#if someone has made this joke before no they haven't i refuse to see it
barcaatthemoon · 5 months
the truth iii || leah williamson x reader ||
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your first time back in spain after joining arsenal.
part i part ii
this is the final part to the truth. hope that anybody who followed along, enjoyed themselves.
it felt like a dream to be a part of the champion's league again. at first, you had been over the moon about everything. that is until you got the courtesy text from the barcelona girls that jenni was coming to the games. you knew to partially expect that. she may have left, but she was still going to support her friends at barcelona.
"hey, we're about to land," leah said softly as she nudged you. the last that she had known, you were fast asleep against her shoulder. the flight wasn't a very long one, but you had been eager to catch up on some sleep. "are you ready?"
"as i'll ever be." leah frowned at your response. she had watched you freak out after the texts had come in. it wasn't enough for jenni to come to barcelona to watch the champion's league final, but she had also made alexia ask if you'd join them.
you knew that she had asked other girls first, but most of them had refused to talk to you on her behalf. ona had even gone as far as to block the older player for nearly three weeks. alexia was the only one who had told you that, mainly as a courtesy since laia had also been invited. she didn't want you to feel left out, even if she knew the last thing you wanted to do was go out for dinner with your ex.
"hey, everything will be fine love, i promise," leah said as she gave you a peck on the cheek. "i know that we haven't really said anything to anybody else, but my offer still stands if you want me to come."
"are you sure?" you asked her. leah nodded. she knew that you'd need support, something to make sure that you didn't go running back to jenni. your national team friends would be doing that as well, but having leah there would be grounding for you.
things with leah were nothing like they had been with jenni. leah was a great fit for you. sometimes she could be a little shaky with communication, but with some gentle pushing, she'd open right up for you. leah had helped you gain back a lot of the confidence that jenni had seemingly stolen away after the breakup. she made you feel safe in a way that you had never known before.
"i love you," leah muttered as she pressed a kiss to the back of your hand.
"i love you too," you told her. moments later, the plane landed and the two of you were shuffling off of it.
"and the traitor has arrived!" mapi shouted as you walked with laia and leah towards the table. you knew that she was joking, as she was the first of your old club teammates to run over to hug you. she wrapped her arms around you tightly, and it was only alexia and sandra's hugs that rivaled mapi's.
"i see that you brought someone with you," cata teased as she slung her arm over your shoulder. you glanced over towards leah, who was standing sort of awkwardly behind you. "care for proper introductions?"
"leah, these are our opponents. opponents, this is my girlfriend, leah," you said. actually saying the words made your chest swell with pride. leah stepped forward and took your hand as she waved with her other.
"when did this start?" alexia asked, motioning between the two of you. truthfully, you had fallen a bit out of contact with everybody back in spain. it was hard to keep up after having cut all contact in germany. laia would remind you about answering texts, but that was only because some of your less reserved teammates would pester her constantly.
"seven months," you answered confidently. "she is good to me, i love her."
"unfortunately that does not stop captain talks." alexia and irene both stood up, ushering leah out with them. you took a seat next to ona and lucy, who were trying to hold hands under the table discreetly. that left the seat next to keira open for leah to take whenever she came back.
"so, you and leah?" lucy asked. there was a small smile on her face, one that didn't completely hide her surprise. ona had mentioned that you were dating one of her english teammates, but lucy had assumed it was alessia. that had been originally who ona tried to set you up with at arsenal, but your chemistry with leah had been undeniable.
"it's good to see you happy," jenni said. everybody glared at her, as if she had no right to speak to you. you understood and appreciated their protectiveness, but it felt unneccessary. "i am glad that you are doing okay."
"thank you, jenni," you said. the reply felt forced. you could tell that she wanted to ask for a moment alone with you, but nobody else at the table would have let that happen. you were honestly shocked that sandra and cata hadn't tried to squeeze you in between them.
an awkward quiet washed over the table as your girlfriend returned with your captains. leah took the empty seat in between you and keira, who immediately started to interrogate leah about your relationship. you smiled listening to leah tell keira and the rest of the table stories about your first couple of dates and when she realized that she loved you.
it should have been perfect, but you couldn't stop the guilt that gnawed at you. jenni sat quietly towards the head of the table. she looked rough, worse than you could ever remember seeing her. even after everything that had happened during the world cup, she hadn't looked this bad. it seemed that jenni was finally coming to terms with the fact that you were really done with her.
you had once been so caught up in her that she didn't think it would ever be possible. somehow, you had moved away and moved on with someone else. jenni had to admit that leah really was perfect for you in all of the ways that she hadn't been. the two of you were different enough to work out well. you and jenni had been too similar, which was fun at first, but it quickly became a problem. jenni knew how to hurt you in ways that would never occur to leah.
"excuse me, i should head back to my hotel." jenni rose from the table without much fanfare. you watched her leave, itching to follow her out to talk to her. leah watched you carefully, unsure of what to do. it terrified her to let you go out there, but she knew that you needed to get some things off of your chest.
"go, talk to her. i'll be out to check on you in five," leah whispered in your ear. you hesitated but left when she gave you a small nod. everybody stared at leah like she had just grown a second head.
"you're a better woman than i am williamson," lucy said as she watched you walk out of the restaurant.
"she needs this, i have to let it happen. i have to trust that she'll come back to me." leah took some deep breaths to steady her nerves. she could go into the world's most important football game calm as ever, but this was making her heart pound in her chest.
"jenni, what happened? a year ago you were doing fine. what's changed?" you asked your ex. jenni had come outside and promptly sat down on the sidewalk. you stood behind her, unsure of how close to get. you didn't want to give her the wrong impression, knowing that she had been drinking a bit over dinner.
"you've got a girlfriend, and it looks serious. you moved on, and i'm still stuck here thinking about you constantly. every single day something reminds me of you, and it sets me back to square one. i've tried to find someone to settle down with because that's all i want, but i can't stand anybody for more than a few weeks because they're not you," jenni rambled. she looked up at you with tears in her eyes, ones that she had been waiting to shed until you were with her. she wanted you to dry her tears and tell her that you'd come back, but that was never going to happen.
"i am sorry that you are going through this, i am, but there is nothing i can do anymore. i have leah, and i love her more than i've ever loved anybody. we were good together, great sometimes, but it was always so physical. it wasn't easy, but i learned how to step away from that with leah. you need to find someone who doesn't just want to fuck you. find somebody to talk to," you told her.
"i don't want to talk to anybody, but you."
"we never did much talking jenni. it's not what you want to hear, but maybe you need to grow up. there's more to relationships than fucking, but i don't know if you're ready to accept that kind of truth." you had heard about her relationship with alexia, the last one that had really been serious from the sounds of it. "maybe i'm not the one you should be talking to."
"go back inside please," jenni grumbled. she sounded serious, far more serious than what you had ever heard before. you went back inside, catching leah as she made her way to come bring you in. the two of you sat down at the table together, leah integrating you into the bit of conversation she'd started with some of barcelona's defenders on who was the most frustrating striker they'd ever had to mark.
you hadn't done much defending in your career, especially not whenever your coaches had discovered your speed. they had quickly pushed you from the backline to the front lines. mapi and ona both complained directly about you, inciting the whole table to start telling leah all sorts of stories about you from your barcelona days. it was nice, and if you noticed alexia slip outside, you didn't mention it, even going as far as to distract everybody with a youth team story or two.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 6 months
I ever tell y'all about the time I got a guy dumped?
Story time!
This is an oldie. Early aughts. I was working at a comic shop. We had a guy who came in regularly who would ask for the full-time comics guy. If he was there, this dude would NOT acknowledge me. Even if I rang him up.
One time, he basically tested me to see if I was worthy of his attention. He listed comics, and I kept going, basically, "No, I haven't read that, but I heard it's good" or "No, haven't read that, but that sounds cool."
It was very clear that because I wasn't lined up exactly with his tastes, he didn't trust me. My having jugs likely made this more difficult for him. Like, one night, rather than just buying what he wanted and have me ring him up, he said, "Hey is [the full-time guy] here?" and I said, "Lemme check," when the answer was 'Yes, but off-duty.' Dude came to the front of the shop to say hi and then he got stuck by this dude talking comics at him and then being like, 'You can just check me out right?'
Once the guy was out of the store, full-time dude turned to me and said, "Hey, I'm sorry that happened. I should have let you at least check him out so he doesn't think he can act that way."
I assured him it was fine. "He acts like that even when I do check him out," is I think what I said. "I know you've got my back. You don't need to have it for him."
We fist-bumped, the rest of the night was chill.
A few weeks later, I was working the closing shift, and fuckboy comes back in. He has someone with him this time. She says, "Why are we stopping here? You said we were going to dinner."
"We are," he says. "Just let me look around for a minute."
She is clearly not into it. I haven't said hi to fuckboy because I know what he's like, so I end up saying hi to her and asking, "Hey, do you read comics?"
And he scoffs, "No," before she can answer. And she looks at him like she wants to murder him.
"Well, I obviously read comics or I wouldn't be working here," I said to her. "So, what do you do for fun?"
And she and I have a pleasant chat for a few minutes. Meanwhile, this guy is piling trades in his arms like crazy, and she's side-eyeing the pile, and I KNEW something shitty was about to happen.
He finally comes up to the counter with a stack of 7 or 8 trades. This is a couple hundred dollars of comics. He sets them on the counter, and the girlfriend says, "Um, can you afford those AND dinner?"
