eeunoia · 3 years
ENHYPEN Mini Series
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E N H Y P E N as Vampires
pairings: kim sunoo x reader
summary: sunoo encountered a sudden unexpected events that made him do the least thing he thought he will do.
word count: 5.5k
warnings: mention of killing
a/n: Sunoo took a while, I know. I kind of suffered in writer’s block omg ksksks anyway, I hope you enjoy this one. I’m starting to write a teaser for Enhypen’s Royal Mini Series. I’m so excited :( And working on my masterlist. Hehehe. 🌸 (Taglist still open!)
taglist: @rubyanne, @izneos, @jung-breadshop @llamabouquet @eterniki @hwangjangmi @full-sannie @danyxthirstae01 @flowerjaem @dreamykkoo @crjwon​
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The town grew silent as the night get deeper. It was colder than usual and Sunoo was just inside his quiet house, trying to spend his time by reading some book he had currently got hooked to. For Sunoo, it was a peaceful night, not even knowing that his night isn’t yet to start. 
When he was about to flip the book into a new page, his hand suddenly was left mid-way as he heard some noises from outside his house. One perks of vampires is having your senses a bit more powerful than normal humans. He can hear noises even from a far distance, so when he heard something that came from his back-yard, he can’t help but to be curious about it.
His back-yard was fenced, of course, but beyond the fence was a forest. It is not always that people from their town stay at that forest after sunset. Specially now that the news of some missing persons were roaming around the whole town. It was advised that they shouldn’t go to the forest after sunset for a mean time.
Sunoo stood up from his seat as he slowly made his way over to his back-yard. With quiet and firm movements, he made it outside. His forehead was completely creased at the coldness of the night. It was yet again, quiet.
When he was about to go inside once again, he heard a loud noise like as if somebody just fell over to something. He didn’t wait any second and quickly go to where it came from.
To his surprise, he saw a body laying down over the grass. He was confused why it was there and to whom it was. As he walk closer, that’s when he noticed that it isn’t just a body. It was completely covered up with blood. He looked at it was displeased look over his face.
He was a bit lost at the moment. To see a body covered with blood at his back-yard was the least thing he expected to see right now. He had never encountered such situation so he didn’t know how to deal with it as well.
With careful steps, he walked closer then crouched down to check if you’re still breathing. Eyes tightly closed and face full of bruises, he felt kind of bad. Who would do such a thing?
After checking your pulse and detecting weak responses from you, he concluded you might still be alive but barely made it. He stood up and put one of his hands inside his pocket while he starred down at you.
He was contemplating to what he should do about you. He knew that if he took you to the hospital, there’s a big chance that you wouldn’t make it. With weak pulse and all the blood you’ve lost... yeah, you’ll die.
“Why do I even have to bother myself?” he muttered to himself while still watching your body. Sunoo isn’t really fond of humans. To him they’re so cruel and the world could even use to lose some.
He sighed heavily and crossed his arms and starred over your face. His brows furrowed as his head suddenly ache out of nowhere. He winced a little and raised one of his hand to massage his temple. Sunoo had lived hundred years already but not once did he encountered somebody who made him recall some of his memories from back then.
He gulped finding it a bit amusing to actually have some memories from the past flashed back. Sunoo didn’t know what got into him but he just found himself kneeling beside you, blood streaming down from his hand. He let his blood dripped over to your face as his eyes suddenly turned red just by looking at your unconscious body.
When he saw his blood ran inside your mouth, he stood up and sighed heavily. “Agh, what are you doing, kim sunoo?” he asked himself out of the blue. Like as if he just came back from his own senses and realized what he had done.
There was no point in taking it back, you’ll be dying any minute now and you’ve taken his blood so that means, you’ll basically became a vampire once you wake up.
Sunoo starred down to you before he roamed his eyes around like as if checking if somebody just saw what he just did. After seeing and making sure that the coast was clear, he looked down at you once again. Leaning down, he extended his hand to check your pulse. Feeling no response, he checked his watch over at his wrist.
“Time of death, 12:03 am” he mumbled before he carried you inside his house.
Sunoo chuckled when he carried you easily, you were light as a feather. He went to one vacant rooms inside then lay you down carefully. He pursed his lips seeing how you look so messed up. Having no choice, he grabbed a clean towel and decided to clean you a little. He kept your dirty clothes on and thought that you can just change once you wake up.
As he wiped off the dirt and blood over your skin. While doing that, he saw how some of the bruises were healing by itself. A smile slowly spreads over his lips, it only means one thing. You’re a vampire now. He looked once again over his watch.
“Time turned, 1:14 am.”
Sunoo had finished cleaning up your face and he had the chance to stare at your face fully. Given that you’ve became paler, he realized that you’re really beautiful. Making him more curious to why he just found you dying at his back-yard and to who did this to you.
He brushed away some hair from your face and he smiled.
“Who will do such thing?”
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You can hear the faint sound of birds chirping from somewhere. Brows furrowing, you had awoken from your deep slumber. You opened your eyes slowly only to be greeted by an old, classic but elegant style of ceiling. It was unfamiliar and your head was aching for some reasons.
You were confused to where you are and you can’t remember how you even got in here. Eventually, you tried sighing heavily and tried to get up but your body kind of feel numb.
“I see you’re awake now.” hearing a soft voice, you snapped your head towards the entrance of the room.
There stand a guy you’re quite a bit familiar of. He go to the same school as you and is very popular. Blushing, you looked away from him. How did you end up in Kim Sunoo’s place?
“W-Why am I here?” you asked, stuttering.
Sunoo sighed and walked closer. Your heart started thumping even more as you heard him getting even closer. But you’re thoughts were suddenly occupied when you hear some people talking. It was strange because you can’t see somebody else other than you two.
Sunoo almost let out a chuckle while watching how confused you look at the moment. So he guess the vampire instincts were slowly getting to you.
“That was actually what I wanted to know...” he started and even helped you to sat down properly. You blushed even more as you mumbled a soft thank you to him.
He smiled and sat down at the bed so he can talk to you properly. He starred at you and actually kind of felt relieved that you looked more okay now compared to the first time he actually saw you. Except from your still dirty clothes, you almost look like you’re alive.
“I d-don’t understand.” you answered. Because honestly, you were also wondering why you’re at his place. You can’t even remember any interaction between you and him. He’s very popular while you’re just a normal student at your school.
He pursed his lips, “I found you at my back-yard last night. Covered with blood and almost dead.” he answered seriously.
You were dumbfounded for a moment and grew silent. The information from him was shocking for you but did slowly sink in to you. A bit blurry but memories from the night before flashed back into your mind.
Sunoo got a bit worried the moment he saw fear took over your whole face. Eyes became teary as you looked over to him.
Sunoo got even more worried as he reached over your hand and held unto you. You suddenly started crying hard that bring Sunoo into surprise.
“W-Why—” Your head snapped over at him, eyes filled with tears and pain were visible over at your eyes.
“my boyfriend tried to kill me together with my bestfriend. I can’t believe this! How can they do this behind my back?” you said frustrated by the fact that you just remembered.
You still can’t believe it fully. To think that your two most trusted people will do this to you sure is nightmare for you.
Sunoo on the other hand was silent, he’s dumbfounded by what he heard. He didn’t know you personally and the people in your life but after hearing that from you, he just felt anger light up inside of him. He isn’t the one who was treated badly but he was upset for you. He wasn’t really wrong to think so low to some humans. With them acting like this, they don’t deserve to live.
He stood up and decided to get you water to help you calm down a little. He handed you a glass of water and you accepted it then thanked him for his kind gesture.
He sighed and tried hard to calm himself down before he sat down once again.
“Calm down then slowly tell me what happened.” he said seriously. You gulped and accepted the tissues he was handing you.
His eyes do making you feel so intimidated because they’re so serious and looked so pretty in up-close. Sunoo is a very good-looking guy. You didn’t know he’s this good-looking in a closer view.
“I don’t know exactly how I got there but I just saw myself inside a room with two guys wearing masks. I was so scared and begging them to let me go.” you gulped a little, trying to get rid of the sudden lump inside your throat. Fear once again took over you as memories of that night flashed back through your mind.
“You were full of bruises when I find you. You’re completely covered with blood.”
“They beat me up and didn’t feed me for days. I remembered being drowned in a big tub. I was so scared...”
Sunoo clenched his jaw, getting angrier as you slowly puzzle up the whole story up.
“They also inject some drugs to me that made me dizzy. I can’t remember much of it.”
“Do you know any of them?” he asked you seriously.
“No...”“Then how can you say your boyfriend and your bestfriend was behind all of this.” he asked. You took a sip from your water again when you felt your throat drying up.
“That night, when I really thought I was about to die, two people entered the room where I was locked in. It seems like they were checking if I’m still alive or something. I knew them very well and even saw that it was them.”
“How did you manage to escape?”
“They might have thought I was already dead so they became a little more careless. They left the door open so I managed to get out from there and end up to your back-yard.” you explained. That was the last things that you can remember, except for the fact that you ended in his back-yard.
Sunoo grew silent as he fidgets with his fingers. Your eyes trailed from his hands up to his serious face.
“H-How did you manage to save me? I thought I’m already dying.” you said because that was true. You didn’t even thought you’ll survive and live at that state. You had given up already.
“I didn’t.” your eyes looked over at his when he said that. Full of confusion you eyed him.
He sighed heavily before he stood up and approached the table beside the bed where you’re sitting. He rummages over some things and sighed right after.
“You died already.” it confused you even more. Is he okay?
How come he can say that when you’re in front of him, alive and breathing? “What do you m—”
“I turned you.” he interrupted and turned around facing you holding a cup.
Your mouth fell open as an unfamiliar scent invaded your nose making you feel hunger and dizzy at the same time. You were confused but your eyes can’t seem to leave the cup he was holding. You gulped, feeling a bit salivating for an unknown reason.
“w-what is happening to me?” confused and a bit dizzy you asked. Your eyes met his and to your surprise, his eyes were darted at you and they were bright red.
“Enough questions and chug this down instead.” he straight up told you and handed you the cup.
Your eyes looked over the cup and your brows furrowed at the sight of this dark red liquid inside. He sat back down to where he is sitting from awhile ago.
“Is this b-blood?” you asked as you raised the cup a bit to try and sniff at it. No doubt it is blood and to your confusion, why does it smell so good?
“Yeah and your meal.” he answered.
You looked at him with dumbfounded expression. You were completely lost as you starred at him mindlessly. Then you suddenly remember that one rumor that once circled around your campus that Kim Sunoo was a vampire. Of course, the students— including you didn’t believed any of it and just shrugged it off.
