#if i were to ever write out my celebs au i hope i can write it as good and compelling
shoheiakagi · 3 months
if i were to ever pursue writing as a hobby or a profession, i hope i can be as good as ai yazawa and produce a masterpiece like NANA
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sokkigarden · 1 year
hi!! i am a sucker for the fake dating trope and i was hoping you could do a Jamie x reader fake dating thing? i would literally die <3
me and @whimsical-roasting were LITERALLY JUST talking about this tee hee so shoutout to her! i’m also obsessed w fake dating i hope you like this anon! <3 this is sorta the beginnings so maybe i’ll write part 2 if y’all like it ? lol
jamie tartt x reader | fake dating au drabble
it would start out at a bar or something definitely. you don’t know much about football but suddenly this really hot guy is draping his arm around your shoulder to get this creep to leave you alone. “hey babe, sorry it took so long,” he’d say and tuck some hair behind your ear, making eye contact with you so you know he’s playing it up to get this dude to leave.
the guy finally gets the hint and leaves you alone with the mystery guy. he’s looking at you expectantly but you don’t really know what to say.
“you have mates around here somewhere?” he asks, and you’d point to your friend who was presently making out with some guy in a corner booth. this bar was kinda exclusive and she’s dragged you along because she wanted to see some celebs and you hoped whoever she was kissing was at least mildly famous for her sake.
“no way, the blonde? she’s snogging my teammate,” he replies
“yeah, i’m a footballer.”
“ohhhh, like professionally?”
you clearly don’t know anything about football if you don’t know him, but the question makes him laugh as he nods. your cluelessness is honestly endearing.
you thank him for helping with the creep and he offers to buy you a drink which quickly leads to spending the rest of the evening hanging out with him. you ask him stupid questions about football and then start trading stories about life.
it was a pretty platonic night aside from some light flirting but you couldn’t help but flirt with a fit footballer you’ll probably never see again.
until a picture of you next to him at the bar ends up on twitter. and your face is now trending.
you expect that it’ll pass by after a few days but then you see your face on the telly. followed up with a statement by jamie saying he’s happy with his new gf and would prefer people to stay out of his love life.
which is why you end up at the afc richmond training facility front desk asking to see your “boyfriend”
“why did you tell people i’m your girlfriend? are you insane?”
truth be told the richmond boys had been ribbing him about the picture and he hadn’t wanted to deny it. and then some nosy reporter asked him about you in a pub and he thought a simple comment asking for privacy would be enough to calm things instead of fueling the fire.
jamie didn’t know what he was thinking. but the press hadn’t been super nice to him recently so he thought dating a nice low profile girl would help his image.
“and were you… i don’t know… ever going to mention this to me???”
“oi, Jamie, is this your girl? she coming to the match tomorrow?”
one of jamie’s teammates clapped him on the shoulder and smiled at you before going into the locker room. his words intrigued you though. already a plan was forming in your head.
“would you… be able to get me tickets to matches? in exchange for being your fake gf?”
realization dawned on jamie’s face at your proposal and he nodded.
“i can get you VIP tickets, you and a mate? i’ll throw in a tartt jersey too. if you wear it, people might stop giving me so much slack. see i’ve changed.”
you held out your hand for him to shake and he did, squeezing it instead of letting go immediately. you looked into his eyes.
this plan could clearly mean trouble if you thought too much about how pretty he was. and how nice he seemed. and the feel of his hand in yours.
you were in so much trouble.
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kaekae-x0x0 · 1 year
Welcome Home - Phantom of the Opera AU
Part 7/?
Anyway- I’m really sorry for not being consistent with my posting. I try to post as often as I can but schools a massive pain, and I have my finals coming up… so I don’t think I’ll update this for a few days or so.
Now onto the story!
You and Howdy walked to the shop arm in arm after packing up your picnic. You didn’t feel the greatest, considering you lied to the only person who honestly wanted to help, but you would tell him about it… eventually.
You went into the guest bedroom to change to go to sleep, and you couldn’t help but stare in the mirror.
It wasn’t that you were looking at anything in particular, it just felt that somewhere, someone was staring at a mirror too, full of guilt for something they’ve done.
Knock knock knock
“Come in.”
Howdy came in and gave you a small wave with a familiar smile. He carefully sat down on your bed and invited you to sit with him.
You smiled and accepted the invite.
“Lovebug, I’m sorry to bring it up, but I want to talk.” He said.
“About what?”
“Look, I know we’re engaged, and the masquerade is coming up, but I don’t really feel comfortable letting the whole… well everyone to know about it.”
You nodded in agreement, “yeah, I’d like that too.”
He smiled as he gently took your hand as he stood up, he guided you over to an old style record player.
A song (playlist should be linked above) played from the speaker. You laughed as he put two hands on your waist (his other hand is on your waist on the other side.) and held your hand with one too.
You two began to slow dance around the room, laughing at every mistake YIU both made. Although Howdy always told you he had four left feet, he always seemed to step on your feet less often than you did to him.
You two lost your balance and feel to the ground, you both laughed.
Howdy stopped laughing and turned over to you.
“Darling I love you so much…”
You smiled as you took his hand, “Oh Howdy, I love you too.”
Howdy sat up, “I gotta wake up early to open up the shop…” he leaned over to give you a kiss, “I love you, my dear. Goodnight.” He got up and left, leaving the door cracked open.
“Goodnight Howdy.”
You turned out the lights and laid down on your bed, and just kinda stared up at the ceiling.
You tried to close your eyes to sleep, but all you could think of was Wally. His hair, his smile, his… mask.
Because you couldn’t sleep, you decided to see him once more, maybe last time was just a backlash, something he was overwhelmed about.
You left Howdy’s house and sighed.
“Why do I keep going back?” You asked yourself.
You reached out to open the door—it was locked.
You were surprised, it was never locked before…
You shrugged as you walked back to Howdy’s place.
“Maybe he’s still just a bit angry…” you pondered.
Just a fancy time skip because I don’t know when y’all’s birthdays are, just pretend the masquerade happens on your birthday cause that’s how I’m writing it.
The neighbors were planning this ever since you and Howdy got engaged. You both knew about it, but just never really put much thought into it.
Julie and Sally were put in charge, and boy did they deliver. The space was decorated with f/c colored EVERYTHING but it didn’t look crowded or tacky!
“I really hope you’ll like it!” Julie said to you.
“Like it? I love it Julie!” You replied, giving her a massive hug for her hard work.
Poppy ended up pitching in for you and Howdy’s costumes. She mainly stuck with masks with fancy embroidery, matched with simple yet elegant clothing.
Howdy looked absolutely stunning in his costume, and you felt absolutely amazing in yours, both of you were sure to give Poppy your appreciation.
Sally had the grand idea to come up with entertainment, which included some of Julie’s siblings to dance, and you to sing.
Sure enough, as the day turned to night, people started to come in from a town over ready to celebrate. Howdy wanted to talk to you beforehand, so you both stepped away from the crowds to have a conversation.
“I was thinking, and I think it would be best to make the engagement public.” He began.
“What? What about what happened months ago? What if he finds out?”
“But darling, you haven’t seen him for months… he could be gone.”
“We’re keeping it secret, I don’t want to risk it.”
“Why are you so afraid?” He asked stepping towards you.
You cowered downward in an act of defense. You took a deep breath and stood straight back again.
“Why is it now you’re arguing with me over this? We agreed to keeping it secret. Why change it now?”
“Because I want to let people know I love you, I want them to know I am somehow the luckiest man alive” he softened his voice and lightly touched your face.
You leaned away from his touch.
“I thought you would only follow through with something if it was what I wanted.”
“I want this. It’s always ended up being what you want in this relationship.”
“You told me you wouldn’t push me to do something I wasn’t comfortable with. You told me you wanted to keep me safe.” You stepped forward with every sentence, causing him to back off.
Tears began to burn in your eyes. You blinked to try to prevent yourself from crying.
“You know what… if you want to make it public, I don’t care. Put me at risk for him to find me again. It’s not like I care.”
You walked away, the tears finally falling.
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alarrytale · 1 year
Hey marte, i know you’re not a fan of potentially controversial asks, but i just noticed something weird and i don’t know who else to talk to about it. I’ve had the babygate tag blocked for a couple years for my mental health, but I’m in a better place now and wanted to catch up on what i missed. However, I’ve since noticed a really uncomfortable pattern with some blogs: they go on and on about how B and the Clark’s are abusing F by putting him on social media and letting him being in documentaries for everyone to see, but those same blogs will then gush about how excited they are for HL to have kids. Baby photo shoots, Disney world pics, behind the scenes of concerts running around in 1D merch. Dad content, kid content, perfect family content content content. At first, i thought they were writing an au fanfiction, but some of these people are making full on manifestation boards and prayer circles. Am i crazy or is wanting that kind of stuff really hypocritical? Like, do people actually care about F’s well being, or do they just want him to disappear because he represents the ultimate stunt and would be more than okay seeing different young kids’ faces posted around as long as they’re HL’s? Maybe you don’t care and I’m just shouting into the void here, but I’ve noticed more and more that a lot of larries think the boys can do no wrong, that whatever they do is automatically the good and moral thing because they’re the ones doing it, and vice versa with people the fandom sees as bad. I just have a lot of mixed feelings on the whole thing, and thought maybe someone else’s perspective could help me make sense of things.
Hi, anon 🩵
I get what you mean. Here's my perspective. The reason so many people are berating the Clarks are several. They are unscrupulous. They had a baby just to pretend it was their daughters that she had with a rich and famous boybander as to elevate their own status and get some quick cash. They basically pimped out their baby for money and fame. Nowadays F has to be in the public domain like in the documentary, social media, attend concerts and so forth. Basically to 'act' as a son to Louis. F has no agency and free will to say no. They are using him as a means to an end. His right to privacy was sold to Sony by his own parents. He's an accessory. We also don't know how much of the money the Clarks have made on F that he gets to keep. F is their cash cow, their biggest income source and maybe their only income source. Maybe F is their breadwinner.
The difference between the Clarks and F, and HL having kids together, is that they will not (i hope) have kids with the primary goal of earning money off of them. The kids will (i hope) not be used as an accessory for pap walks to boost their parents image as mature, dependable and responsible people (other celebs do this). If HL choose to show their kids faces to the public it will hopefully be because they are proud of their kids and think they are the most beautiful thing to ever happen to them. They want to brag and say 'look at this kid, how lucky are we?' (Like any mom and dad posting pics of their kids ever). Maybe we'll get to see 'eating solids for the first time' pics, 'first day in kindergarten' pics, 'learning to swim' pics and 'she learned to walk, why is my kid growing so fast *crying emoji*' pics so on. I don't think they'll take advantage of their kids. I think they will have them just be themselves and not have them 'act' so they fit with their parents image. HL have so much money that they'll never have to use their kids as an income source (thankfully).
I also think that people want to see HL being as successful in their private life as they are in their public life, especially because we haven't seen them together for years. Them having kids would be the icing on the cake. We just want to see them happy (and for many that includes with kids).
Hope this helped anon!
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bluefirewrites · 3 years
not sure if u are still taking this but, celebrity/fan au for JUKEE 🤭
Okay this one's a little involved but I got you!
Rated T for mentions of sex and maybe some language
Julie tugs against the rather short dress Flynn had squeezed her in, not caring for how much she looks like a glorified candy wrapper in the shimmering gold.
She feels like she's some Ferrer Roche, waiting to be devoured.
Which seems to be her intention for tonight because she's insane, and so is her bestie Flynn, because she's supposed to grab the attention of a certain someone in this club.
Her motives for tonight sound like they come straight out of a Wattpad story, but her boyfriend- or well maybe an ex boyfriend now'- forced her hand.
So a year ago, right around the time they started dating, they both disclosed their 'hall passes'. Just a list of celebrities they were both 'allowed' to cheat on their partners with. It was fun. Just to see who the other person would pick. 
It was harmless because the whole point is that these people are so famous, so far out of reach, that the odds of hooking up with them would be essentially impossible.
Nick's was the lead singer of the world famous pop group Dirty Candi. And Julie remembers drunkenly applauding the choice ("She's pretty! Wowww you like them Bubblegum Pop girls?")
They had a laugh that night and Julie doesn't really consider that hall pass conversation all that much since then-
-Until fast forward to last week when Nick disclosed to her that he ran into Carrie Wilson at an event. And then promptly disclosed to her that he invoked his 'Hall Pass' rights.
His rights?! She had exploded at him, and he claims that its no big deal. That he thought she would understand that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, a crazy set of circumstances, and that- 'Holy shit Jules, she was actually into me. Like what?'
Understandably, Julie stormed out and has been staying with Flynn for the time being. And it must have been the haze of crying and watching a lot of true crime series to cheer herself up that she and Flynn concocted this... plan.
One fueled by spite and pettiness.
Get back at Nick, make him jealous, make him feel how she did- by invoking her own 'Hall Pass' rights- 
-which so happens to be Sunset Curve frontman, Luke Patterson... 
"There he is" Flynn whispers from their corner of the club and Julie gulps.
"I don't think I can do this," Julie hisses at Flynn, when they spot him at the bar, nursing a drink with his bandmates like he usually would (they did their research). 
See, Julie’s been a fan of Luke’s for a long time. Ever since she heard ‘Now or Never’ in freshman year of high school, she’s been hooked onto their music- especially Luke and his voice and playing. 
She had their posters on her bedroom wall and had been that girl who would (when no one’s looking) press her fingers to her lips then press them against Luke’s image before going to bed. 
It was that bad. 
And Julie had probably fantasized on more than one occasion of meeting him and all the other scenarios you would picture in a typical Celeb x Reader scenario. 
And she’d like to think she grew out of it, now she’s in her mid-twenties and just casually listens to Sunset Curve, following up on their careers every now and then. 
But you can never really shake your first major celebrity crush. Hence he had been on her so called ‘Hall Pass’ list. 
(”You into rockstars, Jules?” Nick had teased her that night.)
Seeing him there, in the same place as her, is so surreal, but Flynn’s continued pinches to her arm remind her just how real this is. 
“This is ridiculous,” Julie crosses her arms, ready to bow out because what is she thinking? Why would Luke Patterson pick her up, of all people, at the bar? It’s like a supermodel runway in here, filled with girls more accomplished and famous. Her confidence is shaken a bit and she rethinks everything. 
