#if they really wanna make us sad they can end game give him a purpose and reason to live but then make him die permanently 😈
alchemiclee · 9 months
I didn't like blade at first for some reason. too edgy and emo and seemed generic like a sasuke (I never liked sasuke lmao) when I learned about yingxing, I really liked him but still didn't like blade. now I like both for some reason even if yinxing is a dumbass who did this to himself. but blade grew on me somwhow, and someone really needs to gently hold him or something. that poor man. he's so broken. give him a break 😭
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royalsy-queen · 5 months
Okay absolute crackpost time, bear with me
Recently I made a lil post about how the party would react to the classic "when life gives you lemons" situation but even before I wrote that there's a super silly idea that's been on my mind forever.
I desperately want some Wheeler siblings interactions that include Holly now that she's a bit older, so an idea came to me.
Halloween of '87, Karen and Ted had allowed Holly to go trick or treating without them, as long as she stayed close to Mike and Nancy. Mike really didn't wanna babysit his sister, especially not on halloween, when he had plans to watch some scary movies with the party (and maybe use it as an excuse to get close to Will when he got scared), but deep down he loves his sisters and he has a soft spot for Holly. He's her big brother, so it's his mission to always be there to protect her, so he eventually agrees to go with them and Holly gets super excited about it, she can't and won't stop talking about it.
Holly is the Wheeler's little princess, and she's a sucker for dressing up and putting on her fake tiaras and make up that barely has any pigment. Nancy was a bit to old to play dress up, but in some occasions she did her make up with her real products, it was a nice bonding moment when her plastic fake family felt a little more real, after Holly went downstairs to show how pretty she looked, with barely any reaction from their father and a small photo session by Karen Wheeler.
She had managed to pull both Nancy and Mike into her dress up moment, and she was gonna take that opportunity and run with it. Holly had her costume planned months ago, she was gonna be Sleeping Beauty with that pretty and sparkly pink costume dress her Nana got her for her birthday, and she was decided to keep up her theme. She talked with Nancy about how they should be the trio of Disney Princesses, and since she was the going as the most recent princess it only made sense for her big sister to go as the first princess ever, and that's how Nancy Wheeler ended up dressed as Snow White as a twenty year old. Jonathan found it pretty adorable when she told him, reminiscing how he also had some matching costumes with Will when he was little.
But convincing her sister to dress up like a princess with her was easy. Now came the hardest part of her little master plan. She and Nancy went to talk to Mike, who was in his basement, as usual. Holly started explaining her idea, and while cheesy, Mike thought that dressing up as a prince for her little sister wasn't the worst thing that could happen to him.
But Holly didn't want a prince. She wanted her trio of princesses. And the second princess' spot was reserved for the second child.
"Absolutely not!" Mike's response was immediate. He wasn't gonna go around Hawkins, trick or treating with his sisters in a ballgown dress. No way. But Holly didn't fret, she expected that reaction.
"But Nancy is dressing up too! We need the middle princess!" Holly begged. Mike was still shaking his head. "...And I know blue is your favorite color, so I kept that one for you."
Ouch. Holly was using her puppy eyes stare, the one that melted mom and dad even in the toughest situations. Mike knew it was on purpose and he didn't wanna back down, but he'd be damned if he was gonna let his baby sister be sad on halloween night. Her first proper halloween night. Some of Mike's fondest memories were of previous halloweens, laughing with his friends and having way too much sugar in one night. But dressing up in a sparkly blue dress all night? It was too much.
"Do you remember that time I dressed up as an elf for one of your D&D games? I did that in front of your friends, and I stayed in character the whole time. If I could do that for a whole day, you can spend less than three hours in a princess dress." Touché. This was Holly's second weapon, Nancy making sassy remarks right into Mike's ego. If one thing was clear is that Mike never backed down from that. Making sassy comments was his thing, and both girls knew how to use that in their advantage. For a seven year old, Holly was suspiciously smart and skilled in getting her way, she knew exactly where to hit, and that tiny soft spot Mike had for her eventually made him surrender.
"Fffffffine... I'll do it. Just for one night though." Holly's smile was huge, and Nancy had a smirk on her face. "You only need one night. After that your carriage is back into being a pumpkin." Nancy laughed, going up the stairs. "Hilarious, Nance. Really funny." Mike's voice was monotone, knowing this was only the first of many jokes to come. Holly went up to Mike and gave him a hug, planting a small kiss on his cheek. "Thanks, Mike! This is gonna be so much fun!" Holly went up the stairs too, with a skip in her step. Mike heard how she immediatly went to tell their mom, clearly not trying to keep her voice down.
He let a out a defeated sigh, collapsing back into the sofa. And that is how Mike Wheeler ended up dressing up as Cinderella as a sixteen year old.
Wow okay this was supposed to be just a silly idea but ended up as a whole ficlet but tbh I'm kinda proud of how it turned out.
This was barely scratching the surface, I still have the idea of the party's reaction after they find out Mike is dressing up as a princess for halloween, and how in an attemp to definetly not miss that glorious moment they decide to scrap their costume ideas and do something Disney related so they can blend in with Holly and also laugh at Mike right to his face (affectionately). But I'm having waaay too much fun with this so I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna pick this idea and run, turning it into a proper fanfic because I desperately wanna write the dialoge of Max, Lucas and Dustin laughing their asses off, Eleven being geniuenly excited to dress up as something Disney as I imagine Max introduced her recently to the classics, and most of all I wanna write Will's internal struggle of realising the boy he likes is about to dress up as a princess and how insanely funny that is, but also not wanting to laugh too much about it so that Mike isn't too upset about it. Mike is already regretting the moment he opened his mouth suggesting to accompany Holly and the party CANNOT wait for halloween night to come, because they already know it's gonna be one of their best ones.
Yeah so that's it, if you managed to reach all the way down here hi omg ily <3 and it would mean the world to me if you reply or tag this saying what you thought about it, it's the first time I actually upload any of my fanfics and I don't expect many people to see it but still, ily <3
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masteri110 · 2 months
Confession: I'm a gay trans man and my bf is perfect in almost every way, he loves and supports me, he makes me laugh, he comforts me when I'm sad, he's just amazing to be around. But he is also the most vanilla man I've ever met in my life. I don't think he has one kink if I'm being honest. Even the stuff I find pretty tame, like giving him head while he's playing a game, is completely off the table for him. He gets embarrassed when I ask him to call me a good boy, he overtly refuses to do any sort of degradation or anything (once asked him to call me a faggot while I was sucking him off and he was so turned off by it he got soft), the most I ever get is a light spank while we're in doggy. Our sex life is fine, if a little boring. He USED TO BE ok with me begging him to breed me but apparently it started making him nervous because he thought I actually wanted a kid and he's not ready yet. I've only ever told him about my tamest kinks, he doesn't know I'm into cnc or somno or puppy play or anything like that, because I'm afraid it would scare him off and I genuinely love him. But every fucking day I have to sneak off to our room and make myself cum to the thought of him interrupting me cleaning to fuck me or waking up with his dick already inside me. I watch him play games wishing I could be keeping his cock warm for him, I choke myself and pretend its him, I'm DESPERATE to be used like a fleshlight for him but he is just. Not. Into it. We've been together for three years and it's really just getting worse and worse as time goes on. I wanna grab him by the shoulders and shake him and tell him "I'M YOURS!!! DO WHATEVER YOU WANT WITH ME TREAT ME LIKE A TOY I'M BEGGING YOU!!" But I know it wouldn't do anything.
That sounds like a rough spot to be in. On the one hand he's the love of your life and makes you happy but on the other he isn't satisfying you sexually and that can mean a lot to a person, sex is a big part of some people's lives and if it is something you need but aren't getting then that is a problem that needs fixing. I am personally a big old advocate for simply talking through whatever problems you're having in any relationship, so my first suggestion would be to sit him down and tell him all about what you want and how you feel when you aren't getting it. I would also see if he'll tell you why he is uncomfortable with it all, it could be some sort of trauma issue where it reminds him of a had past experience or it could just be something he is just not wired to do. Everyone is different and some people just don't get any enjoyment out of these kinks. (which is wild to me because they're so fun lol) if that doesn't work out and you still need to be satisfied sexually I would honestly ask about maybe opening up the relationship for sexual purposes, I don't know if that would be something you'd enjoy but my opinion on it is you only get one life (as far as we know) why would you want to live it settling for something you don't want? Live it up! These social expectations about relationships don't really mean anything, they are just constructs we made ourselves so we don't really need to follow them, unless of course it's something that harms someone without consent then that needs followed. But the point is everyone deserves to be happy, and if this is a problem that is making you unhappy then you should try and find a solution to it rather than bottle it up, you'll feel a lot better in the end despite whatever happens!
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
CPN : Candies from Sunshine By My Side ( filming wrap ) ☀️
I may miss some minor candies but that’s just how it is cause people may interpret things differently. It’s just so nice to see new content from and XZ, and the fact that Sheng Yang is so cute! can’t wait to meet him!
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some things already discussed previously:
night light fake rumor
same sun emoji used
disclaimer : everything below is cpn, speculation and interpretation that is very bjyx bias. if you’re not into that then please leave.
I wanna start with ZZ’s general aura and disposition during the wrap, and how happy he was. It’s really nice to see him be among a group of people that seems to dote on him and that he can be comfortable with. You can probably see some double standard talk going around, that yes, during CQL wrap, he was also happy — however, in the last day, there were moments that they both looked sad. Also the airport photos of GG next day where his eyes were swollen — from crying probably. Add one of the CPNs that they both cried when the filming ended inside their car. So yeah. As much as I see him happy, it brings me back to the bittersweet ending of CQL. I won’t add any video/photo evidence of this anymore because it’s a well-known fandom CPN.
I also just remembered how much of a jiejie collector XZ is. LOL. If WYB collects geges, then XZ collects jiejies. That’s what I noticed with his interactions towards his co-star. I think she’s another jiejie who is now doting on XZ. 😂😂😂😂
Moving on to the other CPN clues, starting with some usual fandom symbols that we see. I love adding those to every post because it shows how consistent they are. for example the logo animation of XZS where GG talks about the Moon. like how many times did we make a CPN between them connected to the 🌙? these might be hard to spot for new turtles or those who aren’t into cpns.
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sunflower, the legendary fan given by wyb, red heart, apple watch — need i say more? for the drawing, i’m not sure if ZZ made it but the wink did it for me cause he usually does that. i mean, even WYB’s black panther was winking. sooooo… The 10:05 is a given, but the 10:23 is a nice one cause we’ve been associating him to 23 ( Ai Zhan / Love Zhan ). I have also been thinking about this number because for XZS lantern festival game, they are giving away 23 desk calendars. so specific.
this imagery from the vlog compared to WYB’s single video is just so similar. the sunshine allowing plants to grown. whether that me be literal or metaphorical. how they view the world is so hopeful 🤍🤍🤍 and this is why they get along so well. there is really no way they wouldn’t be close, even if they didn’t end up playing WWX / LWJ. I believe that somehow, they would find their way to each other and still have the relationship we think they have. 🌱
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and yes, we know that this was part of the filming process. at the start, XZ planted it and during the course of the shoot cared for it and watched it grow. but the similarity in their message to people and to the world. I can’t. this is some next level coincidence and connection.
The use of words that are same/similar to the captions of Hidden Blade’s weibo account is next. It’s one of those things that I think XZ is purposely fucking with us. It’s not like you can claim that he copies HB, because they do not own those captions on their posts. it’s just words. However clowns will know — what are the chances that he is using the same/similar? Mister eloquent himself who also has a team that does his videos. It all seems intentional.
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• “plant your own sun” / and then HB is always putting suns on every 100 million they get in the box office. the intention in XZ’s words is like, do it yourself. like a person works hard to get their success. similar to what happened to HB, they have very little backing and it’s because the movie is actually good that it’s getting the recognition.
• 春回大地 the return of spring. It’s from a chinese idiom which means that spring returns to the earth. It is described that the severe cold has passed, and warmth and vitality have come to the world again.
• 逐光而行 follow the light / 与光同行 walk with the light.
there is also a cpn going around about the sound you can hear from the radio. I am the last person to verify things like this but can you hear wuming? 💀💀💀
but I think the correct explanation is, what it’s actually saying is “how do you rate it?” ( or something like that ) and because of the sound manipulation, you can sort of hear wuming. this is not the first time XZ puts things that he purposely wants us to mishear. lol.
that’s all for now. i am still waiting for an actual trailer from this drama + one & only so we can have proper FMVs of Sheng Yang and Chen Suo. The AU / Parallel world Yizhan pairing to rule them all 😂😂😂
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(with no context other than the episode)
The Tournament of Elements episode 1-2
I don't think we give Jay enough credit for his showmanship from his game show to prime empire.
Wondering if he built the obstacles for his game show
“I'm a ninja. And your wearing makeup.” damn Lloyd, let him do what makes him happy
Why is cole shirtless with an axe cutting lumber that is so unsafe my guy. I get that you wanna show off your abs but still.
It's sad that Jay and Cole got sick of each other bc of smth silly.
Jay was a lot angrier when he mentioned he didn't wanna be on a team with Cole. Cole was a lot, sadder. Idk, smth I noticed.
Nickname 1: green machine
Poor Cole he just wants to be some guy. Later on when the ninja get famous he probably hates that.
I hate Kais fighting ring costume sm.
“It should've been me, not Zane.” shit. Thats a lot of baggage to unpack. Kais need to carry burdens, like being the green ninja and depending on himself, is a real older brother trait I see in him.
How long has it been for Zane statue to already have moss growing on it....
His hawk is still there 🥺
Lloyd really just wants his family back. I've talked about this before but I truly think Lloyd just wants to be around his loved ones and not be alone. Sad how it always seems like he's the one who ends up alone, even now.
The noodle shop was probably the exact moment the ninjago writers decided to give cole the classic ‘i love food’ trait that every character in a slightly comedic show has.
Cole and Kai worked so well as a team here love them sm. Look at them. “I would be careful if I were you, he's not great when he's hangry.” Love them
Cole not knowing fortune cookies have fortunes inside and probably eating paper all his life is fucking hilarious to me
The fact that they can get together after months and still act and joke as if nothing happened. True friendship.
Lloyd is so terrible at lying bless him
Kai after seeing everyones wearing regular clothes: See! I told you wearing our ninja suits was a bad idea.
Hes just like me fr
I like their duffel bags that have their symbols on them.
I'll always be salty that their redesigns don't have their of symbols. It was a nice touch. Especially since they used it once like the Batman signal in the sky.
Garmadon: no room? (kicks a fucking guy off the boat) now theres room.
Best decision to have Garmadon as the main ‘sensei’ in this season. Hes more straightforward than wu and just a better character in general i think writing wise.
What even happens to all the elemental masters after this season. Do they just live their lives? Do we ever see them again?
SEE. THIS IS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT. everytime one of the ninja do something really cool, the other ninjas just fall in love for a second and its great
Why does cole just have his name on the back of his ninja suit doesnt that defeat the whole purpose of the mask and being stealthy 😭
Garmadon: i swore to never return…
Jay: you know, you should never swear. Its a sign of weak verbal skills.
Jay probably refuses to swear and says stuff like
Jay: oh fiddlesticks, that really ruffles my feathers
Kai crying: Please just say fuck
Hes just like his parents
Kai (pushes his friends aside): ladies first
He probably bashes on Jay for being a simp and then goes and does this shit bfjsbtjdnr
Master chen must be DECADEs old if he was garmadons sensei. Do the elemental masters has some kind of longer lifespan????
Pretty kabuki woman come out:
Cole: yeah, whatever they are, i don’t like them.
Be who you aaaare for your priiiide
Garmadon: whatever you do. Dont lose focus.
“Hey! Im kai the master of fire.”
“Im skyler, master of… wouldnt you like to know.”
love her
They tailored the rooms to all the ninjas wants and desires so im not surprised that lloyds room is more ‘homey’ than the rest
Nickname 2: hot tamale
I love cole in this he was just so confused and chill.
he just waltzed to the jade blade with a full stomach, almost vomited from spinjitzu, got a stomache cramp, whined when the others took the jade blade from him, gave up, and just found another random blade. Love him sm.
No matter how much Jay says he hates cole i wont forget how happy he was when he saw that cole made it with the jade blade.
The ninja are just good people in general
Kai hated the guy but still felt immense guilt when he fell through the trapped door
Invisible guy: can i sit here :D
Jay: Scram! I can still see you and this is a private conversation!
Cole: jay that was really mean 🙁🤨
thats how he normally acts Cole.
Theyre really pushing this ‘kais hot and warm’ ‘skylers cold and chilly’ when zanes right there
Jay: you just had to leave me hanging huh romeo.
Jay can be so funny
Cole: god this bed is so soft its amazing! Mines made of rocks! What a crock(Bed flips showing a secret entrance) uh GUYS!
Cant believe Jay and Kai are peeping toms /j
I would immediately be Cole, laughing my ass off if i learned my friend had a crush on someone they didn’t know they were related to 💀
My favorite thing about Jay is that he’ll get excited about something with the enemy if its even remotely cool. Even if its to hinder/defeat the ninja themselves.
Chen (steals metal mans powers)
And this is why you read the terms and conditions people.
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manofmanymons · 2 years
If Ghost Game had its own Survive arc (bunch of kids all sent to another world), or it started out like Survive did, what characters would be good candidates to be apart of the group, and their digimon partners to-theoretically-be? Of course the trio protagonists are there by default.
Funny enough, I think the main three could constitute a good enough group on their own. Between the levelheaded survival expert, the fearless adventurer, and the cowardly genius, they cover all the bases. However, if we were to have an expanded team...
(Pictures included in case anyone forgot these characters' names and needs to be reminded who tf I'm talking about)
Maybe I'm just biased because I like him so much but I think Yuto would be a good group member, and maybe a possible partner could be Lalamon? 1) because something small and cute suits him and 2) bc they can eventually evolve to Ajatarmon and I have a sick sense of humor. I think the group could benefit from how calm and gentle he is.
