs and when he showed signs of unsteadiness, Steve let go of her hand and ran across the lawn to help. (Y/N) watched Pepper and Rhodes share an emotional hug before hurrying to greet Tony, but the small smile she’d managed to muster at their reunion disappeared when she saw that no one else was onboard; at least Rocket isn’t entirely alone, she thought to herself, the hollow feeling in her chest growing as she watched Rocket sit down on the spacecraft’s steps beside the blue-skinned woman and wordlessly take her hand. But the others were gone, either Vanished or murdered by Thanos; the Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange, Peter Parker…
A familiar hand on her shoulder pulled her out of her silent rumination and Natasha smiled a little when she turned. “Tony’s here, alive and safe. He’ll know where we can find Thanos.” The spy gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze just as Carol walked up to them. “Good work, Danvers.”
“We’re lucky I found ‘em when I did; another few hours out there and your friend would’ve been gone.” (Y/N) shuddered and the captain gave them an apologetic look before continuing. “Their food and water ran out two weeks ago and their ship was dead in the water. Whatever happened out there with Thanos…it wasn’t good.”
(Y/N) nodded, watching the others escort Tony inside as she twirled her engagement ring around her finger. “No, but Nat’s right; if there’s even a sliver of a chance of fixing all this, then we need anything that Tony can give us on that bastard.”
Despite what she’d said to Natasha and Carol on the lawn of the Avengers Facility, (Y/N)’s confidence in Tony’s ability to aid them in their search for Thanos all but disappeared by the next morning. Bruce patched up the billionaire’s many battle wounds and inserted an I.V. into his arm to replenish the nutrients he’d lost after so many days without food or water, but Tony appeared almost detached throughout the entire process; he insisted on being briefed as soon as possible, so they reluctantly wheeled him into the common room and worriedly watched him twirl his spoon around his soggy cereal while they booted up the holograms of all their ongoing research. He looks like he’s been through hell, (Y/N) thought as she shared a look of concern with Steve and leaned against the table beside him while Rhodes started speaking.
“It’s been twenty-three days since Thanos came to Earth…”
(Y/N)’s jaw clenched as she averted her eyes from the holograms displaying all the faces of the friends and allies they’d lost; Sam, Wanda, Vision, Bucky, T’Challa, Shuri, Scott Lang, Maria Hill, Nick Fury, Laura Barton and all three Barton children, Sharon Carter, Peter Parker, Stephen Strange, Erik Selving, Jane Foster, Hank Pym, Hope Van Dyne…she wasn’t sure which was worse, being forced to see their faces every single day since they’d gone or not having a picture of her own daughter to display as one of Thanos’ countless victims. The others weren’t immune from the emotional impact of the holograms; Steve crossed his arms tighter across his chest and pointedly looked down, Carol blinked away her tears as Nick Fury’s image faded away and Natasha cleared her throat right before Yelena Belova’s image appeared, still unwilling to accept the news of her younger sister’s loss.
“World governments are in pieces. The parts that are still working are trying to take a census, and it looks like he did…” Natasha paused for a moment to compose herself while Tony looked away from Peter Parker’s school I.D. photograph. “He did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Thanos wiped out fifty percent of all living creatures.”
The silence of the room was finally broken by Tony. “Where is he now? Where?”
“We don’t know,” Steve replied, the forced calmness of his voice wavering when he glanced up at Tony. “He just opened a portal and walked through.”
The billionaire moved to adjust his wheelchair and caught sight of Thor, who was seated alone outside in the courtyard. “And what’s wrong with him?”
“Well, he’s pissed. He thinks he failed.” Rocket’s empty gaze met all theirs and he shrugged. “Which, of course, he did, but you know, there’s a lot of that goin’ around, ain’t there?”
“Honestly, until this exact second I thought you were a Build-A-Bear.”
“Maybe I am.”
Under very different circumstances, (Y/N) would’ve smiled at Tony and Rocket’s exchange, thrilled that the two like-minded geniuses were somehow able to meet one another. But there was only one thing that she cared to focus on, and that was making Thanos pay for what he’d done. “We’ve been hunting Thanos for three weeks – deep space scans, satellites – and we’ve got nothing. Tony, I know that you’ve been through a lot but you fought him-”
“Who told you that?” (Y/N) kept her irritation in check at Tony’s blunt interruption. “I didn’t fight him. No, he wiped my face with a planet while the Bleeker Street magician gave away the store. That’s what happened; there was no fight because he’s not beatable-”
“Okay…” Steve cut through the billionaire’s incoherent rambling, his struggle to maintain his patience evident in the way his fingers dug into the edge of the tabletop behind him. “Did he give you any clues? Any coordinates, anything?”
Tony snorted and flailed his hand in indifference, causing Steve’s grip on the tabletop to tighten in frustration as (Y/N) exchanged a knowing look with Natasha. “I saw this coming a few years back. I had a vision, I didn’t wanna believe it…thought I was dreaming.”
The super-soldier pushed himself the table and took a step forward; (Y/N) anxiously bit her lip when she noticed the divots he’d left in the wood and she felt the tension in the common room grow. “Tony, I’m gonna need you to focus-”
“And I needed you.” The billionaire’s quiet but accusatory words echoed throughout the room and (Y/N) felt herself tense up. “As in past tense. That trumps what you need; it’s too late, buddy. Sorry. You know what I need? I need to shave.” He knocked the bowl of cereal over and it clattered against the table as he stood, making all of them flinch at the harsh sound; ignoring Rhodes protests and attempts to stop him, Tony ripped the I.V. out of his arm and continued addressing the room. “And I believe I remember telling all of you, alive or otherwise, that we needed a suit of armor around the world! Remember that? Whether it impacted our precious freedoms or not, that’s what we needed.”
“Well, that didn’t work out, did it?”
(Y/N) stepped forward and rested a hand on her fiancé’s bicep. “Steve, he’s not well…”
“Nah, I’ve really never felt better, Austen. You remember that day, don’t you? You remember what happened after Ultron, right?” Tony demanded and after she slowly nodded, he turned his attention back to Steve. “I said we’d lose. You said we’d ‘do that together, too.’ But guess what, Cap? We lost, and you weren’t there.” Steve’s muscles flexed beneath her hand but he remained silent, watching with regret in his azure eyes while Rhodes unsuccessfully tried guiding Tony back into his wheelchair. “But that’s what we do, right? Our best work after the fact? We’re the A-vengers, not the Pre-vengers, right?”
“Okay, you made your point, just sit down-”
“Okay, okay,” Tony ignored his best friend’s pleas and pointed at Carol. “She’s great, by the way. We need you, you’re new blood and we’re a bunch of tired old mules!” Pushing past Rhodes, Tony walked right up to Steve and sneered. “I’ve got nothing for you, Cap, I’ve got no coordinates, no clues, no strategies, no options. Zero, zip, nada. No trust. Liar.” He ripped the arc reactor off his emaciated chest and thrust it into Steve’s hand. “Here, take this. You find him, you put that on, you take your family and hide…” He suddenly dropped to his knees and raised a shaking hand as everyone hurried to his aid. “I-I’m fine, I’m fine…”
The billionaire collapsed onto the ground and the others sprang into action; Natasha ran out of the common room to alert Bruce and Pepper of Tony’s condition while Rhodes scooped his best friend up off the ground and Carol helped them to the infirmary. (Y/N)’s gaze met Thor’s as he watched the others scramble to help Tony from his seat in the courtyard, but he quickly averted his eyes and stared down at his clasped hands. Swallowing the lump in her throat, (Y/N) turned away from the window to face Steve; the super-soldier stood rigid as he stared at the spot where Tony fell, his soldier’s composure beginning to falter as his fingers clamped around the arc reactor.
Although (Y/N) still believed that Steve made the right decision when he rejected the Sokovia Accords and went on the run, she knew that everything that transpired in Siberia between him and Tony could’ve been prevented if he’d just been honest with his friend; Tony spent the better part of two years caught between the pain of learning that Steve betrayed his trust and the hope that his friend would someday reach out to him, only for the pain to fester and the hope to slowly dissipate over time. It was a dressing-down that Steve undoubtedly earned through the choices he’d made, but hearing how those choices were the reason why they’d lost everything to Thanos wasn’t what the super-soldier needed to hear. Not after losing our Carina, (Y/N) thought as she took a steadying breath, cautiously stepping forward and allowing a tearful Steve to pull her into a tight embrace.
“Bruce gave him a sedative,” Rhodes announced to the four of them after stepping out of the infirmary; inside, Tony slept in a hospital bed while Pepper and Bruce shared a hushed conversation at his bedside. “He’s gonna probably be out the rest of the day.”
(Y/N) opened her mouth to ask the others what their next step would be but was interrupted by Carol. “You guys take care of him, and I’ll bring him a bottle of Xorrian elixir when I get back.”
The captain began heading back to the common room and (Y/N)’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Carol, where are you going?”
“To kill Thanos.”
Exchanging matching looks of apprehension, the three of them hurried after Natasha as she caught up with the older woman first. “Hey. You know, we usually work as a team here and between you and me, morale’s a little fragile.”
“We realize that up there’s more your territory,” Steve added. “But this is our fight, too.”
Carol sighed. “Look, you guys did an incredible job and that’s more than what countless planets across the galaxy can say; they’re the ones that Thanos decimated without breaking a sweat, the ones that were the first to suffer by his hand and the ones that I failed to protect. I owe it to them to put an end to Thanos once and for all.”
“And we owe it to our daughter to do whatever it takes to bring her back.” (Y/N)’s voice caught in her throat and an empathetic look crossed the captain’s face. “I don’t even know if that’s possible or not, but the only way we’re going to find out is if we all go after Thanos together.”
Rhodes nodded in agreement from his spot near the doorway. “Do you even know where he is?”
“I know people who might-”
“Don’t bother.” They all looked over at Nebula, the blue-skinned woman who’d gotten off the Benatar alongside Tony and one of the Guardians of the Galaxy; her raspy voice was filled with a heavy emotion as she stepped into the common room. “I can tell you where Thanos is.”
While Natasha left to fetch Bruce and Thor, Rocket switched on the hologram devices and began to input new data and Steve guided (Y/N) off to the side for a moment alone. “Do you really think that there’s a way to bring Carina back? To bring everyone we lost back?”
“Steve, you saw everything that those stones could do; if they could make half the universe disappear in the blink of an eye, then there’s no reason not to believe that they could bring them back.” She wrapped her arms around herself as she looked into Steve’s azure eyes. “But we won’t know unless we try.”
