#if reno thought he was a freak before
So many lonely people on Kaiju No. 8 had found companionship with Kafka.
He's the personification of support. A senpai, a role model, a hero, a friend, a cadet, a reliable worker, even a crush. He's someone you can trust and someone that wants to be there for you. Even the comedy relief guy or the saviour of the day!!
In the latest manga chapters he was a plushie for a little girl.
There's Reno who lost his entire family. Kafka took the role of the senpai with him: guide and teach the guy, talk with him, show him how to survive and inspire him. Reno met a genuinely good guy that was openly offering his help and friendship, so he went back to thank him and do the same. Hey, your dream is not over, Reno said. What did he get in return? Kafka sacrificing his life for him, telling him to run, giving up the most important thing in his life for Reno.
There's Mina, who is terrified of being alone. She found a personal clown in Kafka, yes, but he was also the boy who helped her keep her hope and made things easier. He would always go with her to the shelter during a kaiju attack, even if he was in another school. He told her she didn't have to kill kaijus all alone. He promised to be by her side. Mina was thrown into a world of giant burdens and expectations, where her failures could mean death and destruction. Kafka saw her not as the weapon she was, but as Mina.
Hoshina was constantly disrespected, overlooked and ignored. He gave Kafka a chance because he reminded Hoshina of himself. For his troubles, Hoshina got a guy that would work hard to reach his expectations, that would rival him, that would call him first thing and spend all that time worried and would apologize before turning into a kaiju to save their lives. Kafka became a friend of sorts to Hoshina through hard work and respect.
Kikoru was used to all types of reactions from the people around her, but not to the level of worry and pride and trust Kafka gave her. It was not for show, he was completely open and sincere in his feelings. Kikoru you're an asshole, Kikoru you're amazing, Kikoru pleaseeee take care of yourself, Kikoru I won't disappoint you, Kikoru you have my permission and gratitude if you kill me if I ever lose control, Kikoru I trust you to finish this battle.
The first thing Kafka did during the second part of the recruitment was support Aoi and Haruichi during their subjugation of a kaiju.
He saved Minase's life by partially turning and risking his life for it. He saved Iharu and Reno that day against No. 9.
Narumi told Kafka that only they knew the weight of the burden they carried for being there the day Isao Shinomiya was killed. Freaking Narumi, who wouldn't share that burden with anyone else.
Like it was noted by his boss while he was still part of the Cleaning Corps, Kafka would do his job after complaining, but he'd do it perfectly and do it again if asked to.
He's reliable. I know I said it before, but he is.
In a world where anyone can die any minute, in the Kaiju Country, Kafka is a presence you don't want to vanish. It's what Mina says: everything is easier with him around, anything is possible.
When in the first chapters Kafka tells the little girl to not be afraid because he'll go and everything will be okay— the girl thanks him. In the anime, the little girl even asks Mina to please not hurt the good kaiju. Once people have met him, they don't want him to go. They'd do anything for him not to go, not to die. When Kikoru saw him losing control and remembered her promise, she decided that she'd rather believe in him 'til the end. When Isao was about to disappear, he thought about Kafka and said he'd leave things up to him too.
Isn't that what it means to be a hero? To be able to say "leave it up to me" but also trust others to help you when you need it? Inspire people to support you because you supported them first?
The only thing scarier than the kaijus is to be left alone in the world— and Kafka fights that.
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cherry-romper · 6 days
hey! hope you’re having a fantastic day. wanted to request a OP! reader saving reno, maybe he thinks he’s about to die and BAM reader comes in and saves him and then patches him up, comfort/fluff please! thank you for feeding my delusions:)
Reno x OP!Reader
Better late than never >:D
Warnings; Strong violence, themes of spiders throughout
Contains; GN!reader, comfort/fluff
Word count; 2072
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‘How many of these bastards are there?!’ Frustration coursed through you; your back pressed against the ruins of an office building. Sweat laced your brows as you relentlessly cut down the continuous onslaught of 8-legged yoju. You didn’t know how long you’d been fighting, nor did you care, if the yoju kept coming, you’d keep fighting. 
Using your gun as a knife, you pierced through the belly of a yoju that had leaped off the wall next to you. It cried out in pain, its grotesque pincers mindlessly biting and slashing the air, a desperate attempt to taste your blood. Staring the beast down, you clamped hard on the trigger, sending a blast of energy deep into the yoju. The shot eviscerated the creature’s core, what remained shook as it curled itself around your gun. Grimacing at the sight, you quickly kicked the carcass off before shooting another that stampeded towards you. 
You knew it wasn’t smart to stick around. You were growing tired, and your max output was decreasing by the second. Soon you doubted having enough power to even shoot through the yoju’s shells.
Why did it have to be spiders? You thought. Fear creeped its way into your mind. These yoju felt different from the rest. Their sheer number was second only to the ant yoju, but these had the ants in size and power. Just looking at them gave you the heebie-jeebies. 
This was not how you planned on dying, but there was nowhere to go. The original area for extraction had been overrun, your best choice was to wait for a new one to be set. 
But what about Reno? The little voice in your head sent you spinning. He had updated his position on the radio about 20 minutes ago, claiming to be headed towards the old extraction site on the very road you were on now. 
It was a gamble, any second you could be overrun and devoured by the monsters further down the street, but it was a risk you had to take to get to him.
Sucking in a breath, you took a brave step forward and began your assault. You kept your form tight, and you gun secure against your shoulder. You moved fast and precise, keeping each movement deliberate and every blast powerful. 
You stepped over debris and yoju alike, laying waste to anything that moved. This is what you’d been trained for. You couldn’t call yourself a Defence Force officer if you couldn’t even protect yourself. 
The more you progressed, the worse the streets became. 
Arachnid and human corpses lay bloody. The walls were painted in a strange, silky sting. You slowed your pace down, taking a moment to examine your surroundings. 
Your eyes widened at the horrors above you. Hanging corpses, wrapped in web, shook and squirmed. The people trapped inside were still alive. 
Your blood ran cold. These poor people would suffocate if you didn’t act quickly. The idea that Reno could be in one of these cocoons washed a wave of anger over you. 
The more you stared at the gruesome sight before you, the more the absence of spiders dawned on you. They were nowhere to be seen, but you could feel their beady eyes on you. The world seemed to stop for a minute. Impending doom taking hold. Your mind raced to find the right course of action. 
‘Don’t overthink, just do’. You recalled Reno words. He had uttered them to you after you froze up during training. 
You couldn’t afford to freeze up again. If you did, you’d be a midnight snack for some 8-eyed freak. 
You braced your legs and unsheathed the blade from behind your back. Leaping into action, you began to cut down web after web. You bounced off buildings and walls, taking great care with your footing to not trigger any vibrations. You freed the hanging cocoons, lowering them carefully to the ground. 
Quickly, you gathered them into a pile on the ground, trying you best to not get stuck to them, all the while, keeping your eyes peeled for any movement, ready to strike at the slightest noise. 
Removing the web from the faces of your fellow officers, you sighed in relief, they were all still breathing. No Reno, you thought. Shushing them, you asked for a sit rep. 
They relayed to you that a larger Kaiju had decorated this place. The cocoons they were in weren't the only ones. Deep into the ticker part of the web system, this beast had dragged more officers. In a shaky voice, one of the officers told you that the thing was cannibalistic.
You looked around to the smaller yoju corpses in disbelief. It had killed its own kind?  This had never been seen before. You attempted to use your radio but to no avail, the webs seemed to be jamming your signal. 
With no other choice, you stared down into the webbed tunnel system that lay ahead you. You knew what had to be done. 
“Get out of here,” you commanded, “it’s not safe for you. Stay together, find somewhere with better signal and call for extraction far from this place.” Handing your gun over to one of the officers, you gave them a sad smile. They knew it best not to argue with you, your mind was made up. 
You removed your mask; it would be no help to you in the upcoming fight. Taking you blade, you wiped it clean on your forearm. Once you were sure the remaining officers were out of sight, you walked over to where a thick string connected to the floor. You sucked in a breath before flicking a small tune on it. It sent a vibration into the thick section of the tunnel. 
You waited a moment, anticipation eating away at you. Then you heard a sticky scurrying and the webs around you started to shake. Due to the web’s movement, there was no telling where the kaiju would appear from. You positioned yourself in the middle, you blade held tightly in your hands. 
Silence followed. The creature had stopped moving. You scanned the abyss for any sign on it, but there was nothing. You steadied your breathing, circling on the spot to get a better look at all the tunnel openings, hoping to catch a glimpse of it; a leg, the shine of an eye, the hump of its back, but there was nothing. Only the scarcity of its presence. 
Your eyes darted around, panic and fear overtaking your every sense. You couldn’t see it, but you could feel it. It was foreboding, like you were already caught in its web. Now, you understood. It was playing with its food. That’s why it had kept they others alive. Blood must taste better when it is laced with fear. 
You calmed yourself as much as the adrenaline would let you. It was here, somewhere, you just had to find it. Straining your ears, you listened for any audible cue. To your delight, there was a faint clicking sound to your left, the beast was readying its pincers. 
Found you.
With a cry you slashed at the webs to your left, taking the kaiju by surprise. It shrieked in pain. You’d sliced through two of its legs, relieving it the appendages. A smug smirk play at your lips. “You shouldn’t have underestimated me,” you chuckled lowly, tracking the creature as it ran circles around you. 
It was huge, quadruple the size of the yoju you’d previously battled. You could see every hair on its dark, mud-coloured body, as though it were covered in needles. It spouted of head of 10 great, bulging eyes and razor like pincers. They snapped and clicked as it ran effortlessly in and out of the webs. It was fast, faster than you’d anticipated, but not fast enough. 
Predicting its movement, you threw your blade, lodging it deep in one of its many eyes. Following quickly behind it, you leaped next to the beast as it swayed and shuddered, not giving it time to recover. Pulling the blade from its eye, you sliced across its face, taking out its bottom row of orbs. A deep blood-lust compelled you to keep stabbing. 
The kaiju wailed, thrashing around trying to get you off it. Dodging its pincers, you used the handle of your blade as a step and twisted your body into a seated position on its back, unsheathing the blade as you went. 
Now, mounted on top of this abomination, you brought down your blade into its head. The kaiju spasmed, gargling on its own blood, as its legs gave out. It fell with a thump to the ground, paralysed. Its core was located in its rump. It watched helplessly as you dismounted. Wiping your blade clean on its back, you spat at the creature. 
Positioning your sword, you sunk it deep into its back, taking pleasure in watching the life leave its eyes. You stood victorious next to its corpse. 
Adrenaline still pumping in your veins, you made a mad dash for where the creature had emerged. Wasting no time, you began hacking away at the webs like they were plants in a forest. The only thought on your mind was Reno. 
What if he was dead already? What if you were too slow? Too weak? Your mind wandered and raced as you chopped away at the white strings. 
Soon, you could see the silhouette of a cocoon, backlit by the moon. The sight made you cut faster, crawling thought the sticky silk, pulling your limbs free where needed. 
Once you reached it, a sinking feeling befell you. It wasn’t moving, and it was drenched in blood. 
No! Please don’t let it be him!
Balancing yourself on the bed of sting, you freed the person from their prison. Brushing away the residue from their face, you could see it was Reno. 
Your heart skipped a beat seeing his sickly pale skin. He’d lost so much blood. Two large holes adorned his abdomen. Cradling him in your arms, you checked for a pulse. 
Relief hit you like a train when felt the rhythmic beating of his heart. It was slow, but it was there. A thankful smile graced your lips. You couldn’t help but hold him closer to you. Resting your head on his, you began to rock, coming down from the high of the adrenaline. 
You weren’t sure how long you stayed like that before he began to stir. His face scrunched up at the immediate pain he felt upon awakening. Memories came flooding back to him and with them panic. 
He began to thrash around only for you to steady him. “It’s okay,” you reassured, “it’s me, you’re safe.”
Bewildered, his big orbs stared up at you. His hands shakily made their way down to his chest, his breathing quickened at the sight of his mangled body. You quieted him, “don’t panic. Let your suit repair your tissue.” 
Sure enough, the suit had begun the healing process, and his wounds were starting to close.
His voice coarse and throat dry, Reno coughed up blood and phlegm. Though he tried, he couldn’t seem to put together a sentence. His hand searched for yours, which you gladly gave to him. 
He looked so confused, so lost. It broke your heart. Your eyes stung at the threat of tears. Keeping yourself composed, you gave him your best smile, squeezing his hand, letting your body language talk for you. 
Gulping a few times, he began to speak, “I’m-ugh-I’m glad it’s you.”
You knitted your brows, confused as to what he meant. You opened you mouth to query him, but he stopped you before you could. “I’m glad you’re the one who save me, I-” he spluttered “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
He smiled the best he could, and you giggled back, heat rising in your cheeks. The moment was interrupted however by bright lights and the thrumming of a helicopter overhead. The spotlight beamed down on the two of you through the webs, you both shielded your eyes from the light.