But now... his red eyes. It looked beautiful.
“Go on,” he said and held your hand to guide it over your mouth.
Being a bit occupied because of his eyes, you didn’t even noticed it as the drink suddenly made it inside your mouth. An unfamiliar excitement ran through your whole system as you felt something grew inside your mouth.
Putting down the cup and brows a bit furrowed, you raised your hand unconsciously touched the sharp thing you felt inside your mouth.
“Agh,” you winced in pain as it cut your finger. You starred at it and saw blood coming out from your finger.
Sunoo let out a chuckle that made you look at him. His eyes was still red and his hand reached to touch your wounded one.
“It is pretty sharp, isn’t it?” he asked as he slowly leaned down to your hand and you almost shriek in panic when you saw two sharp fangs appeared from his mouth.
Sunoo put your finger inside his mouth. You quickly felt flushed as you saw him do that. It was so sudden and you were completely caught off guard.
Blushing, you retrieved your hand from him. Feeling a bit relieved that his fangs didn’t scratch your hand you sighed starring at him.
Right now, you can’t explain how good he looks. A bit messy hair, red eyes, skin so white, lips red with fangs and some blood over at the side.
Sunoo wiped off the blood from the side of his lips and licked it off. He smirked right at you.
“Frightened, I see?” he said that made you gulped in fear but you can’t get your sight off of him.
“I hate to break it out to you but you are one of us now.” he said.
Your heart sank at what you heard. That explained why you’re still here and why he told you he didn’t save you. You died and he turned you.
“Why didn’t you just let me die?” you asked to him. Sunoo starred at you, moving closer.
“What do you mean idiot? You are dead.” he answered and still continued to approach you. You saw how he gulped and eyed your neck.
“I mean you should’ve not turned me.”
He stopped and then his eyes darted over at you. He pushed the side of his cheeks using his tongue as he smirked at you.
“We can’t do anything about that anymore, can we? You are now turned and now that you are here why don’t you make use of this opportunity to get back at them?” he said and caged you close to him.
You were occupied to what he just said that you didn’t even notice how he leaned close to your neck, fangs already out and ready to bite.
“They cheated behind my back...” you mumbled tears slowly filling your eyes once again.
Sunoo’s eyes turned bright red as he bury his fangs at your neck. There was pain but it was bearable.
Sunoo pulled away for a bit as he dropped one soft kiss over your neck, “Let’s get revenge for you.”
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You let out a heavy sigh as you try and calm yourself down. You’re sitting comfortably inside Sunoo’s car and he’s currently watching you.
“You ready?” he asked.
You looked at him and smiled a little. You are not yet ready but you have no choice. He is right when he said that you should make use of this opportunity and get back at them.
“C’mon, I don’t know why you should feel nervous about this. I mean, you look really beautiful.” he muttered, smiling at you.
You stopped from fiddling with your fingers as you felt yourself blush hardly because of what he just said. You gulped, once again trying to calm yourself down but for a different reason now.
“Here, have some more of my blood.” he handed you over a bottle that you accepted right away. You can’t still quite understand but it seems like you got addicted to his blood.
“Thank you.” you smiled at him.
He did too, “No problem.”
After having some sip, you decided to go down from the vehicle since you two were already late for your classes. You headed towards your class and didn’t took notice of Sunoo when he stopped over the admin office.
“s/n, y/n?” perfect timing because your home room teacher was just doing her call for attendance.
You stepped inside making everyone in the class turned their head towards you, including your ex-boyfriend and best friend. As expected they were so surprised and it seems like they just saw some ghost or something.
“Present!” you smiled at your home-room teacher.
“You’re finally here after days of being absent, y/n.” she said, inspecting you a bit. She might be a bit surprised by the sudden changes in your physical appearance.
You chuckled, “You didn’t ask shin (the ex) and hari (best friend) where I was?” you acted like as if you were a bit upset as you eyed them.
They were pale and obviously full of fear right now. You smiled inside your head. Seeing them looking so pathetic sure makes you want to laugh at their faces.
“They said they have no clue where you at?”
You let out a chuckle, “Oh really?” you once again acted like as if you’re surprised about it.
“We heard you cheated behind Shin’s back, y/n.” one of your classmates suddenly said that made some from the class chuckle.
They eyed you with this unexplained stares. You can’t believe as of the moment. And who tell them that? Shin? Hari? You cannot believe them! They’re the ones who done bad things to you and killed you and they even had the stomach to make you the bad guy.
“Yeah that's what I also heard, y/n! You look so innocent and that’s what you do? You’re scary.” another girl from your class commented.
You just eyes Shin and saw how he looked away from you, still looking so pale.
Some more from the class said some things over at you, some of them even below the belt. The teacher even tried to stop them but they’re seem to be uncontrolled.
“So who’s the other guy, y/n?” one asked sarcastically at you.
You clenched your jaw as you eyed her. About to finally tell them something, you suddenly felt a firm arms wrapped over your waist and a lips touching your cheeks.
“I am.” you looked over at your side to see Sunoo beside you, he’s eyeing the now grown silent class.
They were surprised at him and you were too. He suddenly just showed up and claimed he was the guy you were cheating behind Shin’s back.
“Wow, amazing.” a lot can’t even believe it.
Of course, who wouldn’t be surprised? It’s Kim Sunoo. He was popular at your campus and you were nobody to begin with.
“What are you doing here?” you whispered at him, confused why he’s here. He’s supposed to be in the other class.
“I figured this will happen so I asked to be moved here. And besides, I turned you so I’m pretty much responsible for you.” he answered back.
You two were asked to take a seat so you silently followed and settled down. Sunoo’s beside you.
“Responsible? You make it sound that I’ll go wild here.” you said. He looked over you and ran his stare from down to up.
“Just making sure you won’t... You’re under my watch so you better not be stubborn.” and he focused himself to the class.
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The class finished and now it’s your lunch break. Standing up, you quickly fixed your things inside your bag. The students around were pretty much not minding you anymore. You think they’re afraid to mess up with Sunoo that’s why.
And since you were gone for days, you’re asked to go to the faculty.
“I’ll go with you.” Sunoo said. You smiled and faced him shaking your head slowly.
“You don’t have to. I can handle myself.”
“What if you suddenly lose control and suddenly want to bite off the teacher’s neck?” he asked pretty much sarcastically at you.
You shoot glares at him, “I’m not hungry.” you reasoned out.
“Just go. I’ll meet you at the cafeteria.”
He sighed in defeat and just left. Thankfully, you were not punished much. Just a warning that you can’t do that again and that you should try to make up from the class you’ve missed.
After that, you were dismissed and you headed towards the cafeteria. It was packed once again, like normal days.
But even before you can go inside and look for Sunoo, somebody grabbed your wrist.
“Let go of me.” you said.
You saw your ex-boyfriend in front of you. He seems confused and surprised but you saw how he tried to smile at you.
“Y/n! Where w-were you? We’re so worried of you!” he muttered, voice shaking a bit.
Beside him was your best friend. She was crying but you doubt that it’s because she’s happy to see you.
“We were so worried!” she said and quickly embraced you.
You smiled a little, really can’t believe how shameless they were. How can they manage to say those things? Are they that cruel? What did you even do for them to do this to you?
“Hari...” you said in a low voice.
“Hm?” she hummed still remaining at the hug.
“I feel cold, right?” you asked her. You felt how she was stunned at her position.
“My whole body is so cold, right? Like I’m dead or something...” you said and slowly pulled away from her.
You saw the fear in her face as you smiled right at her.
“I wonder why.”
Your words were meaningful catching them both off guard. They were silent and you saw how they shake a bit because of what you just said. You can’t help but to stare at them in disbelief. Two people you trusted so much had done this most horrible thing that ever happened to you.
You saw how your ex-boyfriend pursed his lips ready to talk but then somebody interrupted him.
“Y/n...” your heads snapped over the side in unison.
You were confused why Heeseung was standing there, a hand inside his pocket and the most important thing. How did he know your name?
Before you can even ask him, he eyed the two first before he looked back at you once again. He showed you his smile, “Your food won’t be that good when it’s cold. We were looking everywhere for you, Sunoo’s worried.” he mumbled.
You nodded and threw a glance at them first before you walked towards Heeseung then followed him.
“What are you doing together with your killers?” you were surprised when Heeseung suddenly asked you that while going inside the cafeteria. Trying to ignore the eyes that were following you both nonstop, you starred at Heeseung.
“Sunoo told you?”
“He was so upset about it so he couldn’t stop himself. Is there something wrong about it?” he asked looking at you.
“N-Nothing...” you mumbled, feeling a bit intimidated at him.
You knew about Heeseung. Sunoo’s friends with him and you heard that he’s a vampire too.
You noticed the table where Sunoo was and he stood up when he saw you, walking to meet you half-way.
“To give you a heads up, human food don’t taste good to us vampires now.” he said and smiled at you.
“See them? They’re now the food.” he winked at you before walking off leaving you dumbfounded.
“Ignore what hyung said. He loves teasing new turned ones.” Sunoo said with a smile.
You sighed heavily and just nod your head. When you sat with them, you suddenly admired how come they can act normally and relaxed while a lot of eyes were watching them. You felt conscious.
“Ignore it, sooner or later, you’ll get used to it.” Sunoo said and even placed a bottle beside your plate. You gulped, getting a bit more excited for that than the food in front of you.
“So you decided to turn someone, Kim Sunoo? I’m proud of you, congrats.” your eyes darted over Park Sunghoon who was smirking as he said those words to Sunoo.
Sunoo chuckled softly, “Yeah and congrats to you too.” he teased back.
The other boy just smirked, “Oh shut up.” the atmosphere were a bit more okay than how you expect it to be.
Your chewing became slow and your face suddenly showed displease expression while you eat the food. The boys around you chuckled and Sunoo too.
“I told you.” Heeseung. You eyed him as Sunoo chuckled and handed you over the bottle.
“Here, have a sip baby.”
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Ever since you met Sunoo, you started becoming genuinely happy. You don’t feel like worrying about anymore. You feel at eased whenever you see him beside you, you feel like nothing matters as long as he’s there for you.
You were enjoying this new world with him and even forgot about the main reason that you’re here. To take revenge. For you, what’s the point of getting revenge when they don’t matter to you anymore? So you’ve decided to just ignore them both and just try to mind Sunoo, just him.