"Nick didn't seem to have a problem when he did it," Flynn points out, “And girl, you look great. He would be blind to not want you.” 
The mention of Nick still boils her blood, which only reaffirms her plans for revenge. She’s still nervous but they both stand up from their booth and walk over to the bar. 
“You’re just saying that because you’re my best friend,” 
“No. You’re musician extraordinaire, Julie Molina! The world may not have heard about you, but they will one day. I bet that’s something you can talk to him about. Music? Lyrics?” 
Julie could use her songwriting credentials to her advantage, “I mean I guess-” 
“Quick, he’s getting up!” 
“Flynn, wait I’m not-” 
With a forceful push, Flynn sends Julie into the path of Luke Patterson, colliding into him and effectively spilling his drink all over her dress. 
“Oh my god,” Luke gapes at her, “I am so sorry-” 
Julie fans herself, shaking slightly from the fact she’s drenched and also that her freakin’ high school celebrity crush is looking at her, actually talking to her. 
But she recovers quickly, and she speaks, “It’s fine. Really. I guess I’m just... clumsy.” She shoots a glare at Flynn, who merely winks and retreats to their booth. 
Luke grimaces and takes her by the hand, leading her somewhere, napkins in his other hand, “Here, let’s get you cleaned up. Again, I’m sorry. Hate to ruin a pretty... dress.”
It’s the way he eyes her that catches Julie off guard. He’s... not talking about the dress, is he? 
Julie reels it back in tries her hand at a joke, “I wouldn’t call this a dress. I feel like fancy leftovers in this thing.” 
Luke stifles a laugh, “Okay, I mean I wasn’t gonna say anything but yeah. I guess it’s a bit tin foil-y.”
“Not your style?”
His gaze drifts over to her one last time, “Well, any way to take a meal back home is fine by me. I mean-” Luke scrunches his nose, wincing, “I didn’t- I didn’t mean it like that. Shit. That was too... much. Are we-” he laughs nervously, “Are we still... talking about food?”
“Unless you just called me a meal. Then no.” 
The look in his eyes say that he’s absolutely mortified, “...yeah. I think I did. I was hoping that was a nightmare.” 
“Nope, it definitely happened,” 
“Feel free to slap me,” 
Julie giggles, somewhat delirious because she hasn’t tried to flirt with him but here Luke is, flirting with her. Or trying. And failing. Like a far cry from the suave rockstar she had pictured him to be. 
“No need. Just, can you-?” she points to the napkins he’s holding hostage. 
“Oh yeah. Here,” They stop in front of the coat check, and he hands her the napkins so she could try herself off with the best she can.
Suddenly, a weight falls onto her shoulders, she looks up and sees Luke draping a jacket over her- his presumably. 
“You looked cold,”
Julie wraps the jacket tight against her, relishing in the warmth, “Wow, thanks.”
Luke smiled and stepped back, “Just so you know, if I made you feel weird in any way, I’d like to throw out my third ‘sorry’ of the night. Nothing has to happen though. So, just say the word and I’ll leave you alone.”
Whew. Um, okay. Julie stands there, faced with this decision. 
The compliments aside (she will revisit those later), Luke’s giving her an out. Any reservations she has about moving forward with this plan, this is her chance to leave. 
She could just treasure these amazing few minutes for the rest of her life. This could be a story to tell friends at a dinner party, about the time a rockstar lent her his jacket. Would be up there with the time Jack Black passed her on the street and said “Nice hat!”. 
Maybe she wants to see where this goes. 
“All this talk about food is making me hungry though...” she says and Luke lights up, “I could go for a bite to eat.” 
Luke snaps his fingers, “I know just the place.” 
Half an hour later, Julie and Flynn are in a smelly alleyway with the guys from Sunset Curve, in line for a street dog cart just a couple blocks away. 
“An Oldsmobile?” Julie gawked after hearing Luke and the guys describe the delicacy, “Are you trying to poison me?”
“I swear by it,” Luke insists, taking her hand and moving them up in the line. Flynn sees this and doesn’t comment, but Julie’s starting to get used to Luke doing that, “You have to try!”  
Julie doesn't know when she got over her initial starstruck, but by now its so easy to treat Luke like a regular person.
Well, celebrities are all regular people in the end, but more so now that he and his friends, have their sleeves rolled up, smiles wide, ready to dig into what may be the most disgusting hot dog she has ever seen.
Julie takes a bite out of hers and her eyes widen. Wow. It's not terrible.
"Ayy! We got another one, boys" Reggie laughs, noting her reaction.
"Told ya" Luke needles her sides and she giggles, ticklish. Her knee jerk reaction is to playfully shove him, but in the process accidentally smeared some mustard onto his face.
Luke goes to lick it off with his tongue, making funny faces as he did which amused Julie even more.
"Here," she takes a napkin and wipes at his cheek, "Now we're even."
The whole group gets to talking over by the couches, while Flynn chats up the other boys, Julie and Luke are sequestered in their own corner, and yes, eventually the topic switches to music.
"Wait, so you know Rose and the Petal Pushers?" Luke chokes out, "Like everyone I talk to hasn't heard of them!"
"Yup. Have their record actually" Julie beams proudly, censoring out the part that its her mom's band and hence she has one of the few records ever released.
Luke is floored by that and continues to poke her brain for music and Julie finds that their spiels go on naturally, that she could probably talk with Luke for hours and hours.
Which ends up happening. Flynn had already made her escape, having texted her to come home safely, the boys had gone too, leaving them in the nearly empty lot.
When the food truck closes down for the night, they end up taking a stroll down the streets of L.A, talking and getting to know each other.
Julie learns so much about Luke, things she's never heard about from the press- like his songwriting practice, that he cries at Finding Nemo, and that he can do a cartwheel only when drunk.
And in return Julie shares with him her crazy college stories, how she misses her mom sometimes, and that she is encyclopedia of commercial jingles (a fact Luke exploits by rapidly quizzing her at random moments)
Somehow they end up near the beach, with Julie pointing out the different stars she could see, but finds that Luke isn't looking at the sky.
"Hey, Julie..." He gets her attention, "I had a really good time tonight."
"Me too"
"So... would it be alright, if I kiss you?"
Julie's mouth parts, speechless. It happened. Holy shit it happened or... is happening. She has Luke exactly where she wants him.
She could only nod and Luke takes it as the sign to lean in, but just as his lips is about to brush against hers, she freaks-
"Wait" she steps back. Luke opens his mouth, "No. No more 'sorry's from you. This one's one me. I'm sorry but... this- this" She sighs, "I have to be honest with you."
Then she tells Luke everything- Nick, The Hall Pass, her plans for tonight- basically admitting to using him.
When she's done, she expects for Luke to get angry, to leave in a huff and never want to see her again.
That's not what happens.
"This Nick guy sounds like a piece of work" he says.
Julie nods slowly, "Yeah... I guess he was. So maybe that's why I did it. But I don't think I could have gone through with it. Like I don't think we're together, me and Nick but-"
"You wouldn't want to do what he did. Because you don't want to hurt people," Luke surmises, understanding, "And by doing that, that means you're a better person than he is."
"I guess"
"No Julie, you're a good person" Luke insists, "Man, I think that makes me like you even more."
Julie laughs, "God, if my high school self could see me now..."
"You were a big fan?"
"I'm not having this conversation right now with you,"
"Okay cuz now you got me curious-"
Julie swats his shoulder but it doesn't deter the guy from snickering.
On a more serious note though-
"I think..." Julie hums, "I think this means that I got some stuff to work through. Before I could start considering... this."
"I understand"
"But thank you... Luke. For tonight"
"It's been real, Julie,"Luke smiles and pulls her in for a half hug, "And you should keep the jacket. Looks better on you anyway."
Julie goes back to Flynn's that night and her bestie's still awake, wanting all the deets. But there's not much to tell. Nothing happened.
She shrugs off the jacket and resigns to the couch, not caring that her makeup is still on. She's about ready to pass out.
Her phone dings.
She pulls it out and sees two notifications.
luke_patterson is now following you
luke_patterson is requesting to message you.
Curious, she accepts the request.
'here if you want to talk, Tin Foil :P'
Julie rolls her eyes and collapses onto the couch, sleeping with a smile on her face.
She doesn't know it now, but the oncoming years would be filled with more messages back and forth, meetups with their friends for more shady street food, building a solid foundation of friendship and eventually, when Luke asks again if he could kiss her, Julie would eagerly prop herself on her toes to close the gap.
Yeah, Julie's high school self would definitely be screaming...
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laximpulsion · 2 years
love the new chapter!! Can't wait for the next one, do u have any fave leatin fics i can check out in the meantime?
Why thank youuuu!! So glad you're liking it :) Lol, very good question! To give you a needlessly long answer with a lot of disclaimers...
It all starts with the kind of funny fact that i actually got into the wilds because of Shoni! But by the time i started writing I had done a HARD pivot to leatin. And now that I write, I do a lot less reading than I did before, so I don't actually have as many leatin fic recs as one might hope. (I definitely have more shoni fics bookmarked on my ao3 page than leatin ones lmao it's kind of funny)
ALSO, I tend to actively avoid fics that sound similar to what I'm writing now or what I plan on writing in the near future. So for that reason I have not read many S3 fics or post-island fics. And a side effect of this is that i DO read a lot of AUs, so this might be mostly AUs, sorry if thats not your jam!! maybe someone else can chime in with canon fics?
anyway. i KNOW im gonna be missing lots of good ones so sorry in advance but here's some ideas to get you started:
This feels like low hanging fruit but it's true - anything by lostresidentevilpotter is a good bet, the ex-girlfriends one was an instant classic for me and actually i think it was one of the first leatin fics i ever read! really you could spend a week making your way through the lostresidentevilpotter archives and it would be a week well spent.
I'm also a big JourEtNuit fan - this one where all the girls go into witness protection after the island was another instant classic, and another of the ones that I read really early on in my fandom journey so it has a special place in my heart. more recently i loved the The Last of Us AU !
Perhaps an unconventional pick because it's not my usual thing but this social media AU where the girls start a joint tiktok account after the island has TOTALLY charmed me and I adore it, always makes me smile.
I really enjoyed this series by tardexlanoche - think this is actually the only full-on s3 fic I've read, and I loved the premise set up by the first one in the series where Fatin and Leah were kind of almost friends before the island. Plus i believe there will be a sort of AU of itself that branches off after the first fic in the series about what would happen betw. them if they never went to the island, which I think is a super neat concept.
And one of the few other canon-adjacent fics I read and enjoyed a lot is The Fall by Ecrooked24 , where leah and fatin get stuck in a ravine and have to confront their feelings - with angst aplenty. (I've also been loving Polaroids!!)
And then there's a few others that only started recently but I'm keeping an eye on because they intrigued me -
tip the world on its side - leah sees gretchen in LA, i have no idea what's going on but i'm very into it so far
this compass tattoo soulmate au - i am not usually a soulmate AU kind of gal but this one has got me hooked!
this ghost hunter AU - had me at ghost honestly! and then had me again at ghost *hunter* lol
this one where Fatin leaves Leah annotated books - annotated books are such a cute concept and it was SO ruined by jeff doing it!
whew okay...sorry this was so long but if you follow me you should hopefully know by now that i write fucking NOVELS any chance i get hahaha. if anyone has anything else to add please feel free!! especially s3/canon-adjacent/post-island fics!
EDIT: suggestions from the comments - these are all great too, i've read a lot of them and started others!!
Mad Girl's Love Song by ThornedRose44 come home to my heart by scoutshonour, Sleepless in Sylvester by comicc_bookk_jawnss, pull you from the tide aka the tinder series au by overnights, did you win? aka the celeb au by lunchables, and can't forget the amnesia au i was dangerously tangled (the second time i met you) by rosymidnights.
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bokutobaby · 4 years
songs 4 u! ⭑・゚゚・
shuffle / rewind / skip
warnings! pure fluff
watching semi get out the taxi, y/n stood there with her arms crossed over one another. the chilly afternoon air blew in her face, and she was more than ready to see what semi had planned for her.
“alright, it’s here,” he said, walking towards the venue in front of him. “c’mon slow poke!”
y/n squinted at the neon sign in front of her. she’d never been to this club before, but it was a hotspot for celebs looking for smaller venues rather than stadiums to hold shows at.
“are we..going to a concert?” she mumbled, just loud enough for semi to hear her. he sighed, the smile on his lips never disappearing.
“maybe if you went inside, you’d see.”
rolling her eyes she obliged, thanking her friend as he held the door open for her. the two of them were greeted by a tall bouncer, who recognized them and let them in with no hesitation. ‘strange..’ y/n thought, but kept the weird feeling to herself.
the black double doors were opened for her once more, and the scene around her was overwhelmingly loud.
a crowd of people covered the entire floor, and the balcony above them was just as packed. they cheered and chanted for whoever was coming on stage, but it didn’t resonate who that was until she heard the whispers of a few fans next to her.
“i seriously hope that tweet was right, i mean, a pop up akaashi show? that’s sick!”
y/n felt her heart skip a beat at his words.
immediately spinning around, she searched for semi but he was nowhere to be found. she had a feeling he knew what was going on, but now that he’d disappeared off there was no way of confirming — until a spotlight hit the stage, and the boy underneath it caused the crowd to go wild.
“welcome, everyone!” akaashi said into the mic. as he greeted the floor below him, the cheers got louder as tsukishima and kageyama walked out. kags waved as he adjusted his guitar strap, and tsukki nodded with a slight grin as he sat behind his drum set.
“ohh my g-“
“tonight’s show is dedicated to a special person,” said into the mic. his eyes diverted to y/n, and she swore there was a faint sparkle behind them. her face felt warm, and the gesture didn’t go unnoticed by the crowd as they got out their phones to start recording.
the show started, with keiji playing some of his popular songs, and even a few unreleased ones (that y/n had already heard during their many songwriting sessions). y/n felt so happy, watching him sing his heart out on stage.
it wasn’t until he announced he’d be playing one final song that night that y/n noticed the crowd shuffling slightly as a spotlight hit her directly. she put a hand over her face to shield her eyes, but stared confusingly at the boy on stage. he let out a huff, and then took the mic off of the stand and held it up to his face closely.