"No," he says. "We'll just go home after this."
"But you said you were taking me to dinner."
"I changed my mind."
"Dump him," I blurted out. I truly hadn't meant to, but it fell out of my mouth anyway.
She tried to laugh it off. "Oh, that's funny."
He was glaring at me, but joke was on him. He had literally been the worst, and I didn't care. "I'm not joking," I said. I looked her dead in the eyes. "He said he would take you to dinner, then he brought you here when it's clearly not a hobby you share, and now he's deciding comics are more important than taking you to the dinner you were supposed to be going to. Dump him."
Fuckboy had zero answer. She just looked dumbstruck that anyone would challenge him. I rung him up, took his money, and told her to have a great night.
He walked back in a couple of weeks later and refused to even look at me. The full-time guy was working, so I went to the back to sort some back issues until fuckboy was gone. When he left, the full-time guy came back to me and said, "He says you ruined his relationship."
Me, suddenly remembering the last time he came in. "I told his girlfriend to dump him for being an asshole."
"She dumped him. He says it's your fault."
I laughed my ass off.
Epilogue: She came in a few months later with a different guy. They had just started dating. They'd met for lunch, and he said he was a fan of comics, and she remembered our shop, so she said he should visit. He asked if she wanted to go with him. She came in with him, and he clearly had a great time looking at what we had, but he also said to her, "Hey, I know you said you aren't into comics, but you said you really like biographies, so you might flip thorough Persepolis if you get bored."
And I was just like, "Dude, you nailed it. You fucking nailed it. "
I have no idea if they stayed together, but it was a nice bonus to getting her away from fuckboy.
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ride-thedragon · 6 months
Nettles, Rhaenyra, Laena, Mysaria, and the Prize that is DAEMON TARGARYEN
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Now, I'm not going to sit here and police shipping. I'm also not going to act as though better writers and thinkers long before me haven't talked about the same phenomenon of centring men in women's narratives as a way to value the women. However, as a person in this fandom, I do want to apply this thought to the shipping discourse of Daemon Targaryen because it has become exhausted.
We treat this man as though he's the prize to gain when these women are in relationships with him. In the sense that when Daemon picks these women to have a relationship with they gain a value and devalue the women he leaves behind. We see this with him going:
from Rhea and Mysaria to Laena.
He finally has a Valyrian bride who matches his spirit and can give him Valyrian children. They get along and are of equal standing.
From Laena to Rhaenyra.
He moves on, finds real happiness, finds his true family, becomes the Targaryen he was destined to be with his Targaryen bride at his side, and their Targaryen children with his real family
From Rhaenyra to Mysaria .
Rhaenyra became mournful and wasn't as she once was. Him and Mysaria just have this connection, and Rhaenyra approves.
From Rhaenyra and Mysaria to Nettles.
Daemon finally found someone he could look past himself for. The singers say they end up together. He does all of this and leaves the Rhaenyra to her death because Nettles left. He's finally ready to settle down and grow old. She saved him.
All of this is an overgeneralised hyperbole of conversations I've seen, but they always centre Daemon choosing these women to be in a relationship with as their biggest accomplishment in the narrative. Him at their side is the biggest deal, and when he leaves them, they are discarded and replaced by his new love interest.
The issue with this
Prioritising a man, this man, as the main factor in these relationships, discredit the women who exist outside of him and make it seem as though he's the only thing that adds value to them. The language being used, in short, dismisses their personhood and equates them to something he can own, discard and replace at whim, and he alone adds value to them. It's icky language especially with his game card.
Lady Rhea: wasn't even her choice. She hated him and refused to give him an heir to inherit Runestone. In the show, she makes sure he returns and kills her by insulting his sexual prowess.
Mysaria: is complicit and involved in his worst action but always ensures she pulls herself up with it. Being his courtesan made her wealthy, almost made her his wife. Then she's complicit in blood and cheese and gets herself promoted to the Lady of Whispers to the Queen, eventually putting an end to him.
Laena: CLAIMED THE LARGEST DRAGON IN THE WORLD AS A TEEN. Is quite literally the mother of the girls that survived the Dance. Her blood inherits her house's seat.
Rhaenyra: Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Had men avenge her death, and her son sat on the iron throne after her.
Nettles: created the religion that forged the most dangerous tribe in the Vale of Arryn. Claimed a wild dragon and committed alleged treason and escaped.
I'm not saying Daemon isn't important. I'm not saying he doesn't play a part. I'm saying that when we have these conversations about him and these women and the progression of his relationships with them, I hope we can reach a place where the idea that he leaves them isn't a jab or joke against one woman for the sake of the one he chooses. It's getting strange.
Women don't lose value because of a man. Ever.
This also applies to Baela and her adaptation in the show. She isn't uninteresting because she isn't a tomboy or like Daemon. They make her a political girl in the show and like Laena. That's not a loss. She's modelled after Rhaenys as well. She's just reflective of the women in her life. I'm sure she'll have a relationship to Daemon as well, but she's the Ward of Driftmark. That's quite interesting. We also have tomboys like Alysanne and Sabitha, so we aren't in a deficit by any means.
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
mcyt with an s/o that's insanely good at driving?? like in the video with Schlatt and he was just doing donuts and that stuff but it's reader? almost like it's stuff from a freaking action movie with how they drive lmao
OH FUCK YEAH LMFAOOOO yes this is how my mom drives but she's a serious road rager too 💀💀💀💀 this is more like "You're a good shitty driver but yeah 👍"
MCYT ; insane driving skills
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, quackity, & foolish gamers
warnings ; language, talk about car accidents, talk about death due to car accidents
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genuinley refuses to sit in a car when you're driving
yk the vlog where he, jack, tubbo and becky go see the alien rocks? you offered to drive and he screamed no
honestly you understood, your a bit of a road rager
and that one vlog you guys made together where you show off your NASCAR level driving really doubted his trust in you
it's half jokes half serious tho
has genuinley said you should become an F1 driver 💀
he's just afraid of you yelling at other shit drivers LMFAO
will genuinley scream when you do donuts in an empty field
"I wish we had rollercoasters closer to us"
"we've got one right here"
the fact you haven't crashed and killed both of you is astounding to him
literally how'd you get your license
loves going out in fields with you to do donuts and be a little dangerous
"more donuts!"
"how are you not about to puke!?"
you rented a golf cart one a vacation to a little beach town for the Misfits Gaming channel and holy shit
the amount of wheelies?? he's surprised you didn't get arrested
you drive like you're driving a monster truck like please calm down
he genuinley compares you to schlatt when driving and you're just like "Yeah because we're cool. cool people are insanely good at driving"
they blink and stare before saying "I don't think good is the word I'd use"
you'll deadass slam on the breaks going at max 10mph just to piss him off
they're actually confused as to how you aren't on your fifth car already, you drive like a sicko
you do a racing vlog with some friends and safe to say you won
"You should be an F1 driver or something"
you terrify him a bit
"y/n, do you know how to do wheelies?"
"get in the golf cart"
"holy shit!"
thinks it's pretty badass that you know a bunch of tricks and stuff
he doesn't endorse bad driving on the road though
you do your best to behave around him because you don't wanna get yelled at 🤞
"oh my god why are these fucking semis in the passing lane?? I don't wanna get Final Destination-ed!"
"this is surprising for me to say but same"
"please, i just wanna eatttt, go faster and actually pass someone!"
but when you're purposefully fucking around yourselves he'll literally smile and laugh when you go over bumps and do donuts lmao
he'll probably record it and send videos to Tommy, Jack, Bill & Harry
tweets like "my partner is a crazy driver pls help" and "YEAHHH LETS CRASH THE CAR TODAY" are to be expected
also jokes about you being a NASCAR driver because the way you swerve through traffic 💀💀💀
look, she loves you but calm down
she will admit that she likes doing donuts and tricks in an empty area but lord
the swerving through traffic? the usual 70-80 mph? no thanks
you do try and drive like a normal person when she's with you tho
one of her favorite memories is you driving one of those kiddie cars, with both of you in it, and doing very muddy donuts with it 💀
yk how moistcritikals dad hotwired a kiddie car to make it go faster? yeah that's the explanation to how it even happened
you guys were soaked in mud after LMFAO
she likes when you rev your engine in tunnels, the way it echoes is so cool to her
like she giggles and shit and like 🫶🫶
"I love when I fly down the highway to see my gf"
"ppl r complaining about me on Facebook so I think I will.."
again, kiddie car wheelies 🔛🔝
he loves doing fucking donuts and shit with you LMAO
if you, him, schlatt and charlie r meeting up irl, you guys make a whole vlog out of it
you rent two sports cars and literally make a mini action movie (obviously with comedy) (basically a better fast & furious) (quackity is better than vin diesel)
when I tell you that shit got 16 MILLION VIEWS. the edits after that were astronomical
so many clips of the cars in tunnels, on bridges, speeding down the highway, etc
you're respectful for others around you but you have a need for speed
although if you're doing it on a golf cart or anything open, he's wearing a helmet
he's running a whole business, he can't risk dying to your shit driving atm LMAO
makes some merch, basically a racer jacket that's black and your favorite color or black and dark blue (variants)
they say 'quackity racing team' or 'y/u/n racing team' with some sewn in patches, like the quackity poker chip and whatever goes best with your brand
they're cool as hell too LMAO
he does the little giggle and shit it's adorable
loves doing dumb shit with you
you obv don't do it with a bunch of people around or anything but yk
you, him, karl, punz and tina met up and you had all of them piled in the car while you did donuts and shit
foolish had a vlog cam set up on the dash and the amount of screaming and the reactions 😭😭 /pos
genuinley confused how you've never wrecked your car before
and no the one time you backed into a mailbox doesn't count
revving the engine through tunnels>>>>
he always smiles at it even if he's tired or kinda miserable
will pretend he's in an action movie if you're swerving around people a bit or going really fast
he'll load up the finger guns and get ready to aim LMFAO
gta irl with him basically
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yan-lorkai · 7 months
*rubs hands*
general headcannons for integra? what would her punishments and possible rewards be like?
