rt0001 · 1 month
a wise guy, huh? the kid goes up against an identified kaiju and thinks he's hot shit, huuuh? well, there's no denying that it definitely does provide some bragging rights — there's only a small handful in the defense force who could say that exact same thing. but narumi stands just as straight, a smirk absentmindedly forming at the mention of kaiju no. nine.
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❛ you're afraid of no. nine? that's fair, you are still a rookie, after all. and the report mentioned that kaiju really did a number on you and your friend. ❜ eyes narrow at the memory of the enemy, looking almost inhuman in the light. ❛ what i wouldn't give for that monster to appear one more time.. oops, guess i shouldn't really be wishing for something like that, huh? ❜
𝙲𝙾𝙽𝚃'𝙳 𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼, ft. @rt0001.
it's undeniably true, reno supposes. they're all here for a reason, whether it be heroic or selfish in nature, and even now, against unimaginable odds ... they haven't left yet. a normal person would have turned tail and run, wouldn't they? yeah, no one in the defense force would even dare.
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still, reno can't quite find it in himself to concede so easily, especially after hearing all of kikoru's stories. and the thought of giving her another reason to gloat? pass, thanks. ( huh, no wonder she and narumi are such good friends. ) ❝ captain narumi, ❞ he says, back straight and hands hands crossed behind him, ❝ i went up against kaiju no. nine. with all due respect, sir, i'm probably be more afraid of that monster than i am of you. ❞
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rt0001 · 1 month
the look of betrayal falls so easily onto his features, anyone who didn't know him would think gen was being serious! ❛ you went ahead and did your work.. but you didn't do mine? does the seventh division know that their captain is completely heartless? ❜ and he'd been looking forward to a trip to the training rooms, too.. she really knew how to rain on his parade!
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❛ i figured you were just too lazy to come find me yourself. ❜ not that gen minded the bird as company; at least he didn't nag the entire time! ❛ besides, it's not like it's anything incredibly important. you could've done it and saved everyone the trouble! ❜
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❛    we?    ❜ her brow raised sharply as she looked at him. her visit to the first division was one she wanted to do quickly. not for any particular reason, other than she wanted to take a nap. ❛    i've been doing my half of the work. why do you think sanzu's the one who's been following you around the whole day?    ❜
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she pointed over to the nearby window where said bird had the audacity to look offended ( or, at least, to her he looked offended. to anyone else, he probably looked like he did all the time ... a staring bird ) and cawed at her as if to say: you were the one who asked me to!
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rt0001 · 1 month
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he wants to set the record straight; the only reason gen doesn't keep biting his hand? it just wasn't very professional or mature for someone like him to resort to such petty tactics! even if she was the one who started this whole thing. and it's not because she mentioned letting hasegawa know ( and even if she did, it still works out for him because then she gets reprimanded too! ) ❛ did you consider that maybe i’m just warming up before i get started?! and you interrupting my warm up ruined my entire rhythm? ❜ that's not even remotely true, but hayasaka doesn't know that. or maybe he does. ❛ if you break my console, you're buying me a brand new one! with the game included! ❜
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in hindsight? maybe she should have seen this coming. but if fumi backs down now, then she might as well resign before narumi can gloat about it! ❝ ow ow ow ow, i'm so going to report you to hasegawa! ❞ he even gives a hearty tug on the console for good measure, not that he expects it to do anything—— really, if they're not careful, they may break this thing. ❝ maybe if you just! did! your! job! ❞ he kicks at narumi's ankles with each word ( wow, how ironic! ) and seriously considers digging his nails into the other's arm for good measure. self-defense, right? since narumi started it!
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rt0001 · 1 month
❛ why can't you just act like a normal person? ❜ ( @huntskaiju, from reno. )
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❛ first of all, that's no way for a brat like you to talk to a commanding officer. i won't be forgetting the disrespect anytime soon. second of all, name me one person who acts even remotely normal in the defense force. ❜ no, seriously. it must've been part of the fine print or something, for surely nobody with a drop of common sense would ever willingly sign up for a job where survival isn't guaranteed. but here they were, both ready and willing to sacrifice it all for the sake of a better tomorrow. that doesn't mean gen has to play nice with any of them, though.
❛ next time you speak out of turn, you won't be answering to your division captain. you'll be answering to me. and i'll be sure to show you how much of a monster i can act like. ❜
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rt0001 · 1 month
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rt0001 · 1 month
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of course he'd known she was right around the corner. he'd actually been expecting her to leap out for a while now, ever since her little bird had started tagging behind him. ❛ if anything, you're the one that's complicating things. think of all the work we'd already have done if you had used your time to do it instead of hounding me all afternoon. ❜ maybe he should recommend a time management class for horikoshi to take.
