#if you call the number you can hear a teaser of his music
sugar-petals · 8 months
the fact that DEAN (!) is coming back after all this time and his concept comes with a missing poster like a lost cat is sending me
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ressonancee · 4 months
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♥ SYNOPSIS: Soonyoung is a man on a mission to get his ex back, even if this means enduring watching her going on dates in a reality TV show - ok maybe he didn't think it through when he thought it was a good idea to go on said tv show. Alternatively; Soonyoung love transit episode. ♥ GENRE: (this is me trying to do) comedy, romance, a little dash of angsty because they are exes and because it is me writting I guess. ♥ TEASER WORD COUNT: 437 words, FIC WORD COUNT: around 25k? I don't know it is getting out of hands ♥ FEATURING: Wen Junhui as Soonyoung's number one enemy, Xu Minghao, Lee Chan, Boo Seungkwan as a cranky panelist, Seo Changbin as a normal panelist, Girls Day Yura just because I love her, Pi Cheolin as a panelist that nobody knows why he has been cast but he makes it work. ♥ PLAYLIST: 1. VINTAGE - NIKI, 2. LAS JORDANS - TINI, 3. CALL ME - RENGGA JONES, 4. STILL INTO YOU - PARAMORE, 5. LOVE LIKE THAT - SAM KIM, 6. TENTA ACREDITAR - ANAVITÓRIA, 7. URS - NIKI ♥ LOVE TRANSIT MASTERLIST
“Do you know you have to think about other options too, right?” The producer asks him. The giant camera is way too close to his face and the producer is sitting just under it - in a little stool that looks utterly uncomfortable. Soonyoung wanted to face her, but she begged three different times to stare right at the camera. He is sitting so still that he can feel the energy accumulating on his body, making him almost quick in his seat.
“I am not interested in that,” Soonyoung answers - staring at the camera and trying to not blink too much even if the lights of the studio hurt his eyes. 
“But the point of this program is that you are open to dating other people and letting her date other people as well,” the producer insisted, and Soonyoung almost laughed. He knows that, for fucking sake he only got his date because he is a master in rock paper scissors and his ex went on a date with fucking Junhui. He knows the point of everything, he just doesn't really care.
“Like I said, I am not interested in that, my goal with this,” He tries to explain, using his hand to point at everything, the set actually looked way better on camera and it was very flimsy in real life, and every time he thinks he will break a fake wall. “Is that we get back together,” he grins confidently, “Sorry pd-nim but we will get back together before this end.” 
He hears the producer groan, he is pretty sure she shouldn’t be groaning and this won’t go to the final cut. He thinks the audio people will handle it, they probably will put a fade in music or whatever, they are professionals. 
“I mean,” Seungkwan starts with his broadcast voice, “does he understand the point of the program?”
“I don’t think he does,” Changbin answered him, “He still has feelings for her doesn’t he? Like he talked about her the whole date,” he said laughing.
“I am sorry,” Seungkwan pipes up again, “PD-nim are you sure that this guy is even trying? Are you guys even doing your job picking guys like this one?” 
“This one is definitely unique, he is not even trying,” Yura laughs, “But I really did like her dynamic with Jun, the date was super cute.”
“Me too, me too,” Pi Cheolin says, a little way too enthusiastic, “But I don’t think Soonyoung will let us see more of them together.” 
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MYG- Music To My Heart pt. 2
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summary: you helped yoongi get past a musical block, he finally shows you the song but it was nothing like you’d expected.
part 1
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It was exactly two weeks before the countdown for the song had begun, army going crazy over the teaser for the new single Dawn, yoongi had been in higher spirits ever since that night in the studio. He had even asked you to go yourself, calling your presence a blessing to his artistry.
The usual before a song release would be yoongi waiting around Hybe, either hidden in his studio or in the company of another member. Very rarely would he be home to watch a release unfold so you knew it must have been a special occasion when he stayed in the apartment with you, moving you both to the couch to join the countdown for the music video.
“How are you feeling?” You asked, nodding towards the timer on the flatscreen.
He continues to pet Holly who situated himself in between you both, paws tucked under the blanket covering your legs. “I don’t like to think too much about these things, this song is just one I particularly liked so I feel excited. It’s not like I can go back and change it.”
“You should be so proud of yourself, you worked hard for this and the fans will know that.” You shifted closer to him, hand reaching out to massage the base of his neck.
He leans into your touch, eyelids fluttering. “I’m nervous for you to see it.”
“Don’t be, did you forget I’m number one in min yoongis fan club.” You laugh lightly.
He shakes his head, not enough to disturb your soft moulding of his skin. “There’s a million people who would have different opinions.”
“Yeah, and Jungkook would be the first one in line to do that.” You sigh dramatically, causing you both to laugh.
The rapper shrugs his shoulders, smirking. “What can I say I’m an idol of idols.”
“Min Yoongi have you no shame or has it all disappeared because of the “big house, big car and big rings?”
He buried his face in his hands, flushing red with embarrassment as he laughs at the old lyrics. “Stop it.”
“Oh, it’s starting!” You shout excitedly, nudging him to face the screen. “I can’t believe you didn’t let me hear it before now.”
Regardless of your continuous badgering and occasional bribery, he wouldn’t let you hear the song, declaring you could only listen to it once the music video had been released. You’d given up after he locked you out of his studio for two days.
The soft melody began playing, the music video starts out in flashes of black white and grey. Your eyes are glued to the screen.
“Is that?” You noticed the soft humming tone he had made you record, playing over the sound of a piano.
“It’s you.” He responded, you didn’t question any further wanting to take in the entirety of the song.
The music video shows him travelling through some sort of timeline, images of the locations you’d met at and been on special dates to flickering in the background. The lyrics caused you to tear up, the words being more meaningful than anything you’d ever heard before.
“Oh, I'm runnin' round in a daze
We been walkin' so many ways
Feels like my heart's about to burst
Can't you see the take two?
Stories unfoldin' just for you
Youth with you by my side
Take my hands now”
The last verse came on and you broke, drawing in a choked breath as you pull his hand closer to you.
“It was possible because I was with you
I was happy being with you
I breathe in your voice
I stood up with your tears
Do I deserve your love?
The intersection of souls we've created over the years
I am so grateful and happy to be with you
Let's continue to be happy in the future”
You noticed the grainy picture of you two in the background, neither of your faces showing but you remembered it anyway, it was the day he had asked you out.
You wiped your face as the song came to a close, the last notes being the song you always whistled whenever you were cooking.
You’d never heard something so powerful, you’d never heard a song that held so much meaning and although you were an avid fan of the entire bts and agust d discography this was by far the most beautiful song you’d ever heard. The message being clearly a one of devotion, love and thanks. Something you often realised you’d never understand so clearly if you hadn’t met the man beside you.
As you turn to face him you realise how eyes are trained on you, you doubted he had watched a moment of the music video. “It was so beautiful.”
He ran a hand down the side of your face, wiping away a stray tear. Search the song.”
“What?” You gave him a puzzled look pulling out your phone.
As you typed the title into Naver a ton of results followed, mostly articles about the release of the song. “Now what?”
“Search the credits.” He laughed, watching your eyes.
You did as he instructed and began reading through them. You went stoic with shock as you see the word “ace” below the melody section.
When you’d first met each other he had always called you that because he said you were the ace of multitasking. Dealing with your own job and supporting him at all times whilst making him his favourite foods whenever you could.
“Yoongi I don’t know what to say it’s all so perfect.” You began crying again and this time he brought you closer to him, careful to mind the sleeping dog as he pulls your head to his neck.
“I wanted to thank you for everything these past few years. For being my best friend and accepting partner, for loving me and the members. I’ll never not be grateful to have you.” It’s only when you pull back you realise he too has tears in his eyes.
You lean in to kiss him, the action speaking louder than words. “I love you Min Yoongi.”
“I hope I can spend the rest of my life with you.” He whispers back, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You kiss his head in return earning a smile.
“You really are something.” He laughs, lacing his fingers with yours.
“Wait until your number one fanboy Jungkook finds out you made a song about me.”
He rolls his eyes, fake groaning. “I’ll never hear the end of it.”
You humm, tapping your chin dramatically.“You won’t but neither will I.”
“And why is that?” He raises an eyebrow, cockily.
“Because I’m yours forever.”
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mermaidgirl30 · 3 months
Wip Monday! I know a lot of you are excited about part 2 of “Can You Please Be Mine?” so here’s a little teaser 🩷 This will be in both Joel and reader’s POV
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What if you don’t answer? What if you’re not really interested? What if it was all a game as a way to tease him? Surely not. No. Not with the way you were looking at him, your eyes burning into his like sparkling fireworks as you smirked his way, lapping up ice cream as you teased your tongue around the cold edges as he nearly collapsed to the ground. You were a feisty little firecracker and he knew it. He wanted to taste those sparks, see just how far he could push you.
Without waiting another minute, he presses the call button as sweat pools on his forehead, tousled curls sticking to his tanned skin as he paces mindlessly in his room just waiting for you to answer. He’s about to give up after five repeated rings until he hears you pick up the phone on the next ring.
His eyes go wide as his pupils expand, fingers digging deep into the denim of his jean pockets as his throat runs dry. That voice. That melodious, sweet lilt of your voice. It’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard in his entire life.
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You hear some rustling on the end of the line and then finally a voice comes through the end of the speaker. “Ummm, hi.”
A deep, baritone voice seeps through the speaker. Slow, a slurred Southern drawl, charming, and so sexy. It makes you gulp down nerves as slick automatically pools in your lace. It’s him. The man you couldn’t keep your eyes off at the fair. He called.
“Is this… ahh. You’re the one from the fair, aren’t you?” you ask smiling, a stupid grin spreading wide across your face as you bite your lower lip, your free hand gripping the pink sheets tightly as you grasp anything that’ll stop the excitement from taking you on a ride.
“Mhm. How’d you guess?” he asks as you hear a deep chuckle come alive on the other end of the phone.
God, his laugh sounds like complete music to your ears. A bravado sound you could put on repeat like a favorite song you’d never get tired of. You already had it bad.
“Oh, I don’t know. A number I didn’t know and no text? Funny. Why didn’t you just text me? Most people just text nowadays,” you laugh as you tease him through the phone.
Another deep chuckle and his smooth voice is carrying through the line. “Guess I’m jus’ old fashioned, darlin’. Maybe I jus’ wanted to hear what you sounded like. Kinda like this better than a text.”
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justhere4kpop · 1 year
Dude, I Love Fishing
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A few days off between comeback stages and your boyfriend wants to go fishing, he's pretty lucky you love him.
pair: Yunho x Reader
w/c: 1.3k
a/n: Just another fluffy Yunho one-shot, also the number of times I accidentally deleted this post while editing is embarrassing, anyways I hope you guys enjoy it!!! Any feedback is appreciated, and any interactions are welcomed and loved! Also ironically the use of a Seventeen song has no correlation with my recent dive into them. Also I definitely did not take or make any of the photos just used them for the header....that I did make....Okay enjoy!!!
tags: @yunbug, @starillusion13
Comeback season was rough, between recording, rehearsals, outfits and fittings, photoshoots, stage testing, and shooting music videos, promos, teasers, and doing interviews…you could say it’s a full time job. Yeah, comeback season was rough, Comeback season for Ateez? Never stops, with the boys getting bigger and better every comeback it was hard to get them to sit still for even a moment, not that they would, it’s like babysitting hyperactive 3 year olds who just got told it was nap time but they “don’t need a nap they can stay up forever.” but probably less spit and more “you’re not the boss of me.”
“Wooyoung in this moment I very much AM the boss of you.” I groaned trying to get him to stop so I could hear the directions the GPS was taking us. “Do you want to get lost?!”
“We’re in Seoul! We can’t possibly get lost!” he threw his hands up in the air.
“And you know Seoul well enough that if I turn off this GPS you can get us there On Time?” I raised my eyebrow and he looked out the window. “That’s what I thought.”
“I can-!” he started
“Wooyoung-ah, please don’t torture my poor girl, I do that enough at home.” Yunho spoke up from the middle row.
“EWWWW!” came a chorus of voices.
“Not like that!!!!” he waved his hands in front of his face.
“Even I knew that one was coming Yu.” I sighed now on the receiving end of questions of my personal life.
His torture by the way is the sweaty hugs after dance practice before he showers because he just can’t wait that long to hug me, the way he lays on top of me while watching tv or a movie and I mean FULL BODY WEIGHT almost like that scene from Disney’s Lilo and Stitch where Nani goes “Oh no gravity is increasing on me!” only he does it because it’s “much more comfortable”, the endless times he’s had me read the Spider Man comics to him because he likes the character voices I make, not to mention we’ve seen every version a few times. He’s decided to cook dinner a few times only he’s wanted to experiment and try things without a recipe, which is fine, but it’s always stuff he’s never tried making before, last time he mixed up sugar and salt….again….Yeah, I would say he puts me through a few trials at home….I wouldn’t change them, in fact I kind of miss it when he’s away on tour and I’m stuck back home. 
“y/n!?” Yunho called out from the kitchen. Here comes the soup popsicles again…
“Yeah?” I sighed and put down my book.
“We should take a trip!” he announced coming into the room. “Why are you closing your eyes with your hand out?”
“Huh? Oh uh….nothing. A trip? What kind?”
“Let’s go to the lake! We can go fishing! Bring the guys along and everything!”
“Fishing? Yunho you know I don’t like fishing, it’s…hard (weird)”
“Oh come on Jagiya, pleaseeeee, it’ll be like a beach trip or something, water, swimsuits, picnic!”
I sighed. “Fine.”
It was in fact, NOT like the beach, I’m covered head to toe in waterproof clothing, the most shapeless pair of waterproof overalls or waders, wellingtons, a vest with way too mant pockets, a floppy hat, and a waterproof shirt…oh and a life vest.
“You look beautiful” he smiled, I took a photo as he put on his life vest.
“You look ridiculous.” I chuckled at his outfit, it was normal…save for the Spider-man life jacket that was too small…
“Yunho that’s for kids…” I said as we browsed our local Department Store.
“Nuh uh!!” he shook his head and smiled. “It says 5 plus y/n! I’m plus! I’m over 5!”
“I’m starting to doubt that.” I mumbled as I put it in the cart.
“Aw no way!!! Jagiya!” he called from behind me.
I turned and nearly fell over laughing, he found a pair of wayyyy too small goggles as well, he looked like one of those watermelons with rubber bands stretched around it until they burst.
“Yu, you’re gonna hurt yourself if you get those.” I snorted…never did that in my last relationship. 
“Well good thing I don’t have to impress anyone then hmm?” he gave me that face. “Come on I’ll catch the best fish for us to eat tonight.”
“We could’ve just gone to the store.”
“But this way it’s a date.”
“Grocery shopping is a date.”
“Okay fine you got me there.” he smiled. “But it’s nice to get some fresh air during comeback season!”
“Yu….it smells like mud…”
“Earth! I love it!” he smiled. “Come on I figure we can try the boat first.”
How did I let him talk me into this?
“Hmm?” he turned towards me.
“How much longer are we going to be out here?” I looked at him. “We’ve been out here for hours already.”
“Until you catch one too.”
“I’m fine not catching one.” I chuckled. He’s caught 5…who knew he was so good at it.
“Maybe if you don’t catch one in an hour.”
“Okay, fair enough.”
We waited…he started humming….it sounds kind of familiar.
“생각처럼 쉬운 게 없네요
매일 생각해요 난 어떻게 해야 할지
도착했다 싶을 때, 다시 시작이네요
앞이 깜깜할 때도” Yunho hummed softly.
“Whatcha singing?” I looked at him.
“Just something stuck in my head.” he smiled. 
“소용돌이치는 하루 속에
사소한 행복을 나에게 줘서
비어 있는 내 두 손에
세상의 모든 미소를 쥐여줘서”
“Seventeen?” I raised an eyebrow as he got louder.
He started swaying a little.
“Yunho be careful, you’re rocking the boat.” I looked at him….it was too late.
“소용돌이치는 하루 속에
사소한 행복을 나에게 줘서
비어 있는 내 두 손에
세상의 모든 미소를 쥐여줘서
가파른 길에 숨이 찰 때도
추운 날 길 잃은 때도
따듯한 온기와 함께 손을 내밀어주는!!!” he exclaimed standing up and what do you know the boat tipped over. “YUNHO!”
I broke the surface of the water.
“You owe me a new phone.” I looked at him after we swam back to the shore with the boat.
“Gladly.” he smiled and wrapped a towel around me still humming.
“You’re lucky I love you.” I huffed.
“I’m very lucky indeed.” he kissed my cheek but grimaced at the taste left on his lips.
“Yeah let me guess I taste how the lake smells?”
“No no just a piece of algae in my mouth…”
“I don’t believe you.” I sighed and we made our way to go get cleaned up and the boathouse.
“You know what they say, shower together and save water.”
“Are you seriously horny after tipping the boat over into a fish pond…and there’s mud in my hair?”
“What can I say…the mud really adds texture.” he chuckled.
“New phone and a new boyfriend.” I nudged him.
“Awwwwww come on.”
After I took my shower…alone. We sat on the deck to eat the lunch/dinner we brought along. I didn’t catch a single fish, I got knocked out of the boat and I lost my phone….
“You didn’t catch a fish but you caught one thing?”
“....yeah?” I looked at him knowing it was going to be bad.
“This boot!” he held up the waterlogged boot I got before he knocked us over dancing.
“I totally thought you were going to say ‘My Heart’” I laughed a little.
“Nah, you caught that a long time ago.” he smiled and pushed my wet hair behind my ear.
“You’re so annoying Jeong Yunho.”
“And you are the light of my life l/n f/n……D.I.L.F” he spelled out.
I spit. “What!?”
“Dude I Love Fishing!” he smiled and looked at me.
“Yunho! That’s not what that means!!!!” I laughed and hit his arm.
As we walked back to the car Yunho held up the boot again.
“Should we-”
“No we are not keeping the boot.” I chuckled. “We can get matching phone cases this time.”
“Well I am keeping you, so I guess I win.” he smiled. “Can I pick out the phone case?”
“Fine…you win.”
I am never going fishing again.
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noxsoulmate · 2 years
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Art made by: @chaotictarlos 💕
I finally finished my alternate reconciliation fic 🥳🥳 it's now with my beta and I really hope to post it sometime in December.
This fic was supposed to just be a 5k piece of TK taking care of drunken Carlos while they're broken up... and it exploded to a 22k work 😅😂 So I hope you're all willing to read that many words of TK and Carlos finding their way back to each other, with long talks and lots of emotions 🥰
If you aren't on my tagging list yet and would like to be added (either in general or just for this fic), let me know.
As a little teaser, have the beginning of the fic 😊 (under the cut)
PS: I still love you, too
The phone call at one in the morning came out of nowhere but it was a welcome distraction from TK’s fitful slumber. Why he even bothered really trying to sleep was beyond him – he never truly found any rest nowadays.