But Sunoo seems to be thinking the other way. Despite of clearly feeling so much happy to have you, he still can’t shrug off the fact that those two were still alive. For him, seeing them cause anger in him. You don’t deserve any of the things they made you feel. He wanted revenge for you. An eye for an eye, a teeth for a teeth and a life for a life.
So one night, while you were waiting patiently for Sunoo, reading a book at his library, you were startled to hear a noise from the basement.
You’re rarely been there because Sunoo said it was really boring and he hated there. So wondering what’s going on, you head down.
“Sunoo?” you called out as you slowly take steps at the stairs leading down the basement.
“Come here, baby! I have a surprise for you.” he said from downstairs.
You sighed in relief. You almost thought it was a burglar. You head down feeling a bit more relaxed.
“What is it? You scared me! I thought somebody just broke—w-what?” you’re dumbfounded when you saw two body kneeling in the middle of the basement.
Body full of bruises while they’re both tied up. Tears were present over both their eyes and between them was Sunoo. You looked at him and saw blood over his handsome face. He smiled, “Do you like it?”
You didn’t say anything, instead you looked at the two people who’s clearly full of fear.
“W-What’s this, Sunoo?”He walked closer to you, “I did this for you! I figured you were taking so long for the revenge.”
You clearly don’t know what to say.“Y/n! P-Please, I’m sorry. I’m begging you, don’t kill me.” your bestfriend cried out.
You looked at her, “What did I say about keeping your mouth shut?” Sunoo said coldly.
She pursed her lips crying silently. You sighed and held Sunoo’s hand.
“Let them go.” you said that made Sunoo face you with furrowed brows.
“What did you say?”
You sighed and walked over the table and get some tissue. You approached Sunoo once again and wiped off the blood over his face. He was silently watching you do those for him. He was confused to why did you said that.
“Are you still in love with him?” he sounded so hurt about it.
For the past months that you were together, he actually thought that you were happy with him. That you felt that warmth in you whenever you two were together. He thought you actually felt the same way as him.
You furrowed your brows, “What? No!” you said and cupped his face.
He remained serious, “Then why?”
You smiled, “I don’t care about them anymore, Sunoo. For me, you’re all that matters now. Getting revenge has no point when I’m clearly over with both of them. I want to focus to the more important things...”
You held his hand, “which is us. I love you, Sunoo.”
Sunoo’s eyes brightened and turned red as he approached closer, smiling. He gulped, getting too excited.
“You mean it?”
“I mean it.” you said chuckling.
He smiled then leaned closer for a kiss at the lips. 
“I love you, y/n.” he mumbled after he pulled away from the kiss and as he rest his forehead at yours.
Your eyes both went to the two people inside the basement. “You need to let them go,” you said.
Sunoo sighed and rolled his eyes and nodded his head. His hand slid down and hele yours tightly.
“I’ll do that later.” and he started leading you to go upstairs.
You believed that he will let them go so you were about to follow him when you suddenly remember something that kept on bugging you out ever since.
“Hari...” you called out to your bestfriend.
She looked over at you, eyes still full of tears.
“How can you do this to me? I was so good to you and I trusted you.”
The girl was still crying while she answered, “I w-was jealous of you. I’ve always secretly liked Shin...”You felt your eyes heat up seeing her like this.
“You could’ve just told me. You’re more important than him so I can let him be with you. I’ve cherished you, Hari. You were like a sister to me. You know how happy I was when I found you because I was alone ever since I was a child. For me you were my comfort and home.” you said, now crying.
She cried, slowly regretting everything. Sunoo’s grip to your hand tighten even more and he leaned to drop a kiss over at your temple.
“Out of all of this, I find it so painful to lose you, Hari.” you said sincerely.
She looked at you, eyes full of tears.
“I’m sorry y/n. Let’s fix everything! I can still be your comfort! I’ll try my best to gain your trust again and I can still be your home.” she said sounding desperate.
You don’t know but it doesn’t sound so dearly for you.
“You don’t have to bother, I am here now.” Sunoo interrupted and showed his icy stares at her.
You held him and guide him out of there. You two were silent when you arrived your room. Suddenly, your tears streamed down as you felt hurt for how you two end up.
Sunoo pulled you close to him as he cuddled you up. “You don’t have to worry. I’m here and I’ll never do what they did to you. Let’s spend the whole eternity together. I’ll try my best to make you feel that I’m your home.”
You chuckled and wiped off your tears then you looked up at him. You smiled warmly then cupped his face.
“You already feel home, Sunoo. I love you.” you said as your eyes turned red.
Sunoo’s eyes turned red as well as he slowly lean over at you, “I love you, my y/n.” and his lips softly brushed with yours.
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vampire teaser
286 notes · View notes
eeunoia · 3 years
ENHYPEN Imagines
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This was requested and since I couldn’t decide which one from the members, I end up choosing Jungwon and Heeseung for this one shot. I’m sorry that this took a while. I will probably post Sunghoon’s then Jake’s version, thank you!
And for my next series, I still have days till I post the teaser. I created a poll, if you’re interested to vote, here is it! Have a nice day! 🌸
pairing: kim sunoo x reader
summary: you thought what you have for Kim Sunoo was an unrequited love.
word count: 6k
tag-list: @en-sun, @rubyanne, @studioreader, @map-of-border​, @hwangjangmi​, @affectionaterainoflove​ @crjwon​ 
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“Ah, Kim Sunoo really look amazing!” your head snapped over your side as you hear the constant cheers of the students for Sunoo.
You can’t help but to pout as you slowly gripped over the mineral water that you are holding. Kim Sunoo is currently practicing together with some of his friends here on the auditorium. They’re gonna perform in your school program and now students gathered to watch their practice.
You gulped and kind of feel intimidated by the number of students around you. Despite the crowd, your eyes couldn’t help but to settle over Sunoo. You had been liking him for so long now. Too long that you doubt if its still like you’re feeling.
You snapped back to reality as the music suddenly faded after Heeseung maneuvered over the sound system.
“We’ll take 10 minutes break, guys.” he announced. And as if on cue, girls hurried themselves to the members to ask them if they needed something.
You watch as a lot of girls crowded Sunoo and you halted your steps because you thought it would’ve been too much chaotic if you tried and step in yourself. Your grip over the bottle of water you were suppose to give Sunoo tightened.
“Wow, water! I’ve been thirsty I almost thought I will collapsed while dancing to Fever!” a hand suddenly grabbed the water from your hand and you quickly darted your eyes at him.
The culprit was smirking at you and shamelessly opened the water bottle and chugged over it. You rolled your eyes and hit him over to his arm.
“Yah, Yang Jungwon! That’s not for you!” you hissed at him and he chuckled a little as some water spilled from his mouth when you pushed him a bit, now wiping it of using the back of his hand.
“I don’t see you approaching someone to give it.” he reasoned out and even shrugged his shoulders off before wiping the water at the corner of his mouth once again.
You rolled your eyes and grabbed the water bottle from him. He’s just smirking widely while watching your frustrated face. For him, you looked cute.
“What’s with the pout, y/n?” your head snapped over to your side when somebody suddenly talked to you.
You instantly pulled a smile when you saw it was Heeseung. He’s a senior and Sunoo’s friend. Jungwon’s friends with him too.
“N-Nothing, oppa.” you can’t help but to stutter a bit because, duh, that’s Lee Heeseung!
Jungwon walked closer to your side and scoffed at you. “How come you treat hyung like that when you’re too rude at me?” he asked you that made you furrow your brows.
You raised your fist ready to attack him and he just crossed his arms to shield himself. He’s always been annoying. Maybe because he’s your best friend and he completely know how he can piss you off.
“It’s because oppa is nice to me!” you hissed at him and you saw his playful smirk over his face.
Heeseung was just there, smiling softly while watching you and Jungwon bickering. It’s already a familiar scenario for him.
“You should call me oppa too!” Jungwon suddenly blurted out that made you laugh sarcastically at him.
“We’re just the same age, why should I call you oppa?” you hissed at him once again and now started to roam your eyes around to go look for Sunoo.
Jungwon didn’t let you off easily because he went in front of you to block your view. You ended up rolling your eyes once again, slowly losing your patience for your bestfriend.
“I’m still months older than you!” he was smirking, so obviously he was just trying to annoy you.
You tried to pull the sweetest smile for him before you rested both of your hands over to his broad shoulders.
“Don’t piss me off too much, alright? I’m seriously gonna kick your ass.” and you pushed him away from in front of you.
He was about to go and piss you off more but he was halted by Heeseung. He held onto the younger one’s shirt and shake his head from side to side, a warm smile was over his lips.
You roamed your eyes and you finally smiled when you saw Sunoo surrounded by a couple of students. After letting out a sigh, you walked closer to him. You two met eyes and he instantly smiled at you. Heart racing, you can’t help but to blush because of his smile.
“Y/n! You came to watch!” he greeted you and ignored all the other ones around him. Their heads snapped over to you and you tried to ignore all the stares. You smiled widely at him and sat beside him.
“Of course, oppa! I was really excited when I heard you guys will perform for the school’s event.” you said excitedly.
Sunoo’s always been nice to you but he’s also very dense about your feelings for him. Maybe having Jungwon as your bestfriend also did you a favor because you can hang-out around them like this.
“Oh really? I’m glad you’re looking forward to it.” he said and his eyes then trailed over to the water bottle that you are holding.
You saw a tint of blush appeared over his cheeks and you thought that maybe because it was too crowded. Sunoo’s not really that good in crowded places and maybe because it’s slowly starting to feel hot.
You pouted, “Are you okay, oppa? You’re turning red. Are you hot?” you sounded worried that it caught Sunoo’s attention and he looked over at you.
“U-Uh,” he couldn’t finish his sentence.
“I wanted to offer you water but this is for Jungwon. He already drank from it.” you said continuously didn’t even realized that you are blabbering such things. Sunoo’s eyes then darted over to the bottle once again.
His shoulder fell and his mind went blank. Of course that’s for Jungwon. Why would he even think you would give him a water bottle? He’s sure you’re even here for Jungwon in the first place.
“Do you want me to buy you one? I will--” you were cut off by Sunoo as he held your arm to stop you from walking away.
“No need, y/n. I brought my own.” he coldly replied before he stood up and walked away from you.
You were a bit dumbfounded to how fast he just shifted his mood. Did you say something wrong or did you do something odd? As far as you remember, you even offered to buy him one! Is that it? Was that too much?
“What’s with the long face?” you were snapped back to reality when Jungwon talked to you and gently grabbed the water from you again.