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Going off the idea of starting with a "stuck in the digitial world" arc rather than all of gg canon having taken place already, I propose Kayono. I really like her design and wanna see more of her, and I also think she's just a great character to exemplify how humans can negatively affect digimon. I think DemiDevimon could make a fun partner.
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I almost...I almost wanna say Kotaro. Not because he would add anything to the group or because I think he could survive but because you gotta have that comedic relief character who causes problems on accident. I could balance him out with a straight laced partner or I could do the funny thing and give him Neemon.
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Part of me feels like Ruli's friends don't really do enough or have enough personality to be relevant group members...but that didn't stop Tamers from dragging Kazu and Kenta along so...
Maybe they can be the "don't have partners for most of the arc but still help in their own way" characters.
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The only other character who really stood out to me as memorable enough to be a recurring character is probably Emma? She could be a fun addition to the team because she's smart and has an interesting dynamic with Kiyo. I...almost want to give her specifically the Dracmon from gg ep 3 (and 25 but we don't talk about that one) as a partner? I mean her episode involved her being a lowkey stalker and his episode involved cursing people via surveillance and social media so like idk their vibes kinda mesh in my mind. They'd be meeting in a circumstance where he's never seen the real world and she already knows what Kiyo is up to so maybe they'd both be better people?
Or maybe depending on whether they influence each other for better or for worse could be the thing that either makes them reliable allies or terrifying antagonists.
OR it could be a fun yet sad twist that he only partnered with her bc of her smarts and just wanted to use her to cause more problems on purpose and we'd end up having a main character's partner be an endgame boss battle but this time bc of a betrayal instead of a virus which...could be interesting. I accidentally put more thought into this than I meant to. Anyways this one is Emma if anyone forgot:
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kittydripuwu · 3 years
♡. - bf!gojo headcannons
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+ pairing - gojo satoru x reader
+ word count - 2000+
+ cw - gojo satoru. warning. fluff and smutty stuff <3
+ a/n: HI this took me too long to write but here <3
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- he is so fucking ANNOYING like actually this dude is a fucking menace to society
- shows you he likes you by teasing you <3 he absolutely loves to annoy the fuck out of you and make you all flustered and blushie for him
- super straight up with asking you out, cuz he knows he's hot and like let's be honest who wouldn't wanna be with him tf
- super duper playful person so prepare for one HELL of a relationship. he's like a little angel and devil and the same fucking time.
- loves spas? he will go to spas with you and get massages w u.
- rich ass danger to society. will take you out on the most creative and fancy dates like he'll take you absolutely anywhere you want to go
- even though he's cocky as fuck and kinda selfish (sorry it's true) he will treat you like an absolute princess
- spoils the FUCK out of you. you want something? you don't even have to ask you've got it.
- takes you on expensive vacations and trips because once again hes RICH and likes the beach.
- takes so many random pictures of you? like you can be sitting on the couch doing nothing or taking a nap and he'll just take pictures of you. OH AND he has the absolute worst pics of you too oml he WILL tease u about how u look in them constantly
- really really really nosy. u can't hide anything from him cuz he'll end up finding out somehow if you do
- that also goes for you if you're sad, he will instantly know if something is off with you and honey he doesn't take no for an answer so you will be forced to tell him what's wrong and you wont be able to leave his arms from the rest of the day after that
- love language pt1 -gifts. like i said, he spoils you, so anytime you guys get into a fight or anything, he'll buy you something to make up for it
- love language pt2 - physical touch. clingy ass man who just wants to cuddle and hug you and hold ur hand and kiss u and ugh so cute
- MAN CHILD. dude he may be the strongest sorcerer but he's so fucking stupid sometimes. so please help this man out when he needs it
- really likes being taken care of. sometimes six eyes can be a lot for him to handle and his ability can really wear him down so please hold him and play w his hair and give him kisses cuz he needs it sometimes <3
- really bad at communicating his feelings at the start. he hates being vulnerable and seeming weak so there will be some issues with communication until you basically force it out of him. like pls show him it's okay for him to vulnerable sometimes
- stupidest and most obnoxious pet names for you along w the classic ones obvi. he'll call you shit like "sugar muffin cupcake" or just "baby" OOh also loves using "kitten, puppy, bunny" cuz pet kink (we'll get into that in the nsfw section)
- has no idea what personal space is. will sit in the bathroom while you shower, always be in the same room as you, CONSTANTLY touching you.
- cannot go w out holding your hand in public cuz like everyone needs to know you're his.
- and w that he's very very very possessive. like you're his property, he's yours. he won't let ANYONE else touch you ever.
- a BITER. he fucking bites??? like this lil shit is so hostile he will actually bite you out of nowhere cuz he feels like it
- takes up the whole bed when sleeping and will deny it when you confront him about it.
- also a super deep sleeper like this man is IMPOSSIBLE TO WAKE UP ugh
- just jump on him to wake him up <3
- but also loves to fall asleep with you in his arms <3 he jus wants to protec you n make u feel safe (but he won't tell you that)
- FINDS ways to annoy you, it's a whole game to him, just purposely trying random pranks and doing strange things to see what ticks you off
- will then proceed to tease you about it
- always wins pillow fights. don't even try babe. you won't win.
- really bad at cooking. like terrible. like don't let him near a kitchen. he'll always just get you guys takeout instead
- SHOWS YOU OFF. he's such a bragger but also the second he sees someone lookin at you a lil too closely, they are done for.
- ok this one may be debatable but i feel like gojo would actually be a good driver when he's not fucking around on the road for his own fun. like c'mon please control this man and stop him from going like 100 over the fucking speed limit cause he thinks he's such a "risk taker"
- hand on ur thigh while driving. maybe he's also teasing you. and also constantly pulls over to make out or fuck if this is one of those night drives.
- also drives a really expensive car cuz once again, RICH ASS DANGER TO SOCIETY.
- absolutely loses it when you wear his clothes he thinks its so fucking cute cuz he's so big n tall and they fit so baggy on you its adorable to him
- if he starts talking he actually will not be able to shut the fuck up because that's simply something gojo satoru does not know how to do so like please kiss him to shut him up if he talks too much pls and thanks <3
- the least DRY texter on this planet, this dude will send you the most confusing and hilarious text messages
- makes you befriend his students because everyone needs to know who you are and gojo wants to show you off and also wants his students to be friends with his girlfriend
- meow purrr hes so sEXIE
- domain expands you lol
- to start. KING OF CONSENT!! will make sure you're okay the full way through.
- switch switch switch switch.
- w obvi a dom lean cuz i mean have you seen him this man is a fucking tree and he's strong >:)
- only switch when he's lazy or wants to try something new but most of the time he will dominate you. sorry hon i don't make the rules but we're talking mostly dom gojo here
- knows what he's fucking doing. all the time. he's super experienced it's kinda annoying sometimes like wtf gojo why are u so good at everything you do.
- please ruin me gojo <3
- anyways
- call him daddy please
- he's a fucking tease and a half this man does not care where you are, who you're with, what you're doing, he will fucking tease you and get you all hot and bothered.
- this goes hand in hand with him dragging you to the nearest bathroom or empty room and fucking you right then and there because gojo just can't hold back.
- whispers filthy things in your ear at the most inconvenient times. thanks gojo.
- goes MAD when you moan his name.
- "don't hold back those pretty moans of yours baby, make as much noise as you want for daddy"
- likes referring to you as little because size kink goes hard with him. i mean. he's like. 6'3 or 6'7 idk he's fucking tall and hot either way.
- "my good little girl doing so well for me"
- also likes to see his cock in your belly, and press his hand on it to feel how deep and good he's fucking you
- PUSSY ENTHUSIAST. really likes eating you out.
- praise and degradation go hand in hand with this man. will praise you so much and so well if you're really good for him, but the second you disobey it's all degrading from here on out sweetie.
- he can pull a "you're doing so good for me kitten, yeah just like that baby"
- or a "you're nothing but my little whore for me to use and fuck when i want, understand slut?"
- brat tamer asf. be a little brat? get bent over his lap and get fucked like one right after. simple.
- CRUEL with punishments. so so so mean but he'll be so nice to you while punishing you sometimes just to confuse you and make you lose your fucking MIND.
- makes you take it like a good girl. take whatever he's giving you. and ik you wont say no because if ur reading this far you clearly want gojo to ruin you too baby, its okay ik. me too.
- puts his blindfold on you nnnghhh
- sometimes ties ur hands with it too
- on the topic of blindfolds, gojo LOVES torturing you with all kinds of toys. this man will use all kinds of shit to tease you and have as much fun as he can pushing you to your limit <3
- sadistic fuck lowkey like did yall see the way he ripped jogo's head off in the anime dude he will take his time to leave some pain marks on you (if ur into it obvi)
- loves restraining your hands absolutely LOVES when you're fully submissive for him and have no way to stop anything hes doing to you
- big fan of edging and overstimulation. once again these 2 go hand in hand. (that's just how things go with gojo).
- gojo can go on with edging you for hours (one of his fav punishments for you) until you're literally begging on your hands AND knees to cum
- and then he'll let you. but then comes the overstim. good luck baby. you'll need it.
- LOVES LOVES LOVES to finger you holy shit have you seen his long ass fingers
- would make you sit on his lap when both of you get home from work and tell you about his day while he fingers you. he'd start with one finger to throw you off guard, and then slip another one in as you continue talking. "what was that baby? i couldn't hear you" he'd say as he would SLOWLY thrust his fingers into you. and by the time you're all incoherent and begging him to cum, he'll simply pull out and say "cmon sugar, from the top. we're going to keep doing this until i hear everything, and you learn to speak clearly". fucker. you'll be so frustrated by the end.
- sometimes fucks you in his domain. cause he has full control and can do anything to you. god he loves being in CONTROL.
- big cockwarming enthusiast. likes to have you cockwarm him while yall be wtachin a movie or smthn. good luck taking his FAT COCK. you'll be crying by the end cause he gives no mercy.
- likes trying new shit. he's literally open to almost anything and actually likes trying new kinks and things cause he thinks it "really spices things up". he's not wrong
- LOVES roleplay. especially teacher x student. he finds that shit really hot. mainly because he is an actual teacher. and you may be his student. he'll make you wear a little short skirt and spank you with a ruler.
- now let me begin. PET KINK.
- makes you keep your mouth open when he fucks you because he adores the way your eyes roll to the back of your head and how lewd you look with your mouth hanging open and drooling like a puppy.
- fucking adores to call you kitten, puppy, bunny, those sorts of nicknames. i mentioned this in sfw. but gojo has a pet kink. you cannot change my mind.
- has a collection of collars with his initials on it. they're all different colors, usually to match your lingerie or clothes. and they have matching leashes.
- makes you wear ears too awh
- also has handcuffs n ropes to match the colour
- dirty dirty dirty mf
- teaches you tricks <3
- "good kitten"
- constant reminders that he owns you.
- "and who do you belong to baby?"
- oh and he makes you add "sir" at the end of anything you say
- fuck you gojo ur so fucking hot and annoying and stupid i hate you please ruin me
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 315: I Didn’t Expect This to Blow Up
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “guess which plot that you thought was dead is actually not dead and is making a comeback!” and we were all “EVIL HPSC??” and he was all “girl you know it,” and that’s the story of how we got a sexy Lady Nagant flashback with lots of guns and murder. Flashback!Lady was all “gotta murder peeps to preserve the people’s trust,” but then a little while later she was like “actually wait that makes no sense,” and so she shot her evil boss and they sent her to jail. Back in the present, Deku was all “okay fair, the hero system might in fact be a little fucked up, but hear me out... have you considered not helping AFO take over the world so he can murder like a bazillion more innocent people??” The chapter ended with the not-all-there Overhaul finally revealing himself to Deku, and I honestly have no idea where this is gonna go.
Today on BnHA: In what is unfortunately the single worst plan ever concocted by anyone in BnHA, Nagant is all “I’m going to try and get this Deku kid to panic and freeze up by putting someone in mortal danger.” Deku is all, “[doesn’t panic and freeze up at the sight of someone in mortal danger].” Nagant is all “omg no way.” Deku, who is now all of a sudden being so OP that even I have to acknowledge that it’s OP lol, is all “[smashes Nagant’s gun arm to bits]”, which sucks but is also really cool, and which also apparently makes Nagant decide that she actually likes this kid after all. Deku is all “NAGANT I REALLY LIKE YOU AND THINK YOU’RE GREAT SO PLEASE JOIN UP WITH ME AND STOP BEING EVIL.” Nagant is all “aw shucks (✿ •͈ᴗ•͈) well okay then” and everyone is all “( ・◡・) ✰ ( ˆᴗˆ ) ( ᵘ ᵕ ᵘ ⁎)” and then Nagant FUCKING EXPLODES LIKE AN EGG IN THE MICROWAVE AND FALLS TO HER DEATH!!!! except not really because Hawks saves her??? In conclusion, (a) THE FUCK, and (b) AFO TURN ON YOUR LOCATION I JUST WANT TO TALK.
so I have to tell you guys something, which is that barely ten minutes after I made that “please don’t send me spoilers” post the other day, someone replied to the comments in a stunning fit of “tell me that you’re twelve without actually telling me you’re twelve” energy and posted what seemed to be the copy-pasted spoiler summary from reddit or twitter or whatever lol. so here is my good news/bad news rundown of all that
good news: I have very well-conditioned ABORT!! reflexes and have trained myself to immediately look away from the screen (usually in dramatic fashion) as soon as I realize that whatever I’m reading is a spoiler
bad news: unfortunately as I was subsequently deleting said comments, I accidentally read the very last one
good news??: said spoiler was so unbelievably, absurdly over-the-top that I’m almost positive this person was just trolling. like, there’s just no way lmao
bad news: but in the unlikely event that it is true I will absolutely lose my shit I swear to god
(ETA: “NAGANT DIES.” that was the spoiler I read lol. like, literally all I read from the person’s comments was “My Hero Academia Chapter 315 Title: “Beautiful Words.” Chapter starts with...” and then I noped out of there, and then of all the comments to read as I was deleting, it had to be that one lol. I seriously was just like “SURE, JAN.” all “just how gullible do you think I am” sob. but I was wrong. a troll, but an honest troll they remain.
but anyways like I’m pretty sure Nagant isn’t even actually dead lol, so in the end this whole little adventure doesn’t even have a point to it, but for me it was a journey!)
anyway, so there are apparently two versions of the chapter today?? no idea what the difference is, but I’m going to go with the Bean version, because it’s the one at the top and I don’t feel like making decisions today
huh, so Overhaul is actually more coherent than Horikoshi was letting on
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look at him having a whole back and forth conversation with her. side note, how is he still this jacked when he’s been sitting in a cell doing absolutely nothing for the past six months
anyway so he says he’ll go with her on one condition. I wonder what that condition could possibly be. do you think it could be the thing he literally hasn’t shut up about ever since he reappeared lol
yep! and damn -- maybe this guy will surprise me after all
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still would be nice if you also felt a bit sorry for the little girl you tortured and traumatized, but this is something at least. maybe Deku will yell at him for that other stuff lol
(ETA: also can’t help but wonder if he wants to make amends because he put him in a coma, or because his plan was a failure and ended up destroying the family. just hoping you’ve finally had that “hurting other people is bad” epiphany dude.)
anyways so now Nagant’s arm is transforming again, and this particular transformation happens to be the only truly unsexy thing that Nagant has done thus far so I’m just gonna skip right on ahead lol
aaaaand we’re back to the delirious ranting
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buddy. just. read the fucking room, guy
wow she really is aiming at Overhaul, then. those theories were spot-on
damn she’s really out here all “it really fucks with kids’ heads when you kill people right in front of them and make them blame themselves” like yo
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I’m picturing her saying all this in a very loud stage-whispery tone while making very significant eye contact with Deku lol
uh oh but wait
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um. okay. who’s gonna tell her. Nagant I might have some bad news for you about the kid you’re trying to capture here. specifically about the way he tends to do the opposite of what you’re thinking that he’s about to do
holy shit
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so it’s basically just “tap x repeatedly to charge up your attack” lol
and okay, so that’s cool and all, but is anyone else wincing at the thought of what that must be like on his knees. oh to be young
anyway, but so to the surprise of basically no one, Deku did not, in fact, freeze. I am very sorry, Nagant. he’s just like this
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someone wanna tell me how getting yoloed in the fucking ribs by this fucking slingshot kid moving at literal sniper bullet speed is in any way even remotely better than getting hit by the bullet itself lol
(ETA: this is 10x funnier now that we know the bullet wasn’t even gonna hit him lmao.)
anyway so now Nagant is having an extended “!?!?!?” reaction about how Deku just moved with no hesitation, and I’m starting to get an inkling of fear that the rest of this fight isn’t going to go very well for her and maybe that’s what all the “hoo boy” is about
oh my god Deku are you about to Gomu Gomu no Rocket yourself at her you insane little man
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now Three is popping up again and he’s all “I see you’ve learned your lesson and are now only using three quirks at once instead of five” like with all this effusive praise about how great and badass Deku is and sob, okay, yeah. this chapter is basically one of those machines that shoots tennis balls at people, except instead of tennis balls it shoots hot piping discourse
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lol oh my god it’s literally two opposing reactions at once wtf. do I love this or hate this. like just for once can Horikoshi actually let a badass lady character win their fucking fight without getting their arm ripped off, BUT ALSO fucking look at that absurdly cool “SMASH” onomatopoeia though. it looks like it’s about to float right off the page holy shit that’s some seriously good art
anyway so is this really the end?? do I need to break out my ಠ_ಠ faces
lmao okay yeah I can definitely see how this would piss a lot of people off
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he basically one-shotted her and she’s all “damn this kid is so amazing that I’m about to do a complete 180 turn on all of my previous angst” lmao. Horikoshi is really shounening it up today
on the plus side though, maybe this means there’s still a chance for her to join up with him after all? unless that spoiler was true lmao, then all hell is gonna break loose
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OH MY GOD AND HE SAYS THE BULLET WOULDN’T HAVE DONE MORE THAN GRAZE OVERHAUL ANYWAY, wow, I’m actually more relieved by that than I would have expected. I mean I would have forgiven her either way, but it means that there was still more hero in her than she was letting on
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lol but I mean, it’s also like, “oh so today they get to have brain cells”, thank you so much lol. sometimes it’s really hard to tell which times we’re supposed to question these character decisions that seem dumb, and which times we’re just supposed to full on embrace them and switch off our critical thinking
but okay, so in this case it really was Nagant going easy on him on purpose, and not just her fucking up for no good reason even though she used to do this for a living and was the best in the game. and I know in this case it’s probably just Horikoshi giving us some consolation headpats to soften the blow of her losing so abruptly, but you know what, shit. I’ll take it
also you guys the light is coming back into Deku’s eyes again for just a moment here and I’m having feels about it?? the way it still comes back when he’s reaching out to save someone, and following his own hero path instead of the much darker and lonelier Christopher Nolan path that’s been laid out for him instead that he never wanted?? it’s both reassuring and also very sad
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p.s. I am now absolutely scared shitless that that spoiler was actually true sob. swear to god, I will throw this manga into a fucking volcano. but we’re almost at the end of the chapter and this seems just WAY TOO GOOD to be true fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck f
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fuck, lol, I don’t wanna do it. I don’t wanna scroll down what have I ever done to deserve this oh my god
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can someone please give AFO a really good, sharpish kick in the balls. just really let him have it. I’m so tired, what the fuck
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bro. I was literally going through my Excel folders to find the spreadsheet about female characters in BnHA that I made back when Midnight died. was gearing myself up for a wholeass rant. and honestly I might just let all of that continue simmering on low to keep it warm just in case lol, because to tell you the truth I have absolutely no idea what’s happening right now
my girl straight up does not have a face. she used to have a face. people usually need those, idk. like, even if she’s alive, her gorgeous eyebrows are definitely not making it out of this and I’m gonna throw a funeral just for them
how the fuck did AFO just blow her up?? how did he know what was going on?? and if he had a quirk that could explode people at will, why is this the first we’re hearing of it?? you’d think that might have come in handy at Kamino or Jakku, like what
(ETA: present!me, who’s had more than three hours of sleep and can now actually remember facts about the series, would like to remind past!me that AFO gave Nagant a quirk, and so this is probably just more Vestige shenanigans now on his part. that’s also probably why Air Walk suddenly stopped working out of nowhere. still doesn’t explain why he doesn’t go around blowing people up more often though but maybe he thinks it’s gauche.)