Nodding, Steve’s hand cupped her cheek as he pressed a soft kiss onto her forehead. “And we will, sunshine. Whatever it takes.”
They pulled away from one another as the others filed into the common room; Thor carried his bowl of food over to the dining room table and began picking at it while they turned their attention to Nebula. “Thanos spent a long time trying to…perfect me. When he worked, he talked. About his Great Plan. Even disassembled, I wanted to please him.” Nebula shifted uncomfortably and (Y/N) felt a pang of sympathy, unable to imagine what the warrior’s life had been like under the Mad Titan. “I’d ask, where would we go once his plan was complete? His answer was always the same: ‘To the Garden.’”
Rhodes’ brow rose in surprise. “You’re saying Thanos had a retirement plan?”
“Where is he?”
Standing on the table they encircled, Rocket pressed a button and brought up a holo-map of Earth that showed the planet being engulfed in a wave of energy. “When Thanos snapped his fingers, Earth became Gound Zero for a power surge of ridiculously-cosmic proportions. No one’s seen anything like it…” He shifted the map around to show an orange-colored planet as an identical wave of energy encompassed it. “Until two days ago, on this planet.”
“He used the stones again…” Natasha murmured as she leaned in to take a closer look at the holo-map.
“Hey, hey, hey, we’d be going in shorthanded, you know…”
“And he’s still got the stones…”
“So, let’s get ‘em.” Carol glanced over at (Y/N) with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. “We’ll use them to get everyone back.”
Bruce looked unconvinced. “Just like that?”
“Yeah.” Steve nodded. “Just like that.”
“It’s like (Y/N) said, even if there’s a small chance that we can undo this, we owe it to everyone who’s not in this room to try.”
Natasha’s words resonated throughout the entire room, and (Y/N) glanced around to gage her friends’ reactions; Steve, Natasha and Carol looked the most on-board with their fledgling plan, Rocket and Nebula seemed more cautious but ultimately agreeable, and both Bruce and Rhodes’ expressions were filled with apprehension, with the scientist looking slightly worried as he addressed the room. “If we do this, how do we know it’s gonna end any differently than it did before?”
Across the room, Carol gave them a small smile. “Because before you didn’t have me.”
(Y/N) exchanged a knowing look with Natasha while Rhodes heaved a sigh. “Hey, new girl? Everybody in here’s about that superhero life; where’ve you been all this time?”
“There’s a lot of people in the universe, and they didn’t all have you.”
Thor’s chair scraped against the floor as he stood and crossed the common room to stand before Carol; the stoic Asgardian held his hand out and Stormbreaker blew past the captain, ruffling her blonde hair as it swiftly flew into his grasp. When Carol didn’t flinch and even gave him the barest hint of a smile while they sized one another up, Thor looked over at the rest of them and nodded. “I like this one.”
(Y/N) turned to Steve, who was still studying the rotating orange planet at the center of Rocket’s holo-map. After a long, deciding moment, the super-soldier looked up at her with a fierce determination simmering in his azure eyes and she found herself beginning to smile as he finally spoke. “Let’s go get this son of a bitch.”
A/N: And here we've arrived at Avengers: Endgame! This'll be just as emotional and amazing as the movie, and I really can’t wait for you to read it! Updates might be a bit more sporadic than usual but I'm hoping for a chapter every other week (still haven't decided which works best with my schedule and mental health), so make sure to stay tuned for more!
Thank you all so much for reading and commenting! I’ve created a Spotify playlist inspired by this series, and I’ll be updating it every time I upload a new chapter. Enjoy!
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5L6MERx3PIydW3FyNPqYvl?si=4b8ad4bbff8d4b2a
Chapter Two
“Endgame” Masterlist
Tagging: @mrs-obrien​​​​​​​​​​ @lahoete​​​​​​​​​​ @awkward117 @cminr​​​​​​​​​​ @natdrunk​​ @momc95​​​​​​​​​​ @savedbystyle​​​​​​​​​​​ @miraculouscloud @awkwardnesshabitat​​​​​​​​​​​ @marinettepotterandplagg​​​​​​​​​​​ @mangosandmimosas​​​​​​​​ @supersouthy @benakenalove​​​​​​​​​​ @brooke0297​​​​​​​​​​ @hufflepeople​​​​​​​​​​ @becausewelie​​​​​​​​​​ @outoftheregular​​​​​​​​​​ @junipermurdock​​​​​​​​​​ @ladydmalfoy​​​​​ @mads-weasley​​​​​​​​​​ @username23345 @crist1216​​​​​​​​​​ @capswife​​​​​​​​​​​ @lilmschild​​​​​​​​​​​ @avngrsinitiative​​​​​​​​​ @crowleysqueenofhell​​​​​​​​​​​ @y-napotat​​​​​​​​​​ @mary1raven​​​​​​​​​​​ @groovy-lady​​​​​​​​​​​ @ljej95​​​​​​​ @innersublimefury​​​​
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cowboyhorsegirl · 2 years
how would u rate each movie tony from most to least edible 👀
ohhhhh myyyy ygoddddddd oh jmgy do oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god o my god ohm ygdo
it has to be said. i hate it, i do. i'm ashamed of my own self. But the number one movie in terms of how edible tony stark is in it is Captain America: Civil War. i had to stop myself from jumping out of the seat in the theatre and shoving cap aside so i could go eat tony myself. even though by any other metric possible i despise this movie, the bloodiness and the angst and that one gray tom ford suit tony wears with the stark white shirt and the blood red tie and that scene where he fights bucky with nary a finger on his fingerless watch gauntlet glove all make this the most edible Tony in the mcu
Iron Man 3 for similar reasons, the bloody eye and tbh i loved his hair in this movie (not that i didn't love it in others but i just hnnnnnnnnnngh REALLY loved it here). Also, the cream & maroon suit does things to me i wanna eat it like strawberry shortcake.
Endgame, just let the man age for god's sake!!!! The entire Dr. Potts sequence in the 1970s. if you think i wasn't licking him that entire time then clealry you do not know me at All.
Spider-Man: Homecoming, I'll be honest. i do not remember this movie. but I DO remember tony stepping out of that suit and also tony in a shalwar kameez in india (my desi King!!!) and again the hair. yeah :)
Iron Man & Iron Man 2, my darling i love him!!!!!!! Tied for number 5 because these are very similar Tony's and both very edible mmmmmm. also the chunky first gen suits go crunch when i eat them.
Avengers, an extra spicy Tony indeed. the fight scene between steve & tony in the helicarrier, good god. i pack that scene for lunch To This Day!!! a delicious and fulfilling meal.
Avengers: Age of Ultron i'll be hoenst i also do not remember this movie. hwoever i do remember i didn't really like it. bc a bitch may forget but he will NEVER forgive. that being said i did fuck heavily with that party scene in the beginning and i will in fact dip head-to-toe black suit tony in milk and savor him like a little treat today in the half hour between when class ends and when i Go Out.
Avengers Infinity War. almost forgot to put this on the list. i do not recognize this movie because i was so retroactively angry that steve and tony do not interact even a-ONCE that i blacked it out from my memory. but i'm guessing he looked edible in this because duh.
Bonus!!! The Incredible Hulk! A tasty little scrumptious snack!! Just a bite of Tony!
Bonus 2!!! Thor, Tony was mentioned so I'm counting it. bon appetit💋
Bonus 3!!! Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Not only was tony mentioned in this one but i firmly maintain that if he had been in it this would have hands down been the Most edible tony in not only the mcu but the entire multiverse. never forget what they took from us
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Taika may have made thor a romance freak in love and thunder. But its the Russo's who had thor be sad abt jane in endgame for some random reason instead of mentioning loki
Oh yeah, I didn't like that either. Like when he returns to Asgard and he literally walks past the cell and Loki is... right there! but he doesn't even look at him.
I can understand he didn't want to talk to anybody in order to not change anything but once he talks to Frigga what is stopping him from doing the same thing he did in TDW: grab the hammer and go flying straight for the prison?
We had two movies (arguably, three if you count Ragnarok) proving that Loki was the most important person in Thor's life and vice-versa, only to have EG portray Thor as completely uninterested in his brother. It is exactly the same as they did with Steve and Bucky: the entire Cap trilogy made it quite clear Steve and Bucky are soulmates (romantic or otherwise), but in EG Steve doesn't even react to Bucky coming back and the only interaction they have on screen is a goodbye?!!
Sure, sure. Thor is talking about Jane and Steve is talking about Agent Nazi. No homo! 👀🤦‍♀️
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caatws · 1 year
Yondu's death and how it was handled in the following gotg projects is the main reason I think how Gamora's been treated is unforgivable. A funeral and two other follow ups to your death/to honor your importance vs "you're not dead, you just can't remember". It would take 2 minutes tops to have Mantis, Drax and Rocket say 2 sentences to eachother about missing Gamora. They don't even had to shed tears if that would be too much. Drax already hated Thanos for killing his family once before. Where was his anger.
vol 3 reduced Gamora from a fully realized character who was an equal partner in the story and interacted with the others and guided them, to mainly someone only Peter really knew. Carrying over her relationship with Nebula from Endgame is the only saving grace. Worse is that Peter talking about it is the only time the canon gives Gamora credit for being essential to the family's origins and by extension the franchise.