You looked over to him and pouted. You shake your head for him and he just squinted his eyes at you. He was sure he saw you talking to his hyung from a while ago before he approached you. He’s aware of your feelings and so he knew whatever it is, it has to do something with his Sunoo hyung.
“Whatever it is, don’t overthink everything, y/n.” he reminded you before you heard Heeseung saying that they will resume practice now.
Jungwon raised his hand to mess you hair. You glared at him then pushed away his hand, “Just go, Yang.” and you rolled your eyes at him.
He laughed, finding it cute that you’re pissed at him. Well, what can he do? You just look adorable whenever you’re like that. He did walk towards the position for the song Drunk-Dazed. His eyes unconsciously met with his Sunoo hyung and to his surprise, he’s looking at him already.
He raised both of his eyebrows at him, asking if he needs anything. Sunoo just shake his head and looked away. Jungwon tilted his head in wonder and just shrugged it off.
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“Y/n! Come on, you should join us.” Jungwon was yet again being annoying. You just finished your class and was just about to go put your things over at your locker then go straight home after but then your best friend was forcing you to go join them somewhere.
You sighed heavily, trying to calm yourself down as you face the whining Jungwon behind you, “I already told you, I already have plans!” you told him trying hard to make him understand.
He was just straightly eyeing you. “Sunoo hyung will be there...” he said knowing what exactly will make your mind change.
You pursed your lips completely caught off-guard of what he just told you. As far as you remember, he said they will go at the arcades and so you were a bit hesitant to believe what he just said. You know they are friends but you just don’t know Sunoo will be into arcades that much.
You gave him a suspicious look and Jungwon just let out a frustrated sigh. He cannot believe that you are looking and doubting him at the moment. Yeah, he do like to annoy you but he won’t certainly lie about things like that.
“Seriously, Yang Jungwon! I will kill you if he’s not there.” you said using your warning tone. He rolled his eyes and suddenly moved closer to you, his face inches away from you.
A bit taken aback, you moved away from him but you were cornered because behind you was the lockers already. He smirked and rested one of his hands beside your head before he tilted his head, eyes darkly darted at yours.
“And if he’s there?” he asked like as if challenging you.
You gulped as you blushed for an unknown reason. Of course you don’t have feelings for your bestfriend! But then, you couldn’t deny the fact that he is in fact a very good-looking guy. It’s just natural for a girl to blush when an attractive guy’s face was inches apart from yours.
“Move a-away.” you said and pushed his face away from you as he let out a chuckle because he just saw how nervous you got. You were busy glaring at him that you failed to notice the group of people approaching the two of you.
“You coming, Jungwon?” you snapped your head towards to the side only to be greeted by a serious Heeseung. Behind him was their other friends and your eyes automatically searched for Sunoo.
When you saw him and you two met eyes, you waved happily at him and he just returned it with a small smile then gazed away. You pouted, wondering if he’s okay or what. 
“Yes, hyung! I’ll be taking y/n with me!” he said and even wrapped his arms around your shoulder to keep you from running away from him.
You tried to free yourself from him but you groaned as he just held you tightly. They started walking and Jungwon still got you so you couldn’t move and go home.
“Cut it out, Wonie. You’re hurting y/n.” Jay softly told Jungwon. He looked over to him and chuckled.
“No she isn’t hurt. Right, y/n?” he asked smirking at you.
You just rolled your eyes and just elbowed his side causing him to shriek a bit and let go of you finally. You tried fixing your crumpled uniform before you eyes Sunoo’s direction. He’s now busy using his phone and you once again pursed your lips. He seems really down, you grew worried of him.
You end up going with them because you have no other choice and because Yang Jungwon is being such a kid and been whining whenever you’re trying to go sneak home. He’s just being really clingy and wanting to be around you most of the times.
“You can sit here, y/n.” your eyes snapped over to Sunoo when you heard his soft voice. He smiled a little as he offered the vacant seat beside him. You blushed but tried not to be so obvious as you slowly make your way towards him.
You arrived at the arcade and now the boys were scattered around the different games. Yang Jungwon left you with Jay and you nearly kicked his ass because he was the one who dragged you here and then he left you all alone.
“Aren’t you gonna go play?” you tried opening up some conversation with Sunoo.
He looked over at you and smiled a little before shaking his head off slowly. You bit your lower lip trying to suppress a smile. If you’re gonna be asked what you liked the most about Sunoo, you’ll probably answer his smile. You can say that its the most precious one you’ve seen so far. You just think that he glows whenever he’s smiling.
“I just came here to spend some time with them.” he answered and his eyes are now settled over to his friends.
You pursed your lips and roam your eyes around too. You can feel your heart racing a bit because you’re sitting beside Kim Sunoo. You do like him very much and you couldn’t even imagine losing this feeling for him. The number of times you tried to confess to him were uncountable but you always end up not doing it.
Unfortunately, there’s a lot of things you are worried about if you confess to him. The friendship that you two may lose if ever he doesn’t feel the same way. He may feel awkward around you after you confess and you don’t want that. So as of now, you’re just contented that you can hang around him like this.
“Do you want to go get ice cream? They’re busy anyway.” he suddenly offered and your eyes grew big out of excitement. You beamed and nodded happily that made Sunoo chuckle a bit. He just found cute whenever you’re excited.
He raised his hand to mess your hair a bit before you two stood up and go look for an ice cream shop. While looking for a place, you two started talking about random stuff and didn’t even realize that you are enjoying each other’s company. It was a bit surprising for Sunoo since this is the first time he had talked to you this long. He didn’t even know you two have so much in common.
“I didn’t know you like mint choco too?” he asked a bit surprised as he hand you the ice cream he ordered for you. With a bright smile you accepted it then you glanced over to it.
“I love mint choco. I can’t understand why other people don’t like it.” and you even shrugged your shoulders off.
He chuckled as he watch you, “I know right?” he said slowly as his mind slowly wondered off. He had known you ever since he became friends with Jungwon. The first time he lay eyes on you, he already thought that you’re really pretty.
He may have a little crush on you, he didn’t put too much thought to it since he think it’ll be gone sooner or later. But he noticed himself smiling whenever you’re around bickering with your best friend. He finds you cute and always want to just take care of your clumsy self.
“Y/n! Where were you?” you were talking to Sunoo and laughing with him when Jungwon just came to you. His face looked so worried and so you looked at him weirdly.
Sunoo was a bit taken back as well when he just saw him rushing towards the two of you. He seemed so worried and Heeseung was there with him, like Jungwon he looked bothered.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Sunoo oppa and I just went to go grab some ice cream.” you tried explaining to your best friend.
His eyes trailed from you over to your ice cream then to his hyung. You cannot read what expression Jungwon have on his face right now but one thing’s for sure, he isn’t so happy about it.
“I got so worried!” he said exaggerating. 
You rolled your eyes and blushed out of embarrassment. You kind of feel bad for Sunoo because he have to witness this kind of situation between Jungwon and you. It isn’t really that necessary.
“Geez, Jungwon. Calm down, I’m not five.” you tried arguing with him because he’s really over reacting.
He clenched his jaw as he stared right to your eyes with his serious stares, “Oh yeah? And who’s gonna be in trouble with your parents if something happens to you?” he asked sounding a bit sarcastic.
You pursed your lips as Heeseung tried to butt in and calm him down. His stares never left you and just waited for whatever that is you’re gonna say. You sighed and was about to talk but Sunoo interrupted between the two of you.
“Don’t get mad at her, Jungwon. I was the one who invited her to go get some ice cream.” Sunoo said and even went in between the two of you.
Jungwon’s eyes then went over to his hyung before he slowly shake his head and turned his back. He couldn’t believe that you really left without even informing him. He got really scared that the thought of maybe you were with his friend didn’t got into his mind. He was too occupied of trying to think where he can find you.
It may sound a bit exaggerating but he’s just really worried for you. It may be a bit not obvious but he cares so much for you since you’re his best friend. He understands that you like his hyung and that it is a good chance to get closer to him but you should’ve inform him first so he wouldn’t panic.
You pouted as you watch him walk away from you. Feeling sad, Heeseung’s eyes darted over to your side as he lets out a small sigh before smiling softly.
“Come on, y/n... I’ll take you home.” he softly offered. You had no choice but to agree.
Sunoo looked over to his hyung before he glanced over your direction. He felt bad that Jungwon and you got into a fight because of him. He sighed then approached you.
“I’m sorry y/n, I should’ve inform him first before inviting you to get ice cream.” he smiled a little.
You looked at him with a worried expression before you shake your hand as a gesture, “Oh no! Don’t blame yourself, oppa. Jungwon’s just a little protective but he’ll get over it soon. Thank you for the ice cream, I really had fun!” you said excitedly.
He smiled brightly when he heard that you did enjoy the time both of you spend together. Heeseung pursed his lips as he silently fiddled with his fingers kind of feeling a bit out of place. He faked a cough to catch your attention and when he succeed he tilted his head over to the direction of home.
You pouted then look over to Sunoo, “I need to go, sorry again about Jungwon, oppa! See you!” you smiled brightly before waving continuously at him as you walk away.
Sunoo blushed a bit as he watch you go with Heeseung. His smile slowly fell as the realization dawned to him, you’re so precious to Jungwon and he don’t know, maybe he likes you not just as friends. He doesn’t want to go in between and end up hurting his friend. He’d rather stay out of it.
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“Sunoo oppa! Do you want to--” you were cut off by him once again.
“Sorry, I need to go. See you tomorrow guys!” you pursed your lips feeling a bit dumbfounded that he suddenly shut you off like that.
You stared and watched how he quickly gathered his things and go straight over to the door to go. You pouted, feeling a bit strange, your chest a bit aching for some reasons.
“Hey, its okay. Hyung’s been busy lately.” Jungwon was beside you comforting you. You kept your long face as your eyes darted over the door once again like as if waiting and hoping that he’ll come back.
It’s been like this for about two weeks now. You know that what happened back to the mall isn’t really enough to say that you two were close already but he’s really acting strange lately. He’s purposely avoiding you and you’re sure about it.
“He’s really avoiding me.” you mumbled softly as you rested your head to Jungwon’s shoulder. He looked at you before chuckling as he messed your hair trying to make you feel better.
“No he isn’t. You didn’t even do anything to make him avoid you. Stop overthinking already.” Jungwon told you to assure you.
You decided to just shrug it off and maybe just try again next time. Maybe he’s really just busy these days that’s why you think about it that way. You started to listen to his friends playing and laugh with them. You were too busy laughing at how Jay was telling the story about Jake that you failed to notice Heeseung’s eyes darting your direction a bit too often.