Hawks just straight up out of nowhere. just Mirioed his way straight into the chapter just in time to be too late sob. here I was looking forward to seeing your face when Deku showed up with his new best friend. can’t believe Horikoshi deprived us of that moment
on the plus side, WELCOME BACK, HAWKS’S FEATHERS. I have no doubt that in this chapter of Deku being an almighty threequirk-mastering god, and Nagant losing anticlimactically only to be immediately blown up because girl characters in BnHA can only be cool for one fight and one fight only, there are still some people who are focusing solely on the “how dare Hawks get his wings back when he is a MURDERER this is an outrage what about CONSEQUENCES” discourse, and to hell with all the other discourses lmao
anyway, so yeah. wow. and now it’s just occurring to me that maybe the real reason why Overhaul is there is so he can get a head start on that amend-making by actually doing a good thing for once in his life, and using his quirk to heal Nagant. assuming he can still do that
and so now Horikoshi has got me out here actually rooting for Overhaul. you know what, on that note I think I’m just gonna go ahead and call it a day sob
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etherrreal · 3 years
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Pairing: oikawa x fem!reader Genre: angst Summary: you used to love oikawa’s determination, his drive, his willingness to give his all and sacrifice everything to get the things he wants. now those are the same things that make you resent him. WC: 6,700 Warnings: lots of angst, explicit language, reader’s kinda petty but so is oikawa, relationship isn’t toxic or anything but it could def be better A/N: shoutout to @shadowkunoichi​ for this request! your ask gave me enough serotonin to last for the rest of the week <3 it’s also important to note that the moment i saw oikawa’s smug ass face on screen my brain and heart immediately went “this the one” so here’s some pain ft. my favorite setter -Dawn
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The first few times Oikawa cancels your dates for extended volleyball practice, you tell yourself it doesn’t bother you. You’re disappointed, of course –you barely see him enough as it is, despite living together for three months, despite dating for a total of eight– but it’s not the end of the world. It’s just another compromise you have to make, and it probably won’t be the last.
That’s what relationships are about, anyway, you remind yourself firmly, whenever the silence of your too-big for one person apartment starts to get to you. Compromise.
You’re no stranger to compromise, either. You can’t be, not when you’re dating a pro-athlete. You know better than anyone how talented Oikawa is, how admired. He’s worked so hard, and you’re so proud of him. You may not know much about sports, but you do know that your boyfriend has an amazing career ahead of him.
And while the selfish part of you would like to keep him all to yourself, you also know it won’t always be possible, and you tell yourself you’re okay with that. You love Oikawa, and you support every single one of his dreams, even if doing so means you have to eat dinner on your own sometimes.
It won’t always be this way, you tell yourself. It’s just for now. And it definitely doesn’t mean he loves you any less.
That’s what you tell yourself.
It helps that he’s always sorry about it. You hear it in his voice whenever he calls you to tell you he won’t be home until late, see it in the guilty way his eyes search for yours through the screen when he FaceTimes you to let you know you shouldn’t wait up for him. He’s even more torn up about it than you are most of the time, blowing your phone up with apologetic voice notes and text messages with too many emojis.
[pretty (annoying) boy 💙 ]:: babe 😔😔
[you]:: yes baby?
[pretty (annoying) boy 💙 ]:: 😔😔😔😔
[pretty (annoying) boy 💙 ]:: 😩😩😭😭
[you]:: oh boy
[you]:: you’re not gonna be home in time for dinner, are you?
[pretty (annoying) boy 💙 ]:: i don’t think so 😩😔 we have that game coming up so we’ll be practicing all night
[pretty (annoying) boy 💙 ]:: i’m so sorry baby ☹️☹️ but i’ll have to miss dinner again 😭😭
[you]:: it’s fine, i’ll just find someone else to share my chicken with
[you]:: speaking of, u have ushiwaka’s #? i wanna see something
[pretty (annoying) boy 💙 ]:: STOPPPP 😭😭 i’m sorry!!!
[you]:: allegedly
[pretty (annoying) boy 💙 ]:: stop 😭😭 i mean it!! i love you pls don’t hate me 😩☹️
[pretty (annoying) boy 💙 ]:: i’m really sorry babe ☹️☹️
[you]:: if ur apology doesn’t include dollar signs then i don’t wanna hear it
[pretty (annoying) boy 💙 ]:: check ur email
[you]:: ??
[pretty (annoying) boy 💙 ]:: 👀😇
You check your email, and sure enough, there’s a gift card there to your favorite clothing store, along with a note that reads “financial compensation for putting up with me <3 also if u ever share chicken with ushiwaka i’ll cry and then die so pls don’t.” It makes you laugh so hard you forget about being upset with him in the first place.
[you]:: i was joking!! u didn’t actually have to send me anything u weirdo
[pretty (annoying) boy 💙 ]:: i know 😇😏😘
And when he does make it home that night with an apology on his lips, a bouquet of flowers, and a promise that he’ll make it up to you, it’s hard to do anything else besides forgive him. Because you know that no matter how crazy both of your schedules are, no matter how lonely you might feel without him at your side, he loves you more than anything, and you love him as much in return. And for a while, that’s enough.
Until it isn’t.
You’re thankful to have successfully made it through your first year of grad school with just a caffeine addiction and minor bags under your eyes, but not having to attend your classes or meet with your professors over the break means you’re at the apartment a lot more. You still have your job, but it’s becoming harder and harder to ignore Oikawa’s absence.
It’s not just dates he’s missing anymore. It’s family events, outings with your friends, getaway trips the two of you planned weeks in advance.
You know it’s not his fault. He has things he wants to accomplish, goals he set for himself long before he met you. The Olympics are coming up, and he needs to be ready. You can’t blame him for staying late to get in some extra practice, or for having to attend events with his teammates and his fans instead of you.
You can’t blame him for any of it, at least not without feeling selfish and unsupportive, and somehow that just makes it worse.
It takes you longer than you’d like to admit to build up the courage to talk to him about it. You almost don’t want to bring it up at all, but after weeks of missed dates and apology bouquets, of waking up without him and going to sleep before he gets home, you crumble. You don’t think you can keep grinning and bearing it anymore, not without starting to resent him.
You confront him while he’s sitting at the kitchen island in the middle of your shared apartment. It’s rare he doesn’t have a game on the weekend, even rarer he gets to spend the afternoon with you. It almost makes you reconsider –will this ruin your time together?– but you hold fast. You know that if you don’t bring it up now, then you probably never will, and you’re not sure you can take that much more silent heartache.
Oikawa, for his part, does well to listen as you speak. He watches you intently, pretty brown eyes soft and searching, as you tell him about how neglected you’re feeling, how lonely.
You know he’s not doing it on purpose. You know he’s meant every single one of his apologies, and that this is what you signed up for when you agreed to be in a relationship with him. And you love how driven he is, how determined he is to succeed.
You just...you miss him. That’s what it boils down to in the end: how much you miss him. You miss him now more than that time he left to spend a month back home in Japan while you stayed in Argentina, despite the fact that you’re in the same country this time, despite the fact that you share the same apartment. It shouldn’t be possible, but it’s true.
“I know your career is important, and I would never try to get in the way of that,” you tell him, quietly, tiredly. There’s an exhausted air around you he’s never seen before, the kind of whispered sadness that breaks his heart. “But sometimes, Tooru...sometimes it feels like I’m dating a ghost. And I’m not mad at you, or angry, I’m just...lonely.”
You finally look at him, and the emotion in his eyes startles you. He’s actually tearing up –“you’re such a crybaby,” you like to tease him when his eyes water during sad movies, but you always comfort him anyway– and it’s enough to make your eyes fill with tears, too. He looks so sad, so broken, like knowing he’s hurt you –even if it’s been completely unintentional– hurts him too.
He’s quick to stand and walk over to you, wrapping his arms around you tightly. You return the embrace, resting your head against his chest while one of his hands moves to cradle the back of your head.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispers into your hair, and you can tell by the way his voice shakes that he means it. “I know things have been crazy lately, but that’s no excuse for leaving you here alone. I never want you to feel like you’re anything besides the most important person in my life. I love you so much, and I promise I’m going to fix this. Things will get better, I swear.”
And in that moment, you believe him. You trust him, after all, and you know he doesn’t make promises he can’t keep. So you let him mumble reassurances into your hair, let him kiss your breath away and shower you in the affection you’ve been missing for far too long.
It’s so easy to get lost in it, lost in him. Too easy.
He’s always been like that; charismatic and witty, magnetic and charming. It doesn’t help that he’s totally gorgeous, too. You knew, from the moment you met him, that if you ever let yourself fall in love with him, you’d be in trouble. It’s why you never took any of his advances seriously, at least not in the beginning.
But he was able to chip at your resolve with every teasing smile and playful wink, every reverent touch and whispered words meant just for you. He let you get to know him; the real him, not that flippant and perfect pretty boy facade he presents to the rest of the world, and so of course you fell for him, because how could you not?
Oikawa is stubborn and prideful, exhausting and even sometimes petty, but he makes you feel like you’re the strongest person he knows. He looks at you like you’re the only one he’ll ever want to see. He makes you laugh and keeps you on your toes, and you know right away –before you moved in together, before you told him you loved him– that you will never love anyone the way you love him, because no one else will ever be able to compare.
That’s why it’s so easy for you to believe him now. Because you know he loves you and that you love him, and the two of you are determined to make this relationship work. So when he promises that things will change, that he’ll be more present from here on out, you believe him.
It’s the first promise he’s ever made to you that he doesn’t keep.
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For every event Oikawa does bother to make it to, he misses two more. Your parents, who adore him, wonder why they never see him anymore. Your friends start to ask if you even still have a boyfriend. You find yourself asking the very same thing.
You stop inviting him to events at your university and lunches with your friends. You don’t want to set yourself up for disappointment anymore, and you figure it’s easier to just save yourself from the inevitable. The apology gifts he gives you start to feel hollow, empty, just like your apartment. You stop opening them, letting them pile up in the corner of your living room. Eventually, he stops giving them to you.
You’re not sure if you’re thankful for that, or if it upsets you even more.
The Olympics get closer each day. Oikawa’s practices become more intense and even longer than they already were. There are so many things he needs to do now: games to play, meet and greets to attend. Sometimes if he’s out too late he just doesn’t come home at all. The team sets him up at a hotel, and he stays there for the night instead.
It gets harder to catch his scent on his pillow where it lays beside you in bed, untouched and forgotten. It should hurt you more, but it doesn’t.
There’s an event being held back in Japan, promising a night of drinking and dancing and schmoozing. All the investors and international players and coaches will be there, and you promised a while back to be Oikawa’s plus one.
The vindictive part of you wants to cancel on him, just so he knows how it feels, but you decide you can put your pettiness aside for a few nights if it means free booze and food and a comfortable stay at some ridiculously fancy hotel. You wonder if that’ll be enough to fill the hole he’s made in your heart.
Besides, you want to remind him that you’re the kind of person who keeps your word, even if he’s not.
The flight is long and exhausting. So is finding your hotel and forcing yourself to get dressed, but you get through it. Oikawa looks unfairly stunning in his suit, but you try not to notice. He arrives at the party with you on his arm, wearing a silky gown that matches his tie and jewelry that glitters whenever it catches the light.
You’ve barely talked to each other the whole way here, but at the party, amongst his teammates, old rivals, and friends, you’re the perfect couple. You smile, laugh, and dance exactly when you’re supposed to. You play your role so well that no one notices how numb you are, not even Oikawa, even though he’s supposed to know you better than anyone else.
Maybe that’s why you find yourself at the open bar. Oikawa’s off mingling with god knows who, swamped by dozens of people who are always seeking his favor, trapped in his orbit. They praise his hard work, his tenacity, his determination. Once upon a time, you would’ve done the same.
But things are different between you now. What used to be Oikawa’s endearing stubbornness is now an outright refusal to meet you halfway. His determination to be the best has become an inability to compromise; his passion has become obsession. It’s strange to think how all the things that used to make you love him now just make you resent him.
But the liquor here is free and flowing so you knock it back like water, and it’s almost enough to make you forget your heartbreak, your anger. Almost.
All the drinking eventually sends you to the bathroom. You touch up your makeup as best as you can and wash your hands with one of the several different soap options, exiting the bathroom noticeably drunker than you were when you went in.
You’re off-balance enough that when you run into what feels like a brick wall but is actually just a tall, broad-shouldered man, you stumble and nearly fall over. He reacts quicker than you do, catching your elbow and steadying you back on your feet.
He asks you if you’re all right and you reassure him that you are. You swear you’ve seen his face before, but you’re too tipsy right now to bother to remember where.
“I appreciate the help,” you say sincerely, patting his shoulder. “But I promise I’m okay. Thank you again, really.”
He gives you a look like he doesn’t believe you, and he’s proven right approximately five seconds later, when you turn on your heel to leave and nearly fall over again. Once more, he’s there to catch you.
You try to convince him that you’re okay; you’re just a little bit tipsy from all the champagne earlier, but he guides you to one of the stupid velvet couches in the hallway and makes you sit down. He tells you to stay there and wait for him, and you want to protest but he’s already gone before you can make any real sort of argument.
When he returns, it’s with a bottle of water, which you sheepishly accept. He stays with you as you drink it, and your vision and stomach start to settle. You thank him again for all his help. He tells you it’s no big deal, and when he introduces himself as Ushijima Wakatoshi, you laugh so hard you almost spit water all over yourself.
Ushijima raises an eyebrow at you. “Is there something about my name that amuses you?”
“No, no, nothing like that.” It takes more effort than it should, but you’re thankfully able to force yourself to stop laughing. Talk about ironic encounters. “It’s just– I’ve heard of you before.”
“Are you a fan of volleyball?”
You resist the urge to snort, sending him an amused smile instead. “Something like that.”
The two of you chat for a little while, and it’s a surprisingly pleasant conversation. You quite like his company, and you appreciate how he’s willing to keep an eye on you solely out of the kindness of his heart, just to make sure you’re really okay. It’s hardly necessary anymore –the water’s doing a great job at sobering you up– but it’s a nice distraction from the reason you started drinking in the first place.
Or it was, until you start to hear that very same reason calling your name from somewhere down the hall. His voice gets closer and closer, and you shut your eyes, bracing yourself.
“What the hell?”
You open your eyes and suddenly Oikawa is in front of you, eyebrows drawn together and lips pulled into a deep frown. You can only imagine what you look like to him right now, low-eyed and tipsy and sitting on a couch next to his oldest rival.
You can already see the anger in his eyes, the suspicion. He’s jealous, and it’s absolutely ridiculous because he has no right to be. Not after ignoring you for so long. Not after reminding you over and over again that when it comes down to it, you’ll always be second place to his career.
You haven’t been flirting with Ushijima, but now you wonder if maybe you should have. There’s a bitter part of you that wants to hurt Oikawa as much as he’s hurt you, even if it’s only for a moment.
Ushijima seems completely oblivious to the situation, which you’re sure just infuriates your boyfriend even more. He’s described to you in great detail how one of the things he finds most frustrating about Ushijima is how completely and utterly unbothered he is by everything.
“Oikawa,” the man closest to you greets, standing up. “It’s good to see you.”
“Ushiwaka.” The smile your boyfriend directs to his old rival is tight-lipped and void of any of its usual warmth. Oikawa’s gaze settles on you next, eyes narrowing even further. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere. Come on, let’s go.”
“I’m sorry.” Your voice is plain, dull, as you tilt your head at him mockingly. “Do I know you?”