“Thank god,” you breathed, looking back down at Reno. He gazed back at you, searching deep into your eyes. You both let out a laugh, smiling at each other like idiots. Slowly you came to rest your head on his, your hand still firmly in his grip, happy to finally be going home together.
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sonicasura · 2 months
Kaiju Cores and Relics
I decided to expand more on the Knack x Kaiju No.8 concept from my asks. I'm including some things from Knack 2 alongside a few Species Swap shenanigans. The latter can be found at the bottom! Let's get started!
A good chunk of Knack's new moveset like the Sunstone Shield stems from experimenting with Kafka. Both want to get a better handle on their powers so don't be surprised at the sometimes whacky shit they get into. Lucas and Reno may had to melt Kafka out of a ice block once.
Knack is the first 'kaiju' to be marked for alive capture by the Defense Force. It's pretty clear that someone had created the golem and the higher ups want to know who. Knack barely escaped Vice Captain Soshiro multiple times thanks to his size manipulation alongside usage of the environment.
Lucas often sends letters to Charlotte, Ryder and the Doctor. He does mention his new friends in them but nothing about Kafka's unique condition. Ryder finds out when an group camping trip goes wrong.
Kafka once terrorized a horde of goblins. He gotten separated during a trip in the woods and the goblinfolk thought he would be an easy target. Rumors of a skull faced demon disguising as a human quickly spreads afterwards.
Knack wears a cat costume to walk around in public. Thanks to his small size, people think he's an eccentric mute little kid. Kafka definitely lied that Knack was his son and Lucas being his nephew so the two could get visitor passes for 3rd Division base.
Story time goes a bit wrong when small golem mentions the times he got blown up or poisoned on his first big adventure. Kafka and Reno were definitely sweating to hear Knack had been on the end of a giant teleporting mech. Nevermind the massive doomsday prophecy almost wrought by a billionaire's greed.
Kaiju No.10 vs Vice Captain Soshiro and Knack. Also the time Lucas brought a mech suit to aid the 3rd Division after convincing Charlotte. The officers absolutely didn't expect some peculiar help but takes it.
"How To Keep Your Dad Friend From Killing An Idiotic Man" Or Knack tries to stop Riot No.8 before he kills Isao. High enough friendship with both sides of Kafka, sunstone barriers and the new Relic Stockpiler are his best tools here.
Kaiju No.8 terrorizes High Goblin City. Or how Kafka officially made himself Enemy #2 to Gundahar in a short amount of time. You can't exactly trap his friends in a super hostile environment and expect him to not bust down the gate.
Lucas' gadgets become very invaluable to Kafka's friend group. Especially when Reno and Iharu get attacked by Kaiju No. 9 during their first mission. Or how the Time Dilator plus Freeze Rounds are a perfect match to stall dangerous threats.
Kafka has a built in cult radar and it immediately goes off upon meeting Xander. His golems also seem to agitate Ai so that's another red flag right there. Kafka secretly requests Charlotte to do some spying just in case.
(Special Species Swap: Golem)
Kafka's Golem form is around 2'6 at his smallest size and 34'8 at his largest. Black relics serve as his hair/fur/scales with a teal claw shaped jewel on his chest orb. When increasing in size, Kafka's visage looks similar to his kaiju form but if it had a tail.
Himbo accidentally discovers an unknown artifact and is turned into a Relic Golem. Kafka freaks out for a good five minutes before running over to Lucas. Thankfully the transformation is more controllable like an Off/On Switch and doesn't have an alternate personality to it.
Guaranteed mirror moment between two golems. Knack feels less lonely despite his concern about Kafka dealing with new side effects. The image of his older friend sneezing and falling into relics pieces is the golem's most haunting thought.
Guaranteed freakout when Kafka accidentally combines with Knack. (Think Co-OP mode in Knack 2.) It was definitely weird since both can hear each other's thoughts amongst other things. Kafka and Knack tend to combine if the situation calls for it.
Apparently Ai can also control their new golem form. It definitely feels weirder than manipulating Kafka's human body but not by much. Should Ai be in control then the gem on his chest orb will glow green to signify the swap.
Kafka uses this new form to avoid Vice Captain Hoshina and defend himself against General Isao. The Defense Force definitely mistakes him for being Knack's creator after the former incident as he swaps before Soshiro finds him. Sunstone Barriers still sit at the top of Kafka's favorite list.
Element Powers Up go a bit awry. Or Kafka almost becomes a walking forest fire when he tries to do a Relic Tornado with Wood armor. Apparently relics are good firestarters than just sticks and friction.
That's all I have for now. Until next time folks, I'll see you later!
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greenishghostey · 2 years
Hellfire Club Members Headcanons
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Note: Okay so, I wrote in the tags of reblogging this photo that I made up names and backgrounds for everyone here, and @manicpixiedreamcurl and @lunatictardis, the gems that they are, encouraged me to post what I came up with so here it is!!!
Further Note: This post is about to be quite long and I'm only a little bit sorry because I'm far too proud of these. Also, the order of them is across the photo from left to right but I have provided descriptions so you know who is who!
Guy with the bandana around his head:
Name: Ethan (headcanon name)
General background: Ethan was Eddie’s right-hand man since Hellfire’s inception since they were in the same grade. You would never see one without the other. Ethan graduated in the class of ‘84 and decided to pack up his car to travel the west coast. He didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life, but he knew he needed out of Hawkins. Ethan sent Eddie postcards while he was travelling until he eventually settled down working at a record store in Reno. 
Ethan is similar to Eddie, and that’s one of the main reasons they get along so well. However, he’s a bit more subdued. He was never a big fan of drawing too much attention to himself but damn could the guy fight. Ethan was the original brawn of Hellfire, while Eddie was the brains. 
Most recent Hellfire Character: Ethan’s character is a sheltered Wood Elf princess named Thia. He wanted to try his hand at playing a character that was so different to him in every way. She is travelling to learn more about the world outside of her small kingdom and to prove herself as an able ruler when the time comes. Thia is a chaotic good Ranger with a particular skill for animal handling and languages. 
Note: Ethan is mentioned a bit in my fic series, Dungeon Master meet Prop Master, have a read if you would like!
Name: Jeff Fulton (headcanon surname)
General background: Jeff joined Hellfire in his sophomore year of high school after deciding to embrace his interests. He was bullied in middle school quite a bit because he liked D&D and was really into Drama/History. 
Jeff is a fairly quiet guy outside of Hellfire, where he is comfortable. Officially, he is the vice president of the Hellfire Club because they had to put together a club committee so they could use the drama room. As seen in the show, Jeff is not one for starting a fight but he will get involved if necessary. He plans to attend Indiana State to study European History when he graduates. 
Most recent Hellfire Character: Jeff’s character is a travelling, well-cultured Dwarf named Jeffrey of Birchthane. He is a neutral-good Druid and belongs to the Birchthane grove which is nestled between the Irongut mountain range. Jeffrey is very bad with animals. However, he has a strong affinity with deep forest areas and mountain ranges. 
Name: Gareth Campbell (headcanon surname)
General background: Gareth is the youngest member of Hellfire before Dustin and Mike join. He originally worshipped Eddie and Ethan and loved that he was friends with the cool older kids. Gareth is quite snarky and has a hard time holding his tongue on occasion. He’s gotten himself into a few fights over being dubbed one of the “freak’s disciples”. Gareth is very protective of Hellfire since it’s where he felt safe and comfortable when he got to high school. He used to be a quiet kid because he thought he was weird, but now he will always stand up for himself and others.
Gareth is really into physics and math. He’s always had a fascination with space and plans to apply to study Astrophysics somewhere on the east coast after high school. Gareth is the club treasurer even though they get zero school funding; he is in charge of making sure people get paid back for buying snacks and drinks to sessions. 
Most recent Hellfire Character: Gareth’s character is, as we know, named Gareth The Great. He is a lawful good, human paladin, who was originally a knight for the empire’s royal family. He has quite the stick up his ass, but he means well. His weapon of choice is a longsword and his charisma is shockingly low.
Unnamed Hellfire member from ST4:
Name: Simon “Si” Walker (headcanon name)
General background: Simon and Jeff are the same age and both on track to graduate in the class of ‘86. Simon is the quietest of the current Hellfire guys, not for any particular reason, he just enjoys keeping to himself. He’s a naturally gifted writer but is a little embarrassed to move on to being a storyteller. Simon and Eddie often share their work with each other. The two have similar taste in books and became friends when Eddie saw Simon reading ‘The Black Cauldron’ by Lloyd Alexander. Simon can read and write Tengwar, the script used in Tolkien’s fictional languages.
Simon wants to study English at college after he graduates but worries about leaving Hawkins. He also thinks his writing, both fiction and non-fiction, isn’t good enough to be taken seriously. Within Hellfire, Simon is the secretary, which he actually enjoys because he gets a title and doesn’t ever have to take meeting minutes. 
Most recent Hellfire Character: Simon’s character is named Rothgar Baljor. He is a lawful good, half-elf cleric who has devoted his existence to the immortal Sun Goddess, Sol Ola. Rothgar is quite the character since he’s still young and is on a journey of discovery for his church. He is naive but arrogant since the sun continues to shine on him - when it does that for everybody. He is a skilled healer but is not well trained in combat, both close and ranged.
Brunette guy in the denim vest:
Name: Nicholas, “Nick” (headcanon name)
General background: Nick is Eddie’s counterpart in terms of music - Nick really likes punk music, specifically British punk music. He looks up to Eddie quite a lot in terms of his beliefs; anti-establishment, anti-conformity, that sort of stuff. Nick has a hard time keeping his mouth shut, but he is also very friendly. He is aware that he looks a little scary and can come across as mean. 
Nick graduated in the class of ‘85 and moved to Indianapolis to try and make a name for himself as a punk singer. It went quite well and now he is part of a small punk group that tours various bars across the surrounding states. He hopes they can make it the New York City one day - Eddie said he was definitely good enough.
Most recent Hellfire Character: Nick’s character was a cunning, irresistible human named Nikolai. He is a chaotic good rogue who was inspired by Robin Hood - steals from the rich, and gives to the poor. His choice of weapons is two daggers that he was gifted by his beloved mentor. Nikolai has had charisma and dexterity for days but very little wisdom, sadly. 
Girl in the acid wash jeans
Name: Abigail, “Abby” or “Abs” (headcanon name)
General background: Abby was, and still is, the first girl to have been a member of Hellfire - she really prided herself on this fact. She was in the same grade as Nick and they got really cool graduation photos together with the entire club. Abby was a big chemistry nerd and went into Chemical Engineering at Indiana State when she graduated. Her passion for D&D started in middle school and she was hooked from her first one-shot session. Abby could become absolutely anyone she could think of, and damn right she was gonna be someone cool.
Abby was a talented storyteller and had the opportunity to run a handful of one shots with the club - Eddie trusted her to make some good material and keep everyone in line. She wrote some of the most twisted and captivating Halloween sessions and each of the guys had nightmares for days. Abby gave Eddie regular updates about the college D&D club she founded - he was super proud of her for keeping the Hellfire spirit going.
Most recent Hellfire Character: Abby’s character was named Bell Silverstring. She was a chaotic good, halfling fighter who was a warrior-for-hire around her home city. Bell was quite hot-headed and energetic, but she also got everyone hyped up and ready for a battle. Bell was a master with a short sword and was, arguably, the strongest character to ever grace Hellfire because of how well-built she was.
Name: Gordon “Gordo” or "Gordie" (headcanon name)
General background: Gordon was in the same grade as Eddie and Ethan. He joined Hellfire in his junior year after realising that his classmates weren’t all that scary. Gordon had a hard time in high school, so Hellfire really gave him a sense of belonging. He was part of the AV club before joining Hellfire and still is an absolute whiz with tech. He helped and taught Eddie how to repair audio equipment when his guitar pedals broke. After high school, Gordon moved to Chicago to study Audiovisual engineering at college. 
Gordon was also a really good bass player, having started playing when he started middle school. He tried out for Corroded Coffin once but felt that his style of playing wasn’t suited to metal - he was a fan of jazz/blues bass. This is why he was so good at fixing musical equipment and was the unofficial part-time roady for Corroded Coffin. But only on the Tuesdays when he had access to his dad’s car. 
Most recent Hellfire Character: Gordon’s character was named Goren Erfina. He was a neutral good, high elf bard who mainly worked as a wedding musician in his home city and the surrounding areas. As a high elf, Goren is viewed as a bit of a disappointment to his family since he has such a commoner career, but he just adores music so much and needs to share his with the world. Goren’s beloved flute and his comrades are all he needs on his travels. Also, he is oddly wise beyond his years, which is helpful in the group since they need some wisdom.