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: I took my time with this because I wanted to be perfect so I hope you two like it, as much as I did writing. Honestly after watching the anime and halfway through the manga, I feel like we haven't seen much of her, my girl 100% deserved more screentime <\3
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: romantic yandere, punishment mention, isolation, starvation, kidnapping.
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☆ Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing is a serious woman and an imposing figure, she is intimidating and knows this fact very well. Even though she is focused on the work of the Hellsing corporation and has to deal with a lot, that doesn't mean there isn't room for someone in her heart. Even though most people can't capture her attention, you, on the other hand, somehow did. You crawled through the barriers of her heart and made a home there, you left her expose to your soft light and presence. And she loves it.
☆ A relationship with her is a slow thing, it's all about the normalcy of small moments. The first brushes of fingers, the first glances exchanged and the first smiles, the first laughs and jokes shared, she's a calm and collected individual, Integra handles most situations with a controlled ease but internally she gets really happy whenever your attention is on her. She loves you just right so it makes sense that she would also be the first to declare her feelings for you, that she would take your face in her hands and leave a light, chaste kiss on your lips as soon as you tell her your feelings are reciprocate. She can sleep well calling you hers.
☆ Honestly, you wouldn't notice that there is anything wrong with her behavior, sure she can be a little overprotective with you, have someone monitoring you and accompanying you when you go out and sure she is suspicious of your friends and colleagues. But this is justifiable, at least you think, as soon as she tells you how she was betrayed by her uncle, how she was chased and almost killed by him, and you and your good heart try to work with her so she could overcome this. Integra plays your game well but really she is just blinding you to any and all of her worst tendencies, pushing your boundaries very slowly till one day she can have you being dependent on her.
☆ You're a little too naive but she likes it to keep you this way. She likes to keep you away from ghouls, from Millennium, from all the danger. She can deal with it knowing you're safe and sound at the Hellsing estate. And there's no way she'll let you become a Hellsing Soldier, refusing vehemently because she can't imagine her life without you there and she wouldn't be able to live knowing you died because of her imprudence. And if you are one, you won't be for long. She's going to make you resign.
☆ Not too big on pda while she's in public, the maximum you get is her holding you hand or giving you a side hug but in private? You aren't getting out of her arms anytime soon, I can also see her as someone who expresses herself better through her words and actions, she loves doing things to you, she loves when you match clothes with her, when you let her do your hair, things like that. She likes the control but mostly she likes how you trust her enough to let her do this. And really she takes good care of you.
☆ Now... If you reject her, Integra's going to pretend everything's fine and that you can remain friends. She's not some girl who wears her heart on her sleeve or anything, it's not as if she gonna feel miserable and rethink everything before coming to terms with it. You may not feel something now but that doesn't mean you aren't gonna catch feelings later. So she remains optimistic.
☆ When your feelings remain the same, Integra losts. If you aren't loving her, she's gonna make you love her as she deserves. She already passed through hell and back, and she's going to have you.
☆ Punishment? She normally let's you locked in your room with no way to escape and no form of leisure. She likes to give you gifts but she take them away when you misbehave. The silence may make you think about your actions, if it don't you're more than welcome to count the tiles on the floor and name the art frames. You aren't getting out of that room until you're begging for forgiveness, she can let you stay there for a while, depraved of everything you love, even depriving you of food.
☆ Though if you're being too difficult she lets you spend a day with Alucard. A whole day working under Alucard and assisting him with whatever he needs. She knows him well enough, she know how scary and dangerous he is, and she knows you're terrified to be so close to someone who could rip your flesh from your bones anytime he wanted to. You're even more terrified of asking for his help because you're not sure if he would help you, only to be the first to hunt you down when Integra sends him to retrieve you. Though she only use this method as last resource, she really prefers to play mind tricks on you, to isolate you and rebuild you like she wants, to starve you and be your savior when she presents a feast for you. Don't force her hand, you wouldn't like it.
☆ When all is said and done, Integra cradles you in her arms and very sofly caress your face. All the suffering you passed and the punishment you endured ended so now she's going to take care of you, feed you, kiss your tears away, but you know deep down she feels happy with your surrender and begging.
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SandRay is just AkkAyan spelled differently
I've lost count of the number of rewatches I've done of The Eclipse since watching it six months ago for the very first time, but once Only Friends started airing I haven't done any rewatch, just because all my thoughts these past weeks have been obsessively about Sand and Ray
BUT yesterday I found myself watching it again after months and when I got to episode 11 it hit me: SandRay's dynamic when it comes to taking care of each other is the same as AkkAyan's but backwards.
Let me explain, I was watching this specific scene
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And this thought came into my mind: "If in The Eclipse it's Khaotung's character that takes care of First's character, especially when it comes to emotional needs, in Only Friends it's actually the opposite with First's character taking care of Khaotung's character"
Since then I haven't been able to stop noticing all the ways Ayan and Sand mirror each other when caring for their partners
Ayan looked at Akk, and saw something extraordinary. He saw this beautiful broken boy, who was hurting so much and doing it all wrong, he saw him holding on to a very thin thread just on the verge of letting go. Ayan saw all the love Akk needed, and despite being very broken himself, he never ever let go of him.
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Akk did bad things and said awful stuff and pushed Aye away time and time again, and still Aye stayed right were he was and held him up every time Akk hit the ground.
Showed him how despite all his flaws, all his mistakes, he was still someone worthy of love.
And so throughout their journey Ayan gave his heart and soul, took all the love he could muster and stood firm by Akk's side, no matter what.
Ayan made no excuses for Akk's behavior, held him accountable, called him out when he was doing something wrong and at the same time offered Akk all the support he needed to get out of that bad place because he knew how necessary it was to have a support system.
And isn't that exactly what Sand has been doing with Ray ever since he first saw him, left alone, drunk as hell, getting into his car without any concern for his life?
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Just like Ayan, Sand has found this special fragile boy who needs lots and lots of love. And where Akk wanted acceptance and to be good for others, Ray only wants to be loved and to be someone's priority for once in his life.
Even the little things Sand does for Ray. And yes, we joke about Ray being Sand's spoiled princess, but before Sand came into Ray's life, did anyone ever treat him with this much care and affection? No.
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Lighting up his cigarettes, cooking for him, helping him with his helmet, driving him around, changing his dirty clothes when Ray is too passed out to care, going after him no matter what Ray said or did, shaving him...
Yes, Sand is a natural caregiver and perhaps acts of service are his love language, but to me the point is that Sand is able to see the full potential Ray could reach.
Sand knows how precious he truly is; with patience and love and care, with someone by his side ready to fight the battle with him, someone who will not give up on him, Ray may one day be able to blossom into this wonderful person that he is capable of being.
Until that moment comes, Sand will be there for him like no one ever has before. Because Sand looks at Ray and sees someone worth fighting for, someone worthy of love.
And yes, I am aware that Ayan and Sand are very different characters, they are at different points and have different expectations when it comes to relationships.
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Even the way they handle things when it comes to love is different: Ayan is very much open and ready and unafraid to communicate what he wants from Akk, while Sand is emotionally constipated, with his walls all up, still falling hard but refusing to admit it even to himself.
Yet the way Ayan and Sand care for their loved ones appears to me as the very same.
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"Uhluhu" - [M.M.]
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Pairings: Matt Murdock x GN!Reader
Summary: Matt tells he loves you, and you want to say it back
Word Count: 1.6k words
Content: Like nothing. Safe for all.
( Masterlist )
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A/N: Sorry, I've been on a bit of a hiatus. Finals are coming up and it's super stressful so I haven't gotten to write much. I found this in my drafts so I'll let yall have it. Hopefully, it will hold you over for a bit.
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You had been dating Matt for several months now. You met him as the devil first. He was limping through the alley, and you heard him curse as he tripped over a trash can. When you looked out your window, you saw him collapse face-first in grime. You called out to him but heard no response. So against your better judgement, you climbed down your fire escape to check on the stranger. 
Matt woke up with a familiar feeling of deja-vu. He woke up on a soft towel draped over a couch, shirtless, with gentle hands tending to his wounds. His waking up was not peaceful in any way. He bolted upright with a large gasp ripping from his chest. You fell back on the floor in surprise at his outburst. 
He rattled off a lot of questions, and it took you a moment to respond to them as you tried to coax him into lying back down. You told him your name, where you had found him, and that he was about to bleed out from a bullet wound. 
“Luckily for you, it was a clean shot. I don't know how to fish out a bullet, but I was able to find a decent tutorial for stitches. You should be fine if you rest.”
Matt learned to trust you over time. You never asked for his identity or pushed him to talk about his past. He respected you for that. 