“y/n,” he started “i’ve never been good with words, specifically telling people how i feel. thanks to you, you helped me realize my true feelings....however, i’d rather sing them than say them.”
the crowd let out a mixture of “awws” and applause. y/n’s heart began to race, but she simply nodded slightly as tsukki began to count down.
the soft music filled the entire venue, and akaashi’s smooth voice was all y/n were focused on at the moment.
i don’t think about you all the time, but when i do it’s a dream come true
helps me sleep it helps me dream at night something real, that’ll make me feel all right
he sang better than she had ever heard before. the raw emotion in his voice brought her to tears, as he sang of love. his voice was like a spell, putting her in a trance as he began to step down from the stage, and slowly walk towards her as he sang.
when i can’t be by your side it makes me cry, and wonder how long can i go
without having you in my sight, will i be alright? will i just die tonight?
parting as he mace his way to her, the crowd was filled with nothing but happiness, and when it was just the two of them in the middle of the floor, he took y/n’s hands in his, and delivered his final lyric.
i can’t see anybody loving me the way you do, it’s astonishing
you’ve got me under wraps but darling i’m in love
the room was silent as he delivered his final words, and the music stopped shortly after. it was as if the crowd knew he had more to say.
“i’ve never felt like this with anyone before, not even hina because you’re the only one who could ever show me what it really feels like to be in love. i.. can’t explain it, but that’s what i feel. and i really, really care about you.”
the tears had stopped halfway into the song, but another one fell after that short speech. he’d taken her breath away, so she did the first thing her mind told her to.
closing the space between them, they shared a short but passionate kiss, and they held each other tight as their friends and fans cheered around them.
track 18: under the lights
celeb! au. singer akaashi keiji isn’t too keen on relationships. when up and coming artist y/n moves into the apartment below him, will she be able to change that?
a/n: i put off writing this for like 3 days and then did it all last night so i apologize cuz i was tired as hell😽
taglist ⭑・゚゚・
@hanibuni @pperapear @luv4kags @deadontheinsidebut @tanakax123 @fangilringwithleah @secondsonabrokenclock @sugacoatt @huhkaashi @abonshit @littleblackpheonix @kartianaaa @kuroosleftfoot @hqreisin @daisukekanbesslut @92defense @kinkenma @bringmelily @kokogxddess @m1lkbean @sugar-miilk @sugawsites @aimemoj @adriloen @90s-belladonna @plushiesssforcrying @naughtylittleweeb @bokutonkatsu @toaster-stick @katiebnha @tvwhoresblog @ghostly-toastie @ushiwakaismybae @heyimsad @italicization @samishiko @idiot-juice-enthusiast @etrastrinai @kabispit @krxstynnn @https-mimi @oikawalmart-hq @awkwardspontaneity @fallingw-angel @kara-grayson04 @michelepiekenma @deathcab4daddy @rione-x @thespookyem @mia041602 @fangirling-25-8 @anhphunnnn
taglist continued in the comments
send an ask or comment to be tagged <3!
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forevfangirlwrites · 4 years
I love your how to handle fame series and I totally get if you’re six of writing for this AU but if you aren’t I’d love one with them making the relationship official like Annabeth telling Percy he can post a picture of them for the first time or her telling him she wants to make it official and post on social media and Percy just being happy to tell the world that she’s his and vice versa
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 , Part 7,  Part 8
If Percy ever decides to pick up the memoir business again, the entire thing could be about the past two days, which have downright been the weirdest, most surreal days of his whole life.
On second thought, maybe he wouldn’t be able to write it because he’s spent all weekend trying to compartmentalize it and it still feels like a blur.
Like one really long day.
And you’d think, given the magnitude of the events that had occurred, he’d remember it better.
CHB had been the first to report the news, courtesy of that lady shoving a mic in his face, but the interview had really sealed the deal. Zoe Nightshade is acclaimed for reporting facts not fiction in the celeb news world, so going on her show to talk about it had been the best way to get the right version of the story out there.
All he remembers about the set are the hot lights, the white couch (that he was immediately worried about ruining) and Annabeth by his side, holding his hand.
Overall, it had been good. The entire thing had been premeditated by Annabeth, who had started off the interview explaining how they wanted to go public on their own terms instead of someone else leaking it, but that they still wished to keep their personal lives private.
Percy had also kept to his premeditated script, saying he’s a barista from New York, and shifting the dialogue (as Annabeth called it) to their meeting.
After the interview Annabeth had given him a big hug and told him it was a success.
But then…..oh then, came The Notifications™.
As if he didn’t already spend too much time on his phone, he’s been glued to it all weekend.
“It’s going to be rough,” Annabeth had said with the same worried face that she had when the talk about going public had come up a month ago.
And Percy knows, right, he’s been in the service industry and knows how people can be jerks. He knows there’s going to be backlash.
Maybe that’s why Annabeth had rented a beach house far down the coast and been by his side constantly the past two days.
He glances over at her, leaning back on her comfy wicker chair with her feet propped, reading a book. As if she can tell he’s looking at her, she puts down her book and turns to face him.
“What’s up?’
Her long legs look golden in the sunlight filtering through the light curtains and she’s practically glowing with the beach air wafting through the open window.
Long story short, she looks beautiful.
Focusing his brain from the detour it took to admire her, he shakes his head.
“Nothing…just wondering how I got here.”
She picks up her cup of tea from the table beside her. “What do you mean?”
Leaning back against the headboard of the bed, he stares at the high planked ceiling.
“I don’t know…just everything. I mean for one, I’ve never seen so many pictures of myself…even my mom’s albums would have a tough time competing…actually, they might still win now that I think about it.”
Annabeth chuckles at that. And while it’s true his mom has an absurd amount of pictures, him and Annabeth have been plastered a fair amount on various articles and social media. He’d kept his Instagram private, but his Twitter hadn’t stopped blowing up.
“And I’ve never had this many people talk or…speculate about me.” He drops his gaze from the ceiling to once again land on her. “Like, it’s the most hate I’ve ever gotten…”
The inevitable comments on him being a gold digger, though expected, had been hard to see. It stung a little to think people thought he was anything other than hopelessly in love with his girlfriend.
But no one had been more pissed than Annabeth and it had taken kisses from him to distract her.
He sees the same anger and worry start to flare up now, her eyebrows already creasing together, and rushes to complete his thought.
“But it’s also the most support I’d gotten.”
Luckily, an overwhelming majority of Annabeth’s fans had been super supportive of them. One picture in particular, one of them standing at the red carpet staring into each other’s eyes, had gone viral and “Percabeth” (as people were dubbing them) had been number one on trending for a whole day.
So many people not only calling them cute, but also describing him as hot. Percy had almost laughed out loud when he’d first read comments gushing about how attractive he was. (Take that, Nancy Bobofit, who called him ugly in middle school.)
“It’s just really crazy I guess, I never expected this from my life.”
He really should write a memoir. Other people need to know how almost comically absurd his life is now. (It would start with riding the subway to school every day.)
Annabeth sits up in her chair, still wearing the frown from earlier.
“Do you regret it?”
She asks calmly enough, but he can see the worry behind her eyes and the fear creep into her tone. He slides off the bed and walks to her, sitting on the footstool she’d been propping her feet on a second ago.
“Not at all.”
Reaching for her hand, he raises it to her lips, keeping eye contact. She needs to know that he’d take it all if it means he gets to be with her.
The day after the interview, Annabeth had told him to pick out a picture of them to post on her Instagram. And though it had immediately become her most liked picture, it wasn’t just fan service. The smile on her face when she posted it had made Percy’s heart melt even more.
Because the truth is, despite everything, it feels so good to call her his in front of the whole world.
Annabeth smiles, pulling their intertwined hands close to her and resting her cheek against them.
His phone vibrates and he can’t help but look over. Annabeth smiles, amusedly. “Who is it?”
He reaches for the device, unlocking it with a swipe. “My mom.”
“What’s she saying?”
He smiles as he reads the text. “That her friends are blowing up about this.”
Annabeth chuckles. “Don’t worry, it’ll blow over soon.”
Almost automatically, he opens up Twitter. It’s become a bad habit over the past two days.  “Well, we have been trending for a while…”
His sentence veers off as he checks the trending tab. Number one this morning had been a kpop star whose birthday was today and “Percabeth” had been second.
But now number one was…Jogan Paul, who had apparently been caught in some money laundering scheme and become the center of all public outrage. Number two was still the kpop star and number three was #ultranatural.
“Percabeth” was nowhere to be found.
“You’re right…we’re not trending anymore, some other guy, Jogan did a—”
“Money laundering scheme?” Annabeth finishes and he looks up from his phone to see her smile over her tea.
“Yeah…everyone’s talking about him….and then it’s a k—”
“Kpop idol? Yeah, it’s P-Dawn’s birthday,” Annabeth finishes again.
Percy stares at her.
Annabeth, after posting the Instagram photo, hadn’t checked her phone almost all weekend, letting him look at everything going on.
So how could she know all this? He’s pretty sure she hasn’t checked her phone in hours, instead working her way though her book.
“Yeah…” he continues, still confused. “So we’re not trending anymore. This Jogan guy really messed stuff up…”
Annabeth shrugs, still smiling. “That’s how it goes, people move on from things quickly.”
He nods. He knows this. And personally he’s glad that they’re not the main topic of conversation now. It feels like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. He puts down his phone with a smile.
“Yeah, it’s fortunate that this guy messed up, really took the eyes off of us.”
Of course, not all the eyes. Annabeth’s fans will still talk about it, but now the media has something juicer to report on.
“Yeah, fortunate,” Annabeth repeats, lifting her cup again to take a sip, but she can’t hide her smile.
Something about this feels…
“Did you know about this?”
Annabeth just takes a sip of her tea.
Peering over the cup, she replies sweetly, “Did you know the season finale of Ultranatural is on tonight?”
And that’s all the answer he needs.
(So he naturally responds by picking her up and tossing her in bed, letting her laughs bounce off the high ceilings as he wraps her in a hug, thinking that there needs to be a whole chapter in his memoir about just how smart his girlfriend is.)
A/N: As I said in the beginning, this is the continuation to the last chapter in the how to handle fame series. Thank you for sending in the prompt! It’s been a popular one and I had a whole storyline for it (though I did include the insta pic :)
When I came up with this plotline I just couldn’t get the idea out of my head that Annabeth would totally mastermind the entire thing and make sure that their relationship didn’t get too much heat.
Plus, let’s be real, news moves fast, and their relationship, while a big thing, isn’t the only thing going on the world for people to talk about. And stories that spark outrage blow up more than two people dating, so I tried to keep this as realistic as I could.
Part of the reason it’s taken so long for this is because I truly wasn’t sure the best way to tackle this whole thing while still staying true to reality as best I could. So when I thought of the Annabeth planning out this whole thing I thought it was fun and cute and went for it. I mean this entire series has taken off in a way I had truly never imagined.
A lot of people had requested the whole going public thing and how it would play out, so I really hope you guys liked this! (And thank you anon for sending in the prompt I used to post this :)
(Also a lot of references to things that have happened semi-recently so lmk if you’ve figured them out, not that they’re that hard lol)
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lunnanunna · 4 years
Good Now
ATEEZ Extra Member AU
Summary: Yoori finally understands why Wooyoung is so uncomfortable with her and Yeosang.
Warnings: none
Taglist: @hyunmijung​ @galacticstxrdust​ @giant-puppy-yunho​ @kimonmars​ @soobinssmile​ @nlost21​
A/N: I was falling asleep while writing this, but hopefully it’s okay. Hope you enjoy!
Requests are open! Please let me know what you think.
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Yoori shuffled down the hall to the living room. She had just woken up from a nap and was still a bit groggy. The nap was supposed to be only for half an hour, but when she woke up and looked at the time, two hours had gone by. Yoori had to make sure that she was still in the same century.
She entered the living room after checking all the rooms and finding them empty. Yoori thought it was strange that none of the boys were in their rooms. She had checked her phone as well for any messages, but there weren’t any.
As she stepped into the room, Yoori smiled when she saw Yeosang and Wooyoung sitting on the couch watching TV. They looked up just as she walked to them.
“Where is everyone?” she asked them, taking a quick peak in the kitchen just in case someone was in there. (Nope.)
“Oh, they’re all out,” Yeosang answered, smiling. He patted the seat next to him and Yoori grinned as she sat down.
“So then it’s just us three?” Yoori asked, resting her head on the blond’s shoulder, watching the TV. They had an episode of Law of the Juggle on.
“Yep,” Yeosang nodded, readjusting so he could wrap his arm around Yoori’s shoulder. He then guided her head back onto his shoulder. Yoori hummed in content.
“I didn’t know you were even still here,” Wooyoung spoke up. Yoori had almost forgotten that he was here, seeing as he hadn’t said anything until now.
“Yeah, I was napping. It was supposed to be a short one, but I ended up sleeping for two hours,” Yoori said, turning slightly to look at Wooyoung. He looked slightly uncomfortable as he leaned away from them. 
This wasn’t the first time that Yoori had noticed this. It had been happening nonstop since Yeosang and Yoori had opened up with the members.
Choosing to ignore the slight pang in her chest at his not-so-subtle discomfort, Yoori faced the TV. She couldn’t focus enough on what was going on, so she couldn’t even tell who the celebs were. Wooyoung was all she saw out of the corner of her eye.
“So. You two wanna tell me what’s up?” Yoori turned her head to face Yeosang just as Wooyoung did. The blond was staring ahead at the TV, as if he hadn’t spoken. Yoori peaked at Wooyoung who looked at her just as confused.
“What?” Yoori asked, hand fisting his shirt. She kind of felt nervous, though she didn’t understand why.
Yeosang muted the TV, then sat up straight. Yoori and Wooyoung did the same, sitting criss-crossed, facing the older.
“You don’t think I know when my best friend and my,” Yeosang began, then paused, side eyeing Yoori who blushed.
“Jesus Christ, just say it,” Wooyoung rolled his eyes.
Yeosang nodded, a slight flush on his cheeks. “My girlfriend,” he said, giving a small smile.
Yoori smiled as well, avoiding both boys’ eyes. They haven’t really used labels that much, so whenever the words boyfriend or girlfriend wetre used, both got flustered.
“You don’t think I know when you two are acting weird? Like I know that you guys aren’t the closest, but I don’t know. You two seem to be avoiding each other recently. So what’s up?” Yeosang asked. He looked at Wooyoung then turned and looked at Yoori.