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chickensarentcheap · 1 year
Bedtime snippet :D Chapter 21 of Lost and Found
@tragiclyhip @munstysmind @mrsmungus @secretaryunpaid @youflickedtooharddamnit @residentdormouse @alisbackalleybbq @ninjasawakenedmystar @thebejeweledwatercat @themaradwrites @asirensrage @kmc1989 @karimac , @theesirenteller
After the cut. I got carried away ;)
For context: If you've seen E2, picture the scene where he's in the hotel room checking on his supply case and the kid starts that whole "do you think you're a hero?" conversation :) Picture Tyler doing what he was doing before that kid approached him ;)
“What is it you want to hear?  What exactly do you want from me, Esme? Do you want me to completely freak out? Totally lose my shit on you? Bust up my hotel room? Put holes in the walls? Is that the kind of reaction you want?”
“I don’t know.  I mean, I’m glad you never got like that.  But I’m also a little weirded out, I supposed. That you didn’t go off the rails more than you did.  I thought seeing Millie and realizing she was yours…”
“Seeing Millie and realizing she IS mine is what stopped me from going totally off the rails.  Made me realize you had other reasons for staying under the radar.  I’m not exactly well-liked.  Not in this circle, anyway.   I’ve pissed off a lot of people. Burnt a lot of bridges.  There’s quite a long list; there's tons of people who wouldn’t mind getting revenge.  I just figured maybe that’s why you kept her a secret.  That maybe you were worried  if word got out that I had a kid, they’d make her a target.”
“I never once thought about any of that. You weren’t the issue, Tyler.  You didn’t do anything wrong.  It was never about you.  I mean, it WAS. But not like that.”
“I wouldn’t have blamed you. If  you’d thought that.  It’s pretty reasonable; not wanting trouble to show up on your doorstep.  You wanted to protect your daughter.”
“OUR daughter,”  she gently corrects.  “She’s OUR daughter.  And I never felt like I had to protect her from you. Or because of you.  It was all me.  I didn’t want you to turn us away.   That’s what I was afraid of.   That you wouldn’t want her because of me.”
“I would have wanted her.   And I would have wanted you, too.  I’ve only wanted you for the last five years.”
“I didn’t know that.  No one ever talked about it.  Your personal life.  Nik never mentioned how you were doing outside of your firefighting and your reno business and doing the odd job here and there for her.  And to be honest, I was scared to ask.  I didn’t want to hear that you found someone else.  That you’d moved on.  And I know that sounds selfish as fuck, but…”
“Want to hear selfish as fuck?” Filling the last magazine, he snaps it into its holding spot and then turns to face her, arms crossed over his chest as he leans back against the table.  “I used to hope that you were dead. Not because I was angry at you and felt you deserved it.  Because I would have rather you be permanently gone than with someone else.”
She blinks at his brutal honesty.
“I could handle you being dead, but not with another guy.  Now who’s the selfish one?  What kind of person even thinks like that? How messed  up does someone have to be to come up with something so fucking twisted?”
“You’re a human being.  You were hurt.  And when we’re hurt, we don’t exactly think properly.   We don’t…”
“It wasn’t because I was hurt. Or angry. It was because I didn’t want you with anyone else.  Because all I could think was how if I couldn’t have you, I didn’t want anyone else to either.”
“I felt the same way.  Every time I thought of you with someone.  It fucking killed me inside. To even go down that road.  I didn’t want you with anyone else. Which is pretty messed up considering I’m the one who left you.”
“We both have our issues.  We always have.  It’s never been one hundred percent healthy. I mean, look how we met. WHERE we met.”
“Doesn’t mean it’s wrong, though.  Us.   I’ve never felt felt it was wrong. Have you?”
“I’ve never regretted a single thing.  I’d take that bullet to the neck a million times over  if it meant I got to be with you.”
“Don’t say that, Tyler.  Don’t even think it.  Because I don’t deserve it. That kind of devotion.  I don’t…”
“I think the problem is that you WANT me to be angry.  Or angrier than I am.  You WANT me to totally lose my shit on you.  You want me to yell, scream, tear shit apart, and make you feel like complete and utter shit.”
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twistedtummies2 · 1 year
How would your twst ocs react if someone proposed to them?
Ohhhhh...oh, this is gonna be a HARD one. XD I'm really not good at the hyper-romantic type stuff! But I'll try my best... First of all, let's completely disregard the gender of the other party: male, female, undecided...it doesn't matter, love is love, a proposal is a proposal. So if you're looking for explicit M/M or F/M stuff, not happening. XD With that said... I feel like, with James, Elias, Grit, and Maelstrom, in particular...no one would propose to them. Oh, no. THEY would propose to YOU first. Inarguably. Why? Well, James has a swashbuckler's sort of cavalier chivalry, despite his piratical attitude at times, so I think he would feel it's his duty to be the one to make the proposal first. Elias, meanwhile, just has a tendency to be very melodramatic in general. So he'd WANT to make that proposal first. He'd have a freaking speech or poem or song prepared for it and everything. Grit and Maelstrom...I feel both of them have a commonality of being raised a certain way by their parents. In both cases, they were taught to be the ones to make the proposal, so propose they shall. So ask not how they would react to someone proposing to them: ask instead how YOU would react if THEY proposed. ;) With those four out of the way, that leaves us with Nakoda, Billy, Reno, Smitty, and Theodore. In all five cases, I think there's a better chance of the other party proposing before they do, for various reasons. With both Smitty and Billy, I think they'd be very, very blushy. I mean, they're both still getting over the fact they have an S/O to begin with, somebody who is "more than a friend," someone who will give them hugs and even kisses and say loving things to them and go out on dates and so on. They're honestly very content there already. So when the other party reveals they're ready to go the next step...it's a mixture of excitement, nervousness, and absolute bewilderment this is happening at all. And you can be darn sure it's going to end in a LOT of cuddling...in Smitty's case, it's like hugging a teddy bear. In Billy's, it's more like the teddy is hugging you. ;) In Reno's case, he'd be caught off guard, but he'd also try to recover and save face as quickly as possible. He'd smirk and try to show off, laughing about how he wondered how long it would take you, before sort of snorting and saying that he'll accept, provided you give him a kiss right there and then. Just ignore the way his pale cheeks turn a bit pink, or how fast his heart is beating. ;) Theodore would, I think, just sort of freeze up, his eyes VERY wide. He'd be absolutely stunned. After you finish, he'd actually start laughing hysterically; a high-flying, cackling, almost insane laugh, wiping as he eyes and cackling about how he thinks you MUST be joking. Once he gets it through his head that, no, you are VERY serious...I think he'd switch instantly from cackling at the "joke" to sort of scowling as he tries to figure out what you even see in him. But eventually he'd accept it and give you a rare, soft smile before saying yes...mind you, with the added (affectionate) taunt that you have to be very dumb to propose to him. The kiss on your nose indicates he doesn't mind. As for Nakoda...he is different from all the rest. Because while all the rest will accept right then and there...he won't. He won't say no, either. He'll say he has to think about it. And he means it: he DOES have to think about it. Nako, as I've indicated many times in the past, isn't really used to long-running romantic relationships. He's used to one night stands...and a lot of those end with his partner ending up as food. So, even more than Smitty and Billy...he NEVER thought he'd get this far. He's been trying hard, mind you, but the very IDEA that this could become something more...that's something he almost can't wrap his head around. And it now means he has to really figure out what it's going to mean if he says yes. It's not that he doesn't trust you with all this, it's that he doesn't trust HIMSELF. Eventually, he'll say yes...then it's all a question of what comes next.
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bitterarcs · 10 months
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Tranquility and kindness rolled as a sudden aneurism. The room was flooded with a level of quiet which was typically distasteful and best suited for moments of contemplative solitude ; surely the kind which Tseng and Rude adored — those freaks. ShinRa knew no tranquility. As one office jockey stole away for a nap or a Turk very much like Reno just existed, there were SOLDIERs undergoing a painful metamorphosis and something sinister brewing in the laboratories under the guidance of Professor Hojo. It did not feel right in the slightest. The level of quiet which accentuated the dropping of a pin caused the monsters inside his soul to feast on his mind, and in Rem's part ... it brought forth a side of kinky curiosity or feral boredom.
In lieu of occupying his mouth with a cigarette or yapping away about literally anything, Reno took to chewing a jaw numbing amount of gum. Fruity and fresh. However it wasn't nearly enough, and fingers of his left hand idly rubbed at his bottom lip and along his chin. Zoned out, the red head had only registered the toying of right fingers like white noise until the damn broke. He had never excelled at blowing bubbles ( never really tried before ), and just as a promising one blossomed between pursed lips Rem's teeth found the meat of his forearm. Bubble popped as his body stiffened with the rigidness of a cat being dumped into a tub of water ... or y'know, a man being unexpectedly bitten. He spat his gum out, the pink wad flying out metres away, and whipped his head down to glare at the woman.
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(  ❛  If you have rabies, I will put you down myself. I knew you looked freakin' weird this morning!  ❜  )
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Bitten arm flailed but only slightly, not really attempting to produce more damage by agitating arm against teeth. Instead, Reno dropped his left hand and pinched Rem's nose hard. Two children going at it. ShinRa's top assets.
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Lounging on the break room sofa, keeping herself occupied by playing with his fingers. Sudden urge to chomp. Intrusive thoughts won. Pulls his arm down and gently chomps his forearm. / @axgmented
(   is this a love confession, rem ?  )
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je-suis-problematique · 3 months
Soooo Reno's story got complicated
Reno becoming more and more unhinged over the course of the RE4 storyline. Just straight up make him unstable and violent. Sol and Estrella's continuous attempts to rescue him from the cult are fucking with his head, Leon and Ada's interference with Saddler's plans are making him feel desperate to be useful, and Alejandro's entire existence is threatening whatever fucked up relationship he has going on with Saddler to its very foundation – You cannot tell me that Reno is well. We keep repeating that he probably kills his siblings but I had a Thought that maybe he only kills Estrella and it was an accident, he didn't REALLY mean to do it, but they had a very heated argument about the whole cult situation or something and Reno ended up snapping and inflicting a lethal wound on his sister. Reno flees the scene before Sol can do anything in retaliation and then Sol just accepts that there's no saving Reno and leaves his fate up to Leon. Sadly for Sol, Alejandro got involved too.
Alejandro basically overpowers Saddler in a fight and pitches the whole down-with-the-Agency plot to him. I'd like to think that Saddler actually kind of vibes with Alejandro's plan to a degree because the way we see it Saddler got fed shit for being a mage at least ONCE in his life and he likes the idea of a world where nonhumans and magic users rule over everyone else. He doesn't like the fact that Alejandro is stronger than him or that he's being degraded in his own home but he DOES agree to kind of repurpose Los Iluminados to achieve world domination in a slightly different way. Saddler's relationship with Alejandro is tense because Saddler isn't used to being beneath anyone but they eventually learn to respect each other as equals. Essentially just two tops in a power struggle.
Saddler can't and won't leave Reno behind though so the poor bastard gets roped into Alejandro's plan by being too cute to kill. Saddler isn't willing to share him either but Alejandro fucks Reno anyway just to spite Saddler. Nobody said Alejandro is a good person.
We're making Saddler TRAUMATIZED and by TRAUMATIZED we mean that his family was fucked up and also he got hurt by people outside of his family too. He got treated like a freak I'm telling you. Abused to Hell and back. Bullied and assaulted. Don't get me wrong there was no point in his life when he could've been considered a good person but after being raised believing that he is lesser for one reason or another or being held up to such high standards that no mistake was tolerated at all ever he kind of just got tired of being stepped on and decided it's HIS turn to step on people. I'm also willing to bet all the money in the world that his experience when it comes to intimate relationships and sex is extremely minimal and that Reno is his first partner in a LONG time. I'm gonna even go ahead and say he might've been sexually abused at some point because we love projecting our traumas on our favorite characters and Saddler is no exception.
The only way I can come up with to make Alejandro and Saddler's Spicy Time fucked up but not TOO fucked up is to implement CNC. We want Saddler to be into it but we also want it to be Bad because that is Alejandro's whole point. Saddler spent a good portion of the story breaking and corrupting Reno. Great! Now Saddler gets completely wrecked by Alejandro and he loves it. 10/10.
We also have a bunch of whump involving Saddler in the sense that he isn't just a parodical Bond villain anymore who's evil for evil's sake but rather someone who's been hurt in the past and is still licking wounds that never closed/keep reopening. We'd like to add in some moments where Saddler feels pain and doubt and fear even. We want Alejandro to alternate between being a source of comfort for Saddler and being someone who just pours salt into Saddler's wounds to show him that he is no longer top dog. We want Reno to be there for Saddler when he is at his weakest. Alternatively, we want Saddler to push away anyone who might come close enough to see him truly unravel. Just Saddler suffering, we snort that shit like cocaine.