Still, the time was rather unusual, and most of the time, it didn’t mean anything good. Especially not when it came from an unknown number. Bracing for the worst, TK tried to shake out the cobwebs in his brain and answered on the fifth ring.
Before he even heard a voice, he could hear music in the background and some chatter, laughter, certainly a small crowd – typical noises of a club or maybe a bar or something. It didn’t make sense to his sleep-addled mind. 
“TK?” came a familiar voice, even though he couldn’t place it. “You mind stopping by to pick up your boyfriend?”
TK wondered if he had even fully woken up because none of this made any sense. No sense at all. “Who’s this?” he finally slurred, rubbing his eyes and sitting up fully, putting his feet on the cold hardwood floor. Maybe that would help him see more clearly.
“Oh, sorry,” the voice replied, and for a moment, TK was sure that out of the ruckus going on in the background, he heard an even more familiar voice. “This is Katy from the honky tonk. Carlos is here and he’s pretty sloshed and I can’t let him drive like this. Are you on shift or can you come and pick him up?” 
TK was glad he was still sitting because out of everything he had expected – from his mother being in the hospital, to his father being lost somewhere in the hills and calling from an unknown landline, to a simple prank caller – this was certainly not high on his list.
“I– I’m sorry… what?”
“Shit, sorry, can you even hear me? It’s pretty loud here tonight, hang on–”
“No, no, it’s fine,” TK interrupted, taking a deep breath to center himself. “No, it’s okay. I was just… I mean… uhm, Carlos and I–”
Carlos and he what?
Were taking a break? Were over? So please call someone else? 
TK still hated himself for what he had done to the man he loved more than his own life – he certainly wouldn’t deny him any help. Even if Carlos most likely wouldn’t ask for it himself. After everything TK had done, it would be a surprise if he wouldn’t strangle him the second he saw him. Though on the other hand, Carlos was far too nice a person for that, so it was more likely that he would just ignore TK.
But none of that mattered when Carlos needed him – and it certainly wasn’t anything he needed to discuss with Katy. Who, obviously, was still in the dark about the two of them. They hadn’t been at the Honky Tonk together in weeks, for obvious reasons, but Katy didn’t seem to find that odd.
Besides, if Carlos was truly sloshed, then maybe he wouldn’t even realize it was TK who helped him. Because if he would, TK was pretty sure he would resist.
Noxy's Tagging List:
@chaotictarlos, @detective-giggles, @sgirl18, @sapphire11, @bubblesandroses8, @firstprince-history-huh, @beautifulhigh, @rangergurlgleek1211, @shadesofdeviant, @otter-love-asl, @tarlos-spain, @ramblingdisaster73, @first-kanaphan, @xtltokio, @lightningboltreader, @tarlossource
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fmhiphop · 1 year
FM Interviews- HitPiece Talks NFT's And Collaboration With Rick Ross
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Rick Ross is launching his first VIP Exclusive Collection of NFTs in collaboration with HitPiece. In Big Boss fashion, Rozay is bringing the metacommunity together in a big way. Collectors will benefit from perks like access to Ross' Rozay World: The Promised Land. This will afford them the opportunity to get exclusive gifts from his personal collection. The VIP experience will give fans an exclusive experience by allowing them to tour his mansion and even be him in the metaverse. Ross calls NFTs the "new receipts" because of their representation and exclusivity of actual items. Check out the teaser video below. https://youtu.be/eJ4fVKTs1kw   The NFT space is still a huge untapped source of marketing and inclusivity since its rise to popularity. FM spoke with HitPiece the company and got the low down on The Boss himself and how they curated the NFT collaboration. HitPiece: Bridging Artists and Fans Through NFTs Navigating the NFT space may seem lightyears ahead of time. However, HitPiece has mastered the art of creating inclusivity across all genres to the most loyal of fans. FM Hip Hop: There has been a rise in the use of crypto over the past couple of years. While I don't want to say it's untapped, has this always been a part of the HitPiece business venture, or did you see an opportunity and was it something you decided to take on because it was so new? HitPiece: Great question. So my background is in the record business. I actually bought bitcoin in 2014 and I was always very curious about blockchains. Blockchains can provide other valuable services as well by ownership of digital assets. That's why NFTs have taken off in the art world and more specifically they're a way to make x number of copies. Those are verified and authenticated by the blockchain so the fans or the collector know that they are authentic from the artist or one of the few that exist. They inherently have value because they're connected with the artist. FM Hip Hop: NFTs and crypto have seen more hype but may have died down Do you think it's because of a crypto-literacy issue of not knowing how to break into the space, or do you feel the demand is high and only a select few survive? HitPiece: I think with any influx of technology, you do see a lot of projects that don't have any long-term value. and they eventually just get weeded out. So if you watching an NFT collection or some sort of Web3 community, you have to be providing value to your collectors and interest in your collection long term. That's why some artists like Rick Ross we think are really going about it the right way by not launching a huge collection. So for him, it's about wanting to engage his hardcore fans and an opportunity to connect with him in a new and exciting way; both in the real world and in the metaverse. He's allowing them to receive items from his personal collection or items he may have worn in a music video, limited merchandise, and all sorts of things both in the real world and the metaverse. We think this is really the right way to engage your community, to engage them and keep them excited and give them a sense of ownership in what you're building. FM Hip Hop: What more can you expect from, Rick Ross? We know that he is an extravagant, larger-than-life thinker. I'd love to hear more about the creative process between you guys. Did he pitch his ideas and you all execute them, or did HitPiece have some reign in the creative space? HitPiece: He was definitely a pleasure to work with and a complete professional. and on top of it, it's been a really great experience so far. Rick was kind enough to open up his home one day and were invited to shoot some content there. Just a fun anecdote, when we were there to view the collection, he happened to be having all of his clothes taken out of his closet and he was going live on Instagram talking about how is he a hoarder, or is he a collector because he has all these amazing clothes. Then I was like, "you're not a hoarder, you're a collector." He started using these sort of adlibs I gave him on his Instagram Live. I thought it was funny, I didn't think anything of it but then 2 hours later, the phones are buzzing because it had been picked up by People magazine. I only cite that as a surreal experience. Rick's life is a larger-than-life experience and so much fun. We actually came up with avatars of Rick that people will actually be able to be him and hang out with him in a virtual world at his home. And again because they're super rare, they will be able to inherit value. Rick actually loved that idea, that idea that um we were creating this world that people could actually be him so it's cool to be able to do something like that. One of the things we're looking into is including his car collection. We are really hoping to do something amazing with that. FM Hip Hop: Yes, he definitely has an impressive car collection. What are some other collaborations fans can expect within the Rozay collaboration with HitPiece? HitPiece: Definitely, there's Belaire, the champagne company, and their associated spirits. Also with Wing Stop which everyone knows he's a franchise owner of. There are no official partnerships with any of the brands yet but look out for some brands to possibly want to collaborate. As far as HitPiece, we have some things coming up with Lil Gotit, 808 Mafia, and a lot of developing artists who are using the Web3 community as a way to build up their community prior to taking the next step in their career if that makes sense. FM Hip Hop: That's awesome and we will definitely be on the lookout for these upcoming collabs. This has been great and before we go, I would like to know what advice would you give anyone who is trying to invade the NFT space and build longevity? How can they take full advantage of what the crypto space has to offer? HitPiece: I would definitely say you'd have to be long-term-minded here. You can't just launch and bring it about or else it will not work. The community will not support it. Two, invite the community into the decisions about what you want to do. That is a real exciting way to invite them in and give them a sense of ownership and a say in what you're doing and how you're maintaining. One of the strategies we're actually implementing is inviting everyone who's signed up for updates on the Rick Ross collection. We're asking them how they want this collection to be released. In Web3, you have these outlets which can gage certain wallets and allow you to buy an NFT before other people. There's a mixed sentiment so we're actually asking the community if they would prefer that. So that's a way we're engaging that community. For artists, I will say be creative. This is a whole new world, it can be something super simple. It doesn't have to be something super complex. It can be as complex as they wanted to. The complexity around these collections. It's actually rather interesting to collectors. The last thing I'd say is collaboration.  I always tell other genres, to look at what hip-hop does and is doing. Everyone always collaborates with each other. It's working, You're starting to see it in the Web3 community. They're flowing together and constantly building each other up. I think that as a world we have a lot to learn from that. It's a beautiful thing that I will say hip hop has actually taught and set the essence of collaborations. The Future of Marketing NFTs or non-fungible tokens have become a hot commodity since the rise in popularity of cryptocurrency. Whether you are crypto-literate or just looking for a piece of the pie, NFTs bridge the gap of VIP status in the meta world. The NFT space is still a huge untapped source of marketing and inclusivity since its rise to popularity. We look forward to the ever-expanding knowledge and opportunities of the Meta space. Written by Antoinette Ford   Read the full article
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samastaroth · 2 years
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Awesome Dutch review of Demoncore and my solo music evolution from @zwaremetalen 🤘🏽 Not a full album, but a single. Or rather a teaser actually, this Demoncore . Two minutes and four seconds of music. Sam Astaroth , mastermind of the defunct Astaroth Incarnate , could no longer fit into the straitjacket of one genre, even if that was an adventurous black metal band in itself. Sam then incarnated into himself and continues solo. And it looks like this will be an interesting adventure! Perhaps you are still asking yourself: why pay attention to a single/teaser? Well, with Astaroth Incarnate he produced damn good black metal (feel free to read the review of the EP Ascendance ). Symphonic, both bombastic and at times brutal and in terms of vocals very strong. They appropriately called it apocalyptic metal. But now there's Demoncore , which came about with the help of Alexandru Oprea ( At Dawn's Edge ). A short but intense dark trip. The heart of the melody consists of a number of sensitive piano keys with a dark, heavy sauce and vocal experiment over it. The predicate apocalyptic continues to apply to his music. Even though it is a short song, genres are combined in an innovative way – according to my ears anyway: Sam's black metal past can still be heard, especially in terms of vocal use during some passages, but musically I mainly hear Trap Metal, Industrial, Gothic, and Scream Rap that reminds me of an extreme version of Linkin Park for example . He mentions influences from Mayhem , Slipknot , Ghostemane , Ic3peak , just to name a few. Sam Astaroth 's core message with Demoncore is that everyone should be themselves, regardless of color, gender, social origin or whatever. Believe in yourself, and thus help others to believe in themselves as well. And that in the form of heavy, dark music. The only regret is the short duration. Very curious about what will follow. In any case, with two minutes and four seconds, I don't have enough, so bring it on! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg-X2kapL6Q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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amaranthineoceans · 3 years
Everything Weird About Deltarune!
Spoiler Warning for Undertale and Both Chapters of Deltarune! Really! I Literally Go Through Everything I Can Remember About Them!
This is a long post so get comfortable. Also note that my brain doesn't process thoughts into words very well so some of these might not be worded in the best way. :)
Deltarune. The first teaser chapter was released on October 31, 2018, and it came out of nowhere. We've all gone through this, but I'll try and go through every single painstaking detail I can remember. Feel free to reblog and add/correct things.
The weirdness begins right off the bat. The title is an anagram of UNDERTALE. We all know Toby likes to use anagrams when he wants to indirectly tell us when things are related, so it's no surprise that when you go to download DELTARUNE, it warns you that the game is designed for people who have played UNDERTALE. You think, "Cool, so it's a sequel? Or maybe a prequel? A different perspective of UNDERTALE perhaps?" You were wrong; so terribly, terribly wrong! I'll elaborate on this later.
Before you download the application, the terms of service that you must agree to beforehand reads simply and plainly, "You accept everything that will happen from now on." This detail was kinda brushed off in the beginning, because, hey, it's Toby Fox. He does weird stuff all the time. But even in the first chapter, it's apparent that the concept of choice, or more accurately, the lack of it, is a very present theme in the game. I would like to remind you that Toby has announced that there will be one ending in the game. One. I'll elaborate on this later.
The program (as in, what the game is called in your files) is named SURVEY PROGRAM. Why not just call it Deltarune like it is when you download chapter two?
The game launches you, without a title screen, without any setting adjustment options, straight into a reference to the theme of the entire franchise: the lack of choice. A strange formless voice guides you through "making a vessel", with what we know now as a fountain in the background. You have the option to make some very disturbing choices in this character creator, such as making its favorite flavor "pain" or expressing your feelings about it with options such as "fear" and "disgust." You name your "creation," tell the formless voice your name (which is different from your vessel's name) and watch as said formless voice muses over your name at an agonizing pace. It thanks you for your time and tells you that your wonderful creation, (cue music cutout and background removal) will now be discarded. "No one can choose who they are in this world." The screen slowly turns white as the voice says, "Your... name... is..."
It gets weirder. The next scene appears from the whiteness and showcases Toriel calling "Kris" out of bed. Kris' area of the room is very bare in contrast to the other side, which we later discover is Asriel's.
It's Toriel. Why is Toriel here?
Kris is kind of an anagram of Frisk (the protagonist of UNDERTALE) but without the F. I highly doubt this is a coincidence.
Speaking with Noelle is the only reason you can proceed (see what i did there?) while finding a partner in the classroom. This means you can't go through the 1st chapter without knowing who she is. Is it because of the Snowgrave route?
Ralsei is just suspicious to me. There's no way he was just waiting in that castle his whole life alone without some mental toil. So either he's insane or he wasn't alone the whole time. What happened? Is it related to how he can close his eyes and see what Susie is going through when she's apart from the party? Was he just watching everything? Is he related to the formless voice?
Susie's icon is the only one without color in the Dark World.
Jevil's fight is more difficult than Sans'.
Your actions have little consequence in the first chapter. If you choose to go genocide, the only difference in the ending is being run out of the kingdom, and this doesn't carry over to the next chapter. Again, lack of choice, people.
If at the end of chapter one, you walk around town, it's mentioned (notably by Noelle) that you're usually not this talkative. If you go to the hospital and speak with the receptionist, they mention that you used to play the piano in the corner. If you decide to attempt to play the said piano, an out-of-key bash can be heard and the receptionist comments on how you used to play beautifully. If you try this in chapter two, the result is the same. All this is confirmation that Kris is acting noticeably weird.
When you leave the Dark World and walk around town, you can find Sans. He "pretends" to recognize you, and if you tell him you recognize him, he tells you it's funny, considering that you two have never met before. He winks. I'm pretty sure he knows that the player is there.
The mention of Papyrus in both games, but the purposeful lack of him. Like he's avoiding you.
If you go upstairs while inside Asgore's flower shop, there are flowers in glass cases resembling his SOUL collection in UNDERTALE. There's a red flower.
You can't enter the church.
The clock in the storage closet shows a different time than all the others in the school.
If you go all the way south in town and into the woods, the music stops and you come across a rusty, double door is in a hill covered in crass. It's locked. If you go this way in chapter two, however, you watch a cutscene where you and susie happen to find Monster Kid from UNDERTALE (or someone resembling them) and an owl kid in front of the door. The owl kid is pressuring Monster Kid to (presumably) break inside, telling them that they don't want to be a wimp like Kris. Does this imply that Kris is connected to this strange door somehow?
The ending. You know what I'm talking about.
Did Kris actually rip out the SOUL (I say "the" because I'm not entirely sure it's Kris') and knife because they wanted to eat the pie? Did they only eat the pie because Toriel caught them?
Why did they look at the player? Are they sick of being controlled? Is that why they freaked out after the Spamton fight? (later)
Anyway, now we're at chapter two.
DELTARUNE Chapter Two was released on September 17th, 2021. 17. Entry Number 17. Sound familiar?
Asriel's part of the room is different from the last chapter. I don't think this means anything sinister, but I think it means Kris notices different things about the room as the story progresses. My theory is that it will become more sinister in each chapter.
Ralsei getting super excited to see Susie and Kris after a day. As in he has separation anxiety and it breaks my heart. not anything suspicious but it makes me sad so it's on the list.
Kris and Susie's rooms. Ralsei REALLY doesn't want them to leave. Seriously get this boy a therapist. Or a stuffed animal. SOMETHING.
Kris having to gather everything from the storage closet so that people appear in the Dark World????? Why??????????????? They had to do the same thing for the computer lab too.
The golden door. I don't trust it.
How/why the heck did Noelle and Berdley go into the Computer Lab Dark World? I don't see either of them just walking into pulsing void doors without Susie.
Apparently the knight has been gone for a bit and can corrupt people's minds? The king in the first chapter doesn't seem like he can be redeemed but Queen just seems,,, not bad, but a little crazy. I wonder what happened.
Then again, name ONE person in this franchise without trauma.
Horror doesn't bother me. Spamton? Spamton bothers me.
A Kromer is a type of hat invented in the '70s. Nobody named Mike is associated with it, that I can find.
The way he asks Kris is they want to be a heart on a chain their whole life. Like, dude, no wonder they were screaming after the fight.
Kris screaming after the fight and the player not being able to hear it. Don't you dare tell me that's just how the game is designed. There are sound effects characters make throughout the game. None that I can think of apply to Kris, apart from when they rip their soul out.
Ralsei brushing off the Spamton fight. Either that's his coping mechanism or he was trying to shut Susie and Kris up to protect them from... something. I'll touch on that in a minute.
According to Queen, DETERMINATION is a key factor in creating a fountain.
Also according to Queen, Kris, Noelle, and Susie all have DETERMINATION SOULS.
Ralsei freaking out about Berdley making a fountain implies that he may also have DETERMINATION. Why I'm bringing all this up will make sense soon.
How was Noelle able to cast Snowgrave... a spell that she, according to her, didn't know?
The Snowgrave route is so twisted.
You manipulate Noelle into killing Berdley and then, when you get back to the computer lab and investigate his corpse, the text box says that he doesn't seem to be awake. As if you're in denial?
Burgerpants recognizes you. Not Kris. As in the player.
The ending. I don't think I need to describe it. Kris is very methodical without the SOUL. (I say "the" because, again, I'm not 100% convinced it's theirs.) I'm saying this about how they left clues that someone broke into the This proves that they are NOT a mindless, vengeful husk.
Another point I would like to make is my theory that Ralsei knows much more than he would have us believe. I might put this into a different post because I have yet to gather my points into a coherent bullet point list, so keep an eye out for that.
Anyway apart from Toriel and Susie being VERY heavy sleepers, I think I've gone through everything. I have a few theories.
1. Kris is possessed by the player and figured out that they could make a fountain from Queen and related to Spamton freaking out about freedom. They then decided to make a fountain going by the logic that "this would tick the player off." This is one of my top theories that assumes that the SOUL is theirs.
And 2. Kris is possessed by both the player and the knight. I think the formless voice at the very beginning of the game is the knight, and they somehow needed the player to possess someone with DETERMINATION. If so, then why Kris? We know from Queen that Noelle and Susie, and maybe even Berdley also have DETERMINATION. The most plausible thing I can think of is the fact that human souls are stronger than monster ones.
I do think that the popular theory (about the one that suggests that the Dark Word is nothing but a figment of a child's imagination, and the events that occur in said Dark World are simply children playing with toys) has been thoroughly dashed due to Berdley's murder in the genocide route of the second chapter. Unless he's not dead. Regardless, how the events (or lack thereof) that occur in the second chapter play through the next will be interesting, especially considering Toby's announcement about how there will be one ending to the game. So either Berdley isn't dead, or he will be.