One night you got a text from him. It was only an address. You made your way up in the shaky elevator and knocked tentatively on the door. You were surprised when a blind man answered and greeted you by name. 
He asked you a bunch of questions about The Black Mask and what you knew of him, but you refused to answer, going as far as to threaten him. He chuckled at you as he opened a beer. 
“Trust me, honey, I’m not someone you wanna pick a fight with.”
You bristled at the nickname, but something about his voice was familiar. You raised the candle you grabbed from the coffee table higher, ready to swing if he got closer. 
He walked past you and opened up an armoire in the corner. You couldn’t see what he was doing. He threw something at you that you struggled to catch it. You ran your fingers over the familiar dark material. He heard your heart race before it started to settle again, and he knew then that you had connected the dots. 
“Really? A candle? What was your plan there?” He asked with a teasing condescension you’ve come to love. 
You chuckled as you set it back down. “I was gonna use that right hook you taught me.” 
It wasn’t long until he asked you out, the next day if you remembered correctly. He introduced you to his friends one night at Josie’s. Foggy and Karen adored you, and It was funny to see Matt’s lifelong friend tease him. 
“I mean honestly, what do you see in this ruffian?”
“I dunno Foggy, I guess he’s charming. In his own…weird…brooding way”
Dating Matt has changed your life. You have never known true admiration- devotion- like his. Anything you ask for, he would deliver (if he had the financial means to do so). He had been working on a healthy life balance for a while and with you, he felt he had it. And he felt the need to pay you back for that in any way he could. Flowers, home-cooked meals, cuddles, you name it. 
You were a well-known writer for The Bulletin. You often got to work from home. For the past month, you’ve been working from Matt’s. He had joked a few times about how you “moved in,” and if he noticed the way your heart raced when he said that, he didn’t mention it. 
You had been burned in the past. Pretty severally. So your relationship with Matt seemed almost unreal a lot of the time. While you didn’t have the crushing catholic guilt Matt did, you still had some baggage you were carrying around. 
Last week Matt told you that he loved you. He assured you that you didn’t have to say it back, that he still meant it either way. He’s said it every night as you drifted off to sleep and every morning as he left for work since then. Those three little words. 
You wanted to say them back- you really really did. You knew that if you spoke them, you would mean it; it would be the truth. Truthfully you did. But what a terrifying truth. You wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. You wanted to move in officially. You want to wake up to him every day. You wanted the good and the bad and the ugly. You wanted him, devil and all. But no matter how many hours you spent hyping yourself up, when he came home, you just couldn’t do it. 
You decided to change that today. You couldn’t let him go any longer thinking you don’t feel the same way. You could say it; you had to say it. 
You spent all evening cooking chicken piccata with homemade noodles. You went to the farmers market this morning to get fresh, local ingredients because you know Matt can taste the preservatives on grocery produce. You even baked fresh bread, made fruit tarts, and currently, you were tossing a salad. 
You had put on some of Matt’s vinyls, and when he walked in, he was almost overwhelmed. He could smell your cooking from the front entrance, and it only got closer as he approached his apartment. He could hear you humming and singing along once he got to his floor, and your gentle footsteps could be heard against the kitchen tiles. 
You heard the door open and were sure Matt could hear your heart rate pick up. You walked away from the stove and saw him taking off his coat. 
You ran into his arms, and he didn’t hesitate to catch you, spinning you around and holding you close. You melted into his embrace as you buried your head into his neck, taking a deep breath and letting his woodsy cologne wash over you. His hands were pressed flat against your back; you could feel his warmth soaking you to the bone. There’s nowhere else you’d rather be. 
“Your sauce is starting to stick.” You could hear the smirk on his face. He knew exactly what he was doing to you and liked to rile you up. 
“Oh shit,” you mumbled as you dropped down from his arms and raced back into the kitchen to stir. 
He followed after you at a much more leisurely pace, leaning against the island as you worked. 
“Let’s see here, I smell…chicken, lemons, garlic, raspberries, bread, parsley, and…is that fresh capers?”
You grinned, “Yes, bloodhound, these are fresh capers. I wanted to make you a nice dinner. Now go get changed and comfy. It’s almost ready.” 
You felt his hands on your waist and leaned back into him on instinct. He took the opportunity to place a kiss on your temple. 
“On it boss.” 
He stepped into the bedroom, and you began setting up the island. You arranged the plates and placed the glasses of water (and an opened beer next to Matt’s). By the time he returned, you were taking the rolls out of the oven. 
The power Matthew Murdock held was entirely too dangerous. He emerged wearing a v-neck and his trusty grey sweats. You knew he felt your stare. He could probably hear your heart rate pick up at the sight of him. His smile grew into that smirk you knew very well, and you knew he knew. 
Dinner was great and went off without a hitch. He told you about his day, and you did the same. You talked about big and small, and all the things of the world. He continues to complement your cooking, praising you after every bite. You brought out the fruit tarts, and the both of you munched on them happily. 
Matt set his fork down and looked at you curiously. “What’s all this about?” 
You frightened confusion, and Matt decided to play along. “The food was wonderful, but why did you make a three-course dinner? What’s the occasion?” 
You set your fork down, wiped your mouth with the napkin sitting you your lap, and place it on the counter. Matt could sense your anxiety and wondered if something was wrong. 
“There’s no… occasion, per se. It’s more of an announcement.” Matt tilted his head, and you continued. 
“I uh-” You cleared your throat, trying to force the words out. “I…” 
Matt was patient, silently reaching for your hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. His own anxiety melted when he felt your pulse slow. 
“I’m sorry. I don’t know why it’s so hard to say,” you admit with an air of defeat. 
A knowing smile makes its way onto Matt’s face. 
“You want me to guess?” he asked, giving your hand another reassuring squeeze.
“No, no. I want to say it. I want you to hear it come from me.” 
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You had been practising saying it all day, saying the words over and over again. 
You forced out the words on your exhale. “Uhluhu”
Matt tilted his head, ”What?”
You took another breath and squeezed his hand, “I love you.”
His face split into a grin. You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you. You suddenly felt light. 
“I love you, Mathew Murdock. I love you.” 
You couldn’t stop saying it. 
“I love you too.” He said, oh so quietly, but his words dripped with their truth.
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Tag List: @barbecuetiddy, @heejinw0rld, @Isshecrazyorissheclever, @purple-amaranthe, @rudy-the-winged-wolf, @scorpiolystoned, @tayswiftlovebot, @wannapizzamymindposts, @whoreforklitz,
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writingwisterias · 1 month
Speak up When it Matters
Leon Kennedy x Mute!Reader (Gn)
Warnings: Events of RE6, Light Violence, Light angst, Fluff, Platonic Relationship
Words: 1.4k
Summary: Leon has to pick who he is training but what happens when the reader is mute and the events of RE6 occur...
Hope you enjoy this! It was again just a random thought, I've written the reader to be optionally mute but haven't specified why so it's up to you with how you interpret the reason ~ Mads <3
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He wasn't sure why he was training the new recruits, he spent the late hours of his shift sorting through the files choosing which person would be the lucky one he selected to work with him. Most of them sounded or seemed boring, that was until your came up. In your notes it mentioned that you were a mute, maybe it would be interesting or a relief to finally have someone that couldn't badger him about his life or the missions he had been on.
He met you a few days later, your first mission was to protect the president but also be at Leon's side. You were nervous, refusing to even move away from Leon in fear of doing the wrong protocol, you might as well have been taking notes at this point. At first Leon forgot you didn't speak, he kept finding himself getting frustrated at the fact you never replied to him when he asked you something, instead you would nod or give him a thumbs up and smile as a signal you understood. When you both returned to the hotel he found the silence unnerving as he felt his thoughts beginning to wonder, he probably would turn to the bottle soon as per usual. However, it was as if you could tell because suddenly you stood up and walked over to your bag fishing out what seemed to be a mini whiteboard.
'What's your favourite colour?' He blinked at the question, it was so simple- normal even compared to everything else everyone had asked. His eyes flickering from the board and your face. "Uh-b-blue" He muttered, his brain buffering. You smiled turning the board to face you as you began to write the next sentence. 'Cool, mine's orange' Leon smiled an actual smile not one of the half-assed smiles he gave everyone else he spoke to. 'How do you think I'm doing so far with training?' He pondered for a moment, the question almost stumping him as he thought of the things he had seen you do today or stuff he thought you could have improved on. expect the wasn't anything. you were quiet and listened to everything he explained acting on any adjustments he made to the day without hesitation or panic. "You did really well today" he complimented, his heart thumping as your growing smile. "D-do you have any questions for me?" he asked, attempting to prevent this conversation from being one-sided.
'I'm worried people don't think I do a good job because I don't talk' It wasn't a question but instead a statement, a fear that had been eating at you alive all week as you worked. Leon didn't really know how to respond, he wasn't brave enough to ask why you were mute in case something had happened to you that caused you to become mute, he of all people knew what it was like to relive a nightmare each time you told the story. However, he did notice you spending your breaks sitting next to him never actually speaking, most of the time he didn't even notice that you had spoken to him. "From what I've seen you are observant and notice things sometimes I miss" he shrugged. He watched your face contort in thought as you pondered on what he had said before eventually you began writing your reply. He wasn't sure why he leaned forward eager to see your reply as it took you slightly longer to finish writing it, instead of holding it up for him to read you handed it to him. "Is this your way of saying I need glasses?" he joked as he took the board from your hands, being careful to not rub off any of the black ink. You giggled and shook your head at his comment.