She chewed on her lip, nervously. The only reason she had been avoiding Wooyoung was because he seemed to almost detest being near her or get annoyed whenever Yoori and Yeosang were brought up in the same conversation. Yoori could still remember how Wooyoung had told her to repress her feelings for Yeosang. While the others were okay with them dating, Wooyoung obviously wasn’t.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. She’s just as annoying as ever,” Wooyoung stated, playing with a loose thread on his shirt.
Yeosang nodded then turned to Yoori. He knew that Yoori would eventually crack and tell him. She squirmed in her seat, his gaze feeling hot. “Yoo?”
Yoori took a quick glance at Wooyoung who was avoiding her eyes. Yeosang saw that then sighed.
“Can you tell me what’s going on without having to look at each other for approval?” he asked, exasperated. Yoori bit her lip. She didn’t want to make Yeosang feel bad, but she also didn’t want to mess things up between him and Wooyoung.
Wooyoung sighed from his spot. Both Yeosang and Yoori looked at him. The younger tugged on the thread of his shirt, effectively breaking it off. Looking up at the two, Wooyoung chewed on his cheek.
“So I may or may not be comfortable with you two being together. Like don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you two are happy. It’s just that… I don’t know. I feel like it’s not the smartest thing,” Wooyoung said, avoiding their eyes.
“Woo? We’re going to be careful,” Yeosang said, placing a hand on the raven haired boy’s knee. “For now, only the group will know,” Yeosang offered a small smile, but Wooyoung didn’t return it.
“No. It’s not that. I trust you guys to be careful. It's just- I feel- Shit, I don’t know,” Wooyoung huffed, throwing his head back.
Yeosang saw this, and worried his lip between his teeth. He looked at Yoori who only gave him a shrug. She was just as confused as he was with what Wooyoung was trying to say.
“Come on, Woo. Let’s try again. Help me understand,” Yeosang said, voice soft. Yoori felt herself relaxing at the tone.
Wooyoung seemed to as well. He looked at Yeosang then sighed, nodding. “Okay. I guess what I’m trying to get at here is that it would really suck if something happened between you two. Ya know, like a break up?” he finally said, but hurriedly added, “Not that I think that you would break up. It’s more of a ‘what if’ type of thing, ya know?”
Yoori picked at her nail, hearing this. He kind of had a point. If, for whatever reason, they broke up, then things would not just be awkward for them, but for the group. Yeosang seemed to think as much as he nodded, a pensive look on his features.
“I see what you mean. But Wooyoung, not all relationships end badly or need to be forgotten,” Yeosang said, and by the way he said this and how Wooyoung looked at him with wide eyes, Yoori could tell that there was a double meaning to his words. A hidden meaning to something that only they knew.
“I know. I know, it’s not the same. And it wasn’t bad, you’re right. But the hurt was still there. And if I’m being honest, it still is,” Wooyoung mumbled.
Yoori felt like she was intruding on their conversation. They were obviously talking about something that had happened in the past. Something that only they knew. Yoori was curious to know what, but she knew that it wasn’t her place. If they wanted to tell her, they would.
“I understand. Obviously I can’t promise that we’d never break up, but I can promise that I’d fight hard for us,” Yeosang said, nodding at the younger then turning to Yoori. He reached for her hand, and while smiling, gave it a squeeze.
Yoori smiled and squeezed back, then looked at Wooyoung who was looking at their laced fingers, wistfully. “Woo? I don’t know what exactly you guys are talking about, and I’m not going to pretend like I do. If it’s something I should know then you’ll tell. But I promise you, that I’ll do everything in my power to not hurt Yeosang. I could never,” Yoori told him, offering a small smile.
Yeosang squeezed her hand again. “And I’d never hurt Yoori,” he said smiling.
Wooyoung sighed once again. “I know. I’m sorry for being childish,” Wooyoung said, a small smile of his own, gracing his lips. He then looked at Yoori, sheepishly. “And I’m sorry that I had told you to ignore your feelings. I was being selfish. I had a relationship in the past that even though we ended on good terms, we still ended, and I still miss her and regret ending it,” the younger admitted.
Yoori nodded her head. She had figured that they had been talking about some sort of past relationship. The girl smiled, honored that Wooyoung felt comfortable sharing with her. “It’s alright, Woo,” Yoori smiled at him, holding out her hand.
He looked at it, hesitating, then took hold of it. The corner of his lip turnt up as he looked at her. “Just because we had this little therapy session, doesn’t mean we’re best friends though,” Wooyoung chuckled, obviously trying to lighten the mood.
“Wouldn’t even dream of it,” Yoori smirked, releasing his hand then flicking it. Yeosang chuckled at the two, shaking his head.
“So we’re good now?” he asked them. The younger two nodded. “Good,” Yeosang said, leaning back in his seat. He wrapped an arm around each of their shoulders, bringing them into his sides. Yoori giggled as Wooyoung whined. The three snuggled together as they continued to watch TV.
Yoori’s Masterlist
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7wanderingpaws · 4 years
He Loves Love (1/3)
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Pairing: Baekhyun x reader
Genre: singer AU (no Exo)
Words: 5.6K
Warnings: none
A/N: I got such a good feedback for He Loves Love (a drabble) - I recommend reading it first - and plus a request to actually write the story about the lovers and how they got together so I did it! This is the first part out of TWO... I hope I fulfilled the expectations. Please let me know what you think, it helps immensely... Thank you and you look pretty today! 💕
This was requested by lovely @shesdreaminginoverdose​ I hope you will like it! And thank you! 🌹😊
1<<<   2<<<
The plastic chair you were sitting on came in very handy since your feet were killing you. The café you were currently in was a famous one, hidden away in the tangles of small streets in Sinsa-dong, where the life of Seoul was bustling with lively, young energy that you should have been able to relate to but it had been a bit difficult recently. It might have been the amount of assignments combined with the internship you managed to land- although you were not sure how.
“It is interesting,” mumbled Hyeri seated across from you,  who, would become your senior at the magazine. “I would never say you have an inch of fashion sense if I were to just look at you.” She didn't look up from the printed text of your blog posts and various stories you managed to get out to the world through indie publications. Wearing an expensive set of sunglasses, there was no chance you would be able to see the sharpness of her eyes. “It is just so... “ she shook her head slightly, searching for the correct word to describe your fashion sense. “Plain.”
Sucking your lips inside your mouth, you nodded slowly although she wasn't paying attention to your physical being, her head still set low, hawk eyes skimming through every word you typed out.
A couple of more seconds passed by without any words spoken, when she suddenly looked up, startling you for a heartbeat. “You also don't say much.”
“I didn't think there is any correct answer I could give you.”
“Well, your senior is talking to you. You should acknowledge their words.” You noticed a frown on her forehead, her eyebrows that were dark with a generous help of a pencil, were scrunched upwards. Her face must have been very pretty, the heavy red lipstick said it, too. Confidence. Authority.
“Sometimes staying silent is better than saying something unworthy,” you replied calmly, giving her a slight uplift of your lips. They were becoming rather dry, not having a lip balm as you left your teeny-tiny one-room apartment in a rush, scared of not arriving on time. Seoul transportation could be sometimes quite nerve-wrecking.
Hyeri reciprocated the tiny smile, but it didn't give you an inch of reassurance. “Alright, good.” She slammed the document shut, reaching for her iced-americano. Carefully pursing her lips, she drank through the straw so that her lipstick wouldn't be ruined. “Let's go to the office, shall we?” Chairs screeched on the floor and you followed her click-click with your tump-tump.
When you started the work, it was crazy because wow, you made it into one of the best fashion magazines in Korea!  But continuing to work there was slowly killing you... until you met him.
Those simple yet somehow powerful words he uttered to you…
I will wait for you until you make it.
The feeling he left inside of you was like a tattoo that should have been temporary, just like it happens in any random first-time meetings with people you don't know. They might charm you and the effect might last for a day or two, sometimes a bit more. But in this case, you could not get the look out of your mind. He was tattooed on your eyelids, and he seemed to constantly talk into your ear.
I will wait until you make it.
Naturally, you were trying to shut the intrusive chain of thoughts out, telling yourself that it was ridiculous. C'mon, we were talking about a famous singer - a very famous singer. For him to reach such popularity meant to not only have crazy talent but also crazy amount of charm which seemed to work absolute wonders to you and to your mind. It wasn't helping that after the meeting, you followed his activities and looked up interviews, trying to decode his personality through videos and his body-language. Because if there was one thing people underestimated - it was the power of body language. But his was pure, honest, well-mannered and completely controlled, with some dangerous flirting and body movements that made your head spin for a bit, totally affected by him, seeing him even with your eyes closed.
You scoffed out loud, unconsciously, as you were transcribing an interview Hyeri did earlier in the morning with Twice. Not realising your colleagues were giving you a questioning look, you typed away what the interviewee was replying, the volume in your ear a bit too loud. 
Huh… He wouldn't even remember you, let alone wait 'till you “make it” as he so confidently said. These superstars… They thought they could just say something they thought sounds cool but it actually didn't. 
It definitely was not the reason you found yourself listening to his latest album as you were going through the minutes of the meeting that just finished. You were supposed to bring them to the editor-in-chief in an hour.
You could manage to do all the work in one hour.
Only if his voice wouldn't have been so distracting.
Why was it so distracting?
Maybe you were just starstruck. After all, he was someone that you knew about before ever applying to university and making it to a magazine. He was the singer hanging on the walls of horny teenage girls and, let's be honest, many young adults and adults… Who would dislike him, right? 
“Ah, Baekhyun,” mumbled Hyeri with a sigh once you were walking up the stairs of the office building after THE meeting with Baekhyun, the singer. “He is a dangerous one. Always a gentleman, though.”
“Why is he dangerous for being a gentleman?” you asked matter-of-factly. Seriously. People should pay more attention to what they were saying and whether it made sense or not. Just like she could have thought twice before saying whether you were good or bad in front of him just now… Why would she give two damns about your feelings being hurt while also belittling you in front of a major celeb… If only people paid a little bit more attention.
Hyeri smirked, stepping on the first floor in front of the golden elevators. She pressed the button to call one, now turning to you. The sunglasses she liked to wear so much, as you learned,  were leisurely holding her hair back as they were resting as a headband on her head. “He is a sweet dream,” she said, calling your name to make sure you are listening. “Working with him is probably more pleasurable than it should be, but then… You just know he isn't a gentleman only to you. He is the same to each of us.”
You frowned, still having his face, his eyes set on you vividly in your brain. Hyeri looked like him a lot if you didn't focus enough. “You know you don't make sense, my dear senior.”
“Yah!” she shouted, making you jump but you smiled right away. “Don't act like you aren't even a little bit phased by meeting him just now. He looked gorgeous. Plus, it was your first-time meeting someone of his calibre.”
“So will you finish what you were saying before?” you asked nonchalantly, definitely not letting her know that you were out of it because him, too. You didn't want to follow the crowds he was obviously so used to have him follow.
“I meant,” she started again, just when you heard a ding! of the elevator. You walked in, pressing the 24th floor. “No girl seems to be special to him.”
Shrugging, you pursed your lips. “Well, you do realise you are not part of his world, right? He isn't here to make us feel special nor to help us to stand out. That is our job. To make him special.”
Of course no one would dislike him. The editor ladies were swooning, always bringing up his name during the meetings as a proposal for the cover of the magazine of the upcoming issue. You typed his name the most when writing the minutes of the meetings. They all wanted him, but he did not want to be wanted always.
Hence his appearance once in a while. 
Hence you saw him again after almost one year and a half for the first time since your first meeting with him. Coming with a new album that had yet to be released, your editing staff was hot on their feet, running errands, picking up calls and making new ones, because our magazine definitely had to be the first one to book such a luxurious star.
“Good news for you,” started Hyeri as she was passing by your cubicle, her heels loud, her hair bouncy, her sunglasses tucked sensually in the sharp V cut opening of her Gucci shirt. “Your first participation in the creative process.”  She propped up on the edge of your desk, and you turned in your chair to face her. She gave you a mischievous smile. “You shall be able to finally prove to Baekhyun that you made it and that he didn't wait for nothing.”
Your eyebrows shot up fast, your reflexes faster than your brain trying to keep your emotions at bay. But wait… did she just say… “Why do you remember those words?” you asked, dumbfounded.
She gave you a funny look. “Why do you ask me that when I just told you some privileged news? If this whole shot goes well, you sure can expect some sweet promotion.”
Swallowing, your eyes were wandering around, trying to process information. It was ridiculous she would remember some words that weren't even directed towards her. But hey, goodness gracious, were you just assigned to participate in the creative process of his promotion in your magazine? “Will I get to interview?”
Hyeri's lips twitched, only the left corner of her mouth raising. Naive child, she must have thought. “No way. The writer has been already assigned. You aren't close enough yet,” was her reply, standing up now. “The meeting is at six.” She gave a quick look at her golden wrist watch. “You have three hours to help your looks and charm off his pants,” she gave you wink and left.
“Hey!” you shouted after her, grabbing a pencil, ready to throw it at her. “Why would I-” you stopped, when you saw she just laughed loudly without even looking at you. “Woah!” you breathed out, “I don't even care about charming him!” Calming down, you sat back down properly, mulling over her words. “I finally get to be part of something,” you sighed, talking to your wildly beating heart to stop it.
Just why was it beating so fast?
It was not because of him.
It was not.
You remember wearing this lush white sweater you had to actually tie around your body unless you wanted to flash some skin or worse… a breast. So you tied it very tightly, and took a breath before heading to the meeting room a bit earlier to prepare the documents for the participants. Thankfully, there weren't many. It was the singer's team, you, the writer and, well, the editor-in-chief, because who would want to miss a meeting with such a popular singer?
You entered the meeting room which had a lovely view of the city that was about to be consumed by darkness, yielding to the city lights that always gave you a sense of excitement, a sense of liveliness. And so as you placed neatly each document in front of each seat, you could hear some movement on the corridor, hinting that it was about to go down.
You turned to the glass wall and saw two men with faces you did not recognize until they let in the first person that was behind them. And just then, you made eye contact with him for the second time in your life. His hair dark, bare face and simple clothing combined in dark colours made him so… normal.