Aaaand I think that's it! Sorry for the long post; let me know your thoughts and if I missed anything!
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accio-victuuri · 3 years
🍭🍬 : wang laoshi’s “Twenty”
Before we start, let’s take a moment to appreciate the masterpiece that is his new single 🎵 Despite his busy schedule, he still managed to do this. Happy New Year to Us! THIS IS HIS TIME. not trying to take it away by clowning, I’m very much aware that this song is HIM. It’s Yibo’s. It’s his gift to his fans and people who will hear it and need that message in their lives right now.
I already did a primer, with the first teaser photo we got over here ( Yi ) .
Okay, let’s go. 💪🏻
Part One
The Lyrics poster for the song was released 12/27. It was a simple design, to emphasize more on the lyrics. TRANSLATION IS OVER HERE. This is when we realized that the song will be called 20.
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• A possible meaning to the number : 廿 is twenty, it means 挚and 爱 which both has 10 strokes, so twenty also means 挚爱 (True Love/Beloved). 20 kadian also 爱你 (love you).
• Initially, people were screaming because he used he/him instead of her.
• The lines were first thought to be that from a heart monitor. People got that impression first because of the fake rumor before that they send each other their heartbeat recordings ( from apple watch ) to each other. However, further research into it, more bxgs agreed that it’s more of the pattern you see in sound bytes. a stretched out version of it.
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• this bxg tried to match what is being said, it’s “xiao zhan” and when you put it side by side to how Bobo says his name— it’s very close. 👀
• at TWENTY, Yibo was cast as LWJ in CQL. He filmed with Xiao Zhan and got to know him. You can say that it’s an important year for him.
• Initial clues from the teaser lyrics. “shooting star” / meteor which is a recurring theme for both of them. and that line “returning with you”. With who yibo?
Part Two
The Teaser audio was released 12/29, a short clip giving us a glimpse of what it will sound like and an album art (?)
When you first look at it, the art seems to be a hand painted work. Which reminds most of us of GG’s ideal life painting.
Now let’s look at the other details ⤵️
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• The caption on this post mentions a glimmer that breaks through the night. It could be interpreted as Bobo being the “lonely star” but he’s not alone anymore. There is already a light in his life.
• I’m just adding it here even if i don’t personally buy it, but some bxgs are saying they see some images in the clouds. ☁️
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• Now I’ll be going on some shooting star/star reference and why it makes bxgs 👀. Just a quick recap, to those who are familiar, this is not new to you. 1.) Kepler. The lyrics GG changed, i’m in love with a lonely star. 2.) In an interview, GG said, a person you love coming to your life, he likened to a shooting star suddenly appearing 3.) Bobo’s Kimi No Nawa wallpaper, which I discussed here. 4.) The Brightest Star in the Night Sky, which a song GG performed on CCTV. and in an episode of TTXS, when asked about a song, DLS said he thought Yibo would choose ( to describe himself ) .. you guessed it... Brightest Star in the Night Sky. 5.) His moto suit, which as this point, we are 95% sure is designed by GG. not just because of details, we have unofficial bts material that has them talking about GG designing on for him. lol. It has a shooting star.
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• there in a LRLG rumor of Web speaking to GG on the phone, asking for a painting. 🎨
BONUS: same day, YBO and XZS posted the same time. time stamp of 20, which is the song title. and in the photos of XZS post, there is a literal NUMBER TWENTY. There are so many photos they can use as a template, so why that? And in the eve of Bobo’s single release.
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Part Three
Single Artwork 💡
It looks like we were not clowned this year, there is a definite “theme” to this release. With this one looking like a hand painted work again. A Light. Light spot anyone? lol. Is the consulting designer of YBO at work here? 🤣
• QQ music and Kugou Music has two different covers, in a way that QQ’s is more refined. Compared to the other’s that you can clearly see the strokes.
• Another detective moment of details we can see. It’s not a stretch to think that there are hidden things in this art. It’s just that we can’t CONFIRM it. It’s all up for interpretation. But when I first saw it, I really thought there was a figure of a person.
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Part Four
The SONG itself ; Take note that lyrics are not written by Yibo. but it’s not impossible to think that he had some sort of input. I don’t think he will be okay to release a personal single that doesn’t speak to him. lyrics translation here and here.
The write up of streaming platforms for this song is as follows:
>>Wang Yibo's new solo single "Twenty" >>Twenty is officially launchedon @酷狗音乐, this is a unique song. The story of the song belongs not only to Wang Yibo, but also to everyone who keeps the faith "Twenty" and strives to shine in the dim night.
>> At the end of 2021, @UNIQ-王一博 will speak again as a singer, once a year, perform this "" Twenty ", in this cold winter, ignites the faith to continue to run for us. The world is so big that all sentient beings are small; but we are not dust, but stars scattered on the earth. This world has never been dimmed, because we use our dreams as light to warm ourselves and illuminate each other, You are not alone.
• There is an intro, and his voice comes on at 00:23 timestamp. He has an affinity to the numbers 2 and 3 *coughs* summer surf shop *coughs*. 23. Also means Ai Zhan.
• the “He” came up at 23 and 105 seconds mark.
• a part of the lyrics had 1 2 3 4 at the start of each line. Also, stand up = 站 is the same pronunciation as 战. and it’s a part that keeps on repeating.
• LISTEN TO THIS part at 3:08, some people are saying the harmony sounds like 🐰
• Parallels to Guang Dian 🤍
I already posted this earlier but I’m just gonna put it here.
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Yibo : ( explanation of his song in streaming platforms ) we are not dust, but stars scattered on the earth. // Soon, he sees hope and realizes there are many like him and he is not alone and is one amongst many shooting stars.
Xiao Zhan : we’re all made of shooting stars
Again, Yibo did not write this but the message is (probably) close to him enough that he decided to release it as his single. If we know anything about Yibo, everything he puts out has “him” all over it. The two songs have the same theme of “unity” / “we” , you are not alone. We are here for each other to succeed and love even if times are tough.
It’s not toxic positivity, they acknowledge that life is tough. It’s not always gonna be good but you still gotta fight cause things will be better. You have people with you. It’s such a good message cause celebrities like them, even with lots of fans, their life tends to get lonely. They are like other people too. We’re all sharing the same struggle. 🙏🏼
• Their similar state of mind & values / experience:
🐷: (about 20 song ) ... The dream chaser in front of you who never gives up ...
🐰: dreams never end
This is why they both got along as fast as they did back in 2018. If you look at them, they are different. Yibo is the active one who likes dangerous sports and making legos/ ride motos. Xiao Zhan is the artistic type who doesn’t even know how to properly ride a bike. the one who smiles alot. But those are just surface level things. What matters most are their values.
They both had struggles in reaching their dreams, during filming of UT, they mentioned talking about their desire to be Actors. How they will take acting classes. It’s more than just making money and becoming popular for them. It’s their dream. It never ends, they are always looking our for the next thing to do. New thing to try. There will always be a new dream to reach and they have each other every step of the way. ✨
BONUS: kadian for Bobo’s post about his new single. Let’s Add!!!
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That’s all for now. I will edit and update this as needed.
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papercupids · 3 years
lost in translation. <teaser>
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pairing -> kim mingyu x fem!reader 
summary -> you’re literally perfect for each other, but will you end up getting lost in translation or find your way back to each other?
genre -> friends to lovers au, angst, established relationship!au (but not for long), long distance relationship!au (just for a bit, gyu is on a world tour). 
warnings -> none for the teaser, nothing major but a few curses for the whole fic.
word count (for the teaser) -> 600+
word count (for the actual fic) -> 5k (?)
a/n -> something i have been excited about since last month! this fic was just me channelling all the feelings i feel from taylor swift songs to mingyu and baam! here it is. 
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“Babe?” you jolt awake, half asleep, still not wanting to end the call though. Time differences mess you up big time. It’s about two am on the clock in the front of your bed, not that you can see it anyway, you just check your phone. One fifty five am it said, your clock was five minutes early, your mother’s habit of setting it ahead so you’re never late passing onto you.
“You there?” Mingyu's voice was awake, the sun that settled in your side of the world had risen in his, and it was evident in his voice.
“Hmm,” you hum in approval - not that he was never not enthusiastic.
“You should sleep,”
“I will,”
“It’s nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today.”
A smile makes its way on your face, and the similar rush in your body. Something your friends would call pathetic, maybe even fake.
But it didn’t matter, you shrug it off, they almost always had some or the other reason to hate your lovers, and maybe sometimes, only rarely they might be true but with mingyu? They were wrong. You just knew.
“...and it was such a great track, I loved recording it.”
“Hmm,” you hum again. The clock is now at three ten now, and you’re almost even maybe lucid dreaming but you can hear his voice, as if it’s some lullaby.
“Wait,” you speak, “Could you say that again?” you rub your eyes. 3:15 am, you had less than 5 hours to sleep.
“Were you not listening?” Mingyu's voice comes off as slightly offended. He’s half pouting right now, you just know it.
He’s shuffling his belongings, it’s almost 9:40 am, and he can’t find his perfume, he swore he kept it on the table.
But he was becoming forgetful and it didn’t help that he kept on moving around. He touched along the sides of the table as the earpod in his ear was silent, silence he presumed was your heartbeat. He was ready for the possibility of you sleeping, it wouldn’t be the first time.
“y/n,” he whispers slowly, he stops in the middle of his room, looking around his room and hoping you didn’t fall asleep simultaneously.
“No I was, I just like hearing your voice.”
“Alright,” he smiles. He found it. Bunched behind a bundle of clothes. As he picks it up his nose brushes against a cardigan. A black cardigan and he knows the smell all too well.
It’s yours, his grin grows.
From the time you were in your getting to know each other and went together to chaeyoung’s party together, your first “official” meeting. Before that it was just mingyu hunting for your number through various mutuals after seeing you on their instagram, and texts and calls. But back at the party, he offered to walk you home through the quiet night, and you both walked away slowly from the loud music, people with booming voices, the silence soon blanketing the voice as you went as far from it as possible.
It was cold that night and you felt sympathy for the boy who walked you home, so you removed your cardigan and handed it to him, and believe it or not, mingyu was so close to fainting out of lightheadedness, that’s how happy he felt.
And it's been with him since, he keeps telling himself he should return it but he doesn’t want to, it smells so much like you.
And he currently finds himself folding it up into the closet.
He sprinkles the perfume all around him. And he looks at the watch on his wrist, almost ten, he has to leave now.
“Babe,” he speaks into the phone, taking one last look at the hotel room to make sure he wasn’t forgetting anything.
“I gotta leave now, okay? I’ll call you later,”
“Good day to you,”
“Yes, okay, good day to you, gyu, it’s night for me, remember?” you yawn.
“i do, i do, i’m sorry about that, goodnight,”
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Grand prize (teaser)
teaser for an upcoming yandere show host. title subject to change
[Back on the right road, you allow yourself to relax. You start playing around with the radio; limited, but decent options passing along. After picking your music of choice, you lean back in your seat – getting to know it and the landscape rolling by. You hum along, tapping your finger against the steering wheel to the beat. There was no need to worry about the negative aspects of life in this moment. You were a free spirit; an unwavering glimmer in the tides of life.
“Ladiiies and Gentlemen!”
The abrupt and rather loud change cause you to swerve; volume a few notches too high for your ears. On reflex, you turn it down before you can process what happened. You then push buttons at random, trying ad nauseam to change the station; but nothing happens. The new voice, masculine and boastful, continues on without bother.
“Boy and girls. Those lovely folks who are neither or both. Welcome back to your favorite game show with your favorite host – Eyes on the prize!”
Thunderous applause and a generic soundtrack crowd the air that the speaker leaves to fill. A game show? That was certainly – different. Initially annoyed, you decide to listen – as if you had any sat in the first place.
“Unfortunately, our guest couldn’t make it today due to some unforeseen circumstances.”
A few boos and “aw's” echo from the crowd, the host chuckling at the display. 
“Worry not, folks. For we have a solution. As much as we’d like to give you a chance, we think it’s only fair for the listeners to get a turn. The first person to call this number will be today’s lucky contestant.” 
The host lists off the number to call, the crowd silent in anticipation. You wait along with them, festive music looping in the background, buzzing in your ears like flies – right behind them like a backseat driver. Once you got home, you needed to get thus radio checked out. Five minutes go by with nothing; not even a second reading of the number. Must not have been a popular station. 
Your luck had already been running high with this trip, so what could be the harm of throwing the hook once more? Stopping on the side of the road for the second time, you pick up your phone and dial the number, line connecting before the first ring. You swear you could hear the grin on the other end, voice doubled as it sounds through the radio and your speaker.
“Looks like we got our caller, folks. Welcome to the show!”
The crowd's cheering keeps you from a reply, their enthusiasm knowing no ends – except for when he speaks.
“Quiet down, everyone. I have to give our guest a warm greeting! Guest isn’t the right word for you, though. We couldn’t do today’s show without you! You’re more like a.. co-host.” He muses, seeming pleased with his choice of words. 
“We’re so glad to have you here.. so would you do us the honors and introduce yourself?”
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (Five)
Summary: you and Jungkook have been best friends since freshmen year of college, there’s a lot of unsaid feelings and tension but neither make a move. what happens when his friend Taehyung (also your crush) needs a fake girlfriend?
Pairing: Jungkook x Female reader, slight Taehyung x Reader
Genre: friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, slight slow burn, roommate au, college au, SMUT (starting ch2), fluff, angst (in later chapters) slight crack, lots of drama
Word Count: 12.1k
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, sexual tension (?) sad oc, mentions of sex, kind of over the clothes action, drama, heated dance session lol, slight memory of sex, hair pulling, back scratching, mention of boner, second chances (?)
Notes: Okay, first of all THAT 1st TEASER PIC!!! DID WE SEE THAT? *chefs kiss*. Anyway thanks for comments you guys leave I really love reading them!!! Remember to send an ask if you want to be added to the taglist or just want to chat about the story:) have a great week everyone!
Taglist: @mooniyooni @thisartemisnevermisses @giadalin @kookiebunny097 @cosmosjk @moonchild1 @just-jeon @anpanman-sonyeondan @starlight-night0 @yessii-i @apollukee @mikasaredscarf1 @kaye-rosales @bunnyjeonjk @dyriddle @seagulljk @hass-mich-los @peachy-skz0325 @wonusbitch
© taestefully-in-luv
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Gloomy: The dictionary may describe it as hopeless and despairing but really it should just be a picture of your sad, sad face.
1 month…yes, one whole month has passed since you last spoke to Jungkook. No text, no calls, no random show ups, nothing. Gloom. Gloom. Gloom. Graduation came and gone so quickly…you walked the stage with your friends minus two but honestly you can hardly remember the event. You tried your hardest to be as excited as everyone else but the feeling of gloom stayed with you.
By the end of the month you finally started accepting he isn’t coming back and right around that time you actually heard from him—Jungkook that is. He sent you a pathetic text that he’s moving out and will be by to retrieve his things. More gloom.
The next couple weeks after that are a blur, you recall the sound of movers throughout your apartment. You didn’t have the courage to speak to him…you didn’t have the courage to even leave your room if you didn’t have to. You were so wrapped up in everything you didn’t even consider that fact that you will have to find a new roommate to cover the other half of the rent.
Every day just dragged on, every day a repeat of the last. Wake up, drown in black coffee, scroll mindlessly through your phone and work your full time job. You called in sick too many days already so you have to go or you’re at risk at getting fired. The same day, every day. The same gloomy fucking day.
Jimin tried to call or text every day to make sure you were like, alive. He apologized over and over for not telling you as soon as he found out about the Taehyung situation but he felt that if Taehyung was going to tell you then it is best it comes from him and not Jimin. You can understand that. He also frequently would show up at your apartment to surprise you but you rarely let him in. You did feel bad though, he’s just trying to be there for you.
Jimin 6:04pm
Please let me in?
Jimin 6:05pm
Well…I have some take out for you babe, ill leave it on the doorstep.
Jimin 6:05pm
Call me sometime ok? Love you
Guilt would consume your body but you just couldn’t deal with human contact right now.
Around month 2 you finally felt okay to see people again—your close people that is—aka Jimin was finally allowed in, he made you take a hot bath while he cleaned up for you and made you a proper meal. The amount of instant ramen containers lying around the place was by far one of the grossest things he’s seen. The shit that was growing…he shudders just thinking about it.
He would come over every day after work in the evenings. He left day time babysitting to Trina.
“Girl…all this over a boy?” she would constantly say.
You also tried applying for job after job, but the postgraduation life is harder than you thought…at least for you. Jimin landed a job as a kids choreographer, Trina starts up at one of the local elementary schools as a kindergartner teacher and you? You’re still working at the bakery down the street. You applied for many entry level positions in the marketing field but failed miserably in interviews…which only further discouraged you and worsened your mood.
It was also around this time you decided to finally delete Jungkook off all social media and block his number. You refuse to hear from him at this point…not that he was reaching out or anything. You wonder what he’s up to postgraduation? No, you don’t want to know or care. You considered hanging up a picture of his face on your wall so you could throw darts at it but you decided that was maybe on the crazy side. Taehyung sends you weekly texts, asking about how your day/week is going. He updates you on his life as well, apparently he got the curator assistant position at the museum that he wanted. You still feel hurt over everything but you are happy for him. It’s funny, you feel so betrayed over that but Jungkook is the cause of your gloom.
Every day just drags on, you feel heavy everywhere you go. Even when you’re just at home in bed.
By the end of the month your friends somehow convinced you to go on a date—a horrible date at that.
He was awkward as hell, a bad kisser and would lightly…tap your ass in attempt to be sexy. It was a disaster, you don’t even remember what the two of you even talked about at dinner. You just remember his tongue being horribly shoved down your throat and his weird ass tapping habit.
Then month 3 finally came around. A month where the weeks went by breathing became just a bit easier. Yes, any and everything still reminded you of Jungkook but it didn’t hurt as terribly as the previous months. By the end of the month you even agreed to your first real social outing. You are hesitant, but you agreed…
“I don’t know guys…a birthday party? We like, don’t even know the girl?” you frown, nibbling on the flesh of your bottom lip.
You are sitting in the middle of your bedroom floor, clothes piling all around you as you try to decide on what to wear.
“You need to get out babe…plus it’s a friend of a friend, so it’s cool.” Jimin says holding up a rose colored crop top, motioning for you to nod yes or no to his suggestion. You cock your head to the side, deciding what pants to go with it.
“I have to say I agree with Jimin, y/n.” your new roommate Holly chips in, “Since I’ve moved in I don’t think I’ve seen you go out even once.”
“Also a party is the best place to find some easy dick.” Of course that’s what Trina has to offer.
“Yes to the crop top Jimin.” You point your head towards the shirt, “Okay don’t have to call me out like that Holly.” You glare at your roomie, “And Trina, we both know I ain’t ready for no type of dick.”