'I'm grateful it was you. anyone else would have just treated me differently, you still communicate and keep me in the loop even if I don't verbally respond. You're a good person Leon.'
Leon felt himself freeze, they were words he hadn't heard from anyone for a long time. You scooted closer, eyes showing concern as you gingerly placed your hand on his knee bringing his attention back to you. You smiled at him, the action confirming you meant your words. "Thank you- I haven't heard that from anyone for a long time"
It was from that point that changed your relationship with him, you kept the whiteboard in your suit jacket pulling it out on breaks to chat with him. You spent the evenings eating hotel room service and watching the crap late-night tv. Everything seemed to go smoothly until the actual event. The power went out and groans began to fill the room causing goosebumps to spread over your skin. "We need to get the president out of here" Leon spoke, his grip on your arm bringing you back to reality as he turned you to face him. "Just shoot them in the head and stay close to me"
You wanted to ask him who, but that was until he pushed you behind him and shot one of your colleagues. You looked at the body its eyes bloodshot and blood dripping from its mouth. You desperately wanted to ask him what was happening, if he was infected. Instead, he placed your gun in your hand, his eyes intensely staring at you, you took a deep breath giving him a firm nod before following him down the dark corridor towards the press room the president was in. You walked back to back, making sure nothing could get to either of you, knives held underneath the gun. Your posture was exactly the same as his, Leon felt pride swell in his chest as to how quickly you adapted to the situation and used his training to protect each other.
It was Leon's turn to freeze once he had opened the door to face the President crouched over the body of one of his secret service members. His gun lowered slightly, trying to picture if what he was seeing was actually correct. You shut the door behind you both making sure nothing could sneak up behind you both. Leon called to him, hoping that maybe he wasn't fully turned and was still alive. The president slowly rose before it began stumbling towards him, his arms outstretched towards your partner whilst low groans left his lips. Leon didn't hesitate. The gunshot made you jump as you watched the body fall to the floor. You moved around Leon to get a view of the president on the floor assuming the room was now clear. Leon just stood staring at the body, his gun shaking slightly as the adrenaline began to wear off. A voice broke him from his trance, he would have assumed it was another survivor they had missed somewhere in the room but you jumped with your knife ready killing a Zombie that had gotten too close to him.
"LEON" You yelled again, the room now becoming filled with Zombies. You weren't sure why you had chosen to now break your year's worth of silence. Perhaps it was the panic of losing Leon, the only guy who has given you a chance since you had been in the industry. "Leon please we have to move" you spoke again, your voice soft and cracked as you grasped his hand and began to pull him out of the room. His body followed your call on instinct, protecting you as you guided him to safety not stopping once. He desperately wanted to hear your call again, to encourage him to keep going to survive.
Eventually, you both managed to escape the chaos for a moment, spending the time reloading your weapons and checking each other for bites or other injuries. "You spoke," Leon said bluntly looking at you from where he sat leaning against the wall. Your hand instinctively went to reach for the whiteboard in your pocket, he watched as it paused before you decided to lower it at your side again. "I did" you croaked out, it felt weird hearing your voice again. "I don't need to hide behind my whiteboard with you, we are going to find out who did this together. I-I trust you"
Leon smiled before nodding, his heart fluttering at you placing your trust in him. "We'll do it together" He responded as he slowly stood. "Thank you for saving me" He added holding his hand out for you to shake. Instead, you smiled and began to bring him into a hug. You felt the tension melt away from the both of you just for a moment before you both readied yourselves to face what you had to.
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cat-angel-936 · 2 months
What if Chris will work with Zach?
The first meeting part 2
"So that was your brother Chris?" Aviva asked and Martin nodded.
"Yes, the last time we saw each other we had a very hard fight, we said things to each other and well... I haven't seen him since" Martin explained.
"And who was the one next to him?" Jimmy questioned.
"This is Zach Var*interrupted*
"Guys, look at this!" Koki said, drawing the attention of the other three, "I looked up information about Zach and it turns out that he is an inventor and CEO of Varmitech Industries, a company that is dedicated to collecting animals and turning them into robots." Everyone was horrified to hear that. "And you say that your brother Do you work with him?" Koki asked offended.
"There has to be an explanation for this, I'm sure," Martin said, refusing to believe that his brother works in that horrible world.
"Mh....let's see Chris Kratt" Aviva searched and got some results "Chris Kratt biologist, zoologist and personal secretary of Varmitech industries, although he has some individual studies for the company he works for"
Everyone looked at Martin waiting for him to say something, on the other hand Martin grabbed his head more stressed than he was before, the looks on him were uncomfortable, it had been a long time since he felt comfortable with them, but he knew he had to say. something "I....this is my fault" was the only thing I managed to say about the one in blue
"Don't say that Martin, how would you know that your brother would work with someone like that?" Aviva consoled "we better make a plan to save those poor Oryx and talk to your brother and solve this"
"Yes, maybe we can meet him, Koki and I too," the pilot said enthusiastically.
"I have no intention of meeting him, I don't like people who hurt animals," Koki emphasized bitterly, who was very upset with the situation.
"Not us, but it's about my brother and I have things to talk to him about," said Martin, defending his brother. Maybe he doesn't know the reasons why he joined a company that harms animals, but that's no excuse. to treat him badly "Aviva, I think something occurred to me," the oldest finally smiled, leaving the others with the excitement and curiosity of knowing what occurred to him.
A new day had arrived, the bright sun greeted all living beings with its splendor, giving a good sign that that day would be beautiful.
Martin and Aviva went out with createrra where Zach and Chris were to start their plan, Martin was just hoping to be ready to talk to his brother and Aviva didn't seem very happy about what she had gotten "Eh? Hey it's your brother again" Zach said enthusiastically.
"Oh..." the boy said with little interest, who left without saying anything else. His boss tilted her head in confusion but preferred not to stop him, "he will have his reasons for leaving." He thought.
"Hello Zach, it's been a while," the older man greeted there.
"About 8 years to be more exact"
"Yes haha, um, Zach we were talking Aviva and I and she is very curious to know how to ride an Oryx" this made the inventor very happy who couldn't help showing it
"Really?" He asked excitedly, doing a lot to the girl.
"Hey, well, me," she said, a little uncomfortable because of the rudeness. "Come on, you'll have a lot of fun, I assure you!" She said and took her by the wrist and took her straight to the stables.
"Have fun," he greeted them, both inventors walked away. "Now to look for Chris," he said seriously and setting off.
Chris was looking at some papers, while he watched his boss chat with the purple girl and help her get into the Oryx. "She looks so happy." He thought to himself when he suddenly felt someone touch him on the shoulder.
"Hello," a shy Martin whispered, Chris felt like all the muscles in his body tense and prevented him from moving. "It's been a long time since we last saw each other, don't you think?" He joked nervously when he saw how the youngest didn't answer. "I understand that maybe you don't want to see me, I just wanted to know if you're okay." He said, looking away to see the two inventors talking.
"I'm fine, thanks for asking." He spoke with a certain tone of indifference that Martin never imagined hearing from his little brother. "Are you doing well?"
"Oh yes! In fact, I founded my own animal protection and research team!" He said excited to see that his brother was paying attention to him.
"Yes, mom told me a little about that when I talked to her, she said she was proud" this surprised Martin a lot, he didn't think that Chris would still communicate with the rest of the family after what happened between them and this Chris did. I noticed by the look of confusion and surprise on the older man's face, "that you and I had not been together anymore, that doesn't mean that I didn't communicate with the rest of the family," he clarified, you could see some discomfort at having to clarify it, "but You'd know if you went to family gatherings..." he hissed venomously.
"I didn't mean to make you angry friend, sorry, you know that kind of things happen to me hehe" I try to calm the tension that formed after the poisonous comment
"We are not friends," he said, keeping his distance from the opponent.
An awkward silence ensued after that, Chris seemed to wait patiently for his brother to leave while he continued with his work.
"And what are you doing?" He asked as he snooped through the important papers that Chris had in his hands.
"Don't act like you care," Chris stressed with an annoyed and tired expression, moving the papers away from Martin's gossiping gaze. And he began to walk away from there, being chased by Martin who did not stop talking to him.
"But if I care, at least you could tell me what you do with your life, I told you a little about mine, that's fair" he stood in front of him to prevent him from continuing walking, Chris only seemed more upset but he didn't want to make a fuss.
"Martin, please let me pass, I have work to do" he tried to move but his older brother prevented him from moving forward and in an accident Martin surrounded him with his arms, preventing him from moving, bothering the youngest a lot "are you in trouble or something like that? Let me go, is it?" "Seriously" The youngest ordered, clenching his fists in annoyance.
"No, I won't do it until you answer me," he clarified. Chris sighed tiredly and relaxed his fists.
"Okay, I'm fine, I have a job as a biologist and secretary at the company Zach founded, happy?" I ask, asking with my eyes to release him from that hug.
"Not at all, why did you decide to go with him?" Martin looked at him with pity and Chris looked away.
"He offered me a position, I needed a biologist and we had known each other since we were little, so why not?" He said in a carefree tone, Martin still had a pitiful look, he looked like a puppy who had been punished and Chris felt more uncomfortable in the hug "Can you let go of me now!?"
"Hey, okay," he said, releasing him, Chris adjusted his clothes and took a few steps back to have distance.