Also it makes me really sad that Zoe has probably given the best performance of the bunch throughout her entire mcu run and because Gamora's arc is such a mess it completely overshadows that by the time you get finished vol 3. In fact, imo, vol 3 was fire performance wise for but hits rock bottom plot and arc wise. Without her death or if they had ressurected her, I think she easily would have had one of the best arcs in the mcu.
yeah, when i was comparing the treatment gamora's death to nat's that was already Oof but now comparing with yondu is just...OOOOOFFFFFF. it's just sad seeing the characters not get a chance to rly express their grief for her ever :'( and i think only rly exploring peter's grief makes it seem like gamora rly just existed to be his gf, which i know is a whole nother can of worms of discourse happening in starmora land rn (and given all the circumstances in the film, i honestly think the way starmora as a relationship was handled was pretty solid)
tho we had the holiday special (and i did enjoy it!), i kinda wish we'd had some other gotg project (love & thunder doesn't count since they were just there for 2 secs to support thor LOL) between endgame and vol 3 to actually explore the fallout from iw/endgame a lot more, not just for the gamora situation, but, like, everyone else too. like i mentioned earlier, i think there's a gaping hole in rocket's arc (and nebula's but to a lesser extent) given where his arc left off in vol 2, then the 4 years that passed offscreen between that and iw, and then the 5 years that passed offscreen during endgame, and then ANOTHER 2 years passed offscreen between endgame and the holiday special/vol 3 (i think). i'd imagine losing all of the gotg would've affected rocket a LOT (like remember when he literally shot gamora so she wouldn't risk her life to save peter like lol) and then when they returned, surely that would shift the way he approached his relationships with them
similarly with nebula, i'm assuming she only stuck around with the gotg bc after endgame bc she'd become rocket's bestie for the restie (which i love) and also idk helped the avengers defeat thanos (? idk it also seems like the gotg were just kinda absorbed into the avengers for those 5 years and then became separate again after endgame, which would've been cool to establish more explicitly in canon) but given how uninterested she was in hanging around the gotg at both the end of vol 1 and vol 2, i think we needed to see more of how she went from that to practically being a de facto leader of sorts for the team in the beginning of vol 3
like i said before, i do think much of vol 3 was still very much firing on all cylinders, including the performances, but some of these holes in the arcs were still hard to look past. i know gunn said he wanted the film to be something you could watch on its own without all the context of the previous gotg films/iw/endgame (which makes me wonder how much that informed the way he approached things like the gamora situation) but i think including more story elements and references to past works that would've made vol 3 more dependent on the previous gotg appearances would've fixed quite a few of these problems
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agentnico · 2 years
The Guardians of the Galaxy: Holiday Special (2022) Review
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I miss the good old happy go lucky Chris Pratt days. Now he’s always so serious. Yeah, I know people online bully him and that’s possibly a reason not to smile, but even as Star-Lord he’s now always straight-faced. I miss those times when he used to boast about laying with an A’askavariian! Bring back happy Star Lord!
Plot: To make Christmas special for Peter Quill, his fellow Guardians head down to Earth in search of the perfect present.
It’s been a good long while since we’ve last seen our ragtag galaxy group together. Yes, they appeared in Thor: Love & Thunder earlier this year, however that appearance was so miniscule and inconsequential it can hardly count. Prior to that their inclusion in Infinity War and Endgame still kept them apart from one another throughout most of the time, so it really hasn’t been them in their full might since 2017′s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Those who know me know that I am not the biggest fan of that mess of a film, though I still love the original first movie and also generally enjoy the cast of characters that make up this team. They are loveable idiots, from Drax’s deadpan unawareness of metaphors to Groot’s single line of dialogue, they are a fun bunch. So why not have a Holiday Special revolving around them bringing the festive cheer to our screens...in November. Again, what is it with Hollywood releasing Christmas movies and specials in November? Last time I checked Christmas Day was end of December. Yeah, I know companies want to bank on this holiday as long as possible in the name of that sweet sweet green dollar bill, but also it’s frustrating and I wish to complain about it. So here I am complaining for you reading pleasure. Anyway, in regards to The Guardians of the Galaxy: Holiday Special...
It’s a decent special. It’s exactly what it needs to be. It’s a Holiday Special featuring the Guardians getting up to wacky mischief whilst bringing the Christmas festive cheer and bringing in those classic Guardians themes of family and friendship. A nice element comes in the fact that the main focus here is on the side characters rather than Star-Lord himself, with Mantis and Drax at the forefront (as well as more Kraglin which is never a loss) as they venture into LA in search of the best Christmas gift possible - Kevin Bacon, played by Kevin Bacon himself. Bacon is very game here by the way, joining in on the fun though never stealing the limelight away from the Guardians. He’s but a special guest and he embraces that. Drax is the big not-so-friendly giant who Bautista plays up to the usual comedic effect, and Pom Klementieff as Mantis really gets to stretch her wings, or should I say antennas? This special is really a showcase of her charming child-like performance and the character of Mantis being unaware of social cues but also all her intentions coming from a pure place of good. Also a revelation about her character in this special, though very obvious and I am shocked looking at the responses online that its classed as a surprise twist, but this revelation will certainly lead into one of the main themes of the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy threequel. As for the other Guardians, they are mostly under-used, and as aforementioned with Chris Pratt’s Star-Lord, I am really hoping in the next movie we’ll get to finally see some of that classic sarcastic Pratt cheek, as I’m tired of seeing him moping about all the time. He used to be so fun. Even at the end of the special when all is well and good, he’s still very stale and timid. C’mon Pratt, stop being a prat!
Look, at the end of the team if you love the Guardians team then you’ll get the necessary festive kick out of this Holiday Special. See it more as a delightful stocking filler rather than a full blown parcel of goodness, but its mindless if a bit forgettable fun with enough chuckles and cheer for this festive season. Though maybe wait till December to see it. Not to be a Scrooge, but it’s not Christmas until December. Bah humbug! 
Overall score: 7/10
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worstloki · 5 years
Thor: I haven’t laughed since my brother died.
Drax: Why did you laugh when your brother died???
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ussgallifrey · 3 years
(She Moves With) Shameless Wonder | 9
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✦ Summary: Your badge clearly said SHIELD consultant, so you weren’t entirely sure where Fury was getting this whole make you an Avenger idea from. But you had a feeling it might have something to do with the recent discovery of an artifact at the bottom of the Arctic Sea.
✦ Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female Reader
✦ Warnings: Dialogue taken directly from Avengers: Endgame, language, mild medical procedures.
✦ Word Count: 2.7k
✦ Playlist: Here
[Master List]
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“If it’s all the same to you,” the defeated Asgardian groans, moving to sit up on the steps of the penthouse floor. “I’ll have that drink now.”
Shooting Nat an incredulously unamused look, Stark shakes his head, “All right, get him on his feet. We can all stand around posing up a storm later. By the way, feel free to clean up.”
Thor drags his brother up, placing mechanical cuffs on his wrists to keep him bound while the Hulk looms over the trickster - keeping him from getting any bright ideas. Removing your helm, you wipe your brow - sending your weaponry back to the legendary hall where they belonged with a wave of your hand.
Stark pauses, looking back as the weapons ascend into the air in an aura of golden light before disappearing entirely. He points a warning finger at you, “We’re definitely talking about this later, right?”
You offer him a playful shrug, neither confirming nor denying the request, tossing the helmet onto the back of the rounded couch.
“Who gets the, uh, magic wand?” Natasha ponders, holding the scepter in her hands.
“STRIKE team’s coming to secure it.”
You hum in agreement, leaning against the bar - feeling the exhaustion beginning to sink in, “Fury radioed it over as we were heading up.”
As if right on cue, the elevator dings as Agent Sitwell and the advanced response team arrive on the decimated floor.
“Jesus,” Rumlow mutters, taking in the array of destruction and the, admittedly, strange grouping of individuals.
“We can take that off your hands,” Sitwell says with a playful smirk, holding his hands out towards the scepter.
Nat quirks her brow, “By all means.”
As she moves to join Barton at the bar, she adds over her shoulder, “Careful with that thing.”
“Yeah,” Clint quips, handing her a drink. “Unless you want your mind erased. And not in a fun way.”
While Sitwell seems slightly more cautious with the handling of the scepter, he hums, “We promise to be careful.”
Turning your attention towards the supersoldier, who had moved away from the group to look out of the smashed windows - gazing at the disturbing remains of the cityscape - you push off from the edge of the bar.
“Hey, Cap. Lemme take a look at that for ya.”
He chirps in question, looking down at his own torso - the wound that was still bleeding out from where he had been hit with a direct blast from a Chitauri weapon.
“I need to go down and coordinate search and rescue,” he tries to move around you, but you easily sidestep him.
“Not much use if you bleed out before you can assist anyone. Sutures first, coordinating next.”
Reluctantly, you’re able to direct him over to the couch - just as the first batch of STRIKE team members head for the elevator with Loki and company.
“You know it’ll heal,” he tenses up under the gentle touch of your hands as you examine the bruised area.
Looking up with a pointed expression, you say, “I’d rather not test that theory.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!”
“Hey, hey. Buddy! What do you think? Maximum occupancy has been reached.”
The two of you crane your necks to watch the scene at the elevator as Hulk growls in annoyance.
“Take the stairs,” Thor suggests as the doors begin to close.
“Yeah. Stop. Stop!”
But it’s too late, as Banner throws a fist at the door, growling at them.
“Take the stairs. Hate the stairs,” he groans.
Sparring Steve a look, you call out, “Hulk? Hey, bud. Want some company? Never been much of a fan of stairs myself.”
That makes him turn, looking slightly torn between moving towards you and eyeing the door to the stairwell.
“Back on Olympus,” you continue, trying to keep things level and calm. “The temples all have stairs leading up to them. Everywhere you go, expect to do a workout. It’s honestly awful - even for a god.”
Hulk snorts indignantly, sluggishly stomping his way back over to the rest of the team before plopping down on the floor next to the couch where you and Steve sit - making the marble crack under the sudden weight.
“Feel like there’s a lot you haven’t been telling us, Seven,” Nat perks up from behind you, slowly sipping on her drink.
You snort, ignoring the question entirely.
“See a medkit back there by any chance, Hawk?”
He downs his drink, slamming the glass down on the bar, “Yeah, hold on.”
Hulk nabs your helmet from the end of the couch, running his index finger over the fiery red plumes that cascade over the top of it.
Steve, who looks very reluctant to be in the situation he’s in, leans back against the cushions - crossing his arms with a petulant look on his face. You catch the thrown first aid box, carefully opening the contents on your lap.
“You wanna rip that a bit more for me?”
With a sigh, the supersoldier uncrosses his arms - grabbing ahold of the hole in his uniform to tear it open wider.
“Thank you,” you sing-song, grabbing a sterile cloth from inside to clear the area of blood.
Steve bites back a breath of pain, gripping the back of the couch with his left hand as you dab at the wound. The sutures are easily done, you quickly close the wound as he keeps his eyes trained on the ceiling.
“Do you think he can drink?” you hear Clint whisper to his fellow agent.
“Do you really want to find out what happens after?” she counters as they both stare at the back of Hulk’s head. The creature seems entranced by the gentle touch of the plumes still, maybe he was calming down.
Biting back a grin, you reach into the kit to pull out a large medical bandage, pulling off the backing before carefully pressing it down against Steve’s side until you’re sure it’s secured in place.
“All right, torture’s over.”