“So we’re looking for some pussy tonight?” Trina smirks, “Nice.”
You rolls your eyes, a chuckle escaping your lips, “Shut up.” you throw a pair of shorts at her face.
“But seriously y/n…Maybe Trina is on to something…” Jimin sits down next to you, crossing his legs in front of him, “Maybe this is a good chance to like—”
“If you say move on I will literally kill you.” You cut in, “There’s nothing to move on from!” you throw your hands up dramatically. “Taehyung used me, Jungkook wants nothing to do with me. And—”
“Then why aren’t you ready for any type of dick?” Holly puts in her 2 fucking cents.
“Because I don’t want to be associated with any boys! Jimin is the exception.”
“Somehow I don’t feel flattered by that…” Jimin puts a hand on your shoulder.
“When’s the last time you got off?” Trina abruptly asks. You turn your head in shock at her shamelessness.
“Answer her, I’m curious too.” Jimin squints at you trying not to laugh.
“It’s…” your eyes slide to the side, “It’s been a while.”
Trina shakes her in disapproval, “Damn girl, really? My fingers constantly playing DJ, you know what I’m sayin?” Trina goes in for a fist bump but you just push her hand away.
“You’re gross.” You laugh out loud, and it sounds like music to everyone’s ears.
“I’m just real babey.” She flicks her hair back with a proud smile on her face.
Having these 3 around has no doubt helped you deal with the loss you feel. You feel like you are still mourning the dead. How’s Jungkook even doing? You’re too afraid to ask Jimin. Too afraid that he’s doing amazing without you. He must of realized how much better off he is without you around and that makes you feel small.
“Fine…” you mutter under your breath…Jimin snaps his head to look at you, his sly smile growing as he watches you fiddle with a short mini skirt.
“Fine what?” Trina asks with a smirk.
“Let’s find me some dick tonight.”
“Hell fucking yeah.” Jimin claps his hands together, “Tonight is about you!”
“y/n makes her debut tonight! She’s hot, she’s single and she is ready to mingle!”
You can’t help but giggle, your hands bunching up the material of the mini skirt as you look down at it, making your decision.
“Let me get ready and we can get this night started!” you rush to your feet, all the sudden feeling excited for tonight. You are going to actually do your hair and your makeup—you even shaved. You are definitely breathing easier tonight and you have to take advantage of that!
“Let’s do shots as we wait girlies,” Holly shows a bottle of rum she had hiding behind her back, shaking it in excitement.
“Naughty girl.” Jimin winks, standing to his feet, heading towards the kitchen to grab some shot glasses.
You get ready quickly, but taking your time where it counts. You give yourself a once over in the mirror and you have to say you are impressed. Your black jean mini skirt sits right below your ass, while your tits pop in this rose crop top. You wear short heels, and simple jewelry with just the right amount of makeup that makes your features stand out, and you have to say you would kiss yourself if you could—you look fucking good.
“woooooo” Jimin and Trina whistle out at the same time as they walk back in your bedroom.
“I’d fuck.” Jimin says plainly.
“Same as fuck.” Trina says bluntly as she swallows down a shot.
“Yeah you look pretty y/n!” Holly smiles, not really on the same level of honestly as your other two friends.
You burst into giggles, throwing your head back in approval. “Thanks guys…..Lets fucking do this.” You walk towards Trina and grab her shot glass, and you take the bottle from Holly, pouring yourself a shot.
“Ready to fucking mingle.” You gulp down the rum, the burn only encouraging you, the warmth stinging your entire chest and you couldn’t feel more content.
This house was one of the bigger ones, it was full of people and more people and like, more people. You managed to swallow down 3 or 4 shots back at your apartment and the alcohol is definitely working its magic on you, the world just a little nicer.
The amount of people doesn’t even bother you like it usually would, instead you find yourself barging through the front door and making your way to the dance floor with your 3 friends trialing behind you.
The heat of the living room is already intoxicating you, the amount of bodies rolling and grinding makes you feel loose and free. Before you know it Jimin is pushing a drink into your hands and you hug him gratefully as you begin chugging it back.
“Woah slow down, we have all night—actually fuck it, I like your spirit tonight!” he chuckles lightly, his hands going to your waist, rocking you to the beat of the blaring music. Trina and Holly disappear into the kitchen to grab more drinks while you and Jimin dance to whatever b…t…ah, forget it, you forgot the band’s name.
“Are you having fun?” Jimin slurs out, his eyes barely visible as he laughs at nothing.
“So much fun!” you yell out over the music then you lean down into his ear and whisper, “Thanks so much Jiminie…I know I was a little difficult…”
“A little?” he teases.
Jimin’s eyes travel behind you before they are widening. You notice, of course. You are about to turn your head to take a look at whatever he is seeing when his snaps back to you in panic, his troubled smile growing.
“Let’s go find Trina and Holly, yeah?” he tries to usher you toward the kitchen and you oblige. Too drunk and feeling too good that his odd behavior goes ignored by you.
“Kay!” you smile, hooking your arm with his. “Letsa go!” you say like you’re fucking Mario.
The two of you walk to the kitchen, finding Trina and Holly playing a game of beer pong with two random guys.
“Hello my bitches!” Trina hollers over the thumping bass, as she scores a cup of pong, her other hand on Hollys lower back.
“Wait, gotta use the bathroom, be right back!” you slur into Jimin’s ear, he just nods distractedly as he watches the game, laughter erupting his body for probably no drunken reason.
You walk back into the living room and start heading towards the other side where the bathroom is. The journey to the bathroom is fun, you accidently bump into a lot of people but they don’t seem to mind as they will just drunkenly smile at you and you would smile back in your own drunken daze. You skim the room with a dopey smile on your face, just admiring the crowd. You are shocked with yourself…you missed people and you cannot believe it. You continue to observe when your eyes land on tattooed hands. The hands are grabbing a handful of ass on the dance floor. You know these hands. Your eyes travel from his hands to his strong arms to his face…it is hiding in the nook of some girls neck and you feel like someone knocked the wind out of you. Jungkook.
He is kissing on some girl, no doubt leaving bruises behind from his attack on her neck. His hands cupping this girls ass so tightly, he guides her hips into his. You watch as she throws her head back in pleasure and you see him smirk. All his signature moves. You are left speechless. What could you even say? Why does this hurt? Why does this make you feel fucking sick? Why does it feel like you aren’t supposed to be witnessing this? Well, you know why but god, why?!
“y/n!!” It’s Jimin, jogging up behind you, “Fuck, I was trying to avoid you seeing this…” he admit softly, “I swear I didn’t think he was going to be here tonight…he didn’t seem that interested when I asked him about it…”
“It’s fine Jimin…” you mumble.
“Does it feel weird? Seeing him with this girl…?” Jimin is obviously trying to get you to admit something right now but you are not in the right head space to even give it a second thought.
“Why should it? Plus I’m used to this…she’s just some random girl for one night.” You twirl the ends of your hair between your fingers.
“Oh babe…” Jimin glances down at the ground, “This girl…she…he’s brought her to every party for the last month…” Jimin sounds as sorry as you feel.
The same girl? That’s impossible, you scoff. There’s no way Jungkook is actually seeing someone. But that doesn’t stop your stomach from twisting and turning and making you feel fucking sick.
“What do you mean?” you finally slur out, leaning your frame on Jimin.
“He brings her and they leave together too…” Jimin holds on to you, “I haven’t really asked him about her though.”
“Whatever. Fuck him, right? I won’t let this ruin my night.” You smile coyly, draping your arms around your friend. “Bathroom please.” You pout theatrically, pointing your head towards the bathroom.
“Okay let’s get you peeing in peace.” Jimin laughs, guiding you towards the door.
Once at the door, you knock a couple times to find that it is empty, “I’ll wait for you out here.” Jimin assures you.
Once inside the small room, you bunch up your skirt and pull down your panties, squatting on the toilet. You sigh in relief as you pee, but the relief you feel in your body stops when you recall the way Jungkook held and kissed this random but not so random girl.
Why should it bother you? It’s about time Jungkook got serious! But why did he have to dump you to achieve that? And why did It have to be with someone el…
You reach for the toilet paper, ripping it after a few sheets and wipe yourself as you drunkenly sing a tune. So what? You can easily replace Jungkook too!
You stand up, pulling your panties up and your skirt down and take a long good look in the mirror. Your hair is still intact, your makeup is only a little smeared—quick fix, and your tits are still poppin’. This night is just beginning, you decide. A whole new wave of confidence begins washing over you.
“Ready!” You pounce on Jimin’s back, he stumbles forward while laughing wholeheartedly.
“Should we look for Trina and Holly again? They’re probably still playing beer pong!”
“Sure.” You smile, walking hand in hand with Jimin as you make your way back to the kitchen.
Hours pass and you are now outside on the back porch piss drunk with your 3 friends and a couple new friends. Nick and his pal that you can’t remember the name of—but you remember Nick. He’s really tall and has nice muscles covering his body, his light hair is messy and looks like you would have fun pulling it.
“And that’s why I think aliens are already here bro, like they are probably here at this fucking party bro.” No name friend finishes his point. Nick holds in his chuckle as his drunk friend rambles.
“Totally bro.” Then his eyes land on you. Fuck, were you staring? Oh well, it’s best to get to the point. You two have been making eyes at each other all night and it’s time to make the next move.
“Hey Nick, wanna grab a drink with me in the kitchen?” you inquire with a sly smile.
Jimin’s eyes widen before he’s smirking “Don’t be silly, wrap that willy.”
Trina and Holly laugh at Jimin’s words while you turn fucking red with embarrassment.
“Sorry about him…” You excuse Jimin, but you continue to smile slyly.
Nick grins with all his teeth as he takes your hand and leads you back inside the house. His hand is much larger than yours and you are already imagining what his beefy fingers will do to your vagina. God, what’s his dick like???
You enter the kitchen and you and him walk towards the cooler full of beers, he lets you stand to the side as he goes to grab them.
“Nick!!!!” you hear a familiar voice and you wince. Jungkook stands next to the cooler, his hand wrapped around the girls hand, but he briefly lets go of it to dap up your fuck for the night.
“What’s up bro!” Nick returns the handshake, a wide smile on his face.
They know each other?
“I thought you said you weren’t coming tonight?” Jungkook’s hand goes back to holding on to the girl.
“I wasn’t going to but,” he nods towards you, “Glad I did.” He winks. Jungkook’s eyes follow Nicks nod and when he sees you stand there awkwardly he goes completely pale. Your eyes meet uncomfortably, Jungkook let’s go of the girls hand without a second thought.
“y/n?” he questions with a pained expression.
“You know her?” Nick asks, totally out of the loop.
You shift from one foot to the other, not really sure what to do or say. So you settle for his name. “Jungkook.” It feels foreign on your tongue. Like if you said it 3 times in a mirror a sinister ghost would come to murder you.
Jungkook opens his mouth then closes it then opens it then closes it again.
“Baaaaabe,” the girl next to him whines, “let’s get out of here already.” She says, not even acknowledging your existence.
Jungkook shamelessly eyes you up and down, his shock is very evident as he looks at you.
You can’t help but smile a little, knowing you look damn good.
“Let’s go too, Nick.” You saunter to his side, grabbing a hold of his bicep.
That’s when Jungkook knocks out of daze, his brows crease as he looks between the two of you.
“Wait—you and Nick?” he asks, completely amused.
“Is that a problem?”
“Nope.” Jungkook looks fucking smug as he smiles, his hand going to grab the girls hand again. “See you later?” he asks you. You of all people! “Uh? Probably not?”
“I wouldn’t be so sure of that.” Jungkook winks, turning around to leave as he leads his girl out.
Nick just continues to smile, completely oblivious, “So cool that we all know each other!” he grips on to your waist.
“Wait, how do you know Jungkook?”
“Wait, it honestly doesn’t matter. Let’s just get out of here.”
“My place?” Nick breathes into your ear, he pushes your hips into his crotch so you can feel his half hard cock.
“Why are you already getting hard?” you tease, leaning up to kiss his neck.
“Honestly, I can’t stop staring at your tits. And I am imagining all the things I want to do to them.” He confesses hotly.
The uber ride to his place is short, only 10 minutes and it goes by quickly as you two have one another’s tongues down each others throats. His hands traveling all around your body, he even manages to slip his fingers past your panties to feel how wet you are.
“Fuck I can’t wait to get you inside…” his rapid breaths fan across your face as you nibble on his neck.
“Gonna fuck me?” you whisper quietly, not trying to get heard by the Uber driver, but you could also hardly care if he hears you or not, he gets 5 stars.
“Want you to ride me.” He palms his cock through his pants as he imagines you bouncing on his cock for him.
“If you deserve it like a good boy.” You replace his hand with your own, rubbing him ferociously over his jeans. You haven’t felt dick in months and the feeling is driving you absolutely wild, you haven’t felt this needy in a long time.
The Uber comes to a stop, parking in front of an apartment building. He lets the two of you know you reached your destination. You and Nick giggle as you thank him and stumble out of the car as you follow him to his apartment. He would stop every few seconds to plant kisses on your lips and grab your ass with a tight squeeze. He groans and rolls his eyes back as he explores your body.
“Wait til we’re inside,” you breathe out, your voice silky as hell.
Finally, after a short, kiss filled elevator ride later you arrive at his front door. His lips never leaving yours as he pulls out his keys, fumbling with them until he finds the right one.
He pulls away for a second to unlock the door and desperately pushes it open to let the two of you inside. Your lips are already back on his as you two trip into the entry way of the apartment, you walk him backwards, until his back is against a wall.
The apartment is dark besides the living room TV, you take a second to pull back and admire Nick’s fucked out expression, the blue glow of the TV making everything feel surreal.
You dive back in to kiss him, he prods his tongue into your mouth, swirling it around with yours making you moan into his mouth.
“Hi guys!”
Your eyes shoot open, mouth still attached to Nicks. You push your head back, disconnecting from Nick and yank your head to the left where you see a wild Jungkook sitting on the living room sofa, his mouth full of the cereal he is eating. He is wearing the most shit eating grin you have ever seen on him.
“Jungkook?! What the fuck?” You spit out, totally fucking shocked. Like, obviously.
“Hey man…” Nick breathes out heavily, trying to speak properly, “I thought you would be at Vanessa’s tonight?”
“Nah,” Jungkook smiles, “Dropped her off and came home.”
“H-Home?” You look between the two guys, what the fuck does he mean by that. This is Nicks place, right?
“Oh you didn’t know?” Jungkook nods his head toward Nick, “Nick here is my beloved roommate.”
“What the fuck…” you mutter under your breath, trying to understand the mother fucking situation. Were you about to fuck Jungkook’s roommate? Are you still going to is the real question?
“Wait, how do you two even know each other?” Nick starts to look antsy, “Don’t tell me she’s one of the girls you’ve fucked…come on bro, leave some for the rest of us.” He chuckles somewhat bitterly.
“No!” you’re quick to say. You begin smoothing out your skirt, then your hair. “We just…”
“y/n is my bestie!” Jungkook grins, putting the cereal down and standing up. He walks forward until he is making a triangle with you and Nick.
“Was.” You spit out harshly, crossing your arms across your chest. Nick just stands there confused as hell, looking between the two of you.
“Anyway, I should get going.” You turn your body to Nick, a look of apology on your face.
“What? We can just go to my room?” he slurs, tugging on his pants uncomfortably, his boner still apparent.
“Sorry, no longer in the mood.”
You pull out your phone to order an Uber when Jungkook takes your phone from you.
“I’m not drunk, I can drive you.” He offers. You push your head back in disbelief, how does Jungkook have the AUDACITY to offer that to you?
“Why the fuck would I want that?”
“So we can…” His eyes slide over to the ever growing confused Nick, “Talk.”
You haven’t spoken to Jungkook in 3 months and today is finally the day you are able to breathe a little easier and he just has to barge back in.
“Like I said,” You snatch your phone back from him, “Why the fuck would I want that?”
Nick shifts around uncomfortably, his eyes darting from you to Jungkook.
“Well, I am gonna head to my room…uh, bye y/n…it was nice meeting you…I guess…”
You and Jungkook both turn your heads toward Nick at the same time, eyes shooting daggers at him.
“Yeah, bye.” Jungkook dismisses his roommate, his jaw clenching.
“Nice to meet you too…”
Nick walks backward until his back meets his bedroom room, he looks at the two of you one last time before turning around to disappear into his room.
“I said, let me drive you home.”
“And I said, why the fuck would I want that?”
“y/n don’t choose now to be difficult.” Jungkook takes a step closer to you, his hands running through his dark, messy hair. His eyes shut in frustration, “I just want to talk to you.”
“And I don’t want to talk to you.” You take a step back, “Plus, how would your girlfriend feel if you took me home?”
Jungkook’s eyes narrow, his mouth setting in a firm line.
“She’s not my girlfriend.”
“Could of fooled me and like, everyone else.” You scoff.
Jungkook bites down on his bottom lip, not knowing what to say. While she’s not his girlfriend she’s also not not his girlfriend. It’s complicated.
“Can I please, just please, can I take you home?”
“No, Jungkook. The fucking audacity,” you scoff again, “You haven’t spoken to me in 3 months,” your voice fucking cracks and you feel like dying. “Don’t start now.”
“y/n…” he runs another frustrated hand down his tired face, “I didn’t mean for it to go this long…” “I don’t fucking care, Jungkook.”
You feel your chest begin to burn, and your eyes begin to gloss over but you won’t cry. You won’t give him the satisfaction.
“I want nothing to do with you.”
You stare at the phone in your hands as you begin ordering your Uber when he yanks it from your hands once again, he hides the phone in his back pocket and you snarl.
“What the hell Jeon?”
“I said I am driving you home so we can talk so that’s what we are gonna fucking do, okay?” he grabs your hand and begins walking you towards the front door. There’s something about Jungkook...you decide to listen. You watch silently as he puts on his shoes and grabs his wallet and keys.
“Okay…” you finally answer, your voice timid.
He said you guys are going to talk but the car ride has been mostly silent save the low radio playing in the background. Maybe it’s better this way, you think. You aren’t sober, that’s for sure but you also don’t think you are drunk enough to handle this properly. You decide maybe that’s also for the best.
“You sir, are a fucking asshole.” You speak up, your fingers playing with the zipper of your purse. The car smells like it always does, his fresh laundry car freshener and you get sucked into a million memories linked with this scent.
“I know.” Jungkook eyes you from the driver seat, you shiver from the running AC and so he turns it down, “There’s a blanket in the back if you want to grab it.”
“No thanks, don’t know where that’s been.”
“It’s clean, I promise.”
Your eyes go wide as you recall his last promise to you…”Just a few days. I promise.”
“Yeah, I don’t actually believe in your promises anymore.” You continue to pick at the zipper of your purse, your eyes never leaving the zig and zag of the material.
“I needed space y/n, fucking sue me.” He groans out, his fingers gripping the steering wheel tightly.
“Oh I wish I could.” You snap back.
You feel your chest burn and tighten again, your eyes slightly watering. You have to force them shut to keep from any tears growing.