“Come on, Jungwon! Please? Just take me with you!” you even put your palm together as you plea your best friend.
He sighed as he lift his head up and shut his eyes closed trying to calm himself down. He’s on his way to practice today and you’re here begging him to let you tag along. Of course, he can take you! There’s no problem with that, it’s just he received a text from one of his hyungs saying that Sunoo brought a girl with him.
He doesn’t want you to see his hyung flirt with another girl.
“Please, Jungwon? I promise not to bother you! I just want to go and see Sunoo!” you pouted cutely in front of him.
He eyed you and Jungwon can’t help but to feel a bit bad for you. He know he couldn’t force his friend who he should like but to know that you’ll be hurt, hurts him as well.
“You don’t understand y/n...”
“I’ll go, please?” you once again pouted cutely at him.
In the end, he didn’t succeed on making you stay at your house and he brought you along with him. As you arrive at the place where they’ll practice, Heeseung was already outside, like as if waiting for someone. His brows furrowed in confusion as he walked closer towards Jungwon and you.
“You let her come?” he whispered over to Jungwon in order for you not to hear.
“She insisted, hyung. Are they still inside?” he asked a bit worried.
Heeseung nodded his head as he glanced over your way. Your eyes were already looking at the auditorium, excited to finally go inside and see Sunoo again. You feel lucky that you got to see him even at the weekends.
“Hey, y/n!” Heeseung greeted you excitedly and you turned your head towards him to smile and wave cutely at him.
“Let’s go inside.” Jungwon mumbled and you followed behind him as Heeseung walks beside you.
You were greeted by the other members as they crowded you to say hello. You were delighted and greeted them back as your eyes started to roam around to go look for the only person that made you come here.
Your smile fell when you saw him at the side, sitting at one of the benches together with a girl. They were laughing as they enjoy their little intimate moment. You felt someone stood closely beside you.
“I tried stopping you,” it was Jungwon. Your head snapped over to his side as your chest slowly ache.
“Who is she?” you asked him. He shrugged his shoulders off, obvious that he was also clueless about it.
“In position everyone!” you were pulled back to senses when Heeseung clapped his hand and catch their attention. Your eyes trailed from him towards to Sunoo. Surprisingly, he was looking at you too but the moment you met eyes, he glanced away. Not even greeting you with a single wave, he just went to his position like as if he didn’t even saw you.
Their practice started again and you just sat there silently, your eyes looking over to the girl from time to time. You don’t want to look over to her side but you can’t help but to go look. You were intrigued to who she is and a lot of questions plays through your mind.
You balled your fist tightly, a small ball of courage suddenly spread through your chest. You don’t know what pushed or what clicked inside of you but you just wanted to confess to Sunoo right away. Like, right now.
You were already plotting the things you wanted to tell him when you were suddenly pulled back to your senses. Heeseung had just told them to have a 10 minute break. You sighed trying to calm yourself down.
As you saw him walk out of the auditorium, you dismissed anyone who tried to talk to you and just went straight to follow him. Thankfully, the girl stayed inside so it would be less embarrassing for you.
“Sunoo oppa!” you called out when he were just steps away from you.
He stopped from his tracks and you saw how he stoned over his position after hearing your voice. You sighed heavily and then jogged a little to catch at him a bit. He slowly turned to face you, keeping a straight face. You felt bad, you missed his smiling face whenever he sees you.
“What, y/n?” he asked sounding a bit impatient.
You were a bit sad that he seems like he doesn’t want to talk to you but you shrugged it off and just proceed on what you planned a while ago.
“I just want to ask something.” you said, fingers starting to fiddled as you grow more nervous as time passes by.
“What is it?” he asked as he glanced away from you.
“Are you avoiding me?” you asked softly and you made sure he can hear that you are sad about it.
You saw how he gulped and he pursed his lips in a thin line like as if he’s preventing himself to say something. He sighed before he looked over your way.
“What are you talking about? Of course not.” he answered but you are not satisfied with it.
“Really? Because these past few weeks, I feel like you are avoiding me.” you said and he grew silent. Having a gut that you were right, you stepped closer causing him to look at you once again.
“Why are you avoiding me, oppa? Did I do something wrong?” you asked with a worried face. Your eyes slowly starting to water.
“I am not avoiding you, y/n.” he said and still kept his straight face.
“Oh, okay? Sorry if I thought it that way. It’s just I can’t seem to invite you in any hang outs anymore because you often say you aren’t available.” you said starting to blabber things.
When he didn’t respond, you sighed heavily again and tried to gather all the courage in you.
“Uh, do you want to go grab some ice cream with me later--”
“I’m sorry but (name) and me already have plans after our practice.” he coldly rejected you.
Your mouth gaped a bit open, unable to find the right words to say. Who is she for him anyway? You’ve never heard or even saw him hang out with her before. Why all of a sudden he brought a girl together with him?
“You are avoiding me.” you said, confirming it.
He sighed as he rolled his eyes, “I already said I’m not. It’s up to you if you’ll gonna believe or not.” he mumbled before he started walking back to the auditorium, walking pass by you.
You were stoned for a bit before you decided to follow him and confess what you feel. You ran after him and he just went inside the auditorium when you grabbed over his arm to stop him from walking.
“Oppa,” you called out. He was surprised as he turned over your direction.
You two started to gather the attention of the other members as they grew quiet after noticing the scene.
“Y/n, what are you---”
“I like you.” you said bravely not even minding all the pair of eyes watching the two of you.
Jungwon stood up from his seat looking a bit worried, Heeseung was dumbfounded as his stares slowly darted over his water bottle. The other boys looked at each other and shares thoughts through their eyes.
“I don’t so stop this, y/n.” Sunoo plainly said.
You were taken aback at how plainly he rejected your feelings. You’re not expecting anything but you’re also not ready for this kind of response.
“Hyung!” Jungwon rushed over to your side as a rescue. 
Heeseung snapped back to his senses as well and went to approach the two of you.
“You don’t have to be that rude, Sunoo.” he said as he saw how your eyes started to water.
Sunoo eyed his hyung before he looked over to you, his eyes were cold and blank. The familiar warm smiles were nowhere to be seen.
“I was just being honest.” he said.
Jungwon went in front of you as he took off your hold from Sunoo. “Are you?” Jungwon asked his hyung a bit sarcastic.
As their eyes met, Sunoo quickly looked away, avoiding his gaze, afraid that his friend may see something over his eyes. On the other hand, your head dropped as your heart ache. You just received a cold rejection from someone you liked for a very long time.
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“y/n, come on! Don’t be such a kill joy. Let’s go have fun tonight.” Jungwon’s pretty much annoying you tonight.
It’s been a month after your heartbreaking confession to Sunoo and you started avoiding him ever since. You even started avoiding some of the members too because you felt embarrassed because you just realized how desperate of a move was that. But of course, you couldn’t avoid Jungwon since he’s your bestfriend.
Lately, you’ve been hanging out with Heeseung too. He was always with Jungwon for some reason that’s why you couldn’t avoid him. He was nice to be with, he makes you laugh most of the times.
“I already told you I have--” both of your head snapped back to the door when Heeseung went inside holding two boxes of pizzas. He ordered a while ago for the three of you which you find a bit weird since they’re off to Jay’s party later.
“Jungwon’s right, you should come, y/n.” He said as he opened the box and grabbed one slice to hand it to you. Jungwon eyed you and gave you a ‘told ya’ look.
You sighed and took a bite from your pizza, they’re inviting you to go to Jay’s party and you’re a bit hesitant to attend because of course, he will be there. Even after a month, you can’t seem to push yourself to move forward and move on. You’re still stuck over your unrequited love.
“Fine, I’ll go.” you rolled your eyes as the two boys cheered happily beside you.
You did end up going with them and you aren’t really surprised anymore when you saw how crowded Jay’s mansion was. He was really popular and have a lot of friends so this is already expected.
You went in together with Heeseung and Jungwon. The two of them walking beside you having you between them in order not to lose you to the big crowd. They were stopping from time to time to go greet those who they’re familiar with. It took a bit while before they found the birthday boy.
“Happy birthday, Jay!” you went close to him to go greet him. He smiled widely as he pulled you into a friendly hug.
“Thanks y/n! I’m glad you came.” he said. You just smiled at him.
He guided you guys over to where the others were and your heart fell as you saw him sitting at one of the sofas beside Jake. He was silently holding a red cup over his hand. Jungwon was walking ahead of you and Heeseung was just steps behind you.
“Jake hyung! Where’s Sunghoon hyung?” Jungwon asked Jake as they approach closer. Sunoo’s head snapped his head over to your direction and his eyes remain at you.
You gave him a small smile before you followed behind Jungwon and sat beside him silently. Ni-ki and Jake greeted you as they started talking to Heeseung now. You can still feel his eyes darted over you but you just chose not to look at him again.
“You want something to drink?” Heeseung asked you softly, leaning too close to your ears in order for you to hear him.
You nodded your head not even bothered at how close he was. Sunoo furrowed his brows as he tightly held his cup now starting to feel an unwanted emotion took over his system. He was surprised to see you here in the party but he’s more surprised to see how Heeseung and you became close.
The night slowly grew deeper and their group of friends got bored. Jake suddenly suggested for you guys to go and play a game of Truth or Dare. It was just a classic game in parties and you thought it was lame so you were planning to pass when Jungwon forced you join.
“I don’t want to.” you groaned and shake your head. Heeseung chuckled as he joined the circle of people for the game. Some of them were still trying to gather some crowd for the game.
“No, you can’t pass.” he said and made you join him at the circle. You rolled your eyes and it unconsciously caught Sunoo’s eyes.
He was seated too and part of the game. You gulped and look away.
The game then did started. It landed over some people and they often choose dares that end up with some crazy ones. It landed over to Jungwon whose seated beside you. You chuckled loudly and cheered for him.
“Truth or Dare?” Jake asked him excitedly.
Jungwon smirked as he ran his hand over to his hair once, “It will be too boring if I choose Truth, so Dare!” he bravely stated. The crowd cheered for him and you did as well.
“Alright! I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl that you like, here tonight!” he said as a sly smirk spreads across his face.
You saw how Sunoo’s eyes went to you and you were confused why.
The boys cheered for him, Jungwon clicked the side of his cheeks using his tongue before he bit his lower lip.