“Stop being cute.” The way he practically snaps it makes it clear he doesn’t think you’re being cute at all. In fact, he actually looks pretty pissed, and you almost smile at the realization. As petty as he can be, it’s clear you’re better at this than he is. “It’s getting late. It’s time for us to leave.”
Ushijima’s gaze slides over to you. “Do you know him?”
But you’re not looking at him. You’re looking straight at Oikawa, at the tenseness of his shoulders, the way he’s on the verge of fuming. Apparently, just the idea of you being alone with his oldest rival is more concerning to him than the fact that you’ve barely spent any time with each other in the past two months. It leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.
“Of course.” You stand, closing the short distance between yourself and Oikawa. “He’s my boyfriend. My loving, devoted, perfect boyfriend.”
You place the hand that’s not holding your water bottle against his chest, perching on your toes to deliver a sweet kiss to his cheek. When you pull away, the stain of your lipstick remains, and you wonder if he can feel the resentment in it.
“I just forget sometimes, is all. You know, since we never see each other.”
You don’t bother to examine the look on his face. You can’t find it in yourself to care anymore. You turn to Ushijima instead, offering a tired but genuine smile.
“Thank you again for your help, Ushijima. It was a pleasure to officially meet you. Have a good night.”
You turn on your heel and walk away, down the hall and past several magnificent paintings, past any apology you would normally be ready to offer. It’s petty and deliberate, the kind of reaction you didn’t think you were capable of before this, but it’s all you have left. Oikawa doesn’t care, hasn’t cared for a while actually, so neither will you.
You don’t know what he says to Ushijima or if he even says anything at all, but you do hear his footsteps when he runs after you. They slow as he gets closer, but you don’t stop walking, don’t turn back to look.
“Are you fucking kidding me? What– what the fuck was all that back there, huh?”
You stop. Slowly, you turn to look at him, but you don’t say anything. You just stand there, watching, waiting, feeling absolutely nothing as you do.
“‘It’s a pleasure to meet you.’” It’s a poor imitation of your voice, but the intention is there. “So what, I don’t spend enough time with you and suddenly it’s okay for you to flirt with someone else?”
You laugh without humor. “That’s what you’re stuck on? The fact that I had a conversation with him and not the part where I said we never see each other? You truly have a gift, Tooru.”
The frown on his face deepens, but the anger in his eyes softens a little, replaced by a hint of guilt. There’s regret there, too, over not keeping the promise he made to you. You would be more moved by it if you weren’t so completely infuriated right now.
He closes his eyes, letting out a sigh. “I’m not going to have this argument with you. Not here.”
“Where should we have it then, hm? In the lobby? At the hotel? We’re damn sure not having it when we get home, because you’re never fucking there!”
You don’t mean to scream at him, but that’s what comes out. You’re not sure which one of you is more surprised by it. Oikawa stares at you, wide-eyed and stunned, as if you’ve just slapped him, and you stare back, breathing hard. You’re so focused on each other you don’t even notice you have an audience until you hear a new, familiar voice speak.
“Hey.” Iwaizumi steps between you, concerned and cautious.
He’s the only one here, thank god, but his appearance reminds you that this is definitely not the time or the place for any of this. You shouldn’t care who overhears you, but as angry as you are, you’re not selfish enough to air out your relationship’s problems in front of all of Oikawa’s friends and colleagues. You still love him, after all, even if it’s hurting you to do so.
Iwaizumi casts a wary glance between you and his best friend, almost like he’s preparing himself to play the unwilling referee in what seems to be an inevitable fight. Any other time, you might’ve laughed at the look on his face, but not now. “Everything okay, you two?”
It’s not. It hasn’t been for a while, and right now Oikawa’s looking at you like he’s finally realizing that too.
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The car ride back to the hotel is eerily silent. You and Oikawa share no words, no fleeting glances; you don’t even sit close enough to touch each other, not even accidentally. The ride up to your floor is spent in a similar fashion, a cold distance settling between you that’s never been there before.
Or maybe it’s been there for a while, and it took you screaming at him in the middle of a party for the two of you to notice it.
Miraculously, you make it into your room in one piece. The two of you remove your coats and shoes in that same suffocating silence. You make it to the bedroom without exchanging a single word, and he takes a seat on the bed while you sit in front of the vanity and begin removing your jewelry.
Another long stretch of silence later, and then he’s meeting your eyes in the mirror to ask, “Can we talk?”
You consider telling him to go fuck himself instead, but somehow you bite down the urge.
“About what?” You take off your necklace, a pretty golden chain with your birthstone on it that he got you for your birthday. “About how I wasn’t flirting with Ushijima? Because I wasn’t, if that’s what you’re still so torn up about.”
“I know you weren’t,” he mutters, running a hand through his hair. It’s a bit longer than you remember; that’s how long it’s been since you’ve really gotten the chance to look at him. “I don’t know why I said that.”
“I do. You were jealous.” Your earrings are the next to go, another gift from him. He’s scattered himself into so many pieces across your life; you’re not sure how you’ll ever be free of him, or if you’ll ever want to be. “But you had no reason to be. I would never do that to you.”
“I know.” He looks down, fidgets with his fingers, meets your gaze again through the mirror. His tie is loosened around his neck, making him look disheveled in just the way you like. “I’m sorry.”
“Great.” Your tone is short, clipped, as you finally remove the last of your jewelry. “Is that all?”
“Please don’t do that. I’m trying to have a conversation with you here, so that we can fix this. I mean, don’t you want to talk about everything, especially after tonight?”
“I’ve already said everything I needed to say, Tooru.” You break your gaze from the mirror, turning to glance over your shoulder at him instead. “You know exactly what the problem is, just like I know you won’t do a single thing to change it. You can’t, because my feelings –our entire relationship– all of that stuff’s always going to come second to the things you want.”
The frown from earlier is back now, this time paired with a hard look, like he can’t believe you’re questioning his commitment, even though he’s given you dozens of reasons to do so. “That’s not true.”
“Isn’t it?” You rise to your feet, a dry, humorless laugh escaping your throat as you do. “Tell that to the countless dates you’ve missed. Tell that to the bed you hardly sleep in anymore, to all the times I’ve fallen asleep without you and then woken up only to realize you still weren’t there.”
The words feel heavy and bitter on your tongue, your anger growing the more you think about everything you’ve endured over the past few months, all the different ways he’s managed to disappoint you.
“There’s nothing untrue about it, Tooru. You just don’t care about me the way I care about you.”
“Are you seriously going to stand there and tell me I don’t care about you?” he demands. “Of course I care. I love you, dammit. How could you ever think I don’t?”
“How couldn’t I? God, have you seriously not heard a single thing I’ve said this entire time? I’m practically in this relationship by myself, and you’re doing absolutely nothing to change that!”
“You think I like having to leave you on your own so much? You think it doesn’t break my heart seeing the look on your face every time I have to tell you I can’t make it to all the things I want to be there for?” He’s on his feet now, hand jabbing at his chest, like if he could rip out his heart and show you the scars there, he would. “Because it does, okay? It makes me fucking miserable, but what else am I supposed to do?”
“You’re supposed to be there, Tooru!” You don’t know when you started crying, but you are. You’re yelling too, hands shaking, voice raw. “You’re supposed to be there when I need you, not make stupid promises you can’t keep! And even if you can’t be there all the time, you’re at least supposed to try!”
“I am trying! I’ve been trying this whole time, and you know that!” He sounds as exasperated and raw as you do, waving his arms around, red-faced and distressed. “You knew what my goals were before we started dating. I never hid them from you. You knew exactly what I wanted, you knew how hard I would have to work, how hard it would be for us, and you agreed to be with me anyway! You promised me you wouldn’t let it come between us!”
“Well, that was before I knew how fucking impossible it would be!”
There’s nothing productive being exchanged between the two of you anymore. You’re just screaming at each other. You call him obsessed and self-absorbed; he calls you needy and demanding. He tells you to grow up and stop asking for so much, and you tell him he’s chasing a pointless dream.
You’re not trying to compromise with each other, or trying to make the other see your point of view. You both just want to hurt each other, and you do.
You’re crying by the end of it; so is he, but you both refuse to admit defeat. It’s one of the many things you have in common: your stubbornness. You’re out of breath and hurting and there’s a small part of you that just wants him to hold you, but at the same time, you can’t stand the sight of him anymore.
You storm out of the room before he gets the chance to, looking back to catch him throwing his hands in the air in exasperation. You throw yourself onto the couch and opt to sleep there for the night, because you know that if you don’t, you’ll probably end up strangling each other.
Oikawa, for once, is wise enough not to follow you, but there’s a quiet voice inside your heart that wishes he did.
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You wake up the next morning with a stuffy nose and a migraine. The price of crying yourself to sleep, you suppose. Your appetite is gone but you know that if you don’t eat anything soon the pain behind your skull will only get worse, so you force yourself to stand from the couch.
You step on something hard, eyes widening at the indignant noise of protest it lets out in response. You lose your footing almost immediately, toppling over onto the carpet. It’s everything you can do to throw out your hands and avoid smacking your forehead against the coffee table.
“What the fuck, Tooru?” You scowl when you realize it’s not a random object you’ve tripped over, but rather your own boyfriend, who for some inconceivable reason is laying on the floor beside the couch. “It’s bad enough we spent last night fighting– now you’re trying to kill me, too?”
“I could say the same thing to you!” Oikawa exclaims, returning your scowl with equal exasperation. He’s rubbing at his chest, a pout tugging at his lips as he groans. “You just stepped on my chest. I could have died.”
“Oh, bite me, drama queen.” You roll your eyes, preparing to stand up again, but then you notice the dark circles on his usually flawless skin, the messiness of his hair, and the fact that he’s still wearing his suit from last night, though the tie is gone and the first few buttons of his shirt are loosened. “...did you actually sleep out here? On the floor? Why didn’t you just sleep on the bed like a normal person?”
“I couldn’t.” He pouts even more, and when you nudge his leg with your foot, he sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “It didn’t feel right without you. It never does. But it felt even worse after last night.”
It melts your heart, you admit. Just a little. But it’s not enough to make you forgive him or to forget your argument, and right now he’s looking at you like he knows that too.
Still, you feel the urge to remind him, “I’m still pissed at you.”
“I know. I’m really sorry. Not just for what I said last night, but for everything I’ve done before that. I never should’ve made you feel like you’re asking for too much, because you’re not, it’s just…” He takes a shaky breath, leans his head back against the couch from where he sits beside you on the floor. “...it’s hard.”
He turns his body slightly so he’s facing you fully. He starts to reach out a hand towards you, almost like he wants to cup your cheek, but he seems to think better of it and lets his hand drop down between you. You almost smile.
His eyes are hesitant as they meet yours, apologetic. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you.”
“I shouldn’t have yelled at you, either.” You fiddle with the straps of your gown where they’ve slid down your arm. You were so exhausted and upset after your fight with him that you didn’t bother to change out of it. “...do you really think I’m needy and demanding?”
“Of course not,” he answers easily. “Do you really think I’m chasing a pointless dream?”
“Definitely not. Your dream isn't pointless, Tooru, it’s amazing, and it’s one I know you can reach.” Your hands brush where they rest between you. He tenses slightly, like he’s not sure you’ll want to touch him after everything, but you slide your fingers through his and watch as he lets out a quiet sigh of relief. “I was just angry.”
“Me too.” He squeezes your hand, and you let him pull you a bit closer to him, let him press a kiss to the back of your palm. “I don’t want to fight with you. And I definitely don’t want to disappoint you anymore.”
“I don’t want to blame you or resent you anymore, either.” You inch closer and he lets you rest your head against his shoulder, resting his own against yours in return. A clock ticks on the wall behind you. For the first time in a while, it feels like the two of you are back in sync. “So what are we gonna do about it?”
It’s the million-dollar question, it seems. And it’s the one that, after weeks of heartache, of missing each other and blaming each other at the same time, he finally has the answer to.
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When you return to Argentina together, everything changes. Oikawa’s determination goes back to being something you love, now that he’s putting it towards making sure the two of you get to spend time together. He’s at the apartment more; does his best to get to dinner on time, to attend outings with your family and friends, and to meet you halfway at fancy restaurants and magnificent museums and shower you with his undivided attention.
It’s not perfect. He’s still busy, so he can’t be with you all the time, but the effort is there. You see it now more than ever, and it’s all you’ve wanted.
It doesn’t last.
You spend three blissful months together, both of you putting in an equal amount of effort to make it work, to understand each other and support each other, even when it seems impossible. But Oikawa’s schedule becomes more and more unyielding as time goes on, and it’s not long before the cycle of absence starts all over again.
If you had to really pinpoint the beginning of the end, you’d say it’s the night of your presentation. The research project you’ve spent countless hours working on has finally been completed, and tonight you’re going to share it with the public; this thing you’ve struggled with since you entered grad school, this thing you’ve put your blood, sweat, and tears into, both metaphorically and literally.
It goes incredibly well, as your professors and mentors reassured you it would. Your classmates, friends, and parents are all there, and they get to watch and glow with pride as the room erupts into applause once you finish your presentation, knocking the whole thing out of the park just like they knew you would.
The only one who isn’t there is Oikawa, despite you telling him about this ages ago, despite it being written on the calendar hanging on your fridge. You know he texted you with some excuse, but you don’t bother to check which one it was this time.
It should hurt more. It should make you want to shout and scream, to sob and cry, but it doesn’t. The anger you felt before, the fury and heartbreak; it’s not there anymore. It’s gone. You’re not sad or upset or disappointed. You just don’t feel anything at all.
Your friends offer to take you out for the night to celebrate, but you politely decline. Instead, you make your way to the apartment you share with Oikawa, finding it emptier than it’s ever been before.
Months ago, you might’ve cried. Now you do nothing, say nothing, feel nothing. It’s just numb.
By the time Oikawa does make it home, you’re already packed. You’re sitting at the table, waiting, still as a statue. He greets you in a flurry of brown hair and frantic movement, an apology you don’t care to listen to fast on his lips. He whirls by you so quickly he doesn’t even notice your bags stacked next to you.
“Shit, baby, I’m so sorry! I know I’m late, but I’m here now and I promise I won’t be going anywhere for the next few–…”
It takes him a few moments, a couple of double-takes, but finally, he registers the silence around him, the sight of you at the table, surrounded by your things. For once, he has no idea what to say; you see it in the way he looks at you, the way he freezes, wide-eyed and almost afraid.
“My research presentation was today,” you start. “It went great. They’re going to publish it in a journal.”
You watch his face crumple right before your eyes, watch the way his shoulders slump. He looks more defeated now than during any of his previous losses, and so, so incredibly guilty.
“But I thought it wasn’t until–...but it was, wasn’t it? Oh, god. I– I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”
“I know you are.”
You stand up. The smile you send him is tired and a little sad, but it’s not bitter, at least not anymore. You’re past that now. You’d like to think you both are.
“I’m so proud of you, Tooru. You work harder than anybody I’ve ever known. I just know you’re going to reach every single one of your dreams.”
You mean it, too. Oikawa has an incredible future ahead of him. You’ve always known that. Once upon a time, you believed you might be a part of it, but not anymore.
“...but I also know that I can’t be with you when you do. I can’t– I won’t be second place for the rest of my life.”
He’s incredibly stubborn, and this time is no different. He tries to change your mind, tries to convince you to stay, but it’s far too little and far too late. Too much has happened between you two, and you just don’t have it in you to be disappointed anymore.
You love him. You do. You always will, and you tell him so, too. But just because you love someone, you remind him softly, doesn’t mean you’re meant to be with them. You love him enough to let him go, and you’re hoping he loves you the same.
“But you promised you’d stay,” he whispers, more heartbroken than you’ve ever seen him over all of this, over you. “You promised we’d figure it out. And now...now you’re just giving up on us?”
You place your keys on the table. The clock in your– no, his kitchen ticks along. It matches the slow, broken beating of your heart. He’s run out of time, and you’ve run out of chances.
“That’s just it, Tooru. I have nothing left to give you.”
This time when you leave, you don’t look back.
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Written by: Dawn
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chiliiscereal · 3 years
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Rottmnt headcanon:
The boys with an S/o that’s terrible at basketball
-sweetest boi when he finds out you’re terrible at basketball
-surprised you hadn’t even mentioned it before
-“did you think I’d make fun of you? Raph doesn’t make fun of people for not knowin’ how to do somethin’!”
-offers to teach you one on one
-denied every time
-basketball isn’t something you felt you could learn!
-“please let me teach you!”
-after weeks of bugging and bugging he finally gets you to say yes
-Definitely invested in making sure you learn how to play right
-this guy will pull up YouTube videos and NBA clips just so you can become an expert on the game
-will take you to the basketball court at night
-brings water for the both of you to every practice
-is the type of guy to stand behind you and correct how you’re holding the ball before you try to take your shot
-does whatever it takes to make sure Leo isn’t there while you’re learning and progressing
-will even hide that he’s teaching you in the first place
-trust him, Leo can sniff out amateur basketball players
-“Leo’s just gonna rub his skills in your face! Trust me, you don’t want him to know.”
-loves how far you’ve come and will celebrate every little victory you make
-will go easy on you when you have your first 1 v 1
-he’s the biggest cheerleader whenever you score, even if it’s against him
-never once makes fun of you for tripping over your feet or for your lousy aiming
-after a few more games against him, you finally won
-sure it was by one point but that’s okay!
-this boy lifts you off your feet in a huge bear hug to celebrate your victory
-finally, you’re ready to be involved in a turtle family game
-Raph will make sure you’re on his team so he can pass you the ball and let you show off how good you’ve gotten
-feels a sense of pride whenever you get a basket
-especially when it’s YOU dancing in Leo’s face once the game has been won
-oh boy you’re really in for it
-you knew from the start of your relationship that Leo was amazing at basketball
-you ALSO knew he was a huge gloater and loved teasing people
-you didn’t need to be Einstein to figure that out
-you didn’t want him to know that you were terrible at it!
-“wanna play with us? You can be on myyyyyy teaaaaaam~”
-“Sorry can’t play! I twisted my ankle earlier!”