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❛    found you.    ❜ she appears seemingly out of nowhere, somehow turning the corner of the hall at the right time to be standing right in front of him. having sanzu look for him on her behalf was useful, seeing as the raven had been trailing gen for the past half hour. ❛    you know the sooner we get to work, the sooner i can leave you alone, right?    ❜
@rt0001 / one - liner call ☆
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rt0001 · 1 month
i need to talk about shinomiyas death and what that did to narumi
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rt0001 · 1 month
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the reaction is instant;   the second the realization is made that he’s lost all visibility on his game,   he lets out a screech.   body jerks the handheld console in a desperate attempt to at least catch a glimpse of the main menu   (   if he could save,   then her childish actions hold no power!   )   but hayasaka was just as stubborn as everyone else in the damn defense force,   so of course he didn’t let go.   which meant the screen was getting even more smudged!   ❛   YOU SHITHEAD!?   THIS IS INSUBORDINATION!   ❜   but narumi gen wasn’t one to take such shows of disrespect,   so when he leans over to bite her palm?   it’s simply self - defense!
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what was he here for again? nevermind, it doesn’t matter; it all disappears when narumi ignores him. there is a split second of absolute fury, a seething rage—— but it goes away, replaced by a sense of eerie calm. she sees her hands raise, processes it easily, and decides this: well, it’ll be worth getting thrown out for. ( good god, the fate of this nation depends upon children. ) a moment later, there are two hands on top of the screen of his console, effectively blocking his view of the level and smudging the glass with her fingerprints. ❝ excuse me, ❞ she says, still feeling as calm as ever, ❝ my hands must have slipped. ❞
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rt0001 · 1 month
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i love when he does that cat shit
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rt0001 · 1 month
❛  are you always so competitive?  ❜ ❛  are you okay? are you hurt?  ❜ ❛  are you sure you can do this on your own?  ❜ ❛  are you thinking what i'm thinking?  ❜ ❛  can you go take care of this, please?  ❜ ❛  can you show me how to fight?  ❜ ❛  can you tell me more about your adventures?  ❜ ❛  do you believe in ghosts?  ❜ ❛  do you ever think about anyone other than yourself?  ❜ ❛  does it really have to be like this?  ❜ ❛  don't you think you've already done enough damage for one day?  ❜ ❛  has no one ever given you a compliment before?  ❜ ❛  have i ever told you how beautiful you look in the glow of the moonlight?  ❜ ❛  have you noticed anything different about me lately?  ❜ ❛  haven't you ever wondered why i never talk about my childhood?  ❜ ❛  how can you just go to sleep like nothing happened?  ❜ ❛  how many more people have to suffer before you realize your madness?  ❜ ❛  is there anything else i can do for you?  ❜ ❛  is this really how you want this to end?  ❜ ❛  isn't it ironic?  ❜ ❛  what are your plans for today?  ❜ ❛  what else do you want me to say?  ❜ ❛  what else have you hidden from me?  ❜ ❛  what happened here? where is all that smoke coming from?  ❜ ❛  what has happened in your life that made you like this?  ❜ ❛  when were you going to tell me?  ❜ ❛  where are we supposed to go from here?  ❜ ❛  who will be able to stop them now?  ❜ ❛  why can't you just act like a normal person?  ❜ ❛  why can't you just leave me alone?  ❜ ❛  why can't you just stay focused?  ❜ ❛  why does everything always have to be so complicated?  ❜ ❛  why should i believe you now when you've told nothing but lies?  ❜ ❛  why won't you just tell me what i did wrong?  ❜ ❛  will it ever stop hurting so much?  ❜ ❛  will you go out on a date with me?  ❜ ❛  will you just shut up and kiss me already?  ❜ ❛  will you please text me when you get home safely?  ❜ ❛  you're completely out of your element here, aren't you?  ❜
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rt0001 · 1 month
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if you could believe it? the attempted conversation doesn't have him slowing down, even remotely! how much distance could he really put between them if he were to break out in a full on sprint? but this bowl - cut bastard would catch up without breaking a sweat.. and the last thing he needs is the other to have another bullshit victory to hold over his head. " are you following me because i didn't greet you? i never pegged you as the needy type. "
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"i haven't even said a thing yet. why the long face, captain?" it's easy for hoshina to match the sudden hurried pace gen sets, his own smile wide with the usual air of frolicsome. "i don't even get a hello for visiting?"ㅤㅤ\ ♡ @rt0001.
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rt0001 · 1 month
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❛ huuuh? what? sorry, it's past my working hours so i actually can't respond to anything until tomorrow. be sure to send any inquires to vice - captain hasegawa, thank you. ❜ translation: the video game in his hands takes precedent over anything she has to tell him, and he won't pay attention until the level is cleared.
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rt0001 · 1 month
i have nothing to my name but i love my ugly wife and thats enough
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rt0001 · 1 month
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