"If that was all you wanted to tell me, I'm leaving" he was going to take another path when one time they were called
"Chris!/Martin!" They were from Zach and Aviva, the two inventors were calling them so they had no choice but to go
"Wow, you're very good at this," Zach commented, surprised to see how Aviva had no problem jogging.
"Thank you, although it bothers me, I must admit that the seats are very comfortable" I said sadly "even so, I still believe that the Oryx should not be used as saddles"
"Well, that's your opinion," said the one in the black vest indifferently, trying to anger the girl.
"It's not just my opinion, there are many people who think the same!"
"Just like there are many others who believe that what I do is right," he said, smiling superiorly at her.
Aviva was silent for a moment, she knew that Zach was right about that, so she couldn't make him free the animals just like that, she had to think of something to save the Oryx, until an idea crossed her mind.
"Zach, how about a competition?" Aviva asked, trying to sound as interesting as possible.
"A competition? You want us to have an Oryx race!?" Seeing him so excited, Aviva decided to play along.
"Sure, but with certain rules" Zach nodded happily "you will use an Oryx and I will use my invention, if you win we will leave you alone and you can use the Oryx as mounts, but if I win, you will let them free"
"Well, okay, we'll see you in a while then," he said, confident that she was going to win.
"Well, in that case let's call the brothers" he suggested, hoping that part of his plan had worked on them.
"Yes, Chris will surely like the idea of ​​the game"
"Chris!/Martin!" The inventors called excitedly, seeing how Chris and Martin were walking towards them but they seemed upset and sad.
"What's wrong Sir?" the assistant asked
"Everything okay Aviva?" The older man asked, hoping for good news.
"Everything is fine, Zach and I had a competition. If they win, we will have to leave the Oryx on the mount, and if we win, they will have to release him," the short-haired girl explained.
"I understand, in that case, I will send the zachbots to look for a safe lead here."
"Huh, a race?
"Yes, so come on, we have to get ready," said the girl, taking the blue one by the collar of his jacket and dragging him away from there.
Chris gave a tired sigh as he watched them leave, which confused Zach with "everything okay?" He asked him worriedly, "Don't worry, Sir, it's my thing," he said somewhat discouraged as he left. Zach took one last look at the blue and purple spots and began to suspect that they were up to something else.
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purpleheartskies · 7 months
I recently came across these quote:
" 'Be the bigger person' is bullshit advice. My bigness is not determined by my capacity to quietly absorb bullying, degradation, and abuse."
"In the toxic family, we're often told to be the better person... with someone who is refusing to be the better person."
After s5, Robby's popularity grew a lot because many fans started "liking" Robby more. The thing is, before s5, many didn't "like" Robby at all, as in empathizing with Robby and understanding all of his nuances as a character. So, now it's seems that they just "like" that he's seemingly not going to be a problem in the obviously toxic blended "family" that they've always wanted for Johnny and Miguel.
Even some of the fans that have generally "liked" Robby the whole time, proudly say that Robby decided to be the "bigger person". Again, it seems to be about wanting Johnny and Miguel to keep their relationship intact, while Johnny gets Robby in whatever form Johnny can. A compliant, people-pleasing Robby is the Robby of choice, especially because Johnny and Miguel haven't changed so of course Robby must become the compliant, "bigger person".
As if people don't see the blatant psychological, emotional, and even physical abuse that Johnny subjected Robby to in s5 for his own gain. s5 was another season that Johnny very obviously chose Miguel and his family over Robby. It really is a choice to ignore Johnny's toxic behavior in s5 and throughout the whole series. In fact, some even agree that Johnny mistreated Robby in s5, but also say that Robby is okay with it now so they're okay with it too... and then they happily talk about what they hope to see next for Johnny and the Diazs. Like I said, it's a choice to brush it all off.
And it's not like Robby didn't speak out at all in s5. Robby tried to, but Johnny kept putting him in situations that he eventually complied. People-pleasing (fawning) is not being the "bigger person". People-pleasing is a trauma response and a defense mechanism.
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Robby got upset with Johnny for lying and tricking him into a father-son trip, but Robby stopped speaking out because Johnny dumped him at a bus stop to get home on his own, while Johnny went off to make sure Miguel got home safe while Carmen stayed home safe, even though Miguel had chosen to go to Mexico on his own while Johnny had lied and manipulated Robby into going there and even admitted he did it because he needed Robby's help finding Miguel.
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After they returned from the trip, Robby made it clear that he didn't want to be friends with Miguel. He clearly defined his boundaries and said that Johnny and Miguel have their relationship and he just wanted his space from it, but Robby stopped speaking out because Johnny has no respect for Robby's boundaries and put himself, Miguel, the baby, and Carmen above Robby. Johnny doesn't care about who is at fault for the rivalry or the school fight (Miguel) and who continued the rivalry in s5 (Miguel). Robby had no choice but to fight so that Miguel could hurt him, like he's always wanted to, before accepting him. Robby had to be excited like Miguel was about the baby so that Johnny wouldn't abandon Robby again. Robby had to ask for permission from Carmen to have dinner with his own dad. Later, when Robby indirectly commented about Johnny not giving fatherly advice to him but only to Miguel, Robby had to pass the comment off as a joke because Johnny immediately got upset and dismissed him.
Robby stopped speaking out because he's not allowed to. Johnny chipped away at whatever resolve Robby had. Robby had to be the perfect son so that Johnny would allow Robby to continue to be in Johnny's life.
(These are general thoughts and not directed at anyone in particular.)
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WIBTA if i don't design my grandpa a tattoo of his dead mom I never met?
I (20 M) and my grandpa (50s? M) have a pretty good relationship. We don't talk very often because he lives in a different state, but we see each other a few times a year when he visits town. Our relationship has grown pretty shallow because of how little we interact with each other, as we haven't had any deep conversations or interactions since I was about 14 when he moved out of state.
Due to this, he still pretty much sees me exactly how he did when I was around the ages of 7-10 as this was when he was in my life the most. I've been actively going by another name since age 13, he knows, but he refuses to call me my name (despite it literally being my legal middle name that he's always known and used to call me it before I decided to reject my legal first name). He's sat me down in private telling me he would never call me my chosen name because it's too hard for him to remember. I'm kind of bitter to him towards this and am allowing our relationship to become more shallow. I'm trans and I know he'll never see me as a man, because he basically sees me as a 10 year old girl and no matter what I do he won't respect my identity. I don't think he like...believes in trans people but we've never had a direct conversation about it.
Now heres the actual situation: a week before father's day, he messages me on facebook at midnight asking me to design him a tattoo alongside my cousin (25 M) who is in a complete other state and is also kinda shallow towards him due to being closeted as bi and my grandpa being homophobic to mlm (he's ok with lesbians bc my cousins mom is one and she's the favorite child lol). he wanted a tribute tattoo dedicated to my dead great grandmother that I never met and don't care about at all. This is completely out of my scope of artistic skill as I mostly draw suggestive art of thick anthro women and I don't want to make a tribute tattoo for someone i never met? Considering how porn-y my style is I think it would be disrespectful to do it as well. Also I was high as fuck when he messaged me. I don't know why I did, but I agreed to do it and then asked my cousin to do it, despite him also never meeting her. He agreed to handle it. Weeks pass
A week or so ago, my grandpa came in town and the first thing he said to me is "Hey girl! Where's my tattoo?" and I was instantly uncomfortable but i just shrugged it off and made a joke and it didn't come up for a while. It turns out my cousin didn't draw the tattoo either, but I don't blame him too much ngl. The whole week he was in town, he kept bugging me about doing this tattoo for him and I kept shrugging him off. My mom, who actually knew the lady, made a tattoo design and it was really clever and personalized and well thought-out, but he rejected it because it wasn't my cousin or I who designed it.
I never plan on making it. Should I just do it to get it over with?
What are these acronyms?
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brynn-lear · 3 months
Dear B,
As promised, I'm here to know more about your selfships! >:) but unfortunately, I am not sure anymore with who ya selfship anymore so my first question is,
Who are those who stole your heart? <3 (I only know about Dimitri for sure, hehe <3)
Sincerely, Dresvi
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Sorry, I can't help myself with the first image lol. My first instinct when seeing "who are those who stole your heart?" was saying "the crown prince of Faerghus, the one-eyed monster, the feral boar, the savior king, Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, oh and there's also the blonde man who talks about wanting to eat the weeds he has my heart-".
But for other self-ships, I guess it's those two people listed above (I can be delusional and think they're Dimitri but in another universe lol). Sorry for my handwriting HAHAHAHAH. This way there's very little chance someone would yoink my lazy scribbles ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
As for platonic, it's definitely Dr. Ratio & Boothill hands-down (◍•ᴗ•◍)!!! They're both such a vibe.
Extra stuff
Syn & Dainsleif:
As much as they would rather die than disclose this information to new friends, they were once lovers before Dainsleif entered the military. It was just unfortunate that one of them had to move out due to their parents' occupation. Whenever they both look back, they always remember how they both made flower-crowns for one another...
In present day, Syn is focused on researching Enkanomiya. She rarely exits but when she does, she's always greeted by an understanding Kokomi and/or Gorou. The Sangonomiyas seem to respect Syn for her several aides in the past, so they make sure she's always comfortable when coming out.
... And her refusal to explore is also the reason why Dain and Syn still haven't reunited throughout the entirety of the Archon Quests.