Steve looks down at the area, then to you - offering up a sheepish smile, “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it,” you say, standing up and extending your hand out to him - helping him off the couch. “Go coordinate with search and rescue. I think me and Hulk here are gonna take the long way down.”
Banner grunts in approval, heavily moving off the floor while still holding your helmet on his index finger - like a strange kind of ring.
“Hey, Captain. We’re waiting on you for the scepter,” Tony’s voice comes in through the comms.
The group of you share a look.
“What scepter?” Steve asks in confusion.
“Stark, we’re still in the penthouse. STRIKE took it, remember?” Natasha adds.
There’s a beat of silence immediately followed by an, “Oh, oh, shit.”
Steve runs for the elevator, along with Clint and Natasha, as it turns out the idiots over on STRIKE had willingly handed off the scepter to someone - Loki, most likely - impersonating as the supersoldier. So now, they could be anywhere with the highly dangerous brainwashing stick - all your hard work would be for nothing.
You gently nudge Hulk’s arm with your elbow, having apparently been tasked with containing the creature, as the elevator begins to descend, “Come on, big guy. We got some walking to do.”
The two of you only make it a few floors down when another alarming message comes over the comms, “Stark’s in cardiac distress.”
You look towards Hulk, “What the hell?”
He grunts, growing on edge at the news, looking at the direct chute between the staircase and the bottom floor and then to you.
“Oh, no. Now, wait. Just hold on a damn minute - Hulk. Buddy - ” But he’s already got his arm around your waist and he’s leaping over the edge of the stair rail.
“SHIT - ” you scream, tucking yourself in against his chest - trying to make yourself as small as possible - as the floors fly past the two of you - his arms snag on each of the staircases as you fall to the first floor with absurd momentum.
The resulting boom that his body creates from the impact, echoes through the entire concrete stairwell - making the walls seems to shake. He deposits you, roughly, on the ground, as you violently shake your head - legs wobbling.
“No, that was - no. We are not doing that again.”
He grunts, mouth forming a vicious smile that makes even you give a smirk. Pushing open the door to the main lobby, you’re met with another scene of chaos as the STRIKE team and Secretary Pierce - of all people - surrounds Stark and Thor on the floor. Loki stares at the two of you as you approach - rolling his eyes as he’s incapable of making a witty comment with the muzzle on.
Tony gasps, “That worked a treat. Dude, that was so crazy.”
“I had no idea if that was going to work,” Thor admits, pulling the hammer away from the billionaire’s chest.
“Stark, you okay?” you ask, jogging up to the group as Hulk bristles next to you, scaring off several people in the lobby just by existing.
“You know,” he slowly sits up with the aid of the Asgardian. “At any point today, if we could just take a breather - that would be great.”
You huff a broken laugh, finding yourself agreeing with them both.
But then Thor is looking around the lobby, “Where’s the case?”
A panicked search begins, but you find it, hidden just off to the side of the front desk in perfect view, handing it back over to the billionaire, “Think it got kicked back when you collapsed, Tony.”
Pierce immediately reaches for the case, beginning to argue with Stark over who should get the Cube and who should have full custody of Loki.
Feeling a headache incoming after several moments of the men trying to speak over each other, you push through Thor and Tony to address the situation.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Secretary. Remind me again how your highly elite team of experts managed to lose track of the scepter? Clearly, we’re dealing with a spiteful magician over here who’s fully capable of casting different versions of himself and your men thought the first instance of Steve Rogers showing up to take the scepter wasn’t a little bit fishy?”
Pierce blinks, “I’m sorry, who are you? Xena Princess Warrior?”
“You know, she’s got a point,” Stark interrupts, grabbing you by the shoulders as he gently pushes in next to you. “Your guys kinda flubbed it just now. Get this thing out of here and maybe we won’t have an encore.”
As the argument picks back up, you can hear Steve’s voice over the comms.
“I have eyes on Loki. Fourteenth floor.”
Glancing over at the trickster, who seemed to be growing very bored by the state of things, he appears defeated - not as though he’s performing one final show. Something about the situation wreaks, though you can’t put your finger on it.
“Hey, Hulk?” you turn towards the creature who’s begun pacing and growling in annoyance, “Let’s get you somewhere away from the bureaucrats, yeah?”
You weren’t entirely sure how you were going to get Banner back, but he seemed to be at a simmer now - compared to the high-intensity boil from the battle. At most, you knew that you had to remove him from the current situation if anything was to change. More importantly, though, you wanted to run to Steve because whoever he was fighting - you weren’t entirely sure it was Loki.
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Steve comes to, laying on his back on the floor, as someone repeats his name over and over again. He groans, blinking against the brightness coming in from the skylights as he tries to sit up.
“Easy, Cap,” Romanoff warns. “Looks like you took a nasty fall.”
Her eyes look up towards the shattered skybridge several floors above - thirteen, to be exact. She helps him sit up.
His head is pounding, probably from the impact of the fall. Near his feet, Barton is securing the case and scepter, speaking to a member from the STRIKE team in quiet tones.
“Don’t know how the hell you did it, but I’m guessing Loki’s double pushed you off the walkway. One last jab at you, maybe.”
Steve stares at the case. Drawing his knee up towards his chest as he leans forward.
He knew what had happened just now. At least, he thought he did. He had been fighting a version of himself. The punches felt real, the kicks and attacks were almost step for step, the shield was nearly identical. But something was off in the illusion.
He turns as you come running around the corner.
“Cronus, are you okay?” your worried eyes rush over him in an instant as you kneel down to his level, scanning his face. When he meets your gaze, he remembers.
The compass.
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“That is strange,” you say softly, catching Steve’s nervous gaze from the chair next to you. The rest of the table is engaged in boisterous conversation as you wait for the food to arrive - Stark had gotten his wish.
“I can only think that it was his attempt at catching you off guard, Steve.”
He nods, though he doesn’t look too convinced by your words. Loki’s illusion had told him that his best friend from childhood was alive. It had to be a purposeful trick to get Steve in a vulnerable position. You had no other explanation for it.
“Okay, what I want to know, is how this little gem’s been masquerading as an agent for so damn long!” Tony’s voice calls out over the group, smirking at you.
Thor, from beside you, scoffs, “Do you not know the god of war when you see her?”
You lean forward, resting your elbows on the tabletop, “Apparently you don’t. Seeing as how that’s my brother, Ares. I just… handle the battleplans.”
“Mhmm, mhmm,” Tony nods. “And that little mystical getup you’re rocking?”
Steve hides a smile behind his hand as you kick his foot under the table with a forced sneer. Immediately feeling the ethereal light of Olympus drape itself over your body as your amour falls way to more appropriate attire - your leather jacket and jeans.
“A gift from various relatives,” you quirk your brow in challenge.
Natasha nods, looking slightly impressed as she raises her glass, “Now, that’s a party trick.”
When the food does arrive, you all devour it at once - having grown an unquenchable hunger after the long events of the day. The silence lingers through the first few bites as the realization of the battle seems to fall over the group. But by the third round of drinks, you and Thor are loudly recalling the events of much earlier encounters.
“And the war on Heaven!”
“Mhmm, a day I shall not soon be forgetting!”
“Is anyone else feeling vastly inferior right now, or is that just me?” Tony questions, licking his fingers of his food.
“Oh,” you look up from your basket of lamb shawarma, “Bruce? Just out of curiosity… were you planning on handing that over anytime soon?”
The scientist at the end of the table looks incredibly sheepish as he pulls your helmet from his lap, “Heh… sorry.”
“No, hey, it’s cool. Seems like the other guy liked it.”
It’s passed from Tony to Thor and finally to you, where you place it on the back of the restaurant counter along with Mjolnir.
“Where the hell do you find those fabulous materials?” Tony ponders, resting his chin in his hands.
“What this?” you gesture at the helm. “Those are from the tail of my great-uncle’s horse, Aethon.”
The billionaire nods for a moment, eyes wide, “Right. And how soon will I be getting a detailed family tree?”
“Ever open a history book?” Clint clucks, loudly slurping his drink.
“Am I the only one genuinely fascinated by this? Sorry, no offense, Fabio.”
Thor tilts his head in consideration before ultimately shrugging. Leaning back in your chair, you watch as a new conversation overtakes the table - something about Barton and his arrows, or maybe it was about Stark’s suits. You weren’t really paying attention anymore.
Steve catches your gaze for a moment, blue eyes radiant in the low lights of the restaurant.
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froggy-frogz · 3 years
could i get um like a loki x gn!reader where the tva uses the reader as like collierateral damage so loki will work with them?
AN: OOOOH, that's a good idea. It's probably going to be a little different from your request because I want to keep it as spoiler-free as I can! Hope you enjoy it! So yeah, slight spoilers for Endgame and ehhh a few maybe? Hopefully not for the Loki series.
Loki x GN!Reader
It had been five years since Loki died. Five years since you watched your beloved be brutally murdered by Thanos. During that time a lot had happened. You'd lost so many friends and family members of the Mad Titan and you feel into a deep depression.
An extreme one at that.
You found it hard to do basic tasks, and you really couldn't take care of yourself. It was hard too, seeing your home was now gone. Five years ago you lived with Tony Stark and the rest of the Avengers, and now, well, that's gone to shit.
Thankfully, Peter and his aunt let you stay with them. You had a part-time job so you could at least pay them back for their kindness, but that was your life now.
No longer a superhero. Not even a hero. Just a sad, desperate wage slave.
- - -
Mobius's POV
There wasn't any way that he had seen to get through to Loki. Even after trying to bribe him with a meeting with The Timekeepers. His last resort to get through to this man was to show him his life story.
A bit cliche don't you think? But hey, if it works it works.
For the first part of Loki's Life Story, the God had no reaction to anything. Damn this dude was good, he really did the entire liar persona very well.
It wasn't until another couple minutes in when it showed Frigga, that he finally started to crack.
Damnit, it's not like they could just find the dead woman and bring her here, The Timekeepers wouldn't allow that.
It was interesting, watching Loki's facial expressions as he watched the reel. Mobius quietly took mental notes on anything that popped up, which wasn't a lot.
Minutes had gone by and he didn't have shit to go off of, but as soon as a familiar purple face appeared clutching at Loki's throat that Mobius had an idea.
There was another person there with Thanos, Loki, and Thor that day. [Y/n] [L/n].
"Wait wait wait- Who is this-" Loki cleared his throat before turning to him, his persona dropping for a quick second and Mobius could see that maybe he had some bit of memory of this person.