“I believe my bestfriend is the prettiest tonight but I won’t kiss her because she’s like a sister to me so that’s gross and because I don’t like her. So can I just kiss someone else? Any volunteer?” he kid that made everyone laugh. A lot of the girls raised their hands to catch his attention and he just laughed before standing up and appointing some random girl.
You shake my head and laughed. When you looked over to Sunoo, his face was dumbfounded like as if he just realized something. You shut your eyes and forced yourself to snap out of it. You were rejected already so enough with the unreturned feelings.
You didn’t notice that the bottle pointed over to Sunoo. You just knew it when Heeseung nudged you lightly and you looked over to Sunoo. He was already staring at you.
“Hyung! Truth or Dare.” Jungwon asked him a bit excitedly.
Sunoo looked at him, his eyes flickering this unknown emotions through his eyes. He seems a bit more bright at the moment, something like his mood suddenly became good.
“Truth.” he answered shortly. Jungwon smirked as everything went according to his plan. 
“Do you like y/n?” he asked straightly that caused the crowd to slighly went crazy. Your eyes grew big as you glared over to Jungwon.
Is he out of his mind? You thought to yourself. He was there when he rejected you so why does he have to ask it here? 
Sunoo gulped as he licked his lower lips once before he eyed Jungwon, his eyes were serious.
“No.” he answered but this time, you don’t know but his words isn’t as cold like last time. But despite of it, you were hurt. Your eyes were already slowly tearing up when he once again talked.
“What I feel towards her is something deeper,” he added while his eyes were darted over at you.
You were taken aback as your stares remained at him. The crowd went wild after that and your bestfriend cheered happily and proudly like as if he just did something amazing. Heeseung smirked and chuckled as he just chugged to his beer. He knew he don’t stand a chance in you so he didn’t expect anything but still, it hurts a bit.
You were out of words, doesn’t really know what to tell him. Thankfully, Sunoo seems to notice it so he stood up and looked around the crowd.
“Can I borrow her for a second?” he asked, directing over Jungwon. He nodded his head as he winked at you.
Sunoo went closer to you and you can feel your heart beating so fast out of nervous and excitement. Is this really happening? Moments ago you don’t feel like going because you don’t want to see him and now your heart felt so warm and your chest is aching for a different reason now.
“Can we talk?” he asked, you can hear a tint of nervous lurking over his tone.
You just nodded your head before you stand up. He held your hand to help you get up and guided you over to a less crowded part of the house. You were nervous and your hand were starting to feel cold, but Sunoo’s hand were warm.
“I’m sorry for what I said that day.” he started, his eyes were darted at yours. 
“You said you don’t like me.” you reminded him. He gulped, a bit intimidated by how straightforward you are.
“I l-lied.”
“I thought Jungwon likes you.” he said and you looked at him with a confused look.
“Jungwon? But he’s my bestfriend and he doesn’t like me.”
“Yeah, I just figured that out moments ago.” he said and pouted.
You slowly smiled because he was too cute. You held his hand tighter, “So you like me, huh?” your voice a bit teasing.
He pouted, “I clearly remember that I said its something deeper.” he mumbled as he gently pull you closer to him. He caged you with his tight warm hug.
You can’t help but to blush as you stare right at his beautiful eyes, “I love you, Kim Sunoo.” he felt warm after hearing those words from you.
“I love you, y/n.” and he slowly lean in to give you a kiss.
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eeunoia · 3 years
ENHYPEN Mini Series
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E N H Y P E N as Campus Heart-throbs
pairings: kim sunoo x reader
summary: what will happen when an extrovert campus social butterfly met an introvert?
word count: 6.2k
a/n: OKAY FORGIVE ME. I know it took so long for me to upload this but please try to understand me. School stressed me out and happen to ate all of my time. I’ll try to do better, enjoy! So, Sunoo’s stroy will be the most chill out of them all. Sunghoon’s story gave me a lot of stress while writing it while Sunoo’s didn’t. I enjoyed writing this one because I think they’re really cute. 🌸
tag list: @jakeysim @kpoppinandlockin @en-sun @f1iore @dilfhwa​ @rubyanne​ @enhappy​
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Kim Sunoo
Class 2 - A - “The Social Butterfly”
Being a natural born introvert, it sure is difficult for you to deal with other people. It’s not that you hate them or anything, you just simply prefer being alone than to be surrounded by a bunch of people.
You hate being the center of attention so standing in front of the class right is really uncomfortable for you. With faces very unfamiliar for you, you fiddled your fingers unconsciously.
“introduce yourself, please.” the teacher sounds nice despite the awkward situation. You gulped as you tried to roam your eyes around. The students in front of you have different expressions in their faces. Some looks interested, some looked like they don’t really care and some looked clueless.
“I’m y/n. Please, take care of me.” you even bowed after saying it.
Sunoo eyes settled at you. It’s not always that he’d been interested to other people, specially to new comers. But something in you really captured his attention.
“So everyone, let’s welcome, y/n. She’s new in our town so make sure to make her comfortable, okay?” the homeroom teacher told the whole class and they answered, ‘yes’ in unison.
You were asked to take a seat at the vacant one at the middle. Sunoo smiled and removed his backpack at the vacant seat to welcome you. On the other hand, you haven’t noticed him yet. Your head was hanging low avoiding any eye contact from everybody.
As you sat down, Sunoo have a wide smile over his lips already excited to chat with you. “Y/n, right?” he didn’t actually need to double check your name. He knew your name very well since he listened well from a while ago.
Your eyes railed over to him, “yeah.” you answered shortly then quickly looked away. You’re not really used having eye contact with other people. It makes you feel uncomfortable for some reason. But even with a short glance, you noticed how beautiful his eyes were.
“I’m Sunoo! Kim Sunoo!” he sounded so cheerful. You gave him a small nod as you fished your notebook from your bag when the teacher said she’ll start the discussion.
Sunoo pouted at your cold response but pulled off a smile back, he thought it’s normal to react that way since he’s still a stranger to you. It’s just a little odd how you just shut him off that fast. He’s used to being liked by other people right away so the way you reacted was a really different.
“Please open your text book in page 156.” your hand stopped fiddling with your pen when you realize you didn’t picked up your text books yet. Sunoo noticed your expression right away and slid his text book between the two of you.
Your eyes trailed over his textbook then to him. You blush a little seeing his smiling face beside you. You were wondering what he is smiling so brightly about? “We can share, y/n!” you blushed more when you saw how cute he looked. You cleared your throat and looked away from him blinking your eyes.
“U-Uh thanks.” you were so shy but you have no choice but to share with him. You still didn’t have your text book so you’re somehow thankful he’s nice enough to offer sharing his.
The discussion went pretty well. He didn’t really bother you all throughout the lesson, well he did tried opening up conversations from time to time but he still let you listen to the teacher. He is cute, you’re not gonna lie.
You were alone as you went towards the school cafeteria. It’s lunch break and you wanted to buy a meal because you’re already hungry. Some eyes followed you in curiosity, probably wondering who you are since you’re new. You didn’t bother looking at them because you’re used to being new to a school. This isn’t the first time you transferred to a new school.
As you silently wait for your turn to buy your food, you noticed that their cafeteria is pretty spacious. It’s perfect to handle a lot of students. Compared to your previous school, this one is much more of a good school.
“Hi, Sunoo!” you heard somebody from behind you said. You didn’t look back or anything. You’re pretty sure he isn’t the only Sunoo in the school right? This is a big school so there’s a possibility that he’s not the Sunoo who sit beside you is big, right?
You saw how some students in front of you turned their heads by hearing the name. It’s like they’re curious or something. Once they saw who it was, their eyes sparkles. Specially the girls.
“Y/n!” your head turned over to the side when you heard someone called my name.
It was your seat-mate, Kim Sunoo. He was smiling brightly at you and with an awkward smile, you greeted him. You’re not really sure what’s going on but the students around you were obviously watching. Feeling conscious, you roamed your eyes around. They were looking at the two of you with wonder in their eyes.
“Do you want to join us in our table? I’ll go save you a seat.” he sounded so excited as he said those words to you.
Some of the students near you heard his invitation and their mouth fell a bit open. Sunoo’s known for being a social butterfly, yeah. He’s nice to everybody and very approachable. But he never invites people to eat lunch with him, specially he never offer to save seat to someone! It’s beyond what he usually do.
He doesn’t know what got into him as well. All he know is that he wants to know you more. He can’t just stop being curious of you. Is it because you’re such a mysterious person or maybe because he have nothing else to do? Nah. Whatever it is, he wants to get closer to you.
“U-Uh, that’s okay. I’m just here to buy a drink because I already ate lunch.” you reasoned out. You kind of felt bad for lying to him but you don’t really have a choice. You feel like you’re in a bad situation if you agree to eat with him.
His brows furrowed in confusion, “Huh? I didn’t saw you eat here?” his lips were pursed as he waits for your answer.
“I have packed lunch.” you told him just so he can leave you alone.
You saw how his shoulder fell but he pulled off another bright smile, “You can get a drink in the vending machine so you don’t have to wait for so long.”
Your eyes trailed over to the vending machine that he’s pointing. You almost let out a curse when he said that. With a nod, you moved away from the line and went to the vending machine to buy a drink.
After buying one, Sunoo offered if he can join you but one student halt him to talk. You felt relieved because finally, you can go. Without even saying goodbye, you left the scene.
You head your way over to the garden, you’re still not very familiar with the whole campus but you saw the garden on your way to the cafeteria. As expected, there’s only a few students here. It’s lunch time so everyone’s probably having their meals.
You let out a sigh as you heard your stomach grumble in hunger. You can’t believe you will skip lunch just because you don’t want to be in that kind of situation.
Sunoo’s smiling face appeared inside your head. A small guilt flickered over you. You know he’s just being friendly and maybe really just trying to make your feel comfortable since you’re new and trying to adjust. But it's not really your personality to became so friendly to strangers easily. You don’t feel comfortable about it.
You opened the random drink that you got from the vending machine and drink it. You have no other choice. You’re really starving but can’t go back to the cafeteria to buy food. Sunoo’s probably there and what will he feel if he knew that the real reason why you lied to him is because you don't want to eat with him?
You laid your head over to the table as you tried to just sleep to forget about your hunger. Minutes passed and your stomach still ache because hunger when suddenly, somebody put something at the table.
Your head raised right away feeling surprised. You're pretty sure you’re far from other students here in the garden so you’re wondering who it was.
Your brows furrowed when you saw Sunoo in front of you. He’s holding this paper bag and he’s now taking out some food. When you two met eyes you saw how his eyes smiled together with his lips.