“I called and texted you every day.” You whisper, his grip getting tighter on the steering wheel.
“I gave you a few days Jungkook. But I never heard from you until 11 at night one night telling me you are fucking moving out.”
“I know, that was…fucked up, I admit. But I had to do what I had to do and I just wish you would let me explain that—”
“No.” you cut him off, “You don’t deserve to explain anything.”
“You mean so much to me y/n…”
Jungkook pulls over on the side of the road, turning off the ignition.
“What are you doing?” you sputter out.
He clicks his seatbelt off his body and turns to face you, “Getting comfortable.”
“Will you look at me?” Jungkook tilts his head towards you, “Will you please look at me?”
“No.” you stay facing forward, your hands folded in your lap.
“y/n…please.” His voice sounds strained and you almost feel bad. Almost, but not quite.
You don’t need this…you don’t need him. Ouch, you feel pain in your chest as you think that…oh, the lies you tell yourself.
“Say what you need to say Jungkook, so you can take me home.” Your face stays neutral.
Jungkook sighs out, feeling almost defeated, but not quite.
“I…I am so sorry.” He finally says.
“About what?”
“Everything y/n.” his voice cracks and somehow you feel satisfied.
“You’ll have to be more specific if you ever want my acceptance”
“I know…the first thing I am sorry for is not telling you about Taehyung. That was…that was wrong of me—”
“No shit, but go on.” Your voice stays steady as you speak.
“I was worried about other shit, I was selfish and it’s taking me a long time to forgive myself…but I’ve thought a lot about it these last few months and—and…”
“Oh? You’re worried about you forgiving yourself? Shouldn’t you be a little more concerned about I don’t know, me?”
Jungkook frowns at your words, because well, you’re right. And he’s getting to that part but you keep interrupting him. But he lets you.
“Yes. I am most worried about you, of course.” He breathes out. “You have no idea what these 3 months without you have felt like…”
“Really Jungkook? If anyone knows its fucking me. I went 3 months without you too. You left me!” you start to lose your composure as you speak, your hands gripping on to your poor purse. “When I was going through a really hard time you straight up left me.” You whisper.
“Please believe me…I had my reasons. It was truly for the best y/n.”
“For the best?” you scoff. “You’re such an asshole.”
Jungkook winces at your words, he knows you mean them and that hurts him even more.
“Can you just trust me?” Jungkook blurts out.
Huh? You shake your head, disappointed he would say something so …well, ridiculous.
“Just stop, Jungkook.” You hesitantly roll your eyes, still shaking your head.
Jungkook licks his lips over and over, trying to figure out his next words.
“I really really,” he begins to lose it, his eyes darting all around the car. “just need you to trust me.” He blinks repeatedly, his eyes not focusing on anything in particular.
You, of course, do not believe your ears. Trust him? How could you possibly trust him?
“I just really…I really had my reasons y/n. And I’m sorry, but I just need you to just trust me, that I had my reasons and that I do care about you.” His voice is shaky and you’re uncertain how to take this information.
“I’m confused…” you begin, you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “You want me to trust you? Even after you left me? Even after I ‘threw myself’ at you?!”
“You weren’t in the right head space y/n…you were vulnerable and…and you didn’t actually want me. You just were feeling used and rejected and needed something to make you feel wanted. To feel better. You wanted to use me for that and I couldn’t let you. But how much could I handle? You liked one of my friends, dated him…sort of, even slept with him and I had to be your shoulder to cry on when,” his breathing picks up heavily as he tries to speak, “it doesn’t matter.” He grits out.
You sit there…speechless. He wasn’t wrong, was he? You were feeling lost and rejected and used and you just wanted something or someone to feel better and who better than your best friend? But it’s also his fault you needed things to work out with Taehyung in the first place!
“I’m not done.” He breathes out, his hot breath reaching your skin.
“I needed some space to think. But I realized I couldn’t properly think things through if I saw you every day, so yeah, I moved out. I’m sorry…” He runs a hand through his hair, a light chuckle makes it way past his lips “Then I met Vanessa.”
“I don’t want to talk about your little girlfriend.” You turn to face forward in your seat, your eyes glancing at the stop sign ahead.
“I told you, she’s not my girlfriend. But it is complicated.”
You continue to look straight ahead, your heart racing in your chest. The subject of “Vanessa” making you feel anxious.
“Complicated how?” you gulp.
“Don’t worry about it.” He laughs to himself, you turn your head to look at him.
“Are you serious, Jungkook?”
“We fuck y/n.”
“But it’s more than that right?”
“Yeah…” Jungkook bites down on his lip.
You look at him bewildered.
“Do you like her? Love her?”
You grip your purse in your lap, waiting for his answer. How would you feel if he answers yes? Are you brave enough to endure that answer? And if he says no? should you be happy? Should you feel relieved?
“No.” he closes his eyes, he folds his hands in front of him. “It’s complicated.”
You sign in relief—oh. Relief is the emotion you are feeling. Why? Why should it matter?
“Why are you telling me all of this?” you whisper.
“I want to be friends again, y/n.” he says softly, his eyes searching yours.
This is madness, how the hell could you save this friendship? Your face scrunches up and the first couple of tears slide down your cheeks, you shake your head as they continue to fall.
“You don’t know how this makes me feel…” you cry out. “I don’t even know how it makes me feel.”
You miss him, so fucking much and he’s right here offering himself to you. But you ‘re so hurt.
“y/n…I know I hurt you. But you gotta believe me when I say it is the hardest thing I have had to do…you understand that right? I had to do it…you understand right?” he begs.
“You were so quick to abandon me, Jungkook.” You drop your head into your hands, the tears uncontrollable now.
“I…” Jungkook begins to panic, his own eyes glossing over. “Fuck, I’m so sorry. Please y/n…I can make it up to you.”
“Things would never be the same, you get that right?” you bawl into your lap, your words coming out broken.
“Please baby, I just need you in my life again…” Jungkook admits, his own words choppy. He reaches his hand to touch you, to his surprise you don’t flinch. His hand cups the back of your head and he begins to massage it softly.
“I have missed you so much and nothing I mean nothing can replace you.” He hesitates to continue, “trust me…I have tried.”
You sob into your hands harder, the weight of his words crushing you.
“I’m sorry Jungkook but I…I don’t believe you.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen as he absorbs your words, his mouth falls open in shock. Don’t believe him?
“What—what do you mean? What are you saying?” his panic filled voice makes your stomach churn.
“I reject your offer. Now please take me home.” You lift your head and stare straight ahead. “I’m serious.”
Jungkook face twists into a bewildered expression, he doesn’t believe his ears. You…reject him?
“I said take me home now.” This time you snap your face in his direction, the cold look in your eyes piercing his very soul.
Hopeless: the dictionary describes it as without hope ; despairing. But in reality, it’s just a picture of Jungkook’s poor, poor face.
Jungkook parks in his designated spot in the lot of his apartment complex, he reverses in because why the hell not. So extra. His drive home was silent… not even the radio on a low volume keeping him company, just complete silence. He turns the car off but doesn’t make a move to get out, he just continues to sit here in his car and sigh out dramatically every 5 seconds.
He’s so confused and lost on what to do. He bangs his head against the steering wheel a few times just for the hell of it, he just…he didn’t think you would reject him. But honestly? Can he blame you? All he’s done lately is be selfish and mess up over and over again. But he wishes you could just trust him but he also wishes he could just tell you the truth. Maybe then you could understand his position and you wouldn’t be mad at him anymore. But he has to wait.
Jungkook’s head is still banging against the steering wheel when more thoughts of you bombard his mind. His breathing picks up and he starts to sniffle, he doesn’t want to cry but you just…you don’t want anything to do with him. He balls his hands into fists and hit the steering wheel over and over causing the horn to go off a few times but he doesn’t care he’s so upset, he just….
When Jungkook saw you tonight for the first time in 3 months he swears his heart actually stopped. He swears it raced so quickly that it just stopped. He let go of Vanessa’s hand so quickly because he wanted to rush to you and hug you close, he wanted to just feel you. Not having touched your skin for the last 3 months…he doesn’t want to imagine even another day.
A few tears slip past his closed lids, he chuckles darkly as he recalls you and Nick. He thought, wow, the universe is cruel and also hilarious. His fucking roommate? He shakes his head, laughing again but his lips remain downward. He feels so fucking helpless right now. But he deserves this, he deserves to feel this pain. He did this to himself and he’s fully aware of that.
Jungkook thinks of your face, he thinks of your smile, he thinks of your eyes and he cries harder, his tears landing on the steering wheel and sliding down landing on to his lap. Yes, he feels like all hope is lost but he knows he cannot give up. He will win you over again one day. He lifts his head and wipes his tear streaked cheeks with the back of his hand and breathes out steadily.
“y/n…” he whispers to himself. Your name leaves his mouth in frustration. He won’t give up. He can’t.
“And they were roommates?!” Jimin shouts, a banana half sticking out of his mouth, Trina gasps and whispers “Oh my god they were roommates.”
“Yeah, it was a total shit show.” You bang your head against your breakfast table. Holly rubs your back as she sits next to you.
“Then what happened?” she pries further.
“Yeah what the hell happened y/n!” Jimin yells out.
“He asked to be friends again…and I totally rejected him. Maybe I was too harsh? He was so sad guys…it makes me think…I might agree to kind of being…friends?”
Jimin shuts his eyes as a frown decorates his face, he places a hand on his hip and he inhales a sharp breath, “Listen…you’re both my friends and of course I want you to be good again…but he hurt you …bad.”
“I know Jiminie, but his reasons…” you bite your lip, “Never mind.”
“Well, I don’t like it.” Trina butts in. “He fucking left you, remember?”
“Yes Trina, I fucking remember—”
“Then fucking act like it!”
“Trina relax,” Holly intervenes. “They have a long history, right? It’s hard to just forget about everything…”
Jimin stands from his chair, hands on both hips. “Fine, if we are doing this…then you better actually try. Don’t half ass shit, if you’re going to be friends then don’t be an asshole to him, don’t make snarky remarks…I know your ass.”
Jimin has a good point, you haven’t actually thought about how you will act.
“I’ll be a good girl.” You raise your right arm to salute him.
“Fucking smart ass.” He rolls his eyes.
“Are we serious right now?” Trina shakes her head, “You moped around for 3 fucking months y/n. You cried every time you even thought of Jungkook…which was a fucking lot.” She points out, “Listen, you stayed strong when you talked to him in the car. Don’t break just because you feel bad for the dude because he’s fucking pitiful. He doesn’t deserve your pity girl. He’s an asshole!”
“Trina, be nice.” Holly says sternly, reaching forward to grab on to Trina’s hand. Trina visibly relaxes and nods her head towards Holly and smiles softly.
You and Jimin share a look. Are they….?
“You…” You slam your eyes shut, Trina’s words ringing loudly in your ears. You know she’s right. “I’ll think about it some more. For now, I gotta get ready for work.”
“Doesn’t Hazel look so pretty here?” Adam shoves his phone in your face as he gushes about his girlfriend.
“Yes dude, she’s so pretty.” You deadpan. “Now can you please put the brownies in the oven? We’re low.”
“Wait wait…here’s one of us together at the park.” He nudges his phone in your hands, you roll your eyes but you take it.
The two of them are sitting on a park bench, she’s leaning into his frame and they both have wide smiles on their faces. They seem so in love. And you know they are because fucking Adam reminds you every 20 seconds.
“Their love makes me sick.” Jade walks over, her hands patting down on her work apron, her tone is bland but she still tries to smile. “Like, we get it.”
“Who loves who more?” you begin with a toothy grin, “Adam to Hazel or Lenny to the sugar cookies?” you laugh while pointing at said Lenny stuffing his face with the reject cookies. Jade and Adam chuckle while they stare at him.
“Hey guys, really?” Lenny says with his mouth full. “You know I feel bad when we throw them away.” He pouts, crumbs decorating his lips.
“Lenny I catch you eating fresh ones all the time!” Adam points out.
“Sometimes they’re a little ugly…” Lenny reasons, “So I…”
“You don’t have to explain my guy, you just really love your cookies.” You hand Adam back his phone as you head towards the walk in freezer to take out the brownies yourself. You load up a tray and stick those suckers in the oven.
“You’re useless Adam.” Jade sticks a piece of gum in her mouth and chews obnoxiously “U-s-e-l-e-s-s. Useless.”
“You’re always so mean to me Jade what did I ever do to you?”
All 4 of you shoot your heads up when you hear the bell go off on the door of the bakery, its loud chime signaling the arrival of a customer.
“Oh.” Jade says while popping a bubble. “It’s your usual customer y/n.”
You tilt your head towards the front of the store to get a look at who she is talking about, and yup its him. Your most consistent customer who orders the same damn thing every single day. 2 oatmeal raisin cookies and that’s it.
“Can someone else just take care of him today?” you whine, “I’m not in the mood to argue.”
“You know he’s just going to ask for you…” Lenny says stuffing his face with another cookie.
“God damn it.” You huff out, you grab two gloves from the box on the counter and begin walking towards the front of the store.
You reach the front counter and take in your enemy—you mean, your customer.
“And what do I owe the pleasure Mister Oatmeal Raisin?” you raise a brow towards the man. He’s only a few inches taller than you, his hair is a sandy color today and you hate to admit it looks good on him.
“You know you could just call me by name.” the man sways side to side with a smirk on his face.
“I like Mister Oatmeal Raisin.”
He has been coming to this store for the last couple of months and you two…don’t necessarily get along swimmingly. He complains a lot and is a total smart ass. And you? Well, you’re not much better.
“Well, I’ll have my usual.” He smiles, “And you know the drill, please make sure there is a normal amount of raisins and not a million, I don’t want 8 raisins a bite. But one every now and then.”
You roll your eyes extremely dramatically, pressing the buttons on the screen for his order.
“Sir yes sir.” You salute towards him, “How could I not know the drill?”
“That’s the spirit.”
You spin on your heels and head towards the back to heat up his two cookies. You carefully select one cookie with barely any raisins and one cookie with a million, just like he didn’t want. You cackle to yourself as you place them in the baggy, feeling beyond satisfied.
“How haven’t you gotten fired?” Adam crosses his arms over his chest as he watches you, “And how hasn’t he complained about you? You do this every time I don’t get it.”
“He likes her.” Jade says plainly while scrolling through her phone.
“As fucking if!” you scoff, “He wants nothing but to annoy me!” But you can’t help but smile.
“He literally only asks for you every time you’re in.” Lenny reasons, “but you shouldn’t like him back…he likes the worst cookie on the menu. Sugar is where it’s at.”
You laugh at your coworker while walking back up towards the front of the store, reaching the counter.
“Your cookies!” you hand him the baggy with an evil smirk, “I hope you enjoy them.” You wink.
The man opens the baggy and inspects each cookie and with his own evil smirk he winks back at you, “Are we serious right now?” his sly smile doesn’t leave his face as he begins to complain, “You are such a brat.”
“$4 Mister Oatmeal Raisin.”
He hands you the cash, you put it away quickly and with a wide smile you gesture towards the door for him to leave.
“Min Yoongi.” He shakes the bag of cookies in front of him, “Not Mister Oatmeal Raisin.” He turns around and starts walking towards the door but before he exits he tilts his head to look at you one last time, “See you tomorrow…y/n.”
You feel a harsh blush creep up on your cheeks, or your whole face actually. Maybe your whole body. You feel taken aback he knows your name but then you remember you have a god damn name tag.
“See you tomorrow…y/n.” all 3 of your coworkers mock in a deep voice.
“Shut up guys!” you whine into your hands, “Can we please just get back to work!”
A few weeks later
The drive to Jimin’s is a quick 7 minutes but you did take a little detour. You decided to stop at the pizzeria that’s on the way and grab a hot pizza for the two of you.
“Hehe.” You look over to the steamy food sitting in the passenger seat.
Jimin has been such a great friend to you all this time and you feel like you’ve never really thanked him…so, tonight you two are going to have a fun night in—he just doesn’t know it yet.
Who doesn’t love being surprised with food?
You pull up to Jimin’s apartment complex and after driving in circles you finally find a parking spot. You grab your purse, your backpack, and the pizza and make your way up to his apartment.
You knock on his front door a few times but get no answer. Maybe he’s not home? No, you definitely hear music coming from the other side…so, you decide to call him.
“Jimin~ let me in!” you sing into the phone.
“You’re—you’re here?”
“Let me in already!” and with that you hang up and wait patiently outside the door.
A few moments pass before the door is opening up, when Jimin really registers that it’s you he’s kind of closing the door until only his face is shown through the crack.
You quirk a brow at the boy, “What do you mean ‘yes?’ let me in!” you begin walking forward when a panicked Jimin opens the door wider to let himself outside and shut the door behind him.
“y/n…why are you here? Did we have plans tonight?” he looks down at the pizza in your hands.
“Not exactly…” you admit, “But I figured we could have a night in.”
Jimin frowns. Fucking frowns!
“Or not?” you say awkwardly.
You hear some sort of banging on the other side of the door and then it clicks.
“Oh? You have someone over?” you smirk.
“Uhhh…no. Nothing like that.” Jimin’s eyes slide to the side as he tries to think of what to say next.
The door is being swung wide open and your eyes travel from some horrendous toes socks to some tight jeans to a striped t shirt to yes, Jungkook’s surprised face.
“Oh.” You both say at the same time.
You and Jungkook stare at one another for a few moments, neither of your eyes leaving the other when Jimin clears his throat.
“Sorry y/n. Jungkook is already over…” he gives you an apologetic smile.
“Is it just you two?” you ask quietly.
“Huh? Uh, yeah.”
You glance down at the pizza and think to yourself. You and Jungkook may not be friends but you can be civil? Yeah, totally! You can definitely be civil! You already bought this fucking pizza so you and Jimin are going to eat it! And you guess, Jungkook too.
“Okay, let me in.” you start shoving your way past Jimin, you watch as his and Jungkook’s eyes go wide.
“Maybe you didn’t hear him, but I am already hanging out with him?” Jungkook sputters out. He awkwardly moves to the side anyway to let you through.
“I can be civil with you Jungkook. Plus, I don’t want this pizza to go to waste. So let’s eat.” You walk through, nudging the pizza box into Jungkook’s hands, he takes it while looking at Jimin with shocked eyes.
Jimin just shrugs and follows you inside.
“Yeah, let’s eat.” He says nonchalantly.
Jungkook is left at the door with the pizza in his hands as he is left completely dumbfounded. He is malfunctioning.
“Jungkook?” you call out over your shoulder, “Hurry up, I’m hungry!”
“Yeah, Jungkook hurry up!” Jimin smirks, he isn’t totally sure what’s going on but he kind of likes it.
“So what were you guys doing before I got here?” you shove an entire slice of pizza down your throat, the sauce getting left behind on your lips.
“I was teaching Jungkook some of my dance moves…we made a bet that he couldn’t learn the entire routine in 3 times…and—”
“Let me guess, he fucking learned it.” You laugh.
Jimin groans, his head thrown back as he begins nodding his head ‘yes.’