The nature of the interactions between Alejandro and Reno also varies because Alejandro barely sees Reno as a person and Reno sees Alejandro as a threat to his Master so it's uh Complicated. Interestingly enough Saddler becomes extremely protective of Reno and won't let Alejandro lay a finger on him despite being abusive towards Reno himself. Alejandro likes teasing and bullying Reno just because he can and he rubs the fact he controls Saddler in Reno's face all the time. Sometimes he also likes making Reno jealous and insecure because he finds his reactions funny.
Thinking of introducing even more OCs into this like making an Umbrella researcher who worked with Luis or somebody to pair with Wesker or maybe even someone who was on Saddler's excavation team when they first unearthed the Plaga. Might also go completely insane and give Saddler an ex for those heartbreak points. Nobody can fucking stop us from doing any of that.
Alejandro uses Saddler and by extent also Reno to control the surviving Ganados since they're the ones who have a dominant type Plaga in them but in HIS vision for Los Iluminados, only "normal" humans should get Plaga'd while he sways nonhumans and magic users to join his cause willingly with a select few of them receiving the dominant type Plaga to serve as his lieutenants. Normal humans are to be used as slaves and cannon fodder in his eyes. Part of the reason why he looks down upon Reno so much is because prior to his infection with the Plaga he was just a normal guy with nothing magical whatsoever about him. Saddler still preaches his usual bullshit deifying the Plaga and stuff but Alejandro straight up just "we're gonna topple the government and rule over the normies but the Plaga is a nice bonus".
Speaking of adding OCs to this story the idea of designing a lieutenant or two for Alejandro and maybe even an oppositional force to his growing army sounds pretty cool actually.
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asoulofatlantis · 6 months
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Okay... that was a panic reaction. I wonder why he feels like this time he needs to make sure she is behind him. Last time they fought the Turks together and he wasn't as much in "panic-protection" - mood.
Or is it because of what Hojo pulled on the beach AFTER saying he was not after Aerith?
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I have nothing against women in a team that is far too... "male" if you get me, but she is kind of annoying and I am suddenly missing Reno. I wonder... was she in the original as well?
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Guess we finally jumped back to Zacks timeline. IF it is the timeline from the beginning, that is, because apparently, we aren't sure of that either ^^' (Gotta love Nomura...)
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I wanted to complain why it didn't occur to Zack to bring Aerith home... but I guess he thought she would have been a to easy target there.
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I think it is save to say that this is the first Zack timeline we saw him in... or... the second? The scene with Zack in the Church kind of irritated me a bit, to be honest, because it doesn't really fit with the first time we saw Zack here. I should have watched out for that darn dog from Shirna to check ^^'
BTW... he really didn't bring her back because her home was targeted. Elmyra confirmed tho that it wasn't anymore. And obviously, she is not taking her daughter with her. But I honestly am surprised that she allowed Cloud along as well. She didn't seem to be too fond of him. Then again, Aerith would want it that way, I guess. (They say, that Aerith and Cloud are in this Coma to protect themselves from Sephiroth, but I don't really get it.)
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It seems like Zacks world is... cracking? O.o And the people say the world is ending. I guess makes somewhat sense. With Aerith and Cloud in a coma and the rest of Avalanche possibly dead, no one is stopping Sephiroth OR the Meteor.
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I wonder if she somehow saw or felt that. Anyway... our time with Zack is over already. For the fact that they hyped the fact that he is back up so much, he is hardly even there ^^'
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Thing is... she is not going home. Like... ever again.
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Cloud had one of his... uh... "lost control of his mind" - moments and almost jumped down a bridge, following the robed figures. Not because he wanted to follow them, but because whatever was calling them, was also calling him.
UPS. Ich bin in dem Dungeon voll im Kreis gelaufen. Na so ein Shit.
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How cute ♥
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So... I guess we have a new pet! May I introduce you to Cloud Jr.? XD
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I guess we found Mommy.
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Even if Nibelheim is close... with this freaking wound they would have never made it here. What matter of transport did they even us to get to this godforsaken place? I stay with what I said before. It makes no sense whatsoever that Tifa survived and the more she explained how, the more unrealistic it sounds. No wonder Cloud doesn't believe her.
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I know Sephiroth is just messing with Cloud and that Tifa isn't the problem, but SE who made this "survival story" full of holes. But still I can not blame Cloud for trusting more in Sephiroths mind games here.
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A helicopter would certainly make this faster. But she still had to be carried all the way into a burning Village, which might have been her luck because it might be that that was the reason for a Helicopter being there in the first place. BUT this must have been like a REALLY close call.
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That was a quick visit. But isn't it too early for the Gold Saucer?
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And I do not get why they blamed Barette. He wasn't the only one in favor of that reactor. Why put the blame on him?
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Fu**! Why am I already there? I am so confused! I thought all that stuff happened way later in the game. Like... chapter 12. And if all that happens in chapter 12... what are we even doing here?
Barett and Cloud looking at each other sighting because of the girls excitement made my day XD They might complain, but there sure as hell is no way they are going to stop them ^^'
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Our girls are certainly having fun XD
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Are we... doing a dance-off? ^^'
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fairlybeloved · 9 months
❛ i’m not afraid of you. ❜
There was no stopping the surprised snort from its escape, even before he could turn to face one of the only people out there with balls enough to speak such DARING in the presence of a SOLDIER. A SOLDIER whose very existence propagated fear in the best of the populace.
He turned to face Reno, hands spread, brow raised, perplexed but equally curious enough for the sting to bleed out of the words.
"Man... Where did THAT come from? Something on my face?" His mind had been about as far away as the length of the planet.
He didn't ask to be feared. It just sort of... came with the territory.
"So! Does that mean--" he planted his hands against his hips, tilted his head back and stepped forward, keeping pace with his thoughts. "--does that mean you're trying to psyche yourself up for something? Ooooor, is it your way of expressing gratitude to me for pulling your ass out of the fire just now? It's fine!" He folded his arms, smiling wide. "Anyone would be a little freaked out about the skills you just witnessed."
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Prologue to Combat Baby
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | EPILOGUE
Characters: Dean Winchester x Jo Harvelle
Tags/warnings: 18+ ONLY
Words: 1,500
Author’s notes: for @stusbunker 
page divider by @talesmaniac89​
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It’s another long night at the Roadhouse filled with leering eyes and dirty jokes - and not even funny dirty jokes, just dirty; as if the mere dirtiness makes it funny. It doesn’t.
Jo’s cleaning up, Ellen’s in the back counting the drawer and sorting tips. Jo appreciates this time of night the best - no bottles clinking, no glass breaking, no puking. 
Just as she’s wiping down the last table and looking to set on the bar itself, Dean walks in.
Jo feels exhilarated, embarrassed, aroused, and annoyed in rapid succession before standing straight and glaring him in the eye.
“We’re closed,” she says, flipping her hair and turning her back on the handsome hunter. 
She’s still mad at him - she’s always kind of mad at him since that’s how unrequited crushes work - but she won’t give him the satisfaction of knowing she feels anything.
He’s quiet but doesn’t leave, just moves into the space, fills it, his whole self just there like he owns the place. 
Jo looks up at him from behind the bar as she busies herself with side work. Dean’s looking at her with that one stupid brow arched like she doesn’t even know what or why.
“Don’t look at me like that,” she says, reaching for the iPad and cranking the volume on the music. She knows her mission is a success when she sees Dean’s best fish impression, opening and closing his mouth, trying to form words and squirming. 
“I said, we’re closed,” she shouts over John and Jimmy as they spin one of their timeless melodies.
Dean reaches over the bar and grabs the iPad before she can even see what he’s doing. She feels like a hunter failure. She knows her reflexes are better than that.
He turns the music down and looks at her pointedly. “I brought you something,” he says.
“What?” she asks, wiping her hands on her bar rag, dragging her eyes down and up his body.
Then he reaches into the back of his pants and pulls out a knife. But it’s not just any knife, it’s a beautiful knife. Mother of pearl handle, engraved steel hilt, 8″ blade - it looks brand new, but she knows he didn’t buy it for her.
“Where’d you get it?” she asks, openly admiring the thing.
“Off a vamp in Reno,” he answers with an eye roll. “What does it matter where I got it, it’s yours. I thought of you right away.”
She softens as he hands it to her, hefts its weight and grips it firmly. Her eyes dart to his.
“For your freak knife collection.” He smirks and she laughs, dips her head and sheaths the knife in her own pants.
“Thanks, Dean,” she says. “Can I get you something?”
“Nah, you’re closed, remember?” he says as he backs away from the counter then spins on his heel to leave. “Raincheck.” He throws that last reply over his shoulder as he lets the door close behind him.
“Who was that?” Ellen asks, tired and irritated, shoving a wad of cash in her pocket before zipping and locking the bank bag.
“Oh, someone left their car keys,” Jo says, and Ellen mutters something about drunk drivers and lawsuits as Jo looks through the window just in time to see Dean pull onto the highway.
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“OK, keep it wrapped, tough guy,” Ellen says, finishing with Dean’s bandage.
“Always do,” Dean says with a wink.
Ellen rolls her eyes.
“Well, good to know you’re bein’ safe out there.” She packs up the first aid kit then turns to Jo. “I’m headed to bed.” 
Jo furrows her brow and motions to the research book she’s leafing through.
Ellen shifts uncertainly. “Dean, you can have the back bunk.” Her eyes dart to meet Jo’s again. 
Jo shakes her head and she throws her hands up in frustration. “What?!”
Ellen eyes Dean again as if his condom joke is directly related to her not-so-innocent daughter before doing as she says she had planned. “Finish up and get to bed, Joanna,” she mutters as she makes her way up the stairs to the apartment she shares with Jo.
Jo rolls her eyes before looking back to Dean. “Good thing you were close,” she says, swinging the knife he gave her the last time she saw him.
Dean looks up at her, and she lets herself look at him. He holds her gaze.
“Yeah,” he says, his eyes dragging down and across her sharp collarbones or maybe her tits, and… it makes her shiver.
“Cold?” he asks, his gaze lazy but warm, slides back up to meet hers.
They’ve fought side-by-side, saved the world together; they’ve had… moments; but Dean will never see her as anything but a little sister. She’s not getting her hopes up. At all.
“No,” she answers, dropping her gaze to the tome in front of her and flipping to the next page. 
He’s high on pain killers, right? And whiskey. He’s just… he’s not looking at her like that. 
“What’d my mom give you for the pain, anyway?”
Dean raises his glass of whiskey. “Advil and Jack,” he says.
“Sure she didn’t give you a roofie?” Jo scoffs.
“What?” he asks. “Why?”
“You’re just…” she shrugs. “Acting weird.”
She won’t look at him. She won’t.
“Weird how?” he asks with that tone in his voice like he’s flirting, and she hates it.
“Stop it,” she tries to demand, but it comes out as a whisper.
“Stop what?” he asks, sliding from his barstool and rounding the bar.
Dean swaggers behind the bar. With every step closer, she feels her skin prickle and her breath hitch higher. 
He pauses behind her and peeks over her shoulder. The air is charged with too close, not close enough.
“What’re you doing?” she breathes.
“Hmm, tryin’ to figure out what the fuck this thing is that attacked me?” he replies, chuckling.
“Do you have to do it so close?” she asks, squirming away and only managing to brush her ass across his hips.
Dean crowds in and rest his hands against the edge of the bar on either side of her. “Since when am I too close?” he asks quietly.
She feels her hackles rise. 
She is so fucking tired of him fucking with her, playing with her, teasing her, making her think-
“Fuck you, Dean,” she says, slamming the book closed and shoving back to make him move.
She storms toward the stairs to make her way to her own bedroom.
“That’n invitation?” he asks, and she stops dead in her tracks.
For three whole breaths, she stands stock still, letting his words ring in her ears. He’s never crossed this line, never gone this far.
“Don’t play with me,” she whispers as he edges closer. 
His warm hands wrap her shoulders and gently run down the length of her arms, over her wrists then twine their fingers together.
“I’m not,” he says, his voice is quiet, the guile and teasing are gone, replaced with heat and craving. “Not anymore.”
She draws a deep breath and turns on her heels, grabs his face in her hands and takes the plunge. 
She pulls him in for a kiss.
His hands are on her waist, gripping and exploring, sliding up under her top. He backs her toward the door to the outside. 
“Your mom’s gonna fuckin’ kill me,” he mutters around her lips.
Jo twists the knob to let them outside, and he kicks the door shut behind them, never taking his hands off her, as they move toward the bunkroom.
He backs her against the door and presses against her full and hot, knee between her thighs, heavy hands on her hips.
His mouth is so warm and slick and demanding, yet sweet.
He lifts her, secures her legs around his hips, and opens the door. When he kicks that one shut, too, he’s kissing her dizzy. Then he sets her on my feet and pulls his mouth from hers long enough to look down at her and ask, “You sure about this?”
She huffs a laugh and shakes her head. “That’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever asked me.” She whips her top over her head before pushing at his clothes, all of them; she wants all of him.