“It’s not good to skip lunch, specially if you have class later.” he said and gave you some chopsticks to help you eat.
“I-I...” you don’t know what to say.
To see him in front of you smiling made you blush. Is he really this nice? Can somebody be really this nice to a stranger? Well you two aren’t really a complete stranger since you basically know each other's name. But still, you both don’t know much about each other.
"You should eat.” he said chuckling and even handed you a water.
You gulped and blushed really hard. He probably think you’re so stupid for lying or probably think you’re so rude for lying just to avoid eating with him.
“Hey, y/n. Are you okay? Is it the food? You don’t like it?” now, he sounded so worried.
You quickly snapped your head up to meet his eyes. “N-No! I liked it. It’s just I feel bad for lying t-to you.” you bit your lips because you felt embarrassed because of what you did and because of stuttering.
His pout slowly turned into a smile, "Nah, it's okay! I understand. I’m sorry for putting you into that awkward situation.” he started eating his food. Yeah he brought his food here too so you two can eat together. You don’t know but that somehow made something warm spread to your system.
You gave him a small nod, don’t really know what to tell him. You thought to yourself that he’s just so nice and guilt once again took over you. 
“I figured out you still don’t feel comfortable with the people around you since you’re new. I heard you’re new to the town too.” he started the conversation. You started to aid your hunger by the food Sunoo brought for you. He smiled a little feeling relieved that you’re now eating.
“Yeah, we moved in yesterday.” as much as you’re not a fan of conversating with other people, there’s something with Sunoo just makes you comfortable. It feels like it’s safe to talk to him about anything. 
He nodded his head looking at you with amusement. You wanted to chuckle because there’s nothing to be amused about, really. And besides, he looked cute with his cheeks stuffed with food.
“I noticed you’re not really that talkative. Is it because you’re still shy or are you an introvert?” Sunoo then asked still continuing with his food. You looked at him for a while as you eat your food.
“You don’t have to answer if you feel uncomfortable, y/n.” he shrugged his shoulders off assuring you that it’s completely fine. You let out a sigh before drinking from the water bottle that he handed you over a while ago.
“I’m an introvert and I prefer to be by myself most of the times.” you answered.
Sunoo looked thrilled when he heard you answer. Obviously. the two of you were the complete opposite. When Sunoo loves the attention, you’re not really fond of it. 
“Why? Doesn’t it make you feel lonely?” he asked you curious. The side of your lips lifted up as you heard him ask that. That’s what people usually thought when someone preferred to be alone.
“Not because you prefer to be by yourself meaning you’re lonely.” His mouth fell open for a bit when he heard that. It sound deep and you looked serious as you said those words.
“Well, you’re right.” he even shrugged his shoulders again then continued eating.
“Do you find it hard to adjust right now since you have to move and now you have a new school?” he asked you. Now that he knew you’re an introvert, he’s actually a bit worried because he knew it will be too hard for you to adjust.
“Not really. This isn’t the first time we moved from one place to another.” you said pretty much easier than you expected you could tell it to anybody. You’re actually a bit surprised how you’re talking to Sunoo like it’s just naturally part of your everyday routine.
Sunoo looked surprised when he heard that. “You moved often? Why?” he asked you sounding so curious. To know that you’re not really new in all of this kind of makes him amused.
“My Dad’s work involve him being physically there so we moved together with him.” you tried to explain the situation in the simplest way you can. He nodded his head, looks like he understands it right away.
With a furrowed brows he once again looked at you, “You can just stay in one place tho? It’s less hassle and can help you save money too. Moving is really expensive.” he said.
You lowered your head. He have a point. It is true that moving is stressful and is very expensive. He’s right about that and the stress from adjusting to another place just adds more to the things you have to worry about.
“I can’t find a place I can feel at home anyway. When we moved to a new place, it remains like that to me. It remains new and I can’t find any reason to stay.” you don’t mean anything about you say. you just randomly voiced out what’s inside your head.
Sunoo somehow felt sad about what he just heard. He don’t know but he sort of saw the loneliness in your eyes. He knows you made it clear that you’re not lonely or anything... but something’s just telling him that you are.
He sighed heavily, making you look at him. “Do you want me to tour you around the campus later after class?” he sounded excited.
You blushed once again seeing him smiling brightly at you. Feeling a bit shy and a burden to Sunoo, you were about to say no to him when the bell suddenly rang. Thankfully, you did finish your food and thanks to Sunoo you won’t attend your classes with an empty stomach,
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You stood up now fixing your things so you can leave and go home. The classes are now finished and you’re happy you survived your first day in your new school. You thought it would be stressful but it wasn’t that bad.
“You ready, y/n?” your head snapped towards Sunoo when he approached beside you. He finished fixing his things up pretty quickly. And with a clueless expression you starred at him wondering what he’s talking about.
He playfully rolled his eyes and followed it with a chuckle. He can’t believe you forgot about the tour. Some students from your class watched the two of you interact to each other. They never saw Sunoo act so excitedly before. Yeah he’s always energetic but something in him feels different when he’s around you.
“huh?” you asked still clueless.
“I told you I’ll tour you around the campus after class.” he stated that made you remember what he said before the bell rang.
“oh...” your mind trailed over to the thought of how you can say no to him in the nicest way. Sunoo’s been nothing but nice to you so you don’t want to make him feel upset. Besides, he’s the first friend you’ve made here.
“I s-still have things to do at home so I have to be home early.” you tried making up so he can let you go. You’ve been a bother to him ever since lunch. He even bought you food that you tried to pay but he refused hardly. He told you that it’s his way of welcoming you.
He showed you a poker face, “No you don’t! Stop lying. It’s obvious that you can’t lie.” your mouth fell how he easily figured you out.
“I j-just don’t want to bother you.” finally, you admitted him.
He starred at you for a while before he sighed heavily and smiled at you. He extended his hand and messed your hair a bit.
“Nah, it’s fun spending time with you. I want to know you more so come on!” he didn’t let you say anything more but instead he started pulling your arm. You didn’t have any other choice but to go with Sunoo. Besides, it seems like it’s really gonna be fun.
He was smiling brightly as he tour you around the campus. You were right, it was a beautiful school. Before you even realize it, you were laughing comfortably with Sunoo. It’s almost like you two known each other for a long time.
“Don’t your parents ask you if you’re okay with moving or not?” he asked as he handed you the bubble tea that he just ordered for you. Inside a near cafe, you two decided to stop by and maybe take a rest before going home. Touring around tired both of you.
“They ask me of course. My parents were both nice and they don’t want me to have a hard time.” he was carefully watching you while you’re talking. Having him starring at you is surely making you conscious. So you can’t help but to blush from time to time and look away from him.
“And you always tell them that you’re okay with it?” he asked and reached out his hand over you. You stared down seeing that he’s holding a tissue for you to use. Feeling a bit overwhelmed by his small gestures, a smile unconsciously spreads through your face.
You’re actually surprised by how you’re acting right now as well. To think that you just spent almost 3 hours with a person you just met this morning is a news! You even laughed and talked comfortably with him. What kind of witch-craft is this?
“Yeah, I told you I don’t really find any reason to stay at a place.” that’s one thing that people find strange to you. You’re an introvert and don’t get along with people easily but you’re also okay with changes. You think you adapt pretty much quicker than expected.
“I hope you find a reason to stay here in our town.” he said ending it with his bright smile. You were a bit dumbfounded by what he said and you just felt your heart skipped a bit.
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Your week in your new school goes on pretty fine. Eventually, you made some friends and Sunoo remained lurking around you. He often spends time with you and sometimes, people find it odd. They think you two just became too close to each other in a fast pace.
It was just days ago that you heard that Sunoo was really popular in your school. No wonder eyes follows the two of you around. Well, that didn’t even shock you so much since you’ve clearly see how attractive and adorable he is. He’s very nice and really get along with people very well.
“y/n! Do you have an answer in our assignment in physics?” he did this cute voice as he went to his seat which is beside you. He was just outside doing club activities and now he came back.
You smirked and pulled out your notebook to hand it to him. His eyes sparkled at the sight of it and surprisingly hugged you out of excitement. Despite of being nice to everybody, Sunoo rarely makes skin-ship so what he did kind of surprised not just you, but also those students that saw what he just did.
He sat down beside you like nothing just happened and started copying your answers. With a blushing face, you heaved out a sigh and started to divert your attention away from the hug. Yeah, you two were getting close but that was the first time that he hugged you.
“You okay?” he innocently asked when he noticed that your face was tinted red. He furrowed his brows getting a bit worried for you.
“Y-yeah, it’s just hot here.” you tried reasoning out and even used your hand to fan yourself. The crease in his forehead got more deeper as he grabbed his water bottle and handed it to you.
Your eyes dropped over his cute blue water jug, “Here, drink water.” he said and your hand unconsciously get it from him. He smiled and even helped you open the cap but he started copying once again.
You gulped feeling your heart beat faster. What is he doing to you? You were completely confused to what’s happening to you. Honestly you have an answer inside your head but you’re trying to shrug it off. You’re not yet ready to admit that to yourself yet.
“Do you think it will be okay, tho?” he asked you as he placed two drinks at your table. It’s lunch time and you planned to just buy yourself a drink once you place your tray at your table but here he is, he bought two drinks already.
You pouted, blushing once again. Sunoo just takes very good care of you. He really do it to the point that your heart really warms up for him. Sunoo sometimes find it odd too because ever since he met you and became close to you, he started acting like this. Like as if he wanted to be by your side all the time. He started buying things for two people, like for example, right now, he unconsciously bought you a drink as well.
“How much?” you asked him ready to pull some bill from your wallet but he showed you his poker face before opening the drink for you then handed it to you.
“Never mind it and start eating instead.” he said seriously and you just shrugged your shoulders and followed what he said.
You two gradually get back to your normal conversations. Students greets Sunoo from time to time whenever those who knows him  (which is a lot) pass by your table. You were slowly getting used to it. Even with those glaring eyes from the girls who have feelings for him were not new to you anymore.
“Where’s Sunoo, y/n? The teachers were looking for him because this is his second day absent.” your head snapped over to one of your classmates one afternoon when she suddenly approached your table and asked that.
Your brows furrowed and shrugged your shoulders. “I don’t know. Why are you asking me?” you were confused why they started looking for Sunoo at you.
She smiled apologetically at you, “Oh.. I’m sorry. I just thought you know since you two were basically very close.” she then exits herself and started walking away.