"They're an Avenger, or, really was an avenger. [Y/n], you probably would recognize them when you were staging your attack on New York."
Loki's eyes flip back to watching the reel, not saying anything anymore, but his body language had changed dramatically, and Mobius suddenly felt a light go off in his head.
- - -
Your POV
Another day, same bullshit.
You had pulled yourself out of bed to pull on your work uniform before being stopped by Peter.
"Any plans for today [Y/n]?" He asks, tugging on his school clothes.
Peter was a good kid, and you couldn't help but feel guilty. Here you are, wallowing in grief when Peter had lost people too. Though you couldn't brew in those thoughts, not right now, not today.
"Nope, just work. You going anywhere with MJ or Ned after school." You comb through your hair, eyeing the kid to see his reaction, and of course, as soon as you brought up MJ, Peter turned a bright shade of red.
"U-Uh maybe, anyway, gotta go, see you later-" Peter quickly excused himself as you snorted. At least you had Peter and his antics.
The walk to work was probably the nicest thing about your day, that or coming home to Peter having set up some sort of marathon for you and his friends to watch. You made a mental note to thank him for doing that, it did feel nice.
The New York sun was nice today, and despite the pain throbbing in your chest you couldn't help but smile a bit. You still had people in your life that were special to you, even if they were busy doing their own special assignments or busy with school or-
Your thoughts had gotten the best of you again and somehow, you ended up in a dead-end. Typical. You were a bit spacey, and now you were going to be late because of that.
Before you could even pull out your phone to pull up Google Maps, there was a loud flash of light and you squeak, flipping around to see some sort of portal open up.
"Oh for fucks sake," You curse.
What happened this time?
"Are you [Y/n] [L/n] or [Hero name]?" The woman who had stepped out said.
It's not that you were shocked, but at the very least you were confused. You had stayed out of politics and avenging for so long that you thought you were safe.
"And? What if I am? Who are you?..." You sigh, "Look I don't have time for this-" "Look honey, I don't want to have to get rough with you so just come with us, alright?"
Welp. What other choice did you have?
- - -
You were now being not-so-nicely dragged through somewhere that looked like a freaking office building.
"If you think I'm still an Avenger, guess again, whatever this is, it doesn't involve me." You snort, looking up at the burly woman again.
She looks like she's going to say something before shaking her head, pushing you in front of her, to a man in a shit-colored suit.
"I'm Agent Mobius, please come with me [Y/n], I have someone who you'll be happy to talk too."
Yeah right. You snort as more of the guards who looked like Ms. Snippy Security Guard open two completely massive doors before you get dragged inside.
"Okay what in the hell do you want with me?" You snap as Mobius slaps on some sort of device to your wrist. "I've stayed out of this shit just so I wouldn't have to deal with you people."
"You didn't- Mobius- Is this? [Y/n]?"
Your stomach squeezes, and for a second, you feel as time froze. Looking up to Mobius, you take a shaky breath before looking in front of you.
Oh, Gods.
You feel like vomiting as you stumble backward.
"Oh fuck no, wh.. whatever type of game you people are playing, count me out of it. You sick bastards, why the hell are you trying to fuck with me? He-"
Mobius stops you from continuing, "'[Y/n]. It's not a prank, this is your Loki, well, New York Loki."
You look at him again, and you feel like you're on the verge of tears as you take a step forward. "New York? Like as in-"
"It's been a while hasn't it?" Loki takes a step forward, "For you, I mean. You watched me die? What was it, uh-"
"Five years ago." You gulp, rubbing at your face, "Can I touch you?"
Loki pauses before nodding, and you take your final step forward before getting dragged back, the device on your wrist dragging you away from Loki.
"The h.. hell?" You look to the device, and then back to Mobius.
"Before you two lovebirds start anything, let's talk about why [Y/n]'s here... It's part of your bargain Loki. You help us, and then you two can be reunited, once again. The Timekeepers can make it happen. What do you say?"
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sacredsorceress · 3 years
You and Me || Peter Parker
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pairing: peter parker x avenger!reader
summary: your best friend, peter parker, disappeared with the snap of thanos’ fingers five years ago. when he comes back after five long years things may have changed, but you’ll always be his
a/n: okay so here let’s pretend that even if you were snapped you still aged; reblogs and replies are super appreciated!
word count: 3.3k
warnings: angst w/ happy ending, a lot of this involved the battle scene from endgame so fighting, getting crushed and tony’s death
masterlist || request || taglist
"Y/n? Oh my God, Y/n! Are you seeing this on the news? It’s crazy! I- I don’t even know what that is! M- maybe it’s aliens! That would mean-”
“Woah! Peter slow down!” You whispered to your best friend on the phone, sneaking into the bathroom to take the call in the middle of class. “What’s going on?”
You could hear shuffling and heavy breathing on his end, no doubt swinging across the city while holding the phone to his ear. “So I was on the bus and then I saw this big round spaceship thing so I was like ‘Oh shoot! Mr. Stark might need me!’ so I had Ned distract the bus-”
“Wait. You’re following a spaceship?” You asked, watching as the only other person who had been in the bathroom finally left. “Peter that sounds really dangerous. Maybe... maybe you should let the big guys handle it.”
Despite your best efforts to conceal it, Peter could hear the anxiety laced in your voice even over the phone.
“Y/n, I- I have to.” He told you, and you could hear him stop swinging on the other side. “If you were nearby, you would do the same thing. I know you would.”
“Yeah, and if you were in my position, you would tell me not to too.” You chuckled, leaning against the bathroom wall.
“”Yeah, because you need me there to make sure you don’t get yourself killed.” He teased.
You rolled your eyes at what your best friend had just said. Despite him not being able to see you, you knew he knew you well enough to take the hint. “Shut up!” You gasped. “At least my powers are cool! I can do magic, spider boy.”
Before he could even argue with your nickname for him, reminding you that he was “Spider-Man” and not “Spider-Boy”, he cursed on the other line.
“Shit! This guy’s huge!” He exclaimed. “I have to go, Y/n.”
“Wait!” You shouted into the phone. “Be safe!”
“You got it, Y/n!”
Holding the phone tighter to your ear, you found the courage to finally say it.
“I- I love you.”
But before you could get a reply, the line went dead.
“Y/n!” You heard a voice shout, but you weren’t able to tell from where.
You opened your eyes only to be met with darkness and a heavy weight crushing your chest and covering every part of your body. Huffing you attempted to wiggle your fingers, seeing if there was any part of you not crushed by the absolute weight of concrete on top of you. When you felt a few of your fingers able to move freely, you stretched them out, allowing the golden glow of your magic to flow from your hand.
“Y/n?” You heard again, this time recognizing the voice as Cap’s.
“Hey, Y/n’s over here!” You heard Tony shout from above, closer than Steve.
Without another word, you felt the weight thrown off of you as Steve picked up the slab that had crushed you. You looked up only to be met with the somber faces of both Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, the wires sparking and dust rising around them. Steve kneeled above you, reaching out his hand to pull you up and still coughing you accepted it.
“You okay, kid?” He asked.
Standing up and stretching out your arms, making sure you could move everything, you nodded. “Yeah,” You replied, suddenly taking in the scene around you. What felt like seconds before you had been standing in the Compound, but now you were surrounded by ash, dust and destruction. “What happened?”
You followed them as they made their way over to Thor who was standing feet away, observing the field ahead of him. You watched as Cap shrugged.
“I think we’re about to find out.”
Minutes later when you were besides Steve, picking yourself up and off of the ground, you almost wished you hadn't asked. You watched as alien ships and Thano’s army flew overhead and marched into your line of sight. You grew hopeless. Although you and the other Avengers who were at the Compound were undeniably powerful, you knew that even Steve who stood at your side, strapping his shield tighter around his injured arm was aware of the likelihood of you all making it out not only alive, but on top.
Just then, however, you heard the voice speak through Cap’s earpiece.
Turning around you watched as a singular portal opened behind him and began to feel tears prickling in your eyes- as much as you would deny crying once the battle was over. As more portals continued to open up, you couldn’t help the smile that stretched across your face, seeing everyone who had disappeared five years ago beside you again. However, there was one face you couldn’t help but search for.
You finally laid eyes on him as a portal opened up from a remote planet you didn’t recognize. At first you only saw unfamiliar faces and nearly grew discouraged until you saw your favorite spider boy swing through the portal.
Before you could see him without his mask, you spun around as you heard Cap’s orders.
“Avengers... assemble.”
With that, everything happened so fast. You were floating across the field in seconds, shooting bursts of magic out of your hands at each warrior that came your way. Knocking each of the alien warriors to the ground, you couldn’t help but check around you, watching to see if you would be lucky enough to have him fighting beside you once again.
Before the blip you and Peter had always fought beside each other. The two of you were essentially inseparable and the whole team who knew the two of you knew it. You told yourselves that it was just because you were younger and less experienced- that a buddy system was beneficial to the both of you. You knew better though.
By the time that Peter had been snapped to dust by Thanos’ fingers, you had fully accepted the feelings that you had for your best friend. You were so adamant about being beside him on the battlefield because you had to make sure he was okay- to make sure he was safe. You knew how easily distracted he could get, caught up in the moment of being a superhero, so you were always sure to look out for him and cover his back, not just for him but for yourself as well. You never told him your feelings though in fear that it would ruin the relationship you had built.
It was your biggest regret for the past five years of your life.
Knowing he was back, you needed to find him.
It was as though God had heard you and answered your prayers when once you looked up from killing another one of Thanos’ warriors, your eyes met across the field.
As soon as you saw him, you watched as he tapped the side of his neck, the mask that had been covering his face, retracting.
He looked older- five years older to be exact. The baby face you had grown to love had matured into one that was recognizable, but undeniably new. His hair was a bit longer, his shoulders looked broader and you were sure he had grown taller. All the changes didn’t matter an ounce to you though- all that mattered was that he was your Peter and that he was finally standing right in front of you.
Your hands trembling at your sides, you looked at him and dared yourself to smile.
He smiled right back and in that moment you were sure that your feelings hadn’t changed a bit from five years ago. God, you missed him.
“Y/n?” He asked.
You couldn’t help but laugh, overjoyed to hear your name slipping out of his mouth again. No longer being able to hold yourself back, you ran across the space to him and he did the same. Meeting in the middle, he immediately slipped his arms under your arms and around your waist, picking you up and off the ground in a tight embrace. You were so afraid of him slipping away through your fingers- you grasped him so tightly you were sure that if his suit wasn’t made of metal, you would have left a mark on his back.