But your heart was reacting like it just saw something completely abnormal and it was going nuts because your breath got caught in your throat as you felt a foreign pull towards him. It was because he a famous personality, nothing else…
He smiled.
That was a beautiful smile. And did you just sense a hint of acknowledgement on his face? There was no way he could possibly remember you. This wasn't a drama.
But… then…
He uttered your name.
It rolled of his tongue as if he has had always muttered it before, just like to his old friend that he met for the first time in a long time.
Baekhyun, the singer, was walking to you now, and once again, he spoke your name before saying: “We came a bit earlier, I hope that is okay with you.” Stopping right in front of you, you had one document left in your hand which was meant for you. Without realizing, you were bowing to him, hugging the chunk of papers to your chest as you stole a glance at his managers, quickly bowing to them as well.
“Of course it is, Baekhyun ssi,” you said, bowing again before straightening up and stealing a glance at him to see an entertained look on his face. 
Few more heartbeats passed, before he said, not even turning: “You guys can go, the rest of the team will come later. I want to just wait here.”
Was he telling his managers to leave? While looking at you the entire time?
Just like that, they gave you a polite nod before leaving.
Before any uncomfortable silence could take over, you quickly rushed to say: “Please, have a seat! I prepared the documents for you over here. What would you like to drink?” you started, trying not to stutter in his powerful presence and trying to escape his searching gaze.
He breathed out a deep chuckle, causing goosebumps to raise on your back all the way up to your neck. You pushed the chair he was meant to sit on and waited till he finally moved. Ignoring your questions, he spoke: “So you made it, I see.” He started walking, but once again stopped just in front of you, not taking a seat. “You also developed a better fashion style as I observe.”
As I observe.
Blinking at him a few times in slight confusion, you eventually moved out of the way, feeling uncomfortable at his intimate approach to you. You should be both polite to each other and kind of have it awkward.
The fact that he actually talked to you as if he knew you for the entirety of that one year and a half that you didn't see each other (and it wasn't like you were on a “you are my friend” terms… you were strangers. He was a singer for god's sake) was giving you the chills. Plus, the terrible, annoying butterflies in your stomach were giving you the need to vomit.
You decided not to answer his observations.“I guess water will do it for you,” you replied politely, turning to him just in front of the door, ready to leave.
“What makes you think that?” he smirked as he was making himself comfortable on the chair by sliding down a bit, resting his elbows on the arm rests. You bit your lip.
“You look tired, Baekhyun ssi. That is my observation,” you replied matter-of-factly, giving him a kind smile and feeling like a cheeky girl for playing with his words.
He was looking at you without answering before he sighed, nodding once. “Water will be perfect...  Thank you.”
As you were rushing back with the tray with water and some snacks you didn't have time to prepare, you already heard voices coming out from the meeting room, your editor-in-chief already present. Of course, you wouldn't even thought about eavesdropping. It was an official meeting that you were included in, after all. But the next words, including your own name, made you stop abruptly.
“She is doing very well, Baekhyun ssi,” you heard your editor-in-chief say. You could sense she was smiling, given her tone was so relaxed and light unlike her heavy voice she used when she was in her authority mode with her editors. “But I do have to say that if it weren't for your kind word for her, she might have not made it into our staff.”
Oh dear heavens. No way. This wasn't real, right?
He was the reason you made it into the magazine? He actually gave a word in for you to be accepted? The worst was, that if it weren't for him, you wouldn't be here, chasing your dreams, being already half-way done. This could only mean you weren't good enough on your own… Or was it?
The tray with snacks and water for the singer started to shake slightly as you felt tension rising in your body. Trying to calm your mind, you quickly breathed in and out a few times, attempting to control the sudden outburst of emotions. It was difficult when you still had to face them and sit through an entire meeting with them and you were to propose ideas that might not be good enough because you just weren't good enough on your own without some influential person's help...
You were brought back to planet Earth when Baekhyun, the singer, hummed in reply, the noise giving you a terrible, terrible shock. You wanted to hear that one again. “I am glad. Before you arrived, she was very professional and already tried her best  at making me feel comfortable,” he spoke as if there was any need to add more. “She works hard.”
“I do not doubt that,” replied the editor-in-chief.
Before they would wonder what took you so long, you literally thundered into the room, cheerful but very plastic smile plastered on your face as you not so gently put down the tray on the table and with a shaky hand handed the singer his water. Not daring to look at him once, you gave a polite nod to your editor-in-chief who gave you a close-lipped smile before she motioned with her head for you to sit down next to her, facing the main subject of the meeting.
The singer.
Whose eyes were on you the instant you dared to look at him. You didn't miss the seriousness as the meeting officially started, the three of you along with the managers sitting a bit on the side, going through each page you so carefully prepared. With pictures, ideas and various possible photoshoot spots you provided in the documents, you sure did gain a sudden wave of confidence, just like when you first submitted the ideas to the editor-in-chief. This time, you could be confident and believe in yourself. What you heard before about the singer taking any kind of part of you getting an offer from the magazine to join them did not matter - or so you were trying to persuade your troubled heart. Because, after all, it was you and your hard work - your journalistic worth that kept you there and eventually landed you a spot right opposite the main actor of your entire story. Byun Baekhyun.
On the first day out of two intensive shooting days, you were extremely busy and kind of overwhelmed with the amount of work and the control you suddenly possesed. The editor-in-chief's words kept popping up in your head as you commanded the filming team at 4am about what to put where and discussing the possible angles of the photos with the director of photography. 
“This is a great chance for you to experience and understand the hard-work of the people around a photoshoot. I know you love writing, but for you to really understand the process behind interviews and the main subject, you need to first work hard around it.”
You remembered taking the editor-in-chief's words seriously, and you still did, but it was tiring. Also, the superstar was supposed to arrive at 5am and you were not ready to face him in this situation. After the first meeting back in the magazine headquarters, the electric waves you kept feeling were so out of place, you were utterly ashamed about the direction of your thoughts and feelings about him. Because he was just it - a superstar whose main job was to charm people, and preferably, sing well since he was a singer after all.
“Good morning,” your train of thoughts was interrupted by a gentle voice from behind. You were in the storage room where all the props were ready to be used once it was their time to shine.
Turning around, you looked at a freshly looking Baekhyun, the singer, who was standing in the doorway to the storage room. Simple dark jeans, a long hoodie with his dark hair over his eyes... he might have looked like someone that came out of the shower and needed to feel comfy. Not like you gave it much thought.
Letting your eyes drop behind him, you noticed he didn't have anyone around as you expected. There was literally never a time he wasn't being followed, or led somewhere by managers or whatever staff was at hand.  “Ah, you arrived, Baekhyun ssi,” you smiled politely, bowing as you were holding some boxes with fresh flowers that arrived just a little bit ago. Looking into his eyes, you squeezed your lips even tighter, feeling now the familiar shakiness you felt whenever he was anywhere near you. Or more like whenever you knew his presence was somewhere near you. It could be anywhere in the building, really. By now, you didn't even have to see him to get the effect. He was effortlessly affecting you without being physically with you. “How come you arrived early? I bet you could have used some more time to sleep.” You moved towards the doorway where he was stood, wanting to leave the storage room as the flowers were needed at the main set.
He wasn't moving, though. Instead, waiting for you to stand in front of him so he could look down on you with a cheeky smile, he said: “I wanted to come earlier to make sure I understand the concept we are shooting today.”
You looked up at him, lifting the boxes slightly in your grip to ease the weight. “Then what was the meeting for, hm?” you challenged, puffing out some air. Baekhyun took the boxes from you, which you didn't let go of. “No way, Baekhyun ssi. That is my job. Please go prepare for the shoot in the A2 room. It's just down the corner.”
He smirked, pressing on the boxes so you would let go, which you unconsciously did. “I might have not paid proper attention during the meeting.”
“Well, you were tired, it's understandable.”
He kept on looking at you without talking. Then, he hummed. That hum you heard before the meeting. The hum that seemed to have a certain effect on your heart. “Yeah, that too.” He took a breath, his answer somehow distant. “How is the work? Did you have too much on your plate for this photoshoot?”
“Yeah, actually, I really need to work now-”
“Just five minutes. You can spare five minutes for me, right?” he asked quickly, putting the boxes down between the two of you,  as if there wasn't really an option to say no. Because it was him, you did not have an option to say no.
You nodded curtly. “Sure. Five minutes.”
He laughed quietly, which felt strangely intimate. “So, will you answer my question now?”
“Baekhyun ssi,” you started, tucking some messy hair behind your ear, “this is a job that requires me to do this. I love it. The craze, the overtime, the pressure, the fact that not a single day is the same. I should probably thank you, shouldn't I?”
Well, that last sentence wasn't supposed to come out. You really didn't mean to start on this topic now, when you had little time and you also weren't intending on letting him know that you knew about him giving a word in for you. He probably didn't want you to know.
“Thank me?” he asked, slight frown in his eyes. “Why would you want to thank me?”
Now it was your turn to look at him without replying right away. Carefully looking at his features, you were trying to see through him, except there wasn't much to mull over, because his features and expression were genuine. You licked your lips once you noticed his wandering stare - it was fast, but still noticeable. He was standing in front of you, after all. Your hair, your forehead, slowly sliding down your nose before making a quick, but very memorable stop at your unmoving lips before meeting your gaze. “Because you are the first cover of the magazine I get to work on.”
“Oh, what an honour then,” he chuckled, his confusion all cleared up now. “I just wanted to let you know that,” he paused, licking his lips as he dropped his gaze for a bit, making you go breathless in the meantime. He raised his eyes back up to yours. “That I am proud of how far you came. It is always nice to see that hard work pays off.”
“Thank you,” you murmured. “I appreciate your words. Although, I would like to ask - and I apologize if I will come off as rude, but I prefer things being straightforward - why do you treat me this way?”
“Treat you what way exactly?”
“This,” you motioned with your hands at the boxes he put down, him blocking the doorway so you couldn't leave. “You are being kind. And your approach towards me… It is all just…” you shook your head, frustrated for the lack of vocabulary, “do you do this to all the meaningless interns you meet?”
“There is no such position as meaningless intern,” he shot back. “Plus, you are not an intern anymore. And yes, I do like to treat my staff with kindness.”
“No, that is not what I meant. What is this all about?”
He shrugged, amused at your tiny outburst. “So I like you. What is wrong with that?”
You went silent. Speechless. All you could do was just stare at him with wide eyes, your jaw slightly hanging open. The conversation certainly took a very different turn.
“What?” he laughed cockily when he didn't get a reply, crossing his arms over his chest. “I thought you liked things straightforward?”
You heart was about to jump out of your ribcage, and he dared to laugh at this situation? He dared to use your own words? God, this dude really had some courage.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked, suddenly quiet as he took the tiniest of steps forward. To you. “You seem surprised.”
“Y-you… Y-you are actually asking me why I look at you like this?” you almost shrieked, causing him to sober up and shush you quickly, moving his hand up, his finger on your lips. Your eyes widened even more, moving your head back. “What do you think you are doing, Baekhyun ssi?”
“I'm doing straightforward business with you,” he explained matter-of-factly, “and you are ruining it.”
“This isn't funny.”
“I am not trying to be funny. For once.”
“I'm sorry but-” you shook your head frantically, bending in your waist to pick up the boxes, “this is a joke. I don't have time for this. I also don't have time for this bullying.”
“Bullying?” he gasped, standing in the middle of the doorframe so that you wouldn't be able to escape. He was genuinely surprised and, was that hurt you saw in his eyes? Disbelief perhaps?
You straightened up, giving him a strict look. “I am not going to become your puppet, Byun Baekhyun ssi. I'm disappointed. Liking someone based on their looks…” you mumbled the last sentence, scoffing and eventually dropping your gaze, to give him an attitude. Hopefully, he would realise you weren't one to be played with.
Despite all of that, you… oh, you were dizzy with emotions swirling around in your bloodstream. His words could actually influence the chemistry of your body. Magnificent. And he just freaking admitted he liked you. You had no idea based on what exactly, but he did. 
“You aren't attracted to people?” he questioned, amused. “When you first see them... You can even feel them.” He went silent for a bit, and you felt each and every touch of his gaze on your face. Eventually, he spoke your name softly. “Look at me. Please.” When you didn't comply, stubborn, he spoke even softer. “I'm sorry if I went overboard. I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. And I definitely didn't want to make you feel like you were bullied. God, no. Never. ” Now, you looked up at him, paying attention. “I just couldn't help myself. There is something about you…” he murmured, letting his gaze drink in your facial features. He shook his head gently. “I apologize. And know that I am looking forward to working with you on this one.”
“You don't even know me.”
You licked your lips. “You don't even know me. I am nobody to you. It doesn't make any sense to me.” Stubbornly, you were trying to give him a way out, to cancel what he admitted.
Yes. You were a nobody to him. And everything that was happening right now was surreal, abnormal and just plain ridiculous for you. A world-wide famous singer who liked an intern/editor and was proud of how far she came because, it was all thanks to him you were there in the first place.
No. It was just nonsense. Surely, he was just making things up. And because you might have been too starstruck by him, an obvious effect, you were feeling this pull towards him you couldn't quite describe. But then again, it most probably was a natural effect of famous people. 
He shook his head, plucking the bubble you were in. “I don't have to know you to see that you came so far. I met you when you were starting, and now, here you are.” He smiled.
Just in that moment, somebody called your name and you and Baekhyun exchanged looks. Seeing that he was truly sorry about making you feel uncomfortable, you gave him a polite smile and a nod with your head. Before taking your leave, you spilled him the contents of the photoshoot in a speed of light (since that was why he initiated a conversation with you in the first place, right?), ending it with a simple, but direct: “Then I will see you on the set.”
It was difficult working on the set with Baekhyun, the singer, when you were so aware of how he seemed to feel about you. As much and as aggressively as you were trying to deny his words and his little confession to you, you couldn't help but notice that, indeed, your eyes met much more than it was acceptable. Nobody noticed. Yet. Nobody was supposed to, anyway - and they mustn't - notice. That was your opinion. But when he was giving you the gorgeous, going-to-your-knees smiles and outright cocky, flirty remarks whenever you were directing the shoot, you couldn't help but give a small smile, or a silent laugh.
What a charmer.