You sighed heavily and your eyes darted over the vacant chair beside you. You’re actually very worried for Sunoo. Of course, you already sent him a text but he didn’t replied to you. While biting your lower lip, you made up your mind. You’ll go check on him after class just to see if he’s doing fine.
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Feeling a bit hesitant you stood right in front of their house. He still didn’t replied or anything to you so that made you worried even more. After letting out a heavy sigh, you stretched out your hand and clicked the doorbell.
It rang and you patiently wait outside while your heart beat faster out of nervous. You were a bit startled when the gate to their house opened and a Sunoo wrapped inside a thick blanket greets you.
Suddenly your nervous was instantly replaced by worry as you saw him as this state. You advanced and quickly put the back of your hand over at his forehead.
“y/n?” he was surprised that you’re at his house.
“You have fever! Are you okay?” that was a dumb question because obviously he isn’t.
With cheeks tinted red, he held your hand and take it off from his forehead. “What are you doing here?” he asked you with furrowed brows.
You pouted kind of not used that he’s not smiling at you. n “I was worried because you’re absent and you’re not replying to my messages as well.” you told him.
His mouth fell open for a while, his hand still holding unto the hand you laid over his forehead.
“I don’t want you catching my cold.” he said trying to distance himself from you.
You smiled and Sunoo eyes settled over at your smiling face. This isn’t the first time he saw you smiling but this actually the first time he actually appreciated how beautiful you look while smiling.
“It’s okay! I don’t get sick easily.” you said trying hard to convince him.
He starred at you for a while and eventually gave in and let you go inside. He lets you go first as he closed the gate behind you. Your mouth fell open as you admire their house when you entered but your brows furrowed.
“Are you alone?” you asked wondering why the house sounded so empty.
Sunoo let himself dropped over the couch, n “My parents left for a business trip.” he said. You nodded your head and went close to him.
Sunoo gulped and sat properly as you walk closer. You leaned down and once again make your hand rest at his forehead. He’s hot. (I mean, have you seen him with a plain white polo----) 
“Did you check your temperature already?” you asked him.
His eyes pierced right at yours and even when you’re feeling weak because of it, you tried not to look away from him. “Yeah, I have a fever.”
You nodded your head at him and even fixed the blanket so it will perfectly cover him. Your gentle touch makes Sunoo blush once again. Thankfully he have a fever so you’ll think his cheeks were red because he’s not feeling well.
“Have you eaten yet?”
“I can’t cook.” of course. You sighed and tied up your hair to keep them away from your face.
“You’ll c-cook for me?” he followed behind you as you made your way over at their kitchen.
“yeah.” and you gave him a smile before checking their fridge to make him some soup.
Sunoo sat down over at one of the stool and your brows furrowed while watching him do it. “What are you doing? Go lay down!” you said walking towards him to make him go down the stool.
“I want to accompany you.” he said refusing.
“You should rest.” you told him but he pouted at you.
“I am resting.” he said while starring right at your eyes. You gulped and both of you blushed when you realized you’ve been starring for a while.
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You smiled a little starring at Sunoo’s sleeping state. He looked adorable while having his lips opened a little while asleep. His temperature went down already and he seems okay. You looked over at the blanket that was at the sofa. While looking after him, you fell asleep and he covered you with a blanket.
Now, you woke up and saw him asleep. Sunoo looked handsome always. Sometimes, you even think it’s so unfair how he can look this good even while sleeping? 
You’re glad that he’s okay now. He really made you worried because he’s not responding to you. Feeling somewhat happy because finally, you had helped him for something. He’s always been the one who takes care of you but today, the role was switched and you’re glad you had returned the favor.
Just by thinking about it, Sunoo’s been really caring for you. Doing small things that you really appreciate. He just make sure you know he’s there no matter what and you want to make him feel the same. You want to be there for him too.
Your smile suddenly faltered and faded when you realized that you have feelings for him. Mixed emotions took over your whole system. You don’t know what exactly to do right now. You’re happy and excited for this new emotion you’re experiencing but you’re also afraid as to how he will react when he knew about this.
You know he’s nice and he’s probably used to people liking him but you’re afraid it’ll make your friendship awkward. You’re afraid that he’ll start treating you differently and find it awkward hanging out with you. You don’t know if you can take that.
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As you enter the campus, some eyes were already plastered over at you. Even if you’re wondering why, you decided to just shrug it off and decided to just walk silently towards your classroom. As you get closer to your room, eyes were still eyeing you. Feeling very conscious about it, you had no choice but to lower down your head.
You let out a loud sigh when finally, you made it inside. But that’s what you thought. Your classmates eyes were starring at you as well. Feeling flustered once again, you went straight over your chair.
“y/n!” your classmate who sits in front of you turned around to face you. Unlike the other students, her stares were a lot more gentle. You felt somehow relieved. Feeling so lost because of their unusual stares.
“What’s going on? Is it just me or everyone’s looking at me?” you asked her with worried eyes. She smiled, looking a bit excited.
“How can they not stare at you? Have you seen what Sunoo posted?” she asked you giggling. Your head tilted over to the side as your brows furrowed in confusion.
“What post?” 
“He posted a picture of you sleeping in his house! Why are you at his place yesterday?” she sounded excited while you’re dumbfounded. You can’t even make up what’s she’s saying because she was busy processing things inside her head.
Huh? Picture? Of me sleeping? What is it???? You quickly grabbed your phone to check what she’s talking about. You’re eyes grew big when you saw your account with an unusual number of notifications.
As you click one of it, it leads you towards a post with lots of comments and likes. It was Sunoo’s post and your classmate was right. It was a photo of you, sleeping. 
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You blushed because of it but you tried really hard not to put so much meaning into it. Maybe he’s just really thankful for you. Yeah, y/n. Maybe that’s just it.
You tried hard to divert your attention away from the post. It was hard since your classmates were still eyeing you even when the class were already starting. They were stealing glances at you. It was frustrating and you don’t know if you should be thankful that Sunoo’s not here yet or what.
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“Yah, y/n, right?” You were taken aback when some group of girls approached you while you’re at your usual spot here in the garden. It was your vacant and to avoid the glances of your classmates, you decided to leave the room for a while to go and have some fresh air. 
With furrowed brows you stood up, “Yeah.” you answered feeling a bit nervous.
With faces looking so stern and serious, you already have a guess why they’re here confronting. It’s probably because of Sunoo, right? Of course it’s gotta be because of him.
“What exactly do you have with Sunoo?” the girl in the middle advanced towards you. Feeling intimidated and scared, you stepped backwards but the other girls went behind you cornering you.
“N-Nothing, we’re friends.” you answered stuttering because of fear.
She looked pissed at what you answered, n “Liar! Friends? I always noticed the way you look at him! You like him! Why are you at his house yesterday? You got to be that desperate huh?” she once again advances towards you and even pushed you hardly.
You tried not to fell over the ground because that would be so pathetic. You gulped trying to swallow the lump building up inside your throat. You’re really scared right now and this is the first time this is ever happen in your life.
“I’m saying the truth. And I was at his house because--” you can’t even finish your sentence when a loud slap crashed over your cheeks.
You were dumbfounded and startled by the sudden attack from her. You never experienced things like this so you don’t exactly know what to feel right now. You can’t even move out of surprise! Your cheeks were hurting so bad and you bet it’s really red now.
“Sunoo and I were completely okay and you just entered in our life? How dare you! I can’t accept this!” she was going hysterical. You were confused why she’s even acting like this. You don’t even know her.
When she was about to slap you once again, you decided to close your eyes and just wait for it to land over your cheeks in the second time but it didn’t happen.
You opened your eyes a little trying to take a peak and you saw someone in front of you. As you roam your eyes around, you saw horror in the other girl’s eyes. 
“What do you think are you doing?” it was Sunoo! You were a little confused because he doesn’t sound like Sunoo. He sounded so cold and emotionless.
“S-Sunoo!” the girl looked surprised that he’s in front of you now, protecting you from the girl who slapped you.
“Who told you that you can hurt, y/n?” he asked sternly and shoved away her hand. It was a bit strong so she backed up away from you. Her eyes started to water.
“Sunoo I like you!”
“And I told you, I don’t.” he was quick enough to response to her. It sent chills all over your spine when you heard how cruel he just rejected her. Will that happen to you as well?
“I don’t want anything like this to happen again, do you hear me? Nobody’s allowed to hurt y/n or else you’ll deal with me.” he said seriously as his hand slowly took reach of yours. He softly held it before he send glares over them then turned around to face you.
His eyes slowly turned soft as he eye your red cheeks and slightly tear stained eyes. He was so worried for you and kind of feel bad that this things were happening because of him.
“Let’s get that fixed, baby.” you can’t even react at what you heard because he already started pulling you towards the clinic and away from those people.
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“Thank you.” he smiled a little to the nurse as she handed him ice. You two were left afterwards and you gulped nervously.
You both were silent as you walk there, you didn’t dare to ask what you just heard and he didn’t dare to open up the topic about it too. You thought to yourself that it would be okay to maybe just ignore it. Maybe he was just really worried that it slipped out of his mouth.
“Let me see?”  his hand feels so smooth while holding your face. His eyes were busy checking your red cheeks and his brows was hardly furrowed.
You chuckled a little and tried fixing his forehead. “Why you look so mad?” you asked like a joke to try and make him feel better.
“How can I not be mad? They hurt you.”
“She’s just misunderstanding our friendship.” you said chuckling. Sunoo pulled away as he stood straight. His eyes were now darted over you seriously.
He clenched his jaw then balled his fist. “Y/n.”
You suddenly felt chills ran down your spine as you heard him call your name. Having him call you by your name with serious face surely is different from when he calls you while smiling brightly. Suddenly, you’re nervous.
“H-huh?” you asked.
“Can I be the reason why you want to stay at this town?” he muttered and you saw how his cheeks got tinted red.
“What?” you thought you heard it wrong. Does he mean it like you think he mean it?
He sighed and starred right at your eyes, “Y/n, I have feelings for you.”
Feeling so overwhelmed and dumbfounded by what you just heard, your eyes started to watered as your heart aches. Is this really happening? You were just thinking of how you should tell him about your feelings.
“Are you serious?” 
“Do I look like I’m joking?” 
You stood up and threw yourself at him for a hug. He chuckled and felt his heart race as he burry his face over your neck inhaling your familiar scent.
“Now, you don’t have to leave anymore because I’ll be the reason for you to stay.” you pulled off the hug and leaned closer to Sunoo letting both of your noses to touch each other.
“I would love to stay.” you muttered before he leaned closer to kiss you passionately at your lips.
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