You sobbed into his neck while laughing, telling him that you missed him and that you couldn't believe he was really there.
When you finally let go, you pulled away, both of you still holding each other at arm’s length.
“I-” Peter began.
You laughed, shaking your head. “Sorry- you go first!”
Peter laughed, shaking you while he spoke. “Has it really been five years? Dr. Strange- do you know Dr. Strange? Anyway- not important- Dr. Strange said that it’s been five years and then he did the swirly thing and now we’re here and-”
You smiled as you listened to his speech, Peter talking about what had happened when he came back after five years away, sprinkled with questions like “Was the last Star Wars movie good? I can't believe I missed the last Star Wars movie!” and “Are there flying cars now? Sorry, that’s dumb. Who needs flying cars?”. When he finally took a breath, you cut into the conversation.
“Yeah, it’s really been five years, Pete.” You laughed. “You look... older.”
“Do I really?” He asked excitedly. “How much older?”
You quirked your eyebrows at him. This was Peter alright.
“Five years older, bud.”
“Oh... yeah.” He chuckled scratching the back of his neck. “Y- you look older too... in a good way! You also have um dirt all over your face, but uh... you always... look good.”
You smiled and even after all this time you could feel yourself become flustered by his compliment. You really were his.
“Thanks.” You said. “The uh... the Compound kind of fell on me so...”
“Wait what-”
Before Peter could ask you more about you surviving a building collapsing on you, the two of you watched as T’Challa ran through the battlefield, the gauntlet in his grasp. Snapping back into the moment, you let go of Peter. As he tapped the side of his neck, the mask covering his face again, you knew what he was about to do.
“Be safe!” You shouted.
Without a word you watched as Peter shot a web that flew right by you. When you spun around you watched as one of the warriors fell to the ground, held down by the web- a blade still in his hand.
“You first!” He called before swinging away.
The moment he left, you snapped back into action, taking out warriors left and right, moving on to help others when you cleared your area.
Your bones were beginning to ache, feeling the weight of not only the building that had fallen on top of you earlier, but also your relentless swinging and fighting to not only protect yourself, but humanity. The weight of the world felt as if it was on your shoulders and no matter how sore you were- you wouldn’t stop until it was over- for better or worse.
When the beams started raining down from the large ship overhead, you fell to the ground, concealing yourself within a forcefield in just enough time to protect yourself before one rained down right above you. The impact of it hitting the ground shook the earth beneath you and you could see nothing but the golden glow of the forcefield surrounding you and dirt exploding from the ground around you.
You pulled your knees into your chest and wrapped your arms around your head to shield yourself despite the forcefield surrounding you.
“See you in a minute?” You asked.
“See you in a minute.” She smiled.
For the first time since you woke up under the pile of concrete, you could feel your chest tightening and a ball form in your throat as tears were threatening to spill over.
You thought of Natasha, the woman who mentored you for the past five years, and how she sacrificed herself for all of these people to have their lives back. She died for the cause and as you sat there with beams exploding around you, you prayed that it wasn’t all for nothing- that you would all win, that people would get to hug their family members again and that you might even get to tell Peter about how you felt.
Peter. Realizing now that you would have died if not for your powers, you wished that Peter was safe carrying the gauntlet across the field. You couldn’t bare to lose him twice just when you had been given your second chance.
When you felt the ground stop shaking under you, you unraveled yourself, looking up to see that the raining beams had stopped. Removing your forcefield, you watched as the spaceship fell out of the sky.
Being given your second chance, you used your powers, picking up large pieces of the former Avenger’s Compound building, hurling them at large groups of Thanos’ warriors, crushing them instantly. In the distance you could see Thanos, Steve, Tony and Carol Danvers scrambling for the gauntlet.
As you went to make your way towards them, however, you felt a hand wrap around your neck and pull you back. Being thrown to the ground, the warrior fell on top of you, his knife attempting to make its way into your chest. You kicked your legs towards his torso, grunting as you grabbed his wrist, using all of your strength to keep the blade centimeters away from piercing itself into your skin.
Right when you were accepting your fate, growing exhausted from not just today’s, but years worth of fighting, you watched as a look of horror flashed across the warrior’s face and in a second he turned to dust in your grasp.
Pushing yourself up and off the ground, wiping the remnants of ash off of you, you spun around and watched as Thano’s army faded away to dust, facing the same horror that billions did on that one day five years ago. You could finally allow yourself to breathe a sigh of relief as they disappeared across the battlefield, slowly turning to ash.
When you looked back towards where Thanos stood seconds before, you ran over, nearly tripping over all of the objects in your path.
When you finally made your way over, recognizing Peter immediately from behind, you followed his line of sight to Tony who was sitting up almost motionless on the ground. 
You observed the way his arm was mangled up to the side of his face, similar to Banner’s earlier when he snapped half of humanity back into existence. You knew, however, that Tony wouldn’t be able to survive the same fate.
As Pepper placed her hands on Peter’s shoulders moving him to the side, you rushed to him, wrapping Peter in your arms as you held his head against your chest. As soon as he made contact with you, you could feel him tightly squeezing around your torso, crying into the fabric of your suit.
You hushed him, watching as Tony’s hand fell from Pepper’s one last time. You could feel your heart breaking in your chest over all that you had lost, but knowing in the end that you had won. 
The proof of victory, although costly, was evident to you by the crying man in your arms.
A week later when the memorial was held at Tony’s house, you saw Peter again for the first time since the day he had come back. You gave him space, understanding that coming back after disappearing for five years and losing your mentor was difficult to cope with.
After watching the last remanent of Tony Stark float across the lake, Peter found you standing to the side. When you heard a branch snap from a few feet behind you, you jumped, turning around only to be met with Peter’s face.
“Hey.” You smiled.
“H-hey, Y/n.”
“How are you feeling?” You asked him, leaning against the nearby tree.
He shrugged, scratching the back of his neck. “Well... May and I found someplace to stay and all of our stuff so... that’s good.”
You smiled. “That’s-”
“I heard about Black Widow.” He cut you off, fiddling with the cufflinks on the sleeve of his jacket. “About... about how she trained you all this time and stuff.” He finally looked up at you and met your eyes. “I’m so sorry, Y/n.”
You shrugged, wiping your eyes and taking a deep breath, willing yourself not to cry in front of him. You knew that to him five years ago felt like yesterday- that he couldn’t understand how your life changed in the past five years. Regardless, it meant a lot that he cared enough to check on you when there was so much else for him to worry about.
“It’s okay, Pete.” You sighed. “She... and Tony... they did everything it took to bring you guys back. That’s what mattered, you know? Whatever it took. Any of us would have done the same. It’s just... it’s just too bad that there wasn’t another way. I just wish that I could tell her that we won- that her sacrifice was worth it- that she saved the world.”
Peter nodded, taking a step closer to you, still fiddling with his sleeve.
“So you uh.. you think it was worth it then?” He asked.
You smiled, grabbing Peter’s hands to stop them from trembling and pulled him closer to you. “Of course it was worth it, Pete.” You said. “You’re standing right here in front of me again- of course it was worth it.”
Peter didn’t say anything back at first. Instead the two of you just gazed at each other, now leaning against the tree.
When he finally broke from your gaze, he shifted his eyes to stare at your hands in his.
“Do you still mean what you said?” He asked suddenly.
You know for him it had been a week, but for you it had been five years. What you had said could be any number of things, but you knew deep down what he was referring to.
When you didn’t answer, he answered your question for you. 
“That- that you loved me?”
You looked up when he spoke. Pulling your hands out of his, you placed your hand against his face, nudging his chin up to look at you. You could see his eyes still bloodshot and the bags under his eyes puffy, no doubt from crying over the past week. Even when he looked like this, you couldn’t deny that he was the most the most beautiful thing you had ever had the honor of laying your eyes on.
“As- as more than-” He began stumbling over his words before you cut him off.
“Yes, Peter.” You chuckled. “As more than friends.”
You could see a smile beginning to play on his lips as he searched your eyes for any hint of doubt.
“There wasn’t, uh, anybody else?” He asked. “Even after all this time?”
You shook your head, running your thumb along his cheek.
“Nope.” You smiled. “It’s always been you, spider boy.”
Despite the fact that he always used to argue when you called him “spider boy”, assuring you that he was a man and not a boy, he always loved the nickname you held for him, reminding him that he was more than just some superhero- that he was yours.
As soon as the words slipped out of your mouth he smiled and cupped your face in his hands, pulling you in for a kiss.
It was soft and gentle, just as you had always imagined it. 
For the first time in a week, you smiled into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck. Despite everything that happened to you two that had worked to pull you apart you found each other again every time. No matter what happened, at the end of the day it was you and him and that’s all that mattered.
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marvels-bitch-boy · 3 years
Emerald Eyes: Chapter 5
Chapter 5: (Y/N’s POV)
Word count: 2k
A/N: this honestly was awesome to write, like I'm hoping I got the protectiveness of Clint right, and then change in attitude. Also, I hope you find the same stuff I laughed at for like 20 minutes while writing funny. Other than that Enjoy the Chapter and if you wanna be added to the tag list fill out the form and give me some suggestions and your Vote for our endgame!
Chapter 4 , Chapter 6
Your first week of training with Natasha seemed to be going well, everytime you got pinned, had to tap out or take a break (which was not often, so you had to pretend a few times) she would tease you which started to become something you actually enjoyed, you liked how creative she would get with a few of them. Every so often she would make comments regarding something Steve said about you “not being a regular recruit” and “you’re something special, apparently” is all she would say about it, you were glad that steve didn’t tell her about your enhancements. You hadn’t told anyone yet, not even your -self-appointed -“best friend” Pietro, who you know would understand more than the others at the compound, but you just couldn’t risk anyone knowing especially the person who is in charge of your training at the compound. If Natasha did know or had a suspicion of you, you couldn’t tell from the way she acted around you.