So far, he made every staff member of the set laugh. Yes, even the male staff. Because that was him. Jokes, teasing, remarks, observations, some singing here and there, then whistling a melody you didn't know. That was all him in a bubble. Plus, the shoot was long and tiring, yet his energy would hardly fade or as much as lose a tiny bit of colour. His aura was still strong and so shiny, you might have needed to close your eyes for a minute and let it sink in - his energy that seemed to slowly creep under your skin and make you an entirely bubbly, giggly girl that you never were.
He pulled off all your ideas perfectly. Whether it was a sweet concept, a light one or a dark one with heavy colours - his gaze would adjust accordingly. Holding your breath, you were staring at the photographer's laptop screen. With every loud click, a new photo would load, and you were in awe at seeing the singer shine in such a dark outfit, such heavy makeup and even a dark background. He was enchanting. Scary. Intimidating. Self-confident. And just oh so breathtaking, pulling you in like a riptide.
Looking up, you saw that he was looking at you before changing his modelling position. He wasn't laughing nor smiling, still deep in his role. Maybe it was in that moment you had this weird revelation, a weird desire you might have been pushing down. After all, you were a human with needs. And you have been feeling a weird sensation the more you looked at him, mouth ever so slightly, but still hanging open as you couldn't stop looking at him. Swallowing quickly, you snapped back to your senses when you felt a strong burn of his eyes. You faintly heard in the background, his voice light, yet so husky. “Is the editor satisfied with the photos?”
He was observing you observing him. Your breath hitched, your heart immediately in a frenzy of thumps.
And you liked it.
A lot.
So you nodded. “I very much am.”
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cali-holland · 4 years
Sammy’s Summer Writing Challenge!!!
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Sooo I’ve never held my own writing challenge before, but I really wanted to do this because writing challenges are always a great source of new fics 🥰 I’m really excited about this, and I hope you all have fun & enjoy this too! Let’s see how this goes! 💕💕💕
Read all the fics here
Deadline to submit is midnight pdt (aka california time) on Sunday, August 16th, 2020- message me if you need more time
Anyone can enter; you don’t have to follow me (but that’d be great if you did haha)
Please send me an ask/message with which prompt you’d like to do (and preferably which character)
For right now, 2 writers per prompt (if more people participate, I’ll allow more). I’ll be updating this post with who’s doing what prompt!
Can be fluff or angst
Smut is also allowed, but please no full smut fics because i won’t read it :( and i really wanna read all of these (note: i’ll skip the smut if it’s like a section of it). If it is smut, please make your characters 18+ and mark it as nsfw.
Minimum word count is 500 words; no maximum
Can be one shot or a series
Can be either “x reader” or with an original character
AU’s are allowed too
Please use trigger warnings if your fic is on a sensitive subject
When you post your finished fic, please tag me and feel free to message it to me as well so I see it. Also, use the tag “sammy’s summer writing challenge” when you post it too.
All fics will be reblogged under the same tag (“sammy’s summer writing challenge”) on my account and posted on a masterlist
Tom Holland
Harrison Osterfield
Harry Holland
Sam Holland
Peter Parker
Shawn Mendes
* If you want to do another character, please check with me first *
Prompt List:
1-36 are one liners
37-50 are multiple liners
Italics indicate the prompt is no longer available
“You’re like my fairy godmother.”
“I just don’t know how much I can take. I can die hanging on the words she/he says.”
“You snore when you sleep.”
“Why do we always end up like this?”
“I swear, if you don’t get your ass out of my face.”
“You think girls are dramatic, but you’ve clearly never seen a guy die in a video game.” ~ @anapocalypseinmymind​
“You’re a terrible kisser.”
“Believe me, I’m not going anywhere.”
“I just really want to kiss you right now.” ~ @tombob2005​
“This is all my fault.”
“I’m never falling in love again.”
“Did you just lick me?”
“I will do everything to make this right.”
“Don’t kiss me like you’re never going to see me again because you will, I’ll always be with you.”
“Why did you call me at 2 in the morning?”~ @duskholland​
“Now, watch and learn.”
“You wish you were as cool as me.”
“Stop being cuddling material if you’re not going to cuddle me.” ~ @theshawnmendesstorycollection​
“Wanna run away with me?”
“You’re cute when you’re mad.” ~ @theamazingtomholland​
“But what if we aren’t meant to be?” ~ @parkersbliss​
“My heart’s always been yours, dummy.”
“I don’t need [insert hot celeb], I need you.”
“Quit arguing and let me kiss you” ~ @imagine-that
“Hey, hey, it’s alright. I’ve got you.”
“I promise.” ~ @unsaidholland
“You’re not exactly serious boyfriend/girlfriend material.” ~ @harrysleftchelseaboot
“Do you want a massage?”
“If you want cookies, then make your own damn cookies.”
“Always.” ~ @musicalkeys & @petersoftboyparker
“She/he lied to me. I’m so turned on right now.”
“Falling in love with you was never a part of the plan. It just happened, but it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” ~ @chloecreatesfictions​ & @kickingn-ames​
“I can’t just talk to him/her. That’s not how I flirt.”
“You make me feel fireworks again.” ~ @bi-writes
“Last time you had a good idea, I got a black eye.” ~ @sinceweremutual
“Why are there rose petals all over the floor?”
“I’m the reasonable one here.” “You’re drunk.” “Are you saying that I can’t be drunk and reasonable?” “I’m saying you’re too drunk to be reasonable.”
“I need help.” “I’m not helping you pop a zit, if that’s what you’re going to ask.”
“You look like shit.” “God, you suck at flirting.”
“Why did you make me do this?” “It was your idea.”
“I think I miscalculated something.” “You think?”
“You’re not very good at the walk of shame.” “What makes you say that?” “Your pants are on inside out.”
“If you say golf one more time, I will beat you with this stick.” “That’s a golf club.” this is very holland + co but it’s great
“Stop looking at me like that.” “Like what?” “Like I’m your everything.” “But you are.” ~ @peachyxholland​
“Why are you bleeding?” “It’s just a flesh wound.”
“I love you.” “I’m not going to say ‘I know’ like Han Solo.” ~ @hollanderfangirl
“You’re so dramatic.” “That’s rich coming from the person who acts like everything is an Adele song.” ~ @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh
“I think I hurt you.” “That’s not possible.”
“Are you mad?” “No, I’m fucking furious.”
“You’re different than I thought you’d be.” “Why do you say that like it’s a bad thing?”
* Prompt list is inspired by other prompt lists, movies, & songs as well as just random little one/multiple liners I’ve thought of *
Tagging my wonderful mutuals (even if you’re on a writing break haha, im gonna tag you anyway because i love you): @theamazingtomholland @saysomethingspiderman @duskholland @unsaidholland @parkersbliss @etoileholland @chloecreatesfictions @harrysleftchelseaboot @hollandsamor @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @bi-writes @demureland @cosmicholland @petersholland @fallinfortom @sunshinehollandd @sunkisseddreamer
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howellobrien · 5 years
As it is Fanfic Writer's Appreciation Day today, I wanted to know who are your favourite Robron authors and is there any stories that you could recommend to help me cope with Robron ending?
Hey!! Okay so firstly I just want to say that this fandom has so many brilliant talented writers, I honestly don’t know where I’d be without all the lovely fanfictions you have all written over the years. Here are a selection of some of my most favourite authors and recent fics 🥰
sunflower seeds - @littlelooneyluna
Nicole is always a brilliant fic writer and can write any au perfectly. This is a recent one I loved, and it was all very cute and wonderful as always. Another fave being The Primary Colours which is a multichaptered that honestly when I saw it was updated I would drop everything and read it instantly. An amazing writer and every single fic you read you will love.
one last night on this earth (can you teach me how the heart works?) - @dingletragedy
Soph is a brilliant writer, I remember the first time I saw she had written fic and I was so excited to read it because she is always so good. And I fell in love with her writing and honestly I can’t tell soph enough just how much I adore her fics. Always so lovely and soft and beautiful. Seriously check out all her fics, just incredible!! 
Love At First Touch - @robron-til-the-end
A beautiful fic that I really fall right into the au when reading. It’s written so beautifully with such care and respect. I seriously love how they write their fics and I’ve loved every fic I’ve read from them! Other faves include amnesia, when the lights fade away and the taste of you.
Inevitable - @raelee514
I really love this au and I’m so happy we got the prequel and I’m hoping for a sequel because it’s just so good! Fake dating is my favourite and they are so in love and I love that we got to see how they got there with the prequel. Just so beautiful written and I strongly recommend having a read of it.
5 days a week - @some-mad-lunge
An incredibly soft fic by a wonderfully talented human. I really loved this little au and it’s a really lovely read. As well as my absolute favourite the Amongst The Quiet series which is as ever AMAZING! Always left on such cliff hangers and written so wonderfully. I really enjoy every moment and I can’t even describe to you the feeling I get when I see it’s been updated it makes me so happy and I’m always so excited to read the next instalment.
If you dare, come a little closer - lovesnarf (snarfette) ( @snarfettelove ) 
An amazing multi-chaptered fic carrying on From The Moment We Touched fic which was just incredible and now we get more from this au even if at the moment it’s a bit angsty I’m so excited for what’s next to come. I really love all their fics so I recommend checking them all out.
Ways to Fall in Love - dirtylittlegreasemonkey ( @memorieswarm )
Some very lovely soft au one shots which are just such a pleasure to read. Clo always is such a fantastic writer and I really love every fic of theirs. I’ve actually been reading some of their older fics recently that I hadn’t ever read before and I’m loving it.
How I got to where I am - supercali ( @nooneelsecomesclose17 )
A lovely au fic based on if Robert went to live with his mum and I just really adore it. It was so sweet and a really nice read. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I love all their fics too. Always so good to read.
Sod the Neighbours - Sugden_in_a_beanie ( @sugdeninabeanie )
I’m always a sucker for a neighbours au and I’ve really enjoyed every chapter update. Just a really nice soft fic to read. Another favourite being Jungle Love which is an I’m a celeb au and I really loved it.
confidence man - their_dark_matierals ( @rustandruin )
A wonderful read and a great au, if you are after robron being robron and being the most in love as always but in an au then here is your fic. Rust is such a talent and I really enjoy reading all their fics.
Skins and Torrents - @illgetmerope
Anna is not only a talented artist but also an amazing writer. This fic is just amazing, it’s such a different au compared to most robron fics I’ve read and I really love that about it. Incredibly detailed and amazingly written, you just fall in love with the characters and I just love this fic so much.
Date Night - ItFeelsLikeHome ( @bigemmerdalefan )
I loved this fic the moment I read what it was about. A great idea and just robron being madly in love. I really enjoyed this fic and every fic they’ve written. They are currently writing lots of one shot ideas for if Robert returned and I’m really loving them.
YouTube - RobronSugdenDingle
As a YouTube lover I extremely enjoyed this fic, it was so well written and I just loved the idea of it. Such a lovely fic!
I’ll love you always - Danielle97
An amnesia au where Aaron loses his memories and their story of when they met and were together is told in flashbacks. It’s such an amazing way to write it, and I really enjoy the layout of it. So wonderfully written with lots of angst and lots of fluff. Definitely one of my favourites written recently.
Notes from across the hall - Wandering_in_space
Another neighbour au and I just really enjoyed it. Very lovely and well written.
He Belongs To Me - dvs
Such an incredible fic written based around the return of robert who is of course coming back at the same time Aaron has just gotten married. Truly so amazingly written and I really enjoyed it. A lovely fic to get to through these tough times of Robert leaving.
An act of Lunacy - Otherworldliness
An incredibly amazing fic, I’ve never read something like it. Spoiler it’s based on Robert dying so if that’s not your thing maybe don’t read but otherwise it’s about Aaron’s decent into madness after that and honestly it’s such a creative idea and I’ve really liked reading it. I’m not usually into angst but this is so well written that I actually enjoy the angsty sadness of this fic. Also they wrote a wonderful fic called Reiteration which again is just so well written, the way they write their fics is incredible and I have such a great time reading the fics! 
Special shoutout to @susieskinner93 (Daily_Scenarios) who just writes so many amazing post ep fics and alternative / missing scenes to what’s happened on screen. It makes me smile whenever I see something new from them and I really appreciate the hard work they put into their fics.
Here are some other all time favourite fic writers:  
RobronRainbows , SugdenLovesDingle , softestlad , sophwrites / @elshopper , imgoingcrazy / @robertisbisexual , toxica939 / @vcktoxica , Jase , brokenspell77 , wafflesofdoom / @capseycartwright , thesnowyswan / @thesnowyswan , dinglesugdendinglesugden / @prettyboysugden , SmugdenSugdenDingle (smugdensugden) / @smugdensugdendingle , EscapingReality51 / @escapingreality51 , Port_in_a_Storm / @portinastorm , thisissirius / @thisissirius , reformedcharacter / @softlyaziraphale 
I just hope you all know how appreciated you are and how much we as a fandom truly love and appreciate just how much hard work you all put in to create such wonderful masterpieces. So this is a big thank you to all of you!
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eightinyz · 6 years
3. Painful Revenge ↦ Choi San Mafia!au
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 Pairing: Choi San x Reader (female)
Genre: angst, mafia!au (non celeb)
Warnings: some swearing, violence, mention of death.
Words: 2,6k
Summary: You’re a young law student who are happily dating the handsome San. Everything seemed to go perfectly well, until his 20th birthday.
A/N: So first of all, thank you for your love for this series! Seriously, I get so many private messages and anons, it’s heartwarming.
There is not much of the boys in this part, but don’t worry, they’ll be present in the next.
I’m not sure about a lawyer’s and a prosecutor’s studies in South Korea, so I’m going to write according to my country. If anyone has any idea, please let me know!
And, I’m not a native english speaker but according to my researches, we can call attorney both prosecutors and lawyers, right? Please enlighten me if you know!
I know those law things actually take pretty long, like the courts etc, but I will maybe shorten them for the sake of the au. And it’s just fiction so I think things have to be a little spiced up.
I truly don’t like to write Y/N, Y/L/N etc., but it’s sometimes needed, so I’m gonna have to deal with it.
I did take inspiration from the kdrama, Suspicious Partner. Go watch it if you didn’t, it’s really good!
Lastly, hope you’ll enjoy it! I’m going to try to post more regularly now, since I feel a lot better.
I 2 I    
“Attorney Y/L/N.”, the young assistant called from the end of the hallway, “There is a new addition to those mysterious murder cases.”