His eyes bore into hers as he yanks her jeans open and pushes his hand inside her underwear and slips his thick middle finger along her wet slit.
“Feel that?” she asks, and his eyes droop, he licks his lips and moves closer. “That’s all for you. Always has been.”
He ducks in to kiss her again, walking her toward the bed. He makes her sit before dropping to his knees and pulling her pants and underwear the rest of the way off. 
As he lowers his face to her cunt, she lets herself fall back onto the featherbed mattress.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good.”
She knows he will. He’s always been good for his word.
Part One
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sonicasura · 2 months
All You Got And Then Some (1/2)
Tachikawa Base- Exam Day
Reno: Wow, This is the Defence Force's Tachikawa base!
Psaro: Quite the grand base, I would except nothing less for the Troopers that train here.
Today was the day of Kafka and Reno's exam to become Defense Force members, and Psaro who had to change up there appearence and choose black hair and blue eyes ( like Kafka) along with rounding out there ears and wearing a baseball cap just to be sure that they wouldn't get recognized
Reno: No kidding, I visited the Kumagaya Base on my social studies
Kafka: This place shares a building with The Japan Self-Defence Force's Camp. In emergency situations, they work in conjunction to dispatch officers all over Nishi-Tokyo
Reno: * Scanning the area* That explains a lot.... I would say if you transformed you would be screwed but.... * looks over to Psaro who is still looking over the Base* I think you luckily have a card to get out of that situation.
Kafka: Ya, there a quite a few officers, but don't worry. I'm locked and loaded, and at the top of game. Nothing like that is gonna happen.
????: Hey, Old Man
Kafka: No use chickening out now. Let's go shall we?
????: I said Hey, Old Man
Reno: Sir? * Pokes Kafka*
Psaro: Hmmmm? Who are you?
Kafka: * Turns around and points to himself* Huh....? Me?
????: Yes, I mean you Old Man. That should have been obvious, you simpleton!
Reno: * Thoughts* Is this girl an examinee?
Psaro: * Thoughts* Well she seems quite pompous....
The banter countinued on between Kafka and the girl who they learned was named Kikoru Shinomiya, went on for awhile as the dispute was over a parking spot and a lucky number. Though it ended when Kikoru picked up the car thanks to her combat suit and tossed. Naturally the trio freaked out over there car gwtting throne. Then there was a close call when Kafka lifted the car back up-right shocking Shinomiya. Thankfully Kikoru didn't press Kafka about it, chalking it up to having his own suit. After a decleration from Kafka, she countred with one of her own saying she couldn't wait to make a fool out of him. After all that and a brief chewing out from Reno, the duo went too take the exams with Psaro and all the Monster wishing them luck ( before they left the house).
Psaro: Good luck, Kafka, Reno may the Goddess grace you.... Alright let's go find a good spot to spectate.
Spectators Booth Pov
Psaro and a couple of the other Monsters that wanted to watch took to perching themselves on top of a very very tall building. Gooey had brought along snacks in the car ( that thankfully stayed in one piece) and Psaro brought along a couple special small telescopes, so they could watch the exams take place. So Psaro, Fizzy, Gooey, Purrvis, Duffer, and Eileen all watched and cheered for Kafka and Reno.
Running Laps
Purrvis Zoom in Mode: Hmmm, Kafka's form is good, but he is still heavily lagging behind the others.
Duffer Zoom in Mode: Yes, it seems Sir Kafka's running speed needs to be polished more, however he is still doing adimirable. Though I have to say the competition seems stiff.
Eileen Zoom in Mode: Eye couldn't agree more, Kafka is pushing himself to the limit and Reno is doing good too. Eye just hope that it's enough.
Psaro: Kafka is doing well on the pull ups, that upper body training seems to have payed off. Though his pace compared to the others seems to be shy of the average.
Duffer: While I'm not expert on brute strength, he seems to be letting himself desend down to harshly and straining his muscles. Perhaps some pointers for future training would be useful.
Balance Test
Purrvis: That's good Kafka, breathe in and out. Focus on moving across and don't look done.
Fizzy: Ohhh your doing great love, keep this up and you'll be the break out star of the exams
Eileen: That's the ticket Kakfa, don't rush focus on getting a good grip and you'll be seeing the view from the top in no time.
The tests proceeded onwards with Kafka ranking around 204 out of 225.
Purrvis: That's not a bad ranking with how stiff the competition was and it seems Reno managed a 157 ranking.
Duffer: Yes, that quite good, however it seems Sir Kafka does not share the sentiment.
Fizzy: Oh that Eejit, he's singing doom and gloom, before the test is even over. He won't make it through, if he panics before the games even over. * Shouts* COME ON LOVE WE'RE ROOTIN FOR YOUR VICTORY, SO DON'T GIVE UP!!!
Gooey who had been busy snacking in the background, along with Purrvis who joined in eating the sushi that was brought, spoke up
Gooey: It soundze that like Kafka is having a bit of trouble with the exams * Slurp* Do you think he can pull a hat trick and win?
Psaro: Yes I do, I believe Kafka can make his dream a reality he's come this far and can break past his limits. He can accomplish so much, when he believes in something and nothing can stop- annndddd he's getting beat up by 2 guys... oohhh Kafka....
With the first part out of the way the second part of the exams were getting underway. To kill as many Youju and the one Honju that were in the training grounds and unfortunately for Kafka, his combat power was a 0. The call to begin rang out everyone took off like bullet, everyone except Kafka.
Kafka: We're heading out too! Stay close to me Ichikawa!!!
Without the suits power to help lift the gun, Kafka was left dragging it. After some banter and Kafka trying to look cool, Kafka made an observation about the exam. That they would be taking note of there actions in the exam and how they handled themselves. So deciding to switch up tatics they moved to support there fellow examinees. Though that would have to wait as a Youju decided too Kool-Aid Man there way through a wall.
Kafka: A Youju!?!? It must have slipped past the others and made it's way to the back!
Reno: * Begins To Fire* Sir, we need too run, this things hide is too tough to break through!!!
As they begin to move back from the advancing Youju, Kafka ends up coming up with an idea.
Kafka: Wait a minute Ichikawa, I recognize this Youju. I remember doing a joint clean up on these types of Youju, there hides are super weak on there belly. If we can get it to rear upwards then we can kill it * looks to see a sharp piece of broken rebar* and have the perfect plan.
As the Youju, began there charge the plan was put into motion. Ichikawa providing cover fire waited a bit until the Youju got in closer. When it was withing a good enough distance, Ichikawa threw out a stun grenade, causing the Youju to recoil in pain. This led Kafka charge towards the Youju, rebar raised like a sword as he focused.
Kafka: * Thoughts* Alright it's now or never, remember what you learned from Percival and... * Brings the rebar forward and shouts* SLASH TWICE LIKE A FALCON
In a stunning display of strength and speed, 2 blink-and-you-will-miss-it slashes were dealt to the Youju's head leaving very deep wounds and causing it to cry out in pain and just as planned the Youju stood on it's hind legs gripping it's face in pain.
Not being needed to be told twice, Reno sent out a volley of shots that pierced the Youku's stomach killing it.
The Youju know laid there defeated by Kafka and Reno combined teamwork.
Kafka: Did we....?
Reno: We did.....
This was the boost the duo really needed and with renewed courage and vigor they went to go out and help the other examinees. Not knowing Kafka's display of swordmanship had captured the attention of one Vice-Captain.
I love the commentary from the Rosehill Gallery. They definitely cheered when Kafka and Reno manage to take down a kaiju. Also that sword technique got Soshiro's attention.
Despite having a 0 combat power, Kafka managed to pierce through the Yoju's hide using rebar with incredible skill. Soshiro definitely wants to see that talent honed further. Instead of becoming a cadet, Kafka finds himself in the Defense Force through apprenticeship by the 3rd Vice Captain.
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cloveroctobers · 3 years
A Sunday Drabble | w. a few of my boys
Warnings: language, phobias, under age drinking, possessive/jealousy, illness, and trauma. Fluff, humor, drama? And angst? All right up my alley! I think that’s it.
+ also from a prompt list I forgot to like/reblog?
Angel Reyes
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There were times like these where you preferred being single, preferred not having someone that got on your nerves. And sure your relationship with Angel tended to be dramatic and if you asked anyone who knew the both of you, they’d say you were the most dramatic out of the two. Whatever.
Your parents came down to Santo Padre for Labor Day weekend and Angel had the nerve to take your dad’s side over yours. So after dessert you cleaned up the kitchen with your mom and right off the bat your mom knew you were annoyed with your husband. Yet she found it humorous how you were sulking over your husband’s shared preference with your father, instead of saying how you felt from the beginning.
Normally you would jump at the chance of your husband bonding with your father, since it took forever for your dad and Angel to get along. You were the youngest of four sisters and in your mind you seemed to get it the worst out of your sisters for whatever reason. It really wasn’t a whatever reason, you were extremely close with your father (and his favorite) despite what your second eldest sister Josephine thinks. It was childish of course to want your father to agree with you 100% of the time but to have him and Angel gang up on you? This will just not do.
Your mother never had a issue saying what was on the tip of her tongue, whether you liked it or not. Sometimes it worked in her favor and a good portion of the time it irked your father’s nerves, again every relationship was of course not the same, but you weren’t the most vocal out of your siblings or your mother. Most of the time people had to pull teeth to get you to open up…but when you did it put those around you at ease—depending on the situation.
Instead of sitting in the living room with Angel and your parents, you went straight outside to walk your front yard with another glass of white sangria in your hands. You paced the front yard as the summer bugs voiced their complaints into the night. The conversation wasn’t that big of a deal but it made you question whatever else Angel might have thought differently from you.
First it was the whole debate about leaving Santo padre behind as you two were going a year into your marriage but Angel had his duty to the club, which you understood but you wanted to see more. You weren’t originally from here, being from Reno, Nevada then you went off to school in Utah before dropping out two years in to end up right in Santo Padre where you met Coco then Angel.
“Come inside, quierda, I’m sorry.” Angel called out to you, now standing on the porch from some time as he watched you pace back and forth.
Your mother must have blabbed your annoyance to Angel the moment his eyes burned into your frame as you silently walked out the house.
“What’s her problem?” Your dad huffed as his wife sat on the couch.
Angel shrugged, just as clueless as his father-in-law.
A laugh bubbled in your mom’s throat, “listen very carefully boys—
You fanned your hand at him, “Not until you apologize.”
Angel furrowed his brows, he couldn’t believe you were this upset over him choosing lemon white frosting on pound cake rather than plain, how you liked it.
“I just said I’m freaking sorry.” Angel sighed as he hopped off the porch, making his way over to you.
He hoped to the man above that you weren’t crying, then he’d really get his ass kicked but by his own father this time. He knew your dad would just stare at you wide eyed like he normally did over your dramatics.
“So every time you eat my pound cake it was just a lie?” You whipped around, peering up at Angel who was relieved there were no tears.
Just pain.
“I never said I didn’t like your cake? I just prefer icing on most desserts! Anyways, every time you put a plate in front of me I’m eating that shit right?” Angel gripped your forearms while you shortly thought about it.
This was true.
His hands slid down to your backside, “I like peaches and cream too.” He flirted.
You scoffed using your elbow to shove your own personal horn dog away, “cool it 112, I’m still annoyed with you.”
“But I love you anyways even when you’re pissed over stupid pound cake.” Angel pressed his forehead against yours as you finally laughed at how silly this whole thing was. However Angel Reyes wouldn’t have you any other way.
Jordan Baker
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It was summer time so you had this bright idea to do a friend trip and once you put the bug in Layla’s ear (it also somehow got to JJ) it was no turning back from there. You were all graduating high school and majority of you wouldn’t be attending the same school’s so it was in your best interest to have one last hurrah since it would be the last for awhile.
JJ put Europe out there but that was shot down the minute Chris said it wasn’t in the budget right now. Respectfully they had to take that into consideration since most of the teens did not have their own money or a lot of it so they all settled on Sante Fe, New Mexico.
So far you were having a great time, it was only your first-second day out here? Blame the drinks okay? But everyone seemed to be enjoying their time together since there was no pressure of whatever college had to bring and you were trying to keep it that way. You and the group took a early afternoon flight to New Mexico, with no turbulence and no running into storms that would delay the flight. Every thing was fine minus Spencer getting hit with motion sickness one hour into the flight but everything was smooth sailing especially when you all arrived at your home away from home for the next week!
There was only a hour difference between California and New Mexico but by the time you did get to the vacation home it was approaching dinner time. You all ordered from grubhub and took shots out by the pool to end your first night in Sante Fe before managing to all get to your rooms. You were sharing a room with Layla and it didn’t take long for the girl to knock out on her bed beside yours, so you were left tossing and turning in your bed for a good thirty minutes before you threw the covers back.