-“hey we need another player!”
-“I just remembered I have to be at a birthday party in like, two minutes.”
“Donnie quit wanna take his place?”
-“I think Splinter needs help organizing his ‘do not touch’ shelf. You guys go ahead!”
-it never bothered Leo
-well... not at first
-you would stay and watch their games only to jet once he invited you onto the court!
-he began to pressure you to play
-that includes begging, dragging you to the court, and even picking you up and physically placing you there himself
-it was easier just to give in
-you decided you’d just play a game and get it over with
-maybe even just sticking to passing it to other people
-...until Leo picked up on it and started passing you the ball more often
-especially when you were close to hoop
-“you got this babe!”
-he realized moments after you took the shot that you very much did NOT
-the ball fell short of the hoop by about three feet
-oh you never heard the end of it from there
-at the next game you guys played, he made sure to be on the other team
-“ready to smoke y/n, Donnie?”
-“you mean ‘am I ready for you to bounce the ball off my face again?’
-“then no.”
-“that’s EXACTLY what I wanna hear!”
-Leo made sure you were involved in the game the whole time
-it didn’t help your pride when he assigned himself the position of guarding you
-lots and lots of showing off
-even jumping over you to slam dunk it
-you, Mikey, and Raph didn’t stand a chance
-you had enough when Leo won and started dancing
-“I’m just... I’m just gonna head home. It’s getting late anyway.”
-he ran after you right away
-“hey what’s wrong? You didn’t have fun?”
-“kind of hard to have fun when you’re constantly shoving how bad I am in my face!”
-“it’s just how I play the game!”
-“Leo, I love you, but when you act like that then I don’t enjoy playing the game.”
-trying to walk away from him after that proved an impossible task
-“look, I’m sorry okay? I didn’t mean for you to feel that way! I just wanted you to see how good I was. That’s all.”
-turns out it’s very hard to stay mad at Leo
-especially when he’s got your hand in his and giant sad puppy eyes
-“alright, I forgive you.”
-initially thought you were just being humble when you said you were terrible
-you were probably just trying to make him feel better about himself
-you saw how he played!
-but...he was very very wrong
-he first found out how bad you really were when Leo invited you to play a game with them at the court that night
-you really were terrible
-he watched you shoot the ball only for it to go about five feet off course
-torn between feeling bad for you when Leo gloats and feeling happy that he’s not the only one that sucks at the game
-pulls you away from Leo before you can deck him in the face
-“hey hey hey there’s time to punch him later.”
-doesn’t bring up how much you suck at basketball
-he knows it’s not fun
-“oh I didn’t even notice! No, not even when you accidentally passed the ball to Leo. Nope.”
-instead, will try to draw the attention away from you
-everyone already knows he’s terrible at the game, and since they’re brothers, he’ll be an easier and more desirable target for teasing
-won’t even bother trying to aim when you’re around
-shouts “transfer it!” Even if he’s being guarded
-you know what he’s doing though
-“are you doing that on purpose?”
-“why would I do such a thing? I would never!”
-“you totally are!”
-“I’m offended you would suggest such a thing.”
-becomes a silent competition to see who can be the worst at basketball
-knowing Donnie, he’s not gonna go down without a fight
-but neither are you
-everyone feels bad for Mikey for always being stuck on a team with you two
-well, sucks to be him
-maybe Mikey should actually figure out how to play Rock Paper Scissors when you’re all deciding teams
-all that matters to your two though is that you’re both having fun being terrible together
-didn’t even realize you were bad at it to be honest
-sure, you missed the hoop by like a mile every game, but he never said anything about it!
-only realized your terrible when you actually bring it up
-“did you see the way Donnie practically tripped over his own two feet last night? It was INSANE, baby!”
-“I didn’t, I was kind of too busy tripping on my shoelaces.”
“Oh I didn’t see that. Are you okay?”
-“yeah I’m fine.”
-“how’d you trip over your shoelaces anyway? Weren’t they tied?”
-“they were... but I somehow found a way to trip over them. I’m terrible at the game, babe.”
“What? Psh, no way!”
-loves being on your team anyway
-it’s bonding!
-he’d never miss out on an opportunity to bond
-adores being on the opposite team and purposely dropping the ball for you to grab
-he’s just giving you an opportunity to get better!
-but, what he loves more, is working with you on the same team
-you’re both shorter than the rest of the turtle family, so naturally you both decided to create a technique
-he gets to crouch down, you jump on his back, and he launches you toward the hoop for you to slam dunk!
-it works most of the time
-key word: most
-the rest of the time in ends in a couple bruises and a lot of laughter
-this boy won’t let Leo even get a word out about you being terrible
-and Leo knows better
-he’s had too many run ins with doctor delicate touch in past experiences
-Mikeys always there to listen to you complaining about Leo as well
-even makes ‘after game snacks’ for the two of you while you rage about Leo’s dancing
-looks like Leo has another appointment booked with doctor delicate touch
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kireimarkeu · 4 years
We Got Married; s.jh
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Heyyy guys! hahaha its been a while. i decided to make a blog again so i can post my old works. so here’s one of them. i’ll upload the rest soon :) i hope everyone is staying healthy and well :)
summary; where you and johnny join a tv show as husband and wife
a/n: i worked on this non stop ;; i think it would total up to 5 hours, maybe more ;;;hhhh 
also a little note, italics means that the emcees are saying while watching the video… and the bold+italics means that the both of you are in an interview, and the person is asking you questions! hopefully that isn’t too confusing (:
warnings: mentions of starvation & pregnancy
+Episode 1
“Hi, I’m NCT127’s Johnny,” Johnny introduced himself. 
“Hello, I’m y/n, Johnny’s wife,” you smile.
“How long have the both of you been married?”
Johnny looks at you for a little while, before facing back at the camera “almost 5 months?”
“How did you know each other?”
You laugh at the question, “I was one of Red Velvet’s stylist, actually. And all SM artists were having a concert, and while I was rushing to find the right room, Johnny was there standing outside his room, on his knees with his arms up,”
Johnny groaned, “that was so embarrassing,”
“And I just saw him there, and everyone was busy, so I had no choice but to ask him for help. And when I reached Red Velvet’s room, he asked me for my number,”
“How long did you date before getting married?”
“We dated for a while actually,” Johnny started. 
“8 years,” you continued. 
“Who proposed first?”
You pointed at your husband.
“Me of course,” laugh Johnny. 
“Babyyy~” Johnny whined, stretching his arms to pull you against his chest. You grumbled, hiding your face in his chest as you went back to sleep. 
“Oh? We didn’t know Johnny was a very affectionate person.”
“Wake up, babe,” he whispers against your hair. 
You ignore your husband’s words, tightening your grip against his waist. Johnny pressed kisses on your head, forehead and temple, waiting for you to get up. 
You let out a soft sigh, fluttering your eyes open. You looked up at your lover with a pout, upset that he woke you up. 
“Good morning, baby,” he mumbles against your ear, but the mic picked it up. The emcees cooed at the affection. 
“Kiss?” Johnny asks, leaning down to reach your lips but you move away from his face. 
You giggle at your husband when he clutched his heart, feigning pain. You felt bad and pressed your small palms on his chest to push yourself up and kiss his cheek. 
“Ahh! They’re so cute!!” the emcees cooed.
You pushed yourself up to a sitting position, getting out of bed, pulling Johnny with you. 
“Let’s make breakfast!”
Johnny could only smile at you dumbly, following you to the kitchen. 
You pressed your back against the counter as you looked up at Johnny with a flirty smile, “what should we make, John?”
Johnny felt like his heart would combust. If only there weren’t any cameras placed in his house, he would’ve kissed the hell out of you. 
“Pancakes?” he suggests. 
You nodded, turning around to open the cabinet above you to grab the pancake mix. You tip-toed, trying your hardest to reach for the box, but it was hard- especially when Johnny would purposely place everything on the highest shelf. 
You didn’t bother asking Johnny for help, knowing he enjoys watching you suffer, finding it cute. You also know that he would end up pressing against your back, reaching the box of pancakes mix for you. 
The emcees gasped when they saw your husband reach from behind, pressing his body against your back. They expect you to freeze on the spot with red cheeks, but they were met with you moving away from Johnny to slap his butt.
The emcees let out a disappointed sigh, “I guess y/n isn’t very affectionate?” they ask Johnny. 
“She usually is,” Johnny laughs, “but she’s cheeky too. It’s adorable.”
+Episode 5
The scene started with the both of you outside, holding hands quietly. 
“Okay, come on, break is over, let’s continue,” says your husband as he got ready to start running. 
You whine, letting go of your husband’s hand to run with him. You tried your best to match his pace, but you always end up a few meters behind him. 
He looked back at your tired form. You were slouching and had a pained expression on your face. A chuckle left his lips as he jogged on the spot, waiting for you to reach him. 
The emcees were curious, it seems like he was forcing you to exercise with him. 
“Ah,” Johnny laughs, “y/n has told me how she wants to lose weight,” he explains, “but her way of losing weight is really unhealthy, so I make her go on a run with me.”
“What was her way of losing weight?”
“She would starve herself for weeks in order to lose weight,” Johnny clarify. 
“Many of us do that,” they tell him. 
Johnny nodded, “It hurts me not to see her eating, at one point we got into a huge fight because she didn’t eat for 3 days straight. So, I made a promise with y/n.”
Once you reached your husband, you pressed the palms of your hands against your knees, panting heavily. “I hate this, I hate you.”
Johnny threw his head back as he laughed at you. His hand stroking your back comfortingly. 
“Just a little more, then we can get food,” he tells you. 
He waits for you until you were breathing normally. 
“Better?” he asks you, scanning your face. 
You shook your head, “no, I don’t wanna do this.”
Johnny sighs at your words, “we can stop now, but you can only get healthy food later.”
You jut your lips out, persuading your husband to give you a chance. 
Johnny stares at you with a straight face. 
“Just for today~,” you say cutely. When you notice Johnny wasn’t giving any reaction, you reach for his arm, tugging on his arm, letting out cute noises. “Today is our cheat day, please Johnny?” 
You pout, giving your best puppy eyes. You tiptoed to press a quick kiss on his lips, and that was when Johnny broke down and let out a groan. 
“You will be the death of me,”
The emcees let out a roar of laughter. 
The scene changed to the both of you in 7/11. 
You had a sandwich and ramen noddle in your hands. You reached out to grab a bottle of water while Johnny was trying to find his favourite snack. 
You walked up to the cashier to place the items down, waiting for Johnny to pay. The cashier suddenly spoke to you in Korean as you look up at them in surprise. 
“Ah,” you start. You bit your lip, unsure of what to reply. “I don’t speak Korean.”
“Oh, y/n doesn’t speak Korean?” the emcees ask Johnny, surprised since both of you were living in Korea.
Johnny shake his head, “she knows basic words, but it’s hard for her to speak in full sentences.”
You notice that the cashier doesn’t understand you either. 
Turning around, you call for your husband. Johnny’s head peeked out from the shelves.
“Uh, I need help,” you say awkwardly. 
Your husband trudges towards you without hesitation. You watch as your husband converses in Korean with the cashier. He suddenly fishes out his wallet to pay for the food the both of you have bought. 
+Episode 9
The both of you were sitting on the floor, game controllers in hands, playing Fortnite. 
Truthfully, you weren’t very good in Fortnite, but your husband enjoys playing games so you would join him. 
A little yelp left your lips when you saw a character, near you. “oh my god, babe, save me!” you yell out, running away from the character who was trying to save you. 
Johnny didn’t respond to you, too focused on gaming.
“Johnny! Oh my god, help me!” 
One of your hand to leave the console to tap on your husband’s thigh. 
“Wait, wait, I’m still looting,” he tells you. 
“Nooooo,” you whine, “come save me— nevermind, I died.”
Johnny didn’t respond to whatever you said— it’s not like he heard you anyways. Your significant other continued playing the game without you. 
You sulk when your lover didn’t pay attention to you. You thought he would leave the game so the both of you could restart and play together.
You got up from your sitting position to go to the kitchen to make some coffee. 
Johnny quickly glanced at you when you left his side, then going back to the television that was still playing. 
Should he stop playing to comfort you? It would be a waste if he left the game since he was so close to winning. There was only 1 person left. He decided to continue playing until he won.
“Ah, why didn’t you comfort y/n?” asked the emcees, upset with his behaviour. Johnny could only laugh awkwardly.
When the words displayed ‘WINNER’ on the screen, Johnny immediately got up and ambled to you. 
“Babe,” he called, not getting any response for you. 
Johnny bit back a smile when he saw you stirring the cup of coffee. He walked up to you, his hands going to your waist. He was about to rest his chin on your shoulder, but you walked away from him to sit on the dining table.
“Is this a fight we’re about to witness?” the emcees ask. 
Johnny shook his head, “this happens all the time— whenever I would ignore y/n while I play a game,”
“Are you mad?” Johnny asks you, resting his butt on the dining table, knowing you hated it when he does that. 
He pouted when he didn’t get any reaction from you. 
“Babe, I’m sorry,” he apologizes, “we can play again, I’ll save you this time,” he suggests, tugging on your hand. 
You look up to glare at him, “I don’t wanna play with you, you made me sad.”
Johnny wanted to giggle at how cute you were being. 
“What’s that?” he asks, stretching his body to see what was in the mug, “oh, coffee, can I have some?”
Before you could even answer, he was already reaching for your cup of coffee and drinking almost half of it.
“Johnny,” you whine, pulling his arm to stop him from finishing your drink. 
The emcees tilt their head, “you shouldn’t have done that, Johnny-ya”
“That was my drink,” you tell him angrily, snatching the mug from him when he pulled it away from his lips. He chuckle at you when you stood up, placing your cup in the sink before stomping into your shared room.
“Wait, why are you still smiling when you made your wife angry, Mr Suh?” the emcees interrupted the video.
The attention was on Johnny. He chuckles, “I just like messing with her, she just looked so adorable.”
“I wonder how this is going to go down.”
While you were sulking in the bedroom, Johnny decided to make food for you, just to make up to you. 
Leaving you alone for a few hours, he finally finished cooking. He placed your favourite food on a tray, bringing to the bedroom. When he entered the bedroom, you were laying on the bed with your phone in hand. 
When you heard Johnny come in, you turn to see him standing at the door with a tray filled with food, a cheeky smile plastered on his lips. 
“Dummy,” you mumble. 
Johnny walked up to you, placing the food on the white sheets. 
“Spill it and I’ll kill you,” you warn him, reaching out to grab the tray carefully.
+Episode 12
The scene started with the both of you walking into a blue building. Both of you started walking around the familiar place. 
You grabbed a toy monkey and showed your husband. 
“Can we get this?” you ask him, playing with the hands. 
He grimaced at you, “why would you need that when you have me?”
You clicked your tongue but placed the monkey back before skipping to your lover, wrapping your arms around his arm affectionately. 
“Aww, they are so cute!!” the emcees cooed.
Your husband suddenly stopped, looking at a shelf. 
“Is this the one you wanted?” you ask him, looking up at Johnny. Your heart beating faster just by looking at his side profile. 
He nodded, “I think it’s the right size?” 
“What if it’s the wrong length?” you ask him.
“Then I blame you,” he jokes. 
You roll your eyes at your husband. “should we get this, then?”
Johnny hummed, nodding his chin towards the cardboard, “help me get it, babe.”
You didn’t think much of it and agreed to take the shelf that was in the cardboard. You tiptoed, reaching for the box. You slowly pull out the long box, letting out a groan when you realised how heavy it is. 
“you did that on purpose, didn’t you?” the emcees asked. 
After a couple of episodes, the emcees seem to realise Johnny’s behaviour around you. 
Johnny nodded, letting out a laugh, “I like being there to help her, and tease her at the same time,”
“Johnny— help me,” you groan, pulling the box on your shoulder, thinking it would balance you. 
From behind, Johnny didn’t budge from his position. He was content on watching you cutely carry the huge box. But when he saw you almost drop the box, his eyes widen and quickly reach out to carry the box. 
You didn’t realise Johnny’s intention and pull away from the weight. You exhale, “that was heavy,” you say. 
“A little,” your husband shrug as if it was nothing. 
You noticed how his muscles flex and how he was letting out puffs of air. 
“Should I get a cart?” you ask him, feeling bad that he was carrying everything on his own. 
Johnny shook his head, “It’s fine, we’re near the cashier anyway.”
The video cut to the both of you queuing up for food. Johnny was standing behind you with the trolley. 
“What are you getting?” you ask him, your eyes not leaving the menu. 
“I don’t know,” he shrugs, “maybe fish&chips?” 
When it was your turn to order, Johnny started ordering multiple dishes, making you look up at him in surprise. Your hands pinch his waist a little, getting his attention. 
“Why did you order so much? We’re not going to finish all that!” You exclaim. 
Johnny didn’t answer you, instead, he grabbed the food and placed it on the tray. 
“I’ll finish it all, baby,” he scrunches his nose, before leaning down to quickly kiss your cheeks before finding a place to sit. 
+Episode 14
The scene started with both of you sleeping on your shared bed. You had your head rested on Johnny’s chest, while Johnny rests his cheek on the top of your head, his arm wrapped around your waist protectively.
The emcees noticed that you had your whole body covered with a blanket up to your nose. 
“Isn’t it hot?” they ask. 
“It was raining at night,” Johnny pointed out, “and y/n is really sensitive to the cold,”
Johnny was the first one to wake up. Fluttering his eyes open, he blinked multiple times before lifting his head, stretching his arms out to reach for his phone. 
“Ah, it’s almost 1pm,” Johnny mumbles to himself. 
“What?! Do you guys usually wake up that late?” the emcees asks him. 
Johnny shook his head, “one of our friends had a birthday party the day before and we reached home at about 4am,” he explains.
He chuckles, “yeah. y/n and I are usually morning people, but that day, that day was just a lazy day,”
Putting his phone down, he let out a tired sigh. He laid on his back but kept one of his arms under your head for comfort. 