Oh, here we go again.
You sighed, “Thank you, I’ll try to read it during my break. See you.”, you took the file from his hand, quickly bowed your head then headed to your car.
After coming back from England six months ago, you were excited to finally be able to exercise your profession in your home country. Although, you didn’t think you’d be given this very important case right after your arrival. Finishing your studies in a very prestigious British university, as well as having incredible grades might have helped you enter this well-known Prosecutors’ Office. Almost five years since you left everything behind. But it still feels good to be back home.
“Good Morning! Prince Charming is waiting for you in the corner, darling. At your regular place.”, the elderly woman smiled upon your arrival.
“Thank you, Mrs. Park.”, you patted her shoulder, smiling warmly.
“Hey, babe.”, Jiwook greeted you with a quick kiss, “How are you doing?”
“Already tired. There was another murder.”, you sighed, yet again. “I think I’m going to work ‘till late at night tonight.” Jiwook squeezed your hand, giving you a knowing smile.
Jiwook and you met at the university you went in England; he had also left the country around the same time as you and you ended up in the same school. He was three years older than you and was now a well qualified prosecutor. Occasionally with specs on his nose, a casual suit covering his muscular body, he was the man everyone dreamed to have along their side. But more than his looks, he was a sweetheart. He was nice, polite, gentle, funny. Your perfect boyfriend.
Your lunch was, as always, filled with laughter and loving smiles. Jiwook would always do his best to make you laugh and help you forget, even only for a few minutes, your stressful job. Working in the same field, he knew how some cases could affect you, mentally but also physically.
“I have to go, I have a thirty-page file to read, and not in font size twenty. Unfortunately.”, you joked, picking up your belongings. “I’ll try to text you throughout the day, yeah?”, kissing him goodbye, you went back to the Office.
“I don’t understand. I-He didn’t deserve it. He didn’t. He was an amazing husband, an amazing father.”, a woman cried to your colleague. She might be the wife of one of the men who got murdered. “Please find them, I’m begging you.”
The series of murders approximatively started over six years ago; at least, that was what you all thought from the little infos you’ve got. At the beginning, the murders were scattered, making it hard to connect them. But over the years, they got closer and were, indeed, connected. The victims were men, mostly in their forties, all once part of a gang, apparently. Well, when the police questioned their entourage, they all appeared as role models. Incredible husbands, friends, fathers. Nothing that seemed out of ordinary. But, when they searched deeply, they found a common thing. They were all in touch or they all knew a member of a well known gang. His gang. The Pirates.
Everything pointed at them. They had a reason to kill those men. Maybe they were scared they’ll reveal something about the said gang? Well, whatever it was, they were the suspect number one. But, they weren’t any material evidences. Which meant that the only way to catch them was that one of them spit everything out; the murders, the reasons, etc. It wasn’t going to be easy. 
People said that it might just be a coincidence. But you knew better not to believe these speculations. Everything always ended up being connected. And now that you knew they were firmly pointed, you were even more ready to put them behind the bars. You body was full on hatred towards them; they had to pay.
“Y/N, did you read the file? I had asked the assistant to give it to you.”, Chaeyoung entered your shared office, sitting down to her desk.
“Yeah, I just finished it. It’s the same.”, you stated. “A deep clean cut on the throat, then the body’s thrown in a ditch...”
    “Seoul Metropolitan Police.”, one of the uniformed police officer declared showing his badge. He cleared his throat then continued, after giving a knowing look to his co-worker.  “We’re sorry to wake you this late, but,”, he paused, “could we enter? I think it would be better.”
“Just say it.”, your mother shakily breathed out. “What happened?”
The officers shared a look. “Is Mr. Y/L/N your husband, miss?”, one of them asked.
“Yes, he’s my father. Could you please tell us what’s going on? Did he drink too much again and ended up being a nuisance? I’m so sorry abo-”, you got cut of.
“It’s not that, miss.”, he inhaled deeply and continued. “We found him.”
The other officer took the lead when he saw that his younger colleague was having some difficulties. “I’m extremely sorry to announce it to you, but your father was found dead.”
    “Y/N! Hey, I’ve lost you, yet again.”, Chaeyoung laughed. “You should ask for some days off maybe? You look a little tired lately.”
“Is that you’re way to say I look like shit?”, you joked.
“You said it.”, she put her hands up in defense, giggling.
You laughed at her antics, “It’s just this case. It gets worse, and I feel helpless.”
“The police are investigating, you know. They’re working hard. And apparently, they are on someone. A certain,”, she went through her files, “Jung Woojin.”
“Jung Woojin.”, you repeated. The name sounded familiar.
“Again, apparently, he’s part of this gang.”
Oh. There it is. You did hear this name before. Jung Wooyoung’s older brother, Jung Woojin.
You shook your head, “Whatever. I’m going to visit my mom before going home.” You quickly tidied your desk, not forgetting to take with you the documents you had to work on. “Need anything?”, you asked grabbing your bag.
“Nope, say hello to her from me. And please, rest well, see you tomorrow.”, Chaeyoung smiled warmly, waving you goodbye.
“No worries, bye.”, you waved back, heading to your car.
Cheayoung was always like that; smiley, warm, bubbly. You sometimes felt like you didn’t give enough in return. She would always look after you, asking you if you slept well, if you had breakfast, and so on. Besides, she has to deal with your numerous mood changes. She was a good friend. 
You quickly arrived to your mother’s apartment that was in the periphery of the city. Doing the door code, you entered calmly, the warmth of the inside hitting you.
“Hi, Y/N.”, your mother’s nurse, Eunha, greeted you, coming out of the kitchen.
“Hey, how are you doing?”, you smiled up to her while you took of your shoes at the entry.
“Good, what about you?”
“Just a little tired. Is she asleep?”, you hanged your coat before heading to the living room. Your mother was normally in there, unless when she was sleeping.
“Yes, she’s taking a nap. She was complaining about a weak stomach and nausea earlier, so I gave her her meds. It knocked her out.”, Eunha explained. “But I think she’ll be up soon. You want some tea?”, she went back to the kitchen after your positive answer.
Your mother suffered from a rare disease that required constant nursing now. At the beginning, it only affected her muscles. Some cramps here and there, from time to time. But over the years, it started to propagate to her organs. She mostly suffered from stomach pain, and other digestive problems. Now, she needed the help of a caregiver, her muscle pains sometimes being unbearable. Eunha was a young sweet woman who willingly took care of your mother since you got back to your home country. She helped her to shower, to cook, and so on. Your mother wasn’t fully bedridden, yet; she still managed to do simple tasks.
“Are you staying for dinner?”, Eunha put your cup of tea on the coffee table and sat down beside you on the couch.
“I’m not sure, I’m really tired.”, you yawned. “But I want to see her so I’ll probably stay until she wakes up.”, you brought the hot tea to your lips, slowly drinking the beverage. 
“We cooked some sujebi, the way you like it, she said.”, Eunha tried to convince you stay, her lips slowly curling up. 
You laughed, “You sound like my mom. She would always persuade me with food.”
“She trained me.”, Eunha giggling. “She told me that bringing the notion of food in the conversation whenever we get opposite thoughts with you helps changing your mind. Just wanted to test the authenticity of her statement, not that I ever doubted her.”, she laughed raising her hand up defensively.
Eunha was a joyful person. She was a couple of years older than you, in her late twenties, but she probably looked younger than you; her bubbly personality and her sometimes childlike actions hiding the reality. She was kind of like Chaeyoung. 
You used to be like that. Carefree. You only cared about yourself, your family, your friends, your dog, and your boyfriend. But, you matured. Well, it was what you wanted to believe, what you always told yourself. In reality, you completely changed. Being bubbly and giggly didn’t mean to be childish but the things that happened in your life had a huge impact on you, more than you thought, and hoped. Now, you speculated everything, wanted every details of whatever happens. You always justified that side of you by saying that it was your job that required that. It wasn’t a total lie, but it wasn’t always intentional. You were always wary of everything. You were still very nice and warm, however you now mastered the art of coldness, when needed.
You spend the time conversing with Eunha, talking about your jobs, your love lives etc. She had this aura that helped people around her be at ease. 
As your mother only woke up an hour after your arrival, you decided to stay for dinner, to spend some time with her. You stayed to help Eunha with the dishes, but left quickly after, your mother forcing you to. According to her, your under eye bags were way too visible for her liking for you to stay any longer. So that’s how you ended up in your house, at 9pm, in your pajamas, in front of a nice TV show. You needed that.
You fell asleep there, in a pile of fuzzy blankets and the tv still on. Your phone woke you up early in the morning. It was a new message. Groaning, you broke your warm blanket cocoon, against your will, and took your phone. Chaeyoung. Your frowned. Why would she call you this early? 
“Sorry, did I woke you up?”, she asked.
“Well, obviously, it’s 6 in the morning, Chae. What is it?”, you brushed your hair out of your face and sighed.
“I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t have called you if it wasn’t important. There are new infos about the suspect, Jung Woojin. Boss wants everyone in the office right now.”
You groaned, “Ok, I’ll try to be there as fast as I can. See you.”
After hanging up, you went to take a quick shower. The boss may want you right now, but your body needed to be cleaned up. You were way to tired the night before to do anything aside from stuffing your face with junk food in front of your favorite tv shows. 
“It’s been a good half an hour since I called you. Really fast, I see.”, Chaeyoung grumbled once you entered your shared office. 
“I’m sorry, I had to take a shower. And half an hour is pretty fast.”, you counter attacked. 
She shrugged, “Here are the new infos about him. They reserved you a meeting with the suspect. And we’ll have a meeting afterwards. I know normally it’s way slower, but it’s an important case.” 
“I know, I know. I’ll get ready.”, you quickly read the documents Chaeyoung handed you then headed to the office station, where the said meeting was going to take place.
“Mr. Jung is inside, you’ll have 30 minutes with him as a first meeting.”, a police officer reported, leading you to an interrogation room. 
“Thank you.”, you politely bowed. 
Opening the door, you saw him. Jung Woojin. He was the spitted image of his brother.
“Good morning, Mr. Jung.”, you greeted, taking the place in front of him, on the other side of the table.
“Morning, Miss Y/L/N.”, he paused. “I can finally put a face to the name. I’ve heard a lot about you.”, he smiled mischievously.
“It’s Attorney Y/L/N.”, you tried to sound confident, “And I’m glad.”, you coldly said. “But, we’re not here to talk about me. We’re here because of the monstrosity you made.”
“I already told everyone, Attorney Y/L/N, I’m innocent. I haven’t done anything.”, he leaned back on his chair, trying to look intimidating. You’ve seen worse. 
“They found your fingerprints on one of the crime scene. More so, on the murder weapon. A 6 inch hunting knife.”, you took out a picture of the said weapon out of your files. “How do you explain that?”
“It’s mine. But I wasn’t there.”, he straightened and look more serious, “Look, I know everything point at me, but I didn’t do it. I don’t how it ended up there.”
“Then just explain to me, give me evidences of your innocence.”
“I know you desperately want us inside, but, I didn’t do it, ok. It wasn’t me.”
“I know you didn’t do all of them, or at least, I don’t have proofs. But that poor guy was murdered by you.”, you declared, looking him dead in the eye. “And I’ll prove it. I hope you have a good lawyer.” 
“Don’t worry, she’s amazing.” 
“So,”, you regained your professionalism, “let me ask you some basic questions, where were you the night of the murder?”
And it went like that for twenty minutes; you asking questions, him answering them. He kept on claiming his innocence, but, even if you tried, many evidences proved the contrary. 
“Ok, thank you, that’s it for today. I’ll see in a couple of days again, probably with your lawyer. Have a good day.” What an absurd exclamation, regarding the situation. You shook your head and collected your belongings before getting out of the room.
The moment you got out, the police officer entered it. He led Mr. Jung out, back to his prison cell, where he stayed since his detention.
“Attorney Y/L/N!”, another police officer called out. “Mr. Jung’s lawyer is also here. Would you like to meet her?”
“Yes, please.”, you gave him a polite smile as he guided you to an office.
“Attorney Choi!”, he called, catching the woman’s attention. “Here’s Attorney Y/L/N.” 
The woman turned around, it was like those cliché drama scenes. But there she was. Choi Jiseon.
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emily-goldfinch · 5 years
A Sign Of The Times
I just posted the seventh chapter of my coffee shop au. If you haven’t read it yet here the first chapter and a link to the fic on AO3
Read on AO3
Someone had decided that it would be a great idea to open up another coffee shop directly across from The Precinct. That someone was Amy Santiago and while she would defend her idea and strategy to the death it was without a doubt a risky move to open across from such a popular cafe. The Precinct had recently developed some sort of insta-fame. Thanks in large part to Gina Linetti, social media extraordinaire, The Precinct was busier than ever and was packed out at all hours of the day and night.
The front of The Precinct was aesthetically pleasing with floor to ceiling windows and an incredible amount of police memorabilia littering the walls. Their drinks menu was themed out to the max with their urban police precinct theme obvious throughout the store. Their most popular drink was the "Peralta" and no one had managed to replicate whatever the secret ingredient was that made it taste so good. Their menu was the talk of many foodie blogs and it was often difficult to find a table. The store sprawled out onto the footpath with tables and chairs which they put out during the warmer months.
It was a hotspot of activity and had a loyal following of regulars. They held events which sold out quickly and were therefore incredibly difficult to get tickets to. On any given day you could find any number of wannabe insta-celebs trying to get the perfect shot to share to their audiences. Their rushes often had line ups out the door. For all intents and purposes business was booming. It would be almost impossible to compete with such a popular cafe. There was a reason that the store front across from them had been vacant for so long. No one had managed to compete with The Precinct in years, a number of cafes had tried it but they all eventually failed.
Amy had reasoned that it wasn't business suicide to open across from them as her cafe had a significantly different theme and was therefore targeting a different type of customer. In reality she had fallen in love with the building. Her gut had told her that this was the place and she had stuck with that feeling. Also based on her detailed analysis of rent price to location desirability her new location was perfect the one issue was such strong competition from just across the way.