You hated being a insomniac. Melatonin was not on your side tonight or those three shots of tequila but your thoughts about Rihanna finally giving us a album was stuck on your mind. Humming to yourself you went shuffling along the spacious home, your fingers sliding against the warm toned walls as you went—and for leverage if you ended up stumbling. It was when you reached the split level of the house that you heard something, your eyes went to slits as you peeked around the corner.
Of course you couldn’t see anything since you didn’t have your contacts in and oh yeah, it was dark as hell in the house—considering there were no lights on but that’s not focus here! Your bare feet slapped against the cool tiled covered stairs as you slowly went down them still looking to the right searching for something. That’s when you heard the noise again, you went down the four steps that led to the front entrance and door of the home.
See, any other time you heard a noise? You would high tail your ass right back up those steps and lock the doors before sending a quick text to warn the others or something along those lines but with liquid courage, you were about your shit more than ever right now. Latching onto a golf club that looked pretty expensive, that sat by the door, you quickly weighed it in your hands before running on your tip toes around the house.
Making it into the living room you hunched down as the noise was much louder now. Your heart was hammering in your chest as you silently counted before your attack.
“Game’s over, you son of a bitch!!” You screamed, swinging the golf club all throughout the air. You might have even closed your eyes as you did so— yeah we can talk about that later.
You did hear a gasp until a familiar voice answered, “Okay, just don’t hit me.”
“Jordan?” You questioned, opening your eyes at some point.
There the tall boy stood in a tank top and some shorts holding a carton of cashew milk, “Morning sunshine.” He waved his fingers around the carton he was holding.
“What’re you doing down here?! I thought it was a alien making all that noise.” You lowered the golf club.
Jordan frowned, “why would a sexy ass alien like myself be down here trying to eat human food?”
You grimaced, “…I don’t know about all that but—
“I’m offended that you don’t think I’d make a sexy alien.”
“I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you think you’re sexy.” You pointed.
Jordan smirked, “I don’t think, I know, y/n. Did you see those ladies break their necks at the airport?” You rolled your eyes as Jordan continued, “and you thought I was sexy a few hours ago too with the way you were putting that thang up on me by the pool.”
You plunged your ears, “lalallala, Meg was playing, Meg was playing! what was I supposed to do?”
“Hey, I’m not complaining!” Jordan laughed placing the carton on the counter.
You snorted as you moved to pull yourself up on the counter peeking to see what he was even eating at this point. “Really Jordan, egos and Buffalo wings? Ewww.”
“When I’m toasted, a man has to eat.” Jordan argued.
“It doesn’t make a difference if you’re drunk or tipsy, you’re always eating, fat ass.” You shuffled away from the plate of disgust near you.
Jordan glanced behind him, “you think my ass is fat? JJ and Asher were the only one’s who wanted to work on glutes the other day.”
You slapped your hand against your mouth laughing but also getting a peek yourself.
“Don’t objectify me, y/n!” Jordan scolded you.
“You asked my opinion!” You raised your hands in surrender.
Jordan folded his arms before moving to place them on the counter by your hips, “you didn’t answer either, you just keep hurting my feelings. why are you up?” He suddenly asked.
Tipsy Jordan could give anyone whiplash.
“Couldn’t sleep, as always.”
Jordan trailed his fingers over your face, pressing against your tense temples before flicking his eyes up to meet yours, “I know a way to put you to sleep.”
“Nope! I’m not drinking NyQuil again.”
Jordan laughed before running his fingers over your lips, “oh hell no we’re never doing that again, I’ve had some pretty stupid ideas but that might be top five.”
“Uh huh.” You nodded.
“I was thinking something like this.” Jordan’s voice lowered before pecking your lips, once then twice.
You caught his drift as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
EZ Reyes
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Sundays were meant for relaxation before the week starts but they always seemed to fly by. It was approaching 3pm, the light platter of rain sliding down the windows as you cuddled into your blanket watching some lifetime movie that your mother texted you about. It was funny really that you hated watching them with her when you were a younger since all you cared about was watching your cartoons or some teen drama but now here you were, getting texts whenever a good one seemed interesting enough to watch.
You snacked on your gummy bears periodically as you buried yourself deeper into the couch as the central air kicked back on. Letty was stretched out on the two-seat sofa, already sleeping a half hour into the movie, homework long forgotten. You shook your head laughing to yourself as you turned back to the flatscreen watching as the story progressed.
The movie went straight to commercial as you heard the door open then shut. You were shocked EZ was home early unless he was coming in to run right back out?
“Hey, babe, look what I found.” Ez greeted you as he walked around the couch, he pressed a quick kiss to your ear.
You hoped it was The Xoloitzcuintle you’ve been looking at for months now as you sat up on your elbows as Ez moved to stand in front of the tv. Immediately you stopped chewing your gummy bear as you focused in on what ez was holding oh so proudly.
“GET THAT OUT OF THE HOUSE NOW!!!” You screamed, making Letty jump up out of her sleep.
The smile on ez’s face dropped as he glanced at the object then back at the complete terror on your face. Letty rubbed her eyes as she sat up and peeked at what ez was holding with one eye still closed, “dude, why would you bring that ugly thing here?”
“Ugly?” Ez frowned, “your dad is actually the one who encouraged me to get it for y/n at one of those thrift stores at the border? You don’t like it, y/n?”
You closed your mouth and rubbed at the spot in between your brows taking a deep breath. “I—appreciate the sentiment but that thing—
“Is creepy as fuck. Worse than annabelle and robert the doll combined.”
“Sorry. I’m just saying what we’re thinking but clearly bozo one and two weren’t.” She sat back against the couch searching for her phone to take pictures.
Ez lowered the object slightly disappointed.
“I guess now you know a phobia of mine.”
Ez tossed the doll at Letty who snatched it up to take pictures of it and with it while he sat on the floor in front of you. “Damn, why haven’t you told me before?”
“‘Cause it’s embarrassing and childish?” You muttered, no longer wanting your gummy bears.
Ez shook his head reaching for your hand and placing a kiss on the back of it, “nothing to be embarrassed about…we’re all scared of something.”
“Have you ever seen that movie dead silence?”
“No, can’t say that I have.”
“That amplified my fear.”
Ez hummed, “guess I know what I’m going to be for Halloween this year.”
“Oh, fuck you.” You shoved his hand away while the man laughed, pushing off his hands to lock his muscular arms around you.
One way you would want to die would be by this man’s arms, don’t tell him you said that though, it might go to his head.
“I’m sorry, y/n. I should have bought you a better trinket, that’s the last time I listen to coco’s dumbass.” Ez huffed as he squeezed you closer to his chest by your shoulder.
“You promise?” You laughed.
“When it comes to you? No doubt.” He grinned, placing a kiss on your head.
Sofiane Kada
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“Why’d you hug him? You love him?” Was the first thing Sofiane had said to you in two weeks.
You knew he was having a hard time with the disappearance of his brother and you tried to be there for him. You tried to be there for Sofiane in many ways when you simply didn’t have to be but still he treated you like shit. Just like he did Melanie. He was cold then he was hot and it kept going like that for awhile and it was so draining. You were Sofiane’s friend before anything, before feelings got involved and you wished it counted for something.
“Sorry, we don’t want anything you’re selling.” Was your automatic reply as you went to shut your door, you would go out the back way to avoid him if you had to.
As you went to close the door, his hand shot out with such strength it almost knocked you back into the wall. He saw the look in your eyes and steadied his breathing before taking it upon himself to walk inside your house and close the door behind him. He glanced around your house finding it quiet and no cars out front, which meant that you were alone.
He knew he’d get his ass beat by your own family if they caught him here. He was positive they knew how he was acting towards you lately since you seemed different yourself without Sofiane—even though you hated to admit that.
“Sofiane,” you inhaled, “get out.”
“I’m not going anywhere until you answer my question.” He snapped.
“I don’t even know what you’re talking about!” You screamed, highly frustrated with him.
“Yes you do,” Sofiane pointed which made you slap his finger from your face, “you made sure to put on a show as you hugged him. You made sure you saw me to flaunt yourself at some loser ass dude.”
“Excuse me?” You hissed, “you have no right questioning or dictating what I do when or if you’re around.” You knew what he was talking about, it had to take you hanging out with another classmate Sofiane didn’t particularly like for him to actually speak to you. Wow.
Sofiane pinched as his bottom lip pacing your floor before slamming his hand so hard against the wall you were sure you heard it crack.
“Do…you love him?”
“No.” You immediately answered shaking your head, “does it matter?”
“Yeah, it does.”
He turned to rest his back against the wall as you crossed your arms, burning holes into his frame.
“My brother’s back.” He announced.
You thought you saw Karim around school but didn’t think much of it since you had too much on your mind that day.
“I’m happy for you guys, is he okay?” You were polite.
Sofiane shrugged, “I don’t really know how to answer that, to be honest with you, y/n.”
You nodded, understanding. There were many things you were out of the loop on when it came to Sofiane but you knew it shifted once again when Victor and Luisa came into the picture.
“At least you’re being honest about something.” You muttered.
Sofiane knew he deserved that but that didn’t mean it didn’t sting. He was coming to terms with the shitty ways he’s been treating people and he’s trying to be better. He wanted to be better and knew he could be but who’s to know if it’ll stay that way? It was different with you than with Melanie but he still needed to be better.
“I’m sorry for everything and making you feel like you didn’t deserve to be loved by me.” He stepped to you.
You knew you deserved love and that it didn’t have to be by Sofiane. He had such this ego before but you knew that you wanted to be loved by him, that was the difference, and ultimately the hard part.
“I have my own inner…demons I guess you could say.” He laughed bitterly, again something you didn’t quite understand, “I don’t need you to forgive me but I just want you to know that I really am sorry for putting you through all that shit.”
You clenched your eyes shut. That was all you needed to hear. He cautiously reached out for you and instantly you fell into his embrace. The both of you melted into each other, his arms locked around your shoulders while you buried your nose in the space between his shoulders and neck with his cold gold chain brushing against your cheek.
It was unclear how long you held onto each other but you didn’t want the moment to end. Once he pulled back, he used the pads of his thumbs to wipe the water from your eyes.
“Still pretty even when you cry.” He smiled, laughter lines appearing by his lips.
That was something you enjoyed seeing. More smiles that reached his eyes because lately, they haven’t. You wanted Sofiane to be happy, more than anything. You had such a good heart and Sofiane took that for granted.
You just had to do it. You placed two quick kisses, one by the corner of his lips, and then right on them. His licked his bottom lip scanning your face as he fought with himself for a few seconds before he muttered, “fuck it.”
Before gripping your face and placing your lips together once again. You both sighed against each other as your head touched the wall and your hands gripped his back.
Sofiane maybe bad for you but you wanted him and you had him.
JJ Maybank
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“Let’s just bury the hatchet.” JJ made his way over to you as you silently sat by yourself watching the night waves.
You and your friends now lived on your own unknown island after the battle with the Cameron’s on the ship. You weren’t sure how long it had been but you were sure some of you were being looked for. It was a miracle that you were not dead yet since you were so accident prone once upon a time, shout-out to that bitch anxiety, we hate her! Lately due to the circumstances on the outer banks, you changed when you didn’t want to. Call it growth, call it trauma, call it healing, all of that, you had it.
You were not known as the klutz anymore. You became a fighter and a lot of people weren’t expecting that, including yourself but this was the new you. And here comes Jeremiah James “JJ” Maybank messing up your little ounce of peace. You two recently butted heads on the island, maybe day five onto the island? You couldn’t remember what it was even about so you say but you instantly felt pissed the next morning and ignored him. Which he didn’t like. At all.
Once the sun went down and you had your dinner thanks to your turn of spear fishing and clamming with John b you separated from the group for a little bit. You encouraged them all to do that so you wouldn’t get sick of each other but of course no one listened so it was only a matter of time before you were all starting to bite each other’s heads off. Little did you know that Sarah and Cleo were the main one’s encouraging JJ to talk to you, while John b, Kie, and Pope decided against it.
“Fuck your hatchet.” You flipped your now choppy short hair behind your shoulders, “I don’t want you anywhere near me.”
“Do you even have a reason to be pissed or is it just easier to be pissed at me than to admit you like me more than you should.” JJ still stood while your doe eyes flicked up at him, heated.
You picked up grains of sands in both hands and tossed them up at JJ’s face but that backfired since a sudden breeze flew by, sending the sand flying, which made you cough as you inhaled the grains and a little bit went up into JJ’s eye.
“Are you freaking serious right now?!” He yelled, rapidly blinking and rubbing at his eyes.
John b went to glance over at you two from the fire but Sarah immediately reached onto his head to turn it back to the fire, “let’s mind our business before we get sand in our eyes too.”
“How did you know—
“Oh this might not end well.” Pope mumbled, side eyeing his friends by the ocean.
Kiara poked the fire, “tried to warn Sarah and Cleo here, you have to let that one ease their anger for at least two to three business days.”