“So annoying! What can’t he do!” Jimin throws the pizza crust in the box and Jungkook immediately picks it up and eats it.
“Pshh, I could name a few things.” You point out bitterly. “But we won’t get into that.”
“Yeah, please don’t.” Jimin pleads.
“I’m curious…what is it you think I cant do?” Jungkook quirks a brow at you and your eyes darken in his direction.
“You really want me to?” you take a napkin and wipe your lips, “It’s nothing nice.” You admit.
“Oh then yes, please don’t.” Jungkook is quick to say.
“Yes, please don’t.” Jimin begs again.
The 3 of you are sitting on the living room floor, maybe only 30 minutes or so has passed by and it’s not too awkward. But it’s not necessarily comfortable either. Jimin looks between you and Jungkook constantly, waiting for someone to crack but neither of you really speak to each other. Both of you really only communicating with Jimin.
“So Jimin, are you going to show me another routine?”
“Why? So you can prove you’re the master of everything again? No thanks.”
“Jimin, maybe you can show me a few steps?”
Jimin smiles awkwardly while Jungkook is quick to burst out laughing. You snap your head towards Jungkook and raise your brows at him.
“Why is Jungkook laughing, Jimin?”
“Umm…” Jimin smiles softly, “You aren’t the most…”
Jungkook laughs harder as he watches Jimin trying to explain.
“Aren’t the most…?” You tilt your head towards the boy.
“C’mon y/n don’t make me say it…” Jimin drags out his words in a whine, he plays with his fingers, looking around the room awkwardly.
“Just say it Jimin.” Jungkook chuckles out.
“If you’re trying to say I’m a bad dancer, we all know that’s not true!” you defend once you catch on, you pout at the boys.
“You have both told me I am a good dancer!”
“Well, you know how to move. But steps…following a routine…that’s different. You aren’t very coordinated.” Jimin finally admits, a sheepish grin on his face.
“He means you can roll your hips but your feet are clumsy as fuck.” Jungkook says, still laughing at the situation.
“Shut up.” You glare at Jungkook.
“No, he’s right.” Jimin begins laughing as well, he looks at you and smiles. Well, if Jimin is saying it…maybe it might be true. It’s not like you didn’t kind of know. But still!
“Fine, whatever. Don’t teach me then.”
Suddenly, Jimin’s phone is going off and he rushes to the kitchen to answer it. You and Jungkook eat your pizza in silence, awkwardly catching one another’s gaze.
“Don’t talk to me.” You cut in. Jimin isn’t here so it’s not like you have to be totally social with Jungkook.
“Oh.” Jungkook dramatically slumps his shoulders and pouts. You watch him as he throws a silent fit like the baby he is. “Okay.”
Jimin walks back into the living room looking annoyed, he stands between you two and throws a hand on his hip.
“I have to go down to the front office, there was a mix up in packages…I shouldn’t take too long…” he bites down on his plump bottom lip, “Please be civil while I’m gone. Jungkook…” he looks at the boy then at you, “y/n…” he warns.
“Sir yes sir!” you salute towards your friend with a straight face.
Jimin only narrows his eyes as he looks between you two.
“I’m serious…” he says.
Then he is putting on some shoes and heading out the front door, the soft click making you shudder. You’re alone with Jungkook.
A few minutes pass and you both awkwardly just sit there, sometimes catching the other looking. You finally huff out and accidentally giggle.
“What’s funny?” Jungkook’s curiosity getting the best of him.
“It’s just…I feel like we’re Jimin’s divorced parents and we’re trying to be civil for our child.”
Jungkook stares at you with scrunched brows, then looks away while a chuckle escapes his lips.
“Yeah. You’re right.”
You only nod your head in response. You two go back to the awkward silence.
You aren’t used to this…this awkward and odd silence that lingers between you two. It feels so fucking suffocating you almost wish you were on total talking terms so you didn’t have to endure this shit show.
“You know I could…no, forget it.” Jungkook bites his nails as he speaks, “I…”
“What?” you don’t mean to snap at him, but somehow even talking with an attitude feels better than not talking at all.
“I was going to say…I could teach you some steps…then you could surprise Jimin. He’s been working on a salsa piece…I can teach you some? Then maybe he will stop talking shit on your dancing.” Jungkook laughs awkwardly.
“Wait—he talks shit?!” somehow this doesn’t surprise you in the least.
“Only a little.” Jungkook shows you how little with his pointer finger and thumb. “But uh, want me to show you?”
“I don’t even want to talk to you, you think I want to dance with you?” you raise a brow in amusement. You forget this boy has all the audacity.
“Dancing doesn’t have to have any talking.” Jungkook states with a sly smile.
“So you’re just going to show me the steps?”
You don’t know why, but this sounds better than actually speaking and/or just sitting in miserable silence. And maybe, just maybe you have a desire to be close to him.
“You think I could learn in time before Jimin gets back?”
“With me as your teacher? Definitely.” He fucking smirks at you and you can’t help but feel that feeling in your stomach. Not necessarily a bad feeling but a fucking feeling.
Jungkook stands to his feet and extends his hand out to you for you to take.
“Here, stand up.”
Your eyes travel from his hands to his eyes and you blink lazily at him…wait, you’re really doing this? He stares down at you and he smiles softly and it creates a warmth in your chest that you’re trying so hard to ignore. You can’t.
Even so, you hesitantly begin to reach up to grab on to his hand, once your skin touches his you feel it. The burning. You should be used to it but right now, the fire is raging and the heat is almost too much. But you let him close his hand over yours as he helps you up.
You’re now standing in front of one another, in complete silence again. But this time it’s not awkward—no, it’s a different type of tension. Your hand lingers in his, neither of you brave enough to let go of the other. Jungkook looks down at you and you up at him, and you feel a million things. But the number one thing you feel is pain. You slowly pull your hand back and break eye contact with him, your head dropping low.
“Show me already.” You whisper.
“Shh, no talking.” Jungkook quietly demands. “Only speak with your body.” He puts some music on the speakers and smirks at you.
Jungkook steps closer to you and you stay grounded in your spot, you can feel the heat of his body begin to radiate and warm you. One of his hands find yours, he weaves his fingers through your own and puts one hand on your hip, he looks down at you to warn you this is how he will guide you.
“Just follow me.”
“You said no talking Mr.Jeon.” you say almost under your breath as you stare into his eyes. Jungkook rolls his head back with a smirk on his face, he looks at you and nods.
He puts his left foot forward and steps with his right foot in the same place at center, then puts his left foot back again. You try to copy his moves but even with such simple steps you step on his feet. He looks up at you disapprovingly. You only smile at him.
You two continue to try these steps until you finally manage to understand them even just a little bit. Jungkook brings your body closer to his as you two move your hips to the music while following the simple steps. His chest flush against your own, his heart beating so loudly you can feel it. Your heart isn’t any better. You start to finally get the hang of it, the music slowly taking you to another place. Jungkook moves his hips to the beat so flawlessly and honestly? You’re doing pretty fucking good if you do say so yourself.
Jungkook’s grip on your hip tightens as he grinds himself closer to you, you feel lightheaded as you two dance to the song. Your breathing getting just a little heavier and you feel lost and pathetic but you’re too immersed in the dance to care. Jungkook finds his head falling into the crook of your neck, his hot breaths fanning against your sensitive skin and you find your hand skimming up his back until you have a handful of his hair. You lightly tug on his locks and Jungkook quietly groans. You don’t know if you’re even doing the right steps anymore, your feet moving all around the place, but somehow it’s working. You’re still following his lead and you’re sure the dance looks somewhat okay. All you care about is how both of your hips move to the beat of the music and into each other. You two are so in sync its driving you nuts.
Jungkook lifts his head and watches as you close your eyes and he closes his own eyes, his head falling forward, your foreheads close to touching. You feel so dizzy, so light and airy, so fucking great like you’re floating. You can’t help but feel the heat creep up your entire body, you feel sweat start to build as you two move. You tighten your hands around Jungkook’s neck and pull him down impossibly close, until his forehead is touching yours. Your harsh breaths mingling with his. You get dragged into the memory of when he had you pinned to his dorms mattress, you recall how his lips left kisses all along your throat, his hot breath reminding you of the past. You think of how he rolled his hips into you effortlessly then as well, you think of how you scraped your nails down his back as he thrusted into you. God, you need to think of something else but Jungkook is filling your mind.
Jungkook’s breathing picks up again, as does yours. Your memories making this dance that much more sensual. You remember the way Jungkook nibbled on your ear as he let filthy words spill from his mouth when he fucked you. God, you should not be thinking this but his body feels so good. God, you should think of anything…literally anything else. You remember how he held you close much like how he is right now. You two continue dancing to the song that is soon coming to an end. You know exactly how it feels to have Jungkook inside you, moving and stilling. You know exactly what it feels like to come all around his cock. God, you need to stop. You need to slow your breathing. God, you…you…you...he continues to guide you along to the music when you feel something hard poke against you. Oh. Oh. OH. Hard. He’s hard.
Immediately, you pull back and take several clumsy steps backward. You blink at him with wide eyes when you realize that maybe he was recalling the same memories as you. Your wide eyes concerning Jungkook.
“Okay, that’s enough lessons for today.” Your harsh breaths don’t go unnoticed by Jungkook, his own breathing quite unsteady.
“Right.” Jungkook mumbles.
You two stand around for a few moments, just taking in the experience you just shared.
You still feel…how do you feel? You just shared a hot dance with your best friend? Wait—ex best friend? You don’t know. The memory of his body moving with yours, his skin touching your skin, his breaths on your neck, his hair balled up in your hands. God, it felt so good.
But so wrong.
“Umm…thanks.” You finally say.
Jungkook perks up at the gratitude, even if it’s somewhat forced. His frown turns into a small smile and you can’t help but smile back.
“I miss you y/n.” Jungkook instantly regrets it by the look on your face. Your expression turning hard. “Sorry I—”
“No, I miss you too.” You answer honestly. “But this doesn’t change anything.”
“But why not? Do you really not want me in your life for like, ever?”
Jungkook’s questions settle deep within you. The depth they hold…it’s too much. You wonder? Is this anti-Jungkook thing permanent? Or are you just trying to teach him a lesson?
Jungkook rubs his temples as he thinks, he sighs out instead of talking more.
“Not forever.” You finally say. Jungkook looks at you, a sliver of hope flashes across his face.
“But when?” he asks softly.
Yeah y/n. When? You know you both can’t go back to how things use to be but maybe starting over? God, you don’t know what to do! You know someone like Trina will be disappointed you became friends with Jungkook again so quickly, but you know someone like Jimin would be happy his two friends are back to being on okay terms. Why are you trying to please everybody? What do you want?
“Will you ever give up?” you say a little more lightly.
“No…” he says under his breath, his eyes focusing on the TV. “Not until you agree to be my friend again.”
You look at Jungkook with disbelief written all over your face, this boy has the fucking audacity once again. You’re amused though.
“Excuse me?” you say, cleaning your ear out with your point finger. “I didn’t catch that.”
Jungkook looks into your eyes, his eyes are large and doe like and it brings you back to every moment ever that he has given you this look.
“You’re stuck with me until you love me again.” He says more firmly.
“Who said,” you look at him with soft eyes, “That I ever stopped loving you?”
Jungkook smiles, he fucking smiles. His adorable bunny smile that makes your heart race.
“You still love me?”
“Only a little.” You jut your lip out, “I mostly hate you.”
Jungkook only frowns for a second before he is smiling again, “That’s fair.”
The two of you stand in comfortable silence for a few minutes, you sway back and forth wondering what you want to say to him—you miss him, of course but…
“Let’s take it slow.” You finally break the silence. You miss him more than anything and it might be worth it to have him in your life again, “You aren’t going to be a priority in my life anymore.” You crack you knuckles, the sound filling up the room.
“I know,” Jungkook feels his heart twist at your words but at least it’s something. “We can go however slow you want y/n.”
“You are on—”
“Thin fucking ice, buddy. I know.”
You exhale a shaky breath, thinking about how to go about this, “We can text every now and then, I’m not sure I want to hang out with you quite yet.”
“Maybe a group hang out first…”
“I’d like that.”
Jungkook reaches over to grab your hand but you pull back, “That’s a no from me for the affection.”
Hurt flashes across Jungkook’s features but he softens up as he nods his head. “Noted.”
You wonder if you’re making the right decision. This wasn’t easy, you know? This actually felt quite hard. But somehow you feel like some weight has been lifted off your shoulders, like things maybe just maybe will be okay.
“I won’t push myself on you, I promise.” Jungkook sits back down on the floor, crossing his legs.
“Just be yourself, Jungkook.”
“If I wanted to be myself I would be hugging you right now but that’s apparently off limits.” He jokes.
“One hug.” You open your arms timidly. You feel one hug can’t be too bad?
Jungkook widens his eyes in pleasant surprise. He stands to his feet again and opens his own arms.
You watch in disbelief as he grins with his arms wide open, expecting you to go to him! And you do. You fucking do.
His arms wrap around you, he pushes you into his chest and you feel so fucking good. So warm, so cozy. His scent making you feel dizzy again, his warmth causing you to heat up. You lean back and look at his content face, he honestly looks so fucking content. Like, this hug is everything to him. And maybe it is, but you don’t know that.
“Uh, am I interrupting something?” you both snap your heads toward the front door to see Jimin standing there with a package in his hands.
“I can come back later?” he smirks at you two.
“No no no no!” you drop your arms from hugging Jungkook and take a few steps back, “We were just—”
“We made up, Jimin.” Jungkook says calmly with the softest smile you’ve ever seen on him.
“We’re taking it slow!” you rush to say.
“Oh?” Jimin winks, he walks forward until he’s in the living room joining you two. “Does this mean you will be joining us this Thursday at Jungkook and Nick’s place?”
Jungkook shifts on his feet, “Yeah, uh, me and Nick are having a small get together on Thursday…you can bring whoever you want…but you’re definitely invited.”
“Before I answer that…Jimin how did you not know about Nick and him being Jungkook’s roommate?”
“Listen! Jungkook is always HERE! I never go over there! The few times I was there Nick was never home okay?!” Jimin whines obnoxiously.
“Okay, whatever. And Jungkook, I said—”
“You said group hang outs.” Jungkook pouts.
Oh. You did say that. But this soon? And is she going to be there?
You chew on your lips before answering, “Okay. But I’m bringing Trina and Holly.”
“Oh bro, Trina is not your biggest fan.” Jimin cuts in.
“Yeah, I know how she is I already anticipated that.” Jungkook shrugs, he looks at you with a small smile.
Okay, starting over? Taking it slow? Can you and Jungkook do this? You look between the boys and smile,
“Okay. See you boys on Thursday.”
631 notes · View notes
eeunoia · 3 years
ENHYPEN Imagines
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This was requested and since I couldn’t decide which one from the members, I end up choosing Jungwon and Heeseung for this one shot. I’m sorry that this took a while. I will probably post Sunghoon’s then Jake’s version, thank you!
And for my next series, I still have days till I post the teaser. I created a poll, if you’re interested to vote, here is it! Have a nice day! 🌸
pairing: kim sunoo x reader
summary: you thought what you have for Kim Sunoo was an unrequited love.
word count: 6k
tag-list: @en-sun, @rubyanne, @studioreader, @map-of-border​, @hwangjangmi​, @affectionaterainoflove​ @crjwon​ 
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“Ah, Kim Sunoo really look amazing!” your head snapped over your side as you hear the constant cheers of the students for Sunoo.
You can’t help but to pout as you slowly gripped over the mineral water that you are holding. Kim Sunoo is currently practicing together with some of his friends here on the auditorium. They’re gonna perform in your school program and now students gathered to watch their practice.
You gulped and kind of feel intimidated by the number of students around you. Despite the crowd, your eyes couldn’t help but to settle over Sunoo. You had been liking him for so long now. Too long that you doubt if its still like you’re feeling.
You snapped back to reality as the music suddenly faded after Heeseung maneuvered over the sound system.
“We’ll take 10 minutes break, guys.” he announced. And as if on cue, girls hurried themselves to the members to ask them if they needed something.
You watch as a lot of girls crowded Sunoo and you halted your steps because you thought it would’ve been too much chaotic if you tried and step in yourself. Your grip over the bottle of water you were suppose to give Sunoo tightened.
“Wow, water! I’ve been thirsty I almost thought I will collapsed while dancing to Fever!” a hand suddenly grabbed the water from your hand and you quickly darted your eyes at him.
The culprit was smirking at you and shamelessly opened the water bottle and chugged over it. You rolled your eyes and hit him over to his arm.
“Yah, Yang Jungwon! That’s not for you!” you hissed at him and he chuckled a little as some water spilled from his mouth when you pushed him a bit, now wiping it of using the back of his hand.
“I don’t see you approaching someone to give it.” he reasoned out and even shrugged his shoulders off before wiping the water at the corner of his mouth once again.
You rolled your eyes and grabbed the water bottle from him. He’s just smirking widely while watching your frustrated face. For him, you looked cute.
“What’s with the pout, y/n?” your head snapped over to your side when somebody suddenly talked to you.
You instantly pulled a smile when you saw it was Heeseung. He’s a senior and Sunoo’s friend. Jungwon’s friends with him too.
“N-Nothing, oppa.” you can’t help but to stutter a bit because, duh, that’s Lee Heeseung!
Jungwon walked closer to your side and scoffed at you. “How come you treat hyung like that when you’re too rude at me?” he asked you that made you furrow your brows.
You raised your fist ready to attack him and he just crossed his arms to shield himself. He’s always been annoying. Maybe because he’s your best friend and he completely know how he can piss you off.
“It’s because oppa is nice to me!” you hissed at him and you saw his playful smirk over his face.
Heeseung was just there, smiling softly while watching you and Jungwon bickering. It’s already a familiar scenario for him.
“You should call me oppa too!” Jungwon suddenly blurted out that made you laugh sarcastically at him.
“We’re just the same age, why should I call you oppa?” you hissed at him once again and now started to roam your eyes around to go look for Sunoo.
Jungwon didn’t let you off easily because he went in front of you to block your view. You ended up rolling your eyes once again, slowly losing your patience for your bestfriend.
“I’m still months older than you!” he was smirking, so obviously he was just trying to annoy you.
You tried to pull the sweetest smile for him before you rested both of your hands over to his broad shoulders.
“Don’t piss me off too much, alright? I’m seriously gonna kick your ass.” and you pushed him away from in front of you.
He was about to go and piss you off more but he was halted by Heeseung. He held onto the younger one’s shirt and shake his head from side to side, a warm smile was over his lips.
You roamed your eyes and you finally smiled when you saw Sunoo surrounded by a couple of students. After letting out a sigh, you walked closer to him. You two met eyes and he instantly smiled at you. Heart racing, you can’t help but to blush because of his smile.
“Y/n! You came to watch!” he greeted you and ignored all the other ones around him. Their heads snapped over to you and you tried to ignore all the stares. You smiled widely at him and sat beside him.
“Of course, oppa! I was really excited when I heard you guys will perform for the school’s event.” you said excitedly.