He was staring at the ceiling for a few minutes before tilting his head down to stare at you. 
The camera zoomed in to see him staring at you with a stupid smile on his face. His hand went up to stroke your head. He slowly leaned down to press a soft kiss on the crown of your head. 
The emcees started going crazy, some letting cooing, some letting out screams at how cute he was being. 
“You’re crazy for her! It’s adorable!” they all say. Johnny can only smile shyly. 
You finally woke up after napping for a while more. Your hands turning into fists to rub at your eyes tiredly. 
Johnny beams at you, “good morning.”
You only let out a whine, throwing your arms across his chest, hiding your face in his neck. 
Johnny let out a roar of laughter, his arms that were previously giving your support went up to stroke your back lovingly. 
“Come, let’s get up,” he says softly, his fingers reaching out to play with the ends of your hair. 
“I’m so tired,” you mumble against his neck, sighing. 
“I know, babe, but we can’t stay in bed all day,” he tells you. 
He was right, you couldn’t just stay in bed all day, it won’t be good content for the show you were in. 
The scene then cut to you sitting on the floor, in between your husband’s legs while Johnny was sitting on the couch, playing with your hair. 
The both of you were watching a Korean drama. It was quite intense, so the both of you did not say a word to each other. Both of your mouths were wide open as you focused on the show.
The emcees laughed at both your faces.
Johnny soon got bored and focused on braiding your hair. He didn’t realise that you had started crying because of the sad scene playing. 
“Oh, oh, isn’t she crying?” the emcees asked. 
“I didn’t realise,” he laughs awkwardly.
Johnny continued braiding your hair. He noticed how your shoulders started shaking and the sniffles coming from you. He let go of your hair and leaned down to your side to see tears streaming down your face. 
At first, he was confused. Why did you cry? Did he pull your hair too hard? Did he do something that made you unhappy?
It took him a while for him to realise the reason you were crying was because of the drama playing. He pulled away from you and started laughing at you. 
He got out from the couch to slide down next to you, pulling your head into his chest. 
“Aw, is my baby crying?” he said in a baby voice, stroking your head fondly. 
It took you a few moments for the tears to stop. You pout at your husband as he cups your face, “it was so sad.”
He pats your head, “I know, you’re a cry baby,”
+Episode 20
You were putting on make-up, getting ready for a special occasion. You stood up from the dressing table, showing off the elegant dress you were wearing. 
“Woah! y/n looks so pretty, what was the occasion?”
You grabbed a denim jacket that was laying on the bed, putting it on since it was cold outside. 
“Babe, are you ready?” you hear Johnny shout from the living room. 
You didn’t answer him, instead, you left the room, not forgetting to grab your bag along the way. When he saw you, he couldn’t help but admire you. 
He squealed like a little boy, “It feels like I fell in love with you all over again,”
You gave him a weird look before slapping his stomach, “shut up,”
You left to grab your heels, but Johnny stood in place, awestruck by your beauty. 
His hand covering his mouth as he shook his head, “I can’t believe I married the prettiest woman on earth!” he shouts, a grin forming on his face. 
You turn to look at your dumb husband, “stop being weird!!” you whine, “and put on your shoes, let’s go!!”
“y/n actually brought me out on a date,” Johnny explained. “We actually haven’t gone out on a date after we got married,”
“Woah, seriously?” they ask, “and it has been almost 8 months since you got married?”
Johnny nodded.
You had brought Johnny to your favourite Chinese restaurant. 
The both of you made small talk, and some point, Johnny had reached out for your hands from across the table, holding it lightly, he would stroke the back of your hand affectionately from time to time. 
When the food arrived, the both of you started digging in. 
“I’m so full,” you huff, rubbing your stomach. 
“Should we get the fortune cookie?” asked your husband. 
You nodded. 
Your heart felt like it was ready to combust, your palms started sweating at the thought of Johnny finally finding out the secret you were keeping. 
“Why does she look so nervous?”
Johnny grabbed the fortune cookie excitedly. He quickly cracked his open, reading out his fortune. 
He didn’t say it out loud, but you already knew what it said. 
“What does yours say?” you ask nervously. 
He frowns at the piece of paper. “Daddy,”
“Oh?” the emcees say, surprised.
His eyebrows furrowed at the weird fortune but quickly put it away, looking up at you with shining eyes. 
“What does yours say?” he asks you. 
You shrug, “I haven’t opened it yet,” you mumble softly. Your fingers crack open the cookie, taking out the piece of paper in the cookie. 
“Well? What does it say, babe?” he asks again excitedly. 
You gulp. “it says I’m pregnant.”
The emcees scream in happiness and in shock.
Johnny fell silent, “what?”
“It says I’m pregnant,” you repeat again. You felt nervous at his lack of reaction. 
He frowns, “this is not funny, y/n. what does it really say?”
You showed him the small piece of paper that you were holding. True enough, the paper did say ‘I’m pregnant’. 
He looked up at you then back at the paper, then back at you again. “what?” he whispers. 
“I’m pregnant,” you confess, “surprise?” you mutter awkwardly. 
“Is-is this a prank?”
You smile, shaking your head, “it’s not a prank, baby.”
“There was a reason why I actually brought him out for a real date,” you tell, looking straight in the camera. “we have been trying for a baby for a while now, and Johnny has been wanting to have one for a long time,” you explain, letting out a small laugh. 
“I went to the restaurant to request a personal fortune cookie and told them my plan and everything- thankfully they agreed!” you say.
“oh my god,” Johnny gasps, “r-really? This is not a joke?”
You crack up at your husband, “why would this be a joke?”
Johnny suddenly stood up, you stand up with him. He walks closer to you, holding your arms. 
“I love you so much right now,” was the last thing he said before he pressed his lips on yours. 
You couldn’t help but grin, resulting in him kissing your teeth instead. 
Johnny pull away, pouting at you, “how long?”
“3 weeks, you big baby,” your hands going up to squeeze his cheeks.
“I literally love you so much,” Johnny express, “you make me so happy, baby.”
You held Johnny hands tightly as the both of you look in the camera. 
“Were you surprised, Johnny?”
Johnny nodded, “very.”
You snort at his words. 
“I didn’t think much of it at first, then when y/n said she was pregnant, I thought it was a joke. But I’m so happy right now.”
“How long have you been pregnant right now?”
“A little more than 14 weeks!” you tell them, beaming at the camera. You stood up to show the little bump in your stomach. 
“Do you know the gender of the baby?”
You looked up at Johnny before looking back in the camera, “we wanted to keep it a surprise!”
“How do you feel right now, Johnny?”
He hum, “I think, like every other dad out there, I am excited. I can’t wait to meet my newborn and spend all my time with them,” 
Johnny reached out to stroke your belly. 
“However, we don’t want our child to be exposed to the world we live in,” Johnny continued. 
You nodded at your husband’s words, “A world where he or she will live with cameras everywhere,” you explain further. 
“So, we want to thank the cast of this show, and our fans who have shown endless support to both y/n and I,” Johnny says, “y/n and I have decided to leave the show and start focusing on us and our future child,”
“It’s a shame really,” you continued, “it was really fun filming for the show.”
Johnny nodded in agreement, “hopefully our fans can respect our decision and continue supporting us regardless.”
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dandelionflower · 3 years
She’s not here
They were all on the bus, heading back to the hotel for dinner and rest.
It was hard work, fixing up a park, but the class did it well. By the end of the day, it was beautiful, all traces of trash had disappeared and they had even managed to give some benches a new coat of paint.
Lila beamed and clapped as it was over, promising everyone a scoop of ice cream, as was tradition when she finished a big project. However, when they found a place that was selling ice cream, she realized she left her wallet in her room.
Apologizing profusely, she swore that she’d get them a treat some other time.
“This has never happened before; I’m so sorry everyone!”
Alya patted her shoulder. “It’s okay, girl. You already helped so much to heal that park; let us do something for you.”
“At least let me order for all of you.”
“If you want, girl, sure.”
“Okay, I’m usually really good at guessing people’s favorite ice cream flavors once I get to know them, so I should be good for most of you, but since Marinette and I haven’t been on such good terms lately, I’ll probably need to ask her. Where is she?”
“I dunno. Mari!” Alya called into the meager crowd of students. “Come on out, hun, we need to know your pick for ice cream!”
Adrien piped up from the back, where he was chatting with Rose. “I don’t think she’s here. She must not have come back from her walk.”
Alya felt her heart race with concern. “Lila, I know you want us to have ice cream, but there’s no way we can just leave Marinette in the forest.”
“Of course not, Alya.” She placed a hand on her shoulder. “I’ll go look for her after I place our orders. I know these woods better than anybody; I’ll have her back in a jiff.”
“Okay, thanks Lila.” She let out a breath, leaning against Nino.
True to her word, Lila left soon after ordering for everyone, heading down the sidewalk to look for Marinette. Sure, she seemed to be going the wrong way, but it was probably a shortcut she forgot to mention.
The walk back to the hotel was lovely, with Alya and Adrien arguing over which picture of Ladybug should be the new header for her blog and Nino holding her hand the whole way.
It was only when she got back to the hotel and saw Lila lounging beside a cute boy, did she remember that her BFF was missing.
“Lila! Did you find her?”
Adrien jolted, mid-sentence and looked up at Lila with hopeful eyes. It seemed that he forgot about Marinette too.
Lila sat still for a moment, before a look of remorse crossed her face.
“I’m so sorry, Alya. I couldn’t find her. I scoured every path, but nothing.”
“I should probably check.” Adrien raised his hand. “After all, I’m her boyfriend.”
“That’s a great idea.” Lila stood and walked to clasp Adrien’s arm. “I’ll come too, so we don’t get lost like Marinette.”
An odd look crossed Adrien’s face, but he nodded nevertheless. They began walking to the exit.
“Ah!” Lila flinched, clutching her leg. “My leg! I must have sprained it while looking for Marinette.”
“Oh!” Alya rushed to Lila’s other side, helping Adrien hold her up. “Let’s get you to our room, maybe get some ice for that leg.”
“No, I know you and Nino probably wanted to spend some time together. Adrien can take me. After all, what are all of those fencing lessons for?” She nudged him with a teasing grin, which he shakily returned. Poor guy, probably so worried about Marinette.
“Okay, make sure you call me if you need anything.” She grabbed both of her shoulders. “Anything.”
“Of course.” She smiled and patted her arm before tugging Adrien to the stairs.
Alya turned to Nino with a beam. “Soo, wanna hang out?”
He rolled his eyes, slipping his headphones back around his neck. “Of course, it’s not like we’ve talked about it since we found out about the trip.”
She leaned into his side, pressing a kiss on his jaw. “I’ve looked up a map, and I’m ready to show you all the sights.”
“Hi!” An unfamiliar voice surprised them; it was chirpy like Rose, but not quite as high. They turned in unison and saw a willowy girl with a long ponytail trailing down her back. An odd headband was woven into the deep purple locks.
“Sorry to eavesdrop, but I heard you two were looking for a place to hang out? Might I suggest…” her eyes landed on Alya’s face before brightening up again. “The aquarium? In the evening like this, the lights turn on and everything seems to glow an incredible blue.”
“Really?” She glanced at Nino with a grin. “That sounds like an incredible thing to put on my blog! Come on, Nino, let’s go!”
“Okay.” He chuckled and allowed himself to be pulled down a random hallway.
“Just take a right, then a left. It should be two doors down!”
They both giggled like kindergartners as they ran down the halls. Nino stopped and cocked a brow when she continued pulling him past the door the girl mentioned.
“Let’s play a game.” She whispered. “We both get lost and try to meet back here. Video chat so we know we don’t cheat.”
He pulled out his phone and called her in response.
Once they had gotten thoroughly lost, Alya set a timer and began dashing back to the aquarium.
It took her three minutes. (she may have cheated a little bit, but it wasn’t her fault! Nino is really cute when he gets winded from running!) She stumbled into the room, listening to Nino complain about how much she was making him run.
It was incredible. The latent orange from the sunset and the blues from the aquarium blended in a perfect contrast that she almost dropped her phone.
“You say something babe?” She glanced down at her phone. It was blank; no service.
Oh well, Nino would tell her what he said when he got here. Meanwhile, she raised her camera app to capture the stunning sight before her.
A flicker at the corner of her screen. She lowered her phone, but nothing was there. It was slipped into her pocket as she turned to the larger aquarium. The fish seemed to be missing, except for one bright orange angel fish.
The fish swam in hypnotizing figure eights. Alya stared at it, entranced. It felt like with every figure eight, the fish was stealing a little bit of breath from her.
The fish moved faster and faster, until the swift motions combined with her shortness of breath made it look almost like it was forming a circle.
No, not a circle.... a face. A face with thick rimmed glasses and a mole just above her eye. A face that looked like hers, but not.
“She’snothere. She’snothere. She’s. Not. HERE.”
A body erupted from the water, and Alya flinched from the waved, but they didn’t even spray her with a mist. Almost like they weren’t there.
A girl stood before her, hair in knots, staring at Alya. She was in a fancy blue dress that looked like it should be poofy, if not for the water dripping from the hem.
Alya stood stock-still, chest heaving. “Who are you?”
“Where is she?” A voice hissed from nowhere.
The girl looked at her with hollow eyes. “She’s not here.”
“Who are you walking about? What was that voice?”
The figure jolted, like a glitching video. Suddenly, her hair was neat and styled. Her dress was dry and fanned out around her.
“Are you okay? What’s going on?”
“Where is she?” The bodiless voice asked again, this time in a tone so sickly sweet, Alya felt like retching.
Her mirror image grinned at the ceiling, walking closer to the empty aquarium. She put her hand on it, like she was about to push open a door.
“She’s right here.”
Spectral waves rushed from the glass, assaulting and surrounding Alya. Her breaths became more and more shallow, it felt like her throat was closing up.
Like she was drowning.
When Nino came in, panting and just barely biting his tongue from cussing, Alya was curled in a ball on the floor, wheezing.
“Als!” He fell to his knees beside her, taking in her vitals like he learned in the akuma relief seminar. “You okay? It looks like you had either an allergic reaction or a panic attack. What was in that ice cream you ate?”
“Don’t...know... Lila ordered.” She gripped his hand tightly and pulled herself up, pulling out her phone and dialing Lila’s number.
“Alya!” She could hear the smile in her voice. “Adrien, come on over, it’s Alya.”
“Hey Alya.”
“What... was in the ice cream?”
“The ice cream I ordered? I can’t remember... hazelnuts, I think?”
She glanced at Nino with wide eyes. She was allergic to hazelnuts. Not enough to do anything serious, but enough that she had a little trouble breathing afterwards. That must also explain that weird stuff she saw too; oxygen deprivation.
Nino grabbed her arm, fully intent on taking her to her room to recuperate for the rest of the night. She allowed him to, still a little shaken.
A sleek fox sat in front of a broken-eyed ghost. So?
“She’s not here.” Anya replied, glaring at the ceiling. She looked back down, her defiant eyes turning sad. “She’s not here.”
Not true. She’s here, and she’s safe and sound in her room.
Her broken eyes lit up and she floated purposefully towards the best room in the home.
Not yet you don’t! Finny hovered in front of the ghost. She’s sleeping and you won’t bother her!
The ghost nodded forlornly and dissipated.
That settles it, doesn’t it? Grace asked once the ghost was gone
Yep, Allegra moved forwards. These students are helping them pass on. Once they impart their knowledge, and scare them straight, they get their free will back, to haunt or help who they choose.
It’s weird though, isn’t it? Finny mused. How just one word could have changed everything? If Anny had just lied to her, none of this will be happening.
But she didn’t. Allegra reminded him softly. None of them did, and this is the price they pay.
Yeah... Finny flew low. Hey Allegra?
Yeah, Fin?
She’s here. Giddiness oozed from his voice.
Yeah, Allegra stared at the hallway leading to the girl that gave their lives purpose again, she is.
The rest
@merry-madness @calliopeia @drama-queen-supreme @kaydenth3gayden @mcheang @nomiegnome @never-say-donuts @vixen-uchiha @miracul0us-multishipper @hauntedfreakdeputyhero @chocolatecustarddanish @iwantswifttoblessmysoul @digitalmagpie @ilseofskadi @nerdy-and-a-little-birdy @minty-goose @nataladriana9 @constellation-king @animegirlweeb @persephonebutkore @ahalloweengirl @r0sebutch @marinettepotterandplagg @beelzzebop @akalovelymaybe @pleasefollowmeuwu @angelost4r @constancetruggle @speaknowtome @some-oxymoron @nerdy-scifi-birdy @purplesundaze @aestheticnpoetic @neptuningkai @2confused-2doanything @goggles-mcgee @grumpy-kitten-vixen @atremisdragona @lookatthestars1 @demonicbusiness @toodaloo-kangaroo
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stellocchia · 3 years
This is part 4 of the Comprehensive Analysis of c!Tommy and c!Dream’s relationship during the Exile Arc
Part 1 -  Part 2 -  Part 3
We’re here once more just to suffer... though be fair I did decide to do this to myself, so I can’t really complain there...
As always under the cut we will be exclusively be talking about the characters unless stated otherwise and we will be talking about some serious topics, so keep that in mind
We’re starting this off with the infamous Beach Party stream: Tommy Is Left ALONE at his Exile Party with Dream
Now, quick introduction to this vod, since we find out about some details later on: no-one, aside from Dream, shows up because Dream destroyed the invitations and also Ghostbur won’t be around any longer because Dream sent him away (knowing fully well that that could have killed him since he already heard directly from Ghostbur that rain melted him). 
Basically at this point Dream is taking a step further into the manipulation process by not only making everyone else believe that Tommy didn’t want to see them but by also physically ensure they’d believe that. Also Tommy doesn’t start this one drowning either (perhaps because he was in high spirits the day prior?)