"Angolay"/Brynn Lear & Gepard Landau:
Brynn is just pseudo-adopted by the Landau family at this point. She's gotten used to the Landaus since they're very similar to her own family.
She's texted when Serval needs help tinkering machines, when Lynx wants an exploration buddy that scavenge with him, and even when their mother wants someone to fetch a few ingredients. Brynn is the unofficial "family dog" and she's none the wiser. She doesn't like being tied down she she keeps declining the Brynn Landau jokes earnestly.
As a Galaxy Ranger, most of her work in Belobog stems from helping the Nameless in making sure that Jarilo-VI maintains its freedom against the IPC's insistence on debt retrieval. She saw it as a planet "being bullied", and lended her aide by acting out as a secret investigator. Plus, Angolay does loathe the IPC'd marketing team for what they did to Boothill's planet. It's fair game. Gepard often asks why Brynn likes staying in Belobog, to which she replies that it's the exact opposite of her home planet. Her small planet is tropical and the heat can be exhausting. So, she wants to keep her little vacation spot. (“That reasoning doesn't make sense to be, but I'll accept it...”)
Brynn is always floored at how Gepard seems to remember things for her. By that, I mean Gepard would randonly segway a "you haven't eaten yet, go have lunch" in the middle of a conversation. And those sorts of comments make people misunderstand the nature of their relationship. For more examples;
"You left your gun at my place last night. Here it is."
"Brynn, my father is eager to give his blessings to reinstate you as an official Landau. Please talk to him soon." (<- also doesn't realize his dad is joking. To be fair, Father Landau is a total military man—)
The miscommunication trope is not happening between the two of them, nope, it's the people outside the conversation lol
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rainahs-real-wife2 · 1 year
𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝘼 𝙛𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙤𝙛 𝙎𝙖𝙝𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙏𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙮 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙖!
𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙚𝙣𝙟𝙤𝙮.
the Circus had just made their way out Aspett, Everyone was in the dining room, Still Dressed in Their pj's. Julia & Kamille were hanging out with Dotty and Bob Till Dotty looked around, A Look of Concern was plastered on her face. “ what is it, Dotty? ” Kamille asked, Noticing the change with her expression “ Oh it's nothin' Sweetie, Just that I haven't seen Dear Tonny since Yesterday morning.. “ She answered, A Tone of worry following her words. “ Oh, How about after Breakfast We go check on Him? ”
Dotty planted a kiss on her husband's cheek. “ You have the most wonderful ideas, Darlin'! Now where was I?.. oh right! how was your date with Rainah, Kamille? and Julia, How's the outfit goin'? ”
time skip ~
Dotty knocked on Tonny's Door, “ Tonny, Sweetheart.. can we come in? ” The four waited patiently, Before a weak reply was heard from the other side. “ Yeah.. come in-.. “ A Cough following behind, Dotty opened the door to see the ringleader, He was a Mess. His hair was Messy, He was sweating a lot, and His trash can was filled with tissues from Sneezing.
“ Oh my! tonny, Are you alright? ” She came running, Hugging the poor man as He looked up before saying anything. “ Of course I'm fine, why wouldn't i- ACHOO! ” All four of them were surprised by the sudden sneeze, As Bob Came over lifting tonny. “ We should get you to the medical tent, Tonny.. ” Quickly tonny protested. “ No- I'm fine, Really! ”
“ No matter what you say, We're still taking you, Wimpy clown! ” Julia commented, Crossing her arms while following behind the group as tonny tried to escape from Bob's arms.
soon after sending Tonny to the medical tent, Dotty and Bob go back to see all the Performers Practicing their acts for the next stop. “ Listen up, Everyone! “ All eyes were turned to Dotty. “ Our Poor ringleader has gotten Sick! and Someone needs to take care of him while we unpack for the night! ” Everyone started stating that they had SOOO much work to do.. “ that's a bummer.. ” Dotty sighed and was About to head back before Sahed walked in. “ Tonny got sick huh?.. It's been long enough. ”
“ Ah! yes, Sahed. are you free? ” Dotty asked, Stepping in front of him. “ Yes... I am? ” Sahed replied as he was turned around by the said woman and pushed towards the medical tent. “ Great! Can u take care of tonny? ”
Sahed wanted to refuse at first but Ended up Agreeing...
That's how they got to..
“ sahed, I said I'm fine.. “ Tonny Weakly said while refusing to eat The soup sahed made. “ As if, Your fever is like 38 Degrees, Do you know bad that is, Tonny? ” He asked, Taking medicine out of the cabinet. “ Yeah yeah.. whatever.. “ Tonny reluctantly finished his soup before leaning back as Sahed bought a warm bowl of water and cloth, not to forget medicine too, While dipping The cloth into the warm water and drenching it. “ You know.. It may not seem like it, but I do get worried about you, You know? ” Tonny was surprise at the sudden statement as He turned to sahed. “ Not really.. I don't know that much. I always thought you hated me. ”
“ Dear, We've dated each other for like 6 years.. ” Sahed commented as he placed the folded Wet cloth onto His head. “ Plus, I think it's best not to try and escape... you fainted the last time you did that. ” Sahed spoke while running his hand through the blonde's short yet fluffy hair. “ I know but I have lots of work to do.. And more people keep joining the circus.. ” He Looked around sahed's room.
“ Will you stop worrying about work for once, Tonny? ” He leaned forward, Planting a gentle kiss onto Tonny's cheek. “ Alright fine.. Only because I'm sick! ” sahed laughed at Tonny's response. " Yeah right.. Not because you want to spend time with your lovely future husband? ” Sahed joked, Making himself look proud to add to it. “ Hah! as if.. ” Tonny Crossed his arms as He looked outside the window. “ You do get a nice view, I'm jealous. ”
“ Well.. you wouldn't be if you came to sleep with me more! But you're focusing on stupid paper work. ” Sahed's comment made tonny sit up straight and turn to him. " Hey! It's not stupid- It's to keep the circus balanced and al- ” Tonny was cut off by closing the gap between them, Giving him a gentle kiss.
once he pulled away, Tonny straight up went beet red. “ What were you thinking-? you might get sick just because.. ” Tonny had stopped mid sentence when he heard a slight chuckle that slowly turned into laughter from the other party. “ I- Sahed! ” He leaned forward, Placing his hands on the bed to balance himself. “ I'm sorry, Love! it's just so funny when I see your reaction to simple things! ” Sahed blurted out between his Laughter.
“ I hate you so much.. ” He turned his back to sahed as Sahed slowly stopped laughing. “ But two days ago , You told me You loved me soooo muchhh... ” He shifted his position from the stool to the bed as Tonny turned his head to him. “ I was drunk! It's dotty's fault okay-! ” He His his flustered face behind his injured hands. “ Careful on your hands, Darling.. ” He held tonny's wrists, bringing his hands down. “ They're fine.. ”
“ They used to be, Until you started your frenzy by writing So much! ” He commented before noticing the moon going up. “ I feel like you should rest.. “ He Held his laughter as He heard a Long Yawn from the ringleader as he plopped down onto the bed, Instantly falling asleep as Sahed picked the cloth up from the bed and Putting it back on his forehead, Before planting another kiss on his cheek as He Positioned the Stool to the wall and put the pillow near the wall as He sat there and fell asleep too.
In the morning rainah walked into their room. “ Ain't surprising.. ” she mumbled, turning back to kamille. “ Cmon on, Let's go. I don't need my jacket. ”
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Hello! I saw that requests were open and wanted to give them a shot!
Could I request Ace, Deuce and Sebek with a confectioner reader?
I know this one's really boring, so feel free to ignore this one.
ooooh, I actually like this one! As someone with a huge sweet tooth- (gonna admit I had to look up the meaning for "Confectioner" because I never heard it before lol)
Deuce, Ace and Sebek with a Confectioner!Reader
♤ I believe Deuce would have a sweet tooth, so he would probably love to hear about your occupation as a Confectioner, He would probably be your most loyal customer, entering the shop every two days to stock up on sweets, or just to see you work.
♤ He even sometimes offers to help, though he may not have much experience, he tries his absolute best, and it comes out quite well!
The bell from the front foor of your shop gives out a little "Ding!" indicating the presence of a customer, you come out from behind your work area, expectant that the customer is none other than Deuce, one of your most loyal customers, and low and behold, you were correct!
"Hey Deucey!! Nice to see ya this morning!" you greeted him as he approached your counter, "Hello! Good to see you as well, Y/N!" he replied, smiling.
"So, whatcha in the market for today? I just finished making some of your favorite chocolates, if you'd like some!" you beamed, a sweet smile across your face.
"I would, thank you!" He beamed, you giggled at his excitement, but of course, who wouldn't be excited for chocolate? You knew Deuce has quite the sweet tooth, and it was originally why he began coming to your shop, but then he ended up becoming a regular, and you both had become good friends during this time, he's helped you out in the shop a bit, and he's surprisingly good at making sweets, despite his inexperience.
"Aaand here you are, Deucey! Your chocolates!" You spoke as you handed him the chocolates, and he handed you the money, but you refused.
"Eh?" he stared at you, confused on why you didn't want it. you laughed at his reaction, "Just take it for free, its on the house today!" you smiled, putting a hand on his head a ruffling his hair gently, which was quite fun, because he always had a cute, flustered face whenever you did that.