“I don’t remember it being that serious.” Cleo stuck her knife in a log.
“Just leave Jeremiah.” You said.
“You seriously thought throwing sand into the air would be a good idea?” He gritted his teeth, the dimple on one side of his cheek appearing as he did so.
“Oh you should be the last one talking to me about good ideas, Jeremiah James.” You fanned your hand at him, turning to face the ocean.
JJ chewed on his bottom lip in irritation, “would you stop calling me that!”
“Jeremiah. Jeremiah. Jeremiah.” You waved your fingers up at the blond while JJ slapped your hands away in a instant before reaching for your legs, “the hell are you doing?!”
“Shutting you up, buttercup.”
Easily he lifted you up into his arms and it took you a minute to react, “JJ—
“Oh, now it’s JJ huh?” He laughed as he walked closer to the large body of water and that’s when you went into fight mode.
One long swing to JJ’s clavicle and he quickly let go of you right into the water. Under you went as JJ rubbed at the now sore spot, “see I was trying to bring the peace but you kept on picking! All because I didn’t want to hear some Celine dion song yesterday night! Really, y/n!?”
Spitting out some water you smoothed your hair back as slammed your fists into the water, “no one disrespects Celine!”
“That can’t be what this is about.”
You trudged through the water, stalking up to JJ who glared at you and you pushed him back then sighed as you felt your lips quiver, “…i miss my mom, okay? I know I don’t talk about her and I just thought you would get that. Celine was all she played and sung before it took over. She didn’t think I noticed but it became harder for her to not only sing but talk so that’s why she sent me down here to live with my uncle and aunt.”
JJ’s shoulders fell. He did understand now that you said it. It wasn’t a secret about your upbringing: your mother was a single mother back in New Jersey, father was a deadbeat and in jail for robbery and assault, mom got throat cancer and shipped you off to North Carolina before she fully left this world—it still hurt regardless, and you grew up in the outer banks since thirteen with your mom’s younger brother and his wife.
The blue eyed boy rubbed at the back of his neck, “I-I’m sorry, y/n. I didn’t think.”
“I’m sorry too, we’re supposed to be friends…well…close and I shouldn’t have blown up on you like that.” You apologized as well.
The both of you didn’t talk about your mother’s much, maybe you did more so than JJ but you both shared that pain. You shared scars and knew most of them physically and internally, but that wasn’t the main thing that bonded you. There was much more to the both of you than the surface layers: JJ was more than just the goofball who was always up to something and you were more than just this once shy person obsessed with cars.
And you both knew that.
“Can we hug it out?” He asked, which you appreciated.
“I’m all wet.”
JJ smirked eyeing your frame, “that’s never stopped me before.”
“Oh, see. Now you’ve ruined it.” You clasped your hands together before circling around him.
JJ jogged after you laughing and he locked both hands around your waist and twirled you around before settling you back on your feet. He kept himself pressed against you before whispering into your ear, “is it safe to say the hatchet is buried?”
“Only if you let go of me.”
“Eh, I kinda like holding you,” he squeezed you tighter, “and I think you do too, you’re just putting on this front but I know your heart, y/n. you’ll give it to me when you’re ready. So I’ll wait.” He let go of you to stand beside you instead.
You peered up at him and felt a smile trying to break out onto your lips but JJ saw the twitch, reaching out to poke your cheek.
“Whatever, Maybank.” You lightly bumped his shoulder before leading the way back to the bonfire, JJ shaking his head with a laugh as he followed you.
He sat right next to you which everyone caught onto.
“Everything good, guys?” Pope asked as he sipped at his water.
JJ smiled glancing at you with those eyes, he raised his brows silently asking you to answer the question.
“As long as everyone else is…we’re good.” You smiled which made everyone let out a cheer before you looked over at JJ who sent you a wink.
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shurisneakers · 3 years
We now how shield found Villainy. But how was that scene? How did she annoy the agents? What was Fury's reaction? What does she do as a shield consultant? (Also a shield consultant reminds me of Loki as a tva consultant haha) -✨
gasp. an origin story
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Catch up with the rest of the series here!
Subject 45DEI: Can you fix the temperature? You guys took away my jacket and it's (redacted) cold here.
Agent 14: Subject 45DEI, standard interrogation.
Subject 45DEI: I have a name, you know.
Agent 14: How did you open a wormhole?
Subject 45DEI: Sure, let's skip all the formalities. You and I have known each for years.
Agent 14: Let the record state that I have had no prior contact with Subject45DEI before.
Subject 45DEI: Tell them about the wild night we spent together in Reno, baby.
(muffled arguments)
Agent 14: Let the records state that I have had no prior contact with Subject 45DEI before.
Subject 45DEI: (incoherent)
Fury presses the headphone closer to his ear but to no avail.
Agent 14: Who is working with you?
Subject 45DEI: I work alone.
Agent 14: You ripped a hole in the space-time continuum on your own?
Subject 45DEI: Cool, isn't it?
Agent 14: Illegal.
Subject 45DEI: But cool.
Agent 14: What did you see?
Subject 45DEI: Nothing.
Agent 14: You saw nothing?
Subject 45DEI: And then some.
Agent 14: Elaborate.
Subject 45DEI: No.
Agent 14: Elaborate.
Subject 45DEI: I just did.
Agent 14: What does 'and then some' mean?
Subject 45DEI: More nothing. I closed it before I got a look.
Agent 14: Why?
Subject 45DEI: Does an existential crisis sound fun to you on a Saturday night? I don't need a wormhole for that, I just have to spend some time alone with myself.
Agent 14: Then why did you open it?
Subject 45DEI: It's not like I meant to. Like I told your officer out there, it was a mistake.
Agent 14: You can't open a wormhole by mistake.
Subject 45DEI: Sure I can. Just because you guys can't, doesn't mean it's the same for me.
Agent 14: (conversing off record with a partner)
Subject 45DEI: Can you turn down the AC? It's too (redacted) cold in here.
Agent 14: What did you use to disrupt the polarity?
Subject 45DEI: A Hawald Coldron.
Agent 14: What's a Hawald Coldron?
Subject 45DEI: You don't know what a Hawald Coldron is? Aren't you supposed to be the tech team?
Agent 14: Explain it.
Subject 45DEI: Wow, no wonder you guys freaked. Your tech is (redacted) primitive.
Agent 14: Now hold o-
Subject 45DEI: This mic? I've seen kids make better ones and all they had was a cup and some string.
Agent 14: You're going off tr-
Subject 45DEI: Your glass is optimised fibre. Boring. Get with the times, would you? See-through re-inforced steel is hot right now.
Agent 14: This Hawald Col-
Subject 45DEI: I bet y'all still use regular guns. Save the real cool (redacted) for some aliens.
Agent 14: (incomprehensible)
Subject 45DEI: That's what I thought. Before you guys come at me for doing your jobs better than you, maybe get a proper working AC?
Agent 14: This meeting is over.
Subject 45DEI: Are you serious? That's it?
Agent 14: Subject is uncooperative.
Subject 45DEI: Oh, come on. Bring me your boss, let me have a-
Agent 14: Audio recording ending.
Nick looks at the Agent who just shrugs exasperatedly.
"14 refuses to go back in there."
"If he gives up after one meeting he isn't strong enough to be here."
"No, that's the fourth Agent that's interviewed her. She's been here for two hours."
Nick's hands press harder into the table. "Best damn agents in the country and you're tellin' me no one can get her to crack?"
"With all due respect, sir," the agent says, "that's exactly what I'm saying."
Fury's glare is steadfast and relentless.
Unfortunately for him, you have had a very long Saturday and the water in the lobby tasted weird.
You stare back.
"You got a real mouth on you."
"I've been told." Your arms stay crossed over your chest.
Fury's gaze doesn't shift. Nor does yours.
"I could have you handed over to authorities on planets you've never heard of."
"You and I both know it's not gonna do anything." You raise an eyebrow.
The silence is so thick, you could cut it with a knife.
"Tell you what," you say slowly, "I have a better idea in mind."
"Does it look like I want to hear it?"
"You wouldn't be here if you didn't." A smile grows on your face.
You take a sip of your water. He watches you intently.
*Identification reference number: Object 1415168, Terran.
*Description:  A napkin with a water cup stain in the corner.
Words written with blue ballpoint pen 'I, Y/N Y/L/N, of sound mind declare my intent to join the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, also known as the Company With The Longest Fuc Name in exchange for a reduction in the charges laid against me by the Universe.
My role as of now is undecided. My compensation, however, I request to be monetary in value and an additional 'high five' from Director Fury himself. I am not to leave, try to escape this realm or change my identity in any way during the negotiation of my official contract. In doing so, I am liable to be persecuted under the jurisdiction of whichever planet raises a complaint, including, but not limited to, Earth.
Signed, Y/N Y/L/N P.S. your tech's still lame as shi'
A water droplet at the bottom right of the page smudges the remaining contents of the napkin.
*Time seized/produced: 12:07AM, Saturday.
*Seized/produced by: Fury, Nicholas J.
Signed: Fury, Nicholas J.
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adhdeancas · 4 years
12x01 Rewrite with Trans Dean
trigger warnings for minor mention of dysphoria. Also minor/negligent transphobia. 
“Mom?” His heart is stopped in his chest, staring at the face he’s kept in his head for all of his life, the face he’s thought of as the only real home he’s ever had. She looks the same, exactly the same. “I… uh, are you really… real?” 
He reaches out without thinking, needing to just make sure that Amara didn’t bring back a fantasy or a ghost or a sick joke. She proves it without him touching her, flipping him in a neat trick he recognizes from his own training and ending up with her foot on his neck, pressing him into the dirt. “Where am I? Who the hell are you?”
She looks so scared. Dean swallows, his Adam’s apple bouncing against the bottom of her foot. He needs to make her trust him, preferably before she does something rash like snap his neck. “I’m Dean Winchester. I’m your son. I’m… Sam’s brother”
The pressure lets up on Dean’s neck even though Mary’s shaking her head. “No. No, I don’t have two boys. They’re- they’re just kids.”
Dean winces, breathing heavily. This is gonna be a motherfucker for her to understand. Still, Mary lets him up, and he stands and rubs his neck, trying desperately to recall every bit of information he’s stored away about his mom. “Mom. Listen to me. Your name- your name is Mary Sandra Campbell, okay? You were born December 5, 1954, to Samuel and Deanna Campbell. Your father, he bounced around a lot for, uh, work, and you bounced right along with him, and you ended up in Lawrence, Kansas.”
Mary flinches, the facts hitting straight-on. “How do you know all that?” 
“Dad told me.” Dean tells her. He doesn’t tell her that he had to gather the story from slurred words, drunken tears in between stories about the perfect wife. That he recited them in his head like a prayer so he wouldn’t forget her. “March 23, 1972, you walked out of a movie theater - Slaughterhouse-Five. You loved it, and you bumped into a big Marine and you knocked him flat on his ass. You were embarrassed, and he laughed it off, said you could make it up to him with a cup of coffee. So, you went to, uh,” God, what was the name of that stupid place? “Mulroney’s, and you talked and he was cute and he knew the words to every Zeppelin song,” A memory of a smiling young alive Mary comes to mind, and he pushes it away because it hurts. She’s right there. “So when he asked you for your number, you gave it to him, even though you knew your dad would be pissed. That was the night that -” You fell in love with- “that you met -”
“John Winchester.”
“August 19, 1975, you were married… in Reno. Your idea.”Dean had always thought that was hilarious. He looks her in the eyes again, pleading with her to not dispute the next part. “A few years later, I came along, then Sammy.”
“No, no. My oldest was a girl, Deanna.” Mary looks Dean up and down, taking in his short hair, wide shoulders, and flat chest. He crosses his arms over that now, uncomfortable, hoping she isn’t looking at his long eyelashes or his delicate cheekbones or his hips. All the places he’s insecure about. 
“Yeah, um… that’s me.” He looks up at her, his jaw clenching, waiting for the ball to drop. “I shortened the name a little, and the- uh- hair.” He tries for the old charming smile as he runs a hand through the spiky hair he hasn’t let grow out in 20 years. It doesn’t quite get there, settling at a more delicate need for approval. Mary doesn’t give it to him. “Do you believe me?”
She bypasses the question, turning her eyes away from him to look at the car behind him. Something changes in her eyes. “I burned.” She says quietly, like she’s remembering the heat. Dean swallows. He remembers the heat too. “How long have I been gone?”
“33 years.” His voice cracks. 
Mary looks back to him, and she moves forward, putting two gentle fingers to his cheek, to the freckles sprayed across soft skin. He’s had them forever, even when he was little. “Dee?” She calls him by his old nickname; Dean’s doubly thankful that he doesn’t use his deadname. 
“Hi, mom.” There are tears in his eyes.
“How did he die?”
Dean bows his head. He’s really not selling himself too good here, is he? First the trans thing, now- “He gave himself up for me.” He’ll be surprised if Mary wants anything to do with him. Surprisingly, she chuckles and sniffles. 