*creeper blows up* “Shit shit shit shit (...) I’m stupid I’m stupid I deserve that I deserve that. No no no no I didn’t I didn’t, today is gonna be a good day, today is gonna be a big day” (first response to anything negative has become taking on the blame, which we see later on with the Community House situation)
“Will Tubbo be there? Maybe! Myabe he will! Maybe he will!” (Tommy still very much missing his best friend)
“He [Tubbo] did boot me out... no no! you know what? I’m in the mood to reconcile!” (a big trait of Tommy’s has always been his loyalty to people, no matter how much they hurt him)
“It was definitely 8 pm GMT, 8 pm G-” *Dream joins the game* *Tommy pauses for a few moments on the Nether bridge completely still and then turns back* (I want to point out that the reaction any time Dream joined was one of absolute fear, for good reasons of course)
One thing that I’ve noticed is that Dream rarely comes from the Nether when visiting Tommy, opting instead for the objectively longer route through the water, which honestly seems to reinforce something he said early on, which was basically that even with the longer route it doesn’t take much effort to visit, and yet Dream is the only one willing to make that effort.
“Hello!” “H-hello?” “Hi!” “Hi ho-” “Where is everyone else?” “Oh... I don’t- I don’t know...” “I’m running a little late, I’m sorry” 
Considering that we know that Dream was in fact the one who sabotaged the invites, therefore meaning he knew fully well that nobody would be there, does the fact that he came late seem like he really wanted Tommy to stew in his own loneliness for a while to anyone else? You know, to properly break his spirit. Also Tommy immediately after this goes to take off his armour (Tommy Slippers included) and weapons, but this is the one time Dream lets him keep it (which, once again, he’ll use as a point against him later on). 
“Wilbur sent out the invites, didn’t he?” “Yeah, yeah no he sent them to everybody. He actually told Tubbo to his- like, he told him, he didn’t even need to give him an invite” “Really?!” “Yeah” (just want to point out that this is in fact not gaslighting, as some people seemed to think at the time, but it is still manipulation)
“I’m sure they said they’d be here by the day-” *watching the sun go down* “Time...” “I- I thought I was late so I’m surprised people aren’t here, but...” (turns out Dream was around 15 minutes late supposedly)
Tommy at this point takes out the cake, but he doesn’t eat any. I do think this is a good time to point out that the further we are into the exile the less we actually see Tommy eating (sometimes he straight up throws away any food he has in the inventory). He also sleeps less and less (or, at least, rests less, after all sleeping doesn’t necessarily mean being well rested afterwards) which we can deduce both from his comments on the subject and his rapidly deteriorating state. 
“Dream, no-one’s here” “I don’t know why... guess I’m most surprised Tubbo isn’t ‘cause he said he was gonna be, but-” (once again harping on to the retoric that Tubbo specifically willingly abandoned Tommy)
“I figured, I mean I figured you’d probably care the least if I was here so I just- I didn’t mind being a little bit late because everyone else would be here, but...” (once again the idea here is: “even if I was late I still came, no-one else did”)
“No-one cares about me anymore!” “That’s not true...” “No-one cares about me!” *Tommy takes his armour off again* “Tommy...” “No-one cares- no-one cares about me!” *Tommy destroys the rest of the cake* “No no no *sigh*” “No-one cares, do they? No-one showed up to my party... and it was the one thing, THE ONE THING they had to do for me after exiling me and fucking me over and not one of them came with me. And... none of them care about me anymore... ‘cause I’m not in L’manburg anymore, ‘cause I’m not with- ‘cause I’m not the vice-president”
Okay, that was a long quote, but 2 things I want to point out here: Tommy had about half of his health here, he refused to eat, take of his armour and marched towards the Nether, which is again him acting with no regard for his own self-preservation. And also there is a bit of Wilbur retoric sprinkled in there, with the whole “people only care about you when you have power” mentality. That’s exactly what Wilbur tried to convince him of in the Pogtopia era and it looks like he’s seeing a confirmation of this through the party. 
“If no-one is gonna put in any effort to come and see me, than I’ll make the effort harder to come and see me then, alright?” 
At this point Tommy has borrowed Dream’s netherite pickaxe and he proceeds to destroy a chunk of the bridge he’s made in the Nether, swapping it out for a one block wide wooden bridge. Of course, it goes without saying that he is not acting rationally, he is hurt and angry at the moment and he wants to convince himself that if others don’t care about him then he won’t care about them, which is why he starts lashing out more after this. And this is the result of Dream’s direct actions by the way.
“What is everyone saying about Tubbo’s compass? What is that? What is it? Explain to me” “I- uh I’m pretty sure that he burned it or something... or he lost it, something like that” “Wha...?” “He doesn’t have it anymore”
Tommy, up until now, didn’t even fully believed that Tubbo had a compass, but with the official confirmation of it being paired with Tubbo possibly willingly burn it, it’s the last straw for Tommy who decides to do the same. Though he doesn’t end up actually burning it, he does goes to take it out of the enderchest and bring it to the Nether. I do want to point out that Tubbo did not, in fact, either loose it or burn it willingly. It was blown up by accident in a creeper explosion.
*Tommy holding his compass over a sea of lava* “He burnt it? On purpose?” “I- I think so” “You know what, wou know what? Y- you know what?!” “Why don’t you- why don’t you sleep on it Tommy? Just wait don’t do anything, you know? Anything you can’t take back and then...” “I don’t sleep anymore Dream...”
Pretty sad scene... also a confirmation of what we said before about Tommy sleeping less and less. Also I’m not entirely sure why Dream was suddenly against Tommy burning the compass when he didn’t seem to be at the start, though it could be because Tommy was so obviously hesitant about it, so he probably wouldn’t have done it either way. Which means that it was a good moment to get friendship points. 
*Tommy standing in front of the portal in the main Nether hub* “I just want to go home... please can I go home...?” “Uhm, do you wanna see the Christmas tree for, like, 10 seconds?” “Can I stay?” “You can’t stay, but you can go look at it, I’ll let you out-” “Why can’t I stay?” “It’s not like they want you anyway Tommy” “wha...?” “Tommy, no-one showed up to your party and everyone was invited. Do you want to see the Christmas tree?” “I’ll just go back...”
This is the one single scene that is capable of making me emotional every single time. Just Tommy’s broken and small voice throughout it is something else... also Dream’s absolutely smug tone in all of it. But, the one thing, aside from the great acting, that I want to point out in all of this is how the reason for why Tommy can’t go back now has shifted from Dream killing him if he does to his old friends not wanting him around any longer. This way Dream gets to fully play the part of the magnanimous friend who still cares while everyone else is depicted as the enemy. Also I do find it interesting that in this scene Dream keeps insisting quite a bit for Tommy to go see the tree (in contrast to the first time where he refused for him to go back even for a few seconds), which almost looks like him testing how effective his conditioning was.
“That guy is gonna kill me, the little guy” *pointing at a baby piglin* “Oh” *Dream proceeds to get rid of it* (Tommy is by now basically dependent on Dream for his own safety)
“Do you need food?” “*sigh* No” (Tommy is literally on 3 hearts with 3 1/2 hunger bars and he is still refusing to eat)
They spend quite a bit of time after this by playing with Dream’s riptide trident and later also with the throwing one. Also Tommy changes his “girlfriend” hot girl for HOTTER girl (because I know you all deeply care for this kind of updates)
“I actually didn’t have a trident before and it took forever to come here, so I got a trident to come here quickly” “Oh thank you! You obviously care about me Dream” (Tommy feeling compelled to thank Dream for literally anything paired with Dream constantly showing off how much effort he is willing to put in)
“Let’s make a guest tent, let’s make a guest tent!” “That’s a... great idea” “In case any guest wanna- I mean maybe even- maybe you- we’ll make it here. It- it needs to be close to me because I’m- I’m really missing contact” (on top of everything else, Tommy was also canonically touch starved)
Dream and Tommy also make a guest tent together (and it’s implied a few times that maybe Dream will use it) before playing with tridents a bit more when it starts raining. Also Tommy builds a cobblestone smartphone were he keeps snapchat streaks with girls (this goes in the list of sentences I never thought I’d type). 
“Hey thanks for letting me keep my armour today” “You’re welcome” “It was nice of you” “I just thought it’d be good for the party and everything” “I’m sorry it wasn’t that much of a party in the end” “Eh, we make it a party together, so” “Yeah”
So, once more I want to point out a couple of things: there is no reason, aside from Dream’s conditioning, for Tommy to feel grateful that Dream didn’t take away his means to defend himself, nor is there any reason for Tommy to be the one apologizing for the party turning out the way it did. But also one other thing I want to point out is Dream’s insistence over them having fun together, which he keeps saying even later on during the prison visits. And I want to point that out because I do really think that Dream believes that or that he, at the very least, does try to convince himself of it. I’m still not entirely sure on that point, but, by now, I’m fairly sure that Dream really does believe that him and Tommy are his warped and toxic version of what “friends” would be...
“I should have died and then- and then I didn’t! I should have died...” (suicidal thoughts)
*Tommy reaching the maximum height with the trident* “I’m alone...” (just a very famous scene here, but also keeping to the theme of loneliness even when other people are around, in this case Dream)
“Just- just build a guest tent Dream! You’re probably gonna be the one who stays in the most so... since you’re my guest” 
*Dream standing inside the guest tent* “I’m in- I’m in my tent my tent” (the implications I mentioned before)
“Maybe I’m just gonna stay here, maybe I’m just gonna live here instead” (referring always to the guest tent and Logstedshire)
This all ends with Dream gifting Tommy the throwing trident (which he then puts in his enderchest) and Tommy also gains a zombie head from their mob hunting.
“Let me keep the other trident please” “What the one that you can throw?” “Yeah” “Okay Tommy, I’ll let you keep it” “Really?” “Yeah, as a gift, a beach party gift. You can remember our bonding experience from today” “Awww, thank you” (this is the conversation as a frame of reference)
“Listen Dream, what do we do now, then? If no-one is gonna come and visit me, what do I do?” “Nah, I’m visiting you!” (Dream really is convinced to me as much the center of Tommy’s universe as he is of his, huh?)
“Dream, as much as I’m feeling happy, I’m not. I’m not Dream. Where do we go from here?” “Uhm, I think that you will come around to liking it here, and you’ll build up your own ‘empire’ here, and you’ll be happy and maybe they’ll come and visit you- like you said! You said the thing about all, like, power right? You have no power and now they don’t visit you, maybe you’ll be- you’ll be back in power and then they’ll...” “I’ll always be exiled” “Yeah but that doesn’t mean you can’t become powerful, you can become powerful away from- away from them”
This is the closing conversation, that ends with Tommy entering the sea and disconnecting once he is on only one bubble of air left. Which, by the way, is a case of Tommy dissociating, which we know because he always later seems confused when logging in and finding himself in the water (meaning the confrontation with Jack at the hotel wasn’t the first case of him dissociating).
Also, while Dream is spewing all of this stuff about how “Tommy can still be powerful here” it’s obvious that that’s not the case. Tommy is not allowed armour or weapons and he is basically not allowed any allies (what with Dream sending Ghostbur away, intercepting Ranboo’s mail and making sure to keep away from Tommy as much as possible). Tommy is quite literally stuck in a position of powerlessness that he cannot escape from with someone who actually enjoys having him at his weakest.
I’ll leave it here for today, because this was literally one of the most intense streams so I had quite a lot to say and this became so damn long... I’ll probably condense the next two together.
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
[OM!] All Demon Brothers + Undateables as Babysitters (Part 1)
Scenario: For the sake of the exchange program (probably), the entire cast is now in charge of taking care of kids ranging from infants to pre-K children at a daycare with you. Headcanons on what type of babysitter they would be + whatever cute shenanigans that may occur
Note: Baby fever!! Inspiration is the entirety of Gakuen Babysitter/School Babysitter. It is literally the cutest anime I have ever watched in my life and I highly recommend it if you want a cute feels-good, slice of life!! Some of the kids I may have based off of them, but you don’t need to watch it to understand this! :))
why do i always make my headcanons so long
Part 1 has the 7 Demon Brothers
[Part 2] has all five Undateables
This was probably Diavolo’s idea so he has no choice but to go along with it, much to his dismay
He already thought humans were fragile, and now they were going to take care of the smaller, younger ones? 
His face scares 90% of the kids on his first day as a babysitter, which kind of hinders his job because every time he tries to help them clean up or change diapers, the kids start crying 
The other 10% who are not intimidated by him claim him to be the Big Bad and play fight with him all the time, and considering his attitude, he’s a pretty perfect villain in their make-belief play so he’s won their hearts IMMEDIATELY 
Generally a pretty strict baby-sitter who is listened to without having to repeat himself; his power and authority is unyielding (and also he’s just plain scary even if he doesn’t mean to be, and lowkey he likes the power he has because the kids remind him of Mammon sometimes) 
It’s honestly a big debate whether he should just give up and ask for help or power through, but if he’s just babysitting with you, pleads with you to please help him because he’s so lost and why do they scream so loud and not that he would ever admit to it, but he is a tiny bit hurt that he can’t seem to have the kids trust him
Once he’s told that he should smile more and speak more gently, he implements it with mixed results (at first), but it’s a significant improvement from the first few days
During a moment of rest, he’s sighing when a baby crawls up to him and sits in his lap without warning, and he’s a goner 
Literally has the hardest time trying to train his face not to look so pleased or happy, but his smile is so soft (and he will not hesitate to kill any of his brothers that see him like that, but for you and the undateables, he’ll just be embarrassed) 
Loves infants and how trusting they are of him despite how scary his face may seem sometimes-- the epitome of unconditional love and he’s just… very tender
Probably ends up being the respected babysitter who’s super cool to all the kids but slightly unapproachable (unless you’re a babyyyy) but eventually climbs the ranks in terms of babysitters because he vouches for them if they do need him
The kids have decided that he is the biggest kid on the playground and now to assert dominance, they must beat him up
Which is what they do-- or as much as they can with their tiny fists and miniscule strength and the fact that Mammon is a literal demon
You just stare at Mammon as he cries on the ground, whining at how the kids ganged up on him and you’re just like…. They’re literally <4 years old. 
Despite that part, Mammon gets along with all the kids really well!! 
He talks to them as normal and calls them ‘brats’ but they all know he’s soft for them so they kind of take advantage of that? But only a little bit because they don’t like seeing Mammon cry either
You forget who comfort the other more at this point, the kids or Mammon
Mammon is the best person to call for if the kids want to play around because he’s pretty animated himself and goes along with whatever the kids want to do 
You might have to reign them in a little yourself, because you’re not quite sure Mammon really knows what’s actually dangerous for them
“Mammon, please only carry one kid at a time please, you’re scaring me”
“Huh? You know I can carry all four of them on my head--”
Suuuper popular with the kids even though he kept complaining about them to anyone who would listen that he had to look over these tiny humans
But the moment any of the kids ask for his help or do something cute, he’s the FIRST one to go and help because ‘you need the GREAT Mammon’s help? Guess you can’t help it after all…” and he just likes the fact that he feels reliable to these kids
He might… actually save money to buy these kids Christmas gifts?? Will maybe cry if they bring little Valentine's Day candies (that their parents probably told them to give but shhh let him dream)
May or may not be hyperventilating as he hypes himself up to go into the daycare and meet the kids
He tried to brush it off to his brothers that they’re just kids and he doesn’t care if they like him or not because it doesn’t matter to him because he’s just an otaku-- but my god he hopes they like him 
Little does he know, the fact he lets them play on his game consoles (whether or not they actually know how to play) wins them over immediately and breaks the ice
They find him super interesting to talk to and he ends up a pretty popular babysitter because he talks to them like adults (yes, even to the babies) 
Catch him giving a bottle to a baby while talking to them in baby-voice (that he adopts not on purpose) about his favorite TSL season 
One of the biggest reasons why the kids love him is because he really listens to them even though their rants and blabbing doesn’t always make sense
When he does talk about his interests (or it slips out, as it does), the kids are genuinely interested in what he has to say and that’s when his mission to convert all of these kids to watching anime and reading manga started
“Reading manga is going to help them develop reading comprehension!!”
Probably brings his entire stash of (kid-friendly) manga-- probably the magical girl anime with Ruri-chan-- and has the kids dig in 
It does have some negative repercussions because kids aren’t exactly good at handling precious material, so things do rip and break and Levi had to excuse himself to go outside and mourn his lost
But the fire of his mission burns brighter than the sadness over what he has lost (besides, he would never bring limited edition/1st edition things outside his room so these things are replaceable) 
If Halloween rolls around, the kids will exclaim that they want to be [insert character] from TSL or another anime and Levi may shed tears of happiness right there and then
Will make it his side quest to make costumes for ALL the kids-- especially if they can’t afford their own and will encourage them to be whatever they want to be!!!
He’s literally leading an army of newly-created weebs/otakus that look up to him in the daycare and the power he has over these kids is so formidable some of his brothers are actually a little jealous HAHA
Acts casual about the whole thing and is actually casual about it
He hasn’t necessarily spent much time with kids, but he figures he’d be able to do it-- and he’d be right; considering how natural he is with people in general, I doubt kids would be much different, especially if he talks to them like adults and respects their opinions 
Is definitely the type of babysitter some of the kids end up having a little baby crush on, considering how charming and prince-like he can be with his gentle tone of voice 
Not that he’s perfect-- some kids are just brats and he does get angry at them but he only needed to snap once before the troublemakers all learned not to mess with him
Despite that, he would most likely be the ones to keep an eye on the troublemakers, because it may be a sign of a troubled home (not always, but… well, he would know best, wouldn’t he?) and he’d want to reach out to them if he can help them in any way
What he loves to do with the kids-- and you can probably guess-- is have Story Time!!