Sunoo’s always been nice to you but he’s also very dense about your feelings for him. Maybe having Jungwon as your bestfriend also did you a favor because you can hang-out around them like this.
“Oh really? I’m glad you’re looking forward to it.” he said and his eyes then trailed over to the water bottle that you are holding.
You saw a tint of blush appeared over his cheeks and you thought that maybe because it was too crowded. Sunoo’s not really that good in crowded places and maybe because it’s slowly starting to feel hot.
You pouted, “Are you okay, oppa? You’re turning red. Are you hot?” you sounded worried that it caught Sunoo’s attention and he looked over at you.
“U-Uh,” he couldn’t finish his sentence.
“I wanted to offer you water but this is for Jungwon. He already drank from it.” you said continuously didn’t even realized that you are blabbering such things. Sunoo’s eyes then darted over to the bottle once again.
His shoulder fell and his mind went blank. Of course that’s for Jungwon. Why would he even think you would give him a water bottle? He’s sure you’re even here for Jungwon in the first place.
“Do you want me to buy you one? I will--” you were cut off by Sunoo as he held your arm to stop you from walking away.
“No need, y/n. I brought my own.” he coldly replied before he stood up and walked away from you.
You were a bit dumbfounded to how fast he just shifted his mood. Did you say something wrong or did you do something odd? As far as you remember, you even offered to buy him one! Is that it? Was that too much?
“What’s with the long face?” you were snapped back to reality when Jungwon talked to you and gently grabbed the water from you again.
You looked over to him and pouted. You shake your head for him and he just squinted his eyes at you. He was sure he saw you talking to his hyung from a while ago before he approached you. He’s aware of your feelings and so he knew whatever it is, it has to do something with his Sunoo hyung.
“Whatever it is, don’t overthink everything, y/n.” he reminded you before you heard Heeseung saying that they will resume practice now.
Jungwon raised his hand to mess you hair. You glared at him then pushed away his hand, “Just go, Yang.” and you rolled your eyes at him.
He laughed, finding it cute that you’re pissed at him. Well, what can he do? You just look adorable whenever you’re like that. He did walk towards the position for the song Drunk-Dazed. His eyes unconsciously met with his Sunoo hyung and to his surprise, he’s looking at him already.
He raised both of his eyebrows at him, asking if he needs anything. Sunoo just shake his head and looked away. Jungwon tilted his head in wonder and just shrugged it off.
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“Y/n! Come on, you should join us.” Jungwon was yet again being annoying. You just finished your class and was just about to go put your things over at your locker then go straight home after but then your best friend was forcing you to go join them somewhere.
You sighed heavily, trying to calm yourself down as you face the whining Jungwon behind you, “I already told you, I already have plans!” you told him trying hard to make him understand.
He was just straightly eyeing you. “Sunoo hyung will be there...” he said knowing what exactly will make your mind change.
You pursed your lips completely caught off-guard of what he just told you. As far as you remember, he said they will go at the arcades and so you were a bit hesitant to believe what he just said. You know they are friends but you just don’t know Sunoo will be into arcades that much.
You gave him a suspicious look and Jungwon just let out a frustrated sigh. He cannot believe that you are looking and doubting him at the moment. Yeah, he do like to annoy you but he won’t certainly lie about things like that.
“Seriously, Yang Jungwon! I will kill you if he’s not there.” you said using your warning tone. He rolled his eyes and suddenly moved closer to you, his face inches away from you.
A bit taken aback, you moved away from him but you were cornered because behind you was the lockers already. He smirked and rested one of his hands beside your head before he tilted his head, eyes darkly darted at yours.
“And if he’s there?” he asked like as if challenging you.
You gulped as you blushed for an unknown reason. Of course you don’t have feelings for your bestfriend! But then, you couldn’t deny the fact that he is in fact a very good-looking guy. It’s just natural for a girl to blush when an attractive guy’s face was inches apart from yours.
“Move a-away.” you said and pushed his face away from you as he let out a chuckle because he just saw how nervous you got. You were busy glaring at him that you failed to notice the group of people approaching the two of you.
“You coming, Jungwon?” you snapped your head towards to the side only to be greeted by a serious Heeseung. Behind him was their other friends and your eyes automatically searched for Sunoo.
When you saw him and you two met eyes, you waved happily at him and he just returned it with a small smile then gazed away. You pouted, wondering if he’s okay or what. 
“Yes, hyung! I’ll be taking y/n with me!” he said and even wrapped his arms around your shoulder to keep you from running away from him.
You tried to free yourself from him but you groaned as he just held you tightly. They started walking and Jungwon still got you so you couldn’t move and go home.
“Cut it out, Wonie. You’re hurting y/n.” Jay softly told Jungwon. He looked over to him and chuckled.
“No she isn’t hurt. Right, y/n?” he asked smirking at you.
You just rolled your eyes and just elbowed his side causing him to shriek a bit and let go of you finally. You tried fixing your crumpled uniform before you eyes Sunoo’s direction. He’s now busy using his phone and you once again pursed your lips. He seems really down, you grew worried of him.
You end up going with them because you have no other choice and because Yang Jungwon is being such a kid and been whining whenever you’re trying to go sneak home. He’s just being really clingy and wanting to be around you most of the times.
“You can sit here, y/n.” your eyes snapped over to Sunoo when you heard his soft voice. He smiled a little as he offered the vacant seat beside him. You blushed but tried not to be so obvious as you slowly make your way towards him.
You arrived at the arcade and now the boys were scattered around the different games. Yang Jungwon left you with Jay and you nearly kicked his ass because he was the one who dragged you here and then he left you all alone.
“Aren’t you gonna go play?” you tried opening up some conversation with Sunoo.
He looked over at you and smiled a little before shaking his head off slowly. You bit your lower lip trying to suppress a smile. If you’re gonna be asked what you liked the most about Sunoo, you’ll probably answer his smile. You can say that its the most precious one you’ve seen so far. You just think that he glows whenever he’s smiling.
“I just came here to spend some time with them.” he answered and his eyes are now settled over to his friends.
You pursed your lips and roam your eyes around too. You can feel your heart racing a bit because you’re sitting beside Kim Sunoo. You do like him very much and you couldn’t even imagine losing this feeling for him. The number of times you tried to confess to him were uncountable but you always end up not doing it.
Unfortunately, there’s a lot of things you are worried about if you confess to him. The friendship that you two may lose if ever he doesn’t feel the same way. He may feel awkward around you after you confess and you don’t want that. So as of now, you’re just contented that you can hang around him like this.
“Do you want to go get ice cream? They’re busy anyway.” he suddenly offered and your eyes grew big out of excitement. You beamed and nodded happily that made Sunoo chuckle a bit. He just found cute whenever you’re excited.
He raised his hand to mess your hair a bit before you two stood up and go look for an ice cream shop. While looking for a place, you two started talking about random stuff and didn’t even realize that you are enjoying each other’s company. It was a bit surprising for Sunoo since this is the first time he had talked to you this long. He didn’t even know you two have so much in common.
“I didn’t know you like mint choco too?” he asked a bit surprised as he hand you the ice cream he ordered for you. With a bright smile you accepted it then you glanced over to it.
“I love mint choco. I can’t understand why other people don’t like it.” and you even shrugged your shoulders off.
He chuckled as he watch you, “I know right?” he said slowly as his mind slowly wondered off. He had known you ever since he became friends with Jungwon. The first time he lay eyes on you, he already thought that you’re really pretty.
He may have a little crush on you, he didn’t put too much thought to it since he think it’ll be gone sooner or later. But he noticed himself smiling whenever you’re around bickering with your best friend. He finds you cute and always want to just take care of your clumsy self.
“Y/n! Where were you?” you were talking to Sunoo and laughing with him when Jungwon just came to you. His face looked so worried and so you looked at him weirdly.
Sunoo was a bit taken back as well when he just saw him rushing towards the two of you. He seemed so worried and Heeseung was there with him, like Jungwon he looked bothered.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Sunoo oppa and I just went to go grab some ice cream.” you tried explaining to your best friend.
His eyes trailed from you over to your ice cream then to his hyung. You cannot read what expression Jungwon have on his face right now but one thing’s for sure, he isn’t so happy about it.
“I got so worried!” he said exaggerating. 
You rolled your eyes and blushed out of embarrassment. You kind of feel bad for Sunoo because he have to witness this kind of situation between Jungwon and you. It isn’t really that necessary.
“Geez, Jungwon. Calm down, I’m not five.” you tried arguing with him because he’s really over reacting.
He clenched his jaw as he stared right to your eyes with his serious stares, “Oh yeah? And who’s gonna be in trouble with your parents if something happens to you?” he asked sounding a bit sarcastic.
You pursed your lips as Heeseung tried to butt in and calm him down. His stares never left you and just waited for whatever that is you’re gonna say. You sighed and was about to talk but Sunoo interrupted between the two of you.
“Don’t get mad at her, Jungwon. I was the one who invited her to go get some ice cream.” Sunoo said and even went in between the two of you.
Jungwon’s eyes then went over to his hyung before he slowly shake his head and turned his back. He couldn’t believe that you really left without even informing him. He got really scared that the thought of maybe you were with his friend didn’t got into his mind. He was too occupied of trying to think where he can find you.
It may sound a bit exaggerating but he’s just really worried for you. It may be a bit not obvious but he cares so much for you since you’re his best friend. He understands that you like his hyung and that it is a good chance to get closer to him but you should’ve inform him first so he wouldn’t panic.
You pouted as you watch him walk away from you. Feeling sad, Heeseung’s eyes darted over to your side as he lets out a small sigh before smiling softly.
“Come on, y/n... I’ll take you home.” he softly offered. You had no choice but to agree.
Sunoo looked over to his hyung before he glanced over your direction. He felt bad that Jungwon and you got into a fight because of him. He sighed then approached you.
“I’m sorry y/n, I should’ve inform him first before inviting you to get ice cream.” he smiled a little.
You looked at him with a worried expression before you shake your hand as a gesture, “Oh no! Don’t blame yourself, oppa. Jungwon’s just a little protective but he’ll get over it soon. Thank you for the ice cream, I really had fun!” you said excitedly.
He smiled brightly when he heard that you did enjoy the time both of you spend together. Heeseung pursed his lips as he silently fiddled with his fingers kind of feeling a bit out of place. He faked a cough to catch your attention and when he succeed he tilted his head over to the direction of home.
You pouted then look over to Sunoo, “I need to go, sorry again about Jungwon, oppa! See you!” you smiled brightly before waving continuously at him as you walk away.
Sunoo blushed a bit as he watch you go with Heeseung. His smile slowly fell as the realization dawned to him, you’re so precious to Jungwon and he don’t know, maybe he likes you not just as friends. He doesn’t want to go in between and end up hurting his friend. He’d rather stay out of it.
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“Sunoo oppa! Do you want to--” you were cut off by him once again.
“Sorry, I need to go. See you tomorrow guys!” you pursed your lips feeling a bit dumbfounded that he suddenly shut you off like that.
You stared and watched how he quickly gathered his things and go straight over to the door to go. You pouted, feeling a bit strange, your chest a bit aching for some reasons.
“Hey, its okay. Hyung’s been busy lately.” Jungwon was beside you comforting you. You kept your long face as your eyes darted over the door once again like as if waiting and hoping that he’ll come back.
It’s been like this for about two weeks now. You know that what happened back to the mall isn’t really enough to say that you two were close already but he’s really acting strange lately. He’s purposely avoiding you and you’re sure about it.
“He’s really avoiding me.” you mumbled softly as you rested your head to Jungwon’s shoulder. He looked at you before chuckling as he messed your hair trying to make you feel better.
“No he isn’t. You didn’t even do anything to make him avoid you. Stop overthinking already.” Jungwon told you to assure you.
You decided to just shrug it off and maybe just try again next time. Maybe he’s really just busy these days that’s why you think about it that way. You started to listen to his friends playing and laugh with them. You were too busy laughing at how Jay was telling the story about Jake that you failed to notice Heeseung’s eyes darting your direction a bit too often.
“Come on, Jungwon! Please? Just take me with you!” you even put your palm together as you plea your best friend.
He sighed as he lift his head up and shut his eyes closed trying to calm himself down. He’s on his way to practice today and you’re here begging him to let you tag along. Of course, he can take you! There’s no problem with that, it’s just he received a text from one of his hyungs saying that Sunoo brought a girl with him.
He doesn’t want you to see his hyung flirt with another girl.
“Please, Jungwon? I promise not to bother you! I just want to go and see Sunoo!” you pouted cutely in front of him.
He eyed you and Jungwon can’t help but to feel a bit bad for you. He know he couldn’t force his friend who he should like but to know that you’ll be hurt, hurts him as well.
“You don’t understand y/n...”
“I’ll go, please?” you once again pouted cutely at him.
In the end, he didn’t succeed on making you stay at your house and he brought you along with him. As you arrive at the place where they’ll practice, Heeseung was already outside, like as if waiting for someone. His brows furrowed in confusion as he walked closer towards Jungwon and you.
“You let her come?” he whispered over to Jungwon in order for you not to hear.
“She insisted, hyung. Are they still inside?” he asked a bit worried.
Heeseung nodded his head as he glanced over your way. Your eyes were already looking at the auditorium, excited to finally go inside and see Sunoo again. You feel lucky that you got to see him even at the weekends.
“Hey, y/n!” Heeseung greeted you excitedly and you turned your head towards him to smile and wave cutely at him.
“Let’s go inside.” Jungwon mumbled and you followed behind him as Heeseung walks beside you.
You were greeted by the other members as they crowded you to say hello. You were delighted and greeted them back as your eyes started to roam around to go look for the only person that made you come here.
Your smile fell when you saw him at the side, sitting at one of the benches together with a girl. They were laughing as they enjoy their little intimate moment. You felt someone stood closely beside you.
“I tried stopping you,” it was Jungwon. Your head snapped over to his side as your chest slowly ache.
“Who is she?” you asked him. He shrugged his shoulders off, obvious that he was also clueless about it.
“In position everyone!” you were pulled back to senses when Heeseung clapped his hand and catch their attention. Your eyes trailed from him towards to Sunoo. Surprisingly, he was looking at you too but the moment you met eyes, he glanced away. Not even greeting you with a single wave, he just went to his position like as if he didn’t even saw you.
Their practice started again and you just sat there silently, your eyes looking over to the girl from time to time. You don’t want to look over to her side but you can’t help but to go look. You were intrigued to who she is and a lot of questions plays through your mind.
You balled your fist tightly, a small ball of courage suddenly spread through your chest. You don’t know what pushed or what clicked inside of you but you just wanted to confess to Sunoo right away. Like, right now.
You were already plotting the things you wanted to tell him when you were suddenly pulled back to your senses. Heeseung had just told them to have a 10 minute break. You sighed trying to calm yourself down.
As you saw him walk out of the auditorium, you dismissed anyone who tried to talk to you and just went straight to follow him. Thankfully, the girl stayed inside so it would be less embarrassing for you.
“Sunoo oppa!” you called out when he were just steps away from you.
He stopped from his tracks and you saw how he stoned over his position after hearing your voice. You sighed heavily and then jogged a little to catch at him a bit. He slowly turned to face you, keeping a straight face. You felt bad, you missed his smiling face whenever he sees you.
“What, y/n?” he asked sounding a bit impatient.
You were a bit sad that he seems like he doesn’t want to talk to you but you shrugged it off and just proceed on what you planned a while ago.
“I just want to ask something.” you said, fingers starting to fiddled as you grow more nervous as time passes by.
“What is it?” he asked as he glanced away from you.
“Are you avoiding me?” you asked softly and you made sure he can hear that you are sad about it.
You saw how he gulped and he pursed his lips in a thin line like as if he’s preventing himself to say something. He sighed before he looked over your way.
“What are you talking about? Of course not.” he answered but you are not satisfied with it.
“Really? Because these past few weeks, I feel like you are avoiding me.” you said and he grew silent. Having a gut that you were right, you stepped closer causing him to look at you once again.
“Why are you avoiding me, oppa? Did I do something wrong?” you asked with a worried face. Your eyes slowly starting to water.
“I am not avoiding you, y/n.” he said and still kept his straight face.
“Oh, okay? Sorry if I thought it that way. It’s just I can’t seem to invite you in any hang outs anymore because you often say you aren’t available.” you said starting to blabber things.
When he didn’t respond, you sighed heavily again and tried to gather all the courage in you.
“Uh, do you want to go grab some ice cream with me later--”
“I’m sorry but (name) and me already have plans after our practice.” he coldly rejected you.
Your mouth gaped a bit open, unable to find the right words to say. Who is she for him anyway? You’ve never heard or even saw him hang out with her before. Why all of a sudden he brought a girl together with him?
“You are avoiding me.” you said, confirming it.
He sighed as he rolled his eyes, “I already said I’m not. It’s up to you if you’ll gonna believe or not.” he mumbled before he started walking back to the auditorium, walking pass by you.
You were stoned for a bit before you decided to follow him and confess what you feel. You ran after him and he just went inside the auditorium when you grabbed over his arm to stop him from walking.
“Oppa,” you called out. He was surprised as he turned over your direction.
You two started to gather the attention of the other members as they grew quiet after noticing the scene.
“Y/n, what are you---”
“I like you.” you said bravely not even minding all the pair of eyes watching the two of you.
Jungwon stood up from his seat looking a bit worried, Heeseung was dumbfounded as his stares slowly darted over his water bottle. The other boys looked at each other and shares thoughts through their eyes.
“I don’t so stop this, y/n.” Sunoo plainly said.
You were taken aback at how plainly he rejected your feelings. You’re not expecting anything but you’re also not ready for this kind of response.
“Hyung!” Jungwon rushed over to your side as a rescue. 
Heeseung snapped back to his senses as well and went to approach the two of you.
“You don’t have to be that rude, Sunoo.” he said as he saw how your eyes started to water.
Sunoo eyed his hyung before he looked over to you, his eyes were cold and blank. The familiar warm smiles were nowhere to be seen.
“I was just being honest.” he said.
Jungwon went in front of you as he took off your hold from Sunoo. “Are you?” Jungwon asked his hyung a bit sarcastic.
As their eyes met, Sunoo quickly looked away, avoiding his gaze, afraid that his friend may see something over his eyes. On the other hand, your head dropped as your heart ache. You just received a cold rejection from someone you liked for a very long time.
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“y/n, come on! Don’t be such a kill joy. Let’s go have fun tonight.” Jungwon’s pretty much annoying you tonight.
It’s been a month after your heartbreaking confession to Sunoo and you started avoiding him ever since. You even started avoiding some of the members too because you felt embarrassed because you just realized how desperate of a move was that. But of course, you couldn’t avoid Jungwon since he’s your bestfriend.
Lately, you’ve been hanging out with Heeseung too. He was always with Jungwon for some reason that’s why you couldn’t avoid him. He was nice to be with, he makes you laugh most of the times.
“I already told you I have--” both of your head snapped back to the door when Heeseung went inside holding two boxes of pizzas. He ordered a while ago for the three of you which you find a bit weird since they’re off to Jay’s party later.