Rather than opt for a modern store layout she had leaned into the mid-century charm of the building. Part coffee shop, part bookstore, the shop was full of elegant but mismatched furniture with large bookshelves lining the walls and plenty of comfortable couches and reading nooks for her customers. The facade had three large windows with "Santiago's Cafe" written across them in an old style font. There was a small outdoor seating area in the tiny alley way to the side of the building which was joined to the cafe through a series of folding doors which opened to combine the indoor and outdoor spaces. Amy had been incredibly proud of her vision and how it had come to life. It was exactly the type of place she'd always wanted to have growing up.
After months of planning and decorating and organising signage Amy was full of nerves as opening day finally arrived. Flipping the sign in the window to open she was finally in business.
To mark the occasion she had organised a small celebration for the opening of her store. Through social media she had advertised the opening with the promise that coffee was half price on opening day. So when she unlocked the door and the line that had formed outside slowly began making its way inside she could barely contain her glee.
Moving to the cash register she started putting orders through while her staff worked around her. Luckily she had already put them through training and team exercises because they were working well together despite the rush. That first day she didn't get an opportunity to take a break so when five o'clock came and the last customer left the store she just about flopped into the nearest chair to give her feet a well needed break.
After catching her breath she began cleaning the store so they would be ready for the next day. It didn't take long for her and her staff to finish. Once they were done she asked them to wait a minute before she retreated to her office in the back room. She quickly found what she was looking for and went to rejoin her staff.
When she reemerged her staff fell quiet, "I would just like to thank you for all your hard work both in preparation for the opening and today. It has been an incredibly successful day and I can only hope for many more like it."
Grabbing the bottle of bubbly she had set down on the table behind her she popped the cork and poured it into mugs from the coffee machine to share it around. Raising her glass she toasted, "To Santiago's"
"To Santiago's" was the echoed reply and with grins on everyone's faces they toasted to the success of their first day in business.
Her success on opening day had continued as she settled into her new business. Her menu was simple with cafe favourites and a large array of breakfast options as well as single source small batch roasted coffee. It had taken her weeks to choose her suppliers and she had made the right choices. The yelp reviews were rolling in praising everything from the customer service to the coffee to the food to the general ambience. Soon Santiago's become a go to spot with regulars she began to recognise.
It was hard work but it was rewarding to see her business grow. She was meticulous and soon her business began to work like clockwork. It didn't take long for Amy to fall into a routine. Get up. Get dressed. Open the store. Close the store. Eat dinner. Go to bed. The only difference to this daily routine was Wednesdays which Amy took off to complete her book work and entrusted the store to Rosa while she was in her office. It was on one such Wednesday when during the after lunch lull in the store Amy heard a knock on her office door.
"Come in," Amy was on edge and ready for anything, normally Rosa wouldn't disturb her while she was working.
"Have you seen The Precincts sign?"
Given the obvious non emergency status of Rosa's interruption Amy went back to her paperwork with a non committal, "no, why?"
"I think you're going to want to see it."
Standing Amy gestured for Rosa to lead the way. Following Rosa to the sidewalk she could see a mass of people around the entrance to the precinct and she could see their sign. It was a simple a-frame sign with the logo on black at the top and a space for staff to write a message underneath with chalk. On the message portion of the sign in frankly beautiful calligraphy was a message. Or as Amy saw it a challenge.
"The Precinct: the original and the best"
That was it. She had been happy to be peaceful neighbours with the other cafe. She had never met the owner of the precinct but she thought they had an unspoken agreement. They were going to be amicable neighbours but this was it. If they wanted war. She would give them war. In hindsight this was perhaps a bit of an overreaction but Amy was not one to back down from what was so clearly a taunt directed at her and her business. Whether this was a challenge or not Amy Santiago was accepting it and she was going to win.
"Rosa, I need you to update our sign."
Come opening the next morning Amy was excited for what the day would bring. Setting the chairs and tables on the sidewalk before putting her sign out just beyond them where the oncoming foot traffic could clearly read it.
"You may be the original but certainly not the best."
The next day The Precinct had clearly read the sign because theirs had been updated once more.
In retaliation Amy once more updated her sign.
And The Precinct updated theirs and so on.
After a few weeks the signs became more dramatic and were updated less frequently but the argument was still going strong with both sides clearly unwilling to back down. They were no longer changing their signs everyday, it had decreased to every few days, but still they kept trying to one up the other.  One day Amy finally crossed an unspoken line and truly declared war on her neighbour.
"Now honouring The Precinct loyalty cards, come in and see what you've been missing"
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sincerelydayyy · 5 years
My brain is still tired after last night's episode (8x04) so lemme shoot some things at you real quick:
Dany's change was not sudden - I've seen people saying her drastic shift into Mad Queen is sudden and OH BOY WHAT SHOW HAVE YOU BEEN WATCHING. It's been foreshadowed for ages, it's not that surprising.
Jaime is very much still in love with Brienne but he has a fucking conscience so he has to get all his ducks in a row before he can let himself exist in full happiness with Brienne and all the kids they're gonna have in Tarth (with Podrick of course because Oathfamily will not die)
Jon, honestly are any of us surprised about him. I will say what he did to best boi Ghost is unforgivable and he doesn't deserve another pet at all. Like I'm sorry but FUCK DRAGONS (I love them, I'm just salty because they wouldn't give Ghost what he deserves). Ghost was there since day 1 and you treat him this way. (I'm literally shaking so bad I started crying AGAIN)
Sansa, so fair she probably shouldn't have told Tyrion but I had a feeling she would. These two have been insanely honest with each other especially on Sansa end this season. It makes sense. As much as she loathes Dany, I think it was more so that not everyone would die standpoint because they really ignored her real concerns about the soldiers. Like who else cares about all the people except homegirl Sansa. I mean.
Also shoutout to Sansa for putting her thoughts aside about Jaime because she could see that he made her sworn knight happy and letting him stay in Winterfell. I like to think she'd slap him when Brienne tells her what he did. I'll also take Podrick doing this because he's been lowkey rooting for the two. Also Brienne because obviously she has words after the heartache bullshit.
Arya, oh something is really broken in you sweetie but that's okay. You go finish your list then idk reconcile with the only man you've ever loved.
Gendry, his name is Waters you dumbasses who wrote the show. Also his legitimacy was so cheap. It wasn't clever and the boy didn't even want it. He just wanted to be with Arya, and maybe someday that could still happen. I think he knows that he went too fast with that and if she comes back to him its time to take things slower. At least he said he loved her, I actually didn't know if we would ever get that on screen.
Varys, YOU MVP and I honestly hope it doesn't get you killed. You're the only one on Team Dany that has any sense and I just...bless you a man who has the biggest balls even though you have none.
Tyrion, you're trying too hard sweetie. Like Cersei never listens to you. Although it was nice to see how concerned you were about your ex wife. Can we have more of that concern for the realm and yourself maybe? It's not looking good.
Greyworm/Missandei I'M SO SORRY THEY DID THAT TO YOU. It was not shocking at all, so why they did that I will never know. I also couldn't watch the scene because it made me very uncomfortable. So barely any POC left, huh? That's telling.
Clegane, I like you. I hope not only you get to end your brother but that you are involved in helping Arya out or whomever it is who ends up finishing this circle of Cersei...she gotta go.
Cersei, do I even have to go here. You dying. Both you and Dany are dying. You should have gone a long time ago but you know what its whatever.
Bran, my boy, my homie I would love to say I love your reaction to your cousin making you tell your sisters because Aegon has a mouth, he could use it. I know you're tired of it. Me too honestly. D&D pls learn how to effectively use Isaac because this is so sad at this point MY GODS.
Have I mentioned how tired I am??
*runs off to write some celeb/bodyguard au for Braime because I can't think about canon for the moment*
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legion1993 · 5 years
You’re My Barista!
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AN: this was due on September 10th for @etudaire-writes  for her 1k writing challenge.. so sorry bout the deadline… please accept this story as my humblest apology
prompt: Barista AU
pairing: chris evans x reader
hear me coming by Yung Joc
your life had no real value, or at least it didnt till you got a bartending job at a local bar in Brooklyn. 
this bar was popular, lots of celebs went there on a frequent basis. you got their autographs everytime & they all remembered you mostly cause you treated them like normal people & not like a famous person.
this was one thing to help you do your job & keep it. unlike alot of the other girls or baristas who didnt take their jobs seriously. 
you got promoted very quickly to head barista within your first month of work at the most popular bar. this bar a few months later got turned into a night club. 
business boomed, there was several times where between, before and after your shift you could be found on the dancefloor. 
today however was special, you were the only barista allowed to participate in the amateurs dance competition. 
Aiden: “do you have a partner or are you gonna wing it tonight YN?”
YN: “wing it of course… thank you for coming in tonight Aiden… with this competition happening, the way this night is gonna go, i have a feeling tips will be huge tonight.”
Aiden: “dont you worry about anything but winning the competition tonight we will have so much more mulah than ever before.”
YN: “hells to the yeah!”
you finished getting into your dance clothes. you pinned your hair back into a half up-half down style. 
there was 1hr30min till the competition started, you were gonna head down stairs to check out the competition. 
you smiled at the sight, the club rocking, you went over to sign in for the competition. soon found yourself stared at by a bunch of what you were sure to be drunken idiots. 
Tim: “your going into this competiton, i had no…”
you had to silence him, you placed your fingers to his mouth & pulled him round the corner.
YN: “the boss wanted to let me showcase my talents on the stage tonight. the boss has seen me dancing and singing while doing nightly clean up. so he took me aside a week ago and told me about the competition. i have to do this… to show the community that i’m more than just a barista, that i have more hidden talent & i’m not ashamed of it…”
Tim: “whats your song for the night?”
YN: “hear me coming by Yung Joc… make sure it started shortly after i get on the stage and make sure to drag it out…” 
Tim: “you got it… and hey rock the house Canary…”
You smiled as you went back to the floor & fell in love with the sights and sounds of the club booming. 
the people oblivious to who you were, when a few nights ago you had been serving drinks at the bar and tomorrow you would go back to that, but a few nights ago a man had taken interest in you that night, you only knew his first name:  Chris.
Chris, Robert & Sebastian were just coming into the club, Chris had told the guys about the fantastic barista that he had met. he now hoped he would see you again.
Chris: “god i hope she is working tonight…”
Sebastian: “you’re really hung up on this girl aren’t you?”
Chris did the coat check making sure he still had his wallet… the 3 amigos walked inside, the competition just 5 minutes to starting. being a barista had its perks like free shots during your shift, your only dislike was how there were snobby idiotic drunk pervs who constantly would hit on you.
Accross the room the DJ had stopped spinning to MC the evening. 
Dj: “alrighty how we doing tonight?” 
A thunderous applause with cheering errupted from the crowd. 
Dj: “that’s good to hear. So much energy in the room tonight, this is a very very special evening. Tonight is the first annual amateurs dance competition. Can I have my random selectomatic for the contestants select the first dancer of the night.” 
While the selectomatic was going, Roberts attention turned to Chris, Robert didn’t want his friend to be alone for the rest of his days. 
Robert: “if you & her feel the same way, marry the girl bro. You deserve to be happy.” 
Chris couldn’t agree more. He knew Rob had his back, but agreed non-the-less he was gonna marry you if he ever found you again. The guys stopped talking and watched the wheel of candidates stop spinning. 
DJ: “folks our first dancer is a sassy lady, who has graced this floor many a time with her presence in both serving and dancing, but has stated that if any man knows what she is dancing to, she invites you to join her. Ladies and gentlemen give it up for Canary.” 
You were walking to the floor through the crowd you helped yourself to a shot before you did. Chris was watching your form from behind, the song intro started & just as you had done but a few hours before you did your intro. 
Chris’ head snapped up as he watched the lights appear on your face. Rob & Seb noticed his change, also noticing Chris getting up & walking towards the floor. 
Chris felt his heart jump up when he saw you. You had already started, but Chris joined in just as you came out of your spin. 
Chris (in a whisper): “step up 3d scene… Let’s get this done, canary.” 
You understood so now to accommodate two people, doing every step in sequence and rhythm to the other. Chris had his arms around you as you slid down his body. 
You slid across the floor earning a roaring applause from the crowd. Chris after the end of the second verse turned the routine into a dance off. For he broke away from you & danced his ass off. 
The look in his eyes matched yours exactly. You both had fallen to the ground by the time the song was done. The crowd errupted with applause. You were the only person in the room who at that moment was close enough to hear Chris ask you this question. 
Chris(out of breath): “marry me!” 
Those words were enough to have both of you get up & go to a secluded booth. Robert & Sebastian waited a few moments before they followed. 
Chris: “what was a barista doing in a dance competition?” 
Chris asked as you went behind the counter to grab 2 glasses and pour 2 drinks. 
Yn: “my boss told me too. I love to dance. I will be on that dancefloor when I’m on my breaks, before and after my shifts. I just wanted people to see my talent instead of staying in the shadows.” 
Chris: “I meant what I said on the floor, marry me my beautiful barista. Marry me and make me the luckiest guy in the world.” 
Yn: “yes!” 
You got up with Chris on your heels, you gestured to the DJ to cut the music for a few moments so you could make an announcement. 
YN: “so about 2 ½ years ago I moved here to Brooklyn. I got a job, this job soon became my one true passion. My name is YN, but most of you here will know me as Canary, that’s my dance persona. I’m not a professional dancer by trade, instead I’m a barista. Maybe it will make more sense if I do this.” 
You bowed your head sliding off your wig. The crowd gasped for now they understood.
YN: “i love to dance, its that easy. now if you want to get my autograph or something ill be at the bar doing what i also love to do, serving drinks at the best nightclub in all of brooklyn. but one more thing, a few moments ago i got asked a very special question by a man whose heart led him here to meet me, apparently it was fate cause i’m engaged people. so free shots at the bar to celebrate! DJ keep those beats coming showcase the talent that is in the crowd tonight!”
you were then kissed passionately by Chris, this made the crowd errupt with congrats and laughter. the beats continued, you went to the bar and started pouring shots, eventually Chris joined you back there to give his lovely fiance a hand. 
your boss was so moved and touched that he gave Chris a job as your asistant and fired the incompetant girl who never helped. 
your eyes wandered to meet his as he continued to stand by your side helping to make drinks and clean glasses. 
Chris: “ill take a shot with my lovely fiance!” 
You poured your strongest shot mix into 2 doubles. everyone stopped to watch as you both cheers and took the shots. 
~in the morning if you were gonna remember anything, you were gonna remember getting the best almost birthday gift ever~
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