The kids are so excited to circle around him before naptime and listen to him read storybooks, doing voice overs and dramatic/animated readings; the kids are so intently listening and giggling at the funny parts
At first, he attempted to bring all his books over to the daycare, but he had to put some back when you tell him these kids are literally three and probably don’t have the reading comprehension required to read Quantum Physics-- so he provides picture books instead; anything he procured from the human world
Really encourages the kids to try their best to read and, if he has the time of day, tries to teach them basic things like the alphabet, how to spell out each words etc (you may call him…. Sensei) 
Adores their imagination too because he knows adults could hardly compare at times and he encourages them to make up their own stories and he’d help them write it down 
Uses a lot of tactic like these to encourage their education and their development-- he loves books and the impact they’ve made on him and he wants these kids to be able to experience the same things
A little hesitant at first because kids can be super cute and great for pictures but… they can also be super gross and kind of mean; and he’s seen both ends of the spectrum so he’s not really sure what to expect
Then one of the kid compliments his hair clip shyly and shows their own similar hairclip and he’s sold because obviously they have the cutest kids in the world
Hair undone? He’s there
You wanna try out painting nails? Oh hun, he’s got you-- free make-overs for EVERYONE-- except maybe the infants, he doesn’t wanna ruin the natural baby smell and softness they have going for them
He wants to encourage ALL the kids to express themselves so he sometimes brings old clothes he doesn’t wear anymore so they have a fashion show/runways
ALWAYS encourages the kid to wear what they want because gender norms who???
If ANY and I mean ANY parent comes up to him and talk about him letting them wear non-gender conforming clothes he WILL go off on them because they are LITERALLY KIDS-- let them express themselves and have fun
Kinda grossed out by snot and diapers tho so you’re gonna have to help him with that; and since the universe knows that he hates getting dirty, he’s probably the brother most likely to get peed on while changing a diaper
You have to force him back into the daycare after that incident because he refuses to come out of the bathroom after changing into clean clothes 
But he is so captivating that the kids usually don’t cause trouble when he’s around, and also similarly to Levi, he talks and listens to them blabber while he’s doing their hair so it’s always pretty soothing 
Probably ends up in charge of the creativity hour and cooing over everyone’s art project, encouraging them to sprinkle as much glitter as they want, use as many colors as they want-- as long as it makes them happy! 
Considering he’s the sweetest and physically the strongest, he’s actually pretty concerned about hurting them, and asks you to help him adjust to this new role so that the kids will be okay (you know he’ll be fine, but if saying yes to helping him will make him feel better, you say it)
Beel keeps to himself as a babysitter for the first few-- oh idk-- hours before some of the kids figure out how STRONG he is and he’s the best thing since sliced bread
The kids start to literally hang from him, testing how strong he really is, and are all delighted that he can hold all of them in and from his arms; he’s a little worried he’ll drop them, but since the kids are so excited about it, decides to lift them only a little high just to please them
Happily, he eventually gets used to knowing how to deal with them, and it helps that the kids are so polite to him
He’s the ultimate Big Brother figure to them, much to his surprise since he’s used to being the younger brother, and it makes him really soft inside that these kids actually look up to him and rely on him 
During free play, he has definitely carried at least six kids on his back when they play horsey and not break a sweat and throws the babies up in the air playfully (and carefully) and let them pretend they were flying
He’s their protector, making sure that they’re playing safely, even though he went a little too ham on the protection, grabbing a kid by the scruff of his collar because he was running and beel was afraid of him falling and scraping his knees
“It’s okay Beel, they can handle it--”
“Are you sure?? But they’re so tiny and fragile--” 
Changes diapers pretty handily after the first time; has definitely tried the baby formula and ate the entire bottle by accident before feeding a baby
Makes sure the kids are nice to each other, especially siblings, and that they eat; you tell the kids that if they eat their vegetables they’ll grow as strong as Beel, and that’s the FASTEST you’ve ever seen picky kids eat them in your LIFE
“Alright, nap time, everyone!”
“Belphie, they just arrived;;;”
Honestly just thought this entire thing was a hassle because kids in general take a lot of work and he just doesn’t want to put that sort of effort into something he didn’t sign up for
But since you’re there, he may as well try to be proficient enough to be well-liked enough to not cause a fuss and be able to babysit with you
He’s the type of babysitter who converses with the kids and pretends he doesn’t know something so the kid tries to teach him-- and honestly this give the kid a chance to be confident in their skills and also lets Belphie not do as much work to keep the conversation alive so win-win
As you can probably guess, is definitely in charge of enforcing nap time… by napping with the kids-- gotta learn by example right?
There are probably mats that the kids lie on but whenever Belphie lies in the middle of them, they all end up rolling and curling near his side; when he wakes up he’s always surrounded by a sea of kids and he’s so confused and he can’t move unless you wake up the kids for him 
The most efficient babysitter out of all of them because efficiency means less effort and time taken to change a diaper, clean up a spill, or wipe a kid’s nose 
Doesn’t understand why the kids keep wanting to interact with him but he’ll always indulge them in the end regardless of his nonchalant attitude
He actually finds a lot of them endearing when they talk about the things they like to do and about their daily life because it’s always interesting to learn about their perspective on things
When it’s creativity hour, the kids like asking him to doodle something on their paper (it can be a small chibi or caricature or just some animal) and it always makes them super happy; you watch him crack a smile as he sees the kids try to copy his drawing right next to it
If any of them are interested in stars, will gently show them the constellations in books and watch as they fascinate over them as he did before
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zosonils-art · 3 years
Do you have a robot master OC (of the eight plus Drum) that you’d say is your favorite? If you haven’t done an infodump for them yet then you should do that one next
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i couldn't choose a favourite if i tried, i love them all, but since you mentioned drum i thought i'd give her some new art and a proper dedicated post too! infodrump [ayyy] under the cut
drum, serial number SWN-002, is my take on the popular [????? i'm still a bit of a mega man fandom newbie i don't know hjdfn] 'wily equivalent to roll' oc template! she keeps things running at the various castles and fortresses and hideouts and whatever else her dad holes up in, whether that's by doing housework, planning schemes, or dodging taxes. whenever wily is trying to take over the world, drum acts as his second-in-command, ensuring that everything goes according to plan and ordering around the latest group of robot masters
she's every bit the edgy mid-00s teenager she looks: sarcastic, apathetic, and always talking back to her dad. she's more obedient than bass is, but she doesn't care for her job at all and will resort to any flimsy excuse or act of malicious compliance she can come up with to slack off. due to her purpose as an organiser and commander, she's a bossy control freak who's quick to anger when things don't go exactly her way, although when she's off work the worst of these traits recede in favour of more conventional teenage apathy. she sees herself as above the time and effort it takes to go out of her way to be mean to people like wily and bass tend to do, but she's equally uninterested in being nice on purpose and her default attitude is squarely on the nastier side
when she doesn't have work to focus on - and sometimes when she does anyway - drum is the lead vocalist and guitarist in a garage band, of which she is [currently - a friend's ocs get involved later, but that's a whole different post] the only member. i'm not good with music terms but she's into whatever genre stuff like wake me up inside and crawling in my skin is [i know those aren't the names hdfjf it's just the words i know people will recognise]. the sort with the crunchy guitar and the very loud lyrics about being sad and/or angry. playing or blasting music helps her to calm down when she's in a bad mood, which is pretty much all the time. the first warning sign of a new wily plot is a spike in search popularity for my chemical romance
i haven't gotten around to designing it, but drum has a non-armoured form like most of the other more explicitly kid-like robots, which she mostly uses for loitering around malls when she has an excuse to not be at home. she rarely buys anything, just hangs out and radiates an aura that makes suburban white women hurry their three kids into the next shop. drum often ends up hanging out with like-minded teens in the same vague area of the goth/punk/emo venn diagram she occupies, and makes a bit of a game out of seeing how honest she can be about her life without revealing that she's one of the world's most wanted robots. she tells herself that it's just something she does out of boredom and curiosity towards humans, but it mostly stems from loneliness and the desire to have literally any friends that aren't her brother's dog
as a sort of contrast to the healthy and positive relationship between their lightbot counterparts, drum and bass absolutely DESPISE each other and make no secret of it. each of them thinks of the other as an insufferable prick and they'll get into petty arguments over just about anything, from whose turn it is on the xbox to who treble loves more. [for the record, it's drum. she lets him hang out in the kitchen while she's cooking and sneaks him food scraps when bass isn't looking. he's the only family member she has an even remotely positive relationship with.] pretty much the only thing that can get them to stop fighting is mutual hatred of a bigger prick, and so far the only person to consistently get them to put their differences aside like this is wily himself - as much as the wily kids hate each other, they hate their dad just a little more, and have a history of teaming up just to mess with him. sometimes mega man can spark that spiteful cooperation, but drum's total apathy towards the light-wily family rivalry means she usually sees him as not worth her time and just finds bass' obsession with beating him even more annoying
drum wasn't made for combat, and as such she doesn't have a signature weapon or any fancy tricks like the copy chip. usually she just orders other robots to do the fighting for her. however, she is equipped with a standard arm-mounted buster, and can hold her own in battle with a 'fight smarter, not harder' approach if she has to. she's also outfitted with the same treble adapter that bass has, so if she's backed into a corner she can call on him for a power boost. treble is capable of supporting both adapters simultaneously, so as an absolute last resort they can all combine into treble-boosted drum & bass, who theoretically has all the combat power of bass plus the strategic thinking from drum and the boost in power from treble. in practice, though, drum and bass are so at odds with each other that they can barely hold together in the same body without either fighting for control or outright splitting apart to argue harder. again, it takes a lot of spite to get them to work together, but if something draws their combined ire and convinces them to cooperate they're an utterly terrifying force to be reckoned with
the game idea i vaguely have in my mind would feature drum as the final-not-final boss before wily reveals he was the mastermind behind it all and surprises absolutely nobody. she was put in charge of the latest world domination attempt, probably as the result of a 'why don't YOU take over the world if you're so smart' conversation, and in true drum fashion she follows a standard wily plot outline to the letter - including the blatant flaws, like all eight of her chosen robot masters forming a rock-paper-scissors wheel just begging to be exploited by the copy chip, and making a clear path from just outside the death fortress to her base of operations. after she's defeated in combat, she sarcasically wonders aloud how mega man could have possibly bested her plan and then helpfully points rock directly to wily's castle. she didn't wanna do the stupid scheme in the first place
again, i love all my ocs too much to possibly choose a favourite, but i'd say drum was the most fun to come up with if only because i had the help of some mates in a discord server. someone was like 'hey if there's bass is there a roll equivalent called drum or something lol' and i SPRINTED to microsoft paint to rough out a character design and the next entire day was just a constant stream of all of us bouncing ideas off each other and creating the meanest girl in the universe. her design changed a little bit from the initial sketch, most notably she used to have the half-shaved hairstyle that every gay person tries at some point before that changed to a midpoint between phoenix wright and sonic the hedgehog, but overall everything about her as a character flowed really well from the start. while she's fallen mostly into my hands since the initial brainstorm, she absolutely wouldn't exist without those friends' input and i feel that that's important to mention!
i'm very tired and i've been working on this on and off for the past day so i'm gonna call the infodrump finished here - thanks for giving me the excuse to talk about her! unfiltered and transparent versions of the art below as always
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idontlikeem · 3 years
Sick/Injured Fic + I Didn't Mean to Turn You On
you can find the fic tropes mashup game here!
REALLY great combo, oh man! I had this idea right away—be warned, nonsense ahead!
sidney i promise i love your vocal fry
Zhenya’s never paid much attention to how Sidney talks.
He’s familiar with Sidney’s laughs—the slightly-stilted media chuckle he uses when he’s trying to buy time to think through an uncomfortable question, the gentle camera-friendly laugh when something genuinely amuses him but he’s very aware of the public within earshot, and of course the ridiculous high-pitched honking giggle that comes out when he really, really thinks something’s funny and can’t modulate his response.
Zhenya covets that last laugh, goes out of his way to elicit it, makes a fool of himself far more frequently than he’s willing to cop to in order to hear it, to watch the way it squinches Sidney’s whole face up, making his eyes disappear into half-moons above his cheeks, which get so, so pink.
So, yeah. Sidney’s laughs—Zhenya can categorize them all. But his voice? He’s never thought much about it. Sidney’s soft-spoken, and his singing is terrible, and Zhenya can easily drown him out in the room simply by virtue of having a lower voice.
Zhenya tends to not pay attention to the interviews they do. He doesn’t watch the stupid Christmas specials they make, he doesn’t stick around for postgames unless he’s actively participating, and he generally does his own thing during team media days if he can manage it. So, whenever Tanger teases Sidney with who are you trying to be when you talk to reporters, Kim Kardashian? you’ve already got the ass—, Zhenya’s ignored it—he doesn’t know what Sidney’s getting up to in his interviews, but it certainly isn’t any of his business.
(Tanger might be onto something, though. About the ass, at least.)
Finally, though, for the first time ever, they get roped into a joint interview during the league media day, and it’s clear when they get on the plane that Sidney has a cold.
He’s taken a decongestant so at least he’s not sniffling and sneezing all over, but his eyes are red-rimmed, and he’s sucking down cough drops like they’re pieces of candy.
Jen outright laughs at him on the plane. “Well, that’ll make at least that part of your interview easier, won’t it?” she asks as she holds up her phone and snaps a few pictures of them sprawled out in their seats.
Zhenya frowns. “What she mean?” he demands. In his experience, being sick only makes an interview worse, unless they’ve given him the good drugs beforehand.
Sid looks miserable. “Ugh,” he mutters, clearing his throat. “I kind of...I do this voice thing, sometimes. I don’t mean to,” he shoots Jen a glare, but she raises an unimpressed eyebrow and goes back to ignoring them, “but I guess sometimes I talk...lower, you know. Lower than usual.”
His voice sounds a little harsh, sure, but Zhenya probably wouldn’t have noticed unless he was listening for it.
He shrugs. “Okay, is fine. You do all questions, since special voice easier for you today.”
Sidney frowns heavily at him. Zhenya serenely ignores it in favor of demanding the picture from Jen to post to his Instagram. They look good, and Sid’s smiling—not quite one of his best smiles, but close. The internet will like it.
As the day wears on, though, Zhenya...figures it out.
When Sidney’s being interviewed, he can’t mainline cough drops, and his voice gets rougher and rougher as the day goes on. By the time they sit down with Friedman, he’s downright husky, and Zhenya—has a problem.
He’s distracted all through the questions, brushing past being asked about his desires to leave the Penguins (as if) and smiling vaguely down at the video Sportsnet took of him the previous year at his house. He’s babbling a little bit, he knows it, but if he doesn’t fill the silence—
Well, if he isn’t talking, Sidney is, and Tanger’s jokes about Kim Kardashian are suddenly, horribly explained.
It’s not right, Zhenya thinks miserably, listening to Sidney earnestly spill out the same meaningless platitudes about winning as a team he’s no doubt used a dozen times today already and trying not to shift too obviously. It’s not right that he feels so shitty and sounds like...like…
Christ in heaven, Sidney sounds sexy, and there is something seriously, seriously wrong for Zhenya to be thinking so when Sidney is so clearly miserable.
The interview ends, eventually, and Jen picks them up and chats at them the entire drive back to the hotel. Zhenya’s not required to contribute, thank god; he’s so past being able to hold polite conversation in public, it’s not even funny.
Naturally, this means Sidney follows Zhenya back to his room, recapping the day and whining about his sore throat. He stands too close when Zhenya fumbles the keycard into his room’s lock, like always. He smells like menthol from the cough drops, and his shirt is wrinkled and one side of his collar is flipped weirdly, and really, how hadn’t Zhenya realized how desperately, hopelessly attracted he is to Sidney before today?
Zhenya beelines for the minibar as soon as he’s got his shoes off inside his room, hoping that a few tiny bottles of mediocre vodka will at least kill off the semi he’s been sporting since halfway through the interview, if not distract him from the problem entirely.
It would help if Sidney would stop. Talking.
Instead, though, he flops back on Zhenya’s bed—he’s in my bed, Zhenya thinks hysterically, throwing one of the shitty flavored rums Sidney pretends he doesn’t like over before Sidney can ask—and keeps it up, talking about the other players they saw and what did Zhenya think of doing a co-interview, and did he really mean it when he said he’d seriously considered leaving, because—
“Sid,” Zhenya finally interrupts desperately, turning to look over his shoulder at the bed. Sidney’s voice is getting raspier by the second—he’s starting to sound like a girlfriend Zhenya used to have who was a heavy smoker, especially after she had been… He wrenches himself away from that train of thought. “Sid, please, stop talk, please.”
Sidney snaps his mouth shut and stares at him, eyes big and sad.
Zhenya winces and downs a bottle of—god, is that Svedka, disgusting—before jumping to try and smooth this over. “Not— Don’t mean, like, not want to talk, just…” He trails off and turns around, facing Sidney and scrambling to come up with something that doesn’t make him sound like an asshole, or insane.
Too late, though, he remembers his situation, and before he can sit down or do something to cover himself, Sidney’s gaze has already settled at Zhenya’s waist.
“Geno,” Sidney rasps out. “Geno, are you…?”
“Is your voice, I’m sorry!” Zhenya wails, sitting heavily in the desk chair and dropping his head in his hands. “I’m not mean! Is just, you sound…” He shrugs and trails off. There’s no point in trying to explain—he doesn’t have the words in English for it, and frankly, he’d rather Sidney not put together how much of a perv he is.
Sidney’s quiet for a minute, and when Zhenya dares to peek at him from between his fingers, he’s chewing on his lip, color high in his cheeks.
“I sound like I’ve been giving head, don’t I?” Sidney says abruptly, the corner of his mouth curling a little, and Zhenya’s whole body jolts. “I sound like I’ve had a cock down my throat, and now you’re thinking about that, and it’s making you—” He gestures vaguely at where Zhenya’s dick has now definitively gone from semi to fully hard.
“Please, Sid, I’m not—” Zhenya starts desperately. This is going off the rails, fast, and he doesn’t know what to do to fix it.
“I think you are,” Sidney says softly, and oh, now he’s doing it on purpose, Zhenya just knows it, and all he can do is stare when Sidney gets up and crosses the room, before dropping to his knees between Zhenya’s legs, holy shit.
“Sid, you—” Zhenya chokes when Sidney runs his hands up the inside of Zhenya’s thighs. His hands are hot through the thin suit fabric.
“Wanna hear what I really sound like, after?” Sid says, a gleam in his eye.
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