“Jungwon’s right, you should come, y/n.” He said as he opened the box and grabbed one slice to hand it to you. Jungwon eyed you and gave you a ‘told ya’ look.
You sighed and took a bite from your pizza, they’re inviting you to go to Jay’s party and you’re a bit hesitant to attend because of course, he will be there. Even after a month, you can’t seem to push yourself to move forward and move on. You’re still stuck over your unrequited love.
“Fine, I’ll go.” you rolled your eyes as the two boys cheered happily beside you.
You did end up going with them and you aren’t really surprised anymore when you saw how crowded Jay’s mansion was. He was really popular and have a lot of friends so this is already expected.
You went in together with Heeseung and Jungwon. The two of them walking beside you having you between them in order not to lose you to the big crowd. They were stopping from time to time to go greet those who they’re familiar with. It took a bit while before they found the birthday boy.
“Happy birthday, Jay!” you went close to him to go greet him. He smiled widely as he pulled you into a friendly hug.
“Thanks y/n! I’m glad you came.” he said. You just smiled at him.
He guided you guys over to where the others were and your heart fell as you saw him sitting at one of the sofas beside Jake. He was silently holding a red cup over his hand. Jungwon was walking ahead of you and Heeseung was just steps behind you.
“Jake hyung! Where’s Sunghoon hyung?” Jungwon asked Jake as they approach closer. Sunoo’s head snapped his head over to your direction and his eyes remain at you.
You gave him a small smile before you followed behind Jungwon and sat beside him silently. Ni-ki and Jake greeted you as they started talking to Heeseung now. You can still feel his eyes darted over you but you just chose not to look at him again.
“You want something to drink?” Heeseung asked you softly, leaning too close to your ears in order for you to hear him.
You nodded your head not even bothered at how close he was. Sunoo furrowed his brows as he tightly held his cup now starting to feel an unwanted emotion took over his system. He was surprised to see you here in the party but he’s more surprised to see how Heeseung and you became close.
The night slowly grew deeper and their group of friends got bored. Jake suddenly suggested for you guys to go and play a game of Truth or Dare. It was just a classic game in parties and you thought it was lame so you were planning to pass when Jungwon forced you join.
“I don’t want to.” you groaned and shake your head. Heeseung chuckled as he joined the circle of people for the game. Some of them were still trying to gather some crowd for the game.
“No, you can’t pass.” he said and made you join him at the circle. You rolled your eyes and it unconsciously caught Sunoo’s eyes.
He was seated too and part of the game. You gulped and look away.
The game then did started. It landed over some people and they often choose dares that end up with some crazy ones. It landed over to Jungwon whose seated beside you. You chuckled loudly and cheered for him.
“Truth or Dare?” Jake asked him excitedly.
Jungwon smirked as he ran his hand over to his hair once, “It will be too boring if I choose Truth, so Dare!” he bravely stated. The crowd cheered for him and you did as well.
“Alright! I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl that you like, here tonight!” he said as a sly smirk spreads across his face.
You saw how Sunoo’s eyes went to you and you were confused why.
The boys cheered for him, Jungwon clicked the side of his cheeks using his tongue before he bit his lower lip.
“I believe my bestfriend is the prettiest tonight but I won’t kiss her because she’s like a sister to me so that’s gross and because I don’t like her. So can I just kiss someone else? Any volunteer?” he kid that made everyone laugh. A lot of the girls raised their hands to catch his attention and he just laughed before standing up and appointing some random girl.
You shake my head and laughed. When you looked over to Sunoo, his face was dumbfounded like as if he just realized something. You shut your eyes and forced yourself to snap out of it. You were rejected already so enough with the unreturned feelings.
You didn’t notice that the bottle pointed over to Sunoo. You just knew it when Heeseung nudged you lightly and you looked over to Sunoo. He was already staring at you.
“Hyung! Truth or Dare.” Jungwon asked him a bit excitedly.
Sunoo looked at him, his eyes flickering this unknown emotions through his eyes. He seems a bit more bright at the moment, something like his mood suddenly became good.
“Truth.” he answered shortly. Jungwon smirked as everything went according to his plan. 
“Do you like y/n?” he asked straightly that caused the crowd to slighly went crazy. Your eyes grew big as you glared over to Jungwon.
Is he out of his mind? You thought to yourself. He was there when he rejected you so why does he have to ask it here? 
Sunoo gulped as he licked his lower lips once before he eyed Jungwon, his eyes were serious.
“No.” he answered but this time, you don’t know but his words isn’t as cold like last time. But despite of it, you were hurt. Your eyes were already slowly tearing up when he once again talked.
“What I feel towards her is something deeper,” he added while his eyes were darted over at you.
You were taken aback as your stares remained at him. The crowd went wild after that and your bestfriend cheered happily and proudly like as if he just did something amazing. Heeseung smirked and chuckled as he just chugged to his beer. He knew he don’t stand a chance in you so he didn’t expect anything but still, it hurts a bit.
You were out of words, doesn’t really know what to tell him. Thankfully, Sunoo seems to notice it so he stood up and looked around the crowd.
“Can I borrow her for a second?” he asked, directing over Jungwon. He nodded his head as he winked at you.
Sunoo went closer to you and you can feel your heart beating so fast out of nervous and excitement. Is this really happening? Moments ago you don’t feel like going because you don’t want to see him and now your heart felt so warm and your chest is aching for a different reason now.
“Can we talk?” he asked, you can hear a tint of nervous lurking over his tone.
You just nodded your head before you stand up. He held your hand to help you get up and guided you over to a less crowded part of the house. You were nervous and your hand were starting to feel cold, but Sunoo’s hand were warm.
“I’m sorry for what I said that day.” he started, his eyes were darted at yours. 
“You said you don’t like me.” you reminded him. He gulped, a bit intimidated by how straightforward you are.
“I l-lied.”
“I thought Jungwon likes you.” he said and you looked at him with a confused look.
“Jungwon? But he’s my bestfriend and he doesn’t like me.”
“Yeah, I just figured that out moments ago.” he said and pouted.
You slowly smiled because he was too cute. You held his hand tighter, “So you like me, huh?” your voice a bit teasing.
He pouted, “I clearly remember that I said its something deeper.” he mumbled as he gently pull you closer to him. He caged you with his tight warm hug.
You can’t help but to blush as you stare right at his beautiful eyes, “I love you, Kim Sunoo.” he felt warm after hearing those words from you.
“I love you, y/n.” and he slowly lean in to give you a kiss.
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main master-list
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swcetnight · 3 years
It’s Definitely You || kth (m.) 4 (TEASER)
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RELEASED: read here!
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Working as a barista in NYC has its perks, but when your ultimate dream of being on the Broadway stage tends to come crumbling down, the only thing that raises your spirits is the comfort of a complete stranger… who seems to have known you for far longer than you thought.
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masterlist here
→ pairing: journalist!taehyung x barista!reader (also musical theatre performer cause I had to)
→ genre: fluff, angst, future smut | strangers(ish) to lovers… i won’t give the truth away... gonna have to read and find out for yourself ;))
-> warnings: oc has a really… really bad day, rude customers, swearing, degradation, near sexual assault, panic attack, anxiety attack, mention of major character death, description of plane crash (be aware), kissing, making out, brief tongue action, sexual content
→ word count: 512 (for the teaser)
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Calling Kim Taehyung…
You bite your lip, the ringing on the line endless, as if it was mocking you and your will to be alive.
“This is Kim Taehyung, sorry I couldn’t get to the phone right now. Please leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you.”
You try again.
Calling Kim Taehyung…
No answer.
Calling Kim Taehyung…
“Please pick up.” You whisper, face crumpling at your lack of luck. Taehyung had always been so quick to answer you, but the flashing red of your nightstand alarm clock is reminding you of what time it actually is: 3:00 AM.
“This is Kim Taehyung, sorry I couldn’t get to the phone—“
He’s probably sleeping, yet you ignore this possibility and attempt to reach him one more time, cutting off the last call and immediately pressing the call button again.
What if you’re actually dead? What if this is your life flashing before your eyes? What if—
A tired voice croaks across the line after just a few more rings. “Hello?”
“Taehyung?” You say, panicked and voice shaking— which is very obvious since his once tired voice is suddenly wide awake when he responds.
“Y/n?” You can hear rustling of his sheets, probably from him sitting up in alarm. “What’s going on, love?”
You don’t even register his slip, voice hiccuping from the sobs that are currently racking your throat. If it weren’t for your complete lack of brain power right now, you would probably be embarrassed by the sounds coming out of you. But how could you possibly not cry after a dream like that?
“Where- Where are you?” You question, clinging to your comforter as another round of sobs are released from your constricted throat.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, I'm here.” His voice gently whispers, rustling continues and suddenly you can hear his muffled footsteps over the line. “It’s okay, talk to me.. what’s going on?”
You blubber a bit, unable to form coherent words, but another hush from Taehyung and an “it’s okay” helps you to get your words out.
“I had a- a dream. It was a plane crash, Tae.” You cry, breath slowing down ever so slightly. Your mind is still foggy, but you can feel your consciousness slowly coming back. “Where are you?”
There’s dead silence on the end, the previous rustling and footsteps coming to a halt. For a moment, you think you lost him.
“Taehyung?” You whisper, another sob threatening your voice.
“Y/n.” His tone is suddenly serious. “Stay right there. I’m on my way, okay? Just breathe, i’m coming.” You can hear a jingling of what's most likely his keys, and the door slamming shut. “I’m coming, stay there.”
“Okay.” You sniffle quietly, hearing the line cut off and you’re left in the silence of your room once more. Without Taehyung's voice to distract you, the heart that beats rapidly in your chest seems to heighten its speed. Why had he gotten so serious after you told him what your dream was?
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tag list:
@moonchild1 @procrastination-queenie @hobipaint @jeonfiles @surilirani @dopedreamfireparty @vantezza @audstylesgirl @getmemyfries @unicornbabylover
please send in an ask if you like to be added to the tag list !!
also, if you are enjoying this story, please don’t hesitate to send me an ask (on or off anon) and let me know your thoughts, feelings, theories, etc!! i would love to hear from all of you!
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hotdogct · 3 years
under the same sky ||| teaser
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“An age where you feel like you could love anyone, where you put everything on the line for the smallest of things. Eighteen. Adults say that it’s an age where we laugh if a leaf tumbles by. But back then, we were more serious than any adult, more intense, and had our strength tested...That was how our eighteen was beginning.”
-Sung Shi-Won, 응답하라 1997.
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Synopsis: 1999. Amongst the sea of white raincoats and balloons belonging to Club H.O.T. you befriend Kim Jungwoo - a boy with a secret - who immediately fills your world with vivid color. With the new millennium approaching almost as quickly as high school graduation, your heart belongs to one man only: Kangta. And as his own future looms in the distance, Jungwoo can’t decide if merely idolizes the man, or if he wants to be the next Kangta.
He is certain of one thing, however: he is absolutely smitten by you.
Pairing: Student!Jungwoo x (f) Student!Reader
Genre: late 90′s!au. fluff, slice of life. friends-to-lovers, angst-ish. painful ending, you’ve been warned. 💀 Word Count: 10k++++ (teaser: 1.5k) Release Date: ???
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Snoopy0219: how am i going to find you tomorrow! Snoopy0219: should i sing out ‘baaa baaaaa’ like i’m looking for a sheep in a pasture?? Baabaakangta: hahahhahahahahhahahaaaa please Baabaakangta: would you actually?? Snoopy0219: ;) you underestimate me Snoopy0219: do you have a pager?? lets exchange numbers Snoopy0219: or you could dress up as a sheep hehe Snoopy0219: that would be one way to have kangta notice you!!! Baabaakangta: >:( not. funny. Baabaakangta: i’ll be wearing a cow print hat, i’ll have a snoopy related gift sitting outside my bag?? Snoopy0219: okay!! i’ll go up and down the line ‘baa baaaaaaa’ing until i find you!! ^__^ Snoopy0219: see you tomorrow, sheep!!!!!!
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You nervously look around as you settle into your spot in line, in no immediate rush to sit down on the hard concrete. While there weren’t many others amongst the crowd, it dawns on you you aren’t the only one sporting a big, fluffy, cow print bucket hat. Thinking back to your conversation with Snoopy the night before, you pull the small dog plush you had bought as a gift for your new friend out of your drawstring bag, making sure it would be visible to anyone passing by. 
Time slowly passes once you sit. At first you’re eager to fidget with your pager - sending a quick ‘8282’ to Snoopy, checking nervously every few minutes for a reply. Eventually the device vibrates in your lap, notifying you that she was on her way. The atmosphere was getting livelier by the minute, with fan groups dispersed neatly all around the perimeter of the arena, identifiable immediately by the color of their balloons and raincoats. Fan club leaders equipped with bullhorns led their respective contingents in song and chants, a preview of the many performances to come later that evening. Club H.O.T. was no exception, with girls going up and down the ever-growing line handing out support goods and spare white balloons, while ‘Hope’ played on repeat through a boombox towards the front of the queue. When you first arrived, the unexpected fervor of fanchants made you flinch, but after a couple of minutes you found yourself joining in, mindlessly adding your voice to the collective. 
All of your senses were overwhelmed. There wasn’t much time for your mind to ruminate anxiously about finally meeting Snoopy face to face. Nothing about her had seemed dangerous - which is why you extended the invite in the first place. On the very slim chance that she turned out to be a creep, she’d be insane to harm you in such a crowded place. You weren’t really worried about getting along with Snoopy - you knew that wouldn’t be a problem from your extensive chat logs. Rather you were terrified of what she would think of you - if she would even want to be your friend after meeting you in person...
“Baa baa?”
Your pulse increases rapidly, hearing the agreed upon saying that you and Snoopy had laughed about last night. But when you stand up and turn around to get a good first look at your new friend, your jaw drops open.
Standing before you, scratch that - above you is a...boy? He towers over you, black hair with messy overgrown bangs that surely had to impact his field of vision, framed in contrast by the hood of his standard issue white raincoat. His features were round - expressive eyes, button nose, full cheeks and chapped lips, currently pressed together and curved upward in a smile. He blinks once, twice, tilts his head slightly to the side, much as a dog might. 
“Baa baa? It’s me, Snoopy.”
Unbelievable, you think to yourself. It takes you a moment to find your voice amidst the living nightmare you suddenly were inhabiting, but you knew you had to be assertive and stand your ground.
“Did she really send her brother to prank me?! Get lost.”
If the boy was insulted, he sure didn’t look it. He was unfazed - the same soft smile remained on his face despite your hostility, as if he was aware of something you weren’t.
“Sheep, it’s really me, honest.” 
“Prove it.”
You regret your words the moment they leave your mouth. Without hesitation or warning, the boy swiftly closes the gap between you two, his face too close for comfort as it grazes past your own; his hot breath tickling your forehead, cheek, and finally your ear, where he whispers:
“I know aaaaallllll about that dream you had the other day, the one where you ran into Kangta at the convenience store and then, you know...~~’ 
Stunned into silence, cheeks-practically-burning-off-of-your-face-they're-so-red, you resist your immediate urge to slap this guy across the face, the nerve of the pervert…! Instead you thrust your arms out, making contact with his chest and successfully managing to push him away. He stumbles two, three steps back, his hands up in defense.
“T-that was in confidence, you jerk!” you stutter out, looking down at the ground and praying your beet red cheeks would calm down sooner rather than later, covering them with your hands.
The boy laughs - rather loudly, melodically, and pulls a pager out of his back pocket. Seconds later, the telltale notification lands on your respective device. The sharp features of your face softened slightly at the realization. Snoopy, he really was...
Lifting your head back up, you scan the boy standing in front of you over once, twice - this time taking notice of his lanky frame, narrow shoulders, tiny waist. Certainly non-threatening, but you’re still skeptical.
“I’m really sorry, it was never my intention to mislead you. Let’s start this over.” the boy clears his throat, and then bows, softly. “It’s nice to meet you! I’m Snoopy, but since that hasn’t really worked out...you can call me by my actual name - it’s Jungwoo.”
“Uh-huh, Jungwoo. Is this how you pick up girls? Chat them up on Club H.O.T. and then-”
“I wasn’t lying about my love for H.O.T.!” He interrupts you, hands waving wildly in the air. “I think they’re the coolest!” 
At this he steps back and begins dancing the all too familiar choreography for “Candy”, singing out loud to the chorus timidly. You dimly recall Snoopy Jungwoo mentioning the hours he would spend learning each new dance routine, and the effort clearly showed - his movements bright and sharp throughout the chorus. You could’ve sworn he was defying gravity when he jumped - you had never seen someone so lightweight on their feet before.
And yet your expression was unreadable - mind a blur on account of the entire situation unfolding in front of you. Jungwoo notices this as he finishes, the smile dropping from his face as he catches his breath. Silence falls briefly between you both.
“...you really think I’d travel all the way here from Gimpo for a joke?”
There was now a tinge of sadness apparent in Jungwoo’s voice, and guilt washes over you in a sudden, cold wave. You can feel his eyes on you, the weight of your initial cruelty and skepticism like a hundred stones in each pocket.
“I love dancing, I love singing,” he continues. “I genuinely think H.O.T. are the best, are the coolest. I’m studying to be an engineer - I love school, I get good grades. Why can’t I enjoy both things?” When you fail to come up with any semblance of a retort, Jungwoo sighs, shifts his weight back and forth on his hips. 
“That's why I didn’t tell you the truth. It’s why I’m here now. If word got out back home that I was a card carrying Club H.O.T. member...” he fishes around for his wallet in his back pocket, fumbles through the card slots until finding his membership card, showing it to you with shaky hands, “I wouldn’t hear the end of it.”
There, printed in clean handwriting, was his name: 김정우.
You believed him by now - honestly you had the moment your pager went off while he was standing right in front of you. Snoopy, Jungwoo - whatever they wanted to call themselves - was your friend. What difference did his gender make, anyways? With a firm mental reminder to not share any of your dirty daydreams about Kangta going forward, you decided to finally drop your guard. It was time to have some fun.
“Some advice?” Jungwoo looks up at you upon hearing your voice, in the middle of putting his membership card back in his wallet. “If you don’t want your friends to find that card, maybe don’t carry it in your wallet.”
Jungwoo struggles for a moment before figuring out you were screwing with him. Once he puts two and two together, it doesn’t take long for his boisterous, musical laugh you heard minutes prior to fill the space between you and him, head thrown back to the late afternoon sky. It was now his turn to feel flustered - although his cheeks seemed to take on a much more flattering pink tone to them when embarrassed, a trait you were quickly envious of. An unspoken concession occurs between the two of you as you sit down.
To Jungwoo, however - it felt much more like falling.
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authors note: my first ‘big’ fic!!! my baby!!! she’s very much still a work in progress, but after nearly 2 months of wanting to commit to writing something longer and then sitting on my bum lol. this is what i’ve got so far, but i do have a full outline and i’m chipping away at it day by day. any kind of feedback or general excitement for this would be so appreciated 🥺
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