It wasn’t until her friend Clint came back from “personal time” did she start to act different, at first nothing changed she acted as she normally does around you, but after your first meeting with Clint something changed…
“Hi, I’m SWORD Agent (Y/L/N), its great to meet you... Agent Romanoff has told me about you” you greet him with a smile and an outstretched hand, he returns your smile with an indifferent look and refusing your hand “nice to meet you…” he says as his eyes scan you as if he is looking for something, and then he turns to Natasha with a wide smile “soo...Nat how about we head to the team dinner now? I don’t want Thor to get all the good stuff” Natasha turns to you with a surprisingly gentle smile “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” you return her smile with one of her own as you back away from the two “yeah, have fun…” you give Clint a small wave goodbye “...nice meeting you, Agent Barton” he doesn’t pay you any mind as him and Natasha walk off down the hallway.
You run into him a few times over the next few weeks around the compound after that, but none that stick out to you as much as when you were running around the track outside the compound while Natasha watched and wrote a few things down on her notepad every so often, you had noticed Clint walking up to her and just assumed it was regarding avengers business, but when Clint reached Natasha he just watched you run and would look at the redhead beside him a few times before his stoic expression slowly turned into one of surprise as his jaw dropped, he said something into her ear which made her finally look up at him. You couldn’t tell from where you were, but from the way she grabbed his arm and led him inside through the glass doors, she was either mad or something really bad had happened.
As you got closer to the side of the track they previously occupied you stopped for a sip of your water and watched them through the glass, Natasha seems to be annoyed while Clint just looked up at the ceiling with a huge smile and his arms crossed, Natasha however just shook her head and walked outside back to the track, she saw you and gave you a short smile that didn’t reach her eyes, when she came up to you she motioned for you to go back inside the compound you assumed that this meant training would be more sparing or shooting, but she didn’t move from her spot, you called out to her “you coming?...can’t really continue training without you” she looked up at you with an emotionless expression “you’re done for today, eat and rest and we’ll be back here tomorrow morning” this confused hell out of you, the entire that you’ve been training with Natasha she has not once let you go early if anything she keeps you for longer. You could tell something was up but you didn’t want to intrude so you simply walked back into the compound where you were greeted by Clint who was suddenly cheery to see you “Hellooooo, (Y/N)...I just realized I never asked how you’re liking training with Nat, is she fun? Keeping you on your toes?” this sudden change in mood from the two of them confused you even more.
“I’m finding it nice...she seems to know what she’s doing and she’s highly skilled, it was nice of steve to assign her to me” Clint’s brows furrowed at that last part but his smile didn’t fade “Oh...she told you Steve assigned her to you?...” you nodded because that is exactly what she had told you after your first training session “...big blue told me that she requested to be your partner, hmm I wonder why?-well I better get going have a lovely evening!” he pats your shoulder as he walks past you and down the hall, you stand there for another minute before continuing back to your qu-room -as Pietro kept insisting you call it- and called it a day before heading to the library to relax. You waited for a few hours for the young woman that you would talk with on the other side of the shelf, she had stopped showing up a few weeks prior and so you decided to head back to your room and attempt to get some sleep after the day you had.
Time Skip--3 weeks
After about a month of training with Natasha and getting lessons on “how to live” with Pietro you’ve started to feel comfortable around the compound, Natasha seemed to get back to her normal behaviour after a few weeks since her talk with Clint that had changed his mood about you suddenly, you were even invited to the avenger’s movie night by Pietro, it was a little weird when you first sat down though...
Pietro had asked Natasha if it was okay for him to join your training for the day and she knew he was lonely since his sister’s mission so she allowed for him to join a few exercises, once your session was over he was very quick to stop you when you were heading to leave the room.
He whizzes from his spot across the room to right in front of you as he beginnings “so dude, I was thinking...maybe you wanna join us for movie night?” he gives you desperate eyes that he always uses when he wants something.
You give him a “really?” look because you were pretty sure Natasha would object to this idea, “umm, well...I don’t know man, is the team cool with me crashing?” He nods and calls out to Natasha who is making her way towards you two.
“Is it cool if (Y/N) crashes movie night tonight?”
Natasha’s lips go up into a small smile -that you have been very oblivious to the fact that she only does it when someone says your name- as she responds to Pietro’s inquiry “well I think it would be a great idea, the team wouldn’t mind at all I’m sure”
You give a small smile before answering “I don’t really have a choice, do I P?” Pietro gives you a big grin which is all the answer you need, he was definitely going to bring you to movie night if you agreed or not “nope! Now tell me what do you like to snack on during comedies?” you tell him what your favourite candies are and he says goodbye as he rushes out to grab the snacks for the whole team and now you.
Natasha is already making her way down the hallway when you call out to her “You really had to give him an answer?” she lets a small giggle escape her lips as she continues walking.
You get into a few of the new casual clothes that Pietro helped you buy as part of his “how to live” lessons, and make your way to the avenger’s common room, it is much nicer than you imagined and is filled with a lot of comfortable looking furniture, as you enter you are greeted by Pietro of course, who is setting up the snacks on the coffee table in the middle of the room, and then Steve who is grabbing beverages from the fridge in the kitchen, he hands you a beer but you decline.
“I don’t really drink, but thank you” as soon as you say this Clint and Pietro appear next to you. Pietro has a faux look of sympathy and Clint is giving you a look that says “don’t worry we aren’t gonna judge you” as he takes one of the beers from Steve. Pietro presses the drink into your hand and looks you in the eye as he speaks slowly “Lesson. Number. Three, dude...relax a bit” you hesitate at first but reluctantly accept the drink and thank Steve once again. You see Bruce enter with Tony hot on his trail ranting about one of their new inventions “Brucie, I’m telling you this would only take a few- um I’m sorry who are you? who is this?” he says pointing to you.
“Oh um, hi I’m Agent (Y/L/N)-*Pietro elbows you and gives you a LooK* (Y/F/N)-I'm (Y/N) -this was another lesson from the speedster "use your first name more"- Pietro invited me to join you all tonight” you say before taking a sip of beer to calm your nerves, he looks over to Pietro “you keep bringing the agents your shacking up with to movie night and I’ll ban you again” you spit out some of your drink as he says this and proceed to cough while you try to correct him “n-no *cough* we-we are not *wheezes before coughing again* we *clears throat* we are not together sir...I can promise you that, I am-I am very much into women” Pietro is laughing on the floor after falling over while all of this is happening and cursing that he didn’t have a camera. Steve is patting your back to make sure you’re okay and Clint is giving you a cheeky smirk as he walks over towards the TV area.
Once you and Pietro are both recovered from that spectacle, and you say hello to Bruce, and everyone goes and takes their seats, Steve takes an armchair, Tony takes an identical one next to him and Bruce takes the one next to Clint, Pietro goes and sits in front of the coffee table facing directly at the screen, as you look around you notice that one redheaded Russian is missing from the group, you shrug it off and go to sit down on the couch that is behind the coffee table as soon as you get comfortable though the entire team is staring at you with wide eyes and concern...all except for Clint who is looking at you as though he is calculating something in his head.
You look at all of them before you speak up “umm...is something wrong? Did I get beer on my shirt or something?” Bruce opens his mouth to speak before everyone turns their heads to the direction of footsteps coming their way, as you turn your head to look you are greeted by yet again a pair of mesmerizing emerald eyes that don’t connect with yours as they scan the room before landing on you, you wave and give a small smile to the owner of those eyes as she looks like she is contemplating something for a second before shrugging slightly and making her way over to the couch and sits next to you, far enough away that you are both sitting comfortably on the couch.
“Hi” is all you can muster to say in front of her, she gives you another small smile and responds “Hi..." she waits a moment before asking you "...could you pass me a drink please?” you reach over to the coffee table in front of you both and grab her the only beer left on the table, as you hand it to her, her fingers brush yours and you nearly drop the bottle, she lets a small giggle escape as she thanks you and turns to face the tv before adjusting herself to be comfortable in her seat, as you turn to look forward you can see Clint giving you a wink and Pietro looking over at Steve with absolute bewilderment and Steve returning it with a look of his own before he presses play on the movie.
@littlewinchester15 @ethanwoods1 @nektotersh
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thenigotthisfamily · 3 years
hi! can you write a story where it’s a post endgame au, nobody died and everyone is happily living at the compound. yelena has become a part of the avengers and everyone really likes her. it’s december 3rd, 2024, which means it’s natasha’s 40th birthday. she’s really excited to celebrate with her family again, especially her baby sister, but yelena decides to have a little fun and keeps calling her an old woman, or grandma. yelena’s still only 29 or 30 since she got dusted away. after a while, natasha gets sick of yelena’s taunting and teasing so she tackles her to the couch and tickles her, reminding her who’s boss and exposing her number one weakness in front of everyone. sorry if this is complicated but i thought it was cute! thank you :))
This was such a cute request! It's always fun to write Yelena teasing her sister and some of the others getting in on it as well. The lead-up to this one is in the previous part below but you don't need to read it to know what's going on. Also, I changed the date of the event slightly just to have the idea of a surprise party makes sense. Hope you like it!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Word Count: 1,421
Natasha gapes at her sister, “What? It’s not my birthday for-“
“21 days I know. But I needed to make sure I caught you by surprise!”
Natasha looks around at all the others who are now grinning.
Clint starts singing Happy Birthday very badly and everyone else joins in. Yelena grins as she sings, putting the giant cake down on the table and wrapping an arm around her sister, singing loudly in Natasha’s ear. The redhead just rolls her eyes as she grins widely.
“Wow guys, that was some awful singing.” Natasha smirks.
“Then maybe you could sing for us!” Clint grins.
“Ha. Funny Barton.”
Yelena rolls her eyes, “Alright Harry Potter girl, you’re up.”
Wanda rolls her eyes at the nickname but starts casting magic around the room until it is fully decorated for the party with dozens of food items and desserts showing up on the table.
Natasha grins, placing a hand on Wanda’s shoulder, “You’ve outdone yourself Wands.” The witch blushes and just smiles back.
“Come on old lady!” Natasha feels Yelena pulling on her hand and she turns back, eyebrow raised.
“Did you just call me an old lady?”
“Maybe.” Yelena grins slyly.
Natasha pretends to frown deeply in offense, “Take that back Yelena!”
Yelena just grins, “Nope, you’re 40! That’s so old Poser!”
“I’m not 40 yet! 21 days!”
“Bah close enough.”
Natasha rolls her eyes, reaching out for some cake and a beer. Yelena smirks, “Ooo grandma is drinking late!”
The redhead huffs, “It’s like 6pm. Also, there are literally 2 people in this room that are older than a hundred!”
“Yeah they don’t count. They’re like walking dinosaurs.”
“Wait what?” Steve tilts his head.