"A-are you sure?" he asked curiously, giving you a guilty look. "Yep, very sure! Look at it as a... friend discount!" You said as you smiled.
"Heylooo! Ace in the house!" Ace said as he entered you shop with a sweet smile, "Well, well, well, if it ain't my favorite trouble maker!" you smiled, resting an arm on the counter, and one on your hip. "Ha! Of course I'm you favori- wait... Touble maker??" he flinched, you couldn't help but laugh at his stubborn reaction. "Hey, at least you're my favorite, am I right?" you winked at him.
"I- uugghhh... you hit me with that everytime!" he groans. "Hahahaha! okay, jokes aside, whatcha looking for?" you ask him, smiling slyly. "Do you have anymore of those chocolates that you made the other day?" he asks, "Sure do! You liked em that much?" you ask slyly, giving him a cheeky smug smile, "Uh- Ye- No! it's just uh...." you laugh at his reaction, "Cat got your tongue? anyways, I'll get those chocolates for you!" You say as you give him a wink, dissapearing behind the wall that separated your workspace and the main shop for a moment, only to come out with the sweet chocolates he requested.
"Here you are, Acey, now... that'll be 9-" aaand he's already handing you the money, aaand now he's also gone... leaving you confused on how he was that fast.
Sebek (May be ooc! I haven't written much for him so I apologize!)
"Good morning, human!" Sebek announced his presence as he entered your shop, "Morning, Sebek, what's up?" you ask the half-fae, half-human customer, "I am quite well! I have come to ask, would you happen to have more of those sweets from yesterday? Waka-sama said he enjoyed them very much when I gave him some, so I'd like to get more!" he announced.
"I sure do! I'll get the them for you! Give me a moment!" you smiled at Sebek before dissapearing into your workspace to quickly grab the chocolates and give them to him, you knew he was rather impatient, so you gotta be quick if you don't wanna be yelled at by him....
"Here you are! that'll be 9 dollars!" you say, as he hands you the money, "Thank you, human! I'm sure Waka-sama will appreciate these!" he said as he left, giving you a slight wave, you were quite surprised he didn't yell at you, he was still loud, but not yelling loud. Of course, not that it bothered you, he was just another one of your quirky customers!
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sebaztianlovesgeek · 10 months
A really dumb thought that's been plaguing my mind all day
So despite me being a guy I grew up with my little pony (generation 4) and I actually still have a lot of love for the show, I wouldn't say I'm a downright brony but I enjoy rewatching the episodes (and I also hate the new generation 5 and I wish Equestria girls got an ending)
If you've seen my profile you know I'm also a fan of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. My favourite part being Stardust Crusaders.
Now in the MLP fandom, there were a lot of very violent and gorey fan content made about it, fanfiction, fanart, fan animations, etc. I fortunately didn't see anything too violent as a kid but I do remember seeing a lot of f*tish stuff.
Anyways so there was this particular MLP fan animation called 'Smile HD' that many MLP g4 fans saw as kids (thankfully I didn't) and I watched it for the first time a few days ago. It's basically about Pinkie Pie massacring the main 6 and then blowing up the universe, it's very graphic and has a lot of blood but since it was cartoony I honestly wasn't really phased by it.
And this wasn't the first fan animation/story where Pinkie Pie went absolutely insane, there were many before that, such as cupcakes HD (made by the same person who made Smile HD I think) where she kidnaps Rainbow Dash, cuts her open and then makes her organs into cupcakes.
Now me and my friends who are JoJo fans have this inside joke that Kakyoin is very... Psychotic. As you can tell Pinkie Pie was also the "psychotic" inside joke in the MLP fandom.
Then I was thinking... Wait a minute... What if Smile HD happened in the JoJo's universe but instead of it being Pinkie Pie it was Kakyoin?
I have a very dark sense of humour, so the thought of Kakyoin killing the other crusaders and then blowing up the whole world was kind of funny.
So Kakyoin would be Pinkie Pie, Avdol would be Apple Jack (because they both die in similar ways), Polnareff would be Rainbow Dash because why not, Joseph would be Rarity, Fluttershy would be Jotaro because near the end where Fluttershy tries to fight back reminded me of Star Platinums ora ora thing.
Who would be Twilight though? If you haven't watched Smile HD Twilight is the first to die when Pinkie Pie runs up to her and kicks her in the head so hard she is decapitated. At first I thought "hmm, since Jotaro was the MC he should also be the MC in the MLP universe" but then I remembered Fluttershy and her star platinum-type punches and I couldn't refuse that.
"what about Iggy?" You're probably asking. Well since there are 6 crusaders and 6 main my little ponies, it wouldn't be hard doing this... At least for someone who isn't like me.
You see I do not like animal cruelty to any extent, it breaks my heart, even if it's fictional it's hard for me to watch, when Iggy died in the actual anime that was already pushing it for me, so the thought of Kakyoin hurting Iggy like that doesn't sit right with me. And also I don't think Kakyoin (even in his evil psychotic pinkie pie mode) would stoop down to hurting a cute dog.
Since Hol Horse was originally supposed to join the Stardust Crusaders, I have declared him Twilight Sparkle in the smile HD x JoJo's crossover.
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hihi ok ok a lot of thinksies incoming
the fact that grian realized he was drawing on everyone while he was asleep and decided to not sleep and ended up having a panic attack and accidentally amplifying scar and xisuma's feelings to the same level its like.. living with a mental illness. you can't be passive and ignore it (which for grian would mean sleeping and hoping he can just *not* do it) but you also can't be aggressive and try to get rid of it (which for grian is not sleeping) you just have to learn to live with it and have it not harm you or other people (which he hasnt found yet)
+ i am loving that we are seeing more of his memories from being with the watchers but not as a flashback but in parallels from present to past (+the past repeats itself) + also your similies/metaphors are delicious "To skirt past the edge of death and fly, a blind and unwitting moth, toward the bright, unspoiled future", "a creeping, crawling notion that the world no longer makes sense, fits poorly around one's shoulders. Like a worn, childhood coat, stained with the devastating loss of innocence" and "he's pressed a knife to every promise he's ever made since the day he emerged, digging into sinew until each fitful thread snaps. His existence lies in the shadows of these distorted fractures, jagged hopes and dented dreams, forever fated to cut his hands on the fragments. Holding them together has never been a permanent solution; all it ever does is make him bleed." to name a few + HEHEHE IMAGINING MUMBOS IMMACULATE MOUSTACHE
also i might just be vibibg this but i think out of everyone tango feels a sort of parental obligation to grian. hes worried he'll stop breathing in the night, he gets him out of his room, he beams when grian smiles. pearl and mumbo have the sort of betrayed sibling feeling, scar is still trying to hold everything together and xisuma is harbouring the guilt of being the guy who kicked him for the good of the server because they were also good friends. tango has ideas of what is good for grian but being peers ig? also doesn't want to go over what grian wants too much. tango is a little more divided from the others, hes here for jimmy and grian getting better extends to everyone else in their immediate party and further back to hermitcraft and to jimmy and joel and lizzie and everyone
"this would all be so much simpler if nobody cared. But they do, because they're good people" this. this is so bhersnfkksd cause im no stranger to suicidal thoughts and its spot on but then ALSO grian attributing it to their being good people rather than his friends and his saying "they're good people" as if he isn't a good person is so telling in his self loathing
"He senses more than sees Tango level him with an appraising look. As if Grian is a redstone problem in need of solving, of only finding the right tinker to make him function again." i love this. the dynamic of one cahracter being techy/handy in some way and wishing they could fix someone because its so much harder making a person ok again
also also it is so important to me that scar can recognise grian's needs as having wings and can say that they haven't been taken care of and are probably uncomfy but grians so wallowed in his self hatred and refuses to allow himself fundamental upkeep
"Grian hesitates. It's somehow both sooner and later than he'd thought he'd have, but… he can make it work. He has to." gODSS he doesnt want to go quite yet because hes suddenly reconnected with these people he lost and it would've been so much easier if he had never reconnected with them in the first place but its so hard to want to die and then be faced with death because all of a sudden you're thinking about that cake you'll never get to bake and wishing death came before you thought of baking a cake
+ tango is our like relief character ig? he doesnt bring all the same weight and its so amazing because a) i love tango b) hes able to be lighthearted and joke and hope and its so necessary with everyone else drowning (even if no one can really tell scar is falling apart)
"Despite the distance and heartbreak between them, Grian knows how the hermits work." MAN. the way he can tell where people have walked and what theyve done, its such a cool mechanic + i giggled a bit knowing Scar made the doorknobs of copper he has a very healthy diet of it /silly
"Tango gives him another one of those long, appraising looks. Then, before Grian can unclench his jaw to ask, Tango pulls back altogether, bringing his other hand up to twist the cork. It frees from the bottle's mouth with a musical plop, and without the faintest twitch in expression, Tango smoothly offers it out again." THIS!! its sad because in a way you know tango hoped grian would be able to open the bottle himself at some point but its also sweet because hes willing to help and take care of grian until that comes
+ grian relishing in the loneliness. sometimes it is just such a privelige to let yourself be sad or lonely for a bit. dont know why
as always its been an absolute treat to read your writing!! boy this is a long one.. thanks for feeding us :P
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I cannot come up with a coherent response to this rn but !!!!! Please know i am so 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ abt this omg!!! This is so sweet and i love love love seeing analysis of my writing it just makes me so excited to see what you guys pick up from it :] this made my night omg thank u
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