“That does sound like John.” He looks over, and she’s smiling. His brow furrows. Killing himself to save Dean’s ass does sound like John, but not in a way that makes him want to smile. “And he was a hunter? And he raised-” She stutters now, looking at him again and looking away just as quickly. “You and Sam to be-”
“Yeah, he did.” A cold weight is settling in Dean’s stomach, and he tries and fails to not let it seep into his words.
“And you said we’ve met before, when you traveled through time,”
Dean nods. It had been horrible and amazing to see Mary and have her see him, just as some guy. A guy, at all. “Twice. Your memory got wiped, so…” So you don’t remember me telling you I was your kid, and you not believing me. I do.
“And you’re… my daughter-”
Dean coughs. He hasn’t been called a daughter in a long-ass time. “No, I’m- I mean. I was. I know it’s a lot. And I’ll explain everything. I will. But right now, let’s get out of here. Let’s get you home. Come on, Mom.”
She doesn’t correct him, which means she must believe, at least a little bit, that she is his mom. 
“You live here?” She looks around the cavernous space and he smiles, looking around too. It really is awesome. 
“Yeah, when we’re not on the road. It’s an old Men of Letters bunker.”
“Men of Letters?” She scoffs. Dean grins a bit and looks at her. He thinks he likes her. “They’re a myth. An old hunter’s story.”
He tilts his head. He’s just gonna keep blowing her mind today, apparently. “Not so much. New duds look good.” He gestures to her clothes. He’d lent her some extra clothes he’d had in the trunk, and he tries not to fixate on how they weren’t that big on her. He’s not much taller than her, and he knows part of that even is the heeled boots he’s wearing. 
“Well, thanks. It’s better than walking around in that nightgown the rest-” Dean’s nodding, about to say something extremely awkward like ‘Yeah, nightgowns are a bitch,’ when he finally looks at what she’s staring at, spattered on the floor of the bunker. “That’s blood.”
 “Yeah.” Dean’s heart leaps into his throat, but he goes into autopilot before he can think about freaking out. He takes his gun out from his pants and cocks it, clearing the immediate area. A blurred sigil on the wall puts another bolt of fear through his chest. “Sammy? Cas?” He winces at how high his voice goes.
He takes the Map Table’s gun out from its hiding place and hands it to Mary. She was a hunter too, and he’s not about to leave her unarmed to clear the place. “Take this. Stay here.” Dean takes off immediately. It isn’t until he’s moving on to check the kitchen that he hears the voice. Mary’s clear as a bell, saying, 
“Hands, now,”
Dean’s in the room before he can think about it. His heart practically comes undone when he sees that dumb familiar trench coat. He puts his body between Cas and his mom’s gun immediately, hoping she will trust him enough not to shoot through him. “Whoa, whoa, whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! It’s okay, it’s okay. He’s a friend, all right?” He meets Cas’s eyes and sees the utter relief in his eyes, and a surge of warmth fills his chest. “Hey, Cas.”
It’s a lackluster greeting when they both thought they’d never see each other again, and Cas shows it when he steps forward quickly and pulls Dean into a tight hug. “Dean!”
Dean grins and pats his back. “Hey, okay. All right,” He comforts him quietly. 
“Dean, you’re alive?” Cas pulls away and looks him over, like he’s afraid Dean might disappear. Dean nods, understanding; he had done the same thing to Mary, after all.
“What about the bomb and the Darkness? What happened?”
“I’ll tell you everything. Where is Sam?”
“He’s not here.” Obviously. Dean could smack him, but his face wants to break into a fond smile instead. He represses both urges.
“Are you a hunter?”
“No, I’m an angel.”
“He’s an angel.” Dean says over Cas. They look at each other and then back at Mary. 
“Come again?”
“An angel, with a capital A,” Dean clarifies. He feels, ridiculously, a little bit like he’s showing off. Showing Cas off. “You know, wings, harp.”
“No, I don’t have a harp.”
Dean laughs. “This is Castiel. Cas, this is… Mary. Winchester.”
“It’s been kinda weird, here. You know, with mom being back?” And learning that her baby girl is now a full grown man? “It’s like we don’t know how to act around each other, so we just kinda make this small talk, and act like it’s normal, but it’s- it’s so not normal.” Dean can hear the pleading in his voice. 
“What has she said to you?” Cas asks quickly. Dean bites his lip to hide the smile he’s trying to get from hearing Cas get all angry and protective on his behalf. He’s reminded of the time Cas looked him directly in the face and said, ‘Dean Winchester, if anyone is ever transphobic to you, I will smite them immediately and without any remorse.’ And before Dean could make a quip about internalized transphobia, Cas added, ‘Do not make me do that to you.’
“Well, nothing. That’s- that’s the whole point.” It’s the kind of thing most people usually wanna go over, what the fuck gender their kid is? He’s pretty sure no news does not mean good news in this context.
“Okay, what have you said to her?”
“Well, nothing. I’m- I don’t know what to say to her, y’know? It’s like it’s all too much, and I don’t wanna overwhelm her.” 
“Dean, your identity is not ‘too much.’” Cas says immediately. Dean sighs. That wasn’t what he meant, even though he has said something similar before. Something when he was lonely and sad and feeling like explaining his dick to a one night stand was too complicated for him to do to even assuage it that way.
“No- I know. It’s not that. It’s… everything.”
Now it’s Cas’s turn to sigh. “Don’t make things unnecessarily complicated, as you humans tend to do. I’ll call you.” He hangs up. 
Dean lets the phone fall with his arm limp to his side. “Yeah. Great. That’s helpful.” He says to the empty air. “That’s helpful.” Asshole.
They’re in the car, and Dean is driving, and there is too much going on. He’s not sure whether he’s happy that Cas is in the backseat for this conversation or not. “So you’re… my Deanna.”
Dean’s hands tighten on the wheel. He looks at them and ignores the voice in his head that says they are petite. Womanly. “Uh, yeah. I was born Deanna Jane Winchester.” He clears his throat and meets Cas’s eyes in the rearview. He gives him a little nod, and Dean continues. “I’m… It’s called trans.”
Dean risks a look over at Mary, and she’s playing with her ring. “So you… wanted to be a boy.” 
Dean clears his throat again. He’s pretty sure he does it every time before he talks, and he’s also pretty sure his voice gets lower every time he talks, too. He swears it’s an automatic reflex. 
“Dean’s soul is- that of a human man.” Cas interrupts, saying it like that clarifies things. The corner of Dean’s mouth tilts up a little bit. Cas did tell him that he could see his soul, and also told him that it was, and he quotes ‘A color more similar to that of a men than women.’ Which, yeah, that tracks. He guesses Cas leaves off the ‘more similar’ part to make things simpler for Mary.
“And so you…” Mary trails off, a finger pointing toward his chest aborting its mission when she realizes it might be rude. 
Dean raises an eyebrow with amusement. “Cut my tits off? Yeah.” He takes a hand off the wheel to raise his shirt, proudly showing off his top surgery scars. Mary trails a hand along them, feeling the raised skin. “After Sammy went to college. It was a bitch of a few weeks, but it was worth it.”
Mary takes her hand away and nods, brows furrowed like she’s trying to wrap her head around it. Dean grins. The grin freezes awkwardly, the edges tilting down, when Mary opens her mouth again. “So you have a-”
Cas coughs loudly in the back seat. Dean meets his wide eyes with a similar expression, and Mary cuts off the question, catching onto the fact she said something wrong. “Don’t think we really need to go there, do we, mom?”
That was a question for him and whatever lucky son of a bitch (gender neutral) ended up in his bed at the end of the night. “Right.” Mary says quickly. She turns her whole body then, asking, “Is that why you like men?”
Dean only swerves a little, he swears. The car coming the opposite direction doesn’t seem to agree, holding its horn long and hard. Luckily, it gives him a moment to stutter less obviously. 
“Sorry, I just meant- since you two are-” Mary gestures between Cas and Dean, and Dean blinks his eyes solidly, trying to convince himself this is really happening.
“No! I mean, we-” Dean doesn’t have the balls (hehe) to look at Cas in the back seat, but he can see the trench coat shifting out of his peripheral. “I’m not-”
“Was John okay with this?”
Dean laughs. It comes out bitter and dark. “Dad didn’t much give a fuck what I did with my body. He’d given up on grandkids about the time he saw how decent I was at hunting, so my long hair wasn’t a personal loss.” He knew I wasn’t gonna live long enough to give him grandkids, not without some self-sacrifice on John’s part.
Mary looks a little shocked at his outburst, and Dean almost feels bad for being so blunt and crass. But then he remembers growing up with John as his male role model, and he tightens his jaw. No, the bluntness and crassness was accurate. “Oh.”
“... Yeah.” Dean bites his lip and risks another glance at his mom. 
“So, you’re okay with this?” He waves a hand at himself. Asking if she was okay with him was just too pathetic, even for him. She looks at him uncertainly, a frown he recognizes as his own on her face.
“I don’t think I’m okay with any of this, Dean. But… I guess I’ll adjust.”
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silent-dragon · 2 years
Wanted to write this for awhile about Damián's eye thing. Ive touched on it a few times and posted a au Damián that had both eyes blind.
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He isn't aware of the true context about his eye just it was a accident in normal au/in general cause wasn't told about it.
Damián is suffering from curse magic from Reno Quimera,his ex lover & ex vice housewarden of Serendipia.
For context Reno & his twin Paz are cursed living humans turned Alebrijes beasthumans. They have different curses and other things. Reno has the ability to see unique deceased skeletal beings who have not passed on and are not yet ghosts in the mortal world at night. His curse makes those that truly love him start to lose bodily senses(eye sight,sense of touch,etc.) and turn into the skeletal beings he sees at night slowly or rapidly if he doesn't lessen romantic contact both physically & mentally with the person.
He has been unaware of this curse's context for years always having lovers suffer accidents where they lose a body sense/limb but survive. He felt it had to do with him so he always left them and they all are living ok and no longer think about him.
Damián met Reno during their 1st year and Reno immediately became smitten with him but Damián was kinda shy during this time and often just clinged to Sable afraid of alot of things including Reno but was warming up to him cause Reno would sing to him as a flirt. Rest of 1st year was mostly flirting. 2nd year was when finally they got together and were known to be the adorable but strangest couple among the dorm. Damián had colorful paint designs on his face like Reno's and the tattoo on Damián's arm is of representation of him & Reno. He was so happy in love.
Yet as the college year continued he started to notice the text in his books blur slightly and he would bump into things on the left side of him alot. He thought it was fatigue cause this is when he was working hard on his haven which he had to build the building of himself with help from a few others but he kept working on as a group of cats followed and lounged around the area. As per the curse's habit it caused accidents to mask it working on Reno's partners.
An accident of just a cat getting spooked by being too close to Sable who had a drill as working on construction got so scared the cat started to zoom causing mayhem so Damián tried to catch em to calm em down and was hit point blank with a unfinished edge wooden plank at a very painful speed right onto the left side of his face causing the rough edge to splitter into his eye. Immense panic situation occurred cause there was blood,paniced cats,and Damián freaking out from the pain and almost destroyed the structure and stepped on some cats. His state was so scary due to his size and confusion/anger that nrc security had to use 6 tranquilizers to get him to stop.
Took 3 weeks for him to recover and they were able to repair his eye's appearance but not its sight much. Reno was there from when it happened to day before Damián finally woke up. He knew it was the thing again but was scared to say anything so just vanished which made Sable super upset he would at time Damián needed comfort. Damián who was on heavy medical herbs always kept trying to find Reno or ask where he was as he could barely walk.
Reno showed up only for classes but vanished from Sable's sight the moment class was over. This is how it was rest of the 2nd year. Reno did finally speak to Damián again 5th day of 3rd year. Damián was so overjoyed to speak to him even telling him he was vice housewarden and that he forgive him for vanishing(Damián is very patient he actually waited for him to return after awhile).
Reno however knowing he was the cause of what happened and looking into Damián's almost pure white eye he knew he had to do this. He told Damián he already had transferred to another dorm and that he was breaking up with him. His explanation was short and didnt make alot of sense to Damián who reached out to him but Reno moved away before leaving just telling him to forget him.
In Reno's story he does find out about the curse fully and feels alot of regret knowing he actually was hurting the people he loved like that. He is trying to find a cure to his curse now so he can once again love without fear. He still in love with Damián aswell so hopes he finds a cure in time to maybe receive his forgiveness again and love.
(Btw if this curse sounds familiar it is a twisted form of the curse Miguel gets in Coco where he fading into a skeletal being. This curse was a main plot element of my og beta Serendipia dorm and part of certain og students lore. The undead/spirit students had variations of the curse they could cast on others usually if someone wronged them. I decided to keep two of the curses which Paz and Reno have yet make em continuous active then just castable.)
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