Bucky just shrugs, “Sometimes I feel that.”
The redhead continues to look unimpressed, “I’m still younger than Thor, Stark, Clint, and Bruce.”
“But older than everyone else here!” Yelena grins. “Almost by a whole decade!”
Natasha huffs, “That’s because you were snapped away for 5 years!”
Yelena shrugs, “Still makes you old.”
“At least I don’t look like a teenager with my bright blue hair!”
Yelena huffs, slapping Natasha with her sweatshirt sleeve.
“Hey! It’s my birthday!” Natasha pouts adorably.
“Not for another 21 days!”
“Then I’m not old!”
“Yes you are Poser!”
“Excuse me, if I recall correctly Romanoff, you called me old when I turned 40.” Tony interjects.
“That’s because you were dying from your arc reactor and had blue grid lines on your face Stark.” Natasha shoots back. “But trust me, you were acting anything but your age.” She references the billionaire's ridiculous antics at his 40th birthday party when she was undercover at Stark Industries.
“Hey, in my defense, I was dying!”
“Hmm so what’s your excuse now?” Yelena smirks smugly.
The billionaire frowns, “I died and came back to life which actually makes me younger.”
“Yes, see Lena? I’m younger than I was.” Natasha points at Stark in agreement, referencing how she had also died and came back to life.
“Did you just agree with me?”
“No, I take it back.” Natasha quickly mumbles.
“No, no take backs!” Stark grins.
Yelena huffs, “Either way, that’s not how that works, Poser.”
“How would you know?”
“Because your wrinkles suggest otherwise!” Yelena pokes playfully at Natasha’s cheeks where there are nonexistent wrinkles.
“Maybe my wrinkles are from being with you all the time.” Natasha pokes her sister’s cheeks back.
“Nope, that can’t be it.”
“I don’t know Nat, you told me the other day you were tired.” Clint chimes in.
“I had just gotten back from watching Nate all day for you! Also, you are like 10 years older than me Barton, so you have no argument.”
“Oh I’m not denying my age, I’ve been trying to retire for 10 years!”
“So you guys want me to retire?” The Black Widow jokes.
“NO!” The majority of the room says quickly.
“Don’t even think about it Romanoff.” Steve mutters.
Yelena smirks, “Aw that’s cute. They need a grandma on the team.”
Natasha rolls her eyes, “More like they need actually competent people.” Natasha teases Steve and Tony.
“Ouch Romanoff. After all I’ve done for you all these years.” Tony pretends to be offended.
“And what exactly has that been?”
Tony frowns, “Come on, I saved New York from getting nuked. Saved half the universe. You know, only slightly important.”
“I literally made both of those things possible.” Natasha says in an unimpressed voice.
“Jesus, you guys are old. That was like two decades of history right there.” Yelena exaggerates. “Almost as old as Kate Bishop!”
“Why are you bringing me into this?” Kate comments, slightly frazzled. “Also, I’m 22!”
“Blue hair!” Kate shoots back at Yelena.
“Please, I look good with it.”
“You look like a Smurf.”
“Take that back Kate Bishop!”
Yelena lunges, but Natasha catches her before she reaches Kate. “Okay Sestra, no fights at my birthday party.”
“Such a grandma.” Yelena rolls her eyes with a huff.
Natasha’s eyes narrow, “Oh yeah?”
Without further argument Natasha tackles Yelena, flipping them over the back of the couch they were leaning against so they fall on the sofa with a grunt. The redhead pins her sister down and just smirks for a second.
Yelena’s eyes widen, “Don’t you dare-AHAHAH!“
The spy just digs her fingers into Yelena’s sides and underarms, grinning widely. “Still a grandma?”
“HAHAHA YES!” Yelena doesn’t relent despite the tickle torture she faces.
“Hmm okay then.” Natasha grabs Yelena legs and attacks the girl’s knees and feet, knowing that was where she was most ticklish.
“Only when you say I’m not old!”
“But you are!!”
Natasha rolls her eyes at the girl’s stubbornness and continues to tickle the younger sibling mercilessly. The other Avengers just watch in amusement, most of them hadn’t known Yelena was so ticklish, but find the interaction between the sisters endearing.
“All you have to do is say I’m not old!”
“FINE! You’re not a grandma!”
The redhead slowly relents, and Yelena immediately sits up, gasping for breath. The younger sister pouts.
“You said no fights at your birthday party.” Yelena slaps Natasha with her sweatshirt sleeve again, but the spy just grins.
“My party, my rules.”
Yelena huffs but can’t help but smile a bit. “You’re still a mom though.”
Natasha rolls her eyes but supposes she could live with that.
The two sisters get up from the couch when they notice everyone staring at them with different levels of confusion and amusement, not used to seeing the Black Widow so carefree and soft.
“Wow blondie, glad I know your weakness now.” Sam grins.
Yelena glares, “Try anything bird boy and you’ll be flying out a window without your wings before you can blink.”
Sam raises his hands in surrender, but the grin doesn’t leave his face.
Natasha just smirks, kissing her sister’s forehead and going back to her cake as the party continued.
Back at their apartment later, Yelena yawns deeply as she crawls into her sister’s waiting arms on their bed.
“Tired Detka?”
“Mhmm.” The girl nuzzles her nose in her sister’s neck and breathes deeply, loving the feeling of comfort Natasha’s embrace provided. Wanda had helped get her hair back to normal and Natasha ran her fingers gently through long blonde hair, rubbing Yelena’s scalp every once in a while.
“Thank you for today. I can’t believe you got everyone to cooperate.”
Yelena looks up with a sleepy grin, resting her chin on Natasha’s shoulder. “Everyone loves you, Tasha. They’d do anything for you.”
Natasha bites her lip to hold in her emotion, “Hmm I don’t know, I think they just want a grandma on the team.”
Yelena rolls her eyes, she didn’t think for a second that her sister was old. If anything, Natasha was happier and younger than Yelena had ever seen her. Clint said Yelena had everything to do with that. She’s not entirely convinced that’s true, but it warms her heart all the same.
“You’re not that old, Poser.” Yelena mumbles sleepily.
Natasha raises an eyebrow, “No?”
“Hmm okay maybe a little.” Yelena smirks.
Natasha frowns and playfully flicks Yelena’s forehead.
Yelena just grins dopily up at her sister. “I don’t care if you’re old though Natashka. You’re mine. And you’re perfect.”
The blonde nuzzles her head back down into Natasha’s neck as she says the words to hide her shyness. But Natasha hears everything. She bites back the tears she feels in her eyes and presses a kiss to Yelena’s forehead.
“No matter how old I am, I’ll always love you Lena.”
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babybluebex · 4 years
Hi! I just re-watched avengers endgame. Can you do a fluffy fic where Peter babysits Morgan while Peppers away and there just bonding ☺️☺️
absolute [peter parker x stark!reader]
➽ pairing: peter parker x fem!stark!reader (y/n) ➽ word count: 580 ➽ summary: with you out of town and pepper and tony going on a mission, tony recruits your boyfriend to babysit your sister.   ➽ warnings: literally none (except canon fuckery and spoilers for revenge of the sith lmao) ➽ a/n: i am SO sorry this took forever to get out i had a Weird Few Days ™ but here it is !! enjoy!!
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Peter looked at the little girl, and she looked at him. Peter had always had a soft spot for Morgan, and perhaps a softer spot for her older sister. But you were out of town at a robotics competition, and Tony and Pepper had been called on a mission. And so, Peter was left alone to babysit Morgan. 
“So…” Peter began, shoving his hands deep into his pockets. “You hungry? Mr. Stark left some money for pizza.” 
Morgan shook her head. 
“Right,” Peter mumbled. “Umm, wanna watch TV? Read? Invent a time machine, or whatever it is that you Stark kids do…” 
“Can we watch a movie?” Morgan asked, and Peter sighed in relief. 
“We sure can, munchkin,” Peter said. “What d’ya feel like?” 
Morgan skipped over the couch and settled easily, and she beckoned Peter over. He had been in Mr. Stark’s house before, sure, but never without you or Mr. Stark himself there. It felt… Weird. This house by the river was probably the most technically advanced living space in the world, but there was no way that Peter felt comfortable at all there. “Daddy told me ‘bout this movie,” Morgan started. “About space and stuff. Can we watch that?”
Peter sat down next to Morgan on the couch, and he chuckled dryly. “There’s a lot of movies about space, munch,” he said. “Can you be more specific?” 
“There’s a princess, Daddy said,” Morgan remarked. “And these cool sword things.”
Peter nodded slowly, a smile creeping over his face. “Right,” he said. “We can watch Star Wars, No problem.” 
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You hadn’t told Pepper or Tony that you were coming home. To your dismay, the Midtown robotics team hadn’t advanced to the finals, meaning that you came home a day early. You figured it would be a nice surprise for your parents, at least. Ever since you had come to live with the Starks, you were constantly amazed by their generosity and kindness (even if it meant dealing with Tony’s annoying quips), and you were excited to come home every day to tell Pepper and Tony and Morgan all about your day and what you had learned. 
“It’s over, Anakin!” you heard a shout from inside as you slotted your key into the door. That was Peter yelling. Fairly usual for your boyfriend to yell Star Wars quotes. “I have the high ground!” 
“You ‘und’a’mestimate’ my power!” you heard your little sister say, and Peter gave a wheezing laugh. 
You pushed the door open, and you stared ahead at Peter standing on the couch, holding his fists by his head as if wielding an invisible lightsaber. Morgan was standing in front of him in the same pose, but she immediately forgot everything about the game when she saw you. 
“Y/N!” you sister squealed and ran to you, and you hauled her up into your arms with a grunt. “You’re home!” 
“Surprise, babe!” you giggled, and you rubbed noses with her. “Where’s Mommy and Daddy?” 
“Went on a mission,” Morgan said. “Left me with Pete.” 
“Oh, no!” you gasped dramatically. “Not Pete! How could they?” 
“Hey!” Peter whined. “That’s not nice.”
“I’m not known for being nice,” you said. “I’m a Stark. Or haven’t you heard?” 
“Oh, I’ve heard,” Peter scoffed. “I’ve heard plenty from your dad.” 
“So, did you guys just watch Revenge of The Sith, I guess?” you asked. 
“Yeah,” Morgan nodded quickly. “But, Peter?” 
“Yeah?” Peter asked, stepping closer. 
“Why does Queen Padme look like Thor’s girlfriend?”
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